Pitt Business - Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration


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  • Academics Overview
  • Collaborative Research

Mentorship, Research, and Publications

We have an excellent history of doctoral student/faculty collaboration, which often results in articles published in top journals. Our faculty members develop relationships with our students that result in a research collaboration that often lasts well beyond the doctoral program experience. Visit our list of collaborative student/faculty published articles.

  • Boston University
  • University of Southern California
  • Indiana University
  • Penn State Erie
  • Georgia Tech
  • Woodbury University
  • Babson College
  • Virginia Tech
  • Bucknell University

Year 1 Curriculum: Fall Term

An exploration of critical thinking.

BSPP 3013 Foundations of Strategy Research
BSPP 3019 PhD Seminar in Entrepreneurship
PSYED 2410 Applied Regression Analysis

Year 1 Curriculum: Spring and Summer Terms

A thorough examination of research methods.

BSPP 3012 Competitive Strategy
BSPP 3014 Research in Corporate Strategy
PSYED 3406 Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Research Methods Choice
BSPP 3011 Strategic Planning Systems
BSPP 3015 Workshop in Strategy: Summer Paper

Year 2 Curriculum: Fall Term

A continued study in critical thinking and research methods.

BSPP 3099 Readings in Strategic Planning
Research Methods Choice
Research Methods Choice

Year 2 Curriculum: Spring Term

A further dive into major concentrations, critical thinking, and research methods.

BSPP 3018 Theory Building in Management
Research Methods Choice
Research Methods Choice
BACC 2401 Financial Accounting

Year 2 Curriculum: Summer Term

A comprehensive independent study.

BSPP 3010 Independent Study in Strategy: Comprehensive Exam Registration

Year 3 Curriculum: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms

Fully concentrated work on dissertation and service as teaching assistant.

BUSADM 3199 (9 Dissertation Credits)
FTDF 0000 Full-Time Dissertation Study

Years 4 and 5 Curriculum: All Terms

Teach and enter the job market to defend your dissertation.

FTDF 0000 Full-Time Dissertation Study


I love the doctoral program because the kind of mentorship I receive is above and beyond any kind of advising relationship I have ever had. I feel like I can go to my advisors about anything and everything, and that they will take the time to listen and give me feedback that is both kind and brutally honest. I don’t know what I would do without them, and I kind of want to be them when I grow up. 

PhD, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources

I selected Pitt for its reputation of rigorous training and culture of collaboration among students and faculty. I could not be more pleased with the level of faculty mentoring I receive. I have felt supported and appropriately challenged throughout my entire time at Pitt. I love Katz because of the people. The faculty, staff, and students all support each other and genuinely want each other to succeed.

PhD, Accounting

  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →
  • PhD Programs
  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management
  • Program Requirements

Students in the program are expected to master graduate-level microeconomic theory and econometrics. In addition, they are expected to devote substantial time to mastering one additional complementary discipline, such as psychology, sociology, or political science, and developing expertise in research methodologies suited to their particular interests, such as qualitative analysis, designing effective fieldwork, and analysis of survey data.

Students in the Strategy doctoral program work closely with faculty in the Strategy Unit. In addition to the doctoral program in Strategy, the Strategy unit offers a program in Business Economics , which is designed to attract students interested in pursuing research using a purely economics-based methodology.

Curriculum & Coursework

Our programs are full-time degree programs which officially begin in August. Students are expected to complete their program in five years. Typically, the first two years are spent on coursework, at the end of which students take a field exam, and then another three years on dissertation research and writing.

The program requires a minimum of 13 semester long doctoral courses. Students in the Strategy program complete courses in the areas of business management theory, economic theory, quantitative research methods, academic field seminars, and two MBA elective curriculum courses. In addition to HBS courses, students may take courses at other Harvard Schools and MIT.

Research & Dissertation

Students in strategy begin research in their first year typically by working with a faculty member. By their third and fourth years, most students are launched on a solid research and publication stream. The dissertation may take the form of three publishable papers or one longer dissertation.

Examples of thesis research include: the relationship between non-market experience and the use and outcome of patent strategies by pharmaceutical firms; the antecedents and consequences of corporate strategy decision-making, specifically focusing on divestitures and governance; the impact of religion on individual financial choices and institutional structures; innovation in emerging markets; and the causal effect of incentive policy reform, expatriates and social relationships on innovation.

phd strategic management jobs

Dafna Bearson

phd strategic management jobs

Rowan Clarke

“ Students in the program come from diverse backgrounds ranging from computer science to psychology. It's really fascinating how different our worlds views are! ”

phd strategic management jobs

Current HBS Faculty

  • Juan Alcacer
  • Laura Alfaro
  • Bharat N. Anand
  • Julie Battilana
  • Ethan S. Bernstein
  • Ramon Casadesus-Masanell
  • Wilbur X. Chen
  • Prithwiraj Choudhury
  • David J. Collis
  • Leemore S. Dafny
  • Mattias E. Fibiger
  • Carolyn J. Fu
  • Shane M. Greenstein
  • Boris Groysberg
  • Jonas Heese
  • Rebecca M. Henderson
  • Ebehi Iyoha
  • William R. Kerr
  • Tarun Khanna
  • Hyunjin Kim
  • Rembrand M. Koning
  • Alexander J. MacKay
  • Deepak Malhotra
  • Cynthia A. Montgomery
  • Frank Nagle
  • Felix Oberholzer-Gee
  • Joseph Pacelli
  • Lynn S. Paine
  • Sophus A. Reinert
  • Meg Rithmire
  • Jan W. Rivkin
  • Charlotte L. Robertson
  • Maria P. Roche
  • Clayton S. Rose
  • Raffaella Sadun
  • George Serafeim
  • Jorge Tamayo
  • Eric J. Van den Steen
  • Dennis A. Yao
  • David B. Yoffie

Current Strategy Students

  • Jackson Anderson
  • Ana Antolin
  • Dafna Bearson
  • Liz Calder
  • Rowan Clarke
  • Leila Doumi
  • Aticus Peterson
  • Joey Ryu
  • Kyle Schirmann
  • Yifei Wu
  • Haiyang Zhang

Current HBS Faculty & Students by Interest

Recent placement, innessa colaiacovo, 2024, f. christopher eaglin, 2022, j. yo-jud cheng, 2019, laura katsnelson, 2024, young hou, 2021, do yoon kim, 2019, nataliya langburd wright, 2023, hyunjin kim, 2020.

MBA applications are open! First deadline: October 14. 

Enter a Search Term

Strategic management ph.d., earn a ph.d. in business and a major concentration in strategic management to prepare for a career at top academic institutions.

The Ph.D. in Business and a Major Concentration in Strategic Management provides course work in the base theories in strategic management. The field of strategic management studies big picture issues facing managers of firms, such as deciding what markets and industries to enter, how to enter and exit various markets, how to position the firm in the market in order to gain competitive advantage, and the timing, sequencing, and orchestration of competitive initiatives. Topics in strategic management include: Competitive strategy, resource allocation and corporate strategy, strategic decision processes, international and emerging market strategies, knowledge and innovation management, strategic entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and environment and non-market strategies.

The main goal of the strategic management doctoral program is to train students to do high-quality research in any of these areas and to prepare them for careers as mainstream professors of strategic management at top academic research institutions. To achieve this goal, Ph.D. students are required to take courses in strategic management, research methods and statistics, as well as possible disciplinary elective courses in economics, psychology and political science, and to write research papers examining important and relevant issues in strategic management. The program also has a teaching requirement to the extent that teaching opportunities are available.

Interested in Rice Business?

Program information.

Rice Business offers an outstanding program for doctoral students interested in strategic management.

In addition to the requirements described in Chapters 1 and 6 of this guide, doctoral students who have chosen strategic management as their area must satisfy the following requirements for a Ph.D. degree.

Course, Research Work and Dissertation Advisor

  • The student’s course work must be approved by the area faculty advisor.
  • During the student’s first two years, he or she must take a minimum of 12 hours of approved graduate level courses per semester.
  • Course work includes a combination of required and elective courses. The required courses are listed in the attached course sample sequence.
  • The student is expected to attend all research seminars organized in the strategic management area during the student’s tenure in the Ph.D. program. Moreover, during the second and third years, the student must formally register for the strategic management research seminars and attend presentations of SE faculty as well as those of faculty members from other business schools who visit the SE area to present their research.
  • Students are expected to be fully engaged in research during the Ph.D. program, especially during all the summers, including the summer after the first year of their residency in the Ph.D. program.
  • Students must have a Jones School SE faculty member who has agreed to serve as their dissertation advisor by the end of the spring semester of their third year in the program.
  • From the second year onwards, students are required to give at least one research presentation every year in front of faculty and other doctoral students. Such presentations should demonstrate that the student is making adequate progress in his/her research. The presentation requirement may be fulfilled in the fall of the second and third years by presenting the required research paper and other research projects. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule this yearly presentation, together with his/her advisor and/or the strategic management area advisor.
  • Having teaching experience is important for doctoral students to perform well in the academic job market. As such, we require students in the SE area to have a teaching experience. In the third year of the program, all students receive an opportunity to be a teaching assistant for SE faculty in strategic courses at the Jones School. Moreover, to the extent that teaching opportunities are available, we require students to teach at least one semester course as the primary instructor before entering the job market.

Exam Requirements

Students must successfully pass a comprehensive exam administered by the SE faculty at the end of the second year. The exam is administered and graded by SE faculty, under the supervision of the strategic management area advisor or special committee set up for this purpose. The exam includes two parts:

  • Part I focuses on the coursework taken in strategic management and measures the student’s knowledge of the area as a whole including base theories, main strategy research topics, and research methods.
  • Part II requires writing a paper as a take-home exam (generally within 48 hours) on a topic jointly discussed between two SE faculty and the student; it focuses on the student’s ability to write a research paper establishing a contribution to the designated literature and also includes research methods and study design.

A successful performance in the exam demonstrates the student’s solid training in strategic management and provide the foundation from which he or she begins the research that forms the basis of the dissertation.

Research Paper Requirements

Students are required to write one major paper in their first two years, either sole-authored or coauthored with a faculty member(s) in the SE area.  This paper is proposed in the spring semester of the second year and completed at the beginning of the fall semester of the third year. The bulk of the work on the paper is intended to be done in the summer. The paper is intended as (1) a developmental vehicle for the student and (2) that will result in publications in top quality journals (although credit is not dependent on publication).

The student is expected to take the lead on the project (in the manner of a lead author) and should individually decide (perhaps in collaboration with an SE area faculty member) on what topic the student will work. The paper must be approved by two tenure-track SE faculty members (one is typically the student’s adviser). The student is expected to present the paper in a faculty workshop at the beginning of the fall semester of the third year. Failure to complete the Research Paper Requirements, as outlined above, will mean that the student is not making satisfactory academic progress in the Ph.D. Program. See Appendix B for research paper approval and evaluation forms.

The course curriculum is designed around a challenging course of study in both the theory of strategic management and in innovative empirical design.  The sample course sequence is typical although the students might choose different courses across disciplines to structure a specific degree plan. Besides the required 1st and 2nd year Strategic management basic and advanced courses, students are required to take a microeconomics course as well as statistic and methodology courses. Doctoral students may continue taking courses beyond their second year.     Sample Course Sequence in Strategic Leadership (Psychology Oriented)

Year 1 (Fall)

BUSI 540        Strategy Management Theory (3.0)

BUSI 549        Strategy Pro-seminar (3.0)

POLI 504        Methodology and Data Analysis (or equivalent-e.g., ECON 510)

PSYC 507       Research Methods (or equivalent)

Year 1 (Spring)

BUSI 541      Strategic Management Research (3.0)

BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours see courses below)

POLI 505      Topics in Political Methodology (or equivalent-e.g., ECON 511)


Year 2 (Fall)           

BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours)

PSYC 601     Multivariate Statistics (or equivalent)

ECON 501     Microeconomic Theory I (or equivalent)

 Year 2 (Spring)

 BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours-see courses below)

 BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours see courses below)

Examples of elective courses are:

BUSI 503        Econometric Models in Marketing

BUSI 504        Game Theory

BUSI 530        Introduction to Accounting Research

BUSI 531        Empirical Methods in Accounting

BUSI 522        Corporate Finance

BUSI 523        Empirical Methods in Finance

ECON 504      Advanced Economic Statistics

ECON 510      Econometrics I

ECON 510      Econometrics II

ECON 514      Industrial Organization and Control

ECON 523      Dynamic Optimization

STAT 522       Advanced Bayesian Statistics

STAT 541       Multivariate Analysis

STAT 606       SAS Statistical Programming

STAT 621       Time Series Analysis

STAT 622       Bayesian Data Analysis

PSYC 502       Advanced Psychological Statistics I

PSYC 503       Advanced Psychological Statistics II

PSYC 507       Research Methods

PSYC 601       Multivariate Statistics

PSYC 637       Meta-Analysis in Psychological Research

PSYC 550       Foundations of Social Psychology

PSYC 636       Organizational Psychology

PSYC 639       Groups and Teams: Advanced Topics in I/O

POLI 503        Topics in Methods and Data Analysis

POLI 504        Advanced Topics in Methodology and Data Analysis

POLI 505        Topics in Political Methodology (Panel Data or Time Series)

POLI 511        Measurement and Research Design

POLI 527        Institutional Analysis and Design

POLI 576        International Political Economy

POLI 575        Game Theory

BUSI 540:  Strategic Management Theory This seminar covers foundational as well as contemporary theories in strategic management. The course draws upon foundational theoretical perspectives from economics, sociology and organization theory to supplement more traditional strategy approaches towards understanding firm performance and related issues. Potential topics on contemporary theories may include: behavioral theory of the firm, transaction cost economics, agency theory, behavioral agency theory, structural contingency theory, theories of cooperative strategy, organizational networks, the resource-based view of the firm and upper echelon theories or theories regarding top management teams, theories of opportunity recognition and new venture creation, resource dependence theory, and theories of organizational evolution.

BUSI 541: Strategy Management Research This seminar examines the effectiveness of corporate and competitive strategy in creating and maintaining competitive advantage. Topics may include firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based theories of competence, strategy as real options, and cooperative strategy including strategic alliances and joint ventures. Topics may also include corporate diversification strategy, international diversification and entry into emerging markets, corporate governance, management of diversified business groups, strategic entrepreneurship, and management of innovation.

Advanced Topics in Strategy (1.5 credit course modules)

Required Advanced Strategy Electives (They take two per semester after the first semester in the program)

BUSI 515 Micro foundations of organization & management (1.5)

BUSI 542 Organization change (1.5)

BUSI 543 Executive leadership & corporate governance (1.5)

BUSI 544 Contemporary management thought (1.5)

BUSI 547 Innovation & knowledge management (1.5)

BUSI 551 Strategy research in corporate development (1.5)

BUSI 550 Corporate social responsibility (1.5)

BUSI 552 Design of business research (1.5)

Other topic are likely to be developed in the future.

Certification of Candidacy indicates that a student has reached the advanced stage of the Ph.D. Program, permitting him/her to devote full time to writing a dissertation. At least eight months must elapse between admission to candidacy and conferral of the degree. The requirements for candidacy are:

  • Successful completion of the course work requirements.
  • Successful completion of the research paper requirements.
  • Successful completion of the comprehensive examination requirements.

Strategic Management Area Advisor

Laszlo Tihanyi

Laszlo Tihanyi

Current students.


Alumni Placement

Alumni Name Year Placement upon Graduation Current Institution (if moved)
Shi, Wei (Frank) 2016 Indiana University Indianapolis, 2016-2018 University of Miami from 2018; Now tenured associate professor
Yi, Xiwei  2016 Peking University, Chiina  
Jin, Jing (Jane) 2016 Renmin University of China  
Zyung, Daniel 2017 Southern Methodist University  
Gambeta, Eni 2018 University of Cincinnati  
Mealey, Christian R. 2018 Duke University, postdoc, 2018-2020 Senior Strategic Planning Specialist, Oak Ridge
National Lab (ORNL) from 2020, Chapel Hill, NC
Colby Green 2018 Brigham Young University (visiting) Southern Utah University
Callahan, Conor 2019 University of Illinois Chicago  
Li, Toby 2019 Texas A&M University  
Chen, Zhuo (Emma) 2020 American University  China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai from 2022.

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Melinda Peña

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Other subfields

  • PhD positions in Business Economics (18)
  • PhD positions in Management (16)
  • PhD positions in Business Administration (12)
  • PhD positions in Econometrics (10)
  • PhD positions in Environmental Economics (9)
  • PhD positions in Finance (8)
  • PhD positions in Resource Economics (8)
  • PhD positions in Industrial Economics (7)
  • PhD positions in Financial Economics (7)
  • PhD positions in Entrepreneurship (7)

Search results (8)


Three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg

(Fulltime, E 13 TV-L)Reference No: 2024/114. The preferred start date is April 1st, 2025. Conditionally on the submission of an external grant, the position can be extended for an additional year. In principle, the position can be divided into two...


Research Assistant (f/m/d)


Project Manager/PHD Position in Production Management

We specialize in facilitating the digital evolution of businesses towards Industry 4.0 and fostering data-driven circular economies. Our expertise lies in crafting IT ecosystems that streamline and enhance sustainability across all facets of opera...


Position as PhD Fellow in Sustainable Innovation in Multinational Enterprises

We are seeking a highly motivated and dedicated individual who has a deep interest and passion for the research area, combined with intellectual curiosity and a strong desire to learn, as well as contribute to new knowledge, to join our team as a ...


PhD Fellow Governance of Crisis of Cyber Security

The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is looking for a PhD fellow in its research groups Governance of Crisis and Governance of Cyber Security.The PhD fellow will develop a research pro...


PhD on Rebound Effect within Digitally-enabled Food Sharing Platforms

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Industrial Engineering and Innovation SciencesFTE 1,0Date off 11/08/2024Reference number V39.7546Job descriptionIn the era of smart industry, where advanced technologies and data-driven ap...


Doctoral Positions in Management in various areas of specialisation, with five-year funding for all admitted PhD candidates

INSEAD, one of the world's leading and most diverse business schools, is renowned for its commitment to producing leaders who positively impact society. With campuses in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, INSEAD offers its students an unparalleled...


PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership

Kristiania University College is offering up to five fully funded PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership for a fixed-term period of three (3) years beginning in August 2025. During this time, the successful applicant will be employed at K...

Jobs by field

  • Electrical Engineering 190
  • Molecular Biology 174
  • Programming Languages 171
  • Artificial Intelligence 166
  • Machine Learning 165
  • Materials Engineering 146
  • Cell Biology 144
  • Biochemistry 139
  • Mechanical Engineering 130
  • Computational Sciences 127

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 381
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 159
  • Professor 107
  • Researcher 91
  • Research assistant 91
  • Engineer 78
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 63
  • Management / Leadership 55
  • Tenure Track 43

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 345
  • Netherlands 201
  • Morocco 143
  • Germany 119
  • Switzerland 101
  • Luxembourg 70

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 147
  • KU Leuven 140
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 71
  • University of Luxembourg 69
  • Ghent University 63
  • University of Antwerp 51
  • ETH Zürich 50
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 43
  • Leiden University 42

phd strategic management jobs

PhD in Strategic Management

  • Concentrations
  • Newsletters

The PhD program in strategic management allows students to make scholarly contributions to the field through research, and to prepare for a career in academia.

From exploring strategic decision processes to resource allocation, students seek to understand the factors that make up a successful organization.  

Message from the Coordinator

The PhD program in Strategic Management is designed for individuals who are committed to scholarly research that contributes to literature on strategic management theory and practice. 

The fundamental question that drives strategic management is: Why do some firms outperform others? Students in our PhD program uncover the reasons for success and failure among organizations. Their research helps guide the field, and sets students on a path toward an academic research career.

To ensure the success of the student, the doctoral program offers:

  • Mentor-apprenticeship  research relationships that pairs students with faculty who share their interests
  • Rigorous coursework  that equips students with the intellectual tools to investigate questions in meaningful and nuanced ways
  • A supportive climate  that supports each student's passionate pursuit of professional goals
  • World-class faculty  who are active researchers with visibility in the field’s top journals

The structure of our program engages students in the research process early and often—encouraging students to collaborate with faculty in the creation of articles for publication. Each year, we host eminent research faculty from around the world for research talks and campus visits. We invite academically motivated, creative and open-minded candidates to apply.

Giuseppe Labianca Berthiaume Chaired Professor of Leadership

Isenberg’s PhD in Strategic Management is a rigorous, stimulating and highly collaborative full-time, residential program that prepares students for careers in academia and industry. Students will deepen their understanding of management theory and will conduct independent research based on their interests. Working closely with faculty in intimate classroom settings, students will develop research for publication. Students also teach graduate-level classes.

Our program offers access to a unique group of world-class faculty specializing in the following research topics:

  • Strategic human capital
  • Knowledge management
  • Inter-group conflict
  • Uncertainty in strategic decision-making
  • Strategy development processes and strategic middle management

Students generally complete a PhD in Strategic Management within four years. Students must take 45 credits of coursework, which seminars in organizational theory and organizational behavior, as well as statistics, methods and elective courses. Students must pass both a qualifying and comprehensive examination, take a professional colloquium course, write and defend a dissertation, and teach at Isenberg.

Our program is designed to be an integrative discipline that draws extensively from such fields as organizational theory, organizational behavior, and industrial organization economics. Major topics within the field include:

  • Competitive advantage
  • Dynamic capabilities
  • Corporate governance
  • Sustainable strategies
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Corporate entrepreneurship

YEAR 1: Coursework, including statistics, research methods and theory courses, and research electives; Qualifying exam; Colloquium

YEAR 2: Coursework, including core courses, research electives and minor area courses; Comprehensive exam; Colloquium

YEAR 3: Additional coursework as needed; Development of dissertation proposal; Teaching

YEAR 4: Dissertation

Strategic Management Doctoral Candidates

Delgado, Jorge

  • Enroll & Pay
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Ph.D. in Strategic Management

Program information.

Please note: We are not accepting applications in strategic management for the fall 2025 term.

The doctoral program in strategic management prepares students for success in research universities as faculty members specializing in strategic management. Research in strategic management concerns how firms and organizations gain competitive advantage over rival firms or organizations. The field emphasizes a blend of knowledge about economics, sociology and psychology to understand firm strategy and strategic decision-making.

Important sub-fields within the discipline include research on developing firm resources, competitive interactions, relational governance, strategic decision-making, innovation, entrepreneurship and organizational learning. The field is increasingly focusing on research issues within the context of globalization and international business.  

  • Application requirements

Doctoral students work closely with faculty to gain research expertise in the various functions and activities carried out as part of SM with a focus on developing firm resources, competitive interactions, relational governance, strategic decision-making, innovation, entrepreneurship, and organizational learning.

Part of our mission is to develop effective teachers. To that end, all doctoral students are required to teach at least two sections as independent instructors. The school and university prepare and reward doctoral students for excellence in teaching through various programs and awards.

Program details

Strategic management core courses.

A graduate course in economics: BE 701: Business Economics OR BE 917: Advanced Managerial Economics OR ECON 700: Survey of Microeconomics

Note: BE 917: Business Economics, is preferred.  Students coming into the program directly from an undergraduate degree may consider substituting BE 701: Business Economics, or ECON 700: Survey of Microeconomics. In the event a student has taken a graduate economics course prior to enrolling as a KU doctoral student, she/he may waive the requirement and substitute either an elective doctoral content course or a statistics/research methods course for this requirement.

MGMT 905: Management Research Methods

MGMT 916: Major Management Theories

MGMT 956: Seminar in Strategic Management I

MGMT 957: Seminar in Strategic Management II

MGMT 950: Seminar in Human Resource Management I OR      MGMT 951: Seminar in Human Resource Management II

MGMT 953: Seminar in Organizational Behavior I OR      MGMT 954: Seminar in Organizational Behavior II

MGMT 998: Independent Study

MGMT 958: Special Topics in Strategic Management (offered and required when there are 3 or more students in years 1 & 2 of the program)

Statistics/Research Methods Courses

At least four courses with advisor approval

At least two or more courses with advisor approval

More information:

View a detailed list of courses in the Academic Catalog .


Area of concentration.

Most students typically will select the specific area to which they are admitted (strategic management) as their concentration. However, an aspirant, with the assistance of his or her faculty advisor and the area faculty, may propose an interdisciplinary area of concentration that is a combination of the traditional business disciplines.

An aspirant may also propose an interdisciplinary area of concentration that includes emphases such as international business, law and economics. 

Research methodology

For successful qualifier assessment, the student’s program of study should include adequate preparation in research methodology.

  • Comprehensive exams
  • Dissertation proposal
  • Dissertation defense

Some students can complete the program in four years.

Program faculty

Vincent Barker

  • Edmund P. Learned Professor
  • Management and Entrepreneurship academic area

Todd Hall

  • Assistant Professor

Jun Ho Lee

  • William & Judy Docking Professor of Strategy

Strategic management doctoral students

Youn Seo Jo

  • Ph.D. Student

PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship

The Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at the Carlson School--consistently rated among the top 10 departments for management research--is home to some of the world's leading scholars in the area of strategy and entrepreneurship. We focus on how firms both established and new create and capture value, connecting the challenges and opportunities in the external competitive and regulatory environment to the internal knowledge and capabilities of organizations. We bring together researchers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives to jointly examine questions related to strategic management, entrepreneurship, organization theory, technology and innovation, international business, and non-market strategy.

About the Program

Our program gives students access to this wealth of expertise through a combination of coursework, faculty collaboration, teaching opportunities, research seminars, and a weekly PhD workshop. Students are encouraged to develop an individualized program of study tailored to their research interests, thus preparing them for academic placement at the very best research universities worldwide, and for a long career conducting high-level research.

Thumbnail for SME video, image of Prof Aseem Kaul

Welcome Video

Learn more about the Carlson School's Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship PhD program in this welcome introduction from Professor Aseem Kaul, the Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship PhD Coordinator. 

Carlson School of Management Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship PhD faculty are leaders in their fields, with research published in top academic journals.

Carlson School of Management Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship PhD requires 20-24 credits coursework, including SME seminars and supporting courses.

Carlson School of Management PhD program has 83 students, pursuing PhDs in BA with specialization in various fields.

Shared Leadership Lab

Center for Integrative Leadership

Our research interests range from competitive strategy, new business creation, location strategies, inter-firm networks and innovation, to ethics and corporate social responsibility, group and team dynamics, time and timing, and international management.

Alumni Perspectives

Headshot of Michael Park

Michael Park

"Carlson’ SME department possesses a unique combination of faculty who are leading researchers in the field and a culture of nurturing PhD students. This supportive environment created by the world-class faculty allows students to not only be exposed to cutting-edge ideas but also to become scholars who know how to push the boundaries of knowledge in meaningful directions."

Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour INSEAD

More about Michael Park

Headshot of Haram Seo

"My time at Carlson School's PhD program was truly exceptional. The department's renowned faculty have diverse research interests, which is invaluable for students still exploring their own. They are incredibly supportive, providing guidance and feedback while challenging us to excel. While the journey isn't effortless, the personal and academic growth, along with the sense of community, make it all worthwhile and exciting. Carlson is one of the best, if not the absolute best, places to pursue a PhD, and I'm genuinely grateful for the experience."

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Mays Business School at Texas A&M University

More about Haram Seo

Headshot of Min Jung Kim

Min Jung Kim

"The PhD Program at the SME department of the Carlson School of Management was an incredible journey that laid the fundamental foundation for my academic career. The SME faculty care deeply about PhD students’ learning and growth. These world-leading scholars not only guide and support PhD students’ research projects but also put sincere efforts into nurturing PhD students to become independent researchers who can contribute to the academic community and society."

Assistant Professor of Business Administration Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

More about Min Jung Kim

Paul Nary

"Choosing to attend the PhD program at the Carlson School has been the single best decision at the early stages of my academic career. The faculty at the SME department are world-class scholars and leaders in their field as well as excellent mentors. As a research powerhouse and a flagship state university, the University of Minnesota has countless opportunities to expand a student's academic breadth and to gain access to resources outside of the business school. But more importantly, it is the incredible group of genuine and dedicated people that makes the Carlson School such a fantastic place to start a junior scholar off on the path to a fruitful academic career."

Assistant Professor of Management The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

More about Paul Nary

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PhD Coordinator

612-625-8458 | [email protected]

Mary Benner

Department Chair

612-626-6660 | [email protected]

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GW School of Business

Ph.D. in Business with a Management and Strategy Area of Focus

Please note: This degree program is designed as a joint program between Management and Strategic Management & Public Policy, so the coursework consists of core courses as well as courses that are specific to one of those two fields.

Learn about the program's curriculum and comprehensive examination requirement.

Learn More About the Program & Curriculum

Admission and Financial Aid

Learn about admissions and the costs of pursuing a Ph.D. in management and strategy, and explore a variety of resources available to help finance your degree.

Learn More About Admission and Financial Aid

An overview of the research activities of our students and faculty.

Learn More About Program Research

The objective of the Management and Strategic Management & Public Policy doctoral program is to prepare students for research-oriented academic positions. The program is built on a strong foundation that consists of a critical mass of research-oriented faculty and a strong research climate. The program is cross-disciplinary by building on the faculty and research in both management and strategy. Students receive a foundation in both management and strategic management and public policy with the ability to focus on developing a research competence in a chosen field of study.

Students must meet all the general requirements of the doctoral program of the School of Business (see the Ph.D. Handbook), and meet any additional requirements of the student’s field of study.

Learn more about the Management/Strategic Management & Public Policy doctoral program at the GW School of Business from this open house on December 9, 2021.

Meet Our Doctoral Students

Lauryn Burnett

Lauryn Burnett

Doctoral Student of Management

Amando Cope

Amando Cope

Ursula Martin

Ursula Martin

Urusha Thapa

Urusha Thapa

Doctoral Student of Strategic Management and Public Policy

photo - Rui Wang

Doctoral Program Graduates and Career Placement

View the dissertation title, dissertation committee members, and current job titles of each graduate below their name.

Soolim Park (Ph.D. 2024)

  • Natural Disasters and Firms’ Climate Change Mitigation (Jorge E. Rivera, Chair; Jorge Walter, Herman Aguinis, Jennifer Oetzel, Brendan Hurley)
  • Assistant Professor, NEOMA Business School
  • Google Scholar Profile
  • Personal website

Hannah Kremer (Ph.D. 2022)

Sharing Without Caring: How Self-Concealment Influences Idea Creativity at Work (Margaret Ormiston, Chair; Herman Aguinis, Jack Goncalo, Katina Sawyer)

DEI Lead, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Joowon Lee (Ph.D. 2022)

Examining the Effects of CEO Big Five Personality Traits on Technological Innovation: Evidence from S&P 500 Firms (James R. Bailey, Chair; George T. Solomon, D. Christopher Kayes, Joonmahn Lee)

Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Kerrigan Unter (Ph.D. 2022)

  • California Wineries and Climate Change: Extreme Weather Events, Resource-Supply Adaptation, and Wine Quality (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Magali Delmas; Martina Linnenluecke; Michael Mann; Jorge Walter)
  • Postdoctoral research fellow for the Institute for Economy and the Environment at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Google Scholar profile

Isabel Villamor (Ph.D. 2022)

How Virtual Work Changes Implicit Leadership Theories: Consequences for Leaders’ Evaluation (N. Sharon Hill, Chair; Herman Aguinis, Margaret Ormiston, Lynn R. Offermann)

Assistant Professor, IESE Business School

Nawaf Alabduljader (Ph.D. 2018)

New Venture Team Personality and New Venture Success (George T. Solomon, Chair; Herman Aguinis, D. Christopher Kayes, Charles H. Matthews)

Assistant Professor, Kuwait University

Ravi Ramani (Ph.D. 2018)

Invigorated and Checked-In or Depleted and Checked-Out? A Person-Centric Examination of the Effects of Voice on Employee Burnout and Turnover Intention (Herman Aguinis, Chair; James R. Bailey, Jorge Walter, N. Andrew Cohen)

Assistant Professor, Morgan State University

Viviane Clement (Ph.D. 2017)

  • From Adaptation to Transformation: A Resilience Perspective on Organizational Responses to Ecological Adversity (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Tima Bansal; Michael Mann; James Wade; Jorge Walter)
  • Senior Policy Analyst, World Bank

Young Hun Ji (Ph.D. 2017)

Understanding the Gender Performance Gap Among Star Performers in STEM Fields (Herman Aguinis, Chair; N. Andrew Cohen, N. Sharon Hill, James B. Wade)

Senior Data Scientist, Aiven

Lili Yan (Ph.D. 2016)

  • Corruption in a Multinational Context: Two Essays (Robert J. Weiner, Co-Chair; Timothy L. Fort, Co-Chair; Jennifer J. Griffin; Steven R. Salbu; Eun-Hee Kim)
  • Assistant Professor of Business Ethics, St. Mary’s College

Yoona Youm (Ph.D. 2016)

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Business Groups: An Examination of Korean Business Groups, Chaebols, and the Initiation of CSR Programs (Jennifer J. Griffin, Chair; Susan L. Kulp; Vanessa Perry; Anupama Phene)
  • Assistant Professor, Loyola University-Chicago

Kevin May (Ph.D. 2015)

  • Entrepreneurial Founder Team Composition and Its Influence on Firm Performance: A Social Capital Perspective (George T. Solomon, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, N. Andrew Cohen, Vanessa G. Perry, Shivraj Kanungo)
  • Assistant Professor of Practice, The Catholic University of America; Co-Founder, GenB, Inc.

Juan Roeschmann (Ph.D. 2015)

  • Is Environmental Certification Associated with Price Premiums? The Case of Costa Rica Hotel and Community Certification Programs (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Eun-Hee Kim; Donald Hawkins; Jorge Walter; Robert Savickas)
  • Consultant and Partner, RG Group

Smita Trivedi (Ph.D. 2014)

  • Creating Livelihoods: Indian Women Entrepreneur Networks in the Context of Poverty (Timothy L. Fort, Co-Chair; Jennifer J. Griffin, Co-Chair; Stuart L. Hart; Vanessa G. Perry; Shaista E. Khilji; Alex V. Krasnikov)
  • Associate Professor, San Francisco State University

Jeewhan Yoon (Ph.D. 2014)

  • Team Learning and Financial Performance: The Effects of Psychological Safety and Team Supervisor Support (D. Christopher Kayes, Chair; Patrick P. McHugh, George T. Solomon, N. Sharon Hill, Lynn R. Offermann)
  • Professor, Korea University

Vivianna Fang He (Ph.D. 2013)

  • Learning from Failure: The Making of Entrepreneurial Leaders (George T. Solomon, Chair; James R. Bailey, Shyam Giridharadas, D. Christopher Kayes, Sheetal Singh)
  • Associate Professor, University of St. Gallen

Patricia Kanashiro (Ph.D. 2013)

  • Corporate Environmental Strategy: Institutional and Governance Perspectives (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Mark Starik; Rafael Lucea; Timothy Fort; Martha Carter)
  • Associate Professor, Loyola University Maryland

Jae Hyeung Kang (Ph.D. 2012)

  • CEOs' Transformational Leadership and Managers' Innovative Behavior: The Investigation of Intervening Effects in an Entrepreneurial Context (George T. Solomon, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, Sheetal Singh, D. Christopher Kayes, Ayman E. Tarabishy)
  • Associate Professor, Oakland University

Crystal Han-Huei Tsay (Ph.D. 2012)

  • Understanding Students' Adaptation to Graduate School: An Integration of Social Support Theory and Social Learning Theory (D. Christopher Kayes, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, N. Sharon Hill, George T. Solomon, Shyam Giridharadas)
  • Deputy Head of the Executive Business Centre and Associate Professor, University of Greenwich

Charles Koerber (Ph.D. 2011)

  • Lending to Low- and Moderate-Income Borrowers: The Impact of Lender Board Composition, Stakeholder Outreach, and Regulatory Environment (Jennifer J. Griffin, Chair; Timothy Fort; Vanessa G. Perry; J. Howard Beales, III; Ernie Englander)

Junghyun Lee (Ph.D. 2011)

  • The Effects of Leadership Behavior on Workplace Harassment, Employee Outcomes, and Organizational Effectiveness in Small Businesses (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Chair; George T. Solomon, Tjai M. Nielsen, M. Susan Taylor, Lynn R. Offermann)
  • Associate Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn

J. Mark Phillips (Ph.D. 2011)

  • The Entrepreneurial Esquire: Entrepreneurial Climate as a Mediator Between Transformational Leadership and Performance in Law Firms (Erik K. Winslow, Chair; George T. Solomon, James R. Bailey, Ayman E. Tarabishy, N. Sharon Hill)
  • Associate Professor, Belmont University

Peter Tashman (Ph.D. 2011)

  • Corporate Climate Change Adaptation, Vulnerability and Environmental Performance in the United States Ski Resort Industry (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Mark Starik; Tim Fort; Eun-Hee Kim; Jennifer Spencer)
  • Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts-Lowell

David A. Tomczyk (Ph.D. 2010)

  • The Relationship Between Long-Term Video Game Playing and Individuals' Entrepreneurial Traits and Intent: An Exploratory Study (George T. Solomon, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, John M. Artz, N. Sharon Hill, Ayman E. Tarabishy)
  • Associate Professor, Quinnipiac University

Michelle Westermann-Behaylo (Ph.D. 2010)

  • The relationship between corporate ethical climate and stakeholder management (Timothy L. Fort, Chair; Jorge Rivera; Shawn L. Berman)
  • Faculty, University of Amsterdam

Timothy S. Clark (Ph.D. 2009)

  • Strategic orientation toward sustainability: The role of investor relations officers (Mark Starik, Chair; Timothy Fort; Vanessa G. Perry)
  • Associate Professor, Northern Arizona University (Retired)

George Hrivnak (Ph.D. 2009)

  • Extending a model of leader-member exchange development: Individual and dyadic effects of personality, similarity and liking (Tjai M. Nielsen, Chair; James R. Bailey, Lynn R. Offermann)
  • Associate Professor of Management and Associate Dean - Learning & Teaching, Bond University (Australia)

Kristin M. Lamoureux (Ph.D. 2009)

  • Success factors of cross-sector volunteer tourism partnerships involving U.S. federal land agencies (Donald E. Hawkins, Chair; Larry Yu; Jorge Rivera)
  • Director of the MSBA-HTM Graduate program and Collegiate Professor, Virginia Tech University

Lu Zhang (Ph.D. 2008)

  • Corporate social responsibility, applicants' ethical predispositions, and organizational attraction: A person-organization fit perspective (Mary A. Gowan, Chair; Timothy Fort, Jaclyn M. Jensen, Patrick P. McHugh, Cynthia Kay Stevens)
  • Associate Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea)

Elizabeth Alexander (Ph.D. 2007)

  • The effects of institutional environment upon innovation and performance: Collaborative external knowledge strategies in the cellular telephone industry (Jennifer Spencer, Chair; Hildy Teegan; Ernie Englander; Bing-Sheng Teng; Paul Almeida)
  • Reader in International Management, Head of Leadership, Work & Organisation Subject Group, Newcastle University

Jie Jiao (Ph.D. 2007)

  • International acquisition strategies of Chinese firms: A multi -theoretic examination (Bing-Sheng Teng, Chair; Jiawen Yang; Ernie Englander; Lee Burke; Jennifer Spencer)
  • Professor, Tsinghua University

Gary A. Bojes (Ph.D. 2006)

  • Orchestrating strategy implementation: A grounded theory approach to environmental management in strategies focused on the Chesapeake Bay (Mark Starik, Chair; James Thurman; Richard Donnelly; Pradeep Rau)
  • Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Thomas A. Hemphill (Ph.D. 2005)

  • Cooperative strategy and technology standards-setting: A study of United States wireless telecommunications industry standards development (James Thurman, Chair; Robert Rycroft; Joel Cook; Ernie Englander; Nicholas Vonortas)
  • David M French Professor and Professor of Management, The University of Michigan-Flint

Pramila Rao (Ph.D. 2005)

  • Executive staffing practices in United States of America-Mexico business joint ventures (Paul M. Swiercz, Chair; John F. Lobuts Jr., Donna Lind Infeld, Hildy J. Teegen, Mary A. Gowan, Jennifer W. Spencer)
  • Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, Marymount University

Kalpana Seethepalli (Ph.D. 2005)

  • Risk, structure and performance: An analysis of private investor strategies in emerging economy electricity markets (Hildy Teegan, Chair; Jennifer Spencer; Mark Starik; Bing-Sheng Teng; Jonathan Doh)
  • ESG Director, Deutsche Bank

Gurneeta Vasudeva (Singh) (Ph. D. 2005)

  • How national institutions influence firms' knowledge -building alliance strategies: A longitudinal study of fuel cell technology development (Jennifer Spencer, Co-Chair; Hildy Teegan, Co-Chair; Nicholas Vonortas; Ernie Englander; Paul Almeida)
  • Associate Professor, University of Minnesota

Souha Riad Ezzedeen (Ph.D. 2003)

  • Rethinking Work-life Balance: Development and Validation of the Cognitive Intrusion of Work Scale (Paul M. Swiercz, Chair; William C. Adams, John F. Lobuts Jr., E. Gustave Marits, Gordon E. Dehler, John L. Glascock)
  • Associate Professor, York University (Canada)

Stephen McGuire (Ph.D. 2003)

  • Entrepreneurial organizational culture: Construct definition and instrument development and validation (Patrick P. McHugh, Chair; John F. Lobuts Jr., E. Gustave Marits, Richard G. Donnelly, Theorore H. Rosen, William R. Baber)
  • Professor of Management, California State University at Los Angeles

James D. Oldson (Ph.D. 2003)

  • A comparative analysis of the predictive strengths of an assessment center and a 360-degree evaluation process to forecast managerial performance in entry-level managers (Mark Starik, Chair; Kathryn Newcomer; Marilyn Liebrenz-Himes; Larry Williams; Charles Toftoy)

Jeffrey L. Cummings (Ph.D. 2002)

  • Knowledge transfer across R&D units: An empirical investigation of the factors affecting successful knowledge transfer across intra- and inter-organizational units (James Thurman, Chair; Richard Donnelly; Ernie Englander; Bing-Sheng Teng; Nancy Dixon)
  • Professor, Loyola University Maryland

Mark A. Heuer (Ph.D. 2001)

  • Firm-stakeholder connectedness in the deregulating electric utility business: Exchange relationships in a network context (Mark Starik, Chair; Pradeep Rau; Ernie Englander; Bing-Sheng Teng; Sharon Levin)
  • Associate Professor, Susquehanna University (Retired)

Jonathan P. Doh (Ph.D. 2001)

  • Private investment, entrepreneurial entry, and partner collaboration in emerging markets telecommunications: The impact of country, industry, and firm-level factors (Hildy Teegan, Chair; Mark Starik; Aseem Prakash; Jennifer Spencer; Sidney Weintraub)
  • Associate Dean of Research and Global Engagement; Herbert G. Rammrath Endowed Chair in International Business; Co-Faculty Director, The Elenore and Robert F. Moran Sr. Center for Global Leadership; Professor, Management & Operations, Villanova University
  • Strategy and Innovation

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  • Concentrations
  • Information Technology Management
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior

A doctoral degree from Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business prepares you to pursue a faculty career at a research-oriented academic institution. Faculty enjoy high salaries, autonomy, an intellectually stimulating job, and the opportunity to teach and work with bright students.

Strategy and Innovation Concentration Overview

Marco Ceccagnoli, Professor of Strategy and Innovation, gives an overview of the Strategy and Innovation concentration within the Scheller Ph.D. program.

Strategy and Innovation Concentration Overview

Why Strategy and Innovation?

The field of strategy is concerned with explaining and predicting firm-level differences in performance. The intersection between strategy and innovation is particularly fertile because of the growing role of innovation-based products and processes, and the critical role technological capabilities play as a source of competitive advantage. The intersection between strategy and innovation is also particularly relevant for technology-based new ventures. The areas of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship offer excellent job prospects for Ph.D. graduates.

Why Georgia Tech?

We are one of the leading academic groups with a research focus specifically on the intersection of strategy and innovation. Students can customize their curriculum by selecting from courses offered at Georgia Tech and top-tier partner institutions and they have access to outstanding research infrastructure such as a Census Research Data Center. Given the small size of the program, we place a strong emphasis on mentorship, allowing students to learn from a diverse faculty.

Our Ph.D. program emphasizes the early involvement of students in research projects with internationally recognized faculty. Our research is interdisciplinary, often applying economic thinking and integrating insights from other areas such as sociology, psychology, and management.

Faculty members publish in high-impact management journals such as Management Science, Organization Science, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal as well as in top journals in related fields such as Science, Nature, RAND Journal of Economics, and the Review of Economics and Statistics . Our faculty hold positions as journal editors and members of editorial boards, leadership positions in professional associations, and research appointments at highly selected bodies such as the National Bureau of Economic Research. Faculty members regularly share their knowledge with managers and entrepreneurs and have been invited to join as policy advisers to the Council of Economic Advisors and Committees of the National Academies. 

We host, co-sponsor, and participate in leading research conferences such as the Roundtable for Engineering Entrepreneurship Research (REER) and the Consortium for Competitiveness and Cooperation (CCC). Our weekly research seminar attracts presenters from institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and the Max Planck Institute. Ph.D. students actively participate in these events, providing them with opportunities to learn from internationally leading scholars and to grow into the professional community.

What Does the Program Cost?

We fully fund all admitted students for at least five years, including a tuition waiver and a stipend to cover living expenses. Successful program completion will require a significant investment of time and effort, which is most likely to pay off for students with a clear interest in a research-oriented faculty career.

Application Process

The application deadline is jan. 6 for admission the following fall semester (starting mid-august)., strategy and innovation news.

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Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Sverdlovsk oblast: Ekaterinburg .

Sverdlovsk Oblast - Overview

Sverdlovsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia, the largest region of the Urals, located on the border between Europe and Asia in the Urals Federal District. Yekaterinburg is the capital city of the region.

The population of Sverdlovsk Oblast is about 4,264,300 (2022), the area - 194,307 sq. km.

Sverdlovsk oblast flag

Sverdlovsk oblast coat of arms.

Sverdlovsk oblast coat of arms

Sverdlovsk oblast map, Russia

Sverdlovsk oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

26 May, 2020 / Unique Color Photos of Yekaterinburg in 1909 .

2 December, 2018 / Yekaterinburg - the view from above .

21 November, 2018 / Abandoned Railway Tunnel in Didino .

12 October, 2017 / Northern Urals: Manpupuner Plateau and Dyatlov Pass .

20 April, 2015 / Multicolored aurora borealis in the Northern Urals .

More posts..

History of Sverdlovsk Oblast

The first people settled here in the Stone Age. At the end of the 16th century, the Russian kingdom gained control of the region. In the 17th century, the most significant stage of the initial development of this area happened, when Russian settlers began a massive advance to the east. In 1598, the first settlers founded the town of Verkhoturye on the territory of the present Sverdlovsk region.

Verkhoturye became the first capital of the Urals because of its strategic location on the Babinov road - an important crossroads of trade routes. Sverdlovsk oblast acted as a transshipment base between the central part of the country and the actively developed regions of Siberia and Central Asia.

The presence of strategic reserves of iron and copper ore, as well as large forest areas, predetermined the specialization of the region (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, wood processing, mining, etc.). Exploration of minerals in the Sverdlovsk region began at the end of the 17th century.

In the 18th century, the Demidov dynasty founded several plants in the region that turned into large production and economic complexes. The local industry was characterized by a high level of technological development. The blast furnaces of the Ekaterinburg, Nevyansk, Tagil iron-making plants were superior in performance to the best European models of that time, and their products were the leading item of Russian exports.

More historical facts…

The launch of the Trans-Siberian Railway became a landmark event in the life of the Middle Urals, allowing large-scale export of plant products. Between 1920 and 1930, the Urals was able to once again take its place as the leading industrial region of Russia by strengthening its mining industry, creating new production facilities, developing energy and mass urban construction.

In the years of the first five-year plans, along with the reconstruction of old enterprises, several new large industrial facilities were opened: Uralmashzavod, Uralelektrotyazhmash, tool and ball bearing plants in Sverdlovsk, Uralvagonzavod and Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant in Nizhny Tagil, pipe plants in Pervouralsk and Kamensk-Uralsky, copper smelters in Krasnouralsk and Sredneuralsk, the Ural aluminum smelter in Kamensk-Uralsky and others.

On October 3, 1938, the territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast was finally formed. During the Second World War, from July 1941 to December 1942, more than 2 million people came to the Urals region, of which more than 700 thousand stayed in Sverdlovsk Oblast.

In the postwar period, Sverdlovsk Oblast continued to develop as a major industrial center of the Urals. The industry of the region was a supplier of the most important types of machinery, products of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, electric power, light, and food industries. Mechanical engineering and metalworking retained their leading place in the structure of the local industry.

Being one of the most important industrial and defense centers of the Soviet Union, the Sverdlovsk region remained closed to foreigners until 1991.

Beautiful nature of Sverdlovsk Oblast

Forest stream in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Forest stream in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Vlasov Pavel

Sverdlovsk Oblast nature

Sverdlovsk Oblast nature

Author: Oleg Seliverstov

Sverdlovsk Oblast is rich in forests

Sverdlovsk Oblast is rich in forests

Sverdlovsk Oblast - Features

Sverdlovsk Oblast received its name from its administrative center - the city of Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg). The name appeared on January 17, 1934, together with the formation of the region. After renaming Sverdlovsk back to Yekaterinburg, the region was not renamed and retained its Soviet name.

The territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast stretches from west to east for 560 kilometers, from north to south - for 660 kilometers. The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is about minus 16-20 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19-30 degrees Celsius.

The Sverdlovsk region, being one of the oldest mining regions of Russia, is rich in a variety of natural resources. Today, the local mineral and raw materials base provides a significant part of the production of Russian vanadium, bauxite, chrysotile-asbestos, iron ore, refractory clay. The region is the main raw source for Russian aluminum industry.

There are significant reserves of nickel ores, precious metals, mineral and fresh groundwater, practically unlimited reserves of building materials. There are deposits of stone and brown coals, chromites, manganese and certain prospects for discovering oil and gas fields. Forests cover about 80% of the territory.

Sverdlovsk Oblast is an important transport hub of Russia. The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through its territory. Koltsovo is a large international airport located in Yekaterinburg. The largest cities and towns of Sverdlovsk Oblast are Yekaterinburg (1,493,600), Nizhny Tagil (340,700), Kamensk-Uralsky (162,500), Pervouralsk (117,700), Serov (93,900), Novouralsk (79,000), and Verkhnyaya Pyshma (76,400).

Sverdlovsk Oblast is known for its traditional International exhibition of armament in Nizhny Tagil, annual Russian Economic Forum in Yekaterinburg. Yekaterinburg is the 4th largest scientific center in Russia after Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

It is one of the most important industrial regions of Russia. The structure of the local industrial complex is dominated by ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, enrichment of uranium and iron ore, engineering.

The largest enterprises of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy are the Nizhnetagilsky Metallurgical Combine, the Kachkanar GOK Vanadiy, VSMPO-Avisma, the Pervouralsky Novotrubny Plant, the Bogoslovsky and the Ural Aluminum Smelters, the Kamensk-Uralsk Metallurgical Plant, the Sinarsky Pipe Plant, the Seversk Pipe Plant, as well as enterprises of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (Uralelectromed, Sredneuralsky Copper Smelting Plant, Metallurgical Plant named after A.K. Serov, etc.).

The most important enterprises of the machine-building complex are Uralvagonzavod, Ural Heavy Machinery Plant, Uralelectrotyazhmash, Uralkhimmash, Ural Turbine Plant, Ural Civil Aviation Plant. Uralkhimplast, which produces synthetic resins, is the largest chemical plant in Russia.

Attractions of Sverdlovsk Oblast

Coniferous forests and numerous rivers make the nature of the Sverdlovsk region attractive for tourists. There is a number of reserves and nature parks: Visimsky State Nature Reserve, Denezhkin Kamen National Nature Reserve, Pripyshminsky Bory National Park, Oleny Ruchi Nature Park, Chusovaya River Nature Park, Bazhovskiye Places Nature Park, Rezhevskoy Nature and Mineralogical Reserve.

Some of the most interesting sights located outside of Yekaterinburg:

  • Nevyansk Tower - a leaning tower in the center of the town of Nevyansk, built by the order of Akinfiy Demidov, the founder of the mining industry in the Urals, in the first half of the 18th century;
  • Cathedral of the Savior’s Transfiguration in Nevyansk;
  • Battle glory of the Urals - an open-air museum of military equipment in Verkhnyaya Pyshma;
  • Automotive equipment museum in Verkhnyaya Pyshma - one of the largest collections of Russian cars, special equipment, motorcycles, bicycles;
  • Obelisk symbolizing the border between Europe and Asia in Pervouralsk;
  • Verkhoturye - a historical town with a kremlin and a lot of churches called the spiritual center of the Urals. The Cross Exaltation Cathedral of the St. Nicholas Monastery is the third largest cathedral in Russia after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg;
  • Mount Kachkanar located near the border between Europe and Asia. At the top of the mountain there is the Buddhist Monastery of Shad Tchup Ling;
  • Monastery in the name of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers on Ganina Yama standing on the site of the extermination and the first burial of the remains of the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his servants;
  • Museum Complex Severskaya Domna in Polevskoy, 52 kilometers from Ekaterinburg - an industrial and architectural monument (1860);
  • Open-air museum in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha - Ural wooden architecture and the richest collection of the Ural house painting;
  • Severskaya Pisanitsa - a monument with rock paintings and images of the Neolithic Age located near the village of Severka.

Sverdlovsk oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of the sverdlovsk region.

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Author: Anatoliy Kislov

Bridge in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Bridge in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Igor Romanov

Road in the Sverdlovsk region

Road in the Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk Oblast views

Field of dandelions in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Field of dandelions in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Winter in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Isupov Sergei

Churches in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Abandoned church in the Sverdlovsk region

Abandoned church in the Sverdlovsk region

Author: Timofey Zakharov

Wooden church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Wooden church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Orthodox church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Orthodox church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Kutenyov Vladimir

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