english assignment for jss2


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2ND TERM JSS2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Scheme of Work and Note

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  • Revision of last Term’s work
  • Speech Work: Diphthongs
  • Writing: My New Year Resolution. Writing a Report, Outline and Features
  • Grammar: Requests and Commands Pg. 94
  • Reading/Comprehension: Extracts from Things Fall Apart P.91
  • Writing: A Letter to One’s Parents
  • Speech Work: Rhymes
  • Grammar: Prepositions
  • Comprehension: A Formal Thank You Letter P. 109
  • Writing: Argumentative Essay
  • Speech Work: Word Stress
  • Grammar: Adverbial – Manner, Time and Place
  • Comprehension/Summary; Unit 8 P.124
  • Writing – Argumentative
  • Speech Work: Consonant Clusters tr and str P.124
  • Grammar: Punctuation Mark: Full stop, Comma, Exclamation mark, Question mark, Colons and Semi-Colons
  • Vocabulary Development: Words to do with Law and Orders P.126
  • Writing: Formal Letters (To the Principal)
  • Speech Work: Vowel Contrasts /Ӡ :/, / ˄ /, /e/, /ә /
  • Grammar: Punctuation Marks P.132
  • Listening Comprehension: A Conversation About a Crime P.130
  • Writing: Narrative Essay: My Last Birthday Party
  • Speech Work: Emphatic Stress
  • Grammar: Demonstratives P.145
  • Reading/Comprehension: Life of Aminu Kano P.147
  • Vocabulary Development: Science and Technology
  • Writing: Expository Essay: Entrepreneurship
  • Speech Work: Consonant Contrasts /s/ and /z/, /Ә / and /Ө /
  • Grammar: Regular and Irregular Verb
  • Listening Comprehension: A Talk about Kofi Annan P.144
  • Writing: Topic Sentences P.146
  • Speech Work: Consonant Contrast /k/ and /g/
  • Grammar: Subject and Verb Agreement
  • Comprehension: What Our Bodies Are Made of P.152
  • Writing: Report of a Science Experience P.16
  • Speech Work: Consonants /m/, /n/, / /
  • Grammar: Articles
  • Vocabulary Development: Names of Various kinds of Crops P.153
  • Writing: Review of Letter Writing and Essay
  • Revision (literature)
  • Examination
  • 1ST TERM JSS2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Scheme of Work and Note
  • 3RD TERM JSS2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Scheme of Work and Note
  • Effective English JSS2 by Evans
  • Exam Focus for JSCE by Bolaji Aremo
  • The New Students’ Companion by Chris Talbot
  • English Grammar for JSS by P.O Olatunbosun
  • Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • Revision of Last Term’s work
  • Revision of Last Term’s Work

During the first term, we were able to study the following:

  • Parts of Speech
  • Transitive/Intransitive Verbs
  • Elements of Composition Writing – Introduction, body and conclusion, pre-writing, editing, arrangement of ideas.
  • Question Tags
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Tense: Present, Past and Future
  • Conjunction: Types and Future
  • Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
  • Figures of Speech

In this lesson, we shall briefly talk about each of the highlighted items.

/ei/:  pl ay, p ale, p ail, st ate, c ake, d ay, w ait

/ai/:  p ie, m y, h eight, pl ight, m ite, wr ite, r ight

/Ɔ I/:   oil, b oy, t oil, t oy, f oil, n oise, j oy

/ә u/:  g o, h oe, h ome, n o, kn ow, c oat, g oat, h ose, r ose

/au/:  h ouse. h ow, n ow, c ow, r ow

/ ɪә /:  b eer, h ere, n ear, id ea, f ear, ch eer, b eer, seri ous, p eer, ti er

/eә /:  p air, air, h air, b are, th ere, f are, b are, ch air, th ere, b ear

/uә /:  t our, m oor, p oor, s ure, l ure, end ure

EVALUATION: Underline the words with diphthongs in the following sentences:

  • Rome was not built in one day.
  • He alone went to raise funds to build the stadium.

Content: My New Year Resolution

In this type of essay, you are expected to make a summary of what you did the previous year.

Discuss the things you were able to achieve in the previous year.

The things you were unable to achieve.

Discuss in details what you intend or resolve to do or achieve this year.

Discuss what you will do in order to achieve these set goals.

EVALUATION: Write a comprehensive essay on this topic: My New Year Resolution.

  • Grammar: Requests and Commands

Content: To learn structures for requests and commands

Request making could take any of the following forms.

  • Please could you explain how to do this sum?
  • Please and can E.g. Can you tell us how to do this sum, please?
  • Please and can or could. E.g. Can you help me carry this table, please?
  • I need a ruler, could I borrow yours, please?

You can also say what you want and add an if clause, E.g. I’d like my pen back, if you’ve finished with it.

e.g The imperative (a command) e.g. Give these pencils out!

a. Will you, e.g. Will you close the door, please?

b. Would (a request), e.g. Would you close the door, please?

c. Would you mind and verb in the –ing. E.g. Would you mind giving these pencils out, please?

d. I’d like you to …E.g. I’d like everyone to hand their work in tomorrow, please.

EVALUATION: Effective English JSS 2 (PG 95. Practice2 1-3)

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSSS 2 pgs 94 – 95

  • Comprehension: Extracts from Things Fall Apart

Content: To Understand and Enjoy an Extract from a Novel.

This passage is an extract from Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

Okonkwo has just taken part in the killing of Ikemefuna, his adopted son. The oracle of the village had said that the boy must die, but one of the elders had told Okonkwo that he ought not to take part in his son’s death.

EVALUATION: Practice 2 (1-10) P.92 Effective English JSS 2

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSS 2 P.92

  • Writing: Informal Letter

Content: To Write a Letter to One’s Parents

The composition that is set here has these detailed aims:

It gives you the opportunity to:

  • Explain something that has happened.
  • Make a polite request.

EVALUATION: Imagine that you are on holiday with the family of one of your friends and your friend has been admitted to hospital. Write to your parents, explaining what has happened and asking them to send something to interest your friend. Before you begin, read again the letter in the vocabulary section on P.101

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSS 2 P.104.


Change the following active sentences into the related passive sentences:

  • She broke it carelessly.
  • You can catch a rat with the trap.
  • They have written a letter to the commissioner.
  • They are now writing another to the governor himself.
  • Chinyere brought the workers some water in the morning.


  • Mrs. .Bako is __________ women. She saw ________________ man and __________ animal.
  • I saw ________ lion and _______ elephant at _____ zoo of _____ University of Lagos .
  • He is __________ Governor of Lagos State
  • Mr. Bowen is ______________ European who works in _________University.
  • He is kind to ____________ (a man and an animal: man and animal).
  • The _____________ has referred the patient to an eye specialist. A. dentist B. family doctor C. sister D. pharmacist E. ward attendant
  • There is little hope because the patient is now in a ___________ condition. A. poor B. critical C. deadly D. chronic E. fatal
  • Those who sustained injuries during the accident have been rushed to the ___________ A. mortuary B. maternity C. theatre D. ward E. casualty
  • Before I start using this medicine, let me read the information on the _____________. A. measure B. transfusion C. nature D. dosage E operation
  • She has not been feeling fine since she drank that ________ water. A. hygienic B. epidemic C. contaminated D. infectious E. contagious

Rhymes are words which have the same sounds, i.e, vowels or consonants.

gr eet  s eat

f ight  br ight

cow  h ow/n ow

b end  s end

p aid  l aid

s eat  b eat

h eight  b ite

p ort  th ought

h eaven s even

f eather  w eather

c urtain  moun tain

pr etty  c ity

r ain  p ain

EVALUATION: Write out five words that rhyme.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Exam Focus English JSCE p. 143-144

  • Grammar: Parts of Speech

Content: Prepositions

Prepositions show relationship between people, places and things, i.e show relation between one thing and another. It also relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence.

She left her muddy shoes on the mat.

I am terrible at tennis but I like the game.

I am going to town.

There is a snake under the table.

They have been writing since three o’clock.

We went to town with my mother.

Many things can be made from rubber.

About before down on towards

Above behind during  out under

Across below for opposite  underneath

After beneath from over until

Against besides in around  up  

Along between into since upon

Among beyond near through  with

Around by of till within

At despite off to without

EVALUATION: Write five prepositions and form sentences with them.


  • Topic: Comprehension: A Formal Thank You Letter.

Contents : To Understand a Letter

This passage is a formal thank you letter by Joko Samuel.

Secretary, Young Farmers’ Club appreciates Mr. O.F. Awe, the project officer of Fashola Farm Settlement who came to give them a talk on farming.

EVALUATION: Practice 2 (1-8) Effective English JSS 2.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSS 2 p 109-110

Content: A father is more useful to a child than a Mother.

To help you write this essay, follow this guideline.

Have a title

Who is a father?

What is his role in the family?

Types of Fathers – salary earners or a business man.

Scale of salary or rate of turn over.

Father as a Shepherd – protecting his family.

Planning the future of his children.

Ownership of children – before and after death.

The role of a father in a child’s life generally etc.

READING ASSIGNMENT: College Essays for Bk. 8 p.49.

GENERAL EVALUATION: Fill in each blank with the correct preposition:

  • He was walking __ the road when he stepped __ a puddle __ water.
  • Keep on climbing __ the tree. Don’t look __ or you will feel dizzy and hold tightly __ the branches.
  • My parents have gone __ a dinner and I have __ stay __ home to look after my younger sisters.

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSS 2 P – 123 1(a) and (b) and 2 (1-5)

B) Fill the blank space in each of the following sentences

Present Progressive Tense Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect Tense

  • I am finding it out. I _________ it out.  I _____ it out I __________ it out
  • We are going out. We ________ out.  we ________ out  we ________ out
  • He ________ it. he gives it. He ________ it  He ________ it
  • He is weaving. He _________.  He _________.  He ________.

C) Fill the blank space in each of the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets in front of each sentence.

  • I __________ the book in the shelf last week (put)
  • A snake ___________ the boy last week (bite)
  • My teacher __________ me yesterday (teach)
  • He was __________ when I saw him (eat)
  • He has _________ like a fish (swim)
  • Speech Work

Content: Word Stress

Stress is the quality or degree with which one pronounces a sound or a syllable. It is the force with which a sound is pronounced.

A stress syllable is indicated by placing a stroke at the beginning of the syllable or written in capital letters. A stressed vowel is one that is said with more energy, is louder and more prominent.

 BEtter GARden


 SEcond MAnner

 WANted COMfort

However, a louder or higher tone does not always guarantee a stronger stressed syllable. By contrast, unstressed vowels are weak and not loud and sometimes not clearly heard.

Some Rules of Stress

Examples: buy, hawk, tone, eat etc.

  • Disyllabic words, that is, words with two syllables are mostly stressed on the first syllables when they are nouns and stressed on the second syllable when they are verbs. Though, there is an exception when a stressed syllable in a di – syllabic word is weak, the stress falls or shifts to the next syllable.

Nouns Verbs

CONtract conTRACT

OBject obJECT

CONtest conTEST

REfuse reFUSE

PROject proJECT

SUBject subJECT

REcord reCORD

PREsent preSENT







Other nouns are: BIScuit, BIble, PoLICE, POlish, poLITE(adj), MOney, MONkey etc.

  • The suffix ‘ion’ added to some words takes a stress on the preceding syllables i.e the syllable immediately before ‘ion’ as in: proMOtion, oCCAsion, persSUAsion, circuLAtion, calcuLAtion.
  • Syllables with central vowel /ә / or schwa are stressed. E.g: aBOUT, TEAcher, FAther, BUtter, PASture etc.
  • Syllables that end with syllabic /l,m,n/ are not stressed. E.g: LIttle, BUtton, COtton, ABle, enJOY, CAstle, SUckle.
  • Polysyllabic words that end with these suffixes “-ic, -ian, -ial, -sive” are stressed on the penultimate syllable i.e, second to the last syllable. E.g: draMAtic, speCIfic, imPREssive, coLOnial.
  • If the words end with these suffixes “-ate, -ity, -iate, -ise, -fy”, stress the third syllable counting from the last syllable. cerTIficate, capTIvity, FORtunate, EXercise.
  • Most words ending with these suffixes “-sim, -ive, -ure, -ry, -ize” in four syllable words are stressed on the 4 th syllable from the end. Capitalism, comfortable, profitable, legislative, agriculture, personalise, nationalize.
  • Words ending with these suffixes (-ogy, -phy, -cal, -ant, -ment) are stressed on 3 rd syllable from the end.

EVALUATION: Stress the following words: delicate, commission, distinction, fortunate, understand, delirium, presently, dramatic, refugee, strategic, occasion.


  • Grammar: Adverbial

Content: Adverbials of Manner

An adverb is a word or a group of words that describes either the verb, or the whole sentence. They tell us about how something is done, when or how often it is done, where it is done, etc. An adverbial that is just one word is usually called an adverb. An adverbial made up of several words is an adverbial phrase.

Adverbials have different kinds of meanings. An adverbial of manner describes the manner or way an action is performed. Adverbs of manner often end in –ly for example:

  • The people waited impatiently.
  • He shouted angrily.
  • They shouted slowly.

EVALUATION: Choose adverbs from the box to complete the sentences which follow:

Note: Well is the adverb form of good.













  • Dieng waited ___________ in the queue.
  • The typewriter eyed Dieng ______________.
  • The fat woman ___________ left the Post Office.
  • The children ___________ waited for their supper.
  • The clerk ___________ refused to accept it.
  • My sister dresses ______________.

Adverbial of time and place

Adverbial of time and place answer the questions when? and where? E.g.

  • When did she arrive?
  • She arrived at twelve
  • Where did they go?
  • They went to Kano.

When all three types of adverbial occur in the same sentence, thy normally go in this order

  Manner Place Time

She arrived safely in Jos at two.

He walked slowly to school  yesterday.

EVALUATION: Make up 5 similar sentences.

  • Comprehension: Unit 8

Content: To read, enjoy and act a scene from a play.

In this scene, the mother of a girl is asked if she will agree to let Henry Ajai marry her daughter. The asking has to be done in the tradition manner, and there has already been a long exchange of greeting and polite enquiries, crops and cattle.

EVALUATION: P.125 Practice. 2 (1-8) Effective English JSS 2.

Content: Indiscipline among secondary schools students. Who should be responsible, parents or teachers? An argumentative essay is very much like a debate where two opposing views of the same issues are presented and defended as rigorously as possible. It is a controversial writing that suggests the bringing forth of facts to support or refute an argument. It involves ordered reasoning and is a process of organizing and stating objectively the fact and reasoning surrounding a particular stance or point of view.

EVALUATION: Write in support or against this proposition, Indiscipline among secondary school students: who should be responsible parents or teachers?

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the bracket.

  • The man in dark glasses is behaving very _____ (suspicious).
  • The dog attacked the thief _____ (ferocious).
  • The accident victim was bleeding ______ (profuse).
  • My brother drives very ______ (reckless).

Choose the best options

  • They gave my friend and ____________ the money. A. me B. I C. we
  • Twenty years ___________ not enough for one to prepare for life. A. was B. is C. should not be
  • He was treated __________ a delicious meal at the party. A. with B. to C. for
  • I saw Bunmi, Shola and Ngozi when they were going to school ___________. A. Weren’t they? B. didn’t I? C. were they
  • The principal, as well as two of his staff ____________ travelling tonight. A. are B. is C. were

Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the verbs in the brackets.

  • The boy ____________ the gates for the car to come in every morning (open)
  • My friends will ___________ this evening (travel)
  • My younger brother is ____________ an interview next week (attend)
  • Mrs. Ajayi ______________ up at 5:50am every Sunday (wake)
  • We are not __________ to make a noise in the class (allow)

Content: tr and str cluster

There is a consonant clusters in these words:

  Train strain trap strap

  Tray stray treat street

  Trip strip truck struck

EVALUATION: Write and pronounce three words each that have either the cluster tr or str.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSS 2 p 124.

  • Grammar: The Full Stop

Content: Usages

Punctuation marks are used to mark a pause or a stop in a sentence.

  • Question marks ? are used at the end of a direct question: What is your favourite game?

Where is that brother of mine hiding?

Don’t worry, you still have time to dress before the show.

  • Full stop . is used at the end of a sentence: He looked out of the window. My baby brother goes to nursery school. Full stop is also known as the period. It is used:
  • Eat your food quickly.
  • Do not waste our time

She is wonderful.

Mr. – Mister, U.N – United Nations.

Dr. – Doctor N.U.T – Nigeria Union of Teachers.

Note: However, that the full stop is sometimes omitted in abbreviations. It is therefore also possible to write some of the above examples without any full stop e.g. OAU, Mr. ECOWAS.

  • Apostrophe ‘ is used with ‘s’ to show possession: Akosua’s shoes, Nurses’ uniforms.

The colours of the rainbow are as follow: violet, indigo, blue, green.

It’s a good idea; let’s hope it will work

I read ‘Snow White’ when I was seven.

The peasant said, ‘I have an idea’.

Scrub the ‘floor’ with a clean brush.

EVALUATION: Punctuate this sentence correctly:

i think it is impossible said the cat that you have the power to change yourself into a rat or a mouse impossible cried the ogre you shall see that at once.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Exam Focus. English Language for JSS P. 145-147.

  • Vocabulary Development

Content: Words to do with Law and Order P. 126.

  • Arrest: Police arrest someone when they strongly suspect him of a crime.
  • Behind bar: i.e. in Prison. When a person is released from prison, he is set free, i.e. given his freedom.
  • Charge: When a crime has been committed, the suspect is charged with that crime (he may be charge with murder or with theft)

EVALUATION: Exam Focus: English Language P.120 Revision Exercise (1-5)

Effective English JSS 2 pg 126 – 17 Prac. 3

Content: Letter to One’s Principal

What are formal letters? These are business or official letters. They are sent to holders of posts and not to particular persons. These types of letters include letters of applicants, letters in answer to an advertisement, commercial correspondence, letters of references and testimonials. The person who receives such a letter is interested to know about the matter that caused you to write, not about your personal life or a problem . He is also unimpressed by your praises of him or your concern for his health and that of his family, so, in the introduction of such a letter, avoid unwarranted or distracting preambles.

Features of Formal Letters:

  • Address: This kind of letter requires two addresses – the writer’s address and the address of the reader or recipient. The writer’s address should be at the top right hand corner of the writing materials as in the informal letter. The address of the recipient should come below the date but as the left hand corner.
  • This is illustrated below:  3, Olayinka Street,

  Lagos State.

 14th January, 2016.

The Manager,

The Punch Newspaper,

314, Albert Ogunde Road,


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Body of the letter _____________________________________


 Yours faithfully,

 Adeyemo Ademola

  • Salutation: After the second address, you write ‘Dear Sir’ or ‘Dear Madam’ or ‘Sir’ or Madam’ immediately below. Under this, you give the title of the letter and this should be underlined. You must capitalize all words in the title or capitalize only the first letter of the key words in the title

Complimentary close (conclusion)

 Ojo Makinde

  • The ‘Y’ of ‘Yours’ must be capital letter while the ‘F’ of faithfully must be small letter.
  • There must be a comma after faithfully.
  • The letter should end with the writer’s full names – first name and surname and signature. The signature should be above your name. You may wish to write your official status below you name.
  • The complimentary close should be at the right hand corner bottom of the letter.

Don’t use:

  • Yours obediently
  • Yours truly
  • Yours in the lord

Expression: The tone of this type of letter is the exact opposite of the informal. There should be no room for colloquial expressions, slang clichés and idioms e.g.

  • Let me know what I owe you (informal)
  • Kindly render your account. (formal)

More examples

Formal Informal

Feasible workable

Recompense pay back

Affable friendly

Vivacious lively

Comprehend understand

Centralized forms are not acceptable.

Use full form: couldn’t, will not etc.

Sentences must be short and more direct.

EVALUATION: Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting for a 3 day permission to visit your sick grandmother in the hospital.

READING ASSIGNMENT : Exam Focus English JSCE pg 8 -10.


a. solicitor b. defendant c. client d. evidence e. verdict f. witness g. magistrate.

  • Punctuate the following:
  • A few weeks after the registration exercise Joe Udo wrote Rose an official letter in his capacity as faculty officer. He summoned her to report to him ostensibly to clarify certain things on her registration forms so as to put the records in good order so that Rose might not suspect his intention directly he also summoned three other students including the boys

2. What is the meaning of this legal term ‘plaintiff’.

Complete each of the following sentences with the best option.

  • All the following except ___________ can be found in a court of law A. moderator B. police officers C. judges D. magistrates
  • Someone complained against in a court of law is the __________. A. lawyer’s client B. defendant C. plaintiff D. accused
  • The statement: The accused was acquitted and discharged means that the accused was A. found guilty but set free B. found guilty and jailed C. found innocent and set free D. found guilty and jailed
  • The accused has _____________ against the judgment. A. appealed B. spoken C. written D. requested
  • A country’s Armed Forces are made up of its ___________ A. Army, Navy and Air force B. Police, Army and Air Force C. Navy, Army force and Police force D. judges, Air force and police force

Content: Vowel Contrasts
























EVALUATION: Write out five words for each sound.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Oral English for Schools and Colleges by Sam Onuigbo, M.A. pg. 7 – 19

  • Grammar: Punctuation Marks.

Content: Commas around Inserted Works.

And what apart from the honour of being entertained by my family do you seek here today? Notice the two commas. They separate off the words underlined above and show that the basic sentence is: And what do you seek here today? The comma shows that the words underlined are not part of this basic sentence. It is as if they have been added in or inserted.

Here is another example: we have heard that you have a daughter, unmarried, who is chaste, beautiful and obedient. It is as if unmarried had been inserted as an extra word.

EVALUATION: Effective English P. 132. Prac. 4. (1-5)

  • Listening Comprehension

Content: To understand a conversation about a crime.

Two friends are talking about a crime of forgery. Forgery means printing false currency notes and exchanging them for real money, listen to your teacher as she/he reads the passage to you.

EVALUATION: Complete the table on page 130.

  • Writing: Narrative Essay

My Last Birthday Party

Here are some guidelines to help you in this essay writing.

  • When were you born? And where?
  • How old are you now?
  • When last did you celebrate your birthday?
  • Enumerate the preparation you made e.g. invitation, gifts, menu, music, venue etc.
  • What happened on the day – dressing, photograph, gifts given etc.

EVALUATION: In not less than two pages. Write an account of your last birthday party.


Change the verbs in the bracket to correct form to complete the sentences below.

E.g. Bello is ______________ a letter (write)

Bello is writing a letter.

Now, do this.

  • The child had _____________ the entire bottle of water before I came in (drink).
  • Ojo has ______________ many plans before the chairman of the company (lay)
  • His mother, together with his sister _____________ in the bakery (work)
  • Neither the back tyre of the bicycle nor the brakes ____________ faulty (be)

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT: Effective English for JSS 2 p.g. 151 Practice 2 & 2b

Choose from the list in brackets the preposition that best completes each of the following sentences.

  • The advertised price was subject _____________ change. (at; in; to)
  • Students must be able to abide _______________ their own decision (to; by; on)
  • He bought his dress ______________ the same price you bought yours. (on; with; at)
  • We have not arrived _______________ any decision on the matter. (by; with; at)
  • A member of the audience said that he did not agree _____________ the speaker’s remarks. (to; with; about)
  • Speech Work: Consonant Sounds
  • Reading/Comprehension: Life of Aminu kano P.147

Content: Sound /p/ and /f/

To make the sound /p/, the upper and lower lips are together to obstruct the flow of the airstream from the lungs, then the air is pushed out between them. To make the sound /f/, the upper teeth touch the lower lips and the air passes between them, there is a continuous frictional noise as the airstream passes. The sound /f/ and /p/ are not voiced.

Listen and say:

  pig fig plo p flo p

  pin fin please fleas

  pull full play phase

  pat fast ca p loa f

EVALUATION: Write five words each that have /f/ and /p/ sounds.

  • Grammar: Demonstratives

Content: Demonstrative Adjectives

This, that, these and those can be used as demonstrative adjectives or as demonstrative pronouns. When demonstratives are used as adjectives, they point out nouns and are followed by the nouns which they point out. The table beneath shows their use as demonstrative adjectives.

Image From EcoleBooks.com

‘Nearer’ (this, these)  Farther away (that, these)

Singular This mango is a big one. That mango is small.

Plural These mangoes are enormous. Did you like those mangoes?

When demonstratives are used as pronouns, there is no noun after them. They point out specific persons, places, and things referred to.

(Close)  (Far)

Singular: This That

Plural: These Those

  • What is this?
  • Those are my books.
  • This is going to be fun.

In a comprehension test, you may be asked to explain the grammatical function of a word or group of words. If you had to explain the grammatical function of those in sentence 2, you could do so like: Those is a plural demonstrative pronoun. It refers to some books which the speaker is pointing out, and it acts as the subject of its sentence.

I like those pictures but I don’t like these.

In this example, those refer to some pictures which the speaker is pointing at, but it is the object of its clause, not the subject.

  • Aminu Kano received awards from several governments. These included the government of Guinea and Benin.

In the text, these is a plural demonstrative pronoun. It refers to governments mentioned in the previous sentence it is the subject of its sentence.

EVALUATION: Effective English JSS 2 P. 146 practice 2 (1-2)

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSS 2 P. 145-146

  • Comprehension

Content: Life of Aminu Kano

This passage is about the life of Aminu Kano. While reading the two parts of the stories, try to understand what sort of a politician he was and what his aims and interest were.

EVALUATION: Effective English JSS 2 P. 139-140

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JSS 2 P. 139-140

Content: A Short Life History of an Important Person

Plan your account of the person’s life.

First, work out what each paragraph will be about. Here is a possible plan:

Paragraph 1: Introduction; summary of the person’s main achievements.

Paragraph 2: Early life

Paragraph 3: Main Events in his/her political life

Paragraph 4: Aims and Interests.

Paragraph 5: Death and Conclusion

EVALUATION: In not less than two pages, write a detailed account of a popular political leader that interests you.

READING ASSIGNMENTs: Effective English JSS 2 P. 146

Literature: Rage Act 2 Scene 3-5


  • Make 5 sentences each, using this, that, these and those as demonstrative pronoun.
  • Make 5 sentences each using this, that, these and those as demonstrative adjective.

Choose the best option.

  • Sola writes an account of her daily activities in an/a ____________ A. directory B. dictionary C. dairy D. atlas
  • We lifted the lid off the box and examined its ______________ A. materials B. items C. inside D. content
  • My mother ______________ is a teacher, gives me private lessons at home. A. which B. who C. whom D. that
  • The villagers helped ________________ A. each other B. themselves C. one another D. their selves
  • Of the two girls, Tobi is the ____________. A. tall B. taller C. more tallest D. more taller

Correct the following sentences by choosing the right verbs from the brackets to fill in the gaps.

  • All the equipment he bought ____________ out of order. (is, are)
  • The nature of all his problem ______________ still unknown (are, is)
  • Only an observer from one of the European Countries ____________ allowed to cover the election (was, were)
  • Either John or I ________________ supposed to do the work (is, am)
  • A knowledge of the rules of grammar _______________ useful (is, are)
  • Speech Work: Consonant Contrasts /s/ and /z/, /ð/ and /Ө /
  • Grammar: Regular and Irregular Verbs
  • Speech Work:

Content: Practicing sounds /s/, /z/ and /Ө /













use (noun)

use (verb)







Theme, thank, thick, thorn, thin, both, sheath, north, forth, bath, through, thief, thought, throw, third, pith, path, oath, earth, cloth, breath, wrath, both, north, moth.

/ð/ this, those, that, brea the, wri the

EVALUATION: Do the minimal pairing of these words.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English P. 145, 149.

Most verbs form their past tense and past participle by adding ‘d’ or ‘ed’ and their present participle by adding ‘ing’.

Examples of Regular verbs:

Present Present participle  Past tense  Past participle

Apologise  apologizing apologized  apologized

Direct directing directed  directed

Invite inviting invited  invited

Share sharing shared  shared

Switch  switching switched  switched

Irregular verbs form their past tense and past participle differently.

Present  Present participle  Past tense   Past participle

Are being were been

Awake  awaking awoke   awaken

Bleed bleeding bled bled

Build building built built

Cut cutting cut cut

Come  coming came come

Go going went gone

Hit hitting hit hit

See seeing saw seen

Tell telling told told

Win winning won won

Write writing wrote written

EVALUATION: Write out the past and past participle forms of the following verbs: ring, run, say, see, sing, stand, swim, take, teach, throw, write, pray, mail, use, lap.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Student’s Companion pg. 84-94

Content: A Talk about Kofi Annan

Listen attentively to the comprehension passage about to be read to you and answer the questions that follow.

EVALUATION: The practice on p. 144. Effective English JSS 2

  • Writing Skill

Content: To Learn the Use of a Topic Sentence.

The first sentence of a paragraph often tells the reader what the paragraph will be about. This helps the reader. For example, paragraph 5 of the passage on page 141 of Effective English JSS 2 begins with the topic sentence: During his life, Mallam Aminu Kano held many important positions. The rest of the paragraph mentions some of these positions. Sometimes the first sentence only gives a clue on what the paragraph will be about. For example, paragraph 4 states….

When Mallam Aminu Kano became a politician, he did not join the Northern People’s Congress (NPC)… Since it tells us what he did not join, we can perhaps guess that the paragraph will tell us what party he did belong to, and so it does.

EVALUATION: Effective English JSS 2 P.146 practice 3 (1-2)


Change the tense in the following sentences to the simple past tense.

  • I think I’ll go for a swim.
  • I visit my grandparents thrice a month .
  • The plane takes off at 11:00am.
  • She fetches water daily.
  • Amadu throws the ball to Musa who flings the ball at the goal with all his might.
  • Effective English JS2, Test for Continuous Assessment pg 165 no 1 (a-h) Effective English
  • We have (began, begun) to move at last.
  • The canalboat (blew, blown) its whistle when we moved away from the pier.
  • The captain had (chose, chosen) to leave early.
  • He has (left, leaved) early several times.
  • I wish my sister had (come, came) too.
  • Comprehension: What our Bodies are Made of P.152

Content: Consonant Contrast /k/ and /g/

Listen and practice:



























EVALUATION: Write five words each for the sounds /k/ and /g/.

Content: Subject – Verb Agreement

 Agreement is the state of having the same number , gender or person. The verb must always agree with the subject. Here are the rules:

She is a policewoman.

That boy sings well.

It licks its paw gently.

I love to read.

They are policewomen.

Those boys sing well.

Most people like chocolates.

Yaro and Sola are policewomen.

Uke, Timi, and Audu sing well.

Dike and Ahmadu study very well.

Neither the boy not the man likes cheese.

Either he or she knows the answer.

Not Ekema but Adamu was the winner.

Neither the boy nor the men were here.

Not only the students but also the teacher was late.

Edet or you help her.

Either he or I have to tell the teacher.

Is anyone feeling cold here?

Everybody likes hotdog.

It is we who told him about it.

It is the Josephs.

All but Mr. Alisu have left.

Both Ona and Yaro enjoy singing.

My son as well as daughter likes reading.

Hannah together with her sister is going to France.

  • When two singular subjects refer to the same person or thing, the verb is singular. Mr Tanko, my boss and guide teaches me how to be a good salesman.

EVALUATION: Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs:

  • Neither she nor her brother _______ gone to university
  • A number of boys from that school _____ going camping.
  • Some of the teachers _____ gone home due to the strike.
  • The policeman _______ caught the robbers.

READING ASSIGNMENT: English Grammar by P.O Olatunbosun. pg. 35-41

Content: What Our Bodies Are Made Of

While reading this passage, your purpose should be to try to learn some of the elements that your body contains and in what form your body receives them.

EVALUATION: Effective English JSS 2 P. 153 practice 2 (1-7)

Content: Report of a Science Experiment

When you write a report of a science experiment, you say what happened, that i.e, you say what you did (your method) and what the result was (i.e what you observed). This is like writing a story. But there are things you must write in your report.

  • You must begin by saying why you did the experiment (your purpose).

(Your Conclusion).

EVALUATION: Effective English JS 2 P.160 – 162


  • Everyone in Nigeria (seem, seems) to be in the station this morning.
  • Several of the ticket windows ( is, are) closed.
  • All of my patience ( is, are) exhausted.
  • ( Is, Are) any of the newspaper interesting today?
  • One of these sections (contain, contains) advertisements and sports news.
  • The engineer and the conductor ______
  • Peaches and cream ______
  • Either the first car or the last one ______
  • Both men and women ______
  • Neither trains nor steamboats ________

Use the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets in the following sentences.

Lagos is (far) from here than Abuja.

Lagos is Farther from her than Abuja.

  • Tell me whether you prefer the (small) of the two cars.
  • That is the (tall) building in this town.
  • You are (lucky) than your friend.
  • Thank God, her condition is much (good) today.
  • You are not as (careless) as Jane.

Underline the adjective or adjective phrases in these sentences

  • The water turned red.
  • It was the Principal’s timely arrival that helped.
  • The very sick students stayed behind.
  • Some say that he is too handsome.
  • The cook is fond of the hen.

Content: Consonants /m/, /n/, / /



















EVALUATION: Write out five examples for each sound.

READING ASSIGNMENT : Oral English for Schools and Colleges by Sam Onuigbo M.A. pg 35-66.

Content: Articles

Image From EcoleBooks.com

  • ‘A’ is used with singular, countable nouns that begin with a consonant sound. Examples: a ball, a flower, a hat, a pen etc.
  • ‘An’ is used with singular, countable nouns that begin with a vowel sound. Examples: an apple, an egg, an onion, an umbrella etc.
  • The girl standing there is my cousin.
  • The blouse you are wearing is very pretty.
  • The sky is blue
  • The earth is a planet.
  • This is the coolest place on earth.
  • Who is the smartest girl in your class?
  • The Republic of Indonesia
  • Zero Article: No articles are needed for the following:- with uncountable nouns used in a general sense; with abstract nouns in the general sense; with words such as bed, college, home, hospital, market, prison, school, war etc.; with proper nouns; with names of games and activities, roads, diseases etc.

Eaxmples:  Sugar is good.

Knowledge is power.

My mother goes to market daily.

Cape Town is in South Africa.

Jogging is good exercise.

Measles is infectious.

There are many large shops along Abeokuta Road.

EVALUATION: Fill in the blanks with ‘ a’, ‘an’, ‘the’, or ‘—’ where necessary

  • I usually read ____ newspaper before I take my breakfast
  • _____ love of ____ money is ____ root of all ______ evil.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Effective English JS 2 pg. 114 – 118.

  • Vocabulary Development:

Content: Names of Various Kinds of Crops pg. 153

Most crops can be categorized into grains, fruits and vegetables.

Grains: guinea corn (sorghum) and wheat are grain crops. Most grain crops can also be called cereals or corn.

Fruit: This term is used for crops that grow on trees like pineapples, melons, pumpkins and tomatoes and vegetables.

Vegetables: They are food from smaller plants. They include root or tuber crops like carrots, sweet potatoes, yam. They also include leaves like bitter leaf, cabbage etc.

EVALUATION: Mention the various divisions of crops.

INSTRUCTION: Choose the correct option for each of the sentences below.

  • ‘I don’t know her’, in indirect speech is written as ‘he said that ______________ A. I don’t know her B. he doesn’t know her C. he didn’t know her
  • ‘Do you want one or two oranges written in indirect speech is, ‘I was asking whether ___________ one or two oranges. A. did you want B. you are wanting C. you wanted
  • ‘Don’t study today’ in indirect speech is ‘he told me ______________ A. no studying today B. don’t study today C. not to study that day
  • ‘Do the work tomorrow’ in indirect speech is he instructed me to ____________ A. do the work the previous day B. do the work the next day C. do the work tomorrow
  • ‘Everest is the highest mountain in the world’ in indirect speech is ‘our teacher said that _______________ A. Everest was the highest mountain in the world B. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. C. Everest had been the highest mountain in the world.


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JSS 2 English Language

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  • Reading to Understand the Writer‘s Purpose
  • Reading to identify the meanings of words in various contexts.
  • Critical Reading
  • Reading for Speed
  • Reading for Summary
  • Writing an Outline
  • Composition Writing: Expository and Argumentative
  • Letter Writing: Informal and Formal
  • Summary Writing (Passage on Consumer and Social Influence)
  • Oral Comprehension
  • Speeches (Intonation, Stress and Rhythm)
  • Speeches: Question Tags

Listening And Speaking

  • Revision of Sounds: Vowels and Consonants

Grammatical Accuracy

  • Parts of Speech: Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs and Adjectives
  • Parts of Speech: Adverbs, Conjunctions and Prepositions
  • Adverbials and Tenses
  • Active and Passive Verbs
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • Prose: Short Stories and Novelettes
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  • More on Figures of Speech: Irony and Hyperbole

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JSS2 English Language Past Questions & Answers

Objective questions.

  • Comprehension simply means ____ a) understanding b) confusion c) convince d) persuade
  • Gender refers to ____ a) sex b) age c) friend d) The same
  • Which of the following is not a pronoun? a) verb b) He c) They d) You
  • All are types of gender except a) feminine b) masculine c) neuter d) winter
  • Feminine gender refer to ____ gender a) male b) female c) common d) none of the above
  • All are examples of future tense except a) will b) today c) next week d) shall
  • ____ is the rising and falling od tune or speaker’s voice. a) stress b) syllable c) information d) voiceless
  • This is my book. This sentence is ____ a) statement b) question c) command d) request
  • Who are you? The sentence indicates ____ a) statement b) polite request c) interrogation d) rhetorical
  • Pronoun are words used instead of ____ a) verb b) noun c) conjunction d) adjective
  • Which of the following is not a type of tense? a) adverb b) present tense c) past tense d) future tense
  • We have ____ case in pronoun a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
  • All are cases in pronoun except a) subjective b) possessive c) intersect d) objective
  • “I” is a first (1st) person pronoun. True or False.
  • All are types of composition writing except a) narrative b) comparative c) descriptive d) argumentative
  • All are parts of grammar except a) verb b) adjective c) composition d) none of the above
  • All are type of pronoun except a) personal b) possessive c) interrogative d) abstract
  • This is a boy. The underlined word is a ____ a) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective
  • Which of the following is not a part of speech? a) noun b) pronoun c) education d) verb
  • All are example of compound words except a) Head boy b) Headgood c) Noun d) classroom

Essay Questions

  • With examples, explain pronoun
  • Make five sentences
  • Write a letter to your friend. Tell him/her about your school.

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Third Term Examination English Language Junior Secondary Schools – JSS 2 (Basic 8) – Exam Questions

English studies third term examination junior secondary schools jss 2 (basic 8) exam questions, section a – objectives.

Instruction: Choose from the choices of words below the word that is most suitable to fill the numbered gaps in the passage – knowledge, methods, speed, athletes, injuries, side effects, equipment, subject, officials


A one week sports medicine course sponsored by the Nigerian international Olympic committee medical commission ended on Monday at the National stadium in Lagos. The guest of honour, Alhaji Musa Halliru, called on all the participants to disseminate their ______1______ as widely as possible-especially among sports players.

In addition, he pointed out that the use of simple sports ______3______ should be encouraged in order to improve training. According to the course co ordinator, Dr. E.A. Akinrade, the course covered a number of different ______4______, including sports physiology (muscles, the heart and respiratory system), nutrition an other aspects, including various ______5______ of training an Olympic champion. This training would help athletes to develop strength, endurance and ______6______ Also including in the sports ______7______ (how they are caused and how to manage them) and the use of and abuse of drugs (including their ______8______).

The participants, who were all awarded IOC medical certificates, included sports instructors, nurses and sports ______9______.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives A – D. 

10. Lagos isn’t a clean city, _______?

(a) will it

(b) isn’t it

11. The teacher won’t write on the board, _______?

(a) will he

(b) won’t he

(c) would he

(d) willn’t he

13. Each window and door _______ securely locked after every service.

14. She _______ to visit us every weekend.

15. My friend took me for one of those boys who could not spell words as _______.

(a) ‘demacation and apostlephes’

(b) ‘demarcation and apostrophes’

(c) ‘demacation and apostrophy’

(d) ‘demacation and apostrophies’

16. Destiny and Titi always sing a song, _______ they?

17. The boy _______ died before help reached him.

18. They _______ the teacher to mind his business.

(a) had warned

(b) have warned

(c) will have

(d) shall be warning

(a) new nylon yellow

(b) nylon new yellow

(c) new yellow nylon

(d) nylon yellow new

20. Choose from alternatives, the words which are correctly spelt.

(a) mischiefvous and diarrhae

(b) mischievious and diarrhea

(c) mischeapvous and diarhoea

(d) mischievous and diarrhoea

From the options lettered A-D, choose the word that has the same vowel or consonant sound as the part underlined in each of the given word below:

(b) theatre

23. Oneness

(c) Quarrel

(b) Tension

Choose the word that has the right sound in their pronunciation.

(a) Mustache

(b) Measure

(b) Babbling

(c) Success

(d) Physics

Instruction – Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow:


The woman thanked the medicine man and went away. When she came near to her home she sat down on a rock and began to think. ‘How shall I do this thing?’ surely it is impossible! It is true that there is a lion that often comes near my village, but he is fierce and roars fearfully’. Then she thought again and at last she knew what she had to do. And so, rising early next morning, she took a young lamb and went to the place where the lion was accustomed to stroll around. She waited anxiously . At last she saw the lion approaching. Now was the time . Quickly she arose and leaving the lamb in the path of the lion, she went home. And so it was that everyday, early in the morning, the woman would rise and take a young lamb to the lion. Soon, the lion came to know the woman, for she was always in the same place at the same time everyday with a young and tender lamb which she brought for his pleasure. She was indeed a kind and attentive woman.

It was not long before the lion began to wag his tail each time he saw her and coming close to her, he would let her stroke his head and soothe his back. And each day the woman would stay quietly stroking the lion, gently and lovingly. Then one day, when she knew that the lion trusted her, she carefully plucked three hairs from his mane and happily set out for the medicine man’s dwelling. ‘See!’ she said triumphantly as she entered. ‘Here you are!’ And she gave him the hairs from the lion’s mane. ‘How is it that you have been so clever?’ asked the medicine man in amazement?

1. What did the woman want the medicine man to do?

2. What did he tell her to get?

3. Why did the lion allow the woman to pluck hairs from its main?

4. What evidence in the story shows why the woman’s husband neglected her?

5a. Did the medicine man expect the woman to succeed in getting the hair?

5b. Support your answer with evidence from the story.

6. For each of the following words below, find another word that means the same and can replace it as used in the passage.

B. Anxiously

D. Triumphantly

1. Change the verbs in brackets to their past tense forms to complete the sentences below.

b. John _______ (stand) still while the party was going on.

c. Your smile almost _______ (sweep) me off my feet.

d. My brother _______ (leave) the door _______ (open) and the window _______ (unshut).

2. Change the following speeches to indirect speeches.

a. The carpenter said, “A table has four legs”.

b. ‘Can you drive a car?’ the man asked.

c. The student said, ‘I had a new exercise book ages ago’.

d. “I will go to Lagos tomorrow”, said John.

e. The poor child said, ‘I want to buy some chocolates’.

3. Give other words that are opposite in meaning to the underlined words below.

a. He was hard-working enough to succeed where others had _______.

b. I don’t know how Destiny became so outspoken, his parents have always been so _______.

c. We are enjoying surplus this year, unlike last year when we experienced _______.

d. The gentleman accepted the offer of a job but _______ the money.

4. Re-write the words in brackets in their correct forms of adjectives to complete the sentences below.

a. Mary is not the _______ (pretty) girl in the class but she is certainly _______ (pretty) than Janet.

b. In my opinion, John is the _______ (intelligent) of the two brothers.

c. There were _______ (few) infant deaths in the town last year.

d. His performance is one of the _______ (bad) in the department.

e. The food offered to me was the (little) of all given to others.

In not less than 150 words, choose and write on any one of the followings.

1. Write an essay on The importance of immunization against childhood diseases in your locality.

2. You changed school recently and have been at the new school for six weeks. Write a letter to your uncle explaining why you left your former school and describe at least three things you find more interesting in the new school.

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English Studies Class: Jss 2


The Ultimate English Language Assessment quiz is a meticulously crafted examination that delves deep into the realms of the English language, offering participants a comprehensive evaluation of their linguistic prowess. This quiz is designed for individuals who seek to test and enhance their command over the intricacies of English, whether for academic, professional, or personal purposes. With a diverse array of thoughtfully constructed questions, this assessment encompasses various facets of language mastery. Participants will encounter challenges spanning grammar and syntax, vocabulary and word usage, literary devices and genres, language comprehension, and more. It's an immersive experience that not only Read more tests your knowledge but also nurtures a deeper appreciation for the elegance and richness of the English language. "The Ultimate English Language Assessment" is ideal for students looking to bolster their language skills, professionals aiming to communicate with precision and impact, and language enthusiasts seeking to explore the nuances of English expression. By participating in this quiz, individuals embark on a journey of self-improvement, honing their linguistic abilities to stand out in a world where effective communication is paramount. Prepare to be challenged, enlightened, and inspired as you navigate this assessment. It's more than just a quiz; it's an opportunity to elevate your language proficiency and celebrate the beauty of English. Embrace "The Ultimate English Language Assessment" and unlock the full potential of your language skills.

What is the correct tense in the following sentence? The team will have completed the project by next week.

Present continuous

Past perfect

Future perfect

Simple past

Rate this question:

Your shirt is the same color as


You will perhaps make mistakes but the fewer the---




Lolade didn’t do the work. 

 Did she not?

Didn’t she? 

 does she?

 doesn’t she?

Directions: ​​Choose the word that correctly represents the sounds in each question. /tЅ/

 i am traveling.

Indirect speech

Direct speech

Past speech

Tense and words

An informal letter has ________ address.

I have ___ to the doctor, he will attend to us soon..

B. speaking

The sun smiles at us everyday is an example of a __________





The man has come. 

 has he? 

 hasn’t he?

 isn’t he?

 is he?

A place of interest I visited’ is an example of a ________

Descriptive essay

Argumentative essay

 expository essay

Narrative essay.

Life is becoming _______ expensive.

Much really 

Much little

 much less 

Can you----me? The television is rather faint.



Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

She don't like apples.

The books is on the shelf.

He and I are going to the store.

They goes to school every day.

Ending sound of Book




From the options lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in the following sentences. Mrs. Amanda was taken to the hospital; she was there----three days. 

The three types of letters we have are _________, __________ and __________.

Formal, informal and semi-formal

Expository, formal and informal

Informal, formal and descriptive

Narrative, formal and expository

Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used apostrophe?

Its raining heavily outside.

The cat's toy is under the sofa.

The students book's are on the table.

The Smiths house is on the corner.

Which tense is the following sentence written in? "My father flogged me yesterday."

Future tense

Present tense

Present perfect tense

Which of the following closings is most appropriate for a formal business letter?

Best wishes

Yours faithfully

See you soon

My elder brother has gone----for further studies

 to overseas 


 in overseas 


When a stanza consists of four lines, it is called _______.





A formal letter is also called  _____________ letter. 

 an important 

 a useful 

 a communicative 

 an official

My younger brother is not as----as I am




Literature is like a _________ of life.




Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?

She will visit the museum tomorrow.

They are playing tennis every Sunday.

I have read that book before.

He eats lunch at noon.

The----of the four sticks is mine 



If a coin is thrown twice, which of the following is the outcome?           

The boy wasn’t late for his lesson..

 wasn’t he?

 doesn’t he?

Was he not?



Choose the best options for the following questions A play that ends sadly is called ___________


 tragic comedy

The arrangement of actions in a work of art is known as the _____________




Jane has----my new book 



What sound does the word Teeth start with?




There are three (3) direct speech

A)false and true

B)yes or no

The police----the boy who stole the money 


 are finding

 may found 

 will find  

A verb expresses an action.

Which one do you like  ______ is a story that has a hidden meaning..

An allegory

Dance drama

One of the common Yoruba legends in literature is __________

Bola has ________ the job., an essay that gives an account of a story or event is _________ .

Narrative essay

 descriptive essay

 argumenttative essay 

Expository essay

We are all human,----? 

Can’t we

 Isn’t it

 aren’t we

May we  





A play that has jokes is a ________

C. tragic comedy

D. folktale

The boys are angry.

 Aren’t they?

Haven't they?

" I am going to school now."

Present speech

Tunde is a tiger in the boxing ring. This is an example of a _________.




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english assignment for jss2






            Question tag is a device that we add to the end of statement to turn it into a question. It always appear at the end of the sentence and refer to the verb used in the clause before, as well as the subject (which is a noun or a personal pronoun in most cases) of the corresponding statement.  Some examples for question tag in English Language are: positive tag and negative tag. Examples:

          POSITIVE TAG                        NEGATIVE TAG

            …do they?                               …don’t they?

            …has she?                              …hasn’t she?

            …are you?                               …aren’t you?

            …will it?                                  …won’t it?        

            …can we?                               …can’t we?

            …is he?                                   …isn’t he?

            …could you?                           …couldn’t you?

            …did he?                                 …didn’t he?

            In general, question tag are called tag question or question tails are used to elicit confirmation (i.e. to elicit or to make quite certain) or affirmation (i.e. to state something positively and firmly) for a statement for the person one is talking to.

           This grammatical feature (question tag) can sometimes provoke problems (especially for learners of English as a foreign language) as the question tag always has to be adapted to the previous part of the statement. This means it has to be grammatically in accordance with it.

            You should not feel that since positive statement takes negative tags or negative statement take positive tags, you can use any negative tag or positive tag you like for the positive or negative statement.

             Let’s take a look at these statements and their tag.

  STATEMENTS                                       WRONG                         RIGHT

  • You will come tomorrow,             willn’t you?                  won’t you?
  • You stole a book,                          stolen’t you?                 didn’t you?
  • He took Mr Obis car,                    tooket he?                    didn’t he?
  • You feel like dancing,                   fitn’t you?                     don’t you?
  • She plays the piano,                      playn’t she?                  doesn’t she?
  • Ada loves you,                              loven’t she?                  doesn’t she?

             When you look at these statements and their question tag, you will notice that question tags in the first row are wrong while the ones in the second row are right. So when you want to use question tag for a statement, ensure that you do it grammatically. Also use comma (,) at the end of a statement for separation before putting question tag.


  Take note of the following rules, when forming question tag.

  • If the statement is positive, a negative tag is needed.

For example :

  • I saw you,  didn’t I?
  • They will go, won’t they?
  • If the statement is negative, a positive tag is needed.

For example :  

  • They couldn’t defeat us, could they?
  • There wasn’t any delay, was there?
  • In a question tag, the personal pronoun (he, she, we, etc) is used in almost every case instead of a noun. It has to refer to the subject of a sentence which is often a noun or the same personal pronoun.
  • Ngozi has just left,  hasn’t she?
  • Mina didn’t believe us,  did she?
  • If an auxiliary verb (be, have, do etc) or a modal verb (must, can, would) appears in the statement, it has to be used in the tag question too. The main verb is not mentioned anymore.  For example :
  • The house we bought was built in 2015, wasn’t it?

__the personal pronoun “it” refers to the subject “the house” of the corresponding sentence.

  • We have got a beautiful garden, haven’t we?

__here,  the personal pronoun “we” is used in the tag question as well as in the subject.

  • If there is only a main verb present in the statement and no auxiliary verb, the question tag is formed with appropriate “do” verb (eg) do, does, did. And the tense has to be the same.
  • Amaka likes to do a lot of sports,  doesn’t she?
  • We spent too much money yesterday, didn’t we?
  • If the statement is a request, “will or would ” are usually employed (used).

 For example :

  • Pass me the sugar, would you?
  • Don’t be late, will you?
  • If the request include let’s, shall is the suitable question tag.
  • Let’s go shopping, shall we?
  • Whenever, “there is, there are, there where”, for showing that something exists is used, “there”needs to be applied in the question tag too.
  • There weren’t a lot of things left at the cell,  were there?
  • If the statement is in the present tense, the tag is also in the present.
  • He reads a lot of books,  doesn’t he?
  • She is in the classroom, isn’t she?
  • If the statement is in the past tense, the tag is also in the past tense.

For example:

  •     Emeka was not in school yesterday, was he?
  • They knew that before, didn’t they?

            Note that a tag varies according to the content of the statement.


Dola : Ngozi is beautiful, isn’t she?

Blessing : Yes she is.

Ibiware : Ahmed is a Christian, isn’t he?

Osagie : No, he isn’t.

Emmanuel : You knew that before, didn’t you?

Amadi : Yes I did.

Prosper : I love my wife,  don’t I?

Ebube : Yes you do.

Christian : Emma,  the bride was happy, wasn’t she?

Emma : Yes she was.


  • Adanna is beautiful,↘isn’t She?↗
  • John was in school yesterday,↘wasn’t he?↗
  • Students must work hard,↘mustn’t they?↗
  • She isn’t very happy about her new job,↘is she?↗
  • Let’s go shopping,↘shall we?↗

Add the necessary question tag to the following statements. 

  • I haven’t seen you, _______?
  • They were living here, _______?
  • She doesn’t understand you, _______?
  • They couldn’t see well, _______?
  • We had not eaten for four days, _______?
  • The teacher is very clever, _______?
  • You remember the day, _______?
  • The doctor has left, _______?
  • He is the best Governor, _______?
  • All politicians are not liars, _______?

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English Studies Lesson Note for JSS 2 Third Term

English studies lesson note

Lesson note on English Studies for JSS2 third term – Edudelight.com


WEEK  1:        Revision of 2 nd Term Work and Examination Questions.

SPEECH WORK: Revision of Stress Intonation.

GRAMMAR : The use of conjunctions – Although and whereas as contrasts.

Reading and comprehension.Reading to understand the Writer’s purpose by identifying the key words in a selected passage.

COMPOSITION: A review of formal letters and informal letters

LITERATURE –IN-ENGLISH: Review of literacy terms and figures of speech.

WEEK  2:        SPEECH WORK: Consonant /t/ and /d/ or /p/ & /b/ at the initial and final position of words.

GRAMMAR: Using despite and inspite reading to summarize the key ideas from different paragraphs.

COMPOSITION: LIT-IN-ENG:- Use the recommended text on Prose:

(ii) more on myths / legends.

WEEK  3:        SPEECH WORK: Consonant sounds /s/$/S/

            (Sheep/Cheap, Mash/march/sheep/cheap/

Grammar: The uses of have, has and had

Reading Compilation: Reading to infer the author’s intention in a selected passage.

COMPOSITION: A composition on the topic “Pride Goes Before Fall”.

Lit-In-English: Characterization, Lit-in-Eng: Write a simple story on Honesty and fair play (A recommended text of your own).

WEEK . 4:       SPEECH WORK: Consonant sound /q/ and /a/ think / father, mouth/ father/

GRAMMAR: Synonyms: Using adequate examples.

READING & COMPREHENSION: Reading to identify word/expressions that signal or redirect attention to the main point.

VOC. DEV.: Word Associated with Human Rights.

COMPOSITION: A composition on the topic: The responsibilities of Government.

LIT-IN-ENGLISH: Writing a simple poem on laziness.

WEEK . 5: SPEECH WORK: Consonant /w/ and /j/ (words University, win/yellow).

GRAMMAR: Antonyms using adequate examples.

Reading and comprehension: As in week 1. Voc. Dev. Conflict resolution.

COMPOSITION: A topic on A Memorable Journey I Once  Made.

LI-IN-ENG; Identification of moral import and  the recommended prose text. (ii) setting plot on the recommended prose text.


WEEK . 6:      SPEECH WORK: Contrasting: Vowel/u/ and /u:/Luke/Youth, book/food).

GRAMMAR: The use of causative verbs. For example: black to cause to become black. Reading and comprehension as in Week 2.

Voc. Deve: Words associated with Religion.

COMPOSITION: Writing a dialogue

LIT-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on drama (II) figures of speech in the recommended text.

WEEK . 7:       Speech work: Contrast between vowels/É: /Ù / (caught /come, lawn/love).

School on the field etc).


COMPOSITION: Composition on the topic: The long/would not like to remember.

LIT-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on drama.

(ii) Dramatization of same from the recommended text on drama.

WEEK . 8:       SPEECH WORK: Consonant and vowel sounds differentiated.

GRAMMAR: Review of prefix and suffix


COMPOSITION: Write a composition on the topic: The Rich Also Cry”

LIT-IN-ENGLISH: Characterization, Dictation, Plot and theme in the recommended text on drama.

WEEK  9:       COMPOSITION: SPEECH WORK: Review of the consonant sounds with emphasis

on /q/ and /a/.

GRAMMAR: More on Question tags

READING AND COMPREHENSION: Review the language skills.

COMPOSITION: Review the composition of letter writing and essay writing.

LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Review the prose text in use

(ii) Review of Drama text in use.




LESSON ONE:          Revision of Second Term Work and Examination.

LESSON TWO:          SPEECH WORK: Revision of Stress Intonation.

LESSON THREE:      GRAMMAR: The use of conjunctions –

Although and whereas as contrasts.

LESSON FOUR:        Reading and comprehension (Reading to understand the

Writer’s purpose by identifying the key words in a selected passage.

COMPOSITION:       A review of formal letters and informal letters



TITLE: CONSONANT /t/ and /d/ OR /p/ & /b/. – at the initial and final position.

Introduction: what is a consonant.

Consonant is speech sound which is produced with the obstruction of airstream. The obstruction could be partial or total. When consonant like /P/ is produced, the flow of air is obstructed by the lips. The obstruction here is called total obstruction because the flow of air is completely obstructed for a while. The important thing about the production of a consonant, therefore, is that there is always a degree of obstruction of the airstream from the lungs. The degree of obstruction of the air is one of the three important factors used in classifying the English consonant /P/ to articulate this sound, the upper and lower lips are brought together to obstruct the flow of airstream from the lungs. This obstruction does not last long as there is an immediate release of the air pressure which builds up. There is no vibration of the vocal cords while /P/ is produced. In all, /P/ is a voiceless bi-labial plosive.

Pronounce the following words where /P/ occurs at the beginning or end of the word:

Initial Position                                                 Final Position

Pat                                                                   trap

Pin                                                                   nip

Pus                                                                  sup

Pool                                                                 loop

Pack                                                                cap

/b/ – The of articulation of /b/ is similar of /P/. The lips are brought together to obstruct the air which is released with an explosive sound. The only different between /P/ and /b/ is that the vocal cords vibrate during the production of /b/ while they do not for /P/. that is why /b/ is voiced bilabial plosive.

            The only spelling symbols for /b/ is “b” but “b” is not pronounced in some words especially where it comes before “t” or when it occur after “M” art the end of a word. Example of such words are: “debt”, “doubt”, “lamb” and “bomb”.

            Pronounce the following words with /b/ at the initial and final position.

Initial Position                                     Final Position

            Bud                                                     dub

            Bat                                                      tab

            Bin                                                      nib

            Bon                                                     nob

            Bomb                                                  mob.

/t/ – To produce /t/, the tip of the tongue is in contact with the alveolar ridge and this contract obstruct the flow of air. On immediate release, the air pressure escapes with the usual sound. There is no vibration of the vocal cords since the glottis is wide open. This consonant is therefore, a  voiceless alveolar plosive. There are many spelling symbols for /t/ and they are as follows:

“t” as in ten, tenth, talk

“tt” as in letter, little, settle

“th” as in Thames, think, thought

“ed” as in looked, hooked, cooked.

            The “t” is not actually pronounced in words like “Christmas” “castle, wrestle, listen.

/t/ at the initial and final position.

Initial Position                                     Final position

            Tone                                        note

            Ten                                          net

            Tub                                          but

            Tell                                          let

            Tap                                          pat

            Tip                                           pit

            Take                                        kate.

/d/ – The production of sound “d” involves the tip of the tongue in contact results in a total obstruction of airstream which is, however, released immediately with an explosive sound. The vocal cords vibrate as /d/ is produced. While /t/ is a voiceless alveolar plosive. The spelling symbols, for /d/ are “d” as in “did” and “ed” as in “moved”.

            This consonant is almost always pronounced wherever is occurs in a word like “handsome”.

            Pronounce the following word with /d/ at the initial and final positions:

Initial Position             Final Position

            Dam                            mad

            Don                             nod

            Down                          wound

            Dog                             god

            Deal                             lead.

Give two words each on the following sounds at the initial and final positions:  /t/, /d/, /b/, /p/.


TITLE: Reading to summarize the key ideas from different paragraphs.

REFERENCE BOOK: New Oxford Secondary English Course BOOK 2 for Junior Secondary School page 132 and 133.

TITLE: The Ojo’s Family

Passage A and B.

Instruction: Student should answer correctly the exercise below.




Traditionally, myth is a story about gods or a contrived fable which contain truths beyond scope of reason. The legend on its own, is an oral tale of past heroes, passed from generation to another generation. Legends are based on the history of people.

Ask your parent at to narrate an ancient story, while you write it down on your own.

Themes in Popular Myths and Legend

Myth is an ancient story of a race based on its early beliefs passed down from generations, especially on natural events. Have you ever heard of your great grand father, a powerful hunter, who killed an elephant with a mere cap or single-handedly subdued a community and destroy its people? This is an example of a Legend.

            Oral – Literature

Orality                                     folk tale/song

Oral Poetry                                                      Legend


TOPIC: USING DESPITE AND INSPITE (with adequate examples)

Despite: This is used to show something happened or is true, although something else might have happened to prevent it. Synonymously, it is used with “inspite” for instance (a) He had to laugh despite his failure

(b)       Her voice was shaking despite all effort to control it,

(c)        Despite applying for hundreds of jobs he is still out of work.

(d)       She was good at Mathematics despite the fact that she found it boring.

            Despite (as preposition)

1.         Regardless of: Although he might travel been prevented by something e.g. The mission blasted off today, despite the security effort.

2.         Contrary to: It indicates that something is done unexpectedly or unintentionally. E.g. She was wounded deeply despite all effort to rescue her.

It can be further used as inspite of, regardless of, not withstanding, (formal) in the face of (slang) even with, even though, although etc.

Write five sentences using “despite”.




/ò/- in the production of this sound, it involves the tip blade and sides of the tongue. The contact between the sides of the tongue and the upper sides create the groove through which the air stream escapes with a frictional noise.

The blade of the tongue is raised toward the hard palate while the font part makes a light contact with the alveolar ridge. There is no vibration of the vocal as the consonant is produced. /ò/ is therefore, a wireless palate – alveolar fricative and it has many spelling symbols which are listed below:

“sh” as in shop

“s” as in sure

“ci” as in special

“c” as in ocean

“ch” moustache

“ti” as in nation

“ss” as in mission

/ò/ at initial and final position

Initial position                                                 final position

Shack                                                              cash

Shall                                                                lash

Shop                                                                posh

Shore                                                               passion

Sure                                                                 douche

Champagne                                                     bash

/   / this consonant is voiced palate- alveolar fricative which has the same process of articulation as /s/ except that the vocal cords vibrate as it is produced.


In other words, /  / is the voiced counterpart of the voiceless /ò/. It is important to note that, /    / does not usually occur at the beginning or end of a word except in a few words of French origin. The spelling symbols for /   / are as follows:

            “ S ” as in usual

            “Z” as in seizure

            “Si” as in vision.

            /    / occurs at the medial position

            Usual,                          vision

            Measure                       leisure

            Seizure                                    evasion

            Cohesion                     decision

            Erosion                        confusion.

Identify the following sounds. Write appropriate symbols. See the examples

            Word               Initial Consonant

e.g       barn                 / b/

            Now do the following pure: , chassis,ship , march,pig ,chip .



            These are primary auxiliary verbs.

A.        HAS:   It is used with the third person singular in sentences in the past participle.

The past tense is had. e.g

1.         He has eaten the food

2.         She has swept the room

3.         Mr. Okoro has bought a car

4.         The director has travelled.

B.        HAVE :           It is used with the pronouns such as: I, we, you, they, and plural nouns in   sentences involving past participle. The past tense is had. Example:

1.         I have gone there

2.         All girls have slept

3.         We have just arrived

4.         Have you done the work?

HAD:  It is the past tense of has and have. This is the singular and the past form of Have and Has: It also involved the use of past participle e.g (1) He had an urge meeting with the board of directors.

(ii)        She had a terrible accident yesterday

(iii)       If she had not been disobedient, he wouldn’t have got himself into trouble.

(iv)       Mr. Okoro had failed as a teacher.

            Form two sentences each using has, have, and had.



There lived a king in Agala village who love to give her daughter out in marriage. Many suitor has volunteered to do whatever the king will ask them to do in order to win the princess as a golden wife.

            The first test was that all man who had proposed to the princess should come to the place and dance to the village common drum beat”. From ten competitive, only two came out successful.

            One of them is a hunter while the other one is a porter. The hunter brags with the porter that he will win the next competition. The porter was quiet, believing God is the only one that grants success.

            The hunter went round the village to please come to his house to celebrate with him in advance, because he is very sure that the next competition will be won by him. He spent virtually all he had to cook and give people food to eat. On the other hand, the porter was calm; some even mock the porter as a poor non-entity man, who is trying what cannot be possible to him ever in life. Some even advised him to resign or give up for the hunter. The porter says nothing, but rather believes in God for his achievement

            On the final D-day, in the king palace, the king on its own before any man arrival, covered up two big items with white clothes and no man, know what is there.

            After little entertainment by the cultural group of the village, the king called out “Abike” her daughter to move near the two objects covered and stand there.

            The king then informed the villagers that today’s competition is simple, that whatever is under the clothes “Abike” will open will be her husband. Abike was ordered by her father to please open, luckily for the “Porter”, Abike open the cloth and everyone sees a big pot well designed and so, the king pronounced the porter a winner. So the hunter was ashamed and went to his house disappointed, but the porter jubilates for his victory and there conclude that “It is good to be humble because pride goes before a fall.

LESSON FOUR:  Reading and comprehension

Reading to infer the author’s intention in a selected passage.

Reference: New Oxford English for Junior Secondary School 2. Bu Ayo Banjo et at.

Unit 8, Page 74 – 75.


INSTRUCTION : Answer the comprehension questions below.


TOPIC: Consonant sound /q/ and /a/ think / father, mouth/ lather

/ q/  – This consonant is pronounced with the tip of the tongue in a light contact with the incisors while the airstream passes through the mouth. The vocal cords do not vibrate as this process takes place so that the consonant is a voiceless dental fricative.

            Note: This dental fricative does not exist in Nigeria languages. So learners of English in Nigeria therefore, find it difficult to pronounce / q/  properly. The only spelling symbol for this consonant is “th”.

            / q/  at the initial and final positions.

            Thank                          pith

            Thorn                           path

            Through                       oath

            Thick                           earth

            Think                           cloth

            Thin                             breath

            Thief                            wrath.

            Now pronounce the following words, paying attention to contrast between /t/ and / q/  .

                        / t/                                / q /___

                        Team                           theme

                        Tank                            thank

                        Tick                             thick

                        Torn                             thorn

                        Tin                               thin

/ J/ to pronounce this consonant, the tip of the tongue makes light contact with the incisors while the airstream, passes through the narrowing between the tongue and the incisor with some frictional noise. The vocal cords vibrate as /J/ is a voiced dental fricative. Since this consonant does not exist in Nigerian languages, Nigerian learners of English usually experience some problem in pronouncing it. This problems results in such wrong pronunciations as “day” for “they” and den for “then”. To avoid these faulty pronunciation therefore, learners should follow or improve on articulatory procedure described above. The spelling symbol for /J/ correctly, there is an additional problem of knowing when to pronounce / q /   and when to pronounce /J/ since both consonant have the same “th” spelling. There is no established rule to guide the learners but you may have noticed that some people usually pronounce “th” at /t/ in specific situations and pronounce the same “th” as /d/ in other situations where such people pronounce “th” as /t/, the correct pronunciation is /q /. In other situations where the pronounce “th” as /d/, the correct pronunciation is /J/.

“thin” pronounced / qin/ and not /tin/

“three” pronounced /qri:/ and not /tri:/

“then” pronounced /Jen/ and not /den/

“thine” pronounced /Jain/ and not /dain/.

/J/ at the initial and final position.

Initial position             Final position

Than                            with

That                             loathe

This                             soothe

Those                           breathe

Then                            bathe

Though                        mouth.

Make five word at initial and final position of the consonants /J/ and /q/.

TOPIC: SYNONYMS -Lesson note

Synonyms are words which have similar, or almost the same meanings. Remember, however, that no two words in English mean exactly the same thing and can be used in exactly the same contexts. When we say that two words are synonyms, we mean that they are similar in many contexts. Example

            Words                         Synonyms

1.         Prosperity        –           Success, wealth, plenty, welfare.

2.         Happiness        –           joy, pleasure, delight

3.         suffering          –           heartache, affliction, distress, agony.

4.         Friendship       –           concord, fellowship, friendly, family, relations.

5.         arrive               –           come, reach, get there.

6.         silent                –           still, calm, peaceful, quiet.

7.         plan                 –           scheme, design, programme

8.         odour               –           smell, aroma, fragrance

9.         succeed           –           be effective, accomplish, achieve, win.

10.       depart              –           go, quit, leave.

Pick the correct option to replace the underline synonyms .

1.         Jude defest the behavior of his father

(a) likes (b) hates (c) imitate (d) promotes  (e) incite

2.         His reaction to my advice was positive

(a) negative (b) vicious (c) doubtful (d) evasive (e) encouraging.

3.         He is very optimistic that we will win the match

(a) disconsolate (b) prophetic (c) uncertain (d) hopeful (e) exceptional.

4.         His suggestions on how to deal with the problem was found very invaluable

(a) useful (b) unrealistic (c) impossible (d) necessary (e) useless.



            What is government? Government is referred to as an act of governing because it is a body vested with supreme power of the affair of a state.


            The following are the functions of government

1.         Law Making: Government is responsible for making law in a country to ensure peace and orderliness.

2.         Provision of Social Amenities: They provide amenities like: electricity, potable water, health care, education etc.

3.         Defence of Country: They defend the country against external aggression.

4.         Maintenance of Law and Order: They maintain law and order through government agencies such as police.

5.         Protection of lives and property: Government is also responsible for protection of lives and property.

Other responsibilities are: provision of unemployment, formulation and implementation of policies, external affair functions, administration of justices, promotion of economic activities etc.

Give brief explanation to the following responsibilities of Government.

(i)         provision for  unemployment

(ii)        promotion of economic activities.

Reference: New Oxford English Course Bk. 2 page 94 and 106.

LESSON FOUR:- Reading And Comprehension

Reference: – New oxford for junior secondary school course Book 2. By Ayo Banjo eta al.

– Reading to signal or redirect attention to main point Unit Nine (9) – page 89-90

Instruction: Answer the comprehension questions below.

Summarize the first two paragraph in three sentences.

LESSON FIVE (5):- Literature – in – English



Assignment: –

Compose at least two stanza of a poem on the topic: Laziness with possible rhyme scheme.


LESSON ONE:  SPEECH WORK: Consonant /w/ and /j/ (words University, win/yellow).

GRAMMAR: Antonyms using adequate examples. Reading and comprehension: As in week 1. Voc. Dev. Conflict resolution.

COMPOSITION: A topic on A memorable journey I once made.

LI-IN-ENG; Identification of moral import and the recommended prose text. (ii) setting plot on the recommended prose text.

Topic: (Consonant Sound) /w/ and /j/

/w/ – To articulate this sand the back of the tongue is raised towards the soft palate by a position slightly higher than it takes for the production of /u:/.

At the same time, the lips are as rounded as they are for /u:/ while the vocal cord vibrate. Although the upper and the lower lips do not make any contact as to abstract the flow of air, /w/

Is described as a voiced bilabial consonant. The spelling symbols for /w/ are as follows:

“w” as in well

“wh” as in when

“qu” pronounced /kw/ as in quick.

Here are the less common spellings occur in words like: “one”, “once”, and “choir”.

Pronounced the following words in which /w/ occurs.

Wear                                                    Swear                                                  Swim

Wise                                                    Twice                                                  Twine

When                                                   Dwarf                                                  Dwell

Way                                                     Swell                                                   Squach

Queen                                                  Always                                                Toward

/j/ – In the production of /j/, the front part of the tongue is raised toward the hard palate to a position slightly higher than it takes for the production /i:/ the lips are spread while the vocal cord vibrate so that /j/ is a voiced palatal consonant /w/ and /j/ are called semi vowels because they shared the features of /ui:/ and /I:/ – besides, these sounds are called “glides” because the tongue glides immediately to the position for the production of the vowels after them. /j/ due do not occur at the middle and final position. You should not confuse the sound /j/ which represents the letter, “ y” and the letter ”j” which represents the sound /d/. The spelling symbols for /j/’ are as follow.

“j” as in yet

“ew” as in few

“eau” as in beauty

“ui” as in suit

“u” as in tune

/j/ at the initial position

Yard, you, yen, yet, yours, yoke, year, yaw, yet, young, yes

Consider the following on /j/

Queue /kju:/

Human /hju: m2n/

Huge /hju:d /

Humid /hju:mid/

Fuse /fju:z/

Transcribe the following words correctly as studied in this lesson.

(i) feud`                                   (iv) year

(ii) use                                     (v) stew

TOPIC: ANTONYMS – Lesson note

Antonyms are words which do not resemble each other in any way. Examples:

(i) Love – hate

(ii) Safe –dangerous

(iii) smooth – coarse

(iv) clean – dirty

(v) peaceful – warlike

(vi) strength – weakness

(vii) good – bad lent

(viii) rager – reluctant

(ix) success – failure

(x) importance – trial

There are several ways of charging the meaning of words to the opposite. The commonest method is to use prefixes. Example

Dis – disqualify, disbelieve, disapprove, disobey, disappoint, disconnect, disfavor, disloyal, displace.

Un – uncertain, unable, uncomfortable, unauthorized, unbroken, unclean, unconscious, unequal.

In- inadequate, inexperienced, incomprehensible, incompetent, incomplete, incoherent, invalid

Ir- irrational, irrecoverable, irregular, irrelevant, irresponsible.

Im – immobile, immodest, immoral, immortal, immature, immaterial.

Il- illegal, illegible, illegitimate, illiterate, illogical

Give the antonyms of the following words : (i) admiration (ii) abyss (v) miserly.




REFERENCE: New oxford English for Junior Secondary School.

BOOK 2.Unit II. Page 108-109

Instruction: Answer the comprehension question below

Write five uses of dictionary



It was 3 rd of August 2013 to be precise, I travelled with my uncle to Cotonou. I was informed by my uncle to get prepare for this journey to visit a friend since it is a break time from school. I was very happy and packed my clothes and other useful materials being the first time, I woke up very early, get prepared and my uncle came to pick me at exactly 7:00am.

            On our way, we got to Badagry Boarder where my uncle showed his passport and mine to the Custom officers. We were allowed to go immediately. After about 30 minutes drive, we got to Cotonou and not too long, I saw their airport, very big, decent, beautiful and fascinating> I wish to stop by and view walk around it, but because of the far distance, we are still going mu uncle couldn’t grant my request.

            Cotonou is a big country, with the little I could see, the motorcycle in their uniform looking decent, their market are well kept and neat. There is no avenue for street boys or vagabans. The roads are well tiled and clean. I saw companies and factories, schools, relaxation centres hotels, churches, stadium and theatre Hall. There is not selling by the road side unlike Nigeria. There is no haWEEK ing on the road, except in the garage.

            To cut the long story short, Cotonou is a descent, beautify country. We finally got to my Uncle’s friend house. It took good care of us and after the third day, we travelled back to Nigeria. I wish I remained there or revisit the place one more time.




/U/: This is a short vowel which may be described as a back vowel even though the tongue part used fr the articulation is nearer the centre than the back of the tongue. The lips are rounded while the jaw is in a “close” position. This vowel has the following spelling symbols.

“O” as in woman

“OO” as in foot

“OU” as in could

“U” as in put.

/U:/ : The long /U:/ is articulated with the back of the tongue raised to a height just below the close “position while the lips are rounded. If you pronounce “WOO”, the oral cavity become narrow as the lips are rounded while the back of the tongue is raised. It is not difficult to pronounce this vowel because many Nigerian languages have a vowel that can be approximated to the English /U:/. However, it is not easy to identify the spelling symbols for the long /U:/ because the vowel has many spelling symbols. The various spellings symbols are listed below:

“O” as in do

“OO” as in spoon

“ew” as in chew

“U” as in rule

“Ue” as in fruit

“iew” as in view

“Oe” as in shoe

“Ou” as in you.

            Contrast between /U/ and /U:/

            /U/                               /U:/___

Foot                             food

Could                          cooled

Full                              fool

Pull                              pool

Hood                           hewed

Wood                          wooed

Indicate the shape of the lips when you pronounce the vowels in the following words.

            (i)         took

            (ii)        wood

            (iii)       dog

            (iv)       pet

            (v)        teach

Example: pit



Introduction: what is religion.

This is the belief in worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

            There are many words that is associated with religion, these are: doctrine, worship, Animism denomination, fanatical, atheist, shrine, church, Mosque, bible Quaran, temple, synagogue, pulpit, congregation, Pastor, Imam

            Use your dictionary to find appropriate meaning the above words associated to religion mentioned in the class.


The Arrest of Prince Aole.

REFERENCE: New Oxford for Junior Secondary Schools Bk. 2, page 189 – 192.

Answer the question based on the story read, in page 193 No. 1 – 7b.




/ É :/ This vowel is a long back vowel which is produced by raising the back of the tongue to a height where the jaw is between the “half-close” and “half –open” position. The lips are rounded. It is important to remember or not that / É : / is a long vowel which should not be pronounced as if it is similar to the short /D/. The common spelling symbols are:

            “al” as in talk

            “aw” as in saw

“oar” as in board”

“or” as in sport

“ore” as in core

“oor” as in door

“ou” as in bought

/ Ù / – For the articulation or production of the centre of the tongue is raised while the jaw is “open” . The lips are neutrally shaped. The usual spelling symbols are as follows:

“U” as in hut

“O” as in come

“OU” as in young

“OO” as in blood

“Oe” as in does.

            Contrast between / Ù / and / É :/

/ Ù /                               / É :

Hut                              hot

Cut                              cot

Cup                             corp

Luck                            lock

Surg                             song

Stuck                           stock

            Write five words that shows contrast between / Ù / and / É :/.


TOPIC: Adverb of place.

INTRODUCTION: An adverb modified a verb. That is, it tells us how a verb does its work. Example: Slowly quickly, attentively, wisely poorly etc.

            Adverb of Place

            It is tells us where an action happened. Nowhere, everywhere, here, there etc.

1.         Alade lives here (Here, telling us where Alade lives).

2.         Samson came here last week (adverb of place, telling us where Samson came)

3.         They hid the car in an underground garage.

4.         They found if where you left it.

5.         The old man lives downstair

Write five sentence that shows an adverb of time and underline appropriately.



REFERENCE: New Oxford English Course. For Junior Secondary School. Book 2, Unit 14 page 135 – 136.

Instruction: Answer the following comprehension question No 1 -8.



            Long time ago, I was in primary one toward the end of term, my father’s house caught fire and the whole house burnt to rubbles. Many valuable things perished as we all rushed out of the house and stood a fat to see the whole house burning, and precious electronics were blowing out in the furnace.

            It happens we were all in the kitchen towards the back of the house, when someone ran in to inform us to run for out fear lives. At first, we were all confused not knowing which way to go: Not too long, we saw fire with flame, we all ran as we escaped far to another residence. My immediately younger brother was almost burnt in the fire, but thanks be to God who had mercy on him to escaped on his own to a safe hand. My family stood afar as we weep and say over the last property. As the fine extinguisher arrived, the whole house is already burnt. In all, we appreciate God we all escaped safely out of the house. This is the day I will not like to remember in my life.

Assignment .

Write a story not less than 200 words on the same topic “The day I would not like to remember”.




INTRODUCTION : There are forty-fair sounds segments in English, comprising twenty vowels and twenty-four consonants. The production of the vowels takes place as the airstream flows from the lungs to the mouth without any obstruction. In consonant, there is always some kind of interruption of the airstream from the lungs. When a consonant like /m/ is produced, the flow of air interrupted by the lips. But when a vowel is produced, there is no obstruction to the airstream. If you pronounce /e/, you will notice that the air flows but freely from the lungs. Although the tongue can be raised when the vowel is produced, it is not raised to make contact with any other articulator as to obstruct the free flow of the airstream.

            The vowel in English are classified into two main groups: pure vowels (also are called monothongs) and diphthongs. The pure vowels are sub-classified into short and long vowels. IN doing classifying English vowels, it is from the lungs that the airstream for the production of speech sounds as it flows.

            The consonant differ from the vowels in are important way: when a vowel is produced, air flows from the lungs without any obstruction but when a consonant is obstruction but when a consonant is produced, the flow of air from the lungs is interrupted in the mouth. A consonant is therefore a speech sound which is produced with the obstruction of airstream. The obstruction could be “partial” or “total”. The important thing about the production of a consonant, therefore, is that there is always a degree of obstruction of the airstream from the lungs.

            Just as vowel sounds are classified into short and long sounds, so also consonant sounds are classified basically into the following:

There are (i) place of articulation”

(ii)        “manner of articulation” and

(iii)       state of the glottis.

Write out 20 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds in English.



            A prefix is a letter or group of letters placed in front of another word to change its meaning. Example Un place in front of happy becomes unhappy. More examples:

ab + solve        =          absolve

ab + normal     =          abnormal

super + power =          superpower

Uni + lateral    =          unilateral

Uni + form      =          uniform

Pro + active     =          proactive.

            Negative prefixes give the opposite meaning to words.

dis       –                                   disappear

in         –           not                   inexperience

mis       –                                   misfortune

non      –           without            nonsense

un        –                                   unhappy

im        –                                   immoral

u          –           opposite of      illegal

Suffixes – A suffix is a letter or group of word to change its meaning. When a suffix is added to a word, it can change the word from one part of the speech to another.

a.         Some suffixes make new words with adjective.

they include – any, eny, -en, –ish, -less, -ly, -our, -ic, -like, -y, -ful. e.g dangerous, unless.

b.         Those which make the words verbs include,  – ing, -ed, -ude, -em, -ure, -ise, -ize, yse, e.g nationalize. Lighten.

c.         Suffixes which turn word into nouns include –er, -or, -ar, -re, -ship, -hood, -ness, -ment, -ance, -ism, -dom, -tion, ity, – -ure, e.g punishment, friendship, childhood etc.

Reference: Progressive English

(An Elaborate Coverage of Grammar) Exercise 26A (page 181) No 20 – 30

and Exercise 26B, No 1- 10.


There lived a rich man, who had only one child called Ade. Mr. Alabi Ade’s father has a friend called Ojo. Ojo is from a poor background who hardly feed his family, but he struggled to make sure in all ramification he trained his children to school from the little income from his farm product.

            Ade Mr. Alabi son felt riches is everything man needs to survive life. Sometimes, Ojo seeks help from Alabi, who in turn insulted him and asked him to get a better job to train his children. Ade enjoyed his father’ wealth to the university level and successfully guaranteed, so also the first of Mr. Ojo struggled with his father and graduated as supposed.

            Ade being wild in spending from on set, couild not managed the employment he secured after the university and joined the gang of armed-robber, who robbed a bank one afternoon and were caught by the Police, Tunde was unlucky and died by the gun-shot of the Police while others was arrested and sentenced to life jailed.       

            Mr. Alabi wept, as no man business over the lost of his son this is as a result of my parental negligent said Mr. Alabi as he sobbed with  his wife.

            Write a story that end with this saying “The Rich Also Cry”)

(200 words long)



REFERENCE: As it is in week four

Place the correct sign to the following words as learnt in this lesson.


            Question tags are phrased in question form which are asked at the end of statement.eg. she has gone, hasn’t she? She has gone is the statement while hasn’t she is the question while hasn’t she is the question tag. Question tags are also called question phrases.

            In constructing question tags, the following points should be noted.

1.         If the statement is positive (affirmative) the question tag is negative.

2.         If the statement is negative, the question tag is affirmative (positive)

3.         The tense of the verb in the statement should be used in the question tags.

4.         Pronouns are used in question tags instead of nouns.

Affirmative questions with negative question tags.

1.         We are going to school, aren’t we?

2.         He will go to the stream, won’t he?

3.         He went to the stadium, didn’t she?

4.         She does to the market, doesn’t she?

5.         He has gone to school, hadn’t she?

            Other affirmative auxiliary verbs turned to negative

1.         He is not going, is he?

2.         He does not go, does he?

3.         He didn’t go, did he?

4.         He hasn’t gone, has he?

5.         He won’t go, will he?

Progressive English: An elaborate coverage of Grammar

Exercise 6A, Page 133. No 1 -10.


REFERENCE: Week in second term.

1.         You were among a group of students from your school who went on an excursion to places of interest in your country. Narrate to your classmate who did not see what you saw, in at least two of the places you visited and how you have benefited from the experience.

2.         Write a letter to your brother who is overseas and tell him the changes which have taken place in your school.




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