Rebel's Guide to Project Management

How I passed the Google Project Management Certificate in a Week

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Are you looking for tips on how to pass the Google Project Management Certificate ? I completed the 6 courses in a week (what a week that was!).

I don’t remember the last time I was so stressed as I was working full-time at the same time, but I did it, and you can too.

In this article, I’ll share my top tips for working out the answers to the graded quizzes, how to plan your time and how to get the certificate for the lowest possible cost (not free, but very cheap).

Credly screenshot

My experience with the Google Project Management Professional Certificate

I completed the course requirements in a week. I signed up for the Foundations course and completed that on Day 1, and then on Day 7 I had all the peer reviews back for the Capstone and got confirmation that I had passed the certificate.

The week was incredibly busy and I didn’t do much else aside from work through the course materials and complete assignments (outside of the hours I was actually doing my day job).

Google Project Management Certificate

A solid, professional, well-recognized project management course from a great training provider. Perfect for beginners and people interested in learning more about project management as a career.

How I did it so quickly

I have 20+ years experience in project management, so I am definitely not a beginner. The Foundations module, for example, was really easy for me, and I whizzed through that. The more experience you have working in a project environment, the easier it will be for you.

The less experience you have, the more time you’ll have to spend as all the concepts will be new to you. I spent most time on the Agile module (because I’m not an Agile PM) and the Capstone (because you HAVE to do all the work on that one). The courses on Project Execution and Project Initiation were straightforward for me as that’s my day job.

I worked on all the courses at the same time, pretty much, after I completed the Foundations.

If you have some experience…

If you have project management experience, don’t watch the videos. Scan the transcript instead. Skip any topics you know well and go straight for the quiz. If you pass the quiz, assume you have enough knowledge to miss that topic and save yourself time.

How I did it so cheaply

Coursera works on a subscription model for the Google Project Management certificate, so you have to sign up to take the courses. However, you can audit these courses for free.

First, I signed up to audit the courses. Then I had a good look around the course materials for free. You can watch the videos, review the readings and download the templates without paying anything.

That gave me a good indication that I wouldn’t have to spend the recommended 6 months on the course, and that I could indeed do it quickly (and therefore cheaply).

You only have to sign up as a student and start paying when you commit to earning the certificate for real, as you have to be subscribed to be able to submit graded assignments and quizzes, and peer-reviewed assignments.

Pro tips to save money

Sign up to audit the course first, and then convert to a paid student when you are sure you have the time to commit to doing the assessed work. If you are offered a free trial, you can also take that and do as much of the course as possible in the free trial period.

Tips for passing the Google Project Management Certificate

So what did I learn from the experience? And what tips do I have for you if you want to earn the certificate as cheaply and quickly as possible? Read on…

1. Make a tracker

There are 6 courses to do in the Google certificate. The easiest is the Foundation, which has no peer-reviewed assignments. The hardest is (unsurprisingly) the Capstone. Each course has multiple modules.

Because of the speed I was going through the materials, I needed a tracker. I just wrote out a list of the courses and modules and made a note of what still needed to be done on them. It kept me focused on what was missing, what assignments I needed to submit (or resubmit) and made it easy to go straight to what needed doing when I had a spare moment.

My notebook, showing list of modules and tea stain

2. Submit on or before the deadline

Each assignment and graded quiz comes with a deadline.

The deadlines are auto-calculated by the looks of it, from the Coursera platform. I first thought they were there simply to help you pace yourself and make sure you didn’t give up on the material.

However, there is some small print I read that said if you submit a peer-reviewed assignment after the deadline you might need more than one peer to review it. If you submit on the deadline, you only need one reviewer.

Don’t wait for extra reviews: submit on time so you aren’t reliant on other people.

3. Note your correct answers on quizzes

You might fail a quiz (I certainly did) but that doesn’t mean you got all the questions wrong. Some quizzes keep the same set of questions when you do them again, so note down the answers you did get right.

Also note down which answers were wrong. The tests are all multiple choice so you don’t want to select the wrong answer again.

When you take the quiz again, use your notes to make sure you don’t accidentally get an answer wrong again, and put in the correct answers.

4. Use the search

Timed quizzes can be stressful, but you get 50ish minutes per quiz which is a lot of time to answer 10 questions.

If you can’t work out an answer, use the search feature. Copy/paste one of the answer responses or a key word from the question into the search bar. Use a new window or tab, not the one your test is open in.

Then review the search results. You’ll often find that the answer to the question is in the course material (I mean, why wouldn’t it be??). Then you can confidently choose the right answer.

5. Watch the videos on 1.5x speed

Watch the videos on fast speed. As long as you can still understand the tutors, you’ll be fine. This will help you get through the material more quickly.

6. Do the courses in any order

Do you have to take the Google Project Management certificate courses in order? No, absolutely not. I would suggest you leave the Capstone until the end, but any of the others you can do in any order.

I did them all pretty much in parallel, leaving the Capstone until last.

7. Don’t review the job seeking content unless you are job seeking

I know this is going to sound obvious, but if you aren’t currently looking for a job, skip all the sections on job hunting, interview prep and resumes/CVs.

You can also skip the Googlers telling stories about their career paths. They are interesting, but they aren’t crucial to being able to apply the knowledge. If you have loads of time, by all means watch them, but if you are speeding through the content, you can skip them comfortably.

Upgrade to submit screen

Tips for the Google Project Management peer-reviewed assignments

Most of the courses have peer-graded assignments. For example, you have to complete a project charter, a risk document, a presentation to executives, write sample emails etc.

The example project is Plant Pals (the Capstone project is Sauce & Spoon), and actually it’s quite fun to work through creating project documents. The case study is realistic and well-put together, you will definitely find it useful if you have not worked on a project end-to-end before.

Here are some tips for acing your peer-reviewed assignments.

1. Make sure your file is publicly accessible

You have to review other people’s work as well as submit your own, and overall, the quality of the files submitted was poor. There were quite a few that I couldn’t even access because the Google Docs permission was not set to ‘Sharing’.

Make sure people can access your file!

2. Load the right file

You are given student documents to review, and there were several I was given where I had to flag that they had loaded the wrong file. One was even a promo leaflet for some guy’s training courses. Some people loaded the blank template.

Don’t waste your time (or other people’s) by loading the wrong documents. Come up with a naming convention for all the files you will create and then upload the correct version.

I made this mistake once myself. There are two exercises where you have to write emails and I uploaded the wrong email file for an assignment. Believe me, when people score your assignment as 0/10 and you fail, it really stings!

3. Read the submission criteria

Each peer-reviewed assignment where you have submit a file has two tabs. One tab is your instructions, the next is the upload screen where you share your file so it can be reviewed.

On the upload screen you will see submission criteria. This is basically a list of what the reviewer will be looking for.

Read this before you spend time creating your file so you know exactly how you will be graded and what you need to include in the project documentation.

4. Remember to review other people’s assignments

You won’t be marked as ‘complete’ unless you have reviewed other people’s assignments as well as submitted your own and had that reviewed.

It doesn’t take long to look over someone else’s document, especially as you have just written one on exactly the same template. You will be given a marking scheme so you know exactly how to assign marks.

Put some time aside as soon as you have submitted your assignment and just get through them. You’ll know when you have done enough as it will invite you to review more, but you are not obligated to.

5. Keep them short

It’s tempting to write loads and loads in the project charter or other documents, but you really don’t have to. Stick with a few bullet points that cover the key content.

In real life you might want to add more context and more words, but generally short is good. There are only certain things that will be graded anyway, so any text you put in additional boxes is not going to score you extra.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t do a good job, especially if you are hoping to get the practice of putting together project documentation – useful if you want to become a project manager . But if you want to get through the course fast, do the minimum required and don’t gold plate your assignments.

Tips for the Google Project Management Capstone Project

The Capstone course (Applying Project Management in the Real World) is the Sauce & Spoon case study, which is a fun project about rolling out a new system for a group of restaurants. It feels timely and relevant, with a cast of characters you’ll come to feel like you know.

You are the project manager, and the goal is to shepherd the project through from idea to delivery – which of course you manage to do just fine.

Here are some examples of the Google Project Management Capstone assignments:

  • Create a project charter
  • Draft emails
  • Identify project tasks and put them in order with milestones
  • Identify and create time estimates for a project plan
  • Identify quality criteria and establish how these will be measured
  • Create a presentation to share project results
  • Draft an executive summary

The Capstone also includes a section on preparing for an interview , which you don’t have to do.

Here are some tips to stay on top of the Capstone.

1. Pace yourself

It was a lot more work than I was expecting. There are 8 peer reviewed assignments which equals 8 documents to create, submit, and then review someone else’s submission.

Given that I am an experienced project manager who had breezed through the other content, I figured I would also find it easy.

It wasn’t hard (for me), but you can’t skip sections . It is time-consuming so make sure you have time put aside.

2. Do the ungraded assignments

I thought I would save myself time and skip the assignments that are ungraded, focusing instead on the peer-graded projects instead.

I quickly found that you can’t do that. You open a peer-reviewed assignment brief and it says, “Take the project charter you created earlier…” and if you haven’t created one earlier you have to go back and do it from scratch.

You need to work through all the activities, even the ungraded ones. There is important case study information and ground work that you cannot skip.

3. Don’t stress about people being available to review

I was really worried that no one would be online or available to review my assignments. What if no one else was studying at that time? What if I was the only one in the whole world completing the Capstone and I’d have to wait for someone new to enroll so they could mark my work?

All those worries were completely unfounded. There are plenty of people going through the same experience. I was reviewing papers uploaded just that day, and people were reviewing mine within hours.

The longest I had to wait was about 18 hours. I went to bed worried no one would see my paper and in the morning it had been graded.

4. Look for the Capstone answers

All the answers are in the case study. You don’t have to make anything up (although you can embellish if you want). Just read the materials carefully and write down what you learn.

You don’t even have to infer or deduce. I think every answer and expectation is there in black and white on the screen. For example, success criteria and KPIs, they are written in the case study materials.

I’ve never had a project meeting in real life where a sponsor has said, “We’re looking to improve turnaround time by 5% and reduce customer waiting time by 30 minutes.” But the Sauce & Spoon stakeholders are very switched on and articulate! In real life, expect to have to gently coax senior managers to come up with numbers they can be held accountable to!

5. Do the work

I wonder how many people start the 6 certificate courses and then get to the Capstone and think, “Whoa, that’s a lot of work.” And then drop out.

Don’t let that be you. You can do it. There is no time limit on taking the course, and if you show up and do the work, you will pass.

The Capstone is a lot more work than any of the other courses. I think there are only 5 peer-reviewed assignments in the whole of the rest of the course, and while that gets you used to the process and the expectation, the Capstone takes it to a whole new level.

That’s the point, after all. They want you to feel confident and to ‘see’ a project from start to finish.

Before you go…

You can definitely pass the Google Project Management Certificate, I have no doubt. There are no tutor-assessed assignments. You can take the graded quizzes as many times as you like (within the system constraints) and if you plod through the work, you can do it!

You earn a Credly badge at the end of it, which makes it all worthwhile.

I did have a stressful week, so I wouldn’t recommend doing what I did and cramming the course, but I do think the course was good and worthwhile. Read my full review of the Google Project Management Certificate .

If you have read this because you are considering signing up, I’d recommend it. If you’ve got to the end of the article because you’re halfway through the course and need the motivation to keep going… keep going!! You’ve got this!

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Project manager, author, mentor

Elizabeth Harrin is a Fellow of the Association for Project Management in the UK. She holds degrees from the University of York and Roehampton University, and several project management certifications including APM PMQ. She first took her PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in 2004 and has worked extensively in project delivery for over 20 years. Elizabeth is also the founder of the Project Management Rebels community, a mentoring group for professionals. She's written several books for project managers including Managing Multiple Projects .

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What is a capstone project? And why is it important?

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Stephanie Lukins

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  • Introduction

1. It prepares you for the working world

2. it helps build your cv and help you stand out as a candidate , 3. it offers valuable practical experience – something many graduates do not have, 4. it hones on specific skills that are highly valued by employers.

Sponsored by York University

What is a capstone project?

The capstone project has become an integral part of the university degree curriculum. It can take many various forms, but its purpose remains the same. The capstone project is a unique opportunity to carry out independent group research in order to devise an innovative solution for a real-world problem. While a project of this scope and scale can be challenging, it can also be very rewarding.

The capstone project is usually the final assignment and plays a vital role in preparing students for the world of work thanks to its practical applications and ability to help hone students’ professional knowledge and skills.

At York University in Toronto, Canada, things are a little different. In 2019, the university revised the traditional capstone project and created C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom . While it still possesses the fundamentals of the traditional capstone project, C4 is a new, year-long initiative that brings students together from various degree programmes to work in interdisciplinary teams with faculty and project partners on real-world challenges pitched by non-profit organisations, start-ups and businesses to create social impact. 

TopUniversities spoke to Megan Tran and Javeria Mirza, two students at York University, to find out about their capstone project and why they feel it has played an important role in not just their academic development, but their professional development as well.

What is the Purpose of a Capstone Project?

The capstone project is designed to consolidate final-year students’ learning with valuable hands-on experience to help develop them into well-prepared and well-rounded graduates.

Students work together in small groups to come up with innovative solutions for real-life problems, all while gaining valuable insights into the demands and responsibilities of the working world. This gives students a chance to bring their leadership and management skills alive and understand the consequences of their decisions in a ‘safe space’.

C4 gives students an insight into global affairs, international relations as well as social corporate responsibility and sustainability. 

Final-year bachelor’s in international studies student Megan and master’s in political science student Javeria were two of the eight interdisciplinary students, from the Faculty of Environmental Studies, the Lassonde School of Engineering, Glendon College, and the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University who worked together on the ‘Solar Floatie’ project.

“As a group, we were all interested in using technology and design-thinking for good. Our collective passion for social impact brought us together as a team. CooperLab at York University led by Professor Thomas Cooper was already spearheading the idea of an inflatable solar collector,” said Javeria.

“But how we went about developing the technology and what we wanted to use it for was up to us,” added Megan.

“ The Solar Floatie was born when the engineering side of the solar collector project was merged with the anthropology side and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework to propose a sustainable implementation model,” explained Javeria.

Undertaking a capstone project demonstrates to prospective employers that you’re more than just a potential candidate with the necessary academic qualifications. It shows your dedication to an issue which demands time and effort, as well as strict professionalism, work ethic and experience working in a practical, hands-on setting.

As a graduate, the reality of securing a job can be difficult as many roles demand practical experience. Many graduates are conceptually strong and suitable candidates, but a lack of applied knowledge in practical settings can make it challenging to demonstrate such experience and skills on their CV or in an interview.

The capstone project is a great solution and is something which both Megan and Javeria felt helped bridge that critical gap and has given them a competitive advantage as young professionals.

“It gave me an opportunity to learn outside a traditional academic setting and allowed me to explore my interest in sustainability and passion for social impact,” said Megan. “Since being a part of this project, I’ve been involved with a variety of organisations carrying out work that align with these passions.”

Javeria echoes Megan’s sentiments.

She said: “Bridging the lessons learnt during the capstone project such as the value of continuously learning, taking initiative, and working effectively with people from diverse disciplinary backgrounds has been invaluable in both my UN work and my graduate studies.”

The capstone project encompasses a real-life working culture which aims to instil a set of specific skills that are both highly valued by employers and will ultimately serve students well into their careers.

York University’s C4 focuses on the development of a wide range of skills, including creative, critical, and strategic thinking, effective communication, teamwork, problem solving and research analysis through diverse learning approaches and perspectives. Students deepen their sense of social and ethical responsibilities as they learn to mobilise their knowledge across disciplines and work effectively in interdisciplinary teams while engaging professionally with their peers and professors.

Lead image: Solar Floatie project team members work on assembling the solar energy collector, under Professor Thomas Cooper’s direction. Credit: York University

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As the former Head of Sponsored Content for and, Stephanie created and published a wide range of articles for universities and business schools across the world. She attended the University of Portsmouth where she earned a BA in English Language and an MA in Communication and Applied Linguistics.

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Top Companies Work with University Partners to Help Create Capstone Projects with Real World Applications

February 11, 2015

Experts at top companies like Google and Instagram have joined Coursera to help develop the final projects – called “Capstones” – for Coursera Specializations.

Combining a curated series of courses with a final Capstone Project, Specializations help you master new skills with the best of university teaching and the real-time market perspective of top industry partners. Hundreds of thousands of learners have enrolled in Specializations since their launch in January 2014.

The following companies and business leaders are supporting upcoming Specialization Capstones:

  • Instagram – Interaction Design , University of California San Diego (starts June 16th)
  • Snapdeal & Shazam – Business Foundations , The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (starts April 6th)
  • 500 Startups – Entrepreneurship , University of Maryland (enroll anytime)

The first Capstones for Coursera’s Specializations were piloted with support from these companies:

  • Google – Mobile Cloud Computing , University of Maryland and Vanderbilt University (enroll now in next session)
  • SwiftKey – Data Science , Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University (enroll anytime)
  • iHeartMedia – Modern Musician , Berklee College of Music (enroll now in next session)

The SwiftKey Capstone Project for Johns Hopkins’ Data Science Specialization has been particularly popular with learners, and the end results are inspiring. One learner, Alejandro Morales Gallardo, is most proud of the Predictive Text App he developed as a result of taking the Specialization:

“With the Capstone Project, it was extremely rewarding to be able to tackle a brand new data type and learn about text mining and natural language processing while building a fun and attractive data product.”

Another Coursera learner, Lucas Allen, saw direct career applications after completing the Data Science Specialization.

“I was identified by a recruiter who found me on LinkedIn, partially as a result of the Verified Certificates I listed on my LinkedIn profile. I could point the HR point person to my portfolio of work on GitHub I had developed through the Specialization. Throughout the interview process, I could refer to the projects and problems I had worked on. I’m now employed at one of the leading insurance and financial services companies in the world.”

With the guidance of amazing universities and top industry leaders, Coursera is a place to come and quickly gain the skills to follow a passion or boost your career in any field. For more information on each Specialization and Capstone Project, visit our individual Specialization pages .

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  • Dreaming of a remote job? Here are our tips for finding one.
  • Preparing learners around the world for in-demand jobs with Career Academy and new entry-level certificates from Meta and IBM
  • Coursera in Toronto Engages the Local Tech Community

Academia Insider

What Is A Capstone Project? Capstone Project vs. Capstone Course

Completing a capstone project marks a significant milestone in a student’s academic journey, signifying the culmination of years of learning and exploration. But what is a capstone project?

This article delves into the essence of capstone projects and how they differ from capstone courses, offering insights into their unique roles within academic programs.

We’ll explore the objectives, structure, and expectations of each, and see how they contribute to a student’s educational and professional preparedness.

What Is A Capstone Project?

The capstone project is the pinnacle of your learning experience, usually a final project that stands between you and graduation.

What Is A Capstone Project

The capstone project isn’t just any assignment; it’s a multifaceted endeavour that synthesises your knowledge and skills, challenging you to apply everything you’ve learned in a real-world scenario.

Capstone projects vary widely, from research papers in the social sciences to creative works in the arts.

They might take the form of a group project, fostering teamwork and project management, or an individual research project that requires deep diving into a topic of interest. 

This culminating project is designed to push you to:

  • think critically,
  • conduct research,
  • solve problems, and
  • present your findings in a coherent, polished manner.

It’s an opportunity to demonstrate not just to your professors but to potential employers the depth of your understanding and your readiness for the professional world.

For many, completing a capstone feels like steering a massive project course, from selecting a capstone topic and conducting a literature review to the final presentation.

It’s project planning and execution, encapsulated in one comprehensive piece of work that epitomizes your academic and professional capabilities.

The capstone experience varies from school to school, but its essence remains the same: it’s the ultimate test of your ability to collect and analyze data , document and reflect on your findings, and articulate your insights.

It’s not just about what you’ve learned; it’s about how you apply that learning in a way that’s meaningful and impactful.

What Are The Types Of Capstone Projects?

Capstone projects can come in various forms, each designed to challenge students and prepare them for the complexities of real-world problems. Here’s a couple of popular ones:

Traditional Research, Capstone Papers

Some students might delve into traditional research papers or thesis , where months are spent:

  • investigating a topic,
  • conducting research, and
  • presenting findings in a detailed, well-argued document.

This type of capstone hones research skills and demonstrates a student’s ability to engage deeply with a subject.

Multimedia Presentations

On the more creative side, capstones can take the form of multimedia presentations, where students communicate their findings by blending:

This format not only showcases research and analytical skills but also creativity and technical prowess, often leaving a lasting impression on both academic evaluators and potential employers.

Industrial Internship

For those inclined towards practical experience, an internship-based capstone allows students to apply their classroom knowledge in a real-world setting. 

Here, the project culminates in a comprehensive report that:

  • reflects on the internship experience,
  • lessons learned, and
  • the application of academic theories in real-world scenarios.

Group Projects

Group projects present another facet of capstone experiences, emphasizing:

  • project management, and
  • collaborative problem-solving.

These projects require students to work together, often across disciplines, to tackle complex problems, mirroring the collaborative nature of most professional environments.

Creating Prototypes Or Real-World Solutions

Engineering and technology students may embark on design or development projects, creating prototypes or software solutions. These projects demand a blend of:

  • technical skill,
  • creativity, and
  • rigorous testing.

The project usually culminates in a presentation that not only demonstrates the final product but also the thought process and methodologies behind it.

What Is A Capstone Project

Social sciences and humanities students might engage in capstone experiences that not only contribute to academic knowledge but also have the potential to impact communities positively.

These could include:

  • interviews, or
  • community engagement.

No matter the type, capstone projects require students to think critically, conduct research, solve problems, and communicate their findings effectively.

They serve as a multifaceted showcase of a student’s ability to take what they’ve learned and apply it in a way that is both meaningful and impactful.

What Is A Capstone Course?

A capstone course stands as the grand finale of an academic program, designed to encapsulate the entirety of a student’s learning journey within their degree program.

It’s more than just a class; it’s a comprehensive experience that requires students to integrate knowledge and skills they’ve accumulated over their senior year or final year of study.

The capstone course is where theory meets practice, pushing students to apply what they’ve learned in real-world or simulated professional scenarios.

The course typically involves a capstone project, which is the centerpiece of this academic undertaking. However, the course itself encompasses more than just completing a project. It includes a series of:

  • workshops, and
  • sometimes seminars

that aim to prepare students for their culminating project. These sessions might cover:

  • project management,
  • research methodologies,
  • public speaking, and
  • other relevant topics.

to ensure students are well-equipped to tackle their projects.

Capstone projects within these courses can be diverse, ranging from research papers in the social sciences to engineering prototypes, multimedia presentations, or even internships that culminate in a reflective report.

These projects often require interdisciplinary effort, encouraging students to think critically, conduct research, and problem-solve.

The distinction between a capstone course and a capstone project are:

  • Capstone Course:  provides the structured educational framework and support system for the capstone experience.
  • Capstone Project: the individual or group endeavor that results from this period of intensive study.

Together, they serve as a testament to a student’s ability to take their learned theoretical knowledge and apply it in a practical, often innovative way.

Capstone courses and projects are not only about academic achievement but also about preparing students for the workforce.

They allow students to demonstrate their readiness to potential employers through practical applications of their studies, showcasing their ability to tackle complex problems and present viable solutions.

This unique blend of academic rigor and practical application marks the capstone experience as a pivotal moment in a student’s academic and professional development.

Do All Degree Programs Usually Require Capstones?

Not every academic journey ends with a capstone project. While many degree programs, especially at the undergraduate and graduate levels, incorporate capstones as a culminating experience, they are not a universal requirement.

what is capstone project coursera

The inclusion of a capstone project often depends on the educational philosophy of the institution and the specific objectives of the degree program.

In fields like engineering, business, and the social sciences, capstone projects are common.

They serve as a bridge between academic study and real-world application, requiring students to synthesise their knowledge and skills in a practical project. 

However, some programs might emphasize other forms of assessment, especially in more traditional academic disciplines. These include:

  • comprehensive exams,
  • thesis papers, or
  • final exams.

In these cases, students demonstrate their mastery of the subject matter through rigorous testing or scholarly research rather than practical projects.

Interdisciplinary programs and those with a strong focus on practical skills, like project management or public speaking, tend to favour capstones for their hands-on approach to learning. 

These programs view capstones as essential in preparing students for the workforce, allowing them to present tangible evidence of their abilities to potential employers.

Tips To Complete A Capstone Project Well

Navigating a capstone project can feel like steering a ship through uncharted waters. It’s the culmination of your academic program, requiring you to apply all the knowledge and skills you’ve amassed. Here are a couple of tips to help you ace your capstone project.

The Right Capstone Topic

Choosing the right capstone topic is crucial. It should be something that not only sparks your interest but is also relevant to your field of study and potential employers.

An engaging topic can make the extensive research and project planning phases more enjoyable and meaningful. A student in social sciences might explore a pressing societal issue, while a business student could develop a market analysis for a startup idea.

Effective Time Management

Capstone projects often take longer than anticipated. Break down the project into manageable tasks with set deadlines. You also need to be disciplined on the work, performing them regularly to tackle it slowly over time.

This approach keeps the project on track and reduces last-minute stress.

Leverage Your Resources

Aside from time and your energy. This includes your:

  • mentors, and

Regular consultations can provide invaluable guidance and new perspectives. For group projects, this means fostering a spirit of teamwork and collaboration, essential skills in any professional setting.

Think Critically & Be Creative

Capstones are designed to challenge you, pushing you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This could mean:

  • devising a new business strategy,
  • creating a multimedia presentation, or
  • conducting field research.

Be ready to ride a roller coaster, and roll with the punches when working on your capstone project. You may need to play multiple roles, and be creative with solutions.

what is capstone project coursera

Ace The Presentation

Finally, the presentation of your findings is as important as the research itself.

Whether it’s a paper, a multimedia presentation, or a public speaking event, your ability to communicate your findings clearly and persuasively is key.

This is your moment to showcase not just what you’ve learned, but how you can apply this knowledge in a professional context.

What Is A Capstone Project? Explained

A capstone project is the practical embodiment of a student’s learning journey, providing a platform to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges.

A capstone course encompasses a broader educational framework including lectures and workshops. The capstone project is a focused endeavour, whether it be research, creative work, or an internship.

Together, they form a comprehensive capstone experience, designed to prepare students for professional success and demonstrate their readiness to enter their chosen fields.

what is capstone project coursera

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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Back-End Developer Capstone

This course is part of Meta Back-End Developer Professional Certificate

Taught in English

Some content may not be translated

Taught by Meta Staff

Instructor: Taught by Meta Staff

Financial aid available

19,910 already enrolled

Coursera Plus

(129 reviews)

Recommended experience

Intermediate level

Learners need prior Back-end developer experience to complete this course.

What you'll learn

Create a Django web server with multiple API endpoints

Connect Django to a MySQL database

Skills you'll gain

  • Django (Web Framework)
  • API endpoints

Details to know

what is capstone project coursera

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24 quizzes, 4 assignments

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  • Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects
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There are 4 modules in this course

The Capstone project enables you to demonstrate multiple skills by solving an authentic real-world problem. You’ll test your abilities in full-stack back-end development in a real-life scenario by composing a Django web app. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program.

You will use clean and bug-free coding to create a Django web server with multiple API endpoints and connect it to a MySQL database. You’ll also create a template system driven by Django views. B​y the end of the course you will be able to: • Compose a backend application using multiple skills • Use Django to serve static HTML content • Commit the project to a Git repository • Connect the backend to the database • Implement the menu and table booking APIs • Set up user registration and authentication • Test the application with unit tests and Insomnia • Synthesize the skills from this course and evaluate other learners • Reflect on this project's content and on the learning path that lies ahead. On completion of the Capstone project, you’ll have a project-based portfolio that you can show to potential employers when interviewing for an engineering role. To complete this course, you will need back-end developer experience. Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude!

Starting the Project

In this module, you will get practical hands-on experience using the Django web framework.

What's included

4 videos 13 readings 7 quizzes 1 assignment 1 discussion prompt

4 videos • Total 10 minutes

  • Introduction to the course • 2 minutes • Preview module
  • Setting up the Project • 2 minutes
  • What you know about URLs and Routes • 3 minutes
  • Module Summary • 1 minute

13 readings • Total 210 minutes

  • Course syllabus • 15 minutes
  • How to be successful in this course • 15 minutes
  • Checking your development environment • 15 minutes
  • Additional resources • 5 minutes
  • Recap: Version Control • 10 minutes
  • Exercise: Setting up the repository • 30 minutes
  • Recap: Django Set Up • 10 minutes
  • Exercise: Setting up the Django project • 30 minutes
  • Exercise: Committing the Project • 30 minutes
  • Additional Resources • 5 minutes
  • Recap: Django Routes • 10 minutes
  • Exercise: Setting up the static routes • 30 minutes

7 quizzes • Total 55 minutes

  • Readiness Check: Did you set up the Git repository? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you set up the Django project? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you push your commits? • 5 minutes
  • Knowledge Check • 15 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you set up the static content routes? • 5 minutes

1 assignment • Total 50 minutes

  • Starting the Project • 50 minutes

1 discussion prompt • Total 10 minutes

  • Meet and greet • 10 minutes

Project Functionality

In this module, you will revise Models. You will revisit the concepts of working with databases and models in Django. You will set up the MySQL connection, and create the required models for the web application. Then, you will build the menu and table booking APIs using the Django Rest Framework.

3 videos 8 readings 8 quizzes 1 assignment

3 videos • Total 7 minutes

  • Working with databases and models • 3 minutes • Preview module
  • Building an API • 2 minutes

8 readings • Total 160 minutes

  • Recap: Django Database Configuration and Models • 15 minutes
  • Exercise: Setting up the MySQL connection • 30 minutes
  • Exercise: Setting up the models • 30 minutes
  • Recap: Django Rest Framework • 15 minutes
  • Exercise: Set up the menu API • 30 minutes
  • Exercise: Set up the table booking API • 30 minutes

8 quizzes • Total 60 minutes

  • Readiness Check: Did you set up the MySQL connection? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you set up the models? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you set up the API for the food menu? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you set up the table booking API? • 5 minutes
  • Project Functionality • 50 minutes

Security and Testing

In this module, you'll focus on user authentication and testing the API. You will revisit the concepts to help you secure your app and APIs. You will add user authentication by setting up user registration, login and logout functionality. Then you will implement the code to secure the table booking API. Next, you will test your application code using unit testing and test the API endpoints using the Insomnia REST client. Finally, you will push your commits to GitHub.

3 videos 9 readings 8 quizzes 1 assignment

3 videos • Total 8 minutes

  • Securing your app • 3 minutes • Preview module
  • Testing your application • 2 minutes

9 readings • Total 190 minutes

  • Recap: User Authentication • 30 minutes
  • Exercise: Add the registration page • 30 minutes
  • Exercise: Securing the table booking API • 30 minutes
  • Recap: Unit Testing • 15 minutes
  • Exercise: Adding unit tests • 30 minutes
  • Recap: Testing your API • 15 minutes
  • Exercise: Testing the API using Insomnia • 30 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you set up user registration? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you secure the table booking API? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you add unit tests? • 5 minutes
  • Readiness Check: Did you test the API using Insomnia? • 5 minutes
  • Security and Testing • 50 minutes

Project Assessment

In this module, you will be assessed on the fundamental skills covered as you build the capstone project's functionality. You'll have a chance to compare your code and your designs with your peers via a peer review and you'll have the opportunity to work through a solution to some of the most challenging parts of the capstone project. At the end of this module, you'll complete a graded assessment, reflect on your learning and be guided to the next steps in your coding journey.

2 videos 3 readings 1 quiz 1 assignment 1 peer review 1 discussion prompt

2 videos • Total 5 minutes

  • Course Recap for Capstone Project • 1 minute • Preview module
  • Congratulations, you have completed the Capstone Project! • 3 minutes

3 readings • Total 50 minutes

  • About the final project assessment • 15 minutes
  • Solution: Little Lemon Web Application • 30 minutes
  • Next steps • 5 minutes

1 quiz • Total 5 minutes

  • Readiness check. Prepare to submit the project • 5 minutes

1 assignment • Total 150 minutes

  • Final Graded Assessment • 150 minutes

1 peer review • Total 60 minutes

  • Little Lemon Web Application • 60 minutes
  • Reflect on learning • 10 minutes

Instructor ratings

We asked all learners to give feedback on our instructors based on the quality of their teaching style.

what is capstone project coursera

Meta builds technologies that help people connect with friends and family, find communities, and grow businesses. The Meta Professional Certificates create opportunities so that anyone regardless of education, background or experience can learn high-quality skills to land a high-growth career—no degree or experience required to get started. Meta also offers training courses on the metaverse to educate people, brands, businesses and professionals on the opportunities it presents and what it means for our world today and into the future.

Recommended if you're interested in Mobile and Web Development

what is capstone project coursera

Introduction to Databases for Back-End Development

what is capstone project coursera

The Full Stack

what is capstone project coursera

Coding Interview Preparation

Why people choose coursera for their career.

what is capstone project coursera

Learner reviews

Showing 3 of 129

129 reviews

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024

Gained alot of knowledge of Dango, vision control and python. The part that interested me to do the crouse was on hand project that i completed by the end of the crouse.

Reviewed on Jan 8, 2024

It would be better to add more use case exercises and better content delivery.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2023

Really enjoyed the whole course with its instructions.

New to Mobile and Web Development? Start here.


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Frequently asked questions

When will i have access to the lectures and assignments.

Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. If you take a course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. If you don't see the audit option:

The course may not offer an audit option. You can try a Free Trial instead, or apply for Financial Aid.

The course may offer 'Full Course, No Certificate' instead. This option lets you see all course materials, submit required assessments, and get a final grade. This also means that you will not be able to purchase a Certificate experience.

What will I get if I subscribe to this Certificate?

When you enroll in the course, you get access to all of the courses in the Certificate, and you earn a certificate when you complete the work. Your electronic Certificate will be added to your Accomplishments page - from there, you can print your Certificate or add it to your LinkedIn profile. If you only want to read and view the course content, you can audit the course for free.

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  • All Coursera Quiz Answers

Front-End Developer Capstone Final Graded Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Front-End Developer Capstone by Meta Week 4 | Front-End Developer Capstone Final Graded Quiz Answers with you..

Also visit: Module Quiz: Project Functionality Quiz Answers

Question 1) Which of the following are HTML Inline Elements? Select all that apply.

  • <input>
  • <div>
  • <span>

Question 2) Which of the following array methods can you use to add a new item to the end of an array?

  • arrayBuilder()

Question 3) True or False: When creating a new branch using the git branch command, that branch is only available to other developers once the branch is pushed to the remote repository.

Question 4) Which of the following elements can you find in a user story for a website? Select all that apply.

  • A user’s personal information.
  • A feature of the website written from the perspective of the user.
  • A user’s need or goal.
  • A detailed list of requirements.

Question 5) What is the purpose of Semantic HTML?

  • Semantic HTML is a way to describe the meaning of your web page through specific tags.
  • Semantic HTML is used to describe information about the webpage.
  • Semantic HTML creates a generic container-like structure to group related content together.

Question 6) What is the main function of the semantic HTML tags <article> and <section>?

  • You can use <article> to specify the main content of a section or the web page. You use <section> for a standalone section of the document, often within the body and article elements.
  • You can use <article> for an independent, self-contained block of content and <section> for a standalone section of the document.
  • You can use <article> for an independent, self-contained block of content such as a blog post or product. You use <section> to specify the main content of a section or the web page.

Question 7) What does the git clone command do?

  • It creates a local copy of a remote repository.
  • It creates a new git repository.
  • It fetches the changes from the remote repository.

Question 8) True or False: Open graph tags are required to create a valid HTML document.

Question 9) Fill in the blank: React has at least one component known as the __________ component.

Question 10) Which of the following hooks should be used to fetch data from an API in a React app?

Question 11) Fill in the blank: When rendering a list in React, each item in the list must have a ______.

  • unique value
  • unique data

Question 12) Which of the following options will create a 4-column grid using CSS grid?

  • display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(4,200px);
  • display: flex; grid-template-columns: repeat(4,200px);
  • display: block; grid-template-columns: repeat(4,200px);
  • display: inline-block; grid-template-columns: repeat(4,200px);

Question 13) At which stage of the UX design process do you put yourself in the user’s situation to get a better understanding of their requirements?

  • Define the problem

Question 14) Which one of the following is the most common way in which a JavaScript object is instantiated?

  • var anObject = {};
  • var anObject = [];
  • var anObject = ‘’;
  • var anObject = new Object[];

Question 15) What will be the output of the following code?

  • Nothing because an object cannot have methods.
  • ‘The dog fetched the stick!’
  • Nothing because the object method is declared incorrectly.

Question 16) What is the purpose of the typeof() function?

  • To check the type of a variable.
  • To cast a variable to a different type.
  • To return true if a variable matches the data type of the second argument passed into it.

Question 17) In programming, which are the two predominant programming paradigms?

  • Object-oriented and Imperative programming
  • Declarative and Functional programming
  • Functional and Object-oriented programming
  • Functional and Imperative programming

Question 18) What will be the output of the following code?

  • ‘Not a vampire’
  • Uncaught ReferenceError

Question 19) What will be the output of the following code?

  • The code will not run because the for of loop syntax is incorrect.
  • ‘Iron Man’

Question 20) When implementing a form in React, which type of components are recommended to be used?

  • Docile component
  • Controlled component
  • Uncontrolled component
  • Volatile component

Question 21) What is the default behavior of React rendering?

  • React will recursively re-render all of a component’s children when the component renders.
  • React only renders child components associated with the parent component.
  • React will recursively re-render all of a component’s children when the component renders depending on props and context.
  • React will only render the component and not any children associated with it.

Question 22) In React, when would you want to write your own custom hook instead of using one already built-in?

  • You should not write your own custom hooks.
  • When you face errors using the built-in hooks.
  • To rename one of the built-in hooks.
  • When you want to reuse a piece of functionality.

Question 23) What does the justify alignment property do in CSS?

  • Puts even spacing between each character on every line.
  • Ensures that all text is aligned in the center.
  • Spreads the text out and ensures every line is the same width.
  • Spreads the text out so that each line will form what looks like stairs.

Question 24) Which one of the following is true about block elements?

  • They only occupy the height of their content.
  • They only occupy the width and height of their content.
  • They occupy the full width and height of the parent element.
  • They do not appear on a new line.

Question 25) Which one of the following protocols allows you to login and interact with computers remotely?

  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Post Office Protocol (POP)
  • Secure Shell Protocol (SSH)
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Question 26) In relation to UX design, what is the purpose of a mood board?

  • Mood boards are used for designing the functional aspects of a product.
  • A board where tasks needed to be completed are put.
  • They are the centralized asset source which brings together ideas from stakeholders, users, and the team.
  • It is a place where team members can anonymously place any grievances they have.

Question 27) Fill in the blank: In design systems, ______ are the building instructions that allow you to use components logically and consistently across all products.

Question 28) How can a JavaScript expression be passed as a children prop?

  • Using an anonymous function.
  • A JavaScript expression cannot be passed as a children prop.

Question 29) What happens if a script fails during the Continuous Integration (CI) process?

  • The process continues until a developer intervenes.
  • A report is sent to developers and the process stops.
  • The failing script is skipped and the process continues.
  • The process will retry a finite amount of times until it crashes.

Question 30) Which one of the following describes a valid use of a hook?

  • Using a hook inside a conditional statement.
  • Using a hook in a JavaScript function.
  • Using a conditional statement inside a hook.
  • Using a state hook inside a conditional statement.

Question 31) Which of the following is not part of the CSS box model?

  • The outline property

Question 32) Which Git command is used to upload the latest changes to a remote repository?

Question 33) Which of the following are rules from Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules of UI Design? Select all that apply.

  • Help and documentation.
  • Strive for consistency.
  • Offer simple error handling.
  • Offer informative feedback.

Question 34) When does wireframing happen in the project lifecycle?

  • In the middle of the project lifecycle.
  • Early in the project lifecycle.
  • Towards the end of the project lifecycle.

Question 35) Which command is used to create a local copy of a remote Git repository?

Question 36) In the following component, which element is the top-level element?

function List(props) { return ( <> <ul> <li>{props.first}</li> </ul> </> ) }

Question 37) Which of the following hooks is most appropriate for tracking complex application state in React?

Question 38) True or False: CSS grids are created using the grid-gap property.

Question 39) At which stage of the UX design process is a simulation of the final product created?

  • Test and Build

Question 40) What will be the output of the following code?

  • [ Function (info) ]
  • ‘Nike sneaker’
  • [ Function (anonymous) ]

Question 41) What will be the output of the following code?

var dataType = typeof(100); console.log(dataType);

Question 42) In programming, which paradigm groups data and functionality as properties and methods?

  • Object-oriented programming
  • Declarative programming
  • Imperative programming
  • Functional programming

Question 43) What will be the output of the following code?

console.log(rabbit); let rabbit = ‘Thumper’;

  • ‘Thumper’

Question 44) What is wrong with the following code?

var farm = { animals: 15, farmers: 3 }

for (prop of farm) { console.log(prop); }

  • The code is correct.
  • The forEach() method should be used on the object.
  • The object has been instantiated with {} instead of [].
  • An object is not iterable.

Question 45) Which type of component takes in its current value as a prop and a callback to change it?

  • Formatted component
  • HTML component

Question 46) What is the following piece of code doing?

import { useEffect } from “react”;

function usePrintNumber(num) { useEffect(() => { console.log(num); }, [num]); }

export default usePrintNumber;

  • It is creating a custom hook called usePrintNumber.
  • It is a function for returning the argument passed in as an array.
  • It is creating a component that prints the number given.

Question 47) Using CSS, which one of the following is the correct way to place some text in the center of the enclosing HTML element?

  • text-align: center;
  • text: middle;
  • alignment: center;
  • text: center;

Question 48) Which one of the following internet protocols lets your computer know which IP to communicate with when visiting websites?

  • Domain Name System Protocol (DNS)

Question 49) In React, hooks should follow certain rules so as to not make your code invalid. Which one of the following is one such rule that should be followed?

  • Make multiple hook calls in different sequences.
  • Only call hooks at the top level of a React component function.
  • Hooks should not be called from a React component function.
  • Cannot call multiple state or effect hooks inside a component.

Question 50) What is the first parameter you pass to the addEventListener() method?

  • A function that will handle the event.
  • An optional Boolean value to use either event bubbling or event capturing.
  • The target of the event.
  • A string describing the type of event, such as click.

Question 51) Which of these options are considered best practices for form design? Select all that apply.

  • Make use of inline form field validation.
  • Align text to the center.
  • Use one column.
  • Always request a contact phone number.

Question 52) What is the purpose of the og:type Open Graph tag?

  • To specify the type of the page, such as website, article or video.
  • To specify the language of the page.
  • To specify the color scheme of the page.
  • To specify the layout of the page.

Question 53) In React, which direction does data flow between parent and child components?

  • Data does not flow between parent and child components

Question 54) What is wrong with the following React code?

  • Not quite! Please review the reading
  • There is nothing wrong with this code.
  • The list elements do not have unique keys.
  • The list is not being sorted correctly.

Question 55) In programming, which paradigm separates data and functionality?

Question 56) What is wrong with the following code?

var house = { doors: 8, garage: ‘Yes’ } console.log(Object.keys(house));

  • { ‘doors’, ‘garage’ }
  • undefined ‘doors’ ‘garage’
  • [ ‘doors’, ‘garage’ ]

Question 57) In React, if you have complex top level components, this can cause a hit to performance when re-rendering. What does React provide to mitigate this?

  • React.memory()
  • React.component()
  • React.memo()
  • React.cache()

Question 58) To align a child element in CSS to the center of its parent element, which margin value should be used?

Question 59) Fill in the blank: A block level element will occupy the full ______ width of the parent element, and the ______ height of its content.

  • horizontal, vertical
  • diagonal, horizontal
  • vertical, horizontal
  • diagonal, vertical

Question 60) One of the design element principles is balance, what is this principle concerned with?

  • Adding depth and effects to a design.
  • Ensuring no element empowers another.
  • Using color to create moods and atmosphere.
  • The space between elements that forms its own shape.

Question 61) Fill in the blank: In design systems, ______ contain technical and functional documentation and patterns provide recommendations on how to use it.

Question 62) What type of selector is used in the following CSS rule?

.footer { width: 100%; }

  • The element selector
  • The id selector
  • The class selector

Question 63) When designing a website using CSS grid, what code can you use to design three columns where the second column uses twice the space as the other two?

  • grid-template-columns:1fr2fr1fr;
  • grid-template-rows: 1fr 2fr 1fr;
  • grid-auto-columns: auto;
  • grid-column-gap: 2fr;

Question 64) What is the very first step when creating a wireframe in Figma?

  • Create a frame
  • Create a grid
  • Gather requirements

Question 65) Which of the following hooks can be used to track state in a React app? Select all that apply.

Question 66) What is wrong with the following React code?

  • Not quite! Please review the reading Recap: React basics

Question 67) Which one of the following is a valid object in JavaScript?

  • var anObject = [ ‘car’: ‘ford’ ];
  • var anObject = ‘car’: ‘ford’;
  • var anObject = new Object[ ‘car’ : ‘ford’ ];
  • var anObject = { ‘car’: ‘ford’ };

Question 68) What is wrong with the following code?

var bee = {}; bee.rank = ‘worker’; bee.ageInDays = 10; = { console.log(‘buzz’) };

  • The function has not been declared with function().
  • There is a missing semicolon in the declaration.
  • The object properties cannot be defined using dot notation.
  • The ageInDays property should be a string.

Question 69) Which type of component lets the DOM maintain its internal state?

Question 70) What will be rendered by the child element in the following code snippet?


Question 71) Which one of the following is a benefit of Continuous Integration (CI)?

  • Assists with writing code.
  • Uploads code to a repository like GitHub.
  • Automating integration steps to avoid repetition.
  • Condenses code to be more readable.

Question 72) Which of the following options can you use to clone a GitHub repository? Select two that apply.

  • You can download a GitHub repository as a PDF file.
  • You can clone a GitHub repository with the GitHub Desktop app.
  • You can use the git clone command in the Git terminal.
  • You can clone a GitHub repository with GitHub’s web interface.

Question 73) True or False: The git fetch command creates a local copy from a remote git repository.

Question 74) At which stage of the UX design process are ideas and solutions generated for the identified problem?

Question 75) What will be the output of the following code?

  • ‘Tabby cat’
  • Uncaught TypeError

Question 76) One of the design element principles is direction, what is this principle concerned with?

  • Guiding the users gaze to different parts of the page.

Question 77) Fill in the blank: A ______ contains both tangible and intangible elements like patterns, components, guidelines, and other designer and developer tools.

  • design board
  • design system
  • development system
  • marketing system

Question 78) Which one of the following describes an invalid use of a hook?

  • Using a hook from inside a React component function.
  • Calling multiple state or effect hooks.
  • Using a hook from the top level of a React component function.

Question 79) Which of the following is not a valid Open Graph meta tag?

  • <meta property=”og:image” content=”image.jpg”>
  • <meta property=”og:description” content=”Page Description”>
  • <meta property=”og:url” content=””>
  • <meta property=”og:keywords” content=”keyword1, keyword2″>
  • <meta property=”og:title” content=”Page Title”>

Question 80) Which of the following statements about CSS grids are true? Select all that apply.

  • CSS grids are created using the display property with a value of grid.
  • CSS grids are created using the float property.
  • CSS grids can be used to create inline-block elements.
  • CSS grids can be used to create flexible layouts.

Question 81) What will be the output of the following code?

var dataType = typeof(‘what is my type?’); console.log(dataType);

Question 82) Which one of the following is true about naming custom hooks?

  • It must at most be 12 characters long.
  • It must have a name that begins with use.
  • It must have a name that begins with an underscore.
  • It must have a name that ends with Log.

Question 83) Which one of the following internet protocols allows you to securely list, send, receive and delete files on a server?

  • SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

Question 84) You are writing a blog about your recent learnings on React on a blog website which you developed. Which specific HTML element is a complete self-contained composition on a web page, and would be the best choice for placing the content of your blog in?

  • <main>
  • <article>
  • <body>

Question 85) True or False: It is essential to provide a unique key for each list item when rendering a list in React.

Question 86) Which one of the following shows the correct syntax for printing the value of robot in the code snippet below?

  • console(secretProject.robot);
  • console.log(secretProject{robot});
  • console.log(secretProject.robot);
  • console.log(secretProject.get(robot));

Question 87) Which one of the following is true about inline elements?

  • They appear on a new line.
  • They occupy the full height of the parent element.
  • They occupy the full width of the parent element.

Question 88) As part of the development process a CI pipeline is used to ensure newly pushed code still builds and passes tests. In this context, what does CI stand for?

  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Ingress
  • Careful Integration
  • Constant Integration

Question 89) In React, which hook is available that guarantees object references do not change during re-rendering?

Question 90) Fill in the blank: React components return JSX expressions. In these expressions, the content between an opening and closing tag is passed as a unique prop called ______.

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What is a capstone project on EdX or Coursera?

  • Thread starter Frills
  • Start date Jun 12, 2018
  • Jun 12, 2018

Hi. Could someone explain exactly what a capstone course is on edX and Coursera and what is involved? Thanks for your help.  


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  • Jun 13, 2018
Frills said: Hi. Could someone explain exactly what a capstone course is on edX and Coursera and what is involved? Thanks for your help. Click to expand...

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  1. Capstone Projects

    To join a Capstone once you've earned Course Certificates for all the courses in that Specialization: From your Coursera account, click Enrollments. Click on the Specialization you want to enroll in the Capstone Project for. Click the Capstone Project course title at the bottom of the Specialization course list. To join the course, click Enroll.

  2. Project Management Project

    This capstone project is designed to allow you to take the knowledge you have gained through the Specialization and put that knowledge into practice. In the capstone, you will create several of the key planning deliverables that have been discussed in these courses and either work on a project you choose or use a suggested case study ...

  3. Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

    A capstone is a crowning achievement. In this part of the course, you'll be introduced to capstone projects, case studies, and portfolios, and will learn how they help employers better understand your skills and capabilities. You'll also have an opportunity to explore the online portfolios of real data analysts.

  4. IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project

    There are 6 modules in this course. By completing this final capstone project you will apply various Data Analytics skills and techniques that you have learned as part of the previous courses in the IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate. You will assume the role of an Associate Data Analyst who has recently joined the organization and be ...

  5. Project Management Capstone

    This capstone project course will give you the chance to practice the work that project managers do in real life when managing projects. You will assume the role of a project manager and gain hands-on experience managing a project from start to finish. You will plan, execute, and close the project. By the end, you will have many artifacts that ...

  6. Capstone: Applying Project Management in the Real World

    There are 4 modules in this course. In this final, capstone course of the Google Project Management Certificate, you will practice applying the project management knowledge and skills you have learned so far. We encourage learners to complete Courses 1-5 before beginning the final course, as they provide the foundation necessary to complete the ...

  7. About Capstone Project

    About Capstone Project. Hi, I'm on the final Capstone project of the Big Data Specialisation. I have already enrolled and payed for this month. But the course session starts in October. I don't want to continue with any other courses until then. My question is if I have to pay again in October to access and finish the course or if it would ...

  8. Capstone Project

    There is 1 module in this course. The Capstone Project gives you an opportunity to revisit the concepts covered and develop a workable solution for the given problem statement following the best practices. The solution has to be developed in accordance with the industry standards within the stipulated time based on the guidelines provided.

  9. Advanced Cybersecurity Concepts and Capstone Project

    In this week, you will be assessed on the key skills covered throughout this course and the other courses in the Cybersecruity Analyst Program. This module contains the Final Capstone project of the program which encapsulates the learning into a practical whole. The Final Capstone project consists of several stages and graded self-reviews.

  10. Leading People and Teams Capstone

    Welcome to the Capstone. Module 1 • 40 minutes to complete. Congratulations on completing the first four courses in the Leading People and Teams specialization. As the final step in the specialization, you will complete a capstone project. This capstone represents an important milestone, not only for the Specialization, but in your ...

  11. How I passed the Google Project Management Certificate in a Week

    Coursera works on a subscription model for the Google Project Management certificate, so you have to sign up to take the courses. However, you can audit these courses for free. ... Tips for the Google Project Management Capstone Project. The Capstone course (Applying Project Management in the Real World) is the Sauce & Spoon case study, which ...

  12. What is a capstone project? And why is it important?

    The capstone project is a unique opportunity to carry out independent group research in order to devise an innovative solution for a real-world problem. While a project of this scope and scale can be challenging, it can also be very rewarding. The capstone project is usually the final assignment and plays a vital role in preparing students for ...

  13. Specializations

    A Coursera Specialization is a series of related courses designed to help you master a specific topic. Some shorter Specializations include as few as three courses and only take a few months to finish. Longer Specializations can include ten or more courses and take up to a year. ... Capstone Projects. All Specializations include a hands-on ...

  14. How I created my first Data Analytics Capstone Project

    I completed this Data Analytics Capstone Project as a part of Google Data Analytics Professional Course on Coursera. Check even this blog for more about Business Intelligence v/s Business Analytics…

  15. Top Companies Work with University Partners to Help Create Capstone

    Experts at top companies like Google and Instagram have joined Coursera to help develop the final projects - called "Capstones" - for Coursera Specializations. Combining a curated series of courses with a final Capstone Project, Specializations help you master new skills with the best of university teaching and the real-time market ...

  16. What Is A Capstone Project? Capstone Project vs. Capstone Course

    A capstone project is the practical embodiment of a student's learning journey, providing a platform to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. A capstone course encompasses a broader educational framework including lectures and workshops. The capstone project is a focused endeavour, whether it be research, creative work, or an ...

  17. Back-End Developer Capstone

    The Capstone project enables you to demonstrate multiple skills by solving an authentic real-world problem. You'll test your abilities in full-stack back-end development in a real-life scenario by composing a Django web app. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program ...

  18. Front-End Developer Capstone Final Graded Quiz Answers

    It fetches the changes from the remote repository. Question 8) True or False: Open graph tags are required to create a valid HTML document. True. False. Question 9) Fill in the blank: React has at least one component known as the __________ component. Root.

  19. What exactly is a capstone project course? : r/AskAcademia

    A capstone project may involve some internship-like work, but you are typically more in control of the topic, or at least more in control on exactly how to execute it. The biggest difference is that a capstone project will have one or more final deliverables such as a long paper or maybe a shorter journal article, a presentation of your ...

  20. CAN I add the Coursera capstone project to my Resume? : r/resumes

    Showing a project focused on applying all the skills you learned in that course to an employer interested in hiring you for those skills can be the difference between you and other candidates. Yes, add them to your resume and also your Linkedin profile. I am doing that with courses I completed on Udacity.

  21. Capstone project. : r/coursera

    Capstone project. High I'm working on my solar system design capstone project, and I do need help in finishing. I believe I'm doing things correct, but don't feel confident. I really, really need this certificate to start my life. Thank you in advance. We have no idea what you're on about. OP even started the post with "High" so that's ...

  22. What is a capstone project on EdX or Coursera?

    Capstone Projects are hands-on projects that let you apply what you've learned in a course program like a Specialization on Coursera or MicroMasters on EdX. Many capstone courses require you to have earned Course Certificates for all other courses in the program. Usually you have to enroll in the project just like you would for a course.

  23. capstone-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    data-science capstone-project coursera-specialization Updated Jan 31, 2019; Jupyter Notebook; rishabkumar7 / devops-qr-code Sponsor Star 29. Code Issues Pull requests This is the sample application for the DevOps Capstone Project. ... My capstone project for the Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate.

  24. Learner Reviews & Feedback for DevOps Capstone Project Course

    Find helpful learner reviews, feedback, and ratings for DevOps Capstone Project from IBM. Read stories and highlights from Coursera learners who completed DevOps Capstone Project and wanted to share their experience. A great project to see the previous course material all coordinated and in action. It is current, an...