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Gre prep online guides and tips, 4 top-scoring gre sample essays, analyzed (issue + argument).

gre issue essay template pdf

The best way to figure out how to get a high Analytical Writing score is to look at a GRE essay sample, but doing so without any guidance can be overwhelming. How do you show insight? Do typos affect your score? What’s a good way to keep your essay organized?

We’ll answer all these questions for you (and more!) in this article by analyzing four real GRE essay examples and highlighting the key features you’ll want to include in your own essays.

How to Use This Guide

Before we get to the GRE sample essays and their analyses, I’ll highlight two best ways to use this guide to improve your essay and get a great scoring essay yourself.

First, use the perfect-scoring sample GRE essays in this guide as models of possible ways to accomplish the essay tasks . By this, I don’t mean you should plagiarize entire sentences, paragraphs, or essays – that’s both wrong and against GRE code of conduct (it will disqualify your entire test if discovered). Plus, there are so many prompts (152 Issue prompts and 176 Argument ones) that it’s unlikely you’d be able to use any of these exact essays anyway.

What you can and should do is incorporate the features highlighted in the analyses below in your own essays. For instance, if you’ve been struggling with how to logically connect ideas within paragraphs in your own essays, take a look of some of the examples of logical connection I point out in this article and see how they fit within the context of the full essay. You can then practice replicating successful connections between ideas in your own practice essays.

The other main way to use this guide is in conjunction with the essay grading rubrics to help ferret out your writing weaknesses and work on them. Start with the rubrics for the Issue and Argument tasks and identify which criteria are most difficult for you to meet. Even if you can’t articulate precisely what your weakest spot is (e.g. failing to logically connect your ideas within paragraphs), you can at least narrow down the general rubric area you most struggle with (e.g. organization in general).

Once you’ve identified the general area you have the most trouble with, read the GRE essay examples and our analyses in this article to find concrete instances (rather than the abstract descriptions) of the rubric criteria. For more information about the different rubrics for the different essay tasks, read our articles on how to write perfect-scoring GRE Issue and Argument essays .

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Because this article is on the longer side, we’ve created a table of contents to enable you to jump to a specific essay example or task type:

Table of Contents: GRE Essay Examples 

Issue essay 1: technology and human ingenuity, issue essay 2: cooperation vs. competition, argument essay 1: mason city riverside recreation, argument essay 2: super screen movie advertising.

The first of the GRE sample essays we’ll be looking at is written in response to the following “Analyze an Issue” prompt:

As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

The essay written on this Issue prompt takes the position that rather than hindering our abilities to think for themselves, technology will spur humanity on to achieve ever-greater things. The full text of this GRE essay sample can be found on the ETS website .

In this analysis, I’ll go over the different ways in which this essay meets the GRE essay rubric criteria for a perfect scoring Issue essay . The first of these rubric criteria I’ll be discussing is the way the author takes a clear and insightful stance on the issue in the essay.

The author’s position that instead of fearing new technology, we should embrace its possibilities is methodically articulated over the course of the entire essay, culminating in the essay’s conclusion with a full thesis statement (“There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.”). Below is an outline of how the author expresses her thesis throughout the essay:

  • Paragraph 1 : The author acknowledges “technology has revolutionized the world.”
  • Paragraph 2 : The author explains the reasoning behind the statement in the prompt (“The assumption is that an increased reliance on technology negates the need for people to think creatively to solve previous quandaries”).
  • Paragraph 3 : The author counters the reasoning she discussed in paragraph 2, writing that “reliance on technology does not necessarily preclude the creativity that marks the human species.”
  • Paragraph 4 : The author advances her counterclaim one step further, stating that “technology frees the human imagination.”
  • Paragraph 5 : The author further develops the idea from Paragraph 4, stating “By increasing our reliance on technology, impossible goals can now be achieved.”
  • Paragraph 6 : This final paragraph concludes the essay with a fully articulated thesis that also sums up what went before: “There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.”

The author’s straightforward explanations of her thinking and logic enhance the clarity of her position, while the nuanced content of the position itself demonstrates insight into the issue.


The next area a perfect-scoring Issue essay must demonstrate mastery of is the development of its position through compelling and persuasive examples and reasoning . The author of this essay accomplishes this task by providing examples to support each idea she discusses and, furthermore, explaining not only the content of the examples but also why the examples support her position.

Here’s an example from paragraph 5:

By increasing our reliance on technology, impossible goals can now be achieved. Consider how the late 20th century witnessed the complete elimination of smallpox. This disease had ravaged the human race since prehistorical days, and yet with the technology of vaccines, free thinking humans dared to imagine a world free of smallpox. Using technology, battle plans were drawn out, and smallpox was systematically targeted and eradicated.

In this example, the author begins by laying out the main idea to be discussed (impossible things can be achieved by relying more on technology). She then supports this idea with the example of the impossible problem of smallpox and the steps taken that led to its eradication.

The great thing about the way the author explains her reasoning and examples is the concision and precision with which she gets her information across. Rather than going off into a discussion about the damage caused by smallpox, or staying too vague by mentioning how “diseases” had been solved by the use of vaccines, the author chooses a specific example (smallpox) and mentions only the details relevant to proving her point . This kind of precise writing takes practice, but being able to effectively sum up an example and why it supports your position in just a couple of sentences is essential if you want to get a high score on the GRE Issue essay.


Focus, organization, and logical connections are the third criterion that a perfect-scoring essay needs to fulfill. In the case of this GRE essay sample, the author achieves this organization and focus by linking ideas both within paragraphs (as seen in the previous example) as well as between paragraphs . Let’s look at the way the author transitions between the end of paragraph four and the beginning of paragraph five:

The unlikely marriage of economics and medicine has healed tense, hyperinflation environments from South America to Eastern Europe.

This last example provides the most hope in how technology actually provides hope to the future of humanity. By increasing our reliance on technology, impossible goals can now be achieved.

The author connects the two paragraphs by continuing paragraph four’s discussion of ways human imagination has been pushed by technology (technology combining economics and medicine has solved a problem) with paragraph five’s exploration of how this example has led to achieving things previously considered impossible. The smoothness of the transition between the two paragraphs is effected both by presenting the content of the next paragraph as a logical progression from what was just discussed as well as by using language (“this last example”) that connects the two on a more superficial level.

By keeping paragraphs tightly linked on both the surface level of sentence structures as well as on the deeper level of content being discussed , the author of this essay also keeps her writing focused and cohesive.


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The last quality a perfect-scoring essay must demonstrate is precision of language and flow in writing . The author of this GRE Analytical Writing sample fulfills this requirement by using language to precisely and economically convey meaning throughout her essay. Here’s one example of precise and effective use of language in the essay:

This disease had ravaged the human race since prehistorical days, and yet with the technology of vaccines, free thinking humans dared to imagine a world free of smallpox.

In this excerpt, the author uses the evocative word “ravaged” to show the dire extent of the problem solved by technology, reinforcing that the issue was previously considered impossible to cope with. She also uses the phrase “humans dared to imagine” in this sentence, which ties the example being discussed back to the previous paragraph’s discussion of human imagination.

While there are a couple of minor errors in this excerpt (“prehistorical” should be “prehistoric,” “free thinking” should be “free-thinking”), they do not significantly change the meaning of the author’s words and so do not detract from the overall effectiveness of the author’s language.

Nope nope nope we've gone too prehistoric, walk it back, folks

Return to Table of Contents

The second of the GRE Issue essay samples I’ll be analyzing is written in response to the following prompt about the values of cooperation vs. competition:

“The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition.”

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

The sample Issue essay written in response to this topic takes the stance that cooperation, not competition, is a preferable value to instill in young people in preparation for government. You can read the full essay on page 108 of this PDF . Read on for a discussion of the different ways in which this essay meets the requirements for a perfect score.

As with the previous GRE essay sample, we’ll start by looking at how this essay meets the perfect-scoring essay criteria of stating a clear and insightful position (as required by the essay task). The author fulfills the first part of the criteria with his clear statement of his thesis in the last line of the very first paragraph:

I would have to agree that the best way to prepare young people for leadership roles is to instill in them a sense of cooperation.

He reiterates this clear position with the last two sentences of his conclusion:

Getting to be President of the United States or the managing director of a corporation might require you to win some battles, but once you are there you will need diplomacy and people-skills. Those can be difficult to learn, but if you do not have them, you are likely to be a short-lived leader.

To achieve a perfect Issue essay score, however, it’s not just enough to be clear in your position; your position must also demonstrate insight into the issue . The author of this essay accomplishes this second part by choosing a two-pronged approach to answering the essay question. Rather than merely explaining how cooperativeness leads to positive outcomes in government, industry, and other fields, the author also explains how competitiveness leads to negative outcomes.

Thus, the author makes his position clear by stating it in the opening and closing paragraphs of the essay and shows insight by taking the more complex position that not only is cooperation good, but competition is bad.


The next of the rubric criteria we’ll discuss has to do with how well the author develops his position with examples and reasoning . A great example of this development can be found in the second paragraph of this essay, which discusses the drawbacks of competition.

The author begins his discussion of competitiveness by arguing that it’s a quality that doesn’t need to be “instilled” because it’s already present. Beginning with general reasoning about human behaviors at school and the office to introduce his point, the author then neatly segues into specific examples of competitiveness gone amok (Hitler in Germany and the recent economic meltdown in America).

With each example presented in the essay, the author pushes his position along a little further. He moves from discussing the most extreme historical cases (genocide) to more recent events (economic recession), concluding by focusing in on one person’s life and career (Tiger Woods). This final example allows the author to reach his final destination in his discussion of competitiveness: yes, competition can serve people well up to a certain point, but the price is that it is also “detrimental and ultimately quite destructive.”

Competition is particularly destructive if you're playing chess with glass pieces!

The third way this essay meets the requirements of a perfect-scoring essay is through the logical connection of ideas within and between paragraphs . The transition between the end of paragraph two and the beginning of paragraph three provides a stellar example of this skillful connecting of ideas:

It [competitiveness] served him well in some respects, but it also proved to be detrimental and ultimately quite destructive.

Leaders who value cooperation, on the other ahnd, have historically been less prone to these overreaching, destructive tendencies.

On the face of it, the author only connects the two paragraphs by using a transition phrase (“on the other hand”) that sets up the next paragraph as contrasting with what came before. While this kind of transition would be good enough for a lower-scoring essay, though, the author does not just leave the connection between the two paragraphs at that. Instead, he also connects the two paragraphs by keeping the focus on the same issue from the end of one paragraph to the beginning of the next.

The content-level transition between paragraphs occurs when the author transitions from discussing the “detrimental and ultimately quite destructive” competitiveness of Tiger Woods directly into claiming that cooperation-valuing leaders are “less prone to these overreaching, destructive tendencies.” This twofold linkage of content (deeper level) and transition phrase (more surface level) makes it clear to the reader that the discussion of leaders valuing cooperation follows logically the discussion of negative outcomes for competition-valuing leaders.


The final 6-level quality demonstrated by this GRE Writing sample is its use of skillful and precise language to convey specific meaning . Overall, the language in this essay is formal and academic , despite the profligate use of first person point of view by the author (which can make writing seem less formal). The following sentence exemplifies the author’s command of language:

The recent economic meltdown was caused in no large part by the leaders of American banks and financial institutions who were obsessed with competing for the almighty dollar.

Despite the minor error in this sentence (it should read “in no small part,” rather than “in no large part,”), the author’s meaning is absolutely clear: competition led to the meltdown. Strong vocabulary choices like “economic meltdown,” “obsessed,” “almighty dollar” are what make this an effective statement of the author’s position. Compare the above excerpt to a more milquetoast version of the same statement:

The recent economic downturn was mostly caused by financial leaders who wanted to earn lots of money.

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This second sentence has the same basic meaning as the real excerpt from the essay. Because it doesn’t use particularly precise or compelling language, however, this watered-down version ends up minimizing the magnitude of problems caused by competitiveness (which undercuts the author’s point). This vaguer version of the essay excerpt also lacks the word “competing,” which makes it useless as an instance of competition among leaders leading to negative consequences.

The original excerpt from the essay, and indeed the entire GRE essay example, is so strong precisely because it manages to pack in specific relevant language that adds to, rather than detracts from, the author’s meaning.


The next essay I’ll be analyzing is written in response to the following “Analyze an Argument” prompt:

In surveys Mason City residents rank water sports (swimming, boating and fishing) among their favorite recreational activities. The Mason River flowing through the city is rarely used for these pursuits, however, and the city park department devotes little of its budget to maintaining riverside recreational facilities. For years there have been complaints from residents about the quality of the river’s water and the river’s smell. In response, the state has recently announced plans to clean up Mason River. Use of the river for water sports is therefore sure to increase. The city government should for that reason devote more money in this year’s budget to riverside recreational facilities.

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on the assumptions and what the implications are if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

The GRE Argument essay sample I’ll be analyzing critiques the numerous assumptions made and ultimately concludes that the argument for spending more money on Mason City’s riverside recreational facilities rests on faulty assumptions.

The full text of this essay can be found on the ETS website . Be sure to read through the essay first before coming back to read my analysis of it. We’ll start by looking at the ways in which this GRE essay sample identifies and examines the argument given in the prompt in an insightful way:

There are three key assumptions made by the argument that are identified in the essay:

#1 : The survey results are valid and representative

#2 : The reason Mason River isn’t used is because of odor and pollution

#3 : Cleaning the pollution in the river will get rid of the odor and then lead to more usage by residents

The Argument essay example we’re looking at examines each of the assumptions by considering the implications if the assumptions made by the article turn out not to be true . Here’s part of the essay’s investigation of the second assumption listed above:

Though there have been complaints, we do not know if there have been numerous complaints from a wide range of people, or perhaps from one or two individuals who made numerous complaints.

The author identifies the assumption that complaints indicate many people want to use the river and examines it by reasoning through possible scenarios other than the one presented in the prompt. The insight comes from the fact that the specific possibilities discussed by the author are highly plausible alternative explanations for the facts that would change the validity of the prompt’s assumption. It’s very possible that the complaints were not made by every single resident, or even a majority of residents, as the prompt seems to assume, but were in fact only made by a few people.

As a result of her analysis, the author ultimately concludes that there is insufficient information to support the assumption that Mason River isn’t used due to its odor and pollution.

Bear with me.

The next way the author of this sample GRE essay fulfills the requirements of a perfect-scoring Argument essay is by providing comprehensive support for each of her main points . Throughout the essay, the author is able to explain exactly why each assumption made is problematic by using examples that precisely illustrate her argument.

Consider how this is approached in the second paragraph of the essay. The author starts the paragraph by presenting the assumption made in the essay argument that the survey results can be relied upon. She then proceeds to decimate that assumption with multiple examples of ways in which the survey could be flawed and not be an accurate representation of the residents’ opinions, as can be seen in the following excerpt:

For example, the survey could have asked residents if they prefer using the river for water sports or would like to see a hydroelectric dam built, which may have swayed residents toward river sports. The sample may not have been representative of city residents, asking only those residents who live upon the river. The survey may have been 10 pages long, with 2 questions dedicated to river sports. We just do not know.

The thoroughness of the author’s support for her point is magnified by the specificity of the scenarios she proposes . Stating “the survey might not have been representative of the city residents” would have been far less compelling a point than stating “[t]he sample may not have been representative of city residents, asking only those residents who live upon the river.”

Probably not quite so on the river as this, though.

Another important ideal a perfect-scoring Argument essay must live up to is being organized logically, with clear transitions between ideas . The author of this GRE essay sample is able to meet the first part of this requirement with a simple five-paragraph organizational structure : an introduction, one paragraph for each assumption discussed, and a conclusion.

Accomplishing the logical connection and development of ideas throughout the essay requires a little bit more finesse, but the author still manages it. Here’s an example from the beginning of the third paragraph of a skillful transition:

Additionally, the author implies that residents do not use the river for swimming, boating, and fishing, despite their professed interest, because the water is polluted and smelly.

In the above example, the author uses the transition word “additionally” to connect the ideas that will follow with what went before. The example also references the previous paragraph’s discussion of the unreliability of the survey of residents (“their professed interest”) and links it to the current discussion of pollution and smell being the cause of low participation in riverside recreational activities. The combination of these two methods of connecting the two paragraphs results in a smooth logical flow from one idea to the next.

Let your ideas flow. Like the Mason River.

Lastly, a perfect-scoring Argument essay must be precise and effective in its discussion of ideas, with few if any errors . The author of this essay successfully meets this standard by using purposeful language to efficiently and clearly get her point across, as can be seen in this example from paragraph three:

While a polluted, smelly river would likely cut down on river sports, a concrete connection between the resident’s lack of river use and the river’s current state is not effectively made.

The author contrasts the prompt’s assumption (“a polluted, smelly river would likely cut down on river sports”) with the “concrete connection” that is not present. The essay as a whole is not completely devoid of errors (for example, the author writes “afffected” instead of “affected”), but the errors are few and do not have a negative impact on the clarity of the writing.


The last of the GRE essay examples I’ll be analyzing at is written in response to this “Analyze an Argument” prompt:

The following is taken from a memo from the advertising director of the Super Screen Movie Production Company.

“According to a recent report from our marketing department, during the past year, fewer people attended Super Screen-produced movies than in any other year. And yet the percentage of positive reviews by movie reviewers about specific Super Screen movies actually increased during the past year. Clearly, the contents of these reviews are not reaching enough of our prospective viewers. Thus, the problem lies not with the quality of our movies but with the public’s lack of awareness that movies of good quality are available. Super Screen should therefore allocate a greater share of its budget next year to reaching the public through advertising.”

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.

The essay written in response to this “Analyze an Argument” prompt raises and evaluates questions about how many viewers and reviews of Super Screen productions there actually were, if there is a strong relationship between how movie reviewers and general audiences react to movies, and whether or not the percentage of positive reviews about a movie reflects how much of an impact reviews have on audiences.

The full text of this GRE essay sample can be found on p. 112 of this PDF . Read through the essay first, then check below for an analysis of its positive (and negative) qualities.

The first aspect of the essay we’ll analyze is how it succeeds in identifying and examining the parts of the argument that are relevant to the task . In the essay’s introduction, the author mentions that there are questions that need to be asked (“Before this plan is implemented, however, Super Screen needs to address some questions about its possible flaws”), but he really hammers it home in the conclusion by specifying which questions need to be answered:

In conclusion, there are many questions Super Screen needs to answer before using this advertising director’s plan. They need to look carefully at actual numbers, both of viewership and of positive reviews. The also need to identify the relationship that their target audience has with movie reviewers and determine how their target audience feels about their movies. Fianlly they need to take a nuanced look at the movie reviews that they use in their advertising.

With this conclusion, the author hits the three main points that need to be considered before agreeing to the advertising director’s plan : viewer and review numbers, audience reactions to reviews, and whether or not reviews are a useful metric by which to measure movie success.

An instance of the author identifying a particular argument can be found in the third paragraph of this GRE essay sample. The paragraph starts by clearly stating the question that needs to be answered (what the number of positive reviews was and how it compared to past reviews). After this initial identification of the question, the author also explains how answering this question would have an impact on the usefulness of the recommendation: if the increase in positive reviews was from 1% to 2%, allocating more money to advertising to emphasize this fact is likely to have less impact than if the money were instead budgeted towards improving film quality.

Lights! Camera! And a 200% increase in script quality!

Another quality all perfect-scoring Argument essays must contain is strong and thorough support for each point discussed . The author of the GRE essay sample we’re analyzing fulfills this requirement, supporting every question she raises about the argument in the prompt by showing how its answer would affect the recommendation.

A good example of this all coming together happens in paragraph five of the essay:

Finally the studio must ask whether the percentage of positive reviews is really a relevant way to measure the potential impact of movie reviews. There are dozens of movie reviewers but when deciding whether to not to go to a movie, the general public will usually pick from among the 10 most popular movie reviews. These are the reviews that will impress the public if they are included in advertising. If the most popular movie reviewers disliked Super Screen movies that a larger number of small time film bloggers reviewed positively, Super Screen needs to think of a new advertising strategy.

In this paragraph, the author opens by identifying the element of argument to be discussed (are positive reviews a useful way to measure the impact of movie reviews in general?). She then develops this point through reasoning about why the answer to this question might contradict the assumption made in the argument (people mostly use popular reviews to decide on what movies to see, rather than the ratio of popular to negative reviews).

The author ends this paragraph by conclusively showing that the answer to the question raised in this paragraph is crucial for determining whether or not Super Screen should follow the advertising director’s plan: if the percent of positive reviews isn’t a good way to measure movie impact and the real issue is that relatively few popular movie reviewers liked Super Screen movies, then the recommendation of the advertising department is unreasonable.

No amount of advertising's going to wake up that movie reviewer.

The third requirement for a perfect-scoring Argument essay is that it must develop and connect ideas in a clear and logical fashion. The organization of this GRE argument essay sample helps accomplish this by routing the author’s thoughts into an introduction, four body paragraphs, and a conclusion . Each body paragraph of the essay is centered around one or two related questions. A good example of this can be found in paragraph four, which contains two related questions about the relationship between audiences and movie reviewers:

Finally, Super Screen needs to ask what the relationship is between its viewers and the movie reviewers cited in the memo. Using a survey distributed to its target audience, Super Screen could determine if movie reviews have an effect on their audience’s decision to go see a movie, whether movie reviewers tended to have the same taste as the target audience and exactly whether or not movie reviews are reaching the audience. Super Screen also needs to consider how its movie choices have affected the separate movie reviewer and audience populations. If the studio has switched from making mega- blockbuster action movies to more nuanced dramas, the general public may be less willing to go see their movies even though movie critics prefer the dramas to the action movies.

The above paragraph starts out by discussing if Super Screen’s target audiences are affected by reviews and whether their audiences and movie reviewers have the same taste, then segues into discussing if the studio’s film-making choices have affected audiences and movie reviews. The transition between the two different questions being discussed is effected by the simple use of the word “also” in the third sentence of the paragraph:

Super Screen also needs to consider how its movie choices have affected the separate movie reviewer and audience populations. [bolded for emphasis]

The last sentence of the paragraph again links back to the discussion of audience taste vs. reviewer taste, reinforcing the close and logical connection between the two questions discussed in the paragraph.

Bo Gordy-Stith/Flickr

Finally, a perfect-scoring Argument essay must employ varied and precise language, with few errors . Earlier, we discussed paragraph four as a particularly strong example of the author’s effective development of ideas. The last sentence of this paragraph contributes to this efficacy through the use of specific language :

“If the studio has switched from making mega-blockbuster action movies to more nuanced dramas, the general public may be less willing to go see their movies even though movie critics prefer the dramas to the action movies.”

The use of the descriptor “mega-blockbuster” to describe the action movies preferred by the masses effectively conjures up something that is the diametric opposite of a “nuanced drama.” In addition, the author’s contrasting of the “mega-blockbuster action movies” with “more nuanced dramas” parallels the second half of the sentence’s contrasting of the preferences of the general public vs. those of the (possibly) more refined movie reviewer.

There are a few minor spelling errors (e.g. in “attendence” instead of “attendance”), and the last two body paragraphs both start with “finally” (which is a little repetitive), but in general, this is a skillfully written essay. It’s not perfectly polished like an essay you’d turn in for school, but that’s absolutely OK. In the grand scheme of the GRE essay scoring rubric, writing flourishes matter much less than clarity of thought and precision of language.

Some Super Screen movie reviewers. MCAD Library/Flickr.

6 Tips for a Perfect-Scoring GRE Essay

To wrap up this article, I’ll go over some of the key points you should take from the four GRE sample essays I analyzed in this article.

#1: Include an Introduction and a Conclusion

One thing that all these perfect-scoring GRE sample essays had in common was an introduction and a conclusion . It doesn’t have to be a full paragraph, but you need to at the very least introduce your ideas at the beginning of your essay and wrap up your conclusions at the end of it.

#2: State Your Position Clearly

In my notes to myself on one of the GRE Issue essay examples I analyzed above, I observed that the author “states her thesis early and often” because of the way her position was made clear throughout the essay. While obviously you don’t want to just repeat the same sentence over and over again, it is imperative that you include at least one clear statement of your position in your essay , preferably in your introduction paragraph.

The importance of clearly stating your position varies between the two GRE essay tasks somewhat. For the Argument essay, you might be able to get away with a vague summary of the points you’ll cover and still get a 4.0 or above on the essay; by contrast, it’s nearly impossible to get above a 3.0 on the Issue essay if you do not clearly state your position on the issue, as that is integral to the essay task itself.

Whatever the prompt or essay type, if you want to get a perfect score on your essay, you’ll need to include a clear statement of your position on the issue or what points you’ll be analyzing in regards to the argument in the prompt.

#3: Be Specific in Your Support

All of the perfect-scoring GRE essay examples analyzed in this article contained specific and relevant support for the claims made by the authors. In the Issue essay examples, the authors drew upon well-defined examples and concise examples that directly supported the author’s position on the issue. In the Argument essay samples, the authors focused in on several specific parts of the arguments and debated their validity using specific hypothetical scenarios and questions.

The takeaway of this for your own writing is that the specific is always more persuasive than the general when it comes to supporting a point. And if you can’t find specific support for your position or for the flaw you’ve found in an argument, then that’s a good sign that you need to consider changing your position or finding another part of the argument to critique.

If you can't support your thesis with specific examples, you might need to find a new thesis.

#4: Explain Your Support Clearly

As I discussed in my analyses of the four GRE Writing samples, whether or not your writing is polished and perfectly worded and spelled is not nearly as important as your successful communication of your ideas and how they are supported . In the GRE essay, all is precision, and analyses of issues that use clearly-explained compelling examples or analyses of arguments that cut to the very heart of why an argument is flawed with supporting explanations will ultimately score higher than beautifully crafted but logically imprecise essays.

#5: Use Transitions

All of the authors of the GRE essay examples analyzed in this article are able to maintain focus and organization in their essays by employing multi-level transitions that link ideas between and within paragraphs on both content and linguistic levels. In your own writing, be conscious of when you are changing from discussing one idea to another and make sure the transition is smooth. Even just adding transition words like “additionally” or “in contrast” to the beginning of new ideas can help your writing flow better.

#6: Stay Organized

While all of the GRE essay examples used in this article were written in response to different prompts, they all adhered to basically the standard five-paragraph , introduction-body paragraphs-conclusion format.

There’s no reason to take extra time away from your analysis of the questions to figure out a unique organizational structure for each essay when the five paragraph essay will get it done just as well (if not better). This is not because other forms are not possible; as the ETS website says, “You are free to organize and develop your response in any way you think will enable you to effectively communicate your ideas about the issue.”

But the utility of the five paragraph form is that it’s a tried-and-true way to keep your essay organized . Using it will save you the time of having to figure out a new organizational strategy for every essay you write. And the more consistently you stick to a simple (but clear) organizational structure, the faster you’ll get at it, until organizing your thoughts logically comes as second-nature (especially important in a timed essay environment when every second counts).


What’s Next?

Now you know what it takes to get a perfect essay score. But do you actually need to get a perfect 6.0 on GRE Writing? Find out with our discussion of what a good GRE Writing score is .

Curious about how the criteria mentioned in this article translate into numerical scores? Read our article on how the GRE essay is scored to learn more!

Need to boost your essay score quickly? We have 15 great tips and strategies that help you improve your Analytical Writing score .

Ready to dive into practice essays with some practice topics? Use our guide to the 328 official GRE essay topics to get started.

Ready to improve your GRE score by 7 points?

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Author: Laura Staffaroni

Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel and fulfill their college and grad school dreams. View all posts by Laura Staffaroni

gre issue essay template pdf

Vince's Best Tips

Sign up to receive my free 7-part "GRE Prep For High Scorers" email series.

GRE For High Scorers, Part 6: GRE Issue Essays

Vince's 2 main options to help you with your GRE prep are  HERE .

Vince's GRE Issue Essay Template

VIDEO: Watch me brainstorm a real issue essay prompt for an example of the Issue Essay template I describe in the below article.

In this article, I'll talk about my favorite template for writing a high-scoring Issue Essay. These tips will work best for you if you're a good writer; however, anyone can benefit from them.

First, here are two to-dos for you:

Action item #1: Read all sample essays and commentary in The Official Guide , as well as those in the  Verbal Practice book. These are great models for your writing since you can see what the ETS graders reward. Pay very close attention to the grader commentary.

Action item #2 :  Read and brainstorm two official  Issue Essay  prompts every time you study.

Bonus: learn more new words with my GRE vocabulary flashcards app !

Ok, assuming you've gotten started on the above, I want to give you some insight about what you need to do to get a 6.

you planning your essay?

GRE Issue Essay Example That Received A Perfect Score

You may notice that many Issue Essay prompts make statements that are difficult to fully support. The example and response I want to use first is this one about technology (link is to the full sample essay on the GRE's website). Go ahead and read the prompt, then read the "6" response just below it. Now, let's think about its statement:

As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Notice that this statement - like many Issue statements - would be difficult to agree with 100% of the time. Good responses will acknowledge the complexity of the issue and respond in an insightful way to that complexity. This response does that partly by discussing the reasoning that might be used by someone who agrees with the statement (in paragraph 2):

The statement attempts to bridge these dramatic changes to a reduction in the ability for humans to think for themselves. The assumption is that an increased reliance on technology negates the need for people to think creatively to solve previous quandaries. Looking back at the introduction, one could argue that without a car, computer, or mobile phone, the hypothetical worker would need to find alternate methods of transport, information processing and communication. Technology short circuits this thinking by making the problems obsolete.

Good writers often begin this way - they talk about their opponents' views, then respond with their own . This provides context and a framework for their argument. Writing a persuasive essay without addressing the reasoning of other points-of-view is like pretending your point-of-view exists in a vacuum with no one to challenge it.

essay frustration?

Now let's look at a paragraph that continues to acknowledge the complexity of the issue in an insightful way (paragraph 3):

However, this reliance on technology does not necessarily preclude the creativity that marks the human species. The prior examples reveal that technology allows for convenience. The car, computer and phone all release additional time for people to live more efficiently. This efficiency does not preclude the need for humans to think for themselves. In fact, technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology. For example, the proliferation of automobiles has introduced a need for fuel conservation on a global scale. With increasing energy demands from emerging markets, global warming becomes a concern inconceivable to the horse-and-buggy generation. Likewise dependence on oil has created nation-states that are not dependent on taxation, allowing ruling parties to oppress minority groups such as women. Solutions to these complex problems require the unfettered imaginations of maverick scientists and politicians.

I like this paragraph a lot because not only does the author make an insightful point that technology gives people more time to think, but that technology itself creates problems that require thinking. This is a step up from what I think the average writer might do - just cite an example of technology that helps us think or that we need to think to use. Now, you don't always need this level of insight, but it's a good example of what might separate a 6 from a 5. Compelling reasoning and depth of thought are rewarded.

I also like that this essay creates a critical context with the first paragraph, defining the scope of what it's going to discuss. It's the one I most talk about if a higher-scoring student wants some kind of GRE issue essay template, too. It's nice to have a go-to structure when you've only got 29 minutes and 37 seconds and the clock is relentlessly ticking...

Another example I like in the Verbal Reasoning Practice Book is the 6 essay response to a prompt about "People should obey just laws and disobey unjust laws". The author spends some time questioning the context to apply "just" - i.e., what is more important, being just to the individual or just to society? The author also questions how to define "just": if a society is brainwashed, can "just" have any meaning? I like this approach, since, again, it acknowledges the complexity and complications of forming a position on that issue.

essay writer with pencil

How To Effectively Choose And Use Examples In The Issue Essay

Many of my students find it difficult at first to think of relevant examples to support the arguments they make when writing the GRE issue essay. In this section, I’ll give you one of my favorite GRE essay tips: how to choose strong examples. Again, just so we have some context, here’s a sample Issue essay prompt: “Employees at all levels of a corporation should be involved in that corporation’s short and long term goal planning.” Now, one trap I want you to avoid falling into is thinking you have to have specialized knowledge of the topic. You might say to yourself that you’ve never worked for a corporation and that you don’t know how corporations typically plan. The good news is that you can still write a good essay about the topic using what you do know.

For example, let’s say you mostly agree with the statement and wanted to think of an example you could use. You could use an example from real life – perhaps you could talk about how employees at Google are encouraged to use 20% of their time to work on projects they think will benefit the company. Even if you couldn’t think of a real life example, you might use a hypothetical example and talk about how if an airline asked all employees about its plans for the future, flight attendants might provide unique insights into what customers like and don’t like . One strategy I like to recommend is to instead of thinking of what the perfect GRE issue essay examples might be, think about what you know well and see if it could fit. This will encourage you to choose examples you know well, making it easier to write insightfully about them. It might be a good idea to make a list of your personal “go-to” topics – things you can easily talk or write about. You’ll find that you can use many of them for many essays – don’t let the first thing that comes to mind box you in. Essay topics are designed so that almost anyone can write about them. For example, I love reading  The Economist . Since I read it every week, I usually have been thinking about some current events that I can apply to many Issue topics. Also, reading like this builds up a storehouse of information that you can dip into, making it increasingly likely you'll be inspired when a random topic pops up on the screen.

researching essay examples

How Long Should GRE Essays Be?

In general, the more you write, the better. 500-600 words is a good goal for most people, but write more if you can!

Good writers tend to illustrate and explain well, which equals more words. If your essay paragraphs seem short, try explain why more and writing more detailed "for example" sentences. Your reader will find your argument more compelling, and the GRE computer algorithm* that contributes half of your essay score will reward you as well!

*Yeah - if you didn't know, both a robot and a human read and grade your essay, and your score will be the average of their scores. :)

How Do I Improve My Issue Essay Score?

Remember, the GRE issue essay examples you choose matter, but they must be used skillfully. Practice brainstorming lots of different essay prompts from the ETS website to get used to coming up with examples that you can use to support your point of view.

Improving your score generally will mean improving one of these five grading criteria:

  • How compelling is your argument?
  • The examples that support your point
  • Organization / transitions
  • Using standard written English

In my experience, the GRE's analytical writing assessment is the one part of the test that students tend to under-prepare for. No matter how you prepare for the essay, make sure that you at least write a few before you actually take the real GRE.

P.S. I can help you with your essays, but I will charge you for my time. If you don't want to work with me personally, you can ask for feedback on Reddit ( r/GRE ) - it's the most popular and active GRE forum I know of.

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(Reddit is nerdy but also useful.)

Final Issue Essay Thoughts

Check out all the 6 responses in the ETS books (there are five "6" responses for the Issue task, and five for the Argument task). These will give you more ideas about what the highest-scoring essays do. Just keep in mind that these are paradigms of "6" responses... you don't always have to be that good to earn a "6". Again, I think one of the most valuable things you can do is to find an essay structure you like and create your own issue essay template out of it, so you have a "go-to" structure on test day.

If you enjoyed this free guide, check out Vince's other free GRE resources .

And, speaking of writing stuff, our graduate school admissions essay expert, Lauren Hammond, can help you write your personal statement !

Testimonial: "I wanted to improve my analytical writing score for the GRE and decided, with one week left before the test, that I should consult an expert for some last minute advice. Vince was awesome and provided me with so much feedback on the sample essays I sent to him. I ended up getting the score I needed, and I know meeting with Vince made that possible! Thanks again!" - Cayleen Harty

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GRE Essay: Tips on Approaching the GRE Analytical Writing Section

Woman writing for the GRE Essay, the GRE Analytical Writing Essay Issue Task

Though the GRE used to have two essay questions on the Analytical Writing section (prior to 2024), nowadays there’s only one GRE essay. That means the original Argument Essay no longer exists, and the only thing you need to write is the Issue Essay. Great news! So, how do you prepare for the new GRE essay? Read on to find out.

What is the GRE Essay?

Where can i find sample issue topics, how is the gre essay scored, what do the graders look for, how do i practice for gre analytical writing, how do i improve my grammar and style, sample gre essays to study, how long should my gre essay be, where can i get my practice gre essays graded.

The GRE essay is a 30-minute task which requires reading an opinion of an issue and then crafting a well-supported argument. The GRE essay not only tests your ability to form a cogent thesis statement but also how well you defend your position over the course of several paragraphs. The clarity and organization of your writing also factor into your final score.

The GRE essay is also known as the Issue Task because you have to analyze a provided issue. What kinds of issues will you be asked to write about? The topics generally fall under categories such as education, technology, art, society, government, philosophy, and more. The following example prompt belongs to the technology category.

Example of a GRE Issue Essay Prompt Related to Technology

Prompt: It could be argued that the most important technological breakthroughs have happened by chance and through surprise discoveries. However, others argue that deliberate, well-planned research with specific goals is the only way to ensure technological advancement.

Instructions: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position

ETS (the makers of the GRE) publishes the entire pools of Issue topics on its website. The topics you see on your exam will be drawn from those pools , so this is an essential resource.

The GRE Essay is scored on a scale from 0 to 6. This score is separate from and does not factor into your overall GRE scaled score (which considers only your performance on the math and verbal sections).

The majority of test takers end up with a score between 3.0 and 5.0. You can see the exact percentiles here in this article: GRE Score Percentiles – What Does Your Score Mean for You?

What exactly do those scores mean? Any essay scored a 2 or below has serious flaws. An essay that receives a 4 is adequate. And the rare essay that gets a 6 is truly outstanding. You can read more about each score level in ETS’s article on GRE Analytical Writing Scoring .

Note that your final GRE Analytical Writing section score is really the averaged score of two graders: a human grader and an AI grader. The human essay grader takes around 30 seconds to grade an essay. He or she scans to make sure that you have clearly organized your information, and that your paragraphs start with a topic sentence and flow into specific examples that support your analysis. The grader looks to make sure you have a conclusion that articulates what you’ve already stated. He or she gives you a score and they move on to the next essay.

And if for some reason the human and AI greatly disagree, a 2nd human is brought in to score your essay instead.

The graders look for the three C’s: clarity, coherency, and cogency.

First off, you must express your ideas in a clear manner. If you jumble your words, or simply throw in unnecessary words, doing so compromises clarity. But your essay is not just one sentence with a clearly expressed idea; it is a set of ideas that should logically connect to one another. That is coherency.

Next you want to provide convincing evidence to back up your thesis. You can throw in some vague example, but doing so means your essay will probably lack cogency. Develop an example that cogently reinforces your thesis is key to a high essay score.

Other Factors

There are some other factors that play into the human grader’s assessment of a GRE essay. Style is important; an essay with choppy sentences and unsophisticated vocabulary will be awarded a lower score, all other things being equal, than an essay with mature syntactical development and GRE-level vocabulary deployed felicitously.

There is also the issue of grammar. Even though the graders don’t set out to nitpick at grammar, as soon as you make the tiniest mistake, he or she will notice. Anything from improper use of pronouns to misspelling common words can negatively impact your score. At the same time, a grammatical flub or two won’t preclude an essay from getting a perfect score, as long as everything else about the essay is top-notch.

GRE essay graders look for clarity, coherency, and cogency

By simply writing often you will be able to write with greater command and facility. With diligent practice, words will not seem submerged deep in your subconscious but will instead spring to life on the page.

2. Don’t forget to outline/brainstorm

You must think about what you are going to write before you write. I’m sure many amongst you subscribe to the school of thought that if you write, they will come: the words, the compelling examples, and the nuanced logic. When practicing for the GRE essay, you must avoid this tendency and instead spend a few minutes coming up with a roadmap (either in your head or on the computer screen). At first this step will slow you down and you will want to go back to the old method. Be patient. Once you become adept at outlining, the essay will write itself.

3. Spend lots of time editing your practice essays

Though you won’t get much of an opportunity to edit your essay on test day, sedulously editing your practice essays will make you more aware of your mistakes, both grammatical and logical. Correcting these mistakes will not only help you anticipate them in the future, but will also make the writing and logic in your future essays clearer.

4. Constantly read sample essays

By reading other students’ essays , you will develop a sense of what ETS is looking for. You’ll also be able to better judge your own essays. Throughout practice sessions, you should keep tweaking your essays, so they get closer and closer to the next score up. So, if you started at a ‘3’, focus on getting to a ‘4.’

5. Improve grammar

ETS explicitly states that it is looking for the quality and clarity of thought and not grammar per se. Yet the two are closely related. If you struggle to articulate something—and in doing so break a grammatical rule (or three!)—you will sacrifice clarity. Even minor grammatical errors (faulty pronouns, subject/verb agreement) will mar the overall quality of your writing.

Between grammar and style, grammar is much easier to improve. Great style is much more elusive. Indeed, many writers have cultivated their prose style over years of assiduous practice. Rest assured though—to score well on the GRE your prose does not have to be fit for The New York Times . You do want to avoid choppy sentences by varying up your sentence structure. And you shouldn’t be averse to trading a simple word for a more complex one as long that word is appropriate for the context.

A great book that offers writing advice, from dangling modifiers to how to construct compelling, dynamic sentences, is William Zinsser’s On Writing Well .

For a more stern approach to writing, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style has helped students for over half a century.

The only reason I mention both of these books is they focus not only grammar but also on style. Many grammar books should suffice as far as grammar goes, but they fall short on teaching writing style, which is a great skill to have for the GRE (and beyond!).

It is one thing to read the guidelines for what constitutes a ‘6’ essay on the GRE Analytical Writing section. In essence, you are just interpreting the information. But by actually reading real essays, you learn what the graders are looking for.

The best source for sample essays are the released sample essays (completed with grader comments!) from ETS . The essays here are actual student essays. Use these essays to assess your own level of writing. In other words, determine where in the 0.0 – 6.0 range you fall, based on the scores given to the other essays.

Additionally, you can see sample GRE essays from Magoosh students along with our own commentary here: GRE Issue Essay: Strategies + 8 Real Student Essays with Scores

Believe it or not, out of two GRE essays that are identical, save for length, the longer will receive the higher score. That doesn’t mean you should frantically scribble away, hoping that a seven-paragraph essay will automatically confer the much coveted ‘6’. Substance matters greatly. But as long as all the parts of your essay are there, you should shoot for a five-paragraph essay: an intro, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

I should also point out that paragraph length matters, too. 5 two-sentence paragraphs is not really a long essay. And, of course, don’t forget that each of those paragraphs has to flow logically and clearly from your thesis.

GRE essay length

While there is no better teacher than feedback, having someone give you an honest critique of your essay is difficult. ETS offers a service to score your practice GRE essays , but that’s all you will get. Just a score, no feedback.

Over the years, I’ve seen many students asking for feedback on forums—such as The GradCafe or Reddit—and sometimes munificent souls (usually GRE test takers with strong writing skills) provide insightful analysis. While that may not sound all that reassuring, remember that this feedback is free of charge and there really isn’t much else out there in terms of essay feedback.

To take advantage of the latest technology, you can now sign up for Magoosh Premium Plan today to access our AI Expert Tutor that will grade your essay and give pointers on how to improve your score!

Lastly, you yourself will want to critique your essays. Magoosh as a downloadable GRE essay rubric for you to use. And for even more writing tips, check out 12 Tips to Ace GRE Writing .

Chris Lele

Chris graduated from UCLA with a BA in Psychology and has 20 years of experience in the test prep industry. He’s been quoted as a subject expert in many publications, including US News , GMAC , and Business Because .

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11 responses to “GRE Essay: Tips on Approaching the GRE Analytical Writing Section”

Gunjan Avatar

Hi how much time does it take for the practice AWA to be graded?

Magoosh Expert

Hi Gunjan, I’m not sure if I understand your question. Which practice AWA are you talking about? If you are asking about feedback from forums or other online resources, you’ll have to check with those websites or perhaps post your essay again. Please note that Magoosh does not provide essay grading and feedback at this time.

Twinkle Avatar

I got 2.5 score in awa how can i improve

These blog posts might be helpful for you: 12 tips to ace GRE Writing GRE Issue Strategies and practice essays

In order to improve in the AWA section, you should understand what the graders are looking for, have a strategy for writing a strong essay, and practice as MUCH as possible. I think these blog posts will help you to make a good strategy–don’t forget to keep practicing!

Prachi vyas Avatar

Thank you, Really it helps me a lot. but still i have confusion in argument Section, can you please tell me the deference between issue and argument

Hi Prachi! Sure 🙂 The Issue Task requires you to take a position and defend it. Usually it’s for or against some issue. The Argument Tasks asks you to read a short argument and then explain why it’s terrible. Hope that helps!

Mana Avatar

Hi! I got a poor score in AWA (2) and I did detect my fault that, in my issue task, I didn’t thoroughly agree or disagree, rather I agreed partially to the prompt and another mistake was I couldn’t conclude my essay with clear conclusive stand of mine, neither I finished my last sentence, let alone editing. Could u plz explain weather partially agree or disagree is allowed in issue task in AWA?

It sounds like you have done a good job of reflecting on your performance and identifying areas for improvement! That’s a great first step. In the AWA Issue task, it’s important to have a strong argument and clearly state your side. Your concession point shows that you have thought about the issue from different angles, but it’s important to stick to your argument and show how it is superior. We do not recommend that students take the “partially agree” approach, since it tends to ‘water down’ your argument and weaken your essay. Remember that this is an essay you are writing for a specific assignment–it doesn’t have to reflect your personal beliefs or ideas, as long as you can craft a strong argument. We have a lot of great resources for you to use to improve on the AWA, take a look 🙂

Huy Avatar

Thank you for this overall guide with lots of quality information for someone who is new to GRE like me. At the moment, this is quite sufficient for me to kick start my preparation for the test, which roughly happens in two weeks. Anyway, Thanks!

You’re welcome! Best of luck, Huy. 😀

Namuna karki Avatar

i think it give us more idea in gre test.

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GRE Issue Essay: Practice Sample Prompts

Gre issue essay sample prompt #1.

1. The emergence of the online “blogosphere” and social media has significantly weakened the quality of political discourse in the United States. Reason: When anyone can publish political opinions easily, standards for covering news and political topics will inevitably decline.

Write a response in which you examine your own position on the statement. Explore the extent to which you either agree or disagree with it, and support your reasoning with evidence and/or examples. Be sure to reflect on ways in which the statement might or might not be true, and how this informs your thinking on the subject.

GRE Issue Essay Sample Prompt #2

2. Some people believe it is imperative for individuals living in developed nations to reduce their energy consumption and lead a more sustainable lifestyle, given the evidence for global climate change. Others believe that such drastic lifestyle changes are unwarranted, based on the existing evidence for global climate change.

Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.

GRE Issue Essay Sample Prompt #3

3. So long as they are aware of the dangers involved, adults should not be legally bound to use seat belts.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

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What's Tested on the GRE: Analytical Writing

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GRE Issue Essay: Elements, Structure, Strategies & Samples

GRE Issue Essay

Feeling overwhelmed by the GRE Issue Essay? This writing task can be a challenge for even the most skilled essay writers. The GRE Issue Essay tests your critical thinking and analytical writing skills within a strict time limit. It requires you to take a stance on a complex issue, develop a sound argument, and support it with clear reasoning and well-chosen examples.

In this blog, we’ll provide you with the strategies and knowledge you need to write a winning Issue Essay. We’ll break down the format, provide effective writing tips, and share the secrets behind strong arguments. Plus, we’ll share five real student essays that exemplify top-notch writing to inspire you.

What is the GRE Issue Essay?

The GRE Issue Essay is a writing task designed to assess your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. Unlike the Argument Essay, which focuses on evaluating the logic of a presented argument, the Issue Essay asks you to take a stance on a broad, debatable topic.

The prompt will typically be a statement that you’ll need to analyze and form an opinion on. This statement could be about the merits of a particular approach to a problem, the value of a certain quality, or the impact of a specific trend. Your job is to develop a well-reasoned argument for either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement.

gre issue essay template pdf

Key Elements of a GRE Issue Essay Task

1. nature of the topic.

You can expect prompts from diverse fields like education, politics, or technology. Deep subject knowledge isn’t crucial, but a well-rounded understanding helps. You can draw on your own experiences and general knowledge to develop a strong response.

2. Type of writing

Use logic and justification accurately. Build a well-reasoned argument supported by strong evidence. You can also use real-life examples to bolster your stance and show your awareness of current events. However, avoid fabricated examples, as they will question your credibility.

3. Agreeing and disagreeing

Unlike the Argument essay’s predetermined problematic thesis, the Issue essay encourages acknowledging opposing viewpoints. Briefly discuss situations where the opposing view might hold weight. It’s easier to agree with the prompt, but a well-argued disagreement is equally valid.

4. Perspectives

There’s no right or wrong answer. The essay tests your ability to choose a side and defend it convincingly. Unlike the Argument essay’s intentionally flawed thesis, here you’ll analyze and critique the prompt itself.

5. Reasoning vs. exposing

The Argument essay focuses on dismantling a flawed argument. On the other hand, the Issue essay emphasizes building your own argument from scratch using logic and examples.

6. Freedom to express

The Argument essay restricts you to the author’s evidence and arguments. The Issue essay grants you complete freedom to draw on any relevant information to support your perspective.

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How to Structure the GRE Issue Essay?

The GRE Issue essay shares similarities with the classic 5-paragraph structure used in short essays. While 4–6 paragraphs are acceptable, you should limit it to a 5-paragraph approach. According to the official GRE website, graders evaluate your “skill with which you address the specific instructions and articulate and develop an argument to support your evaluation of the issue.” A well-organized essay makes your argument clear and persuasive.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Start by clearly restating the issue you’re asked to address. Follow by expressing your position on the issue in a single sentence. Briefly introduce the key points you’ll develop in the following paragraphs. If the prompt asks you to address opposing viewpoints, mention them here. Show your understanding of the complexities of the issue.

Paragraphs 2–4: Body paragraphs

Start with your strongest point, use a clear transition phrase, and present your most impactful reason first. Provide specific examples and logical analysis to back your claim. Examples can come from various fields like history, science, or even personal experience. Clearly explain how they support your reason and, ultimately, your thesis.

Use transition phrases and follow the same structure for the remaining body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one distinct reason supporting your thesis. In one body paragraph, you can acknowledge a strong opposing view and explain why it’s ultimately flawed. This shows a well-rounded understanding of the issue.

Paragraph 5 (optional): Conclusion

Briefly restate the issue and your position. Remind the reader of the key arguments you presented. While not essential, a conclusion provides a sense of closure. If time is limited, focus on completing the final body paragraph with a strong supporting example. The conclusion, though desirable, can be omitted without penalty.

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5 Strategies to Ace the GRE Issue Essay

1. structure is key.

Even a passionate and well-reasoned response can fall flat without a solid essay structure. The classic format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion ensures your message is clear and organized.

2. Engaging writing

Repetitive sentence structure leads to a monotonous reading experience. Include variety in your writing! Don’t be afraid to experiment with colons, dashes, and semicolons. Similarly, play with syntax. Avoid the monotonous “noun-verb-adjective” pattern, as it can make your writing sound hesitant. Utilize impactful modifiers, active voice, and cause-and-effect sentences to add confidence and distinction to your writing. For example, “It is unacceptable for the president to permit this unconstitutional overreach of power by Congress” conveys a stronger message than “The president shouldn’t allow Congress to pass the law…” Remember that engaging writing goes beyond analysis and organization; it shapes the overall impression your essay leaves on the reader.

3. Specificity is important

Hypotheticals can be useful tools, but only if they convincingly support your point. Vague generalities like “some people,” “mankind,” or “you” lack impact. For example, if you’re arguing that knowledge can be destructive, stating “Oppenheimer’s knowledge of nuclear fusion allowed him to create the most destructive weapon the world had ever known” is far more impactful than the bland “scientists can sometimes use knowledge to hurt us.”

4. Stay on point

Perhaps the most important element (especially if you don’t want a failing grade) is staying on topic. Imagine you’re writing about the destructive potential of knowledge. Don’t veer off course by discussing technology’s downsides and smartphone addiction. That discussion, while potentially interesting, doesn’t address the prompt of “knowledge as a destructive force.” Focus on the most compelling examples that directly relate to your chosen topic.

5. Choose a side and stick to it

Pick a stance and defend it with conviction. It doesn’t matter which side you choose; just avoid presenting both sides as if you’re undecided. This “waffling” approach weakens your argument.

gre issue essay template pdf

5 Essay Prompts and Samples

We’ve explored the key objectives and strategies of the GRE Issue Essay. Now, let’s look at some prompts and sample essays. All the essays analyzed here were written in response to actual GRE Issue prompts.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 1: Universities should require students to take courses only within those fields they are interested in studying.

In contemporary academia, the question of whether universities should mandate students to solely pursue courses within their chosen fields of interest has sparked contentious debate. Advocates argue that such a measure fosters student engagement, enhances academic performance, and streamlines career pathways. On the other hand, opponents contend that exposure to diverse disciplines cultivates well-rounded individuals capable of addressing multifaceted challenges. Despite the opposing viewpoints, the advantages of requiring students to focus solely on their areas of interest outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Firstly, mandating students to pursue courses within their fields of interest promotes intrinsic motivation and engagement. When students study subjects they are passionate about, they are more likely to show enthusiasm, persistence, and dedication. This enthusiasm translates into higher levels of academic performance, as students are more inclined to invest time and effort in mastering the subject matter. Consequently, universities can expect to witness improved graduation rates and academic achievements, contributing to their reputation and academic excellence.

Furthermore, focusing on specialized courses enables students to develop expertise and proficiency in their chosen fields. In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and specialized knowledge, possessing in-depth knowledge and skills in a particular domain is essential for professional growth. By concentrating their efforts on courses relevant to their interests, students can acquire specialized knowledge, hone their skills, and cultivate a competitive edge in the job market. Consequently, graduates are better prepared to meet the demands of the workforce and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields.

Moreover, requiring students to concentrate on their areas of interest streamlines the educational process and facilitates timely degree completion. Oftentimes, students are required to fulfill numerous general education requirements that are unrelated to their majors, leading to prolonged graduation timelines and increased financial burdens. By eliminating non-essential coursework and focusing solely on relevant subjects, universities can optimize students’ academic trajectories and ensure efficient degree completion. This not only alleviates financial strain on students but also enables them to enter the workforce sooner, thereby accelerating their professional development.

Critics may argue that exposure to diverse disciplines cultivates critical thinking skills and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, both of which are essential for addressing complex real-world challenges. While this contention holds merit, it is imperative to recognize that students can still engage with diverse perspectives and disciplines within the context of their chosen fields. Many specialized courses incorporate interdisciplinary approaches, allowing students to explore diverse perspectives while maintaining a focused academic trajectory. Thus, the benefits of specialization need not come at the expense of interdisciplinary engagement.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 2: Those who see their ideas through, regardless of doubts or criticism others may express, are the ones who tend to leave a lasting legacy.

In the annals of history, there is a prevailing notion that individuals who tenaciously pursue their ideas despite facing skepticism or opposition are more likely to carve out a lasting legacy. While it holds some truth, a nuanced examination reveals that the relationship between perseverance and legacy is complex and multifaceted. While unwavering dedication to one’s ideas can indeed lead to significant accomplishments, it is equally important to acknowledge the role of adaptability, collaboration, and critical self-reflection in shaping a lasting legacy.

Undoubtedly, there are countless examples of individuals who have cemented their place in history through their unwavering commitment to their ideas. Consider the case of Mahatma Gandhi, whose steadfast belief in nonviolent resistance against British colonial rule led to India’s independence. Despite facing criticism, doubt, and even imprisonment, Gandhi remained resolute in his conviction, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire movements for social justice around the world. Similarly, visionaries like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk have reshaped industries and revolutionized technology through their relentless pursuit of their visions, despite encountering skepticism and resistance along the way.

However, while perseverance is undeniably a key ingredient in leaving a lasting legacy, it is not the sole determinant of success. In many cases, the ability to adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances is equally crucial. History is replete with examples of individuals who clung stubbornly to their ideas in the face of overwhelming evidence or societal change, only to see their legacies fade into obscurity as a result. The most enduring legacies are often those that can adapt to new challenges and embrace innovation, rather than remaining rigidly fixed in their original vision.

Moreover, the importance of collaboration and receptivity to criticism cannot be overstated in the context of legacy-building. While it is important to have confidence in one’s ideas, it is equally important to recognize that no individual possesses a monopoly on wisdom or insight. By engaging in dialogue with others, soliciting feedback, and fostering collaboration, individuals can enrich their ideas and increase their likelihood of leaving a lasting impact. History is filled with examples of groundbreaking innovations that emerged from the exchange of ideas and collaboration among diverse perspectives.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 3: The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.

In contemporary society, luxuries and conveniences have become ubiquitous, permeating nearly every aspect of daily life. From advanced technologies to streamlined services, modern individuals enjoy unprecedented levels of comfort and ease. However, amid this abundance of convenience lies a paradox: does the prevalence of luxuries hinder the development of individuals, preventing them from attaining true strength and independence? In this essay, I will explore the nuanced interplay between modern comforts and personal growth, arguing that while luxuries offer convenience, they also present challenges that can foster resilience and fortitude.

One of the primary arguments against the proliferation of luxuries is that they cultivate a sense of dependency among individuals. In an era where tasks are automated, and services are readily available at the touch of a button, people may become accustomed to relying on external aids to accomplish even the most basic activities. This overreliance on conveniences can diminish one’s ability to adapt and problem-solve in the face of adversity. For instance, the convenience of food delivery apps may deter individuals from learning cooking skills, leaving them vulnerable in situations where such services are unavailable or unaffordable.

Moreover, the comfort provided by modern luxuries may breed complacency, inhibiting individuals from pushing beyond their comfort zones and pursuing personal growth. When life’s challenges are cushioned by convenience, there is little incentive to confront difficulties head-on and develop resilience. This phenomenon is evident in the reluctance of some to engage in physically demanding activities or to undertake ambitious endeavors that require perseverance and determination. As a result, individuals may remain stagnant in their personal development, lacking the drive to strive for excellence and overcome obstacles.

However, it would be overly simplistic to dismiss the role of luxuries and conveniences as wholly detrimental to individual development. In reality, these amenities offer opportunities for personal growth and empowerment when approached with intentionality. Rather than stifling independence, the availability of resources can catalyze self-discovery and skill acquisition. For example, access to online educational platforms enables individuals to pursue lifelong learning and acquire new competencies at their own pace, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-reliance.

Furthermore, the convenience afforded by modern technologies can free up time and energy that can be redirected toward pursuits that nurture personal development. By delegating mundane tasks to automation and outsourcing, individuals can focus their efforts on cultivating their passions, honing their talents, and building meaningful connections with others.

While it is true that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life pose challenges to individual development, it would be shortsighted to overlook their potential benefits. Rather than viewing these amenities as impediments to strength and independence, we should recognize them as tools that can be leveraged to foster resilience, autonomy, and personal growth. By embracing the opportunities afforded by modern comforts while remaining mindful of their potential pitfalls, individuals can navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and emerge as truly strong and independent individuals.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 4: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.

While traditional notions of heroism may have shifted in the modern age, it is overly simplistic to conclude that society is categorically unable to recognize heroism in the present day. A closer examination reveals that heroism continues to manifest in diverse forms, and individuals are still capable of achieving heroic status in the eyes of the public, albeit through different avenues and under altered societal frameworks.

Historically, heroes were often revered for their exceptional bravery, selflessness, or extraordinary achievements in the face of adversity. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Rosa Parks exemplify this traditional archetype of heroism, having spearheaded movements for civil rights and social justice that transformed societies and inspired generations. However, in contemporary society, the parameters of heroism have expanded to encompass a broader spectrum of traits and actions. Heroes are no longer confined to battlefield valor or grand acts of altruism; instead, they may emerge from everyday contexts and show heroism through acts of kindness, resilience, and advocacy for marginalized communities.

Moreover, the advent of digital media and the 24-hour news cycle have democratized the dissemination of heroic narratives, allowing ordinary individuals to attain widespread recognition for their deeds. Social media platforms serve as amplifiers for stories of courage and compassion, enabling grassroots movements and amplifying the voices of previously overlooked heroes. From healthcare workers on the front lines of a global pandemic to activists advocating for environmental sustainability, contemporary heroes emerge from diverse backgrounds and engage in a myriad of endeavors aimed at fostering positive change in society.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the contemporary scenario of heroism is not without its complexities and challenges. In an era characterized by skepticism and disillusionment, the pedestal upon which heroes are placed is often precarious and subject to scrutiny and revision. The ubiquity of social media also means that heroes are more susceptible to scrutiny and criticism, with their actions subject to heightened scrutiny and public debate. Additionally, the proliferation of misinformation and the politicization of hero narratives can distort perceptions of heroism, leading to the idolization of individuals whose actions may not align with universally recognized ethical standards.

Nevertheless, despite these complexities, society remains capable of recognizing and celebrating heroism in its myriad forms. Whether it be the courage of a whistleblower exposing corruption, the compassion of a community rallying to support those in need or the advocacy of individuals championing social justice causes, heroism endures as a timeless and universal concept that transcends temporal and cultural boundaries. While the definition of heroism may evolve and adapt to changing societal norms, the intrinsic human capacity for empathy, courage, and selflessness ensures that heroes will continue to emerge and inspire admiration and reverence in the collective consciousness.

GRE Issue Essay Prompt 5: Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.

The question of whether governments should impose restrictions on scientific research and development is a contentious issue that implicates a delicate balance between innovation, ethical considerations, and societal welfare. While proponents of minimal government intervention argue that unrestricted scientific inquiry fosters progress and innovation, opponents contend that certain safeguards and regulations are necessary to mitigate potential risks and ethical concerns. In this essay, I will explore the complexities of this debate and argue that while governments should strive to facilitate scientific advancement, they must also enact prudent regulations to safeguard against potential harm and ensure that research serves the broader interests of society.

Advocates of unrestricted scientific research often invoke the imperatives of innovation and progress as primary justifications for minimal government intervention. They argue that scientific discovery thrives in an environment of intellectual freedom and unfettered exploration, unhampered by bureaucratic red tape or regulatory constraints. Indeed, history is full of examples of groundbreaking advancements that have emerged from unfettered scientific inquiry, from the discovery of penicillin to the development of vaccines and space exploration. By allowing researchers the freedom to pursue their inquiries without undue interference, governments can catalyze innovation and propel society forward into new frontiers of knowledge and understanding.

Furthermore, proponents of minimal restrictions on scientific research emphasize the importance of preserving academic freedom and protecting researchers from censorship or political interference. They contend that governmental regulations, particularly those motivated by ideological or political agendas, risk stifling scientific creativity and impeding the pursuit of truth. In an era marked by increasing polarization and skepticism among experts, safeguarding the autonomy of scientific inquiry is paramount to upholding the integrity of the scientific enterprise and maintaining public trust in the scientific community.

However, while the benefits of unrestricted scientific research are undeniable, it is equally important to recognize the potential risks and ethical considerations inherent in certain areas of inquiry. Scientific advancements have the potential to yield profound benefits for humanity, but they also carry the risk of unintended consequences and ethical dilemmas. With the development of biotechnologies and the potential for misuse of research with implications for environmental sustainability and public health, the ethical implications of scientific research cannot be overlooked or dismissed.

Moreover, the pursuit of scientific knowledge does not occur in a vacuum; it is inexorably intertwined with broader societal concerns and values. Governments have a responsibility to enact regulations that safeguard against potential harm and ensure that scientific research serves the collective good. This may entail implementing ethical guidelines, establishing oversight mechanisms, and enacting legislation to address emerging ethical dilemmas and technological risks. By striking a balance between promoting scientific innovation and protecting societal interests, governments can harness the transformative power of science while mitigating potential risks and maximizing the benefits for society as a whole.

Want to know more about the GRE essay writing? Go through Yocket Prep Premium !

From the Desk of Yocket

The purpose of the GRE exam Issue Essay is to assess a candidate’s ability to develop a well-reasoned argument. It pushes test-takers to think critically about complex topics, develop a clear position, and support it with evidence. This ability to understand an issue, form an opinion, and articulate it persuasively is important for success in many graduate programs.

However, the Issue Essay format also has limitations. The short time frame restricts the depth of analysis one can achieve. Real-world writing often involves collaboration, revision, and access to research materials. Additionally, the focus on a single, predetermined topic can feel somewhat artificial compared to the more nuanced and open-ended writing tasks encountered in academic settings. With Yocket GRE prep , you will receive valuable assistance in essay writing, helping you refine your skills and tackle the GRE essays with confidence.

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GRE Issue Essay Template and Sample Issue Essay

  • June 2, 2021 April 6, 2023

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The first essay you’ll have to write when you sit down to take the GRE is the GRE Issue Essay. It’s only 30 minutes and can be a bit of a challenge…

So you need a strong game plan.

But should you really worry about the essays since they don’t factor into your quantitative and verbal scores?


We tell our students that while the essay scores may not be of importance to graduate programs, the ease of writing them should be important to you. The Analysis of an Issue and Argument essays are the first sections of the GRE. You don’t want to go into them frazzled and anxious. You definitely don’t want to finish them feeling like you could have done better. Unfortunately, this anxiety will carry into the rest of the test and NOT pave the road to earning your best GRE score.

To help you relax into the essays and the rest of the test, we’re sharing the exact template and sample essay we show our GRE students. Before you take a look, read these tips on how to practice with them.

GRE Issue Essay Practice Tips

gre issue essay template and sample

1. Words to use in every issue essay are in blue on the template.

You want to have these transitions and links well practice so that you can use them automatically on the test. Obviously, if you’re not Arab, you should change the Arabic saying part to your language or culture.

2. Your GRE issue essay should be 4 or 5 paragraphs depending on the question.

Some questions ask you to evaluate another opinion, discuss a disadvantage, or give an opposing viewpoint. Therefore, you need another body paragraph to respond to that part of the prompt.

3. The sample GRE issue essay is directly from ETS, so don’t copy the essay.

Think about how your examples and reasons can be used to respond to the prompt.

PEEL means Point – Example – Explanation – Link. The blue in the sample essay shows how well the body paragraphs conform to the PEEL writing format.

5. Always outline your essay first.

It is very obvious to a trained reader when students don’t outline their essays first. You just have to jot down your opinion and reasons or examples in a quick list. This quick outline will help keep you focused and make your writing more cohesive.

6. Check out the full list of GRE issue essay prompts .

You shouldn’t write essays for each prompt (there are a lot). However, you should read over the whole list looking for differences in the ways questions are asked. Then, pick 10 prompts to practice outlining. Of those 10, pick 5 essays to write fully.

7. For extra practice, work on the parts, rather than the whole.

Just write an introduction, a body paragraph, or a conclusion for some of the essay prompts. After outlining, of course. This type of focused writing will improve the individual parts of the essay, resulting in an entire essay that is much better overall. You don’t have to write the parts for the same essay. Switch it up!

8. When you write a full essay, do it in 30 minutes.

Practice the way you are going to perform. By the time you write your second full essay, you should be writing in only 30 minutes. Set a timer and type the essay on the computer without using spell check or Grammarly. Ideally, you will write the essays when you do a full-length GRE practice test . It’s important to develop stamina for the full 4-hour test.

GRE Issue Essay Template

In Arabic we have a saying, “[relevant quote here even if you have to make it up].” Write your thesis as a direct response to the statement in the prompt. Preview your reasons in 1 sentence.

First, write your first reason here. For example, put your example here. Explain your example making sure to include as many vivid details as possible. [Example name] ’s example demonstrates that [reason 1 again].

Second, write your second reason here. For instance, put your example here. Explain your example making sure to include as many vivid details as possible.

[You may need another paragraph depending on what the prompt asks you to do.]

In summary, restate thesis. Restate your two reasons here. The examples of [example 1] and [example 2] show that [something profound related to the thesis].

GRE Issue Essay Sample Prompt

As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Sample GRE Issue Essay

[Hook] Surely there has been no time in history where the lived lives of people have changed more dramatically. [Thesis] Over the past century, technology has positively affected free thinking and human experience. [Preview of reasons] Not only does technology offer humans the necessary efficiency to tackle big problems, but it also unlocks the imagination to design solutions.

[Point] First, technology releases additional time for people to live more efficiently. [Example] For example, most people commute to work in an automobile that runs on an internal combustion engine. During the workday, chances are high that the employee will interact with a computer that processes information on silicon bridges that are .09 microns wide. Upon leaving home, family members will be reached through wireless networks that utilize satellites orbiting the earth. [Explanation] Without a car, computer, or mobile phone, the average worker would need to find alternate methods of transport, information processing and communication. [Link] Technology allows humans to spend time solving important high-level problems, rather than generating repetitive solutions to mundane issues.

[Point] Second, technology frees the human imagination to achieve once impossible goals. [Example] Consider how the late 20th century witnessed the complete elimination of smallpox. [Explanation]  This disease had ravaged the human race since prehistorical days, and yet with the technology of vaccines, free thinking humans dared to imagine a world free of smallpox. Using technology, battle plans were drawn out, and smallpox was systematically targeted and eradicated. [Link] By increasing reliance on technology, doctors were able to use it to provide hope to the future of humanity.

[This paragraph is necessary because the prompt asks to consider when your opinion might not hold true.]

[Point] The efficiency and imagination stimulated by technology does not preclude the need for humans to think for themselves. In fact, technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology, thereby requiring even more imagination to solve them. [Example] For instance, the proliferation of automobiles has introduced a need for fuel conservation on a global scale. With increasing energy demands from emerging markets, global warming becomes a concern inconceivable to the horse-and-buggy generation. [Explanation] Likewise, dependence on oil has created nation-states that are not dependent on taxation, allowing ruling parties to oppress minority groups such as women. [Link] Solutions to these complex problems require the unfettered imaginations of maverick scientists and politicians.

[Restatement of thesis] In summary, there is no need to fear the deleterious effects of technology on humans’ ability to think. [Restatement of reasons] Technology can free time and imagination for solving important problems. [Restatement of examples] Technology will always mark the human experience, from the invention of the automobile to the implementation of nanotechnology. Given the history of the human race, there will be no limit to the number of problems, both new and old, for us to tackle. [Closer] There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.

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The GRE ® General Test

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Analyze an Argument Task (in General Tests administered before September 22, 2023)

The "Analyze an Argument" task assesses your ability to:

  • understand, analyze and insightfully evaluate an argument written by someone else according to specific instructions
  • effectively communicate your evaluation in writing

Each topic consists of a brief passage in which the author makes a case for some course of action or interpretation of events by presenting claims backed by reasons and evidence.

Where to begin

Your task is to discuss the logical soundness of the author's case by critically examining the line of reasoning and the use of evidence. This task requires you to read the argument and instructions carefully. Read the argument more than once and make brief notes about points you want to develop more fully in your response. Pay special attention to what is:

  • offered as evidence, support or proof
  • explicitly stated, claimed or concluded
  • assumed or supposed, perhaps without justification or proof
  • not stated, but necessarily follows from or underlies what is stated

In addition, consider the  structure  of the argument — the way in which these elements are linked together to form a  line of reasoning . You should recognize the separate, sometimes implicit steps in the thinking process and consider whether the movement from each step to the next is logically sound. In tracing this line, look for transition words and phrases that suggest the author is attempting to make a logical connection (e.g., however, thus, therefore, evidently, hence, in conclusion).  

What you aren’t being asked to do

An important part of performing well on the Argument task is remembering what you are  not  being asked to do. You aren’t being asked to:

  • discuss whether the statements in the argument are true or accurate
  • agree or disagree with the position stated
  • express your own views on the subject being discussed (as you were in the Issue task)

Instead, you’re being asked to evaluate the logical soundness of an argument of another writer and, in doing so, to demonstrate the critical thinking, perceptive reading and analytical writing skills that university faculty consider important for success in graduate school.

Task instruction sets

Each task is accompanied by one of the following sets of instructions that you must be sure to address when writing your response:

  • Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
  • Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions, and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
  • Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
  • Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the advice and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the advice.
  • Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
  • Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the prediction.
  • Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument.
  • Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be addressed in order to decide whether the conclusion and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to the questions would help to evaluate the conclusion.

"Analyze an Argument" is a critical thinking task requiring a written response. Consequently, the analytical skills displayed in your evaluation carry great weight in determining your score; however, the clarity with which you convey ideas is also important to your overall score.

Understanding the context for writing: Purpose and audience of the Argument task

The purposes of the task are to see how well equipped you are to insightfully evaluate an argument written by someone else and to effectively communicate your evaluation in writing to an academic audience. Your audience consists of GRE raters carefully trained to apply the scoring criteria identified in the scoring guide for the "Analyze an Argument" task. To get a clearer idea of how GRE raters apply the Argument scoring criteria to actual essays, you should review scored sample Argument essay responses and rater commentary. The sample responses, particularly those at 5 and 6 score levels, will show you a variety of successful strategies for organizing and developing an insightful evaluation. The rater commentary discusses specific aspects of analytical writing, such as: cogency of ideas; development and support; organization; syntactic variety; and facility with language. The commentary points out aspects that are particularly effective and insightful as well as any that detract from the overall effectiveness of the responses.

Preparing for the Argument task

The Argument task is meant to assess analytical writing and informal reasoning skills you’ve developed throughout your education. You won’t be expected to know specific methods of analysis or technical terms.  

Understand key concepts

You should be familiar with the directions for the Argument task and with certain key concepts, including the following:

  • alternative explanation — a competing version of what might have caused the events in question that undercuts or qualifies the original explanation because it too can account for the observed facts
  • analysis — the process of breaking something (e.g., an argument) down into its component parts to understand how they work together to make up the whole
  • argument — a claim or a set of claims with reasons and evidence offered as support; a line of reasoning meant to demonstrate the truth or falsehood of something
  • assumption — a belief, often unstated or unexamined, that someone must hold to maintain a particular position; something that is taken for granted but that must be true in order for the  conclusion  to be true
  • conclusion — the end point reached by a line of reasoning, valid if the reasoning is sound; the resulting assertion
  • counterexample — an example, real or hypothetical, that refutes or disproves a statement in the  argument
  • evaluation — an assessment of the quality of evidence and reasons in an argument and of the overall merit of an  argument  

Published topic pools

An excellent way to prepare for the "Analyze an Argument" task is to practice writing on some of the  published Argument topics (PDF) . Even if you choose not to write a full essay response, you should find it helpful to practice evaluating a few of the arguments and sketching out your responses.

There’s no one way to practice that’s best for everyone. Some prefer to start practicing without adhering to the 30-minute time limit, so they have all the time they need to evaluate the argument and craft their response. Others prefer to take a “timed test” right away.  

Plan your response

Regardless of which approach you take, consider the following steps:

  • Carefully read the argument and the specific instructions — you might want to read them more than once.
  • Identify as many of the argument's claims, conclusions and underlying assumptions as possible and evaluate their quality.
  • Think of as many alternative explanations and counterexamples as you can.
  • Think of what specific additional evidence might weaken or lend support to the claims.
  • Ask yourself what changes in the argument would make the reasoning more sound.

Write down each of these thoughts. When you've gone as far as you can with your evaluation, look over the notes and put them in a good order for discussion (perhaps by numbering them). Then write an evaluation according to the specific instructions by fully developing each point that is relevant to those instructions.

When you become quicker and more confident, you should practice writing some Argument responses within the 30-minute time limit so that you will have a good sense of how to pace yourself in the actual test. For example, you will not want to discuss one point so exhaustively or to provide so many equivalent examples that you run out of time to make your other main points.  

Evaluate your response

When you’re finished writing your practice response, assess how you did to see how and where you can improve.

  • Get feedback on your response(s) from a writing instructor, philosophy teacher or someone who emphasizes critical thinking in their course
  • Trade papers on the same topic with fellow students and discuss each other's responses in terms of the scoring guide. Focus less on the "right scores" and more on seeing how the responses meet or miss the performance standards for each score point and what you need to do to improve.
  • Look at the  scoring guide for the Argument topic  and try to determine how your essay meets or misses the criteria for each score point in the guide. Comparing your own response to the scoring guide will help you see how and where to improve.

How to interpret numbers, percentages and statistics in Argument topics

Some arguments contain numbers, percentages or statistics offered only as evidence in support of the argument's conclusion. For example, an argument might claim that a certain community event is less popular this year than it was last year because only 100 people attended this year as compared with 150 last year, a 33% decline in attendance.

It is important to remember that you are not being asked to do a mathematical task with the numbers, percentages or statistics. Instead, you should evaluate these as evidence intended to support the conclusion. In the example above, the conclusion is that a community event has become less popular. You should ask yourself, "Does the difference between 100 people and 150 people support that conclusion?" In this case, there are other possible explanations, e.g., the weather might have been much worse this year, this year's event might have been held at an inconvenient time, etc.

Any one of these could explain the difference in attendance and weaken the conclusion that the event was "less popular." Similarly, percentages might support or weaken a conclusion depending on what actual numbers the percentages represent. Consider the claim that the drama club at a school deserves more funding because its membership has increased by 100%. This 100% increase could be significant if there had been 100 members and now there are 200 members, whereas the increase would be much less significant if there had been five members and now there are 10.

Remember that any numbers, percentages or statistics in Argument tasks are used only as evidence in support of a conclusion, and you should always consider whether they actually support the conclusion.

Tips for the Argument Task

Keep the following tips in mind:

  • You’re free to organize and develop your response in any way that will enable you to effectively communicate your position.
  • You can incorporate writing strategies you learned in English composition or writing-intensive college courses.
  • GRE raters will not be looking for a particular developmental strategy or mode of writing. In fact, when GRE raters are trained, they review hundreds of Argument responses that, although highly diverse in content and form, display similar levels of critical thinking and persuasive writing.
  • For example, raters will see some essays at the 6 score level that begin by briefly summarizing the argument and then explicitly stating and developing the main points of the evaluation. The raters know that a writer can earn a high score by developing several points in an evaluation or by identifying a central feature in the argument and developing that evaluation extensively. You might want to look at the sample Argument responses, particularly those at the 5 and 6 score levels, to see how other writers have successfully developed and organized their responses.
  • Make choices about format and organization that you think support and enhance the overall effectiveness of your evaluation. This means using as many or as few paragraphs as you consider appropriate for your response, e.g., create a new paragraph when your discussion shifts to a new point of evaluation.
  • You might want to organize your evaluation around the structure of the argument itself, discussing it line by line. Or you might want to first point out a central questionable assumption and then move on to discuss related weaknesses in the argument's line of reasoning.
  • Using examples can help illustrate an important point in your evaluation or move your discussion forward. However, remember that it’s your critical thinking and analytical writing that is being assessed, not your ability to come up with examples. What matters is not the form your response takes, but how insightfully you evaluate the argument and how articulately you communicate your evaluation to academic raters within the context of the task.

Sample Argument task, strategies, responses and rater commentary

For more information, review a sample Argument task, including strategies for the topic and essay responses with rater commentary at each score level.

The sample responses, particularly those at 5 and 6 score levels, will show you a variety of successful strategies for organizing and developing an insightful evaluation. The rater commentary discusses specific aspects of analytical writing, such as:

  • cogency of ideas
  • development and support
  • organization
  • syntactic variety
  • facility with language

The commentary also points out aspects that are particularly effective and insightful, as well as any that detract from the overall effectiveness of the responses.

Pool of Argument topics

When you take the GRE General Test, you’ll be presented with one Argument topic from the pool. To help you prepare, we’ve published the entire pool of tasks from which your issue will be selected.


  1. The GRE Analytical Writing Templates

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    gre issue essay template pdf


    gre issue essay template pdf


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  1. PDF Analytical Writing Sample Essays and Commentaries Large Print (18 ...

    The Analytical Writing portion of the GRE®General Test consists of two writing topics, an Issue topic and an Argument topic. This document contains the writing topics for Practice Test #3, the scoring guides for each section, and sample responses with commentaries for each topic. Note: Sample responses are reproduced exactly as written ...

  2. PDF sample-issue-task

    Here is a sample Issue task that you might encounter on the GRE Analytical Writing measure: As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take ...

  3. PDF Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries for Analytical Writing ...

    The Analytical Writing portion of the GRE consists of two writing topics, an Issue topic and an Argument topic. Analyze an Issue Sample Issue Topic Directions Directions: The Analytical Writing portion of the GRE consists of two writing topics: Analyze an Issue and Analyze an Argument. For this section, Analyze an Issue will be the writing topic.

  4. GRE Issue Essay: Strategies + 8 Real Student Essays with Scores

    Need help with the GRE Issue essay? Magoosh's experts have all the tips and sample essays you need to help you get a great score!

  5. How to Structure the GRE Issue Essay

    Here's how to structure each paragraph in your template (taken from our GRE study guide ): Although the reader will have access to the prompt you received, your essay should stand on its own, making clear the assignment you were given and your response to it. Start your essay by clearly restating the issue you were assigned, followed by a ...

  6. GRE General Test Analytical Writing Analyze an Issue Task

    Prepare for the GRE Analytical Writing Analyze an Issue Task. Find tips, sample essay responses with explanation, and the pool of Issue topics.

  7. PDF The GRE Analytical Writing Templates

    The GRE Analytical Writing Templates When it comes to GRE essays, most test takers tend to forget that not all that you write on your test day has to be 100% prompt or topic specific. There are parts of the essay that can be written prior to your exam and used as-is or with slight adjustments. We call this smart writing. Isn't it smart, eh?

  8. PDF issue-pool

    Pool of Issue Topics This page contains the Issue topics for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE® General Test. When you take the test, you will be presented with one Issue topic from this pool. Each Issue topic consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to the issue.

  9. FREE 300-page GRE Course: Analytical Writing Essays (sample templates

    To complete the Analysis of Argument question on the GRE AWA Free 800score's online course breaks down the steps. Analytical Writing provides a template for a good essay.

  10. 4 Top-Scoring GRE Sample Essays, Analyzed (Issue + Argument)

    Looking for GRE sample essays? Our guide includes in depth analysis of 4 GRE essay examples, plus take-away tips on how craft a high-scoring essay.

  11. GRE Issue Essay Tips and a Bulletproof Template

    Write a high-scoring GRE Issue Essay - here are my favorite tips, including an easy-to-follow template. Watch Vince brainstorm a prompt in a video!

  12. GRE Essay: Tips on Approaching the GRE Analytical Writing Section

    Wondering what the GRE essay entails? Here is what you need to know about the GRE AWA section (Analytical Writing Assessment).

  13. PDF GRE Practice Test 1 Writing Responses 18 point

    Analytical Writing Sample Essays with Reader Commentaries The Analytical Writing portion of the GRE® General Test consists of one writing task. This document contains the writing topic for Practice Test #1, the scoring guide, and sample responses with commentaries.

  14. GRE Issue Essay: Practice Sample Prompts

    GRE Issue Essay: Practice Sample Prompts The GRE Issue Essay will provide a brief quotation on an issue of general interest and instructions on how to respond. You must evaluate the issue and develop an argument with support for your side of the issue. In the GRE Issue Essay, you will be developing your own argument.

  15. GRE Issue Essay: Elements, Structure, Strategies & Samples

    Explore GRE issue essay its essential elements, structure, effective strategies, and sample essays for mastering GRE essay. Enhance your preparation with comprehensive insights and guidance to excel in this section.

  16. PDF Pool of Issue Topics

    Pool of Issue Topics This page contains the Issue topics for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE® revised General Test. When you take the test, you will be presented with one Issue topic from this pool. Each Issue topic consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to the ...

  17. GRE Issue Essay Template and Sample Issue Essay

    The first essay you'll have to write when you sit down to take the GRE is the GRE Issue Essay. Here's the template we use with sample essay.

  18. GRE General Test Analytical Writing Overview

    The Analytical Writing measure of the GRE General Test administered beginning September 22, 2023, assesses your critical thinking and analytical writing skills by assessing your ability to: It doesn't assess specific content knowledge. The Analytical Writing measure consists of a 30-minute "Analyze an Issue" task.

  19. PDF GRE Analytical Writing

    The. GRE is a college admission test that measures your readiness for graduate school. Similar to the SAT, the GRE is organized into three sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. Some graduate programs do not require the GRE to apply, so do some research on your desired program before signing up.

  20. PDF Overview of the Analytical Writing Section

    3BIntroduction. The Analytical Writing section of the Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) tests your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It assesses your ability to articulate and support complex ideas, construct and evaluate arguments, and sustain a focused and coherent discussion.

  21. GRE Pool Essay Topics

    GRE sample issue pool essay topic 18. Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ...

  22. GRE General Test Analytical Writing Analyze an Argument Task

    Prepare for the GRE Analytical Writing Analyze an Argument Task. Find tips, sample essay responses with explanation, and the pool of Issue topics.