Paragraph Expander Free AI-Powered Text Expander to Lengthen Paragraphs

Need to lengthen your paragraphs and increase your word count? I got you. This free paragraph expander uses AI (artificial intelligence) and acts as a text expander that’ll instantly extend your writing to make your paragraph longer, remaining on theme with your content. This text expander’s advanced algorithms produce AI-powered content that fits in seamlessly with your original content—for free.

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Use the Paragraph Expander to Meet Your Word Count Target and Improve Your SEO

A paragraph expander is a great way to create more in-depth content, based on what you’ve already written. If you’re sitting there thinking, “how do I make my paragraph longer?” then you’ve come to the right place. You can start with a single sentence, a short paragraph, or even a phrase, and create extra content.

There are plenty of reasons why you might want to use a paragraph expander:

  • You’ve got a short blog post that you want to make longer, for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes—ideally, your blog posts should usually be 1,500+ words .
  • You’re working on a school or college assignment and you haven’t quite met the word count requirements.
  • You’ve got short-form content, like social media posts, that you want to use as the basis for a full-length article.
  • You have a little bit of text that you want to expand and make paragraphs longer throughout your content.

In all these cases, you can copy and paste short sections of content into the paragraph expander and you’ll automatically get a longer, more detailed paragraph.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you’ve got a great tweet about email marketing (I created this one using RightBlogger ’s “Tweet/X Post Ideas” feature:

Looking to grow your subscriber list? 📈 Offer an irresistible lead magnet to entice visitors to sign up. It could be an exclusive guide, discount, or free resource! 

You want to write a whole blog post about growing your email subscriber list, and you plan to expand on the lead magnet idea. So you simply copy a couple of sentences into the paragraph extender tool:

Paragraph Expander (Free AI Tool to Extend Paragraphs) Make Paragraphs Longer in One Click Example Screen Shot

Run the tool, and you’ll make your paragraph longer based on those starting 2 sentences. Here’s what it came up with for me:

“Want to boost your subscriber list and attract more visitors to your website? One effective strategy is to create a compelling lead magnet that will encourage them to sign up. Consider offering an exclusive guide packed with valuable insights, a special discount on your products or services, or a free resource that addresses a common pain point for your target audience. By providing something of value in exchange for their email address, you can significantly increase your chances of turning visitors into loyal subscribers.”

Ready to give it a try, yourself and write longer paragraphs?

How to Use the Paragraph Expander to Lengthen Your Original Text

The paragraph expander is really user-friendly—but just in case you want a helping hand, here’s a breakdown of what to do, step by step.

Step 1. Copy and Paste Your Original Sentence or Paragraph

First, you’ll need to choose a sentence (or short paragraph) to expand upon. It’s best to use something that feels a bit thin and underwritten. If you’ve already written a detailed, wordy paragraph, then running it through the tool may not give you such good results.

Once you’ve chosen the text you want to expand, simply copy and paste it into the tool.

Step 2. Select Your Tone and Writing Style

If you’re creating standard blog content, it’s fine to simply use the “Default”  tone & style in the paragraph expander tool. But if you’re writing something different, or your blog has a strong branded voice, then you may want to experiment with different tones and styles.

For instance, the “Fun & Quirky” style is a great fit for brands that are laid back and informal. The “Formal” style is a good fit if you’re working on a piece of academic or business writing.

Step 3. Generate an Extended Paragraph of Text

Once you’ve pasted in your text and (optionally) selected a tone & style, it’s time to generate your extended paragraph. Go ahead and hit the “Generate” button and your new text will appear almost instantly.

Bonus: Use My Free SEO Checklist Along With the Paragraph Expander

There’s a good chance you’re using the paragraph extender to help you produce blog posts that work well for search engines. As you write your blog post , you’ll also want to keep in mind the key principles of good blog SEO .

Here’s my personal step-by-step SEO checklist to use for your blog posts: 

  • Make sure you’re using the Yoast plugin for WordPress
  • Always optimize your post for a specific, achievable keyword phrase that’s relevant to your audience
  • Optimize your post’s subheadings: this encourages Google’s rich snippets and can mean that your post gets indexed faster
  • Only use one H1 header in your post (that should be the post title at the top of the page)
  • Follow correct header hierarchy, with H2 subsections and H3 sub-subsections
  • Make sure you include your primary keyword multiple times—but don’t go overboard (it should sound natural)
  • Use both internal and external links in your blog post (with at least 3–5 external links)
  • Craft an engaging meta description that includes your primary keyword, plus secondary keywords if possible
  • Give each image an alt description, using keywords in the descriptions as appropriate
  • Think about your blog post’s length—it should normally be at least 1,500+ words
  • Craft a meta title (SEO title) that should work well in search engines
  • Include keywords in your post’s permalink (also called the URL or slug)

The Key Features of the Paragraph Expander

We designed the paragraph expander to be super-easy to use—but if you’re curious about some of its key features, just keep reading.

Text (Copy and Paste Your Original Text)

The paragraph expander lets you paste in any text you like. (It doesn’t have to be in English, either.) Your text can be anything from a few words long to a couple of sentences long.

Note: There’s a limit of 500 characters for the tool. If you want to expand more text than that, you can simply run the tool multiple times.

Tone & Writing Style (Choose a Style That Matches Your Voice)

Like my other free AI blogging tools , the paragraph extender lets you select a tone & writing style. This is so the AI algorithm can create text that’s as close to your own writing voice as possible. 

You can use the paragraph expander as often as you like, so feel free to experiment with different styles. For example, bloggers often use styles like “Fun & Quirky”, “Casual”, and “Irreverent”. If you’re working on business or academic content, “Formal” or “Professional” might suit you well. And if you’re crafting a piece of copywriting to promote a product or service, then “Sales-oriented” or “Persuasive” could be perfect for boosting conversions. 

Language (Doesn’t Have to be English)

The paragraph expander doesn’t just work with English. You can use it with a whole range of different languages, including French, Spanish, Chinese, Danish, Polish, Japanese, Italian, and more.

Tip: Your input and output languages don’t need to match—though in most cases, you’ll probably be crafting extended content in the same language that you started out with.

Paragraph Expander Tool FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Got questions about the paragraph extender tool? Here’s everything you need to know.

What type of content can I enter into the paragraph expander tool?

You can give the paragraph extender tool any kind of content you want. That could be an excerpt from a past blog post, part of a draft you’re working on, a couple of brief sentences from an academic essay … or anything you like. For best results, you’ll want to choose content that’s concise and ripe for expanding upon. 

Even if you plan on editing the paragraph extender’s output, you might still find it’s a useful tool for getting past writer’s block.

The paragraph extender draws on the same AI writing technology behind tools like ChatGPT to create a unique sentence expansion of your input text.

Can I use the paragraph expander tool as an AI sentence expander? 

Yes, you can use this tool as a sentence expander too. Simply enter a short sentence and the tool will expand it into one (or more) sentences. 

Here’s an example for the sentence “The sky is blue”:

“The sky, with its vibrant hue, is a mesmerizing shade of blue that captivates the senses and evokes a sense of tranquility.”

Will the content from the paragraph expander tool pass a plagiarism checker?

The paragraph expander tool creates unique AI-generated content, based on your original words. This means it should easily pass a plagiarism check. For peace of mind, you may want to run your text through a plagiarism checker tool before you submit it for assessment or publication.

If you’re expanding a piece of text written by someone else, the expanded content should be sufficiently different to pass a plagiarism check. However, to avoid plagiarism of ideas, it’s important to cite your sources.

How else can I lengthen my writing to meet the required word count?

Using a paragraph extender is a useful quick fix when you’re trying to get your writing up to a certain word length. However, the tool won’t add in fresh ideas, and using it too extensively could make your piece seem overly wordy.

If you need to significantly extend a piece of writing, you might want to think about:

  • Are there any key points that you haven’t covered? My free outline generator might help you to come up with these.
  • Could you go into more detail by adding extra material, like examples or quotes? (You can include a discussion of these, too.)
  • Have you missed out part of your piece, like the introduction or conclusion? I’ve got an introduction writer and conclusion writer to help you create these.
  • Is there something more you could offer your target audience? What would make your message resonate with them?

If your writing often comes out too short, you may need to think about length earlier in the writing process. Using blog post templates , for instance, can help you create well-structured posts that meet the word count you’re aiming for.

Is there a Chrome extension for this tool?

For now, you can only use the paragraph expander here, as an online tool. There’s no Chrome extension or downloadable version, though RightBlogger’s Chrome Extension may eventually include this as a feature. I recommend keeping a tab open here with the tool so you can easily copy and paste text from your email, Google docs, Microsoft Word, or anywhere else you write.

Which other AI tools can I use to help create content?

You might want to use the full AI article writer to create a complete piece of content, in less than a minute. I’ve also got a YouTube script generator that you can use to help you make video content, and a whole range of useful blogging tools like the intro paragraph generator .

If you’re looking to change content around rather than expand sentences, the paragraph rewriter makes it easy to rephrase your text. There’s also a full grammar fixer (grammar checker) to help you with editing your writing.

Why did you make this paragraph expander a free tool?

I know, I know… what’s the catch? This paragraph expander is completely free. Here’s why. When I started blogging, years ago, I couldn’t afford to spend much money on my blog. Essential costs like web hosting took up most of my blogging budget. I knew that premium tools would help me grow my blog faster, but I couldn’t afford them. Instead, I hunted for free tools that did similar things—and I was so grateful to the bloggers who create those tools.

Today, my blog RyRob has been hugely successful, thanks in part to those free tools. I wanted to give something back to the blogging community, so I created the free paragraph expander. This tool is my gift to you.

You can use the paragraph expander as many times as you want, completely free. There’s no charge, and you never need to enter your email address, sign up, or jump through any hoops.

If you like the paragraph expander, I’d love it if you’d check out RightBlogger , my AI powerhouse. It’s packed with useful tools to help you with your writing. While it’s aimed primarily at bloggers, there are tools in there that can create and edit all kinds of AI content. That includes a paraphrasing tool, grammar fixer, rewriter, idea generator, and many more.

Who is this paragraph expander tool designed for?

We created the paragraph expander tool with all sorts of people in mind. It’s for bloggers, writers, content marketers, content creators, SEO professionals, small businesses, students, and anyone who sometimes needs a helping hand creating longer pieces of high-quality content.

Automatic Word Count Reducer

Summarize any writing piece with this word count reducer in 3 steps:

  • Add the passage you want to cut.
  • Choose the desired number of sentences to keep in the passage.
  • Click "Reduce" and enjoy the result.

Number of sentences in results:

Original ratio

100 % in your summary


Why may you need to use an automatic online word count shortener?

The need to preserve a specific word count is called the essay's " scope " – an extent of analysis a student should not exceed in a particular assignment. In these cases, a paraphrasing generator that can remove redundant words and help you keep within the assigned word count.

  • 🔢 What Is Essay Word Count?

✍️ Word Count for Various Essays

  • ✂️ Tips to Shorten an Essay

🔗 References

🔢 what is essay word count & why does it matter.

As you will quickly notice at school, college, or university, every assignment contains specific instructions that cover the word count your home task should include.

Why are they important?

This is done primarily to minimize your effort and help you plan the working schedule. For instance, you will understand that you need to reserve 2 days for a 3,000 -word essay and can manage a 500 -word essay in 2 or 3 hours.

Besides, the word count sets the scope for your research; you will surely need to check fewer literary sources for a 500-word essay and visit a library a couple of times to write a large-scale 5,000-word study.

In other words, the word count of your essay task sets the limits for your study effort and gives you hints about the depth of research you need to conduct to meet the professor's requirements.

A practical guide may also help you determine the time and scope of various academic assignments . Here is a comparative table with word counts for assignments at different study levels.

Essay type Word count What's expected from you?
300-1,000 words The majority of school tasks for essay writing refer to construction. Thus, you're expected to produce an essay for 2-3 pages on average, which falls within this word count range.
1,500-5,000 words You may receive different essay tasks depending on the department where you study. But in most cases, they start at 5 pages in length and can reach up to 20 pages in length to let you examine a subject in greater depth.
2,500-6,000 words These essays are more like , as they require extensive research and the use of scholarly evidence to structure your argument.
200-600 words Admission essays are usually short and have very strict word count requirements. They are meant to introduce yourself to the committee and prove that you're worth a college or university spot.

✂️ Tips to Reduce Word Count in an Essay

If you're not ready to use a word count reducer and want to do everything manually, here are a couple of workable techniques for word count optimization.

  • Avoid redundant beginnings . It's good practice to start a sentence with a subject. This way, you will avoid extensive "running starts," such as "as a matter of fact," "summing the presented evidence," etc. Your sentences will be simpler to read and free from redundant phrasing.
  • Use active voice . Passive-voice phrases always add a couple of redundant words to a sentence. If you don't really need to disguise the doer of the action, you should use active voice only. You'll see how neat and clean your text will sound.
  • Remove adjectives and adverbs . Adjectives and adverbs are frequently used in literary language, as they add vivid details and shades of meaning to notional words. However, they often create clutter in academic writing and are fully avoidable in most cases. So, you should consider removing most of them to make the text more readable and shorter.
  • Don't exceed 25 words in a sentence . Academic writers are often tempted to sound more scholarly with long, overloaded sentences, including many compounds. In reality, such writing efforts rarely pay off, as they confuse the readers and disguise the core message the writer wanted to deliver. Thus, it's better to divide long sentences into several parts. Using this trick, you can avoid redundant transitions and simplify the content flow.
  • One idea at a time . A logical progression of an academic text is a vital criterion of readability. Thus, you should explain relationships between variables or focus on one supporting argument at a time, avoiding a discussion of several factors in one go. This technique will improve your text's comprehension score and free readers from overly complex argumentation, causing a cognitive overload.

In all other cases – a lack of time, no desire to go through the entire text again – welcome to our word reduction tool that will make your editing job a breeze. Try our title maker and paraphraser to write and polish your essay quickly.

❓ Word Count Reducer FAQ

❓ how to count words in an essay.

It's pretty easy to control your word count in an essay. You should activate this function in your Word file, and a small tab at the bottom of your page will update you about the document's current word count as you type the essay's content. You can also click on "Statistics" in the Word menu to learn additional statistics about your text, such as the number of characters with and without spaces and the number of lines, sentences, and paragraphs you currently have.

❓ What is the word count for a college essay?

Word count is a specific number of words (or a range of words) that your professor assigns for writing. For instance, your university tutor may require students to write from 1,000 to 1,500 words in one essay. Thus, you can't compose fewer than 1,000 words (the paper should be at least 1,001 words), and you shouldn't write more than 1,500 words. A standard threshold for exceeding the assigned word count is 10% (so it's okay to submit a 1,650-word essay).

❓ How to reduce word count in an essay?

There are many techniques for word count reduction, such as cutting the articles, conjunctions, transition phrases, and running starts from the text. You may also consider changing passive-voice phrases to active voice or replacing some complex, sophisticated phrases with simpler words.

❓ What does a summarizer do?

A free text compressor available on our website can reduce the word count of your essay by removing redundant words that don't hold any vital meaning and can be removed without losing the text's quality. You can reduce the word count and combine several sentences into one automatically to achieve high-quality text reduction.

  • How to reduce word count without reducing content
  • How to Increase or Decrease Your Paper’s Word Count
  • Summarizing - Academic Integrity at MIT
  • Summarizing - University of Toronto Writing Advice
  • Writer's Manual: Academic Summary - LibGuides UU

Essay Extender for Students

Have you ever struggled to reach the specific word count while writing an essay? Our online essay extender can help you get the desired word count with just a few simple steps. All you have to do is:

  • Copy and paste your essay.
  • Choose how many words you need in your paper.
  • Click the "Extend" button.

💎 5 Key Advantages of the Essay Extender

🙋 when to use the ai essay extender, 📜 essay extender free examples, 🖇️ essay word extender tips, 🔗 references.

Our essay word extender offers a range of benefits that can enhance your writing experience. Here are some of them:

🚀 Advanced version Our essay extender has an advanced version that allows you to add words to specific parts of your essay, such as the introduction or conclusion.
🆓 Free to use You don't have to worry about any hidden fees or subscriptions.
🤖 AI algorithms Our essay extender generator uses advanced AI algorithms to ensure the added words fit seamlessly into your essay.
👩‍💻 Online tool You can access the generator from anywhere with an internet connection without downloading any software.
📝 Paragraph generator In addition to adding words, our tool can on the topic of your essay.

With its user-friendly interface, our online essay extender can assist you in various ways. Check out these ideas on how you can use the tool.

1. To Increase the Word Count

One of the most common uses of our essay extender is to increase an essay's word count. You add words to the entire text or a specific part, for example, introduction, conclusion, or body paragraphs. This gives you more control over where you want to expand an essay and helps you tailor the extension to the academic requirements .

Our tool adds words without compromising the quality of their writing. Since it uses advanced AI algorithms, it extends the text while maintaining the coherence and flow of the original content.

2. To Add a New Part

AI essay extender can also help you add a new part to your essay. For example, if you have already written the introduction and body paragraphs but are struggling with the conclusion, our tool can generate it.

Similarly, if you need to add a new body paragraph to support your argument , our essay extender can generate a paragraph based on your prompt. This feature is particularly useful when you are short on time and need to complete your essay quickly.

3. To Get New Ideas

Sometimes, you only need a fresh perspective to improve your writing. Our essay extender can generate unique ideas by developing a body paragraph on any topic. This feature is helpful for those who are stuck with their writing and need some inspiration to continue. You can use this generated paragraph as a starting point and further develop it according to your ideas and arguments.

Wanna see how essay extender generator works in practice? Let's try it together. Imagine you're writing an argumentative essay on "Should all internships be paid?" We'll use our tool to add some words to a body paragraph and then develop an effective introduction.

All internships should be paid for the simple fact that interns are providing valuable work and skills to the company. It is unfair to expect young workers, who are often already struggling with student debt, to work for free. Interns are not just shadowing or observing; they actively contribute to the company's operations and success. By not compensating them, companies are perpetuating a cycle of unpaid labor and exploiting the enthusiasm and eagerness of young workers. Furthermore, paying interns shows that their time and contributions are valued, allowing them to gain practical experience without financial strain.

All internships should be paid for the simple fact that interns are providing valuable work and skills to the company. It is unfair to expect young workers, who are often already struggling with student debt, to work for free. Interns are not just shadowing or observing; they actively contribute to the company's operations and success. For example, a student who is completing an unpaid internship at a marketing firm may be responsible for creating social media content, conducting market research, and assisting with client meetings. These tasks require time, effort, and skills, and the intern should be compensated for their contributions. By not compensating them, companies are perpetuating a cycle of unpaid labor and exploiting the enthusiasm and eagerness of young workers. Moreover, unpaid internships often come with hidden costs that can be a significant burden for students. For instance, a student interning in a different city may have to cover transportation, housing, and other expenses on top of working for free. Furthermore, paying interns shows that their time and contributions are valued, allowing them to gain practical experience without financial strain. Companies should recognize the contributions interns bring to their organization and compensate them accordingly for their hard work.

Internships have become a common way for students to gain practical experience and valuable skills in their chosen field. However, the issue of whether these internships should be paid or not has sparked a debate. While some argue that unpaid internships provide valuable learning opportunities, others believe that all internships should be paid to ensure fair treatment of young workers. In this essay, we will explore why all internships should be paid, including the value that interns bring to organizations and the hidden costs of unpaid internships.

Check out these helpful tips to work on your academic writing skills and extend an essay manually.

  • Expand your arguments . Instead of simply stating your point, provide more detailed examples to support your ideas.
  • Use transitional phrases . Transition phrases such as "in addition," "furthermore," and "moreover" can help you connect your ideas and add more depth to your essay.
  • Include relevant statistics and data . Adding statistics and data from reliable sources can boost the credibility of your essay and help you expand your arguments.
  • Incorporate quotes . Including quotes from experts or authoritative individuals adds depth and weight to your essay.
  • Provide background information . If you feel that certain concepts need more explanation, you can provide background information to help the reader better understand your points.

Remember, when expanding on your arguments, it is essential to do so smartly. This means providing detailed explanations and relevant examples that add length to your essay and strengthen your points.

❓ Essay Extender FAQ

Updated: Jul 19th, 2024

  • How to Increase or Decrease Your Paper’s Word Count | Grammarly
  • How to Increase Your Essay Word Count - Word Counter Blog
  • Transitions - The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Increase the word count of any text effortlessly with IvyPanda's free Essay Extender. Just fill out the form, and our online tool will add particular paragraphs or even double your content in a couple of clicks! Try it now and expand your writing while keeping it coherent and relevant.

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What is WordCounter?

Apart from counting words and characters, our online editor can help you to improve word choice and writing style, and, optionally, help you to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. To check word count, simply place your cursor into the text box above and start typing. You'll see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them. You can also copy and paste text from another program over into the online editor above. The Auto-Save feature will make sure you won't lose any changes while editing, even if you leave the site and come back later. Tip: Bookmark this page now.

Knowing the word count of a text can be important. For example, if an author has to write a minimum or maximum amount of words for an article, essay, report, story, book, paper, you name it. WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit.

In addition, WordCounter shows you the top 10 keywords and keyword density of the article you're writing. This allows you to know which keywords you use how often and at what percentages. This can prevent you from over-using certain words or word combinations and check for best distribution of keywords in your writing.

In the Details overview you can see the average speaking and reading time for your text, while Reading Level is an indicator of the education level a person would need in order to understand the words you’re using.

Disclaimer: We strive to make our tools as accurate as possible but we cannot guarantee it will always be so.

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Step 2. What do you want to say?

Step 3. Where do you want to share it?

  • Keyword Density

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  • ACTIVITY Keeps track of your word and character count.
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The best essay memes: some popular examples

By Published Writing Guides

Memes are the modern way of communicating joy blended with hidden information. Social media has created a great platform for memes. The users can share, like, and comment on different types of memes. Essay writing is one of the important aspects of college life. Therefore, there are memes created based on the essays. These memes communicate the importance of focusing on essay writing and common mistakes made while writing essays.

If you are a student who is interested in learning tips on how to write a good essay, you could review some essay-related memes to improve your understanding. Even-though memes are known as a mode of sharing fun and joy, it often communicates a great deal of knowledge as well. It helps students to think differently about essay writing and improve skills to write quality essays.

Memes on the usage of words and language

It is important to use the words effectively and meaningfully when writing an essay. Effective usage of words includes using words with correct spellings, meaning, and accuracy. Further, if the essay has a specific word count, the writer should adhere to the word count requirement. It is not acceptable to breach the quality or the meaning of the essay simply to meet the relevant word count. The writer could compromise the quality of the essay by trying to increase the word count as mentioned in the meme below.

essay meme word count

It is a common mistake done by essay writers to meet the word count requirement. The above could just be a small example, but writers do mistakes of a larger scale such as using the same set of words in different ways. It does not add any value to the content of the essay. It depends on the nature of your audience on whether to use formal language or friendly language. If you were using friendly language from the beginning of the essay, you should not shift to formal language simply to increase your word count. It is important to have a general idea of the word count and the structure of the essay. Experts from the best paper writing services can help you to find perfect memes for your essay.

The essay writer should prioritize the subject matter and the key content areas to meet the required word count. Usage of suitable examples could be the driving force behind a perfect essay. Examples need to be in line with the principal theme of the essay. If you are introducing examples that are deviated from the major theme of the essay, it could affect the overall quality and synthesis of the essay.

Essay writers need to have a plan upfront on the structure of the essay and word count. If the number of paragraphs is not enough to meet the required word count, they need to think of explaining the existing paragraphs in detail. Further, there should be a proper connection among the paragraphs and words should not be added simply to increase the word count. An essay writer can increase the productivity and effectiveness of the essay by following these steps.

Essay writers start writing the content with great ideas and when they reach the middle part of the essay, they run out of ideas. This is a result of poor planning. For example, if you start a new vacation or a journey without knowing your places for accommodation or destination, it would be hard to continue your journey. Similarly, when you are writing an essay, it is important to plan the structure of the content before writing.

There are different techniques to draw a rough outline for your essay. First, you should read the topic and source carefully to understand the key areas. Then, you need to spend some time brainstorming the important areas and think deeply about the keywords. Once you digest the keywords into your memory and thought process, it would be easy for you to come up with unique ideas for your essay.

When your essay has unique ideas, it tends to get high marks. The initial thought process is the key to generating special content which could help your essay to stand out from the rest of the essays in the crowd. Another issue that the essay writers face is that they get driven away from the subject matter of the essay. For example, if they start the essay about ice cream manufacturing and once, they introduce the chocolate flavor and then writing the rest of the essay on the chocolate, it would be difficult to stay in line with the subject matter. Therefore, when you explain related areas in an essay, you should not deviate too much from the key concept. It would cause a major distraction in the reader’s mind when assessing your work.

essay meme word count

Another effective measure would be to monitor the word count that is used to explain the related areas. If you are tracking the number of words on each content area of the essay, it would be highlighted once you exceed the allocated number of words for a particular area of the essay. Another effective trick is to focus on the keywords. Some professional essay writers, first note down all the keywords related to the essay subject matter. Then, they try to elaborate the keywords with more information. Again, the key factor is to explain the keywords in line with the main subject matter of the essay.

Essay writers can decide the suitable amounts of keywords that they are going to have in the essay. Keywords are similar to certain milestones in an essay. When the milestones are strongly established, the journey is safe and there is a higher chance of it being successful. Similarly, when you are writing an essay, it is crucial to establish all the keywords and then start to explain them using good examples. The link between keywords and good examples is important for the overall quality of the essay. These are the strategies that an essay writer could follow to increase the completeness of an essay.

The originality of the essay is critical for any essay writer to obtain a higher grade. If you have copied the content from online sources or published papers, the originality is breached. Students think that their essay papers are tested for similarity based on the online sources using online tools. They use this as an excuse to copy other writers’ work from published papers that are not found online. There are advanced tools to check off-line similarity as well. Students should not try these things when writing essays about abortion as integrity is one of the most important qualities that an essay writer needs to have. When you copy the work of a different person, it could be subject to both ethical issues and legal implications.

The downside of using online published content in the essays is that the students could lose marks for a higher percentage of similarity. Students argue that certain topics could be of similar nature and their content could be similar to the information that is already available online. Unfortunately, this is not an excuse for a responsible essay writer. The content needs to be 100% unique. When you think of a new essay topic using your experience and thought process, it gives you the opportunity to present the perfect content. You do not need to worry about the content being similar.

Another common mistake done by the essay writers is that they do not refer to online sources thinking they would get caught for similarity. It is important to understand that referencing does not cause you to get caught for similarity. Referencing is essential for understanding purposes and to research the subject matter. The research helps to learn the key areas and build perspectives that eventually lead to the synthesis of the essay. When the perspectives are strong and in line with suitable referencing, it helps the essay writer to build unique arguments to support the content.

Referencing needs to be reflected in the essay in line with the standard guidelines. It is not considered a similarity and essay writers should not worry about doing a detailed referencing session before writing an essay. Students think they can copy the content from audio or visual platforms such as YouTube to increase the word count and write essays. This is not a successful strategy at all as there are tools that can check the similarity and students will get low marks for doing such things. Overall, it is important to focus on the unique ideas for essay writing based on experience, knowledge, culture, history and even sometimes it could be personal feelings.

The essay writers need to have the correct spirit when writing an essay. If they believe in their ability to produce unique content, the essay writers don’t need to worry about similarity. When they don’t have the correct spirit to write the essay, they will look for alternative methods which might cause issues towards the originality of the work.

The above meme indicates another common issue associated with meme writing. Essay writers start the essay with a perfect introduction and then moves on with solid paragraphs but unfortunately, end the essay with a poor conclusion. The conclusion is one of the most important elements of an essay. It gives the reader an overall idea about the whole essay. Therefore, if an essay writer has done well with the introduction and body paragraphs of an essay there could be few reasons for him to miss out on a good conclusion.

One reason could be a lack of time management. If you haven’t managed the time allocated for the essay, then it would be difficult to write a good conclusion for your essay. Before writing an essay, the writers need to determine the amount of time to be spent on each category. If a category couldn’t be completed within the allocated time, the writer should move to the next stage. Finally, the writer could use the spare time to check the essay again and fill the missing areas. It allows the writer to find the mistakes before submitting the essay. If you are not managing your time on the essay, there is a risk of you missing the whole of the conclusion or writing a conclusion with poor content.

essay meme word count

There is a reasonable amount of marks allocated for the conclusion of the essay in any exam. Students who are planning to obtain a higher grade need to plan the essay and utilize the time available to their full advantage. Another reason for an essay writer to miss out on the full marks for the conclusion could be that they think the conclusion is not that important. It is a misconception among students. The conclusion is considered a vital part of any essay. Some students believe that the conclusion is all about repeating the same thing they have explained in the body paragraphs of the essay. It is not correct and the conclusion is all about the overall idea of the essay and the tool that is used to apply the finishing touch to an essay.

Therefore, essay writers need to pay reasonable attention to the conclusion when planning the essay. They could highlight the keywords in the conclusion to link up the whole essay in few sentences. The conclusion should not be used to represent new ideas or new examples. It would cause a distraction to the reader as you don’t have enough time to explain a new point or an argument within the conclusion. Also, it is not advisable to introduce new examples in the conclusion as it could also be a distraction for the reader. The conclusion is usually for the overall smoothness of the essay and to highlight the key areas.

Overall, essay writers can learn new features associated with essay writing by reviewing memes. It is important to select suitable memes that could improve your understanding. The memes could refresh your thinking and allow you to think from a new angle to generate new essay ideas.


Reduce Word Count Generator

Cut your word count without reducing the content. This tool is very easy to use:

  • Paste the text.
  • Mind that there is a 15,000-character limit.
  • Choose text reduction options.
  • Click the button.
  • Copy the text to the clipboard.

⭐️ Word Count Reducer: the Benefits

  • ✒️ What Is Cut-Down-Word-Count Generator?
  • ✂️ How to Cut Down Words?
  • 👍 Word Cutter Do's & Don'ts

🖇️ References

🔀 Flexible Choose the length of your summary.
🤗 User-friendly Enjoy the intuitive interface of the word reducer.
💸 Free Cut down words online for free.
🚅 Fast Get the result in several seconds.

✒️ Reduce Word Count Generator: What Is It?

Cut-Down-Word-Count Generator is a free online tool that summarizes texts and reduces sentence and word count. It cuts out unnecessary words , phrases, and sentences but doesn't change the sense of a text. This is a helpful instrument for students, journalists, and other people who work with loads of written information.

Besides reducing your writing, you can also use the tool to summarize books, short novels, and articles on any topic. Artificial intelligence finds keywords and decides which sentences and words are the most essential.

The tool is also fully compatible with Grammarly – you can edit the text on our page if you have an extension.

✂️ How to Cut Down Words in My Essay?

Automatic tools are great when you need to work with extensive text . However, consider manual summarizing for more flexibility.

Here's how to reduce your word count manually:

  • Find and highlight the key messages . If you do it thoroughly, you will preserve the initial sense of a text.
  • Cut out adjectives and adverbs . Many of them are just filler words that serve only the aesthetic features of a text. That is why you won't lose the main points if you delete them.
  • Look for synonyms and synonymic collocations . To avoid plagiarism in academic papers, use synonyms when referring to another author's thoughts. And you will still need to give them a reference.
  • Change structures . Simplifying sentences is another way to reduce the word count. Just rewrite lengthy and overcomplicated grammar.
  • One paragraph – one idea . Each section should focus only on one idea or answer one question. Keep your paragraphs at 200-300 and sentences at 15-25 words.

Words and Phrases to Avoid

You will also need to work on vocabulary . In this part, we will explain how to avoid excessive wording and bring your essay to academic standards.

Don't Use Examples
. These are unnecessary for sentence structure; you can remove them without altering the text. Stunning, ugly, beautiful, horrible, great, boring, fantastic, obviously, of course, very.
. Better think of shorter and less overused phrases. Think outside the box, play your cards right, time will tell.
. Informal words and phrases are not appropriate in academic writing. A bit, a couple of, kind of, sort of, you, your.
. Replace them with one word or remove them.
. Sometimes it is better to use more wordy structures to make the text appropriate.

👍 Word Cutter for Essays: Do's and Don'ts

This list of practical recommendations will help you use the word remover to its max.

  • Don't paste long texts . The word limit allows us to summarize extensive passages, but we don't recommend it. Instead of cutting the whole text, work with each part separately.
  • Don't simply copy and paste the results into your essay . You will likely need to modify the reduced text to create a smooth final version.
  • Divide texts into logical parts . The AI will identify the main points quicker and have fewer error risks. It will also make it easier for you to navigate and spot mistakes.
  • Check the results . It will be easier for you to manually correct inaccuracies at the very first stage. The tool is fast, but the human brain is more capable of understanding writing subtleties.
  • Remove plagiarism . This is not a paraphrasing tool , so you must work on plagiarism. If it is just for personal use, you can leave the text as it is. Otherwise, you will need to quote or paraphrase the text to avoid plagiarized content.
  • Work on word choice . Some texts you use might not be suitable for academic writing or your instructor's requirements. Devote some time to put the vocabulary in order.

📝 Word Reducing Example

Check out this example of a text summarized by our word reducer.

Original text

In the current study, several limitations of the research are necessary to mention. While random sampling will ensure representativeness and a low level of bias, there is a risk of limited outcomes in quantitative analysis. Since the questionnaires use structured and close-ended questions, there is a possibility of limited outcomes, which means that the results cannot always represent the actual occurrence in generalized forms.

Since respondents have limited response options that the researcher designed, the outcomes thus ultimately depend on the perspective taken by a scholar when creating the questions. Another significant limitation of the study is the limited availability of secondary data that can be applied to the research context. While the subject matter is widespread, there has been little research on implementing a sports education instructional program at educational facilities. Finally, data may not be robust enough to make conclusions regarding study findings.

Full text: Jeddah University: Sports Health Education Instructional Program - 4403 Words | Free Paper Example

Reduced version:

Since the questionnaires use structured and close-ended questions, there is a possibility of limited outcomes, which means that the results cannot always represent the actual occurrence in generalized forms. Another significant limitation of the study is the limited availability of secondary data that can be applied to the research context. While the subject matter is widespread, there has been little research on implementing a sports education instructional program at educational facilities.

Updated: Aug 24th, 2023

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  • Top Words to Avoid in Academic Writing | Useful Advices & Tricks
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  • The Writing Center | When to Summarize, Paraphrase, and...

IB Writing Service Logo

How Long Is IB EE? Minimum and Maximum Word Count

As a seasoned IB writer, I’ve seen my fair share of extended essays ranging from the succinctly brilliant to the lengthy and sprawling. So, let’s cut to the chase: What exactly is an IB extended essay, and why is its word count crucial? This essay, a cornerstone of the International Baccalaureate diploma , challenges students to focus on a topic they choose. Managing the minimum and maximum word count is crucial, setting the stage for well-structured research of your chosen subject.

What Is the Word Count Requirement for the Extended Essay?

From my extensive experience guiding students through the intricacies of IB extended essay writing, I can confidently say that understanding word count is crucial to your success. Firstly, the absolute upper limit for an extended essay is 4,000 words. This is a strict threshold. According to general IB criteria, essays exceeding this count risk being penalized, affecting your overall score. This cap is in place to encourage precision and conciseness in your argumentation and analysis.

While the IB mandates no official minimum word count, aiming for at least 3,500 words is widely recommended. Writing fewer than 3,500 words may signal that you have not researched your topic thoroughly. In my opinion, adhering to this suggested minimum helps ensure that you’ve adequately developed and substantiated your essay’s argument with sufficient evidence. From my experience, students who meet or come close to the recommended minimum tend to produce essays that feel complete and robust, reflecting well on their overall investigative and analytical skills.

Balancing between these word counts — not too brief, yet not verbose — is an art form. As you plan and draft your essay, consider these numbers as guides, not just limits. The goal is to build a compelling argument within this range, using each word effectively to strengthen your case.

Extended Essay Word Count for Each Section

Understanding how to allocate your word count across different sections is essential for maintaining a well-structured and balanced argument. In my experience, a clear plan for distributing words helps ensure that each section of your essay receives adequate attention and contributes effectively to your thesis.

Introduction (300-400 words)

The introduction sets the stage for your essay. It should clearly state your research question, provide some background on the topic, and outline the scope of your investigation. This section should capture the reader’s interest and explain why the topic is worth attention. Around 300 to 400 words are generally sufficient to lay a solid foundation without preempting the detailed analysis that will follow.

Body (2800-3200 words)

The body is where you will develop your argument, analyze data, and discuss evidence. This section should be the heart of your essay and use most of your word count. Here’s a breakdown of how you might structure the body:

  • Literature Review (500-600 words) . Discuss existing research and different perspectives on your topic.
  • Methodology (300-400 words) . Explain the methods used to gather and analyze data.
  • Analysis (1400-1600 words) . The bulk of your word count should go here, where you critically analyze your findings.
  • Discussion (600-700 words) . Interpret the implications of your findings in light of your research question and existing literature.

Managing the word count across these sections effectively ensures that your essay is balanced and provides a detailed investigation within the constraints set by the IB. From my experience, essays that adhere to these guidelines are more coherent and received better by examiners.

Conclusion (300-400 words)

In the conclusion, you wrap up the essay by summarizing your findings and restating how they answer the research question. This section should also reflect on the implications of your findings and suggest areas for further research. Keeping it concise and focused is critical, so aim for 300 to 400 words.

Appendices and Bibliography

While the appendices and bibliography are essential components of your essay, remember that words here do not count towards your overall word count. Use appendices for supporting documents and data, and ensure your bibliography is comprehensive and formatted correctly.

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exteded essay word count

How Many Pages and Paragraphs Are in a 4000-Word EE?

In my opinion, the formatting of your Extended Essay is as crucial as the content itself. According to general IB criteria, your essay should be typed in a clear, readable font like Times New Roman or Arial, at a size of 12 points. These options are standard across most academic writing, ensuring your work is accessible and professionally presented.

When double-spaced, the typical requirement for the extended essay, a 4000-word document will usually span about 15 to 16 pages. This estimate includes a title page and often a table of contents, which, while they do not contribute to the word count, are essential parts of your essay’s structure.

As for the structure within those pages, from my experience, it’s prudent to aim for about 100 to 150 words per paragraph. This guideline helps maintain clarity and coherence in your argumentation. With this approach, you would expect to have approximately 27 to 40 paragraphs. Each paragraph should ideally present a distinct idea or piece of evidence, systematically building your case and supporting your thesis.

This structure not only aids in the logical flow of your essay but also makes it easier for your examiners to follow and appreciate your analysis. Remember, a well-organized essay reflects your ability to think critically and organize knowledge, which is at the heart of the IB philosophy.

Tips for Managing Your IB Extended Essay Word Count

Managing the word count in your extended essay can be a daunting task. As a seasoned IB writer, I’ve guided many students through this process, helping them meet and effectively use their word limit to produce compelling and thorough research essays. In my experience, efficiently managing your word count is as crucial as the research and analysis. Here are some tips I’ve found invaluable, and I believe they can help you write a well-balanced essay.

Plan Your Essay Structure

In my opinion, the best way to manage your word count begins before you even start writing. Creating a detailed outline of your essay is crucial. It should include a breakdown of how many words you allocate to each section. As I know from guiding IB students, an outline keeps your writing on track. It ensures that each part of your essay contributes effectively to the argument without one section disproportionately consuming the word count.

Write Concisely

According to general IB criteria, clarity and precision are highly valued in an Extended Essay. From my experience, students often struggle with being verbose in their writing. My advice is to prioritize clarity and conciseness. Avoid convoluted sentences and overcomplicated vocabulary that inflate your word count unnecessarily and obscure your points. Instead, focus on being direct. A well-chosen word can often do the job of five.

Use the Iterative Editing Process

As I often tell my students, writing is only the first step. The real magic happens during editing. It’s essential to check for grammatical errors and consistency and refine and reduce your word count. From my experience, always aim to write your first draft slightly over the word limit. This strategy allows you more creative freedom initially, and later, you can trim down excess without the pressure of adding more content.

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Focus on the analysis, not just description.

A common pitfall for many IB students is spending too many words describing their topic or recounting their research without adequately analyzing it. As I know, and as general IB criteria suggest, the Extended Essay is an analytical research paper, not just a report. Make sure you dedicate a significant portion of your word count to interpreting your findings, discussing implications, and reflecting on the significance of your results concerning your research question.

Regularly Check Your Word Count

Throughout the writing process, keeping an eye on your word count is vital. As I advise, check your word count after completing each section to ensure you’re within the expected range. This strategy helps prevent a last-minute realization that you need significant cuts or additions, which can be disruptive and stressful.

Seek Feedback

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of external feedback. Sharing your draft with peers, teachers, or even former IB students like myself can provide new perspectives on effectively managing your word count. Often, they can identify areas where the writing is unclear or overly verbose, which you might have missed.

So, effectively managing the word count in your IB extended essay isn’t just a formal requirement — it improves the quality and clarity of your argument and makes your insights stand out. Every word in your essay should serve a purpose, whether building an argument, providing evidence, or analyzing data.

Remember that the word count is not just a number but a framework to create a clear, focused, and insightful argument. With careful planning, a disciplined approach to writing, and thorough editing, you can master the art of precision. And if you need help or simply want to  buy an extended essay  from the best IB writers, simply contact our experts and place an order.

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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essay meme word count

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Y'all read the new book yet? ini Eragon around 157k words. Eldest 213k. Brisingr 254k. Inheritance 280k. "@AuthorRTkaelin What's the word count on it?" PM - Mar 26, 2012 Christopher Paolini Final word count of #Murtagh is 198,983 words. So my editor had me ADD about 34,000 words to the book over the course of Ha! That's a first. PM - Aug 25, POPS 30.8K Views

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When Im trying to reach the minimum word count on an essay

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Essay Word Count Meme - When You Re Writing An Essay And Trying To Reach That 500 Word Count 9gag : Photo © oxford scientific / getty images think memes are inspired by the mysterious workings of the human mind.


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So what's an intrepid wrimo to do? 25 Best Memes About Essay Word Count Essay Word Count Memes

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So what's an intrepid wrimo to do? National novel writing month, also known as nanowrimo, also known as the cooler name for november, is in full swing, and as the month progresses, the problems are bound to start accumulating. From pokemon and sailor moon to dragon ball z and studio ghibli, anime films and series hav. Wonder why a meme is so funny? We all know that the internet is awash in memes, from grumpy cat to batman slapping robin. There's one thing that you'll never be able to avoid—negotiating. Mondays can be harsh or magnificent. Here are our faves that are sure to appeal to fans of sailor moon, pokemon, dbz, and other series. Looking for some good think memes? Signing out of account, standby. Memes are viral curiosities that spread through hyperlinks and email. Looking for the best anime memes to share online? Open the word count window for additional information on the document.

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Mondays can be harsh or magnificent. When You Add Random Words All Over Your Essay To Reach The Word Count Salt Bae Meme Generator

We all know that the internet is awash in memes, from grumpy cat to batman slapping robin.

Signing out of account, standby. So what's an intrepid wrimo to do? There's one thing that you'll never be able to avoid—negotiating. Looking for some good think memes? Memes are viral curiosities that spread through hyperlinks and email. A meme can only succeed if it meets biologist richard dawkins's three criteria: Open the word count window for additional information on the document. Mondays can be harsh or magnificent. They are modern cultural artifacts that become famous through 'soc. 5 tips on how to negotiate at the office read full profile whether you work from the comfort of your home office, or in a cubical 50 floors above the street, there's one thin. We all know that the internet is awash in memes, from grumpy cat to batman slapping robin. The word count in microsoft word is found in the status bar. Looking for the best anime memes to share online?

Ever tweet something you regret?eve. Open the word count window for additional information on the document. We all know that the internet is awash in memes, from grumpy cat to batman slapping robin. Signing out of account, standby. Wonder why a meme is so funny?

From pokemon and sailor moon to dragon ball z and studio ghibli, anime films and series hav. When You Re Trying To Reach The Word Count On Your Essay

From pokemon and sailor moon to dragon ball z and studio ghibli, anime films and series hav.

Why on earth would someone ever want to create a meme? National novel writing month, also known as nanowrimo, also known as the cooler name for november, is in full swing, and as the month progresses, the problems are bound to start accumulating. Photo © oxford scientific / getty images think memes are inspired by the mysterious workings of the human mind. Wonder why a meme is so funny? Ever tweet something you regret?eve. Scroll through these political memes, photos, and videos and get a laugh from politics. From pokemon and sailor moon to dragon ball z and studio ghibli, anime films and series hav. Scroll through these political memes, photos, and videos and get a laugh from politics. Looking for some good think memes? It's a matter of perspective. A meme can only succeed if it meets biologist richard dawkins's three criteria: Gza blint ujvrosi / getty images is monday anyone's favorite day of the week? We all know that the internet is awash in memes, from grumpy cat to batman slapping robin.

Essay Word Count Meme - When You Re Writing An Essay And Trying To Reach That 500 Word Count 9gag : Photo © oxford scientific / getty images think memes are inspired by the mysterious workings of the human mind. . Gza blint ujvrosi / getty images is monday anyone's favorite day of the week? We all know that the internet is awash in memes, from grumpy cat to batman slapping robin. Scroll through these political memes, photos, and videos and get a laugh from politics. Interestingly enough, there are several reasons. National novel writing month, also known as nanowrimo, also known as the cooler name for november, is in full swing, and as the month progresses, the problems are bound to start accumulating.

Looking for some good think memes? word count meme . Scroll through these political memes, photos, and videos and get a laugh from politics.

Charles Minggu, 05 Desember 2021 edit

Why AI can’t spell ‘strawberry’

essay meme word count

How many times does the letter “r” appear in the word “strawberry”? According to formidable AI products like GPT-4o and Claude , the answer is twice.

Large language models (LLMs) can write essays and solve equations in seconds. They can synthesize terabytes of data faster than humans can open up a book. Yet, these seemingly omniscient AIs sometimes fail so spectacularly that the mishap turns into a viral meme, and we all rejoice in relief that maybe there’s still time before we must bow down to our new AI overlords.

oh — Rob DenBleyker (@RobDenBleyker) August 26, 2024

The failure of large language models to understand the concepts of letters and syllables is indicative of a larger truth that we often forget: These things don’t have brains. They do not think like we do. They are not human, nor even particularly humanlike.

Most LLMs are built on transformers, a kind of deep learning architecture. Transformer models break text into tokens, which can be full words, syllables, or letters, depending on the model.

“LLMs are based on this transformer architecture, which notably is not actually reading text. What happens when you input a prompt is that it’s translated into an encoding,” Matthew Guzdial, an AI researcher and assistant professor at the University of Alberta, told TechCrunch . “When it sees the word ‘the,’ it has this one encoding of what ‘the’ means, but it does not know about ‘T,’ ‘H,’ ‘E.’”

This is because the transformers are not able to take in or output actual text efficiently. Instead, the text is converted into numerical representations of itself, which is then contextualized to help the AI come up with a logical response. In other words, the AI might know that the tokens “straw” and “berry” make up “strawberry,” but it may not understand that “strawberry” is composed of the letters “s,” “t,” “r,” “a,” “w,” “b,” “e,” “r,” “r,” and “y,” in that specific order. Thus, it cannot tell you how many letters — let alone how many “r”s — appear in the word “strawberry.”

This isn’t an easy issue to fix, since it’s embedded into the very architecture that makes these LLMs work.

I thought Dune 2 was the best movie of 2024 until I watched this masterpiece (sound on). — Peter Yang (@petergyang) March 7, 2024

TechCrunch’s Kyle Wiggers dug into this problem last month and spoke to Sheridan Feucht, a PhD student at Northeastern University studying LLM interpretability.

“It’s kind of hard to get around the question of what exactly a ‘word’ should be for a language model, and even if we got human experts to agree on a perfect token vocabulary, models would probably still find it useful to ‘chunk’ things even further,” Feucht told TechCrunch. “My guess would be that there’s no such thing as a perfect tokenizer due to this kind of fuzziness.”

This problem becomes even more complex as an LLM learns more languages. For example, some tokenization methods might assume that a space in a sentence will always precede a new word, but many languages like Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Lao, Korean, Khmer and others do not use spaces to separate words. Google DeepMind AI researcher Yennie Jun found in a 2023 study that some languages need up to 10 times as many tokens as English to communicate the same meaning.

“It’s probably best to let models look at characters directly without imposing tokenization, but right now that’s just computationally infeasible for transformers,” Feucht said.

Image generators like Midjourney and DALL-E don’t use the transformer architecture that lies beneath the hood of text generators like ChatGPT. Instead, image generators usually use diffusion models, which reconstruct an image from noise. Diffusion models are trained on large databases of images, and they’re incentivized to try to re-create something like what they learned from training data.

essay meme word count

Asmelash Teka Hadgu, co-founder of  Lesan  and a fellow at the  DAIR Institute , told TechCrunch , “Image generators tend to perform much better on artifacts like cars and people’s faces, and less so on smaller things like fingers and handwriting.”

This could be because these smaller details don’t often appear as prominently in training sets as concepts like how trees usually have green leaves. The problems with diffusion models might be easier to fix than the ones plaguing transformers, though. Some image generators have improved at representing hands, for example, by training on more images of real, human hands.

“Even just last year, all these models were really bad at fingers, and that’s exactly the same problem as text,” Guzdial explained. “They’re getting really good at it locally, so if you look at a hand with six or seven fingers on it, you could say, ‘Oh wow, that looks like a finger.’ Similarly, with the generated text, you could say, that looks like an ‘H,’ and that looks like a ‘P,’ but they’re really bad at structuring these whole things together.”

essay meme word count

That’s why, if you ask an AI image generator to create a menu for a Mexican restaurant, you might get normal items like “Tacos,” but you’ll be more likely to find offerings like “Tamilos,” “Enchidaa” and “Burhiltos.”

As these memes about spelling “strawberry” spill across the internet, OpenAI is working on a new AI product code-named Strawberry, which is supposed to be even more adept at reasoning. The growth of LLMs has been limited by the fact that there simply isn’t enough training data in the world to make products like ChatGPT more accurate. But Strawberry can reportedly generate accurate synthetic data to make OpenAI’s LLMs even better. According to The Information , Strawberry can solve the New York Times’ Connections word puzzles, which require creative thinking and pattern recognition to solve and can solve math equations that it hasn’t seen before.

Meanwhile, Google DeepMind recently unveiled AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2, AI systems designed for formal math reasoning. Google says these two systems solved four out of six problems from the International Math Olympiad, which would be a good enough performance to earn as silver medal at the prestigious competition.

It’s a bit of a troll that memes about AI being unable to spell “strawberry” are circulating at the same time as reports on OpenAI’s Strawberry . But OpenAI CEO Sam Altman jumped at the opportunity to show us that he’s got a pretty impressive berry yield in his garden .

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Minimum Word Counts on Essays Ruins Their Quality

Mandatory word counts for essays is the dumbest and most useless way of grading I have ever dealt with. It has never made any sense to me and also feels like it explains why academic literature over explains concepts that don't need to be over explained. The content of an essay or research paper should purely be valued by the quality of the content, not the quantity of it. Why would you intentionally want someone to stretch out their sentencing and paragraphs for no added material other than to fill a word count gap.

I'm sure everyone has seen the memes where people make fun of how they get around word counts (like saying "I observed a golden retriever from across the sidewalk that appeared to be eating an unidentifiable brown substance" rather than saying "I think I saw a dog eat shit") and I know that it would seem to be a "popular" opinion because of that. But clearly every form of education still using mandatory word counts in their curriculum regardless of complaints shows that it's clearly not that popular, at least among teaching staff in schools.

Moral of the story. If you're a teacher, stop putting mandatory word counts, your students hate it and you're teaching them to bullshit through school rather than actually enjoy writing papers on material they researched. Their understanding of the material matters infinitely more than how many words they used to describe it.

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  24. Why AI can't spell 'strawberry'

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