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How to Create a Dissertation Timeline (With Examples + Tempate)

When it’s time to start thinking about writing your dissertation, it is vital to put together a dissertation timeline. This will help you map out the months you will be spending on your dissertation, and ensure that you’re staying on track. A specific and detailed dissertation timeline will serve as an outline to guide you, step by step, through what can be a long and challenging process. 

While we often refer to a dissertation in a way that makes it sound like a monolith, in reality, a dissertation consists of many moving parts. A dissertation timeline includes a series of milestones that leads up to the dissertation defense , revisions, and final submission of your dissertation. Constructing an outline of every step in the dissertation process , including rough estimates of how long each will take, will give you a realistic picture of where you are in the process at any given time. 

Before embarking on your dissertation, it is a good idea to meet with your dissertation advisor and sketch out a dissertation timeline that is realistic for the size and scope of your project and includes deadlines. This will provide you with much-needed structure and a sense of what will happen next. To get an idea of what a completed dissertation looks like and the components your program requires, ask to see samples from recent graduates in your department. 

These are a few frequently asked questions about crafting a dissertation timeline: 

  • What does a dissertation timeline look like?
  • What goes in a dissertation timeline? 
  • How structured should a dissertation timeline be?
  • What do you do with a dissertation timeline? 

blonde woman writing dissertation prospectus in a cafe

What Does a Dissertation Timeline Look Like? 

One way to think about a dissertation timeline is as a kind of outline. While the outlining process is unique to each writer, there are commonalities shared by all of them. Likewise, when writing a dissertation timeline, you’ll want to include all of the basic elements of your dissertation as well as the amount of time you think you’ll need to execute them. 

The best dissertation timeline format is the one that works for you. Though I’ve reformed somewhat over the years, for a long time I wasn’t a fan of intensely detailed outlines. Many people don’t like outlines. And that’s okay! However, writing a dissertation is not the time to be flying by the seat of your pants. To get started, a simple, linear timeline that projects the amount of time you think you’ll need to write your dissertation will suffice. 

Example Dissertation Timeline

Below, you’ll find an example of a dissertation timeline, which you can view as an image in your browser or download as a spreadsheet. Feel free to use the spreadsheet as a template as you build your own dissertation timeline.

example of a dissertation timeline spreadsheet

Or download the spreadsheet below:

Inclusion in a Dissertation Timeline

When constructing your dissertation timeline, include every element of the dissertation from the abstract to the conclusion. Keep in mind that you may not be writing your chapters in chronological order. For instance, after completing their first round of research and writing their research question, most graduate students will tackle their literature review next, even though it comes after the abstract and introduction in the final document. 

Depending on the field being studied, most dissertations will also include sections for methodology, results, and discussion. Many programs also require a detailed conclusion that alludes to future research possibilities. Every dissertation also has an extensive list of references (pro tip: write this as you’re writing your dissertation), as well as appendices for charts, graphs, and other ephemera. And don’t forget your acknowledgments! 

Dissertation Timeline Structure

The structure of your dissertation timeline will take shape once you’re engaged in the research process. While a road map may seem like an apt metaphor for a dissertation, once you get started you may notice a lot of starts and stops and circling back. After you’ve begun researching, you may realize that you need to allot more time for digging through the databases, or you may discover that you need to reformulate your research question entirely. 

custom made calendar in a notebook with different color notes

I’ve seen many of my own graduate students use calendars to great effect, giving themselves hard and fast deadlines to meet. Many students also build out their dissertation timelines as they progress, attaching working drafts of their abstract, introduction, and literature review to their timeline within a giant spreadsheet that links to multiple documents and sources. All of these methods are valid. Devise one that works for you. 

Using a Dissertation Timeline

So once you have a thoughtful, soundly-constructed dissertation timeline, what do you do with it? First, and most importantly, try your best to adhere to it. Check in with your dissertation timeline regularly, and use it to keep yourself on track. Also, make adjustments to it as needed. If you find yourself breezing through your preliminary research but needing a bit more time for your literature review, consult your timeline and adjust accordingly. 

While meeting your deadlines is important, also construct your dissertation timeline with an understanding that many graduate students face delays once they start working on their dissertation. These can include hold-ups at the department or university level in the form of late IRB approval or limited lab space or grant funding that gets cut. Anything can happen, but having a dissertation timeline will help you get back on track as soon as the storm passes. 

In my own experience, I also found my dissertation timeline to be a great document to share and discuss with my dissertation chair and committee. Once I finished my comprehensive exams, I met with members of my dissertation committee and got feedback on my rough dissertation timeline to make sure my goals for submitting my dissertation and graduating were realistic. This also ensured that we were all on the same page. 

When writing a dissertation, timing is everything. Creating a dissertation timeline gives you definitive time limits for research and writing, and it also influences several other major decisions that you’ll need to make. These include preparation to go on the job market, which often coincides with writing your dissertation. There is no doubt that this will be a hectic time in your graduate school career, but having a well-organized dissertation timeline is a good way to keep everything in perspective. 

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Courtney Watson, Ph.D.

Courtney Watson, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of English at Radford University Carilion, in Roanoke, Virginia. Her areas of expertise include undergraduate and graduate curriculum development for writing courses in the health sciences and American literature with a focus on literary travel, tourism, and heritage economies. Her writing and academic scholarship has been widely published in places that include  Studies in American Culture ,  Dialogue , and  The Virginia Quarterly Review . Her research on the integration of humanities into STEM education will be published by Routledge in an upcoming collection. Dr. Watson has also been nominated by the State Council for Higher Education of Virginia’s Outstanding Faculty Rising Star Award, and she is a past winner of the National Society of Arts & Letters Regional Short Story Prize, as well as institutional awards for scholarly research and excellence in teaching. Throughout her career in higher education, Dr. Watson has served in faculty governance and administration as a frequent committee chair and program chair. As a higher education consultant, she has served as a subject matter expert, an evaluator, and a contributor to white papers exploring program development, enrollment research, and educational mergers and acquisitions.

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A PhD timeline for finishing quickly [Free Gantt Download]

Navigating the labyrinthine journey of a PhD program is no small feat.

From the day you step into your graduate program as a bright-eyed doctoral student, you’re immediately thrust into a complex weave of coursework, research, and milestones.

By the second year, you’ve transitioned from coursework to research, laying the groundwork for your dissertation—a pivotal component in your scholarly endeavour. 

Come the third year, you face the critical oral examination, a hurdle that could make or break years of hard work.

But how does one streamline this multifaceted journey? The answer lies in a well-planned PhD timeline.

This blog serves as an invaluable guide for any PhD student looking to complete their doctoral studies efficiently, walking you through each milestone from coursework to graduation.

How to Begin with the PhD Timeline Planning?

Planning your PhD timeline is an essential first step in your PhD program.

Success in any PhD program depends, to a large extent, on effective time management and keeping track of progress through a thoughtfully crafted PhD timeline. 

Start with outlining all your major requirements:

  • coursework,
  • dissertation,
  • and the expected time needed for each task.

I also highly recommend factoring in failure time – give yourself a little bit of wiggle room for when things, invariably – go wrong. 

It’s crucial to remain realistic about the time you can commit daily or weekly while keeping long-term goals in mind.

Regular check-ins on your PhD timeline and supervisor will help you stay on track and allow you to adapt if necessary.

Adjustments may be needed as you progress through your PhD program, but having a timeline as a guide can make the journey less daunting and more achievable. 

Elements to include in a 3-year PhD timeline

The initial stage in this timeline typically involves coursework, often lasting one year, where the student engrosses themselves in advanced study in their chosen field.

Once the coursework is done (USA PhDs), they focus on proposing, conducting, and presenting their initial research.

By the end of the second year, most students should have a clear direction for their dissertation, a core component of the PhD process.

In this third and final year of the PhD timeline, the student focuses primarily on completing their dissertation, which involves collecting data, analyzing results, and organizing their research into a substantial, original, and cohesive document that contributes to contemporary knowledge in their field.

Regular reviews and modifications of the PhD timeline may also be necessary to accommodate various unpredictable circumstances, thus making this timeline both a guide and a flexible workplan.

It is a significant tool in successfully navigating the maze of becoming a PhD holder. 

Create Your PhD Timeline for a 3 year completion

Creating a timeline for a 3-year PhD program requires careful planning, as you’ll have multiple milestones and tasks to complete.

This timeline may vary depending on your specific field, institution, or country, but here is a general outline you can use as a starting point:

Year & QuarterActivity/MilestoneDescriptionOutcome/Output
Admission & OnboardingFormalities for joining the program, including orientation.Official start of the program.
Initial Literature ReviewFamiliarize yourself with the existing research in your field.Foundation for your research.
CourseworkComplete required or optional courses.Credits/Education
Research Proposal OutlineDevelop a draft outline for your PhD proposal.Outline for proposal
Coursework & SeminarsContinue with coursework and attend relevant seminars.Credits/Education
Meet with AdvisorDiscuss research interests and outline.Feedback for refinement
Complete Research ProposalFinalize your research proposal with your advisor’s input.Approved Proposal
Ethics Approval (if needed)Submit proposal for ethics approval if required.Ethics Clearance
Year & QuarterActivity/MilestoneDescriptionOutcome/Output
Data CollectionStart gathering data according to your proposal.Initial Data
Intermediate ReviewReview progress with advisor.Feedback for refinement
Data AnalysisStart analyzing the collected data.Preliminary Findings
Draft ChaptersStart writing initial chapters of your thesis.Draft Chapters
Further AnalysisConduct additional analysis if necessary.Refined Findings
Publish/ConferenceConsider publishing initial findings or presenting at a conference.Paper/Presentation
Complete Data CollectionFinish gathering all necessary data.Finalized Data
Update Thesis DraftUpdate your thesis draft with the complete analysis.Updated Draft
Year & QuarterActivity/MilestoneDescriptionOutcome/Output
Thesis WritingFocus primarily on writing your thesis.Near-final draft
Peer ReviewHave peers or mentors review the thesis draft.Feedback for refinement
Thesis SubmissionFinalize and submit your thesis for review.Submitted Thesis
Defense PreparationPrepare for your thesis defense.Defense Presentation
Thesis DefenseDefend your thesis in front of a committee.Committee’s Decision
Revisions (if needed)Make any revisions recommended by the committee.Final Thesis
Final SubmissionSubmit the finalized thesis.PhD Thesis
GraduationComplete any remaining formalities.PhD Awarded

Free Gantt chart excel template

Here is a free template you can modify for your own research:

Example Gantt chart for a USA PhD

Here are some common steps involved in completing a PhD, which I’ll use to create the Gantt chart:

PhD timeline USA PhD Gantt Chart

  • Orientation and Coursework (Semester 1) : Familiarization with the university, department, and coursework.
  • Coursework (Semester 2) : Continued coursework and possible teaching/research assistantships.
  • Select Advisor and Research Topic : Usually done towards the end of the first year or the beginning of the second year.
  • Preliminary Research : Initial research and literature review.
  • Complete Coursework (Semester 3) : Wrap up any remaining required courses.
  • Research Proposal : Develop a full research proposal including methodology.
  • Qualifying Exams : Exams to transition from a Ph.D. student to a Ph.D. candidate.
  • Begin Research : Start of actual research based on the approved proposal.
  • Conduct Research : Data collection, experiments, and analysis.
  • Intermediate Review : A review to assess the progress of the research.
  • Write Papers : Start writing papers and possibly publishing in journals.
  • Finalize Research : Final experiments and data analysis.
  • Write Dissertation : Writing the actual Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Dissertation Defense : Defending the dissertation before the committee.
  • Graduation : Completing all requirements and graduating.

Example Gantt chart for a UK, European and Australian PhD

For Ph.D. programs outside the United States, especially in Europe and some other parts of the world, students often go straight into research without the need for coursework. Here are some common steps for such programs:

PhD timeline UK PhD Gantt Chart

  • Orientation : Familiarization with the university and department.
  • Select Advisor and Research Topic : Usually done at the beginning of the program.

Wrapping up

The journey to earning a PhD is complex and demanding, filled with academic milestones from coursework to research to dissertation writing.

The key to a smooth and efficient doctoral journey lies in well-planned time management—a structured PhD timeline.

This blog serves as an invaluable guide, offering detailed tips for planning out each academic year in both U.S. and international PhD programs. It emphasizes the importance of starting with an outline of major requirements and factoring in “failure time” for unforeseen challenges.

For those looking to navigate their PhD journey in three years or beyond, having a flexible but comprehensive timeline can be the compass that guides them successfully through the academic labyrinth.

Whether you’re just starting out or already deep into your research, the principles and strategies outlined here can help streamline your path to that coveted doctoral hood.

timeline for phd thesis

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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How to Create a Research Timeline for Your Thesis

How to Create a Research Timeline for Your Thesis

5-minute read

  • 21st May 2023

Beginning a dissertation can feel both thrilling and overwhelming. One of the best things you can do to prepare for the exciting journey of doing a dissertation is to design a comprehensive timeline as your guide. Here we will take you step by step through creating your thesis timeline and provide some example templates, so you’ll be well-prepared to begin your dissertation work.

Reasons for Creating a Timeline

There are many benefits to crafting a detailed dissertation timeline. In addition to helping with time management and meeting crucial deadlines, your timeline will also help you stay motivated by reviewing the tasks you have completed as you progress. A thorough timeline will be valuable during your dissertation proposal and useful if you are applying for grants or other additional funding.

Ste0ps for Creating a Timeline for Your Thesis:

  • Research and record all requirements and deadlines.

Before you write out your timeline, ensure you know all of your program’s requirements and deadlines. Academic institutions often require you to complete your dissertation within a specified timeframe.

There are likely several recommended or mandatory deadlines for approval of certain items by your adviser (and possibly the rest of your committee members). Gather all these dates beforehand so you can allot an appropriate amount of time to meet your deadlines.

It will be beneficial to meet with your adviser to understand when you are expected to complete the major phases of your dissertation work and to confirm that there aren’t any other requirements or deadlines that you may not be aware of.

  • List all of your tasks and bundle them into phases.

Now that you’ve assembled your dates, working backward from your deadlines is a good rule of thumb. List all of the required tasks that must be completed to meet each milestone, from coming up with your research questions to writing each chapter of your dissertation .

Even though your list will be unique to your research project, it can help to refer to a thesis checklist . It’s also helpful to assemble tasks into different phases (e.g., dissertation proposal, research recruitment). Grouping tasks into phases gives anyone looking at your timeline a quick overview of your research plan.

  • Organize your tasks into a schedule and assign task deadlines.

Now it’s time to build your timeline. There are many different free templates available online, from straightforward lists of deliverables to colorful options with room for notes and customization.

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A popular organizational approach for thesis timelines is a Gantt chart , which is a type of bar chart often used in project management in which the length of the bar corresponds to the time the task will take. The best choice for you will depend on the specifics of your research study and personal preferences. Whichever option you select, make sure you can easily edit and revise it as need be.

Sanity-Saving Tips:

●  Pay attention to your work style. Some people are more productive when writing in short bursts, while others write better after taking time to get into the zone. Some people choose to start writing parts of their thesis while still conducting research, while others prefer to focus on one phase at a time. Set yourself up for success by reflecting on what type of schedule will help you create the best quality work.

●  Schedule breaks. Almost everyone will work better after a well-deserved break. Make sure to schedule regular breaks into your timeline, as well as provide enough time to sleep, eat well, and do anything else you need to do to safeguard your well-being. 

●  Always have a plan B. Your dissertation is an extensive endeavor with many moving parts. It’s impossible to anticipate and plan for every conceivable event, but it’s helpful to expect something may occur that will cause a deviation from your original timeline. Perhaps study recruitment takes longer than you expected, or one of your committee members gets sick and you have to postpone your dissertation proposal. After you draft your timeline, check that it is not so strict that any disruption will cause a total derailment of your plan. Aim to strike a balance between goals that will inspire you to progress steadfastly and have some leeway in your timeline for the inevitable curveball that life will throw at you somewhere along the way.

Following these three steps will help you draft a timeline to steer the course of your dissertation work: research and record all requirements and deadlines; work backward from your dissertation deadline and assemble your task lists; and organize your tasks into a timeline.

Don’t forget to include ample time for editing and proofreading your dissertation . And if you are interested in any help from us, you can try a sample of our services for free . Best of luck in writing your dissertation!

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Planning the timeline and progress of your doctoral dissertation (or Masters/undergraduate thesis)

One of my PhD students lamented this week with me that she had a lot to juggle (taking children to and from schools and to and from activities, etc.) and that she needed a strategy to make her research move forward. I had been planning to write this blog post for a while, since this is the one question I get asked the most by doctoral students (“ how do I plan my unstructured time over the summer ” being the other one).

Do you have one like this but for dissertations? From how to pick your topic to how to plan your chapters or something similar? 🙂 — Mariana Miguélez (@Scherezadda) March 27, 2018

I had to rush to get this blog post done because my student is 2 years away from the deadline her university has imposed for her thesis defence, which is why I sat down with her last night to show her how I do things. I have two other PhD students at exactly the same stage (2 years to defense) so I figured I might as well finish this blog post.

While I’ve suggested that people read one (or more) of the books that I’ve digested myself (check my Writing a Doctoral Dissertation page), one of the main things I teach my students is how to apply backcasting techniques to develop a project plan . I was trained as a project manager, and I worked in that capacity for a number of years, so I understand exactly the kind of work that needs to be done to develop good project plans.

There are a few resources for students, which I mentioned on Twitter earlier today (October 5th, 2018), many of which are listed in the thread that will appear if you click anywhere on the tweet shown below. Thanks to everyone who responded to my query, though I think many of them were professors describing their own process, which is not the same as having a doctoral dissertation (ONE GOAL) to finish in X number of years. My students are doing theirs in the 3 papers’ model, which is a bit closer to the day-to-day life of a professor, but still, the trajectory is quite different. Anyhow, here are some recommendations (click on the tweet to expand the entire thread).

Everyone: one of my PhD students today asked me how to plan her day/week/month/time table. Can you tweet me your process before I tweet/thread mine? Thanks! (I'm off to dinner because I've already written 460 words). — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 3, 2018

The core planning strategy I would thus recommend doctoral, masters and undergraduate students is to engage in a combination of Gantt Chart Design and project backcasting techniques .

The Gantt chart is a technique I learned in graduate school when I took project management courses. This is a hypothetical Gantt chart for my doctoral student, covering about 15 months.


What I suggested to her was to use backcasting techniques to plan backwards from her goal (PhD thesis defense) to intermediate goals. This post explains how I backcast a project https://t.co/wAmyejeoa0 since her dissertation is a 3-papers one, I suggested she uses that model. — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

For Gantt Chart templates, you can see Dr. Emma Sheppard’s here.

Project planning for research students https://t.co/ku7shfB5uL excellent template by @DrESheppard which may be of interest to students from undergrad, Masters and PhD levels. pic.twitter.com/ujQVlYocH7 — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) September 3, 2018

Here is another resource that you can use to create Gantt Charts.

To do Gantt charts you can use Excel or Microsoft Project (which is how I learned to do them), or Visio (which has been bought by the evil company and is now Microsoft Visio). I liked this detailed approach that uses connectors between milestones and tasks https://t.co/xVjNmM1q7c — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

Hugh Kearns and Maria Gardiner have lots of resources on their site, and have published books on this as well.

I just realised @ithinkwell and @ithinkwellHugh have excellent FREE templates on their website https://t.co/Q859jNiM6Q for PhD students to plan their trajectories, etc. #PhDChat (thanks, Maria and Hugh!) — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

Dr. Patrick Dunleavy’s book “ Authoring a PhD ” is incredible and really does help students who are planning their PhD process. I recommend it to my own doctoral students.

And of course I would be remiss if I forgot to recommend Dr. Ellie Mackin Roberts (my coauthor for a forthcoming book on research planning) and her website. Ellie has A TON of downloadable printables for you to plan your own research. She is fantastic.

Both for doctoral students AND for post-PhD folks, my coauthor Dr. @EllieMackin has an entire website for research planning https://t.co/unXMqmaf2Z she offers FREE downloadable printable templates that you can use to plan your own research. — Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega (@raulpacheco) October 5, 2018

In the end, the process I recommended to my students and that I do myself is – set a target defense date and then work backwards and plan tasks, activities, and intermediate goals. For example, I have asked my students to plan submission dates for their 3 papers (to be sent to journals) and then schedule fieldwork and data analysis accordingly. This process has worked well, and I hope my description of the process will help my students and others!

In a subsequent blog post I’ll describe how to go from long-term goals (submit paper X by Y date) to daily tasks. That blog post will definitely apply to doctoral students and post-PhD folks.

If you liked this blog post, you may also be interested in my Resources for Graduate Students page, and on my reading notes of books I’ve read on how to do a doctoral degree.

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By Raul Pacheco-Vega – October 6, 2018

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How to Manage Your PhD Timeline for Smoother Research Completion

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It’s finally happening! The university has sent you an acceptance letter for the PhD program you had applied to. Getting into a doctoral program is not an easy task, and the speculations around it of being one of the toughest courses can’t be denied either. However, despite it being a daunting journey, one can smoothly sail through by managing the PhD timeline smartly. So sit back and read this article to plan your Ph.D. research timeline in an effective and hassle-free manner.

Table of Contents

Why Should You Draw a Ph.D. Timeline?

A PhD journey is laid with several milestones that come as you proceed. Thus, drawing a timeline preemptively helps researchers stay away from the last-minute terror of submissions, presentations, committee meetings, viva, etc. Furthermore, creating a timeline and adhering to it makes you a better learner and instills discipline in you.

How to Begin with the PhD Timeline Planning?

While creating a well-structured timeline, you must ask these questions to yourself and to your supervisor:

  • What are the important steps of a PhD program?
  • How many projects do you have to work on?
  • What are the technical milestones for developing a protocol?
  • What are the risks associated?

What to Do Before Creating Your PhD Timeline?

Obtaining a doctoral degree is a process of completing of required credits, passing the qualification test for submitting a doctoral thesis, writing and submitting a thesis, and final viva voce.

Follow these steps as you create your PhD Timeline :

  • Attend the program orientation to understand specific graduation requirements
  • Make a list of technical events such as conferences, committee meetings, PhD viva voce , presentations, qualification examination, etc.
  • Manage your PhD timeline term-wise or month-wise
  • Make a list of events on priority-basis

Step-wise Guide to Create Your PhD Timeline

Let’s take a detailed look at the steps required for a PhD. It is important to know what each step entails and what the deadline is for each of it. Generally, all universities have strict graduation requirements. A doctoral student is expected to complete a minimum number of credits to qualify as a PhD candidate. However, in some cases, a master’s degree is required for the doctoral program, and if you have obtained a master’s degree, you may be awarded a doctoral degree only through a research course without taking additional credits.

Here are 8 major milestones of a PhD program:

Milestone 1: Through consultation with your advisor, check whether there are any special graduation requirements other than the university and department that you may have to complete as part of your program.

Milestone 2: The supervisory committee must be formed within one year of the doctoral program and must have at least one meeting to plan the successful conclusion of a research project. In addition to the advisor, at least two other university professors are required to be members of this committee. Doctoral students must receive advice on how the doctoral program is progressing through regular meetings of the committee.

Milestone 3: In the second year of the doctoral program, you must pass a comprehensive exam which is known as the PhD qualifying examination . It is an oral presentation and oral exam of approximately 2 hours in front of 6-7 professors, essentially including one non-university professor, members of the Supervisory/Supervisory Board, and two other professors from your university and your advisors. Upon passing this exam, the PhD student’s status changes to PhD candidate. This makes him/her eligible to receive the doctoral degree.

Milestone 4: After that, by presenting the thesis and participating in conferences, the doctoral student must conduct his doctoral research in-depth and be recognized for it.

Milestone 5: When the curriculum requirements are met, the deadline for completing the doctoral thesis is determined through consultation with the advisor, and this is approved by the guidance committee.

Milestone 6: As a prerequisite before appearing for PhD viva, discuss the completed thesis with your advisor and select PhD external examiners related to the research field.

Milestone 7: Once the external expert/s reviews and approves the value, logic, and results of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral office allows the PhD candidate to take the thesis defense as the next course. In this defense, PhD candidates must pass a 2.5-3-hour oral examination based on their thesis in front of the doctoral examination panel.

Milestone 8: After receiving approval from the attending professors on the doctoral examination panel, submitting the final thesis, and applying for the doctoral degree, you will finally graduate with your PhD degree.

To download the PhD Timeline Template, click here !

Key takeaways.

Don’t get discouraged when someone shares their anecdotes of surviving a cumbersome PhD journey. Everyone applying for a doctoral program meets obstacles along the way; however, setting a proper timeline and following it diligently will only make your journey smoother than the rest. Do your best in accordance with your conscience, your mission as a learning scholar, and the regulations of your university. Wishing you a successful academic life with this PhD timeline . Let us know how you plan to soar through your PhD in the comments section below.

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  • PhD Overview and Timeline

Given here are School-wide graduate degree policies and guidance.  Program-specific degree options, requirements, and model programs can be found on the "Graduate Programs" pages under each of the subject areas listed in  Academics .

General Ph.D. Requirements

  • 10 semester-long graduate courses, including at least 8 disciplinary.   At least 5 of the 10 should be graduate-level SEAS "technical" courses (or FAS graduate-level technical courses taught by SEAS faculty), not including seminar/reading/project courses.  Undergraduate-level courses cannot be used.  For details on course requirements, see the school's overall PhD course requirements  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Program Plan (i.e., the set of courses to be used towards the degree) approval by the  Committee on Higher Degrees  (CHD).
  • Minimum full-time academic residency of two years .
  • Serve as a Teaching Fellow (TF) in one semester of the second year.
  • Oral Qualifying Examination Preparation in the major field is evaluated in an oral examination by a qualifying committee. The examination has the dual purpose of verifying the adequacy of the student's preparation for undertaking research in a chosen field and of assessing the student's ability to synthesize knowledge already acquired. For details on arranging your Qualifying Exam, see the exam policies and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Committee Meetings : PhD students' research committees meet according to the guidelines in each area's "Committee Meetings" listing.  For details see the "G3+ Committee Meetings" section of the Policies of the CHD  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Final Oral Examination (Defense) This public examination devoted to the field of the dissertation is conducted by the student's research committee. It includes, but is not restricted to, a defense of the dissertation itself.  For details of arranging your final oral exam see the  Ph.D. Timeline  page.
  • Dissertation Upon successful completion of the qualifying examination, a committee chaired by the research supervisor is constituted to oversee the dissertation research. The dissertation must, in the judgment of the research committee, meet the standards of significant and original research.

Optional additions to the Ph.D. program

Harvard PhD students may choose to pursue these additional aspects:

  • a Secondary Field (which is similar to a "minor" subject area).  SEAS offers PhD Secondary Field programs in  Data Science and in  Computational Science and Engineering .   GSAS  lists  secondary fields offered by other programs.
  • a Master of Science (S.M.) degree conferred  en route to the Ph.D in one of several of SEAS's subject areas.  For details see here .
  • a Teaching Certificate awarded by the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning .

SEAS PhD students may apply to participate in the  Health Sciences and Technology graduate program  with Harvard Medical School and MIT.  Please check with the HST program for details on eligibility (e.g., only students in their G1 year may apply) and the application process.

PhD Timeline

--> Also see the separate pages with on-boarding information for new PhD students <--   Information and Resources for New Graduate Students Wiki site for incoming PhD students (behind Harvard Key)

First Year (G1)

  • Notify your financial aid officers of any external funding. Contact:  Erin Bishop  in SEAS Finance and  Emily Fingerle  in GSAS Financial Aid.
  • Make note of the course registration deadline. (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • Register for courses before the deadline  (previously known as "Study Card Day")
  • Mid-January: Deadline for submitting materials to be reviewed at the January CHD meetings .
  • Late-January: Course registration deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day").
  • G1s: Your  Prospective Program Plan  due to the Office of Academic Programs on this day.
  • Transfer of up to 3 classes of coursework may be allowed. Include the  Application for Credit for Work Done Elsewhere  with your Prospective Program Plan. 
  • April 1:   Research Advisor Selection Form /Research Assistant appointment form due to Office of Academic Programs.
  • Note: The April CHD meeting is the last CHD meeting in all academic year. CHD does not meet over the summer. Remember to plan ahead.

Second year (G2)

Throughout year.

  • G2’s are required to serve as a Teaching Fellow in either the Fall or Spring semester.
  • Make sure you complete the  TF form once you line up a TF position! 
  • G2’s are required to take their qualifying exam in either the Fall or Spring terms.
  • Email quals_defenses@seas  to book a room. If you book your own room (e.g., external to SEAS) you must still email  quals_defenses@seas  well in advance in order for your required documentation to be ready, else your exam cannot take place.
  • Upon completion of the exam, students are required to submit the  Designation of Research Committee  form to OAP.
  • If you plan to request a delay of the qualifying exam, complete a  Request to Delay Qual Exam  form. Note that delays until September (i.e. start of G3 year) are typically approved as a matter of course
  • Mid-September: Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • Mid-October :  Final Program Plan  due to OAP; see the  CHD page  for dates.
  • Late-January : Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • May 1 : Advising Agreement form due to OAP.
  • May:   Commencement and diploma options for Masters en Route / Continuing Master’s students - You can apply to receive your S.M. degree en route to your PhD after you have completed eight of your core courses (this requirement may depend on area). You will receive your S.M. diploma, and participate in the Commencement if you choose to. However since you will be considered a non-terminal degree recipient, you will not be able to join the ceremony in Sander's Theater. 

Third year (G3+) and beyond

  • Meet with your Research Committee at least annually, as indicated by your area's expectations.
  • Send any changes to your Final Program Plan to the CHD for review. See the  CHD page  for submission dates.   Note that   the Committee on Higher Degrees expects students not to petition for a revised Program Plan less than a year prior to the final defense  in case additional coursework is required, so it's important to keep your plan up to date with your courses as actually taken.
  • Inform OAP of any  changes to your research committee . 
  • PhD candidates can review their eligibility to receive an SM en route . 
  • Early-September:  Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • Late-January: Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar
  • May 1 :  RA reappointment  form due to OAP.

Completing your degree

Degree application.

  • Check out FAS degree-completion information  here  (Registrar) and deadlines  here  (GSAS calendar)
  • Complete the  degree application  via my.harvard by the Registrar's deadline.
  • If you schedule your own room (e.g., external to SEAS) you must still email quals_defenses@seas   well in advance in order for your required documentation to be ready,  else your defense cannot take place.   You must also get agreement from your full committee to hold your defense in a non-SEAS room.

Dissertation Submission and Commencement

  • The best way to share your dissertation with others is by linking to the DASH copy. DASH uses persistent URLs and provides you with download statistics, and the DASH copy of your PDF will not include the signed Dissertation Acceptance Certificate (DAC). If you choose to post or share your PDF in some other way, you should remove the DAC page so that readers do not have access to the scanned signatures.
  • Get ready for commencement by updating your email and other contact information via  my.harvard.edu .

In Academic Programs

  • Non-Resident and Part-Time Study
  • CHD Meeting Schedule
  • PhD Course Requirements
  • PhD Program Plans
  • Teaching: G2 year
  • Qualifying Exam: by end of G2 year
  • Research Advisors, Committees, and Meetings
  • Dissertation and Final Oral Exam
  • SM and ME Course Requirements
  • SM and ME Program Plans
  • Masters Thesis and Supervisor
  • SM degree en route to the PhD
  • Graduate Student Forms
  • Teaching Fellows
  • External Fellowships List
  • COVID-19 Graduate Program Changes (archived)


How to navigate the PhD thesis

The PhD thesis may be a mountain to climb, but you can take it one step at a time. Luis R Rojas-Solórzano offers his guidance

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Luis R. Rojas-Solórzano

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Embarking on the journey of writing a PhD thesis is both daunting and exciting. In this pocket-size guide, I’ve distilled my decades of experience in higher education into practical advice to help you navigate this challenging terrain and emerge with a completed work you’re proud of. 

Creating a detailed timeline with daily goals

Time management is crucial to thesis writing, yet it’s often underestimated. Many students feel overwhelmed by the volume of work involved but creating a comprehensive timeline allows you to break down the project into convenient tasks, track your progress and adjust your timetable as needed. Setting daily goals provides structure to your workday, helping you stay focused and productive.

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Writing a PhD thesis is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s natural to experience moments of doubt and frustration along the way. When you do, taking care of yourself and finding ways to stay motivated is essential. Take short breaks to rest, recharge and celebrate small victories. Remember that every thesis is unique and progress is not always linear. Instead of comparing yourself to your peers, focus on your journey and the valuable contributions you’ve made to your field.

Understanding the PhD thesis

The requirements for a PhD thesis vary significantly depending on your institution and field of study. It is crucial to familiarise yourself with your university’s guidelines and requirements early in the process.

Writing the thesis

Writing a PhD thesis is not simply an academic exercise – it’s a journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth. Here are my recommendations for writing with confidence: 

  • Create a draft outline to guide your writing process. Use digital tools such as MS Office and Grammarly to streamline editing and save time.
  • Start early to build momentum and confidence. Embrace your unique voice and opt for an active writing style. Let your ideas flow freely initially, refining them over time with rigorous edits.
  • Remember to write in a voice that is authentic to you. Modern academia values the personal perspective, so don’t hesitate to express your thoughts and insights in the first person.
  • As you approach the final stages of your thesis, you must organically merge all the relevant findings that support the novelty of your thesis into the final document. Typically, the wrap-up happens three months before the expected submission of your book, leaving time for your supervisor’s thorough revision.
  • Wrap up with careful planning and disciplined execution. Start by updating the original outline to adopt the final structure of your thesis that progressively unfolds and tells the story of your investigation. The updated outline will serve as a roadmap for your final sprint, helping to shape your concluding research story.

Structuring your thesis

Craft your thesis like a compelling story, following the scientific method’s structure: abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results and discussion, and conclusion. 

The abstract is typically a paragraph with no more than 400 words, portraying a concise summary that addresses your thesis’ subject, relevance, research questions, methodology and main findings. Generally, the abstract is continuously updated until the book is complete.

In the introduction, provide context for your research by outlining the problem you’re addressing and its significance. The literature review should demonstrate your understanding of existing research and highlight the gaps your study seeks to fill. Then, describe the methodology in the subsequent section and continue with your results and their thorough analysis. Finally, conclude with a summary of your main findings and their implications for your field of study. 

Managing referencing and bibliography

Proper referencing is critical to academic writing, ensuring your work is credible and properly attributed. Take the time to familiarise yourself with your chosen citation style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago or another format, and double-check all information for accuracy and consistency.

Preparing for the viva voce

The viva voce, or oral defence, is the final hurdle in the PhD journey. It’s an opportunity to defend your research and demonstrate your expertise in your field. To prepare, consider conducting mock vivas with your peers or supervisors to simulate the experience and receive feedback on your performance. Stay calm and composed during the examination, taking time to think before responding to questions. Remember, the viva voce is not just a test of your knowledge – it’s also an opportunity to engage in scholarly discourse and demonstrate your ability to think critically about your research.

You’ve completed your thesis – now what?

Finishing a PhD thesis is a significant milestone and celebrating your accomplishment is essential. Take a well-deserved break before embarking on the next phase of your career. Reflect on your goals and aspirations, considering how your research can contribute to your field and shape your future career path. Whether you’re pursuing academic opportunities or exploring options in industry, use this time to prepare for the next chapter of your journey.

The writing of a PhD thesis is a transformative journey, requiring strategic planning, perseverance and a positive mindset. By applying these insights and tactics, you can confidently navigate this journey and contribute meaningfully to your field of study.

Luis R. Rojas- Solórzano is associate provost for graduate studies at Nazarbayev University.

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Guidelines to draw a timeline of your PhD

2018 Nov 20 | Resource , Soft Skills | 0

In a previous article I talked about how project management can help reduce PhD students’ anxieties . Most of my PhD I felt very much confused. Sometimes I could not even say whether I was still in the beginning, somewhere in the middle or close to the end of it. Therefore, I suggested that supervisors and students should try to define a tangible objective early on in the doctoral process, and that they should have regular check-point meetings to adjusts plans in order to keep the student’s project on track. I also mentioned that it is highly important to clarify what the supervisors and students long-term expectations are .

In another article I talked about Gantt charts , a great project management tool to draw and visualize a project outline.

Do you see where we’re going here? Let’s draw a timeline of your PhD in the shape of a Gantt chart! I know, it’s in the title ;)

In this other article about Gantt charts, I explained that there are some drawbacks to keep in mind. Indeed, upfront planning techniques like Gantt charts tend to lack flexibility and when things don’t work as planned it can actually increase the feeling of failure, which is exactly what we want to avoid here.

So, does it even make sense to draw a timeline early on in the doctoral process? I believe it does! We can keep the drawbacks of Gantt charts in mind and draw such a timeline if we define guidelines of how to use it .

  • Example & download
  • Why draw a timeline?
  • Guidelines for how to make & use the timeline throughout your PhD

1. Example & download:

I draw below an example for the institute where I did my PhD: the Institute of Biology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. Therefore, it is designed for a 4-year PhD program with annual committee meetings and for students who spend a lot of time performing lab experiments . However, it can be easily adapted to any field or any doctoral program.

You can download for free the Excel file I used to make this timeline by clicking here .

timeline for phd thesis

Because I want this to be a general example but also because it is such a long time scale, I kept the level of detail to the minimum to make it flexible and to avoid over-planning . The time for each task here is a very rough estimate, it is meant to be adapted to what you think is best for you or to what is expected in your doctoral program. Importantly, the uncertainty level is increasing with time . You don’t have to start writing a paper on the 11th month of your third year, maybe you’ll start much earlier or much later and it will be perfectly fine. This is just a broad overview to help visualize what the main steps are, but their exact length or when they should start will get clarified once you are closer to it.

2. Why draw a timeline?

To draw such a timeline and for it to be realistic and useful, you are going to ask very concrete questions, to yourself and to your supervisor , like what are the important steps, what are the milestones (technical milestones for developing a protocol, committee meetings, exams…), what are the risks, do you have only one project or do you have more, maybe one large risky project and one smaller safer project, and all other questions which are relevant to you.

Project management is effective if concrete questions are openly discussed. If your supervisor doesn’t bring up these questions with you, it might feel quite scary for you to ask for it. To help you find the courage to so, I believe that having such a timeline will provide you a highly visual and attractive medium to foster these discussions.

When I learned about Gantt charts at the beginning of my second year of PhD studies, I draw myself such a timeline, but I didn’t dare to discuss it with my supervisor. With no surprise things really didn’t work out the way I planned it. Supervisors by default have more experience than a junior PhD student so they should know better what is realistic, what is expected and how much upfront planning can be done depending on the project.

3. Guidelines for how to make & use the timeline throughout your PhD:

  • I suggest that you draw a first version within the first two months of your PhD . But it’s never too late to start =)
  • Take my example and adjust it , maybe you already have a clearly defined project, maybe not, maybe you don’t need to design a new method, maybe you’ve been included in someone else project with a clear short-term objective, maybe you think you should start drafting a paper earlier, go and adjust it to what feels right to you.
  • Make sure to keep in mind that this chart is going to change many times until you graduate, stay flexible. This first timeline should only be an overview of the main steps which you expect in your PhD. It is here to give a direction, and if used regularly it can give a feeling of moving forward.
  • Schedule a meeting with your supervisor to discuss this initial timeline ( still within the first two months ), ask the maximum of questions, clarify the maximum of points and make sure you both agree.
  • Then whenever needed, go back to it and adjust it, maybe there is a great collaboration opportunity and for a few months you’ll be asked to put your main project aside and work fully on this collaboration, maybe your new protocol is working great and you’re already getting publishable data, maybe the protocol is not working well and you need to change strategy, how does it affect your timeline?
  • Whenever a big change happens or whenever you feel too lost, schedule an extra meeting with your supervisor to specifically discuss the timeline and the long-term objectives. Hopefully it should give you a feeling of being on a track, even if it’s not the first one you pictured.
  • I would suggest having such a discussion at least every 6 months .

This timeline is now a tool which is going to grow with you throughout your PhD. At first it is a rough overview of the main steps, if you keep it update with what you really do, at the end it will be a true overview of everything you’ve accomplished. Therefore, on top of guiding you through it, it will become a great tool to look back at your PhD experience once you’re finished.

Thanks for reading and I hope these ideas can help you :)

Make sure to read my previous article about Gantt charts where I explained that it can be used both for long-time scale like here, or on shorter time scale (like 2 months) with a higher level of detail.

Looking for more reading about project management for research? Have a look at the resource I made Project Management resource for PhD students and supervisors !

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

Dissertation timeline, published by steve tippins on june 26, 2022 june 26, 2022.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 05:21 am

So, you’re writing a dissertation? Amazing! Congratulations! (Also, I’m sorry. And good luck.). 

If you’re embarking on this difficult journey, you need to go where you’re going. Every treasure hunt begins with a good map. (This particular treasure hunt happens to be for information that fills an extremely specific gap in the scholarly literature ).

Your dissertation timeline is the map you’ll rely on as you navigate the stormy waters of your dissertation journey. It will tell you what you need to be working on at any given stage of the process, and what you should prepare for when you’re done with your current task.

Expect the Unexpected

Remember that the map is not the journey. You can plan everything out perfectly, but life happens. Life even happens to doctoral students, who have ostensibly given up having a life.

The point is, don’t beat yourself up when your experience doesn’t match up with your dissertation timeline. The timeline is there to guide you and provide useful goals, but it can be adapted along the way as things come up. 

african american woman updating her dissertation timeline on her laptop

Perhaps your proposal needs five rounds of revision instead of the one or two you planned for (a common occurrence, except for those who have the foresight to hire a dissertation editor ). Maybe your committee chair decides to take an unexpected vacation. Maybe an unexpected family event happens.

All of these bumps are normal parts of the dissertation process. Don’t worry if you don’t live up to your own expectations as far as how quickly you finish. The important thing is not to go quickly, but to get to completion. 

Here are the major steps you’ll need to take when writing your dissertation, from ideation to graduation.

Over 50% of doctoral candidates don’t finish their dissertations.

timeline for phd thesis

Step 1: Prospectus

The timeline for a dissertation begins with the generation of your idea. This usually takes the form of a prospectus . A prospectus explains, What are you planning to do? Then, you get your chair and committee to agree that it’s a reasonable topic. Most people go through more than one idea before settling on their topic, and that can take some time. 

It may take you a month to come up with your idea because you’re going to be looking for a gap in the research. Once you find a gap in the research, see whether you could complete a relevant study within a reasonable time period. 

A tip – most students try to tackle topics that are entirely too broad. Look at past dissertation topics in your department, and you’ll see just how specific you need to be. 

Step 2: Proposal (Chapters 1 to 3)

smiling woman with curly hair working on her dissertation at home

After your prospectus, you move on to the proposal stage. At most universities, that means writing Chapters 1, 2, and 3. These three chapters are going to be about 60 to 70 pages total. You are going to have to do a lot of writing and research and get committee approval. 

A timeline might say you can do your dissertation proposal in three to four months, but that is only true as long as what you’re submitting is well-written and your committee approves it. For argument’s sake, we’ll say it takes four months. The next level of your dissertation is to collect data. But before you can collect data, you have to get IRB approval. 

Step 3: Institutional Review Board Approval

Approval from the Institutional Review Board, or IRB, states that what you’re going to be doing will not harm any participants in your study. IRB approval is usually relatively quick, depending on what type of research you’re doing. If you want to research small children, for example, it’s going to take longer to get approval. There must be safeguards in place to protect those children. Once you have IRB approval, you move on to collecting your data. 

Step 4: Data Collection

woman typing on her laptop in her bright home office

Collecting data can be as short as a couple of hours if you are accessing data for a quantitative study from a secondary data source . In that case, you would just be getting the data you need from the database. Then, take that data, make sure it’s in the format you need, and enter it into the appropriate statistical software package. If you need help with this, check out our quantitative data analysis services.

On the other hand, if you’re doing a qualitative study and you have to track people down, it can take several months in order to just find and interview them. Then, you can process those interviews by transcribing and entering them into the appropriate statistical or software program to come up with themes. 

Step 5: Analysis and Conclusion (Chapters 4 and 5)

Once you have statistical results and themes, you can write Chapter 4 and report your findings. Then, write Chapter 5 , in which you analyze your findings. Say what they mean and how it fits in the literature. Compare your findings to the literature you used to begin your study and address what future research should be done. 

This phase could take anywhere from three to nine months, depending on how quickly you can collect your data. It is conceivable that you could finish your dissertation within a year or a year and a half. All of these time periods we’ve presented so far assume you’re working on your dissertation full-time. If you have a job and a family and are also working on a dissertation, it can take longer.

Step 6: Defense

doctoral student with red hair defending her dissertation

Once you have finished your dissertation (Chapters 1 through 5) you have to go back to your committee, get approval, and then do your dissertation defense. This process can be as short as a month. But if your committee has problems with what you’ve done or it needs more work, it could take several months. 

Variables in the Dissertation Timeline

There are a number of variables outside your control. For example, you might finish in July and then one or two of your committee members are off on research projects of their own and won’t be back until September. But in an ideal timeline, a year to a year and a half is reasonable.

While we can present ideals and hypotheticals, you do have a lot of control over the timeline. If you dedicate yourself and work ahead, you can minimize the amount of time it will take to have “Dr.” in front of your name. 

Dealing With Unexpected Events

man worried about change in calendar

Unexpected things can come up as well. First of all, if you’re not a full-time student, life can throw many things in your way. Somebody could become sick, a pandemic could come about, or your job could increase its demands on you. 

You don’t control your committee’s time, and they may have other things going on that prevent them from responding quickly. Funding interruptions can also happen. Being good at handling details is going to help you stay on track as much as possible. 

timeline for phd thesis

That’s where a dissertation timeline comes in. Get this together from the very beginning, and you’ll be better-equipped to deal with unexpected events and finish your dissertation in as little time as possible.

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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How Do You Get a PhD? A Guide to the PhD Timeline

Man sits at a library table researching several books.

Everyone who considers a doctoral degree knows a PhD is a big commitment. 

Not only will it require all your mental energy, focus, and persistence, but it will also require a significant investment of your time. Your particular area of research, your institution’s policies and procedures, and the standard expectations within your field affect how long it takes to earn a PhD. The average PhD length is five or six years, while some students may take eight or nine years.

Regardless of how long a PhD program takes,  there are some common stages of a PhD that all doctoral students share. These significant and essential milestones shape the timeline for earning your doctorate . Read on as we take you through each step and explore the typical steps to a doctorate degree.

Are you just starting to apply to graduate school? Check out our Guide to  Graduate Admissions to get all your questions answered! 

How Long Do PhD Programs Take?

The number of credit hours that you need to complete your doctoral coursework might depend on several factors: do you already have a master’s degree? Will you earn one en route to the doctorate? Or do you even need one? 

Different disciplines and research interests have their own PhD process, but even within your field of study, institutions may have diverse pathways for obtaining that terminal degree. For most, coursework will take anywhere from two to three years to complete.

During this time, students can serve as graduate research or teaching assistants or could even lead their own courses as instructors. In many degree programs, students develop their potential dissertation topics through their coursework and define their research plans in the next few years.

Steps to Getting a PhD: PhD Qualifying Exam and Comprehensive Exam

Many programs set up academic checkpoints to help keep students on track during their PhD journeys. The timing varies by program, but one of the most common – and possibly most stressful – forms of benchmarking is the PhD comprehensive exam or qualifying exam. Often administered around the end of the student’s coursework, these exams are your chance to demonstrate what you learned in your classes.

A faculty committee from your department oversees testing. Usually comprised of at least three members, your professors ask questions or assign writing prompts based on your experience in the program thus far. The format is generally a combination of written and oral exams designed to test your expertise in your discipline’s methodologies and significant content areas.

To better prepare yourself, research the number and kind of qualifying benchmarks the program will require in the university catalog before you begin your program. This will allow you and your advisor to effectively plan out the first few years of your degree and give you an idea of how you’ll be evaluated throughout your program.

Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus and Defense

You may be required to complete and defend a dissertation prospectus before officially becoming a PhD candidate. A prospectus is a document outlining your dissertation plan, which includes an explanation of your research topic, a potential outline of your dissertation, the methodologies you intend to employ, the significance of your research question, and a bibliography including sources that form the foundation of your research.

Your prospectus allows your dissertation advisor to understand the scope of your project. It should be thorough enough that they can provide useful feedback to help shape your research plan. After some revisions, an approved prospectus is the green light to move into the next stage of your PhD.

Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy

If you have heard the term ABD – “All But Dissertation” – then that means you are in the home stretch of your doctoral program!

Well, sort of…only your dissertation remains!

Doctoral Dissertation Research and Writing

While you’ve made it through the coursework and qualifying exams, the dissertation is the culminating component of the doctoral degree. At this point, your approved research plan is ready to be set into motion. Depending on your discipline, this could be the stage where you travel extensively to conduct fieldwork, explore archives, or visit labs to collaborate on projects that relate to your dissertation work. For many students, the research phase can take a couple of years, but some may be able to complete it in one.

Writing your dissertation can be one of the most challenging parts of the whole PhD process. Not only are you condensing years of research into a single cohesive document, but you are also formulating graphs, charts, and other textual references to help clarify your argument. Often, formatting can be a major challenge for many students. 

In this stage, it’s most helpful to seek out resources to help you with the writing process. Many universities have dissertation writing workshops where you can learn best practices, as well as support groups where students meet regularly and help keep each other accountable. Most universities also offer competitive dissertation completion grants, supporting students with additional funding so they focus more of their time and effort on completing this undertaking.

Dissertation Defense

Everyone gets nervous about this major rite of passage. It can be difficult to take criticism over something you have poured your heart and soul into for years. Remember, though, that a good advisor will not let you defend if you’re not ready, and you literally wrote the book on your topic!

The dissertation defense is not intended to tear your work apart but rather is your opportunity to prove your expertise to your dissertation committee. Many defenses are open to observers, so you should attend a few in advance of your own, especially within your department, to get a sense of what it’s like. 

First, you’ll present the main points of your thesis. Then the committee will ask questions so they can clearly understand your arguments. Finally, they’ll send you out of the room while they deliberate and decide if you pass or not. If all goes well, you’ll be addressed as “Doctor” the next time you walk into the room!

Get Started on Your PhD Journey Today

No matter what your particular timeline looks like as you work toward your doctorate, know that the faculty and other students within your program are frequently a huge source of support — which means you won't do this alone! Additionally, every school has resources to assist PhD students, from libraries to writing centers to dedicated student support services. 

If you are excited about beginning your PhD journey, we invite you to request more information or reach out to one of our admissions professionals today. Best of luck as you begin this transformational experience!

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what it takes to apply to and succeed in a PhD program. Explore our resource — A Guide to Choosing, Applying for, and Thriving in a PhD Program!

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  • The PhD Journey - Stages of a Doctoral Degree

The PhD Journey

Written by Mark Bennett

A PhD typically involves between three and four years of full-time study, culminating in a thesis which makes an original contribution to your field.

The process of getting a PhD is made up of quite a few components and milestones, from the literature review and writing up your dissertation right through to the viva examination at the end.

This section is a guide on how to do a PhD, providing in-depth advice and information on some of the main challenges and opportunities you’ll meet along the way!.

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7 stages of the PhD journey

A PhD has a few landmark milestones along the way. The three to four year you'll spend doing a PhD can be divided into these seven stages.

  • Preparing a research proposal
  • Carrying out a literature review
  • Conducting research and collecting results
  • Completing the MPhil to PhD upgrade
  • Participating in PhD teaching, conferences and publications
  • Writing your thesis
  • Defending your PhD results at a viva voce

We've expanded on what you can expect from each stage below.

1. Preparing a research proposal

Strictly speaking, your research proposal isn’t part of your PhD. Instead it’s normally part of the PhD application process.

The research proposal sets out the aims and objectives for your PhD: the original topic you plan to study and / or the questions you’ll set out to answer.

It also explains why your work is worthwhile and why it fits with the expertise and objectives of your university.

Finally, a PhD proposal explains how you plan to go about completing your doctorate. This involves identifying the existing scholarship your work will be in dialogue with and the methods you plan to use in your research.

All of this means that, even though the proposal precedes the PhD itself, it plays a vital role in shaping your project and signposting the work you’ll be doing over the next three or more years.

2. Carrying out a literature review

The literature review is normally the first thing you’ll tackle after beginning your PhD and having an initial meeting with your supervisor.

It’s a thorough survey of work in your field (the current scholarly ‘literature’) that relates to your project or to related topics.

Your supervisor will offer some advice and direction, after which you’ll identify, examine and evaluate existing data and scholarship.

In most cases the literature review will actually form part of your final PhD dissertation – usually setting up the context for the project, before you begin to explain and demonstrate your own thesis.

Sometimes a literature review can also be evaluated as part of your MPhil upgrade .

Research vs scholarship

Research and scholarship are both important parts of a PhD. But they aren't the same thing - and it's helpful to know the difference. Research is the original work you produce with your thesis. Scholarship is the expert understanding of your subject area that enables you to conduct valuable research.

3. Conducting research and collecting results

Once you’ve carried out your literature review, you’ll move from scholarship to research .

This doesn’t mean you’ll never read another academic article or consult someone else’s data again. Far from it. You’ll stay up to date with any new developments in your field and incorporate these into your literature review as necessary.

But, from here on in, your primary focus in your PhD process is going to be investigating your own research question. This means carrying out organised research and producing results upon which to base your conclusions.

Types of PhD research

The research process and the type of results you collect will depend upon your subject area:

  • In Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects you’ll focus on designing experiments, before recording and analysing their outcomes. This often means assembling and managing complex numerical datasets – sometimes in collaboration with the rest of your laboratory or workshop.
  • In Social Science subjects you’ll be more focussed on designing surveys or conducting case studies. These will produce quantitative or qualitative data, depending on the nature of your work.
  • In Arts and Humanities subjects you’ll often have less raw data, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be working with ‘hard’ factual information. You’ll analyse texts, sources and other materials according to an accepted methodology and reflect upon the significance of your findings.

Whatever subject you’re in, this research work will account for the greater part of your PhD results. You’ll have regular meetings with your supervisor, but the day-to-day management of your project and its progress will be your own responsibility.

In some fields it’s common to begin writing up your findings as you collect them, developing your thesis and completing the accompanying dissertation chapter-by-chapter. In other cases you’ll wait until you have a full dataset before reviewing and recording your conclusions.

4. Completing an MPhil to PhD upgrade

At UK universities it’s common to register new PhD students for an MPhil before ‘ upgrading ’ them to ‘full’ doctoral candidates. This usually takes place after one year of full-time study (or its part-time equivalent).

Forcing you to register for a ‘lesser’ degree may seem strange, but it’s actually an important part of the training and development a PhD offers:

  • As an MPhil student you’re able to comprehend your field and produce new research.
  • As a PhD student you’re able to go that crucial step further and produce the significant original contribution to knowledge that defines a doctorate.

The MPhil upgrade is when you take the step from the former to the latter.

The MPhil upgrade exam

Upgrading from MPhil to PhD registration usually involves a form of oral exam – similar to the viva voce that concludes a PhD. But, unlike a full viva, the MPhil upgrade is less formal and only covers part of your thesis.

In most cases you’ll submit a small amount of the material you’ve produced so far. This could be a draft of your first chapter (or part of it) and / or your literature review. You could also be asked to reflect on your progress in general.

You’ll then sit down with your supervisor and someone else from your department (familiar with your field, but unrelated to your project). They’ll offer feedback on the quality of your work and ask questions about your findings.

The aim of the process won’t be to examine your drafts so much as to confirm that your project has the potential to justify a PhD – and that you’re on track to complete it on time.

‘Failing’ a PhD upgrade is actually quite rare. Your university may ask you to repeat the procedure if they are concerned that you haven’t made sufficient progress or established a viable plan for the rest of your project.

What is an MPhil?

The MPhil (Master of Philosophy) is also a research degree, but its scope is more limited than a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). And no, just like a PhD, an MPhil isn’t necessarily a Philosophy qualification. Our guide covers all you need to know about the difference between a MPhil and PhD .

5. PhD teaching, conferences and publications

During the PhD process, you’ll have lots of opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities, such as teaching, academic conferences and publications.

Although it isn’t usually compulsory to participate in these, they can be an incredibly rewarding experience and will look great on your CV.

Teaching during a PhD normally involves hosting undergraduate seminars or supervising students in the lab, as well as marking work and providing feedback.

Academic conferences are an excellent way to network with like-minded colleagues and find out the latest developments in your field. You might even be able to present your own work to your peers at one of these events.

Publishing during a PhD will help you increase your academic profile, as well as give you experience of the peer review process. It’s not normally a requisite of your PhD, but publications will certainly help if you plan on applying for postdoc positions.

6. Writing your thesis

As the culmination of three or more years of hard work, the thesis (or dissertation) is the most important part of the procedure to get your PhD, presenting you with the opportunity to make an original scholarly contribution to your discipline.

Our guide to writing your thesis covers everything you need to know about this lengthy research project, from structure and word count to writing up and submission.

We’ve also written a guide to the PhD dissertation abstract , which is an important part of any thesis.

7. Defending your PhD results at a viva voce

Unlike other degrees, a PhD isn’t normally marked as a piece of written work. Instead your dissertation will be submitted for an oral examination known as a viva voce (Latin for ‘living voice’).

This is a formal procedure, during which you ‘defend’ your thesis in front of appointed examiners, each of whom will have read your dissertation thoroughly in advance.

Examiners at a viva voce

A PhD is normally examined by two academic experts:

  • One will be an internal examiner, usually appointed from elsewhere in your faculty and department. They won’t be directly associated with your project, but will have sufficient expertise to assess your findings.
  • The other will be an external examiner. They will be a recognised expert in the area you are researching, with a record of relevant research and publication. Most universities in the UK allow you to invite an external examiner of your choice, provided there is no existing conflict of interest.

Your supervisor will help you prepare for the viva and will offer advice on choosing an external examiner. However, they will not normally be present during the examination.

The PhD timeline

PhD timeline
Meet with your and discuss your proposed project. Here you will clarify any changes that are needed and agree a schedule of meetings and a plan of work for the following months.
Clarify the direction of your research, methods and the necessity of any research trips. You will also discuss your training and development needs and begin working towards a .
Hand in of an advanced , thesis plan and timetable for completion. This will then be discussed in the with two internal examiners.
Biannual review with your supervisor(s) to discuss your progress to date and feasibility of completing on time.
You will have made considerable progress on your research by the end of the second year. You may have begun drafting your and engaging in professional activities such as , , and skills training. All of your progress will be discussed in another annual review.
Most of the third year will be spent writing up and redrafting your . You may also engage in professional activities such as , and .
Application for examination and nominate your examiners.
and assisting work such as a skills development log.
Usually the will take place within 10 weeks of the examiners receiving your thesis.
Most PhD students pass with corrections and are given a period to edit the thesis. The length of time given will depend on whether you pass with major or minor corrections.
Receipt of award and graduation!

Ready to take the next step?

There's lots more information about how to get a PhD in our advice section . Or, if you're ready to start looking at different projects, why not check out one of the thousands of current PhD opportunities in our database?

timeline for phd thesis

Not sure how PhD study will differ from a Masters? In this guide, we take a look at how the two qualifications compare, including applications, course structure, assessment and more.

timeline for phd thesis

Every student will need to write an abstract for their PhD dissertation. Here's everything you need to know about what an academic abstract is and how to write one.

timeline for phd thesis

What can you expect from a PhD? What's life actually like as a postgraduate student? Read our guides to the doctoral research experience.

timeline for phd thesis

The viva voce is the final oral exam at the end of a PhD degree. Our guide explains the usual viva format, covers common questions and explains how to prepare.

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Treseder Lab

Fungi, Ecosystems, and Global Change

Sample timeline for PhD students

April 25, 2015 by Kathleen K. Treseder

timeline for phd thesis

Read broadly and deeply in area of interest

Apply for fellowships and student-oriented grants

Develop plan for summer project (by April)

Perform field or lab project in summer

Develop idea for dissertation research and begin writing dissertation proposal (by December)

Complete formal literature review, meta-analysis, proof-of-method, or proof-of concept related to dissertation idea (by end of Spring Quarter)

Submit manuscript from above study (by end of summer)

Submit dissertation proposal to committee (by end of September)

Advance to Candidacy (by end of October)

Submit NSF DDIG proposal (October)

Perform field or lab research

Submit manuscript for completed lab or field work (by end of summer)

Complete remaining field and lab work

Apply for postdoctoral positions and funding

Finish writing dissertation

Defend dissertation and submit final version to UCI (by end of Spring Quarter)

Submit manuscript for completed lab or field work

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Rackham Graduate School: University of Michigan

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Dissertation Timeline

Actual time to complete varies by discipline and departmental requirements.

Verify your committee has been approved by reviewing your unofficial transcript through Wolverine Access six months prior to Group Pre-Defense.

Review Rackham Format Guidelines in The Dissertation Handbook and the Dissertation Formatting Checklist . Visit the U-M Library’s Guide to Microsoft Word for Dissertations , for answers to questions about formatting your dissertations and to download templates.

If you have supplemental materials (such as data) that should also be made publicly available and associated with your dissertation, consider reaching out to [email protected] for help determining whether these should be deposited into one of the Deep Blue repositories.

Register for the required pre-defense review with Rackham at least three weeks before the Oral Defense.

Complete pre-defense review with Rackham at least 10 working days prior to the oral defense.

Distribute the dissertation and abstract to committee members at least 10 working days prior to the Oral Defense.

Apply for graduation for your doctoral degree through Wolverine Access .

Complete the required online Survey of Earned Doctorates .

View Wolverine Access three days prior to the oral defense to confirm that Dissertation Evaluations have been received from all committee members. Follow up with committee members as needed.

Print Oral Report form from web after receiving email that it is ready to print, and take to Oral Defense.

Oral Defense of Dissertation

Verify with Chair that they have submitted the Final Oral Examination Report to Rackham OARD.

Complete any changes, corrections, or revisions to your dissertation as required by your committee Chair or Co-Chair.

Verify that Chair or Co-Chair has submitted the Certificate of Dissertation Committee Approval through the Rackham online system.

Arrange for a post-defense submission with Rackham OARD, referencing the Doctoral Degree Deadlines .

Complete online submission of the final dissertation (PDF) and abstract (text). Note that revisions and re-submission may be required. Once Rackham OARD has approved the submission, no changes or corrections may be made to the dissertation. Follow up with any additional outstanding requirements. All requirements must be submitted and approved by Rackham no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline day.

Graduate Degree Completed

Graduate Degree Conferred

Contact Academic Records and Dissertations

0120 Rackham Building 915 East Washington Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070 Phone: 734.763.0171 Fax: 734.936.3335

Academic Records and Dissertations is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The office is closed Saturdays and Sundays and on the following holidays: Thanksgiving (Thursday and the following Friday), Christmas through New Year's, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), and Labor Day.

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Graduate Program

Doctoral thesis timeline, ideal timeline for res phd students, year 1: september - april.

  • Attend UBC Graduate Student Orientation in late August.
  • You have until the second week of term to add/drop courses most courses.
  • Begin your courses and attend the IRES Orientation/Welcome Back BBQ during the first Sept!
  • Apply for Awards and Funding starting in late summer and continuing through the fall.
  • Is a potential supervisory committee member a non-G+PS Member? If so, you must complete a Recommendation for a Non-G+PS member to serve as part of your supervisory committee .
  • You must complete and submit an RES Supervisory Committee Composition Form to the Graduate Program Manager once your committee is confirmed.
  • An RES Committee Meeting Report form must be submitted to the IRES Graduate Program Manager for each committee meeting held.
  • Your first Committee Meeting Report Form and the Committee Composition form are due to the Graduate Program Manager by the end of May of your first year in program.
  • complete your required coursework
  • form your supervisory committee
  • when supervisory committee meetings should be held
  • hold your Comprehensive Exams
  • complete your Thesis Proposal
  • Advance to Candidacy
  • conduct any fieldwork
  • write up your thesis
  • Go through the External Examination and Final Oral Defence process

Year 2: September - April

  • Complete any outstanding course requirements.
  • If you haven't already, form your supervisory committee and complete the RES Supervisory Committee Composition Form
  • Committee Meeting Report Forms are due at the end of May of each year of your program once your supervisory committee is formed.
  • Hold your Comprehensive Exams - this must be completed no later than 30th month in program.
  • ensure both student and supervisor(s) are clear of the program requirements, expectations and the student is on-track to complete their program (ideally) within 4 years.
  • provide an opportunity for the student to voice any questions or concerns they may have and be able to provide feedback on the program, the courses they have taken, how their last year has been, etc.
  • provide an opportunity for the supervisor(s) to comment on the student's progress in program and ask any questions.
  •  Towards the end of the meeting, the supervisor(s) will be asked to leave the meeting to allow for a discussion with only the student, Graduate Advisor and Graduate Program Manager. This time can be used to provide any additional feedback the student may have.
  • An email confirmation from your supervisor(s) to the Graduate Program Manager is sufficient to confirm that your thesis proposal has been approved by your supervisory committee step - no form to fill out!
  • you must Advance to Candidacy by the end of your 36th month in program, but ideally this is done in your second year in program (within 12-24 months).

Year 3: September - April

  • Hold the RES Fall - Year 3 Review .  All third-year PhD students must fill out the required form, together with their supervisors, and submit the completed form to the Graduate Program Manager.  While there is no mandatory meeting, students may request to schedule a meeting with the Graduate Advisor and the Graduate Program Manager to discuss their program.
  • Committee Meeting Report(s) due at the end of May (or shortly after a meeting is held).
  • Conduct any fieldwork for your doctoral dissertation.
  • Start planning in detail when these steps will be taken to complete your program on time.
  • Doctoral Exam Timeline
  • Doctoral Exams FAQ's
  • Doctoral Exams Deadlines

Year 4: September - April

  • Under normal circumstances, this process takes about four months to complete.
  • Use the Doctoral Exam Timeline to plan your submission and the Doctoral Exams tools to help you complete all steps.
  • Post-Final Oral Defence - Doctoral Forms: Mandatory
  • Provided you have met all other degree requirements, your program will be closed as of the date on your G+PS thesis receipt (email).
  • Please contact the Tuition Fee Payment Office at Brock Hall to request a refund of any remaining portion of the term's tuition fees. Only full months of tuition can be refunded.Tuition Fee Payment Office 2016–1874 East Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 604.822.9836
  • students are able to have their degrees awarded on any one of four dates in a given year; dates in September, November, February, and May. Once the degree has been awarded by the UBC Senate, a notation will appear on the transcript. However, formal conferral at Congregation ceremonies and official degree parchments will remain available in May and November only.
  • Doctoral Citations for Graduation
  • Graduation Ceremonies - held in May and November of each year.
  • Information for Current Students >
  • Learning and Instruction Current Student Resources >

Dissertation Checklist and Timeline

Completing all of the crucial steps to the dissertation process can be complicated. Time and task management will be key to your success. Review the suggested tasks and print out this checklist to assist you in your dissertation journey.

Student's Name:
Choose Dissertation Advisor    
Choose Dissertation Committee with advisor approval on the Application to Candidacy Form    

Form with other students.

Become familiar with the . Formatting your dissertation using these guidelines from the start will save you time.

Identify defense deadlines.
Develop timelines for following steps working backwards from these deadline dates.
Dissertation Proposal Draft to Advisor    
Revision 1    
Revision 2 (if needed)    
Revision 3 (if needed)    
Final approval from advisor    
Submit human subjects form to Institutional Review Board (IRB) if needed    
Search for dissertation funding, e.g., Prof. Raimondi's grant writing course    
Remaining course work, e.g., independent studies for dissertation parts (if any)    
Schedule Proposal Defense (check with advisor's schedule first)    
Dissertation Proposal Defense (announcement)    
Submit GSE Dissertation Proposal Form w/Abstract & Timeline to chair's secretary    
Revise Dissertation Proposal (if needed)    
Collect Data    
Dissertation Chapters Drafted    
Prepare and submit conference proposals (optional)    
Prepare and submit manuscripts to journals (optional)    
Revise Chapter XX (as needed, number of days to be determined with advisor)    
Revise Chapter XX (as needed, number of days to be determined with advisor)    
Revise Chapter XX (as needed, number of days to be determined with advisor)    
Revise Chapter XX (as needed, number of days to be determined with advisor)    
Revisions to advisor (number of days to be determined with advisor)    
Prepare, practice, and give conference talks (optional)    
Dissertation Approved by Advisor    
Dissertation Submitted to Committee and Wait for Comments    
Dissertation Chapters Revised for Committee Members    
Advisor and Committee Members Agreement to Schedule Defense    
Dissertation Defense Scheduled (check with advisor's and members’ schedule first)    
Dissertation Defense (announcement)    
Dissertation Defense    
Revisions to Dissertation 1 (# of days to be determined by advisor)    
Revisions to Dissertation 2 (if needed, # of days to be determined with advisor)    
Revisions to Dissertation 3 (if needed, # of days to be determined with advisor)    
Final Approval by Advisor and Committee Members    
Final Paperwork to UB Graduate School    
Send Form to Dean's Office by to March in May Graduation    

Check with Advisor's Availability Schedule prior to submitting drafts.

Major Advisor is not available during:


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  • Supervisors' Guide
  • Imperial students
  • Graduate School
  • Cornerstone

PhD Timeline

A male researcher initiate lab equipment through a computer

At the start of a student’s research degree, you should provide appropriate guidance about:

  • The nature of research
  • The standard expected
  • How to plan the programme to ensure that candidates will complete their research and experimental work within three years, with one year of writing up (if needed) to meet the maximum four-year submission deadline.  

The following sections highlight the College’s research degree milestones and information about progression.  However, your department may also have additional specific requirements for students to complete such as a research plan confirmation at three months or six monthly reports.  You are advised to check with your Director of Postgraduate Studies or Postgraduate Administrator if you are unsure.

A summary of the College’s updated milestones is provided below:

Early stage assessment.

The College requires assessment of a student’s research potential to be carried out through the ESA to determine whether registration for the PhD can continue.

This involves your student to submit a written report and complete an oral examination (by 12 months for full time students, and 24 months for part time students), which may include one opportunity for re-assessment.

ESA Requirements

  • You must have discussed and agreed with your student how your partnership will work using the College’s Mutual Expectations
  • Students must have completed the online Plagiarism Awareness course by their ESA.
  • Prior to the ESA, your student’s ESA report should be submitted to Turnitin through your department’s Blackboard Thesis submission centre.
  • Students should have obtained a minimum of two Graduate School Professional Skills credits.
  • Students that are not exempt from Imperial’s Doctoral Academic Communication Requirement who score level 1 or 2 are required to take a progress check to complete the ESA. Students who score level 3 or 4 are considered to have fulfilled the requirement.

Following the ESA, you should provide formal feedback to the student on their performance (Students will be asked to comment on the quality of the feedback they receive in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey, which is used to benchmark institutions). You should also discuss future training (internal and external) and professional skills development. For students starting on or after the 24 September 2019, you should also discuss the outcome of the Turnitin Similarity Report.

Access  Guidance and forms for the ESA (plus guidance on giving effective feedback) and information on Advice on Graduate School Course Selection .

Late Stage Review

The College requires that a further review of a PhD student’s research ability be carried out through the LSR to determine whether registration for the PhD can continue.

The form of the review will be determined by the student’s department (and approved by the College) and must be completed by 24 months for full time students/48 months for part time students, which may include one opportunity for re-assessment.

LSR Requirements

  • Typically, as a minimum, students will be required to submit a research plan by 24 months which shows how they will complete their programme by 36 months and start writing up.
  • Students should have obtained four Graduate School professional skills credits (two by ESA plus two more by LSR)

You should encourage your student(s) to produce written work which may often provide them with the basis for the preparation of their final thesis.  Be prepared to read these and provide students with feedback on their examination, progress and final year research plan, making it clear when progress is inadequate or when standards fall below that which is expected.  Where students are experiencing difficulty with their English, you should require them to attend English classes and support from the Centre for Academic English. You may also wish to discuss professional development and skills training (internal and external), including thos suited to your students’ future career plans.

Access Guidance and forms for the LSR (plus guidance on giving effective feedback) and information on Advice on Graduate School Course Selection .

Progress Review (and writing up)

A formal monitoring point – the Progress Review - must be completed at 36 months (or equivalent part-time) to ensure that students who have not submitted within 36 months have a realistic plan for submitting the thesis within 48 months of their start date. The outcome of this assessment is to determine whether students have completed all experimental and data gathering work, and can move into the Writing up period.

A student who still has experimental work to perform at this stage cannot move into Writing up status and will continue to pay full fees.

The writing up period will last for a maximum of 12 months, but will terminate at 48 months from your student’s start date if earlier. During the writing up period the student will remain registered and no fees will be charged.

Students may request to enter the writing up period before 36 months. Any such request must be recommended by the Main Supervisor and approved by the DPS (or nominee) and will bring forward the expected thesis submission deadline accordingly.

Further details can be read in the College’s  Writing Up procedure [Pdf].

It is common for students to need support when the begin writing up (first 3-6 months). During this time, you should expect to provide regular feedback on draft chapters and student written work. You should continue to have conversations about research integrity and plagiarism awareness and provide guidance to your students on these matters.

Supervisors are reminded that the Graduate School has a special Thesis Writing Retreat available to students who are due to submit within the next six months.

Examination Entry

It is the student’s decision to enter for examination, however, full-time students are required to enter for examination no later than 44 months after initial registration for the research degree. Part-time PhD students are required to enter for examination no later than 88 months after initial registration for the research degree.

At least 4 months prior to thesis submission, your students can intitate the examination entry process through the PGR milestones section of My Imperial. Upon entry from examination, the primary supervisor will be prompted to nominate an examination panel in accordance with the College’s Procedure for Appointment of Examiners for Research Degrees , which will be subject to review and approval by the student’s DPS and Registry Assessment Records Team.

Read further information on the Conduct of Oral Examinations for Research Degrees .

Research degree  vivas  should take place on-site, in person.  Exceptionally, where travel restrictions make it difficult for external examiners or students to attend, mixed mode or remote  vivas  can be scheduled.  Directors of Postgraduate Studies are responsible for deciding whether, in exceptional circumstances, a mixed mode or remote  viva  can take place. 

Thesis Submission

The thesis must be submitted by 48 months for full-times students (96 months for part-time students). When the thesis is ready for submission and examination, your student will need to formally submit this via the PGR Milestones section of MyImperial.

Once this has been done, the Main Supervisor and their student will receive confirmation of receipt by the Registry Assessment Records Team, and will be notified as soon as the thesis has been sent to the examiners for review.

Other important information:

External study leave.

External Study Leave is defined as a period of time away from the College (minimum of two weeks) to undertake research which counts towards the degree registration. Ordinarily, this is either field work or a placement, but also covers split-PhDs. It will be recorded as an External Study Leave Milestone. Before taking a period of External Study Leave, supervisors and students are advised to check the terms and conditions of the student’s funding body which may stipulate restrictions on taking this type of leave and may impact on the stipend.

The College is required to notify the Home Office immediately if a student on a Tier 4 visa is taking a period of time away from the College. This will be reported to the Home Office as a Change of Study Location but will not impact on their visa status in the UK.

Read Guidelines for doctoral students wishing to take External Study Leave [pdf]

Interruption of Studies

An Interruption of Study (IOS) is available for students who require a temporary break from their studies and plan to resume their studies at a future date.

Students do not have an automatic right to interrupt their studies and the College expects that student will normally complete their studies in a single continuous period. An IOS should be requested for any period of time in which the student will not be engaging with their studies (e.g. due to health difficulties or work commitments etc).

An IOS can be taken at any stage of the PhD, with no penalty to the student, and the confirmed thesis submission deadline will be updated to reflect the duration of the IOS period. Students and supervisors are advised to check the terms and conditions of their funding body prior to applying for an interruption.

Taking an interruption means:

  • PhD milestones and registration will pause and will resume once the IOS has finished.
  • The thesis submission date will be adjusted for the period of time interrupted.
  • Tuition fees will not be charged for the duration of the interruption.
  • Stipends will not be paid for the duration of the interruption – except where a funder provides financial support for students interrupting on medical grounds/health reasons.
  • There will be implications for student visas. Queries should be directed to the international student support office before students proceed to interrupt.
  • Student ID cards wil become inactive for the period of interruption, which will affect access to resources including the Library.

Read more in the Interruption of Study Guidelines [Pdf] .

Thesis extensions

In cases where students are unable to submit within four years (or equivalent part-time), a thesis extension application can be submitted by the department for consideration by the Imperial College Graduate School. The thesis extension request procedure is available to postgraduate research candidates in cases where mitigating circumstances have affected their progress towards their final submission deadline.

All thesis extension requests are subject to departmental approval by the Director of Postgraduate Studies prior to submission to the Registry Research Degrees Team. Upon submission to Registry, the request will be submitted to a Special Case Panel for review and approval on behalf of the Postgraduate Research Quality Committee.

For further information on submitting a thesis extension request, please consult the relevant departmental administrator in the first instance and the College's Thesis Extension request guidance.‌ Guidance and the request form are available on the administration pages.

Professional Development

The primary purpose of the Graduate School is to develop and deliver a world-class, innovative and engaging provision ensuring all postgraduate students are provided with excellent professional development training to complement their academic studies and providing opportunity to develop skills for a range of careers.

As supervisor, you should have regular discussions with your students about their professional development and work together to select courses which are of most use and benefit to each student.  Advice on Graduate School Course Selection and an overview of the programme of professional skills courses for Doctoral students can be found in the For your students section of Cornerstone.

The Graduate School’s programme also includes Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) training courses for students who teach.  Attendance at these courses contributes towards the portfolio of work required for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.  You should discuss with your student(s) teacher training and opportunities within the department to teach. More information can be found on the GTA webpage.

Research Skills

As a supervisor, you are responsible for developing students’ research skills. Some key research skills are academic writing, planning, presenting, critical thinking, statistical analysis and computing skills.

To develop student’s academic writing skills, it is recommended that supervisors advise doctoral students to ‘write early and write often’. It is important to make writing integral to the research process and not a final “write-up” task. Maintained engagement with writing throughout the research process promotes making-meaning through writing. This engagement encourages the development of the doctoral student’s professional identity and the production and communication of knowledge in their discipline. Hence it is important to see academic writing as integral to the research process and not only a product. Furthermore, engaging with writing only at the assessment stages (i.e. ESA, LSR and final thesis stage) may lead to doctoral students to associate writing with assessment and performance which in turn may lead to stress.

Planning skills play a central role in maintaining a student’s motivation. Hence, it is important that supervisors and their students and are advised that doctoral researchers can build their self-efficacy by setting smaller, achievable goals. Staff and students should be aware that there is research evidence to show the link between goal setting, self-efficacy, and motivation. Supervisors and students should plan together so that extended tasks such as thesis writing are broken down into smaller achievable goals hence building self-efficacy and motivation at critical stages of the doctorate.

Presenting skills develop through practice, you should provide opportunities for students to present to others whenever you can, for example at group meetings or departmental research seminars.

Data processing and analysis

To help with research data analysis and processing, Graduate School has introduced an extensive range of data science and computing skills courses.   You can find out more about the Graduate School’s programme and guidance on supporting students to choose the most appropriate courses in the ‘ For your students ' section of the Cornerstone website.

Other skills

There may also be other taught courses being delivered in the College which may be of benefit to the student to develop their research skills.

You should also provide training in requisite techniques and ensure good practice in research data management and support students who wish to publish. Supervisors should also have good knowledge of issues around plagiarism and copyright. The Graduate School has an online course in plagiarism awareness and copyright which supervisors are free to enrol on if they wish.

Supervisors should also be familiar with the College’s policy on, and procedures for, the investigation of allegations of research misconduct .

Cohort Building

In partnership with academics, students across the College and the Graduate Students’ Union, the Graduate School provides opportunities for students to meet each other at a variety of social and academic events, promoting interdisciplinary knowledge exchange, encouraging collaborations and creating supportive global research communities and peer groups.   

Cohort building aims to enhance support for research students and help improve the research environment. Research students working in cohorts can improve their understanding and gain access to professional and personal development as well as pastoral care.  The Postgraduate Community Fund is available to students who wish to apply for money to support cohort building activities.

Coaching and one-to-one support

The Graduate School also offers a coaching programme to postgraduate students with a focus on developing effective working relationships and self-development issues. 

Additionally, the Graduate School is able to offer dedicated one-to-one support for students who have particular challenges they would like extra support with, for example, presentation skills.   Please advise your students to contact  [email protected] if they would like to have this support.

Extra-curricular activities

Students should be encouraged to take part in the wide range of opportunities available to them, including Graduate School events and courses.  Students should be reminded that the Union’s clubs and societies are also available to postgraduate students. 

Information about these and more is available on the making the most of your Imperial experience webpages.

The  Enterprising students  webpages offer a range of opportunities for students interested in gaining entrepreneurship experience.  Opportunities for extra-curricular learning available via the Imperial College Union and the Outreach team are detailed below. 

The scheme supports students to identify and articulate the skills and experiences gained through volunteering.  All training workshops can be accessed by anybody recording their volunteer hours toward Imperial Plus.  Postgraduate roles which can count towards the scheme are:

  • Any elected roles with the Graduate Students’ Union
  • Any volunteering through college schemes such as Pimlico Connections or President’s Ambassadors
  • Hall seniors
  • Any role through  Community Connections

The  Volunteer Certificate  rewards the hours volunteered, from 25 up to 500 hours, and also gives access to all of the training workshops linked to the programme.

The  Volunteer Accreditation  offers students more scope to reflect on the skills they have developed during the hours they have spent volunteering in a more structured way.

Finally, once a year, volunteers are invited to apply to undertake a  Volunteer Qualification , an Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) Level 5 Award in the Management of Volunteers, a valuable leadership qualification for any career path they choose.

Student Lifecycle

Three students talks about the College’s milestones

The Student Experience on the College’s milestones

Ahmed Shamso, Zaynab Jawad, and Yu Xia, PhD Candidates at Imperial College London, explain what they find valuable about the research degree assessment milestones.

Three students talking about why they value the research degree assessment milestones.

Dr Zafeiriou shares his top tips for supervisors.

Dr Stefanos Zafeiriou's top tips for supervisors

Dr Zafeiriou shares his top tips for supervisors.

We asked Dr Stefanos Zafeiriou,  Department of Computing and winner of a Student Academic Choice Award for Best Supervisor, to share his top tips.

Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

Featured blog post image for Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

It’s a common scenario: you have never heard about Gantt charts. Then, when writing a PhD application or planning your PhD timeline for the upcoming years, someone suggests: You should include a Gantt chart! No need to worry. Here is all you need to know about Gantt charts for your PhD timeline.

What are Gantt charts?

Gantt charts belong to the family of bar charts. In a Gantt chart, bars depict different project tasks. The length of each bar is proportionate to the task duration and indicates both start and finish dates.

Why are Gantt charts frequently used for PhD timelines?

A Grantt chart is a great way to provide an overview of project tasks, activities and milestones.

Gantt charts are frequently used to illustrate PhD timelines because doing a PhD essentially means creating, managing and implementing a project with many components over several years.

Furthermore, Gantt chart PhD timelines allow PhD students to track their progress. They can also help PhD students to stay on track with their work.

What information is included in Gantt charts for PhD timelines?

Of course, every PhD project is unique. This uniqueness should be reflected in your Gantt chart. For instance, your Gantt chart PhD timeline will look different if you write a PhD based on articles or if you write a monograph .

How do you create a Gantt chart for your PhD timeline?

Creating a phd timeline gantt chart in microsoft excel.

You can create a table, turn it into a bar chart and manually edit it until it looks like a Gantt chart. If you have some experience with Excel, it is doable. Detailed instructions on the process can be found in this manual from Ablebits.com.

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in Microsoft PowerPoint

First, you need to open a blank PowerPoint slide. Then click on Insert (1.), then Chart (2.). A popup will appear. Select Bar (3.) and finally select the Stacked Bar option (4).

In the example below, I decided to plan PhD tasks for a year. Thus, 1 means January, 2 means February, 3 means March and so forth. The length of tasks is also indicated in months:

Now comes the fun part, namely decorating. You can add a chart title, colour the bars in the colour of your choice, edit the legend and the axis descriptions. Just play with it to explore the options.

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in a Microsoft Word

To start the process in Word, it is smart to first change the orientation of your page to Landscape . In the top menu, click on Layout , then select Orientation , then choose Landscape .

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart with an online tool

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of creating your own Gantt chart but are not convinced by any templates, you can make use of online tools and software.

You can use a free provider (or make do with one of the many Gantt chart templates that exist on the internet). One free online tool is the Free Online Gantt Chart Software :

The site requires no signup. You can editing and simply start filling in the Gantt chart, and export it as an Excel, Image or PDF file when you are done!

PhD timeline Gantt chart templates

Best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft excel, best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft powerpoint.

A useful Gantt chart template for PhD timelines in PowerPoint can be downloaded here via OfficeTimeline.com This Gantt chart is particularly great to provide a rough overview of plans over a longer period. For instance, with a few edits, you can illustrate a nice 3-year PhD timeline.

Best Gantt chart template for PhD timelines in Microsoft Word

Useful Gantt chart templates for Microsoft Word can be downloaded here from TemplateLAB. I like these templates as they can be easily adjusted to the needs of a PhD timeline. For instance, a weekly Gantt chart template can be useful to establish a detailed plan with weekly objectives to keep your PhD progress on track.

PhD timeline Gantt chart examples

Gantt chart phd timeline example in microsoft excel, gantt chart phd timeline example in microsoft powerpoint, gantt chart phd timeline example in microsoft word.

Using a weekly Gantt chart template from TemplateLab mentioned above, an example PhD timeline with weekly tasks and objectives could look, for instance, like this:

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/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="timeline for phd thesis"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

Understanding deadlines and requirements, major steps.

Understanding the steps and associated deadlines in the dissertation/thesis and degree conferral process is necessary to establish a successful plan and realistic timeframe. The major steps are:

  • Complete draft dissertation
  • Schedule exam
  • Make revisions
  • Submit final electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) to the Graduate School (final submission cannot be prior to your exam date)

Planning Timeline

The Code of Legislation requires students to submit a completed draft for committee review six weeks prior to scheduling the exam. Submission of the final thesis/dissertation must be within 60 days of completing the final exam.  You may not submit your thesis or dissertation prior to completing your M or B exam. Enrollment in future semesters after the date a student passes their M or B exam is not permitted, even if the 60 day submission window falls within a subsequent semester.

December 31, 2023 Conferral Deadlines

  • Submit Draft to Committee: First week in October
  • Schedule Exam: First week in November
  • Take Exam: Mid November
  • Complete Revisions: End of November
  • Final Submission Deadline to the Graduate School: December 1, 2023

May 26, 2024 Conferral Deadlines

  • Submit Draft to Committee: First week in March
  • Schedule Exam: First week in April
  • Take Exam: Mid April
  • Complete Revisions: End of April
  • Final Submission Deadline to the Graduate School: May 1, 2024

August 31, 2024 Conferral Deadlines

  • Submit Draft to Committee: First week in June
  • Schedule Exam: First week in July
  • Take Exam: Mid July
  • Complete Revisions: End of July
  • Final Submission Deadline to the Graduate School: August 1, 2024

December 31, 2024 Conferral Deadlines

  • Final Submission Deadline to the Graduate School: December 1, 2024

Use this checklist to guide your process.

  • Complete your research.
  • Learn about thesis and dissertation formatting guidelines .
  • Develop a detailed outline for your approach to writing your dissertation or thesis.
  • Write the body of text for the dissertation or thesis.
  • Complete your draft thesis/dissertation  six weeks prior to your final examination  and submit to all members of your Special Committee.
  • Schedule your final exam  one week before your final examination date , and submit a final draft of your dissertation/thesis to each special committee member.
  • Take your final exam (“B” exam), oral dissertation defense for Ph.D. candidates, or (“M” exam) an oral thesis defense for master’s candidates, six to eight weeks before conferral date .
  • Make changes as specified by the special committee.
  • Submit the final electronic version of dissertation or thesis (ETD) to Graduate School using ProQuest . See  Thesis and Dissertation Submission Process  for instructions.
  • Attend  commencement  and celebrate!


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  6. PPT

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  6. Planning the timeline and progress of your doctoral dissertation (or

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  7. PDF Guidelines for The PhD Dissertation

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    7 stages of the PhD journey. A PhD has a few landmark milestones along the way. The three to four year you'll spend doing a PhD can be divided into these seven stages. Preparing a research proposal. Carrying out a literature review. Conducting research and collecting results. Completing the MPhil to PhD upgrade.

  15. Sample timeline for PhD students

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    Timeline of a PhD. First three months. ... Your thesis is your account of the work you have done, which should form a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the subject and show evidence of originality by the discovery of new facts and/or the exercise of independent critical power. The thesis is examined by an oral exam.

  18. Dissertation Timeline

    Academic Records and Dissertations is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The office is closed Saturdays and Sundays and on the following holidays: Thanksgiving (Thursday and the following Friday), Christmas through New Year's, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), and Labor Day.

  19. Doctoral Thesis Timeline

    This year, you and your supervisor (s) should have a clear timeline - that is ideally no longer than 4 years! - which includes when you will: complete your required coursework. form your supervisory committee. when supervisory committee meetings should be held. hold your Comprehensive Exams.

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  21. PhD Timeline

    IMPORTANT: Details of the PhD timeline are covered by Unit 3 of the Fundamentals of Supervising PhD Students online course (unit takes approx. 30 mins to complete) and follows the typical full-time route of a PhD student registered from October 2021. Students registered before October 2021 must follow milestone deadlines from previous ...

  22. Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

    Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in Microsoft PowerPoint . Manually creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in PowerPoint is a bit easier than in Excel. Therefore, I will explain the process here. First, you need to open a blank PowerPoint slide. Then click on Insert (1.), then Chart (2.). A popup will appear.

  23. Understanding Deadlines and Requirements : Graduate School

    Submit final electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) to the Graduate School (final submission cannot be prior to your exam date) Planning Timeline. The Code of Legislation requires students to submit a completed draft for committee review six weeks prior to scheduling the exam. Submission of the final thesis/dissertation must be within 60 days of ...