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If "A Christmas … Present" shows what Candace Cameron Bure means by tradition, she can keep it

Her first new gaf holiday movie may be as corny as her hallmark fare, but it has 500% more scripture references, by melanie mcfarland.

Candace Cameron Bure truly believes that we need Christmas now more than ever, with all of its, ahem, "tradition."  

By golly, does she ever give it to us with a supersized serving of God-stuff, as promised, in her Great American Family film debut " Candace Cameron Bure Presents: A Christmas . . . Present ."

The message is so simple that it's in the title: All anyone should want for Christmas is their loved ones around them. But the great present is our presence with one another. If this sounds like New Agey spirituality, aka the Devil's jargon, that is because it is. Being present is central to meditation and mindfulness, and the power of Candace compels me to get back to the core premise.

Candace Cameron Bure

See, in "A Christmas . . . Present," being present largely means staying at home instead going out to do stuff, and singing hymns around your backyard firepit which, like, everybody has, right? These are the lessons Bure's very busy Chicago real estate agent and supermom Maggie learns when she drags her husband Eric (Marc Blucas) and two children to the small Ohio town where she grew up to hang out with her recently widowed brother Paul and his daughter.

To Maggie, coping with the great big downer of his wife dying of some illness takes a back seat to the importance of Paul celebrating the first Christmas without his wife "the right way."

Therefore, despite Paul's insistence that he and his kid are fine baking cookies and sitting by the fire together, Maggie, Eric, and the kids invade their space, and Maggie's pathologically over-packed schedule conquers theirs.

In her new capacity as star, producer and chief creative officer at Great American Family, Bure recently assured the Wall Street Journal that her holiday film factory would not feature any LGBTQ couples, explaining, "I think that Great American Family will keep traditional marriage at the core."

This confirms what many suspected of Hallmark's erstwhile Queen of Christmas when she chose to follow that network's former boss Bill Abbott out the door and over to GAF.

We could all use a little holiday. But "A Christmas …Present" is not the sleigh for that job.

Once Hallmark shook off its blanket of pure white heteronormativity and branched out to produce holiday movies featuring LGBTQ+ characters in major roles, Bure obviously did not want her face to continue to represent the network. Receiving an executive salary bump likely influenced her decision as well.

But her coded language about prioritizing "traditional marriage" in its movies sparked outrage among many noble heathens. Former  "One Tree Hill"  and current Hallmark Channel star Hilarie Burton Morgan called Bure a bigot, and JoJo Siwa characterized her stance as "sh***y."

Bure responded to all of this with a non-apology in which she states, "It absolutely breaks my heart that anyone would ever think I intentionally would want to offend and hurt anyone. It saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us, even around a subject as comforting and merry as Christmas movies. But, given the toxic climate in our culture right now, I shouldn't be surprised. We need Christmas more than ever."

On that last part, we can agree. We could all use a little holiday. But "A Christmas  . . . Present" is not the sleigh for that job.

Full disclosure: I was never a Hallmark holiday movie fan, but I have seen enough to understand and respect why people incorporate them into their holiday celebrations.

And in the spirit of goodwill, let us for a moment take Bure at her word that she has "great love and affection for all people" and that her heart "yearns to build bridges and bring people one step closer to God, to love others well, and to simply be a reflection of God's huge love for all of us."

With all of that in mind, one would think that the best way for Bure to vindicate herself and (to co-opt the parlance created by the folks she's intent on excluding) make her haters gag would be to make a Christmas movie that's undeniably good.

Believe it or not, I unwrapped "A Christmas . . . Present" with an open mind and heart, fully ready to concede that it might have a few aspects worth recommending. But even by retrograde Hallmark holiday movie standards, it's a blizzard of poor writing and empty schmaltz devoid of propulsive tension or profound resolution, but with 500 percent more scripture references. The church-going Christian people I know wouldn't waste their precious Earthly moments on this spiritless mess. You'd find more depth in two hours of white noise.

Candace Cameron Bure; Marc Blucas

And yet, cosmetically, it is a kind of Christmas movie, one whose target audience seems to be the hypnotized. Nary a scene passes without a sprig of pine or a light. Everybody smiles, and almost constantly. Nobody profusely weeps – not even Paul, the man who, remember, is experiencing his first Christmas without his wife.

That's the second-weirdest part about this. None of Maggie's overbearing infliction of needless running around or boundary-breaching bothers her brother. Not even her obliteration of such sacred territory as replacing Paul's traditional family tree with a bigger one flusters him, even though he didn't ask. His faith in God is so rock-solid that he doesn't need to experience natural human reactions to minor irritations or massive loss.

Now, if this were a Nicholas Sparks joint or some descendent of the Frank Capra school of sentimentality, we'd reach a point of epiphany where Paul and Maggie and the rest lower the dam that's been holding back their feelings, wade through their mess and come out on the opposite side feeling better about each other. But that would generate empathy in the audience, which is antithetical to "A Christmas . . . Present" and its apparent aim of numbing your thought processes for around 90 minutes.

Pre-inclusion era Hallmark Christmas scenery is abundant in this movie.

What about its depiction of "traditional marriage"? Strangely, "A Christmas . . . Present" doesn't make the most compelling case for it. Granted, that is not a Christmas movie's role. Holiday movies typically remind us that love, platonic or romantic, is the blanket keeping the world warm in the darkest months. Weddings might be a part of that, but the chill midwinter of marriage is its own bag, and Santa would rather jingle around other problems.

Anyway, replacing the omnipresent romance we're accustomed to seeing in Hallmark's films is a cheerful, sexless collegiality between husband and wife, a product of Maggie's anal retentiveness and Eric's workaholism. Regardless of your level of religious enthusiasm, this situation is universally relatable. Entire industries are built around helping people in long-term relationships of all types rekindle whatever spark that day-to-day living douses.

Candace Cameron Bure; Marc Blucas

But Maggie and Eric make very little progress toward restoring intimacy. The couple makes time to walk in the snow, and that is not a euphemism – they're getting their steps in while gently arguing until they realize that maybe, just maybe, the solution to their problems is . . . more walking. Also, church.

Otherwise, pre-inclusion era Hallmark Christmas scenery is abundant in this movie. Mary has a Black best friend who isn't around long enough for us to even remember her name. Paul has an Asian neighbor who has taken over carpool duties so he can work on his book; ditto for her on the memorability factor. An Asian actor plays an elf in the Christmas escape room that Maggie drags everyone to, and merrily, they go along here, there, and into the pews at Paul's house of worship, where more Black and brown folks cavort in the background.

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Three Wars on Christmases ago, Salon's Senior Humbug Amanda Marcotte pointed out the fascist underpinnings in the way Hallmark packaged "tradition." By associating the term with whiteness and straight relationships, they tacitly but purposefully froze out everyone who doesn't fit that image:

"Instead of characters driven by real feelings, therefore, the guiding hand of 'normalcy' pulls the characters along through narratives — and unsurprisingly, that idea of 'normalcy' doesn't have a lot of room for the true diversity of American experiences," she writes, adding that "the rule of 'normalcy' reorients everything towards a very narrow, sentimentalized version of Christmas."

Hallmark was the target of many critiques of its white, heterosexual Christian homogenous presentation of Christmas over the years, although my colleague's was pointed enough to draw fire from Fox News along with the Least Superman, Dean Cain.

In any case, in the following July, Hallmark Media named Wonya Lucas as its new president and CEO after Abbott stepped down, which happened shortly after Hallmark  pulled ads for the wedding company Zola  that featured a just-married lesbian couple kissing. Over at GAF, Abbott and Bure are creating a nationalist view of Christmas that they could not longer fully realize at Hallmark. As for how much true competition these movies will present, that remains to be seen.

Under Lucas' leadership Hallmark Channel has expanded its range of holiday film leads to include more non-white actors and families, and as of Holiday 2022 the channel will feature its first Christmas movie centered on a gay romance : "The Holiday Sitter" premieres Dec. 11.

Even if that ends up being as corny as a tree garland – most likely, given the channel's track record – it will surely be a more entertaining gift than "A Christmas . . . Present," and a better fit for any family whose holiday tradition includes welcoming a good time.

"Candace Cameron Bure Presents: A Christmas . . . Present" premieres at 8 p.m.. ET Sunday, Nov. 27 on Great American Family.

about holiday movies

  • Hallmark Christmas: Horror in disguise
  • Hallmark's Holiday Whiteout
  • Sympathy for Todd and Margo: Clark Griswold's childless yuppie scum neighbors are holiday heroes

Melanie McFarland is Salon's award-winning senior culture critic. Follow her on Twitter: @McTelevision

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American Murder: The Family Next Door

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Shanann Watts lived a very online life. She posted videos of her beautiful family online with such regularity that one can get a sense of who she was as a person through the footage that’s publicly available through social media services. Realizing how much of Watts’ personality was right there online must have been the spark for the filmmakers of Netflix’s “American Murder: The Family Next Door” to devise their true crime documentary in a truly original way. There’s not a single talking-head interview or recreated event in this doc—every single image was either uploaded to the internet, taken by investigators, or text messaged from players involved. The result is a film that feels deeply personal, and not always in a good way. It’s a film that can’t help but feel a little like an invasion of privacy. Yes, Shanann agreed to post her life online, but that doesn’t mean she expected it to be dissected and analyzed after her tragic death, and the question of who gave approval for her text messages to become part of a film pushes the experience into something that feels exploitative at times. I’m sure Shanann’s family approved, but there’s always that question of how much stories like these should belong to the loved ones of the people involved and how much they should be exposed to the world. And I’m not sure this film always justifies its invasion of privacy.

The counter to that would be that “American Murder” reveals how much an online persona can hide an unsettled life. The facts of this case aren’t really in question. It’s not one of those mysteries that people dissect on message boards or obsess about on podcasts. On August 13 th , 2018, Shanann Watts came home from a work trip. Her husband Chris strangled his pregnant wife to death, burying her body near one of his work sites, and then dumped his two other children, who he had smothered to death, in an oil vat at the same scene. He was an absolute monster, and the theory is that he basically wanted to wipe away one family life so he could start another one with his mistress.

Early body cam footage of Chris speaking to police officers in his home about where Shanann and the girls might be is arguably the most unsettling in the film. Mere hours earlier, this man watched the life come out of his wife’s eyes and brutally killed his daughters, and he’s there pretending to be concerned about where his family might be, caught on camera talking to cops. It’s a great example of the dead-eyed manner in which sociopaths can move through this world. He’s remarkably calm and believable. It’s scary. (In fact, he’s too calm. If my wife and kids were gone, I’d be in full-blown panic, and the cops must have been instantly suspicious at his lack of emotion.)

“American Murder” cuts back and forth between August 13 th and the investigation of the next few days with footage from Facebook and text messages about what might have led Chris to that point. Much of it focuses on the increasingly poor sex life between Chris and Shanann, which led her to believe he was cheating (he was), but I’m not sure what is gained by seeing personal text messages from Shanann about her lack of intimacy with her husband. And it’s a beat that the filmmakers hit too often, almost as if they’re reaching hard for the “why” of this case, trying to figure out what led Chris to such a horrible decision, but invading Shanann’s privacy to do so.  

More successful is the amount of time director Jenny Popplewell devotes to showing the interrogation of Watts after a failed lie detector test. It’s interesting to see the detectives push at Chris, pulling his story from different directions until it falls apart. Those who like procedural investigative docs should watch the interrogation here. It’s really well done, especially as they push at his emotional buttons, even bringing in Chris’ father to be someone to whom Chris could finally confess.

As a big true crime fan, people often ask me why the genre is so popular, and I think the theory that it’s rubber-necking or morbid is dead wrong. I think it actually provides a strange, even subconscious sense of comfort for most fans. The bad guys on “Dateline NBC” are almost always caught. And the stories almost always unfold in a “that couldn’t happen to me” way. My husband isn’t cheating. My husband isn’t abusive. Most crimes are committed by people the victim knows and I don’t know a murderer. They provide a sense of safety by othering crime. One thing I will say about “American Murder” is that it does the opposite of this, reminding one of the banality of evil. The potential of it is everywhere. Even in the family next door. 

Now available on Netflix

american family movie review

Brian Tallerico

Brian Tallerico is the Managing Editor of RogerEbert.com, and also covers television, film, Blu-ray, and video games. He is also a writer for Vulture, The Playlist, The New York Times, and GQ, and the President of the Chicago Film Critics Association.

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  • Jenny Popplewell

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Reviews of all Great American Family’s Christmas 2023 movies

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

Great American Family is known for its uplifting and family-oriented content and this year, its really out-doing itself in terms of the number, and quality, of its Christmas output .

We've been putting out reviews of the films as we work our way through the slate. From small town stories involving discovered time capsules through to romantic adventures in Paris, Great American Family has delivered a fantastic array of movies. Whether it's romance you're looking for or just good old-fashioned nostalgia, there really is something for everyone among this year's crop of movies.

Great American Family - A Paris Christmas Waltz

There are plenty of stars you'll recognise too including Matthew Morrison, Danica McKellar, Candace Cameron Bure and many more. There's also faces you'll recognise from past holiday movies and plenty of leading men to swoon over. Keep your eyes peeled for a couple of ‘Strictly Come Dancing' stars too.

Beyond November, there's another slate of original movies coming in December so we hope to bring you reviews for all of those too. As we get them, we'll keep adding them onto this page so you can see what we thought.

So you don't have to trawl the site finding the reviews, we've collated everything right here. You can read the following film reviews right now:

  • A Dash Of Christmas
  • Our Christmas Wedding
  • Christmas Keepsake
  • A Christmas Blessing
  • Santa, Maybe
  • A Paris Christmas Waltz
  • My Christmas Hero
  • A Royal Date for Christmas
  • A Christmas for the Ages
  • Christmas On Windmill Way
  • The Jingle Bell Jubilee
  • Meet Me Under the Mistletoe
  • Peppermint and Postcards
  • Designing Christmas With You
  • 12 Games of Christmas
  • A Royal Christmas Holiday

We'd love to hear what you thought of the films so find us on X @ent_focus and on Facebook and Instagram @entertainmentfocus to let us know which films you've been loving this year, and which ones you're looking forward to.

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

  • Great American Family

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Review: ‘a prince in paradise’ is a compelling new romantic comedy.

“A Prince in Paradise,” starring Mitchell Bourke and Rhiannon Fish, is an impressive new romantic comedy.

Markos Papadatos

It premiered on Great American Family on Saturday, January 7, and it is a part of the network’s 2023 “Great American Winter” series, and their first movie of 2023.

The synopsis of “A Prince in Paradise” is as follows: Olivia ( Rhiannon Fish ), struggling with writer’s block after a break up, takes a tropical holiday in hope of some inspiration and meets Prince Alexander ( Mitchell Burke ), who needs some distance from his duty to marry royalty.

Adrian Powers did a solid job with this film’s direction, and the lead actors shine in their acting performances all compliments to a warm and heartfelt screenplay.

With Rhiannon Fish, the viewer can recall Jennifer Lawrence meets Natalie Portman (“No Strings Attached”) while the suave Mitchell Bourke possessed the charm and zest of Hugh Dancy (“The Jane Austen Book Club”) meets Patrick Dempsey (“Enchanted”).

Veteran actress Andrea Moor also delivers in the supporting role of Queen Patricia, Prince Alexander’s mother, and she has good chemistry with Dirk Hunter, who plays Ridley.

Also, the film’s cinematography is visually striking, and it helps teleport viewers to Australia’s tropical realms. It has a liberating vibe to it, which will help provide an escape for the audience. “A Prince in Paradise” is worth checking out, and it garners two thumbs up. Bravo.

Markos Papadatos

Markos Papadatos is Digital Journal's Editor-at-Large for Music News. Papadatos is a Greek-American journalist and educator that has authored over 21,000 original articles over the past 18 years. He has interviewed some of the biggest names in music, entertainment, lifestyle, magic, and sports. He is a 16-time "Best of Long Island" winner, where for three consecutive years (2020, 2021, and 2022), he was honored as the "Best Long Island Personality" in Arts & Entertainment, an honor that has gone to Billy Joel six times.

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Review: ‘Our Christmas Wedding’ is a pleasant new Great American Family film

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“Our Christmas Wedding” is a joyous new Great American Family film. #Powerjouranlist Markos Papadatos has the recap.

This marks the sixth new original Great American Family Christmas movie this holiday season.

In this sequel, roles reverse as Nicole’s boss plans newly engaged Nicole (Holly Deveaux) and Michael’s (Drew Seeley) wedding in two weeks at Christmas. This feel-good movie will certainly keep the audiences on their toes for its entire duration.

Andrew Cymek directed this film from a screenplay by Courtney McAllister and Patrick McBrearty.

Fans and viewers that enjoyed “My Boss’ Wedding” last year, will definitely find “Our Christmas Wedding” to be a real treat. Holly Deveaux is effervescent as Nicole once again, and Drew Seeley delivers as the suave Michael. Their affecting rapport allows for more resonance. It is worth more than just a passing glance.


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The 83 Best Family Movies of All Time

Stream these for your next family movie night with the kids.

Author image: nakeisha campbell bio

Snuggling up together on the couch with the kids, an entertaining family movie and a giant bowl of popcorn is hands down one of the best ways to enjoy some quality family time (at least in my humble opinion). But deciding on a film that everybody wants to watch isn’t easy (cue the sibling bickering ).

As an aunt of three very picky young nephews and a teenage niece, I know a thing or two about selecting movies that cater to diverse age groups. So, whether you’re looking for a classic flick (like The Goonies ) or an upbeat musical (like The Greatest Showman or Coco ), there’s something for everyone on this list. And if you prefer to keep your movie night short and sweet, we've got run times, in addition to casting details and where to watch (like Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ and more). From Moana to Toy Story , here are 83 family movies that all generations will love, including throwbacks from your own childhood. Dim the lights, prepare your snacks and enjoy.

The 57 Best Teen Movies of All Time

1. The Goonies (1985)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 10+
  • Who's in it: Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen, Corey Feldman
  • Run time: 114 minutes

This coming-of-age ’80s classic has got it all: hidden treasure, everlasting friendship, edge-of-your-seat thrills and a young Josh Brolin. The bad guys (the thieving Fratellis) are a little scary, which is why I recommend saving this one for kiddies ten years and up.

If you're still having doubts about this one, then take it from PureWow's VP of News & Entertainment, Philip Mutz , who considers it a childhood favorite. He said, "I still remember watching The Goonies with my parents and younger brother as a kid (obviously both of us wished we could be one of the Goonies—honestly, I probably still do). Goonies never say die!"

2. The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)

  • Suitable for:  Kids ages 8+
  • Who's in it : Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Day, Jack Black
  • Run time:  92 minutes

If you love the classic video game, you'll want to tune in to this nostalgic film that follows Mario and his friends as they battle the one and only Bowser. It features an all-star voiceover cast, including Keegan-Michael Key, Seth Rogen and more.

While Quint isn't a big fan of the film, it's a favorite for her kids. She said, "This movie is objectively terrible, but for some reason kids love it (I have been forced to see it twice in the movie theater) and there's something oddly hypnotic about Jack Black singing about Princess Peach."

3. The Greatest Showman (2017)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 8+
  • Who's in it : Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya
  • Run time: 105 minutes

Get into your comfy clothes and bring out the popcorn because this family-friendly musical will keep everyone entertained—for at least an hour and 45 minutes. Hugh Jackman plays legendary Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus showman P.T. Barnum, in this film that follows his rise into showbiz and worldwide fame.

PureWow Associate Editor Chelsea Candelario said, "I'm  a BIG musicals fan  and this one is on the top of my must-watch list. The entire cast is phenomenal. (Um, hello Zendaya and Zac Efron's duet!) And it's such a catchy film to watch with the whole fam."

4. Moana (2016)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 5+
  • Who's in it : Auliʻi Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Rachel House, Temuera Morrison
  • Run time: 103 minutes

The first of many Disney flicks on our list, this musical adventure earns extra points for its killer soundtrack (courtesy of Lin-Manuel Miranda) and total badass heroine (no prince swooping in to rescue her). Follow brave Moana as she sets out to explore the Polynesian seas with the help of demigod sidekick Maui in order to save her island. (Note: There’s a scary-ish scene at the end with a sputtering volcano that you may want to fast-forward for younger viewers.)

PureWow Associate SEO Editor Marissa Wu said, "Dwayne Johnson as Maui was hilarious (like, his theme song is 'You're Welcome,' how can you not laugh?!). But honestly, I stayed for the compelling story of a young woman searching for her identity while trying to save her people."

5. Annie (2014)

  • Who's in it : Quvenzhané Wallis, Jamie Foxx, Rose Byrne
  • Run time: 118 minutes

If your kids like to complain about doing their chores, wait until they see what Annie has to put up with. There have been a few versions of this musical rags-to-riches story, including John Huston's 1982 classic. But I think this 2014 rendition, with its unforgettable characters and catchy tunes, is the best.

PureWow Associate Sales & Deals Editor Destinee Scott says, " Annie is my favorite, and it's not only because I have a small crush on Jamie Foxx...The movie is funny, uplifting and just so inspiring. I always feel warm and fuzzy after watching it, and everyone knows the plot, but for me, it's all about finding love in the places you least expect it."

6. The Lego Movie (2014)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 6+
  • Who's in it : Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett
  • Run time: 100 minutes

Everything is awesome in this animated movie inspired by the popular toys, especially the stellar cast. Will ordinary construction worker Emmet Brickowski be able to defeat the evil Lord Business from Kragling (i.e., gluing) the Lego universe? Guess you'll have to watch to find out.

According to PureWow Editor-in-Chief Jillian Quint , "This movie is so subversive and weird—full disclosure—my husband and I first saw it in the theater without our kids. But kids also love the bananas plotlines and lessons about creative play. And my kids are ALWAYS singing the 'Everything is Awesome' song."

7. Princess and the Frog (2009)

  • Who's in it : Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Michael-Leon Wooley
  • Run time: 97 minutes

Tiana’s dream of opening a restaurant is put on hold when she meets Prince Naveen, who was turned into a frog by the evil villain, Dr. Facilier. From gorgeous animation to well-rounded characters, what's not to love?

Assistant Editor Delia Curtis said, "As someone who doesn’t always gravitate toward animated movies, The Princess and the Frog had me hooked!! I loved the jazzy, Southern flare that this film had. The strong, belt-it-out lyrics are fun for the whole family. It’s also a film that adults can appreciate too, with some of those silly sly jokes that only adults will pick up."

8. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

  • Rating: PG-13
  • Who's in it : Dee Wallace, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote
  • Run time: 115 minutes

Steven Spielberg's classic sci-fi story of an extraterrestrial stranded on planet Earth is pure movie magic. Parents will love the nostalgia throwback (baby-faced Drew Barrymore) and little ones will love the adorable E.T. and his friendship with his earthling family (although keep in mind that there is some light swearing and a few sad moments). Oh, and Reese’s Pieces are a must while watching.

"I fully believe there is no greater children's movie," said Quint. "I've watched with my 7 and 9-year-old, who are really the perfect ages for appreciating the magic while also understanding the gravity."

9. Elemental (2023)

  • Who's in it : Leah Lewis, Mamoudou Athie, Ronnie del Carmen, Shila Ommi
  • Run time:  103 minutes

The film is set in a world where elements of nature—fire, water, land and air—coexist as one community. Everything changes when Ember Lumen, a fire element, befriends Wade Ripple, a water element, and discovers their commonalities.

Rachel Gulmi , Director of Special Projects, said, "It is visually so beautiful and enticing with all the colors and how everything comes together, but I love the message behind it and it actually made me tear up."

10. Luca (2021)

  • Who's in it : Jacob Tremblay, Jack Dylan Grazer, Emma Berman, Saverio Raimondo
  • Run time: 95 minutes

Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera, this recently-released Disney and Pixar flick tells the story of a young boy, Luca, who is having the best summer of his life eating gelato and riding on a scooter with his new best friend, Alberto. There’s just one problem...the duo are sea monsters from another world below water.

Quint calls it a "charming movie with a great message," adding, "My kids love the naughty boyhood hi-jinx, and I love feeling transported to the Amalfi coast."

daddy day care1

11. Daddy Day Care (2003)

  • Who's in it : Eddie Murphy, Jeff Garlin, Steve Zahn, Regina King
  • Run time: 92 minutes

When Charlie and his friend lose their jobs, they make the drastic decision of turning Charlie's home into a daycare center. Chaos ensues, however, when a rival daycare tries to shut them down.

Curtis, who rewatched the film as an adult, said, "The jokes hit different as an adult because they most definitely have some hidden meaning. I also loved that the story revolves around expectations around gender roles and undoing the stereotypes that women are the only capable caretakers. Plus, I will never get over the scene of Eddie Murphy and Jeff Garlin having a boxing match dressed as a carrot and a broccoli."

12. Stand By Me (1986)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 12+
  • Who's in it : Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman
  • Run time: 89 minutes

This coming-of-age story about four 12-year-old boys in 1950s Oregon is an inspiring tale of friendship, growing up and doing the right thing. Featuring some darker themes (making this film best for teens and up), this moving film strikes the right balance of childhood adventure, grown-up drama and a cute Jerry O’Connell.

13. Toy Story (1995)

  • Who's in it : Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Don Rickles, Jim Varney
  • Run time: 81 minutes

With enough inside jokes for adults, this animated film of toys coming to life is perfect for family movie night. It’s so good, it spawned three sequels and numerous spin-offs, setting you up for the next couple of weekends.

Quint said, "It's hard to believe this movie is from 1995—it feels so current, both in look and in message. When my kids were little, we watched it approximately 1,000 times, and it's still a favorite."

14. The Karate Kid (1984)

  • Who's in it : Ralph Macchio, Noriyuki "Pat" Morita, Elisabeth Shue
  • Run time: 126 minutes

Confession: Mr. Miyagi's iconic "Wax on, wax off" scene still lives rent-free in my head. And LaRusso's final match against Lawrence? Arguably one of the best moments in cinematic history. When Daniel LaRusso enrolls at a new school, he tries to defend himself from bullies and enlists the help of Mr. Miyagi—a repairman who also happens to be a martial arts master.

15. Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)

  • Who's in it : Paul Briggs, Don Hall, Adele Lim, Carlos López Estrada
  • Run time: 117 minutes

This animated film introduces viewers to a warrior named Raya, who tries to find the last dragon in an ancient civilization. To top it off, the magical creature is voiced by Crazy Rich Asians star Awkwafina.

Executive Editor Alexia Dellner 's son is just one of many who enjoyed the film. She said, "My 4-year-old was definitely scared during quite a few parts of this one BUT, he ultimately loved it. The plot is really interesting (I thought so too!), the characters feel fresh and the takeaways are very sweet without being saccharine. Just maybe wait until your kid is 5 or 6 to show it to them."

16. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005)

  • Who's in it : America Ferrera, Amber Tamblyn, Blake Lively, Alexis Bledel
  • Run time: 119 minutes

A group of best friends are preparing to spend their first summer apart. In an attempt to stay connected, they create a custody schedule…for a pair of jeans.

Curtis, who grew up watching the comedy-drama, said, "When I was a kid, finding confidence in the shape of my body was a tough thing to do in the early '00s. Magazines and TV shows glorified skinny bodies, but I’ll never forget the moment when America Ferrera, the curviest girl in the friend group, tried on the magic pants and they fit her like a glove. It made me feel seen and beautiful. A great film about friendship, connection and self-acceptance."

17. Where the Wild Things Are (2009)

  • Who's in it : Lauren Ambrose, Chris Cooper, James Gandolfini, Catherine O'Hara
  • Run time: 101 minutes

Where the Wild Things Are tells the story of a boy named Max, who travels to a magical island inhabited by creatures called the "Wild Things." Exploring themes of loneliness and insecurity, director Spike Jonze revisits the classic children’s story in a dreamlike atmosphere. Read the book to your 5-year-old, but save the film for your tween.

18. Enchanted (2007)

  • Who's in it : Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Timothy Spall
  • Run time: 107 minutes

Amy Adams shines in this sweet musical comedy in which she plays a fairy-tale princess trying to live happily ever after in Andalasia. That is, until her evil mother-in-law banishes her to real-life New York City. She sings, she dances—is there anything Adams can’t do? (Fun fact: the movie is based on Gail Carson Levine's fantasy novel, Ella Enchanted , which is a retelling of Cinderella.)

pets from homeward bound the incredible journey

19. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)

  • Who's in it : Michael J. Fox, Don Ameche, Sally Field
  • Run time: 84 minutes

Craving a feel-good flick that centers on animals? Make room on the couch and let your furry friends watch this uplifting adventure film with you as lovable pups Shadow and Chance and kitty cat Sassy journey across the country to be reunited with their humans. Based on Sheila Burnford's novel of the same name, this movie—which marked Duwayne Dunham's feature film debut—is so charming and funny. Plus, it boasts an incredible voice cast.

20. The Hunger Games (2012)

  • Who's in it : Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth
  • Run time: 144 minutes

In this film based on Suzanne Collins's hugely popular YA series, plucky Katniss Everdeen (played by the brilliant Lawrence) is the perfect role model for teenage girls. After volunteering as tribute to compete in the deadly Hunger Games, Katniss bravely fights against the evil Panem nation. (And there's a budding romance between her and fellow volunteer, Peeta.)

21. Finding Nemo (2003)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 4+
  • Who's in it : Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould

Dive into this adorable underwater flick that’s got plenty of giggles and morals for younger viewers (and adults) including the importance of teamwork, embracing what makes you unique and how a little bit of determination goes a long way.

PureWow Senior Director of Special Projects & Royals, Rachel Bowie , said, "This one is such a hit in our fam! My son is ocean-obsessed and he loves to watch and call out all the sea creatures he knows. Bruce is of course his favorite, being a Great White Shark and all. My six-year-old loves to gloat about how 'not scared' he is during those scenes!"

22. Inside Out (2015)

  • Who's in it : Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Richard Kind, Bill Hader, Lewis Black
  • Run time: 102 minutes

In this feel-good Pixar flick, we follow young Riley as she’s uprooted from her childhood home and forced to move to a new city. Her emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust) try to guide her through this difficult transition but it’s not easy being an 11-year-old girl in a new place.

"If there's a better explanation of pre-adolescent emotions, I don't want to see it," said Quint. "I weep every time I watch, and I honestly think it helps my kids talk about their feelings."

harry potter and the sorcerer s stone

23. All The Harry Potter Films (2001 - 2010)

  • Who's in it : Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson

Revisiting J.K. Rowling’s magical story of a young wizard fighting against evil Voldemort is one of the best parts of having children. Just kidding (sort of). Read the books first, then snuggle up for multiple weekends of world-class entertainment (there are eight films, plus numerous spin-offs in the works).

Candelario, an avid fan of the franchise, said, "I still remember getting the books as a child and then falling in love with the movies as a teen. I've been hooked on the films ever since and still watch them whenever it's on TV. I'll probably be in my 80s still mouthing the words like the true Ravenclaw I am!"

24. Elf (2003)

  • Who's in it : James Caan, Zooey Deschanel, Mary Steenburgen, Edward Asner
  • Run time: 90 minutes

Is Elf the best Christmas movie of all time? Quite possibly. Meet Buddy, a man who was raised as an elf in Santa’s workshop. When he ventures away from the North Pole and down to New York City in search of his real father, he’s soon confronted with a harsh reality: His dad is on the naughty list.

Curtis said, "If you ever need a silly, festive pick me up, this will do the trick. Will Ferrell running loose through the streets of Manhattan dressed as an elf, a sassy and unbothered blonde Zooey Deschanel and Christmas decorations galore?! What’s not to love? Not to mention learning about the 4 main food groups: Candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup."

25. Home Alone (1990)

  • Who's in it : Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern

While the thought of going on vacation and leaving your eight-year-old child behind is totally inconceivable, you’ll be happy the McAllisters accidentally did. This holiday classic (that makes for great viewing all year round) has got plenty of hilarious hijinks to keep the whole family entertained.

Mutz said, "Watching Home Alone with my dad is still one of my favorite childhood memories. Obviously, I remember enjoying it, but the memory of my dad cackling at Harry and Marv getting utterly destroyed by Kevin still makes me smile."

matilda family movie

26. Matilda (1996)

  • Who's in it : Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Mara Wilson, Embeth Davidtz
  • Run time: 98 minutes

This classic revolves around a telekinetic young girl who uses her newfound powers to defend herself and her pals from the cold-hearted Miss Trunchbull. Meanwhile, she develops a bond with a kind-hearted teacher named Miss Honey. Based on the Roald Dahl book of the same title, this story will teach your kids that with a little encouragement (and a lot of reading), they can accomplish whatever they set their minds to. And who doesn’t want to teach their kids that?

27. Minions (2015)

  • Who's in it : Steve Carell, Pierre Coffin, Taraji P. Henson, Lucy Lawless
  • Run time: 91 minutes

How did the Minions originate? Where did they come from? And how did they first cross paths with Gru? If you've seen Despicable Me , I can assure you, this prequel has loads of answers (and laughs!). Fun fact: Minions was the fifth highest-grossing film of 2015 and the tenth-highest-grossing film of all time.

28. Spirited Away (2001)

  • Who's in it : Rumi Hiiragi, Miyu Irino, Mari Natsuki
  • Run time: 125 minutes

Studio Ghibli’s beautiful and surreal animation about a young girl trying to save her family after they’ve all been turned into pigs by an evil witch will captivate young audiences. In fact, you might even enjoy it more than your kids. Believe it or not, Spirited Away made history as Japan’s highest-grossing film of all time, and it held the record for 19 years. Per Time magazine, it surpassed $300 million at the local box office after it was re-released in 2021.

29. Akeelah and the Bee (2006)

  • Who's in it : Laurence Fishburne, Angela Bassett, Keke Palmer
  • Run time: 112 minutes

Akeelah and the Bee follows 11-year-old Akeelah as she tries to compete in the National Spelling Bee. This movie is super c-u-t-e and chock-full of important lessons for kids, including how to stand up to peer pressure and how to work hard to achieve your goals. (Not to mention how much it’ll help them with their spelling.)

30. Frozen (2013)

  • Who's in it : Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff

Fact: Every child loves this movie. The sweet story of two sisters living in a perpetual winter, plus the ridiculously catchy songs, will warm your grown-up heart. But the real star of the movie? My favorite snowman, Olaf.

Quint says, "For better or worse, I know every word of every song, having watched this preschool favorite something like 100 times. And you know what? I don't hate that about myself."

31. The Princess Bride (1987)

  • Who's in it : Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon

Before she ruled on Capitol Hill, Robin Wright starred in this fantasy adventure comedy about a farm girl (Buttercup), her one true love (Westley) and their quest to be together, despite the odds. It’s inconceivable that your family won’t totally love it. (See what I did there?)

While speaking with NPR , Cary Elwes, who plays Wesley, explained that the classic was a sleeper hit. He said, "The film came and did some modest business—respectable, modest, but not the kind of money that they hoped. It wasn't until about almost a decade later when VHS came out that the film found its legs again—from a film that had been mostly dead, it was suddenly alive again. And then it became this huge hit."

32. Coco (2017)

  • Who's in it : Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Alanna Ubach

This Oscar-winning film follows Miguel on his quest to become an accomplished musician, despite his family’s ban on music. Through a series of unfortunate events, he finds himself in the Land of the Dead where he meets some interesting characters and learns about his family's mysterious past. A thoughtful film that tackles a difficult subject matter beautifully.

33. Paddington (2015)

  • Who's in it : Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent

Follow this adventurous (and not to mention, totally adorable) Peruvian bear as he travels to London in search of a home. After finding himself lost in Paddington Station, his luck begins to change when he meets the kind Brown family. For a fun-filled weekend, watch the first movie on Friday night and then enjoy the just-as-good sequel on Saturday . Don't forget the popcorn.

34. Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

  • Who's in it : John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer
  • Run time: 108 minutes

Youngsters who can’t get enough of video games will love this sci-fi comedy about an arcade game villain who decides to rebel against his role and fulfill his lifelong dream of being a hero instead. But things don’t go quite according to plan, and Ralph has to save the arcade world from his own mess. Hilarity ensues, of course.

the land before time

35. The Land Before Time (1989)

  • Who's in it : Gabriel Damon, Candace Hutson, Judith Barsi
  • Run time: 69 minutes

Bring out the tissues for this sweet flick, which follows orphaned Brontosaurus Littlefoot (sob!) and his dino pals as they journey to the Great Valley to reunite with their families. (No really, you will need tissues.)

According to film director Don Bluth, the most heartbreaking scene almost didn't make it into the film. He told Vulture , “I remember we came to that moment in The Land Before Time , and everyone said, ‘Oh, this is too hard—no, no, we don’t want kids to see this. It was Steven Spielberg who said, ‘Wait a minute. We all are born, we all live to a certain age, and then we all go. And someday we come back again. Everyone has to go through it. This is a moment called the great circle of life.’”

36. The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

  • Who's in it : Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, Jenny Slate, Kevin Hart

From the creators of Despicable Me, this adorable family film gives audiences a behind-the-scenes look at exactly what pets do when their owners aren’t home. (Ahem, eat all of your food and get totally lost roaming around the city.)

Quint said, "We watched this one as a family when my kids were little, and it was one of the first examples of all four of us truly enjoying a film. Silly, exciting and great, memorable characters."

37. Jurassic Park (1993)

  • Who's in it : Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum
  • Run time: 127 minutes

You probably remember the story of a remote island where real dinosaurs come to life thanks to dormant DNA, but you’ll be surprised at how the special effects and suspense still hold up.

Quint said, "I may not win mom of year for showing this one to my 6 year-old. But you know what? She loved it. And still talks about getting eaten off a toilet seat."

38. Jumanji (1995)

  • Who's in it : Robin Williams, Kirsten Dunst, David Alan Grier
  • Run time: 104 minutes

Forget the reboot, the original movie is guaranteed fun for the whole family. When two youngsters find a magical board game, they release a world full of excitement (including Alan Parrish, who’s been trapped inside the game for decades) and dangers that can only be stopped by finishing the game.

39. The Incredibles (2004)

  • Who's in it : Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox

In this 2004 animated film, the Parrs are just trying to live a normal, quiet suburban life. But that’s not exactly easy when you’re a family of undercover superheroes. Kids of all ages will love watching to find out if these guys manage to save the world from a superhero wannabe.

Easily one of the best superhero movies of all time, The Incredibles scored two Academy Awards (including Best Animated Feature). It also spawned a sequel, The Incredibles 2 , which grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide.

40. Kubo and the Two Strings (2016)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 9+
  • Who's in it : Charlize Theron, Art Parkinson, Ralph Fiennes, George Takei

Featuring an A-list voiceover cast and seriously impressive animation, this stop-motion action-adventure follows a young boy, Kubo, as he sets out to locate a magical suit of armor that once belonged to his father. With some dark and scary themes, this one's better to watch with older kids.

While chatting with Deadline , director Travis Knight revealed that the film's core message is "the sustaining love of family." He added, "It offered us an opportunity to pay homage to a beautiful cultural tradition and art style that we typically don’t see on the big screen, and that’s something that’s rooted in Japan."

41. The Kissing Booth (2018)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 14+
  • Rating: TV-14
  • Who's in it : Joey King, Jacob Elordi, Joel Courtney

Tweens and teens will appreciate this fun adaptation of Beth Reekles's book . In the film, Elle and Lee created a list of friendship rules when they were kids, and they still abide by them today. However, when Elle goes behind Lee’s back to pursue a romantic relationship with his off-limits older brother, Noah, Elle is forced to choose between friendship and love.

42. A Bug's Life (1998)

  • Who's in it : Dave Foley, Kevin Spacey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Flik is a misfit ant and inventor who really wants to make a difference. However, his inventions are always causing problems for his ant colony. When he accidentally destroys their hard-earned food storage, they’re forced to distract Hopper while they fix the problem. I love that this film tackles real-life issues (like colonialism and violence) without losing its humor and charm. It'll appeal to fans of all ages.

43. The Addams Family (1991)

  • Who's in it : Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia, Christopher Lloyd
  • Run time: 99 minutes

The Addams Family is thrilled when Gomez’s missing brother, Fester, suddenly reappears. That is, until Morticia realizes that something about his sudden arrival is...off.

BTW, Huston's performance was inspired by a longtime friend of hers. She told The Guardian , "I based Morticia on  Jerry Hall . With the Addams Family everything white is black and everything good is bad, but Morticia is the most lenient, understanding and wonderful mother. I’ve always seen Jerry as a perfect example of motherhood." Fortunately, Huston received not one, but two Golden Globe nominations for her role.

44. Brave (2012)

  • Who's in it : Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters
  • Run time: 93 minutes

Meet Merida, the daughter of Scottish King Fergus and Queen Elinor. When she receives an ill-fated wish from a witch (voiced by the brilliant Julie Walters), she must undo the curse before it’s too late. Brave was the first Pixar movie to be released with a female protagonist, and it was originally called The Bear and the Bow . Plus, it scored the Academy Award and Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature Film.

45. Over the Moon (2020)

  • Who's in it : Cathy Ang, Phillipa Soo, Ken Jeong, John Cho

This is the story of a young dreamer named Fei Fei, who is mesmerized by the legend of the moon goddess, Chang’e. Directed by Glen Keane, the musical fantasy was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature and won a Golden Globe. Also, it only took one week for Over the Moon to become Netflix’s most-watched movie .

46. Maleficent (2014)

  • Who's in it : Angelina Jolie, Sharlto Copley, Elle Fanning, Sam Riley

In this dark retelling of Sleeping Beauty , Maleficent is shocked when an invading army threatens her idyllic life. After engaging in an epic battle, Maleficent places a curse on the king’s newborn daughter, only to realize it was a mistake. Fans of the original fairy tale are in for a treat, and Jolie delivers an unforgettable performance as the iconic villain.

47. The Willoughbys (2020)

  • Who's in it : Will Forte, Maya Rudolph, Alessia Cara, Terry Crews

Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby used to be an adventurous couple, but they’re too caught up in everyday life to spend time with their four children. This prompts the neglected kids to take their nanny on a once-in-a-lifetime journey into the modern world. With stunning animation, great dialogue and fascinating characters, it's impossible not to enjoy this gem. Oh, and did I mention that it features the best soundtrack?

48. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

  • Who's in it : Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Kevin Kline
  • Run time: 139 minutes

In this live-action version of the Disney classic, Belle switches places with her father, who was locked up in a dungeon by an arrogant prince. With the help of the mansion’s enchanted servants, Belle discovers the Beast isn’t as tough as he seems.

While speaking with CNN , Watson, who plays Belle, revealed she wanted to bring authenticity to the role. She said, “My Belle wears riding boots, and she’s got mud on her, and she has bloomers underneath her dress so she can kick her legs over a horse, and she’s got these big pockets we created for her so she can carry books around with her all the time. And you see a very tender side of Belle in this film.”

49. Despicable Me (2010)

  • Who's in it : Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove, Kristen Wiig

Gru (voiced by Carell) is on a mission to steal the moon, so he adopts three orphan girls as a means of furthering his plan. When he starts to feel parental love for his adopted brood, he soon realizes family isn’t so bad after all.

"I kinda think there's no greater children's movie franchise," said Quint. "My kids have loved those damn minions from the moment they first saw them. And Steve Carrell as an evil genius with a heart of gold is pretty great for grownups too."

50. The Red Balloon (1956)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 2+
  • Rating: TV-G
  • Who's in it : Pascal Lamorisse
  • Run time: 34 minutes

Inspire your child’s inner cinephile with this 34-minute French film from 1956. The fantasy comedy-drama follows a young child named Pascal who traipses around Paris with, yep, a red balloon. Fun fact: Albert Lamorisse, who wrote, produced and directed the film, selected his real-life son, Pascal, for the main role. His daughter, Sabine, also appears as a young girl. Très cute.

51. Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022)

  • Run time:  87 minutes

Minions: The Rise of Gru (also known as  Minions 2 ) takes place in the ’70s, when Gru is considering joining the Vicious 6 supervillains. Of course, things don’t go according to plan.

According to Quint, "The coming attraction for this movie got my family through the pandemic. And we were the first in the theater when it came out. Spoiler: the historical romp through Gru's childhood did not disappoint."

52. Soul (2020)

  • Who's in it : Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, Graham Norton, Rachel House

We’re total suckers for a good Disney-Pixar movie, but this flick is especially good. Soul tells the story of a musician who has lost his passion for music. When he’s transported out of his body, he must find his way back with the help of an infant soul. (Bonus points: The characters are voiced by Fey and Foxx.)

53. Aladdin (1992)

  • Who's in it : Scott Weinger, Robin Williams, Linda Larkin

Introducing another Disney classic. Who doesn’t love this Arabian nights musical featuring Robin Williams in one of the most iconic roles of his career? Clear your living room carpet and have a family sing-along to “A Whole New World” as Aladdin tries to win the heart of Princess Jasmine.

54. Mulan (2020)

  • Who's in it : Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Tzi Ma, Jason Scott Lee

This live-action version of the Disney classic features Yifei Liu as a brave girl named Mulan, who disguises herself as a man so she can serve in the Rouran army in Imperial China. Unfortunately for fans of the animated version, none of the original songs were used. Still, it features a remake of "Reflection," and a not-so-subtle not to "I'll Make a Man Out of You."

55. To All the Boys I've Loved Before (2018)

  • Who's in it : Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel Parrish, Anna Cathcart, Madeleine Arthur, Emilija Baranac

Lara Jean is content with her life as a nearly invisible high school junior. Everything changes when five of her secret love letters accidentally get mailed out to their recipients—including her friend Josh, who happens to be dating her older sister, Margot. In an attempt to convince him it meant nothing, she quickly enlists the help of Peter Kavinsky to fake a romance.

56. Upside-Down Magic (2020)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 7+
  • Rating: TV-PG
  • Who's in it : Izabela Rose, Siena Agudong
  • Run time: 96 minutes

When two best friends enroll in Sage Academy (a prestigious magic school), they must learn to utilize their special powers against the forces of evil. If the title sounds familiar, it's probably because the movie is based on the fantasy book series by Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle and Emily Jenkins. Also, it was directed by Joe Nussbaum, best known for titles like Sleepover and Sydney White .

57. Secret Magic Control Agency (2021)

  • Who's in it : Nicholas Corda, Sylvana Joyce, Alyson Rosenfeld

Remember Hansel and Gretel? Well, they’re now acting as secret agents in this family-friendly film. The animated flick, directed by Aleksey Tsitsilin, documents the duo as they use their magic to find a missing king, demonstrating teamwork along the way. Tsitsilin said in an interview , "We wanted not to remake [the original], but to rethink. Leave the logic of the narrative and string some additional details. The story begins to play with new colors, it becomes different, but at the same time you realize that it is all the same  Hansel and Gretel ."

58. We Can Be Heroes (2020)

  • Who's in it : YaYa Gosselin, Lyon Daniels, Andy Walken, Hala Finley
  • Run time: 110 minutes

When Earth’s superheroes are kidnapped by alien invaders, the government takes in all their children to protect them against evil forces. Everything changes when Missy Moreno devises a plan to use all of the kids’ powers to escape the safe house and save their parents. FYI, according to Variety , Netflix has already confirmed that a sequel is in the works, thanks to the first film's success.

59. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

  • Who's in it : Will Smith, Thandiwe Newton, Jaden Smith

When Chris Gardner, a San Francisco salesman, is evicted from his apartment, he and his young son embark on a challenging and life-changing journey. Inspired by true events, this poignant flick is bound to make you smile, but it will also make you reach for the tissue box.

PureWow Assistant Editor of News and Entertainment, Karelle McKay , said, "Will Smith's character truly cared about his son, who was played by the actor's actual son, Jaden Smith. Despite the adversity they faced throughout the film, there were some sweet, tender moments that you can't help but smile at. This movie really showed the unconditional love between a father and son."

60. Little (2019)

  • Who's in it : Regina Hall, Issa Rae, Marsai Martin

Regina Hall stars as Jordan, a woman whose life gets flip-turned upside-down when she magically turns into her younger self. Luckily, her faithful assistant April is more than happy to step up in her absence. BTW, did you know that Martin served as an executive producer for the film at just 14 years old? This made her the youngest person to ever hold the title on a Hollywood production.

61. Queen of Katwe (2016)

  • Who's in it : David Oyelowo, Lupita Nyong'o, Madina Nalwanga
  • Run time: 124 minutes

This feel-good flick is based on a true story and is sure to inspire some interesting family discussions after viewing. Katwe (pronounced Kah-tway) is from one of Uganda's poorest slums but manages to overcome impossible hurdles to become a teenage chess champion. (And don’t worry—this film is in English and no knowledge of chess is required.)

62. Mary Poppins (1964)

  • Who's in it : Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson

From the catchy tunes to the formidable cast...there’s a reason why this fantastical technicolor movie is a classic. I'd even go as far as to say that this story of a magical nanny who sweeps into the Banks home to take charge of the children is “practically perfect in every way.”

Bowie said, "We're just introducing this one to our six-year-old, but he cannot stop laughing at some of the scenes—like when Mary Poppins gets the kids to clean the nursery or when Bert (all hail Dick Van Dyke) dances with the penguins who are all trying to impress Mary. We sometimes skip around, but it is a delight that still feels totally timeless!"

63. Remember the Titans (2000)

  • Who's in it : Denzel Washington, Will Patton, Wood Harris
  • Run time: 113 minutes

This is the ultimate sports movie (inspired by a true story) about a newly integrated high school football team in 1971 Alexandria, Virginia. Full of ups and downs, this all-star flick (yep, that’s a young Ryan Gosling singing in the changing room) gives parents an opportunity to talk to kids about race and prejudice. Plus, the film—directed by Boaz Yakin—boasts an amazing soundtrack, including songs by Bob Dylan, The Hollies, Marvin Gaye, James Taylor and The Temptations.

64. Hidden Figures (2016)

  • Who's in it : Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe, Kevin Costner

This Academy Award-nominated film tells the story of the unsung heroes of NASA’s early days: three brilliant African American women who played pivotal roles in launching the manned spaceflight program. Based on an inspiring true story, this family film will teach young minds about perseverance and teamwork, as well as give them an important look at the racial tensions of the Civil Rights era. Henson, Spencer and Janelle give Oscar-worthy performances here.

65. Hugo (2011)

  • Who's in it : Ben Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen, Asa Butterfield

Your kids may be too young for Goodfellas , but this kid-friendly Martin Scorsese flick is just as entertaining. The ode to cinema is set in a romantic Parisian atmosphere and follows the adventures of Hugo Cabret, a young orphan who tries to solve an important mystery and find a new home. It has enough adventure and laughs to keep kids of all ages enthralled. Fun fact: Hugo received 11 Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Picture, and it won a total of five Oscars: Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing and Best Visual Effects.

66. Encanto (2021)

  • Who's in it : Stephanie Beatriz, María Cecilia Botero, John Leguizamo
  • Run time: 109 minutes

Meet Mirabel Madrigal, a Colombian girl who’s dealing with the fact that she’s the only one in her family who was born without powers. But when her magical home comes under threat, she discovers that she could be the key to saving it. The musical fantasy, which grossed $256 million worldwide, won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. I can see why, given how the film tackles important issues like family dynamics and generational trauma.

67. The Adam Project (2022)

  • Who's in it : Ryan Reynolds, Walker Scobell, Addison Tusing, Mark Ruffalo
  • Run time: 106 minutes

The story follows Adam as he travels back in time to reunite with his younger self. Together, they must eliminate time travel…before it’s too late.

In her honest review , PureWow Senior Editor Greta Heggeness said, "The story is as silly as it sounds, resembling more of a family flick than an edge-of-your-seat thriller. (Disclaimer: It has some action scenes and language references that might be inappropriate for young audiences.) Still, the movie is loaded with nostalgic references that will delight every millennial."

68. Sing (2016)

  • Who's in it : Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane

Prepare to sing along as this talented group of animal performers rehearse for their next musical extravaganza. The question is: Can Buster Moon convince a busy rock star to join the cast?

Quint said, "When I first showed this to my son (age 5) he freaked out because the animals were 'scary.' But a few years later and upon a rewatch, it's become a family favorite. The songs—ranging from a heart-filled 'I'm Still Standing' to a cheeky 'Shake it Off" are in constant rotation on the family playlist."

69. Shrek (2001)

  • Who's in it : Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz

Shrek’s isolated lifestyle is turned upside-down thanks to Lord Farquaad. When the ogre cuts a deal with the dictator, he’s tasked with rescuing Princess Fiona. The problem? She’s hiding a deep, dark secret. (Psst, after this, do yourself a favor and watch the sequels: Shrek 2 , Shrek the Third and Shrek Forever After .)

70. Vivo (2021)

  • Who's in it : Zoe Saldana, Juan de Marcos, Brian Tyree Henry

The movie highlights a musically gifted duo: Andrés Hernández and his kinkajou—a tropical rainforest mammal—named Vivo. After a tragic event, Vivo embarks on a dangerous journey to fulfill Andrés’s last wishes.

Quint said, "I've always maintained that this movie didn't get the attention it deserved. The songs are so catchy, and my kids love the message of 'marching to the beat of your own drum.'"

71. Turning Red (2022)

  • Who's in it : Rosalie Chiang, Sandra Oh, Ava Morse

In this Oscar-nominated coming-of-age comedy, Mei Lee is a confident 13-year-old who struggles to balance school and adolescence with her overbearing mom. Not only that, but whenever she gets a little too excited, she morphs into a giant red panda.

Director Domee Shi told Deadline , "This film is one of the first, if not the first film, at least from Pixar, that really shines a light on and highlights the Chinese Canadian community. The protagonist is this Chinese girl struggling with this very specific yet universal issue of her mom being super protective. It’s so important and amazing to see that this film...has been embraced globally."

family movies cinderella

72. Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (1997)

  • Who's in it : Brandy Norwood, Whitney Houston, Jason Alexander, Whoopi Goldberg
  • Run time: 85 minutes

From Whitney Houston’s dazzling golden ensemble to Brandy Norwood’s catchy musical numbers, this fairytale remake still stands as one of the best (and most diverse) Cinderella adaptations ever made. I can still vividly recall singing along to "Impossible" and "In My Own Little Corner" while watching it as a kid.

In a previous review , I wrote, "Cinderella is a bit more complex. She's got an active imagination and a knack for bringing out the good in people. But more importantly, she has hopes and dreams that go far beyond attending a lavish ball, as evidenced in her rendition of 'In My Own Little Corner.'"

73. Good Burger (1997)

  • Who's in it : Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, Abe Vigod

Who knew that a simple comedy sketch from All That could inspire this timeless cult classic? In Good Burger , Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell steal the show as two employees who go out of their way to save the popular fast-food joint from crumbling. The movie spawned a sequel, Good Burger 2 , which follows Dexter and Ed reuniting at their old workplace and unveiling a major secret.

74. Clifford the Big Red Dog (2021)

  • Who's in it : Jack Whitehall, Darby Camp, Tony Hale, Sienna Guillory

I love a feel-good film that takes me back to my childhood. Inspired by Norman Bridwell’s classic book series, this adaptation is about a young girl who receives a tiny red puppy. But little does she know that her furry friend will turn into a giant ten-foot dog.

FYI, if you need a compelling movie to keep the kids distracted, then this is your best bet. Quint said, "This is the movie I put on for my daughter while administering a two-hour lice comb-out. That's all you need to know."

75. Up (2009)

  • Who's in it : Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai

Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old widower who has always dreamed of traveling to South America and finding the mysterious Paradise Falls. To fulfill his promise to his late wife, he attaches thousands of balloons to his house and embarks on his biggest adventure, along with his new friend and young Boy Scout, Russell. The Pete Docter film was originally called Heliums, and it spawned a Diesny+ sequel series called Dug Days .

76. Anastasia (1997)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 3+
  • Who's in it : Meg Ryan, John Cusack, Kelsey Grammer
  • Run time: 94 minutes

Anastasia is the last surviving member of the Russian royal family—but she doesn't know it. Determined to learn more about her history, she teams up with two mischievous con men and heads back to Paris, while the evil Rasputin sets out to destroy her. The Oscar-nominated film spawned multiple adaptations, including a stage musical and a spin-off film called Bartok the Magnificent .

77. The Parent Trap (1998)

  • Who's in it : Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson, Lindsay Lohan
  • Run time: 128 minutes

After being separated at birth and raised by just one of their parents, siblings Annie and Hallie wind up attending the same summer camp and are stunned to find out that they're identical twins. Before heading back home, the sisters hatch a plan to switch places so they can get their parents back together. But unfortunately, something is standing in their way: their father's new gold-digging girlfriend.

family movies alvin chipmunks

78. Alvin & The Chipmunks (2007)

  • Who's in it : Jason Lee, David Cross, Cameron Richardson

The movie follows a businessman and aspiring composer who becomes fast friends with three talented chipmunks and then adopts them as his own. These lovable furry creatures will totally appeal to kids and adults alike. The musical comedy made a whopping $361.3 million worldwide and led to three sequels: Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel , Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked and Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip .

79. Dr. Dolittle (1998)

  • Who's in it : Eddie Murphy, Ossie Davis, Oliver Platt, Norm MacDonald

Meet Dr. John Dolittle, an eccentric veterinarian who can communicate with a variety of exotic animals. His ability, however, causes his wife to suspect that he's going insane, landing him in a mental institution. Can his animal friends rescue him?

Quint watched the movie with her family and said, "It has an awful Rotten Tomato rating, but I watched it last week with my kids and aside from having an all-star cast, it has a lot of jokes that truly land. Well…at least with the under 10 set."

80. Bend It Like Beckham (2003)

  • Who's in it : Parminder Nagra, Keira Knightley, Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Jess is extremely passionate about football (soccer to us Americans). Unfortunately, her strict conservative family refuses to let her play because of her gender. So, Jess steps out of her comfort zone and secretly joins the local women’s football team. BTW, did you know that the film's title refers to David Beckham's curling free kick technique, which is also called bending?

81. The Secret Life of Bees (2008)

  • Suitable for: Kids ages 13+
  • Who's in it : Queen Latifah, Dakota Fanning, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keys

In an attempt to learn more about her late mother, Lily Owens travels to a small South Carolina town. While there, she meets the Boatwright sisters, who take her in and teach her about beekeeping. Based on Sue Monk Kidd's equally compelling novel of the same name, this coming-of-age story deftly tackles racism, religion, loss and forgiveness.

82. Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (2022)

  • Who's in it : Shawn Mendes, Javier Bardem, Constance Wu, Winslow Fegley
  • Run time:  106 minutes

Meet Josh, a young boy who’s struggling to fit in after moving to New York City. Everything changes, however, when he befriends a singing crocodile named Lyle. Aside from the star-studded cast, this musical fantasy is heart-warming and funny enough to make any kid smile. Plus, adults will appreciate the solid storytelling and catchy tunes.

83. My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

  • Who's in it: Dakota Fanning, Elle Fanning, Tim Daly
  • Run time: 86 minutes

Miyazaki’s breakthrough film has stood the test of time—namely because of the beautiful animation and the low-key storyline, which brings the children's emotions to light in the most magical way and boasts positive messages about siblings and friendship. This poignant fantasy is sure to stir the hearts and minds of viewers of all ages.

The Best Movies on Netflix for Families

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Stream It or Skip It: ‘A Merry Christmas Wish’ on Great American Family, Where Jill Wagner Inherits a Farm and a Farmhand

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A Merry Christmas Wish continues Jill Wagner’s holiday movie streak on Great American Family, and this time it pairs her with fellow Hallmark alum Cameron  Mathison. She’s a marketing exec from New York City and he’s a farmhand from back home in Woodland Falls. Can they put on the last Winter Wonderland festival and, more importantly, will they fall in love in the process? 


The Gist:  Jill Wagner stars as Janie Collins, a high-powered marketing professional who lives in NYC and comes up with brilliant ways to sell dinosaur-themed energy drinks. Her life, which includes a corporate ladder-climbing boyfriend named Charles (Morgan David Jones), gets a major interruption when she has to go back home upstate to Woodland Falls and settle her late great uncle Randall’s estate. That’s when Janie finds out that she’s inherited the whole farm — including a farmhand named Dylan (Cameron Mathison).

Making matters more complicated? Randall’s dying wish was for Janie to put on Winter Wonderland, a three-day Christmas market packed with local vendors, carnival games, and farm animals that takes place at the farm she’s just inherited! Fortunately Janie has Dylan to help make this Christmas wish into a Christmas reality. But does Janie have room in her life for a farm, a Dylan, and a boyfriend named Charles? The last one is really high maintenance.

What Movies Will It Remind You Of?:  This is pure pre-2019 Hallmark — which is kinda Great American Media/Family’s whole deal. Can you still see movies about busy career women returning to their small hometown and finding love and a new direction in life on Hallmark? Yes, you absolutely still can.

Performance Worth Watching:  Jill Wagner does some great work in this, especially in capturing what it’s like to mourn a relative who made such a tremendous impact on your life. Honestly, everything in A Merry Christmas Wish is pretty standard holiday movie comfort fluff up until one scene in a barn where, illuminated by an impressive yet cozy display of Christmas lights, Wagner adds a very recognizable feeling of loss that strengthens the foundation of the entire movie.

Memorable Dialogue: Of her hometown, Janie says, “It’s only three hours away but it feels so far for me.” Know the feel, Janie.

A Holiday Tradition:  The Winter Wonderland Christmas market happens every year and the town really just can’t do without it.

Two Turtle Doves: You don’t have to look far to find a movie about a family dealing with what to do now that they’re taking over the family’s farm. Just follow this movie up with Hallmark Movies & Mysteries’ A Maple Valley Christmas .

Does the Title Make Any Sense?: It is really vague isn’t it? Winter Wonderland is really vague too, but what about Shopping in a Winter Wonderland ? Or Farm to Table Christmas ? Or One Last Winter Wonderland ? Actually that one sounds too much like it’s a climate change Christmas movie. Oh — Marketing Christmas ! She works in marketing and it’s about a Christmas market! It’s right there!

Our Take:  I would say “they just don’t make’em like this anymore,” but… they really do. Unlike Catering Christmas and A Royal Christmas on Ice , which were made by outside production companies, A Merry Christmas Wish is a GAC Family production through and through. That means that this Wagner/Mathison affair is maybe the clearest example of what a holiday movie looks like through the Great American lens — and it looks a lot like Hallmark.

This is obviously not a bad thing. Hallmark has become the standard-bearer for cheesy/sentimental/silly/romantic cable romcoms, so being able to pull off their production value and capture the kind of warmth that the network has cultivated over the decades is quite a feat. And I’ll definitely give A Merry Christmas Wish that praise: when the lights are twinkling and the leads are bundled up in scarves and jackets, it radiates a familiar kind of Christmas warmth. You really love to see it.

That’s really why I enjoyed A Merry Christmas Wish as much as I did. It feels lived-in, from the characters to the town to the traditions. It’s not doing anything new with the format, but it executes the format incredibly well. It’s cute when it needs to be (you bet there’s a kid in this movie who needs help baking a batch of cookies!) and maudlin in ways that don’t feel manipulative. But it really is old school Hallmark, down to the “aren’t we just so lucky to work on a farm?” and “farm work is really the most challenging and rewarding work” sentiments that run throughout.

Also I have to mention that there’s a social network site named ScoopChatter in this, and just… wow .

Our Call:  STREAM IT. A Merry Christmas Wish is the definition of formulaic, but it’s also proof that the formula works.

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The Great American Family Reviews

No All Critics reviews for The Great American Family.

Movie review: ‘Speak No Evil’ remake needs to be talked about

  • September 11, 2024
  • Sebastian Petrou Griffith

James McAvoy in "Speak No Evil." Credit: (Jay Maidment/Universal Pictures and Blumhouse/TNS)

James McAvoy in “Speak No Evil.” Credit: (Jay Maidment/Universal Pictures and Blumhouse/TNS)

Disclaimer: “Speak No Evil” has not yet been released in theaters, with its wide-scale distribution officially set to begin Friday. The Lantern recently participated in an early film screening as well as a virtual roundtable interview with lead actress Mackenzie Davis.

Snakes. Heights. The dark. These common fears are widely acknowledged as daunting. 

“Speak No Evil” — director James Watkins’ English-language remake of Danish director Christian Tafdrup’s 2022 film by the same name — draws attention to another primordial fear that may just be more frightening than any other: dinner parties. 

Whether it’s dinner with in-laws, drinks with co-workers or high school reunions, everyone has had to begrudgingly put on a good face to maintain the fragile balance of politeness and decorum that keeps an awkward situation from getting ugly. 

In “Speak No Evil,” an American family befriends an overly exuberant British couple while on vacation, eventually agreeing to spend a few days at their house so their shy children can bond with one another. 

What starts as a seemingly successful playdate quickly turns into a fascinating battle of wills between the two sets of parents, as the British couple’s eccentric personalities begin to make the Americans question if their hosts are hiding a dark secret.

“Speak No Evil” isn’t a horror movie in the traditional sense of the term. It lacks the jumpscares and consistent frights necessary to consistently conform to the genre, but what it does offer is arguably more terrifying. 

The film explores how much people will excuse in the name of courtesy, even if it comes at the expense of their own well-being — or their immediate safety. 

Though it may not be the most textbook horror flick, “Speak No Evil” is overpoweringly uneasy. 

The sometimes-cringe, sometimes-disturbing feeling permeating through the screen isn’t caused by gore or monsters; rather, this discomfort emerges from filmmakers pointing a mirror at viewers, suggesting that if they were in a similar situation, they’d express similar behaviors to avoid an uncomfortable conversation or two.

The main controversy surrounding “Speak No Evil” is its remake status, seeing as the original film was released just two years ago. Some have criticized the apparent need to pander to English-speaking audiences that are too lazy to read subtitles. 

It’s true the newest “Speak No Evil” doesn’t do much to justify its existence, apart from featuring a terrifying performance from James McAvoy — arguably his best showing since his role as a young Professor X in the “X-Men” franchise. 

The film is essentially a beat-for-beat remake of its Danish predecessor, with the only notable difference being its slightly more comedic tone.

Debates around remakes aside, “Speak No Evil” is here, and it’s undoubtedly an entertaining, well-paced horror-comedy that features great performances from its leads, including McAvoy and Mackenzie Davis (“Black Mirror,” “The Martian”). 

Ultimately, “Speak No Evil” is an uncomfortably relatable film that adds to 2024’s growing slate of underappreciated horror flicks.

Rating: 3.5/5

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Friday, January 12, 2024

Fall into winter (2023) - great american family movie review.

Fall Into Winter Movie Review

It didn't really happen overnight, but it sure felt like it!  I keep wondering, where did our fall season go?

The second thing that drew me to the movie, "Fall Into Winter", was the actress, Lori Loughlin.  I have always liked her and her characters.  Thanks to her role as Abigail Stanton in When Calls the Heart , I'm used to seeing her in the kitchen, which is the setting for "Fall Into Winter".  She co-owns a candy shop and makes all of the candy.

Last but by no means least, I wanted to watch this movie because it is a Great American Family Movie.  I have come to rely on the Great American Family Channel to provide me with wonderful movies that do not include explicit content, violent or gory scenes, or foul language.  I find them quite uplifting, peaceful and easy to watch.

Fall Into Winter Synopsis

Fall Into Winter

Kerry isn't as much interested in profit as she is in the community.  She has "lived in the same house, in the same town, and had the same job" her whole life.  She doesn't want to make drastic changes, raise prices, or view people as just customers.  She enjoys treating everyone like family.

Brooks and Kerry clash now as much as they did in high school, although Brooks doesn't really understand why Kerry has always had a problem with him.  As business partners, it is necessary for them to work out their problems, past and present, to have a successful partnership.

Fall Into Winter is predictable, but still a fun movie to watch.  Even though they had differences of opinion, they both worked toward finding areas of agreement and understanding for one another.

More Great American Family Movie Reviews

  A Brush With Christmas (2022)

Twas the Text Before Christmas (2023)

A Dash of Christmas (2023)

From Chicago With Love (2023) 

Accidentally Engaged (2016)

Check Out More Movie Reviews at ReviewThisMovies.com

House of Sylvestermouse

About This Contributor

Cynthia Sylvestermouse enjoys sharing her movie and book reviews, as well as her photos , recipes, craft tutorials, fun facts and personal stories on multiple sites. You can follow Cynthia on Twitter , Pinterest , Facebook , or Instagram . Her namesake website is House of Sylvestermouse , but you can see a complete list of her sites on About Me .


american family movie review

Sounds delightful. Of course the plot is predictable, but that's what makes it fun. Naturally, Brooks and Kerry's relationship will change as they work together. :) Thanks for telling me about a fun wintertime movie, Sylvestermouse.

american family movie review

This sounds like a delightful movie with excellent acting. I’ve always liked Lori Loughlin, too, and I think this would be a lovely movie to relax with for a couple of pleasantly escapist hours. Thanks for the recommendation!

american family movie review

We will have to find this, sounds like perfect movie for movie night. I always hoped that Lori Loughlin would return to "When Calls the Heart but I guess that isn't going to happen. Thanks for this movie recommendation.

american family movie review

Sometimes a predictable movie is needed; something calming, easy, and like you said family friendly. This sounds like a good choice for the whole family to enjoy.

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Oh, oh, oh, I think I need to stop what I'm doing and watch a movie. Thanks for pointing me in this direction Sylvestermouse Cynthia, I know I will enjoy this one as much as you did. I'm always on the lookout for things my mother will enjoy and this sounds like it's a winner to me!

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An uplifting peaceful movie sounds really wonderful! It is lovely to watch a gentle family friendly film on a cold winter evening, thank you so much for your recommendation and review.

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Book Review: ‘We’re Alone’ by Haitian American writer Edwidge Danticat weaves personal and political

The Associated Press

September 11, 2024, 1:57 PM

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Haitian American writer Edwidge Danticat explores family, homeland and her literary heroes in “We’re Alone,” a new volume of essays that include personal narratives of her early years as child immigrant in Brooklyn to reportage of recent events like the assassination of a president back in her native county.

In the essay collection, the author of the celebrated memoir “Brother, I’m Dying,” and novels like “Breath, Eyes, Memory” and “Claire of the Sea Light,” moves from her native Port-au-Prince to the New York of her childhood and finally to the adopted hometown of Miami, where she lives as an adult with a family of her own.

In one essay in the slim volume, Danticat contemplates her family, describing the consequences of one uncle being gripped by dementia, his memory erased, his past suddenly vanished.

“An entire segment of our family history, of which he was the sole caretaker, was no longer available to us. Or to himself,” Danticat recalled.

Yet, she wrote, “family is not only made up of your living relatives. It is elders long buried and generations yet unborn, with stories as bridges and potential portals. Family is whoever is left when everyone else is gone.”

Another essay pays homage to distinguished writers of color she admires, including James Baldwin and Colombian Gabriel García Márquez.

On the plane to Grenada for a tourism conference, Danticat considers the work of Black feminist Audre Lorde, reading the essay Lorde wrote about the island just weeks after the 1983 U.S. invasion of her parents’ homeland.

Danticat fondly remembers the time she spent with friend and mentor American novelist Toni Morrison, including their participation in a conference in Paris.

And she reflects on the earthquakes and hurricanes that have rocked her native Haiti and other Caribbean countries in recent decades, following centuries of colonization.

“’We are a people,’ is what we have been saying for generations to colonizers, invaders and imperialists hellbent on destroying us. And now, more than ever, Mother Nature, too.”

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‘riff raff’ review: jennifer coolidge, bill murray and ed harris labor over a crime comedy that doesn’t deserve them.

Gabrielle Union, Pete Davidson and Lewis Pullman also star in Dito Montiel’s violent account of an uncomfortable family reunion that gets uglier once the patriarch’s shady past catches up with him.

By David Rooney

David Rooney

Chief Film Critic

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'Riff Raff'

The first question that pops up in connection to Dito Montiel’s dark crime comedy about a messy family reunion, Riff Raff , is how in hell he assembled such a cast of proven talents. Even if they never really mesh as an ensemble, there are pleasures to be had watching an Ed Harris – Bill Murray face-off, Pete Davidson as a depressed gangster, Gabrielle Union classing up the joint and Jennifer Coolidge bringing the tone crashing down as a sloppy drunk with a mouth like a trucker and a raging libido.

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Reading Montiel’s doozy of a director’s statement, the thought arises that he might be a great pitchman. He likens reading John Pollono’s script to stumbling on an undiscovered Mamet play, then offers up a bunch of inspirational references to make your head spin — Goodfellas , No Country for Old Men , Reservoir Dogs , Blue Velvet and A History of Violence . It’s good to aim high.

He also tosses in a nod to The White Lotus and … Virginia Woolf? It’s unclear if he means the English modernist author who took her own life or the scathing Edward Albee marital warfare drama whose title is a play on words built around Woolf’s name. Given how the author is mentioned in conjunction with Coolidge, I’m guessing the latter, and sure, there’s a vague Martha quality in her character, Ruth.

But if you can spot anything but the palest imitative shadow of the idiosyncratic films crowding Montiel’s vision board, you have sharper eyes than mine. Maybe it all sounded more convincing at the casting stage.

The opening has sweet-natured DJ nervously pointing a gun at the head of Vincent (Harris), the man who has been a loving stepfather to him since marrying his mother, Sandy (Union). “Family can be complicated. Things go wrong,” says DJ as Montiel rewinds to the beginning to see what brought them to that tense moment.

DJ, who’s about to go off to Dartmouth, is a science geek whose thoughtful nature can be discerned from the “Highly Detailed Topographical Map” he has designed for visitors to the family’s remote Maine vacation home, where the action unfolds from Christmas through New Year’s. That map will later be a key plot point when it gets into the wrong hands.

Vincent is not at all pleased when his rattled son Rocco ( Lewis Pullman ) turns up unannounced with his very pregnant Italian girlfriend Marina (Emanuela Postacchini) — thanks to the two actors’ chemistry, the only believable relationship in the movie. The news that he’s about to become a grandfather does nothing to soften Vincent’s disposition.

He’s even more angered when they haul in his unconscious ex-wife Ruth from the car and drop her on the couch like a sack of potatoes. Once she’s awake, Ruth proceeds to hit the booze, hit on Vincent and pocket Sandy’s expensive cosmetics.

It’s obvious from his dealings with a folksy old general store owner that Lefty means business. Vincent goes back far enough with him to know it’s only a matter of time before he turns up on their doorstep with his stooge Lonnie (Davidson) and bodies with bullet holes start piling up. Murray’s deadpan delivery is put to good use when Lonnie argues that two perky neighbors at Vincent and family’s regular home don’t need to be iced: “I would categorize these as a must-kill,” Lefty replies.

Pollono wrote David Gordon Green’s under-appreciated drama Stronger , which starred Jake Gyllenhaal as a real-life Boston Marathon bombing survivor. In addition, he directed a film adaptation of his well-oiled play set in a grease-monkey garage, Small Engine Repair , a vehicle for Jon Bernthal on both stage and screen that worked better in its original form.

He can write crackling dialogue even if his grasp of character and relationships is not at its best here. Riff Raff is a flat-looking movie with a tone that’s all over the map and a strong cast mostly left floundering. Neither the criminal element nor the bougie respectability Vincent has acquired through Sandy is terribly convincing.

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‘Riff Raff’ Review: Family Gets Complicated in Dito Montiel’s Messy Crime Comedy

TIFF 2024: The caper enlists heavyweight talents Ed Harris, Jennifer Coolidge and Bill Murray to pull off consistent laughs — and unfortunate tonal changes

Riff -Raff

“It’s amazing what family is willing to do for each other.”

Director Dito Montiel made a name for himself with a stellar debut in the film world by adapting his memoir, “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints,” ushering Channing Tatum into movie stardom. The film explored estranged family dynamics and what one is willing to do to avoid the seduction of violence. It propelled Montiel into the stratosphere of indie cult followings, aided by the director’s keen sense for flashbacks and comedy to illustrate difficult relationships.

It seems that Montiel’s taste hasn’t changed much since his early 2000s beginnings. The filmmaker continues his signature outlook on life with the new crime comedy “Riff Raff,” which debuts this week at the Toronto International Film Festival. Montiel takes his audience on a wild ride, focusing on a Maine family that appears idyllic from the outside. However, their inner struggles, shared past and criminal activities boil to the surface one New Year’s Eve.

The opening sequence of “Riff Raff” presents a father and son in complete disarray. DJ (Miles J. Harvey) holds a gun to his stepfather Vincent’s (Ed Harris) temple as the elder begs for the teenager to go ahead and shoot. DJ instantly comes across as an innocent person (and we soon learn he most definitely is), but how did we get here? What could possibly have happened to this family that results in a son trying to kill the one man he’s ever looked up to in life?

Harvey plays the Dartmouth-bound DJ with incredible naivete, though he is often perceived as a brainiac while being charismatic to a fault. Having lost his biological father to a car accident, DJ’s mom (Gabrielle Union) marries Vincent and establishes a wonderful life that includes a vacation home in a remote part of Maine. But their holiday plans come to a screeching halt with the arrival of Vincent’s disheveled oldest son, Rocco (Lewis Pullman), Rocco’s pregnant girlfriend (Emanuela Postacchini) and Vincent’s alcoholic ex-wife, Ruth (Jennifer Coolidge).

House guests from hell, Rocco and company are clearly on the run from something or someone, but it isn’t initially apparent why. Lefty (Bill Murray) and Lonnie (Pete Davidson), a criminal duo with a vendetta against Rocco and his family, seem to be hot on their trail. But we learn there’s more than meets the eye as Montiel’s utilization of flashbacks assists in thrusting the past into the present.

As New Year’s Eve slowly materializes and Rocco’s erratic behavior becomes more transparent, Vincent’s former life decisions increasingly come to a head. The dynamics at play don’t develop into one big happy family reunion, but there’s no denying that they will all need to band together to defeat the evil set to arrive at their doorstep.

“Riff Raff” is aptly titled, as it describes almost everyone in this film: undesirable humans who see others as disposable and are heavily influenced by their own selfish actions. Coolidge plays Ruth as the hot mess express that she is, exhibiting both gumption and horniness when scared. Pullman and Postacchini are pitch perfect as a modern Bonnie and Clyde, defending themselves against Lefty’s criminal empire and Vincent’s estrangement.

But Harvey as DJ gives this movie the heart it needs. Comedic elements seep into the crime thriller that “Riff Raff” desperately wants to be. Yet, Harvey’s genuine sense of self and magnetic obliviousness to his family’s dysfunction make the film worth all of the chaotic dialogue and blood-soaked happenings. DJ’s story and positive outlook on life create hilarity for the family unit he was adopted into, the polar opposite of his older half-brother and the stepfather he’s come to idolize…though should he?

“Riff Raff” is a shaky balance of comedy and thrills, with tonal shifts towards the end that leave much to be desired. The ensemble cast is wonderful together, each having fun playing with complicated relationships and filthy conflicts of interest. But these characters demonstrate what it means to be a modern family, bound together by blood and marriage, defending one another when times get extremely tough.

Most families don’t have nearly as much bloodshed while ringing in the new year, but that doesn’t stop Montiel from introducing his wicked version of “Auld Lang Syne.”

Roadside Attractions and Lionsgate-owned Grindstone Entertainment Group have acquired the U.S. rights to “Riff Raff,” due to hit theaters sometime in 2025.

Riff -Raff

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‘Riff Raff’ Review: A Drawn-Out Family Comedy With Criminal Entanglements

Despite its highly capable cast that includes Jennifer Coolidge, Gabrielle Union, Ed Harris and Bill Murray, Dito Montiel's holiday movie has little warmth or humor.

By Siddhant Adlakha

Siddhant Adlakha

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Riff Raff

In spite of clocking in at just 103 minutes, Dito Montiel ‘s family crime comedy “ Riff Raff ” is exceptionally long. Its all-star cast performs admirably, in a film that takes its time to get going, reveals and confronts little once it does, and uses none of its story swerves to build on its dramatic themes, or its one-note humor. As the secrets of the past catch up with a father and son, threatening to detail their new idyllic lives, the film’s established ideas of love and family don’t so much come into play as they simply hover out of focus, waiting to be deployed. Unfortunately, they never are.

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Pullman departs from his timid “Top Gun: Maverick” character and takes on the role a leather jacket-wearing “bad boy” with a temper and daddy issues, making him a treat to watch. Newcomer Harvey is equally intriguing, as a minuscule boy with a big heart and big dreams, on the verge of leaving for college. He also happens to be dealing with romantic heartbreak in strange, perhaps overly logistical ways, given his scientific inclinations. It seems as though he could use the advice of an older brother — just as Rocco could use someone to guide, if only to prepare him for fatherhood — but lingering tensions get the better of Rocco, and he lashes out at DJ for his excessive enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, this is about as interesting as any of the movie’s dynamics ever get. For the most part, as soon as a character is introduced, their whole persona and identity become crystal clear in that very moment — a testament to the cast, and their ability to tap into writer John Pollono’s text — but there’s usually nowhere left for them to go. The one-note joke surrounding Ruth is that she’s drunk and horny, a messy “type” that Coolidge plays with energy and aplomb, but there’s nothing more to her than that.

Postacchini’s Marina gets to throw a few life and love lessons DJ’s way, though these don’t come in handy at any point in the story. Union’s Sandy seems to exist only as a “straight man” foil to some of the other, more chaotic characters, but she has little ethos of her own. And while Harris’ Vincent is verbose enough to command attention, his character only has the appearance of layers. These are supposedly unveiled the more we learn about his past (and about the two men headed his family’s way), but while these details help set up potential drama, Montiel never takes advantage of this, spilling Vincent’s secrets to his family only once it’s time for things to wrap up. Anything resembling payoff arrives far too late.

Despite establishing potentially fun and explosive dynamics, “Riff Raff” takes a long, drawn-out approach to its story, with a fair few detours along the way that seldom amount to anything. Next to Pullman, Michael Covino is perhaps the movie’s most alluring presence, as a vicious, violent character who ties the movie’s various threads together; ironically, he only exists in flashbacks, as a phantom of meaning and conflict, while the movie struggles to engineer the same in the present, as its disparate plots threaten to collide. Unfortunately, it isn’t worth the wait, given how quickly the movie’s energy plateaus, and never recovers.  

Reviewed at Toronto Film Festival (Special Presentations), Sept. 9, 2024. Running time: 103 MIN.

  • Production: Canopy Pictures presents.Signature Entertainment presents.(World Sales: Signature Entertainment) Producers: Noah Rothman, Sarah Gabriel, Marc Goldberg, Adam Paulsen. Executive producers: John Pollono, Randal Sandler, Chris Dennis, Patrick Muldoon, Patrick Hibler, Gareth Williams, David Sullivan, Alex Baskin, Barry Germansky, Wesley Pentz, Emily Hunter Salveson, Ryan Donnell Smith, Tom Bombadil, William P. Evans, Robby Blanchard, Kamran Dastoury, Amanda Wood, Sebouh Gueyikian, William Roth II, Zane Windham, Barry Brooker, Stan Wertlieb, Eric D'Arbeloff, Howard Cohen, Molly Conners, Amanda Bowers.
  • Crew: Director: Dito Montiel. Screenplay: John Pollono. Camera: Xavier Grobet. Editor: Tim Streeto. Music: Adam Taylor.
  • With: Jennifer Coolidge, Ed Harris, Gabrielle Union, Lewis Pullman, Miles J. Harvey, Emanuela Postacchini, Michael Angelo Covino, Pete Davidson, Bill Murray.

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