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The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics…and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of our S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world. The contrasting highlights of the wooden inlays on the front panel also reveal the technical sophistication of this amplifier, emphasizing the pride of ownership that comes with the term “Made in Italy.”

Tech spechs

  • Type: Stereo Integrated Valve Amplifier
  • Valves: 2 x ECC83, 6 x EL34 ( Bias adjustable for each power valves )
  • Output Stage: single-ended parallel, ultraliner
  • Class: pure A class
  • Output Power: 35 Watt/channel
  • Frequency Response: 20 – 50000 Hz
  • Output Impedance: 6 Ohm
  • Input Impedance: 47 kOhm
  • THD: <0.003%
  • Inputs: 5 line
  • Outputs: 1 tape
  • Power Consumption: 265VA max
  • Dimensioni : 35 cm x 21cm x 49 cm (L x H x P )
  • Net Weight: 25 kg, 55 lbs
  • manual_S6_2012_ing_ita
  • foto-jpg-s6-2.zip

unison research s6

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Unison Research S6 review

If you like the warm sounds that only valves can offer, then you'll love this premium integrated amplifier from unison research tested at £2995.

unison research s6

What Hi-Fi? Verdict

In the right system the S6 is capable of sonic magic. Hear it working properly and we defy anyone not to fall for its charms

A silky yet revealing sound

organic presentation

good detail

excellent build

Needs careful system matching

not the last word in attack or bass precision

Why you can trust What Hi-Fi? Our expert team reviews products in dedicated test rooms, to help you make the best choice for your budget. Find out more about how we test.

Some folk believe that technical specifications tell the whole story. If you’re one of those people, then valve amplifiers are not for you.

In just about every area, from power output and distortion levels to energy consumption, such designs are so far behind transistor-based alternatives it’s easy to wonder why manufacturers still bother.

But then, listen to a valve design as good as Unison Research ’s new S6 integrated amp, and it all makes sense.

It’s the S6’s speed that grabs our attention first. It tracks a signal with a impressive lack of inertia, which translates into a wondrous ability to render the nuances of Nina Simone’s voice on I Loves You Porgy with a delicacy we rarely come across.

Richness, power and tenderness: it’s all here, in generous portions. In the midrange and treble the S6 is the real deal.

It’s agile and insightful, delivering the low-level details that define the texture of instruments and voices brilliantly. Not only that it keeps every musical strand in place even with demanding recordings such as Beethoven’s Fifth .

Here, the Unison Research manages decent dynamic swings and delivers them with a confidence barely reflected by the 33W per channel power rating.

Unison Research S6

Sweet but not squashy-sounding

Conventional wisdom has it that valve amplifiers sound smooth, warm and soft.

Good designs such as the S6 prove things don’t have to be that way.

Yes, it has a sweet presentation and a lack of hardness that few transistor alternatives can rival, but for all that niceness there’s enough transparency for it to sound appropriately brittle with harsh recordings such as The Magnetic Field’s I Don’t Know What to Say .

Hi-fi aspects such as tonal neutrality aren’t ignored, either. The S6 even times decently, though if this aspect of performance is paramount we would point you to the Lavardins and Pliniuses of this world.

The valve stereotype the Unison Research does live up to is the ability to deliver sound in an organic manner.

Dynamic shifts are rendered in a lovely fluid manner, so changes in intensity sound wholly natural with voices or instruments. Most transistor-based rivals sound just a little mechanical and stilted in comparison.

It’s as though they handle subtle level changes in distinct steps, while the S6 varies things on a continuous scale. Once heard, this ability is hard to do without.

Unison Research S6

Beguiling, but not an all-rounder

This is a beguiling amp, but it isn’t a brilliant all-rounder. With classical music the S6 is spellbinding, and it’s at home with anything acoustic – particularly if it’s well recorded.

However, shift genres to the likes of Eminem or The White Stripes and this amplifier comes up short on attack and bass tautness. Most of the better conventional alternatives will deliver a more attacking performance with music such as this.

However, it’s important to note that even when the S6 isn’t on home turf, the results are enjoyable and the music’s message is still relayed unambiguously.

Its ability to reveal emotion in vocals and tie all the instrumental strands into a cohesive whole continue to shine through. The S6 is capable of sonic magic, but that magic gets just a little diluted with music such as this.

Move away from sound quality and there’s more good news.

Build quality is excellent: all the controls have a solidly engineered feel, and even the remote control – the thing we usually complain about with most high-end products – is an attractive, nice-feeling wooden affair.

The amplifier is available in two good-looking finishes: the black of our review sample and one with a cherry wood front panel.

Unison Research S6

Class A performance

Technically, this is a relatively conventional valve product. It uses the purist single-ended approach to the output stage rather than the more common push-pull arrangement.

In theory, single-ended operation gives greater sonic purity, though it’s an approach that suffers when it comes to power output and the ability to really grip a speaker.

As is usual on single-ended designs, this amplifier works in Class A mode.

It means the valves run hot (and use a lot of electricity in the process), but sound quality should benefit.

As usual, the spec sheet can only reveal so much. It’s the quality of the components used, plus the engineering compromises chosen that define just how good a product becomes.

The S6’s depth-biased proportions and 26kg weight demand a big (and strong) rack to sit on.

The relatively large quantity of heat generated by the six EL34 output valves mean it’s a product that needs plenty of ventilation, too – placement in a closed cabinet is a definite no-no, though considering how distinctive this amplifier looks, we can’t see many owners wanting to hide it away.

The relatively low power output and single-ended circuit configuration means that careful speaker matching is a must.

The Unison will sound small, congested and soft down in the bass department if things aren’t right.

Get it spot-on and the S6 emerges as a strong product at this kind of money.

Granted, other similar products might better it in other areas, but none stun like the S6 in what it does well.

Unison Research S6 remote

A spellbinding sound

So good is the S6 in its areas of strength that we find it easy to forgive the lack of outright attack.

Rivals that can better it in this aspect don’t even come close in other areas. It offers a viable alternative to the established class leaders – one where the sonic character is so different from the norm that we can’t imagine a person being undecided in a head-to-head comparison.

So, then, if you fancy something out of the ordinary, and can take the care necessary to build a compatible system of suitable quality, this Unison Research amplifier is a simply terrific buy.

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unison research s6

TONEAudio MAGAZINE The Concierge of High End Audio

unison research s6

Unison Research S6 Integrated A Stylishly Different Take on Things

unison research s6

Moderately powered tube amplifiers based on the EL34/6CA7 output tubes have a legion of followers, myself included.  I’ve owned many variations on the theme – from the legendary Marantz Model 8 and the Dynaco Stereo 70, to current production amplifiers from Conrad Johnson, Prima Luna, Octave and now the S6, reviewed here.  I’ve even built a few in my younger days.  While I’ve never met an EL34 amplifier I can’t enjoy, the folks at Unison or Conrad Johnson need not lose sleep over my making a career change anytime soon.

This pentode tube almost always produces a more mellow sound than the 6550/KT88, which usually delivers about twice as much output power per tube.  The midrange of the EL34 is usually described as having a warmer, more romantic, tonally rich sound than many of the other output tubes, these lower powered amplifiers often render inner detail with more delicacy than most of the higher powered tube amplifiers.  (Those thinking 6550’s can’t offer subtle inner detail, look no further than the Octave Jubilee monoblocks)

Design Differences

Regardless of the flavor you choose, amplifiers built around the EL34 tube rarely disappoint when it comes to midrange magic – and the Unison Research S6 is no slouch, yet it offers so much more.

Rather than a traditional push-pull configuration, the S6 employs three EL34 tubes per side, in parallel, driven in single-ended, Class-A triode mode.  Mixing it up even further, the S6 features a combination of auto bias and adjustable bias, fine-tuning the operating point of the output tubes to perfection.  With a pair of stylish meters and front panel adjustability, no tools are needed – meaning no tools to lose or misplace before a listening session.  It’s wise to keep an eye on bias when your S6 is brand new, checking every few days. After about a month, the tubes settle in and a casual check now and then will suffice.

unison research s6

I did not spend a lot of time tube rolling, and swapping a few different EL-34s for the Tung Sols provided different sound but no overall improvement, so I submit the designers have done an excellent job voicing around current tubes.   This amplifiers character can be changed more (and for less money) successfully merely substituting the two 12AX7s.  A pair of Telefunkens or Bugle Boys will push the sound more towards the classic syrupy tube sound, while my favorite 12AX7, the EAT gives the S6 a lower noise floor and even more HF extension and less grain.  Regardless of where you stand on tube rolling, the stock tubes are an excellent choice and should be fine for all but the most OCD tube roller.

The rest of the amplifier is straightforward, with volume, power and input selector on the front panel and five single ended inputs around back.  Unison claims the S6 compatible with speakers in the 4-8 ohm range and provides a single set of output binding posts.  Even the remote is unique, eschewing the standard kids meal remote that many products at this price feature, in favor of a more stylish remote with a wooden body.  The S6 covers all the bases to be qualified as a premium product.

unison research s6

Audiophiles fixated on specs might pass on the S6 because of its modest power rating – yet its 35 watts per channel will suffice for all but the most inefficient speakers when playing at reasonable levels.  This robust amplifier works well with all of the test speakers at our disposal, from the 85db Dynaudio Confidence C1s, to the 91 db Sonus Faber Ellipsa SEs.

The S6 produces some of the most lifelike bass response I’ve heard from an EL34 design – tonally rich, yet controlled throughout the range.  Put to the full test with my reference GamuT S9 speakers that are only down 3db at 18hz, the Unison amp proved it could deliver major bass grunt when required.  Whether I was playing Genesis, Snoop Dogg or Stanley Clarke, it was always easy to discern what was being played.

The S6 is also a perfect companion for my freshly refurbished Quad 57s.  After a recent attack of audiophile nervosa, auditioning over a dozen amplifiers with the Quads, the S6 enchants with a mix of solid, well-controlled bass, a three dimensional soundfield and an extended high end – the latter the most tough to achieve with these speakers.  If you happen to be a 57 owner, you know what I mean. The S6 did not have enough juice for the woefully inefficient Acoustat 1+1s, (81db) or the power hungry Magnepan 1.7s to more than a whisper, but that is a challenge no low power amplifier can pass.

However, the S6 is perfection for a listener in a modest room with a high quality pair of small speakers.  In room two, (which is 13 x 15 feet) mating the S6 with either the Harbeth Compact 7ES-3s, Dynaudio C1’s or the Penaudio Cenyas makes for a symbiotic relationship far greater than the sum of its parts.   Combining the S6s liquid midrange with the imaging of these speakers in a small room makes for an immersive listening experience that’s tough to argue with. It’s almost like a giant pair of Stax headphones.

That’s just my take on the bass and imaging.  The true beauty of the Unison Research S6 is the smooth, yet defined midrange and the ease that it transitions into the upper registers.  Cymbals sound reach out and touch them real and solo vocalists are divine.  A quick spin of the latest Doors remasters from Acoustic Sounds on 45 rpm vinyl reveal layer upon layer of vocal and instrumental texture in a way that most vintage gear does not.  The S6 follows the musical pace well, producing texture and tonal contrast without sounding warm, syrupy and slow.  A perfect match of old and new school design ethos.

unison research s6

I love the simplicity that a great integrated amplifier provides.  Add a source or two, your favorite pair of speakers and call it a day.  $4,895 spent elsewhere will no doubt buy you more power, but you’ll be hard pressed to find the finesse, both electronically and aesthetically that the S6 offers.  This amplifier is more than just a nice tube integrated; it is a work of audio art.  It’s an amplifier that should be put on a pedestal with a wonderful painting above it.

Unison supplies tube cages for the S6 to protect kids, cats and pups, but the amplifier is so much more attractive with them removed, it seems a shame to have to use them.

If 30-35 watts per channel is enough to rock your world and you’ve been itching for something special, audition the Unison Research S6.  I think you will agree that this is a unique product.

Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier

MSRP:  $4,895

en.unisonresearch.com   (mfr.)

www.colleencardasimports.com (US distributor)


Analog Source: AVID Volvere SP/Durand Talea arm/Miyajima Kansui

Phonostage: Zesto Andros PS1

Digital Source: dCS Paganini Stack, Sooloos Control 15

Speakers: Harbeth Compact 7SE-3, Penaudio Cenya, Dynaudio Confidence C1 II

Cable: Cardas Clear

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Unison Research S6 Amplifier (Guest Review)

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By guest writer George Sallit

A few months ago I realised that for the first time in decades I had no valve power amplifiers in my system. Scary. So I kept an eye out for any valve amplifiers that may be of interest. The UK’s Bristol Show came and went and although there were some valve amplifiers of interest, none excited me enough to ask for a home demonstration.

In February I visited the Oxford Audio Unison Research event. I like these local shows as the dealers get a better sound quality than trying to squeeze good sound from a less than ideal hotel room. One of the systems had a really great musical sound. It was not the most expensive and was not the best ‘hifi’ but it really played music and featured the Unison Research S6 amplifier.

I was sufficiently intrigued to go out and get a Unison Research S6 amplifier and try it in my system.

This amplifier is unusual and very Italian. Not too surprising as it is made in Treviso, Italy.

unison research s6

The S6 is a Class A, single-ended triode amplifier that uses 6xEL34 valves to drive the speakers. Yes, 3 EL34s per channel. The EL34s are wired as triodes and as there are three they put out 35 watts/channel, which for a triode amplifier is a fair amount of power. A single ECC83 (12AX7) drives each channel. The S6 is heavy at 55lbs and that shows a lot of thought has gone into the design of the transformers, vital for a valve amplifier. The valves are on each side of the backbone of the amplifier with the backbone housing the output and mains transformers. When operating this backbone gets rather hot although not as hot as the protective cage around the valves (required by EU law).

unison research s6

Unlike a lot of protective cages, the S6 cages have been cleverly designed and do not look like add-on kludges. The whole amplifier is very Italian and really well designed and although it is fairly simple it is a real looker. When my other half saw it she said ‘that looks great, really retro’. And she is right (as always). Even the remote control (volume only) has a solid wood back that allows the remote to stand on its end.

unison research s6

One of the real bugbears with valve amplifiers is the user has to bias the valves. In some amplifiers, this meant putting meter probes into the amplifier when it was turned on, whilst using a plastic screwdriver to adjust the bias. At the same time, you have to avoid touching the very hot valves or even worse anything at a high voltage (in some cases potentially lethal voltage). Oh, what fun! Fortunately, more recent valve amplifiers bring the measuring and adjustment out of the deep innards of the amplifiers and onto the outside of the case. This makes life easier. The S6 goes a step further and has an auto-circuit to get the bias close to the right value and the user adjusts/tweaks the bias to get the exact value. To do this there are two meters, one for each set of three EL34s. To measure a power valve you press a button that shows the reading on the meter. The meter has a centre line denoting the correct result. To adjust the bias each power valve has its own adjuster. So each valve is measured and then the individual bias can be set. Easy peasy and probably the easiest I have ever used. I adjusted the bias after a warm-up period and found it was pretty stable and only needed the smallest of tweaks every month or so.

As this is an integrated valve amplifier there are 5 RCA inputs and of all things a set of RCA tape outs. A blast from the past. Unusually the S6 only has a single set of 6-ohm outputs. Unison Research only provides one set of outputs that should match the majority of newer speakers. Modern speakers have moved away from the standard 8 ohms and a lot are nearer to 4 ohms. I encountered no problems with my Audionote E Silver Signatures but they are an easy load being a resistive load close to 6 ohms. Their very high efficiency helps as well.

As we are all now energy conscious I should point out that the S6 consumes 270watts when being used and as it is Class A it consumes that power whether being driven flat out or not.

unison research s6

So I slotted the S6 into my main system of Audionote CD4.1 CD transport, AN 4.1x DAC, AN E Silver Signatures with Cut Loose silver ribbon cables throughout. I used the Pass labs XA30.8 as a stand for the S6, with some isolation provided by HRS feet. Oh, what an indignity for my Pass Labs!! I also used my vinyl system of Voyd 0.5 Reference, SME V and Audionote Io with an AN M6 phono stage.

unison research s6

I turned on the amplifier and left it for an hour to let things really warm up. The valves looked superb, especially at night, when the EL34 glows could be seen and were very atmospheric.

So I lined up my set of test tracks got out my reviewers pad and pen and set about listening to this amplifier. An hour later I had written…….absolutely nothing. I was captivated.

This system was really telling me not only how well the music was recorded but far more importantly what the music was about, the musical message. As I expected, the EL34s reproduced the mid-range superbly well and male and female vocals sounded very realistic. But what emotion was the singer putting into the song? Anger, fear, love, or ‘I couldn’t care less’. It all came through. It may be the ability of the valves to clearly amplify the micro-dynamics making the inflections in the singer’s voice show what the singer was trying to communicate. The S6 is a master at this. The Pass Labs does it extraordinarily well for an SS amplifier but the voices do not have the realism of the S6.

OK but what about the weak spot for triodes the frequency extremes and dynamics? Well, the bass is probably the tightest I have heard from a triode amplifier apart from the ultra-expensives and certainly better than a lot of pentodes. No, it could not match the Pass Labs XA 30.8 but that is an exceptional SS amp. The bass was always weighty and drove the music along at a great rate. The tonal character of bass instruments was very well portrayed and it was easy to hear the tonal qualities of many string bass instruments instead of a hearing a heavy amorphous note that some amplifiers give. Yes the bass was a tad heavy and ultra-tight timing is not its forte but I would rather have this type of sound than one where the bass character and weight changes (disappears) depending on the frequency of a bass note. Bass instruments were always clear and easy to hear. The S6 is a bright amplifier but it does not have the top end sparkle of some. However, with a lot of compressed, modern digital recordings that may not be a big disadvantage. At least it does not have a sawn-off top end with a fat bass character of some triodes, it is not a ‘pipe and slippers’ amplifier. Cymbals sound like metallic musical instruments, which is exactly what they are.

But this dissecting of the music into bass, mid and treble completely misses the main point of music and this amplifier. How well do all the musical instruments integrate and how well is the musical message communicated by an amplifier? The S6 is an expert at this. So much so that I can forgive the tiny problems it does have to get that realism of both the people making the music and the message they are trying to communicate. Play Dawn Langstroth’s You Don’t Want me and yes it is a very good recording from Linn (even if Autotune was used) with a nicely recorded piano but this is about a failing love. When you play the track do you hear a forlorn love or just a nice tune? Dystopian Overture from Dream Theater is all about crash, bash and power music but what an awful future is being portrayed, one with no music. Mercedes Sosa’s Misa Criolla has you in a large environment, with natural echo of a very natural recording but does the music have you holding your breath trying not to disturb the moment? In all three cases, I started by listening to the ‘test track’ but ended up listening to the whole album.

So if you are someone who must have all the details from a piece of music, with a flat frequency response, no colourations, then this may not be your kind of amplifier. But if you want a very good reproduction of those qualities but with a clear musical message then the S6 is a great priced way to get there. This amplifier is £3,100 in the UK and to me, that is an extremely reasonable price for this quality of sound. The fact it comes in a beautiful package makes it that much better. Valves without the pain. Yes. A superbly musical sound. Yes. What is holding you back?? Nothing here, it stays and continues to play real music.

unison research s6

George Sallit, guest writer for hifi-advice.com

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Manufacturer: unisonresearch

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Hello, I own a Unison Simply Italy since a few years, the smaller model with two EL34’s. Also a great little amplifier. Thanks for the review and for hifi-advice.

Jan Brussels

Jan, Thanks for your comment. I have heard the Simply Italy and provided that it is not overdriven it has that same wonderful EL34 SET type of sound. I have heard them driving a Klipsch loudspeaker (very efficient) and they drove the speakers really well and did not accentuate the slight edge that these speakers can have.

Nice review and nice amp, the only thing is i don’t know how to use in Central Europe during summer. I had SimplyTwo Anniversary Edition, but had to sell it because my speakers were not sensitive enough, only to be astonished at the buyer’s place to hear such amount of bass and speed – his speaker were some big monsters over around 92dB or more. It was also pretty hot in summer.

One thing that completely brought the SimplyTwo to whole new level were NOS Siemens Triple Mica E82CC. They were so good that i kept them after i sold the amp, just in case i will use them in future.

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Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier

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  • Product description

The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics...and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of our S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world. The contrasting highlights of the wooden inlays on the front panel also reveal the technical sophistication of this amplifier, emphasizing the pride of ownership that comes with the term “Made in Italy.”

The S6 integrated amplifier is an amplifier that benefits from the experience of many years of designing and manufacturing amplifiers made by Unison Research. The S6 is a medium power amplifier with the amplifier output configuration Single Ended Ultra-parallel. T his compact amplifier is able to drive almost all speakers on the market, including low sensitivity.   Electronic features.   The stages consist of two triode preamp directly coupled, while the output stage uses three pentodes for each channel type in configuration EL34 Single Ended Ultra-parallel. The output transformer, as tradition Unison Research has been specifically designed and is made entirely by hand in our laboratories. the characteristics of this transformer extensive damage to the amplifier frequency response linear with high sound quality. Outputs planned for 4 and 8 ohm impedance no limit to the choice of speakers. The power transformer, large is able to seamlessly provide all the energy needed to operate the amplifier in any condition. During design and development of S6 has tried to create an amplifier that use the smallest possible number of electronic components in the audio path. Importantly, all connections to input and output amplifier are gold plated so that contacts can remain perfect after many years of use. Aesthetics.   The Unison Research, as tradition has always placed great importance and attention to the aesthetics of its products. The originality of form and choice of materials is to demonstrate the artistry and expertise of our design team. The S6 is another expression of art for which the Unison Research is known worldwide and we are justifiably proud. The wooden parts of the amplifier are handcrafted using blocks of precious woods. The rotary controls are non-magnetic stainless steel, turned and machined precision numerical control. The design of each tube amplifier must also take account of the dissipation of heat produced by the valves.  S6 in this need has been resolved with an attractive layout of the arc power tubes and a baseplate with non-magnetic stainless steel heat reflector function. A wire grille protects chrome valves allowing adequate ventilation without compromising the view of the valves.   Sound characteristics.   A careful calibration and fine for maximum sound quality of S6 was performed in several months of listening tests, using a variety of sources and speakers. The largest and most important result of this calibration process was to determine the value of feedback. This allowed us to achieve maximum sound quality, high capacity for detail reproduction, without altering or compromising lightness, transparency and heat.


  • Type: Stereo Integrated Valve Amplifier
  • Output Stage: single-ended parallel, ultralinear
  • Classe: pure A class
  • Output Power: 30/35 Watt/channel
  • Frequency Response: 20 – 50000 Hz
  • Output Impedance: 6 Ohm
  • Input Impedance: 47 kOhm
  • Inputs: 5 line
  • Outputs: 1 tape, loudspeakers
  • Power Consumption: 265VA max
  • Dimensioni : 35 cm x 21cm x 49 cm (L x H x P )
  • Net Weight: 55 lbs

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Unison Research

Unison Research S6

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The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics...and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of our S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world. The contrasting highlights of the wooden inlays on the front panel also reveal the technical sophistication of this amplifier, emphasizing the pride of ownership that comes with the term “Made in Italy.”

The S6 integrated amplifier is an amplifier that benefits from the experience of many years of designing and manufacturing amplifiers made by Unison Research. The S6 is a medium power amplifier with the amplifier output configuration Single Ended Ultra-parallel. This compact amplifier is able to drive almost all speakers on the market, including low sensitivity.   Electronic features.   The stages consist of two triode preamp directly coupled, while the output stage uses three pentodes for each channel type in configuration EL34 Single Ended Ultra-parallel. The output transformer, as tradition Unison Research has been specifically designed and is made entirely by hand in our laboratories. the characteristics of this transformer extensive damage to the amplifier frequency response linear with high sound quality. Outputs planned for 4 and 8 ohm impedance no limit to the choice of speakers. The power transformer, large is able to seamlessly provide all the energy needed to operate the amplifier in any condition. During design and development of S6 has tried to create an amplifier that use the smallest possible number of electronic components in the audio path. Importantly, all connections to input and output amplifier are gold plated so that contacts can remain perfect after many years of use. Aesthetics.   The Unison Research, as tradition has always placed great importance and attention to the aesthetics of its products. The originality of form and choice of materials is to demonstrate the artistry and expertise of our design team. The S6 is another expression of art for which the Unison Research is known worldwide and we are justifiably proud. The wooden parts of the amplifier are handcrafted using blocks of precious woods. The rotary controls are non-magnetic stainless steel, turned and machined precision numerical control. The design of each tube amplifier must also take account of the dissipation of heat produced by the valves. S6 in this need has been resolved with an attractive layout of the arc power tubes and a baseplate with non-magnetic stainless steel heat reflector function. A wire grille protects chrome valves allowing adequate ventilation without compromising the view of the valves.   Sound characteristics.   A careful calibration and fine for maximum sound quality of S6 was performed in several months of listening tests, using a variety of sources and speakers. The largest and most important result of this calibration process was to determine the value of feedback. This allowed us to achieve maximum sound quality, high capacity for detail reproduction, without altering or compromising lightness, transparency and heat.


Type: Stereo Integrated Valve Amplifier

Output Stage: single-ended parallel, ultralinear

Classe: pure A class

Output Power: 30/35 Watt/channel

Frequency Response: 20 – 50000 Hz

Output Impedance: 6 Ohm

Input Impedance: 47 kOhm

Inputs: 5 line

Outputs: 1 tape, loudspeakers

Power Consumption: 265VA max

Dimensioni : 35 cm x 21cm x 49 cm (L x H x P )

Net Weight: 55 lbs

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Unison Research S6 review

The latest single-ended unison s6 offers audiophiles pure class a operation and a honey-rich glow.

Unison Research S6

TechRadar Verdict

Rich, yet crisp, incisive sound – subjectively very powerful

Good value for money

Limited output power

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Although solid-state amplifiers offer many practical benefits – smaller size for a given power output, cooler running, higher maximum power output and potentially lower noise – tube amplifiers promise a certain extra 'something' that many audiophiles seem to find irresistible. But is it all imagination and hype?

While tube amps might seem to hark back to the golden era of high-fidelity, do they really offer any tangible benefits over a good transistor design?

With its pure Class A output stage, the Unison Research S6 has all the right credentials. It undoubtedly talks the talk, but does it walk the walk?

Gutsy sound

Like most modern amplifiers, the Unison Research S6 keeps things simple.

It offers five unbalanced line inputs, a set of tape outputs and a single set of loudspeaker outputs. There's no built-in phono stage and no socket for headphones.

The volume and input selector knobs have a nice solid feel and the amplifier comes with a handsome wood-clad remote control that looks like a late '80s mobile phone.

Bear in mind it's actual output is 'only' around 30-35 watts and obviously, much depends on things like room size and the volume levels you like to listen at, but ideally it needs reasonably sensitive speakers to avoid running out of steam during loud climaxes.

Six EL 34 output tubes are used (three per channel) along with a pair of ECC 82s. Each output tube features user-adjustable bias and there's a moving-coil meter to help you set the correct value. If you remove the output tubes and mix them up, you'll need to check and reset bias again. It's very easy to do this and once set, you shouldn't have to adjust bias again – though it's worth checking every now and again, just to make sure things haven't drifted.

The S6 has a quoted output impedance of six ohms. Being a transformer-coupled amplifier, loudspeaker impedance-matching is more important with the S6 than it would be with an equivalent transistor amplifier.

With direct-coupled transistor designs, amplifier current-output doubles (in theory at least!) as loudspeaker impedance halves. To exploit this, some loudspeaker manufacturers produce speakers with a four-ohm impedance to squeeze more power (current) from the amplifier – basically it's a means of increasing speaker efficiency.

However, being transformer-coupled, tube amplifiers don't respond in a reciprocal manner and require matching; many offer a choice of four- and eight-ohm outputs, allowing you to match amplifier and loudspeakers with greater precision to maximise power transfer.

While manufacturers usually state the nominal impedance of their loudspeakers, the 'correct' impedance match is essentially the one that gives the loudest sound. By providing an output impedance of six ohms, Unison Research offers a compromise setting that should work well with most loudspeakers – though low-efficiency types with an impedance of four ohms will probably benefit from a proper four-ohm tap.

Being pure Class A, the amplifier runs pretty hot. Naturally, the six EL 34s put out quite a bit of heat, but, being as they're not enclosed by casework, they ventilate naturally. There's a stainless steel platform to radiate heat upwards, but the central section of the amplifier gets very warm during extended use, so don't leave a CD case there – it might have turned into a strange shape by the time you return!

Crucial influence

The S6 is solidly made, being built on a steel chassis and sporting a 2mm-thick alloy front panel with wooden inserts. Earlier incarnations of this amplifier had quite a bit of decorative wood to liven-up the visuals (and add a bit of damping?), but this new version is plainer-looking – albeit still very stylish in an understated sort of way.

Unison s6

While at £2,990 the S6 is not inexpensive, it offers good value given the quality of sound it produces. You could easily pay a lot more and not achieve anything like as good a sound – it's definitely an amplifier that punches above its weight.

Speaking of which, at 25kg (55Ilbs) the S6 is a heavy beast. This is a good thing, as it indicates massive transformers. Not just the main power transformer, but the two output transformers that couple the loudspeakers.

The latter have a crucial influence on sound quality. Way back in the late-1960s, eliminating the output transformer was one of the main reasons given for preferring transistor amplifiers over valve types – direct-coupling gave you a sharper, more immediate sound.

Much of the 'valve sound' (warmth, roundness, fullness, weight) is down to the fact that virtually all tube amps are transformer-coupled. Although having an output transformer adds an extra component, it also blocks RF interference and 'protects' the amplifier's output from the vicissitudes of the loudspeaker crossover. The downsides are things like added cost, possible peak level saturation and phase shift at frequency extremes.

Crisp dynamics

The S6 produces a very rich smooth alluring sort of sound that we found immediately likeable. It delivers a big weighty sort of presentation that's full-bodied and solid.

There's something 'right' about the combination of incisive clarity and rich pungent depth it offers. On naturally miked recordings of acoustic music (classical, jazz), it recreates vocal and instrumental timbres in a manner that's wholly believable and 'real'-sounding.

For decades now, audiophiles have debated whether or not valves sound as 'accurate' as transistors. But, how do you judge accuracy? Unless present when the recording was being made and able to hear exactly how it sounded live, it's difficult to say with authority what is or isn't accurate.

What you can say with greater certainty is whether or not something sounds believable and authentic. Judged in these terms, the S6 delivers results that are very convincing and real-sounding.

As mentioned earlier, at just 35 watts, it's not massively powerful. But, it definitely punches well above its weight and (in the nicest sense) cons you into believing it has all the power you could ever need – and maybe even a bit to spare. Leastways it does when partnered with reasonably sensitive loudspeakers – say, those over 93dB/W.

However, this is an illusion – if pushed too hard, the sound loses its dynamic clarity and transparency. While the S6's tonal balance has a honey-rich glow and warmth, the sound is not 'soft' or lacking in detail. Indeed, it's often remarkably tactile and incisive, with crisp dynamics and 3D stereo imaging.

At the same time, bass and treble extremes remain beautifully balanced and integrated, so that the higher frequencies never 'lead' the midrange and bass. The bottom end is clean and firm – maybe not quite as deep and powerful as certain direct-coupled transistor designs, but solid and weighty when it counts and free from smearing and boominess.

If you push the amp hard, the bottom end seems to compress slightly and the sound loses dynamic separation. But you don't hear the sound break-up as such.

For such a hot-running amplifier, the S6 sounds pretty good from a cold standing-start. It does become a little freer and more mellifluous after (say) an hour or so, but it's very listenable from the off (our review sample had seen some action at a couple of hi-fi shows and was more or less fully run-in).

Unison s6

During those all-important few minutes when we first got the amp up and running, we had an immediate 'I like it' moment – being smitten with its combination of smooth, lush warmth and crisp incisive clarity. It definitely delivers that airy, three-dimensional quality Class A amps are famous for.

Absolutely gorgeous

If you're new to valves and wonder what all the fuss is about, Unison's Research's S6 would be the perfect introduction. It sounds absolutely gorgeous, delivering that sweet glowing richness that tubes are famous for, without loss of bite or immediacy.

Indeed, it's the combination of silky smoothness and crisp immediacy that is so alluring. Power output is limited, but the S6 is one of those tube amps that's very good at covering its tracks.

Listening to it, you're rarely aware of its 'limitations'. It recreates the music with little sense of strain and sounds as though it has power to spare.

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Unison Research S6 Tube Integrated Amplifier

Unison Research S6 Tube Integrated Amplifier

The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics...and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of our S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world. The contrasting highlights of the wooden inlays on the front panel also reveal the technical sophistication of this amplifier, emphasizing the pride of ownership that comes with the term “Made in Italy.”

The S6 integrated amplifier is an amplifier that benefits from the experience of many years of designing and manufacturing amplifiers made by Unison Research. The S6 is a medium power amplifier with the amplifier output configuration Single Ended Ultra-parallel. T his compact amplifier is able to drive almost all speakers on the market, including low sensitivity.   Electronic features.   The stages consist of two triode preamp directly coupled, while the output stage uses three pentodes for each channel type in configuration EL34 Single Ended Ultra-parallel. The output transformer, as tradition Unison Research has been specifically designed and is made entirely by hand in our laboratories. the characteristics of this transformer extensive damage to the amplifier frequency response linear with high sound quality. Outputs planned for 4 and 8 ohm impedance no limit to the choice of speakers. The power transformer, large is able to seamlessly provide all the energy needed to operate the amplifier in any condition. During design and development of S6 has tried to create an amplifier that use the smallest possible number of electronic components in the audio path. Importantly, all connections to input and output amplifier are gold plated so that contacts can remain perfect after many years of use. Aesthetics.   The Unison Research, as tradition has always placed great importance and attention to the aesthetics of its products. The originality of form and choice of materials is to demonstrate the artistry and expertise of our design team. The S6 is another expression of art for which the Unison Research is known worldwide and we are justifiably proud. The wooden parts of the amplifier are handcrafted using blocks of precious woods. The rotary controls are non-magnetic stainless steel, turned and machined precision numerical control. The design of each tube amplifier must also take account of the dissipation of heat produced by the valves. S6 in this need has been resolved with an attractive layout of the arc power tubes and a baseplate with non-magnetic stainless steel heat reflector function. A wire grille protects chrome valves allowing adequate ventilation without compromising the view of the valves.   Sound characteristics.   A careful calibration and fine for maximum sound quality of S6 was performed in several months of listening tests, using a variety of sources and speakers. The largest and most important result of this calibration process was to determine the value of feedback. This allowed us to achieve maximum sound quality, high capacity for detail reproduction, without altering or compromising lightness, transparency and heat.


  • Type: Stereo Integrated Valve Amplifier
  • Output Stage: single-ended parallel, ultralinear
  • Classe: pure A class
  • Output Power: 30/35 Watt/channel
  • Frequency Response: 20 – 50000 Hz
  • Output Impedance: 6 Ohm
  • Input Impedance: 47 kOhm
  • Inputs: 5 line
  • Outputs: 1 tape, loudspeakers
  • Power Consumption: 265VA max
  • Dimensioni : 35 cm x 21cm x 49 cm (L x H x P )
  • Net Weight: 55 lbs

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" richness, power and tenderness: it’s all here, in generous portions.", "...if you fancy something out of the ordinary, and can take the care necessary to build a compatible system of suitable quality, this unison research amplifier is a simply terrific buy."  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★.

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unison research s6

  • Type: Stereo Integrated Valve Amplifier
  • Output Stage: single-ended parallel, ultraliner
  • Class: pure Class A
  • Output Power: 30/35 Watt/channel
  • Frequency Response: 20 – 50000 Hz
  • Output Impedance: 6 Ohm
  • Input Impedance: 47 kOhm
  • Inputs: 5 x line
  • Outputs: 1 x tape, 1pr. x loudspeaker
  • Power Consumption: 265VA max

Dimensions: 8.3 h x 13.8 w x 19.3 d in. Weight: 55 lbs. Warranty: 2 yrs. limited electronics, tubes: 30 days

unison research s6

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SHIPPING:  The shipping weight of the Unison S6 is 60 lbs. Shipment by   FEDEX  Home Delivery /Insured is FREE if your delivery addresses is within the 48 continental states. If your delivery address is in Alaska, Hawaii, Canada or other location outside of the USA, please call (480) 607-2277) or email   [email protected]   to determine the shipping cost and to place your order.  Duties, taxes and fees on shipments to destinations outside of the USA are NOT included in the price.

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unison research s6

Integrated Amplifiers

Unison research s6 - £2,995.

unison research s6

Although solid-state amplifiers offer many practical benefits – smaller size for a given power output, cooler running, higher maximum power output and potentially lower noise – tube amplifiers promise a certain extra ‘something’ that many audiophiles seem to find irresistible.

But is it all imagination and hype? While tube amps might seem to hark back to the golden era of high-fidelity, do they really offer any tangible benefits over a good transistor design? With its pure Class A output stage, the Unison Research S6 has all the right credentials. It undoubtedly talks the talk, but does it walk the walk?

Like most modern amplifiers, the S6 keeps things simple. It offers five unbalanced line inputs, a set of tape outputs and a single set of loudspeaker outputs. There’s no built-in phono stage and no socket for headphones. The volume and input selector knobs have a nice solid feel and the amplifier comes with a handsome wood-clad remote control that looks like a late ‘80s mobile phone.

Bear in mind it’s actual output is ‘only’ around 30-35 watts and obviously, much depends on things like room size and the volume levels you like to listen at, but ideally it needs reasonably sensitive speakers to avoid running out of steam during loud climaxes.

Six EL 34 output tubes are used (three per channel) along with a pair of ECC 82s. Each output tube features user-adjustable bias and there’s a moving-coil meter to help you set the correct value. If you remove the output tubes and mix them up, you’ll need to check and reset bias again. It’s very easy to do this and once set, you shouldn’t have to adjust bias again – though it’s worth checking every now and again, just to make sure things haven’t drifted.

The S6 has a quoted output impedance of six ohms. Being a transformer-coupled amplifier, loudspeaker impedance-matching is more important with the S6 than it would be with an equivalent transistor amplifier. With direct-coupled transistor designs, amplifier current-output doubles (in theory at least!) as loudspeaker impedance halves. To exploit this, some loudspeaker manufacturers produce speakers with a four-ohm impedance to squeeze more power (current) from the amplifier – basically it’s a means of increasing speaker efficiency.

However, being transformer-coupled, tube amplifiers don’t respond in a reciprocal manner and require matching; many offer a choice of four- and eight-ohm outputs, allowing you to match amplifier and loudspeakers with greater precision to maximise power transfer.

While manufacturers usually state the nominal impedance of their loudspeakers, the ‘correct’ impedance match is essentially the one that gives the loudest sound. By providing an output impedance of six ohms, Unison Research offers a compromise setting that should work well with most loudspeakers – though low-efficiency types with an impedance of four ohms will probably benefit from a proper four-ohm tap.

Being pure Class A, the amplifier runs pretty hot. Naturally, the six EL 34s put out quite a bit of heat, but, being as they’re not enclosed by casework, they ventilate naturally.

There’s a stainless steel platform to radiate heat upwards, but the central section of the amplifier gets very warm during extended use, so don’t leave a CD case there – it might have turned into a strange shape by the time you return!

The S6 is solidly made, being built on a steel chassis and sporting a 2mm-thick alloy front panel with wooden inserts. Earlier incarnations of this amplifier had quite a bit of decorative wood to liven-up the visuals (and add a bit of damping?), but this new version is plainer-looking – albeit still very stylish in an understated sort of way.

While at £2,990 the S6 is not inexpensive, it offers good value given the quality of sound it produces. You could easily pay a lot more and not achieve anything like as good a sound – it’s definitely an amplifier that punches above its weight. Speaking of which, at 25kg (55Ilbs) the S6 is a heavy beast.

This is a good thing, as it indicates massive transformers. Not just the main power transformer, but the two output transformers that couple the loudspeakers. The latter have a crucial influence on sound quality. Way back in the late-1960s, eliminating the output transformer was one of the main reasons given for preferring transistor amplifiers over valve types – direct-coupling gave you a sharper, more immediate sound.

Much of the ‘valve sound’ (warmth, roundness, fullness, weight) is down to the fact that virtually all tube amps are transformer-coupled.Although having an output transformer adds an extra component, it also blocks RF interference and ‘protects’ the amplifier’s output from the vicissitudes of the loudspeaker crossover. The downsides are things like added cost, possible peak level saturation and phase shift at frequency extremes.

The S6 produces a very rich smooth alluring sort of sound that we found immediately likeable. It delivers a big weighty sort of presentation that’s full-bodied and solid. There’s something ‘right’ about the combination of incisive clarity and rich pungent depth it offers.

On naturally miked recordings of acoustic music (classical, jazz), it recreates vocal and instrumental timbres in a manner that’s wholly believable and ‘real’-sounding.

For decades now, audiophiles have debated whether or not valves sound as ‘accurate’ as transistors. But, how do you judge accuracy? Unless present when the recording was being made and able to hear exactly how it sounded live, it’s difficult to say with authority what is or isn’t accurate. What you can say with greater certainty is whether or not something sounds believable and authentic. Judged in these terms, the S6 delivers results that are very convincing and real-sounding.

As mentioned earlier, at just 35 watts, it’s not massively powerful. But, it definitely punches well above its weight and (in the nicest sense) cons you into believing it has all the power you could ever need – and maybe even a bit to spare. Leastways it does when partnered with reasonably sensitive loudspeakers – say, those over 93dB/W. However, this is an illusion – if pushed too hard, the sound loses its dynamic clarity and transparency.

While the S6’s tonal balance has a honey-rich glow and warmth, the sound is not ‘soft’ or lacking in detail. Indeed, it’s often remarkably tactile and incisive, with crisp dynamics and 3D stereo imaging. At the same time, bass and treble extremes remain beautifully balanced and integrated, so that the higher frequencies never ‘lead’ the midrange and bass. The bottom end is clean and firm – maybe not quite as deep and powerful as certain direct-coupled transistor designs, but solid and weighty when it counts and free from smearing and boominess.

If you push the amp hard, the bottom end seems to compress slightly and the sound loses dynamic separation. But you don’t hear the sound break-up as such.

For such a hot-running amplifier, the S6 sounds pretty good from a cold standing-start. It does become a little freer and more mellifluous after (say) an hour or so, but it’s very listenable from the off (our review sample had seen some action at a couple of hi-fi shows and was more or less fully run-in).

During those all-important few minutes when we first got the amp up and running, we had an immediate ‘I like it’ moment – being smitten with its combination of smooth, lush warmth and crisp incisive clarity. It definitely delivers that airy, three-dimensional quality Class A amps are famous for.

If you’re new to valves and wonder what all the fuss is about, Unison’s Research’s S6 would be the perfect introduction. It sounds absolutely gorgeous, delivering that sweet glowing richness that tubes are famous for, without loss of bite or immediacy. Indeed, it’s the combination of silky smoothness and crisp immediacy that is so alluring.

Power output is limited, but the S6 is one of those tube amps that’s very good at covering its tracks. Listening to it, you’re rarely aware of its ‘limitations’. It recreates the music with little sense of strain and sounds as though it has power to spare.

LIKE: Rich, yet crisp, incisive sound – subjectively very powerful DISLIKE: Runs hot – limited output power WE SAY: Creates a big spacious soundstage with ample depth and width. Clarity is excellent; sharp, open and detailed DETAILS PRODUCT: Unison Research S6     ORIGIN: Italy TYPE: Integrated valve amp WEIGHT: 25kg DIMENSIONS: (WxHxD) 350x210x490mm FEATURES: • Pure Class A output stage • Transformer coupled to the loudspeakers • User adjustable bias • Line level inputs only DISTRIBUTOR: UKD TELEPHONE: 01573 652669   WEBSITE: unisonresearch.com    

unison research s6

unison research s6

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Unison Research S6 Integrated Tube Amplifier

Unison research s6 integrated valve amplifier was hailed by hi-fi world as “easily the best tube amplifier at the price”. the s6 is a class a design that uses 6 x el34 valves and offers a rich, inviting sound, the s6 showcases the benefits of a carefully designed valve amp. .

The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics...and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of the S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world. The contrasting highlights of the wooden inlays on the front panel also reveal the technical sophistication of this amplifier, emphasizing the pride of ownership that comes with a “Made in Italy” product.

It offers 35W per channel in triple-parallel single ended mode which might not sound like a lot, but you're rarely aware of any limitation if matched with average sensitivity speakers.

The preamplifier stage consists of two directly coupled triode valves. The output stage uses three EL 34-type valves for each channel, connected together in triple-parallel configuration and operating in single-ended Class A ultra-linear mode.

The output transformer in Unison Research tradition, has been specially designed and handmade in their own workshops and allows a very wide frequency response together with the highest possible sound quality.

Outputs are provided to cater for loudspeakers of both 4 and 8 Ohms. The mains power supply transformer is of generous proportions and will provide all the energy that may be needed by the amplifier under all conditions of use.

During the development stage, great care was taken to design for the absolute minimum number of components in the audio signal path, and thereby allow a close approach to the theoretical ideal of unimpeded signal flow.

All connections to both inputs and outputs are gold plated, which will ensure excellent electrical contact over the lifetime of the product. S6 offers excellent value for money with build quality and styling typical of a classic Unison Research products with a sound rich in refinement and authority. The S6 is supplied with a lift-up protect

  • Ultra-linear, single-ended Class A integrated amplifier
  • 6Ω output impedance for easier speaker matching
  • Specially designed power supply to suit compact size
  • Switchable toggle for changing effects of negative feedback
  • Wood panel front plate adds extra damping to metal casework
  • Clearly-labelled inputs and outputs
  • Made in Italy


  • Type: All-valve integrated amplifier
  • Valve complement: 6 x EL 34, 2 x ECC83
  • Operating Mode: Pure Class A
  • Power stage: -parallel single-ended
  • Output power: 30/35 Watt/channel
  • Bandwidth: 20 – 50000 Hz
  • Output impedance: 6 Ohm
  • Input impedance: 47 kOhm Inputs: 5
  • line Outputs: 1 tape
  • Power consumption: 265VA max
  • Dimensions : 35 cm x 21cm x 49 cm (L x H x D ) 14 x 8 x 19 inch
  • Net weight: 25 kg 55 Ibs
  • Fuses: 5x20 – 3.15 A T 220V to 240V 

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Unison Research S 6 Integrated Amplifiers

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Unison Research S 6 Integrated Amplifiers 

Output stage: single ended parallel, ultralinear pure class A Output power: approx. 35 watts per channel Output impedance: 4 and 8 Ohms


Strengths: Power enough for smy KEF reference speakers , musical, good staging.

Weaknesses: bass resolution, high temperature. Very bad support. only for this, avoid buying unison produt.



Strengths: Power enough for smy KEF reference speakers , musical, good staging.

Weaknesses: bass resolution, high temperature. Very bad support. only for this, avoid buying unison produt.

Soundstaging improved over my SS amp. musical but harsh sound with EHx tube. Huge improvement when using telefunken 802s (12au7): detailed mid-range, highs are sweet and smooth. Drawback : bad, bad support.My dealer never get transfo output replacement after 8 months phone calls and mails.So I got S6 demo replacing my S6 but with no remote. The dealer ordered a remote since july 2004. Until now nothing came from Unison. If you buy an Unison product pray to not needing their support at all.

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musical,easy to find tubes, fantastic on voices and jazz, reliable, low power consumption, remote control, passes without problem the WAF (women's acceptance factor !)


Audiomat Prelude Ref, UR simply four, Brinkmann, Mc Intosh.


musical,easy to find tubes, fantastic on voices and jazz, reliable, low power consumption, remote control, passes without problem the WAF (women's acceptance factor !)

It's been now 9 month that I have purchased my S6 Unison Reaserch of which I am very satisfied. Great warm sound, very musical (no harshness at all),very good reserve of energy and very detailed as well. This unit deserves good smooth source, interconnect and power cord. If wished, bass can easily be increased by replacing the poor Electro Harmonix by Ei 6CA7/EL34 big bottle or Sveltana's and good 5814. An outstanding choice for voices and jazz. I highly recommend it.

Audiomat Prelude Ref, UR simply four, Brinkmann, Mc Intosh.


Power enough for speakers in general, musical, good staging, never feel harsh in high mid at all

Poor bass resolution, dynamic lose a bit.......sorry I compared it with VAC models. So troublesome to setup, plug tubes, caring temperature, etc

Opera Ref 6.6, UR S845, VAC (forgot model number, but using 4 EL34s, integrated amp)


Power enough for speakers in general, musical, good staging, never feel harsh in high mid at all

Poor bass resolution, dynamic lose a bit.......sorry I compared it with VAC models. So troublesome to setup, plug tubes, caring temperature, etc

Just sold the amplifier and feel a little bit regret when I am reviewing with the buyer. Staging is excellent where I can feel the positioning of the vocal and instruement. Very musical as I never feel on harsh sound. Very punchy when pairing with my ProAc T2000s speaker on stands. However, I do have a complain, the bass, it is not as clear as solidstate amp produces. Resolution is losing a bit. Otherwise, it is a fairy good choice for tube guys to play.....S6 is UR int amp flagship in my heart......coz I dont really like the sound from 845, tube model used by their real flagship S845

Opera Ref 6.6, UR S845, VAC (forgot model number, but using 4 EL34s, integrated amp)


Beautifull midrange.For this price EVERYTHING!

Ask it to marklevinson and krell owners.

Before all transistors.


Beautifull midrange.For this price EVERYTHING!

Ask it to marklevinson and krell owners.

This was my first experience whit tube Ampliefiers.I will never again go back to transistors again.For the price it is a exellent product.A friend of me ho listend to the Unisonresearch S 6 at my home sold his pre power combination Marklevinson (very expensief model 7x) he was depresd how good for that money the S 6 is.Strongly recomended!

Before all transistors.

Warn & sweet vocal voice but cannot catch deep bass

Too heavy, power consumption



Warn & sweet vocal voice but cannot catch deep bass

Too heavy, power consumption

It is a delicate amp and the state of art. My loudspeakers are Harbeth M''40. They are really good in concerto and soprano''s aria. But it''s a lttle loose at heavy metal. I think that it does not matter. Because I turn the sound switch over 1200.

Musical, sweet rich and "full" sound. Excels with female vocals, jazz, classical and acoustic material. Can rock too. Looks great and well made. Can drive moderate sensitivity speakers easily.

Standard input tubes (Sylvania 12AU7) makes bass a bit slow and overly warm/"loose", Runs hot, energy consumption (?), heavy to lift! (25 kg)

Audiolab 8000S


Musical, sweet rich and "full" sound. Excels with female vocals, jazz, classical and acoustic material. Can rock too. Looks great and well made. Can drive moderate sensitivity speakers easily.

Standard input tubes (Sylvania 12AU7) makes bass a bit slow and overly warm/"loose", Runs hot, energy consumption (?), heavy to lift! (25 kg)

A really nice sounding amp...musical and not tiring like some amps. Really good with simpler acoustic classical, jazz, folk amd female vocals. Plays orchestral pieces and rock pretty well but lacks solid state slam (as expected) but makes up everywhere else...lovely smooth sound, very good soundstage, "presence", conveys nuances and rhythm of music well. In my humble opinion that is. Not as transparent and "there" as with a good single ended triode amp and doesn't have razor sharp top & bottom end like moderately priced solid state gear (A blessing I'm sure, I don't think I'm missing too much with this tube gear though) It runs pretty warm, especially at low volumes (as expected for class A and single ended operation) so must draw reasonable amount of power to achieve power output. cooler if ran at higher volume or with rock. A bit of experimenting revealled the input tubes contribute significantly to its perceived weaknesses : the Sylvania 12AU7's impart an overly warm, slow and overblown bass. A change to NOS Mullard CV4003 or Radiotechnique 12AU7WA especially improved things no end in redressing the balance. Lovely mids a bonus too, better top and bottom end control and speed. Bass is more controlled/more speed imparted with the new tubes. Not had time to try Svetlana EL34. The amp looks cool, the tube cage is brilliant: looks cool and keeps the kiddies hands & finger out! Remote control is novel (works on radiowaves not IR) but works all around the house. Amp looks well made and is hefty to lift. Drives my concerto's pretty well...dont need to crank the volume to more than 1030 position before its too loud and doesn't seem to stuggle/loose control at this volume. No reliability problems so far in 6 months or so. I am very happy with the sound, particularly with the "new" "old" 12AU7WA's in place. A happy tube convert. Rating? Depends... I dont think mega dollar gear necessarily gaurantees enjoyment, I also haven't listened to everything out there but have a fair idea over the years, so for the money (1600 GBP).. Associated equipment: Anthem CD 1 (Mullard CV2493 in output stage rather than stock Sovtek 6922)) Sonus faber concerto's on fixed ironwood stands Nordost blue heaven interconnects and speaker cables (2 runs, biwired)

Audiolab 8000S Anthem Pre1 and amp1 Krell 300i


Brings heart and soul to your music, very good soundstaging,


Tested agains Audio Analogue, Cyrus, Rotel, Unison SR1,


Brings heart and soul to your music, very good soundstaging,

This is the ultimate 'foot-tapping' amp! Musical all the way! After extensive listening I decided on this model, and I haven't been disappointed yet! It has improved my listening pleasure so much. Both at loud and soft volume you are drawn into the music. The level of detail is enormous, without being too detailed as an analytical amplifier may do. Bass is supposedly disappointing with tube amplifiers, but it is enough for me, and well defined (and I haven't mass-loaded my speakers -yet-). Unison even provides a remote control for the volume, although it is very basic. Prices are a bit lower in the Netherlands, but even for the US price this is a very serious contender if you're amp is up for renewal! My system: Arcan FMJ 23 CD Unison Research S6 Ruark Prologue R speakers MIT T2 interconnect Linn K20 speaker cable (temporary, once the system is burnt in I will start auditioning interconnects and speaker cables)

Tested agains Audio Analogue, Cyrus, Rotel, Unison SR1,

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Unison Research S6 Valve Amplifier - Black

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unison research s6

Unison Research S6 Valve Amplifier - Black - Brand New - Sale!

The Unison Research S6 was hailed by Hi-Fi World as “easily the best tube amplifier at the price” - a Class A design that uses 6 x EL34 valves and offers a rich, inviting sound that showcases the benefits of a carefully designed valve amp. It offers 35W per channel in triple-parallel single ended mode which might not sound like a lot, but you're rarely aware of any limitation if matched with average sensitivity speakers.

  • The preamplifier stage consists of two directly coupled triode valves.
  • The output stage uses three EL 34-type valves for each channel, connected together in triple-parallel configuration and operating in single-ended Class-A ultra-linear mode.
  • The output transformer - in the Unison Research® tradition - has been specially designed and handmade in our own workshops. It allows a very wide frequency response together with the highest possible sound quality.
  • Outputs are provided to cater for loudspeakers of both 4 and 8 Ohms.
  • The mains power supply transformer is of generous proportions and will provide all the energy that may be needed by the amplifier under all conditions of use.
  • During the development stage, great care was taken to design for the absolute minimum number of components in the audio signal path, and thereby allow a close approach to the theoretical ideal of unimpeded signal flow.
  • All connections to both inputs and outputs are gold plated, which will ensure excellent electrical contact over the lifetime of the product.

S6 offers excellent value for money with build quality and styling typical of a classic Unison Research products with a sound rich in refinement and authority.

The S6 is supplied with a lift-up protective grill and infra red volume remote control. Lovely EL34 velvety sound, but with bags of detail, grip and dynamics.

Rich, yet crisp incisive sound - subjectively very powerful...creates a big spacious soundstage with ample depth and width. Clarity is excellent; sharp, open and detailer'


'If you're new to valves and wonder what all the fuss is about, Unison Research's S6 would be the perfect introduction. It sounds absolutely gorgeous, delivering that sweet glowing richness that tubes are famous for, without loss of bite or immediacy'

'A clever compromise, the S6 gives a good helping of the low-level purity that single-ended triodes provide, yet decent power output and low noise. It has a clear, heart-warming sound.'  


  • Output power Approx. 35W per channel
  • Output impedance 4-8ohms
  • Valve compliment 2 x ECC 82; 6 x EL34EH
  • Output stage Single-ended Class-A
  • Dimensions (w, d, h) 330mm x 450mm x 200mm
  • Weight 25 kg

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Unison Research S6 Stereo Integrated Tube Amplifier

Unison Research S6 Stereo Integrated Tube Amplifier

Unison Research S6 Stereo Integrated Tube Amplifier ABOUT: The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics...and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of our S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world. The contrasting highlights of the wooden inlays on the front panel also reveal the technical sophistication of this amplifier, emphasizing the pride of ownership that comes with the term “Made in Italy.” SPECIFICATIONS: Type: Stereo Integrated Valve Amplifier Output Stage: single-ended parallel, ultraliner Classe: pure A class Output Power: 30/35 Watt/channel Frequency Response: 20 – 50000 Hz Output Impedance: 6 Ohm Input Impedance: 47 kOhm Inputs: 5 line Outputs: 1 tape, loudspeakers Power Consumption: 265VA max Dimensioni : 35 cm x 21cm x 49 cm (L x H x P ) Net Weight: 55 lbs RESOURCES: Manual

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unison research s6

Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier

£ 3,999.00 £ 1,590.00

unison research s6

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The Unison Research S6 was hailed by Hi-Fi World as “easily the best tube amplifier at the price” – a Class A design that uses 6 x EL34 valves and offers a rich, inviting sound that showcases the benefits of a carefully designed valve amp. It offers 35W per channel in triple-parallel single ended mode which might not sound like a lot, but you’re rarely aware of any limitation if matched with average sensitivity speakers.

  • The preamplifier stage consists of two directly coupled triode valves.
  • The output stage uses three EL 34-type valves for each channel, connected together in triple-parallel configuration and operating in single-ended Class-A ultra-linear mode.
  • The output transformer – in the Unison Research® tradition – has been specially designed and handmade in our own workshops. It allows a very wide frequency response together with the highest possible sound quality.
  • Outputs are provided to cater for loudspeakers of both 4 and 8 Ohms.
  • The mains power supply transformer is of generous proportions and will provide all the energy that may be needed by the amplifier under all conditions of use.
  • During the development stage, great care was taken to design for the absolute minimum number of components in the audio signal path, and thereby allow a close approach to the theoretical ideal of unimpeded signal flow.
  • All connections to both inputs and outputs are gold plated, which will ensure excellent electrical contact over the lifetime of the product.

S6 offers excellent value for money with build quality and styling typical of a classic Unison Research products with a sound rich in refinement and authority.

The S6 is supplied with a lift-up protective grill and infra red volume remote control. Lovely EL34 velvety sound, but with bags of detail, grip and dynamics.

Rich, yet crisp incisive sound – subjectively very powerful…creates a big spacious soundstage with ample depth and width. Clarity is excellent; sharp, open and detailer’


‘If you’re new to valves and wonder what all the fuss is about, Unison Research’s S6 would be the perfect introduction. It sounds absolutely gorgeous, delivering that sweet glowing richness that tubes are famous for, without loss of bite or immediacy’

‘A clever compromise, the S6 gives a good helping of the low-level purity that single-ended triodes provide, yet decent power output and low noise. It has a clear, heart-warming sound.’

Brand: Unison Research

Model Name/Number: S6

Price (RRP): £3999

Choice Hifi Price: £2450


  • Output power Approx. 35W per channel
  • Output impedance 4-8ohms
  • Valve compliment 2 x ECC 82; 6 x EL34EH
  • Output stage Single-ended Class-A
  • Dimensions (w, d, h) 330mm x 450mm x 200mm
  • Weight 25 kg

Age: 3 years

Condition: 9/10

Voltage: 220/240/50Hz

Packaging? Yes

Accessories? Yes

Item Location: In Stock

Status: Second Hand

Dimensions 5708473 cm

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  1. Unison Research S6 Photo #3453231

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  2. Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier

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  3. Unison Research S6 Integrated Valve Amplifier

    unison research s6

  4. Unison Research S6 Integrated Valve Amplifier

    unison research s6

  5. Unison Research S6 Integrated

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  6. Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier Photo #4508043

    unison research s6


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  1. English

    The S6 is a stereo integrated amplifier with 2 x ECC83 and 6 x EL34 valves, offering personality, refinement and aesthetics. It has a pure A class output, 35 watt/channel, and a wooden inlay on the front panel.

  2. Unison Research S6 review

    Unison Research S6 remote . A spellbinding sound. So good is the S6 in its areas of strength that we find it easy to forgive the lack of outright attack. Rivals that can better it in this aspect don't even come close in other areas. It offers a viable alternative to the established class leaders - one where the sonic character is so ...

  3. Unison Research S6 Integrated

    A detailed review of the Unison Research S6 integrated amplifier, a moderately powered tube amp with a unique design and sound. The review covers the features, performance, and compatibility of the S6 with various speakers and sources.

  4. Unison Research S6 Amplifier (Guest Review)

    A guest writer shares his experience with the Unison Research S6, a Class A, single-ended triode amplifier with 6xEL34 valves. He praises its musicality, mid-range realism, and bass weight, but also notes its limitations in dynamics and timing.

  5. Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier

    The Unison Research, as tradition has always placed great importance and attention to the aesthetics of its products. The originality of form and choice of materials is to demonstrate the artistry and expertise of our design team. The S6 is another expression of art for which the Unison Research is known worldwide and we are justifiably proud.

  6. Unison Research S6

    The Unison Research, as tradition has always placed great importance and attention to the aesthetics of its products. The originality of form and choice of materials is to demonstrate the artistry and expertise of our design team. The S6 is another expression of art for which the Unison Research is known worldwide and we are justifiably proud.

  7. Unison Research S6 review

    Unison Research S6 review The latest single-ended Unison S6 offers audiophiles pure Class A operation and a honey-rich glow Reviews. By Jimmy Hughes. published 15 May 2011.

  8. Unison Research S6 Tube Integrated Amplifier

    The S6 is a medium power amplifier with single ended output stage and EL34 pentodes. It has a handcrafted wooden case, gold plated connections and a high quality output transformer.


    The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics...and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of the S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world.

  10. Unison Research S6

    Unison Research S6 - £2,995. Ed Selley | Jul 7, 2011. Irresistible force The latest single-ended Unison S6 offers audiophiles pure Class A operation and a honey-rich glow says a smitten Jimmy Hughes. Although solid-state amplifiers offer many practical benefits - smaller size for a given power output, cooler running, higher maximum power ...

  11. Unison Research S6 Integrated Tube Amplifier

    Unison Research S6 integrated valve amplifier was hailed by Hi-Fi World as "easily the best tube amplifier at the price". The S6 is a class A design that uses 6 x EL34 valves and offers a rich, inviting sound, the S6 showcases the benefits of a carefully designed valve amp.

  12. Unison Research S 6 Integrated Amplifiers

    Read user reviews of Unison Research S 6, a tube-based integrated amplifier with 35 watts per channel and remote control. See strengths, weaknesses, similar products and ratings for this product.

  13. Unison Research S6 Valve Amplifier

    The Unison Research S6 was hailed by Hi-Fi World as "easily the best tube amplifier at the price" - a Class A design that uses 6 x EL34 valves and offers a rich, inviting sound that showcases the benefits of a carefully designed valve amp. It offers 35W per channel in triple-parallel single ended mode which might not sound like a lot, but ...

  14. Unison Research S6 Stereo Integrated Tube Amplifier

    The Unison S6 integrated amplifier offers personality, refinement and aesthetics...and a totally new amplifier design from a mechanical standpoint. The latest version of our S6 has been steadily updated and improved over the years to the point where it is easily one of the most respected integrated amplifiers in the world.

  15. Unison Research S6

    Unison Research S6 MKII _ HighEnd Röhren Vollverstärker _ TopZust Audioselect GmbH €2,290 May 14, 2024. Unison Research S6 Tube Integrated Amplifier US Audio Mart $2,500 Apr 2, 2024. Unison Research S6 MKI. For trade or sale Como Ficho €1,195 Feb 20, 2024. Unison Research S6 Stereo Integrated Tube Amplifier The Music Room $5,999 Apr 1, 2022.

  16. The Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier is in the house!

    In fact, I used the new Unison Simply Italy, which is the 12wpc little brother to the S6, and it still worked just fine. Most of the models from Opera Loudspeakers, the sister company of Unison, are in the 86-87 dB range (they're all 4-ohms) and every combination we've used works perfectly.

  17. 2016 Recommended Components Integrated Amps & Receivers

    Unison Research S6: $5600 Each channel of the Italian-made S6 uses three EL34 power pentode tubes in a class-A, single-ended, triple-parallel configuration to deliver 35Wpc into 8 ohms. Its distinctive chassis is longitudinally divided into three portions: a central raised center that houses the iron-core transformers is flanked by identical ...

  18. Unison Research S6 Integrated Amplifier

    The Unison Research S6 was hailed by Hi-Fi World as "easily the best tube amplifier at the price" - a Class A design that uses 6 x EL34 valves and offers a rich, inviting sound that showcases the benefits of a carefully designed valve amp. It offers 35W per channel in triple-parallel single ended mode which might not sound like a lot, but ...

  19. Unison Research

    The Unison Research S6 stands as a testament to the brand's dedication to audio excellence. This stereo tube amplifier represents the pinnacle of Unison Research's craftsmanship and technical innovation. Immerse yourself in the captivating soundstage crafted by the S6's meticulously selected tubes, delivering an audio experience that is both ...

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    The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used in management, business analysis, project management, and software development to reach a common understanding with stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of each requirement; it is also known as MoSCoW prioritization or MoSCoW analysis.. The term MOSCOW itself is an acronym derived from the first letter of each of four ...

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