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  • Education Vocabulary

It’s very common for candidates to be asked about their school, college or university experience, so a good range of education vocabulary is something you definitely need to develop.

This page should make that easy for you as it contains over 150 everyday words and phrases related to study, education and teaching. For each, I’ve included an explanation and added a sample sentence to show it in context. This will help you to learn how to use it correctly.

Don’t try to learn them all. Look at my suggestions below as to the best way to use this extensive list of education vocabulary.

Here are some of the categories covered:

  • Educational institutions
  • Course types & levels
  • Qualifications
  • People in education
  • Subjects & facilities
  • Academic work

As well as your own experience of education, you could be asked your opinion on wider issues such as the quality of teaching or education system in your country, equal opportunities, technology in schools and many other related topics. The list of education vocabulary will equip you to create answers for these types of subjects as well.

education ielts essay vocabulary

Also on this page are three other things that will help you prepare for questions about education:

  • IELTS-style questions on the topic of education
  • Sample answers
  • Links to online reading & listening resources

You’ll find PDF downloads of both the questions and sample answers and the education vocabulary list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions relate to the Speaking test because this part of the exam offers the broadest range of possible questions on the topic of education. They give the best opportunity for me to demonstrate the vocabulary and for you to practise using it.

I’ve included IELTS-style questions and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test. I've highlighted key words and phrases in  bold .

You'll find these words and phrases, and many others, in the vocabulary list beneath. There’s an audio to listen to their pronunciation.

The education vocabulary list contains words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS exam.

Finally, at the bottom of the page I've added links to topical articles, short videos and podcasts that will help you to improve both your education vocabulary and your reading and listening skills.

Let’s begin with the sample questions.

IELTS-Style Speaking Test Questions and Answers

Common education vocabulary is highlighted in  bold .

1) At what age do children begin school in your country?

Formal education starts at five years of age but most children go to preschool when they are around three. This isn’t compulsory but really helps them to develop socially.

2) What kind of school did you go to as a child?

My family moved around a lot when I was growing up so I went to many different schools including three primary schools , a grammar school and a co-educational comprehensive school . I even attended a private school for a year.

3) Did you enjoy your time at school?

I can’t say that I particularly enjoyed my early education . With changing schools so often, I was always the new kid which I found hard.

4) Would you say you were a good student?

Yes, I was definitely a good pupil . I was a quiet, shy child who never caused my teachers any trouble or played truant . I worked hard on my coursework and got on well with my peers .

5) Did you do any extra-curricular activities?

Back in my day, there weren’t many opportunities to do extra-curricular activities . However, I was in the school choir at my secondary school . We use to put on concerts and one year we did a tour of Germany.

education ielts essay vocabulary

Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school.

You should say:

  • when and where you started studying it
  • what lessons were like
  • what made it different from other subjects

and explain why you enjoyed the subject.

There There were three subjects I particularly enjoyed at school, English , geography and P.E. but if I had to choose a favourite, I guess it would be geography .

I suppose you start learning about the natural features around you and other countries in primary school but geography first appeared on the curriculum as a specific subject in secondary school . I’d been fascinated with other places and cultures for as long as I could remember. My dad had travelled a lot and had a large map on the wall with pins in all the countries he’d been to. I loved looking at it so perhaps that’s where my interest in geography first started.

The geography classroom was great; full of globes, atlases and books about places that were very different to where I lived. We had a nice teacher called Mrs Rose who used lots of pictures and maps in her lessons . This was perfect for me as I’m a visual learner. If Mrs Rose had just talked all the time, as some of our teachers did, I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed the subject so much or learnt so easily.

I even liked doing geography homework . I can remember sitting at my desk at home spending hours carefully drawing maps and adding all the features. When my mum took me to the library on a Saturday morning, I’d look for adventure stories set around the world or books on how people live in other countries.

When I reached the sixth form and had to choose just three subjects to study, geography was one of them, although I actually failed my final exam. My family moved house yet again just before I took it and I was very unsettled. I had a private tutor for a few months then retook the exam and got a good grade.

At university ,  I trained as a  teacher myself. I chose primary education so taught geography along with many other subjects. However, during one of my training placements, the headteacher asked me to spend three weeks teaching the subject to every class in the small village school, from 5 year olds up to 11 year olds. It was one of the happiest times in the whole of my career even though I hadn’t even got my teaching qualification yet.

education ielts essay vocabulary

1) What impact do universities have on the places where they’re located?

I believe that the presence of a university in a town or city has a significant positive impact on the area. For a start, it's often the largest employer, offering jobs at all levels from cleaners and maintenance staff to lecturers and top academics .

Large educational institutions like this bring in lots of investment from around the world from foreign students and for important research projects. The presence of thousands of students during term times is also a massive boost to the local economy.

In addition to the financial benefits, there several ways in which universities contribute socially. For example, university towns and cities tend to be vibrant, with a great social life due to the large numbers of young adults living there. What’s more, the campus itself usually has a number of facilities that can be used by local people. A university city I used to live in had an excellent theatre that attracted top plays, shows and performers from around the country.

2) What is it more important for academics to do, research or teaching?

It was only recently, after reading an article about a local university , that I realised just how much research goes on in them. It was about a new facility in the medical faculty and outlined the important research they will now be able to carry out on stem cells and brain tumours. This type of work is vital if we are to combat illness and disease in the future.

For most people though, universities are places of learning where you go to get your degree and prepare for your future career, so teaching must have a high priority. As teachers , academics have the role of passing on knowledge to the next generation.

Weighing it up, I think that the teaching side of their work is the most important because unless they instruct and inspire their students , there will be no-one to fill the most important jobs in society or to carry on the research work the academics do.

3) What are the advantages of studying a distance learning course?

For many people, especially mature students who work, distance learning is the ideal way to study. There are several benefits that immediately come to mind. Firstly, the cost is far less than it would be to attend a college or university with their high tuition fees .

Secondly, you can study anywhere and in your own time and at your own pace. Some students , myself included, find that this method of learning suits them better than sitting in lectures or going to tutorials . You do have to be self-motivated to keep up with the coursework though, and you still get assignments to write and sometimes a dissertation , but you can fit these around your daily life.

Thirdly, there’s a huge range of correspondence courses and online courses available these days so you can take almost any subject you want to and even study for a degree qualification this way. So all in all, distance learning courses have many advantages over other methods of study.

education ielts essay vocabulary

Click this link to get a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

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*  Important

  • Do  not  try and learn this list of education vocabulary.
  • Identify the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise questions about this topic.
  • Record it in your vocabulary notebook and practise using it regularly.

I recommend that you create your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You will find many other IELTS-style practise questions by searching online. 

For help on how to learn vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Learn Vocabulary for IELTS

Top 6 Types of IELTS Vocabulary & Topic Word Lists

Education Vocabulary  –  Common Words & Phrases

Education Vocabulary Set 1: Key Definitions

education – the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school, college or university, or the knowledge that you get from this

- Education is a low priority for the governments of some developing countries.

- Most children receive their education in schools but some are taught at home.

to educate – to give someone intellectual, moral or social instruction, typically at a school, college or university

- At the school I visited in Kenya the children are educated in classes of over 60 pupils.

educational – relating to the provision of education

- When I was at school we had an educational visit to the British Museum in London to see Tutankhamun’s treasures.

educational institution – a place where people gain an education, such as a school

- We are fortunate to have many excellent educational institutions in our area.

formal education – education  normally delivered by trained teachers in a systematic way in a school, college or university.

- In Norway, formal education starts when children reach the age of six.

compulsory education – the legally-required period of time that children are expected to attend school. In the western world, these laws generally require that children attend school from the ages of 5 to 16 or 18.

- One day, a formal education will hopefully be compulsory for all children.

Education Vocabulary Pronunciation

Education Vocabulary Set 2: Educational institutions

preschool – a school for children who are too young to begin their formal education

- Most children in the UK go to a preschool but it isn’t compulsory.

nursery school (UK)/ kindergarten (US) – preschool education

- In the UK, most children begin nursery school at the age of four.

primary school (UK)/ elementary school (US) – the type of school for children ages 5-11

- Bindi was so excited about starting primary school when the new term started in September.

primary education – the education of 5-11 year olds

- In an ideal world, primary education would be compulsory in every country.

secondary school (UK)/ high school (US)  – the type of school for children age 11 to 16, sometimes 18

- I want to teach in a secondary school when I finish my teacher training as I really enjoy working with older pupils.

co-educational/mixed – a school where girls and boys are taught together.

- These days, most schools in the UK are co-educational .

single-sex school – a school for either male or female students but not both

- Both my parents went to single-sex schools but it’s more normal these days to go to a mixed school.

state school – a school that is funded and controlled by the government and for which no fees are charged

- The government is facing growing criticism for the underfunding of state schools .

comprehensive school – a state school that accepts pupils regardless of their level of academic ability or achievement

- There is an ongoing debate as to whether all young people should attend comprehensive schools or if schools that select pupils on academic ability are still relevant.

grammar school (UK) – state secondary  school  that selects their pupils by means of an examination taken by children at age 11

- Although many people are against selective education where some school places go to the most academically able pupils, grammar schools are still popular.

private school – a school that is not supported by government money, where education must be paid for by the children’s parents

- Jonah’s parents decided to pay for him to go to a private school because most classes only had 20 pupils in.

private education – education parents have to pay for

- Only a small percentage of parents can afford to give their children a private education .

public school (UK) – an exclusive, expensive school, run independently

public school (US) – a school which is free and paid for by the government

higher education (also called tertiary education ) – education beyond the age at which it is compulsory, usually in a college or university

- Most of Vijay’s friends wanted to leave school and get a job as soon as possible but he was determined to go on to higher education to improve his career prospects.

boarding school – a school where students live and study during the school term.

- Yu Yang hated boarding school as she missed her family and felt very homesick.

college – a place of higher education where people study specialized subjects or undertake vocational training for a skilled job

- Hugo applied for a place at the local college to train to be a chef.

university – a high-level educational institution where students study for degrees and academic research is done.

- Fuyuko wanted to study nursing at university in Australia but had to get a band 7 in her IELTS exam to be accepted.

Education  Vocabulary Pronunciation

Education Vocabulary Set 3: Course types & levels

course – a series of lessons in a particular subject

undergraduate – studying for a degree but having not yet achieved it.

postgraduate – having achieved a degree and now studying for a higher qualification, possibly a professions qualification

vocational – education or training directed at a particular occupation and its skills, often requiring practical skills

intensive – fast-paced courses which give a lot of information quickly and in a short time

Education Vocabulary Set 4:  Qualifications

qualification – an official record showing that you have achieved a certain level of education or skill in a particular subject or skill area

- Riya was determined to leave school with good qualifications so she could get a well-paid job to support her family.

certificate – an official record of achievement, generally issued for a short course

- Shona was delighted to be presented her TEFL certificate on passing her course to become an English teacher.

diploma – issued for a higher education course that is shorter than a degree

- Greg did so well in his two-year engineering diploma that his tutor persuaded him to study for another year to qualify for a degree.

bachelor’s degree / or just degree ( BA/BSc etc) – qualification issued by a university or college at the end of three or four years of study

- I’m studying for a bachelor’s degree in marine biology.

- I’m studying for a BA in history.

master’s degree /or just master’s ( MA/MSc etc) – qualification issued by a university when the student has completed further study beyond a degree, often in a more specialisn'ted field than a bachelor’s degree

- Alonso wanted to stay on at university an extra year to study for his master’s but his parents couldn't afford the fees.

doctorate ( PhD ) – the highest level of degree qualification issued by a university

- I’m so proud of my sister for achieving a PhD in biochemistry.

fellowship – a teaching or research post given to a person studying for an advanced degree.

- Being awarded a research fellowship at my university is a dream come true as it enables me to stay on and study for my doctorate.

Education vocabulary Pronunciation

Education Vocabulary Set 5:  People in education

headteacher/ principal  – the person in charge of a school

- Our headteacher had been principal for 12 years when he retired.

teacher – a person who teaches, especially in a school

- My favourite teacher at school was Mr Webber because he made lessons so interesting.

tutor – a teacher who works privately with one student or a small group

- Our son struggles with maths so we’ve got him a private tutor to help him with his work.

lecturer – a person who teaches at a college or university.

- My cousin is a lecturer in physics at the University of London.

professor – a teacher of the highest rank in a department of a British university, or a teacher of high rank in an American university or college

-  Professor Stephen Hawking  was one of the most influential figures in modern science.

an academic – a person who teaches in a college or university and continues to research and increase knowledge about their specialist subject

- She was such a bookworm at school and always in the library researching some topic or other, so it’s no surprise that she became an academic .

pupil – a person, usually a child at school, who is being taught

- The pupils loved Miss Lefebvre’s French lessons as she gave them fun learning games to play.

student – a person, usually a college or university, who is being taught

- The beginning of the academic year was so busy with all the new students starting their college courses.

mature student – an adult student who attends college or university some years after leaving school

- Jose was so grateful for the chance to study for a degree as a mature student having left school with very few qualifications.

a graduate – a person who has finished their college or university education

- University graduates can usually get higher paid jobs than people with vocational skills.

peer – a person who is in the same class, age group or social group as someone else

Pupils these days are under a lot of pressure to dress and behave like their peers .

Education Vocabulary Set 6: School subjects

curriculum – the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college

- Her parents chose the school because it offered a broad curriculum including drama and dance which were her favourite subjects.

syllabus – an outline or summary of the subjects to be covered in a course

- The new syllabus included environmental science which was becoming more popular as a school subject.

maths/math/mathematics – the study of numbers, shapes and space

literature – the study of written works (such as poems, plays, and novels) that are considered to be very good and to have lasting importance

the three R's – the basic educational skills of r eading, w r iting and a r ithmetic (maths)

- Most schools put a high priority on teaching the three R's .

language – a system of communication used by a particular country or community often studied as a subject by non-native speakers

- To her surprise, Jenna found that she was quite good at languages at school.

humanities – studies about human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy, and history.

- Tuma couldn’t decide whether to study history or philosophy at university so opted for a degree in humanities .

science – the study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, divided into subjects such as physics, biology and chemistry

  • physics – the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy
  • biology – the study of living organisms
  • chemistry – the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed

geography  – the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these

religious studies  – the study of religion and belief systems

history  – the study of past events, particularly in human affairs

information technology  (IT or ICT)  –   the study of the development, maintenance, and use of computer systems, software, and networks for the processing and distribution of data

physical education  (PE)  – instruction in physical exercise and games, especially in schools

art  – the study of artistic techniques such as drawing, painting, sculpture, etc. or the appreciation of works of art

music  – the study of how to play a musical instrument or sing, how to read music, how to compose music, etc

drama   – the study of acting and theatrical performance

home economics  –   cooking and other aspects of household management, especially as taught at school

Education Vocabulary Set 7: School vocabulary

to play truant – to be absent without permission from parents or teachers

- Helios was always playing truant from school which he regretted when he failed his exams and struggled to find a good job.

to skip classes – to be absent from lessons you are supposed to attend

- I was never brave enough to skip classes as my parents would have been furious if they’d found out.

bookworm – a person who loves reading and/or studying

- My best friend is a real bookworm but is a great person to have on your quiz team because his general knowledge is excellent.

rote learning – a teaching style based on learning by memorisation through repetition

- My parents’ education was based on rote learning but there was more emphasis on learning by investigation by the time I went to school.

literacy – the ability to read and write, sometimes use as a subject title for reading and writing

- Afghanistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world with just 28% of people able to read and write.

literate – to be able to read and write

- In the past 20 years, the proportion of adults in the world who are literate has increased from 75% to 84 % which is a great improvement.

illiterate –  to be unable to read and write

- There are many children in the poorest countries of the world who have little or no access to education and are  illiterate .

remedial – involving pupils who need extra help with a particular area of study or subject

- Pupils who got poor grades use to be put in a remedial class but now they are given extra support from a learning assistant.

additional needs/ special needs  – related to students who need special help due to a learning or physical difficulty

- Shona spend the later part of her teaching career working in a school for students with additional needs .

extra-curricular activities – activities or subjects offered in addition to the normal curriculum usually offered outside normal class hours, such as art, cooking or computer clubs and extra sporting activities

- The most popular extra-curricular activities at Westcroft School were pottery, badminton and computer programming.

school uniform – a particular set of clothes that has to be worn by pupils

- Do Hyan looked so smarting setting off for school on his first day wearing his new school uniform .

discipline – a set of rules governing conduct or behaviour

- Schools where a high level of discipline is maintained, generally have above average exam results

  • impose discipline
  • maintain discipline
  • lack of discipline

timetable – a chart showing times of particular events, such as lesson times in the school day

- Ruby wasn’t very happy with her new timetable as she had double maths followed by double science on a Monday, both subjects she found hard.

Education Vocabulary Set  8:  Facilities

classroom – where lessons take place in a school

- The noisy classroom fell silent when the headteacher walked through the door.

lecture  theatre/ hall  – a room or hall for lectures with seats in tiers

- There was excitement in the lecture theatre as the famous actor stood up to give the drama students a lecture on method acting.

studio – a room where students studying art, photography, media studies, etc. create work

- The studio was set up with recording equipment for the students to practice editing techniques.

library – a building or room containing collections of books, professional journals and other academic literature and material relevant to student's studies

- Sabiha spent all day in the university library doing research for her essay on globalisation.

laboratory – a room or building with scientific equipment for doing scientific tests or for teaching science

- Kate’s favourite part of her degree course in molecular biology was the laboratory work.

campus – the buildings and grounds of a university or college

- It took me a long time to find my way around the campus when I first started at university.

halls of residence – a college or university building where students live

- In his first year at college, Somchai lived in a hall of residence , but in his second year, he rented a house with some other students.

student accommodation – living accommodation for college or university students

- The university offered a range of student accommodation including studio apartments, flats, halls of residence and shared houses.

Education Vocabulary Set 9: Academic work 

assignment – a piece of work given to someone as part of their studies

- I have three more written assignments to complete this term.

coursework – written or practical work done by a student during a course of study, often assessed in order to count towards a final mark or grade

- Helga was really bad at exams so she chose a course where 50 per cent of the overall marks came from assessed coursework .

dissertation – is a long formal piece of writing on a particular subject, especially for a university degree.

- It was hard getting my dissertation finished by the deadline and I handed it in on the very last day.

thesis – a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher degree

- Adao wrote his PhD thesis on the effect of organic fertilizers on soil fertility in tropical climates.

presentation – a speech or talk given in front of an audience

- As part of their end of year assessment, the students had to give a presentation on the theories of learning for children under 3 years of age.

lecture – a formal talk on a subject given to a large group of students who would normally take notes

- She was so pleased that the lecture was cancelled as it gave her time to catch up on some coursework.

tuition – teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups

- Dana was unable to get to lectures after breaking her leg but the college provided individual tuition for her until she recovered.

tutorial – a small group study session with a tutor often following a lecture

- He always found tutorials helpful as it was a chance to ask questions about what they’d heard in the lecture.

seminar – a class at university in which a specific topic is discussed by a teacher and a small group of students

- At university, I found seminars far more useful than lectures as I learn best in a small group.

lesson – a period of learning or teaching, usually in a school

- Walter was late for the history lesson and got into trouble with the teacher.

homework – additional coursework work given to pupils to complete in their own time outside school hours

- Most pupils hate homework as they’d rather be out with their friends or playing computer games than studying.

correspondence course – a course of study in which student and tutors communicate by post

- Juan’s local college didn’t offer a course in accountancy but he found a good correspondence course to give him the qualification he needed.

distance learning – a way of studying in which lectures are broadcast or lessons are conducted by post or via the internet without the student needing to attend a school or college or have in-person teacher interaction

- I prefer to study by distance learning as I can work when I want and at the pace I want.

online learning – Similar to distance learning but done 100% via the internet and often involving in-person interaction with a teacher online

- I find online learning ideal for preparing for my IELTS exam and enjoy connecting with my teacher via Skype.

to sit an exam – to take an exam.

- I want to carry on learning for the rest of my life but after I finish my training I hope I never have to sit an exam again.

Education Vocabulary Set 10: The cost of education

tuition fees – the money paid for a course of study, especially at a private school or a college or university

- High tuition fees mean that many young people can’t afford to go to university.

a grant – money given by the government to support a student while studying

- Bernice was successful in her application for a grant which meant that she could attend her local university.

a student loan – money which a student can borrow while they are studying, but which has to be repaid

- Geraint took out student loans of £9000 a year to pay for his tuition of fees and left university heavily in debt.

a scholarship – money given to someone, often by the institution they are studying at, to help pay for their tuition

- He was overjoyed to receive a scholarship to Oxford University as his parents couldn’t afford to pay the fees.

internship – a period of work experience (often unpaid) offered by an employer to give students and graduates experience of working in an industry related to their field of study

- All students on the course were expected to secure an internship during the long vacation between the second and third years of their degree course.

Education Vocabulary  Set 11: Common terms related to college or university

unconditional offer – the offer of a place at an educational institution for which you already meet the entry requirements

- Mustafa was delighted to receive an unconditional offer from his first choice university and accepted immediately.

conditional offer – the offer of a place at an educational institution which requires you to meet certain entry requirements, usually specific exam grades

- She was fairly confident that she would get the exam grades she needed to take up the conditional offer at Bristol University.

to major in – to choose as your main subject

- I want to major in primary education with a specialism in science.

to read (a subject) – to study a specific subject

- Hans read geology at university and is now working for an oil company in the States.

faculty – department in a university that specialises in a specific subject

- It was a proud day for the university when the faculty of science move into the new, state-of-the-art building.

research – a detailed study of a particular subject

- I’m really enjoying this research project on the migratory behaviour of the golden eagle.

  • conduct research
  • carry out research

Education Vocabulary Set 12:  More common words, phrases & expressions

to work your way through university – to have a paid job while studying to support yourself financially

- With the steep increase in tuition fees, many students are forced to work their way through university .

to keep up with your studies – to not fall behind with your work

- Giang would have to limit his time socializing with his friends if he was going to keep up with his studies .

to fall behind with your studies – to not get your coursework and assignments done in the time allowed

- She was a hard-working student but fell behind with her studies after catching pneumonia and having to spend time in hospital.

to learn something by heart – to memorise it

- By the end of his first week learning English, Elisha had learnt all the days of the weeks and months of the year by heart .

gap year – a period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between school and university or college education

- Many students spend their gap year travelling to get more experience of life before they settle down to studying for a degree.

to take a year out – to take a gap year

- Before going to the university, I took a year out to travel and also earn some money.

to enrol – to officially register on a course at a college or university

- She didn’t know an old friend had enrolled on the same course until they met up on the first day.

sign up for – to commit to something for a specific period such as the duration of a course

- Having signed up for the photography course, she now had to ask her brother if she could borrow his camera.

to drop out –  to leave a course before completing it

- Hiran was forced to drop out of university when his father became ill and he had to take over the family business to support his family.

a dropout – a student who fails to complete a course of study and leaves the educational institution with no qualifications

- Many famous and very wealthy entrepreneurs are college dropouts , which proves that you don’t need a degree to succeed in life.

well-educated  – someone who has received a high level or good standard of education

- You could tell that he was  well-educated  by the way he spoke.

to meet a deadline  – to complete a piece of work by the required date

- I didn’t think I’d get my essay written in time but I just  met the deadline .

note-taking  – to take notes in a lesson or lecture when the teacher is talking

- I find  note-taking  in a lecture really difficult as I miss much of what is being said while I’m writing.

to revise  – study or read something again in order to remember it better, often before exams

- No matter how hard I  revise , my mind goes blank as soon as I get into the exam room.

to review  – to read over something again. Similar to revise, but generally done just after a lesson or lecture rather than in preparation for an exam

- Bella found that  reviewing  her notes just before going to sleep helped her to remember the key points.

workload  – the amount of work that has to be done

- The course  workload  felt overwhelming at first but became more manageable once the students had covered the theory and moved on to the more practical part of the course.

to pass with flying colours   –  to pass an exam or test easily and with excellent result

- He was sure he was going to fail his maths exam but  passed with flying colours .

scrape through  – to just pass an exam

- She ran out of time in the exam and left many questions unanswered but just  scraped through  with a pass mark.

to resit/retake an exam   – to take an exam again in order to get a better result

- Madee needed band 7 in her IELTS Speaking test but only got 6.5, so she had to  retake the exam .

Click this link to get a PDF download of this list of education vocabulary.

Other Useful Education Vocabulary

It’s also a good idea to create your own list of education vocabulary related to any courses you are currently taking so that you are ready to talk about them if asked.

Ways to Improve Your Education Vocabulary

One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube videos and listening to podcasts is also hugely beneficial.

Here are some online resources I recommend.

Education Articles

BBC News – Education

The Independent

New York Times

The Conversation

I love TED Talks. They are short videos with a powerful message and are generally very interesting. They’re ideal for improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practise.

Search  YouTube TED Talks - Education  to help you improve your education vocabulary.

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Education Vocabulary for IELTS

 This is a list of useful Education vocabulary for IELTS.

Education is common topic in IELTS. This vocabulary will help you with all parts of the test if the topic arises.

As with the other vocabulary on these pages, although common word forms are given, not all word forms are here, so remember that once you understand the word you should study it further to make sure you understand exactly how it is used in different contexts.

You will see here:

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At the bottom of the page you will find links to essays connected to education topics. 

Education Voabulary

List of IELTS Education Vocabulary

The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.

  • Attendance is mandatory for all students during the school term.
  • Regular attendance is important for academic success.

To behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want.

  • He did really well in his exams but he cheated. He copied from a friend.
  • Cheating on exams is not recommended.


When male and female students are taught together in the same school or college rather than separately

  • I believe that co-educational schools prepare students for their future better than single-sex schools.
  • Co-educational schools provide an inclusive environment where boys and girls learn together, fostering mutual respect and understanding.


To direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem.

  • It is difficult to concentrate on my college work if there is a lot of noise.
  • I keep losing concentration due to the noise.

Regular work done by students as part of a course, but assessed independently of formal exams.

  • The coursework on my degree was really difficult.
  • The coursework for my biology class includes conducting experiments, writing lab reports, and completing research assignments.

The group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc.

  • Schools must ensure they have an excellent curriculum.
  • The school's curriculum includes a diverse range of subjects such as mathematics, science, literature, and physical education to provide students with a well-rounded education.

Distance Learning

Education that takes place remotely, often utilizing online resources and communication technologies.

  • Many universities offer distance learning programs for students who are unable to attend classes on campus.
  • The pandemic led to a surge in popularity for distance learning platforms.


Activities pursued by students outside the regular curriculum.

  • I participate in several extracurricular activities like debate club and chess team.
  • Extracurricular activities help students develop a well-rounded skill set.

To complete a first university degree successfully.

  • I graduated from the University of Salford in 2009.
  • My graduation ceremony was in 2009.

Higher (tertiary) Education

Non-compulsory education after finishing school, such as university, as well as vocational education and training at colleges.

  • 60% of children now go into higher education after they finish school.
  • After completing secondary school, many students choose to pursue tertiary education at universities or colleges to further their academic and career goals.

Tasks assigned by teachers to be completed outside of class.

  • I have a lot of homework to do tonight, including a math worksheet and a history essay.
  • Homework reinforces what we learn in class.

Unable to read and write.

  • Many children in the poorest countries are illiterate.
  • Due to the lack of access to education, many adults in the rural village remained illiterate, unable to read or write even basic texts.

The ability to read and write.

  • Literacy rates have declined considerably in Western countries over the last decade.
  • However, most children are literate.

The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

  • Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic settings and can result in disciplinary action.
  • The student was expelled for plagiarizing an entire research paper.

Primary Education/School (Elementary School)

First years of formal education from around age 5 to 11.

  • A good primary education is crucial for a child's development.
  • Elementary school teachers focus on building foundational skills in reading, writing, and mathematics to prepare young students for future academic success.


An official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.

  • Good qualifications are really important if you want to get a well-paid job.
  • I am qualified to teach English.

Secondary Education/School (High School: USA)

Education during the time as a teenager.

  • I loved it at my secondary school as I had so many friends.
  • In secondary school, students typically study a broader range of subjects in preparation for higher education or vocational training.

A division of the academic year, typically lasting several months, during which classes are held.

  • We have finals at the end of each semester.
  • The fall semester begins in September and ends in December.

A sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university.

  • The university increased tuition fees by 10% this year.
  • Many students rely on scholarships to help cover their tuition costs.


A student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor's degree.

  • I'm an undergraduate majoring in biology.
  • Undergraduate students often take a variety of general education courses.

Virtual Classroom

An online learning environment where students and teachers interact in real-time.

  • Due to the pandemic, we shifted to a virtual classroom for the remainder of the semester.
  • The virtual classroom allows students to participate in discussions from anywhere with an internet connection.

A seminar or series of meetings for intensive study or training in a particular subject.

  • I attended a writing workshop to improve my essay skills.
  • The workshop on time management was very informative.

View model essays that include IELTS education vocabulary:

University Education Essay

Free University Education Essay

Paying Attention in Class Essay

Examinations or Formal Assessment Essay

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Vocabulary related to education

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IELTS topic vocabulary: education

All components of the  IELTS exam  are heavily focused on vocabulary. To help you improve your education vocabulary for the IELTS speaking test, we have compiled a list of terms.

Remember that IELTS vocabulary should be quite formal, and you will get a higher score for using less common collocations and phrases. Education vocabulary will be useful in many different questions because a lot of questions can be answered by talking about school, college and lifelong learning.

Education vocabulary terms and definitions

qualification - official record showing that you have completed a formal course

literacy - the ability to read and write

Gap year - Taking a year out between high school and university

kindergarten - pre-school education

Post-graduate school - university for students continuing their studies and completing an advanced degree after obtaining their bachelor's degree

assignment - work given to a student as part of their studies

college - higher education institute which students attend after secondary school or high school

principal - a person in charge of a school

lecture - a formal talk on a subject

Student loan - amount of money loaned to a student to pay their tuition.

Doctorate (PhD) - the highest degree from a university, obtained after completing a research fellowship

thesis - research compiled on a particular subject

Intensive course - A short course that contains a lot of information and training

curriculum - the school program that schools aim to teach students

Vocational course - a course which teaches you the skills required for a specific job

graduate - a person who completed their first university degree course successfully, received a bachelor's degree and attended a graduation ceremony

professor - a teacher of high rank in a university

pedagogy - the way of teaching including the instructional method that is used

tuition - the fees required to be able to study a course

distance learning course - studying a course remotely/online

IELTS sample essay - education

Task 2 sample essay about education: Claiming that traditional schooling is out of date, boring and stifles a child's natural talents, various professionals have pushed for an education revolution. Are there alternatives in the education system? Is traditional education doing more harm than good?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

How would you answer this question? Try to use as much of the education vocabulary from the list above as possible.

Remember that you are not required to agree or disagree with the first statement. Your job is to tackle the two-part question following it.

One possible way to plan your essay for the IELTS test could be:

Introduction. Rephrase the question, state a position (there are several alternatives, which you will discuss later, and in your opinion, traditional education IS - or isn't- quite harmful to some students).

Paragraph 2 - Discuss an alternative - for example, homeschooling. It is much more flexible, allowing the student to focus on the school subjects that interest them the most, while also having a lot of online support and resources. Whether the student most enjoys media studies or wants to study history, they will have this opportunity in addition to completing work on the core subjects. This approach is similar to distance learning for adults who can study online with organisations like the British Council. Homeschooling, as an alternative to formal education, is becoming more mainstream and makes more time for family life.

Paragraph 3 - Yes, traditional education can do a lot of harm. Parents assume their children will have so many friends at school Many students are bullied at secondary school or struggle to keep up. There is not enough 1-1 support and shyer students especially female students in mixed schools do not ask for help as needed. A single-sex school may feel more competitive. More gifted students can become bored and misbehave. A good student may play truant for a lot of reasons. Homeschooling or flexible schooling would be a good alternative.

Conclusion - The pandemic has shown us that everything changes; children ages 3-18 all over the world have done some distance learning online, even in the poorest countries. Switching to homeschooling, or flexible schooling can address issues such as bullying for individual secondary school students and help them become more engaged in their learning.

Task 2 sample essay about education: A university education is becoming more expensive every year and the money paid for a degree can keep university graduates in debt for years. Therefore, tuition fees should be abolished and governments should pay for university education.

To what extent do you agree with this viewpoint?

This is a great question! In the IELTS exam, you could talk about how a local university should not cost the same as an internationally known one, how a mature student might be better able to pay tuition fees, how a person studying engineering or medicine could expect to get a well-paid job so the fees are worth it... you would have a lot of options. Just remember to use as much IELTS education vocabulary as you can.

Other resources to improve your education vocabulary:

Apart from practising planning and writing essays that use phrases from these word lists, it's a great idea to look for new words and new vocabulary by googling the topic and watching Youtube videos. There are a lot of great videos on education topics such as the advantages of co-educational schools rather than single-sex schools, what makes a good teacher, education in developing countries, exam room strategies, English for non-native speakers and physical education for homeschooled students. One of the most helpful resources with appropriate vocabulary for IELTS are the Ted Talks on Youtube. Make sure you watch twice, first with subtitles to get new topic vocabulary ideas for your vocabulary notebook.

In this Ted Talk video, Sir Ken Robinson discusses changing the current system for formal education. He makes a case for creating a new way to teach that encourages creativity, curiosity, innovation, and energy. He's funny, interesting and uses some great vocabulary. Watch the video and try to find the following IELTS vocabulary terms that you could easily use in the IELTS speaking test!



Collocations:  human creativity, academic ability, public education, academic inflation, human ecology .

Remember that school and education are among the most popular topics in the IELTS speaking test as well as the IELTS writing test. You could also prepare answers to IELTS style questions about your favourite English teacher, your favourite subjects, using English on your Facebook account, your experience or plans for higher education, how a certain degree will help you get a well-paid job, your memories of your graduation ceremony, being in a single-sex school or studying in a co-educational school. Education vocabulary for the IELTS test is very flexible and you can use some of the same IELTS education vocabulary phrases to talk about primary education, a mixed school, getting a good job, making so many friends studying at the British Council, with Cambridge ESOL or IDP Education Australia. Even talk about IELTS preparation ! Just take your time, keep learning IELTS vocabulary and practice as much as you can.

For more info on IELTS vocabulary for your IELTS test,  click here .

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IELTS Education Related Vocabulary: Words, Phrases & Questions

  • Last Updated On July 29, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

vocab related to education

It is common in the IELTS exam for the students to be asked about their schools, universities, and subjects in various exams. So they need to be aware of the essential vocabulary related to education. They can do so by learning the common words and collocations in the category. This will allow them to write and talk about their education or university background successfully.

Table of Content

The goal of this blog is to provide you with everyday words and collocations related to education. It’ll take you through the essential education vocabulary IELTS candidates need to work on for the exam. Plus, it’ll also benefit you when encountering the topic in real-life situations as well.

IELTS Education Related Vocabulary: Words, Phrases & Questions

Read on to gain knowledge about the words and phrases related to education that will help you ace your IELTS exam.

Education Related Words: IELTS Vocabulary 

Education is a topic that gets discussed massively in our surroundings. It is all about learning skills and knowledge. Some different educational methods include teaching, discussion, and storytelling. 

Here are the words and phrases that will help you expand your vocab about Education to help you score higher. 

Academic YearIt is the time of the year when students attend university or school that generally starts in September and ends somewhere in the summertime.She joined her new university at the beginning of the new academic year.
Admission TestIt is a test designed to help identify individuals capable of admitting to a school or university. The admission test for a university degree is also known as the entrance exam. He got the third-highest score on the admission test. 
AssignmentIt is a specific amount of work assigned by authoritative figures to the studentsStudents were assigned three assignments weekly in their last semester. 
Bachelor’s DegreeIt is a degree awarded by a university or college to students after three-four years of undergraduate study.  She went on for her masters after completing her bachelor’s degree. 
Coeducational SchoolAlso known as a mixed school, it is a school or institute where girls and boys study together.They studied in a coeducational school in Mumbai. 
CreditIt is the recognition of having undertaken a course at a university or school.That particular class is worth four credits at Stanford university. 
CurriculumIt stands for the subjects comprising a course of study in a university or school. Their curriculum contains technical and practical classes. 
Curriculum VitaeIt is a document summarising an individual’s experience, academic background, and skills. All applicants were requested to submit their curriculum vitae by the organisation. 
DiplomaIt is a certificate awarded by a university or college to show that an individual has successfully completed a course of study. She has recently finished her PG diploma in Advertising. 
DisciplineA field of study.He was previously a student in the Geography discipline at Delhi University. 
DissertationIt is a long piece of writing on a particular subject to earn an advanced degree. The topic of her dissertation was ‘Major Rights For the LGBTQ Community.’ 
DoctorateIt is the highest degree awarded by an approved educational organisation to an individual. They applied for a doctorate degree at Christ University together. 
Elementary Education
The early stages of studying. It is also known as primary Education. They completed their elementary education in Kolkata in 1993 through distance learning.
It is the preparation of a judgement about the number, value, or amount related to something. Many faculty members resent the evaluation methods followed by their university. 
Formal Education
It is the structured education system running from primary school to university. It usually leads to certification and recognition. Formal education is exceedingly vital for every individual. 
Higher EducationIt is the third level of education that happens at the university or college level. She passed on the opportunity to finish her higher education and started a small business instead. 
High School than college
It is an academic institution providing Education more advanced than middle school but less advanced than college. He went on to do his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree after completing high school in the UK.
LectureAn education talk to an audience that is generally given to university or school students. Students get lectures from guest lecturers every weekend. 
LiteracyIt is the capability to write and read.All the children are tested in basic literacy before admission. 
Master’s DegreeAn academic qualification granted at the postgraduate level to students.He completed his master’s degree from a local university in 2019. 
PortfolioIt is a compilation of materials that showcases one’s previous work, education, and more. The organisation requested the applicants to send their portfolios. 
PresentationA talk or speech in which an idea or concept is explained to an audience. The topic of his mid-semester presentation was Capitalism. 
ResearchIt is the careful study conducted to find new knowledge about something. This research on Influencer Marketing will change consumer behaviour. 
ScholarshipIt is the payment made to support a student’s education financially by an institute or organisation.  She received a scholarship worth $1500 from her private school. 
Secondary EducationIt is the stage of Education following primary Education. Most children in rural areas go to public secondary education schools. 

Important Educational Vocabulary Words and Related Collocations For IELTS 

In addition to the ones mentioned above, here are a few more education words with examples and their related collocations. 

Career Prospects The chance or probability for future success in a profession. A degree from Harvard can open the door to better career prospects.
Interactive LearningThe kind of learning that encourages independent study through the use of electronic learning. Interactive learning is focused on providing learners with practical knowledge. 
Learning Materials A collection of resources that an instructor or teacher uses in teaching situations. Professors carefully make learning materials before each semester.
Physical Education It is a subject taught in schools that encourages psychomotor learning while promoting physical fitness. Every good college in our city has a physical education department.
Single-sex Schools Educational institutes where the environment consists of only one sex or gender. A single-sex school is an old approach that’s gaining new momentum.
Tertiary Education It refers to all formal post-secondary education including public, private, and technical training universities.Money spent on tertiary education equates to a handsome financial investment. 
Theoretical EducationIt is a learning model to understand basic knowledge that can be done through classes and textbooks. Many classes in Vietnamese institutes contain theoretical education. 
Thesis A long essay involving personal research written by a student for a university degree. She did her doctoral thesis on the marriage customs in ancient Rome. 
Truant A student who stays away from school without explanation or leave.Ash was a truant student. 
TuitionA sum of money charged by a university or school for a course.She isn’t willing to pay next year’s tuition. 
University GraduatesIndividuals who have received a degree or diploma for completing a course of study. There are immense job prospects for university graduates globally. 

To learn about vocabulary related to themes Covid or travel , amongst others, you can go through our blog.  

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IELTS Topic-based vocabulary: education; with definitions/meanings and example sentences

This post focuses on a shortlist of some most common words used in IELTS Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening . Here, IELTS candidates can learn and practice education- related words and phrases. All the words are given here with definitions/meanings and their use in example sentences. This vocabulary list will help you write essays and speak on education, education-related problems and their solutions etc. 

Vocabulary list on ‘Education’ :  

Academic year – the time of the year throughout which students attend school or university, usually considered from the beginning of the autumn term to the end of the summer term – He joined his new school at the beginning of the new academic year .

Acquire – obtain something for oneself – Hannah acquired a cheque of $500.

Admission test/entrance exam – a test designed to identify students who are capable of admitting a school or college – He obtained the highest mark in the admission test/entrance exam.

Analyse – inspect (something) systematically and thoroughly, typically in order to explain and interpret it – We need to analyse any new idea before coming to a conclusion about it.

Assignment – a specific task or amount of work assigned or undertaken by an authority – They had loads of homework assignments.

Audio – of or relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast – She listened to the audio script carefully.

Bachelor’s degree – a degree after four years’ study in a college or university – She earned a bachelor’s degree in law in 2018.

Coeducational school – a school where boys and girls study together – I studied in a coeducational school .

Cognitive – relating to conscious mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning and recalling) – She developed her cognitive abilities in her secondary school.

Compulsory / major – subject/subjects that you must study to obtain a degree – She had four compulsory /major subjects in her first year of Bachelor of Arts in English.

Cramming – the act of  try ing to  learn  a lot very  quickly  before an  exam – Cramming right before the exam is not a good idea.

Credit – a  unit  that  represents  a  successfully   finished   part  of an  educational   course – The students attended all the classes because each of those classes was worth two credits . 

Curiosity – the desire to know about something or someone – The design of the building aroused my curiosity .

Curriculum – all the different courses offered by a school/college/university – Spanish is one of the optional foreign language on the curriculum .

Curriculum vitae / Resume – a summary of a person’s personal demographics, experience and skills – The Company has asked for complete curriculum vitae / resume of every participant.

Dean – the head of a university faculty or department or of a medical school – All the students much like the new  dean after his visit to their dormitory.

Dictionary – a book or an electronic resource that catalogs the words of a particular language (usually in alphabetical order) and provides their meaning, or gives the comparable words in another language, often providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage as additional information – I don’t have a Spanish to English dictionary .

Diploma – a qualification awarded to a student by a university or college or a high school – She’s achieved two diplomas in social work and child safety.

Discipline – a field of study – She was previously a student in science discipline at Stanford University.

Dissertation – a long piece of writing/article about a specific subject that is done to receive an advanced degree – The students submitted their dissertation on British Politics to their mentor before deadline.

Distance learning – a system of studying in which lectures are transmitted or lessons are conducted by correspondence, where the student does not need to be present at a school or college – Computer has helped enormously to spread distance learning all over the world.

Doctorate / PhD – the highest degree that is given by a university – She’s applied for a doctorate degree/ PhD in British Law in Queensland University.

Dormitory – a building or facility on a school campus where students can live – St. Gregory College has two large and separate dormitories for boys and girls.

Drop out – ditch or dump a course of study – She dropped out of college due to financial crisis. 

Elementary education / primary education – the early  stages  of studying – We should give importance on elementary education seriously.

Encyclopedia – a book or set of books giving information on diverse subjects or on different aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically – I have an encyclopedia of prehistoric animals in my collection.

Evaluation / assessment – the construction of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something – Many education specialists resent the evaluation/assessment methods used in the prevailing education system.

Faculty – a cluster of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge – The Faculty of Arts in Cambridge University is extremely famous.

Higher education – any of various types of education following secondary education – Universities and colleges both propose  higher education  opportunities for a diversity of students.

Inquisitive – tending to ask questions; having a desire to know to learn more – She seems to be quite an inquisitive woman.

Interview – a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation – I had an interview with the board last night.

Itinerary – a designed route or journey – All the students were given an itinerary before leaving the bus.

Language skills – skills relate to diverse aspects of using language; such as listening, reading, writing or speaking – Candidates in the IELTS exam are given band-scores on their English language skills .

Lecture – an instructive talk to an audience, especially one of students or teachers in a university – Today we have to attend three lectures about social changes and demographics.

Literacy – the capability to read and write – Many countries have experienced an upward trend in their literacy rate.

Master’s degree – a one/two years’ degree after achieving a bachelor’s degree – She’s also achieved a master’s degree in law this year.

Memorise – to  learn  something so that you will  remember  it  exactly – I recall clearly that some of our primary school teachers forced us to memorise some poems.

Multimedia classroom – a classroom equipped with advanced technology such as laptops, tabs, projectors, digital chalkboard etc. – Nowadays most of the schools in developed country have multimedia classrooms .

Optional / non-major – parallel to the flat surface of the horizon; at right angles to the vertical – She studied Political Science as an optional / a non-major subject in her second year.

Pedagogy – the process and exercise of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept – A teachers’ training college is indeed a school of pedagogy .

Peer pressure – the strain of thinking about or doing something because other people in the same group do it – One of the main reasons of drug addiction is peer pressure .

Postdoctoral – a work that is done after achieving a PhD – She will go on working on a postdoctoral study in transformation of laws in the 20 th century.

Portfolio – a compilation of materials that exemplifies one’s beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, training and experiences – This portfolio presents excellent insights into her personality and work.

Practical – of or concerned with the real doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas – I liked Mr Chao’s classes because he’d always had a practical approach to discuss a topic.

Presentation – a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience – The company official has delivered a PowerPoint presentation on how to use the product.

Procrastinate – holdup or postpone an action; put off doing something – Many students fail to achieve their goal in time because they procrastinate intentionally or unintentionally.

Professor – a university scholar of the maximum rank; the holder of a university chair – The old professor passed away suddenly.

Pupil – student, one who has been taught – She had some successful pupils who keep contact with her regularly.

Put down – record something in writing – She put down the gist of the speech beautifully in her notebook.

Qualification – skill or experience or knowledge that makes someone appropriate to do a specific job or activity – All the applicants with best qualifications are requested to participate in the coming exam.

Reference – supply (a book or article) with citations of sources of information – He used reference from at least 8 prominent articles.

Research – careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something – This research on chimpanzees will change the course of studying animal behaviour.

Scholarship / grant – a payment made to support a student’s education, awarded on the foundation of educational or other achievement – Reeha has got a $10000 scholarship/grant for excellent academic record.

Secondary education – the stage of education following primary education – Success in secondary education is highly dependent on elementary education.

Seminar – a gathering in which people receive information on and training in a specific subject matter – They arranged a seminar on how to develop the lifestyle of rural people.

Single-sex school – a school where either boys or girls can study – My sister studied in a single-sex school . 

Stipend – a particular amount of money that is paid regularly to someone – All the pupils from poor family background get a £250 monthly stipend from the school.

Survey – to ask many people a set of questions in order to gather information about most people’s insight on something – The outcome of the survey in the rural areas is quite bizarre.

Syllabus – subjects studied in a particular course – The syllabus for English Literature in developing countries is rather confusing.

Term – one of the  periods  into which a  year  is  divided  at  school ,  college , or university – She finished her term in the university successfully. 

Theory – a supposition or a system of proposals intended to make something clear, especially one based on general principles free of the thing to be explained – According to conspiracy  theory , there is no obvious end game for countries with natural resources.

Thesis – a long original essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a candidate for a university degree – They submitted their thesis to the professor.

Tuition fee – money that is paid to a school/college/university for the right to study there – Her tuition fee for the course is $4500 a year.

Tutor – a teacher; particularly works with one student – Mr Stephen is Graham’s tutor .

Tutorial – a period of teaching given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group – I joined the new tutorial on macro-photography.

Undergraduate – a student in a college or university who is yet to earn a degree, especially a bachelors’ degree – Roger is an undergraduate at Yale School of Law.

Verbal – spoken; not written – We had a verbal exam before commencing our third year in college.

Visual – of or relating to vision – This automation visual navigation is designed by a complicated software.

Vocational – (of education or training) aimed at a particular profession and its skills – Many countries are now leaning on vocational education to solve unemployment problem.

Viva voce – an oral examination, typically for an academic qualification – The candidates were called for viva voce .

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Crime and Punishment’

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Environment’

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Science and Technology’

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Pandemic/epidemic/medical crisis’


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Education and Learning Vocabulary

Education and learning – the two pillars that form the foundation of human development and societal progress. Irrespective of the context, be it academic essays or everyday conversations, it’s crucial to express our thoughts and experiences in these areas accurately and effectively. The language we use plays a significant role in shaping these discussions.

Table Of Contents

1. curriculum (noun).

Pronunciation : /kuh-rik-yuh-luhm/

Definition : The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college

2. Pedagogy (noun)

Definition : The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject

3. Literacy (noun)

Pronunciation : /lit-er-uh-see/

4. Tuition (noun)

Definition : A sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university

5. Scholarship (noun)

Example : She received a scholarship to study at a prestigious university.

6. Vocational (adjective)

Example : Vocational courses provide practical skills needed for the job market.

7. Plagiarism (noun)

Example : The student was penalized for plagiarism in his final thesis.

8. Thesis (noun)

9. seminar (noun).

Pronunciation : /sem-uh-nahr/

10. Dissertation (noun)

Definition : A long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree

11. Tutor (noun)

Pronunciation : /too-ter/

12. Syllabus (noun)

Definition : An outline of the subjects in a course of study or teaching

13. Revisions (noun)

Example : She was doing her revisions for the final exam.

14. E-learning (noun)

Pronunciation : /ee-lur-ning/

Example : The pandemic has made e-learning the new norm for students worldwide.

15. Literate (adjective)

16. credential (noun).

Example : His credentials as an expert in the field are unquestionable.

17. Graduate (noun)

Example : She is a graduate of Harvard University.

18. Extra-curricular (adjective)

Example : She is involved in several extra-curricular activities, including soccer and drama club.

19. Cramming (verb)

Definition : Study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination

20. Alumni (noun)

Pronunciation : /aluhm-nahy/

Definition : Graduates or former students of a particular school, college, or university

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Education Vocabulary

Below are twenty words associated with one of the most common IELTS topics- education. They are represented visually and include meanings, form, synonyms, antonyms, collocations and example sentences.

I hope this will help you prepare for the IELTS test and please let me know if you have any suggestions for further posts.

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IELTS Topic: Education

Posted by David S. Wills | Jun 23, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

IELTS Topic: Education

In this article, I am going to tell you all about education and IELTS. As you know (if you follow this website), the best way to learn new vocabulary is to study in terms of topics . There are many IELTS topics , such as environment , space , sports , health , and crime. We have talked about education many times in the past but today I will devote a whole article to it.

I intend to look at this topic in a structured way. We will explore it as such:

  • Reading & Listening

You can either study the whole lesson or else skip to the part that is most interesting for you.

Education Vocabulary

If we look at the topic of education and IELTS , we can quickly see that there is a huge amount of vocabulary to learn. In fact, this is a vast topic. I will assume that you already know the basic words like “school” and “teacher” (or else you are probably not reading this right now). Instead, I will look at some more advanced vocabulary for IELTS education.

First of all, let’s look at some school subjects.

School Subjects

There many be some regional differences in the words used for these subjects (for example, mathematics is known as “maths” in British English and “math” in American English.

SubjectDescriptionAlternate Forms
EnglishThe study of the English language and/or literatureEnglish lit. (short for “literature”)
MathematicsThe study of numbersMaths (UK), Math (US)
Physical EducationA class in which people do or study exercise and sportPE, gym
Home economicsLessons about activities at home, such as cooking, cleaning, etc.Domestic science, home science, home ec’ (pronounced “eck”)
ArtDrawing, painting, and the study of art 
HistoryThe study of history 
GeographyThe study of natural things, including land, weather, etc. (This is distinct from another related subject: Geology.)
LanguagesWhere people learn how to speak a second (or third) languageUsually just referred to be the name of the language – ie “French.”
Religious studiesPeople learn about religions in this class.It is often called “RS” for short, or also “RE” (religious education).

Depending on where you study, most people learn a subject called “science” when they are young and later this becomes several subjects, including chemistry, biology, and physics. We also have “social sciences.” This includes many areas of study. You can read about it here .

British English vs American English

I actually wrote in depth about the differences between British and American English last year . For now, though, I will focus on the differences in language when it comes to education. Here are a few ways in which we talk about these differences.

Elementary schoolPrimary school
Middle schoolSecondary school
High schoolSecondary school*
Technical collegeCollege
PrincipalHead teacher/ Headmaster

*The British and American school systems are quite different and what is known as “secondary school” in the UK lasts for up to six years. As such, this overlaps the American version. Anyway, those final years in the UK would more likely be called “fifth/sixth form” or “fifth/sixth year,” depending on which part of the country you come from. In England, it is usually “sixth form” and in Scotland it is “sixth year.”

british vs american vocabulary for education (schools and school supplies)

Some other differences

American people talk about their school years in this way:

  • Freshmen (1 st year)
  • Sophomore (2 nd year)
  • Junior (3 rd year)
  • Senior (4 th year)

In the UK, we do not commonly use these terms but in the last few decades it has become normal to talk about “freshers” as people in their first year of university. For example, they often talk about “freshers’ week” as the first week in the university year because this is when the new students arrive.

Reading and Listening

Because education is something that affects pretty much everyone in the world, it is a topic that is really common in IELTS. It could appear in any part of the test , including the reading and listening sections.

When it does occur, you should be prepared. This means that you ought to know lots of vocabulary about this topic and also have some life experience and opinions on the matter. You can achieve that by including this topic in your regular reading.

There are many ways to achieve this. You can go on Google News (or any news service that you enjoy) and subscribe to their education feed.

Let’s take an article for an example and do a little practice. We will look first at a piece called “ With no students, small college town worries over its future .” Let’s look at the first two paragraphs:

What happens to a college town when the students disappear? Ithaca, a small upstate New York city nearby gorges and vineyards, is finding out. Most of the 24,000 students at Cornell University and 6,200 more from Ithaca College effectively vanished in March when the coronavirus pandemic struck, leaving behind struggling restaurants and shops. Locals still reeling from the outbreak and resulting exodus are wondering when — or if — things will get back to normal.

It is an interesting text that deals with a familiar situation: the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this excerpt, you can see the word “exodus.” What do you think this means? Let’s isolate that sentence:

Locals still reeling from the outbreak and resulting exodus are wondering when — or if — things will get back to normal.

We can learn from the words around it. “Resulting” tells us that this thing happened because of the virus outbreak. We also know from the previous sentence that thousands of students are not coming to this place.

We can guess then, that “exodus” means “a mass departure of people.” This sort of skill is really important when it comes to IELTS reading. You need to be able to figure out the meaning of a word from context. Here is a video that shows you how to work out the meaning of difficult vocabulary:

I have covered the topic of education here many times, including this TED video lesson about making education better by introducing creativity to curriculums. (By the way, this is one of two possible ways to pluralise “curriculum”! The other is “curricula.”)

Here is another interesting video about education. This time it is about gender and education. Remember that sometimes IELTS topics overlap like this.

IELTS Speaking Topic: Education

The topic of education is really common in IELTS speaking. In fact, it is probably one of the most common topics that there is. As such, you need to be ready to answer these sorts of questions.

inspiring educational quote by ben franklin

As you probably know, the first part of the IELTS speaking test is comprised of relatively simple questions that you should answer with one, two, or three sentences. You don’t need to develop your answers very much here.

Here are a few sample questions:

  • Do you work or are you a student?
  • Why did you choose that subject?
  • Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?
  • Do you study English now?
  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?
  • Where do you study / Where did you study?
  • What do you study/did you study in university?
  • What was your favourite subject as a child?
  • Who was your favourite teacher?
  • Do you enjoy studying alone or with friends?

You don’t need to have dazzling grammar or vocabulary skills to answer these questions. You can just give pretty basic answers. For example:

Q: Do you work or are you a student?

A: I’m studying at the moment but I also have a part-time job.

Q: Where do you study?

A: I’m studying at Shanghai Jiaotong University . The word “jiaotong” literally means “traffic” but the common translation for the name is “Shanghai Communications University.”

Q: What are you studying there?

A: I’m studying English literature at the moment but I will move onto a business course next semester and continue studying English on the side. Literature was interesting for me but I don’t think it will help my career much.

Notice that there was very little specialist vocabulary here. The only word that I used that might require explanation is “semester.” A school year is made up of two semesters. (The word “term” can also be used but different countries have different systems. In some countries, an academic year is four terms, which means that two terms make up a semester. But this is not the same everywhere.)

There are countless possible education cue cards for IELTS speaking. You might be asked to describe one of the following:

  • an important memory
  • the actual school you attended

The list is extremely long, but let’s look at a few possible education cue cards in more detail.

describe a subject (ielts cue cards)

Describe a Subject

You may well be asked to describe a subject that you studied in school or that you wish you had studied. Remember that it could be your favourite subject or a subject you hated. It is always important that you read the whole cue card and do not jump to conclusions.

Here is an example:

Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. You should say: – when and where you started studying it – what the lessons were like – what made the subject different from other subjects and explain why you enjoyed the subject

Describe a Lesson or Project

Describing a subject presents many possibilities. You can talk about many different aspects of your chosen subject, including the classes, the books, and the teachers. However, the cue card might present you with a more specific topic, like this one:

Describe a project that you did in school with your classmates or friends. You should say: – what the project was – what it was about – how you completed it and whether you enjoyed the project or not.

Describe a Period of Time

It can be harder to answer a cue card when the thing you must talk about is a memory or period of time. These can be a real challenge because thinking of the right vocabulary and grammar is quite difficult. When you are presented with this sort of question, you might have to be a little creative with your answers. Here is another example cue card:

Describe a period of time from your studies that was the most difficult for you so far. You should say: – when it was – why was it hard – what you were doing at that time and whether you felt you were successful in overcoming the difficulties.

Describe a Teacher

Finally, we come to the obvious IELTS speaking cue card: describe a teacher . This is definitely a common cue card and also quite an easy one. I think that most people who sit IELTS should be comfortable describing people like teachers. If you are not, you should look at my other lessons on how to describe people. You may also find this article about the good qualities teachers possess to be helpful.

There are lots of different ways that this could be phrases. It could be a teacher who influenced you, a teacher you liked, a teacher who helped you, your favourite teacher… and so on. There are numerous possibilities. But here is one example:

Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember. You should say: – what subject the teacher taught you – how old you were then – what were some special characteristics of this teacher and explain why you remember this teacher.

Of course, there are also lots of possible questions about education for part three of the speaking exam. In this section, you will most likely be asked questions like “are men and women equally capable of teaching?” and “should boys and girls be forced to take the same lessons?” The issues of gender , age, and other social issues will often intersect with the main topic.

Here are a few examples:

  • What are some essential qualities every teacher should have?
  • How are education priorities today different from those in the past?
  • How well do you think schools should prepare young people for working life?

Education and IELTS Writing

When it comes to task 2 of the IELTS writing test, education is also a really common topic. Again, there are countless possible questions you could be given, so rather than prepare for any single question, it is better to build your skill in dealing with this topic.

You should be familiar with the vocabulary given at the start of this lesson and also with ideas about education on a global scale. It is ok to have different opinions from other people, but you should be aware of all sides of these issues.

Keep in mind that education does not just mean “school” or “university.” It involves much more: teaching, learning, childhood, adulthood, books, reading, etc. It could be about community colleges or distance learning. Do not be surprised by these questions and do not think that you can handle this topic just because you are comfortable talking about high school. There is much more to it than that.

Here, I will give you four sample band 9 answers to typical IELTS writing questions. Two are from task 2 and two are from task 1, both general and academic tests.

Question #1

Many businesses think that the new employees who have just graduated from schools lack interpersonal skills, such as working with colleagues as a team.

What has caused this and what are the solutions to this problem?

Sample Band 9 Answer

It is claimed by some business owners and recruiters that graduates nowadays tend to lack interpersonal skills. This essay will first explore why this is the case, before then suggesting how it may be remedied.

If it is true that graduates now lack the interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in the modern workplace, then that surely can be blamed on the exceptionally high level of theoretical knowledge necessary to achieve a good degree. As universities have become more competitive, the requirements for achieving a degree have gotten much more stringent, and students are required to spend all their time reading books and preparing for difficult assessments. It seems likely that this hinders their opportunities to socialize or work with others on productive tasks.

Solving this problem should not be terribly difficult. In fact, university faculties should pay attention to these complaints and implement solutions into their courses. Perhaps the most obvious suggestion is that students must be required to participate in more group activities throughout their education. For example, rather than studying all day and night to write an essay or sit an exam, students could be asked to prepare a group presentation together with their peers. Ideally, these groups should be picked at random to ensure that students develop the necessary skills to work with others whom they would not have previously chosen to work.

In conclusion, it appears that universities are failing students by not educating them in how to develop their interpersonal skills, and as a result they are struggling in the workplace. These universities should thus require students to develop their communicative abilities through specific group-based tasks.

Question #2

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People disagree over how to raise their kids, with many parents and teachers suggesting that competition is detrimental to their development. They think that children should be taught cooperation instead. This essay will look at both views, before deciding that these need not be mutually exclusive.

The argument against competition in children essentially revolves around the idea that it is unhealthy for children to be pitted against one another. Rather than teaching them to compete, these people argue, we should teach them to work together. Natural selection dictates that some children will invariably be winners while others will be losers, and in the modern era, this seems like an out-dated concept. All children should be winners.

On the other hand, competition is a part of life and therefore children should be exposed to it from the beginning. It needn’t be unfair, of course. When children are taught healthy attitudes towards competition – such as sportsmanship – then it is actually tremendously beneficial for them. They can learn how to participate in natural activities and then deal healthily with the result, whether that is victory or loss.

However, it seems to me that there is no real distinction between competition and cooperation. Team sports, after all, involve both these elements. If children play football, basketball, or rugby, then they will work with their teammates to compete against another team. In the end, both aspects are learned.

In conclusion, there is no need to separate competition from cooperation, and neither should be removed from a child’s education or environment. Both are important for child development.

Question #3

You recently did a short cookery course. The cookery school has asked for your feedback on this course.

Write a letter to the course director at the cookery school. In your letter

  • describe what you enjoyed about the course
  • say how much cooking you have done since the course
  • suggest another cookery course you’d like the school to offer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to your request for feedback on the cookery course I recently attended. I am happy to give you some of my thoughts on the course.

First of all, I really enjoyed it. I had wanted to study French cooking techniques for several years and so I was really excited to see that this course became available. It certainly did not disappoint me, and I was delighted by the processes that I learned during that amazing week.

Since the course, I have been cooking and baking for my friends and family at every opportunity. They have been really impressed with my newfound skills, and I will continue to practice what I have learned.

As for suggestions, I do think that it would be worth adding some other sorts of cuisine to the courses on offer. I would love to learn how to cook Thai food, for example.

David S. Wills

Question #4.

ielts education bar chart and pie chart

There is a bar chart and a pie chart containing information taken from a survey on adult education. The bar chart describes why adults go into education and the pie chart shows who the respondents think should pay for it. People mostly go into education out of interest, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it is believed that they should pay for it themselves.

According to the data, forty percent of adults go into education due to some sort of interest in a particular subject, while thirty-eight percent do it to gain qualifications. These are far and away the most common reasons, as the next most frequently cited reason was almost half this value. Several reasons were picked by about twenty percent of people, including the fact that it may help them earn a promotion at work. The least frequently stated answer was that adult education is a good way to meet new people.

The survey results showed forty percent of people believe the individual should pay the costs of a course. This matches quite well with the previous data, as the same percentage of people did these courses purely out of interest.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Is there any value in studying academic subjects that are not 'useful' in terms of generating wealth for the country?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Here is a model answer. Choose the answer that best fits each space.

Model answer

Many people these days claim that a useful education is one that prepares graduates for occupations that create wealth. However, when we the usefulness of an academic subject we should think carefully about how we the term "useful". In this essay, I argue that many academic subjects that do not directly generate great wealth can still be very useful.

Some subjects can be useful because they create knowledge that can be applied in related fields. , for example, study the way language works. Their can be used to create more effective methods of language teaching. Improved international communication can result in better trading relations, which can in turn generate wealth. investigate the lives of people in the past through their artifacts. Many of these will be displayed in museums, which can attract tourists who generate income for hoteliers, restaurants and so on.

Many academic subjects can also be "useful" in terms of contributing to people's quality of life. Some people pursue hobbies in fields such as in order to have a better understanding of the planet we live on. Others with an interest in stars and planets may become amateur . Curiosity is an important human trait, and many academic subjects allow people to satisfy this need.

In short, there is little that simply educating people to be efficient workers makes them happier or richer in the broader sense. Human curiosity and the unpredictable nature of knowledge creation mean that a variety of academic disciplines should be valued. Now complete the essay in your own words.


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Education Essay Titles

IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Education. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. The topics below could appear in both GT and Academic IELTS Writing Task 2.

Education Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2

The IELTS practice essay questions below are for the topic of education.

Some educationalists think that international exchange visits will benefit teenagers at the school. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (Reported 2020, Academic Test)
For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list. To what extent do you agree? (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
The government should allocate more funding to teaching sciences rather than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree? (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
Discipline is an ever increasing problem in modern schools. Some people think that discipline should be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that this is the role of parents. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (discipline in schools is a common question)
Some people believe that children should not be given homework everyday, while others believe that they must get homework everyday in order to be successful at school. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (quite common question)
Some children receive almost no encouragement from their parents regarding their performance at school, while other children receive too much pressure from their over enthusiastic parents which can have a negative impact on the child. Why do you think some parents put too much pressure on their children to perform well at school? What do you think the role of a parent should be in their child’s education? (2017, 2019, 2020, 2021)
The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut art and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on useful subjects such as information technology. To what extent do you agree?
Some people think that students in high school should not waste their time studying literature, such as poems and novels. Do you agree? (2020)
Some parents believe that their children should do educational activities during their free time. Others say that in this way children are under pressure. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (Reported 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, GT Test)
 Some people think that teachers should be able to ask disruptive children to leave the class. Do you think it is the best way to deal with a disruptive child in the classroom? What other solutions are there? (as mentioned above, discipline is a common question)
Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds. All levels of education, from primary school to tertiary education, should be free. To what extent do you agree with this opinion? (common question)
The current trend in education is to move away from traditional exams and instead have continuous assessment over the school year. What do you think of this trend? (2017, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023)
Some people think that educated people are more valuable than people who have learned skills through experience. Do you think that educated people are the most valuable for society? What kinds of skills can people learn through experience that can benefit society?
Being able to speak a foreign language is an advantage these days. Some people think that children should start learning a foreign language at primary school, while others think children should begin in secondary school. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The gap between education in richer countries and education in poorer countries is a growing concern. What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation?
Some schools are very strict about their school uniforms and the appearance of their pupils, while other schools have a very relaxed dress code. What are the advantages and disadvantages of children of having a school uniform?
In some high schools, part of the curriculum requires students to participate in community work such as helping the elderly or disabled. In what way do children benefit from this? Do you think it should be part of the curriculum? (2018, 2020)
The best way to help underachieving pupils is to have compulsory after school activities which they must attend. This way they will become more involved in school and their grades will improve. To what extent do you agree?
Some people think that schools should invest more money in technology, such as more computers, while others think more money should be spent on teacher. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2020, 2022)
Some people think that parents have the greatest influence on their child’s academic development, while others think that a child’s teacher has more influence. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (common question)
 In some countries, girls and boys are educated in different schools rather than in the same school. What are the advantages and disadvantage of this? (2019, 2020, 2021)
In nearly all science courses at university, there are significantly more male students than female students. What is the reason for this? What could be done to balance out the numbers?
Some people think that it is beneficial for old people to learn something new while others believe that once a person is past 65 years of age it is too late to learn. What is your opinion?
It is thought by some that a school teacher’s role is to motivate and inspire students. However, other people believe that a teacher’s primary role is to pass on knowledge. What do you think is the role of a teacher? (quite common question)
Fewer schools are requiring children to learn and improve their hand writing skills. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this trend?

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. That means questions may have appeared more frequently than have been reported. These questions may vary slightly in wording and focus from the original question. Also note that these questions could also appear in IELTS speaking part 3 which is another good reason to prepare all topics thoroughly.

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List of Education Vocabulary IELTS


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Education Vocabulary IELTS : Vocabulary can act as a bridge between you and other individuals. With its help, you can express your thoughts/ ideas to the world and interpret what others are trying to convey. Insufficient vocabulary skills can hamper an individual’s social and professional growth. In essence, vocabulary might be the most important part of learning a new language. This is why, it should not be disregarded at all costs. And just like any other language, this condition is applicable to the English language as well.

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List of IELTS Vocabulary on Education

Education is a fundamental aspect of our lives and takes up a major portion of the IELTS Speaking Assessment. While talking about education, you must keep abreast with the most commonly used vocabulary pertaining to the topic. During the assessment, candidates can be asked to describe or talk about their school, college or university. 

Therefore, it is imperative for one to have a good hold of their ‘education’ lexicon (vocabulary) to ensure they do not get stuck during the assessment. The complexity of questions asked in the assessment can range from the simple ones stated before to more complex ones such as the quality of teaching or education system in your country, equal opportunities, technology in schools and many other related topics. The list of education vocabulary will equip you to create answers for these types of subjects as well.

HumanitiesStudies pertaining to human cultures. 
SciencesStudies about the world, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and maths.
A for EffortMark provided to someone for trying hard rather than for succeeding. 
Bachelor’s DegreeAn undergraduate course lasting for  3 or 4 years.
BookwormSomeone who really likes to read and study books.
Distance Learning (e-learning):Education that takes place remotely, usually online. 
Eager BeaverAn enthusiastic and hard-working person.
Face-to-Face ClassesStudying in a classroom with a teacher.
Higher Education:Education that is followed after high school.
Hit the Books:Begin studying hard.
Intensive CourseA course that offers longer and more frequent classes.
Internship: A temporary position which students typically have to undertake to gain work exposure and practical knowledge.
Master’s DegreeA graduate course, predominantly followed after a bachelor’s degree.
Not the Sharpest Tool in the ShedA polite way of saying that someone isn’t very smart.
Public SchoolsExclusive independent schools in the UK.
Schoolboy ErrorA very basic and stupid mistake.
Single-Sex School Schools for either boys or girls.
Small FractionSmall part
State SchoolA school which is paid for by the state or country.
Subject Specialist A person who is very talented in one specific field.
Teacher’s PetThe student whom teachers like the most.

Also Read: 5 Best Books for IELTS Vocabulary

Why is Vocabulary Important? 

For students looking to pursue their education overseas, vocabulary—often referred to be the lifeblood of a language—can be a saving grace. A solid command of the language indicates that the student can communicate and talk more effectively. This is so that verbal expression can be coherent and organised when conveying intangible qualities like feelings or thoughts.

Communication may be the only means for students studying abroad to socialise with peers. In such cases, a strong vocabulary can allow them to communicate fluently and give them the confidence to express their feelings and views. 

Importance of the IELTS Exam

Those who wish to study or reside abroad are required to undertake the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). This English language test is designed to ascertain and assess a candidate’s general proficiency in the language, particularly in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. 

To ace the IELTS Exam, you must have strong vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation skills. Candidates must be proficient in vocabulary because it makes up a sizable amount of the reading, listening, and writing sections. Many of you may find the exam challenging or burdensome, but with adequate study and practice, you should ace it. 

It could be difficult for students who struggle with English to study abroad or immigrate to an English-speaking nation. However, this does not negate the possibility of enhancing one’s English speaking, reading, and writing skills. In order to pursue an overseas education, students must perform well in the IELTS exam. Participation in the aforementioned exam by the applicant may serve as evidence of their command of the English language. 

High IELTS scores may assist students in : 

  • Showcasing their English language abilities to the admissions committee and visa authorities.
  • Highlighting the candidate’s ability and capacity to speak in front of a worldwide audience. 

One needs to have a strong command of the English language in order to ace the IELTS exam. One must develop the practice of using new words/phrases as efficiently as possible in their everyday conversations if they want to expand their vocabulary. Having said that, expanding one’s vocabulary involves more than just learning new words; it also entails creating a habit of using them frequently. Vocabulary, which is considered the essence of a language, can be a lifeline for students looking to study abroad. An individual who has a solid command of the language is likely to be able to talk and communicate more successfully. 

For the latest blogs on IELTS Exam, stay tuned to our page and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter , and Linkedin .

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Shubham Das

Shubham Das has been working as an educational content writer for the past two years and has a background in filmmaking & screenplay/ teleplay writing. He is fascinated by the human psyche, literature and cinema.

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IELTS Opinion essays (Essay on Education)


Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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Structure of ielts essay, here are some topics for opinion essay about education :.

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Most of the students are scared of ‘Writing task 2’ of the IELTS exam . The test-takers will be given only 40 minutes to complete the 250-word essay. The essays will be opinion-based. In this section, the examiners will assess the fluency and task response.

Since there are plenty of topics in IELTS writing task 2 , it is difficult to predict which topic will appear in the actual IELTS test. You should be a Jack of all trades ( have some knowledge on every topic). If it is an opinion essay then you can follow this structure to write your answer.


The introduction part will be the most important part of the essay, as this paragraph will help you write the rest of the essay. The introduction part should include the topic or the question given in the essay. You can use synonyms and frame sentences. While writing the essay you should decide whether you are for or against the topic. This will make it easy for the examiner to judge your stand. Once you complete paraphrasing the question, give your opinion regarding the topic. Also for opinion essays , you need to include a thesis statement. The thesis statement should indicate what will be discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs.

Body of the essay

The body of the essay is where you explain your opinion in-depth. You have to keep in mind that you do not divert from the topic. There will be two parts of your body paragraph. The first one is important as it involves your opinion about the topic. And the second one will be your opposition to the topic. They are explained in detail below:

Opinion- In favour

In favourable opinion you can use phrases like ‘in my opinion’ or ‘I believe that’ before starting the question so that the examiner knows that you are talking in favour of the topic. The tone used while explaining maybe in the third person. This is usually used while trying to give an example contextual to the topic. While writing the IELTS essay on education, if you think positively about the education you can give interesting ideas in favour of education. If you are not aware of the facts you can highlight the main features of the education.

Opinion- Shortcomings:

We know that education is undoubtedly important but you should explain the shortcomings also.  This is to show that, you understand both the sides of the topic given. Eg: You can also give your suggestions to improve the education system.

In the end, you can close the essay by giving some small notes with reasons. The opinion given by you must be consistent throughout the essay and make sure you do not have two opinions about the question given. You can also sum up the introduction part as well as the body paragraph part of the essay and conclude the overall essay on a positive note. Look at some of the examples we have on the education essay IELTS.

  • Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary school to universities, too much time spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills. Agree or disagree?
  • Education should be accessible to everyone of all economic backgrounds. All levels of education, from primary school to tertiary education, should be free. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
  • University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Some people say that the education system is the only critical factor in the development of a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Some people think that students who don’t take a break in studies between the high school and the university are at disadvantage compared to students who travel and work after high school before further continuing their education. Do you agree or disagree?
  • The best way to help underachieving pupils is to have compulsory after school activities which they must attend. This way they will become more involved in school and their grades will improve. To what extent do you agree?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it necessary to state one’s opinion in an essay?

Will my opinion play a role in marking criteria? In controversial topics, is it dangerous to give an opinion which the examiner may not approve?

In case of an opinion essay, can I give my opinion in the introduction and then remain neutral in the body paragraphs?

How do I determine if it is an opinion essay?

In an opinion essay, what is a smart way of choosing which side to support?

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Janet had been an IELTS Trainer before she dived into the field of Content Writing. During her days of being a Trainer, Janet had written essays and sample answers which got her students an 8+ band in the IELTS Test. Her contributions to our articles have been engaging and simple to help the students understand and grasp the information with ease. Janet, born and brought up in California, had no idea about the IELTS until she moved to study in Canada. Her peers leaned to her for help as her first language was English.

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Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

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Learning new vocabulary and understanding how your Lexical resource band score is determined in the IELTS test will help you to achieve the best possible result. This vocabulary guide will show you useful tips and strategies to improve your vocabulary, and point you in the right direction of our other vocabulary guides on common IELTS writing topics .

Table of Contents

  • What is Lexical Resource?

2.1 Avoiding repetition

2.2 using common and uncommon vocabulary, 2.3 avoiding spelling mistakes, 2.4 accurately using collocations.

  • 2.5 Using topic-specific vocabulary

2.6 Communicating clearly

3.1 discovering new words, 3.2 deciding which words to practice, 3.3 reviewing new words, 1. what is lexical resource.

Vocabulary in the IELTS writing test is referred to as your Lexical resource and it makes up 25% of your overall score in both the writing and speaking parts of the exam.

Many candidates say their biggest problem when preparing for the IELTS test is their vocabulary . Have you ever found yourself trying to learn long lists of words? Or trying to cram in as many words as you can into your memory moments before the test? We are going to share some advice on the best ways to learn and remember vocabulary effectively.

2. How Your Lexical Resource Score is Decided

The examiner will mainly focus on the range and accuracy of vocabulary you use in your speaking and writing. This means that you need to:

  • Avoid repetition
  • Use a mixture of common and uncommon vocabulary
  • Avoid spelling mistakes

There are also other things the examiner will be looking for. These are:

  • Accurate use of collocations
  • Range and accurate use of topic-specific vocabulary
  • Clear communication

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Using a range of vocabulary also includes avoiding words and phrases given to you in an IELTS statement , as well as repeating your own ideas .

Being able to paraphrase is a key skill to help you avoid repetition throughout your writing and speaking.

Take a look at our guide to paraphrasing for top tips and examples.

You also need to refer back or forward to people, places and things you mention in your responses. Compare these two examples:

  • Children should be able to choose the subjects children want to study.
  • Children should be able to choose the subjects they want to study.

In the second example, we have used the pronoun ‘they’ to replace the noun ‘children’. This is a simple example, but it is often the case that test takers do not take the time to look through their work to notice the repetition of words and phrases that could be replaced with a synonym or pronoun. Five minutes at the end of the test could make a big difference.

The reason we are mentioning both common and uncommon vocabulary here is that it is unnatural to use only uncommon or academic vocabulary in your speech and writing. Have a look at these examples:

  • The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace.
  • The intimidation of atomic accouterments cultivates global reconciliation.

In the second example, we have run nearly every word through a thesaurus. Note how it sounds very unnatural, even though ‘uncommon vocabulary’ has been used. You need to feel confident using this language and strike a balance between common and more unusual vocabulary.

Uncommon vocabulary, like idioms and phrasal verbs , are more appropriate in the speaking section of the exam than writing. For the writing section of the exam, we suggest you avoid phrasal verbs and idioms (although some idiomatic expressions may be appropriate for writing task 2).

Spelling is important in the written section of the exam. The fewer spelling mistakes you make, the higher your score in Lexical resources could be.

Candidates often ask ‘ how many spelling mistakes ’ they can make for each band score, but the answer is not as simple as this. Basically, If you make so many spelling mistakes that it causes difficulty for the examiner to understand your writing then you will likely score a band score 5.0 in Lexical resources . If your spelling errors are very infrequent , you may be able to achieve a band score 7.0 and above .

Your spelling mistakes are something that you need to take responsibility for. A teacher can highlight your mistakes, but you need to put in the hard work to learn the correct spelling. Spelling errors are often referred to as ‘ fossilised errors ’ which means that, just like the fossil of a dinosaur, the mistake has been formed a long time ago and can only be changed through practice and repetition .

To improve your spelling you could consider:

  • Recording your mistakes in a notebook
  • Creating flashcards of common errors
  • Ask a teacher, or even a family member or friend to test you on your mistakes

Remember, it is a great idea to look at common spelling mistakes made by IELTS candidates, but some errors will be unique to you… write them down, memorise, hide the word, write… repeat . Repetition is really helpful to undo fossilised errors.

Collocation just means a frequent/common combination of words .

A typical example would be that you ‘make’ your bed (the verb ‘make’ and the noun ‘bed’ are a verb-noun collocation). However, you don’t ‘do your bed’… this is an incorrect verb-noun pairing.

Collocations are a relationship between words that need to be practiced and learned. There is no specific ‘rule’ to learn… practice makes perfect and will help you to sound more natural (as well as increase your Lexical resource score in the IELTS test.

One tip to learn collocations is to practice by topic . A common error is to try and learn long lists of collocations from memory. This will be overwhelming and often ineffective. When the exam comes and you get given a topic, you want to recall the vocabulary and collocations that are linked to the topic, not try to sift through long lists (that you will likely not remember under pressure).

2.5 Using  topic-specific vocabulary

You need to prepare yourself with vocabulary that is relevant to the topic you are given. We have put together comprehensive guides on a range of common IELTS topics to help you do just this.

Take a look at the following topics :

  • Jobs & Work
  • Government/Politics
  • Pets and Animals
  • News and Media
  • Money and Finance
  • Science and Technology
  • The Environment

Being able to communicate clearly in your writing (and speaking) means that the examiner can understand the meaning you are trying to convey.

One way that vocabulary causes confusion for the reader is the wrong choice of word. You could have used the wrong word which has made the meaning of your sentence  unclear. Some candidates often take a risk in the test and decide to use words that they are not exactly sure of the meaning of. This could result in you using the word incorrectly and causing difficulty for the reader. Don’t use the test to try using words for the first time, it is more important to communicate clearly and accurately.

Reference is often an issue, for example, you may have referred back to a previous part of your paragraph or speech using the pronoun ‘it’, but it is not clear what ‘it’ refers to.

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3. Learning New Vocabulary

As soon as you have decided that you are taking your IELTS test, you should be actively looking to expand your vocabulary

We recommend that you create a book or electronic copy of all your new words and phrases.

You should also read or listen to English texts as often as you can. These texts could be:

  • Newspaper articles
  • Youtube videos (preferably with English subtitles to improve your reading skills)

IELTS writing correction

Do not simply add every new word you read to your list of vocabulary. Also, be careful when using a thesaurus. It is often difficult to find exact synonyms in English, and a thesaurus will give you a long list of similar words that may not be appropriate in the context you want to use them. For example, two synonyms of‘ big ’ taken from a thesaurus of  are:

If we want to replace big in the sentence ‘ the building is big ’, it is correct to say ‘the building is enormous’ but the sentence ‘ the building is boastful ’ is not appropriate .

We recommend you always create an example sentence of new words in context and a definition . A Learner Dictionary is a great place to find clear definitions for learners of English.

A good example of new words to note down are words that you have seen a few times before in a text, but do not fully understand. The frequency of these words show that they are common in English.

A great way to learn new vocabulary is by topic . Group new words, phrases, collocations, and uncommon vocabulary linked to a common theme. This will make it much easier to remember under pressure.

Do not try to learn a list of technical language or specialist words and phrases . Although topics, such as science or technology, might come up during the test, you are not expected to have specific knowledge of these subjects. Remember, the IELTS exam is a test of your English language ability.

Reviewing new vocabulary is the key to remembering it, and a step that candidates often miss.

It would be very rare to just write down new words, look at them once and be able to recall them in the exam. You need to review new words regularly to commit them to memory .

You also need to actively use a new vocabulary: set yourself a goal of using words and phrases you have learned in real life.

Here are just some ideas to review new vocabulary:

  • Create flashcards
  • Make a new vocabulary notebook
  • Create a mind map
  • Put posters around your home
  • Record yourself using new vocabulary

There is no right or wrong way to review language, do what works for you .

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Ielts vocabulary themes.

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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 (part 2)

Generally...... generally speaking...... in general...... overall...... all in all...... by and large...... basically...... as a rule...... essentially...... on the whole...... all things considered......, if...... provided that...... because of that...... for this reason...... unless...... providing that...... so that...... in case...... whether......., i quite agree that...... i strongly agree...... i completely agree that...... i totally agree with the given idea that...... i agree with the opinion that...... i am quite inclined to the opinion that...... i could not agree more...... i concur with the group who believe that...... i accept that...... i accept the fact that...... i approve of the idea...... i am in agreement...... i consent that......, i disagree with the opinion that...... i strongly disagree....... i completely disagree with....... i totally disagree with the given idea that....... i disagree with the statement....... i quite oppose the opinion that....... i disapprove that....... i totally do not accept the fact that....... my own opinion contradicts....... i disagree with the group of people....... however, my opinion is different......., to some extent…... in a way…... i agree with the given statement to some extent…... up to a point, i agree…... more or less…... so to speak…..., certainly….... definitely….... no doubt….... of course….... doubtlessly….... without any doubt….... undoubtedly…...., in addition….... and….... moreover….... similarly….... furthermore….... also….... as well as….... besides….... even….... too….... what’s more….... again….... in a similar fashion….... likewise…...., first/ firstly….... second/ secondly….... third/ thirdly….... last/ lastly….... then..….. at the same time….... meanwhile….... since….... as soon as….... after this / that….... before….... after…....     afterwards ...... during…....     while….... simultaneously…....     following this….... when…..., «prev vocabulary - writing task 2 (part 1)     next vocabulary - writing task 2 (part 3) ».

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IELTS essay vocabulary

  • In my opinion, …
  • Personally, I think that …
  • It seems to me that ...
  • I believe/suppose that ...
  • I cannot deny that …
  • As I see it, …
  • As far as I'm concerned, …
  • I would argue that ...
  • I'd like to point out that …
  • In my experience, ...
  • I am sure that …
  • I am convinced that ...
  • I am certain that ...

Example : I would argue that computers are rather beneficial for kids.

  • to attest, ...
  • to prove, ...
  • this (fact) is attested/proven by ...
  • this (fact) is evidenced by ...
  • this (fact) is testified by ...
  • this (fact) is endorsed/supported by...
  • this (evidence) establishes that ...

Example : Consuming moderate amounts of sweets can be good for health. This is evidenced by a number of cases when people improved their health conditions by eating chocolate.

  • It is (generally) claimed that …
  • It is (generally) said that …
  • It is (generally) thought that ...
  • It is (generally) considered that ...
  • A common opinion is that ...
  • A popular belief is that ...

Example : It is considered that rigorous diets are very unhealthy.

  • The fact is that …
  • It is obvious that …
  • It is clear that …
  • There is no doubt that …
  • This proves that …

Example : It is obvious that deforestation has no positive effects.

  • Generally speaking, ...
  • On the whole, ...
  • Typically, ...
  • By and large ...

Example : Generally speaking, smoking is a bad habit.

  • For example, ...
  • For instance, ...
  • A good illustration of this is ...
  • Evidence for this is provided by ...
  • We can see this when ...

Example : A lot of wild animals are endangered. Evidence for this is proved by decreasing number of species.

  • To summarise, ...
  • In conclusion, ...
  • Overall, ...
  • On balance, ...
  • Taking everything into consideration, ...

Example : Overall, no parents should neglect their children.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Online Learning vs Traditional Education – Sample Essays and Analysis

As an IELTS Writing Task 2 expert, I’ve observed that the topic of “ Online Learning Vs Traditional Education ” has been increasingly prevalent in recent exams. This trend is likely to continue given the global shift towards digital education. Let’s explore this theme through some authentic IELTS questions and sample essays.

Online Learning vs Traditional Education

Analyzing the Question

One of the most common question types on this topic is:

Some people believe that online learning is more effective than traditional classroom education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

This question requires you to:

  • Understand the comparison between online learning and traditional education
  • Form an opinion on their relative effectiveness
  • Provide reasons and examples to support your viewpoint

Let’s look at three sample essays of varying quality to demonstrate how to approach this task.

Sample Essay 1 (Band 8-9)

The digital revolution has transformed numerous aspects of our lives, including education. While some argue that online learning surpasses traditional classroom education in effectiveness, I believe that both methods have their merits and limitations, and their efficacy largely depends on individual circumstances and learning objectives.

Online learning offers unparalleled flexibility and accessibility . Students can access course materials and lectures at any time, from anywhere with an internet connection. This is particularly beneficial for working professionals, parents, or those living in remote areas who might otherwise struggle to attend physical classes. Moreover, online platforms often incorporate interactive elements and multimedia resources, catering to diverse learning styles and potentially enhancing engagement.

However, traditional classroom education provides irreplaceable face-to-face interactions . The immediate feedback and spontaneous discussions that occur in a physical classroom foster critical thinking and communication skills. Additionally, the structured environment of a traditional school or university can help students develop discipline and time management skills, which are crucial for future success.

Both methods have their strengths in different areas of learning . Online courses may be more effective for self-motivated learners and subjects that require individual practice, such as programming or creative writing. Conversely, traditional education might be superior for disciplines that benefit from hands-on experience or collaborative work, like laboratory sciences or performing arts.

The effectiveness of either method also depends on the quality of implementation . A well-designed online course with regular instructor interaction and peer collaboration can be highly effective. Similarly, a traditional classroom that incorporates modern technology and interactive teaching methods can provide an enriching learning experience.

In conclusion, rather than viewing online learning and traditional education as mutually exclusive, we should consider them complementary approaches. The most effective educational strategies in the future are likely to be those that blend elements of both, leveraging the strengths of each method to create comprehensive and adaptable learning experiences tailored to individual needs and circumstances.

(Word count: 309)

Analysis of Band 8-9 Essay

This essay demonstrates excellent qualities that justify a high band score:

Task Response : The essay fully addresses all parts of the task, presenting a clear position with a balanced view of both online and traditional education.

Coherence and Cohesion : Ideas are logically organized with clear progression. Paragraphs are well-linked, and cohesive devices are used effectively (e.g., “However”, “Moreover”, “Conversely”).

Lexical Resource : A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and appropriately (e.g., “unparalleled flexibility”, “irreplaceable face-to-face interactions”, “spontaneous discussions”).

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : The essay uses a variety of complex structures accurately (e.g., “While some argue that…”, “The most effective educational strategies in the future are likely to be those that…”).

Sample Essay 2 (Band 6-7)

Nowadays, online learning is becoming more popular and some people think it is better than traditional classroom education. In my opinion, I partly agree with this statement because both online learning and traditional education have their own advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, online learning has some benefits . Firstly, it is very convenient because students can study anytime and anywhere they want. They don’t need to go to school every day, which saves time and money on transportation. Secondly, online courses often have more interesting materials like videos and interactive quizzes, which can make learning more fun.

However, traditional classroom education also has its strengths . The main advantage is that students can interact directly with teachers and classmates. This helps them to improve their communication skills and learn from others. Also, studying in a classroom can help students focus better because there are fewer distractions compared to studying at home.

I think the effectiveness of online learning or traditional education depends on the person . Some people are good at self-study and they can learn well online. But others need more guidance and motivation from teachers, so traditional education might be better for them.

In conclusion, both online learning and traditional education have their pros and cons. I believe that the best way is to combine both methods. For example, schools could offer some online courses along with regular classroom lessons. This way, students can enjoy the benefits of both types of learning.

(Word count: 253)

Analysis of Band 6-7 Essay

This essay demonstrates good qualities but has some limitations:

Task Response : The essay addresses the main parts of the task and presents a clear position. However, the ideas could be more fully developed.

Coherence and Cohesion : The essay is generally well-organized, but the use of cohesive devices is sometimes repetitive (e.g., frequent use of “Firstly”, “Secondly”).

Lexical Resource : The vocabulary is adequate for the task, but there’s less precision and sophistication compared to the Band 8-9 essay (e.g., “very convenient”, “more interesting materials”).

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : The essay uses a mix of simple and complex sentences, but there’s less variety in structure compared to the higher band essay.

Sample Essay 3 (Band 5-6)

In these days, many people learn online and some think it is better than learning in classroom. I agree with this idea because online learning has many good points.

First, online learning is very easy to do . You can study at home or anywhere you like. You don’t need to go to school every day. This is good for people who are busy or live far from school.

Second, online courses are often cheaper than normal school . You don’t need to pay for things like books or school bus. Also, many online courses are free, so everyone can learn.

But, learning in classroom also has some good things . You can meet friends and talk to teachers face to face. This is important for some subjects where you need to practice with other people.

I think online learning is better for most people because it is easy and cheap. But maybe it is not good for young children who need to learn how to make friends and talk to others.

In conclusion, I think online learning is more effective than classroom education for many reasons. But both ways of learning can be good for different people.

(Word count: 180)

Analysis of Band 5-6 Essay

This essay demonstrates basic competence but has several limitations:

Task Response : The essay addresses the main topic but lacks depth in its arguments and examples.

Coherence and Cohesion : The essay has a basic structure, but paragraphs are short and underdeveloped. Cohesive devices are limited and repetitive.

Lexical Resource : The vocabulary is simple and repetitive (e.g., frequent use of “good”, “easy”).

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : The essay primarily uses simple sentence structures with limited complexity.

Key Vocabulary to Remember

Digital revolution (noun) – /ˈdɪdʒɪtl revəˈluːʃn/ – The transformation brought about by digital technologies

Unparalleled (adjective) – /ʌnˈpærəleld/ – Having no equal; exceptional

Irreplaceable (adjective) – /ˌɪrɪˈpleɪsəbl/ – Unable to be replaced; unique

Spontaneous (adjective) – /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ – Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse

Complementary (adjective) – /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri/ – Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other

Adaptable (adjective) – /əˈdæptəbl/ – Able to adjust to new conditions

Implement (verb) – /ˈɪmplɪment/ – Put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect

Leverage (verb) – /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ – Use (something) to maximum advantage

The topic of online learning versus traditional education is likely to remain relevant in IELTS Writing Task 2. To prepare, consider practicing with variations of this question, such as:

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning compared to traditional classroom education.
  • Some people believe that online education should completely replace traditional schools. Do you agree or disagree?
  • How has the rise of online learning affected the role of teachers in education?

Remember, the key to success in IELTS Writing Task 2 is to fully address the question, organize your ideas logically, use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, and provide relevant examples to support your arguments.

We encourage you to practice writing an essay on this topic and share it in the comments section below. This active practice is an excellent way to improve your writing skills and prepare for the IELTS exam.

For more information on the effectiveness of online learning compared to face-to-face instruction, you can check out this detailed analysis . Additionally, if you’re interested in exploring the impact of online learning on traditional education systems, this article provides valuable insights.

  • Education Vocabulary
  • IELTS essay samples
  • IELTS Writing
  • Sample Essay
  • Vocabulary List

education ielts essay vocabulary

Vocabulary Words for IELTS 2024: Boost Your Band Score

Vocabulary words for ielts 2024.

If you’re preparing for the IELTS exam in 2024 , having a strong vocabulary is key to achieving a high score. The IELTS test evaluates your English language proficiency, and knowing the right words can make a significant difference, especially in the Speaking , Writing , Reading , and Listening sections. This guide will introduce essential vocabulary words, their meanings, and practical tips to help you ace your exam.

Why Vocabulary Matters in IELTS

The IELTS exam is designed to test your ability to use English in a variety of real-life contexts. Whether you’re writing an essay, describing a process, or discussing complex issues, your vocabulary is crucial for expressing yourself clearly and effectively. A good command of vocabulary helps with:

  • Accuracy : Choosing the right words ensures your message is clear.
  • Fluency : Rich vocabulary allows for smooth communication.
  • Band Score : In both Writing and Speaking, the use of a wide range of words can significantly improve your score, as examiners assess your lexical resource.

Categories of Vocabulary for IELTS

Here’s a breakdown of the most important vocabulary categories you need to focus on for the IELTS exam in 2024 .

Academic Vocabulary

In the IELTS Writing and Reading sections, academic language is commonly used, especially for Task 2 essays . Knowing these words will help you craft formal responses and analyze reading passages more easily.

To examine something in detail to understand it better.The researcher will analyze the data before drawing any conclusions.
To evaluate or estimate the nature or quality of something.The teacher will assess your essay based on its structure and content.
To take something for granted without proof.We can’t assume the study results are accurate without verification.
An abstract idea or a general notion.The concept of time management is crucial for success in academics.
To form or make up something.The rules constitute the framework of the organization’s policies.
As a result ofHe didn’t study well; consequently, he failed the exam.
To obtain something from a specified source.Many English words derive from Latin roots.
To set up or lay the groundwork for something.The university aims to establish a new research center.
To point out or show.The results indicate a significant improvement in the student’s performance.
To explain the meaning of something.You need to interpret the poem in your own words for the assignment.
To provide valid reasons or evidence for something.She tried to justify her actions by explaining the circumstances.
To keep something in the same state or condition.It’s important to maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure.
To happen or take place.The meeting will occur on Monday at 9 AM.
To become aware or conscious of something.He was able to perceive the changes in the atmosphere immediately.
Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention.The study had a significant impact on our understanding of climate change.
Combine elements into a wholeThe essay should synthesize the key points of the debate.
A system of ideas intended to explain something.Darwin’s theory of evolution has been widely accepted in biology.
To prove or confirm that something is true or legitimate.The data from the experiment helped validate the researcher’s hypothesis.

Descriptive Vocabulary

Descriptive words are essential, especially in the Speaking and Writing sections, where you may be asked to describe objects, situations, or processes.

Existing in large quantities; plentiful.The region has abundant natural resources like oil and coal.
Correct in all details; exact.The scientist provided an accurate description of the experiment.
Preventing success or development; harmful.The project was delayed due to adverse weather conditions.
Extremely surprising or impressive.The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely astonishing.
Astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality.The breathtaking scenery left the tourists speechless.
Thorough and complete in detail.The professor gave a comprehensive overview of the topic.
Modern, or relating to the present time.Contemporary art often reflects current social and political issues.
Inconsistent or in conflict with something else.The witness gave contradictory statements during the trial.
Showing a great deal of variety.The city is known for its diverse population and rich culture.
Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.She gave an eloquent speech that moved the audience.
More than necessary, normal, or desirable.Excessive use of social media can negatively affect mental health.
Extremely interesting.The documentary about space exploration was fascinating to watch.
Evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill.The athlete’s performance was highly impressive.
Certain to happen; unavoidable.With the growing pollution, climate change seems inevitable.
Very complicated or detailed.The artist’s painting displayed an intricate pattern of colors.
Far away from other places, buildings, or people.The small village was isolated from the nearest town by mountains.
Very large and heavy.The construction of the massive skyscraper took several years.
So small or unimportant as to be not worth considering.The impact of the mistake was negligible and didn’t affect the results.
Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.The town was picturesque with its cobbled streets and historic buildings.
Important or famous; standing out.The scientist is one of the most prominent figures in her field.
Strong and healthyThe economy is showing signs of robust growth.
Of considerable importance, size, or worth.The company made a substantial investment in new technology.
Calm and peacefulThe serene atmosphere of the lake helped him relax.
Of little value or importance.The argument was over a trivial matter that wasn’t worth the conflict.
Very large in size, amount, or extent.The Sahara Desert is known for its vast stretches of sand.
Producing strong, clear imagesHis description of the landscape was vivid and detailed.

Connective Words

Connectives help structure your sentences and paragraphs, making your writing and speaking more cohesive. They are useful for linking ideas, contrasting points, or emphasizing conclusions.

Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, Also, AndUsed to add more points to the same idea:
Similarly, Likewise, In the same wayUsed to compare similar points:
However, On the other hand, Although, WhereasUsed to present opposing ideas:
Therefore, As a result, Consequently, ThusUsed to show the cause and result:
For example, For instance, Such as, To illustrateUsed to give examples:
In conclusion, To sum up, In summary, OverallUsed to conclude an argument or essay:
Firstly, Secondly, Afterward, Then, MeanwhileUsed to show time or sequence:
Because, Since, Due to, AsUsed to explain reasons:
If, Unless, Provided that, As long asUsed to introduce conditions:
Indeed, In fact, Certainly, Without a doubtUsed to emphasize a point:

Opinion-Based Vocabulary

In IELTS Writing Task 2 and Speaking Part 3 , you will need to express and support your opinions. These words will help articulate your ideas clearly.

In my opinion, I believe, I think, Personally, In my viewUsed to state a personal opinion:
I agree, I support, I am in favor of, I concur, AbsolutelyUsed to show agreement:
I disagree, I do not support, I am opposed to, I object toUsed to express disagreement:
To some extent, In some cases, Partially, In a wayUsed to show a moderate opinion:
I firmly believe, I am convinced that, UndoubtedlyUsed to express a strong or definitive opinion:
Some people believe, It is often argued, There is a belief thatUsed to introduce other people’s opinions:
While it is true that, Although some people think, Despite the fact thatUsed to acknowledge opposing views:
The reason I believe this is, This is because, Due toUsed to provide reasons for opinions:
It would be better if, I suggest, I recommend, In my view, the best wayUsed to offer solutions based on opinion:
In conclusion, To conclude, All in all, UltimatelyUsed to summarize an opinion:

Everyday Conversation Vocabulary

For the Speaking section, being familiar with day-to-day conversational vocabulary is critical. You will be asked questions about your life, interests, and experiences.

Hello, Hi, How are you?, Good morning/afternoon/eveningUsed to greet someone:
Can you tell me?, Do you know?, Could you explain?, What’s the reason for?Used to request information:
It’s, That’s because, The reason is, I thinkUsed to provide information:
Could you please?, Would you mind?, Can I?, May I?Used to ask someone to do something:
You should, I recommend, It’s better to, Why don’t you?Used to offer suggestions:
I’m sorry, I apologize, Please forgive me, My badUsed to apologize:
Thank you, I appreciate it, Thanks a lot, I’m gratefulUsed to express gratitude:
Yes, I agree, Exactly, Absolutely, That’s rightUsed to show agreement:
No, I don’t think so, I disagree, That’s not rightUsed to express disagreement:
Can I help you?, Do you need a hand?, Let me assistUsed to offer assistance:
Really?, Wow!, No way!, Are you serious?Used to express surprise or disbelief:
I’d prefer, I’d rather, I like, I enjoyUsed to express likes or preferences:
Goodbye, See you later, Take care, Have a nice dayUsed to end a conversation:

Tips for Expanding Your IELTS Vocabulary

Read regularly.

Read a wide variety of materials such as newspapers, academic journals, blogs, and books to expose yourself to new words in different contexts. Pay attention to how words are used in sentences, particularly in formal writing.

Practice Using New Words

It’s not enough to just learn new words—you must also practice using them in your own speaking and writing. Try incorporating new vocabulary into essays or casual conversations.

Learn Synonyms and Antonyms

Many words in English have synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings). Knowing these will help you vary your language, which is key to achieving a higher band score.

Use Flashcards

Flashcards can be a great tool for memorizing vocabulary. Write the word on one side and the meaning and example sentence on the other. Review them regularly to reinforce your learning.

Understand Collocations

Collocations are words that are commonly used together. For example, you “make a decision” rather than “do a decision.” Learning collocations will help you sound more natural in both writing and speaking.

Having a rich and diverse vocabulary is essential for achieving a high score on the IELTS exam. By focusing on key categories like academic language, descriptive words, and opinion-based vocabulary, you’ll be well-prepared to express your ideas clearly and effectively. Keep practicing, stay consistent, and by the time you sit for the IELTS 2024 , your vocabulary will be one of your strongest assets!

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