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75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

presentation on our school

Are you tired of seeing the same PowerPoints repeating overused and unoriginal school presentation ideas covering repeated topics in your classes?

You know what I’m talking about; we’ve all been there, and sat through yawn-worthy demonstrations, slides, or presentation videos covering everything from the solar system, someone’s favorite pet, past presidents of a country, to why E=mC squared.

school presentation ideas bored cat meme

From grade school to university, first graders to college students, we are obligated to create, perform, and observe academic presentations across a plethora of curriculums and classes, and not all of these public speaking opportunities fall into the category of an ‘interesting topic’.

Yet, have no fear! Here at Piktochart, we are here to help you and your classmates. From giving examples of creative and even interactive presentation ideas, providing presentation videos , and suggesting interactive activities to give your five minutes of fame the ‘wow’ factor that it deserves, this article is your guide!

Our massive collection of unique school and college presentation ideas and templates applies if you’re:

  • A teacher looking to make your class more engaging and fun with student presentations.
  • A student who wants to impress your teacher and the rest of the class with a thought-provoking, interesting topic.

A Curated List of Interesting Topics for School Presentations

Did you know that when it comes to presentations , the more students involved improves retention? The more you know! Yet sometimes, you need a little help to get the wheels moving in your head for your next school presentation .

The great thing about these ideas and topics is you can present them either in face-to-face classes or virtual learning sessions.

Each school presentation idea or topic below also comes with a template that you can use. Create a free Piktochart account to try our presentation maker and get access to the high-quality version of the templates. You can also check out our Piktochart for Education plan .

Want to watch this blog post in video format? The video below is for you!

The templates are further divided into the following categories covering the most popular and best presentation topics. Click the links below to skip to a specific section.

  • Unique science presentation topics to cultivate curiosity in class
  • Engaging culture and history presentation ideas to draw inspiration from
  • Health class presentation topics to help students make healthy lifestyle decisions
  • Data visualization ideas to help students present an overwhelming amount of data and information into clear, engaging visuals
  • First day of school activity ideas to foster classroom camaraderie
  • Communication and media topics to teach students the importance of effective communication
  • Topics to help students prepare for life after school

We hope this list will inspire you and help you nail your next school presentation activity.

Unique Science Presentation Topics to Cultivate Curiosity in Class

Science is a broad field and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with too many topics to choose for your next presentation.

Cultivate curiosity in the science classroom with the following unique and creative presentation ideas and topics:

1. Can life survive in space?

template for can life survive in space

2. Do plants scream when they’re in pain?

template for do plants scream when they're in pain

3. What are the traits of successful inventors?

template of what are the traits of successful inventors

4. How vaccines work

template for how vaccines work

5. Massive destruction of the Koala’s habitat in Australia

template for massive destruction of the koala's habitat in australia

6. Left brain versus right brain

template for left brain vs right brain

7. What are great sources of calcium?

template for great sources of calcium infographic

8. Recycling facts you need to know

template for recycling facts you need to know

9. Do you have what it takes to be a NASA astronaut?

NASA astronaut template

10. The rise of robots and AI: Should we be afraid of them?

rise of robots template

11. How far down does the sea go?

template for how far down does the sea go

12. The stages of sleep

stages of sleep template

13. Will Mars be our home in 2028?

template for will mars be our home in 2028

14. A quick look at laboratory safety rules

template for laboratory rules

15. The first person in history to break the sound barrier

template for the first person in history to break the sound barrier

Engaging Culture and History Presentation Ideas to Draw Inspiration From

History is filled with equally inspiring and terrifying stories, and there are lessons that students can learn from the events of the past. Meanwhile, interactive presentations about culture help students learn and embrace diversity. 

16. Women in history: A conversation through time

infographic template about women in history: a conversation through time

17. The sweet story of chocolate 

visual for sweet story of chocolate 

18. A history lesson with a twist 

template for a history lesson with a twist

19. The history of basketball 

history of basketball visual template

20. The origin of the Halloween celebration 

origin of the halloween celebration template

21. AI History 

AI history template

22. What you need to know about New Zealand 

infographic template about new zealand facts

23. 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa 

template for volcanic eruption of krakatoa 

24. Roman structures: 2000 years of strength

template for roman structures: 2000 years of strength

25. The most famous art heists in history 

template for the most famous art heists in history 

26. Elmo: The story behind a child icon 

template for elmo: the story behind a child icon 

27. 10 things you should know before you visit South Korea 

template for things you should know before you visit south korea 

28. 8 things you didn’t know about these 8 countries 

eight things you didn't know about these countries, template 

Health Class Presentation Topics to Help Students Make Healthy Lifestyle Decisions

Want to learn how to engage students with healthcare topic ideas? Then consider using these templates for your next interactive presentation.

According to the CDC , school-based health education contributes to the development of functional health knowledge among students. It also helps them adapt and maintain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. 

Not only will your presentation help with keeping students engaged, but you’ll also increase class involvement with the right slides.

The following examples of health and wellness interactive presentations include fun ideas and topics that are a good start. 

29. How to look after your mental health?

how to look after your mental health infographic template, mental health, mental health infographic, eating disorders

30. The eradication of Polio

template for the eradication of polio, healthcare infographic, healthcare infographic template

31. How to have a healthy lifestyle 

infographic template about healthy lifestyle, health infographic template

32. 10 handwashing facts 

handwashing infographic template, handwashing visual

33. Myths and facts about depression

infographic template about depression, depression infographic template, infographic on depression

34. Hacks for making fresh food last longer 

hacks for making fresh food last longer template, quarantine infographic

35. Ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus

template about how to avoid spreading the coronavirus, covid infographic

36. Mask protection in 5 simple steps 

template about mask protection, covid infographic

37. Everything you need to know about the flu

cover photo of the presentation about everything you need to know about the flu, flu infographic

38. All about stress: Prevention, tips, and how to cope 

template about stress prevention, tips, and how to cope , stress infographic

39. The importance of sleep 

template about the importance of sleep, sleep infographic

40. Is milk tea bad for you?

template about milk tea is bad for you, health infographic

41. How to boost happiness in 10 minutes

template about how to boost happiness in 10 minutes, happiness infographic

42. How dirty are debit and credit cards 

template of how dirty are debit and credit cards, credit card infographic

43. Why do you need sunscreen protection

template about sunscreen, sunscreen infographic

Data Visualization Ideas to Help Students Present Overwhelming Amounts of Data in Creative Ways

Data visualization is all about using visuals to make sense of data. Students need to pull the main points from their extensive research, and present them by story telling while being mindful of their classmates’ collective attention span.

As far as student assignments go, storytelling with data is a daunting task for students and teachers alike. To keep your audience interested, consider using a non linear presentation that presents key concepts in creative ways.

Inspire your class to be master data storytellers with the following data visualization ideas:

44. Are we slowly losing the Borneo rainforest?

deforestation infographic, template about deforestation, example of how to share about current events

45. Skateboard deck design over the years

skateboard infographic, template about skateboard deck design over the years

46. Food waste during the Super Bowl

super bowl infographic, food waste infographic, template about food waste during the super bowl

47. The weight of the tallest building in the world

building infographic, construction infographic, template about the weight of the tallest building in the world

48. Infographic about data and statistics

data infographic, statistics infographic

49. Stats about cyberbullying

template for stats about cyberbullying, cyberbullying infographic

50. How whales combat climate change

climate change infographic, template for how whales combat climate change

First Day of School Interactive Activity Ideas to Foster Whole-class-Camaraderie

Calling all teachers! Welcome your new students and start the school year with the following back-to-school creative presentation ideas and relevant templates for first-day-of-school activities.

These interactive presentations grab the attention of your students and are remarkably easy to execute (which is the main educator’s goal after all)!

51. Meet the teacher

meet the teacher template, introduction template, meet the teacher visual

52. Example: all about me

introduction infographic, about me visual template

53. Self-introduction

template about self introduction, introduction infographic, about me visual template

54. Tips on how to focus on schoolwork

template about how to productive, productivity infographic, taking notes

55. Course plan and schedule

course plan template, course plan visual, course list

Give our class schedule maker a try to access more templates for free. You can also access our presentation-maker , poster-maker , timeline-maker , and more by simply signing up .

56. Interpreting a student’s report card (for parents)

student report card template, student report card visual

57. Introduction of classroom rules

classroom rules, classroom rules template

58. Assignment schedule

course topics, assignments, course template, course infographic

59. Daily planner

daily planner template

60. Course syllabus presentation

course syllabus template

61. How to write a class presentation

template for how to create a class presentation,

Topics to Teach Students the Importance of Effective Communication

Visual media  helps students retain more of the concepts  taught in the classroom. The following media topics and infographic templates can help you showcase complex concepts in a short amount of time. 

In addition, interactive presentation activities using these templates also encourage the development of a holistic learning process in the classroom because they help focus on the  three domains of learning:  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. 

62. Interactive presentation do’s and don’ts 

template for presentation dos and donts, presentation infographic

63. How to create an infographic 

template about how to create an infographic 

Recommended reading : How to Make an Infographic in 30 Minutes

64. How to improve your internet security and privacy

infographic template about internet privacy

65. What is design thinking?

what is design thinking infographic template

66. What are your favorite software tools to use in the classroom? 

infographic template about educational software

Presentation Topic Ideas to Help Students Prepare for Life After School

One of the things that makes teaching a rewarding career is seeing your students take the learning and knowledge you’ve instilled in them, and become successful, productive adults.

From pitching a business idea to starting your podcast, the following topics are good starting points to prepare students for the challenges after graduation (aka adulting 101):

67. How to make a resume

resume template

68. How to start a startup

how to start a startup, startup infographic, how to temple

69. Credit card vs. debit card

infographic about credit cards and debit cards, credit card infographic

70. Pros and cons of cryptocurrency

pros and cons of cryptocurrency infographic template

71. How to save on travel

ways to save on travel infographic template

72. How to do a SWOT analysis

swot nalysis infographic

73. How to pitch a business idea

business idea pitch infographic template

74. Habits of successful people

presentation template about habits of successful people

75. Starting your own podcast: A checklist

infographic template about starting your own podcast

Find out how a high school teacher like Jamie Barkin uses Piktochart to improve learning in the classroom for her students.

Pro tip: make your presentation as interactive as possible. Students have an attention span of two to three minutes per year of age. To keep minds from wandering off, include some interactive games or activities in the lesson. For example, if you conducted a lesson on the respiratory system, you could ask them to practice breathing techniques.

Maintain eye contact with your students, and you’ll get instant feedback on how interested they are in the interactive presentation.

Make School Presentation Visuals Without the Hassle of Making Them From Scratch

School presentations, when done right, can help teachers engage their classes and improve students’ education effectively by presenting information using the right presentation topic. 

If you’re pressed for time and resources to make your school presentation visuals , choose a template from Piktochart’s template gallery . Aside from the easy customization options, you can also print and download these templates to your preferred format. 

Piktochart also professional templates to create infographics , posters , brochures , reports , and more.

Creating school-focused, engaging, and interactive presentations can be tedious at first, but with a little bit of research and Piktochart’s handy templates, you’re going to do a great job!


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  • 50 Top School Education Presentation Ideas

50 Top School Education Presentation Ideas

Presenting a compilation of 50 Top School Education Presentation Ideas. Most of these templates are available for free download on PoweredTemplate, enabling you to create engaging and informative presentations. These templates are designed to cater to various educational needs, allowing educators, students, and professionals to effectively communicate their ideas and research. Regardless of your presentation’s topic, these templates offer a versatile and visually appealing way to convey your message.

Whether you’re teaching a classroom full of eager learners, giving a lecture, or sharing insights at an educational conference, these presentation templates are your go-to resource. They are professionally crafted to make your content shine, making the learning experience more enjoyable and effective. Explore the diverse range of designs and styles to find the perfect template that suits your school education presentation needs.

Table of Contents

Introduction, 1. back to school, 2. school bundle, 3. school bus line, 4. school stationery for learning process, 5. school word, 6. back to school pupil, 7. school class, 8. school studying, 9. back to public school , 10. little reader, 11. apple and books, 12. school education, 14. back to school season, 15. school basketball team, 16. back-to-school season, 17. auditorium, 18. students at the computer, 19. school bus aft, 20. excellent pupil in secondary school, 21. education themed roadmap, 22. back 2 school cover slide, 23. 6 point education criteria with pencil, 24. secondary education, 25. school study, 26. loving school, 27. school bus as childish picture, 28. school bus model, 29. school kids, 30. school study in africa, 31. school kids frame, 32. school autumn theme cover slide, 33. school accessories background, 34. school bus, 35. school tests results, 36. kids collage, 37. school learning theme, 38. school bag, 39. primary schooling, 40. classroom education, 41. school themed, 42. school activity, 43. school bus, 44. school desk in a classroom, 45. education report with data driven charts concept, 46. school students, 47. education concept icons, 48. secondary schoolboy, 49. copybooks and notebooks, 50. computer auditorium.

We are delighted to introduce you to an impressive collection of 200 meticulously crafted presentation templates, exclusively designed for educational purposes, all courtesy of PoweredTemplate . These templates are skillfully categorized into four distinct sections, each encompassing 50 unique designs.

In this opening, we are excited to showcase the second set of 50 templates, focusing on top ideas for school education presentations, which is a testament to our commitment to helping you craft presentations that not only inform but also inspire.

  • 50 Exceptional Kindergarten Education Presentation Templates
  • 50 Top High School Presentation Ideas
  • 50 Top Higher Education Presentation Ideas

Regardless of whether you are an educator, student, or a professional in school education, these resources will help you create effective presentations.

If you are a business person, and school education is the central theme of your  business management presentation , the ideas presented here will help you vividly present complex topics such as  goal setting ,  business models , and more in the context of early childhood education as a business enterprise. Furthermore, these ideas will serve as a valuable resource for creating corporate documentation, including company profiles,  FAQ Word templates , and much more.

Embrace these resources, embark on your educational journey, and watch as your ideas flourish, your audience is captivated, and your educational projects thrive. Download your preferred templates today and set your creativity free!

Introducing 50 exceptional kindergarten education presentation templates. The majority of them are available for free download on PoweredTemplate.

Welcome to the Back To School presentation template , a versatile and free resource compatible with both Google Slides and PowerPoint. This template offers a treasure trove of 21 unique slides, each adorned with creative illustrations that capture the essence of the school and education.

presentation on our school

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or educational enthusiast, this presentation template is your gateway to visually engaging and informative slides. Explore a world of educational accessories, from alphabets to art, as you embark on your academic journey. The backdrop of these slides exudes the spirit of autumn, making it perfect for the back-to-school season.

With a captivating blend of blue hues, blackboards, books, and bright backgrounds, this template provides a colorful canvas to express your ideas. Whether you’re discussing curriculum design, classroom concepts, or the joy of childhood learning, each slide is a visual masterpiece that complements your content seamlessly.

The “Back To School” template is not just about design; it’s about knowledge sharing. Use it to impart lessons, share knowledge, and inspire a love for learning. From pens and pencils to rulers and textbooks, this template showcases the tools of education with creativity and flair.

As you prepare for the new school year, whether it’s September or any other season, harness the power of technology with smartphone and tablet-themed slides. Highlight the importance of stationery, the joy of study, and the abundance of educational supplies with these vibrant visuals.

This academic year, make a statement with your presentations. Download the “Back To School” template now and embark on a journey of knowledge, inspiration, and creativity that promises to make every lesson memorable. Bring the school spirit to life with this captivating template!

Download the template

Introducing the School Bundle Free Presentation Template , your go-to resource for school-related presentations available in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats. With a collection of 18 distinct slide layouts, this template is designed to simplify your educational endeavors.

presentation on our school

Customization is a breeze, allowing you to tailor each slide to your specific needs. You can also save your creations as JPEG or PNG images, making them compatible with popular tools like Google Jamboard and Microsoft Whiteboard.

This versatile template covers a wide range of educational topics, from apple-themed illustrations that symbolize knowledge to colorful slides that encourage creativity and fun in the classroom. Whether you’re discussing cause and effect, conducting debates, or analyzing evidence, you’ll find slides that cater to your needs.

The “School Bundle” presentation template is your toolkit for effective teaching and learning. It provides a platform for lively and engaging discussions on various subjects, fostering a sense of collectiveness among students. From planning lessons to creating study tables, this template streamlines your educational workflow.

Bring stories to life with captivating illustrations and stickers, making storytelling a fun and educational experience for all. Enhance your teaching with models, notes, and planners, ensuring that every lesson is well-structured and effective.

This template is not just about education; it’s about making learning enjoyable and interactive. Whether you’re a teacher or a student, it offers the tools you need to excel in your educational journey. So, why wait? Dive into the world of education with the “School Bundle Free Presentation Template.” Download it now, and let the learning adventure begin!

Welcome to the School Bus Line presentation template , a fantastic resource designed to add vibrancy to your school-related presentations. Whether you’re gearing up for a new school year, discussing various aspects of education, or focusing on high school and classes, this PowerPoint and Google Slides template has you covered.

presentation on our school

Picture the bustling mornings when school buses hit the road, providing safe and reliable transportation for our young pupils and students. This template encapsulates the essence of community and care, emphasizing the importance of a smooth commute for children to reach their educational destinations.

Behind every successful school bus line, there’s a dedicated driver ensuring the safety of our youth. With engaging visuals and informative slides, this template celebrates the drivers who educate our children by driving them to school every day.

From elementary to high school, this template embraces the diversity of educational levels. It touches upon the importance of safe travel, highlighting the role of school buses in ensuring the security of our students.

Whether you’re in a rural setting or navigating the bustling highways of a city, school buses play a pivotal role in mass transit, providing reliable transportation for pupils and students alike.

The “School Bus Line” presentation template captures the spirit of youth and education with its iconic yellow school bus imagery. It’s your vehicle for crafting informative and visually appealing presentations that resonate with your audience.

So, as you embark on your educational journey, remember the vital role school buses play in ensuring students reach school safely. Download this template now and drive your presentations to success, making each slide a memorable trip through the world of education. Your pupils and students will thank you for it!

Welcome to the School Stationery For Learning Process presentation template , an excellent choice for a wide range of educational presentations. Whether you’re gearing up for the first day of September, exploring the world of school, or diving into the realm of new knowledge, this PowerPoint and Google Slides template is here to assist you.

presentation on our school

Imagine a classroom filled with colorful stationery, open notebooks, and eager pupils ready to embark on their educational journey. This template encapsulates the excitement of the first day of school, symbolized by vibrant apples and an atmosphere of curiosity and enthusiasm.

From books and notebooks to pens and paper, the essentials for effective learning are beautifully represented in this template. It’s a visual collage that celebrates the tools of education, making it an ideal choice for lessons, home assignments, and school teaching.

Education is a journey of attaining knowledge, and this template emphasizes that journey. Each slide is like a lesson plan, offering a clear path to learning. Letters and cubes symbolize the foundation of reading and writing, while colorful imagery fosters a love for school.

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or anyone involved in the educational process, this template is your perfect companion. It embodies the essence of management and learning, transforming every presentation into an engaging experience.

As you explore the world of “School Stationery For Learning Process,” remember the importance of fostering a love for learning and teaching. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm with your students, and watch as they embark on their educational journey with joy.

Download this template now and transform your presentations into colorful, engaging, and informative experiences that celebrate the process of learning. Let the spirit of September and the love for school shine through in every slide!

Welcome to the School Word presentation template , a delightful choice for presentations centered around the world of school education, teaching, and learning. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template beautifully captures the essence of education through the imagery of children coming together to spell out the word ‘school.’

presentation on our school

In the world of education, it’s the children who form the heart and soul of every classroom. This template celebrates their role in the learning process and emphasizes the importance of school in their lives.

With a subdued grey backdrop that complements the colorful letters spelling ‘school,’ this template creates a harmonious balance between childhood innocence and the structured world of school curriculum.

Each letter in ‘school’ represents a journey of discovery, an opportunity for learning, and a chance for personal growth. This presentation template is a testament to the transformative power of education, where children are nurtured, guided, and encouraged to explore the world of knowledge.

Whether you’re discussing school curriculum, teaching methodologies, or the joys of imparting knowledge to children, this template provides a fitting visual backdrop to your content.

As you utilize the “School Word” template, remember that education is a collaborative effort, with students, teachers, and parents coming together to create a supportive learning environment. It’s a place where young minds are shaped, and a love for learning is fostered.

Download this template now and let the spirit of ‘school’ infuse your presentations with enthusiasm, reminding us all of the vital role education plays in shaping the future. Share your passion for teaching and learning, and inspire others to do the same!

Welcome to the Back To School Pupil presentation template , a charming educational resource designed to elevate your presentations on school education, teaching techniques, learning, and the dynamic interaction between teachers and pupils. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template paints a vivid picture of the school environment, capturing the essence of the classroom experience.

presentation on our school

In this template, an African pupil takes center stage, representing the diversity and inclusivity of modern education. His engaging smile and eager expression symbolize the enthusiasm of students as they return to school, ready to embark on a new academic journey.

The classroom backdrop, with its blurred background, creates a sense of focus on the pupil and the learning process. It’s a reminder of the classroom’s role as the primary space for education, where lessons come to life.

Books, notebooks, pencils, and tables are symbols of the learning tools at our disposal. They remind us of the importance of classroom materials in facilitating the teaching and learning process.

As you use the “Back To School Pupil” template, remember that education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s also about building relationships and fostering a sense of community. Students and teachers come together in this shared space to explore, learn, and grow.

Download this template now and let the spirit of ‘Back To School’ infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and positivity. Celebrate the joy of learning and the bond between teachers and pupils. Share your insights on effective teaching techniques and the magic of the classroom experience. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education.

Welcome to the School Class presentation template , a versatile and elegant choice for your school-related presentations, whether they focus on school programs, study courses, teaching, or any educational topic. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the essence of a modern classroom, combining aesthetics with functionality.

presentation on our school

Imagine a spacious classroom with rows of comfortable chairs and desks, ready to accommodate students eager to learn. This template embodies the elegance of an educational space designed for knowledge acquisition and personal growth.

The wooden furnishings and three-dimensional design elements create a modern and inviting atmosphere, where students and teachers can come together for lessons and seminars. The blackboard, a classic symbol of education, stands as a focal point, ready to be filled with valuable insights and knowledge.

With its empty classroom setting, this template leaves room for your content to take center stage. Each slide is a canvas waiting to be filled with your ideas, study programs, or teaching methodologies.

As you utilize the “School Class” template, remember that the classroom is not just a physical space; it’s a place where minds expand, ideas flourish, and lifelong learning begins. It’s where students and teachers collaborate to shape the future.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the classroom infuse your presentations with sophistication and educational elegance. Share your insights on study courses, teaching techniques, and the importance of creating a conducive learning environment. Let every slide be a testament to the power of education in shaping the minds of future leaders.

Welcome to the School Studying presentation template , a delightful choice for presentations focused on school lessons, homework, literature, and the world of education. This versatile PowerPoint and Google Slides template encapsulates the essence of learning in a creative and engaging manner.

presentation on our school

Imagine a library filled with shelves of books, each one a gateway to knowledge and adventure. This template brings that literary world to life, with bookshelves, books, and a cozy reading nook. It’s a reminder of the importance of essential reading and the joy of discovering new literature.

The young girl depicted in the template represents the curiosity and enthusiasm of students as they dive into the world of learning. Her smile reflects the happiness that comes from exploring new ideas and gaining knowledge.

The inclusion of personal photos and locker imagery underscores the importance of privacy and personal space for students. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s also about creating a safe and welcoming environment for young minds to flourish.

As you utilize the “School Studying” template, remember that learning is a personal journey, and each student’s path to knowledge is unique. This template celebrates the individuality of each student and the joy of studying.

Download this template now and let the spirit of studying infuse your presentations with a sense of discovery and enthusiasm. Share your insights on effective learning techniques, the importance of literature in education, and the role of libraries in nurturing young minds. Let every slide be a tribute to the transformative power of education and the joy of reading.

Welcome to the Back To Public School presentation template , a visually engaging choice for presentations on education, learning, the return to school, and the vital role of teachers. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an Afro-American boy holding books, representing the diversity and enthusiasm of students returning to school.

presentation on our school

The image of the boy, hand outstretched with books, symbolizes the eager anticipation and readiness to learn. It’s a visual testament to the importance of education in the lives of children.

The “Back To Public School” template emphasizes the collaborative effort between students and teachers. It’s not just about learning; it’s also about the dedication of educators who guide young minds and help them reach their full potential.

As you use this template, remember that education is a transformative journey that requires the combined efforts of students, teachers, and parents. It’s a process that involves learning, lesson planning, and hard work, as represented by the boy’s notebook and schoolwork.

Download this template now and let the spirit of returning to school infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and dedication. Celebrate the pivotal role of teachers in shaping the future of young minds. Share your insights on effective teaching methods, the joy of learning, and the importance of creating a supportive educational environment. Let every slide be a reminder of the power of education to change lives.

Welcome to the Little Reader presentation template , a charming choice for presentations focused on primary school, school curriculum, language classes, and the joy of reading. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the essence of childhood education with its endearing visuals.

presentation on our school

Imagine a little girl sitting on the floor, surrounded by a pile of books. Her smile reflects the happiness that comes from discovering the magic of reading. This template celebrates the joy of learning in the early years of education.

The image of the girl holding a book and sitting in front of a shelf filled with books symbolizes the importance of reading in elementary education. It’s a reminder of the curiosity and eagerness to learn that children bring to the classroom.

As you use the “Little Reader” template, remember that education begins with the love of reading. It’s about fostering a lifelong passion for learning and exploring new worlds through books.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the little reader infuse your presentations with a sense of wonder and enthusiasm. Celebrate the importance of primary education, the role of teachers in shaping young minds, and the joy of teaching and learning. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in the early years of a child’s life.

elcome to the Apple and Books presentation template , a visually appealing choice for presentations on knowledge, education, learning, and the importance of books in the academic world. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a classic symbol of education – a stack of books – accompanied by a bright red apple.

presentation on our school

The imagery of books and the red apple are iconic representations of knowledge, learning, and the teacher-student connection. It underscores the idea that education is a fruitful endeavor that nourishes the mind.

The “Apple and Books” template highlights the essential role of books in education. It symbolizes the wealth of information, the joy of reading, and the vast resources that books provide for students and teachers alike.

As you use this template, remember that education is about more than just transferring knowledge; it’s about understanding, critical thinking, and personal growth. It’s a journey of discovery and exploration.

Download this template now and let the spirit of books and apples infuse your presentations with a sense of academic richness and enthusiasm. Celebrate the role of books in knowledge management and transfer, the significance of teachers in guiding students, and the joy of learning. Let every slide be a reminder of the enduring power of education to transform lives and broaden horizons.

Welcome to the School Education presentation template , a comprehensive choice for presentations on school education, elementary and primary schools, mathematics, and the dynamic interaction between teachers and students. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template offers a snapshot of a bustling classroom where learning comes to life.

presentation on our school

Imagine a vibrant classroom where a dedicated teacher stands at the blackboard, explaining equations and formulas. Little students, with hands raised in eagerness, are ready to ask questions and seek answers. This template beautifully captures the essence of the educational journey.

The diverse group of students, with their cheerful expressions, symbolizes the inclusive and welcoming environment of the classroom. Education is a space where young minds from all backgrounds come together to explore the world of knowledge.

As you utilize the “School Education” template, remember that education is a collaborative effort. It’s about teachers sharing their wisdom and students asking questions, seeking understanding, and growing academically and personally.

Download this template now and let the spirit of school education infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and dedication. Celebrate the role of teachers in shaping the minds of future leaders, the joy of mathematics, and the importance of creating an inclusive and inspiring classroom environment. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education.

Welcome to the School presentation template , a colorful and engaging choice for presentations on school lessons, teaching and learning, and the joy of education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a playful arrangement of colorful alphabet bricks, symbolizing the fundamental building blocks of knowledge.

presentation on our school

The vibrant alphabet bricks represent the fun and creativity that comes with learning in a classroom. Education is not just about memorizing facts; it’s about exploring, experimenting, and building a strong foundation of knowledge.

The “School” template emphasizes the importance of early education and the role of teachers in shaping young minds. It’s a reminder that every child is a unique learner, and education should cater to their individual needs.

As you use this template, remember that education is a dynamic and interactive process. It’s about playing with words, exploring concepts, and fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

Download this template now and let the spirit of colorful alphabet bricks infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and creativity. Celebrate the significance of early childhood education, the importance of hands-on learning, and the joy of teaching and learning together. Let every slide be a tribute to the transformative power of education in shaping the future.

Welcome to the Back to School Season presentation template , a vibrant and playful choice for presentations on the new school year, learning, and secondary education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a colorful array of funny letters and delightful characters that embody the spirit of the classroom.

presentation on our school

Imagine stepping into a world where learning is an adventure filled with cheerful animals, playful objects, and whimsical letters. This template captures the essence of childhood education, where every day is a new opportunity to explore, play, and learn.

The playful characters and objects represent the joy and curiosity that children bring to the school. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about fostering creativity and imagination.

As you use the “Back to School Season” template, remember that education is a journey filled with fun and discovery. It’s about nurturing young minds, encouraging them to read, explore, and learn through play.

Download this template now and let the spirit of colorful characters and funny letters infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and creativity. Celebrate the excitement of the new school year, the importance of early childhood education, and the joy of teaching and learning in a playful environment. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping bright futures.

Welcome to the School Basketball Team presentation template , a fantastic choice for presentations centered around school basketball teams, physical training, and the joy of sports in education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template showcases a diverse group of students coming together to play basketball, representing the spirit of teamwork and athleticism.

presentation on our school

In this template, students from various backgrounds and races unite to enjoy the thrill of basketball. It underscores the importance of physical education and sports in schools, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

The gymnasium setting with basketballs in motion captures the energy and enthusiasm that sports bring to school life. Education is not just about classroom lessons; it’s also about fostering physical well-being and team dynamics.

As you use the “School Basketball Team” template, remember that sports teach valuable life lessons such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. It’s an integral part of a well-rounded education.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the basketball team infuse your presentations with enthusiasm and team spirit. Celebrate the achievements of school sports teams, the importance of physical training in education, and the joy of students coming together to play and learn. Let every slide be a reminder of the holistic approach to education that includes both mental and physical development.

Welcome to the Back-to-School Season presentation template , a creative choice for presentations centered around the excitement of the new school season, school preparation, and the anticipation of the first day of school. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a vibrant mix of typography, textures, and illustrations that capture the essence of back-to-school energy.

presentation on our school

Imagine a world where every page is a fresh opportunity to learn, explore, and make memories. This template celebrates the start of a new school year with its bold lettering, crumpled textures, and playful illustrations.

The combination of colorful elements and lined paper brings to mind the joy of note-taking, doodling, and creative expression in the classroom. It embodies the idea that education is not just about facts and figures; it’s also about creativity and self-expression.

As you use the “Back-to-School Season” template, remember that every school year is a fresh start, filled with potential and possibilities. It’s a time to welcome students back with enthusiasm and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.

Download this template now and let the spirit of back-to-school excitement infuse your presentations with energy and creativity. Celebrate the beginning of a new school season, the importance of preparation, and the joy of learning and discovery. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education and the boundless potential of every student.

Welcome to the Auditorium presentation template , a serene and inviting choice for a wide range of educational presentations, including school education techniques, teaching and learning, and more. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a sunlit classroom bathed in soft beige and yellow colors, creating an atmosphere of warmth and positivity.

presentation on our school

Imagine stepping into a well-lit and welcoming classroom where students come to learn, engage, and grow. This template embodies the essence of a supportive educational environment where knowledge flourishes.

The classroom setting with its rows of desks and chairs symbolizes the importance of creating a conducive space for learning. It’s a reminder that education is not just about content but also about the environment in which it is delivered.

As you use the “Auditorium” template, remember that education is a partnership between students and teachers. It’s about fostering a love for learning and providing students with the tools they need to succeed.

Download this template now and let the spirit of the sunlit classroom infuse your presentations with positivity and a sense of readiness for learning. Celebrate the techniques and methods that make education engaging and effective. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping bright futures.

Explore the Students At The Computer presentation template , a dynamic choice perfectly suited for presentations on education, team projects, collaboration in school, and college classes. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a diverse group of students working harmoniously on laptops, exemplifying the power of teamwork and the integration of technology in modern education.

presentation on our school

In today’s digital age, students from various backgrounds come together, embracing diversity as they learn, research, and work on projects using technology as a tool. This template celebrates the spirit of collaboration and the role of technology in shaping a modern educational landscape.

The image of students gathered around laptops in a library setting highlights the versatility of learning environments. Education transcends the traditional classroom, extending to libraries, collaborative spaces, and online platforms where knowledge is accessed and shared.

As you utilize the “Students At The Computer” template, remember that technology is a potent force for education, connecting students and enabling seamless information access and collaborative efforts.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the energy and innovation of collaborative learning, the role of technology in contemporary education, and the boundless possibilities it offers to students. Let every slide be a testament to the transformative power of education in today’s digital era.

Embark on a journey with the School Bus Aft presentation template , a fantastic choice for a wide array of educational presentations, including learning and teaching programs. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a bright yellow school bus, symbolizing the excitement and adventure of the educational journey.

presentation on our school

Picture a group of cheerful children on board, their faces filled with excitement as they head to school. The school bus is more than just a vehicle; it’s a symbol of camaraderie, friendship, and the joy of learning.

The image of the school bus’s rear view captures the anticipation and enthusiasm of students as they arrive at school. Education is an adventure, and every school day is a new opportunity to gain knowledge and make friends.

As you use the “School Bus Aft” template, remember that education is not just about lessons in the classroom; it’s also about the journey to school, the friendships formed, and the memories created along the way.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the energy and excitement of the school bus ride, the importance of transportation in education, and the happiness of students on their way to learning. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education and the joy it brings to young hearts.

Step into the world of an Excellent Pupil in Secondary School with this captivating presentation template. It’s a perfect fit for presentations on education, secondary school, knowledge, grades, tests, lessons, and homework. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template showcases a confident and intelligent student, embodying the essence of academic excellence.

presentation on our school

Imagine a classroom where bright young minds like the girl in the template eagerly participate, ask questions, and raise their hands to seek knowledge. This template celebrates the joy of learning, the pursuit of excellence, and the confidence that comes from academic success.

The image of the diligent student confidently raising her hand symbolizes the importance of active participation and engagement in the learning process. Education is not just about receiving information; it’s about asking questions, seeking answers, and enjoying the journey of discovery.

As you use the “Excellent Pupil in Secondary School” template, remember that education empowers students to excel and succeed. It’s about fostering confidence, intelligence, and a thirst for knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the enthusiasm and determination of an excellent student. Celebrate the pursuit of academic success, the importance of active learning, and the joy of students who are ready to rise to any challenge. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping future leaders.

Embark on an educational journey with the Education Themed Roadmap presentation template , a versatile choice for visualizing curriculum development, educational milestones, and project progress. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a roadmap adorned with school doodles and a trusty pencil, providing a creative and effective way to convey information.

presentation on our school

Imagine a roadmap that guides students and educators on the path of knowledge acquisition. This template celebrates the process of education, from the first step to reaching important milestones.

The use of school doodles, a checkered path, and a pencil symbolizes the learning journey. Education is not just about the destination; it’s about the steps, choices, and milestones along the way.

As you use the “Education Themed Roadmap” template, remember that education is a structured path filled with opportunities for growth and progress. It’s about planning, setting goals, and celebrating achievements.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with a sense of direction, progress, and organization in education. Celebrate the journey of learning, the importance of curriculum development, and the joy of reaching educational milestones. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in guiding students toward success.

Embark on a cosmic learning adventure with the Back 2 School Cover Slide presentation template , a whimsical and captivating choice for presentations on education, inspiration, and the excitement of going back to school. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a curious young spaceman surrounded by space and planets, along with school accessories and the title “Back 2 School.”

presentation on our school

Imagine a young learner venturing into the vast expanse of knowledge, eager to explore and discover new horizons. This template celebrates the joy of learning, the spirit of curiosity, and the boundless universe of possibilities that education offers.

The juxtaposition of a space-themed background with school accessories highlights the idea that education can take us on incredible journeys of discovery. Learning is not limited to one planet; it can transport us to the farthest reaches of the universe.

As you use the “Back 2 School Cover Slide” template, remember that education is an adventure filled with wonder and inspiration. It’s about fostering curiosity, nurturing young minds, and igniting a passion for knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the excitement of going back to school, the importance of inspiration in education, and the limitless opportunities for learning and growth. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping the future explorers and thinkers.

Dive into the world of education criteria with the 6 Point Education Criteria with Pencil Presentation Slide template, a creative choice for visualizing the essential features and characteristics of school education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a horizontal pencil divided into six colorful segments, symbolizing the key points and stages in the education system.

presentation on our school

Imagine a roadmap that outlines the critical elements of a successful educational journey. This template celebrates the importance of clarity, organization, and goal-setting in the field of education.

The use of a pencil as a visual metaphor represents the idea that education is a journey of growth and development, where each step contributes to the overall progress. The six segments denote different aspects or criteria that contribute to a well-rounded education.

As you use the “6 Point Education Criteria with Pencil Presentation Slide” template, remember that education is not just about delivering information; it’s about setting clear goals, measuring progress, and ensuring that students receive a comprehensive learning experience.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with a sense of structure, goal-setting, and a systematic approach to education. Celebrate the importance of defining education criteria, understanding the learning process, and achieving success through a well-organized educational system. Let every slide be a reminder of the transformative power of education in shaping future leaders.

Immerse yourself in the world of Secondary Education with this exceptional presentation template. It’s an excellent choice for presentations on secondary education, educational institutes, schools, colleges, teaching methods, learning, and studying. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a doodle-inspired design that embodies the spirit of creativity and learning.

presentation on our school

Picture a classroom where students are engaged in dynamic and imaginative learning. This template celebrates the joy of education, the role of creativity in teaching, and the diversity of students’ experiences.

The doodled icons and illustrations represent the multitude of subjects, activities, and ideas that make up the world of secondary education. Education is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a colorful tapestry of knowledge and self-improvement.

As you use the “Secondary Education” template, remember that education is about more than textbooks and lectures; it’s about fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the energy of creative teaching methods, the importance of student engagement, and the rich tapestry of experiences that define secondary education. Celebrate the diversity of subjects, the joy of learning, and the transformative power of education in shaping future leaders. Let every slide be a testament to the boundless possibilities that education offers.

Explore the world of School Study with this engaging presentation template, an ideal choice for presentations on education, school education, teenage education, classes, teaching, teachers, and school life. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a scene of secondary school pupils in a classroom, symbolizing the essence of educational growth.

presentation on our school

Imagine a classroom filled with eager young minds, ready to absorb knowledge and engage in the learning process. This template celebrates the role of educators, the dedication of students, and the vibrant atmosphere of a school.

The image of secondary school pupils at their desks conveys the importance of discipline, study, and dedication to academic growth. Secondary education is a crucial phase where students build on their foundations and prepare for the future.

As you use the “School Study” template, remember that education is not just about teaching; it’s about instilling a love for learning, fostering discipline, and motivating students to reach their full potential.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the enthusiasm of young learners, the importance of teachers in the educational process, and the vibrant energy of school life. Celebrate the transformative power of secondary education in shaping the future of students. Let every slide be a reminder of the boundless possibilities that education offers.

Embrace the joy of learning with the Loving School presentation template, a fantastic choice for presentations on school classes, homework, assignments, and school education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template celebrates the love for school and the enthusiasm of students.

presentation on our school

Imagine a classroom filled with students who are eager to learn, with hearts that are warm and open to knowledge. This template embodies the spirit of passion for education and the vibrant energy of school life.

The image of an apple, a symbol of learning and knowledge, reflects the idea that education is a nourishing experience for the mind and soul. The vibrant colors and school-related imagery evoke the excitement of school subjects and lessons.

As you use the “Loving School” template, remember that education is not just about acquiring facts; it’s about nurturing a love for learning, curiosity, and a sense of wonder.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the love and passion that students have for school. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the hearts and minds of future leaders. Let every slide be a reminder of the boundless possibilities that education offers and the joy it brings to those who embrace it.

Experience the charm of childhood with the School Bus as Childish Picture presentation template , a delightful choice for presentations on school, lessons, pupils, homework, and school education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the innocence and joy of early education.

presentation on our school

Imagine a school day filled with laughter, friends, and the excitement of riding the school bus. This template celebrates the simplicity of childhood and the happiness that comes with learning.

The whimsical drawing of a school bus, complete with a friendly driver and a smiling sun, symbolizes the carefree nature of early education. It reminds us that school is not just about lessons; it’s also about the journey to and from school, the friendships formed, and the sunny days of childhood.

As you use the “School Bus as Childish Picture” template, remember that education is not just about academic growth; it’s about nurturing young hearts and minds, fostering friendships, and creating cherished memories.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the innocence and joy of childhood education. Celebrate the transformative power of early learning, the importance of friendly environments, and the boundless happiness that education brings to children. Let every slide be a reminder of the precious moments of childhood in the world of education.

Embark on a journey of education with the School Bus Model presentation template , a perfect fit for presentations on school, school education, school pupils, and more. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a delightful school bus illustration that adds a touch of nostalgia to your educational presentations.

presentation on our school

Imagine the iconic school bus, a symbol of the daily journey to knowledge. This template celebrates the role of school buses in transporting students to and from their destination of learning, fostering a sense of community and adventure along the way.

The vibrant colors and playful design capture the excitement of young minds as they board the school bus, ready for a day of exploration and growth. It’s a reminder that education is not just about the classroom; it’s about the entire journey, from home to school and back.

As you use the “School Bus Model” template, remember that education is a dynamic experience that extends beyond textbooks and lessons. It’s about the friendships formed, the memories created, and the adventures shared on the school bus.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the nostalgia and joy of the school bus experience. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping young minds and the role school buses play in connecting students to their educational journey. Let every slide be a reminder of the cherished moments of childhood on the way to school.

Dive into the world of young learners with the School Kids presentation template , an excellent choice for presentations on school learning, school teaching, school attendance, and both primary and secondary education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an image of bustling schoolchildren, symbolizing the energy and enthusiasm of young minds in pursuit of knowledge.

presentation on our school

Picture a schoolyard filled with students, eager to learn and excited to explore the world of education. This template celebrates the commonness and camaraderie of students, fostering a sense of community within the school.

The image of running schoolkids represents the vitality and curiosity that characterize childhood and the early stages of education. It’s a reminder that learning is an active and dynamic process.

As you use the “School Kids” template, remember that education is not just about the classroom; it’s about the friendships formed, the joy of learning, and the sense of belonging that schools provide.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the vibrancy and spirit of young learners. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the futures of these eager minds. Let every slide be a testament to the boundless possibilities that education offers and the sense of togetherness it creates among schoolkids.

Embark on an educational journey through Africa with the School Study in Africa presentation template , a fitting choice for presentations on school learning, the first day in school, school classes, school teaching, and primary school. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an engaging image of a young learner in Africa, symbolizing the thirst for knowledge that transcends borders.

presentation on our school

Imagine a young student in Africa, eager to explore the world of education and discover the wonders of learning. This template celebrates the universal desire for education and the power it holds to transform lives.

The image of a child pointing at a globe reflects the curiosity and aspiration to understand the world. It serves as a reminder that education is a gateway to knowledge, awareness, and a broader perspective.

As you use the “School Study in Africa” template, remember that education knows no boundaries, and every child, regardless of location, deserves the opportunity to learn and grow.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of global education and the importance of providing quality learning experiences to children around the world. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the future of young learners, regardless of where they are. Let every slide be a testament to the universal nature of curiosity and the role education plays in fulfilling it.

Illuminate the world of education with the School Kids Frame presentation template , a delightful choice to showcase the significance of learning. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a charming frame design with a young pupil holding a pencil, symbolizing the essence of development and knowledge.

presentation on our school

Imagine a world where education is a colorful journey filled with joy and optimism. This template captures the spirit of childhood and the excitement of young minds as they embark on their educational voyage.

The vibrant colors and playful design inspire confidence and cheerfulness, setting a positive tone for your educational presentations. The frame design creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere, inviting viewers to explore the world of learning.

As you use the “School Kids Frame” template, remember that education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about nurturing creativity, curiosity, and a love for learning.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of childhood and the boundless enthusiasm of young learners. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping the future and fostering a sense of wonder. Let every slide be a reminder of the joy and optimism that education brings to children’s lives.

Embrace the beauty of autumn with the School Autumn Theme Cover Slide presentation template , a perfect choice for setting the tone for your educational presentations. This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a school backpack adorned with textbooks and accessories, all set against a backdrop of vibrant autumn leaves in shades of red, orange, and yellow.

presentation on our school

Picture a crisp autumn morning as students eagerly prepare for a day of learning, their backpacks filled with knowledge and their hearts filled with anticipation. This template captures the essence of the back-to-school season, where education takes center stage amidst the changing leaves.

The warm and inviting colors of autumn create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, making this template an ideal choice for setting the mood at the beginning of your presentation.

As you use the “School Autumn Theme Cover Slide” template, remember that education, like the changing seasons, brings renewal and growth. It’s a reminder that every school year is an opportunity for students to learn, grow, and embrace new knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of autumn and the promise of a new school year. Celebrate the transformative power of education against the backdrop of nature’s changing canvas. Let every slide be a reminder of the beauty and potential that each school year brings.

Elevate your educational presentations with the School Accessories Background template , a dynamic choice that puts school supplies at the forefront. This engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a captivating background adorned with colorful hand-drawn school accessories, celebrating the tools that empower students on their learning journey.

presentation on our school

Imagine a world where education is not just about books and lessons but also about the vibrant and diverse set of tools that help students explore and discover. This template captures the essence of creativity and individuality that students bring to their learning experiences.

The lively and colorful design creates an energetic and engaging backdrop for your presentations, making it an ideal choice for capturing your audience’s attention from the very beginning.

As you use the “School Accessories Background” template, remember that education is not confined to the classroom but extends to the world of imagination and exploration. It’s a reminder that every student’s journey is unique and filled with creativity.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of creativity and the importance of embracing a wide range of tools and resources in the pursuit of knowledge. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping individuals and fostering creativity. Let every slide be a testament to the diversity and vibrancy of the learning experience.

Welcome to the School Bus Free Presentation Slide template , a vibrant and cheerful choice for your back-to-school safety presentations. This engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides template features an adorable illustration of happy children getting on the school bus, emphasizing the importance of safety during school transportation.

presentation on our school

Picture a scene filled with excitement as children eagerly board the school bus, ready for another day of learning. This template captures the joy and enthusiasm of young students as they embark on their educational journey.

The colorful and playful design sets a positive and welcoming tone for your presentation, making it an ideal choice for emphasizing the importance of safety and responsible behavior during school transportation.

As you use the “School Bus Free Presentation Slide” template, remember that education goes beyond the classroom and includes teaching students essential life skills, such as safety and responsibility.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of enthusiasm and safety consciousness. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping responsible and happy students. Let every slide be a reminder of the joy and safety that accompanies the back-to-school season.

Welcome to the School Tests Results template , a vibrant and engaging choice designed to illuminate the outcomes of educational assessments. This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a bright and cheerful design in shiny yellow and red colors, featuring a girl and school tests.

presentation on our school

Imagine a world where students eagerly take on the challenge of school exams and tests, confident in their ability to find solutions and demonstrate their knowledge. This template captures the essence of motivation and achievement in the world of education.

The lively and colorful design creates a positive and inspiring backdrop for your presentations, making it an ideal choice for highlighting the importance of assessments and the joy of academic accomplishments.

As you use the “School Tests Results” template, remember that education is a journey marked by milestones and achievements. It’s a reminder that every test and exam is an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and knowledge.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of motivation and achievement. Celebrate the transformative power of education in helping students reach their full potential. Let every slide be a testament to the dedication and hard work that lead to academic success.

Welcome to the Kids Collage template , a delightful and playful choice designed to celebrate the world of children and education. This engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides template features a vibrant collage of kids, books, and playful elements, setting the stage for presentations on children, upbringing, and elementary education.

presentation on our school

Imagine a classroom filled with the laughter and curiosity of young learners, eager to explore the world and discover new knowledge. This template captures the essence of joy and enthusiasm that children bring to the learning process.

The colorful and dynamic design creates an atmosphere of excitement and positivity, making it an ideal choice for presentations on primary and secondary education.

As you use the “Kids Collage” template, remember that education is a journey of exploration and discovery, and children are at the heart of that journey.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of fun and curiosity. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping young minds and fostering a love for learning. Let every slide be a testament to the boundless potential of children and the joy they bring to the educational experience.

Welcome to the School Learning Theme template , an excellent choice for illuminating the world of education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template is designed to bring the essence of school learning, subjects, and students to your presentations.

presentation on our school

Picture a classroom adorned with learning tools, books, and the tools of the trade, where students eagerly engage with their subjects, fueled by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. This template encapsulates the atmosphere of productive learning and academic exploration.

The combination of warm colors and educational elements creates an inviting and stimulating backdrop for your presentations, making it a perfect choice for topics related to school subjects, homework, and school assignments.

As you utilize the “School Learning Theme” template, remember that education is not just about acquiring facts; it’s a journey of growth and self-discovery. Each slide is a reminder of the dynamic and transformative nature of the learning process.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the spirit of academic excellence and intellectual exploration. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping informed and curious individuals. Let every slide be a testament to the enthusiasm and dedication of students and educators alike.

Welcome to the School Bag template , a fantastic choice for presentations that dive into the world of education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template is designed to capture the essence of school life, classes, lessons, and the dynamic interplay between students and teachers.

presentation on our school

Envision a classroom where students eagerly explore their textbooks, guided by dedicated educators who nurture their curiosity and quest for knowledge. This template encapsulates the spirit of collaborative learning and the shared journey of discovery.

The bright and colorful design creates an atmosphere of enthusiasm and engagement, making it an ideal choice for presentations on various school-related topics such as lessons, homework, and school teaching.

As you navigate through the “School Bag” template, remember that education is not just about acquiring facts; it’s about fostering a love for learning and fostering critical thinking.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the vibrancy of school life and the dynamic interaction between students and teachers. Celebrate the transformative power of education in shaping young minds and fostering a lifelong passion for learning. Let every slide be a testament to the joy of exploring new ideas and the magic of the educational journey.

Welcome to the Primary Schooling template , a delightful choice for presentations that revolve around the world of primary education. This PowerPoint and Google Slides template is thoughtfully designed to capture the essence of early learning, primary school teaching, and the exciting journey of young students.

presentation on our school

Imagine a classroom filled with bright-eyed children, eager to explore the world of knowledge. Their journey begins in primary school, where educators play a pivotal role in nurturing their budding intellect and creativity. This template reflects the energy and enthusiasm that defines primary education.

With a colorful and inviting design, this template sets the perfect backdrop for presentations on primary school, primary pupils, and the essential role that early education plays in shaping young minds.

As you navigate through the “Primary Schooling” template, remember that primary education is the foundation upon which a lifetime of learning is built. Each slide represents an opportunity to celebrate the wonder and excitement of those formative years.

Download this template now to infuse your presentations with the vibrancy of primary education and the boundless potential of young learners. Let every slide be a testament to the joy of discovery and the vital role that educators play in laying the foundation for future success.

Welcome to the Classroom Education template , a powerful tool for creating presentations that bring the world of education to life. This versatile PowerPoint and Google Slides template captures the essence of classroom learning, making it perfect for a wide range of educational topics.

presentation on our school

Imagine stepping into a vibrant classroom, where the teacher stands at the blackboard, and eager young students sit at their desks, their hands raised in anticipation of learning something new. This template beautifully depicts this scene, making it ideal for presentations on school education, elementary school, primary school, mathematics, and arithmetic.

The classroom is a dynamic space where knowledge is shared, questions are asked, and young minds are molded. With its beige and green color scheme, this template evokes a sense of warmth and engagement, reflecting the interactive nature of education.

As you explore the “Classroom Education” template, consider the essential role that educators play in shaping the future. Each slide is a canvas for conveying the excitement of learning and the collaborative spirit of the classroom.

Download this template now to create presentations that inspire and inform. Let it be a testament to the power of education and the boundless potential of young learners. Whether you’re an educator, student, or anyone passionate about education, this template is your tool for making a lasting impact.

Welcome to the School Themed template , a dynamic and creative presentation tool designed to capture the essence of education and innovation. This black and yellow-themed PowerPoint and Google Slides template is the ideal choice for presentations on a wide range of school and education-related topics.

presentation on our school

Imagine a world where knowledge flows freely, where ideas take shape, and where innovation thrives. This template embodies the spirit of inspiration and creativity, making it perfect for presentations on brainstorming, creativity, leadership development, and much more.

The striking black and yellow color scheme exudes energy and vitality, symbolizing the dynamic nature of the educational journey. Whether you’re an educator, a student, or a professional looking to inspire creativity and innovative thinking, this template has you covered.

As you navigate through the slides, you’ll find a wealth of possibilities for conveying your message with impact. From laptops and pencils to rulers and glasses, each element in the design is a symbol of knowledge, imagination, and the pursuit of new ideas.

In the world of education, the ability to inspire and innovate is essential. Let the “School Themed” template be your canvas for sharing your vision and igniting the spark of creativity in others. Download it now to embark on a journey of inspiration and innovation in your presentations.

Welcome to the School Activity template , a bright and engaging presentation tool designed to showcase the active and participatory nature of educational environments. With its light yellow color scheme and dynamic imagery, this template is the ideal choice for a wide range of educational presentations.

presentation on our school

Imagine a classroom filled with eager pupils, each raising their hands to answer questions and actively participate in the learning process. This template captures that essence, making it perfect for presentations on school education, teaching techniques, school results, and various educational activities.

The use of light yellow as the primary color conveys a sense of positivity, optimism, and energy. It symbolizes the bright and hopeful future that education offers to students of all backgrounds and abilities.

As you explore the slides, you’ll find dynamic visuals of students from diverse backgrounds, working together and actively engaging in the learning process. The imagery highlights the importance of inclusivity and diversity in educational settings.

Education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about fostering a sense of community and encouraging active participation. Whether you’re an educator, a student, or anyone passionate about the field of education, this template provides you with a powerful platform to convey your message.

Let the “School Activity” template be your guide as you inspire and engage your audience in the world of education. Download it now and embark on a journey of interactive and impactful presentations.

Welcome to the School Bus template , a vibrant and cheerful presentation theme that captures the essence of school excursions, conducted tours, and outings. This template is an excellent choice for presentations related to school events, educational field trips, transportation, and more.

presentation on our school

The centerpiece of this template is the iconic yellow school bus, a symbol of adventure and learning for students of all ages. The bus is filled with diverse and happy children, reflecting the inclusivity and diversity of school communities. Their cheerful expressions and anticipation of the trip create a positive and energetic atmosphere.

The blue sky and white clouds in the background evoke a sense of freedom and open possibilities, mirroring the excitement that comes with a school excursion. The template’s color scheme of blue, yellow, and white is visually appealing and aligns with the classic school bus colors.

Whether you’re planning to present information about upcoming school trips, share the highlights of past excursions, or discuss the importance of educational outings, this template provides a vibrant and engaging backdrop for your content.

With its playful yet professional design, the “School Bus” template will help you captivate your audience and make your school-related presentations more memorable and enjoyable. Download it now to embark on a journey of informative and visually appealing slides.

Welcome to the School Desk in a Classroom template , a clean and minimalist presentation theme that focuses on the essentials of school and education. This template is an excellent choice for a wide range of presentations related to school, study, academic pursuits, and more.

presentation on our school

The template’s design features a simple yet impactful image of a school desk and a textbook against a plain white background. This imagery symbolizes the core elements of learning and represents the foundation of education. The blue color accents add a touch of vibrancy and sophistication to the overall look.

Whether you’re giving a lecture on study techniques, presenting classroom rules and expectations, or discussing the significance of education, this template provides a professional and uncluttered canvas for your content.

The straightforward layout and design allow your message to take center stage, ensuring that your audience focuses on the educational insights and information you’re sharing.

With its minimalist and versatile design, the “School Desk in a Classroom” template is a reliable choice for educators, students, and anyone involved in the field of education. Download it now to create presentations that convey the essence of learning and academic excellence.

Welcome to the Education Report with Data-Driven Charts Concept template , a magnificent and individualized presentation theme that adds a touch of elegance to educational presentations. This template is the perfect choice for a wide range of educational applications, including school projects, academic reports, and curriculum-related presentations.

presentation on our school

The template’s design incorporates a unique style that includes subject names and various elements representing different fields of knowledge. These elements create a visually appealing and sophisticated look, making this template suitable for a variety of educational settings.

You’ll find subject names like arts, biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics, and physics, all presented in a clean and concise manner. Additionally, there are data-driven charts, including area charts and stacked bar charts, that allow you to showcase educational data and results effectively.

The DNA sign in the template’s design adds a touch of scientific and research-oriented aesthetics, making it an ideal choice for presentations related to genetics, biology, or any data-driven educational report.

With its elegant and versatile design, the “Education Report with Data-Driven Charts Concept” template is a valuable resource for educators, students, and professionals involved in various educational fields. Use it to create compelling and informative presentations that convey the importance of knowledge and academic excellence.

Welcome to the School Students template , a fantastic choice for presentations related to high school learning and the educational journey of high school students. This template features a vibrant and engaging design that perfectly encapsulates the essence of high school life.

presentation on our school

The template incorporates a variety of elements that symbolize the high school experience. You’ll find images of cheerful high school students, a school bus, and a scenic backdrop with blue skies and green grass. These elements come together to create a visually appealing and dynamic presentation theme.

Whether you’re discussing the joys of high school life, the importance of education, or the various activities that high school students engage in, this template provides an excellent backdrop for your content.

The use of vibrant colors, including blue and yellow, adds a sense of positivity and energy to your presentation. It captures the enthusiasm and optimism that often accompany the high school years.

With this template, you have the perfect canvas to create presentations that inspire and inform your audience about the world of high school education. Share your insights, experiences, and knowledge with others, and make your high school-related presentations engaging and memorable.

Welcome to the Education Concept Icons collection , a versatile set of visual elements designed to enhance your presentations on various educational topics. This collection includes a range of icons and symbols that can be seamlessly integrated into PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations.

presentation on our school

These icons cover a wide spectrum of educational themes, making them suitable for presentations on studying, school and college projects, learning, higher education, secondary school, teaching, and more. The use of blue and green colors in the icons adds a sense of freshness and vitality to your slides, aligning with the educational context.

Each icon has been thoughtfully crafted to represent key concepts and ideas related to education, making it easier for you to communicate your message effectively. Whether you’re discussing the stages of education, the connection between students and teachers, the process of learning, or any other educational aspect, these icons can be valuable visual aid.

Icons are an excellent way to break down complex ideas into easily digestible visuals, enhancing the overall clarity of your presentations. They can be resized, recolored, and positioned as needed to complement your content and create a cohesive visual narrative.

By using this collection of educational icons, you’ll be able to create engaging and informative presentations that captivate your audience and help them better understand the educational concepts you’re discussing. These icons are a valuable addition to your toolkit for educational presentations.

Welcome to the Secondary Schoolboy presentation template , an excellent choice for creating engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations related to education, the new school year, high school, classes, homework, and all things secondary school.

presentation on our school

The template’s design incorporates a grey and black color scheme, giving it a professional and modern look. It features a young African American schoolboy with a backpack, making it relatable to students and educators alike.

Whether you’re planning to discuss the excitement of a new school year, the importance of education, the challenges and rewards of high school, or any other educational topic, this template provides you with a visually appealing backdrop to convey your message effectively.

With slides dedicated to various aspects of education, such as lessons, school curriculum, and the love for school, you can structure your content seamlessly and keep your audience engaged. The template’s clean and straightforward design allows you to focus on the key points you want to convey.

As you create your presentation using this template, you’ll find it easy to customize the slides to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re an educator, student, or presenter, this template will help you deliver a compelling message about secondary school and the journey of learning.

Welcome to the Copybooks and Notebooks presentation template , an ideal choice for creating educational PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations. This template is perfect for discussions on topics like going back to school, education, learning, studying, primary school, secondary school, and more.

presentation on our school

The template’s design features a clean and minimalist look with a color palette of blue, brown, and white. It prominently showcases a stack of open notebooks, symbolizing the journey of learning and education. The notebook pages are blank, offering a versatile backdrop for your content.

With dedicated slides for text and visuals, you can effectively communicate your message and engage your audience. Whether you’re a teacher, student, or presenter, this template provides you with the tools to deliver your educational content with clarity and impact.

You can easily customize the slides to tailor them to your specific presentation needs. Add your text, images, and data to convey your ideas effectively. Whether you’re discussing the importance of notebooks in the learning process or sharing insights about education, this template provides a professional and organized framework for your content.

Use this template to create a compelling and visually appealing presentation that captures the essence of education, learning, and knowledge. Whether you’re preparing for the start of a new school year or addressing educational topics, this template has you covered.

Welcome to the Computer Auditorium presentation template , an excellent choice for creating dynamic PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations. This template is ideal for discussing various topics related to online education, testing, classes, learning, school and university, hardware, and equipment.

presentation on our school

The template features a vibrant and engaging design, with a classroom setting that includes cheerful students working on computers. It’s a perfect representation of modern education and the use of technology in learning environments. Whether you’re an educator, student, or professional, this template allows you to effectively convey your message.

The slides are professionally crafted and organized, making it easy for you to structure your content. You can add your text, images, and data to communicate your ideas clearly. Whether you’re discussing the benefits of online education, the importance of technology in classrooms, or the collaborative aspects of learning, this template provides a visually appealing backdrop for your content.

The color palette, which includes brown and white, creates a clean and modern look that’s suitable for various educational topics. The template also accommodates different content types, from text-heavy slides to visuals and data-driven charts.

Use this template to create presentations that captivate your audience and highlight the importance of technology in education. Whether you’re conducting a workshop, giving a lecture, or sharing research findings, this template will help you deliver a compelling and informative presentation.

Don’t assume that these 50 ideas about school education are all we have to offer. PoweredTemplate’s library contains hundreds of free and premium presentation templates covering the topic of secondary education.

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Join us at PoweredTemplate to unlock a world of educational resources and enhance your presentations on secondary education!

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[Updated 2023] Top 40 School PowerPoint Templates For Teachers And Students

[Updated 2023] Top 40 School PowerPoint Templates For Teachers And Students

What’s the perfect definition of school? Isn’t it the place from where we gather new ways of learning? Well, there are so many things that strike in our heads. A few of them being entertaining lessons and fun activities. In this fast-paced world, I observed that some of the teachers fail to organize the lessons due to their complexity. Of course, it is not easy to teach every chapter word-to-word and at times, students find it boring too. 

For this, you need to make a full-blown presentation that holds the interest of everyone. So, if you are still in the dilemma of creating a visually appealing presentation. Don’t worry, we have come up with these Top 40 School PowerPoint Templates to ease your problem. Whether you are a student who wants to impress your classmates or a teacher looking for unique ways to educate, these PPT themes are going to assist you in every way possible. Discuss the importance of education in our society with the aid of these professionally designed templates. Capture the audience’s attention by creating a  presentation that is more informative and meaningful. 

Take advantage of these PowerPoint themes and cover each topic clearly that keeps the children focused. Explain the seriousness of literacy through your presentation that encourages parents to send their kids to school. Speed up the learning process by using these attractive PPT designs. 

40 School PowerPoint Templates To Download

Template 1: school event proposal ppt.

School event proposal powerpoint presentation slides

Download School Event Proposal PPT

Putting up an event requires careful preparation and timely execution of all activities. Create a proposal for your school event services with this PPT Template. This complete deck is a master strategy for expanding your specialized services in event planning. It comprises all of the event's critical features, such as specific coordinator roles, indoor and outdoor games, rewards, and sports equipment. With the use of this presentation, demonstrate your plan of action for creating goals, commencing the process, analyzing requirements, deciding on a theme, developing a timetable, and running the event. Use this download to personalize your proposal in minutes.

Template 2: Playschool Proposal Report Sample

Playschool Proposal Report Sample Example Document

Download Playschool Proposal Sample

Are you putting up a playschool proposal? Use this PPT Template to create an appealing proposal for playschools. This complete deck offers planned programs or exercises to boost student progress. This presentation provides the project backdrop and major objectives for childcare services, as well as illustrations of the many tasks conducted and the primary services given. This template highlights a variety of activities for newborns, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten students. This slide is ideal for displaying the investment strategy as well as the primary benefits to the customer for using the company's services. With this download, you will learn everything from launching your play school to developing a further strategy to create infrastructure and advertise it.

Template 3: School Building Window Cleaning Proposal

School college building window cleaning proposal powerpoint presentation slides

Use this PPT Template to create a well-defined proposal for your cleaning services. This complete deck is an excellent tool to demonstrate that your employees are highly qualified and capable of washing building windows. This presentation helps to showcase the safety regulations and intensive personnel training taken by the cleaning staff to guarantee public safety. Use this presentation to detail all the labor, supplies, tools, equipment, supervision, and other resources for your window cleaning business.

Template 4: Private School Annual Report Sample

Private school annual report samples pdf doc ppt document report template

Download Private School Annual Report Sample

Demonstrate your school's performance and accomplishment record with this PPT Template. It is a great resource to describe your private school's yearly report. This template is a thorough report that describes the important activities of private schools during the previous year and briefs potential shareholders on the activities and financial performance of private schools. The multi-pager template covers KPIs such as a financial overview of the school in relation to the annual budget, school performance, student accomplishment with average writing and reading scores, and so on. This download emphasizes the school's comprehensive approach to education. Get it now!

Template 5: School Counseling Annual Report Template

Sample school counseling annual report pdf doc ppt document report template

Use this PPT Template to deliver an annual report on the school counselling sessions. This complete deck will assist teachers and school counselors in efficiently recording and monitoring pupils' development. It includes therapy sessions to identify crises such as anxiety and suicide thoughts caused by a relationship or a profession. This report is an excellent tool for demonstrating the efforts taken by school officials to assess students' significant physical and mental difficulties through counselling sessions or treatments. With this download, you may keep track of developments and obstacles in coping with therapy concerns.

Template 6: School Time Blackboard PowerPoint 

School Time Blackboard

Download School Time Blackboard PPT

Educate your students about all the knowledgeable and important things with ease! This creatively designed school time blackboard PPT template is ideal for you to pen down every relevant detail of a particular lesson. Take the assistance of this above-mentioned theme and clear the overall concept with your students. 

Template 7: School Time Crayons PowerPoint

School Time Crayons

Download School Time Crayons PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This vibrant school time crayons PPT templates have been designed professionally keeping in mind your presentation requirements. With the aid of this bright-colored theme, you can impress your students that make the lecture even more interesting and informative. 

Template 8: Back To School Books PowerPoint Template 

Back To School Books

Download Back To School Books PPT

Train your students in a visually-appealing manner with the assistance of this vibrant PPT theme. Teachers can use this PowerPoint theme and introduce different subjects to their students. These creative visuals and high-grade icons present in the template will make your presentation eye-catchy.

Template 9: School Promotion Welcome PPT

School Promotion Welcome Board

Download School Promotion Welcome Board With Pencil Books Icons

Use this PowerPoint template and describe the importance of education amongst the audience in a creative way. The PPT theme includes ample space for you to write the desired text. The above-mentioned PowerPoint template will give your presentation a consistent look. 

Template 10: School House With Flag Icon PowerPoint Template 5:

School House With Flag

Download School House With Flag Icon

With the aid of this eye-catchy PowerPoint theme, you can focus on stationery and other school supplies. Create a powerful presentation to keep your students up to date about the different rules and regulations of the school. 

Template 11: Back To School Template 

Back To School PowerPoint Presentation

Download Back To School PowerPoint Presentation Slides 

In education, it is always nice to begin a new academic session full of new subjects! Introduce the new planner and study plan to the students by using this school PowerPoint theme. Take advantage of the high-grade icons to create a dynamic presentation on the go. 

Template 12: Back To School Activities Education 

Back To School Activities

Download 1013 Back To School Activities Education PowerPoint Templates PPT Themes And Graphics

Jot down every school-related activities easily to build an engaging relationship with the parents and their children! Add a modern touch to your presentation and make it unique with the help of these creatively designed school PPT templates.  

Template 13: Reading Books Education PowerPoint Template 

Reading Books Education

Download 3D Men Reading Books Education Future Ppt Graphics Icons

Add or remove the text as per your needs and create a fully customized presentation. Promote popular educational courses and interact with the audience by using the school books PowerPoint template. 

Template 14: School Building with Clock and Flag PowerPoint Template 

School Building With Clock And Flag

Download School Building With Clock And Flag Icon For Education

Provide an informative presentation to your fellow faculty to build an educational website for kids. I n this PowerPoint templates, there are various fonts, and colors that make your presentation look even more professional. 

Template 15: Creative Splash Pencil And Bulb PPT

Creative Splash Pencil And Bulb

Download Lessons Learned Creative Splash Pencil And Bulb With School Icons

Deliver a visually-rich lecture to your students using this eye-catchy school PPT theme. Create an abstract presentation and gauge the attention of the entire classroom. The above creative splash pencil and bulb PowerPoint template involve beautiful graphics and icons that give a modern touch to your presentation. 

Template 16: School Banner Project PowerPoint Template 

School Banner Project

Download School Banner Project Scissors Compass And Clock

With the help of this PPT template, teach your students about the importance of assignments and projects. Outline the project topics in an appropriate manner for a clear understanding of the subject matter presented.

Template 17: School Time PowerPoint Template 

School Time

Decorate your presentation with attractive graphics and pictures using the school blackboard PowerPoint theme. Create a knowledgeable and informative presentation and leave a positive impact on the viewers. 

Template 18: School Enrollment for Population PowerPoint Template 

School Enrollment For Population

Download School Enrollment For Population 15 To 17 Years Enrolled In School By Types Of Schools In US For Years 2015-17

Create a bright and interactive educational presentation with the aid of this school PowerPoint theme. Our PPT template can be used by the senior authorities to showcase the total number of students studying at their campus. 

Template 19: Back To School

Back To School

Vacations are over and students find it boring to go back to school. So, teachers, take advantage of this school PowerPoint template to create a fun-filled and entertaining presentation for your students. Introduce new concepts with ease and deliver an amazing presentation on colorful school books using our PPT theme. 

Template 20: School Colorful Pencils Education PowerPoint Template

School Colorful Pencils Education

Download PowerPoint Templates For School Colorful Pencils Education PPT Process

Provide knowledge to kindergarten students about different colors through your presentation. Take advantage of the school pencils PowerPoint template and beautifully depict the content as per your requirements. 

Template 21: School Promotion Our Strengths PPT

School Promotion Our Strengths

Download School Promotion Our Strengths With School Icon PPT

Highlight the strengths and achievements of your school in a presentable manner with the aid of the above school promotion PowerPoint theme. Incorporate our PPT template that is so engaging and interactive.

Template 22: Education Theme PowerPoint Template 

Education Theme

Download PowerPoint Templates Education Theme Connected To School PPT Layouts

Provide an impactful presentation on school planning, school resources, and school homework using this PowerPoint theme. The visuals and graphics present in the PPT template will make your presentation even more captivating. 

Template 23: School Banner Project With Triangle PowerPoint Template 

School Banner Project With Triangle

Download School Banner Project With Triangle

Create a useful educational presentation and keep your students focused with the aid of this school PowerPoint template. Take advantage of different fonts and vibrant colors to make your presentation more engaging. Tweak the content as per your requirements or needs. 

Template 24: School Blackboard PowerPoint Template 

School Time Blackboard

Put down all the necessary information you want to add in your presentation using our school blackboard PPT template. Boost the morale of your students by providing them useful knowledge through this presentation. Take the help of this fully editable PowerPoint theme to ease your work and creativity. 

Template 25: School Project PowerPoint Template 

School Project

Download School Banner Project Showing Students

Create a full-fledged list of projects and help students to understand them clearly. This PPT theme has been designed professionally for your convenience. It also has space to add your desired text. So, take advantage of this PPT template to make the students understand project concept with ease.

Template 26: Alphabet Specs Books School PowerPoint Template 

Alphabet Spects Books School

Download Alphabet Specs Books School PPT Icons Graphics

Deliver an eye-catchy presentation on various alphabets and guide the students of kindergarten regarding their significance. Write down the noticeable things that attract the students with the aid of this school alphabet PowerPoint template. 

Template 27: School Time Blackboard PowerPoint Template 

School Blackboard PPT

The above school PPT theme can be used by teachers or educators to provide better information about the increasing trend of education. Get your audience hooked to your presentation with the assistance of this visually-appealing PowerPoint template. 

Template 28: Our Strengths with School PowerPoint Template 

Our Strengths With School

Download School Promotion Our Strengths With School Icon

Cover all the important topics in your presentation using our school PowerPoint template. Talk about the success stories of your school in a creative manner with the aid of this PPT theme. Make an amazing presentation and strike a chord with the spectators.

Template 29: School Bus For School Kids PowerPoint Template 

School Bus For School Kids

Download 0514 School Bus For School Kids Image Graphics for PowerPoint

Deliver an interactive presentation on the amenities provided by the school and gauge the attention of the viewers. Edit the information as per your needs with the aid of this school bus PowerPoint template. 

Template 30: School House With Bell PowerPoint Template

School House With Bell

Download School House With Bell Icon

Give a proper understanding of the timings of your school to the parents and students with the help of our school PPT theme. Create a visually-attractive presentation and get more students enrolled. 

Template 31: School House With Student PowerPoint Template 

School House With Student

Create a modern yet professional presentation for your educational projects using this school PowerPoint theme. The PPT templates are fully customizable, so, you can modify the content as per your needs. 

Template 32: School House Building With Bus PowerPoint Template

School House Building With Bus

Download School House Building With Bus Circular Icon

Create a presentation that is interesting and informative using our school PowerPoint theme. Take advantage of this PPT template and express the importance of education in an efficient manner. 

Template 33: School Promotion Events PowerPoint Template 

School Promotion Events

Download School Promotion Extra Co Curricular Activities Events

During the time of fest, you can list out the events that are going to happen in school. Take the assistance of our school activities PowerPoint template and deliver a presentation on the upcoming programs. You can use high-grade icons to make your presentation even more attractive.

Template 34: School Facilities PowerPoint Template 

School Facilities

Download School Promotion Our Facilities Library Auditorium

With the aid of this school PPT template, you can talk about the facilities provided by the campus. Deliver an engaging presentation and give an overview of the total number of laboratories present in the school. 

Template 35: School Promotion Special Events PowerPoint Template 

School Promotion Special Events

Download School Promotion Special Events Olympiads Industry Visits

Mention the sport tours and other campaigns in this presentation and capture the students attention. Provide proper guidance to your students with the aid of this school PPT templates. Make your presentation unique and creative by using our PowerPoint theme. 

Template 36: School Banner Pencil Notepad PowerPoint Template 

School Banner Pencil Notepad

Download School Banner Project Showing Pencil Notepad Clock

Take advantage of our school banner PowerPoint template and make your presentation stand out in every manner. Add colors and high-grade icons to your presentation and make it more creative. Create the presentation in your own way that entertain your students as well. 

Template 37: School Banner Project with Playing Students PPT

School Banner Project With Playing Students

Download School Banner Project With Playing Students

Engage your target audience with the assistance of this school banner PPT template. Use different fonts, colors, and styles to make your presentation even more alluring and creative. You can also modify the content as per your requirements. 

Template 38: School Bag PowerPoint Template 

School Bag

Download School Bag Red And Yellow For Education

Make an abstract presentation on education and gather the attention of your spectators. Jot down every minute detail about the significance of studies in a presentable way. Give your presentation a unique look by using the school PPT theme. 

Template 39: School Crayons PowerPoint Template 

School Crayons

Download School Time Crayons PowerPoint Presentation Slides DB

Introduce the name of various colors to kindergarten students in a creative way using this school crayons PowerPoint template. Make your presentation colorful and grab the attention of students. 

Template 40: Back To School Books Template 

School Books

Deliver a visually appealing presentation with the help of our school PPT template. Make an informative presentation and entertain your students by using the PowerPoint theme. 

These School PowerPoint templates are creatively designed for your convenience. They are suitable for delivering presentations on several topics and are used by teachers, students, and educators as well. The PPT themes are reliable and easy to use. So, go ahead and download them!

P.S Browse our guide to the practise of homeschooling  to gain a sense of the freedom and space for experimentation.


1. what is the full meaning of the word school.

The term school is derived from the Greek and Roman words 'skholé' and 'scol', which imply leisure (free time) or lecture, respectively (discussion). A school is a location where kids receive education via various activities. School education, often known as formal education, is obligatory for students in the majority of nations across the world. The school system or administration is divided into three levels of the student or standards of the student in the school -

Primary or Elementary School

Secondary or Middle School

Senior Secondary School or High School

2. What is the importance of school?

  • It promotes social skills and critical thinking as the child learns to interact with diverse individuals in society. Children learn to make friends, listen to teachers, and solve difficulties.
  • It builds confidence in young people as they learn to read, write, and solve issues.
  • It introduces young people to their future aspirations.
  • It provides students with a range of options in the form of sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities, culminating in the development of their total personality.
  • It builds community learning and life skills.

3. What are the five functions of a school?

  • Culture conservation and promotion are accomplished through teaching pupils about the society's valuable culture, traditions, and values.
  • Individual development on all levels, through a variety of programs and activities that seek for and nurture the child's latent talents.
  • Development of social responsibility and empathy for others.
  • Children are given citizenship training to help them become responsible citizens.
  • Offers training in many occupations to foster the ideals of work dignity and labor. It educates youngsters to tackle any obstacle in the future in order to meet their basic needs.

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Top 40 Education PowerPoint Templates for School Teachers

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Book Review Scrapbook. Presentation template and worksheet.

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Showcase historical figures and highlight key moments in Black history with this free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme February is Black History Month, a time to honor the achievements and contributions of Black individuals throughout history. This year, elevate your presentations with this stunning PowerPoint template and Google Slides […]

Celebrate Black History Month with this free PPT & Google Slides theme.

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Valentine’s Day Gnomes: A Free Template for Google Slides and PowerPoint. As Valentine’s Day draws near, it’s time to start planning your classroom activities. This cute and free template is perfect for celebrating the holiday with your students. It features adorable Valentine’s Day gnomes, hearts, balloons, and messages to spread […]

Valentine’s Day Gnomes, spread love with this cute free template.

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Transport Your Audience Back to the 90s with This Groovy Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Relive the nostalgia of the 1990s with this free and creative PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. This vibrant design is packed with fun icons, geometric shapes, and bright colors that will transport your audience back to […]

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Will you be my Valentine? Create a memorable presentation of the precious moments with your best friends and loved ones with this free Polaroid-themed Valentine’s template for PowerPoint and Google Slides.  This template is ideal for expressing your love, admiration, and appreciation for your special someone. Key Features: Variety of Formats: Diverse Usage: Easy to Use: DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN […]

Polaroid Valentine’s version free template for PowerPoint and Google Slides.

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Education presentation templates by Genially

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Genially templates are perfect for visual learners. Colorful animations bring topics to life on the screen and prevent students nodding off at the back of the class. To illustrate your materials, choose from hundreds of drag-and-drop icons, diagrams, interactive maps and graphics in the intuitive editor.

You don’t need any artistic skills to use Genially. Our school presentation templates are ready-made with fun and popular themes like outer space, animals, science, and history. 

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Don’t worry if you’re no design whizz: everything’s set up for you. Just drop your course material straight into the free template and you’ve got ready-made class slides in minutes. 

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Present your genially live at the front of the class or share your screen if you’re teaching online. If your students work on laptops or tablets, simply share the link so they can access the slides individually. You can also add the presentation to your learning platform, or post in channels like Microsoft Teams, or Google Classroom.  

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Both formats have their advantages! PowerPoint is a classic choice with powerful editing features, while Google Slides offers real-time collaboration and cloud storage.

How can I make my presentation stand out?

Use high-quality images and infographics, keep your text concise and visually appealing, and don't be afraid to add a touch of personality. Check out our tips and tricks pages and YouTube tutorial videos for more ideas!

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Coronado fire science academy, lunch & learn events, susd students - 10/02/2024, out-of-district students.

This CTE program prepares students for emergency services careers.

Enroll and earn industry certifications in: HazMat, Wildland Firefighting, EMT, Firefighter I & II.

10th & 11th Grade Students

JOIN US: October 2, 2024 11:45 am – 12:35 pm  Coronado HS Lecture Hall

Click Here for More Information

Information Coming Soon

Coronado Fire Science Logo

Coronado High School is excited to announce the launch of the Fire Science Academy on its campus, beginning in the 2025-2026 school year.

This innovative program is a collaborative effort between the Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD), the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT), the Scottsdale Fire Department, and the Scottsdale Charros, and is designed to provide students with hands-on experience and training in fire science and emergency medical services.

This EVIT Fire Science Academy will be housed at Coronado High School and will be open to students across SUSD, as well as those from surrounding areas. Students enrolled in the program will have the unique opportunity to earn industry certifications in areas such as HazMat, Wildland Firefighting, EMT, and Firefighter I and II.

The program is tailored for juniors and seniors, offering a morning block of intensive, hands-on learning experiences that prepare students to be competitive candidates for fire departments and emergency services careers.

Coronado Fire Science Student in front of Firetruck

“This partnership with EVIT, Scottsdale Fire, and the Charros is a testament to our commitment to provide exceptional educational opportunities for our students and prepare them post-secondary success,” said Melinda Splitek, Coronado High School Principal. “The Fire Science Academy not only equips students with valuable skills and certifications but also connects them with mentors and professionals in the field, setting them on a path to success.”

The Fire Science Academy’s curriculum combines traditional classroom instruction with practical training, including running hoses, placing ladders, and other critical firefighting skills. As part of this unique program, students will have direct access to mentorship from Scottsdale Fire Department personnel, who will guide them through the rigorous demands of the profession and help them build a network of industry contacts.

Fire Science Presentation

Scottsdale Fire Department

East Valley Institute of Technology

Scottsdale Charros

igor tomashov higher school of economics moscow moscow istanbul 2011

Igor Tomashov Higher School of Economics, Moscow Moscow – Istanbul, 2011

Nov 20, 2014

90 likes | 307 Views

Central and East European International Studies Association The 8 th Convention 15-17 June 2011, Kadir Has University, Istanbul Russia and China: ‘Post-Westphalian’ Foreign Policy Choices in a Comparative Perspective. Igor Tomashov Higher School of Economics, Moscow Moscow – Istanbul, 2011.

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  • post liberal world
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Presentation Transcript

Central and East European International Studies AssociationThe 8th Convention15-17 June 2011, Kadir Has University, IstanbulRussia and China: ‘Post-Westphalian’ Foreign Policy Choices in a Comparative Perspective Igor Tomashov Higher School of Economics, Moscow Moscow – Istanbul, 2011

The Post-Liberal World • 2000s: The crisis of liberalism and global governance • Russia and China: Authoritarian capitalism as a rival to liberal democracy • Not Westphalian, yet not Post-Westphalian international environment • How Russia and China shape the world and how they are shaped by the world?

Methodology • Approach to the present-day international order: Status-Quo or Revisionism? • Methods of decision-making: Ideology or Pragmatism? • Use of instruments of power: ‘Soft Power’ or ‘Hard Power’? • Understanding of international relations: Sovereignty or Interdependence?

Status-Quo or Revisionism? • Russia • 2003-2004: Turning point in international strategy • Nostalgic and defensive revisionism • China • Tend to adopt more and more assertive stance, but not radically change the world order • No reason to be a revisionist power, as status-quo is in many ways advantageous for it

Ideology or Pragmatism? • Russia • Pragmatic foreign policy after the end of the Cold war • From ‘damage limitation’ to ‘down-to-earth macho position’ (Arbatov) • Pragmatism as ideology • China • Deng Xiaoping’s seminal pragmatism • ‘Pragmatism first’, but also remain adherent to communist ideology at the official level

‘Soft Power’ or ‘Hard Power’? • Russia • Deep ‘hard power’ tradition • Russian-Georgian War of 2008 and other demonstrative actions • No balanced approach to ‘hard power’ and ‘soft power’ • ‘Sovereign democracy’ is a home-grown concept, and has little export potential • China • Invests both in ‘hard power’ and ‘soft power’

Sovereignty or Interdependence? • Russia • Benefits from interdependence and strengthens its sovereignty • Favors multi-polarity – interdependence of sovereign actors • Ideological approach to sovereignty • China • Stalls between the need to respect sovereignty and embededness into an interdependent world • Pragmatic approach to sovereignty


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9 northeast florida students arrested, accused of making school threats since start of school year.

Travis Gibson , Digital reporter/editor

Khalil Maycock , Reporter , Jacksonville

Ariel Schiller , Reporter , Jacksonville

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A total of nine Northeast Florida students have been arrested since the start of the school year and accused of making threats against a school.

RELATED: Mother’s warning to Georgia school raises questions about moments before shooting

Law enforcement agencies in three counties announced arrests on Wednesday, including Duval County, Baker County and Columbia County.

Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters and Duval County Public Schools Superintendent Christopher Bernier held a news conference Wednesday afternoon and said that six students have been arrested recently and accused of making threats. The youngest arrested was 11 years old. Three of the arrests made included students at Duval County charter schools and two were students at public schools.

According to JSO, the 11-year-old student wrote: “Hello fellow citizens…Don’t worry, just don’t come to school tomorrow…Unless you want 15 pounds of lead added to you at an extremely fast rate.”

JSO Arrests Three Juveniles for Making School Threats Your Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO), in partnership with Duval County Public Schools and the State Attorney’s Office, has arrested three juveniles - ages 11, 12, and 13 - for making threats of school-based violence.… pic.twitter.com/8t10WK8XdR — Jax Sheriff's Office (@JSOPIO) September 11, 2024

“Do not under any circumstance, in any school charter school, online make a threat to shoot up our school. We’re not going to sit back and allow you to make that threat,” Waters said at the conference.

Two students in Columbia County, 14 and 17, were also arrested for similar charges, officials announced.

“I can promise you this, as long as I’m sheriff here and this kind of stuff is going on, we’re going to hunt and we’re going to find and we’re going to hold these people accountable,” Sheriff Mark Hunter of Columbia County said.

April Stanavich has children who attend schools in Columbia County.

“It’s just kind of scary because we live in a time and era where you kiss your kids goodbye and you just gotta pray they come back home,” Stanavich said.

Columbia County Sheriff Mark Hunter made a promise to his community about the concerning threats.

Watch the full conference with Sheriff Waters and the DCPS superintendent below:

“As long as I’m sheriff here and this kind of stuff is going on, we’re going to hunt and we’re going to find and we’re going to hold these people accountable,” Hunter said.

Detectives with the Baker County Sheriff’s Office arrested a 16-year-old high school student Wednesday for sending a message through a social media platform stating that there would be a shooting at several of the county’s schools.

Over the past week, numerous law enforcement agencies in the region have been investigating similar incidents involving written threats to conduct shootings at schools.

MORE: ‘We feared this might be a copycat’: Teen arrested in threat of Polk County high school day after shooting in Georgia

The threats come in the wake of a deadly school shooting in Georgia .

Waters, Hunter and Bernier urged parents’ participation to help prevent further events like this from happening.

“Parents, we need you to have a difficult conversation with your children. There are certain things you should never say in an airport and similarly you should never state a threat to harm a school student or person in our community. If that happens, this community will use every tool it has to address it,” Bernier said.

“There’s absolutely ways to monitor your children on social media and they need to be,” Stanavich said.

While the conversation might be uncomfortable, clinical and forensic psychologist Justin D’Arienzo said it’s important for parents to discuss school shootings with their kids when they happen.

“This is not to scare the child, but also to remind them and check in with the child to see if they’re a threat at all, but also to discuss the nature of make about joking about this, taking things that we need to take things seriously and never to make any kind of threat, because whether somebody means it or not, I mean, the school is going to take it very seriously,” D’Arienzo said.

News4JAX Crime and Safety Analyst explained why there’s an increase in so many school threats.

“I feel like you see them from the kids that do this because it interrupts their day. You know, it’s kind of a win-win for them. If they have a test scheduled, they’re getting out of class in many cases it disrupts the school day,” Hackney said. “So, for them they don’t want to be there necessarily, to learn that’s a win, that’s a that’s a W in their books, except for the fact that comes with the F later, the felony charge, and you know that short-lived win that they may consider that’s going to carry with them for a very long time.”

Copyright 2024 by WJXT News4JAX - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Travis gibson.

Digital reporter who has lived in Jacksonville for over 25 years and focuses on important local issues like education and the environment.

Khalil Maycock

Khalil Maycock joined the News4JAX team in November 2022 after reporting in Des Moines, IA.

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14 sets of twins and one set of triplets graduate from the same high school class

presentation on our school

The  graduating class  at this Florida high school will make you do a double — and triple — take.

Fourteen sets of  twins  and one set of triplets gradua t ed June 5 from Cooper City High School in Cooper City, Florida, about 40 minutes outside of Miami.

The group comprised about 6% of the 543 graduates.

“It was very special as they would come across the stage; I would shake their hand and give one a diploma, and then the second one would come over to do the same thing,” Vera Perkovic, the school’s principal, tells TODAY.com.

“It kind of just symbolized they’re their own person, but also, they have been together all these years as twins,” she adds.

Cooper City High School Principal Vera Perkovic referenced the twins and triplets in the class during her speech at graduation.Courtesy Broward County Public Schools

Among the graduates are two sets of identical twins and 12 sets of fraternal twins,  NBC 6, our South Florida station, reported .

Twins Jocelyn and Gabrielle Reed.

Gabrielle and Jocelyn Reed are one such set of identical twins.

“It was a great moment. It was also just bizarre because you raise twins, and everything is two at once,” Gabrielle and Jocelyn’s father, Aaron Reed, tells TODAY.com. “So, on some levels, it was twice as exciting, but it was also twice as chaotic and overwhelming.”

The sisters have attended school together since pre-K. Come August, they will go their separate ways for college.

Gabrielle is headed to Cornell University, while Jocelyn will attend Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Twins Jocelyn and Gabrielle Reed.

“I’m just really excited to go somewhere separate and be on my own,” Gabrielle says. “Everywhere I go, I’m lumped together with her and not really seen as my own person, so I’m really excited to be able to have my own experiences.”

As the editor of Cooper City High School’s yearbook, Jocelyn was always aware of the number of twins in her class, but it wasn’t until the group was in a room together that she realized just how special it is to have that many multiples.

“When you’re a twin, people treat you as a spectacle,” Jocelyn said. “So, it was crazy to see that it’s so common and that there are so many people that are also twins.”

Cooper City High School’s class of 2024 graduated June 5 at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Vera Perkovic / Courtesy Broward County Public Schools

Broward County Public Schools believes the graduates have set a county record as most sets of twins to simultaneously graduate from one school.

Some of the students even created a slogan to commemorate their unique graduating class: “Twice as nice and triple the fun.”

Amanda is an editorial intern at TODAY.com and was born and raised in Miami, Florida.

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HS Electives: Environmental Science Subject for High School - 9th Grade: The Scientific Method presentation template

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Hs electives: environmental science subject for high school - 9th grade: the scientific method.

Are you a high school teacher looking for different resources for your classes? This template is perfect for you if you need to explain the scientific method to your students. It has a modern style, with cream background and gradients in red, yellow and green. We have divided it into...

Economics Subject for High School Electives: Economic Development & Quality of Life presentation template

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Economics Subject for High School Electives: Economic Development & Quality of Life

As a teacher of electives, you know the importance of adding an element of fun to your classes to promote learning. We have designed the perfect template to make your class on economic development and quality of life for high school students very productive and fun. Discover this presentation designed...

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HS Electives: Sociology Subject for High School - 9th Grade: Art History presentation template

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HS Electives: Sociology Subject for High School - 9th Grade: Concepts in Probability and Statistics Infographics presentation template

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HS Electives: Sociology Subject for High School - 9th Grade: Culture & Social Control presentation template

HS Electives: Sociology Subject for High School - 9th Grade: Culture & Social Control

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HS Electives: Sociology Subject for High School presentation template

HS Electives: Sociology Subject for High School

It’s the time in the student’s school career to choose electives. Many of these electives will determine the studies they will do when they finish high school. It's a very important choice, so do you want to help them with this decision? Here's a super fun template to present your...

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Phonics Subject for High School - 9th Grade: French presentation template

Phonics Subject for High School - 9th Grade: French

Languages are more than knowledge, they are keys to doors that lead us to unforgettable experiences! We know that you want your students to live each and every one of these experiences, that's why we have designed this template for your French subject! Its elegant font, its vibrant colors, its...

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D.E.I. in College, Attacked and Defended

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A photo of a chalkboard and a stool.

To the Editor:

Re “ D.E.I. Is Not Working in Colleges. We Need a New Approach ,” by Paul Brest and Emily J. Levine (Opinion guest essay, Sept. 5):

Mr. Brest and Dr. Levine underscore the importance of inclusion for all students’ academic success. I agree: For students to succeed, they must have access to a rigorous learning environment in which they also feel they matter.

But I disagree with the professors on the history and roles of diversity offices that are responsible for fostering such a sense of belonging. Diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in higher education are mission-driven, evidence-backed, research-informed and tailored to meet the particular needs of each campus.

These practices seek to bring people together and collaboratively eliminate barriers to success, and they have evolved with legislative and judicial efforts to address decades of discrimination against protected categories under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Given the complexities of differing institutional types, historical legacies and current contexts, the solution includes acknowledging that we live in a pluralist society, that we can value differences as a community of learners, and that doing so is not contrary to academic freedom and critical thinking.

There is work ahead to ensure we can continue to meet the needs of our ever-evolving communities. There always will be work ahead; the pursuit of progress is, by definition, unending.

Paulette Granberry Russell Washington The writer is the president and C.E.O. of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education.

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