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188 Best Human Sexuality Research Topics For Your Assignment

human sexuality topics

The key to writing a great research project is coming up with a great idea that is original and interesting to both yourself and the reading audience. Professors are always looking to find projects that thoroughly answer questions with evidence-based facts and examples in support of a well-thought thesis argument.

In the field of human sexuality, it is very important to brainstorm several interesting topics for a research project at any level (i.e., high school through graduate school). Our expert writers have put together this list of human sexuality research topics that may provide you with some inspiration to build a great project for a high school, college, or graduate assignment.

What Is Human Sexuality?

The subject of human sexuality is a broad term that is best defined as the way people express themselves and experience sexuality, including biological, erotic, physical, emotional, social and spiritual behaviors and feelings.

The subject has had varied and historical contexts over time, and because there are so many directions one takes in researching and writing an assignment in this subject, you should do your due diligence in exploring several options before starting on a project.

How to Choose Research Topics on Human Sexuality?

Here are five simple steps to follow when selecting a topic in this area of study. If you get started early (within a day or two of receiving the assignment prompt) you should have no trouble narrowing your options to one or two related ideas that you can build upon:

  • Brainstorm 4 – 5 Research Ideas: The easiest step in the process is brainstorming. You can write a list of ideas taken from class lectures, assigned readings, interesting articles from journals, or the internet. Your goal should be to write on something in which you learn something new by pushing the envelope.
  • Select a Manageable Research Topic: Choose a broad subject and extract a few ideas and formulate a few questions you would like to explore. This will help you bring your topic down to earth so that you aren’t overwhelmed by having to write a comprehensive paper on the entire scope of human sexuality.
  • Narrow the Focus of Your Topic: You need to take your broad idea and make it more specific. Even if you find yourself changing your mind, you will be getting closer to a topic that is worth the effort you will put into completing the assignment.
  • Define Your Topic as a Question: Once you have focused your topic on something clear and concise, it would be helpful to define your idea into a specific research question that will put your paper into context and that will guide you when crafting your thesis statement.
  • Conduct Background Research: At this point, you should a great idea of the content you will need to search for to craft your research paper. Spend a few hours searching the web for background information. Start building an outline and keep detailed lists of in-depth academic research you will need to do.

Human Sexuality Research Paper Topics For High School Students

Many high school students are just developing their researching and writing skills. Research projects at this level are usually 5 pages long and require about two weeks to complete. The following ideas are manageable and appropriate for this level:

  • How do bad habits impact healthy sexuality in teenagers?
  • How do sex laws in the U.S. affect how people view sexuality?
  • How do biochemistry and medication affect sexual behaviors in adults?
  • Should society promote greater awareness of the importance of good sexual health?
  • How do teenage bisexuals internalize their feelings as it relates to sexual stigmas?
  • What are some of the physical changes that contribute to reduced sexual desire in men?
  • How can one better understand human sexuality through the lifecycle?
  • How to safely navigate the hookup culture among millennials?
  • What are the negative effects of sexting in young adults?
  • What do young people know about gender identification?
  • At what age should students learn about human sexuality?
  • How have sexual behaviors changed in young adults in the 21st century?
  • How to deal with the social stigma that comes with identifying as LGBTQ?
  • How can therapy help in situations where a partner has indulged in extramarital sex?
  • What are some of the physical changes that contribute to reduced sexual desire in women?
  • What are some of the biggest concerns young people have about gender?
  • Has the majority of society accepted same-sex marriages?
  • How do young people view consensual and non-consensual sexual experiences?
  • How are the sex lives negatively impacted by couples going through midlife crises?
  • Why is there a stigma for being sexually inexperienced before turning 18?
  • Are schools adequately providing enough education about human sexuality?
  • What impact has the internet had on sexual behaviors in young adults?
  • How important are sexual stimuli in creating sexual responses among married couples?
  • What are the major milestones males will experience in their lifespan?
  • How has human sexuality evolved over the generations?
  • Are sex educators adequately prepared to instruct today’s youth?
  • How does healthy and happiness affect the way teenagers feel about their sexuality?
  • How prevalent is extramarital sex in couples between the ages of 30 and 40?
  • What role do parents play in explaining human sexuality to their children?
  • What are the major milestones females will experience in their lifespan?
  • What role does religion play in the way people perceive human sexuality?
  • What are the most common questions young people have about sexual orientation?

Human Sexuality Psychology Research Paper Topics For College Students

These human sexuality topics for a research paper are more difficult than the ones listed above. At the college level, most students will write 1 or 2 research papers per semester (a midterm and a final) and will require about a month to complete. Here are some great ideas to consider:

  • How do psychological interpretations impact how young people view sexuality?
  • What are the psychological changes towards sexuality that occur with age?
  • In what ways does a person’s environment affect human sexuality?
  • What are the most common psychological dimensions in sexual behavioral health?
  • What are some of the biggest factors that cause reduced sexual desire in men?
  • Can marriages remain healthy despite sexual inactivity for prolonged periods?
  • How are sexual behavior patterns different in men and women?
  • How does the desire for being a parent influence sexual behavior in adults?
  • How do sexual images affect attention bias and recognition?
  • How have historical investigations on sexuality influenced modern perceptions of sex?
  • What are some mental health issues that influence sexual violence in adults?
  • What effects do anti-depressants have on sexual behaviors?
  • How do sexual practices in people affect behavioral changes?
  • How does the loss of a partner influence change in sexual desire in males and females?
  • What are the best or most effective treatments for sex addicts?
  • How do married couples and non-married couples view sexuality differently?
  • What are some of the biggest factors that cause reduced sexual desire in women?
  • How does infidelity impact human sexuality in married couples?
  • How has the definition of human sexuality changed over the last century?
  • How has the way we define sex addiction changed in the 21st century?
  • How do psychological needs influence sexual behaviors in young adults?
  • How can people overcome destructive sexual behaviors?
  • How are common and alternative sexual behaviors different across age groups?
  • How does infertility affect sexual desire in adults?
  • What impact does the media have on the way people perceive sexuality?
  • How do different typologies of adherence influence sexual satisfaction?
  • How do people become addicted to sex?
  • What impact have psychologists had in advancing the study of human sexuality?
  • Should psychological assessments be mandatory before sentencing sexual offenders?
  • What are the biggest social prohibitions against human sexuality?
  • What role do gender definitions have on a child’s understanding of sexuality?
  • What are the psychological dimensions of human sexual health and behaviors?

Good Human Sexuality Research Topics For Graduate School Students

Graduate research projects are significantly harder and often become a starting point for future studies if students wish to pursue a degree that incorporates human sexuality. These ideas require a lot of research, so students need to get started on these projects as early as possible:

  • How does school-based education on condom use influence sexual behaviors?
  • What effect does alcohol and/or drug use have on human sexuality?
  • What is the correlation between condom use and erection problems in young men?
  • Should comprehensive sex education be mandatory in all U.S. public schools?
  • What has sexual behavior increased among adolescents in the U.S.?
  • How has human sexuality been depicted in major art pieces of the 20th century?
  • What impact has the feminist movement had on our perceptions of human sexuality?
  • Should we learn more about the rise of sexuality among children in modern society?
  • What are the major characteristics of people that identify as asexual?
  • What can neurobiology tell us about sexual behaviors in adults?
  • Should sexual education classes encourage abstinence more than they do now?
  • How did England’s Victorian society control female sexuality?
  • Has modern technology caused virginity to lose its sense of virtue among young people?
  • How have birth control policies changed in the U.S. over the last 50 years?
  • Is abstinence-only sex education a great tactic to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies?
  • How important is sex education in public and private schools?
  • How did ancient societies view human sexuality differently than we do today?
  • In what ways does gender sexuality matter as it relates to human rights?
  • What do people in the military forces feel about human sexuality perceptions?
  • How is sexual orientation depicted in the Bible?
  • How can we use sex education to help promote sexual violence?
  • What are the perceived sexual and emotional satisfaction across different contexts?
  • How do people of different ethnic groups perceive human sexual experiences differently?
  • How do people view flirting and seduction differently in the U.S. versus the U.K.?
  • What do understand about gender identification among children?
  • How are sex education school policies different across the United States?
  • How can parents handle child sexuality choices without discouraging personal choices?
  • What role should politics play in determining sexual behavior in people?
  • What are the implications for how women define their experiences with rape?
  • How should high school teachers orient young people about sexual orientation?
  • How can we effectively measure sexual inhibition and excitation proneness in men?
  • How does cultural background affect the way people view human sexuality?

Current Human Sexuality Popular Topics Of Research For Any Level

A great way to capture your reading audience’s attention is to connect with them by writing about something current. You can turn to the web or recently published journals to find what others are currently discussing in the field of human sexuality. Choose something you find interesting from the list below or customize an idea to suit your needs more adequately:

  • What can we learn from examining the validity of compulsive sexual behavior?
  • Is the romantic kiss a near-human universal in expressing sexuality?
  • Why has compulsive sexual behavior increased in adults in the last decade?
  • Has television had too much of a negative impact on the way teenagers view human sexuality?
  • How have sexual behaviors among single parents of young children changed in the U.K.?
  • Would television censorship decrease sexual activity among teenagers?
  • In what ways has the pandemic limited safe access to sexual health services?
  • Why do young people continue to put themselves at risk of contracting an STD?
  • Do young people find it important to express how they identify sexually?
  • How influential are the early human sexuality studies of the 19th century to today’s research?
  • How are teenagers expressing sexuality differently now than a decade ago?
  • How do people perceive PDA differently today than 20 years ago?
  • Does access to better health services improve sexual health among teenagers?
  • What are the best techniques for teaching sexuality to teenagers?
  • Why are adult men attracted to adolescent girls?
  • In what ways should researchers reshape sexual studies for the 21st century?
  • What are some of the biggest sexual taboos around the world?
  • How can we shorten the gap in sexual understanding between parents and teens?
  • How does the LGBTQ community view virginity differently than the hetero community?
  • How can technology be used to better understand human sexuality?
  • How is gender expression in same-sex relationships different than in other relationships?
  • Are teenagers being sexualized on television and what impact does this have?
  • What can we learn about sexual needs during the Covid-19 pandemic?
  • What are some of the factors that affect sexuality in older women?
  • What factors affect a woman’s sexual arousal in the workplace?
  • What does it mean to “experiment sexually” in today’s society?
  • What does it mean to be positive about one’s sexual behaviors?
  • What are the major factors that affect sexuality in men over 50?
  • What are today’s biggest myths about human sexuality?
  • What impact has Covid-19 had on sexual health?
  • How does the media influence compulsive sexual behavior among teens?
  • What are the negative effects of engaging in cybersex?

Current Human Sexuality Research Topics In Psychology

There are a lot of topics in human sexuality for research you can find by watching the news, reading newspaper, journal, and magazine articles, and checking the web. The latest topics have a lot of information readily available on the web, but you must be sure the information you use in your research paper comes from reputable and trustworthy sources:

  • How effective has sex therapy been in treating people who find no pleasure in intercourse?
  • How has the stigma of having multiple partners led to low self-esteem in adults?
  • How does an abusive childhood affect sexual health as an adult?
  • In what ways have people changed their perceptions about having a healthy sex life?
  • What does it mean to have a healthy sex life in the 21st century?
  • How have advancements in sex therapy methods helped mental health?
  • What are some stereotypes that affect the way people view their sexual orientation?
  • Can pornography be used to help stimulate sexual desire in married couples?
  • What do we know about the influences sex predators have that cause them to behave in certain ways?
  • What influence do the fears of contracting an STD have on sexual orientation?
  • What do we know about human sexuality that can be used to prevent sexual predators from acting on their desires?
  • How much influence do parents have on their children’s sexual orientations?
  • How is sexual attraction affected by psychological characteristics developed at an early age?
  • How much influence did Sigmund Freud have on today’s study of human sexuality?
  • What effects can sexual play during childhood have on mental development?
  • What are some anomalies of reproductive organs that affect self-confidence?
  • What significance does sexual health have in determining a person’s mental health?
  • How does mental health affect the way a person approaches sexual relationships?
  • What are some factors that contribute to instances of pedophilia?
  • What are the biggest psychological issues related to human sexuality?
  • How does race affect how people view human sexuality?
  • How has the fluidity of sexual orientation changed in the last half-century?
  • How do covert rendezvous help stimulate sexual experiences?
  • How has collaborative pornography viewing impacted the quality of relationships?
  • What are the biggest links between sexual behaviors and violent behaviors?
  • Can sexual therapy have a positive effect on sexual predators?
  • How is the sexual psychology of women different from that of men?
  • What is the safest way to talk to our children about pornography?
  • How do rape victims cope with the stigma that comes from revealing clothing?
  • Is there such a thing as too much porn for our sexual health?
  • What can victims of child sexual abuse suffer from mentally as adults?
  • What is the psychological impact of traveling long distances for sex?

Hot Research Topics In Human Sexuality For A Large Project

Sometimes you will find hot topics being discussed everywhere you go. These can stem from a social or legal issue that you hear about in the news and that has drawn a lot of attention. Here are some ideas our experts have found that are currently being discussed:

  • How do personal finances influence people’s use of internet dating sites?
  • What does it mean to have sex in the 21st century?
  • How common is infidelity in the United Kingdom versus the United States?
  • What are the challenges in having a healthy sex life after a serious physical injury?
  • What is the difference between love and sexual attraction?
  • What is the best way to keep their children safe from sexual abuse?
  • What are the similarities and differences in courtship practices across cultures?
  • Is it ethical to prevent underage marriages in sovereign nations?
  • What does it mean to be sexually “normal” in today’s society?
  • What are the major stereotypes associated with aging and sexual health?
  • How effective are HIV awareness campaigns that target women in the U.S.?
  • How has literature changed in the way it expresses human sexual behavior?
  • What challenges do women face when identifying nonconsensual sexual experiences?
  • Should same-sex couples be given the same adoption rights as mixed-sex couples?
  • How do people perceive sex workers in terms of sexual and mental health?
  • Is there a link between pornography consumption and violence during sex?
  • How has communication changed to express sexual desires more accurately?
  • Do people with multiple partners have more satisfactory sexual lives?
  • What are the similarities and differences between same-sex and mixed-sex couples?
  • Should teenagers turn to the internet to find answers to question about sexuality?
  • How can we best protect LGBTQ workers against discrimination?
  • What does it mean to consent to sex legally in the U.S.?
  • What do we know about the anatomies of male and female orgasms?
  • Are male and female-specific gender roles nearing an end?
  • What influence does pregnancy have on a woman’s sexual desires?
  • What do the latest advancements in female sexuality research say?
  • What factors impact the way people develop attitudes toward asexuality?
  • How can we prevent unwanted teenage pregnancy in third-world countries?

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5 studies that offer fascinating conclusions about human sexuality

Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?

“My hope is that a more accurate updated understanding of human sexuality will lead us to have greater tolerance for ourselves, for each other, greater respect for unconventional relationship configurations like same-sex marriage or polyamorous unions, and that we’ll finally put to rest the idea that men have some innate instinctive right to monitor and control women’s sexual behavior,” Ryan says . “And we’ll see that it’s not only gay people that have to come out of the closet: we all have closets we have to come out of.”

Below, read up on some more lines of research that suggest out-of-the-box ideas about our sexuality.

  • Question: Is bisexuality a sexual orientation, something that’s temporary or an outgrowth of the sexual fluidity we all exhibit? . Research: In a 2008 study , Lisa M. Diamond of the University of Utah presented the results of a decade-long assessment of nearly 70 women who identified as lesbian, bisexual, or sexually unlabelable. Five times over the course of the study, the women detailed their sexual identities, attractions, behaviors, and their social and familial relationships. . Results: Based on Diamond’s findings, bisexuality is not a “transitional stage that women adopt ‘on the way’ to lesbian identification” or an “experimental phase” for heterosexuals. Her results, instead, supported that, “Bisexuality may best be interpreted as a stable pattern of attraction to both sexes in which the specific balance of same-sex to other-sex desires necessarily varies according to interpersonal and situational factors,” she writes. .
  • Question: Which comes first—desire or arousal? . Research: In a study from 2004, described in this New York Times article , Ellen Laan, Stephanie Both and Mark Spiering of the University of Amsterdam examined participants’ physical responses to sexual images. . Results: The research indicates that we respond physically to highly sexual visuals before our mind even engages with them. In other words, desire doesn’t precede arousal—it’s the other way around. And we aren’t even aware it’s happening. .
  • Question: Do men and women respond differently to sexual images? . Research: The same New York Times article describes an Emory University study that tracked participants’ eye movements and brain activity while they looked at sexually explicit photos. . Results: Men and women didn’t have the same reactions, but they might not be the ones you’d expect. Men looked at the faces in the photographs much more than women did, and everyone quickly flipped past close-ups of genitalia. Brain activity was gender-dependent: in particular, men had a lot more activity in the amygdala than women did. .
  • Question: Does geography influence the body types we idealize and are attracted to? . Research: There’s a lot written about the effects of culture and media on the bodily standards we uphold. But the International Body Project , a survey of 7,434 people worldwide, aimed to investigate whether there were more base-level factors motivating our ideal body types, too. . Results: The researchers found that places with low socioeconomic status tended to value heavier female body types, while places with high socioeconomic status tended to favor thinner bodies—possibly because body fat acts as an indicator of status when resources are scarce. And the effect of media shouldn’t be underestimated: “Our results show that body dissatisfaction and desire for thinness is commonplace in high-SES settings across world regions, highlighting the need for international attention to this problem,” the researchers write. .
  • Question: Do men and women have different sex drives? . Research: A recent New York Times Magazine article describes a University of Wisconsin, Madison “ meta-analysis ” of more than 800 studies of our sexual habits conducted over 15 years. . Results: The researchers found that “the evidence for an inborn disparity in sexual motivation is debatable,” the Times Magazine piece reports. The study “suggests that the very statistics evolutionary psychologists use to prove innate difference — like number of sexual partners or rates of masturbation — are heavily influenced by culture. All scientists really know is that the disparity in desire exists, at least after a relationship has lasted a while.” Women’s desire does decrease, but not as a matter of course—as a result of monogamy in particular.

Photo credit: iStock

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New Challenges in Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction

Human sexuality constitutes not only a basic need but also a right that significantly enriches interpersonal relationships, providing mutual satisfaction and pleasure. It undoubtedly contributes to quality of life and overall physical and mental health by improving self-esteem.

These dysfunctions and their consequences on a deteriorating emotional life and on the appearance of some mild to severe sexual difficulties and pathologies should be researched, understood and considered in treatment approaches as relevant aspects of general health.

Healthy human sexuality undoubtedly improves physical and mental health but during a pandemic, such as the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, major challenges need to be overcome or at least carefully analysed. Different situations involve different recommendations by experts in maintaining different types of sexual relationships without or minimizing health risks. To avoid contagions, such as during a pandemic, it is advisable to abstain from any type of sexual activity as a couple, replacing it with masturbatory activity or virtual sex instead, especially in patients with symptoms of COVID-19, in health professionals who are in contact with such patients or during pregnancy [ 1 ].

Special precautions must be taken to maintain an active sex life until the end of the quarantine period of a pandemic.

Many uncertainties regarding the differences between men and women in many aspects of sexual life remain to be understood. One of them is compulsive sexual behaviour disorder, which continues to be more frequent in men, although neuroticism and stress vulnerability seem to be more frequently reported in women [ 2 ]. More research is needed to understand in depth not only the differences but also the best approaches to overcoming these disorders when they constitute a barrier to the understanding and enjoyment of sex.

One group that is garnering growing research interest is the LGBTQ community, specifically, how lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are affected by mastectomy for breast cancer [ 3 ]. Differential characteristics have been described in these different populations and must be considered according to patient preferences when making such decisions in surgical treatment processes.

One of the biggest challenges in sexuality research is the adolescent population, who need more attention, especially those who are victims of sexual violence. A high association has been found between adolescents who do not use condoms and with a background of any type of sexual violence; with behavioural problems; and who have higher levels of mental health illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, and lower levels of self-esteem [ 4 ]. Being older, male, and/or bisexual; reporting more frequent substance use; being non-Muslim; and reporting the use of the media to obtain sexual information were found to have the highest associations. Knowledge of this profile in adolescents could help to obtain better methods to prevent abuse. On the other hand, pornography use in adolescents can be seen as an anomalous way of understanding healthy human sexuality, and it would be necessary to insist on the need for adequate sexual training during school ages.

The elderly is one of the populations that receive the least attention in the study of sexuality. Most such studies have been performed in women, mainly during menopause, while in men, studies on erectile dysfunction predominate. The religious and social beliefs of this population certainly influence the encountered difficulties and greatly limit sexual behaviour in older adults. As sexuality has become widespread within the community in the twenty-first century, we will undoubtedly witness a redefinition of the importance of maintaining a healthy and prolonged sex life, especially in women who will abandon the traditional role of providing men with sexual pleasure to seek an experience of shared and rewarding pleasure.

Sexual desire is one of the most frequent dysfunctions related to sexual health, especially in women, although its differences in men have not been investigated much. Among women, interpersonal issues and low physical attraction were highly related to their sexual interest, and physical attraction and daily hassles in males were high predictors of low sexual desire in females. Women looked for sex therapists and psychological interventions more often than men, and both viewed gynaecologists as a more acceptable therapist than a general practitioner [ 5 ].

Research on sexuality cannot neglect to study the possible iatrogenesis caused by some frequently used drugs such as antidepressants [ 6 ], antipsychotics [ 7 ], and antihypertensives [ 8 ]. The data have been corroborated not only in patients but also in healthy volunteers [ 9 ]. These drugs affect desire, orgasm, and sexual arousal, effects that go unfortunately unnoticed if the appearance of their symptoms is not systematically explored. Through the PRsexDQ-Salsex (Psychotropic-Related Sexual Dysfunction Questionaire—Salsex) [ 10 ], a validated questionnaire for the measurement of sexual dysfunction by psychotropic drugs and, by extension, all medications, it has been found that very low spontaneous communication (6.81% females/24.8% males) is seen in patients, although 66.40% of the patients reported moderate to severe impaired sexual function after the use of antihypertensive compounds [ 8 ]. A less deteriorating compound was angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs) (29.8%), in comparison with combined treatments, mainly diuretic + ARB (74.2%). These differences should certainly play a primary role in choosing an antihypertensive drug for use in a sexually active person. On the other hand, effective management strategies are needed to face this problem and to serve as a practical guide for clinicians who frequently prescribe these psychotropic drugs to be of great help in patients who need them but to avoid unnecessary prescriptions [ 11 ].

On the other hand, sexual function is impacted by chronic diseases, with different impacts by each, and this has been studied sparsely. An example is the impairment of sexual function in women experiencing symptoms of endometriosis, including sexual pain and dyspareunia. Another example is an anal fissure, which is usually accompanied by poorer quality of life (QoL) and sexual dysfunction together with anxiety and depression. Recent data on the impact of hormone therapy in females with primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) have been obtained and showed worse scores in desire, arousal, lubrication, and overall sexual satisfaction compared with the controls [ 12 ]. Additionally, isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is related to decreases in patient mood, sexual satisfaction, and health-related quality of life. The relationship between sexual problems experienced by treatment and a high non-compliance rate (51.6%) stands out. Another example is the prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD), where in females, hypothyroidism influences libido and sexual excitability, with, nevertheless, a low influence on orgasms. Sexual dysfunction worsened with higher levels of depression and higher TSH values [ 13 ]. As a new approach, the exploration of sexual function present in organic pathologies, often underestimated, should be performed routinely to improve treatment goals, adherence, and quality of life.

Research on sexual function benefits from the emergence and validation of new and better questionnaires that complement existing ones, such as the Center of Applied Psychology Female Sexual Questionnaire (CAPFS-Q) [ 14 ], including the following aspects: sexual relations with a partner, sexual practices, and dysfunctional aspects of sexual relations. The DESEA Questionnaire [ 15 ] was recently created and adequately validated to identify hypoactive sexual desire disorder. All new questionnaires need to be short and easy to administer.

Although it is already known that mental health, specifically anxiety levels, has a decisive influence on erectile dysfunction (ED), it has been found that high levels of anxiety significantly delay erectile response to alprostadil intracavernous injection (ICI) [ 16 ]. This late response to alprostadil could help in the diagnosis of non-organic ED using a penile echo-colour Doppler ultrasound (PCDU).

A tremendously shocking fact that has hardly been studied is that genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) leads to great physical and psychological dysfunctions. After reconstructive surgery in 15 women, sexual distress, general psychopathology, and genital self-image were significantly improved, but unfortunately, sexual function was not improved [ 17 ].

Sexuality is constantly evolving as society changes, and therefore, its expression in new and dangerous forms such as Chemsex, which involves participation in sexual relations under the influence of drugs, has increased in frequency in recent years. This increasing fact could lead to a serious public health issue, especially between persons diagnosed with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A recent study analysed Chemsex in a group of 101 males with HIV who have sex with men, showing that 40.6% of them had practiced it during the last year. This group additionally presented more risky sexual behaviours, such as occasional and/or multiple sexual partners [ 18 ]. Finally, there was a negative relationship between Chemsex and health-related quality of life, indicating the need to alert this population to the increasing health risks of this practice.

Undoubtedly, we have many new challenges to overcome in terms of sexuality being understood as a health good that must be addressed and researched by health professionals to ensure adequate quality of life. However, one of the biggest concerns worldwide for reaching adequate sexual health is the lack of properly trained professionals who can contribute to the detection of dysfunctions to thus improve the sexual health of populations while mainly working in public health systems. If sexuality remains considered a luxury and not as a relevant aspect of global health that must be cared for and preserved and if health systems do not adequately consider it as such, a unique opportunity to treat medical and psychic pathologies as an inseparable whole, constituting a true wholistic approach to health, will be lost.

Funding Statement

This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

Montejo has received consultancy fees or honoraria/research grants in the last 5 years from Lundbeck, Otsuka, Janssen Cilag, Pfizer, Hoffman-La Roche, Avanir, Oryzon Genomics, Eisai, Boehringer Ingelheim, TauRx Therapeutics Fujifilm Toyama, GH Research, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and the Junta de Castilla y León.

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Examining the Interplay of Psychological Well-Being, Health, and Aging in Older LGBT Adults: A Systematic Review

  • Alex Siu Wing Chan
  • Hon Lon Tam

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Safer Sexting Strategies in Technology-Mediated Sexual Interactions: Findings from a National Study

  • Barbara Rothmüller

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Ian W. Holloway, PhD, LCSW, MPH is a licensed clinical social worker and professor of social welfare in the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Professor Holloway’s applied behavioral health research examines the contextual factors that contribute to health inequities among sexual and gender minority populations.

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research paper topics human sexuality

Prevalence and predictors of HIV testing among young men in Papua New Guinea: A cross-sectional analysis of a nationally representative sample

McKenzie Maviso

research paper topics human sexuality

Effect of an educational intervention based on self-efficacy theory and health literacy skills on preventive behaviors of urinary tract infection in pregnant women: A quasi-experimental study

Seyedeh Belin Tavakoly Sany, Vajieh Eslami,  [ ... ], Nooshin Peyman

research paper topics human sexuality

Sexual satisfaction of postmenopausal women: An integrative review

Nasim Shahrahmani, Raheleh Babazadeh, Abbas Ebadi

research paper topics human sexuality

Measuring social norms related to child marriage among married women and men in Niger

Pooja Sripad, Jessie Pinchoff, Chaibou Dadi, Leanne Dougherty

research paper topics human sexuality

Measuring HIV outcomes for adolescent girls and young women programs in Africa: Using the polling booth survey technique

Faran Emmanuel, Lize Aloo,  [ ... ], Parinita Bhattacharjee

research paper topics human sexuality

Situational context of home-based sexual education in urban slums of Ibadan, Nigeria–evidence from a qualitative study

Taofeek Kolawole Aliyu

research paper topics human sexuality

Timing of sexual debut and associated sociodemographic and HIV risk factors among young people in Eswatini

Garikayi B. Chemhaka, Maswati S. Simelane

research paper topics human sexuality

Social norms that sustain transactional sex and associations with sexual health outcomes: A mixed-methods study in the Comarca Ngäbe-Buglé, a rural-Indigenous region of Panama

Amanda Gabster, Philippe Mayaud,  [ ... ], Ben Cislaghi

research paper topics human sexuality

Hotspot areas of risky sexual behaviour and associated factors in Ethiopia: Further spatial and mixed effect analysis of Ethiopian demographic health survey

Denekew Tenaw Anley, Melkamu Aderajew Zemene,  [ ... ], Anteneh Mengist Dessie

research paper topics human sexuality

Sexual behaviour among women using intramuscular depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, a copper intrauterine device, or a levonorgestrel implant for contraception: Data from the ECHO randomized trial

G. Justus Hofmeyr, Mandisa Singata-Madliki,  [ ... ], on behalf of Evidence for Contraceptive Options and HIV Outcomes (ECHO) Trial Consortium

research paper topics human sexuality

Prevalence of sexually risky behaviors among Mexican medical students

Gina Stella Garcia-Romo, Glustein Pozo-Molina,  [ ... ], Alexander Pedroza-Gonzalez

research paper topics human sexuality

Reproductive coercion and abuse in intimate relationships: Women’s perceptions of perpetrator motivations

Laura Tarzia, Mandy McKenzie

research paper topics human sexuality

Patterns of sex behaviors and factors associated with condomless anal intercourse during the COVID-19 pandemic among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong: A cross-sectional study

Phoenix K. H. Mo, Meiqi Xin,  [ ... ], Ho Hin Lee

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100 Gender Research Topics For Academic Papers

gender research topics

Gender research topics are very popular across the world. Students in different academic disciplines are often asked to write papers and essays about these topics. Some of the disciplines that require learners to write about gender topics include:

Sociology Psychology Gender studies Business studies

When pursuing higher education in these disciplines, learners can choose what to write about from a wide range of gender issues topics. However, the wide range of issues that learners can research and write about when it comes to gender makes choosing what to write about difficult. Here is a list of the top 100 gender and sexuality topics that students can consider.

Controversial Gender Research Topics

Do you like the idea of writing about something controversial? If yes, this category has some of the best gender topics to write about. They touch on issues like gender stereotypes and issues that are generally associated with members of a specific gender. Here are some of the best controversial gender topics that you can write about.

  • How human behavior is affected by gender misconceptions
  • How are straight marriages influenced by gay marriages
  • Explain the most common sex-role stereotypes
  • What are the effects of workplace stereotypes?
  • What issues affect modern feminism?
  • How sexuality affects sex-role stereotyping
  • How does the media break sex-role stereotypes
  • Explain the dual approach to equality between women and men
  • What are the most outdated sex-role stereotypes
  • Are men better than women?
  • How equal are men and women?
  • How do politics and sexuality relate?
  • How can films defy gender-based stereotypes
  • What are the advantages of being a woman?
  • What are the disadvantages of being a woman?
  • What are the advantages of being a man?
  • Discuss the disadvantages of being a woman
  • Should governments legalize prostitution?
  • Explain how sexual orientation came about?
  • Women communicate better than men
  • Women are the stronger sex
  • Explain how the world can be made better for women
  • Discuss the future gender norms
  • How important are sex roles in society
  • Discuss the transgender and feminism theory
  • How does feminism help in the creation of alternative women’s culture?
  • Gender stereotypes in education and science
  • Discuss racial variations when it comes to gender-related attitudes
  • Women are better leaders
  • Men can’t survive without women

This category also has some of the best gender debate topics. However, learners should be keen to pick topics they are interested in. This will enable them to ensure that they enjoy the research and writing process.

Interesting Gender Inequality Topics

Gender-based inequality is witnessed almost every day. As such, most learners are conversant with gender inequality research paper topics. However, it’s crucial to pick topics that are devoid of discrimination of members of a specific gender. Here are examples of gender inequality essay topics.

  • Sex discrimination aspects in schools
  • How to identify inequality between sexes
  • Sex discrimination causes
  • The inferior role played by women in relationships
  • Discuss sex differences in the education system
  • How can gender discrimination be identified in sports?
  • Can inequality issues between men and women be solved through education?
  • Why are professional opportunities for women in sports limited?
  • Why are there fewer women in leadership positions?
  • Discuss gender inequality when it comes to work-family balance
  • How does gender-based discrimination affect early childhood development?
  • Can sex discrimination be reduced by technology?
  • How can sex discrimination be identified in a marriage?
  • Explain where sex discrimination originates from
  • Discuss segregation and motherhood in labor markets
  • Explain classroom sex discrimination
  • How can inequality in American history be justified?
  • Discuss different types of sex discrimination in modern society
  • Discuss various factors that cause gender-based inequality
  • Discuss inequality in human resource practices and processes
  • Why is inequality between women and men so rampant in developing countries?
  • How can governments bridge gender gaps between women and men?
  • Work-home conflict is a sign of inequality between women and men
  • Explain why women are less wealthy than men
  • How can workplace gender-based inequality be addressed?

After choosing the gender inequality essay topics they like, students should research, brainstorm ideas, and come up with an outline before they start writing. This will ensure that their essays have engaging introductions and convincing bodies, as well as, strong conclusions.

Amazing Gender Roles Topics for Academic Papers and Essays

This category has ideas that slightly differ from gender equality topics. That’s because equality or lack of it can be measured by considering the representation of both genders in different roles. As such, some gender roles essay topics might not require tiresome and extensive research to write about. Nevertheless, learners should take time to gather the necessary information required to write about these topics. Here are some of the best gender topics for discussion when it comes to the roles played by men and women in society.

  • Describe gender identity
  • Describe how a women-dominated society would be
  • Compare gender development theories
  • How equally important are maternity and paternity levees for babies?
  • How can gender-parity be achieved when it comes to parenting?
  • Discuss the issues faced by modern feminism
  • How do men differ from women emotionally?
  • Discuss gender identity and sexual orientation
  • Is investing in the education of girls beneficial?
  • Explain the adoption of gender-role stereotyped behaviors
  • Discuss games and toys for boys and girls
  • Describe patriarchal attitudes in families
  • Explain patriarchal stereotypes in family relationships
  • What roles do women and men play in politics?
  • Discuss sex equity and academic careers
  • Compare military career opportunities for both genders
  • Discuss the perception of women in the military
  • Describe feminine traits
  • Discus gender-related issues faced by women in gaming
  • Men should play major roles in the welfare of their children
  • Explain how the aging population affects the economic welfare of women?
  • What has historically determined modern differences in gender roles?
  • Does society need stereotyped gender roles?
  • Does nature have a role to play in stereotyped gender roles?
  • The development and adoption of gender roles

The list of gender essay topics that are based on the roles of each sex can be quite extensive. Nevertheless, students should be keen to pick interesting gender topics in this category.

Important Gender Issues Topics for Research Paper

If you want to write a paper or essay on an important gender issue, this category has the best ideas for you. Students can write about different issues that affect individuals of different genders. For instance, this category can include gender wage gap essay topics. Wage variation is a common issue that affects women in different countries. Some of the best gender research paper topics in this category include:

  • Discuss gender mainstreaming purpose
  • Discuss the issue of gender-based violence
  • Why is the wage gap so common in most countries?
  • How can society promote equality in opportunities for women and men in sports?
  • Explain what it means to be transgender
  • Discuss the best practices of gender-neutral management
  • What is women’s empowerment?
  • Discuss how human trafficking affects women
  • How problematic is gender-blindness for women?
  • What does the glass ceiling mean in management?
  • Why are women at a higher risk of sexual exploitation and violence?
  • Why is STEM uptake low among women?
  • How does ideology affect the determination of relations between genders
  • How are sporting women fighting for equality?
  • Discuss sports, women, and media institutions
  • How can cities be made safer for girls and women?
  • Discuss international trends in the empowerment of women
  • How do women contribute to the world economy?
  • Explain how feminism on different social relations unites men and women as groups
  • Explain how gender diversity influence scientific discovery and innovation

This category has some of the most interesting women’s and gender studies paper topics. However, most of them require extensive research to come up with hard facts and figures that will make academic papers or essays more interesting.

Students in high schools and colleges can pick what to write about from a wide range of gender studies research topics. However, some gender studies topics might not be ideal for some learners based on the given essay prompt. Therefore, make sure that you have understood what the educator wants you to write about before you pick a topic. Our experts can help you choose a good thesis topic . Choosing the right gender studies topics enables learners to answer the asked questions properly. This impresses educators to award them top grades.

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Insights in Gender, Sex and Sexualities: 2022

Cover image for research topic "Insights in Gender, Sex and Sexualities: 2022"

Loading... Editorial 08 March 2024 Editorial: Insights into gender, sex, and sexualities: 2022 Kath Woodward 1,501 views 0 citations

research paper topics human sexuality

Systematic Review 17 October 2023 Gender diversity and syphilis: something's going on? Mercedes de Dios-Aguado ,  4 more  and  Sagrario Gómez-Cantarino 1,676 views 1 citations

Loading... Systematic Review 22 September 2023 Digital intervention in improving the outcomes of mental health among LGBTQ+ youth: a systematic review Yanni Liu ,  3 more  and  Xukang Wang 5,231 views 3 citations

Original Research 07 September 2023 Gender stereotypes and their correlates: the moderating role of voluntary sports club membership Pamela Wicker  and  George B. Cunningham 4,353 views 1 citations

Loading... Review 18 July 2023 Review of current 2SLGBTQIA+ inequities in the Canadian health care system Dominique Comeau ,  1 more  and  Nadia Bouhamdani 11,254 views 3 citations

Loading... Perspective 20 June 2023 Authentic gender development in non-binary children Fernando Salinas-Quiroz  and  Noah Sweder 9,574 views 4 citations

Original Research 14 June 2023 Trans(gender) journeys: rights and the (non-)recognition of “human” Liliana Rodrigues ,  2 more  and  Conceição Nogueira 3,003 views 1 citations

Original Research 04 April 2023 How does multiple sclerosis affect sexual satisfaction in patients' spouses? Behnaz Sedighi ,  4 more  and  Simin Jafari 1,712 views 2 citations

Loading... Brief Research Report 10 March 2023 Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual (LGB) peoples' leadership self-effectiveness: The roles of internalized sexual stigma, LGB positive identity, and traditional masculinity Marco Salvati ,  2 more  and  Valeria De Cristofaro 4,409 views 3 citations

Original Research 08 March 2023 The role of sexting in couple wellbeing for Italian women during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Rubinia Celeste Bonfanti ,  2 more  and  Stefano Ruggieri 3,059 views 0 citations

Loading... Original Research 07 March 2023 Gender differences in behavioral inhibitory control under evoked acute stress: An event-related potential study Siyu Di ,  2 more  and  Liang Lei 1,859 views 5 citations

Loading... Review 20 January 2023 Mental healthcare for young and adolescent LGBTQ+ individuals in the Indian subcontinent Prithvi Sanjeevkumar Gaur ,  9 more  and  Latika Gupta 5,003 views 4 citations

Policy and Practice Reviews 09 January 2023 The spectacle of feminism and machismo in two Peruvian cumbia singers: Marisol and Tony Rosado Edgar Gutiérrez-Gómez  and  Sonia Beatriz Munaris-Parco 3,571 views 2 citations

Loading... Original Research 20 October 2022 Early pregnancies among middle school students: Attribution of blame and the feelings of responsibility among teachers and parents Antony Fute ,  1 more  and  Mohamed Oubibi 4,798 views 2 citations

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Research Guides
  • College Undergraduate Research Group
  • Human Sexuality: An Undergraduate Research Guide
  • LGBQ Topics

Human Sexuality: An Undergraduate Research Guide : LGBQ Topics

  • Writing, Citing, & Research Help
  • Asexuality/Demisexuality
  • Pornography
  • Sexual Harassment
  • STDs/STIs/Safe(r) Sex
  • Newspaper Source Plus Newspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
  • Newspaper Research Guide This guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.


  • UW-Madison LGBT Campus Center "The LGBT Campus Center provides education, outreach, advocacy, and resources for UW-Madison student communities and their allies to improve campus climate and their daily intersectional experiences."
  • New Harvest Foundation "New Harvest Foundation is the only foundation in Dane County that channels charitable contributions exclusively to organizations working to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, services, culture and community development."
  • GLSEN "At GLSEN, we want every student, in every school, to be valued and treated with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression."
  • OutRight Action International "OutRight seeks to advance human rights and opportunities for LGBTIQ people around the world by developing critical partnerships at global, regional, and national levels to build capacity, document violations, advocate for inclusion and equality, and hold leaders accountable for protecting the rights of all LGBTIQ people."
  • PFLAG "Uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) with families, friends, and allies, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy."

About LGBQ Topics

This guide provides resources with information on a variety of topics related to LGBQ individuals and communities.

Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer combined with terms such as identity, marriage, United States, parent*, adopt*, military, homophobia, discriminat*, teen*, questioning, and college student*

For trans/transgender topics, see our Gender Identity and Expression page.

Overview Resources - Background Information

  • Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center (OVRC) provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
  • National LGBTQ Task Force Fact Sheets "The Task Force’s Policy Institute conducts groundbreaking research and policy analysis on hot-button issues affecting the LGBTQ community."

research paper topics human sexuality

Articles - Scholarly & Popular

  • Academic Search Includes scholarly and popular articles on many topics.
  • GenderWatch GenderWatch is a gender, women, and LGBT issues database with thousands of English-language full-text articles from over 200 magazines, academic journals, regional publications, and newsletters. Earliest articles are from 1970; most are from the 1990s to the present.
  • LGBT Life with Full Text Includes more than one hundred current or historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as more than 110 full-text monographs/books, plus indexing of additional books and periodicals. Topics covered include LGBT Studies, issues affecting the lives of LGBT people, queer theory, and more.
  • SocINDEX The database encompasses all sub-disciplines of sociology and closely related areas of study.
  • Women's Studies International Women's Studies International indexes women's studies, women's issues, and gender-focused books, book chapters, journal and magazine articles, dissertations, and reports from throughout the world, starting in about 1972.
  • Data Citation Index The Data Citation Index provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world. Through linked content and summary information, this data is displayed within the broader context of the scholarly research, enabling users to gain perspective that is lost when data sets or repositories are viewed in isolation.
  • << Previous: HIV/AIDS
  • Next: Pornography >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 7, 2024 5:02 PM
  • URL: https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/humansexuality

Human Sexuality - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Human sexuality is a multi-faceted aspect of the human experience, encompassing a range of behaviors, identities, and orientations. Essays on this topic could delve into the biological, psychological, and sociological dimensions of sexuality, exploring how various factors influence sexual development, expression, and relationships. The discourse might extend to the historical and cultural variations in sexual norms and attitudes, examining how different societies have perceived and regulated sexuality. Discussions could also focus on the intersectionality of sexuality with other aspects of identity like gender, race, and class. Furthermore, the debates surrounding sexual rights, sexual health, and sexual education could also be examined to provide a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in human sexuality. The exploration of contemporary sexual rights movements, and the ongoing research in sexual health could also offer a rich analysis of the evolving understanding of human sexuality. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Human Sexuality you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Human Sexuality is how People Experience

Human sexuality is how people experience the erotic and express themselves as sexual beings. Human sexuality plays a major role in everyone's life. Sexuality is expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, behavior, roles and relationships. There are numerous possibilities that can shape one's human sexuality and many explanations that can help one understand why. The films Bad Education (2004) by Pedro Almodovar and Belle de Jour (1967) by Luis Bunuel both deal with the effects of sin within sexuality. Bunuel goes […]

The Topic of Human Sexuality is such a Complex

The topic of human sexuality is such a complex and vast discourse. Human sexuality is a wide encompassing area of study that includes the disciplines of science, psychology, and medicine and many more. The opinions and experiences surrounding sexuality are unique and personal to everyone. The subject itself has been a large topic of discussion in politics, society, and religion, with differing perspectives in each of the respecting categories. The book, Human Sexuality: Opposing Viewpoints claims that "human sexuality involves […]

The Importance of Sex Education

“This is the real world, and in the real world, you need protection,” – Cherie Richards. Students, specifically teenagers, need correct information and the right resources to learn, help and protect themselves. When students have no knowledge whatsoever, they turn to media or even pornography to get information because their parents aren’t open enough about sex or the topic. Sex education is a type of teaching where students are taught about sexuality, contraceptive methods, how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Religion and Human Sexuality

In today’s society, we find that individuals are exposed to various sociological points that shape our perception of sexuality. People today have been influenced by many resourceful outlets such as media, internet, school, peer pressure from friends, sporting events, and music. Due to these outlets, sexuality has become one of the most profound subjects discussed in the world today.  With the abundance of resources teaching our children, children under the age of 18 as well as adults have presented themselves […]

Sexuality – Examining and Defining Human Sexuality

"Examining and defining human sexuality is a complex issue and has been for a very long time. According to the textbook, human sexuality can be defined as “the ways in which people experience and express themselves as sexual beings” (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2018, p.4). Another view of sexuality is considering the “orientation and attraction to people of the opposite gender, the same gender, or both” (Mogila, 2017). How sexuality is manifested is heavily influenced by culture, religion, values, life […]

Rhetorical Analysis of Roxane Gay’s “Bad Feminist”

“Yes, I am a feminist. No, I don’t hate men” writes author, Roxane Gay, from her essay “Bad Feminist”. In the essay, she examines feminism and its culture trends. She informs her audience by explaining her views as a feminist and her beliefs in equality. Gay effectively appeals to her audience by using real life examples of strong feminists citing Elizabeth Wurtzel, displaying through words of what feminists desire but tries to stay away from, and establishing through personal experiences […]

An Issue of Women’s Reproductive Rights

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that men and women are created equal (Elizabeth Cady Stanton). In America this has been the basis of what our nation stands for. It is stated that every citizen has the right to equality that shall not be stripped away, in many cases that is not true. Whether man or women you should possess the same rights, but more often than not the women's rights are taken away. There are many instances in […]

“Maurice” by E. M. Forster

Maurice (1971) is the last novel that Forster wrote; its main theme was the homosexual love between males. Albeit the book was written at the onset of the 20th century, it was published after more than a century elapsed. The reason for the delay mainly had to do with the law, since at that time, homosexual tendencies were condemned as an immoral behavior in England. Owing to the above social aspects, Foster chose to keep the book from the public […]

Moral Issues Birth Control

Birth control is a sensitive topic in society, especially the Catholic faith. The Catholic faith has taught that birth control is a sin for many reasons. In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his landmark encyclical letter Humanae Vitae which reemphasized the Church's constant teaching that it is always intrinsically wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence (Carr, 2004). The Catholic Church has always taught that preventing procreation in any way is wrong and that […]

Abstinence-only Sex Education

The United States government claims that abstinence-only is the best form of sexual education, however I believe that abstinence-only programs are counterproductive. They ignore contraceptive effectiveness, disregard spreading of sexually transmitted infections, and prevent the exploration of sexuality. Abstinence-only sexual education is ideologically skewed because it focuses on teaching only about abstinence and how to maintain it. Rather than providing information about safe ways to have intercourse, it is encouraged to abstain from all sexual activities until marriage. Emphasizing abstinence […]

Abortion and Adoption

Abortion is not as simple as walking into a medical office and having the procedure performed. Although Roe v. Wade made abortion legal in the United States in 1973 women often have to deal with judgment from others including not only protestors but significant others and family members, choosing between abortion and adoption, emotional stress possibly from the reason they are needing an abortion, physical complications, as well as state governments trying to take away their right to have an […]

How do Gender Sexuality Matter in Relation to Human Rights

It is imperative that all human rights are respected for all human beings. However, human rights are violated daily around the world due to discrimination among other causes. Gender and sexuality are extremely important when it comes to protecting our human rights, as that protection needs to be extended beyond sexual orientation and gender identity and only then would society achieve balance and greatly develop. The United Nations developed a strategy that seeks to achieve greater gender equality in the […]

Adolescents in the United States

Adolescents in the United States have an unlimited amount of access to a multitude of the different types of mass media, including television, music, movies, and the Internet practically social media sites. The majority of these adolescents tend to utilize their time focusing on the media rather than the education they receive in the school or their parents. The majority of this content idealizes being sexually active, including different types of sex messages with dialogue and content. Few of these […]

Prostitution as a Form of Sex Trafficking

Meaning and Terms of Prostitution Prostitution is a form of sex trafficking, a "business", that can either be organized by a pimp and/or independently by the male or woman prostitute, trading sexual acts for money, drugs, housing, food, and many other material items. According to Hughes, D. M., & de Compostela, S. (2004),  "There are regions of the world where prostitution has gone from being almost non-existent to a hundred million dollar money making industry".  A Prostitute is the male […]

More Common in the LGBTQ Community

If a person identifies themselves as transgender, this means that their gender identity and/or expression does not match the sex that they were when they were born (Arcelus et al., 2018). There are many studies that have tested to see if transgender individuals tend to get more depressed than other individuals. Being transgender growing up can cause one to get bullied more and they also tend to have more peer rejection. Even the individual's family sometimes rejects them (Arcelus et […]

Why Sex Education is Important in Schools

Sex is a natural process, whether people want to admit that or not. Since it is natural, it is very important to teach school student about the danger of unsafe sex and how to anticipate them. Sexual moment has its own result, and it is important that students know about these consequences to prevent unsafe sex utilizing strategies they learned through their sex education course in school. In spite of the fact that sex instruction brings down the ethical quality […]

Comprehensive Sex Education should be Mandatory in U.S Public Schools

It is extremely important that people are educated on the topic of sexual health. It would be best for teenagers to get this education while they are in school, as it is the best opportunity for adolescents to access formal information. Even though many believe that is highly inappropriate and unnecessary, there is no denying that teens receiving professional education about sexual wellness is a positive thing. Sexual education will help reduce the risk of negative outcomes, teach the importance […]

Real Talk about Sex Education

When it comes to sex education it can be awkward to teach. Although, it is natural form of reproduction, the majority of the topic is discussed in sex-education courses. The approaches for sex education are restrictive and comprehensive sex education with the following of being abstinence only and abstinence plus respectively. Restrictive sex education teaches individuals that sex before marriage is unacceptable, while contraception and condoms are not discussed about prevention of pregnancies but instead seen to be unreliable to […]

The Demand for Continuous Sexual Health Education

Abstract This paper discusses the importance of continuous sexual health education in our schools and communities. The ongoing education of sexual health behaviors plays an important role in lowering the rates of sexually transmitted infections and early pregnancies in the adolescent period. Five published articles are referenced to support the great demand for sexual health teaching to this particular group. The role of the school, along with the community as a whole, is further discussed in regards to continuing this […]

Sula and Walden Two Issue

By looking at attitudes towards sex and sexuality in a given community, one can begin to see what one generation passes down to the next. This highlights how personal ideas about sex and sexuality are constructs we receive from the ones who raise us. This glimpse into a community can tell us a lot about a community's values. As a revolving theme throughout Sula and Walden Two, we gain insight, not only into the social norms of these two communities […]

Catholic Control of Sexuality

Paphnutius is a 10th century play written in Latin by Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim. This play is a good example of how religious ideals permeate our everyday thinking and leave impressions on us. These impressions change how we act, think, write, etc and even dictate if we are punished. Paphnutius and Hrotsvitha are important to understanding how and why the Catholic Church control peoples sexuality. The Church is structured to self regulate its control of power through teaching its doctrine. The […]

Associations between Sexual Behaviors and School-Based Education on Condoms and HIV

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adolescent sexual minority males (ASMM) education on condom use and HIV reports compared to their counterpart adolescent non-sexual-minority males (non-ASMM). Men who have sex with other men are at a much higher risk of contracting HIV. In 2014, men who have sex with men (MSM) made up over two-thirds of new HIV infections and about 56% of people living with HIV in the United States falls under the MSM […]

What is Rape Culture?

Rape culture has become so prominent in our lives recently that we feel quite immune to its insanity. Story after story of sexual harassment, misconduct and/or rape breaks the news and most feel unaffected, some blame. What exactly is rape culture? Rape is defined as, “Unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of […]

The Oppression of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Questioning

The LGBTQ is a standard abbreviation for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning individuals. In a recent study according to (Gates, n.d.), there are approximately 9 million people who identify themselves as members of the LGBTQ Culture in America today. According to (Greve, 2016) This indicates the LGBTQ Culture is larger than the population of 40 American States. According to the past 14 years of hate crime data, Mark potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center recently told the PBS […]

In Sexuality and Islam, Dialmy

In Sexuality and Islam, Dialmy (2010) explains the current view on human sexuality by Muslims. The author achieves this aim by describing the current sexual practices observed by Muslims, the extent to which the current practice differs from Islam sexual norms, and what the Sunna and Koran define as sexual norms. According to Dialmy's (2010), sexual standards in Islam are contradictory. In one instance, texts in the Sunna and Koran encourage sexuality between man and woman, and on the other […]

Secondary Character in Media Advertisements Around the World

For many years now, women have always been used as the secondary character in media advertisements around the world. The media has constantly been depicting the women as people who only belong in the kitchen and also heavily depend on a man for support and help. Women have been depicted like this since the industrial revolution (Lucas, 2018). Of late, the women have been the main primary targets in the fashion industry and it is sad to say that the […]

Negative Effects of Concurrency Among African American Women Sex

Negative effects of concurrency among African American Women Sex is an exceptional wide them that influences the human social life. It's something that Is rarely escapable because it's everywhere. Due to its accessibility, many young teens are engaging more in sex, especially teens in the African American community. In the research article "Sexual concurrency among young African American Women" by Dreena G. Waldrop Valverde, Teaniese L. Davis, Jessica M. Sales, Eve S. Rose, Gina M. Wingood and Ralph J. DiClemente […]

Abstinence only Vs. Abortion Rates

If an individual decides to have premarital sex and becomes pregnant it is likely that they will be shamed by someone no matter what decision they make.  If they decide to keep the baby they will be shamed.  If they decided to put the baby up for adoption they will be shamed.  If they decide to get an abortion they will be shamed.  Although the United States of America was founded on the ideas of freedom of religion and the […]

Gender and Diversity

For the first article Pride and Prejudice: Employment Discrimination against Openly Gay Men in the United States by András Tilcsik, is one of the first large studies to study the discrimination against openly gay men in the U.S. They talked about stereotyping and hiring discrimination with gay men and what they must go through. They noted that employers who were looking for applicants with stereotypical male heterosexual traits were more likely to discriminate against gay applicants than employers who do […]

Transgender Individuals in the Military

There is an ongoing debate / argument as to whether or not to allow transgender individuals to severed in the military. In order to properly formulate one’s opinion there is to know understand a definition of who is considered a transgender. A transgender can be described as an individual who have a gender identity or in most case a gender expression that is differ from their assigned sex at birth. However some transgender individual can be identify as transsexual if […]

Additional Example Essays

  • “Their Eyes Were Watching God”: Feminism and the Embracement of Self Love
  • Short Essay on Feminism
  • Female Empowerment In The Novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God”
  • Why Abortion Should be Illegal
  • Logical Fallacies in Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • How the Roles of Women and Men Were Portrayed in "A Doll's House"
  • Positive Effects of Social Media
  • Importance Of Accountability
  • Oedipus is a Tragic Hero
  • The Harlem Renaissance Essay
  • Anne Bradstreet's "The Prologue" Analysis: A Reflection on Gender Inequality
  • A Critique of Tone and Diction "A Doll's House"

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Human Sexuality

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Gender and Sexuality Studies

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  • Trans Studies

Finding Research Materials Using Databases

The databases linked on this page allow you to search for and access a mix of scholarly articles, popular media, and digitized primary-source materials in gender and sexuality studies and related fields. You can find additional databases by subject on the library's Articles and Databases page .

Core Gender and Sexuality Studies Databases

  • GenderWatch This link opens in a new window GenderWatch indexes scholarly, radical, community, and independent publications from 1970 to present relevant to gender, women's, and LGBTQ studies. It provides information from both academic and grassroots perspectives on a wide range of gender-related topics, such as sexuality, family, religion, societal roles, race and ethnicity, feminism, masculinity, eating disorders, healthcare, and the workplace. Notable titles include Off Our Backs , Transgender Tapestry , Sister Namibia , and Out and About , among others.
  • LGBTQ+ Source This link opens in a new window LGBTQ+ Source contains all of the content available in LGBT Life as well as full text for more than 140 of the most important and historically significant LGBTQ+ journals, magazines and regional newspapers, plus full text for 150 monographs/books. The database includes comprehensive indexing and abstract coverage as well as a specialized LGBTQ+ Thesaurus containing over 10,000 terms.
  • Contemporary Women's Issues This link opens in a new window Contemporary Women's Issues is a multidisciplinary, full-text database that brings together relevant content from mainstream periodicals, the alternative press, and "gray" literature (including hard-to-find newsletters, NGO research reports, and ephemeral publications from research institutes and grass roots organizations), with a focus on the critical issues and events that influence women's lives in more than 190 countries. It includes English-language titles from East and West Africa, Asia, and South and Central America, the Caribbean, North America and Europe. The records are indexed by 17 categories, including subject, region, article type, and publication type.
  • JSTOR This link opens in a new window JSTOR provides access to scholarly journals, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. In addition to journal articles, users can access book chapters, ebooks, and primary source documents.

Video instructions available.

Digital Archives for Gender and Sexuality Studies

  • Archives of Sexuality and Gender This link opens in a new window The Archives of Sexuality and Gender program provides a robust and significant collection of primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century, researchers and scholars can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other topical areas. This growing archival program offers rich research opportunities across a wide span of human history. The Archives of Sexuality and Gender program consists of four archives: 1. LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I, 2. LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part II, 3. Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century, and 4. International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture.
  • Defining Gender This link opens in a new window Defining Gender explores the study and analysis of gender, leisure, and consumer culture from 1406 to 1917. This collection of original primary source materials from British archives includes ephemera, pamphlets, college records and exam papers, commonplace books, diaries, periodicals, letters, ledgers, account books, educational practice and pedagogy, government papers from the Home Office and Metropolitan police, illustrated writings on anatomy, midwifery, art and fashion, manuscript journals, poetry, novels, ballads, drama, receipt books, literary manuscripts, travel writing, and conduct and advice literature. This broad range of documents is organized around the following themes: conduct and politeness, domesticity and the family, consumption and leisure, education and sensibility, the body. Manuscripts, printed works, and illustrations combine to address the key issues from both masculine and feminine perspectives.
  • Gender: Identity and Social Change This link opens in a new window Gender: Identity and Social Change includes primary sources documenting the changing representations and lived experiences of gender roles and relations from the nineteenth century to the present. This collection offers sources for the study of women's suffrage, the feminist movement, the men’s movement, employment, education, the body, the family, and government and politics. Material has been sourced from across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The earliest documents are from the nineteenth century and the latest from the early twenty-first century.
  • LGBT Magazine Archive This link opens in a new window Archival runs of influential, long-running serial publications covering LGBT interests. Chronicles more than six decades of the history and culture of the LGBT community. Some publications may contain explicit content.
  • LGBT Studies in Video This link opens in a new window LGBT Studies in Video is a collection of documentaries, filmed performances, interviews, archival footage, animation, and select feature films pertaining to the the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and to the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community.
  • LGBT Thought and Culture This link opens in a new window LGBT Thought and Culture is an online resource hosting books, periodicals, and archival materials documenting LGBT political, social, and cultural movements throughout the twentieth century and into the present day. The collection includes materials ranging from texts, letters, speeches, interviews, and ephemera covering the political evolution of gay rights as well as memoirs, biographies, poetry, and works of fiction that illuminate the lives of lesbians, gays, transgender, and bisexual individuals and the community. These materials represent selections from The National Archives in Kew, materials collected by activist and publisher Tracy Baim from the mid-1980s through the mid-2000s, the Magnus Hirschfeld and Harry Benjamin collections from the Kinsey Institute, periodicals such as En la Vida and BLACKlines , select rare works from notable LGBT publishers including Alyson Books and Cleis Press, as well as mainstream trade and university publishers.
  • Queer Pasts This link opens in a new window Queer Pasts is a collection of primary source exhibits for students and scholars of queer history and culture. The database uses “queer” in its broadest and most inclusive sense, to embrace topics that are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender and to include work on sexual and gender formations that are queer but not necessarily LGBT. Each of the document collections in the database will include a critical introductory essay that helps explain the significance of the primary sources in historical terms and in relationship to previous scholarship.
  • Sex and Sexuality This link opens in a new window The Sex and Sexuality collection explores changing attitudes towards human sexuality, gender identities and sexual behaviors throughout the twentieth century. Investigate the breadth and complexity of human sexual understanding through the work of leading American sexologists, sex researchers, organizations and the public consciousness.

Women's History Databases

  • America: History and Life with Full Text This link opens in a new window Indexes literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. The database indexes 1,700 journals and also includes citations and links to book and media reviews. Strong English-language journal coverage is balanced by an international perspective on topics and events, including abstracts in English of articles published in more than 40 languages. Publication dates of coverage: 1964 to present.
  • Historical Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more. Indexes more than 1,700 academic historical journals in over 40 languages. Publication dates of coverage: 1955 to present.
  • Everyday Life and Women in America This link opens in a new window Everyday Life and Women in America showcases unique primary source material circa 1800-1920 for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history. Sourced from the collections of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History, Duke University, and The New York Public Library, it is comprised of fully searchable images of monographs, pamphlets, periodicals, and broadsides addressing 19th and early 20th century political, social, and gender issues, religion, race, education, employment, marriage, sexuality, home and family life, health, and pastimes. The collection is especially rich in conduct of life and domestic management literature, offering vivid insights into the daily lives of women and men, as well as emphasizing contrasts in regional, urban, and rural cultures.
  • Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index This link opens in a new window Index to journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. More than 500 journals are indexed.
  • Gerritsen Collection--Women's History Online, 1543-1945 This link opens in a new window This database is the definitive cross-cultural resource for information on women's history. It spans more than four centuries and 15 languages and includes over two million pages in full image. Users can trace the evolution of feminism within a single country, as well as the impact of that country's feminist movement on other countries and their movements. The Gerritsen Collection also provides immediate access to many primary sources from around the world that were previously available only in a limited number of rare book rooms.
  • Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History This link opens in a new window Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History provides primary source material for the study of travel and life writing. It contains travel diaries and supporting correspondence written by American women of all ages, travelling for many different reasons, from all walks of life, describing their journeys across the globe from the early 19th century to the late 20th century. This resource has wide ranging interdisciplinary appeal, offering first-hand accounts of major historical events as reported by eye witnesses, detailing key interests and themes in women’s lives, providing snapshots of cities, cultures and customs, and charting the rise of modern tourism and the travel industry.
  • Women's Magazine Archive This link opens in a new window Women's Magazine Archive is a searchable, primary-source archive of leading women's interest magazines dating from the 19th century through to the 21st. Some popular titles include: Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Essence, Ladies' Home Journal, and Good Housekeeping. It provides full-text access to the foremost consumer magazines aimed at a female readership, which serve as canonical records of evolving assumptions about gender roles and cultural mores. The magazines are all scanned cover-to-cover in high-resolution color, ensuring that the original print artefacts are faithfully reproduced and that valuable non-article items, such as advertisements, are included. Topics covered in this resource include family life, home economics, health, careers, fashion, culture, and many more.
  • Women's Studies (History Vault) This link opens in a new window Work during World War II consists of two major sets of records documenting the experience of American women during World War II: Records of the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor, and Correspondence of the Director of the Women's Army Corps. Records of the Women's Bureau consist of two major series.The first series documents the role of the Women's Bureau as an investigative agency, as a clearinghouse for proposed changes in working conditions, and as a source of public information and education. The second series of Women's Bureau records consists of a detailed study on the treatment of women by unions in several midwestern industrial centers, complete with extensive background interviews and other research materials; community studies conducted nationwide on the influx of women to industrial centers during the war; and subject files and correspondence on women's work in war industries, including issues like equal pay and child care. NYU Libraries subscribe to following modules: - Struggle for Women's Rights, Organizational Records, 1880-1990 - Women's Studies Manuscript Collections from the Schlesinger Library: Voting Rights, National Politics, and Reproductive Rights - Women at Work during World War II: Rosie the Riveter and the Women's Army Corps - Margaret Sanger Papers: Smith College Collections and Collected Documents - Southern Women and their Families in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • Women's Studies Archive This link opens in a new window Women's Issues and Identities is a digital archive that presents primary source materials covering the social, political, and professional aspects of women's lives, focusing on the roles, experiences, and achievements of women in society. It is global in scope and offers coverage of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It includes, for example, records of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Committee of Fifteen, Women's Labour League, Women's Trade Union League, and other grassroots feminist organizations, among other materials.
  • Women and Social Movements Library This link opens in a new window The Women and Social Movements Library brings together four databases: Women and Social Movements in the United States (1600-2000), Women and Social Movements, International (1840 to Present), Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 1820, and Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South (1919-2019). This content comprises more than 13,500 documents containing some 400,000 pages. Database users can track women activists globally and trace particular themes in national, international, or transnational contexts. Cross-cultural comparisons and comparisons across time become much richer when accessing such a large array of primary documents and secondary essays.
  • Women in The National Archives This link opens in a new window The finding aid brings together the results of a five year project by staff at Kew and enables researchers to quickly locate details of any document relating to women in the National Archives at Kew. It is far more detailed and extensive than anything available elsewhere on the web and has the benefit of ranging across all of the classes of material held at the National Archives. The original documents focus on the campaign for women's suffrage in Britain, 1903-1928, and the granting of women's suffrage in colonial territories, 1930-1962. Prominent suffragettes include Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, the Pankhursts, Emily Wilding Davison, Clara Giveen and Rachel Peace (alias Jane Short).
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The following are examples of encyclopedias, handbooks, and annotated bibliographies that provide background information on your topic which you can use to focus your research question.  These resources will also cite books and articles that can jump start your search for more specific research literature.

Reference EBook Collections

Search within these collections to identify reference sources and entries within these sources relevant to your topic.

  • SAGE Knowledge This link opens in a new window An online collection of subject encyclopedias and handbooks covering a wide-variety of subjects in the social sciences. Particularly strong for handbook coverage.
  • Oxford Bibliographies This link opens in a new window Offers annotated bibliographies of the most important books and articles on specific topics in a growing range of subject areas. Particularly useful for anyone beginning research.
  • Oxford Reference Online This link opens in a new window Online version of many Oxford University Press reference works, ranging from specialized dictionaries and companions to major reference works such as the Encyclopedia of Human Rights, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, and the Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, among many others.

Examples of Reference Sources

Cover Art

  • Sage Research Methods Core This link opens in a new window SAGE Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. SAGE Research Methods is the ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. – Publisher

Examples of titles included in the Sage Research Methods database:

  • Feminist Measures in Survey Research (2013)
  • Handbook of Feminist Research : Theory & Praxis (2012)
  • Handbook of Critical & Indigenous Methodologies (2008)​
  • Gender & Qualitative Methods (2003)

Additional books on research methods, academic writing, and other aspects of graduate education can be found in NUSearch .  One example of a book found using one of the subject headings from the following selective list is included:

  • Academic writing
  • Dissertations, academic
  • Dissertations, writing
  • Bisexuals -- Research -- Methodology
  • Ethnology -- Methodology                   (substitute any subject term for "Ethnology")
  • Feminism -- Research -- Methodology
  • Gays -- Research -- Methodology
  • Lesbians -- Research -- Methodology
  • LGBTQ+ people -- Research
  • LGBTQ+ people -- Statistics
  • Masculinity -- Research -- Methodology
  • Men -- Research -- Methodology
  • Queer Theory
  • Sexology -- Research
  • Sexual Minorities -- Research
  • Sexual Minorities -- Statistics
  • Social sciences -- Research
  • Social sciences -- Research -- Methodology
  • Transgender people -- Research -- Methodology
  • Women -- Research -- Methodology

Cover Art

  • Research Methods: Primary Sources This link opens in a new window Research Methods Primary Sources is an exciting new platform that introduces humanities and social science students to the key approaches and methodologies of working with source material. Designed to be used in the classroom or for independent study, this resource will empower students to engage with primary sources and assess historical evidence with confidence. more... less... At the heart of Research Methods, you will find nearly 200 hundred essays, videos, "How to" guides and case studies by subject specialists which answer all of your questions about working with primary sources. From guidance on where you can find historical documents, to the questions you might want to pose and how best to approach analysing the content they hold, this platform gathers together practical advice and instruction from experts working around the world. – Publisher
  • Archival Work as Qualitative Sociology special issue on Archival Work as Qualitative Sociology in case you would like to add this resource to your tools/guides. more... less... A special issue of the journal, Qualitative Sociology
  • Gender and Sexuality Studies Program
  • Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing First research institute in U.S. that is focused exclusively on LGBT health.
  • Sexualities Project at Northwestern Project of the Gender & Sexuality Studies Program at Northwestern University.

The language used to describe library, archival, and other cultural collections has been under scrutiny to ensure inclusiveness for several decades.  The implementation of inclusive and respectful language is uneven and progress is incremental.  Below are a few resources that may help you identify a range of terms to use when searching, keeping in mind that using a variety of synonyms for your research topic will be most effective, especially when searching in multiple databases and disciplines.

Northwestern University Libraries provides this Statement of Bias in Metadata along with information about our efforts to redress this bias.

  • Homosaurus An international linked data vocabulary of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) terms. This vocabulary is intended to function as a companion to broad subject term vocabularies, such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings
  • Library of Congress Subject Headings includes all Library of Congress Subject Headings, free-floating subdivisions (topical and form), Genre/Form headings, Children's (AC) headings, and validation strings* for which authority records have been created.
  • A Women's Thesaurus: An Index of Language Used to Describe and Locate Information by and About Women. by Mary Ellen S. Capek Call Number: Special Collections Femina Ref 025.49305 W872 Publication Date: 1987 Over 5,000 terms, not derived from the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Also at Oak Grove Library Center Request Online 025.49305 W872
  • Women in LC's Terms by Ellen J. Waite; Ruth Dickstein; Victoria A. Mills Call Number: Special Collections Femina Ref 025.49305 D5545w Publication Date: 1988 "A guide to the Library of Congress (LC) subject headings used for women and topics of relevance to women's lives."
  • LGBTQ+ Legal Resources: LC Subject Headings Library of Congress (LC) Subject Headings to use in NUSearch when researching LGBTQ+ legal issues - included as one page of a research guide created by the Library of Congress. These headings can be searched with or without the subdivisions that describe legal issues, and in combination with other keywords.

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Sexuality Research Guide: Primary Sources

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  • Primary Sources
  • Encyclopedias, Dictionaries & Almanacs
  • Periodical Indexes
  • Biographical Sources

Collection Highlights

Image of people kissing with Human Sexuality Collection written on it in a circle

Human Sexuality Collection

Photo credit: Jessica Tanzer ("The Box", 1990).

Sexuality and Gender Studies

Examples of primary sources.

  • ACTUP Oral History Project Collection of interviews with surviving members of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), New York. From site: "The purpose of this project is to present comprehensive, complex, human, collective, and individual pictures of the people who have made up ACT UP/New York. These men and women of all races and classes have transformed entrenched cultural ideas about homosexuality, sexuality, illness, health care, civil rights, art, media, and the rights of patients. They have achieved concrete changes in medical and scientific research, insurance, law, health care delivery, graphic design, and introduced new and effective methods for political organizing. These interviews reveal what has motivated them to action and how they have organized complex endeavors."
  • Archive of Lesbian Oral Testimony Collects and makes available the oral histories of people who presently or at one time identified as lesbian. Material in the Archives includes oral history audio tapes, radio and television program tapes, as well as video and film produced by documentary filmmakers, and home video and film.
  • The ArQuives Digital Exhibitions "We are Canada's LGBTQ2+ Archive. We collect and maintain collections related to LGBTQ2+ life in Canada, including books, archival papers, artifacts, photographs, and art. Founded in 1973, we have grown to become the largest independent LGBTQ2+ archive in the world."
  • Digital Transgender Archive The purpose of the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA) is to increase the accessibility of transgender history by providing an online hub for digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world. Based in Worcester, Massachusetts at the College of the Holy Cross, the DTA is an international collaboration among more than fifty colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, public libraries, and private collections. By digitally localizing a wide range of trans-related materials, the DTA expands access to trans history for academics and independent researchers alike in order to foster education and dialog concerning trans history.
  • Herstories: A Digital Archive Digitized access to select video oral histories from the Lesbian Herstory Archive in Brooklyn. Digitized by students at the Pratt School of Information and Library Sciences.
  • Human Sexuality Collection The Human Sexuality Collection seeks to preserve and make accessible primary sources that document historical shifts in the social construction of sexuality, with a focus on U.S. lesbian and gay history and the politics of pornography.
  • Rainbow History Project "We are dedicated to making our rich collections accessible to researchers, students and community members. Browse over 1400 items related to the history of LGBT life in the DC area."

What Are Primary Sources?

What are primary sources.

When researchers distinguish between primary and secondary sources, they're usually referring to the status of a particular piece of evidence being used to support an argument. Calling an item a "primary source" does not mean that the perspective presented by it is automatically true or accurate; rather, a "primary source" is an item that is a source of information about an event, institution, or person and that was also part of the very event, institution, or life being studied.

For instance, personal letters, office memos, minutes of a meeting, scrapbooks and photo albums, legal documents, budget and planning documents, and home movies are often reflections of actual moments in people's lives or of an organization's activities for a day. Such documents were created to serve some other purpose than communicating with a researcher. Frequently, primary sources are unpublished and from a person's own voice.

Published works can also be used as primary sources, since what counts as a primary source is also determined by what questions you're asking. If you're examining the subjective experience of AIDS, for example, the personal letters of persons with AIDS would count as primary sources. If you were examining the media coverage of AIDS, however, published news articles which discussed AIDS would count as primary sources.

As another example, if you're examining the experience of creating early gay community organizations, the personal letters of gay community organizers would be an important primary source. If you were examining how those gay organizations worked in the public arena, however, published press releases, newsletters, and legislative reports would count as primary sources.

In contrast to primary sources, secondary sources are interpretations that come out of an analysis of patterns and differences that appear in primary sources and their contexts. The author of a secondary source is usually focusing on a topic and intending to communicate with researchers. A secondary source will use primary sources as its foundation and examine those primary sources in order to find meaningful relationships among the different perspectives and understandings found in those primary documents.

In essence, primary sources are the basic materials from which history is written.

What does the Human Sexuality Collection at Cornell hold?

The Human Sexuality Collection contains items that have value as primary sources in the study of sexuality. Formats include manuscripts, rare books and periodicals, and audio-visual material. Since 1988, the HSC has been protecting and providing a better historical record of sexuality, one that includes historical changes in sexual and gender identities, the politics of pornography, and controversial and suppressed topics that have been left out of the historical record.

The goal of the Library's efforts with the Human Sexuality Collection is to encourage the study of sexuality and sexual politics by preserving primary sources that too often are lost. Our attention goes particularly to groups that are excluded from mainstream culture. Through our collecting efforts, we seek to document historical shifts in the social construction of sexuality, primarily in American history from the 19th century onward. We focus on lesbian and gay history and the politics of pornography, both at the national level. Books date mostly from the mid-1800s on; manuscripts and periodicals date mostly from the 1950s on; and audio-visual materials date mostly from the 1970s on. The core of the collection came from the Mariposa Education and Research Foundation.

We would particularly like to add more sources on lesbian, gay, and bisexual lives before the 1970s, transgendered people's lives and activism, current LGBT families, the activism of LGBT people of color, national LGBT politics and the impact of AIDS on LGBT communities, feminist views of pornography, sexuality and censorship, and changing views of weddings and marriage.

Below are links to information about and listings of segments of the HSC:

  • About Gay and Lesbian Popular Fiction
  • Search the Human Sexuality Collection Periodicals and Pulp Novels Database
  • Finding Transgender and Intersex Resources in the Library
  • Transgender Bibliography
  • Art and Comic Books
  • U.S. Periodicals 
  • International Periodicals
  • List of Manuscripts 
  • Of Particular Note:
  • Blank, Joani papers
  • Bright, Susie papers and On Our Backs records
  • Cottrell, Honey Lee papers  
  • Garcia, Robert papers, 1988-1993
  • Human Rights Campaign records, 1975-2015
  • Mitchell, Larry Papers
  • National Gay and Lesbian Task Force records, 1973-2008
  • Parents, Friends, and Families of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Records, 1972-2009, #7616.
  • Queers for Economic Justice
  • Taylor, Valerie papers, 1913-1997
  • Weintraub, Harry H. Collection of Gay-Related Photography and Historical Documentation  
  • Williams, Dell papers, 1922-2008  
  • Zwickler, Phil papers, circa 1979-1993

Finding a Specific Item

Your background research may make you aware of a specific book title, person's papers, or kind of record you hope to find in Cornell's Human Sexuality Collection. To see if we do have the sources you seek, try these suggestions:

  • If you are looking for a specific book, periodical, or manuscript collection, try searching Cornell's online catalog . There you will find basic descriptions of almost everything in the Human Sexuality Collection, including links to more detailed guides for certain manuscript collections. To limit a key word search to manuscript collections, add "u.fmt." to the search. When looking at manuscript records in the Cornell online catalog, type "long" to see the most complete descriptions of the records.
  • Please feel free to visit the reference desk in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections and talk to a reference librarian for help. You can also email .
  • Some published items can be found in other units of the Cornell University Library system. Those items may circulate (you can check them out if you have a Cornell library card). 

How do I find primary resources on sexuality beyond Cornell's Human Sexuality Collection?

Items in Cornell's Human Sexuality Collection were acquired principally because of their significance to the study of sexuality, but they may also be relevant to other subjects of inquiry. Likewise, items throughout the rest of the Rare and Manuscript Collections that were collected for other reasons may have relevance to the study of sexuality. Many family and individual papers contain primary source material on heterosexuality, including dating, spouse selection, marriage, and other topics. For more about this, see "Sexuality and Gender Studies."

The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction is another extensive collection of primary sources on various aspects of sexuality.

For lesbian or gay topics, browse Lavender Legacies , to see if another archive may have primary sources relevant to your topic. Lavender Legacies is an index of U.S. and Canadian archives compiled by the Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists.

Resources about lesbian history and links to other lesbian history resources can be found at the Lesbian History Project.

In addition, reference librarians can assist you in searching for further archival and rare book repositories than may contain materials valuable to your research.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024 4:08 PM
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Human Sexuality: Personal Reflection Research Paper

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Personal reflection, critical thinking and value systems in sexual decisions, effect of environment and historical perspective on my sexuality, gender identity, attraction and love, reference list.

Even though it might not be explicitly expressed, sexuality is very important to every person. Whether a person is old or young, man or woman or from any background, sexuality affects every aspects of their lives. The field of sexuality has always attracted many scholars who try to explain issues that surround human sexuality; however, this topic is not openly discussed leading many people to be ignorant of sexuality issues. It is commonly agreed that sexual drive is one on of the major drives that influence our decisions. In fact, sexual drives come next to basic drives such as eating and sleep. Due to this, knowledge on human sexuality is very important. It allows one to understand experiences and objective decisions on sexual life. To me, the course on human sexuality was eye-opening; allowing me to understand some of the things that I assumed to be obvious.

Before this course, issues on sexuality did seem important. I took the issues as only worth of being experienced but not to be discussed. I took sexual identity and feeling as given but not based on rational decision s. My sexual decisions were not well evaluated; I relied on impulsive emotions to make such decisions. I did not have a plane of reference to gauge my sexual decisions. Today, as I reflect on my earlier experience I see the course as liberating for giving me knowledge to base my sexual decisions on. Gender and sexuality seemed synonymous and seemed to have just been acquired and which a person had no influence. Today I can reflect on influence of these forces to my identity and all other aspects of my life. Love and attraction were just clichés whose meaning seemed to be obvious. Issues relationship and romance seemed to be obvious and negative experiences from relationships seemed to be just an element of bad lack (Nevid, J.S. et al., 2005, 67). Today, due to the principle acquired in the course, I have understanding of these issues and also on their influence on my relationship. Today I understand how love intimacy start, develop and how they can be maintained. Today the forces of sexuality do not just influence me without knowledge but I understand every element of sexual experience and mould them to the right direction.

I have always appreciated the use of value system making ethical decisions. However, I could not have imagined how critical thinking could be applied in making sexual decisions. I considered decisions made on sexuality to be based on emotions and feelings that could not be based to reason. I also saw value systems and sexuality to be incompatible and in competition. The course has brought light to this issue. I have come to realize that value systems and critical thinking are compatible with sexual decisions and in fact, should always be used in such decisions. Indeed, sex is a need; however expressing one’s sexuality is based on personal choice (Diamond, J., 1997, p87). The decisions are not just based by the biological nature of human but rational decisions should be used. Before, I did not apply a lot of thoughts to my decisions but left them to instinct of conscience. I did not closely relate ethics with sexuality only basing May decisions on my conscience.

My value system is very important in my decisions on sexuality. They give me a base in which to arrive at my decisions and to evaluate sexual drives. I strongly believe in ethical action. It evaluates the ethical consequence of any actions and believes that any actions should be based on rational decisions. In sexuality, ethics are also important. Critical thinking acquired in the course has allowed me to evaluate the ethical consequences of my sexual drive (Craig, A. H., 2008, p99).

Every individual has value systems that influence their decisions. From the course, I have been able to appreciate value systems of other people. Knowledge of their value system helps me to understand the rationale through which they make sexual decisions. This however does not make me to be swayed but have helped me to respect my value systems. Also this knowledge has allowed me to be tolerant of other people’s sexual decisions. Although I may strongly believe in sex as reserved for marriage, I have no problem with other people who hold contrary opinions. I am now able to respect their decisions but at the same time respect my decision ns even more. In making sexual decisions, I now have very strong tools: value systems and critical thinking.

Romantic novels, magazines and movies were the main base of my knowledge on sexuality. Critical thinking has given me a tool to critically analyze the ideas presented before taking applying them. Critical thinking has given me the skills to ask questions that would lead to a better conclusion.

Environment and history has great influence on the perspective that we have on sexuality. Each person live in a certain environment interacting with other people in the environment, thus one have to be influenced by the perspectives held by other people. The value systems, culture and other aspects of life are acquired from the environment. Historical perspective e in very important in analyzing the perspective on sexuality held today (Nevid, J.S. et al., 2005, p78). To me, evaluating historical perspective helps to analyze whether the perspective on sexuality that I hold today is really mine or acquired other perspectives. Review of historical perspective help to appreciate the influence of culture and religion to attitude on sexuality and sexual behavior (Sharon, M. V. & Simon, L., 2006, p123). As the course progressed, influence of various cultures to my sexuality was evaluated. This enabled me to identify the cultures that have influenced my perspective on sexuality in a bigger way.

As I evaluate the influence of historical perspective and environment on my sexuality, I have realized that Christianity has great influence on me. My Christian parent made it clear that sex is sacred and reserved for marriage. My parents discouraged premarital sex mostly due to their Christian background. The perspective on sexuality has passed down though sermon, scripture and other Christian teachings. For example Paul advised those who could to life as celibate, Augustine also taught that indulgence in carnal pleasure was a great hindrance to spirituality (Nevid, J.S. et al., 2005, p56). Other sexual practice such as anal, oral and masturbation is viewed as sinful. Today I can appreciate the influence of environment and historical perspective but I am able to make my own stand on my sexuality.

Discussion on historical perspective and environment has made me to appreciate my sexual identity. Gender identity is very important and it entails the recognition f a person as either a male or a female. As I reflect on my life, I realize that I developed my gender identity depending on how I was treated (Craig, A. H., 2008, p33). The type of cloth worn to me by my parents had great influence to my gender. The type of games that I was encouraged to participate and the toys bought to me said very much on my gender. The kind of chore given to me during my earlier life suggested strongly on my gender. Remark made by my parent on me suggested the kind of life that I was supposed to live and also to my gender. As I now realize, the gender identity from my parent and environment is through the learning theory (Abramson, P. R., & Pinkerton, S. D., 1995, p113). This theory suggest that children acquire their gender identity by observing their parent, siblings, duties assigned, and perspective created in the media to gain their gender identity.

For a long time now, I have been in relationships. If I compare the relationships to a game, then love and attraction were the moist important element in the game. I have fallen in love in various time; engaging in intimacy and various decisions on relationship. From the course, I can now appreciate the opposite attraction as postulated by science. Indeed I am attracted to individuals of opposite sex who share so me qualities with me and that we have common interest.

Sexuality is a very important element in human lives. Sexuality dictates our relationships, career and other decision in our lives. It is mostly assumed that our sexuality has nothing to do with science but the course suggested otherwise. The skill of critical thinking acquired in the course in very important in making decision on sexuality. Knowledge on attraction and love, influence of environment and historical perspectives on our sexuality is important in appreciating our sexuality and making decisions on the same.

Abramson, P. R., & Pinkerton, S. D. (1995). With Pleasure: Thoughts on the Nature of Human Sexuality. New York: Oxford University Press.

Craig, A. H. (2008). Human sexuality: personality and social psychological perspectives . Philadelphia: Sage Publication.

Diamond, J. (1997). Why is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality. New York: BasicBooks.

Nevid, J.S. et al. (2005). Human Sexuality in a world of diversity. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sharon, M. V. & Simon, L. (2006). Human sexuality . New York: Sinauer Associates.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 29). Human Sexuality: Personal Reflection. https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-sexuality-personal-reflection/

"Human Sexuality: Personal Reflection." IvyPanda , 29 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/human-sexuality-personal-reflection/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Human Sexuality: Personal Reflection'. 29 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Human Sexuality: Personal Reflection." November 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-sexuality-personal-reflection/.

1. IvyPanda . "Human Sexuality: Personal Reflection." November 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-sexuality-personal-reflection/.


IvyPanda . "Human Sexuality: Personal Reflection." November 29, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-sexuality-personal-reflection/.

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PSYC 446: Human Sexual Behavior

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Writing Your Research Paper

Writing Tips

  • Decide on the research paper's main thesis (focus) and main points first
  • Write the body of the research paper first and then write the introduction and conclusion
  • Everything in your research paper should point back to the thesis

Research Paper Structure

Research papers should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion:

1. Introduction : summarizes what you will write and puts it into context

  • Start the introduction with background that contextualizes the paper's main thesis
  • End the introduction with a thesis statement, which outlines the main points of the paper and how you will address them

2. Body : presents the main points of the paper, with each paragraph representing one aspect of the paper's main focus. Each paragraph should include a topic sentence, evidence, analysis, and a transition sentence:

  • The topic sentence summarizes the paragraph's main idea
  • Use evidence from your research sources to support or make the argument for your main ideas
  • Analyse your evidence to show how it links to your broader thesis
  • Include a transition sentence at the end of each paragraph to connect what you discussed in that paragraph with the main idea of the next paragraph

3. Conclusion : summarizes what you wrote and what you learned

  • Restate your thesis from the introduction in different words
  • Briefly summarize your main points or arguments and pull them together into the paper's main thesis
  • End with a strong, final statement that ties the whole paper together and makes it clear the paper has come to an end
  • No new ideas should be introduced in the conclusion, it should only review and analyze the main points from the body of the paper (with the exception of suggestions for further research)

4.  References list : a list of the sources you cited 

  • Cite your sources in APA Style
  • Format your References list in APA Style

For more writing help, contact  the Writing Center   and  make an online appointment  to meet with one of their consultants.

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