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4-H Public Presentations

4-H Public Presentations is a program in which youth learn to create a presentation and develop the skills needed to present it before an audience. They learn about the research process and the steps needed to organize information into an interesting and creative presentation.

Youth learn about the varied purposes of presentations and how to tailor their presentations appropriately to fit their intentions. Beginners are encouraged to select simple topics with which they are extremely comfortable, so that the presentation process is the focus of their learning without the stress of learning about an unfamiliar topic.

As youth progress and grow each year, they are challenged to try one of the more difficult types of presentations, to use more advanced technology in their presentations where appropriate, and to venture into unfamiliar topics or presentation styles.

Last updated March 28, 2022

4-H Youth Development

  • 4-H Animal Resources

4-H Public Presentations Handbook

Check out this handbook for guidelines on how to prepare your Public Presentation.

Presentation Evaluation Forms

Demonstration Form

Illustrated Talk Form

Speech Form

Dramatic Interpretation Form

Recitation Form


  • Evaluator Guide
  • Evaluation Guidelines for Demonstration and Illustrated Talk
  • Evaluation Guidelines for Speech
  • Evaluation Guidelines for Recitation and Dramatic Interpretation
  • 101 Ways to Say Good Job
  • 4-H Public Presentation Evaluator Checklist

Horse Communications

Contest Rules

Individual Presentation

Team Presentation

Public Speaking

2022 4-H Public Presentations

2022 4-H Public Presentations:

Saturday, Aril 9th

To Register your Public Presentation please visit our  Public Presentation Registration page

4-h public presentations opportunities, 4-h county day.

Level I Event . 

All 4-H Public Presenters give their presentations to evaluators.  Numerical scores are given by evaluators.  Ribbons are give during closing ceremony.  Up to 20 presenters from the County Day proceed to 4-H District Day.

4-H District Day

Level II Event.  

Participants from South Central Counties take part in this event.  Numerical scores are give by evaluators.  Ribbons and medals are given during the closing ceremony.  Registration is required.

NYS 4-H State Level

Level III Event

The New York State 4-H Public Presentation committee is pleased to announce that this year they will be hosting a State Level Public Presentation Event.  This event will be held at Cornell University and will be a separate event from Horse Communications but will occur on the same date and in the same building (Morrison Hall)

Cornell Cooperative Extension Tioga County

CCE Tioga Hilltop Community Farm 343 Cass Hill Road Candor, NY 13743 TEL: 607-659-5694 [email protected] Open Hours 9am-2pm Monday-Thursday, recommended to call in advance to ensure staff is available.

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4-H Public Presentations 2023

Pictured: Arianna Winfield presenting on how to make mini bundt cakes.

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  • 4-H Public Presentations

4-H Public Presentations is a program in which youth learn to create a presentation and develop the skills needed to present it before an audience. They learn about the research process and the steps needed to organize information into an interesting and creative presentation.

Youth learn about the varied purposes of presentations and how to tailor their presentations appropriately to fit their intentions. Beginners are encouraged to select simple topics with which they are extremely comfortable, so that the presentation process is the focus of their learning without the stress of learning about an unfamiliar topic.

As youth progress and grow each year, they are challenged to try one of the more difficult types of presentations, to use more advanced technology in their presentations where appropriate, and to venture into unfamiliar topics or presentation styles.

As youth progress and grow each year, they are challenged to continue to increase their public speaking skills by using more advanced technology in their presentations where appropriate, and expanding to more complex topics or more challenging presentation styles.

4-H Presentation Training Day:

Usually scheduled a month or two prior to actual presentation day. See Dates for Yates and Events Calendar for details and to pre-register.

County Level Public Presentations:

Traditionally scheduled during the week of school’s winter break in February (a weeknight and a Saturday morning.) Pre-registration due date and registration forms are in Dates for Yates and on our website by December.

  • Cloverbuds (4-H’ers 5-7 years old) receive feedback from evaluators verbally and in writing on a brief scoring sheet. They receive a certificate and participation ribbon.
  • 4-H’ers (age 8 and older by January 1 st of the current year) receive verbal and written feedback from evaluators based on a rubric and scoring sheet. A numerical score is tallied from the rubric, and presenters receive the corresponding blue, red, or white award along with their certificate, rubric, and scoring sheet with comments.

District 4-H Public Presentations:

Nine-county regional event held each spring. 4-H’ers (cloverbuds are exempt) are invited by their local county educators to take part at this next level, based on evaluators’ recommendations and their scores from the county level presentations. Participants receive their scoring sheets with judges’ comments, and awarded ribbons or medals.

State 4-H Public Presentations:

A limited number of 4-H’ers who excelled at the District Level Presentations are invited to compete in Ithaca at the state level of public presentations based on awards and scores received at the District Level. Participants receive their scoring sheets with judges’ comments, and awarded ribbons or medals.

Note: Please refer to rubrics, scoring sheets, and other information about public presentations listed on our webpage in the lefthand column. For examples of public presentations, please follow the link to Wayne County 4-H website for sample video presentations, completed rubrics and scoresheets at

Last updated January 25, 2024

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Public Presentation How-To

  • Public Presentation Tips
  • Tips For Food Demonstrators

4-H'er Forms

  • Public Presentation Registration

Evaluation Forms

  • Score Sheet

Illustrated Talk/Demonstration

Recitation/Dramatic Interpretation

  • Score Sheet 

Evaluation Guidelines

  • Evaluator Guide
  • 101 Ways to Say Good Job
  • 4-H Public Presentation Evaluator Checklist
  • Sample Public Presentations
  • Progression and Age-Group Expectations (Remember: This is just guideline. No presentation should exceed 15 minutes. Please, refer to the “Appropriate Length” section of the rubric to see a more detailed description of what the judges are looking for.)

PYCG Open House 2024

  • Penn Yan Community Garden Open House Today 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Geneva Grows Native Today 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 4-H Archery Workshops Tomorrow 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • 4-H Archery Workshops Monday, August 12 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 2024 Agritourism Monthly Webinar Series Tuesday, August 13 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Cornell Cooperative Extension Yates County

Yates County Building 417 Liberty Street, Suite 1024 Penn Yan, New York 14527 TEL: (315) 536-5123 FAX: (315) 536-5117 [email protected] 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM, M-Fri

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Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.

© Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Cooperative Extension in Cumberland County

Giving a 4-h presentation and demonstration, giving a 4-h presentation.

  • Planning How you decide on your topic.
  • Parts The three main parts of your presentation.
  • Video:  It’s Showtime! How to Demonstrate the 4-H Way (YouTube) from New Mexico State University.

The first step is to decide the topic for your presentation.

The three parts of the demonstration or speech:

1. Introduction:

  • Grab the audience’s attention with a quick story, question, quote, joke or another method.
  • Tell the audience your personal information (name, age, 4-H club, years in 4-H).
  • Tell the audience the theme or topic of your talk — this is when you tell the audience, in a short sentence, what you are going to tell them in the next part of your presentation.

2. Body: Tell the audience the information.

The body of the presentation is the longest part of your presentation and should take up most of your time. The body should include the main points (or steps) of the presentation in an organized order. For example, when making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the steps you give the audience might be to:

gather ingredients/supplies, put peanut butter on bread, put jelly on bread, and put the pieces together to form a sandwich.  Your presentation will probably be much more detailed than this!

3. Conclusion: Tell the audience the information that you just told them.

The presenter should use one or two paragraphs to summarize their presentation by restating the main points of your talk. During your conclusion, you should always:

  • Ask if there are any questions from the audience. Make sure to repeat any questions asked so everyone in the audience can hear what is asked.
  • Conclusion from 4:10 to end: 4-H Victoria Watson demonstration part 2 (YouTube)
  • and this video from 2:34 to 3:48: How to Give a 4-H Demonstration (YouTube)

There are a lot of things to remember when you are “performing” your speech or demonstration. For right now, we are going to focus on four important steps that will help your audience follow your presentation. We will use the acronym “P.A.V.E.” to remember these steps:

P :  Pace The easiest mistake to make as a speaker is to talk too fast! Practice your presentation in front of an adult or your siblings and ask them to tell you if you talk too fast. It is a good idea to talk especially slow while you share very important points in your presentation.

A: Audience Remember your audience by making eye contact and smiling.

V: Volume Make sure your audience can hear you. Don’t be afraid of a microphone — it is there to help you!

E: Energy Be excited about your topic! Tell the audience what you like about your topic and what it means to you. And smile! If it seems like you don’t care about the topic then the audience won’t care either.

Four things to avoid when giving a presentation!

  • Video:  Top 4 things to avoid while giving a speech (YouTube)

For more resources about choosing, writing, and giving a 4-H presentation, visit Public Presentations from University of Illinois Extension page.

Let’s try a speech

  • Write a 30-second speech that has an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Join your 4-H club
  • Attend 4-H Mini-Forum
  • Give a demonstration at the Public Presentation Festival
  • Volunteer to help collect food for the Food Bank
  • Raise an animal/pet such as a cow, horse or dog (or any animal you want!)

Demonstration Guidelines

What is a Demonstration? Demonstration is an opportunity for any 4-H participant to prepare, organize and present an idea by using visual aids and teaching skills. Such things as showing a friend how to tie a knot, take a picture or play cribbage are all examples of giving a demonstration.

Why should I do a Demonstration? Giving a demonstration in front of an audience will help you to think on your feet and to speak in front of a group of peers and families.  This is a great and fun way to begin to prepare you for more challenging events that may involve public speaking.

What will I get out of doing a Demonstration? Once you’re done you will feel proud of yourself for taking part in a County event and talking to an audience.  You will boost your confidence to try other events.  You just might meet some new people and make a new friend.

Each participant is encouraged to demonstrate a topic or activity that interests you.  Anything goes and the sky’s the limit!! Remember to be a successful 4-H Demonstrator, you must understand what you are demonstrating, keep it simple and comfortable to do, and most of all have fun doing it!

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Public Presentations

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  • 4-H Public Presentations General Guidelines & Tips

Why Do 4-Hers Make Public Presentations?

The logo above is a good reminder of the “4 Essential Elements” for youth development: a sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. In combination, these essential elements help youth to grow into competent, caring, and contributing adults.When it comes to the element of “mastery” in particular, all youth want to be good at something (adults do too!). Mastery is building knowledge, skills, and attitudes and then demonstrating the competent use of the knowledge and skills.Youth need to feel and believe that they are capable, and experience success at solving problems and meeting challenges to develop their self-confidence.

Practicing and offering 4-H public presentations give youth an ideal opportunity to stretch and grow in the “mastery” of the activities.Settings that promote mastery – like 4-H Club meetings, County Fair, State Fair – encourage youth to take risks, seek out challenges, and focus on self-improvement rather than comparing themselves to their peers.

Types of 4-H Presentations

  • A DEMONSTRATION puts words into action. An effective demonstration teaches others how to do something by showing while telling. At the end of a demonstration, you should have a finished product to show your audience. Examples include: how to cook an egg, how to groom a dog, how to needle-felt.
  • An ILLUSTRATED TALK makes us of posters, pictures, PowerPoint (at County Fair: for Intermediate and Senior 4-Hers only), or other visuals to show how to do something or illustrate a process. No finished product is required. Examples include: how to plant a garden, how to distinguish horse markings, how to lead a fun and effective carwash.
  • PUBLIC SPEAKING is a prepared speech on a specific subject for an audience. Usually, no props or visual aids are used.4-Hers use this type of presentation to teach, entertain, and/or inform their audiences. Examples include: why I like the 4-H cat project, 4-H around the world, what compassion looks like in my community.

Individual and Team Presentations

Presentations can be given by individuals or by teams. When trying to decide between the two, ask yourself, “Can I do this best by myself or with someone else? ”While individual presentations tend to take less time in planning and presenting, team presentations are a great way to learn team planning and cooperation. And, they offer the viewing audience a change of voices and personalities and, perhaps, understand a subject from different perspectives. Teamwork is encouraged throughout the planning and presentation itself. Shifting the presentation from one team member to another should occur at natural and relatively equal intervals.

Here are a few things to keep in mind with team presentations:

  • If you plan to compete at State Fair, only members of the same age division should compete as a team.
  • Be sure that all members of the team share in the preparation, doing, and telling.
  • Team presentations take more practice in order to flow as if only one person is giving the demonstration. So, allow for plenty of practice time.

Recommended Time Limits for 4-H Presentations

For demonstrations and illustrated talks, the minimum time is 3 minutes and the maximum is 20 minutes, depending on 4-H “age” (your age on Oct. 1 of the current 4-H year). For public speeches, the minimum time is 5 minutes and a maximum time is 10 minutes (at State Fair, a penalty of 5 points per minute under or over is deducted).

Cloverbuds 5-7 years old Less than 5 minutes
Juniors 8-10 years old 3-8 minutes
Intermediates 11-13 years old 5-15 minutes
Seniors 14-<19 years old 10-20 minutes

Getting Ready to Present

Shaping the Presentation

  • (1) Choose a topic that is of great interest to you! If you need ideas, talk with your 4-H friends and Leader; look at the 4-H catalog: talk with other adults and youth in your life; or look in the library, magazines, newspapers, and other media.
  • (2) Choose a title that gives an interesting hint at what your topic is about. For example, if you are going to do an illustrated talk about rabbits’ eyelids, you might want to call it “The Eyes Have It” instead of “Rabbit Eyelids.”
  • (3) Prepare a written outline of the 3 main parts of your presentation. You are welcome (and encouraged) to use your outline and brief notes as you present (no need to memorize!). You might want to use the template on the next page help you with your outline: 


(e.g., “I didn’t know that the boat was going to sink… really I didn’t!"), a quotation, or an appropriate trick. : “Hello, my name is _________________________________.
I am a member of the ______________ 4-H Club/Project.This is my ______ year in 4-H, and my ______ year in the _______ project.This is my presentation on __________________________________ (e.g., “How To Keep Your Boat Afloat”). you selected this topic and why you think this topic might be important to the audience.
– your MAIN IDEA. What do you need to DO, SHOW, and/or SAY to express your main idea? Pay close attention to the ORDER in which you put your ideas – your audience should be able to follow your ideas in a logical, natural order.
What was accomplished? What does this really mean to you? (Never introduce new material in the summary.) The audience will have 3-5 minutes to ask questions. Before responding, always the question being asked. If you do not know the answer, you might say something like, “I don’t know, but I suspect that you can find your answer [on __ website, in the library, etc.].” (e.g., _____ website, ___ library). for listening to your presentation on: ______________________

General Preparation Tips

  • (1) Choose a different topic each year.
  • (2) Decide whether you’d like to present as an individual or as a team.
  • (3) Use the template on the previous page to help you structure your presentation.
  • (4) Use illustrations, posters, and visuals (including models, tools, etc.) to help your audience understand your presentation – avoid any visuals that DISTRACT attention from your main idea. Make sure lettering and images on graphics can be viewed from the back of the room and at every angle (easels are available). Live animals are not permitted in 4-H public demonstrations.
  • (5) Have your material well organized in a logical order. Perhaps trays, boxes, bowls etc. will help your to manage your materials. If you use these, look for transparent containers so that your audience can see the contents. Also consider labeling containers so that your audience sees the materials and the process.
  • (6) Plan what you’ll wear. Your clothes should be simple, neat, and clean. Those doing food presentations should wear short sleeves. Hair should be under control. Don’t wear DISTRACTING clothes, jewelry, or makeup. Choose clothing appropriate for your presentation: e.g., clown gear for a clowning presentation, period clothing for a presentation on John Muir.
  • (7) Prepare to bring any reference materials to your presentation and be prepared to share your references with your audience at the end of your presentation.
  • (8) PRACTICE often, out loud, and pull in lots of different people to serve as your audience. Be sure to ask your practice audience questions like: “What was not clear in my presentation?” “What really struck you?” “How can I make my presentation even better?”

Presentation Day!

Gearing Up Tips

  • (1) Attend to your basic needs. Get a good night sleep and healthy meal before your presentation. If you think you’ll need a glass of water, have one ready. (No gum chewing please. And clean hands and nails are a plus!)
  • (2) Get to know your equipment well – especially if you’re planning to use computer and/or projection equipment.
  • (3) Arrange equipment and supplies neatly and so that the audience can see clearly. Place any extra equipment on a second table away from the main demonstration table. Keep a hand towel, paper towels, garbage can, etc. handy if needed.
  • (4) If using posters, be prepared to remove or turn posters as soon as you have made your point.

Presentation Tips

You’ll find lots of tips in the “38 Tips for Persuasive Presentations” handout; here are a few more:

  • (1) Show enthusiasm for your topic. Look like you enjoy what you’re presenting (others will too).Weave personal experience into your presentation where appropriate.
  • (2) Have good, gentle eye contact with your audience. Stand tall.
  • (3) Again, bring notes, but do not read directly from them (this cuts down on eye contact.)
  • (4) Make your voice gentle, appropriately loud, and clear. (You’ll have a microphone at Fair.)
  • (5) Name any supplies and hold them up so that your audience can see.
  • (6) Keep your work/demonstration area organized – move materials from right to left if you are right-handed, or left to right if you are left-handed.
  • (7) Label the backs of posters, books, etc. that you’ll want to reference during your presentation (but you don’t want your audience to necessarily see).
  • (8) Goof-ups happen to everyone! Go right ahead with your presentation; explain what happened.
  • (9) Thank your audience for their attention.

Last updated January 8, 2024

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4 h presentation day

North Carolina 4-H

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4-H Presentation Information

Regulations and scoresheets:, regulations, general 4-h presentation score sheet.

  • 4-H Public Speaking Presentation Score Sheet
  • NC 4-H Horse Public Speaking Scoresheet
  • NC 4-H Horse Program Presentation Scoresheet
  • Beef Char-Grill Presentation Score Sheet
  • Chicken BBQ Presentation Score Sheet   click on the link for the different scoresheets from this page:  Skills, Sensory, & Presentation
  • Egg Cookery Score Sheet
  • Pork Cookery Presentation Score Sheet
  • Seafood Grilling Score Sheet
  • Turkey BBQ Presentation Score Sheet   click on the link for the different scoresheets from this page:  Cookery, Sensory, & Presentation
  • Cloverbud Presentation Comment Sheet
  • 4-H Entertains Talent Showcase Feedback Form

Presentation categories are listed under one of the following headings: Animal Science

  • Horse Public Speaking
  • Livestock and Dairy Production
  • Poultry Production and/or Preparation
  • Small and Companion Animals

Citizenship & Civic Education

  • Citizenship/Community Service

Communication & Expressive Arts

  • NC 4-H Talent Showcase
  • Arts & Communications
  • Digital Reality
  • Public Speaking
  • Family & Consumer Sciences
  • Hospitality, Etiquette, and Social Graces

Environmental Science

  • Environmental Science (Soil & Water)
  • Fisheries & Aquatic Resources
  • Forestry and Wildlife

Healthy Lifestyles

  • Agricultural Safety and Health
  • Dairy Foods
  • Egg Cookery   – (National Contest is Egg Chef Challenge)
  • Fruit & Vegetable Use
  • Foods & Nutrition
  • Health and Fitness
  • Peanut Foods

*Outdoor Cookery located under its own heading

Personal Development

  • Careers & Entrepreneurship

Plant Science

  • Horticultural Science
  • Science & Technology
  • Agriculture Science (formerly Crop Production)
  • Wheels and Engines

Outdoor Cookery Competition

Competition categories for District Activity Days and State Finals

  • Beef Grilling
  • Chicken Grilling
  • Pork Grilling
  • Seafood Grilling
  • Turkey Grilling

Outdoor Cookery Resources

Helpful Tools

  • 4-H Awards Handbook  – Presentations start page 4.
  • Presentations at a Glance
  • Presentation 101 Handbook  
  • Sample Presentation videos  
  • Agent Resource Page Only   – Must use your NC State Credential to log in. Scroll down to Presentations)
  • Presentation Update 2024
  • Presentation – DAD PIC Training  – PIC must be downloaded for judges. Unity ID Required

Additional Resources

  • Louisiana 4-H Presentation Resource
  • Kicking & Screaming Presentations

2024 District Activity Day 

District Activity Day 4-H Presentation Competition will be held FACE-TO-FACE. The rules and regulations for the presentation are the same as in previous years and can be found linked above.  

2024 4-H Presentation Competition & Outdoor Cookery Competition

  • Check with your county regarding your county registration deadlines. The state registration deadline is May 24.

2024 DAD Dates & Locations

SE – Wayne , Johnston, Wilson – Hold June 14 – University of Mount Olive

West – Swain , Transylvania, Watagua – June 14 – Western Carolina

NC – Alamance , ​​Chatham and Durham – June 15 – NC A&T

SC – Scotland – June 18. (June 14 if West or SE drop)

NE – Edgecombe , Bertie and Hertford – June 21 – Edgecombe Community College

2024 State 4-H Presentation Finals

Presentations & Outdoor Cookery

  • June 26, 2024  – 12 Noon – Registration Deadline
  • July 23, 2024 – State Presentation Finals – NC State University Campus

Please email Shannon McCollum with questions or comments about this page. [email protected]

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Engaging youth as valued, contributing members of their communities in partnership with caring adults.

4-H is part of University of Missouri Extension and is publicly supported by county, state and federal governments as well as private resources, both human and financial. 4-H welcomes all Missouri youth.

As America’s largest youth development organization, 4-H offers youth, families, and adult volunteers of all ages many ways to engage, grow and serve — through clubs, camps, contests, conferences, special interest groups, in-school and afterschool programs, and more. It’s about young people making new friends and memories while preparing to be future leaders — from both rural and urban areas.

The synergy of effective past and present programs, dedicated volunteers and spirited young people will only continue to manifest our vision of a world in which both young people and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change

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Events and online courses

4 h presentation day

May 28, 2024 - December 2, 2024

Small Dairy Herd Management - Webinar Series

Extension logo

September 4, 2024

MU Hundley-Whaley Extension and Education Center - Farm, Field & Family Day

4 h presentation day

October 2, 2024

Laclede County Agribusiness Farm-to-Table Brunch

4 h presentation day

December 27, 2024 - December 31, 2024

4-H Zoo Apprentice Camp at Busch Gardens

4 h presentation day

Boxes for the Brave: 4-H volunteer event at the Missouri State Fair

August 5, 2024

4 h presentation day

Applications open for Laclede County 4-H, FFA youth awards

July 30, 2024

4 h presentation day

Youths demonstrate speaking, presentation, artistic skills at 4-H equine event

July 26, 2024

4 h presentation day

Missouri 4-H Week brings youths to Mizzou for leadership, learning

July 1, 2024

St. Clair County 4-H Newsletters

Google folder of recent St. Clair County 4-H Newsletters.

Lincoln, Montgomery and Warren Counties 4-H News — 2024-08 (PDF)

State Fair Updates | Year End Records | Enrollments

Lincoln, Montgomery and Warren Counties 4-H News — 2024-06 (PDF)

In this issue: Tri-County Fair Information | Opportunities | Coming Events

Missouri 4-H Recognition Form Sample Level 3 (Y2200) (PDF)

Sample of a completed Recognition Level 3 Scorecard Y2200

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UI Extension 4-H Youth Development

4-h headquarters.

University of Idaho Extension 4-H Youth Development

Physical Address: Mary E. Forney Hall 1210 Blake Avenue, Room 206

Mailing Address: UI Extension 4-H Youth Development University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3015 Moscow, ID 83844-3015

Phone: 208-885-6321

Fax: 208-885-4637

Email: [email protected]

Web: 4-H Youth Development

State Contests and Awards

Idaho horsemanship award.

The Idaho Horsemanship Award tests knowledge and skills in horsemanship. It honors the most talented youth riders in Idaho. The award sets high goals for youths and recognizes citizenship and leadership.

Any youth enrolled in an organized horse program who is age 14 by Jan. 1 and not more than age 19 during the calendar year may apply. We recommend having participated in the 4-H Horsemanship program or other organized groups such as Scouts, breed associations or pony clubs.

  • Application #72660 doc
  • Application #72660 pdf
  • Horsemanship Award Sample Test pdf
  • Exam Reference List pdf

Idaho 4-H recognizes significant achievement by 4-H teens with statewide awards in areas from horsemanship to leadership to sewing.

State 4-H Shooting Sports Contest

Please visit the Idaho 4-H Shooting Sports Contests and Events  page for further information.

  • 2024 Cover Letter pdf
  • 2024 State Shoot Youth Registration Form pdf
  • 2024 Volunteer Registration Form pdf
  • State 4-H Shooting Sports Rules pdf
  • Air Pistol Check-in Form pdf
  • Air Rifle Equipment Check-in Form pdf
  • Archery Equipment Check-in Form pdf
  • Hunting Equipment Check-in Form pdf
  • Smallbore Pistol Equipment Check-in Form pdf
  • Smallbore Rifle Equipment Check-in Form pdf
  • Scorecards for Archery Pistol and Rifle (EXCEL) xlsx

Horse Contests

Are you ready to advance your skills in Judging, Hippology, Horse Bowl and Oral Presentations? Eligible 4-H horse project members may compete in state level events held annually in July.  All contests will be held in accordance with the Idaho Youth Contest Horse Procedures and Rules.

For contest dates, registration links and guidelines, please visit Idaho's 4-H Horse Program  contest page. 

  • Idaho 4-H Youth Horse Contest Booklet (PDF) pdf
  • State 4-H Horse Contest Registration

Livestock Skill-A-Thon Contest

The Livestock Skill-A-Thon is an opportunity for young people to blend knowledge and skills from livestock judging, demonstrations, care and exhibition of animals into one activity. It provides teens with no opportunity for livestock ownership to learn about the importance of livestock and their products to the environment, expanding their knowledge and participation. In addition, it is an opportunity to recognize members for their total involvement in and comprehension in the livestock industry, instilling ethical values, good sportsmanship and evaluation skills.

The 2024 contest will be held in Jerome, ID on Jan. 20, 2024 at the Jerome County Fairgrounds. The registration and payment deadline is Jan. 5, 2024 . No late entries will be accepted. Please review the Livestock Skill-A-Thon Contest Rules (PDF) for rules, guidelines and contest format.

For questions or additional information please contact Scott Nash at [email protected]

  • Contest Rules (PDF) pdf
  • Registration Online

State Livestock Judging Contest

This contest provides an opportunity for youth to put their livestock evaluation and oral reasons skills to work. The contest is held annually on the Saturday after Labor Day during the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot.

Youth must qualify as a team in a county qualifying event. Open to all youth ages 8-18. Youth participate in age divisions.

Winners in the senior division will be eligible to represent Idaho at the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado in January.

Review the rules to help get a team ready to compete.

  • Registration
  • State 4-H Livestock Judging Rules pdf
  • Performance Scenarios pdf
  • Sample questions and scenarios pdf

State Livestock Quiz Bowl Contest

This contest provides an opportunity for youth to put their livestock knowledge to work. The objectives of this contest are:

  • Stimulate learning
  • Reward 4-H members for knowledge gained
  • Provide a competitive setting where friendliness and fairness prevails
  • Develop teamwork, self-confidence and decision-making skills

The Livestock Quiz Bowl has one division. Each county in Idaho is invited to enter up to three teams. A team consists of four individuals and one alternate (if desired). Contestants must be current, enrolled 4-H members through ZSuite and approved by their UI Extension office.

Contestants must already have reached their 8th birthday, and must not have reached their 19th birthday, by January 1 of the contest year.  If a team has one or more members who are under 14 years of age, that team is NOT eligible to represent Idaho at the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado.

Save the Dates — The 2024 State Livestock Quiz Bowl contest will be held July 2, 2024  at the Gooding County Extension Office, 233 Lucy Lane, Gooding, ID.  If you have questions or need further information regarding the State Livestock Quiz Bowl Contest please contact Scott Nash at [email protected] .

Idaho 4-H State Dairy Judging Contest

This contest provides an opportunity for youth to put their dairy evaluation and oral reasons skills to work. The contest will be held annually in the Treasure Valley, during the month of June. The 2024 Idaho 4-H Dairy Judging Contest will be held on Friday, June 28, 2024 at Solid Rock Ranch, 6623 Sunrise Ave., Nampa, ID.

Youth may enter teams as a county or join together with multiple counties to form a team in order to be eligible to compete. The contest is open to all youth ages 8-18. Teams will participate in either junior or senior age divisions. 

There will also be a showmanship contest for junior and senior age divisions.

Winners in the senior division of both contests will be eligible to represent Idaho at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI, in October.

  • Dairy Judging Contest Rules pdf
  • State Dairy Contest Registration

Super Shopper

The EISF 4-H Super Shopper Contest is a competitive state level event. 4-H’ers practice making decisions based on information about a situation and four available marketplace options.

Participants compare personal decisions with the decisions from a panel of judges who are knowledgeable about today’s marketplace and its various goods and services.

For more information, contact Lance Hansen at 208-359-6297 or [email protected] .

  • County Study Guide pdf
  • State Study Guide pdf
  • Registration pdf

Idaho 4-H Key Award

The Idaho 4-H Key Award recognizes 4-H members who achieve significant leadership in their 4-H club and county. The award encourages project growth, a broad program of 4-H activities over the years, and the development of outstanding citizens. 

County awards committees review the applications to determine awards. UI Extension county staff members submit the names of the Key Award winners to the state 4-H Youth Development office. There is no due date, so names may be submitted at any time.

Each recipient is presented a key lapel pin and certificate at a countywide event.  The wearer of the Idaho 4-H Key can be proud of his or her contribution to club and community.

  • Key Award Information, Application and Score Sheet #91809 pdf

Idaho 4-H Rangeland Skill-a-thon

The Idaho 4-H Rangeland Resource Commission partners with UI 4-H Youth Development, Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission and Adams Soil Conservation District to host this annual event.

Topics covered include rangeland plant identification, soil identification, animals on the range, wildfire and rangeland stewardship challenges.

  • Idaho 4-H Rangeland Skill-a-thon Rules pdf


  1. 4-H Presentation Day

    4 h presentation day

  2. Sonoma County 4-H Presentation Day 2023

    4 h presentation day

  3. 4-H clubs holding Presentation Day in March

    4 h presentation day

  4. County Presentation Day Crowns Local 4-H Winners

    4 h presentation day

  5. Sample 4 H Presentation

    4 h presentation day

  6. 4-H Presentation Program

    4 h presentation day


  1. Regional Presentation Event

    The 4-H Presentation Program is designed for 4-H members ages 9 to 18. The system of county, regional, and state 4-H presentation events supports youth 4-H members (aged 9 to 18) in practicing and improving their public speaking skills. 4-H members ages 9 to 18 present at Presentation Events to receive feedback and an award.

  2. PDF State 4-H Presentation Manual

    The UC 4-H Presentation Manual is the consistent and standard guide for all UC 4-H presentations used by all county, regional, and state UC 4-H presentation events. ... Preparing for the big day: ü Practice for 20 minutes a day out loud. This will help you work on volume, pacing, and intonation.

  3. Public Speaking

    Public speaking continues to be a cornerstone of the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program (UC 4-H). Over the 120 years of UC 4-H, the presentation program has expanded to include various public speaking formats and opportunities for members to receive feedback from evaluators. UC 4-H alumni will often mention that they learned ...

  4. 4-H Presentation Days

    State 4-H Presentation Day~ Virtual or In Person. Those 4-H members receiving a blue or gold award at Regional 4-H Presentation Day are eligible to participate in State 4-H Presentation Day. April TBA: On-line entries due by 5 PM (on-line reg. not yet open) May TBA: Virtual State 4-H Presentation Day . or. May 27: State Field Day- in person

  5. Lassen County Presentation Day

    Presentation Day - Lassen County Fairgrounds Public speaking is a cornerstone of the 4-H Youth Development Program. The 4-H Presentation Manual is a complete guidebook containing rules, procedures, and helpful hints to create a successful public speaking presentation.

  6. Presentation Day (February)

    Presentation Day: Febuary 3, 2024. Complete the 2024 Entry Form and email it to [email protected] by 11:59pm on Sunday, January 21st. Members who compete at County Presentation Day and receive a gold and blue medal in their division are qualified to compete at Sectional 4-H Presentation Day. Sectional 4-H Presentation Days are ...

  7. Cornell Cooperative Extension

    4-H Public Presentations is a program in which youth learn to create a presentation and develop the skills needed to present it before an audience. They learn about the research process and the steps needed to organize information into an interesting and creative presentation. ... 4-H County Day. Level I Event. All 4-H Public Presenters give ...

  8. County 4-H Presentation Day

    San Benito County 4-H Program County Presentation Day . Open to San Benito, Santa Cruz, & Monterey counties. IN PERSON . Date: March 16, 2024. 8:45 am to 12:30 pm. Hollister Veteran's Memorial Building. 649 San Benito St, Hollister, CA 95023. Event is held upstairs Deadline to register . March 8, 2024. Schedule:

  9. Cornell Cooperative Extension

    4-H Presentation Training Day: Usually scheduled a month or two prior to actual presentation day. See Dates for Yates and Events Calendar for details and to pre-register. County Level Public Presentations: Traditionally scheduled during the week of school's winter break in February (a weeknight and a Saturday morning.)

  10. Giving a 4-H Presentation and Demonstration

    How to Demonstrate the 4-H Way (YouTube) from New Mexico State University. Planning. The first step is to decide the topic for your presentation. Parts. The three parts of the demonstration or speech: 1. Introduction: Grab the audience's attention with a quick story, question, quote, joke or another method. Tell the audience your personal ...

  11. Presentation Day

    2023 Presentation Day. Presentation Day is an event held annually for current members of Yolo County 4-H. It is a competitive event which provides members the opportunity to practice their public speaking skills. Members are encouraged to gain public speaking skills, as this is critical of leaders. The event is meant to provide constructive ...

  12. Achievement and Recognition

    State 4-H Presentation Day Special Recognition Pins*: Special recognition will be given to youth who focus their presentations on one of the following areas: Science, Engineering and Technology, Healthy Living, Civic Engagement and Positive Youth Development. Pins are awarded at the state level and cannot be purchased.

  13. Presentation Day

    Regional Virtual Presentation Day:April 10-20, 2024. Statewide a virtual regional event will be offered. Youth may attend after qualifying with a blue or gold award at a County 4-H Presentation event (either in-person or virtual). The virtual event registrations can be found on the Virtual Regional Presentation Event page.

  14. 4-H Public Presentations General Guidelines & Tips

    Recommended Time Limits for 4-H Presentations. For demonstrations and illustrated talks, the minimum time is 3 minutes and the maximum is 20 minutes, depending on 4-H "age" (your age on Oct. 1 of the current 4-H year). For public speeches, the minimum time is 5 minutes and a maximum time is 10 minutes (at State Fair, a penalty of 5 points ...

  15. Presentations

    2024 District Activity Day District Activity Day 4-H Presentation Competition will be held FACE-TO-FACE. The rules and regulations for the presentation are the same as in previous years and can be found linked above. 2024 4-H Presentation Competition & Outdoor Cookery Competition. Check with your county regarding your county registration deadlines.

  16. Missouri 4-H

    4-H is part of University of Missouri Extension and is publicly supported by county, state and federal governments as well as private resources, both human and financial. 4-H welcomes all Missouri youth. As America's largest youth development organization, 4-H offers youth, families, and adult volunteers of all ages many ways to engage, grow ...

  17. PDF 4-H Regional Presentation Day Judge's Orientation

    4-H Regional Presentation Day Judge's Orientation Through presentations, more than any other 4-H activity, our members have an opportunity to: Learn to express themselves in creative and effective ways. Develop poise, self-confidence and an ability to project their thoughts. ...

  18. Nobles County 4-H Presentation Day honors awarded

    WORTHINGTON — Nobles County 4-H members completed judging on Friday for foods, performing arts, clothing and demonstrations during Presentation Day at Worthington Christian Church. They spent one-on-one time with a 4-H judge explaining their project and what they learned, showcasing their skills and learning in many different ways. ...

  19. UI Extension 4-H Youth Development

    University of Idaho Extension 4-H Youth Development. Physical Address: Mary E. Forney Hall 1210 Blake Avenue, Room 206. Mailing Address: UI Extension 4-H Youth Development University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3015 Moscow, ID 83844-3015. Phone: 208-885-6321. Fax: 208-885-4637. Email: [email protected] .

  20. Presentation Day

    Any 4-H member who has been awarded a blue or gold medal at Regional Presentation Day may compete with the same presentation for which the medal was awarded at State Presentation Day. Regional Presentation Day - Virtual: April 10 - April 20, 2024 / In-Person: TBD. State Presentation Day - Virtual: May 8 - May 15, 2024 / In-Person May 25, 2024.

  21. 4-H makes presentation to Supes

    Jul. 25—While the name 4-H might conjure up images of a livestock auction or fair barn, employees of UC Extension recently took to the Solano County Board of Supervisors meeting to provide an ...

  22. Presentation Day and Interview Contest (Details)

    Presentation Day is a fun opportunity for 4-H members to showcase their knowledge in a subject of their choosing. 4-H'ers prepare a presentation that is judged on subject knowledge, presentation, organization, voice, manner and appearance, clarity, and the ability to answer questions. Every 4-H member is encouraged to give a presentation each year.

  23. PDF Volunteer be a 4 H Presentation Evaluator!

    Microsoft Word - Evaluator Recruitment Flyer.docx. Volunteer to be a 4‐H Presentation Evaluator! Evaluators are vital to the functioning of 4‐H presentation days where they provide written feedback to youth presenters using a standard rubric.

  24. Documents, Forms and Tools

    Idaho 4-H Horse Oral Presentation Rules (PDF) pdf; Project Requirements & Materials. Horse Horse (Non-Animal) pdf; Publications and Forms ... UI Extension 4-H Youth Development University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3015 Moscow, ID 83844-3015. Phone: 208-885-6321. Fax: 208-885-4637.

  25. State Contests and Awards

    The 2024 Idaho 4-H Dairy Judging Contest will be held on Friday, June 28, 2024 at Solid Rock Ranch, 6623 Sunrise Ave., Nampa, ID. Youth may enter teams as a county or join together with multiple counties to form a team in order to be eligible to compete. The contest is open to all youth ages 8-18.