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Improving clinical decision making with natural language processing and machine learning


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Join the community, natural language processing, language modelling.

nlp thesis pdf

Long-range modeling

Protein language model, sentence pair modeling, representation learning.

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Graph representation learning, sentence embeddings.

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Network Embedding


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Text Classification

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Graph Classification

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Audio Classification

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Medical Image Classification

Text retrieval, deep hashing, table retrieval, question answering.

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Open-Ended Question Answering

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Open-Domain Question Answering

Conversational question answering.

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Knowledge Base Question Answering

Nlp based person retrival, image generation.

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Image-to-Image Translation

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Text-to-Image Generation

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Image Inpainting

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Conditional Image Generation

Translation, data augmentation.

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Image Augmentation

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Text Augmentation

Large language model.

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Knowledge Graphs

Machine translation.

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Multimodal Machine Translation

Bilingual lexicon induction.

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Unsupervised Machine Translation

Knowledge graph completion, triple classification, inductive knowledge graph completion, inductive relation prediction, text generation.

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Dialogue Generation

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Data-to-Text Generation

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Multi-Document Summarization

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Story Generation

2d semantic segmentation, image segmentation, text style transfer.

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Scene Parsing

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Reflection Removal

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Topic Models

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Document Classification

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Sentence Classification

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Emotion Classification

Visual question answering (vqa).

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Visual Question Answering

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Machine Reading Comprehension

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Chart Question Answering

Chart understanding, sentiment analysis.

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Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)

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Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

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Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction

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Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Named entity recognition (ner).

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Nested Named Entity Recognition

Chinese named entity recognition, few-shot ner, few-shot learning.

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One-Shot Learning

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Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Cross-domain few-shot.

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Unsupervised Few-Shot Learning

Optical character recognition (ocr).

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Active Learning

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Handwriting Recognition

Handwritten digit recognition, irregular text recognition, word embeddings.

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Learning Word Embeddings

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Multilingual Word Embeddings

Embeddings evaluation, contextualised word representations, continual learning.

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Class Incremental Learning

Continual named entity recognition, unsupervised class-incremental learning, information retrieval.

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Passage Retrieval

Cross-lingual information retrieval, table search, text summarization.

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Abstractive Text Summarization

Document summarization, opinion summarization, relation extraction.

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Relation Classification

Document-level relation extraction, joint entity and relation extraction, temporal relation extraction, link prediction.

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Inductive Link Prediction

Dynamic link prediction, hyperedge prediction, anchor link prediction, natural language inference.

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Answer Generation

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Visual Entailment

Cross-lingual natural language inference, reading comprehension.

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Intent Recognition

Implicit relations, active object detection, emotion recognition.

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Speech Emotion Recognition

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Emotion Recognition in Conversation

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Multimodal Emotion Recognition

Emotion-cause pair extraction, natural language understanding, vietnamese social media text processing.

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Emotional Dialogue Acts

Image captioning.

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3D dense captioning

Controllable image captioning, aesthetic image captioning.

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Relational Captioning

Semantic textual similarity.

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Paraphrase Identification

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Cross-Lingual Semantic Textual Similarity

Event extraction, event causality identification, zero-shot event extraction, in-context learning, dialogue state tracking, task-oriented dialogue systems.

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Visual Dialog

Dialogue understanding, coreference resolution, coreference-resolution, cross document coreference resolution, code generation.

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Code Translation

Code documentation generation, class-level code generation, library-oriented code generation, semantic parsing.

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AMR Parsing

Semantic dependency parsing, drs parsing, ucca parsing, conformal prediction.

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Text Simplification

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Music Source Separation

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Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Audio source separation, semantic similarity.

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Sentence Embedding

Sentence compression, joint multilingual sentence representations, sentence embeddings for biomedical texts, specificity, instruction following, visual instruction following, dependency parsing.

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Transition-Based Dependency Parsing

Prepositional phrase attachment, unsupervised dependency parsing, cross-lingual zero-shot dependency parsing, information extraction, extractive summarization, temporal information extraction, document-level event extraction, cross-lingual, cross-lingual transfer, cross-lingual document classification.

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Cross-Lingual Entity Linking

Cross-language text summarization, common sense reasoning.

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Physical Commonsense Reasoning

Riddle sense, memorization, response generation, prompt engineering.

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Visual Prompting

Data integration.

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Entity Alignment

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Entity Resolution

Table annotation, mathematical reasoning.

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Math Word Problem Solving

Formal logic, geometry problem solving, abstract algebra, entity linking.

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Question Generation

Poll generation.

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Topic coverage

Dynamic topic modeling, part-of-speech tagging.

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Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagging

Abuse detection, hate speech detection, open information extraction.

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Hope Speech Detection

Hate speech normalization, hate speech detection crisishatemm benchmark, data mining.

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Argument Mining

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Opinion Mining

Subgroup discovery, cognitive diagnosis, parallel corpus mining, bias detection, selection bias, language identification, dialect identification, native language identification, word sense disambiguation.

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Word Sense Induction

Fake news detection, few-shot relation classification, implicit discourse relation classification, cause-effect relation classification, intrusion detection.

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Network Intrusion Detection

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Relational Reasoning

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Semantic Role Labeling

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Predicate Detection

Semantic role labeling (predicted predicates).

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Textual Analogy Parsing

Grammatical error correction.

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Grammatical Error Detection

Text matching, slot filling.

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Zero-shot Slot Filling

Extracting covid-19 events from twitter, symbolic regression, equation discovery, pos tagging, document text classification.

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Learning with noisy labels

Multi-label classification of biomedical texts, political salient issue orientation detection, spoken language understanding, dialogue safety prediction, stance detection, zero-shot stance detection, few-shot stance detection, stance detection (us election 2020 - biden), stance detection (us election 2020 - trump), deep clustering, trajectory clustering, deep nonparametric clustering, nonparametric deep clustering, intent detection.

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Open Intent Detection

Multi-modal entity alignment, word similarity, model editing, knowledge editing, document ai, document understanding, cross-modal retrieval, image-text matching, cross-modal retrieval with noisy correspondence, multilingual cross-modal retrieval.

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Zero-shot Composed Person Retrieval

Cross-modal retrieval on rsitmd, fact verification, text-to-speech synthesis.

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Prosody Prediction

Zero-shot multi-speaker tts, zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, cross-lingual ner, intent classification.

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Language acquisition, grounded language learning, constituency parsing.

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Constituency Grammar Induction

Entity typing.

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Entity Typing on DH-KGs

Ad-hoc information retrieval, document ranking.

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Word Alignment

Open-domain dialog, dialogue evaluation, line items extraction, abstract meaning representation, multimodal deep learning, multimodal text and image classification, novelty detection.

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Text-based image editing, concept alignment.

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Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation

Conditional text-to-image synthesis, multi-label text classification.

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Shallow Syntax

Explanation generation, molecular representation, discourse parsing, discourse segmentation, connective detection, de-identification, privacy preserving deep learning, morphological analysis.

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Sarcasm Detection

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Conversational Search

Text-to-video generation, text-to-video editing, subject-driven video generation, lemmatization, speech-to-text translation, simultaneous speech-to-text translation.

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Aspect Extraction

Aspect category sentiment analysis, extract aspect.

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Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple Extraction

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Aspect-oriented Opinion Extraction

Session search.

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Chinese Word Segmentation

Handwritten chinese text recognition, chinese spelling error correction, chinese zero pronoun resolution, offline handwritten chinese character recognition, entity disambiguation, authorship attribution, source code summarization, method name prediction, text clustering.

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Short Text Clustering

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Open Intent Discovery

Linguistic acceptability.

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Column Type Annotation

Cell entity annotation, columns property annotation, row annotation, abusive language, keyphrase extraction.

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Visual Storytelling

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KG-to-Text Generation

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Unsupervised KG-to-Text Generation

Few-shot text classification, zero-shot out-of-domain detection, protein folding, term extraction, multilingual nlp, text2text generation, keyphrase generation, figurative language visualization, sketch-to-text generation, morphological inflection, phrase grounding, grounded open vocabulary acquisition, deep attention, spam detection, context-specific spam detection, traditional spam detection, word translation, natural language transduction, image-to-text retrieval, summarization, unsupervised extractive summarization, query-focused summarization.

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Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings

Knowledge base population, passage ranking, conversational response selection, text annotation, key information extraction, authorship verification.

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Keyword Extraction

Multimodal association, multimodal generation, video generation, image to video generation.

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Unconditional Video Generation

Biomedical information retrieval.

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SpO2 estimation

Meme classification, hateful meme classification, news classification, graph-to-sequence, automated essay scoring, nlg evaluation, key point matching, component classification, argument pair extraction (ape), claim extraction with stance classification (cesc), claim-evidence pair extraction (cepe), temporal processing, timex normalization, document dating, sentence summarization, unsupervised sentence summarization, morphological tagging, long-context understanding, weakly supervised classification, weakly supervised data denoising, entity extraction using gan.

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Rumour Detection

Emotional intelligence, dark humor detection, semantic retrieval, sentence ordering, comment generation.

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Review Generation

Semantic composition.

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Goal-Oriented Dialog

User simulation, lexical simplification, conversational response generation.

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Personalized and Emotional Conversation

Token classification, toxic spans detection.

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Blackout Poetry Generation

Passage re-ranking, sentence-pair classification, subjectivity analysis.

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Taxonomy Learning

Taxonomy expansion, hypernym discovery, humor detection.

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Lexical Normalization

Pronunciation dictionary creation, negation detection, negation scope resolution, question similarity, medical question pair similarity computation, intent discovery, reverse dictionary, propaganda detection, propaganda span identification, propaganda technique identification, lexical analysis, lexical complexity prediction, question rewriting, punctuation restoration, attribute value extraction.

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Hallucination Evaluation

Legal reasoning, meeting summarization, table-based fact verification, pretrained multilingual language models, formality style transfer, semi-supervised formality style transfer, word attribute transfer, aspect category detection, diachronic word embeddings, extreme summarization.

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Persian Sentiment Analysis

Binary classification, llm-generated text detection, cancer-no cancer per breast classification, cancer-no cancer per image classification, stable mci vs progressive mci, suspicous (birads 4,5)-no suspicous (birads 1,2,3) per image classification, clinical concept extraction.

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Clinical Information Retreival

Constrained clustering.

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Only Connect Walls Dataset Task 1 (Grouping)

Incremental constrained clustering, recognizing emotion cause in conversations.

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Causal Emotion Entailment

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trustable and focussed LLM generated content

Game design, dialog act classification, decipherment, nested mention recognition, relationship extraction (distant supervised), text compression, handwriting verification, bangla spelling error correction, clickbait detection, code repair, gender bias detection, probing language models, semantic entity labeling, ccg supertagging, linguistic steganography, toponym resolution.

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Timeline Summarization

Multimodal abstractive text summarization, reader-aware summarization, stock prediction, text-based stock prediction, pair trading, event-driven trading, vietnamese visual question answering, explanatory visual question answering, arabic text diacritization, fact selection, thai word segmentation, vietnamese datasets.

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Face to Face Translation

Multimodal lexical translation, semantic shift detection, similarity explanation, aggression identification, arabic sentiment analysis, commonsense causal reasoning, complex word identification, sign language production, suggestion mining, temporal relation classification, vietnamese word segmentation, speculation detection, speculation scope resolution, aspect category polarity, cross-lingual bitext mining, morphological disambiguation, multi-agent integration, scientific document summarization, lay summarization, text anonymization, text attribute transfer.

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Image-guided Story Ending Generation

Abstract argumentation, chinese spell checking, dialogue rewriting, logical reasoning reading comprehension.

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Unsupervised Sentence Compression

Stereotypical bias analysis, temporal tagging, anaphora resolution, bridging anaphora resolution.

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Abstract Anaphora Resolution

Hope speech detection for english, hope speech detection for malayalam, hope speech detection for tamil, hidden aspect detection, latent aspect detection, personality generation, personality alignment, attribute mining, cognate prediction, japanese word segmentation, memex question answering, polyphone disambiguation, spelling correction, table-to-text generation.

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KB-to-Language Generation

Vietnamese language models, zero-shot machine translation, zero-shot sentiment classification, conditional text generation, contextualized literature-based discovery, multimedia generative script learning, image-sentence alignment, open-world social event classification, action parsing, author attribution, binary condescension detection, context query reformulation, conversational web navigation, croatian text diacritization, czech text diacritization, definition modelling, document-level re with incomplete labeling, domain labelling, french text diacritization, hungarian text diacritization, irish text diacritization, latvian text diacritization, literature mining, misogynistic aggression identification, morpheme segmentaiton, multi-label condescension detection, news annotation, open relation modeling, personality recognition in conversation.

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Reading Order Detection

Record linking, role-filler entity extraction, romanian text diacritization, simultaneous speech-to-speech translation, slovak text diacritization, spanish text diacritization, syntax representation, text-to-video search, turkish text diacritization, turning point identification, twitter event detection.

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Vietnamese Scene Text

Vietnamese text diacritization.

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Conversational Sentiment Quadruple Extraction

Attribute extraction, legal outcome extraction, automated writing evaluation, binary text classification, detection of potentially void clauses, chemical indexing, clinical assertion status detection.

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Coding Problem Tagging

Collaborative plan acquisition, commonsense reasoning for rl.

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Variable Disambiguation

Cross-lingual text-to-image generation, crowdsourced text aggregation.

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Description-guided molecule generation

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Multi-modal Dialogue Generation

Page stream segmentation.

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Email Thread Summarization

Emergent communications on relations, emotion detection and trigger summarization, extractive tags summarization.

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Hate Intensity Prediction

Hate span identification, job prediction, joint entity and relation extraction on scientific data, joint ner and classification, math information retrieval, meme captioning, multi-grained named entity recognition, multilingual machine comprehension in english hindi, multimodal text prediction, negation and speculation cue detection, negation and speculation scope resolution, only connect walls dataset task 2 (connections), overlapping mention recognition, paraphrase generation, multilingual paraphrase generation, phrase ranking, phrase tagging, phrase vector embedding, poem meters classification, query wellformedness.

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Question-Answer categorization

Readability optimization, reliable intelligence identification, sentence completion, hurtful sentence completion, social media mental health detection, speaker attribution in german parliamentary debates (germeval 2023, subtask 1), text effects transfer, text-variation, vietnamese aspect-based sentiment analysis, sentiment dependency learning, vietnamese natural language understanding, vietnamese sentiment analysis, vietnamese multimodal sentiment analysis, web page tagging, workflow discovery, answerability prediction, incongruity detection, multi-word expression embedding, multi-word expression sememe prediction, pcl detection, semeval-2022 task 4-1 (binary pcl detection), semeval-2022 task 4-2 (multi-label pcl detection), automatic writing, complaint comment classification, counterspeech detection, extractive text summarization, face selection, job classification, multi-lingual text-to-image generation, multlingual neural machine translation, optical charater recogntion, bangla text detection, question to declarative sentence, relation mention extraction.

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Tweet-Reply Sentiment Analysis

Vietnamese fact checking, vietnamese parsing.

Text Summarizing Using NLP

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Types of Summarizations

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Christopher Manning and Ph.D. Students’ Dissertations

0. . 1994-12. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. xiv+282 pp. (Advised by – see also .)

1. . 1998-06. Ph.D. thesis, University of Sydney, Department of Linguistics. vii+300 pp. (Co-advised by Toni Borowsky and Jane Simpson.)

2. . 2004-06. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics. xviii+174 pp.

3. . 2005-03. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xvi+124 pp.

4. . 2005-09. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xvi+170 pp.

5. . 2005-09. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. xvi+179 pp.

6. . 2009-06. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xiv+165 pp.

7. . 2009-08. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xv+139 pp.

8. . 2010-08. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xvi+153 pp.

9. . 2011-12. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xvi+162 pp.

10. (Robert Monarch). 2012-06. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. xv+207 pp.

11. . 2012-11. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. xiv+164 pp.

12. . 2013-03. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xx+176 pp. (Co-advised with Jeffrey Heer.)

13. (王孟秋). 2014-03. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xv+149 pp.

14. . 2014-08. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xiv+190 pp. (Co-advised by Andrew Ng.)

15. . 2014-12. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xvii+161 pp. (Co-advised by Jeffrey Heer.)

16. . 2015-06. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xvii+153 pp.

17. . 2015-12. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xviii+185 pp.

18. . 2016-06. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xi+131 pp.

19. . 2016-07. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. xvi+158 pp. (Co-advised by Chris Potts.)

20. . 2016-08. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. xiv+259 pp.

21. (Lương Minh Thắng). 2016-12. . Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xiii+143 pp.

22. . 2017-08. . Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. x+93 pp.

23. (陈丹琦). 2018-12. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science. xvi+140 pp.

24. . 2019-05. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. x+183 pp.

25. Peng Qi (齐鹏). 2020-08.

26. Yuhao Zhang (张宇浩). 2021-03. (Co-advised with Curt Langlotz.)

27. Kevin Clark. 2021-03.

28. Abigail See. 2021-08.

29. Ashwin Paranjape. 2022-08.

30. Jenny (Yun) Hong. 2023-03. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Department of Management Science and Engineering. xiv+182 pp.

31. Eric Mitchell. 2024-06.

Christopher Manning ’s academic ancestors’ dissertations

. 1823. [The composition of Genesis critically examined]. D. phil. dissertation, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.


−1. . 1972. Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics. 321 pp.

−2. . 1955. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Linguistics. xiii+175 pp.

−3. . 1934. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania.

−4. . 1904. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania.

−5. . 1883. [Charter of Nebuchadnezzar I, king of Babylonia c. 1130 BC, published, paraphrased and translated for the first time]. Dr. phil. dissertation, Universität Leipzig.

−6. . 1873. [Studies on the relationship between Indo-European and Semitic roots]. Dr. phil. dissertation, Universität Leipzig.


−7. . 1860. [On the general nature of the Ethiopian language compared with its cognate languages]. D. Phil. dissertation, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
. Diss on Geez language (Ethiopian liturgical language). Advisor of Eberhard Schrader was Heinrich Ewald.


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  24. Christopher Manning and Ph.D. Students' Dissertations

    −1. Joan Bresnan. 1972.Theory of complementation in English syntax. Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics. 321 pp.

  25. Niels G. Faber Seyed Sahand Mohammadi Ziabari Fatemeh Karimi Najadasl

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