English Aspirants

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay [100, 120, 150, 250 Words]

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay: The historical places are much of educational and historical value. n this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on a visit to a historical place. Here we’ve provided 4 short and long essays (100, 120, 150, and 250 words). These essays/paragraphs will be helpful for the students of all the classes (class 1 to class 12). So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay: 100 Words

Recently our school organized an educational trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra. The Taj Mahal is the most beautiful monument built in the Mughal period. It is one of the wonders of the world. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

This gateway of Taj Mahal is built with the use of Red Sandstone. There is a beautiful garden that begins at the main gateway and ends at the base of the monument. The building is made of pure white marble. It took twenty thousand workmen and twenty years to build. The monument is built on the bank of the river Yamuna.  It was the most beautiful building I had ever seen.

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay

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A Visit to a Historical Place Essay: 120 Words

Last Sunday, we went to the Red Fort by a specially hired bus. Along the entrance two rows of shops selling various objects of art besides selling handicrafts. During the Mughal times, this was known as Meena Bazaar. After crossing the lawn, we reached the historic building known as ‘Naubat Khana’. Then we saw ‘Diwan-e-Aam’ or the Hall of Public Audience.

Then we went to the ’Rang Mahal’ which was a place of pleasures and richly inlaid with precious stones in the Mughal period. There is a ‘Khas Mahal’ beside the Rang Mahal. It has a beautiful marble screen. The Red Fort also has the War Memorial Museum where weapons used in the First World War are exhibited. We got to see many historical things that we read in our books. We enjoyed the trip very much.

Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place

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Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place: 150 Words

My dream came true when last month our history teacher arranged a trip to Agra for us. It was 24 October when we reached there. That very afternoon we went to see the famous Taj Mahal. It is a masterpiece of architecture-all in marble. We admired the four more mosques with tall slender minarets and the huge central dome. The surroundings lend beauty to it. The mausoleum stands in the center of a big garden with marble water channels, rows of fountains, and stately cypress trees.

The tombs of Shah Jahan and his wife lie beneath the dome. We went to see the Agra Fort too. When Shah Jahan was confined there, he spent his time gazing at the mausoleum of his creation from his prison window. We saw things that we had read about in our books-the Dewan-i-Am, the Diwan-i-Khas, the Pearl Mosque, and the Shish Mahal. A visit to a place of historical importance does make history real and interesting. It was a wonderful trip.

A Visit to a Historical Place

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay: 200-250 Words

A visit to a historical place is very educative. It instructs as well as entertains us. I am fond of visiting historical buildings. Last year, I went to Agra to see the Taj Mahal. In the evening, we went to see the Taj Mahal. I had heard a lot about the beauty of the Taj Mahal. But reality surpassed the descriptions that had been given to me.

It is a wonder in marble, a specimen of Mughal art. Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan in the sweet memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It was built about three hundred and fifty years ago.  It stands on the right bank of the river Yamuna. The gateway which is made of red stone is very beautiful. The garden is very lovely. The tall dark cypress trees, smooth green lawns, and the beds of flowers are pleasing to the eyes. The fountains flow here and there.

The main building is made of white marble. It stands on a raised platform. At its four corners, there are four stately towers. Inside the tomb, Emperor Shah Jahan and his beloved Mumtaz Mahal lie buried side by side. This monument tells us about the expertise of the artists and craftsmen of that era. The visit to the Taj Mahal was a wonderful experience for us. It was both enjoyable and educational.

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  • A Visit to a Historical Place: Long and Short Essay


Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place

Our Principal made an announcement in the school assembly that students would be taken to Agra to visit one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal, and a wave of joy ran through us all. Here is ‘A Visit to a Historical Place’ essay in English for students of Class 5 and above. Simple and short sentences are used in this essay for an easy understanding of all students. They will be able to write their own paragraph on "My visit to a Historical place" in English if they go through the points in the essay given below.

Essays On - 'Trip to a Historical Site' for Students of Class 5 and Above

To assist you with your writing, we've included two examples of essays in English for children and teenagers on the theme of 'Visit to a Historical Place,' written in both long and short form. 

Seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth-grade students and those preparing for competitive exams will benefit from reading this extended essay about a trip to a historical site. The other essay, which should be between 150 and 200 words long, is a brief account of a visit to a historical site. It is helpful for all students and children upto 6th grade.

Essay on A Visit to a Place of Historical Importance

Our school had already announced that we were going to see the Taj Mahal. We were elated and were wondering how thrilling, and exciting this experience would be. We had heard and read about it- there was a full chapter in our history book on Taj Mahal, but now we were about to see it for real.

Our principal and teachers had planned for all of us to visit the Taj Mahal on a full moon night. We were told that on the full moon night the monument looks even more glamorous and glorious, and it makes for a splendid spectacle. This added even more excitement to the previous announcement. We would have had to stay awake the whole night but so what? For such a wonderful experience, it was not a big deal.

We were asked to assemble on a Saturday afternoon at the school campus. We were instructed to carry our packed dinner-boxes and water bottles. We were strictly prohibited from buying any eatables there or littering the Taj Garden’s premises. We were warned against buying the souvenirs from the crafty hawkers. These instructions and warnings were repeated to us over and over again. First by our Principal, then by the respective teachers who were in charge of our groups into which we were divided.

We had brought consent from our parents in writing for this trip. From Delhi to Agra, we had to travel by bus, it was around a 5 hours journey. We assembled at the school campus at the given time, and were divided into groups. The teachers took charge of the respective groups, our teacher in charge asked us to stand in a queue, she called out our names from a list that she carried. The items each one of us was carrying were inspected, and then we went ahead to board the buses. 

As we started to move out of the school campus, we all hailed the school with three cheers in a chorus and the journey began. After about 5 hours we were told that we were at The Taj Mahal. The full moon was shining in the sky right above us. The premises seemed like it was filled with the milky hue. We left our buses at a little distance and stepped down. Again, our teachers called out our names from the lists, and we all stood in a straight line. We followed our teacher and walked towards the monument.

After a little while, we were at the main gate of The Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal glowed in the full moonlight in its grandeur. We all felt wonderstruck by the majesty, beauty, and opulence of the dome structure. The moonlit premises added elegance to the mystique. The Taj Mahal resembled a white swan standing still in a sprawling milk lake. The fountains on the campus were bubbling and bursting along the pathway. The fountains were flanked by the green lawns on either side. It was heavily crowded. Men, women, and children were trying to find a way for themselves. There were so many foreigners looking at the monument like they were totally wonderstruck.

We had to ramble to make it to the main platform, took off our shoes at the entrance, and were up on the main platform on which stood the great monument. The four minarets stood like sentinels on the four corners. After about two hours of wandering and rejoicing around the ‘Dream in Marble’, we came down to the lawns to open our dinner packets. Thereafter, it was time to begin our return journey.

A Visit to a Historical Place Short Essay

Last Sunday, I visited the Taj Mahal with my family. It was a dream come true for us to have visited the architectural marvel about which we have heard so much and had read so much in our books. We started feeling proud of our country to have this magnificent form of art.

Our history teacher asked us to assemble at a place and started explaining how the Mughal emperor Shahjahan got this monument built as a mausoleum for his beloved queen Mumtaz Mahal. He had stated his desire to be buried by her side after his death. So, there were the two graves inside the mausoleum placed side by side.

We roamed around, kept adoring the astounding beauty, and were amazed at the artistry of the fine carvings. How gifted must those hands be which created that piece of art with so much artistry, we pondered. We looked at the Taj Mahal at one glance and in the second looked at the full moon in the sky. The Taj Mahal looked no less marvellous than the moon in the sky.

River Yamuna flows on the backside of this magnificent monument. It was as if the Yamuna was washing the feet of this marvellous wonder with a full sense of gratitude. For two hours, we went around this monument only rejoicing and wondering.

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay for Class 10, 12, and Graduation Students

Throughout India, there are several historical sites. The land is peppered with mediaeval temples and forts from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Ruins of ninth-century Martand temple in Kashmir is flocked by many tourists every year

The Allahabad Fort was on my trip. Much has changed since then, yet the Allahabad Fort remains. Because of its superior architecture and beauty, Akbar ordered its construction in 1583. That of Agra is inferior. As the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers, in a triangle shape. Like the Agra fort's crimson sandstone walls.

Three of the city's main entrances include towers. This is because the Ganga and Yamuna rivers flow east and south. Just like the Agra Fort, this gate has a lot of hefty outworks. Built on the Mughal empire's eastern frontier, this fort symbolised the empire's eastward advance. When Allahabad began, it was a major metropolis.

This caused the fort's roof to collapse, destroying much of its former splendour. Allahabad was originally part of the Magadha Empire, and I instantly recognised the Ashoka pillar. The pillar has an ode to Samudragupta, the Magadha ruler, which I read aloud.

I visited the famed Prayag relic, Patalpuri Temple, one of the oldest remaining pre-Muslim buildings. Close to the arsenal's northern wall sits this shrine. It seems the fort was built to be erected far higher than the temple.

The Akshaya Var tree was again in my path as I continued walking. This tree's wish-fulfilling well is said to be a popular destination for folklore lovers. Akbar stopped it. The Mughal Governor's (Military Commander's) pavilion, however, was  most inviting with Beautiful pillars. They had impeccable taste.

The British decided to demolish a considerable portion of the fort to make place for a school, reducing its beauty. At present, the historic palace is now an arsenal.

Then I went back to Triveni for a swim. I lauded the Ganga's merits after my Allahabad Fort visit. Comparing the old and new forts at Allahabad, it is evident that the old fort at Allahabad is in ruins, while the new fort at Allahabad demonstrates neglect.

Describe a Trip to a Historical Site in Ten Lines

The Principal addressed the assembly, announcing a visit to Agra's Taj Mahal. The students are ecstatic.

Parental permission is required—on-time arrival on school property.

Teachers were given groups of pupils to whom they would do roll calls.

The five-hour trip to the Taj Mahal with their lunch bags was delightful and entertaining.

The full moon illuminated the night. From the front gate, the Taj was magnificent.

The description of the campus's lovely grass and fountains.

We reached the central platform after taking off our shoes.

The history instructor gathered the guys and recounted the Taj's whole history to them.

In the moonlight, the white marble monument resembles a swan swimming in a milk lake, Yamuna flows behind the Taj Mahal, the Yamuna cleanses the feet of Taj.

We re-boarded the buses two hours later and arrived in Delhi in the evening. Furthermore, it was a one-of-a-kind encounter.

The Taj Mahal is immortal. It may have been the beauty concretized in pure white marble. It may have been called a joy forever, but unfortunately in the materialistic world of today, even the beauty of the Taj Mahal is in danger because of the effluent Nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide being emitted by the Mathura refinery. Let us hope the scientists are able to find a fix and can save our Taj Mahal.


FAQs on A Visit to a Historical Place: Long and Short Essay

1) Why is it important to preserve historical sites?

As a nation, we must do everything we can to protect our nation's historical records and legacy.

2) How do you understand the term ‘historical sites’?

It's a place where the history of a country or region has been preserved. It is accessible to the general public because of its historical significance.

3) What significance do historical sites have?

The most crucial aspect of preserving historical sites is the incorporation of new architectural elements. An abundance of historical and cultural tourism gets actively promoted in the area.

4)  For what reason are people drawn to historic sites?

India's forts, temples, and Mughal architecture are reminders of the country's illustrious history. You'll learn more about India's rich history if you unravel the mysteries of these wonders.

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Essay on A Visit To A Historical Place | A Visit To A Historical Place Essay for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by sastry

Essay on A Visit To A Historical Place: India is a country of rich culture and has centuries of history and tradition of its own. Thus, the country is full of places which are rich in traditions, are important historically, economically, politically or sociologically. Moreover, the diversity that it presents baffles many because the diversity is not only geographical but social and cultural as well. Thus, India attracts thousands of tourists from all around the globe.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on A Visit To A Historical Place for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘A Visit To A Historical Place’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on A Visit To A Historical Place of 400-500 words. This long essay about A Visit To A Historical Place is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on A Visit To A Historical Place of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on A Visit To A Historical Place 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on A Visit To A Historical Place of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Last year, I had a chance to visit Agra with my uncle’s family. As soon as I got the invitation, I accepted it because Agra has been a great centre for art and architecture from the Mughal period. It goes to Akbar’s credit to transform Agra into a great city of cultural and historical importance. Interestingly, these monuments have the depictions of both Hindu and Islamic cultures and architectures.

History stands testimony that the old brick fort of Sikandar Lodhi was dismantled by Akbar and a magnificent fortress of rust coloured sandstone was built. For the same reason, the ‘Fort of Agra’ is also known as ‘Lai Quila’. This fort was built by Akbar, in AD 1565. It took 8 years to be completed.

The fort is said to have 500 buildings in the style of Bengali and Gujarati architecture. This is what Akbar’s historian Abul Fazal had recorded. But unfortunately only a few survive today and the successors of Akbar too subsequently made a few changes and additions. The fort stands on the banks of the river Yamuna with double walls to protect it. These walls are very high.

The fort has four gates. Presently, the entry to the fort is allowed through the gate in the South of the fort called the Amar Singh Rathore Gate. Just outside the gate is a stone statue of a horse’s head built by Amar Singh Rathore of Jodhpur in remembrance of his faithful horse that had jumped the walls of the fort and lost its legs in order to save its master.

The gate on the West side of the fort is called the Delhi Gate at whose entrance are the famous statues of Jamal and Patta who had laid down their lives fighting for Akbar. The space between the fort and the river was used for holding elephant fights.

Right behind is Akbar’s majestic Palace, the roof and floor of which are made of red stone. The Diwan-e-Aam of the Palace was the place where he held his Darbar and dispensed justice. We also saw the Diwan-e-Khas and the Machhli Bhavan. Close to the Diwan-e-Aam is the Meena Bazaar. To the West is the building which is a very curious kind of a Hide and Seek building.

It is said ithat Akbar was indebted to the blessings of Sufi of Sikri, Sheikh Salim Chishti for the birth of his son. Therefore, in order to show his gratitude, Akbar built and developed Sikri and decided to shift his capital there. The place is 40 km to the South-West of Agra. He named it as Fatehpur Sikri. The buildings at Fatehpur Sikri are outstanding in their carvings.

There is an Ibadat-Khana built for holding discussions on matters of religion. But the crowning glory of the city is the Jama Mosque which can accommodate 10,000 worshippers and is believed to be the replica of the Mosque at Mecca.

It is a monumental example of a mixture of Persian and Indian styles. Inside the Mosque is the tomb of Sheikh Salim Chisti. Right at the entrance of the Mosque is the famous Buland Darwaza which is 41 metres high from the ground level. Other structures to see at Fatehpur Sikri are the Panch Mahal, Jodha Bai’s Palace, the Sunhera Makan and many other buildings.

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Essay on A Visit To A Historical Place

Short Essay on A Visit To A Historical Place 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on A Visit To A Historical Place is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

We went to see the great Taj Mahal on the banks of the river Yamuna. It surely is a ‘wonder of the world’ as it is beyond any description. Words would fall short to describe this “Symbol of Eternal Love”. It is beautifully decorated with precious and carved stones. It is built in the memory of Shah Jahan’s beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.

The real tomb of the queen lies in a small room downstairs made of white and black marbles. Scriptures and verses from the Quran are engraved on the walls along with lovely floral designs and different coloured carved precious stones.

Its overall architectural brilliance is still a question for modern builders and architects. They get really surprised to see the fullproof plan of the Taj Mahal built at the time when technology was not that much advanced. It’s extra-ordinary beauty also made us utter ‘Waah Taj!’ However, just one thing that pinched me was how recklessly people have ruined this historic beauty. But our government has taken the right step at the right time by relocating the factories far off from the Taj Mahal. It was thus an overall enriching and enlightening experience to visit these places.

It is really a ‘dream in marble’ as thousands of poets have attempted to describe it in many ways. One gets speechless on seeing this great spectacle of marble. It was an extremely mesmerising trip.

Since then Agra and Fatehpur Sikri have become my favourite destination to spend my vacations. I am now eagerly waiting for another chance to visit Agra.

A Visit To A Historical Place Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Baffles – confuse, puzzle
  • Dismantled – demolished, destroyed
  • Fortress – a large fort or fortified town
  • Dispensed – to administer
  • Carvings – the cutting of material such as stone or wood to form a figure or design
  • Replica – an exact copy or reproduction, esp on a smaller scale
  • Carved – to engrave or cut figures
  • Reckless – careless, irresponsible
  • Spectacle – an elaborate and remarkable display on a lavish scale
  • Mesmerising – attract strongly, as if with a magnet
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  • A Visit To A Historical Place Essay

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay

500+ words a visit to a historical place essay.

India is a land of rich culture and history. So in every part of India, there will be some history related to it. If we want to know about the history of famous Indian kingdoms, there is no better place than Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. If we want to know the history of literature and arts, then West Bengal, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are some fine places. If we want to know about the history of British rule in India, then Delhi, Punjab, Gujarat, and West Bengal are the best places to start with. Every place in India has a history attached to it. A Visit to a Historical Place Essay will help students to write an effective essay on this topic. Here is a sample essay for students’ reference. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays on different topics, which will help students in improving their essay-writing skills.

Best Historical Places to Visit in India

India is a diverse country which has enriched its history. The past of India can be traced from the study of different rulers, empires and kingdoms. There are several historical places in India which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. They all exhibit different cultural and historical aspects. We’ve rounded up the best historical places in India that everyone should visit.

The Taj Mahal is India’s most famous monument and one of the “Seven Wonders” of the world. This marble mausoleum is situated on the bank of the Yamuna river in Agra. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The complete construction of the Taj Mahal took around 22 years of time duration. It is made of white marble and exhibits tremendous beauty.

Hampi is an ancient village in the south Indian state of Karnataka. Its history is traced to numerous ruined temple complexes from the Vijayanagar empire, which show that Hampi was the capital of Vijayanagar. Hampi is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Fatehpur Sikri is situated near Agra in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It was the capital of the Mughal Empire in the 16th century. To give tribute to the famous Sufi saint Sheikh Salim Chishti, emperor Akbar founded the Fatehpur Sikri from the twin villages of Fatehpur and Sikri in 1569. It got the status of a World Heritage Site in 1986.

Jallianwala Bagh is a historical garden near the Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab, which was established by the Indian Government in 1951 to commemorate the massacre of Indian protesters by British military troops. It is a site of a sad but defining moment in the freedom struggle of India’s history. On 13th April 1919, following the instruction of Brigadier General R.E.H. Dyer, the British troops did open fire on a large group of unarmed protesters. In this firing, more than ten thousand people were killed, which is also known as the Amritsar Massacre.

Gateway of India: The Gateway of India subsequently played a significant part in India’s history. It is an arc monument built in the 20th century. Presently, it is situated in Mumbai city. It was built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary in 1911. When India attained Independence, the last British troops departed through it in 1948.

Red Fort, also known as Lal Qila, is a historical fort in old Delhi. It was built as a palace by the 5th Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, as he decided to shift his capital from Agra to Delhi in 1638. The capital was known as Shahjahanabad which is currently present in Old Delhi. The fort represents the Mughal architecture under the Shah Jahan emperor that combines Persianate palace architecture with Indian traditions.

Ajanta Ellora Caves is the largest rock-cut Hindu temple in the world which is carved into hillside rock in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. There are around 100 caves at the site, but only 34 caves are open for public view.

Hence, from temples and stunning monuments to palaces and forts, there are various historical monuments in India that people can go for visit. It will also help them to explore these places, their history, culture and traditions.

My Visit to a Historical Place Essay

To write an essay on my visit to a historical place, students can choose any place where they have visited. Then they can share their experience and feelings by putting them in an essay format. To get more detail about the place, they can discuss it with their parents and teachers. If required, they can also search it on the internet. To begin the essay, they can start like, “In the month of December 2019, I visited Qutub Minar complexes and Humanyun Tomb in Delhi.

Both are marvels of mediaeval architecture.” Then, they can describe the place in detail.

Students must have found “A Visit to a Historical Place Essay” useful for improving their essay writing skills. Visit the BYJU’S website to get the latest updates and study material on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams.

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Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place

Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place | A Visit To A Historical Place Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place: It was planned by our school to go out to Agra to see one of the seven wonders of the world the Taj. The announcement was made in the school assembly by the Principal that students would be taken to Agra and the announcement sent a wave of joy and elation among all of us. How thrilling would be this experience; how exciting how wonderful. We had heard a lot about the Taj, we had even read about it in our books; we had a full chapter on it in our history book, but now was going to be the occasion to really see with our own eyes what we had thus far only heard about or had read about.

Long Essay on A Visit To A Historical Place 500+ Words in English

Short essay on a visit to a historical place 200 words in english.

  • 10 Lines on a Visit to a Historical Place
  • Why is it important to protect historical places?
  • What do you mean by Historical Places?
  • Why are historical places important?
  • Why do people like to visit historic places?

Long and Short Essays on A Visit To A Historical Place for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘A Visit To A Historical Place’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the A Visit To A Historical Place of 400-500 words. This long essay about A Visit To A Historical Place is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on A Visit To A Historical Place of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place

Below we have given a long essay on A Visit To A Historical Place of 500+ words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

It was so planned by our principal and teachers that we would visit the Taj on the ‘full moon’ night; that makes the great monument look so glorious and so glamorous it makes a splendid spectacle that is what our teachers told us. This planning added even more to our excitement. We may be required to keep awake the whole night but what of that? one night’s sleep to be given up for such a wonderful experience no great sacrifice.

We were required to assemble on Saturday afternoon by 2 p.m. in the school campus. We were asked to carry our dinner packet with us and the water bottle. We were not to buy any eatables there nor to throw out any thing within the campus of the Taj Gardens. We were also strictly warned not to be veered away into purchasing any items as souvenirs by the unscmpulous and crafty hawkers there who roam around to fleece the unwary. All these warnings and instructions were over and over again repeated to us by our principal and then by our teachers in charge of our batches into which we had been divided.

We had told about this trip to our parents at home and they had given their consent happily for this trip. From Delhi to Agra by bus, it was going to be about a five hours journey each side. We were all assembled in the school campus at the appointed hour, were divided into batches the teacher in charge of each batch took charge of his batch, asked us to form ourselves in a line, called up our names for a roll call inspected the items that each one of us was carrying and all this having been done, we were directed to board the buses.

Importance of Historic Places

It was excitement all over as it was going to be a great day for us. Only some of us had seen the Taj earlier but none had seen it on a full moon night. That was going to be a real experience.

As the buses moved out of the school campus, we all in a chorus, hailed the school by its name with ‘three cheers’ arid the journey started. We sang aloud the school prayer. Our teachers joined us and then started the session of songs some of our companions sang very well some songs from the popular films and it was all a ‘let- loose’, the atmosphere we were given quite the freedom to indulge in it.

How these five hours passed we hardly could feel we were nearing Agra no we had passed through the roads of Agra and we were told, we were at ‘The Taj’. The full moon shone in the sky. The whole campus seemed as if filled with the milky hue. Splendid was the word that spontaneously came out in one voice from all.

Leaving our buses at a little distance from the main monument we stepped down, our roll call taken and we marched in an orderly manner to our cherished destination, and only after a while we were at the main gate The Taj, th£ dream in white marble glowed in the moonlight in its full splendor. We felt wonderstruck at the beauty, the majesty, and the magnificence of the domed structure. The moonlit campus added glory to glamour the Taj looked like a white swan stood still in a sprawling lake of milk.

There were fountains bubbling and bursting out all along the pathway. Green lawns flanked their sides. Crowds of people, men, women, and children, all jostling to find a way for themselves it was a crowd indeed and so many foreigners so many of them looking at the monument as though completely wonderstruck.

We walked, rather rambled to reach the main platform, took off our shoes as was required, and placed them in charge of the custodian. We were up on the main platform over which stood the great monument. Four minarets on the four comers stood like sentinels.

Below we have given a short essay on A Visit To A Historical Place is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Our teacher of history got us to assemble at a place and told us how the emperor Shahjahan, the Mughal emperor, had got this monument built as a mausoleum for his beloved queen Mumtaz Mahal and had desired himself also to be buried by her side after his death. So there were the two graves side by side within the mausoleum. We roamed around, were astounded at the beauty and artistry of the fine carvings how fine must have been those fingers who with so much artistry created this piece of art. Sometimes we saw towards the Taj and the next moment looked up towards the moon in the sky. The Taj looked no less beautiful than the moon in heaven.

It was for us a dream come true to have come to visit this architectural wonder about which we had heard so much, read so much. Really our country can truly be proud of this piece of art.

On the backside flowed the placid Yamuna, as if with a full sense of gratification in the honor of washing the feet of this wonder of wonders.

For full two hours, we were going round and round this monument only wondering and rejoicing. It was now getting about 10 in the night when we came down to sprawl over the lawns to open our tiffin packets. Thereafter was to start our return journey.

We did reach our buses casting the last lingering looks at the ‘Dream in Marble’ that we had seen. We were back to our homes when the rays of the rising sun were looking from the crevices of the windows.

It shall be a memorable experience for me, rather for us all, never to be erased from our memory.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

10 Lines on a visit to a historical place

  • Announcement by the Principal in the assembly a visit to the Taj in Agra. Great excitement among students.
  • Permission from the patents taken. Arrival at the school campus at the appointed hour on the fixed date.
  • Students divided into batches, each batch in charge of a teacher who took the roll call of his batch.
  • Boarding the buses with their respective lunch packets and after a joyful and hilarious journey of five hours reached the Taj.
  • It was the full moonlit night The very first sight of the Taj from the main gate was so enchanting.
  • Description of the campus green lawns and fountains.
  • Reaching the main platform after putting off the shoes.
  • The History teacher assembled the boys and told them about the whole history of the-Taj.
  • The beauty of the white marble monument in the moonlit night like a swan in the lake of milk. The river Yamuna washing the feet as if at the back.
  • After spending two hours enjoying the beauty, had dinner from the packed tiffin box, came back to the buses and by daybreak were back to Delhi. A memorable experience.

What do you mean by Historic Places

FAQs on Essay on A Visit to Historical Place

1.  Why is it important to protect historical places?

Preserving Historical Places is necessary in order to retain our nation’s heritage and history.

2. What do you mean by Historical Places?

Historic site or heritage site is an official location where pieces of political, military, cultural, or social history have been preserved due to their cultural heritage value.

3. Why are historical places important?

The most important matter of historical places is innovation in architecture. This attracts tourists and increases historical and cultural tourism.

4. Why do people like to visit historic places?

The roots of Indian history lie in its historic forts, the ancient temples, and the alluring Mughal architecture. Unraveling these marvels will offer you a peek into the rich Indian history.

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Tourism Essay Topics & Examples

Travelling adds colors and new experiences to our life. It enables one to learn something new, break the boundaries, and expand a mindset. Indeed, the importance of tourism is hard to overestimate. It is the easiest way to learn about a country, its culture, and the people. Tourism is also vital for the economy because a lot of businesses depend on people visiting.

Besides mass tourism, other forms exist. There is medical tourism, niche tourism, sustainable tourism, winter tourism, volunteer tourism, etc. You need to carefully choose what to write about if you need to compose a paper on a related topic.

Looking for travel and tourism essay topics? To help you write an excellent essay about tourism, we’ve combined a list of suggestions. These tips will be beneficial for you whether you need to write a short tourism essay or a more solid research paper about travel industry.

In this article prepared by our writers , you will find tricks on how to select a tourism essay topic, how to outline your paper, and what to write in introduction, body, and conclusion. 665 tourism essay examples are added to inspire you. Let’s start!

As we already mentioned, there are many types of tourism for your essay to explore. You can subdivide it into two distinct groups: domestic and international tourism.

  • The kind when people travel within their own country is called domestic tourism . It is easier because it does not require visas, passports, and other formalities.
  • When a person visits another country for tourism, then it is international tourism . Usually, it is much more complicated than domestic tourism. It involves having a valid passport, foreign currency, a booked hotel, and a visa in some cases.

As you can suspect, there is an abundance of topics available for your writing. Yet, you’re likely to encounter one of the following tourism essay types:

  • A descriptive essay tries to deliver a profound message. The author should communicate some problems by describing them with graphic elements of speech. The goal is to invoke feelings and make a reader think about the issues related to the paper.
  • An expository essay aims to inform a reader about a particular issue. Rather than appealing to emotions and feelings, it relies on facts, stats, and data to prove the point. To invoke a personal response, you should incorporate examples. However, persuasion happens because of the facts and not the sentiments.

After carefully choosing your topic, think about the structure of your paper. Tourism essays are not going to be any different in form than other 5-paragraph essays . So, as you can imagine, the travel and tourism essay will consist of four parts:

  • Introduction. It has a fundamental purpose because it states what the essay will be about. It should present the topic in an exciting and captivating way to go on with reading.
  • Thesis statement. This should be the very last part of the introduction. In one sentence, you should deliver the paper’s message, stating your position. Don’t include any arguments: you will have the central body part for that.
  • Main body. This part can consist of more than three paragraphs, connected by linking words. Here you will present your point of view and the arguments. You do not need to travel to a specific country to write about it. To compose a good tourism essay, you need to rely on data and facts. You can also demonstrate other forms of visual aid. For instance, if you compare two cities, tell about their history or architecture.
  • Conclusion. This paragraph is the last part of your essay, and it summarizes all arguments together. It should come back to the thesis statement and be supported by your findings from the main body. You can write your personal opinion about the matter. However, the conclusion should not be extended. It should also not include any new facts or ideas.

You can still have doubts about what you can write about. That’s why we’ve combined a list of 20 tourism essay topics for you to consider. You can use the following topics for your inspiration:

  • The influence of Instagram on the tourism industry.
  • Entrepreneurship in the hospitality industry.
  • Social impact of tourism in Africa.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism.
  • Negative environmental impact of tourism: the importance of sustainable tourism.
  • The economic impact of medical tourism.
  • Terrorism and how it affects tourism.
  • Wildlife activities in tourism and the most popular travel destinations.
  • Negative social impact of tourism.
  • Significant trends in tourism: how the pandemic has shaped the industry.
  • What is educational international tourism?
  • The economic impact of tourism in Africa.
  • The roots of ecotourism, its future, and trends of this type of tourism in the world.
  • The role of media in tourism as the mediator between the tourist sector and the population.
  • Food festivals and their impact on destination tourism.
  • The origins of religious tourism: the development of the pilgrimage.
  • The growth of the hospitality and tourism industry in the past decade.
  • Innovations in the field of tourism: new apps, technologies, and advancements.
  • Blockchain cases in the travel industry.
  • Musical tourism in Russia.

Besides, here you can check these tourism essay prompts to start writing right away:

  • Negative and positive impacts of dark tourism. First, students are invited to explain what dark tourism is. It is a modern phenomenon that has its bright and dark sides. Explain what the advantages and disadvantages of tourism are in particular.
  • Camping in the United States. Each year thousands of people travel to the US for camping. If you choose this topic, you can speak about the most popular parks and destinations for camping trips.
  • Effects of mass tourism on local communities. Sadly, mass tourism requires more extensive facilities and hotels. Speak about the impact of mass tourism on the local communities and ecosystems. Try to appeal to the emotions and feelings of the reader.
  • World Heritage and Tourism. Tourism is sometimes perceived as a threat to the world and cultural heritage. Large numbers of tourists can ruin conservation efforts. Nevertheless, governments can use tourism to balance and protect these sites. This research paper topic can provide a platform to discuss these critical issues.

That’s all! Thank you for reading the article. Below, you’ll find the tourism essay samples. They can help you start and finish your paper on the given or chosen topic.

755 Tourism Essay Examples

Traveling, its advantages and disadvantages essay.

  • Subjects: Trips and Tours
  • Words: 1480

Camping Essay: Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Subjects: Hiking
  • Words: 1482

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Tourism Industry

  • Subjects: World Tourism
  • Words: 2235

Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay

London as a place for a tourist vacation.

  • Subjects: Tourism Destinations
  • Words: 1135

Bali Island in Family Trip Experience

Tourism target market analysis and examples: marketing in hospitality and tourism.

  • Subjects: Hospitality Industry
  • Words: 1452

Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling

  • Subjects: Effects of Tourism

Maasai Mara Trip and Preparations

Heritage tourism and cultural tourism.

  • Words: 2736

Intercontinental Hotels Group: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

  • Subjects: Hotels
  • Words: 1094

Saudi Arabia, Tourism, Attractions, and Development

  • Subjects: Tourist Attractions
  • Words: 2034

Executive Summary: Hotel Industry

Cause and effect analysis of tourism.

  • Words: 1021

Tourism In Kenya Review

  • Words: 2633

African Adventure Trip

  • Words: 1086

The Future for Space Tourism

  • Words: 2499

Social Factors that Motivate People to Travel (in Tourism Industry)

  • Words: 1796

Niagara Falls as a Canadian Tourist Attraction

  • Words: 2769

Tourism and language

  • Words: 1654

Comparative Analysis of Hilton Hotel and Marriot International Hotels

  • Words: 1360

Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism

  • Words: 2453

Travels: the Kenyan Coast

Factors that have led to the development of the tourism industry.

  • Words: 1709

Hospitality Management: Food & Beverage Service

  • Words: 1786

Economic Factors That Affect Tourism Essay (Assessment)

  • Words: 1857

Tourism Information System

  • Words: 4454

Benefits of Tourism

  • Words: 1612

Student Trip to the Kenya National Parks

  • Words: 10804

Tourism Impacts on Dubai: Positive & Negative

  • Words: 2078

Tourism as an Ambassador of Promoting International Peace

  • Words: 2817

Sustainable Tourism Development

  • Words: 2845

Issues in Tourism and Hospitality Industry Essay

  • Words: 1278

The Most Beautiful Place on Earth the Austrian Alps

Problems facing tourism in africa.

  • Words: 1716

Sustainability Challenges in Dubai Tourism

  • Words: 2860

Tourism and the balance of payments

  • Words: 1661

Religion and Tourism Relations

  • Words: 3206

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Relation to the Hospitality Industry

  • Words: 1866

Turkey as a Tourist Destination

  • Words: 3016

Sex Tourism: Features, Effects, and Control

  • Words: 2228

The Trip of a Lifetime for a Family of Four: Project Plan

  • Words: 1017

Dubai City: A top destination for tourists

Sri lanka’s development as a tourist attraction site.

  • Words: 1800

Destination Marketing and Destination Management in Tourism

  • Words: 3612

Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts Challenges

International tourism trends in 1950 -2010.

  • Words: 1171

Itinerary for the Trip of a Lifetime

Adventure tourism and development: conservation or exploitation.

  • Words: 1632

Tourism Contribution to the Developing Countries Development

  • Words: 2414

Kenya Attractiveness for Tourism

Marriott international hotel group’s and environment.

  • Words: 2807

Concept of Cruise Industry

  • Words: 1922

Travel Agencies in the 21st Century – Challenges and Prospects

  • Words: 2169

Impact of the Japan Tsunami 2011 Disaster on Tourism and Hospitality Industries

  • Words: 3307

Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe: Destination Marketing

  • Words: 3028

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Hospitality Industry

  • Words: 2163

Tourism Destinations in Dubai

  • Words: 2859

Importance of Hotel Industry

  • Words: 3349

Property Management Systems in Hospitality Industry

  • Words: 3366

Traveling as the Best Contribution to Personal Development

Tourism – environment relationships.

  • Words: 1720

Boat trip at Lake Leman

  • Words: 1218

Tourism in a Goa

  • Words: 1784

Comparison of Dubai and Cape Town as Vacation Locations

  • Words: 2295

Hotel Industry in the UK and Premier Inn

  • Words: 3543

Trends in Ecotourism

Park hyatt hotel’s revenue management advice.

  • Words: 2526

Tourism in Japan

  • Words: 1646

External & Internal Forces Analysis for Red Carpet

Marriott hotels’ corporate social responsibility, covid-19: challenges in the tourism industry.

  • Words: 3009

Hospitality Industry Impact on Society

  • Words: 1040

InterContinental Hotels Group’s Differentiation

  • Words: 3814

Two Vacation Locations: Thailand and Paris

  • Words: 1927

PESTEL and Trend Analysis for the Hotel Industry in Spain

  • Words: 2780

Tourism and Climate Change Problem

  • Words: 1698

Tourism, Leisure and Society

  • Words: 2149

Volunteer Tourism

  • Words: 1026

Tourism Industry in France

  • Words: 4257

Virtual Reality Tourism Technology

  • Words: 1594

Sustainable Tourism Practices: Progress and Limits

  • Words: 2490

PESTLE analysis of the China Hotel Industry

  • Words: 3825

Tourism and Environment

  • Words: 1668

Tourism: Current and Future Trends

  • Words: 1705

Exploring the Role of Gastronomy in Tourism

  • Words: 1378

Hotel Industry: Choosing the Right Location

  • Words: 2204

The London Eye as a Tourist Attraction

  • Words: 2812

Water Conservation and Drought Issues in Resorts

  • Words: 3081

Adventure Tourism as a Major Form of Tourism

  • Words: 2290

Heritage and Cultural Tourism

  • Words: 2377

Emerging Issues in Tourism

  • Words: 3274

Disruptive Innovation in Hospitality Industry

Phuket, thailand, as a tourism destination.

  • Words: 2338

Global Distribution System in Hospitality Industry

  • Words: 4461

Niche Tourism Major Characteristics

Housekeeping and banquet industry placement.

  • Words: 1129

Carrying capacity in relation to a tourist destination

  • Words: 1625

Peace and Tourism Development in Lebanon and Iceland

  • Words: 2367

The Philosophy of Tourism

  • Words: 2500

New York as a Tourist Attraction City

Outgoing and incoming tour operators, accor hotel group’s strategic analysis.

  • Words: 1493

Integrity in the Hospitality Industry

Tourism industry: sectors and services.

  • Words: 2811

Scotland’s Tourism Products and Destination Identity

  • Words: 7921

Sustainability in Cruise Tourism Industry

  • Words: 2392

Cause and effect analysis of camping

  • Words: 1080

Trip in Taiwan

  • Words: 1104

Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort and Spa

  • Words: 4183

The Three Cs of History: Change, Comparison, Conversion

Holiday trip to puerto rico, tourism destination management and development.

  • Words: 1380

Tourism & Cultural Change: A Critical Analysis

  • Words: 3827

The Internet Impacts on the Travel Industry

  • Words: 3076

The Global Casino Industry

  • Words: 1475

The Northern Lights as Tourist Attraction

Impact of the tourism industry on orlando, tourism industry and natural disasters.

  • Words: 1234

PDR Hotel & Resorts: Managing Hospitality

  • Words: 3077

Home — Essay Samples — Geography & Travel — Beach — Descriptive A Visit To The Beach


About The Beach: My Happiest Place

  • Categories: Beach My Favorite Place

About this sample


Words: 792 |

Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 792 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

This descriptive essay vividly captures the serene and transformative atmosphere of Blue Bay Beach. Utilizing a rich array of descriptive techniques, the essay paints a detailed picture of the beach’s beauty—from the soft, golden sand to the shimmering waves and the majestic sunset painting the sky with strokes of orange-red and purple. Through this descriptive essay topics that engage , the essay invites readers to feel the sand between their toes, hear the waves crash, and see the endless sky, encouraging a deep connection with nature and inner self.

Works Cited

  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
  • Gallo, C. (2014). Talk like TED: The 9 public-speaking secrets of the world’s top minds. St. Martin’s Griffin.
  • Lee, D. (2014). How to give a TED talk: Presentation secrets from the world’s best speakers. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Lerner, M. J., & Keltner, D. (2001). Fear, anger, and risk. Journal of personality and social psychology, 81(1), 146-159.
  • O’Hair, D., Stewart, R. A., & Rubenstein, H. (2015). A speaker’s guidebook: Text and reference. Bedford/St. Martin’s.
  • Velasquez, L. (2013, December). How do you define yourself? [Video file]. TEDx Talks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c62Aqdlzvqk
  • Yousuf, A. (2017). Public speaking skills for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Zarefsky, D. (2013). Public speaking: Strategies for success. Pearson.
  • Zimmerman, J. (2014). TED talks: The official TED guide to public speaking. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Ziv, A. (2015). The ultimate public speaking survival guide: 37 things you must know when you start public speaking. Amazon Digital Services LLC.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

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Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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IELTS TOPIC: A Place You Visited On a Vacation

10/16/2021 02:30 PM

Things to consider:

  • The question says "a place" but don't get confused. A place in this context means an area or a city NOT  a specific place like a coffee shop or temple.
  • You don't need to talk about a super famous area you visited. It could be a less well-known location.
  • Give more examples of what you've done on day one, day two, day three . Mention different activities.
  • Try to begin with a few examples of your travels, for instance:
  • I've had so many interesting vacations...
  • I've visited many interesting cities and natural places like...
  • Quite a few locations come to my mind such as...

essay on the topic visit

Part 2: Sample Answer

Alright, so I haven't been on a vacation for at least 3 years, and I’m already feeling exhausted and eager to hit the road . The reason for this gap is, obviously , Covid-19 . As the world has been completely shut down the last 2 years, I mostly remained in the same place I work, daydreaming about some paradise beach location . Anyway, I’ll tell you about my last vacation in Thailand .

I'm givind a brief idea about my traveling in the last few years and introduce the vacation.

I went to Thailand 3 years ago, in the autumn . Me and 3 friends prepared and spent about 10 days traveling around Thailand and visiting two main cities – Chiang Mai and Pattaya . I will focus my story on the city of Chiang Mai , as that place completely blew my mind . I have to say I had some of the most amazing moments in my life over there, and that is not an exaggeration .

I introduce the cities I visited and my feelings in general.

Thailand is usually well known for its beach resorts and seaside vacations , however , Chieng Mai is exactly the opposite . It is located inside of the country, and it is an animal sanctuary . I was shocked by how many zoos and animal parks the place had. We stayed for 3 nights in the city, and it was an awesome experience . We visited a few animal attractions like a Night Safari Zoo , where you hop on a train at night and feed all sorts of exotic animals . This was a fantastic experience . Another thing I did was visit a tiger petting zoo and a tiger show . Before this point, I didn't even know tigers can become literally like pets, hugging and kissing people as they go . But the highlight of my whole travel was my experience with taking care of elephants . I spend a whole day at an elephant sanctuary , feeding , bathing , mudding , walking,  and playing with elephants. This was the best experience I’ve ever had in my whole life, and I’d definitely return to do it again.

I describe a few activities I've done on that vacation.

I always knew about Thailand, but once traveling to the country, I completely rediscovered the place. The clean streets , the insanely cheap cost of living (everything was two or three times cheaper than any other country I’ve visited), the fantastic food , the friendly and warm people, made me appreciate the country and even start planning many future visits . I can’t wait to go there again.

Explaining my feelings about the building.

Sentence starters and Linking words

Vocabulary related to the topic, part 3 questions.

In Part 3 we continue to take a look at some questions related to going on vacations, and we'll discuss people's habits related to going on vacations.

essay on the topic visit

Examiner:   What are some popular attractions that people like to visit in your country?

Top destinations.

  • People love visiting the top tourist destinations . Everyone has a bucket list of locations like The Great Wall of China, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Pyramids in Giza, or Big Ben and the Buckingham Palace in London. These are usually packed with tourists almost all the time in the year including winter.

Little-known Areas

  • Thanks to the internet, a lot of people are opting out of the big bombastic attractions and go to visit some less-known natural or peaceful locations. These could be some small villages, natural parks , city suburbs , lakes , or riversides . You can mention a few of these locations that have become popular in recent years .

* Answer for China, as I live here at the moment.

Well, as you know , China has 5000 years of history . There are so many ancient ruins and places to visit throughout the country. There are famous locations like one of the 7 Wonders of the World – The Great Wall , or many emperor’s palaces like the Forbidden City in Beijing . There is the infamous Terracotta Army , which is a stone army with thousands of soldiers protecting the emperor in his afterlife. And of course, for those who prefer some modern attractions , China has developed into a contemporary futuristic country , with shiny megacities like Shanghai , Shenzhen , or Chengdu . People there can enjoy the sight of skyscrapers and modern technological entertainment such as drone shows .

Examiner:   Do old people and young people choose different places to go on a vacation? Why?

For the old.

  • Older people are less mobile , and so they can't do long-distance activities . Most of the time they would choose to go to a spa , a big hotel or would join a tour group with a bus, riding comfortably around town. B e cause of this reason , there are many summer and winter resorts that cater directly to older people with all-included promotions and musical programs at night. 

For The Young

  • Young people are more adventurous and full of energy and would prefer to make unique experiences . Many would hike or backpack throughout a country, climb a hill or a mountain , do dangerous extreme sports and activities such as bungee jumping or sky diving,  and many more. T h e younger people are definitely more carefree and seek excitement and adrenalin .

Examiner:   What do young people and old people think about when making travel plans?

  • As mentioned earlier , younger people care about the experience which means they don't need to spend too much money on a fancy stay at a hotel but would prefer to simply rent a room on Airbnb and call it a day . They would use their money for exclusive experiences , parties , food , and activities . Of course, for those who are a young couple, they might prefer going to some romantic place , and that could cost a bit more than usual .
  • Older people consider comfort above all . This means that they choose better quality hotels, better quality transportation, better quality service, and food. While young people are satisfied with trying street snacks , older people would only dine at a restaurant and that restaurant has to be with good service and proper environment . Older people are more willing to spend for comfort .

Ok so, for the youth, I believe it’s all about the experience . They want to visit something brand new , something unique , they’ve only read in their encyclopedias and of course, they’d try to save money as much as possible . Young people are willing to sacrifice comfort for experience. On the other hand , the older we get, the higher our standards get. This means we would even refuse to travel if we had to stay in a hostel or a 2-star motel , but instead, we would save more money and spend it on a luxury cruise , or a fancy spa hotel . Again, it is about the experience, but it is about a comfy , satisfying , and a bit lux experience .

Examiner:   How do people find out about a new place?

  • These days we can get all the necessary information and recommendations online. There are video-sharing platforms , blogs , vlogs , travel guides , panoramic photos , and even Google Earth . A person can see every single place from the world on his mobile phone and then decide on a vacation plan for himself.  

Word of Mouth

  • Oftentimes, people get influenced by their friends, relatives , or even strangers Looking at Facebook or Instagram and seeing people travel to exotic destinations inspires people to book their own vacations in those places. Moreover , family members and friends would recommend each other  vacation places and share opinions or little-known facts about those places. 

These days, mostly on the internet. As many video-sharing platforms like Tik Tok or YouTube exploded with popularity , nowadays people are glued to the screen watching video reviews and the exotic travels of vloggers from all around the world . There is no better way to learn about a new travel destination than watching 5 or 10 video reviews of the location. At a time, you might even get enough by simply watching, and at times people make exquisite travel plans for that location. For instance, I’ve watched multiple short videos about diving in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and now this spot has become on the top of my list for traveling.

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Home Essay Samples Travelling

Essay Samples on Trip

Sun, sand, and memories: a trip to the beach trip with family.

There's something magical about the beach — the rhythmic waves, the soft sand beneath your feet, and the endless expanse of the sea stretching out before you. A beach trip holds the promise of relaxation, adventure, and quality time with loved ones. Whether it's a...

Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Sri Lanka: A Journey Through Its Picturesque Places

Sri Lanka, known as the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean," is a country blessed with an abundance of natural beauty and cultural richness. From pristine beaches to lush tea plantations and ancient temples, this essay takes you on a virtual tour of some of the...

A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

There's something inherently soothing and captivating about the vast expanse of the sea, the gentle waves, and the soft sands of a sea beach. A visit to a sea beach is an experience that rejuvenates the soul and leaves an indelible mark on one's heart....

A Trip I Will Never Forget: Swiss Apls

Traveling has a magical way of creating cherished memories that last a lifetime. Almost everyone has a trip you will never forget. Among the many journeys I've embarked upon, there's one particular trip that stands out as an unforgettable adventure, which I will share about...

A Memorable Trip to Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar

Traveling is a wonderful way to explore new places, immerse oneself in different cultures, and create lasting memories. One of the most unforgettable trips I've had was to Pyin Oo Lwin, a charming town nestled in the Shan Highlands of Myanmar. From its cool climate...

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A Memorable Holiday Trip to Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, the vibrant capital of Malaysia, offers a captivating blend of modernity and tradition, where soaring skyscrapers coexist with historical landmarks. My holiday trip to Kuala Lumpur was an adventure filled with awe-inspiring architecture, rich cultural experiences, and tantalizing culinary delights. This essay recounts...

  • Kuala Lumpur

A Journey Through Time and Tranquility: About a Place I Visited

Amidst the bustling world of modernity lies a hidden gem — a place that transcends time and immerses its visitors in a realm of serenity and history. This place, known as Montfort Castle, stands as a testament to the beauty of nature's architecture and the...

  • Personal Experience

Personal Vacation Experience of Unveiling the Wonders of Asia

The lure of the exotic, the tantalizing aromas, and the vibrant tapestry of cultures - Asia beckoned me with its enigmatic charm, promising a vacation experience full of discovery and awe. This essay recounts my extraordinary vacation experience in Asia, a voyage that transported me...

My Best Vacation: a Memorable Experience That I Won't Forget

It was about 5 months before the summer holidays began and I decided I wanted to go for a vacation to the sea. I told my uncles, and he agreed. Now I am going to describe my best vacation in this short essay. Here I...

How to Plan a Vacation Trip: Correct Navigation of the Process

Embarking on a vacation trip holds the promise of adventure, relaxation, and a much-needed break from the routine of everyday life. However, it is crucial to proper understand how to plan a vacation trip. This essay serves as a practical guide to help individuals navigate...

Traveling Through Life: Learning, Evolving, and Reflecting

Life Lessons Learned on a Journey What is a journey. A journey is an act of traveling from one place to another and the time in between that act. We took a look at many texts relating to people going on a journey such as...

  • Life Lesson

My Recollections About The Family Trip To Costa Rica

Costa Rica was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had with my family. The environment was so beautiful and exotic. As soon as we arrived, I felt stress free and excited. Our tour guide was absolutely amazing and helped me step by step, by...

  • Latin American Tourism

Reflections of My Kamogawa Sea World Trip

Killer whales live in the sea, and their body is black and white. They eat beast, for example, fish, penguins, seals, other whales and sharks. When I have free time, I watch YouTube. This is how I first learn to about to killer whales. I...

The Fictional Recreation of Vasco Da Gama's Trip

1482 The day I came back from my first-great expedition to the Gold Coast, Bob is suffering with some mental health issues. I tried visiting him, but the doctor’s would not let anyone go through his hospital room. I went to the Gold Coast with...

  • Life Changing Experience
  • Vasco Da Gama

Essay In Defense of Mission Trips

I love to travel, but I also know the toll that travel can have on popular destinations. The Sistine Chapel and the Great Pyramids of Giza are being slowly destroyed by over-tourism — and those are human-built monuments. Much more fragile treasures like the Great...

  • Niagara Falls

My Experience Visiting the U.S. Botanic Garden

During my Thanksgiving break, I went to the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington D.C. I went with a couple of my friends from class and we all had a great time, despite being in the cold. When we entered the building, we were greeted by...

The Trip and the Time Spent in the Woods of Lake Needwood

I remember the time my father decided to take my family and I to Lake Needwood. It was in the summer of 2010 when he rented a cabin in the middle of the woods and took us there. I remember the cabin, the dilapidated shack...

Secluding Yourself: Getting Lost in the Woods

As my eyes slowly begin to open towards the sun gleaming through my windows, I hear a muffled yell from my mom, “Time to get up, breakfast is ready!” I hesitate only for a moment, the smell of Maine blueberry pancakes seeps through my door,...

Recollection of My Childhood Memories: A Nostalgic Camping Trip

Childhood memories never quickly disappear, and as many others do I hope for the life I've had as a child with a non-stress and loving family. Nostalgia will always be part of me because my childhood was just unforgettable and breathtaking overall. First of all,...

  • Childhood Memories

Finding Your Spiritual Self During Spring Service Trip

Over the spring last year, I served as a student leader on a mission trip to Appalachia in Southeastern Kentucky. The trip was one of four mission trips sponsored by Family Christian Center to Appalachia in Kentucky. I have wanted to go on a service...

  • Spring Break

Adventure Tourism: Risk Taking in Adventure of Life 

What is adventure tourism? From the word itself, we can figure out what does it mean. But, what does it contain? How important it is, or was it even important? Adventure tourism is basically travelling with eagerness for seeking adventure. Seeking something new, something that...

Vanet - Optimal Route In Finding Petrol Station In Oman

Research Proposal The system can be used as mobile-based application that allow driver search for nearest petrol station online. Drivers are the only beneficiaries of this application to determine the nearest oil station to their current location when the oil ratio is low. This application...

Reflection On My Visit To Taiwan

It is a daunting task to pick my next travel destination, each time. I am a travel nomad and love to explore a new place whenever possible. This time I knew I wanted to visit an Asian country. After conducting some online research and talking...

  • About Myself

The Impact Of Television On One’s Travel Preference

Introduction Nowadays, the entertainment industry around the world is very flourishing, especially in the drama aspect. Take Korea as an example, many people are mainly acknowledged on Korea from Television (Kim, Kim, Agrusa & Lee, 2012). It changes one’s view of the country shown in...

A Personal Narrative of the Trials of Scaling St. Charles Peak

The Ascent During high school, two friends and I decided to try and backpack all over the country. Andrew, Jeff, and I took trips to places like the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, and the Buffalo River. After each trip the three of us would say,...

  • Grand Canyon

How Technology Has Transformed The Travel Industry

"Digitalisation has given us a great selection," said Tamara Lohan, co-founder and chief technology officer at the boutique hotel Mr&Mrs Smith. "More people are traveling than ever, and companies like Airbnb encourage younger people to explore earlier, and in a more cost-effective way. Technology has...

How To Take Great Travel Portraits

Travel portraits can be evocative of the places you’ve been and the local people you have met, but it can seem daunting to a beginner. Armed with the hints and tips in this article and a bit of practice, hopefully you’ll soon be taking travel...

Keukenhof Tulip Gardens, Lisse, The Netherlands

An image of the Netherlands imprinted in a lot of people’s minds is that of a field of tulips in various colors bathed in sunshine. The tulips have long been an icon that stands for what being Dutch is. If you are visiting the Netherlands...

Mera Amphu Laptsa Trek Vs Jomsom-Muktinath Trek

Mera Amphu Laptsa Trek Mera (6476m/21,246ft) and Island Peak (6189m/20,305ft) are two of the most well known trekking crests in the Nepal Himalaya and this undertaking joins jumps on the two mountains with a trek through the remote Honku Valley and an intersection of the...

Myanmar – An Incredible Place For Tourists

Everyone knows the popular Southeast Asia destinations — the beaches in Thailand, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the temples in Bali. But one country that’s becoming more popular is Myanmar, or Burma. Until recently, tourists had virtually boycotted visiting the country, not wanting to support the...

Oświęcim: Visiting My Ancestors Hell

Two years ago in the early-spring of 2016, I and my dad decided to go to Oświęcim, Poland to visit a place that acted like hell for some of my ancestors. This place is infamously known as the Auschwitz-Birkenau or the Auschwitz Concentration camp. This...

  • World History

Our Spring Break Vacations In Florida

Every year, toward the beginning, my family always start to plan what we will be doing for spring break and where we will be spending it. Somehow we always choose Florida. I’m not sure if it’s because they live close enough to drive there or...

Reasons For Travel And Its Documentation

Peter Hulme while implying the significance of travel in writing says travel and movement are so fundamental to literary writing in general, “That there is almost no statuesque literature”. Travel and writing are closely connected because every traveler to an unfamiliar land wants to leave...

The Benefis Of Traveling For Every Aspect Of A Person's Life

Traveling and exploring the world is desirable because it improves physical health, broadens one's perspective of the world, but most importantly, it promotes one's mental health. Traveling improves one's physical health by boosting immunity, lowering stress levels, and decreasing risks of heart disease. When it...

The Role Of Travelling In Society

The etymological origin of Travel as a word has come from the Middle English word, travailen meaning to toil or to make a toilsome journey. Travel as a process can be defined by Helen Gilbert, “as a broadly defined practice featuring human movement through culturally...

What To Do In The Atacama Desert

Have you heard of one of the most unique natural places on Earth? If you have never heard of the Atacama desert, it’s time to do some research and see what you are missing out on! Located in northern Chile near the border with Bolivia,...

Notes From An Imperfect Journey Around The World By Daniel Baylis

Introduction A good book may have a potential in influencing how we see the world and for me purposely travel books, like others which offer amazing life-changing benefits. The Traveller: Notes from an Imperfect Journey Around the World by Daniel Baylis: experiencing 12 countries would...

  • Book Review

Best topics on Trip

1. Sun, Sand, and Memories: A Trip to the Beach Trip with Family

2. Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Sri Lanka: A Journey Through Its Picturesque Places

3. A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

4. A Trip I Will Never Forget: Swiss Apls

5. A Memorable Trip to Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar

6. A Memorable Holiday Trip to Kuala Lumpur

7. A Journey Through Time and Tranquility: About a Place I Visited

8. Personal Vacation Experience of Unveiling the Wonders of Asia

9. My Best Vacation: a Memorable Experience That I Won’t Forget

10. How to Plan a Vacation Trip: Correct Navigation of the Process

11. Traveling Through Life: Learning, Evolving, and Reflecting

12. My Recollections About The Family Trip To Costa Rica

13. Reflections of My Kamogawa Sea World Trip

14. The Fictional Recreation of Vasco Da Gama’s Trip

15. Essay In Defense of Mission Trips

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  • Religious Site Visit
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I’m aiming to present a view of PDF research papers, displaying the icons and you can click and view the papers (see “Research Publications” tab on home page of http://www.ukrise.org – not the Publications link on the top menu which I’m aiming to replace since it’s quite a manual process). I’ve got the basics for this done, but now want to add a search function so that the view of papers can be filtered.

Here is my MLA code that populates the tabbed view.

The [code_snippet id=7] calls the form code, since the WP Tabs Pro plugin I’m using for the tabs feature limits what you can insert directly.

I use the page_id and mla_page_parameter to get the page to re-load the same tab view when clicking on a navigation link.

I want to improve the search result to do the following;

  • When I click the search button, it also adds the page_id and mla_page_parameter so that the page reloads like when clicking on the paginated links.
  • When the search page returns, the applied search term is shown in search input field, highlighting the filter used.

Hoping these are things that can be added with some simple modifications to the above code? Your help would be appreciated.

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Essay on Visit To A Beach

Students are often asked to write an essay on Visit To A Beach in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Visit To A Beach

My day at the beach.

A visit to the beach is always exciting. The moment you get there, the vast ocean and the fine sand make you feel at peace. The beach is a place where you can relax, play, and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Playing on the Sand

Enjoying the water.

Swimming in the sea is thrilling. The waves gently pushing me back to the shore feels like a friendly nudge. Sometimes, I just let the water carry me.

A day at the beach is full of fun and relaxation. It’s a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends, enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

250 Words Essay on Visit To A Beach

What is a beach, my visit to the beach.

As I stepped onto the sandy shore, I felt the warm sun caress my skin and the cool breeze playfully tousle my hair. Before me stretched an endless expanse of sparkling blue water, dotted with whitecaps that danced and shimmered in the sunlight. I spent the day swimming, building sandcastles, and collecting shells. As the sun began to set, I found a cozy spot on the sand to watch the sky transform into a canvas of vibrant hues.

Seeing Unique Creatures

During my beach visit, I was amazed by the diverse wildlife I encountered. Colorful crabs scuttled across the sand, and seagulls soared overhead, their raucous calls echoing through the air. In the water, I spotted a pod of dolphins frolicking and leaping out of the waves. The beach was a vibrant ecosystem teeming with life, and it was a privilege to witness it all.

Feeling Relaxed

As I sat on the beach, listening to the soothing rhythm of the waves and feeling the sand beneath my toes, I felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over me. The worries and stresses of daily life seemed to melt away, replaced by a feeling of pure relaxation. The beach had a magical ability to rejuvenate my mind, body, and soul. I felt refreshed and revitalized, ready to face the challenges of life with renewed vigor.

500 Words Essay on Visit To A Beach

A day at the beach.

The day dawned bright and sunny, and I could hardly contain my excitement. Today was the day we were going to the beach! I jumped out of bed and ran to the window to watch the morning sun sparkle on the ocean. The beach was calling, and I was ready to answer.

Journey to the Beach

After a quick breakfast, we loaded up the car with beach chairs, towels, umbrellas, and a picnic lunch. The drive to the beach was filled with laughter and anticipation. I couldn’t wait to feel the sand between my toes and the ocean breeze in my hair. Finally, we arrived at the beach. I could hear the waves crashing against the shore and smell the salty air. I couldn’t wait to get out of the car and explore.

Exploring the Beach

Relaxation and reflection.

As the sun started to set, we packed up our things and headed back to the car. I was tired but happy. I had spent a wonderful day at the beach, and I couldn’t wait to come back again soon. As I drove home, I reflected on the day. I realized that the beach was more than just a place to swim and sunbathe. It was a place to relax, to escape the stresses of everyday life, and to connect with nature. I was grateful for the opportunity to spend a day at the beach, and I knew that I would cherish the memories for years to come.

A visit to the beach can be a wonderful experience. It’s a place to relax, connect with nature, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re swimming, sunbathing, building sandcastles, or just enjoying the view, there’s something for everyone at the beach. So next time you’re looking for a fun and easy way to spend a day, head to the beach and let the waves wash your worries away.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Blake essay recognized by Lasker Foundation

essay on the topic visit

Kevin Blake, scientific editor in the  Department of Pathology & Immunology ’s Division of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been honored for an essay he wrote titled “ Missing Microbiomes: Global Underrepresentation Restricts Who Research Will Benefit .” The piece calls for scientists to increase representation of understudied populations in microbiome research.

Blake’s essay was one of five selected by the Lasker Foundation as part of its international 2024 Essay Contest.

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Stock Market Wealth and Entrepreneurship

We use data on stock portfolios of Norwegian households to show that stock market wealth increases entrepreneurship by relaxing financial constraints. Our research design isolates idiosyncratic variation in household-level stock market returns. An increase in stock market wealth increases the propensity to start a firm, with the response concentrated in households with moderate levels of financial wealth, for whom a 20 percent increase in wealth due to a positive stock return increases the likelihood to start a firm by about 20%, and in years when the aggregate stock market return in Norway is high. We develop a method to study the effect of wealth on firm outcomes that corrects for the bias introduced by selection into entrepreneurship. Higher wealth causally increases firm profitability, an indication that it relaxes would-be entrepreneurs’ financial constraints. Consistent with this interpretation, the pass-through from stock wealth into equity in the new firm is one-for-one.

We would like to thank Søren Leth Petersen, Espen Moen, Lars Persson, Alex Popov, Kasper Roszbach, Martin Schmalz, Sergio Salgado (discussant), Joacim Tåg, Daniel Wolfenzon (discussant), as well as seminar and conference participants at BI Norwegian Business School, Norges Bank, the Norges Bank Spring Institute, University of British Columbia, IFN Stockholm, University of Pittsburgh, Tufts University, the 2023 Leuven Summer Event, the 2023 Nordic Micro Data workshop, the SFS Cavalcade, UC Berkeley, UT Austin, ESSEC Paris, UCL, ECB, and the 2024 FIRS conference for valuable comments and suggestions. We also want to thank Janis Berzins and Øyvind Norli for providing us with the Oslo Børs data. This paper should not be reported as representing the views of Norges Bank. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Norges Bank or the National Bureau of Economic Research.


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In addition to working papers , the NBER disseminates affiliates’ latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the NBER Reporter , the NBER Digest , the Bulletin on Retirement and Disability , the Bulletin on Health , and the Bulletin on Entrepreneurship  — as well as online conference reports , video lectures , and interviews .

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Debby tracker: See tropical storm's path as states brace for more rain, flooding

Heavy rainfall and conditions for flooding is expected to continue in multiple states along the East Coast through Thursday as Tropical Storm Debby continues to move through the region.

According to an advisory posted Wednesday by the National Hurricane Center , heavy rainfall from Tropical Storm Debby across portions of eastern South Carolina and southeast North Carolina is expected to persist through Thursday, which could broaden the areas of " considerable flooding ."

Flooding could occur in the Piedmont of the Carolinas, the area between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, as well as portions of Mid-Atlantic states and Vermont through Saturday morning, the National Hurricane Center says.

Conditions around Tropical Storm Debby will continue to spread along the southern Atlantic coast from South Carolina to North Carolina through Thursday. Tropical storm warnings and watches are in effect for some of those areas.

See damage left by Debby: Photos show flooded streets, downed trees after hurricane washes ashore

Forecasters warn of 'dangerous' storm surge

The National Hurricane Center also warned that a "dangerous" storm surge was possible along the South Carolina coast, from the South Santee River to Cape Fear.

The agency recommends that residents follow any advice from local officials.

Tropical Storm Debby tracker

If the map above is not loading on your screen,  click here .


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    Long Essay on A Visit To A Historical Place 500 Words in English. Below we have given a long essay on A Visit To A Historical Place of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

  5. Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place Taj Mahal

    And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... 500 Words Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place Taj Mahal Introduction. The Taj Mahal, an architectural marvel and one of the seven wonders of the world, is a testament to the timeless allure of human creativity and ingenuity. ...

  6. Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place

    A visit to a historical place is, therefore, more than just a trip; it's a voyage of discovery, a journey of learning, and an opportunity to connect with our collective past. That's it! I hope the essay helped you. If you're looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  7. Visit to A Place of Historical Interest (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

    Composition / Essay Writing. Advanced: My Visit to a place of historical interest. The beauty of traveling lies in exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. As a student with a keen interest in historical places, I am always eager to visit places of great historical importance.

  8. A Visit to a Historical Place Essay for Students in English

    A Visit to a Historical Place Essay will help students to write an effective essay on this topic. Here is a sample essay for students' reference. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays on different topics, which will help students in improving their essay-writing skills. Best Historical Places to Visit in India

  9. A Visit To A Historical Place Essay

    100 Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place. Our school recently organised a trip to Red Fort for class 8 students. The Red Fort, popularly referred to as Lal Quila, is a prominent landmark in Delhi. Shah Jehan constructed it in 1639 using red stones. It included Diwan-e-Aam which is a hall of public audience, Diwan-e-Khas, Rang Mahal, and other ...

  10. Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place

    Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of 'A Visit To A Historical Place' in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the A Visit To A Historical Place of 400-500 words. This long essay about A Visit To A Historical Place is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also ...

  11. Tourism Essay Topics + 665 Free Travel & Tourism Essay Examples

    Tourism Essay Topics & Examples. Updated: May 12th, 2024. 762 samples. Travelling adds colors and new experiences to our life. It enables one to learn something new, break the boundaries, and expand a mindset. Indeed, the importance of tourism is hard to overestimate. It is the easiest way to learn about a country, its culture, and the people.

  12. A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

    There's something inherently soothing and captivating about the vast expanse of the sea, the gentle waves, and the soft sands of a sea beach. A visit to a sea beach is an experience that rejuvenates the soul and leaves an indelible mark on one's heart. In this essay, I'll share my memorable journey to a sea beach and the sensory delights that ...

  13. My First International Trip: [Essay Example], 675 words

    My first international trip marked the culmination of months of planning and anticipation. From the moment I set foot in the unfamiliar airport, I was struck by a blend of emotions—anxiety, excitement, and wonder. The foreign languages echoing around me and the diversity of faces served as a vivid reminder that I was entering a realm entirely ...

  14. Essay on A Visit to a Fair

    250 Words Essay on A Visit to a Fair Introduction. A fair is a vibrant cultural event that brings together people from various walks of life. It is a melting pot of traditions, crafts, and cuisines, offering a unique glimpse into the cultural tapestry of a region. The Allure of the Fair. My recent visit to a local fair was a mesmerizing experience.

  15. Descriptive A Visit To The Beach: [Essay Example], 792 words

    Through this descriptive essay topics that engage, the essay invites readers to feel the sand between their toes, hear the waves crash, and see the endless sky, encouraging a deep connection with nature and inner self. Works Cited. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

  16. Travel Writing: How To Write a Powerful (not Boring) Travel Essay

    You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay. I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small ...

  17. write a essay on the topic visit to a historical place of 300 words

    Essay on a Visit to a Place with Historical Importance (200-250 words) Last summer, I had the opportunity to visit a place of great historical importance. It was a truly fascinating experience that left a lasting impression on me. The place I visited was the ancient city of Rome, Italy.

  18. Essay on Travel

    Answer 1: Real experiences always have better value. When we travel to a city, in a different country, it allows us to learn about a new culture, new language, new lifestyle, and new peoples. Sometimes, it is the best teacher to understand the world. Question 2: Why is travelling essential? Answer 2: Travelling is an incredibly vital part of life.

  19. The Visit Critical Essays

    To confine Dürrenmatt's work to a monothesis is to emasculate the breadth of his vision. The Visit is all-encompassing, for it looks at justice, greed, corruption, character, morality, and ...

  20. IELTS TOPIC: A Place You Visited On a Vacation

    People love visiting the top tourist destinations. Everyone has a bucket list of locations like The Great Wall of China, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Pyramids in Giza, or Big Ben and the Buckingham Palace in London. These are usually packed with tourists almost all the time in the year including winter.

  21. Trip Essays: Samples & Topics

    Sun, Sand, and Memories: A Trip to the Beach Trip with Family. There's something magical about the beach — the rhythmic waves, the soft sand beneath your feet, and the endless expanse of the sea stretching out before you. A beach trip holds the promise of relaxation, adventure, and quality time with loved ones.

  22. The Visit Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The Visit" by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  23. The Modern Essay Introduction

    The Modern Essay Michel de Montaigne is considered by most commentators to be the first essayist, introducing the form in 1580 when he published Essais, a collection of brief, informal prose pieces.

  24. Adding Search Form

    Adding Search Form phil2030 (@phil2030) 8 minutes ago I'm aiming to present a view of PDF research papers, displaying the icons and you can click and view the papers (see "Research Publ…

  25. Buca di Beppo closes locations, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

    The company blamed its financial woes on things including rising costs and hiring difficulty, according to information from the restaurant and court papers filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the ...

  26. Essay on Visit To A Beach

    My Visit To The Beach. As I stepped onto the sandy shore, I felt the warm sun caress my skin and the cool breeze playfully tousle my hair. Before me stretched an endless expanse of sparkling blue water, dotted with whitecaps that danced and shimmered in the sunlight. I spent the day swimming, building sandcastles, and collecting shells.

  27. Blake essay recognized by Lasker Foundation

    Kevin Blake, scientific editor in the Department of Pathology & Immunology's Division of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been honored for an essay he wrote titled "Missing Microbiomes: Global Underrepresentation Restricts Who Research Will Benefit."The piece calls for scientists to increase representation of understudied ...

  28. Nigeria, Australia and several other countries warn about travel to UK

    Nigeria, Australia, Indonesia and a number of other countries have warned their citizens about traveling to the UK, as a spate of anti-immigrant riots grips cities across Britain.

  29. Stock Market Wealth and Entrepreneurship

    In addition to working papers, the NBER disseminates affiliates' latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the NBER Reporter, the NBER Digest, the Bulletin on Retirement and Disability, the Bulletin on Health, and the Bulletin on Entrepreneurship — as well as online conference reports, video lectures, and interviews.

  30. Debby tracker map: See tropical storm's path moving north

    More heavy rainfall and conditions for flooding continue as Tropical Storm Debby moves north through several Atlantic states.