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🤖 Free YouTube Bio Generator (AI-Powered)

Facing the challenge of creating a standout YouTube bio can be daunting. It's your chance to make a great first impression, but knowing what to say isn't always straightforward. That's where an AI-powered YouTube bio generator comes into play. It offers a smart solution by crafting bios that resonate with your channel's essence and appeal to your target audience. This approach simplifies the bio-creation process, allowing you to focus more on creating great content.

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Crafting the perfect YouTube bio might seem straightforward, but it's a fine art that balances engaging your audience and showcasing what makes you or your channel unique. Your bio is your introduction to viewers, new and old, a snapshot that conveys your personality, content, and the essence of your channel in just a few sentences. As we venture into using an AI-powered YouTube bio generator, the goal remains to capture your individuality and the spirit of your content, blending creativity with technology for a bio that stands out. Let’s navigate this journey, ensuring your bio is informative and a reflection of you, enhanced by AI's capabilities in the last steps of crafting your perfect introduction.

What is a YouTube Bio?

A YouTube bio is a summary found on a channel's About page. It lets viewers quickly glimpse the content, creator, and channel's purpose. When writing a YouTube bio, it's crucial to understand its role in attracting subscribers and shaping their first impressions. This bio is a channel overview highlighting your content's uniqueness and why viewers should stick around.

It is vital to incorporate essential elements like clearly describing your channel, its target audience, and what viewers can expect from your videos. It's not just about stating facts; it's about weaving in keywords for search optimisation and audience targeting, making your channel more discoverable. A compelling YouTube bio doesn't just inform; it encourages new viewers to subscribe by clearly communicating your content's value and your creator's personality.

Importance of a YouTube bio

A YouTube bio is a cornerstone in carving out your channel's unique identity, inviting viewers to dive into what makes your content stand out. It's your chance to quickly tell viewers who you are, what you offer, and why your channel is worth their time. By incorporating SEO keywords, you're not just introducing your channel but also ensuring it's discoverable by the right audience.

Crafting a bio that reflects your personality is crucial. It's not just about listing facts; it's about connecting with your audience personally. This connection fosters viewer engagement, turning casual viewers into loyal subscribers. Remember, your YouTube bio is more than just a description. It's an invitation to join your community and a sneak peek into your channel's soul. You're setting the stage for meaningful interactions and a growing viewer base by highlighting your unique identity through your bio. Keep it fresh, keep it you, and watch as your channel's identity strengthens, attracting more viewers eager to see what you'll share next.

Elements of an Effective YouTube Bio

To craft a compelling YouTube bio, you'll need to focus on core information, personalise your bio, and optimise it for search engines. Start by including essential details about your channel, ensuring it stands out by injecting your unique personality. Then, use relevant keywords to make your bio easily discoverable to your target audience.

Core Information to Include

In crafting your YouTube bio, including a concise summary of your channel's focus and offerings is crucial. Your bio should clearly depict who you are and what kind of content viewers can expect. It's not just about creating an engaging bio; it's about leveraging SEO keywords to boost your channel's visibility. Mention your upload schedule to manage expectations and add links to your social media to enhance engagement. Remember to sprinkle those relevant keywords throughout your bio for optimal SEO optimisation. Lastly, a compelling call to action is essential. Encourage viewers to subscribe and interact with your content. This proactive approach is critical to fostering channel growth.

Personalising Your Bio

Personalising your YouTube bio invites viewers into your unique world, showcasing your personality, interests, and values to forge a genuine connection. This step is crucial in setting you apart from the ocean of content creators. Here's how to make your bio uniquely yours:

  • Highlight your unique traits and how they shape the content you create, adding a personal touch.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords naturally to reflect your niche and interests without compromising your bio's visual appeal.
  • Enhance visual appeal with formatting tricks and maybe emojis that resonate with your brand.
  • Include calls-to-action for social media follows, seamlessly linking your online presence.
  • Personalising your YouTube bio is about more than standing out; it's about inviting viewers to join your community.

Optimising for Search Engines

Incorporating relevant keywords in your YouTube bio enhances its visibility and attracts your ideal audience. Focusing on SEO for YouTube means carefully choosing terms that reflect what viewers are searching for. By incorporating keywords in your YouTube bio, you're optimising your bio for search engines, which can dramatically increase the chances of your channel's discovery. Consider using a bio generator for YouTube if you're unsure where to start. These tools can suggest keywords related to your content and niche, ensuring you create an engaging bio for your YouTube channel. Remember, an optimised bio helps with visibility and sets clear expectations for your audience, making it a crucial step in building your YouTube presence.

Crafting Your Bio: A Step-by-Step Process

To start crafting your YouTube bio, it's essential to define your channel's goals and understand your target audience. You'll need to weave in keywords naturally to improve your channel's visibility and attract suitable viewers. Also, don't forget to showcase your achievements and add a visual touch to make your bio stand out, along with a compelling call to action to encourage subscriptions.

Defining Your Channel's Goals and Audience

Why should viewers choose your channel among countless others? Defining your YouTube channel goals and understanding your target audience are crucial steps in crafting a compelling bio that stands out. By focusing on what makes your channel unique and tailoring your message to the interests and needs of your audience, you create a foundation for engaging content that resonates.

  • Outline clear YouTube channel goals to guide your content strategy.
  • Identify your target audience so that you can speak directly to their interests.
  • Highlight your unique selling points to differentiate your channel.
  • Develop engaging content that fulfils your audience's expectations.

Incorporating Keywords Naturally

Seamlessly weaving keywords into your YouTube bio can boost your channel's visibility and attract suitable viewers. When crafting a compelling YouTube bio, it's crucial to integrate SEO keywords for YouTube that mirror the content and ethos of your YouTube channel. This strategy ensures your bio resonates with viewer searches and underscores your unique value proposition . Remember, an engaging YouTube bio isn't just about stuffing keywords. It's about creating a narrative that naturally incorporates these terms, making your bio searchable and compelling to read. By carefully selecting words reflecting your channel's content, you're more likely to draw in viewers genuinely interested in what you offer. This approach is critical to optimising your presence and standing out on the platform.

Showcasing Achievements and Milestones

After incorporating keywords naturally in your bio, it's crucial also to highlight your channel's achievements and milestones to captivate your audience further. This shows off your channel's identity and injects personality into your YouTube bio, making it more effective. Here's how to showcase them engagingly:

  • Highlight subscriber milestones or significant video view counts to demonstrate popularity.
  • Showcase any awards or recognitions to build credibility and trust.
  • Mention collaborations with well-known creators or brands to illustrate your influence and network.
  • Include impressive statistics like engagement rates or audience demographics to give a content overview and prove your channel's success.

Making It Visually Appealing

To make your YouTube bio stand out, use bullet points, emojis, and line breaks to break up the text visually. This adds visual appeal and makes your bio more accessible and engaging to read. Consider leveraging a YouTube bio generator or AI-powered tools to infuse creativity and personalisation into your profile. These tools can suggest emojis and formatting styles that align with your content and personality, ensuring your bio is uniquely yours. Additionally, incorporating relevant images or icons can further enhance the visual appeal of your bio. Remember, a visually appealing bio isn't just about aesthetics; it's about creating a welcoming space inviting viewers to explore your channel.

Adding a Call to Action

Having made your YouTube bio visually appealing, it's crucial to also weave in a clear call to action that guides viewers on what to do next. Crafting an engaging call to action is vital in learning how to write a compelling YouTube bio. It encourages interaction, which can lead to increased engagement and channel growth. Here are four essential tips:

  • Use action verbs to inspire action.
  • Keep the message concise and compelling.
  • Align the call to action with your channel's goals.
  • Personalise the content to reflect your unique voice.

Updating Regularly

Regularly refreshing your YouTube bio ensures it accurately mirrors your channel's and content's evolving nature. When you introduce new themes, adjust your posting schedule, or refine your channel's focus, your bio should reflect these changes to keep viewers informed and engaged. This practice helps new visitors understand what your channel offers and reassures returning subscribers that they're in the right place. Including fresh, relevant keywords in your updated bio boosts your visibility in search results, attracting the audience most likely to enjoy your content. Remember, your bio is a dynamic component of your YouTube presence. Treat it as a living document, revisiting and revising it regularly to ensure it's always an accurate, compelling introduction to your channel.

Using an AI-Powered YouTube Bio Generator

After covering the basics of crafting your bio, you might look for ways to streamline the process. This is where a YouTube Bio Generator comes in handy, offering a quick solution to create engaging and SEO-friendly descriptions. Let's explore what it is, its benefits, and how to use it effectively to enhance your channel's appeal.

What is a YouTube Bio Generator?

A YouTube bio generator is an AI-powered tool designed to assist content creators in crafting engaging and concise bios for their YouTube channel pages. The goal is to generate a bio that accurately reflects the channel's identity and appeals to potential subscribers without sounding overly promotional. This tool is invaluable for YouTube creators, especially those looking to clearly articulate what their channel offers and why viewers should subscribe. By providing a structured and efficient way to generate polished channel bios, the YouTube bio generator helps creators enhance their channel's appeal and grow their subscriber base. Here’s how it functions:

  • Input Collection: The   name of the YouTube channel establishes the channel's identity and branding. The theme of Your content provides an overview of what type of content viewers can expect, helping to attract a relevant audience. The target audience defines who the content is intended for, which helps tailor the bio to appeal directly to those viewers. The USP of your channel highlights what makes the channel unique compared to others, showcasing why viewers should subscribe. Call to Action directs viewers towards a specific action, such as subscribing, watching the latest video, or visiting a website.
  • AI Analysis: The tool processes the inputs using natural language processing (NLP), understanding the core elements that need to be communicated in the bio. It identifies the channel's theme, target audience, unique aspects, and goals.
  • Bio Generation:  Using this analysis, the AI constructs a bio that integrates the channel name, content theme, target audience, and USP in a coherent and engaging narrative. The bio is designed to capture the essence of the channel and entice viewers to engage further, incorporating the call to action in a natural and motivating manner.

Benefits of Using a YouTube Bio Generator

A YouTube bio generator can significantly streamline your channel's description creation process, saving time and enhancing appeal. This tool suggests relevant keywords and provides content ideas, making your bio more attractive to viewers and search engines. You'll spend less time brainstorming and crafting the perfect description, allowing you to focus more on creating content that resonates with your audience.

Generates a compelling bio quickly, saving you time and effort compared to writing from scratch.

It helps maintain a consistent and tone across your YouTube presence.

Offers customisable templates to tailor the bio to your specific needs and channel persona.

It prompts you to include essential details like your content niche, strengths, and call-to-action.

Guides you in infusing your unique personality and humour to create a memorable impression.

You can incorporate relevant keywords and phrases to improve your channel's visibility on YouTube and search engines.

Allows you to easily update your bio as your channel evolves, keeping it fresh and relevant.

Generates well-structured and polished bios that enhance your channel's professionalism.

Provides a high-quality bio at a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional writer or copywriter.

By leveraging a YouTube bio generator, you can create an engaging and impactful bio that accurately represents your channel's identity, attracts new viewers, and fosters a loyal community.

How to Use the YouTube Bio Generator?

Using an AI-powered YouTube bio generator can streamline the process of crafting a compelling and engaging bio for your channel. These tools are designed to take the heavy lifting out of creative writing, allowing you to generate a bio that resonates with your audience while saving time. To ensure you're leveraging an AI YouTube bio generator effectively, follow these steps and insights:

  • Enter Your YouTube Channel Name:  Start by typing the name of your channel in the designated field. This is usually the first thing viewers notice, so make sure it's accurately reflected.
  • Define the Theme of Your Channel:  Clearly state the central theme or focus of your channel. Whether it's daily vlogs, educational content, gaming, fitness, or lifestyle, defining the theme helps in creating a bio that resonates with the type of content you produce.
  • Identify Your Target Audience:  Knowing who your videos are intended for is essential. Specify the age range, interests, and even geographical locations of your potential viewers. This helps tailor the bio to appeal directly to those who are most likely to enjoy your content.
  • Highlight the Unique Selling Point (USP):  What makes your channel different? Maybe it's your in-depth tutorials, unique sense of humour, or a fresh perspective on common topics. Mentioning your USP helps differentiate your channel from others and can be a compelling reason for new subscribers to join your community.
  • Write Your Call to Action (CTA):  Encourage viewers to engage. This could be a simple "Subscribe for weekly videos," "Join our community," or any other action you want your viewers to take. A clear CTA can significantly increase your channel's conversion rates.
  • Generate Your Bio:  Once you've filled out all the fields, click the generate button. The tool will process the information and produce a customised bio. Review this output carefully to ensure that it aligns with your channel's tone and goals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your YouTube Bio

The perfect YouTube bio might seem straightforward, but it's easy to stumble into common pitfalls that can deter viewers from engaging with your channel. Your bio is not just a summary of who you are and what your channel covers; it's a crucial part of your channel's branding, helping to set the tone and communicate your unique value proposition to potential subscribers. Here's how to sidestep the most common mistakes and make your YouTube bio work harder for you:

1. Overloading Your Bio with Jargon: While it's tempting to fill your bio with industry-specific terms to showcase your expertise, this can alienate viewers who are new to the topic. Instead, aim for clear and accessible language that welcomes all levels of knowledge.

  • Do : Use simple language that anyone can understand.
  • Don't : Overwhelm your audience with technical terms.

2. Ignoring SEO Principles: Your YouTube bio contributes to your channel's discoverability. Ignoring SEO principles means you're missing out on potential organic traffic.

  • Incorporate relevant keywords : Identify and use keywords that your target audience might use to find content like yours.
  • Be concise but descriptive : While keeping it short, ensure your bio includes essential information about the type of content you produce.

3. Forgetting to Update Regularly: An outdated bio can make your channel seem neglected. Events, accolades, or changes in content direction should be reflected in your bio.

  • Review your bio quarterly : Set reminders to check and refresh your bio periodically.
  • Highlight recent achievements : Don't shy away from updating your bio with new milestones or projects.

4. Missing a Call to Action: Your bio should not only inform but also encourage viewers to take the next step, whether it's subscribing, watching a specific video, or following you on other platforms.

  • Direct viewers to your most popular content : Suggest starting points for new subscribers.
  • Link to social media profiles : Make it easy for viewers to connect with you on other platforms.

5. Lacking Personality: Your YouTube bio is an opportunity to showcase your personality. A bio that reads like a resume is less likely to engage viewers.

  • Inject your unique voice : Use the same tone in your bio as you do in your videos.
  • Share something personal : Whether it's a quirky fact or a hobby, adding a personal touch can make your bio more relatable.

6. Not Using Bullet Points for Key Information: Bullet points can make your bio easier to scan and digest, ensuring viewers pick up the most important information about your channel quickly.

  • Highlight your content themes : Briefly list the main topics your channel covers.
  • Outline posting schedule : Let viewers know how often they can expect new content.

Examples of Compelling YouTube Bios

Let's dive into some examples of compelling YouTube bios that capture attention and set the stage for channel growth. When crafting your bio, you aim to succinctly tell viewers who you are, what you offer, and why they should stick around. Here are the key elements to include, brought to life through examples:

  • Brief Introduction:  "Welcome to [Channel Name], where I dive into the world of [Topic] to bring you the latest tips, tricks, and insights. Join me on this journey!"
  • Showcase Personality:  "I'm [Your Name], your go-to [Topic] enthusiast with love for all things [Related Interest]. Expect laughs, learning, and much fun along the way."
  • Incorporate Keywords:  "Discover everything you need to know about [Keyword], from beginner guides to advanced strategies, all in one place."
  • Call-to-Action:  "Don't forget to hit subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss out on our weekly [Topic] deep dives!"
  • The Eccentric Explorer  "Join Jake, a quirky and hilarious travel vlogger, as he navigates the globe's most fascinating destinations with an unparalleled sense of adventure and wit. From daring food challenges to off-the-beaten-path cultural experiences, Jake's engaging storytelling and relatable personality will make you feel like you're beside him. Subscribe for a weekly dose of wanderlust and laughter!"
  • Makeup Maven  "Hi, I'm Sasha, a professional makeup artist and beauty mentor obsessed with all things glam. On this channel, you'll find step-by-step tutorials, product reviews, and insider tips to help you slay your makeup game. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, my goal is to inspire confidence and creativity through the transformative power of makeup. Get ready to be wowed!"
  • Retro Gaming Revisited  "Let's take a nostalgic trip down memory lane! I'm Kyle, and on this channel, I revisit and review classic video games from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Get ready for in-depth gameplay analysis, fascinating backstories, and a heavy dose of nostalgia as we rediscover the games that shaped our childhoods. Hit that subscribe button and join me on this retro gaming adventure!"
  • Fitness Foodie:  "Hi, friends! I'm Ava, a certified personal trainer and self-proclaimed healthy foodie. On this channel, you'll find nutritious yet delicious recipes, practical workout routines, and realistic tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle. There are no crash diets or extreme measures here—just sustainable habits for a healthier, happier you. Let's get fit and eat well together!"
  • Nerdgasmic Book Club "Calling all book nerds! I'm Ethan, and on this channel, I delve deep into the captivating worlds of literature with book reviews, author interviews, and lively discussions on popular novels, classic literature, and hidden gems. Whether you're a fantasy fanatic or a literary fiction fan, join me on this cerebral journey as we celebrate the magic of storytelling. Subscribe, and let's get nerdy!"

Additional Tips for Writing an Engaging YouTube Bio

Writing an engaging YouTube bio requires a strategic blend of creativity, clarity, and charisma. Your bio is not just a description; it invites viewers to dive deeper into your world. By following these tips, you'll craft a YouTube bio that not only defines what your channel is about but also engages and grows your audience. Here are additional tips to ensure your YouTube bio captivates and converts viewers into subscribers:

  • Start Strong : The first sentence of your bio is crucial. Begin with a compelling statement or question that reflects your channel's personality and content. This hooks the reader and encourages them to keep reading.
  • Showcase Your Personality : YouTube is a platform built on individuality. Let your unique voice shine through in your writing. Whether you're witty, informative, or inspirational, make sure it's authentically you.
  • Highlight Key Content : Briefly mention the type of content you produce. Whether it's daily vlogs, educational content, or gaming walkthroughs, give potential subscribers a clear idea of what to expect.
  • Update Regularly : As your channel evolves, so should your bio. Regular updates ensure your bio reflects your latest content, achievements, and any shifts in your channel's focus.
  • Use Keywords Wisely : Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your bio to improve your channel's searchability. However, avoid overstuffing keywords, as this can read unnaturally and deter viewers.
  • Include a Call to Action (CTA) : Encourage viewers to subscribe, check out your latest video, or follow you on social media. A clear CTA can significantly increase engagement and follower count.
  • Share Milestones : Don't shy away from sharing your achievements, be it subscriber counts, awards, or notable collaborations. This builds credibility and showcases your channel's growth.
  • Add a Personal Touch : Share a fun fact about yourself or your filming process. This personal touch can make viewers feel more connected to you as a creator.
  • Link to Other Platforms : If you're active on other social media platforms, include links to these in your bio. This helps build your community across platforms.
  • Keep it Concise : While detail is good, YouTube bios have a character limit. Keep your bio concise and to the point, ensuring all information provided adds value and interest.

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17 YouTube Bio Ideas for Brand New Gamers

17 YouTube Bio Ideas for Brand New Gamers

If you’re new to the world of streaming, coming up with the right set of YouTube bio ideas is tough.

Well, two reasons:

Reason #1: You’ve got to catch your ideal viewer’s attention .

Reason #2: You’ve got to explain exactly who you are in an entertaining way.

And if you’re not used to that, you’re going to come up with a YouTube bio that, well, no one wants to read.

Fortunately for you, though, I’m writing this post to prevent that from ever happening.

All you gotta do is take inspiration from the list of YouTube bio ideas I’m giving you in this post and then put your own unique twist on them, come up with your own.

So, here are 17 YouTube bio ideas for gamers who want to stand out…

YouTube Channel Bio Ideas

1. The “Beginner” Bio

“Right, let’s cut the fluff. I’m brand new to the world of streaming. And playing games. And, well, everything there is to know about the esports world. So, through my videos, I’d like to take you on my journey from zero to hero. Come join me.”

2. The “Cute” Bio

“I’m an innocent gamer who’s trying her best to take on the world of YouTube. I mean, sure, I like playing video games , but I also like interacting with my viewers and getting to know what THEY want.

“Oh, and before you ask:

“Yes, my channel is full of cat videos!”

3. The “Relatable” Bio

“I play games like you do. I swear like you do. And, yeah, I get gaming rage like you do. So hop onto one of my next videos, hit subscribe, click that notification bell and basically watch yourself gaming!”

4. The “Indie” Bio

“I’m an indie gamer and YouTube creator who’s about to take the YouTube world by storm. I produce videos on a budget and sometimes even without a crew.

“And if you like indie games and YouTube, why not join me?

“Oh, and make sure you don’t miss my latest uploads!”

5. The “Serious” Bio

“I’m a serious gamer and YouTube creator who’s all about delivering high-quality content for YouTube on a daily basis. Some of my videos include, but are not limited to: gameplays, retrospectives, opinion pieces and more…”

Bio Ideas for YouTube 

6. The “Gamer Next Door” Bio

“I’m just your average YouTube gamer. I play games, answer game-related questions and more. So come join me on YouTube if you’re interested in gaming!”

7. The “Sarcastic” Bio

“I’m YouTube’s resident cynic. I play games, make YouTube videos about them and then talk about their downsides in the YouTube description boxes. So if you like YouTube game content, check me out!”

8. The “Retro Gamer” Bio

“Remember those old-school games we used to play? I do. And that’s why I’m YouTube’s resident expert on them! Come join me and watch videos like: ‘Retro Game Master: The Legend of Zelda – Level 1,’ ‘Gaming History: Donkey Kong’ and more!”

9. The “Family-Friendly” Bio

“My YouTube channel is all about gaming and letting your family enjoy YouTube content together. Because we’ve got young ones in the house too, every single YouTube video I make has to be kid-friendly!”

10. The “Gamer Family” Bio

“Gaming brings our family together. So, after a hard day at school and work, we all sit down to play video games together. That’s why we’re YouTube’s go-to source for family-friendly YouTube content! Come join us!”

11. The “One Man Band” Bio

“I’m YouTube’s one-man gaming show. I play games by myself, highlight game features that you might have missed, chat about everything happening in the YouTube gaming world and more… by my little old self.”

12. The “Creative Genius” Bio

“I’m a creative genius and I’m here to show you another side of gaming that no one ever knew existed. Well, except for me, but now I want to share my creativity with the rest of the world.

“So, whether you’re looking for: gameplay videos, retrospectives, opinion pieces or short stories – I’ve got you covered!”

YouTube Description Example 

13. The “Funny” Bio

“I’m YouTube’s top funny gamer and video creator. I make videos that highlight the funnier side of gaming and will hopefully get you chuckling along with me.

“Come join me on YouTube if you like comedy, games and hilarious content!”

14. The “Obnoxious” Bio

“I’m obnoxious. And loud. And I swear like a sailor. But, despite all of that, I’m also one of YouTube’s top gaming channels (or, at least, I will be)! So come join me on my channel!”

15. The “Classic” Bio

“I’m YouTube’s top classic gamer. I play games from the 90s, 80s and all of those glorious classics of yesteryear! So if you’re interested in classic gaming, check out my channel!”

16. The “Gamer Nerd” Bio

“I’m a gamer nerd who loves talking about games, especially online games (they’re my forte).

“So, if you’re interested in playing games online, meeting new friends and talking about them, check out my YouTube channel!”

17. The “Laid Back” Bio

“I’m just a laid-back gamer who enjoys playing games by myself or with my friends. I also enjoy making YouTube videos about all kinds of things – from game retrospectives to opinion pieces to first impressions!

“So, if you’re looking for laid-back content on YouTube, hit the subscribe button and join me!”

In conclusion:

Okay, that sums up our list of 17 YouTube bio ideas.

Some of them may work for you.

Some of them may not.

The point is, though, that you find the one that works for you (I personally love the obnoxious bio) and then put your own unique twist on it.

Add your personality.

Include your weird quirks.

Focus on what makes you, well… you.

Then you’ll stand out.

Oh, and as always, have fun gaming!

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The 100+ Best Biographical Documentary Series, Ranked

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The best television documentary biographies are as engaging as a scripted series, while also sharing real lives. The best biography documentary series ever shown on television tell the tales of people - from celebrities to average folks who led extraordinary lives. If you’ve been looking for the best biography documentaries to add some enjoyable education to your TV nights, this list of the best art and art history documentary series of all time will help you figure out what needs to go into your queue.

Some documentary biography series follow individuals for the full run of the show, such as The Defiant Ones , or any documentary series that follows the life of historical figures such as Churchill or Napoleon. Many other documentary biography series use an anthology format and tell the story of different people each episode. 30 for 30 , Behind the Music , and even E! True Hollywood Story tell peoples' stories with a mix of reenactment, file footage, and information from experts in the field.

Which shows do the best job sharing information about the lives of famous people? Vote up the best biography documentary shows and add any biographical documentary series that are missing.

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The career rise of Susan Wojcicki, former YouTube CEO, who died from cancer at 56

  • Susan Wojcicki was one of Google's first employees, eventually leading YouTube for almost a decade. 
  • She stepped down from the role in 2023. The next year, she died of cancer at the age of 56. 
  • Here's a look at the life and death of Susan Wojcicki.

Insider Today

Most landlords only hope their renters pay on time, keep a tidy space, and don't disturb the neighbors.

But Susan Wojcicki's renters — Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin — offered up a bit more: the chance to become employee No. 16 in 1998 at a young search engine startup called Google.

Of course, it took more than this incredible circumstance for Wojcicki to rise in the ranks at Google. From expanding the company's ad business to persuading its founders to purchase an up-and-coming video-sharing service called YouTube, Wojcicki played a vital role in Google becoming one of the world's most valuable companies.

She went on to serve as CEO of YouTube for nearly a decade before stepping down in 2023 .

On August 9, 2024, Dennis Troper, her husband, posted on Facebook that Wojcicki had died of cancer : "My beloved wife of 26 years and mother to our five children left us today after 2 years of living with non small cell lung cancer." Aside from her husband and their four living children, Wojcicki is survived by her mother, journalist and educator Esther Wojcicki; her sisters, Janet, an anthropologist and epidemiologist, and Anne, the cofounder and CEO of 23andMe .

Here's a look at Wojcicki's life and rise at Google, from employee No. 16 to YouTube's chief.

Susan Wojcicki (pronounced whoa-jit-ski), 56, was a Silicon Valley native.

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Source: Forbes

Wojcicki grew up on the Stanford University campus in Palo Alto, California, where her father, Stanley Wojcicki, was chair of the physics department.

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Source: USA Today

Wojcicki's mother, Esther Wojcicki, has taught journalism for more than two decades at Palo Alto High School, where she has mentored notable students like Steve Jobs' daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, and the actor James Franco.

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Source: Business Insider , SF Gate

Wojcicki was the oldest of three sisters.

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Her youngest sister, Anne Wojcicki, is the cofounder and CEO of the genetics company, 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki would go on to marry — and later divorce — Google cofounder Sergey Brin.

Susan Wojcicki attended Harvard University, where she studied history and literature.

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Years later, she said that an introductory computer science course she took her senior year "changed how I think about everything."

Wojcicki went on to receive a master's degree in economics in 1993 from the University of California at Santa Cruz.

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That's also when she met her soon-to-be-husband, Dennis Troper, according to UCSC Magazine . She also went on to receive an MBA from UCLA's Anderson School of Management, according to USA Today . 

Upon completing her MBA in 1998, Wojcicki returned to the Bay Area.

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She got married in August to Troper, and the couple settled down in Menlo Park, according to the Palo Alto Weekly . Wojcicki took up a job in marketing at computer chip maker Intel.

Besides Intel, she also had management consultant jobs at Bain & Company and R.B. Webber & Company before joining Google.

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Wojcicki and Troper paid $600,000 to buy a four-bedroom, 2,000-square foot house, at 232 Santa Margarita Ave.

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To help pay the mortgage, Wojcicki rented the garage to two Stanford doctoral students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who were working on their new search engine company, called Google, according to USA Today .

Wojcicki charged the two $1,700 a month to rent her garage space.

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In a 2013 commencement speech at Johns Hopkins University , Wojcicki recalled "late nights together in the garage eating pizza and M&Ms, where [Brin and Page] talked to me about how their technology could change the world." 

One day while working at Intel, Wojcicki was halted in her work because Google was down, and she wasn't able to locate an important piece of information.

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That's when she realized how dependent she had become on "the site developed by those two dudes in my garage." She decided she wanted to be a part of it, according to The New York Times .

In 1999, Wojcicki joined the Google team as its 16th employee.

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She was named the company's first marketing manager, and was given a "shoestring" budget for heading up Google's marketing efforts, according to the Mercury News .

Wojcicki was four months pregnant when she joined Google and became the company's first employee to go on maternity leave.

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Joining a 15-person startup while pregnant "was a bit of a leap," she told Glamour in a 2014 interview. "But sometimes you have to do the right thing for you right now." 

One of Wojcicki's earliest projects was to liven up the Google logo for holidays and special events.

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Her first Doodle was an alien landing on Google. Now Google Doodle drawings appear daily on the homepage, according to USA Today .

In 2003, Wojcicki came up with an idea that drastically increased Google's advertising potential.

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She suggested that Google's ad offerings be available not only within search, but also on websites and blogs across the internet, according to USA Today . The product became known as AdSense, and a decade later, allowed Google to bring in almost $240 billion in ad revenue, according to Statista .

Wojcicki took charge of Google's free video-sharing platform, called Google Videos, when it launched in 2005.

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The first video she uploaded was " a purple Muppet singing a nonsense song ," and her kids' strong reaction to the video helped her to realize the power of user-generated content and its ability to attract visitors.

Around that time, another free video-sharing website called YouTube was generating buzz and beating out Google's product by making user-uploaded content immediately available to watch.

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Wojcicki credits a video on YouTube , showing two boys in China lip-synching to the Backstreet Boys, with convincing her Google should buy the platform.

In 2006, Wojcicki "worked up some spreadsheets" to justify the purchase of YouTube to Google's cofounders, and Google bought YouTube that year for $1.65 billion.

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In October 2010, Wojcicki was promoted from vice president to senior vice president overseeing ad products. At the time, there were only eight SVPs at Google.

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By February 2014, Wojcicki replaced Google's ninth employee, Salar Kamangar, as the CEO of YouTube.

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In her first year as YouTube's CEO, Wojcicki went on maternity leave for the birth of her fifth child.

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The chief exec wrote an op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal , arguing that the US should become a leader in maternity leave benefits. "Support for motherhood shouldn't be a matter of luck; it should be a matter of course," she wrote.

Wojcicki revealed in 2016 that she and her husband maintain strict rules for separating work and personal life.

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She would unplug for a few hours at night and wouldn't check her email in order to increase her productivity. "If you are working 24/7, you're not going to have any interesting ideas," Wojcicki told The Wall Street Journal .

Wojcicki would enforce screen time limits for her five children to help them focus on the "present."

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She'd even take away their phones , especially on vacation, and restrict how much they used YouTube. 

Over the years, Wojcicki has been an outspoken proponent of closing the gender gap in the tech industry.

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"Tech is an incredible force that will change our world in ways we can't anticipate," Wojcicki told Forbes in a 2018 interview. "If that force is only 20% to 30% women, that is a problem." 

As one of few females CEOs of a major company, Wojcicki is considered one of the world's most influential women. In 2022, Forbes listed Wojcicki at number 23 on its list of the world's 100 most powerful women. Forbes estimated her net worth that year to be $765 million.

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Source: Forbes , Forbes

Wojcicki oversaw the release of major products at YouTube, including YouTube Gaming, YouTube Music, YouTube Premium, and YouTube TV.

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Under Wojcicki's leadership, YouTube has grown to more than 2 billion users.

Source: Business Insider

In February 2023, Wojcicki announced that she was stepping down from her role as YouTube's CEO.

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She said she wanted to "start a new chapter focused on my family, health, and personal projects I'm passionate about."

On August 9, 2024, Wojcicki's husband announced she had died of cancer at age 56.

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"My beloved wife of 26 years and mother to our five children left us today after 2 years of living with non small cell lung cancer," he wrote.  Prominent executives across the tech industry rushed to offer their condolences. 

"She is as core to the history of Google as anyone, and it's hard to imagine the world without her," Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai wrote on X. "She was an incredible person, leader and friend who had a tremendous impact on the world and I'm one of countless Googlers who is better for knowing her. We will miss her dearly. Our thoughts with her family. RIP Susan."

Marc Benioff, the CEO of Salesforce, wrote in a post on X that Wojcicki was "a trailblazer in the industry, an exemplary mother, and a cherished friend."

Tesla CEO Elon Musk wrote: "Rest in peace. Especially tragic to see such an early death."

Nick Bastone contributed to an earlier version of this post.

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Mr Beast Bio

Birthday: May 7 , 1998 ( Taurus )

Born In: Greenville, North Carolina, United States

Mr Beast is the pseudonym of Jimmy Donaldson, a popular social media star. He is one of the most popular YouTube stars in the United States of America. Mr Beast first gained prominence as a YouTuber when he posted a video series titled ‘Worst Intros on YouTube,’ but his popularity reached newer heights when he started posting unique videos that no one else had seen or heard before. He pioneered a genre of YouTube videos that center on expensive stunts. Mr Beast is also popular on other social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Mr Beast

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Also Known As: Jimmy Donaldson

Age: 26 Years , 26 Year Old Males

siblings: CJ Donaldson

Born Country: United States

Height: 6'3" (190 cm ), 6'3" Males

U.S. State: North Carolina

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Mr Beast was born Jimmy Donaldson on May 7, 1998, in Greenville, North Carolina, United States of America. He was raised by his mother, and spent his childhood along with his brother.

He created his YouTube channel in 2012, and started posting random videos. He first gained prominence when he posted a video series titled Worst Intros on YouTube . His popularity increased when he started posting video game-related videos, such as Minecraft Factions: A Guy Sent His Home in Our Base  and Buried Round 50 Gameplay Black ops 2 Zombies .

After posting game-related videos for a couple of years, he came up with expensive videos that involved a lot of money. In fact, Mr Beast started spending thousands of dollars online and also started posting unique videos like 5$ For Hot Girls To Advertise Your YouTube Channel .

Mr Beast gained nationwide recognition when he starting posting heart-warming videos, such as Giving A Random Homeless Man $10,000 . He continued posting such videos and claimed that an app called ‘Quidd’ was sponsoring the money that he was giving away.

He then started donating money to random Twitch streamers. By now, his channel had started accumulating millions of views, but Mr Beast did not stop there as he came up with videos that no one else had seen or heard before.

Some of the most viewed videos on his channel include I Bought A Car Using Only Pennies ,  I Donated $30,000 To A Random Twitch Streamer ,  I Flew Using Only Leaf Blowers , and Can 100,000 Pieces Of Paper Stop A Bullet?

He also has a number of secondary YouTube channels. These include: MrBeast Shorts , Beast Philanthropy , MrBeast Gaming and Beast Reacts .

Mr Beast is also popular on other social media platforms. He owns an online store, which sells T-shirts and other clothing. Mr Beast is associated with a company called ‘Quidd.’

In 2018, a YouTuber named FlyyDoesYT accused Mr Beast of faking his videos. The 25 minute-long video, which was full of accusations was taken seriously by many, as FlyyDoesYT had worked for Mr Beast for a week as an editor.

According to fellow YouTuber’s video, Mr Beast was accused of mistreating his employees by asking them to film his videos. He had also stated that Mr Beast pretends in front of the camera, and it is not his real self.

Mr Beast responded to the accusations by tweeting that he had given away lots of money for real and that he was not faking anything in front of the camera. He said ‘FlyyDoesYT’ or anyone for that matter is free to walk up to those who had received the money and ask them if they had received it for real.

He also rubbished the accusation which claimed that he was mistreating his employees by saying that he is suffering from Crohn's disease and that whenever he doesn’t feel well, he asks his employees to help complete the videos.

Mr Beast is close to his mother, who has appeared in a couple of his videos. She has featured in some of his prank video as well.

Mr Beast graduated from the Greenville Christian Academy in 2016 and dropped out of college in order to pursue a full-time career as a YouTuber. He has an elder brother named CJ Donaldson, who is also a YouTuber and runs a channel named MrBro. Mr Beast suffers from Crohn’s disease. He is currently in relationship with Instagram model Maddy Spidell.

Mr Beast is quite vocal about his political views. In 2016, he had made many comedic videos on Donald Trump. Mr Beast is a philanthropist and is quite generous when it comes to helping those around him.

Seth, D.

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Susan Wojcicki

Susan Wojcicki

Susan Wojcicki (born July 5, 1968, Santa Clara , California , U.S.—died August 9, 2024) was an American tech industry executive who was CEO (2014–23) of the video-sharing Web site YouTube . She previously was the senior vice president in charge of marketing at YouTube’s parent company, Google Inc .

Wojcicki’s father was a physics professor at Stanford University , and her mother was a teacher. She grew up in the Stanford, California, area and later studied history and literature at Harvard University (A.B., 1990), economics at the University of California , Santa Cruz (M.S., 1993), and business at the University of California, Los Angeles (M.B.A., 1998). After returning to Silicon Valley in 1998, she rented out garage space in her Menlo Park home to the newly incorporated Google Inc., which briefly used it as the company’s first headquarters office.

Google had moved to more conventional office space by the time Wojcicki went to work for the company in 1999. She had previously been employed by Intel Corporation , Bain & Co., and R.B. Webber & Co. Her task as Google’s first marketing manager was to find ways of generating revenue from the company’s signature search engine . Her first big success came in 2000, with the debut of AdWords, the clickable text-only advertisements that appear on Google search pages.

Several of Wojcicki’s subsequent successes at Google came from the purchase and nurturance of start-up companies in the field of Internet advertising . With the launch of the AdSense system and the acquisition of Applied Semantics, both in 2003, Google became a broker of online display advertising. For a fee, the AdSense system placed appropriate advertisements on participating Web sites. When an advertisement was viewed or clicked on and agreed-upon conditions were met, the Web publisher received some of the money that the advertiser had paid to Google. Wojcicki’s responsibilities greatly increased in 2008 with Google’s acquisition of the company DoubleClick. Among other capabilities, the DoubleClick system deployed cookies that tracked preferences of Internet users for the benefit of advertisers. Google kept pace with the rapid proliferation of smartphones when Wojcicki arranged for the purchase of the mobile advertising network AdMob in 2009.

Wojcicki first became involved with video sharing in connection with the launch of Google Video in 2005. The following year she oversaw the purchase of rival YouTube, an equally new venture that was enjoying greater success. The YouTube brand name was retained even after the company became a Google subsidiary. Wojcicki, who was elevated to senior vice president at Google in 2010, moved over to YouTube in 2014 and became the company’s CEO later that year. She thus became head of an operation that claimed to have more than one billion monthly users. In 2023 Wojcicki stepped down to concentrate on “family, health, and personal projects.” She died the following year from lung cancer .

A parent herself, Wojcicki was a strong advocate of paid parental leave . Anne Wojcicki , a leading entrepreneur in the field of personal genomics, is her sister.

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945 .249 36 109 99 .771
945 .249 36 109 99 .771

Elly De La Cruz Bio

  • Fullname: Elly Antonio De La Cruz
  • Born: 1/11/2002 in Sabana Grande de Boya, Dominican Republic
  • Debut: 6/06/2023

Is the only Major League player since RBI became an official statistic in 1920 to produce in his first 98 career appearances at least 91 hits, 13 HR, 44 RBI and 35 stolen bases...courtesy @EliasSports...Was National League Player of the Week for 6/19-6/25, the third of three Reds to win the award in 2023 (Nick Senzel, 4/24-4/30 & rookie Matt McLain, 5/22-5/28)...won the award in only his third week in the Major Leagues...Was an MiLB Organization All-Star, along with Reds teammates LHP Andrew Abbott, IF Christian Encarnacion-Strand and IF Matt McLain...Led the team with 35 stolen bases, sixth-most in the National League...with seven triples ranked T5th in the NL...His 35 stolen bases are the most by a Reds rookie in a season since Billy Hamilton established the franchise record for rookies with 56 steals in 2014...The Reds went 27-33 (.450) before he was promoted on 6/6 and 55-47 (.539) after he joined the team...started 96 of Cin's last 102 games...the Reds went 51-45 (.531) in his starts...In the 4-3 win on 8/22 at LAA, in his 64th career game, recorded his 20th stolen base to become the fastest player since 1900 to accumulate at least 10 HR and at least 20 steals...Barry Bonds did it in his 65th career appearance, just ahead of Reds rookies Chris Sabo (66g) and Gary Redus (67g)…courtesy @EliasSports...Became the first player since 1900 to produce in his first 15 career games at least 20 hits (22), five stolen bases (7) and 3 home runs (3)…Became the first player since 1900 to produce in his first 30 career games at least 40 hits (41) and 15 stolen bases (16)…Became the first Major League player since RBI became a statistic in 1920 to produce in his first 50 career games at least 55 hits, nine HR, 22 RBI and 17 stolen bases...On 6/6 vs LAD made his Major League debut at age 21 years, 146days...started at 3B, batted cleanup and went 1-for-3 with a double, two walks and a run scored...in his first career plate appearance walked and scored, in his second plate appearance doubled off Tony Gonsolin...On 6/7 vs LAD hit his first Major League home run in his sixth career plate appearance (two-run off Noah Syndergaard, 114.8mph, 458 feet)...in his second plate appearance tripled in 10.83 seconds, the fastest home-to-third time in the majors in 2023...In the first plate appearance of his third game, on 6/8 vs LAD, singled and stole second base to become the second Major League player since 1900 to produce within his first 3 career appearances a single, double, triple, homer and stolen base (Bill Bruton, Milwaukee Braves, 1953)…In the 11-10 win on 6/23 vs Atl, became the seventh batter in Reds history to hit for the cycle, the first since Eric Davis did it on 6/2/89 vs SD...did it in his 15th career game, third-fewest at the time of any player's first cycle (Cliff Heathcote, 6th game, 6/13/1919 & Gary Ward, 14th game, 9/18/1980)...at age 21 years, 163 days was the fifth-youngest Major League player to hit for the cycle...With Elvis Peguero pitching, on 7/8 at Mil became only the fourth Reds batter ever to steal second, third and home in the same inning (Hans Lobert 9/27/1908, Dode Paskert 5/23/1910, Greasy Neale 8/15/1919)…became the first Major League batter to steal second, third and home in the same inning since Mia's Jon Berti did it on 8/25/2020 at NYM...became the first Reds batter with a straight steal of home since Brandon Phillips did it on 7/10/2009 at NYM...On 7/16 vs Mil, at 97.9 miles per hour recorded the fastest tracked infield assist in the Statcast era...In the opener of the doubleheader on 8/23 at LAA (9-4 win) produced six RBIs, the most by a Reds batter in a game in 2023...produced a three-run HR batting right handed and a three-run triple batting left-handed...at age 21 years, 224 days became the second-youngest Reds batter to produce at least six RBIs in a game (Sam Crawford, 6rbi, 4/27/1901 at Chc, 21.009)..In the 11-7 win on 9/26 at Cle produced his first career two-homer game (4rbi) to snap his longest homerless drought of the season (28g, last HR on 8/23/g1 at LAA)…his second HR (two-run off Xzavion Curry) was the hardest hit ball by a Reds player in the Statcast era (119.2mph, 467 feet)...Led the Reds with 66 starts at SS...made 29 starts at 3B (last, 8/1 at Chc) and one start at DH (6/30 vs SD)…beginning 8/3 made each of his last 49 starts at SS...Led the Reds with 41 starts batting cleanup...also hit leadoff (21gs), second (2gs), third (19gs), seventh (6gs), eighth (5gs) and ninth (2gs, 9/17 at NYM, 9/23 vs Pit)…Tied for the team lead with two leadoff home runs, on 7/23 vs Ari (off José Ruiz) and 8/3 at Cubs (1st pitch, Jameson Taillon)…Jonathan India also hit two leadoff HR...Is one of only seven Reds rookies to begin a season with a six-game hitting streak (since 1957, the first season of rookie designation), joining Henry Ramos (2023), Jonathan India (2021), Zack Cozart (2011, 2012), Adam Dunn (2001), Kal Daniels (1986) and Tony Gonzalez (1960)…When promoted from Louisville was rated by ESPN the best prospect in the Minor Leagues...Entered the season rated the Reds' top prospect by Baseball America and MLB.com...In 38 appearances for the Bats hit .297 (11 2b, 3 3b, 12hr, 36rbi, 11sb, 1.031ops, 28gs at SS, 9gs at 3B, 1gs at DH)…Began the season on Louisville's injured list with a left hamstring strain...made his season debut on 4/20...On 5/9 vs Columbus homered from each side of the plate, with exit velocities of 116.6mph and 117.1mph...in that game also doubled at 118.8mph, per StatCast the hardest-hit ball by a Minor League player in...became the first professional player in the StatCast era to produce in a game three exit velocities of at least 116mph...On 5/5 at Omaha, his throw across the infield clocked at 99.2mph was the fastest in Class AAA this season...Participated in his first Major League spring training camp.

Received the Sheldon “Chief” Bender Award as the organization’s Minor League Player of the Year, was Baseball America's Reds Minor League Player of the Year and was Minor League Baseball's Top Prospect in the Midwest League...Was a Midwest League All-Star and MWL Batter of the Week for 7/4-7/10 (.421, 5hr, 3sb)...twice that week, on 7/9 and again on 7/11, both vs West Michigan, homered from each side of the plate in the same game...Was the organization's Player of the Month for June (25g, .313, 3 2b, 3 3b, 7hr, 20rbi, 11sb, .979ops) and August (24g, .355/.425/.688, 13 2b, 6hr, 25rbi, 6sb, 1.113ops)...Was the Southern League Player of the Month for August after leading the league doubles, RBI and total bases while ranking second in hitting, hits, slugging percentage and OPS...reached base safely in 22 of his 24 appearances in August...Participated in Major League Baseball's SiriusXM All-Star Futures Game at Dodger Stadium...In 120 appearances at Class A Dayton and Class AA Chattanooga hit .304 with 28 HR, 47 stolen bases and a .945 OPS...became the first minor league player since George Springer in 2013 to hit .300 with at least 25 HR and 40 stolen bases...When promoted on 7/22, was leading the Midwest League in slugging percentage, was tied for the league lead in HR and ranked among the Top 5 in OPS, hitting, hits, runs, extra-base hits, RBI and stolen bases...As one of the Midwest League's youngest players and in only 73 appearances at Dayton, became the first Dragons player ever to hit at least .300 (.302) with 20 HR (20) & 20 stolen bases (28), became the third Dragons player to produce 20 HR & 20 SB in a season (Wily Mo Pena in 2001, Jose Siri in 2017) and is the third Dragons player with at least 20 HR while hitting .300 (Austin Kearns in 2000, Donald Lutz in 2011)...Led all Reds minor leaguers in hitting, hits, doubles, triples, HR, extra-base hits, total bases, RBI, runs, slugging percentage and OPS...In Baseball America's season-ending tools issue was rated by field managers the Midwest League's most exciting player, best batting prospect, best power prospect and fastest base runner...Entered the season rated by Baseball America the fourth-best prospect in the organization...Following the season played for Licey in the Dominican Winter League (24g, .286, 4 2b, 2 3b, 1hr, 14rbi, 9sb, .813ops), where on 10/20 he was named Position Player of the Week...Was added to the 40-man roster at the 11/15 restricted list deadline, along with RHP Ricky Karcher, IF Noelvi Marte, RHP Lyon Richardson, RHP Levi Stoudt and RHP Brandon Williamson.

Played 3B (35g) and SS (23g) for Rookie ACL Reds and Class A Daytona...Was recognized by Baseball America as the best player in the Arizona Complex League, the fourth-best player & sixth-best prospect in the Low-A Southeast League and the best athlete & fastest baserunner in the Reds' organization...Among all Reds farmhands ranked second with nine triples and T4th with 35 extra-base hits...led the Arizona Complex League with a 1.235 OPS...During the season was rated by MLB.com (8th) and Baseball America (10th) among the Reds' top prospects.

2024 Regular Season 557 96 65 64 .259 .342 .812
Career Regular Season 945 163 235 36 109 99 .249 .325 .771
2024 Regular Season 557 96 65 64 .259 .342 .812
Career Regular Season 945 163 235 36 109 99 .249 .325 .771
  • Status: Active
  • Next CIN Game: 09-12 @ STL
Last 7 Games 25 2 3 1 2 4 15 2 .120 .241 .240
Last 15 Games 58 9 12 1 6 8 24 3 .207 .303 .328
Last 30 Games 118 19 28 3 15 14 39 5 .237 .316 .390
Last 7 Games 25 2 3 1 2 4 15 2 .120 .241 .240
Last 15 Games 58 9 12 1 6 8 24 3 .207 .303 .328
Last 30 Games 118 19 28 3 15 14 39 5 .237 .316 .390
Last 3 Games AB R H HR RBI BB SO SB
9/11 @ STL 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
9/10 @ STL 3 1 1 0 0 2 2 2
9/9 @ ATL 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0
Last 3 Games AB R H HR RBI BB SO SB
9/11 @ STL 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
9/10 @ STL 3 1 1 0 0 2 2 2
9/9 @ ATL 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0

biography on youtube

Elly De La Cruz's single in the 5th

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Elly De La Cruz's 64th stolen base

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Elly De La Cruz's 63rd steal of the year

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MVP poll: It's a two-player race in each league

Zone charts, futures game selection.

Year Team League
2022 Dayton Dragons MID

MID Player of the Week

Week Team League
07/10/2022 Dayton Dragons MID

SOU Player of the Month

Month Team League
08/2022 Chattanooga Lookouts SOU

Baseball America Minor League All-Star

Year Team League
2022 Chattanooga Lookouts SOU

Baseball America High Class A All-Star

Milb.com organization all-star.

Year Team League
2022 Cincinnati Reds NL
2023 Cincinnati Reds NL

MID Post-Season All-Star

Mid prospect of the year, nl player of the week.

Week Team League
06/25/2023 Cincinnati Reds NL

MLB Play of the Week

Week Team League
07/14/2024 Cincinnati Reds NL

NL All-Star

Year Team League
2024 Cincinnati Reds NL

League Rankings

Year 3B Rank
2024 8 3rd in NL
2023 7 5th in NL
Year SO Rank
2024 194 1st in NL
2023 144 23rd in NL

Caught Stealing

Year CS Rank
2024 15 1st in NL
2023 8 4th in NL

Stolen Bases

Year SB Rank
2024 64 1st in NL
2023 35 6th in NL

Games Played

Year BP Rank
2024 145 6th in NL
Year R Rank
2024 96 5th in NL
Year 2B Rank
2024 33 8th in NL
Year HR Rank
2024 23 16th in NL
Year H Rank
2024 144 10th in NL
Year AB Rank
2024 557 6th in NL

On Base Percentage

Year OBP Rank
2024 .342 16th in NL

Slugging Percentage

Year SLG Rank
2024 .470 15th in NL

On Base Plus Slugging

Year OPS Rank
2024 .812 15th in NL

Plate Appearances

Year PA Rank
2024 631 3rd in NL

Total Bases

Year TB Rank
2024 262 5th in NL

Latest Transactions

Team Date Transaction
July 15, 2024 SS Elly De La Cruz assigned to National League All-Stars.
June 6, 2023 Cincinnati Reds recalled SS Elly De La Cruz from Louisville Bats.
April 20, 2023 Louisville Bats activated SS Elly De La Cruz from the 7-day injured list.
March 31, 2023 Louisville Bats placed SS Elly De La Cruz on the 7-day injured list.
March 15, 2023 Cincinnati Reds optioned SS Elly De La Cruz to Louisville Bats.
November 15, 2022 Cincinnati Reds selected the contract of SS Elly De La Cruz from Chattanooga Lookouts.
October 15, 2022 Tigres del Licey activated SS Elly De La Cruz.
October 15, 2022 SS Elly De La Cruz assigned to Tigres del Licey.
July 22, 2022 SS Elly De La Cruz assigned to Chattanooga Lookouts from Dayton Dragons.
July 22, 2022 Chattanooga Lookouts activated SS Elly De La Cruz.
July 7, 2022 National League Futures activated SS Elly De La Cruz.
July 7, 2022 2B Elly De La Cruz assigned to National League Futures.
May 8, 2022 Dayton Dragons activated 2B Elly De La Cruz.
May 6, 2022 2B Elly De La Cruz roster status changed by Dayton Dragons.
April 5, 2022 2B Elly De La Cruz assigned to Dayton Dragons.
March 23, 2022 2B Elly De La Cruz and assigned to Cincinnati Reds.
July 16, 2021 2B Elly De La Cruz assigned to Daytona Tortugas from ACL Reds.
June 28, 2021 2B Elly De La Cruz assigned to ACL Reds from DSL Reds.
May 31, 2019 2B Elly De La Cruz assigned to DSL Reds.
July 2, 2018 Cincinnati Reds signed free agent IF Elly De La Cruz to a minor league contract.


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  24. Elly De La Cruz #44

    View More Bio Info + Elly Antonio De La Cruz. Entered the 2023 season rated by Baseball America the best prospect in the organization and No. 8 in its Top 100 Prospects list...Is rated by Baseball America the organization's best power hitter, fastest baserunner, best athlete and infielder with the best arm...When added to the 40-man roster on ...