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50, 100, 200, 300 And 500 Words Essay On Animals

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We are not the only animals on our planet, but many other species live there as well. A variety of animals have inhabited this plant since the beginning of time. These animals served as both friends and foes to humans. Transport, protection, and hunting were all carried out with the help of animals.

Different species inhabit the area, including amphibians, reptiles, mammals, insects, and birds. Animals play an essential role in maintaining our ecosystem. The actions of humans, however, threaten to exterminate many of these animals. Conservation of many species has been raised by environmentalists and international organizations like PETA and WWF.

Table of Contents

Animals Essay in 100 Words

Dogs are my favorite animals. Dogs are pets. Four-footed animals have four legs. A pair of beautiful eyes adorn it. Besides its small tail and two ears, this animal has no other distinguishing features. Dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. A dog’s body may be covered with fur. Different colors are represented by the dogs. There is a difference in size between them.

There is nothing more useful and faithful than dogs. Swimming is possible for the dog. All over the world, it can be found. There is a great deal of love between it and its master. In this way, it prevents car thieves from breaking into a house. Thieves and criminals are located by police officers using dogs.

An essay of 200 words about animals

Many animals live on Earth. A man’s companion, they are there for him at all times. There are many types of animals. In order to absorb and breathe, amphibians have thin skin. An example would be a frog or a toad. Warm-blooded mammals, such as lions, tigers, and bears, have fur and a coat of fur. Eggs are laid by reptiles, and they have cold blood. Snakes and crocodiles, for instance, are reptiles. The animal kingdom includes insects and birds.

Our environment benefits from animals. Besides providing nourishment for the soil, they also provide food. Animal populations are controlled by predators such as lions and tigers. As well as being useful in agriculture, they are also useful in other fields. There is, however, a threat of extinction facing animals. 

As humans build homes and factories, many forests are destroyed, causing animals to lose their homes. Leather, fur, and ivory are stolen from animals by hunters. The well-being of animals is negatively affected when they are caged and kept away from their habitats. It is harmful to animals that live in water bodies that are polluted by harmful substances.

Animals are part of the Earth, and they should be protected because it belongs to them as well. Humans depend on them for companionship. In order to spread the message of preserving our wildlife, we celebrate World Wildlife Day every year on the 3rd of March.

Animals Essay in 300 Words

From time immemorial, man has been accompanied by animals. Species classify animals into kingdoms. Species vary widely.

They breathe through their thin skin and require a moist environment. Frogs, salamanders, toads, and caecilians are examples of amphibians.

Warm-blooded vertebrates are mammals. In addition to mammary glands, females have a coat of fur that they use to feed their young. A mammal can be a carnivore, a bear, a rodent, etc.

Crocodiles and snakes are reptiles, which are vertebrates but have a cold blood system and lay eggs. Different species of animals include insects and birds.

Ecological balance is maintained by animals. Feeding on plants helps control growth and keep populations under control. In addition to poultry and dairy products, meat is also produced by animals.

simple essay about animal

Several animals have lost their habitat due to the cutting down of forests. Leather is extracted from alligators, fur from lions and bears, ivory from elephants, and ivory tusks from elephants are harvested.

It is detrimental to the well-being of animals to confine them and keep them away from their habitat. Marine life is negatively affected by polluted water bodies.

Organizations like PETA and WWF promote animal conservation and spread awareness. Project Tiger and Project Elephant are two wildlife protection projects undertaken by the Indian government.

On the third Saturday of March every year, World Wildlife Day is observed. To achieve sustainable development goals, the United Nations has chosen to promote sustainable development through the 2020 theme, “Sustaining all life on Earth”.

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500-word essay on animals

The importance of animals in our lives cannot be overstated. Additionally, humans can benefit from them in a number of ways. Meat, eggs, and dairy products, for instance, are among the products we consume. It is also possible to keep animals as pets. People with disabilities greatly benefit from them. This essay will examine the importance of these creatures through the eyes of animals.

Animal Types

The balance of nature is maintained by animals, which are eukaryotes with multiple cells.

Land and water are both home to many species of animals. Thus, each has a reason for existing. There are different groups of animals in biology. Land and water-dwelling amphibians are known as amphibians.

The body of a reptile is covered with scales and it is cold-blooded. Mammals have mammary glands, as well as give birth to their offspring in the womb. Unlike other animals, birds have feathers covering their bodies and their forelimbs become wings.

Eggs are used to give birth. The fins of fish are not like the limbs of other animals. Their gills allow them to breathe under water. It is also relevant to note that most insects have six legs or more. On earth, there are these types of animals.

The importance of animals

On our planet and in human life, animals play an essential role. Animals have been used by humans throughout history. Transport was their primary function earlier.

The animals also serve as food, hunters, and protectors. Oxen are used by humans for farming. Humans also enjoy the company of animals. People with physical challenges and the elderly can both benefit from dogs’ assistance.

The testing of drugs on animals is done in research laboratories. The most common animals used for testing are rats and rabbits. Using these studies, we can predict future outbreaks of diseases and take protective measures.

It is quite common for astronomers to conduct research on animals. Other uses are also possible for them. Animals are used in various sports such as racing, polo, and others. Other fields also use them.

The use of them is also common in recreational activities. The tricks of animals are often demonstrated door-to-door by people in addition to circuses. Their use as detection dogs is also widespread among police forces.

Our joyride also takes place on them. There are a variety of animals that can be used for this purpose, including horses, elephants, camels, etc. Our lives are greatly influenced by them.

As a result,

As a result, animals play a vital role in the lives of humans and our planet. In order to ensure a better future for animals, it is our responsibility to protect them. Without animal help, humans cannot survive.

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Essay on Importance of Animals in Our Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Animals in Our Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Animals in Our Life

Role of animals.

Animals play a crucial role in our lives. They are our companions, providing love and joy. Pets like dogs and cats are known to reduce stress.

Food and Work

Animals like cows, goats, and chickens give us food. Horses and donkeys have been used for transportation and farming.

Environmental Balance

Animals help maintain the balance of nature. Bees pollinate flowers, while worms enrich the soil.


Animals contribute to biodiversity, making our planet vibrant and alive. Protecting animals is vital for a healthy ecosystem.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Animals in Our Life

The integral role of animals, animals and human well-being.

Beyond their ecological importance, animals have a profound impact on human well-being. They serve as a source of food, clothing, and medicines for humans. Livestock farming is a major economic activity, providing livelihoods for millions of people worldwide. Moreover, animals like dogs, cats, and birds are cherished as pets, offering companionship and emotional support.

Animals in Scientific Research

Animals also play a pivotal role in advancing scientific understanding and medical breakthroughs. They are used in research to study biological processes, develop and test new treatments, and understand diseases. These studies have led to significant advancements in medical, veterinary, and environmental science, enhancing the quality of life for both humans and animals.

Conservation: A Shared Responsibility

Despite their importance, many animal species face the threat of extinction due to human activities. It is our shared responsibility to protect and conserve them. The survival of animals is intrinsically linked to our own survival and prosperity. Hence, understanding and appreciating the importance of animals in our life is critical for a sustainable future.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Animals in Our Life

The vital role of animals in human life.

Animals play an indispensable role in human life. They contribute significantly to our existence, not only by providing us with food and other resources, but also by maintaining ecological balance, and promoting mental and physical well-being.

Animals as a Source of Food and Resources

Animals serve as a primary source of food for many people around the world. They provide us with meat, milk, eggs, and other products, which are essential components of our diet. These animal-based foods are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are vital for human health.

Ecological Balance

Animals play a critical role in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet. They are integral to the food chain and contribute to biodiversity, which is essential for a healthy ecosystem. For instance, predators help control the population of herbivores, preventing overgrazing and degradation of vegetation. Similarly, pollinators like bees and butterflies aid in plant reproduction, contributing to plant diversity and food production.

Medical and Scientific Research

Animals also play a significant role in medical and scientific research. Many breakthroughs in medical science, including the development of vaccines and treatments for various diseases, have been possible due to animal testing. Studies on animal behavior and genetics also provide valuable insights into human psychology and genetics.

Emotional Support and Companionship

Role in agriculture.

In agriculture, animals like horses, oxen, and donkeys have been used for centuries for ploughing fields and transportation. Even today, in many developing countries, animals are essential for farming and transportation.

In conclusion, animals are an integral part of human life. They contribute to our survival, health, and happiness in numerous ways. However, with the increasing threat to biodiversity due to human activities, it is crucial to promote animal conservation and welfare. By doing so, we can ensure the survival of these invaluable creatures and continue to benefit from their existence.

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simple essay about animal

Essay On Animals

500+ words essay on animals, the different animal species and their importance.

The planet we live on is home to both humans and animals. An animal is a living creature, which is part of a group of multicellular eukaryotic organisms. These organisms have special sense organs and nervous systems and are capable of locomotion and reproduction. All animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide and with the exception of a few, most animals consume organic matter. 

Animals are very important for the environment. We need them for several things from companionship to food and even balancing the ecosystem. There are several species of animals in the world and they live on land and water. Each of these animals has a unique place in the environment and are crucial to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. And each of them has a purpose for their existence. The study of animals is called biology.

In this essay on animals, you’ll learn about the different species of animals and how they’re classified. This essay on animals also talks about the importance of animals.

Essay On Animals: The Different Species Of Animals

Animals are divided into different groups or species in Biology. It is estimated that the world has over 7 million species of animals. According to biology, animals can be classified into two groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. 


All animals that have a backbone are called vertebrates. Vertebrates can be further classified into 5 groups, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles.

  • Mammals: These are warm-blooded animals that have hair or fur and vertebrates (a backbone). Most mammals give birth to their young ones and produce milk to feed and nourish their young ones. Some examples of mammals are human beings, cats, dogs, cows, lions, dolphins, whales etc.
  • Birds: Birds are warm-blooded animals with feathers, wings and a light skeleton, which helps them fly. But, some birds like ostriches, penguins, emus, kiwis, cassowary etc cannot fly. Birds lay eggs and hatch them to give birth to their young ones. Some examples of birds are crows, ducks, swans, geese, chickens, pigeons, peacocks etc.
  • Fish: Fish are cold blooded vertebrates that live in water. They have fins and scales that help them swim in the water. Like birds, fish also lay eggs to reproduce. Some examples of fish are sharks, clownfish, salmon, eels, seahorses etc.
  • Amphibians: Amphibians are vertebrates that live on both land and water. These cold blooded animals need a moist environment to survive. They breathe through their skin by absorbing water. Like birds and fish, amphibians also reproduce by laying eggs. Some examples of amphibians are frogs, toads, salamanders, etc
  • Reptiles:  Reptiles are cold blooded animals with a backbone and live on land and water. Their skin is covered with scales or bony plates. Reptiles give birth to their young ones by laying eggs. Some examples of reptiles are snakes, lizards, geckos, crocodiles, turtles etc.


Invertebrates are animals, which do not have a backbone. About 95% of the animal kingdom is made up of invertebrates, which are mostly insects. The eight different types of invertebrates, which can be found today are: annelida, arthropoda, cnidaria, echinodermata, mollusca, nematoda, platyhelminthes and porifera. Some examples of invertebrates are mosquitoes, spiders, earthworm, jellyfish, snails, squid, bees etc.

Classifying Animals Based On Food

Like us humans, animals also need food to survive. Animals can be further classified into 3 kinds based on what they eat. 

  • Carnivores: Animals that eat the meat of other animals to survive are called carnivores or carnivorous animals. For example tigers, lions, hyenas, sharks, hawks, eagles etc. 
  • Herbivores: These animals eat only plants, their leaves, fruits and vegetables. Some examples of herbivorous animals are cows, horses, elephants, deer, rabbits, butterflies, silkworms etc.
  • Omnivores: Animals, which eat both plants and animals are called omnivorous animals. Some examples of omnivores are human beings, wolves, raccoons, bears, dogs, rats, skunks etc.

Also explore: Read some more essay on animals with Essay on Cat , Essay On Dog and Essay On Tiger .

Essay On Animals: The Importance Of Animals

Animals are important for the environment and even our lives. They serve as our companions, our eyes and ears, our workers and even provide us with food. They are extremely vital to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem. 

  • Animals for transportation: Since early ages, humans have used animals for transportation. Horses, camels, oxen and donkeys have pulled carts and aided in transportation for a long time. Even in today’s modern world, animals are used for transportation in some countries.
  • Animals as companions: Domestic animals and pets like dogs, cats, pigs etc have served as loyal companions to humans for centuries. These days, animals like service dogs serve as help for visually impaired people, emotional support for people with special needs etc. 
  • Animals for food: Humans have consumed animals and animal products like meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese etc for ages. 
  • Animals as workers: We humans often use animals for tasks like guarding, farming, hunting and protecting. For example, guard dogs, oxen for farming, hunting dogs etc.
  • A balanced ecosystem: Each animal in the world has a unique place in the food chain and contributes to the ecosystem in their own way. For example, bees and birds help in pollination. Carnivorous animals keep the population of other animals in check. They are also necessary for contributing to the carbon and nitrogen cycle and decomposition. 

Humans and animals have to learn to coexist. A healthy ecosystem is dependent on relationships between different organisms, food webs and food chains. Protecting animals is important because it could have disastrous consequences on our ecosystem. Additionally, they have an equal right to survive in this world just as much as humans.

We hope you found this essay on animals interesting and helpful. Check Osmo’s essays for kids to explore more essays on a wide variety of topics. 

Frequently Asked Questions On Animals

What are animals.

Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that have special sense organs and nervous systems. They breathe in oxygen, consume organic matter and are capable of reproduction and locomotion.

How are animals classified?

Animals are classified into two main types: vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with fur and a backbone. These vertebrates can be further classified into mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. Invertebrates are animals that don’t have a backbone. 95% of the animals in the animal kingdom are invertebrates.

How are animals important for humans?

Animals are extremely important for us humans. We use them for food, transportation, companionship, as workers, for medicine etc. They are also important to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem.

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The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay

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Why are animals important to humans? Find here the answer! This short essay on the benefits of animals to humans gives reasons why animal world is so important for human beings and environment.


  • Importance of Animals to Humans

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Animals refer to all things that belong to the kingdom Animalia. They are eukaryotic hence are easily distinguished from other creatures. Some animals are domesticated while others are called wild animals. Domestic animals are those that live together with or are kept by human beings. Wild animals are those that are not kept by human beings. There are different types of animals, and they include the vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are those that have backbones while invertebrates lack backbones. The vertebrates comprise of mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and birds. Invertebrates include spiders and insects. Animals differ, but they possess some similar characteristics. First animals are heterotrophic. Secondly, animals are multicellular, meaning that their bodies are differentiated into tissues. Most animals can move. Most of the animals reproduce sexually except for a few of them that reproduce asexually. Most of them do not have rigid cell walls.

Why Are Animals Important to Humans

The significance of animals to human beings cannot be overlooked. Animals affect one’s life in different ways despite our reactions towards them. Animals play social, personal, or business roles in the lives of human beings (Morris 2020). They are important to all of us whether we love, hate, eat, or protect them. The presence of the animals within the ecosystem is so significant that we cannot do without them.

The following are some of the reasons that make animals matter to human beings. They provide companionship: Some animals serve as pets, for example, dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. They live with us, and therefore we see them face to face daily as part of our companions (Prato-Previde, Ricci and Colombo 2022). They sometimes portray quietness when they are alone; happiness, when playing, can also become one’s best friend.

The most interesting part of the companionship is where a dog welcomes or greets the owner at the door. Some animals are used in rehabilitation, especially, pet animals such as dogs. A person intending to use them for this purpose must first seek authorization or certification from the relevant authority (Morris 2020). They are mostly used when carrying out rehabilitation at the social level.

Thus, the dog is permitted to visit people living in nursing homes or equivalents. In such a setting, they help restore what might have been lost. Animals can be used to teach child caretaking skills. When one has a pet, it must be fed and watered at different times of the day. The pet may also require bathing and training at some other times (Morris 2020). These duties can be delegated to a child occasionally, thus helping create in the child a sense of compassion to the pet.

As a result, the child develops a habit of being responsible. The child, therefore, learns to be responsible through the learning aid, which is the pet. They are useful in supporting human beings at work. Some are used to plow by pulling plows. Others are used in transportation where they pool wagons (De-Mello 2021). The best examples under this category are the horses and the oxen.

Today, horses are also used in winning awards by riding on them. Animals also serve the purpose of enabling individuals to earn a living especially farmers. Farmers do keep such animals as cows, goats, sheep, cattle, and other animals to enable them to earn a living (Prato-Previde, Ricci and Colombo 2022). When such animals are sold, the farmer obtains revenue, which he uses to acquire other essential goods and services required to earn a living.

This is helpful in increasing the standards of living of the farmers. The other significance of animals to human beings is that they are a source of food. Most animals that human beings keep are meant for food. For example, milk, eggs, meat, and other food items. Everyone consumes either animals or animal related products (De-Mello 2021). The food products are consumed directly or sold for money.

As a result, they contribute to a country’s gross domestic product. This means improved living standards. In some other cases, these products are also exported to other countries thus earning foreign exchange. Also, animals are also important in leisure and sports activities (Prato-Previde, Ricci and Colombo 2022). For example, dogs can be used to hunt other animals required as human food while some other animals are used as trackers.

In sporting, horses are used for horseback riding and polo, which are forms of sports. Research and inventions: animals are known to be used by scientists to test their experiments. When scientists discover a new thing that is to be used by human beings, the first experiment with its effects on animals (De-Mello 2021). If it adversely affects the animals, then it implies that it will also affect human beings in the same way.

Where no effect is manifested, then they would proceed to experiment it on human beings. Hence animals contribute to research and development of human beings. Animals serve to attract tourists into the country (Morris 2020). Many people come from their countries to other countries to come and see certain animals. When such tourists visit the country, they increase the country’s income.

It is a major source of revenue to the country thus enabling the country to provide goods and services to its citizens. They are a good source of security to human beings. Some animals protect man from invasion by other animals and even by human beings. For example, dogs are used to protect their homes at night (Knight 2020). Also, police officers also use dogs during wars as well as in the maintenance of law and order.

When going for their duties, police officers go with police dogs for protection. Clothing: Animal products are used to make clothes. Most of the clothes human beings wear are mostly made from products of animals (De-Mello 2021). For example, skins for making shoes while wool is used to make clothes. These clothes and shoes protect human beings from adverse weather conditions.

Finally, some animal products such as hooves and horns can be used as containers for making traditional drinking vessels. On the other hand, animal bones can be used to make such things as ornaments, weapons, and needles (De-Mello 2021). The horses were also used to produce insulin before the discovery of artificial insulin. In conclusion, animals play important roles in the lives of people.

It is upon people and society to ensure that animals, as well as their products, are handled properly. This is because they provide people with food, companionship, security, income, foreign exchange, and other benefits that have been discussed above. Thus, it is evident that animals matter to human beings. As a result, human beings need animals for their survival.

De-Mello, Margo. 2021. Animals and Society: An Introduction to Human-Animal Studies . New York: Columbia University Press.

Knight, John. 2020. Animals in Person: Cultural Perspectives on Human-Animal Intimacies . New York: Routledge

Morris, Brian. 2020. Animals and Ancestors: An Ethnography . New York: Routledge.

Prato-Previde, Emanuela, Elisa Basso Ricci, and Elisa Silvia Colombo. 2022. “ The Complexity of the Human–Animal Bond: Empathy, Attachment and Anthropomorphism in Human–Animal Relationships and Animal Hoarding .” Animals 12 (20).

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 14). The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay.

"The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." IvyPanda , 14 Mar. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay'. 14 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." March 14, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." March 14, 2020.


IvyPanda . "The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." March 14, 2020.

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My Favourite Animal – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember: Essay On ‘My Favourite Animal’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines: ‘my favourite animal’ in english, a paragraph on ‘my favourite animal’ for children, short essay on ‘my favourite animal: dog’ for kids, essay on ‘my favourite animal: cat’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: elephant’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: horse’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: cow’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: tiger’, what will your child learn from this essay.

Essay writing allows children to develop their creative thinking skills and express themselves better! It also helps them improve their writing skills by teaching them proper grammar and punctuation. This article explains how to write an essay on ‘my favourite animal’ for classes 1, 2, and 3. Children adore animals because they make excellent playmates. They, too, show their affection for children in various ways, making any child love them. You can use the suggestions to write an excellent ‘my favourite animal’ essay in English. Kids can talk about activities they like seeing their favourite animals doing and their physical attributes.

Essay writing is fun, but lack of knowledge of its structure and presentation may confuse the kids. All of us have a favourite animal, but the children may find it difficult to present it in words. If you’re stuck trying to figure out how to write this essay, you can follow the points mentioned below:

  • Start by giving a brief introduction about animals.
  • Mention your favourite animal and describe its features.
  • Give reasons as to why are they your favourite animal.
  • Conclude by giving a summary of the essay.

Children adore animals, and if they can, they bring them home as their pets. It is always a joy for the kids to write about their favourite animals they love dearly. Following are 10 lines that can act as a guide to writing an essay for classes 1 and 3 on the topic of ‘my favourite animal: dog’:

  • My favourite animal is a dog.
  • Dogs are the most loyal creatures.
  • I have a dog as my pet named Bruno.
  • He is a cute little white Pomeranian.
  • He is 2 years old, and we got him from a pet shop.
  • He is very playful and friendly.
  • After I return home from school, he runs toward me, wagging his tail.
  • He loves going on walks.
  • On Sundays and holidays, we play lots of games together.
  • He makes me happy.
  • I love Bruno a lot.

Many people love cats, so they are the most common pet in today’s household. If your kid has been asked to write a short paragraph on my ‘favourite animal: cat’, this essay will guide you:

For me, my favourite animal is the cat because they are so cute and make adorable pets. Bella is the name of my pet cat, and I love her white and black fur, small paws, tiny claws, and a cute little tail. Bella was a stray cat we adopted when she was just three months old. Bella does not want much attention, but she enjoys being around us. She enjoys all types of fish, and her favourite is tuna. She is either in bed or spends the entire day lying on the couch. Her way of expressing affection is unique.

Dogs are well-known for their loyalty, making them kids’ favourites. This short essay on the topic of my favourite animal dog will help children learn how to write an essay for class 3:

My favourite animal is a dog. Dogs are known for their friendliness and loyalty, and nothing can beat a dog’s devotion to their master. These are furry creatures found in various species, such as German shepherds, Pomeranians, Labradors, and others. Even I have a pet dog whose name is Rocky, and he is a German Shepherd with golden brown fur. He enjoys being around us and is extremely friendly. When I take him for a walk, that is his favourite time of day. He enjoys meeting new people and barks at other dogs he sees in the park. We adopted him when he was five months old and he is now four years old. He tries to keep us safe and never harms us.

Cats are small creatures that humans love. They come in a variety of colours, including white, black, and brown, and their small twinkling eyes make us adore them even more. Cats are known for their dislike of human contact, but they do show affection in other ways. Lucy is the name of my cat. She enjoys eating fish, meat, mashed eggs, and many other foods. When I get home from school, she rushes up to me and starts licking my hands. She recognises my sad mood and continues to sit beside me as if she is offering me support. We play on weekends and holidays, and she has a great time.

Elephants may appear to be enormous, but they are completely harmless. They have a playful nature; I have seen them in movies and videos splashing water from their trunks. The relationship between humans and elephants has been well known for a long time. Films have also been made about them, such as Haathi Mere Saathi. I have often seen the small and adorable baby elephants running around and playing in the zoo. Elephants eat plants, leaves, fruits, etc. Elephants are some of the most intelligent creatures on Earth.

Horses are extremely powerful and swift. Despite their thin legs, they are well-known for their running speed and are frequently used in horse races. Horses are obedient and friendly. Most of us have probably seen a horse in the hilly areas where they transport people from one location to another, and soldiers previously used them to fight in wars. Horses are herbivores that eat mostly grass. They can become extremely loyal to their master if properly trained. A horse’s average lifespan is 25-30 years. However, it may differ depending on their living circumstances. I once went to a horse race and witnessed them galloping with all their might. They are also among the most beautiful animals due to their silky hair and tails.

In an Indian household, the importance of a cow cannot be neglected. Cows have been given the status of mother and are referred to as “Gau Mata” in Hindi. A cow in the house is a common sight in rural areas. Many households rely on cows for a living. Cows produce milk, which is high in calcium and protein. Cow’s milk is used to make various dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt. Cows are herbivores that primarily eat grass, husk, vegetables, and grains. Cow dung is known for its antibacterial properties and is used as plant fertiliser. My grandparents’ house has four cows. I play with and feed them whenever I visit them on vacation. They are gentle creatures. I have fun spending time with them.

India’s national animal is the tiger. They are large cats that are mostly orange with black stripes. They are known for their strength and are associated with the Goddess Durga. They are carnivores that feed on small animals such as deer and antelopes. They are commonly referred to as man-eaters but do not unnecessarily prey on humans. Tigers are often hunted for their skin, nails and bones. During my summer vacations, I went to Sunderbans with my family, which is home to a variety of tigers. The Sundarban National Park and Tiger Reserve India aim to protect endangered species of tigers from extinction. The Indian government is also doing a lot to protect tigers!

Animals are a very important part of our surroundings, and this favourite animal essay will teach the children about them. They are innocent creatures who need love, and this essay might make the children more empathetic towards them. They will also learn about different animals and their features.

1. Which Are The Most Common Pets?

Everyone commonly likes dogs, cats, squirrels, birds, fish, and other animals; some people keep some of them as their home pets.

Essay On Cow for Class 1, 2 and 3 Kids Tiger Essay for Classes 1 to 3 Children How to Write An Essay On Horse for Lower Primary Classes

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Essay on Animals 500+ words

Animals, our fellow inhabitants of planet Earth, form a diverse and fascinating part of our natural world. In this essay, we will argue for the importance of animals, highlighting their vital role in ecosystems, their unique qualities, and the need for their protectio

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Balance

Animals are an integral part of Earth’s biodiversity. They come in countless shapes, sizes, and species, each playing a specific role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. For example, bees pollinate flowers, aiding in plant reproduction and the production of fruits and vegetables that sustain us.

Sources of Scientific Knowledge

Animals have been subjects of study and observation for centuries, providing valuable insights into biology, behavior, and adaptation. Scientists have learned about genetics, communication, and survival strategies through the study of animals, benefiting not only our understanding of nature but also medical and technological advancements.

Companionship and Emotional Bonds

Pets, such as dogs and cats, offer companionship and emotional support to countless individuals. Studies have shown that interaction with animals can reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness. The unconditional love and loyalty of pets enhance our overall well-being.

Economic and Agricultural Contributions

Animals are essential in agriculture, providing us with meat, milk, eggs, wool, and other products. They also play critical roles in the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. For instance, cattle support dairy and beef industries, while chickens are primary sources of eggs and poultry.

Conservation and Wildlife Protection

Many animals are endangered or threatened due to habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. Conservation efforts, often led by organizations and experts, aim to protect and preserve these species. The work of conservationists, like those saving the giant panda or African elephant, ensures the survival of Earth’s incredible biodiversity.

The Moral Responsibility of Humans

As the dominant species on Earth, humans bear a moral responsibility to treat animals with kindness and respect. Ethical treatment includes proper care of pets, humane farming practices, and the preservation of wildlife habitats. Ensuring animals’ welfare reflects our own moral values.

A Source of Wonder and Awe

Animals captivate our imaginations with their extraordinary abilities and behaviors. From the intelligence of dolphins to the grace of eagles in flight, the animal kingdom never ceases to inspire awe and wonder. These creatures remind us of the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Conclusion of Essay on Animals

In conclusion, animals are not merely passive inhabitants of our planet; they are active participants in the intricate web of life. From their crucial roles in ecosystems to the bonds they form with humans, animals enrich our world in countless ways. It is our duty to protect and preserve the magnificent diversity of life on Earth.

As we navigate the challenges of the modern world, let us remember the importance of animals in our lives and the broader ecosystem. Let us support conservation efforts, advocate for ethical treatment, and nurture our curiosity and empathy toward all living beings. In doing so, we honor the invaluable contributions of animals to our planet and ensure a harmonious coexistence for generations to come. Animals, in all their majesty, remind us of our responsibility to protect and cherish the wonders of our shared home, Earth.

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English Compositions

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Essays on the favourite animal are one of the most important topics you may find relevant for your upcoming English writing comprehension test. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays on your favourite Animals. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favourite animal dog in 100 words.

  • Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Cat in 200 Words 
  • Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion in 400 Words 

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All animals are amazing but my favourite animal is the dog. Dogs are very loyal and make great pets. They love their owners and protect them from dangers. Dogs are largely carnivorous and eat meat, bones, organs, and some plant-based food.

Dogs are closely related to wolves, coyotes, and foxes and were domesticated by man thousands of years ago. They served as companions during hunts as well as protectors and guards. Today, dogs are mostly kept as pets at home and are treated as family members. However, there are many dogs who live miserable lives on the streets and are uncared for. We must take care of dogs and be kind to them. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Cat in 200 Words

I love all animals but my favourite animal is the cat. Cats are small and cute. They have tiny paws, sharp claws, and a furry body and tail. They have beautiful bright eyes which glow in the dark. They are commonly found in colours like black, white, brown, ginger, and orange.

There are more than 60 different varieties of cats. Cats are carnivorous mammals and love to eat different types of fish like tuna and salmon. They also eat meats like chicken, turkey, beef, some whole-grain foods, and eggs. In the wild, they are known to catch rats, mice, lizards, snakes, and other small animals for food. 

Cats know how to take care of themselves and don’t demand much attention from their owners. Hence, they make great pets for people who work full time and live in small apartments. Cats love their freedom and space but they also love their owners.

They will always be there to cheer you up when you need them. They love to purr and rub against their owners to show them their affection. Many pet cats bring dead mice, twigs, and other things that they like to their owners as a token of appreciation. Each cat has a unique personality and they always make their humans happy. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion in 400 Words

All animals are unique and amazing in their own ways. I love them all but my favourite animal is the lion. Lions are wild animals and their natural habitat includes scrublands, grasslands, savannahs, and rocky hills. They were historically found in many places around the world but now, due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting activities, they are mostly found in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, and reserves. However, they can still be found in the wild in Africa as well as in the Gir forest in Gujarat, India. 

Lions are majestic animals and are known as the ‘King of the jungle’. There are many different subspecies of lions, like Asiatic lions, Barbary lions, Congo lions, Transvaal lions, and African lions. Male lions have a beautiful signature mane around their neck and are much larger than the females of the same species. Male lions are known to act as the protectors of the pride while the females do all the hunting.

Pride is a family unit of lions that may contain a few lions, a dozen or so lionesses, and their adolescent and young ones. Each pride has its own territory and lions mark and defend these areas by roaring and scent-marking. These territories are fiercely defended against intruding lions and male lions may sometimes get into huge fights over their territories. 

Lions usually prey on medium to large animals like zebras, antelopes, hippopotamuses, and buffaloes but they can also kill and eat smaller or larger animals, depending on the need. They are also known to eat animals killed and left by other predators. Lionesses stalk their prey from nearby cover and then leap and lunge at its neck, biting and strangling it until it is killed. Members of the pride then come forward to feed on the kill. An adult lion can eat about 34 kilograms of meat at once. 

Lions usually breed once every year in captivity but in the wild, they breed once every two or three years. Lion cubs are born with dark spots on their fur coat which fade away as they mature. They can follow their mother after 3 months and can participate in hunting after 11 months.

However, they still need assistance and can not survive on their own before two years of age. The cubs become adults at about three to four years of age and while most female cubs become members of their mother’s pride, male cubs are forced out and become nomads. 

Lions are incredible animals and have always intrigued me. They are truly the ‘kings’. 

In the session above, I have written three essays on three different animals. You can choose any of those according to your requirements. I have also tried to write the essays in a very simple language that every student can easily understand. If you still have any queries regarding this context, please let us know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on several important topics, keep browsing our Website. 

To get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions, kindly join us on Telegram . Thanks for being with us. All the best. 

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Essay on Animals | Animals Essay for Students and Children in English

March 18, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Animals: The presence of animals is essential because it maintains the balance in the ecosystem. In today’s world, some animals also serve as companions and help reduce our stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Every organism has a unique place in the food chain, and each contributes to maintaining the existence of life on this planet. The man had learned early that with their more complex and advanced mind, they are superior to any other animal on the Earth.

What makes man superior to them? Humans had learned the ways they can use some animals for their survival, like for transportation or as a food source.

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Long and Short Essays on Animals for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples, both long and short essay type, on the topic ‘Animals.’ We will also include ten pointers on the same topic so that the students can use these to construct their essays.

On the topic ‘Science,’ we are providing readers with long essays of 400-500 words and short essays of 100-200 words. Animal essay will help the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; whereas, the long essay will be highly beneficial for students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Long Essay on Animals 500 Words in English

The living organisms that are eukaryotes and formed of numerous cells and those who sexually reproduce are called animals. Animals play a unique role in maintaining the balance of nature. Several animal species exist in both land and water, and each has a purpose for their existence.

The animals are divided into particular groups in biology for better understanding of their species like- amphibians (the animals that can live on both land and water), reptiles (scaled body and cold-blooded animals), mammals (the animals that give birth to the offspring in the womb and has mammary glands), birds (forelimbs evolved to wings, mostly feather-covered body, and lays eggs for giving birth), fishes (has fins in place of limbs, and gills for respiration in water), insects (they are mostly six-legged or more, and most have a head, thorax, and abdomen), etc.

Since human beings’ existence and evolution, we have established ourselves as the greater and more superior species for our sophisticated and more advanced way of thinking and applying. Humans have also learned to use animals for their benefit and have realized how to incorporate animals into our social lives. Animal husbandry is not a new practice done and has been in existence for a very long time.

The bond between humans and animals has increased, and now both coexist with a mutual understanding of nature. We have also strived to preserve the near exist and rare species through modern modes of conservation like zoological gardens and sanctuaries.

We have used animals for clothes, food, transportation, and entertainment. Animals have also been beneficial for us to discover new things from research and tests. Several vaccines and medicines are the blessings of the resources we obtained from animals. Animals have also been a part of outer-space explorations, which has achieved milestones in scientific discoveries.

Among these activities, some were for good reasons and to sustain a livelihood, but some were just the act of evil and torture the poor animals. With the modernization of the world, people started thinking about animals and worked for their rights.

It is essential to realize that with power, great responsibility comes as well. Hence, we should never abuse animals for our benefits. As good human beings, we must always revolt against any inhumane activity that harms our fellow wild friends.

Esssay about Animals

Short Essay on Animals 150 words in English

From the beginning of human civilization, we have interacted with wildlife. Before trade and commerce existed, human life had to depend on animal resources in some places solely. Our ancestors who lived in caves and were nomads and some big animals were a threat to their life.

But eventually, they learned to fight and survive and use the skin of the animal for clothing as a layer of protection from cold, used the meat as food or bait, and also came to use ivory elements as utensils or ornaments. Now animals contribute to many more aspects like our transportation, social life, economy, etc. Hence, it is our responsibility to preserve and protect them against any abuse that is not necessary for our existence.

10 Lines on Essay on Animals in English

  • It would be a shame not to mention bees in the list of essential animals for they are the most potent pollinators in this world, and almost one-third of the world’s food source depends on pollination.
  • Dogs have been a loyal and faithful companion to man throughout their life, and they ensure physical security and emotional support as our loving pets.
  • Squirrels are responsible for growing several trees on this planet, for they often collect nuts and seeds for winter and forget the place they stored them; eventually, those seeds and nuts grow into trees and sustain our ecosystem.
  • Birds are called the ecological handyman, for they are responsible for many things like pollination, pest control, reforestation, soil fertilization, etc.
  • Elephants are called the largest mammals living on land, whereas Blue Whales are the largest animals that exist on Earth.
  • We all are aware of the importance of fishes and other aquatic animals, and firstly they maintain the balance of the marine ecosystem. They are also a source of food and have a significant contribution to our economy.
  • Giraffes initially didn’t have an as long neck as we see them now; it was because of gradual evolution that their neck lengthened so that they can reach the upper branches of trees for leaves, i.e., their food.
  • The Camel is called the ‘Ship of the desert,’ and they are highly used as a medium of transportation in dry sandy areas by humans.
  • People often mistake camels to carry water in their humps, but it is fat that is stored in the tissues of a camel’s hump. These fatty tissues help to convert into energy or water, and hence a camel can survive for almost six months without water or food.
  • Animal rights are the idea submitted by humans, which declares that some of the animals are entitled to some rights of their existence and their fundamental interests. This was introduced to reduce the exploitation of animals and stop the torture that man does to them.

Esssay on Animals

FAQ’s on Essay on Animals

Question 1. What is the study of animals called?

Answer: The scientific study of animals is called zoology, which involves research and discoveries about different animals.

Question 2. What is the definition of animals?

Answer: The animals are the multi-cellular eukaryotic (living) organisms that belong to the biological kingdom ‘Animalia’ and can sexually reproduce (other than the asexual animals).

Question 3. What is a zoo?

Answer: A ‘zoo’ is the abbreviation of the zoological garden or zoological park, and it is a confined facility that encloses several breeds of animals. A zoo is a place open for public viewing, and the purpose of this facility is to entertain and educate the people while also serving as a scientific research opportunity for those species present in the zoo. Zoos are also used for rare species conservation and are regulated by the government.

Question 4. What are the living organisms other than plants, which are not considered to be animals?

Answer: Apart from plants and animal species, several living organisms exist on Earth. Examples of some of these organisms are bacteria, protozoa, algae, fungi, etc.

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Essay on Animals

Essay on Animals | Animals Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Animals: The Earth is not just our home planet, but the home to many animals. Since the beginning of time, animals have inhabited the plant, serving as a friend and foe to humans. Humans used animals for transportation protection as well as hunting.

There are different species, such as amphibians, reptiles, mammals, insects, and birds; the population is widespread. Animals are not just fellow inhabitants but an essential part of our ecosystem. However, many of these animals face the threat of extinction due to the actions of humankind. Environmentalists and international organizations such as PETA and WWF have raised the conservation of many species.

Long Essay regarding Animals 500 Words in English

Short essay on animals 200 words in english for kids, 10 lines on animals essay in english.

  • What are some of the species of the animal kingdom?
  • How do animals help ecology?
  • Mention some organizations for wildlife conservation.
  • When is Wildlife Day commemorated?

Long and Short Essays on Animals for Students and Kids in English

There is one long essay on animals of 500 words and one short essay of 200 words on animals.

Animals Essay

Long essay on Animals is for students of Classes 8,9 and 10 and competitive exam aspirants.

The Earth is home to many creatures. Animals have been the inhabitants of this planet, along with humans. Historically, animals were used for transportation, protection, as well as for hunting. Animals have been companions to man since time immemorial.

Animals are the kingdom while classifying their species. There are a variety of species present under this, with their presence spanning across the world. Amphibians primarily require a moist environment as they breathe and absorb through thin skins. Some amphibians include frogs, salamanders, toads, and caecilians. Mammals are vertebrates and warm-blooded. Females have mammary glands to feed their young ones and have a thick coat of fur. Mammals include carnivores, bears, rodents, etc. Reptiles are vertebrates, but lay eggs. Some of them have scales. Common reptiles are lizards, turtles, and snakes.

Insects have an exoskeleton. They have three pairs of legs, a head, thorax, and abdomen. Beetles, ants, and bees are some insects. Birds have wings, beaks, and feathers such as eagles, pigeons, crows, and sparrows. There are many species of animals that are domesticated as well, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, etc.

Animals are vital to the ecosystem. Animals have different purposes when it comes to the environment. Even microorganisms help to clean our planet. Many animals aide plants to converting free nitrogen present in the air and nourishing the roots and a crucial role in sustaining ecological balance. Predatory animals keep the population in the animal population controlled. Animals that feed on plants help to control plant growth. They also provide us with the food required for our survival. Poultry, dairy, and meat serve as essentials to many cultures and their diets. Animals are one of the oldest companions of humans.

However, many species face the threat of extinction. Urbanization causes cutting down forests to meet the needs of the growing human population. Cutting down forests has led to a loss of habitat for many animals. Habitat destruction has caused damage to animal life. Lions and bears traditionally hunted for their fur, elephants for their ivory tusks, and alligators for leather sell in black markets. Torturing animals and locking them in cages affects their wellbeing. Dumping effluents into water bodies affect marine life. Global warming also affects animals, with dried up water bodies and seasonal changes that have consequences on these species. Using animals to test human-made drugs has received widespread criticism as the animals suffer irreparable damages.

The importance of conserving animals has been recognized all over the world. International organizations such as the PETA and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) aim to spread awareness on preservation. Countries have strict laws for animal conservation. The Indian government has many wildlife protection projects such as Project Tiger and Project Elephant, animals whose populations are decreasing drastically.

World Wildlife Day is commemorated on the 3rd of March every year. An initiative by the United Nations, 2020’s theme is “Sustaining all life on Earth” to meet sustainable development goals. It is vital to conserve animals as the Earth is there home as much as it is ours.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Short Essay on Animals will help students of Classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Earth is the home to many animals. They are man’s companion. Animals have various species. Amphibians have thin skin through which they absorb and breathe. Frogs and toads are some examples. Mammals have a coat of fur and warm-blooded like lions, tigers, and bears. Reptiles lay eggs and cold-blooded. Some reptiles include snakes and crocodiles. Insects and birds are a part of the animal kingdom.

Animals help our environment. They provide nutrition to the soil, and they are a source of food. Predatory animals like lions and tigers help to control the animal population. They help in agriculture as well. However, animals face the threat of extinction. Man cuts down many forests to build homes and factories while animals lose their home. Hunters torture animals and kill them for leather, fur, and ivory. Caging animals and keeping them away from their habitat affects their well-being. Water bodies polluted with harmful substances affect the animals that live in water.

We need to protect animals because the Earth is not just our home; it belongs to them as well. They are the faithful companions of man. Every year we celebrate the 3rd of March as World Wildlife Day to spread the message of protecting our animals.

Animals Essay

These ten lines are helpful for competitive exam aspirants and making speeches.

Animals have been companions to man since time immemorial.

Animals are the kingdom while classifying their species. There are a variety of species.

Amphibians primarily require a moist environment and breathe through their thin skins. Some amphibians include frogs, salamanders, toads, and caecilians.

Mammals are vertebrates and warm-blooded. Females have mammary glands to feed their young ones and have a coat of fur. Mammals include carnivores, bears, rodents, etc.

Reptiles are another species that are vertebrates but coldblooded and lay eggs, such as crocodiles and snakes. Insects and birds are also different species of animals.

Animals play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Predatory animals keep populations in the animal population controlled, and feed on plants help to control growth. Animals are a source of food such as poultry, dairy, and meat.

Cutting down forests has led to a loss of habitat for many animals. Lions and bears traditionally hunted for their fur, elephants for their ivory tusks, and alligators for leather sell in black markets.

Caging animals and keeping them away from their habitat affects their wellbeing. Water bodies polluted with harmful substances affect marine life.

Organizations like PETA and WWF spread awareness and work towards the conservation of animals. The Indian government has undertaken many wildlife protection projects such as Project Tiger and Project Elephant.

World Wildlife Day is commemorated on the 3rd of March every year. An initiative by the United Nations, 2020’s theme is “Sustaining all life on Earth” to meet sustainable development goals.

How do animals help save planet

FAQ’s on Essay on Animals

Question 1. What are some of the species of the animal kingdom?

Answer: Some of the species of the animal kingdom include amphibians, reptiles, mammals, insects, and birds.

Question 2. How do animals help ecology?

Answer: Animals help to maintain the ecosystem. Microorganisms help to clean our planet. Many animals’ aide plants to converting free nitrogen present in the air and nourishing the roots. Predatory animals keep the population in the animal population controlled. Animals that feed on plants help to control plant growth.

Question 3. Mention some organizations for wildlife conservation?

Answer: Some organizations are PETA, WWF, or World Wide Fund for Nature and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Question 4. When is Wildlife Day commemorated?

Answer: World Wildlife Day is commemorated on the 3rd of March every year.

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Essay on Animals: How to Write a Persuasive Paper

When writing a persuasive paper, your purpose is to convince your audience to agree with your idea or accept your recommendation for a course of action. If you’ve decided to write an essay on animals (either for a school assignment or for another purpose), here are the steps to follow.

1. Choose a topic

Some sample topics for an essay on animals include:

  • Everyone should spay or neuter their pets .
  • Adoption is the best option.
  • Dogs should be treated as individuals, not discriminated against because of breed.
  • Microchipping is important to keep pets with their families.

2. Research information on the topic

You can do research online and at the library, plus talk to experts in the field, to get more information. While reviewing the materials, look for interesting facts or tidbits that will hook your readers.

3. Create a flow chart 


Reason 1   

   Supporting data   

   Supporting data   

   Supporting data   

Home starts with you

Reason 2   

   Supporting data   

Reason 3   

4. Write the thesis statement for your paper

Now it's time to fill in the flow chart, first with your thesis statement. For example: "Everyone should spay or neuter their pets." This statement will go in the first box in your flow chart. The flow chart is a visual way to help you create an outline. An outline will help you organize the information in a logical order. Your finished product will have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

5. Write the reasons and supporting data

The body will contain the reasons and the supporting data listed on your flow chart. The body not only contains evidence to support your opinion but also addresses one or two opposing views. 

Be sure to include your counter-argument when stating the opposing view. For example, one opposing view to the above statement might be this: "Many people think that an animal who has been spayed or neutered will become lazy and fat." Your counter-argument could be this: "This is a misconception. The main reason pets become overweight is lack of exercise and overfeeding."

6. Note engaging facts

Keep the flow chart handy as you read through all the information you have gathered. In a separate place, write “Hooks and facts to grab the reader’s attention,” and as you review your material, jot down cool facts that you come across. For example: "Just one female cat and her offspring can produce an estimated 420,000 cats in only seven years."

7. Consider all angles

Be sure to address a wide variety of reasons to support your topic statement. For example: Think about pet overpopulation, overcrowded shelters, the costs to your city or town, the effects on pet health, and pet behavior. What would your audience find most important?

8. Expand each reason individually

Before writing your actual paper, keep your facts straight by writing each reason and the supporting evidence on separate sheets of paper or documents.

9. Write your essay

Write your first draft. Then, revise your outline and draft as needed until you have your final draft. If necessary, include a bibliography.

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Endangered Animals Essay in 100 and 500 words 

simple essay about animal

  • Updated on  
  • Feb 6, 2024

Endangered Animals Essay

Endangered Animals Essay: Earth is the home of many wildlife species. Different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates are in danger of becoming extinct. 

Species that are at risk of extinction in the near future are called endangered. It is important to know that the term endangered is applied to plants as well as to animals. These flora and fauna are either at extremely high risk or have been threatened by one or multiple factors such as climate change, human activity, diseases, and more.

Also Read: Endangered Species Definition, Categories and Importance

Endangered Animals Essay in 100 words

Earth is home to an incredible diversity of wildlife. Different species of reptiles, mammals, amphibians, and more inhabit various ecosystems around the world. However, many of the animals are now at risk of extinction. Species that are declining continuously in numbers and are at risk of extinction are called endangered species. The animals that face the threat of extinction are known as endangered animals. Some of the examples of endangered animals are tigers, pandas, whales, and rhinoceros. The major reasons for the loss of population of these animals are loss of habitat, change in climate, poaching and climate change. 

Also Read: National Endangered Species Day 2023

Endangered Animals Essay in 500+ words

Endangered animals refer to animals that face extinction in the near future. The two animals with beautiful appearance and most critical in the list of endangered animals are Snow Leopards and Giant Panda. 

Snow leopards are physically charming animals with their grey and yellow spotted fur. These¨ghost of mountains majestic creatures have powerful build. They are found in different habitats in 12 countries across North and Central Asia. Unfortunately, due to habitat loss, poaching and changes in climatic conditions, the population of snow leopards has seen a significant decline. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), there are nearly 4,080-6,590 snow leopards across the world. They are also listed as ¨Vulnerable¨ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 

Their beautiful fur is poached for the illegal trade market. The biggest threat is a loss of habitat with the clearing of forests for farming, roads, and infrastructure. This fragmentation leaves the small, isolated populations of snow leopards becoming more vulnerable to extinction. Moreover, the change in climate and lack of availability of habitat results in melting glaciers resulting in the population of snow leopards.

Another animal that is most recognizable in the list of endangered animals list is the Giant Panda. It is yet another rarest species on Earth. The black and white color provides an attractive color to the mammals that rely on bamboo for food. According to WWF, only 1,864 Giant Pandas are left in the wild. They are mostly found in the mountainous regions of China. Currently, they are becoming fewer in numbers due to the clearing of bamboo forests, expansion of agricultural land, urban development, fragmentation, and isolation in population. Many conservation efforts such as ¨Pandas for Peace¨ cooperative programs focus on the breeding program with zoos and research centres around the world. Sections of bamboo forests are also being set up for the preservation of Panda. 

Now, let us explore the world’s 10 most endangered animals according to the World Wildlife Fund: 

African Forst ElephantCentral and West Africa
Amur LeopardRussia and parts of China and Korea
Cross River Gorilla Nigeria and Cameroon
Hawkbill TurtleFound in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world
Javan RhinoIndonesia
Sumatran ElephantIndonesia
Sunda Tiger Indonesia
Vaquita Mexico
Western Lowland Gorilla Central Africa (Cameroon, Gabon and The Congo)

On the global stage to prevent the international trade of endangered species, the exploitation of animals, reptiles, birds and more for commercial purposes Conventions on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is set up. The member countries of CITES ensure the safeguarding and protection of overexploitation of flora and fauna. Also, international organizations such as WWF work continuously to address the world for the protection and conservation of wildlife against anti-poaching and community involvement to promote sustainable practices. 

Responsible tourism and sustainable tourism practices also help in the conservation of wildlife and habitat preservation. Furthermore, governments should implement and enforce guidelines for the implementation and enforcement of Eco-friendly tourism to create a balance between economic interests as well as for conservation. 

Saving the endangered animals is important for maintaining biodiversity. Commitment and strategic efforts should be shown for the possible prevention of endangered animals as well as for their recovery. The future of the planet depends on our collective responsibility so that we can restore the natural world once again.  

Also Read: Speech on Endangered Species Need Protection

Ans. Endangered animal essay includes species that are at risk of extinction shortly are called endangered. It is important to know that the term endangered is applied to plants as well as to animals. These flora and fauna are either at extremely high risk or have been threatened by one or multiple factors such as climate change, human activity, diseases, and more.

Ans. Endangered animals refer to the risk of extinction of animals in the near future. 

Ans. The names of ten endangered animals are Cross River Gorilla, Eastern Lowland Gorilla, Hawksbill Turtle, Javan Rhino, Orangutan, Saola, Vaquita, Western Lowland, Black-footed Ferret, and Blue Whale

Ans. Kashmiri Red Stag is one of the animals that is endangered in India. 

Ans. Responsible tourism and sustainable tourism practices help in the conservation of wildlife and habitat preservation. Furthermore, governments should implement and enforce guidelines for the implementation and enforcement of Eco-friendly tourism to create a balance between economic interests as well as for conservation. 

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with educational and informative content expertise. She has hands-on experience in Education, Study Abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and analysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particularly in the education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs related to her field to expand her expertise further. In her personal life, she loves creative writing and aspires to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Essay on My Pet Dog for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on My Pet Dog

Pets are a great blessing in anyone’s life. They are the only ones who love us unconditionally. Pets always offer us everything they have without asking for anything in return. The main aim of any pet’s life is to make their owner happy. Nowadays, even the term ‘owner’ is changing. People prefer their pets as kids and to themselves as parents. This is how the relationship between pets is evolving. People treat them no less than humans. For instance, they celebrate their birthdays; get those matching outfits and more.

In my opinion, I feel the pets rightly deserve it. The most common pet you can find at anyone’s place is dogs. A man’s best friend and the most faithful animal, a dog. I also have a pet dog that I love to bits. We got him when he was a little baby and have watched him grow into a beautiful dog. All my family members love him with all their heart. We love his silly antics and cannot imagine our lives without him. We named him Sasha.

Sasha – My Pet Dog

My father adopted Sasha when he was a little baby. His friend had given birth to puppies and they decided to put the puppies up for adoption. We convinced our father to get one for us. Considering they knew our family well, they immediately agreed. Little did we know that our lives would change forever after his entrance.

Essay on My Pet Dog

Sasha came in like a blessing for our family. He belongs to the breed of Labrador. Sasha was black in colour, pure coal black. He came in as a puppy with his cute little paws and eyes. We couldn’t stop gushing over this beauty. My siblings used to fight with each other as to who will get the maximum time to play with Sasha.

Read 500 Words Essay on Dog here

As and when Sasha grew up, he learned various tricks. We trained him to follow our instructions and he even learned a few tricks. We loved showing him off to our colony friends and relatives. I always took Sasha out with me as he loved taking a walk on the road.

Furthermore, my siblings and I took on the responsibility of keeping Sasha clean. Every week, we took turns to bathe him and brush him nicely. I remember I even got a bow for him from my pocket money. Sasha loved it and wagged his tail in excitement. Sasha has been with us through thick and thin and we will forever be indebted to him for his loyalty.

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A Changed Life

Before having a pet dog, we didn’t know what all we would experience. After Sasha came into our lives, he changed it forever. Sasha changed the meaning of loyalty for us. We learned how this faithful animal always worked for our happiness and safety.

Certainly, Sasha made us better human beings. We are now more compassionate towards animals. There was one instance where the stray dogs were going to harm a kitten, and to our surprise, Sasha saved that little kitten and got her home.

In other words, we have learned a lot of things from Sasha. He protected us when we slept at night. He tried to cheer us up whenever anyone of us was sad. Sasha’s obedience inspired me a lot to be kind to my parents. Therefore, all the credit for changing our lives goes to Sasha.

Q.1 What are some common pet animals?

A.1 Some of the most common pet animals are dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, rabbits, turtles and more.

Q.2 Why should one own a pet dog?

A.2 We can learn a great deal from our pet dogs. They teach us loyalty, compassion, courage, and obedience.

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