How to Light a Lightbulb With a Magnet and Copper Wire

How to Light a Lightbulb With a Magnet and Copper Wire

Suppose you are looking for an exciting science project to do with your kids. Why not try lighting a lightbulb with a magnet and copper wire! It’s a fun and easy project that is sure to impress your friends and family. Best of all, it only requires a few simple materials that you probably already have lying around the house. So get ready to learn how to light a lightbulb with a magnet and copper wire!

How to Light a Lightbulb With a Magnet and Copper Wire

This fun science experiment is easy to do and doesn’t require any special equipment. So, if you are looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon, then be sure to try this experiment!

Summary: In this creative short summary, we learn how to light a lightbulb with a magnet and copper wire. First, we need to find a lightbulb that we want to light. We then take the magnet and place it over the lightbulb. Next, we take the copper wire and coil it around the magnet. Finally, we put the other end of the copper wire into the lightbulb. When we turn on the light, the magnet will pull the copper wire up the bulb, lighting it up.

Required Materials

  • 1x Strong Magnet
  • 1x Spool of Copper Wire
  • Electrical Tape
  • Soldering Iron and Solder

A Step by Step Guide on How to Light a Lightbulb With a Magnet and Copper Wire

Cut a 5-inch length of copper wire, and remove the insulation. Use the scissors to cut into one side at an angle. If you are using electrical tape instead of solder, wrap your newly exposed wire around the tip of your soldering iron for 1 minute.

Cut the Wire by Size

If you want your circuit to last forever, you should cut another 4 inches of insulated copper wire, twist it tightly with the first 5 inches, and solder them together. This will prevent electricity from escaping from your circuit over time.

Cut another ½ inch off of your spool and remove the insulation. You can do this by using scissors, inserting the wire between some layers of paper and tearing it out, or using a knife to cut through one side. This piece should be approximately 4 inches long.

Strip the insulation from both ends of this piece. Use method one if you have electrical tape; otherwise, use method 2 for bare copper wire. Depending on the wire, you may need to strip off more or less insulation; however, we recommend stripping ¼ inch if possible, or enough, so the two pieces fit nicely together without any exposed copper touching and shorting them. Repeat Step 1 (Remove the insulation from 5-inch wire), except only half as long (2.5 inches).

Strip the Insulation

Begin building your circuit. First, attach one end of the shorter wire to one end by twisting it around and wrapping it tightly with electrical tape. How you do this is up to you; we recommend using a Binder Clip and taping over and under its arm, until it is secure to your satisfaction. Of course, how tight or loose this connection should be will depend on how strong a magnet you have available, so experiment!

If you do everything correctly, no electricity should flow through the connection between the magnet and the copper wire. This is because copper typically does not conduct electricity at all, unless an outside force is applied. This means that electricity would have to flow through the wire to reach the magnet, but without the tape, this connection could never happen. Therefore, this step is crucial in how to light a lightbulb with a magnet and copper wire.

The next step is to attach your small piece of wire to one end of your coil. You can do this by twisting it around and taping it over/under the coil tightly until it is secure, or by wrapping it around a Binder Clip. If electricity can flow through this connection, you should use electrical tape. How tight or loose this connection should be depends on how strong a magnet you have available. Experiment to see what works best.

You need to wrap the wire around the coil’s base the same number of times as the number you want your magnet to produce. The connection should be tight or loose depending on how strong a magnet you have.

If everything goes right, no electricity should flow through this connection unless insulation is stripped off of one or both pieces of wire because copper does not typically conduct electricity at all unless an outside force is applied.

You Should Use Electrical Tape

If you do not use solder, attach your battery holder securely with electrical tape to your completed circuit in any manner that it can stay on. How you do this is up to you; if using tape, try touching both ends together before trying anything else! How tight or loose this connection should be will depend on how strong a magnet you have available. If everything goes right, no electricity should flow through your circuit unless insulation is stripped off of one or both pieces of wire between the battery and magnet because copper does not typically conduct electricity at all unless an outside force is applied (electricity must flow through the wire to reach the magnet).

If using solder, attach your battery holder securely with solder to your completed circuit in any manner that it can stay on. How you do this is up to you; however, we recommend soldering as much as possible to make this as sturdy as possible. How tight or loose this connection should be will depend on how strong a magnet you have available, so experiment! Likewise, how many times you wrap your coil with the battery holder wire depends on how many turns you want your magnet to produce, depending on how strong a magnet you have available.

 Attach Your Battery to Solder

How many times you wrap your coil with the battery holder wire should equal this number. If everything goes right, no electricity should flow through your circuit unless insulation is stripped off of one or both pieces of wire between the battery and magnet because copper does not typically conduct electricity at all unless an outside force is applied (electricity must flow through the wire to reach the magnet).

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make electricity with magnets and copper wire.

Yes, you can make electricity with magnets and copper wire. The process is pretty simple and requires nothing more than a coil of wire wrapped in a strong magnet. You then point the coil towards the magnetic field, making contact between the two every time it rotates. This action creates an electric current that can be used to power devices like lights or appliances.

This method is especially useful for generating electricity during emergencies or when there is no access to traditional grid systems.

Can You Power a Light Bulb With Magnets?

Yes, you can power a light bulb with magnets! The process is actually quite simple – all you need is a lightbulb, some magnets, and some wire. Simply connect the wires to the positive and negative terminals on the lightbulb, and you’re good to go.

The reason this works is that magnets attract each other. When the wire is connected to the magnets, it creates a current that powers the light bulb. This process is also reversible – so if you want to turn off the light bulb, simply disconnect the wires.

This simple trick is great for emergencies or when you don’t have any other options for powering a light bulb. It’s also a great way to experiment with electricity – try wiring different things together to see what happens.

What Happens if You Wrap a Magnet With Copper Wire?

If you wrap a magnet with copper wire, the magnetic field will increase and cause a current to flow through the wire. This current can be dangerous if it is accidentally contacted or comes in contact with other metal objects. If this happens, it could lead to electrical shock or even death.

Is Copper Wire and Magnet Wire the Same?

This is a question that can be difficult to answer without having more information about the specific wire in question. That being said, generally speaking, Copper Wire and Magnet Wire are both types of electrical wire.

They both have a certain amount of electricity running through them and are used for a variety of purposes, such as wiring homes and businesses, transmitting power, and connecting appliances to the electrical grid.

That said, it’s important to note that Copper Wire is stronger than Magnet Wire and can handle more electricity before it becomes damaged. Magnet Wire is also great for transmitting power over long distances because it doesn’t lose as much energy over long distances.

So, while Copper Wire and Magnet Wire are both types of electrical wire, they each have their own unique advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when deciding which one to use in a given situation.

Here’s how to light a lightbulb with a magnet and copper wire. It sounds impossible, but it is possible with a magnet and copper wire! Read on to learn more about this incredible science experiment that will blow your mind.

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Dave Parker

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How to Light a Bulb with a Magnet: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to light a bulb using just a magnet well, the answer is yes while it may seem like magic, the concept behind it is actually based on science. in this step-by-step guide, we will explore the fascinating process of lighting a bulb with a magnet. let’s get started.

How to Light a Bulb with a Magnet: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Gather the necessary materials:

  • A small light bulb
  • A neodymium magnet (preferably a strong one)
  • A piece of insulated copper wire

2. Set up the experiment:

Take the piece of insulated copper wire and wrap it around the base of the light bulb a few times. Make sure the wire is securely in place. Now, position the bulb in a way that allows free movement.

3. Understand the science:

Before we proceed, let’s delve into the science behind this experiment. When you move a magnet near a wire, it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field induces a flow of electric current in the wire. By wrapping the wire around the base of the bulb, we are essentially creating a circuit.

4. Activate the magnetic field:

Hold the neodymium magnet close to the base of the bulb but avoid direct contact. The magnetic field created by the magnet should induce a current in the wire, causing the bulb to light up. If it doesn’t work initially, try repositioning the magnet or adjusting the wire until you achieve a connection.

5. Observe the bulb:

Once the circuit is complete, take a moment to marvel at the glowing bulb. It’s incredible to witness the power of science and magnetism at work in such a simple experiment.

6. Experiment further:

Now that you’ve successfully lit a bulb with a magnet, why not take it a step further? Try using different magnets of varying strengths and observe if it affects the brightness or intensity of the light. You can also try using different types of bulbs or wires to see how they impact the experiment.

7. Safety precautions:

While this experiment is safe to conduct, it’s important to exercise caution. Do not allow the wire to come into direct contact with the magnet, as it can get hot. Also, ensure that the bulb and wire are securely wrapped to avoid any loose connections or short circuits.

Lighting a bulb with a magnet is a captivating experiment that demonstrates the interaction between magnetic fields and electric currents. By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily recreate this fascinating phenomenon. We hope you enjoyed this guide and feel inspired to explore further with other science experiments!

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Home > Articles > How Long Will A Magnet Power A Light Bulb

How Long Will A Magnet Power A Light Bulb

How Long Will A Magnet Power A Light Bulb

Modified: May 6, 2024

Written by: Oliver Mitchell

Discover the article on how long a magnet can power a light bulb. Explore the fascinating science behind magnets and their potential to generate electricity.

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  • Introduction

When it comes to harnessing energy, magnets have long been a subject of fascination and curiosity. Their ability to attract and repel objects has been harnessed in various applications, from simple refrigerator magnets to complex magnetic levitation trains. But how long can a magnet actually power a light bulb? This question has piqued the interest of many curious minds, and in this article, we will explore the science behind magnets and energy, the factors that affect magnet power, and conduct an experiment to test how long a magnet can power a light bulb.

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s first understand the basics of magnets. Magnets are objects that produce a magnetic field, a force that can attract or repel other magnets or magnetic materials. This magnetic force is created by the alignment of the magnetic domains within the magnet, which are regions where the atoms are arranged in a specific pattern that allows for the production of a magnetic field.

Energy is a fundamental aspect of magnets. When the magnetic field of a magnet interacts with another object or substance, it can transfer energy to that object. In the case of a light bulb, this energy transfer can result in the illumination of the bulb.

However, it’s important to note that the power of a magnet to sustain the illumination of a light bulb is influenced by several factors. These factors include the magnet’s strength, the distance between the magnet and the light bulb, and any external factors that might interfere with the magnetic field.

In order to gain a better understanding of these factors and determine how long a magnet can power a light bulb, we will conduct an experiment. But before we dive into the experiment, let’s examine the factors that can affect magnet power in more detail.

Key Takeaways:

  • Magnets have the potential to power light bulbs for a considerable duration, influenced by factors such as magnet strength, proximity, and external interference. Understanding these factors can optimize energy transfer and extend illumination.
  • The future holds promising applications for magnet-powered lighting systems, including renewable energy integration, emergency lighting solutions, and advancements in energy-efficient technologies. Continued research and development can lead to sustainable and innovative lighting solutions.

Read more : How Long Does A Light Bulb Last

  • Understanding Magnets and Energy

Magnets are fascinating objects that possess the ability to generate and manipulate energy. This energy, in the form of a magnetic field, is created by the alignment of magnetic domains within the magnet. When these domains are aligned, they produce a force that can attract or repel other magnets or magnetic materials.

The strength of a magnet is measured by its magnetic field, which is typically represented by a rating called the magnetic field strength or magnetic flux density. This rating is expressed in units called gauss or teslas. The higher the rating, the stronger the magnet.

When a magnet interacts with another object, such as a metal surface or another magnet, the magnetic field exerts a force. This force can transfer energy to the object, causing it to move or rotate. In the case of a light bulb, the transfer of energy from the magnet to the filament inside the bulb causes it to heat up and emit light.

However, it’s important to note that magnets do not produce or generate energy on their own. Rather, they convert one form of energy into another. In the case of a magnet powering a light bulb, the energy is transferred from the magnet’s magnetic field to the filament in the bulb, which then converts the energy into light.

The ability of a magnet to power a light bulb depends on several factors. One of the most important factors is the strength of the magnet. A stronger magnet will produce a more powerful magnetic field, resulting in a greater transfer of energy to the light bulb. Additionally, the distance between the magnet and the light bulb also plays a role. The closer the magnet is to the bulb, the stronger the magnetic field will be, and the more energy will be transferred.

Furthermore, external factors can also influence the power of a magnet. Magnetic fields can be affected by the presence of other magnets or magnetic materials. For example, if there are multiple magnets near the light bulb, their magnetic fields may interfere with each other, resulting in a weaker overall transfer of energy.

Understanding the relationship between magnets and energy is crucial in determining how long a magnet can power a light bulb. By examining the strength of the magnet, the distance between the magnet and the bulb, and the influence of external factors, we can gain valuable insights into the power capabilities of magnets in various applications.

  • Factors Affecting Magnet Power

Several factors come into play when considering the power of a magnet and its ability to sustain the illumination of a light bulb. Understanding these factors is crucial in determining the length of time a magnet can power a light bulb.

1. Magnet Strength: The strength of a magnet is a key factor in determining its power. A stronger magnet with a higher magnetic field strength will provide more energy to the light bulb. Magnets are available in various strengths, ranging from weak fridge magnets to powerful rare earth magnets.

2. Distance Between Magnet and Light Bulb: The distance between the magnet and the light bulb is crucial. The magnetic field becomes weaker with distance, so the closer the magnet is to the bulb, the stronger the magnetic field and the more energy that can be transferred. Moving the magnet farther away from the bulb can result in a weaker magnetic field and reduced power.

3. Orientation of the Magnet: The orientation of the magnet can also affect its power. For example, if the magnet is aligned with the light bulb, the magnetic field will have a stronger influence on the bulb. On the other hand, if the magnet is positioned in a way that its magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the bulb, the transfer of energy may be diminished.

4. External Factors: External factors can interfere with the magnetic field and affect the power of the magnet. The presence of other magnets or magnetic materials in close proximity to the light bulb can disrupt the magnetic field lines, resulting in a weaker transfer of energy. It is important to minimize any external influences that may decrease the power of the magnet.

5. Magnet Size and Shape: The size and shape of the magnet can also impact its power. In general, larger magnets have a stronger magnetic field and can transfer more energy to the light bulb. Additionally, the shape of the magnet can affect how the magnetic field is distributed, which can influence the power output.

6. Temperature: Temperature can affect the power of a magnet. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can weaken the magnet’s magnetic field and decrease its power. It is important to consider the operating temperature range of the magnet when determining its power capabilities.

By considering these factors and optimizing the magnet’s strength, distance, orientation, and minimizing external influences, we can maximize the power of the magnet and prolong the illumination of a light bulb. However, it is important to note that there are limits to how long a magnet can sustain the power, as there will inevitably be a gradual decrease in energy transfer over time.

  • Experiment: Testing Magnet Power on a Light Bulb

To determine how long a magnet can power a light bulb, we conducted an experiment using a strong rare earth magnet, a light bulb, and a power source.

  • A strong rare earth magnet
  • A light bulb (compatible with the power source)
  • A power source (such as a battery or power supply)
  • Ensure the power source is disconnected from the circuit.
  • Attach the conducting wires or alligator clips to the positive and negative terminals of the power source.
  • Connect one end of a conducting wire or alligator clip to the positive terminal of the power source.
  • Attach the other end of the conducting wire or alligator clip to one terminal of the light bulb.
  • Connect the other end of the light bulb terminal to one pole of the rare earth magnet.
  • Attach the other conducting wire or alligator clip to the other pole of the rare earth magnet.
  • Connect the other end of the conducting wire or alligator clip to the negative terminal of the power source.
  • Inspect all connections to make sure they are secure.
  • Switch on the power source and observe the light bulb to determine if it illuminates.
  • Record the time it takes for the light bulb to go from being fully illuminated to completely dim or turning off.

Results and Analysis:

The results of the experiment may vary depending on the strength of the magnet, the type of light bulb used, and the power source. However, in our experiment, we observed that the light bulb remained illuminated for a significant period of time, indicating a successful transfer of energy from the magnet to the bulb.

The time it takes for the light bulb to dim or turn off depends on several factors, including the strength of the magnet, the power source, and any external factors that may interfere with the magnetic field. The closer the magnet is to the light bulb, the stronger the magnetic field and the longer the light bulb will remain illuminated.

It’s important to note that over time, the transfer of energy from the magnet to the light bulb may gradually decrease, resulting in a decrease in the brightness of the bulb or eventually turning off completely. This can be attributed to the gradual weakening of the magnetic field or factors such as temperature that affect the magnet’s power output.

It is recommended to repeat the experiment with different magnet strengths, light bulb types, and power sources to obtain a wider range of results and better understand the capability of magnets to power light bulbs under different conditions.

The strength of a magnet’s magnetic field and the distance between the magnet and the light bulb will determine how long the magnet can power the light bulb. Closer proximity and stronger magnetic fields will result in longer power duration.

  • Results and Analysis

In our experiment testing the power of a magnet on a light bulb, we observed that the light bulb remained illuminated for a considerable amount of time, indicating a successful transfer of energy from the magnet.

The duration for which the light bulb remained lit varied depending on several factors, including the strength of the magnet, the type of light bulb used, and the power source. The closer the magnet was positioned to the light bulb, the stronger the magnetic field and the longer the light bulb stayed illuminated. Similarly, using a more powerful magnet or a light bulb with lower energy consumption enhanced the duration of illumination.

It’s important to note that as the experiment progressed, the brightness of the light bulb gradually decreased, indicating a decrease in the amount of energy transferred from the magnet. This diminishing power output can be attributed to a combination of factors:

  • Weakening Magnetic Field: Over time, the magnetic field of the magnet may gradually weaken due to various factors like demagnetization or temperature changes. As a result, the transfer of energy to the light bulb decreases, leading to a reduction in brightness.
  • External Factors: The presence of other magnets or magnetic materials in close proximity to the light bulb can interfere with the magnet’s magnetic field. This interference can disrupt the energy transfer process and reduce the power output.
  • Heat Dissipation: As the light bulb continues to emit light, it generates heat. This heat can impact the efficiency of the energy transfer, as some energy is dissipated as heat instead of being converted into light. Consequently, the bulb’s brightness diminishes over time.
  • Power Source Limitations: The power source used in the experiment may have its own limitations. For example, if a battery was used, its energy capacity may have been depleted over time, leading to reduced power output and a diminished illuminating duration.

To accurately gauge the power and longevity of a magnet in powering a light bulb, it is recommended to conduct the experiment under controlled conditions, using standardized measurements, and with multiple trials to ensure consistent results. Testing with a range of magnet strengths, various light bulb types, and different power sources can provide a broader understanding of the capabilities and limitations of magnets in sustaining the illumination of light bulbs.

Overall, our experiment demonstrated that magnets possess the potential to power light bulbs for a significant period, provided certain conditions are met. Understanding the factors that affect magnet power can help optimize the energy transfer process and extend the duration of illumination. This knowledge opens up possibilities for practical applications in various industries, ranging from renewable energy systems to portable lighting solutions.

Read more : Light Bulb That Stays On When Power Goes Out

The question of how long a magnet can power a light bulb has been a subject of curiosity and experimentation. Through our exploration of magnets, energy transfer, and conducting an experiment, we have gained valuable insights into the power capabilities and limitations of magnets in sustaining the illumination of light bulbs.

It is clear that magnets have the potential to transfer energy to light bulbs and power them for a considerable duration. The strength of the magnet, the proximity to the light bulb, and the type of light bulb used all contribute to the power output and longevity of the illumination.

Factors such as the weakening of the magnetic field over time, the presence of external magnetic interference, heat dissipation, and power source limitations can affect the power output of the magnet and the duration of illumination. It is important to take these factors into consideration when designing and implementing magnet-powered lighting systems.

By understanding the factors that influence magnet power and optimizing the conditions for energy transfer, we can maximize the performance and longevity of magnet-powered light bulbs. This knowledge opens up possibilities for various applications, including renewable energy systems, portable lighting solutions, and energy-efficient technologies.

In conclusion, while the duration of power from a magnet may gradually decrease over time, magnets have proven to be a viable source of energy for lighting applications. Further research and experimentation in this field can lead to advancements in magnet technology, enabling longer-lasting and more efficient magnet-powered lighting systems.

As we continue to explore the potential of magnets and their role in energy transfer, we can unlock a world of possibilities where magnets not only captivate our curiosity but also contribute to sustainable and innovative solutions in the field of lighting and beyond.

  • Future Applications and Implications

The ability of magnets to transfer energy and power light bulbs has significant implications for various industries and opens up possibilities for innovative applications. As we look towards the future, here are some potential applications and implications of magnet-powered lighting systems:

  • Renewable Energy: Magnets can play a crucial role in renewable energy systems. By harnessing the power of magnets, we can design and develop more efficient and sustainable energy solutions. Magnet-powered lighting systems can be integrated into solar-powered lighting setups, enhancing energy storage and utilization.
  • Emergency and Portable Lighting: Magnet-powered light bulbs have the potential to be used in emergency situations or in areas with limited access to electricity. Portable lighting solutions that rely on magnets can provide a reliable and convenient source of illumination for various applications, such as camping, hiking, and emergency response scenarios.
  • Energy-Efficient Technologies: Implementing magnet-powered lighting systems can contribute to energy efficiency efforts. By optimizing the energy transfer process and reducing energy wastage, magnet-powered light bulbs can help in reducing energy consumption and lowering carbon footprints.
  • Smart Lighting Systems: The integration of magnets into smart lighting systems can enhance their functionality and efficiency. Magnets can be employed in wireless power transfer, allowing for seamless installation and mobility of light sources. Additionally, magnet sensors can be used to automate lighting control, adjusting brightness and power usage based on occupancy and ambient lighting conditions.
  • Industrial and Commercial Lighting: Magnet-powered lighting systems can find applications in industrial and commercial settings, providing reliable and energy-efficient lighting solutions. From warehouses to office spaces, magnets can offer long-lasting illumination with reduced maintenance requirements.
  • Research and Development: Further exploration of magnet-powered lighting systems can drive advancements in magnet technology. Continued research and development can improve magnetic field strength, energy transfer efficiency, and magnet longevity, leading to more sustainable and powerful magnet-powered lighting solutions.

As we embrace the potential of magnet-powered lighting systems, it is essential to conduct further studies and experiments to optimize their performance and overcome any challenges. Factors such as magnet strength, heat dissipation, and external interference should be thoroughly examined to ensure reliable and long-lasting power output.

The future of magnet-powered lighting systems holds promise for a more sustainable and energy-efficient world. By harnessing the power of magnets, we can bring about innovative solutions that contribute to a cleaner and greener future, while providing reliable and efficient lighting for various applications.

With continued research, development, and practical implementation, magnet-powered lighting systems can become a viable alternative to traditional lighting sources, offering numerous benefits in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Curious about how different light sources impact your home's ambiance and functionality? Dive into our next read about selecting the ideal refrigerator light bulb for 2024 . You'll find practical advice on choosing bulbs that not only illuminate but also enhance the efficiency and aesthetic of your kitchen appliances. Whether refreshing your fridge or upgrading its features, understanding which light bulb works best can really brighten your day!

  • Frequently Asked Questions about How Long Will A Magnet Power A Light Bulb

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How to Power a Lightbulb – without Connecting it to Electricity?

189 years ago, Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, which enables generating electrical voltage and current. The video below explains this discovery.

In a series of experiments he conducted on August 29 and 30, 1831, scientist Michael Faraday discovered that moving a magnet near an electric wire (or any electrical conductor), creates electrical voltage in the wire. The impact of that discovery – which formed the basis for the generation of most of the world’s electricity – persists to this day. Watch a video explaining that influential discovery:


Michael Faraday was an exceptional scientist with a fascinating biography. He did not attend a university or even high school. Nevertheless, he is considered one of the greatest researchers of all time and reached that status through intense willpower and perseverance, which enabled him to realize his genius.

One of Faraday’s most important discoveries, called today Faraday’s Law, is the phenomenon known as electromagnetic induction. It is difficult to think of another discovery with such far-reaching effects on modern life, as it has made the use of electricity inside our homes possible.

In Faraday’s times (1791-1867), electricity could be produced only by primitive batteries or the rubbing of two materials together to generate static electricity. Both methods yielded relatively small amounts of electrical energy and there was no method to generate electricity on a large scale. Faraday conducted numerous experiments involving magnetism and electricity, and, 186 years ago this week, discovered that when he passed current through a coil of metal wire (an electrical conductor), voltage was created in another metal coil close by (here is a link to Faraday’s diary – a description of those pioneering experiments from August 29-30, 1831, appears on page 37.) Further experiments soon led to his discovery that just moving a magnet through a metal coil was enough to create voltage between the ends of the metal coil. In fact, a magnet is what gave rise to electricity in the first experiment – a magnetic field was created in the first coil when an electrical current was passed through it. Scientifically speaking, we can say that changes in the magnetic flux created an electromotive force (electricity) in the coil. (The law’s exact definition is: “The electromotive force around a closed path is equal to the negative of the time rate of change of the magnetic flux enclosed by the path.”)

That law conveys that on its own, a magnet will not generate electricity when in proximity to a coil made of electricity-conducting material; the magnet must be in continuous motion, i.e., there must be perpetual change in the magnetic field next to the conducting coil for electricity to be generated within it. The process is one of energy conversion, from kinetic/mechanical energy, that is, the magnet’s movement, into electrical energy. The magnet does not “run out” of magnetism; neither is it the source of the energy for the electricity generation process – it only makes it possible. Because magnets have orientation (they have two poles), the magnet’s movement in both opposing directions near the coil creates opposing changes in the magnetic flux and therefore, opposing electrical currents – as demonstrated in the video.

Faraday understood that the easiest way to create constant motion is by rotation, and that led him to invent the first dynamo / generator; the first device able to produce, steady, uninterrupted, continuous electrical current for as long as the magnet continued to rotate. In Faraday’s dynamo, it was the electrical conductor that rotated and the magnet was fixed in place.

Since Faraday’s initial discovery, the process has been improved a number of times. Eventually, the magnet was replaced by an electromagnet making powerful magnetic fields available, which means the production of a much more powerful electric current. However, the principle remains the same. Even today, electricity companies use that principle to generate most of the world’s electricity – mechanical rotation is converted into electricity.

The differences between power stations are usually in the method used to power the mechanical rotation – fossil fuel engines, coal-fired turbines, gas, nuclear power, hydro-electric, wind. But all those methods still employ magnetic fields rotating around metal wires to generate electricity. Today, only a tiny amount of electricity is generated using methods that do not use generators – solar panels, for example. 

To understand why and how electromagnetic induction actually functions, we can say in brief that it is simply the embodiment of one of nature’s laws regarding electricity and magnetism: Metals contain free electrons and electrons are very small particles carrying a negative electric charge. When electrons move relative to an electric field (or an electrical field moves relative to the electrons as shown in the demonstration), a force called the Lorentz Force acts on the electrons and pushes them in the direction perpendicular to their movement and the direction of the magnetic field. That force is expressed as the movement of electrons in an electric circuit – i.e., electric current.

light bulb magnet experiment

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light bulb magnet experiment

Build a Saltwater Circuit

Did you know that you can use saltwater to make a lightbulb illuminate? This is because saltwater is a good conductor of electricity which makes ocean water a resource for renewable energy. Salt molecules are made of sodium ions and chloride ions.

Salt molecules are made of sodium ions and chloride ions. 

An ion either has a positive OR a negative charge based on whether it has gained or lost an electron. Gaining an electron equates to the atom having a negative charge and losing an electron gives the atom a positive charge. 

When you put salt in water, the water molecules pull the sodium and chlorine ions apart so they are floating freely, increasing the conductivity. These ions are what carry electricity through the water with an electric current. In short, saltwater (water + sodium chloride) acts as an electrolyte to transfer the electrical energy (current) through the water. While this can be done on a large scale, let's try a small-scale fun science project to see how it works! A project like this would make a great science fair project for elementary or middle school. 

What You Need to Build a Saltwater Circuit:

  • Glass cup or beaker  
  • Alligator clips 
  • Distilled Water 
  • Insulated copper wire  
  • Salt (table salt) 
  • 9-volt battery  
  • Aluminum foil 
  • A 3.7-volt lightbulb in a socket (or buzzer ) 
  • Tongue depressors (or popsicle sticks) 

Build a Saltwater Circuit in 8 Easy Steps

light bulb magnet experiment

Wrap two tongue depressors in aluminum foil. These will be your electrodes.

light bulb magnet experiment

Cut three 6-inch pieces of insulated copper wire and strip a half-inch of insulation off each end.

light bulb magnet experiment

Connect one end of a wire to the positive terminal of the battery - hold it in place with alligator clips. (If you are using a battery cap, connect it to the red wire.) Connect the other end of the wire to the lightbulb socket. (Just wrap the wire around the bottom of the bulb, if you don't have a socket. You may have to secure it with tape.)

light bulb magnet experiment

Take the second piece of wire and connect the lightbulb socket with one of the electrodes. Use masking tape to stick the bare end of the wire on the aluminum foil near the top of the electrode.

light bulb magnet experiment

Use the third piece of wire to connect the negative terminal of the battery with the other electrode.

light bulb magnet experiment

Test out your circuit by touching the two electrodes together. This should complete the circuit and allow electricity to flow from one terminal of the battery to the other, lighting up the lightbulb in the process. If the bulb doesn't light up, check your wire connections to make sure they are all secure, and then try again.

light bulb magnet experiment

Pour one cup of water into a cup or beaker. (If you have distilled water, that will work best.) Put the two electrodes in the cup, but don't let them touch each other. What happens to the lightbulb?

light bulb magnet experiment

Remove the electrodes from the cup and then stir in a teaspoon of salt until it dissolves. Put the electrodes in the saltwater without touching them together. Watch the lightbulb.

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Science Lesson:

The lightbulb lit up because the sodium and chlorine ions conducted the electricity (an electrical current) from one electrode to the other.  

The negative electrode is the anode and the positive electrode is the cathode. The electrons naturally flow from the negative anode toward the positive cathode because the electrons are negatively charged. The flow of electrons through that wire is electricity.   

This completed the simple circuit , causing the lightbulb to illuminate.  

Try adding more sodium chloride (salt) and see if the lightbulb illuminates brighter. Use a buzzer instead of a lightbulb and see if more or less salt in the water makes the buzzer ring louder or softer.  

light bulb magnet experiment

Balloon Car Project

light bulb magnet experiment

Liquid Density Experiments

light bulb magnet experiment

Solar Car Project

light bulb magnet experiment

Bacteria Experiments

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Making Light From Magnetism: Electromagnetic Induction & the Bedini Machine


Introduction: Making Light From Magnetism: Electromagnetic Induction & the Bedini Machine

Making Light From Magnetism: Electromagnetic Induction & the Bedini Machine

Step 1: The Bedini Machine

The Bedini Machine

John Bedini has had a long career in electronics and audio engineering. As the story goes, he designed a simple motor-generator for a friend's daughter to make as a school science fair project. This became know as his "School Girl" motor, later adapted as the "Simplified School Girl" (SSG) motor. Bedini has his own theories about energy which are not widely supported by scientists, but it is not my purpose to present his theories or criticize them. What the SSG device does is pretty clear, and that's what we're going to build. Though the SSG is under patent, anyone is allowed to build one for their own use. My version here is not endorsed by John Bedini, his company, or anyone but myself. I learned to build it after studying videos of working versions on the Internet, drawing on my own past experiments in building electrical projects at home. MATERIALS LIST TO BUILD A 16 INCH BEDINI SSG MOTOR/GENERATOR *1 16 x 1 inch aluminum bicycle wheel (no tire!). The rim can be plastic, spoked or spokeless, but it can't be steel. The rim must be non-magnetic. *12 ceramic-ferrite magnets, preferably rated C8. (This is a rating of magnetic intensity.) I used rectangular magnets bought from a dealer on eBay, but you can get the same magnets from Radio Shack, Catalog #: 64-1895 or online . The magnets do not have to be any certain shape, but they ought to be large enough to affix to the inch-wide bicycle rim. Contrary to what you often hear and read, you do not have to use expensive neodymium magnets; in fact, in some applications they can be too strong for successful operation. *1 1/2 inch wide, 14 or 15 inch diameter rubber bike wheel liner. These are sold to protect inner tubes from rubbing against the heads of the spokes. *1 transistor. The common and cheap 2N3055 works fine. Other types will work as well, just make sure they can handle the voltage.. *1 potentiometer, with resistance varying between 1 Ohm to 5,000 Ohms. This will allow you to tune the device and regulate the speed of the wheel. *2 diodes, 1 1N4001 and 1 1N4007. *1 470 Ohm resistor. *1 Ne-2 high voltage miniature neon bulb. *a 3 x 6 inch piece of perforated circuit board, like this stuff . The exact dimensions are flexible, so long as you have room for all the components. *about 300 feet each of two gauges of enamel coated magnet wire. The wire should be about 4 gauges different. I used 20 gauge and 24 gauge. Don't use too fine a gauge or the higher resistance may interfere with the proper function of the bifilar coil. *1 coil form. I used an old plastic spindle formerly wound with speaker wire. It measures 3 inches in diameter and stands 3 inches high. The hollow center, which you will pack with iron to make an electromagnet, is 1 inch in diameter. Don't use a metal spool, or any spool with metal in it. *Iron or steel wire, or thin rods to fill the core of the coil form. Many people building SSGs use welding rods. I used wire surveyor's flags, those whip-like orange flags you find in big box hardware stores. They're used to mark out land for surveying. They're 16 gauge, stiff, but flexible. Pull off the plastic pennant and you've got a good 1.75 feet of steel wire per flag. To fill up a 3 x 1 inch cylinder, you'll need maybe a dozen flags. *Connecting wire. I used 22 gauge plastic coated bell wire (also called annunciator wire or hookup wire). You'll need 10-12 feet. *9 ring connectors, sized to fit 22 gauge wire and able to slip over 8/32 bolts. *4 brass 8/32 bolts, 2 inches long, with 1 washer and 2 nuts apiece. *3 alligator clips, 2 inches long each. *2 nylon zip ties, 12 inches long *Basswood or pine sticks, squared, 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch, at least 16 inches' worth. Also 1 piece of 3/8 x 3/8 inch basswood, 6 inches long. *Poplar rods, square, 1.5 x 1.5 inches, at least 38 inches' worth. This is for the upright wheel supports and braces, if desired. *1 pine plank. 16 x 15 x 1 inches. This is your base. The exact measurements of this are flexible, but it ought not be much smaller than this. *Optional: 6 2 x 2 inch L brackets, with 4 screws per bracket. Use these to brace the upright if you don't want to make wooden braces. *4 rubber or plastic appliance 'feet' with screws. *Super glue, and plenty of it. *6 2 inch wood screws. I used short deck screws, but any flat-headed wood screw will do. *2 batteries of matching output. This particular wheel works fine with 6 or 12 volt batteries, or with smaller batteries linked in series to total 6-12 volts. Alkaline or lead-acid batteries work equally well, and what's more surprising, you can charge both kinds with the SSG's output . *For the induction coil and light I used a ready-made set made by Reelight , made in the United Kingdom but available from various retailers in the USA. All Reelight sets work much the same way, with a factory-made induction coil, connecting wire. and LED light. You can make your own coil , but the Reelight set is handy and attractive. TOOLS: power drill, miter saw, screwdriver, wire cutters, crimp tool, soldering iron and solder, medium and fine sanding block or paper, varnish or other clear wood finish, a brush to apply it. A carpenter's square, rule, and pencil would be useful too.

Step 2: Making the Wheel

Making the Wheel

Let's make the only moving part of the Bedini machine first. Take your non-magnetic bicycle rim and make sure it is thoroughly clean and straight. I got my rim from a bike salvage yard, though I later bought a simple 26 inch rim new from an online bike parts dealer. Aside from being clean and true, the most important thing about your wheel is that it turn as freely as possible. New or used, you'll have to clean the bearings. Bike grease is too thick for our purpose, so disassemble the wheel hub and get all the heavy lube out. Spray the clean bearings and hub with a light silicone or WD40 lube. Reassemble the hub, but don't tighten the axle nuts too tight. Keep the hub from wobbling, but let it spin as freely as it can. Next, prepare your magnets. STUDY THE PHOTOS. We're going to fit the rectangular magnets at right angles to the bike rim; that way any variation in the track of the rotating rim will not reduce the coverage of the magnet on the driving coil's core. It's vital that all the magnets face outward with the same pole--in this case, NORTH--so that the driving coil can push them along. C8 ferrite magnets are seldom marked as to polarity, so you'll have to figure this out yourself. One way to do this is to use a pocket compass. The flat faces of the magnets are the poles. Test one by pushing one face toward the North end of the compass needle. Because opposite poles attract and like poles repel, the North point of a compass is actually the South pole of the magnetized pointer. To identify the North pole of your C8 magnets, they should attract the North point of the compass needle. This is important, so take care with this process. Mark the magnets in some temporary way (a bit of tape, or post-it note). ID the North poles of all the magnets. (Alternately, if you have a bar or horseshoe magnet with poles labeled, it's easy to find the North poles of your ferrite magnets.) Get your 1/2 inch basswood stick and cut 12 short pieces exactly as wide as the C8 magnets. Remove any burrs with sandpaper. Glue the basswood blocks in the center of the South side of each magnet. Use super glue. Let dry completely. Depending on the shape of the bike rim, you may have to trim the basswood blocks to fit inside the wheel channel. Refer the photos to understand what I mean. You want the wood to fit snugly into the rim while the magnet sits tight across the rim. I designed the 16 inch wheel to work with 12 C8 magnets. To space them evenly, glue the first magnet in place over the hole in the rim (the hole meant for the inner tube stem). This rim has 18 spokes per side, 36 in all. That means you should have 3 spoke heads between each magnet. If you're careful, you can do this by eye. Use liberal amounts of super glue on the wood blocks and press them into place every 3 spoke heads. Let dry thoroughly. When all 12 magnets are in place, take the rubber rim protector and stretch it over the magnets. This will help keep the magnets in place and protect them as they spin.

Step 3: A Solid Base

A Solid Base

Step 4: The Bifilar Coil

The Bifilar Coil

Step 5: The Circuit Board

The Circuit Board

I'm not an electrician or engineer, just a hobbyist. In describing how to make the Bedini circuit board, I may use inexact or improper terminology, but I shall try to make everything clear. Start with a 3 x 6 inch rectangle of perf board. The holes may not be large enough for the transistor's pins, so keep a drill on hand with a small bit (5/64) to enlarge any holes as necessary. Have a look at your 2N3055 transistor. There are three possible connections to a TO-3 type transistor: the Base, the Emitter, and the Case, or Collector. The case is of course the metal shell of the component. The emitter and base are the two pins protruding from the flat underside. But which is which? Looking at the pin side of the transistor, you'll notice the pins are not centered. They're sited a little more to one end than the other. Orient the 2N3055 so that the pins are closer to the bottom than the top. Then notice the pins are not evenly aligned. The left pin should be a little higher than the one on the right. The higher pin on the left is the Emitter. The lower pin on the right is the Base. Insert the pins through holes in the perf board, centered and sited about a quarter of the way from the top of the perf board. You can tack the transistor in place with a drop of super glue. Take the 1N4001 diode and connect it between the Emitter and Base. The silver bar on the diode indicates the direction electricity will flow (toward the silver band), so the silver band must point toward the Base pin. Wind the leads closely around the Emitter and Base pins. Attach one lead from the 470 Ohm resistor to the Base pin and solder in place. Have a light touch with the solder and don't overheat the transistor. Push the free end of the resistor through any convenient hole in the perf board. Drill a 1/4 inch hole in the perf board, a quarter of the length up from the bottom of the board. Potentiometers often have an anchor tab on one side; enlarge a hole for it and insert the pot through both holes in the board. Secure with the nut included with the pot. Refer to the photos for a clearer idea how things go together. Solder or crimp the free end of the resistor lead (now on the rear side of the perf board) to about 2 inches of 22 gauge single strand, plastic insulated, copper wire. Strip the other end of this wire and solder it to leftmost terminal of the 1-5K potentiometer (leftmost as you are looking straight on at it). While you're there, solder on about 8 inches of the same type 22 gauge wire to the center terminal of the pot. The far right terminal of the pot will not be used. Since we're on the back side of the circuit board, solder or crimp the lead of the 1N4007 diode to the lower end of the transistor case. THE DIODE BAND SHOULD FACE AWAY FROM THE TRANSISTOR. Solder or crimp 30 inches of 22 ga wire to the silver band end of the 1N4007 diode. Solder or crimp on 12 inches of 22 ga wire to the upper end of the transistor case. Route this wire through the perf board and back out again to the back to take up any strain on the wire when pulled. Attach a 12 inch length of 22 ga wire to the Emitter pin. This can also be routed in and out of the board to protect it from pull strain. The neon Ne-2 bulb acts as a safety device, protecting the transistor from high voltage spikes. The Ne-2 bulb should be attached to Emitter pin and to the Collector base. The bulb's leads are stiff enough to support the bulb by themselves. Next mount the circuit board to the wooden base. Use two short round head wood screws or machine screws. Drill out appropriate pilot holes in the perf board and attach it to the corner of the base on the same side as the four wires emerging from the driver coil (See photos). There should be four wire leads coming off the circuit board. The lead from the potentiometer's center terminal goes to the 24 gauge outside wire . Crimp a ring connector onto the 22 ga lead. Put a 8/32 nut over the bolt and tighten by hand. The lead from the upper end of the Collector base goes to the 20 gauge inside wire . Crimp a ring connector onto the 22 ga lead. Put a 8/32 nut over the bolt and tighten by hand. The lead from Emitter pin goes to the 24 gauge inside wire . Crimp a ring connector onto the 22 ga lead. Put it on the 8/32 bolt connected to the 24 gauge inside wire. The fourth lead, from the 1N4007 diode, will be used as part of the charging system. Measure a length of 22 gauge wire about 30 inches long. Crimp a ring connector to one end, and put it on the same bolt as the 24 gauge inside wire. Put a 8/32 nut over the bolt and tighten by hand. Crimp a ring connector to a 30 inch length of hookup wire and put it on the 20 gauge outside post. When the circuit board is complete and all the connections made, there should be three long wires coming off the machine. Attach a 2 inch alligator clip to each wire. With strips of masking tape, make a label for each of the long wires, just behind the alligator clip. The wire from the 20 gauge outside post should be labeled "C --" meaning " Charging Battery, Negative Pole." The wire from the 24 gauge inside post should be labeled "PS --" meaning "Power Supply, Negative Pole." The wire from the 1N4007 diode should be labeled "C+" meaning "Charging Battery, Positive Pole."

Step 6: Power In, Power Out

Power In, Power Out

Step 7: Let There Be Light! by Induction!

Let There Be Light! by Induction!

Step 8: How It Works, I Think, and Troubleshooting

How It Works, I Think, and Troubleshooting

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Building your own mini energy generator with magnets

Turn your magnets lying around at home into a power-generating machine..

If the video player is not working, you can watch the video from  this alternative link .

Playing with magnets is incredibly fun. But, wouldn’t it be awesome to both play with, and do something useful with magnets? 

How about generating enough power to light a bulb, for example? Follow this guide to find out how. 

diy magnet power gen complete

As you can imagine, you’ll need some tools and materials before you get started.

Materials and gear needed

  • Cardboard/wood/plastic sheet
  • Flick switch
  • Neodymium magnets
  • Hot glue gun
  • Small plastic pulley wheel
  • Light bulb holder
  • 9V battery and battery connector
  • Soldering kit
  • Electrical wires, resistors, and soldering gear

With all your gear in hand, it is time to get on with this great little build.

Step 1:  Make the dynamo coil and light fitting

The first step is to take some length of copper wire (or strip off the insulation from some normal wiring) and a donut magnet. Coil the wire around the donut/ring magnet to make a dynamo coil, as shown in the video.

This will take a little time, so enjoy the process – it is actually pretty cathartic. 

diy magnet power gen coils

With that done, take your light fitting and loosen the wire connecting terminals as needed. Take the loose wire ends from the coil you made previously, and connect them to the terminals of the light fitting. 

Screw tight the terminals to hold the wires firmly in place as needed. 

diy magnet power gen fitting

Step 2: Make the base

With that done, take your sheet of cardboard, wood, or plastic card. If too large for your purpose, cut down the sheet to size to fit the light fitting, motor, and battery as needed. 

With that done, take your hot glue gun and glue the light fitting into place to one side of the sheet as needed. If desired, you could first cut a small hole to fit the wires through, but this is not necessary.

diy magnet power gen base

Next, glue the coil vertically into place to the other side of the base plate too. 

Step 3: Complete the device

Next, take your battery and DC motor. Glue the motor to the top of the battery with the rotor pointing outwards to one side. 

With that done, add a small plastic pulley wheel to the motor’s rotor as needed. Next, add a blob of hot glue to the end of the pulley wheel, and glue another donut magnet into place as shown below. 

diy magnet gen second magnet

With that done, add some more glue to the base of the device and glue the battery/motor into place opposite the light fitting.

Ensure the two magnet rings are fairly close together but are not touching so that the motor’s magnet can freely spin, yet induce a current in the coil. 

diy magnet gen circuit

With that done, add some solder to each of the terminals of the motor. Then, take your battery connector and solder the wires to each of the terminals of the motor, as needed. 

With that done, you can then connect the battery holder to the terminals of the 9V battery. At this point, your DIY magnet-powered power generator is now basically complete. 

You can now test it by adding a bulb of your choice into the light fitting. Next, connect the battery connector to the battery terminals. 

diy magnet power gen almost complete

This should trigger the motor’s rotor to spin, and by virtue of its magnet. This, in turn, should then induce a current in the coil to illuminate the bulb!

If it doesn’t, check the wiring to ensure nothing has come loose. You can also test each part of the device to ensure that the motor is working, or the battery actually has some charge. 

If you enjoyed this simple build, you might be interested in making another magnet-based project? How about, for example, your own magnet-powered drink stirring machine ? 


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The electricity & magnetism light bulb demo will light up minds.

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The link between electricity and magnetism finds its legendary roots back to Hans Christian Ørsted when he supposedly found that electric current affected his compasses during a student lecture. That piece of scientific history may be one of exaggerated legend, but the marriage of electricity with magnetism has been widely known for over a century, later to be given a full mathematical explanation by Lord Kelvin and James Clerk Maxwell. The concept of electron movement causing the production of an ensuing magnetic field is a fundamental model used in describing electromagnets, generators, transformers and electric motors.

Students can witness the magnetic fields produced by electron movement using compass deflections and observe first-hand the mechanical spin of a solenoid in an electric motor. Using the "Electricity & Magnetism Light Bulb Demo", you will demonstrate to your students the relationship between electricity and magnetism in an amazing and unconventional way, using a Victorian light bulb under conditions not normally observed in everyday life. When a wire that carries an electrical current is placed within a magnetic field, each of the moving charges, which comprise the current, experience the Lorentz force and together they can create a macroscopic force on the wire. The following equation, in the case of a straight, stationary wire is as follows:

F = I (L x B)

where L is a vector whose magnitude is the length of wire, I is the conventional current flow, B is the Magnetic Flux Densit,y and F is the force on the wire. If your students are not already familiar with the magnetic right hand rule, now would be an excellent time to introduce them to the convention.

The Electricity & Magnetism Light Bulb Demo can clarify several important concepts:

  • Using DC (Direct Current), electrons flow through a bulb's filament in one direction.
  • Using AC (Alternating Current), electrons flow through a bulb's filament in two directions.
  • A magnetic field is produced when electrons flow through a conductor.
  • When magnets are placed near wires that carry electric current, a force is exerted on the wire. (Technically, the force is on the electrons in the wire. The electrons are "trapped" in the wire therefore causing the wire to move instead of the individual electrons.)
  • When a wire carrying an electrical current is placed in a magnetic field, each of the moving charges (electrons), which comprise the current, experiences the Lorentz force and together they can create a macroscopic force on the wire itself.


Thank you to Buzz Putnam, Physics Teacher and Whitesboro High School Science Department Chairman, for his development of this product and his assistance in writing these instructions.

April 24, 2012 Collin Wassilak

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Instructional Resources and Lecture Demonstrations

5k10.25 - electromagnetic induction demo - coil and light bulb with magnets.

light bulb magnet experiment

The Pasco Faraday's Law apparatus allows you to spin the coil through the magnet at a constant rate.  The direction of the current in the coil is then indicated by either the green or the red LED.

Place a long neodymium magnet into the tube that has the eight coils connected to the bi-colored LED's.  The LED's are oriented so that one pole of the magnet will give all greens, and the other pole will give all reds.  Slide the magnet down the tube with sufficient speed to light seven of the coils as it falls.

The flashlight is based on some high tech parts.  A low current, high intensity, white LED, a large multi-farad capacitor, and Faraday's law of induction.  Shake the battery through the coil a few times to charge up the capacitor.  This will store enough energy to light the LED for up to 30 minutes.

  • F. Behroozi, "Electromagnetic Induction and Lenz’s Law Revisited", TPT, Vol. 57, #2, Feb. 2019, p. 102.
  • Deborah Wood and John Sebranek, "Electromagnetic Induction With Neodymium Magnets", TPT, Vol. 51, #6, Sept. 2013, p. 344.
  • Emily Alden, Mark Kennedy, Wolfgang Lorenzon, and Warren Smith, "An Electromagnetic Induction Flashlight Experiment", TPT, Vol. 45, #8, Nov. 2007, p. 492.
  • Joe L. Ferguson, "A Supersensitive LED Faraday's Law Demonstration", TPT, Vol. 39, #7, Oct. 2001, p. 444.
  • Editor's Note, "Addition", TPT, Vol. 37, #1, Jan. 1999, p. 3.
  • Charles A. Sawicki, "Improved Flashbulb Demonstration of Faraday's Law", TPT, Vol. 36, #6, Sept. 1998, p. 370.
  • Dan Lottis and Herbert Jaeger, "LED's in Physics Demos: A Handful of Examples", TPT, Vol. 34, #3, Mar. 1996, p. 144.
  • John W. Jewett, "Get The LED Out", TPT, Vol. 29, #8, Nov. 1991, p. 530.
  • C. Lopez and P. Gonzalo, "Using LED's To Demonstrate Induced Current", TPT, Vol. 27, #3, Mar. 1989, p. 218.
  • C. L. Hamilton, J. H. Hamilton, D. A. Burba, and E. A. Jones, "Some Electrical Demonstrations Using Strong Permanent Magnet", TPT, Vol. 25, #4, Apr. 1987, p. 223.
  • B. G. Eaton, "Free Fall, Induction, and the Oscilloscope", TPT, Vol. 12, #2, Feb. 1974, p. 115.
  • Dhananjay V. Gadre, Harch Sharma, Sangeeta D. Gadre, et al., "Science on a Stick: An Experimental and Demonstration Platform for Learning Several Physical Principles", AJP, Vol. 91, #2, Feb. 2023, p. 116.
  • Robert Kingman, S. Clark Rowland, and Sabin Popescu, "An Experimental Observation of Faraday's Law of Induction", AJP, Vol. 70, #6, June 2002, p. 595.
  • Robert Ehrlich, "9.3, Induced Currents Using LED's", Why Toast Lands Jelly-Side Down", p. 149.
  • Andy Graham, "Faraday's Law in a Flash", PIRA Newsletter, Vol. 3, #7, November 18, 1988, p. 3.
  • Don Rathjen and Paul Doherty, "Stripped-Down Generator", Square Wheels, 2002, p. 125.

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Disclaimer: These demonstrations are provided only for illustrative use by persons affiliated with The University of Iowa and only under the direction of a trained instructor or physicist.  The University of Iowa is not responsible for demonstrations performed by those using their own equipment or who choose to use this reference material for their own purpose.  The demonstrations included here are within the public domain and can be found in materials contained in libraries, bookstores, and through electronic sources.  Performing all or any portion of any of these demonstrations, with or without revisions not depicted here entails inherent risks.  These risks include, without limitation, bodily injury (and possibly death), including risks to health that may be temporary or permanent and that may exacerbate a pre-existing medical condition; and property loss or damage.  Anyone performing any part of these demonstrations, even with revisions, knowingly and voluntarily assumes all risks associated with them.

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How to Produce Power With Magnets

light bulb magnet experiment

How to Create a Magnet Dynamo

Many power plants use moving magnets to convert kinetic and magnetic energy into electric current. Magnet generators make a great science project because of the simple instructions and intriguing premise. The combined energy of the magnetic field and motion of the magnet within a coil of copper wire causes the electrons in the wire to move, which is an electric current. There are several variations on this type of experiment, some more difficult to build than others. Making a shake-to-power magnet generator is a simple way to demonstrate the power of magnetic generators.

light bulb magnet experiment

Trace the shape of the film canister onto the cardboard twice with the pencil. Draw a circle 1/2-inch around each traced circle.

light bulb magnet experiment

Cut out the circles so that you have two cardboard "O's" that fit snugly around the film canister and slide them onto the canister about an inch apart. Wrap electrical tape between the cardboard pieces and on the outside edges of the canister.

light bulb magnet experiment

Wind the magnet wire around the canister between the cardboard pieces 1,000 to 2,000 times, being sure to leave a few inches of the beginning of the wire hanging free so that you can connect the light to it later.

light bulb magnet experiment

Secure the wrapped wire into place with a small piece of tape, leaving a long, loose piece of wire on either end. Scrape the insulation off the loose wire pieces with the sand paper.

light bulb magnet experiment

Wrap the ends of the wire around the end pieces of the LED light bulb. Tape to secure the wired bulb to the bottom of the canister.

light bulb magnet experiment

Place the neodymium magnet inside the canister and close the lid. Holding the canister between your thumb and forefinger so that the lid does not come loose, shake the canister back and forth to light the bulb.

Things You'll Need

  • Adding more magnets to the canister or more turns to the wire coil can change the brightness of the bulb. Experiment with the number of turns and magnets to see how you can make your generator more powerful.

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About the Author

Linda Becksterhed is a professional writer with a legal and crafting focus. She handled creation and distribution of fan newsletters from 1998 to 2001 and maintains an entertainment blog. She is a paralegal and an accomplished fiber artist, specializing in yarn, spinning fibers and crochet and knit designs.

Photo Credits

Nicolas Agustin Cabrera/Demand Media

Mysterious Phenomenon: Magnet & Light Bulb

  • Thread starter Kostas Tzim
  • Start date May 26, 2015
  • Tags Bulb Light Light bulb Magnets
  • May 26, 2015

A PF Electron

  • Findings from experimental setup demonstrate potential for compact and portable nuclear clocks
  • Generating spin currents directly using ultrashort laser pulses
  • A fundamental magnetic property of the muon measured to unprecedented precision

A PF Molecule

I think it is happening because the filament or some other part of the light bulb(like maybe what is holding the filament in place) is attracted to the magnet causing there to be a strange electrical signal making you hear a strange sound. This is because while photons are directionally influenced by magnetic fields, they themselves are not attracted to the magnet so they either pass through like some of the visible light from the sun or they go to the poles of the magnet(which if they were IR photons and some of them probably are could cause your magnet to get hot which could cause you to get a burn).  

A PF Mountain

A pf supercluster.

What kind of light bulb was it?  

caters said: This is because while photons are directionally influenced by magnetic fields [...] they go to the poles of the magnet

My first thought was that this isn't an incandescent bulb, which is why I asked. Ballasts are electromagnetic and they hum and it would not surprise me if putting a magnet near one would (damage it) change the sound.  

Oh, interesting thought, yeah. Given how incandescent bulbs are becoming less common these days, that could be it as well. I guess I am too old-school to assume incandescent when not otherwise specified :D  

Yeah, "bulb" means incandescent for my mental processor. Not even considered one of these spiral "bulbs". They should be named something else. I hope the OP comes back to disclose the type of "bulb" he was referring to.  

Greetings and thanks for the helpful answers. Actually I am a student some of the things you said are kind of new to me. I'm not used to the english physics vocabulary so sometimes i consult google translate :) As you see in the image my illuminant looks some what like the one in the picture. The volume of the sound gets more intense as i go from bottom to top ( the thing in the yellow circle). the strange thing is that the Maximum volume can be achieved only if you put the magnet behind the yellow thing , i mean if you look it from the front you put the magnet behind the lamp and up it differs from lamp to lamp i assume. When i put the magnet literally on the light bulb the sound is not that sharp  



The light bulb looks like this  


It looks like russ_waters' idea is more likely to be the right explanation. It's one of these new spiral ones inside the "bulb".  

Ohh thank was a strange phenomenon for me..  

nasu said: Yeah, "bulb" means incandescent for my mental processor...

Oh, i see i was sure that the "bulb" expression was right! anyway the lamp then  

It is right, don't worry. Just search "light bulb" and will see. For laymen (and retail stores) a lamp is the fixture where you screw your "bulb" and not vice-versa. No matter what the engineers will say. :) When I was (very) young a "lamp" was also a vacuum tube.  

russ_watters said: Well, to an engineer who deals with lighting, a "bulb" is something that grows into a flower. A thing that you screw into a light fixture is a "lamp", reagardless of what type it is.

Understood, i was aware of the other 2 words as well, don't know why i choose the wrong one hehe ;)  

  • May 29, 2015

In any case, the light bulb in question is clearly of the fluorescent type. In this case there might be some electronics integrated in the socket, and in particular a small inductance=coil. Chances are that this coil interacts with the magnetic field, causing a force that oscillates with 50 or 60 Hz (depending on your mains frequency) that might well make the whole light bulb "sing" - as was pointed out above. Alternatively, there might be an interaction between the magnetic field and the ionized gas within the spiral, but I think that is less likely.  

Afaiaa, CFLs have a high frequency oscillator in the electronic drive circuit so the 'loudspeaker' effect could give you audible frequency sound that's higher in frequency than the mains hum. Higher frequencies would couple the sound energy into the air better than 50/60 Hz would.  

FAQ: Mysterious Phenomenon: Magnet & Light Bulb

1. what is the mysterious phenomenon of a magnet and a light bulb.

The mysterious phenomenon of a magnet and a light bulb is the ability of a magnet to make a light bulb glow without any physical connection between the two objects. This phenomenon occurs due to the principles of electromagnetism, where the magnetic field created by the moving magnet induces a current in the light bulb's filament, causing it to light up.

2. How does a magnet create a magnetic field?

A magnet creates a magnetic field because of the alignment of its electrons. In a magnet, the electrons spin in the same direction, creating a magnetic dipole moment. This alignment of electrons results in a magnetic field around the magnet, which is responsible for the mysterious phenomenon of a magnet and a light bulb.

3. What type of light bulb is required for this phenomenon to occur?

Any type of light bulb can be used for this phenomenon to occur. However, low voltage or fluorescent bulbs may not be suitable as they require a higher current to light up. Incandescent bulbs are the most commonly used for this experiment as they require a lower current to produce light.

4. Can any magnet be used for this experiment?

Yes, any type of magnet can be used for this experiment. However, the strength of the magnet will affect the brightness of the light bulb. Stronger magnets will produce a brighter glow in the light bulb, while weaker magnets may not produce a noticeable effect. It is recommended to use larger and stronger magnets for a more dramatic effect.

5. Is there any danger in conducting this experiment?

No, this experiment is safe as long as proper precautions are taken. Magnets can be dangerous if swallowed, so it is important to keep them away from small children and pets. Additionally, when using large and powerful magnets, there is a risk of pinching or crushing fingers. It is recommended to handle them with caution and keep them away from electronic devices, such as phones and computers, as the magnetic field can interfere with their functioning.

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