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Essay on Obesity

List of essays on obesity, essay on obesity – short essay (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on obesity (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on obesity – written in english (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on obesity – for school students (class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 standard) (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on obesity – for college students (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on obesity – with causes and treatment (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on obesity – for science students (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on obesity – long essay for medical students (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Obesity is a chronic health condition in which the body fat reaches abnormal level. Obesity occurs when we consume much more amount of food than our body really needs on a daily basis. In other words, when the intake of calories is greater than the calories we burn out, it gives rise to obesity.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard), college, science and medical students.


Obesity means being excessively fat. A person would be said to be obese if his or her body mass index is beyond 30. Such a person has a body fat rate that is disproportionate to his body mass.

Obesity and the Body Mass Index:

The body mass index is calculated considering the weight and height of a person. Thus, it is a scientific way of determining the appropriate weight of any person. When the body mass index of a person indicates that he or she is obese, it exposes the person to make health risk.

Stopping Obesity:

There are two major ways to get the body mass index of a person to a moderate rate. The first is to maintain a strict diet. The second is to engage in regular physical exercise. These two approaches are aimed at reducing the amount of fat in the body.


Obesity can lead to sudden death, heart attack, diabetes and may unwanted illnesses. Stop it by making healthy choices.

Obesity has become a big concern for the youth of today’s generation. Obesity is defined as a medical condition in which an individual gains excessive body fat. When the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person is over 30, he/ she is termed as obese.

Obesity can be a genetic problem or a disorder that is caused due to unhealthy lifestyle habits of a person. Physical inactivity and the environment in which an individual lives, are also the factors that leads to obesity. It is also seen that when some individuals are in stress or depression, they start cultivating unhealthy eating habits which eventually leads to obesity. Medications like steroids is yet another reason for obesity.

Obesity has several serious health issues associated with it. Some of the impacts of obesity are diabetes, increase of cholesterol level, high blood pressure, etc. Social impacts of obesity includes loss of confidence in an individual, lowering of self-esteem, etc.

The risks of obesity needs to be prevented. This can be done by adopting healthy eating habits, doing some physical exercise regularly, avoiding stress, etc. Individuals should work on weight reduction in order to avoid obesity.

Obesity is indeed a health concern and needs to be prioritized. The management of obesity revolves around healthy eating habits and physical activity. Obesity, if not controlled in its initial stage can cause many severe health issues. So it is wiser to exercise daily and maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than being the victim of obesity.

Obesity can be defined as the clinical condition where accumulation of excessive fat takes place in the adipose tissue leading to worsening of health condition. Usually, the fat is deposited around the trunk and also the waist of the body or even around the periphery.

Obesity is actually a disease that has been spreading far and wide. It is preventable and certain measures are to be taken to curb it to a greater extend. Both in the developing and developed countries, obesity has been growing far and wide affecting the young and the old equally.

The alarming increase in obesity has resulted in stimulated death rate and health issues among the people. There are several methods adopted to lose weight and they include different diet types, physical activity and certain changes in the current lifestyle. Many of the companies are into minting money with the concept of inviting people to fight obesity.

In patients associated with increased risk factor related to obesity, there are certain drug therapies and other procedures adopted to lose weight. There are certain cost effective ways introduced by several companies to enable clinic-based weight loss programs.

Obesity can lead to premature death and even cause Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Cardiovascular diseases have also become the part and parcel of obese people. It includes stroke, hypertension, gall bladder disease, coronary heart disease and even cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer and colon cancer. Other less severe arising due to obesity includes osteoarthritis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease and even infertility.

Hence, serious measures are to be taken to fight against this dreadful phenomenon that is spreading its wings far and wide. Giving proper education on benefits of staying fit and mindful eating is as important as curbing this issue. Utmost importance must be given to healthy eating habits right from the small age so that they follow the same until the end of their life.

Obesity is majorly a lifestyle disease attributed to the extra accumulation of fat in the body leading to negative health effects on a person. Ironically, although prevalent at a large scale in many countries, including India, it is one of the most neglect health problems. It is more often ignored even if told by the doctor that the person is obese. Only when people start acquiring other health issues such as heart disease, blood pressure or diabetes, they start taking the problem of obesity seriously.

Obesity Statistics in India:

As per a report, India happens to figure as the third country in the world with the most obese people. This should be a troubling fact for India. However, we are yet to see concrete measures being adopted by the people to remain fit.

Causes of Obesity:

Sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, junk food, medications and some diseases such as hypothyroidism are considered as the factors which lead to obesity. Even children seem to be glued to televisions, laptops and video games which have taken away the urge for physical activities from them. Adding to this, the consumption of junk food has further aggravated the growing problem of obesity in children.

In the case of adults, most of the professions of today make use of computers which again makes people sit for long hours in one place. Also, the hectic lifestyle of today makes it difficult for people to spare time for physical activities and people usually remain stressed most of the times. All this has contributed significantly to the rise of obesity in India.

Obesity and BMI:

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the measure which allows a person to calculate how to fit he or she is. In other words, the BMI tells you if you are obese or not. BMI is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kg with the square of his / her height in metres. The number thus obtained is called the BMI. A BMI of less than 25 is considered optimal. However, if a person has a BMI over 30 he/she is termed as obese.

What is a matter of concern is that with growing urbanisation there has been a rapid increase of obese people in India? It is of utmost importance to consider this health issue a serious threat to the future of our country as a healthy body is important for a healthy soul. We should all be mindful of what we eat and what effect it has on our body. It is our utmost duty to educate not just ourselves but others as well about this serious health hazard.

Obesity can be defined as a condition (medical) that is the accumulation of body fat to an extent that the excess fat begins to have a lot of negative effects on the health of the individual. Obesity is determined by examining the body mass index (BMI) of the person. The BMI is gotten by dividing the weight of the person in kilogram by the height of the person squared.

When the BMI of a person is more than 30, the person is classified as being obese, when the BMI falls between 25 and 30, the person is said to be overweight. In a few countries in East Asia, lower values for the BMI are used. Obesity has been proven to influence the likelihood and risk of many conditions and disease, most especially diabetes of type 2, cardiovascular diseases, sleeplessness that is obstructive, depression, osteoarthritis and some cancer types.

In most cases, obesity is caused through a combination of genetic susceptibility, a lack of or inadequate physical activity, excessive intake of food. Some cases of obesity are primarily caused by mental disorder, medications, endocrine disorders or genes. There is no medical data to support the fact that people suffering from obesity eat very little but gain a lot of weight because of slower metabolism. It has been discovered that an obese person usually expends much more energy than other people as a result of the required energy that is needed to maintain a body mass that is increased.

It is very possible to prevent obesity with a combination of personal choices and social changes. The major treatments are exercising and a change in diet. We can improve the quality of our diet by reducing our consumption of foods that are energy-dense like those that are high in sugars or fat and by trying to increase our dietary fibre intake.

We can also accompany the appropriate diet with the use of medications to help in reducing appetite and decreasing the absorption of fat. If medication, exercise and diet are not yielding any positive results, surgery or gastric balloon can also be carried out to decrease the volume of the stomach and also reduce the intestines’ length which leads to the feel of the person get full early or a reduction in the ability to get and absorb different nutrients from a food.

Obesity is the leading cause of ill-health and death all over the world that is preventable. The rate of obesity in children and adults has drastically increased. In 2015, a whopping 12 percent of adults which is about 600 million and about 100 million children all around the world were found to be obese.

It has also been discovered that women are more obese than men. A lot of government and private institutions and bodies have stated that obesity is top of the list of the most difficult and serious problems of public health that we have in the world today. In the world we live today, there is a lot of stigmatisation of obese people.

We all know how troubling the problem of obesity truly is. It is mainly a form of a medical condition wherein the body tends to accumulate excessive fat which in turn has negative repercussions on the health of an individual.

Given the current lifestyle and dietary style, it has become more common than ever. More and more people are being diagnosed with obesity. Such is its prevalence that it has been termed as an epidemic in the USA. Those who suffer from obesity are at a much higher risk of diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of obesity, it is important to learn what the key causes of obesity are. In a layman term, if your calorie consumption exceeds what you burn because of daily activities and exercises, it is likely to lead to obesity. It is caused over a prolonged period of time when your calorie intake keeps exceeding the calories burned.

Here are some of the key causes which are known to be the driving factors for obesity.

If your diet tends to be rich in fat and contains massive calorie intake, you are all set to suffer from obesity.

Sedentary Lifestyle:

With most people sticking to their desk jobs and living a sedentary lifestyle, the body tends to get obese easily.

Of course, the genetic framework has a lot to do with obesity. If your parents are obese, the chance of you being obese is quite high.

The weight which women gain during their pregnancy can be very hard to shed and this is often one of the top causes of obesity.

Sleep Cycle:

If you are not getting an adequate amount of sleep, it can have an impact on the hormones which might trigger hunger signals. Overall, these linked events tend to make you obese.

Hormonal Disorder:

There are several hormonal changes which are known to be direct causes of obesity. The imbalance of the thyroid stimulating hormone, for instance, is one of the key factors when it comes to obesity.

Now that we know the key causes, let us look at the possible ways by which you can handle it.

Treatment for Obesity:

As strange as it may sound, the treatment for obesity is really simple. All you need to do is follow the right diet and back it with an adequate amount of exercise. If you can succeed in doing so, it will give you the perfect head-start into your journey of getting in shape and bidding goodbye to obesity.

There are a lot of different kinds and styles of diet plans for obesity which are available. You can choose the one which you deem fit. We recommend not opting for crash dieting as it is known to have several repercussions and can make your body terribly weak.

The key here is to stick to a balanced diet which can help you retain the essential nutrients, minerals, and, vitamins and shed the unwanted fat and carbs.

Just like the diet, there are several workout plans for obesity which are available. It is upon you to find out which of the workout plan seems to be apt for you. Choose cardio exercises and dance routines like Zumba to shed the unwanted body weight. Yoga is yet another method to get rid of obesity.

So, follow a blend of these and you will be able to deal with the trouble of obesity in no time. We believe that following these tips will help you get rid of obesity and stay in shape.

Obesity and overweight is a top health concern in the world due to the impact it has on the lives of individuals. Obesity is defined as a condition in which an individual has excessive body fat and is measured using the body mass index (BMI) such that, when an individual’s BMI is above 30, he or she is termed obese. The BMI is calculated using body weight and height and it is different for all individuals.

Obesity has been determined as a risk factor for many diseases. It results from dietary habits, genetics, and lifestyle habits including physical inactivity. Obesity can be prevented so that individuals do not end up having serious complications and health problems. Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart diseases and relate to obesity in terms of causes and complications.

Factors Influencing Obesity:

Obesity is not only as a result of lifestyle habits as most people put it. There are other important factors that influence obesity. Genetics is one of those factors. A person could be born with genes that predispose them to obesity and they will also have difficulty in losing weight because it is an inborn factor.

The environment also influences obesity because the diet is similar in certain environs. In certain environments, like school, the food available is fast foods and the chances of getting healthy foods is very low, leading to obesity. Also, physical inactivity is an environmental factor for obesity because some places have no fields or tracks where people can jog or maybe the place is very unsafe and people rarely go out to exercise.

Mental health affects the eating habits of individuals. There is a habit of stress eating when a person is depressed and it could result in overweight or obesity if the person remains unhealthy for long period of time.

The overall health of individuals also matter. If a person is unwell and is prescribed with steroids, they may end up being obese. Steroidal medications enable weight gain as a side effect.

Complications of Obesity:

Obesity is a health concern because its complications are severe. Significant social and health problems are experienced by obese people. Socially, they will be bullied and their self-esteem will be low as they will perceive themselves as unworthy.

Chronic illnesses like diabetes results from obesity. Diabetes type 2 has been directly linked to obesity. This condition involves the increased blood sugars in the body and body cells are not responding to insulin as they should. The insulin in the body could also be inadequate due to decreased production. High blood sugar concentrations result in symptoms like frequent hunger, thirst and urination. The symptoms of complicated stages of diabetes type 2 include loss of vision, renal failure and heart failure and eventually death. The importance of having a normal BMI is the ability of the body to control blood sugars.

Another complication is the heightened blood pressures. Obesity has been defined as excessive body fat. The body fat accumulates in blood vessels making them narrow. Narrow blood vessels cause the blood pressures to rise. Increased blood pressure causes the heart to start failing in its physiological functions. Heart failure is the end result in this condition of increased blood pressures.

There is a significant increase in cholesterol in blood of people who are obese. High blood cholesterol levels causes the deposition of fats in various parts of the body and organs. Deposition of fats in the heart and blood vessels result in heart diseases. There are other conditions that result from hypercholesterolemia.

Other chronic illnesses like cancer can also arise from obesity because inflammation of body cells and tissues occurs in order to store fats in obese people. This could result in abnormal growths and alteration of cell morphology. The abnormal growths could be cancerous.

Management of Obesity:

For the people at risk of developing obesity, prevention methods can be implemented. Prevention included a healthy diet and physical activity. The diet and physical activity patterns should be regular and realizable to avoid strains that could result in complications.

Some risk factors for obesity are non-modifiable for example genetics. When a person in genetically predisposed, the lifestyle modifications may be have help.

For the individuals who are already obese, they can work on weight reduction through healthy diets and physical exercises.

In conclusion, obesity is indeed a major health concern because the health complications are very serious. Factors influencing obesity are both modifiable and non-modifiable. The management of obesity revolves around diet and physical activity and so it is important to remain fit.

In olden days, obesity used to affect only adults. However, in the present time, obesity has become a worldwide problem that hits the kids as well. Let’s find out the most prevalent causes of obesity.

Factors Causing Obesity:

Obesity can be due to genetic factors. If a person’s family has a history of obesity, chances are high that he/ she would also be affected by obesity, sooner or later in life.

The second reason is having a poor lifestyle. Now, there are a variety of factors that fall under the category of poor lifestyle. An excessive diet, i.e., eating more than you need is a definite way to attain the stage of obesity. Needless to say, the extra calories are changed into fat and cause obesity.

Junk foods, fried foods, refined foods with high fats and sugar are also responsible for causing obesity in both adults and kids. Lack of physical activity prevents the burning of extra calories, again, leading us all to the path of obesity.

But sometimes, there may also be some indirect causes of obesity. The secondary reasons could be related to our mental and psychological health. Depression, anxiety, stress, and emotional troubles are well-known factors of obesity.

Physical ailments such as hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, and diabetes often complicate the physical condition and play a massive role in abnormal weight gain.

Moreover, certain medications, such as steroids, antidepressants, and contraceptive pills, have been seen interfering with the metabolic activities of the body. As a result, the long-term use of such drugs can cause obesity. Adding to that, regular consumption of alcohol and smoking are also connected to the condition of obesity.

Harmful Effects of Obesity:

On the surface, obesity may look like a single problem. But, in reality, it is the mother of several major health issues. Obesity simply means excessive fat depositing into our body including the arteries. The drastic consequence of such high cholesterol levels shows up in the form of heart attacks and other life-threatening cardiac troubles.

The fat deposition also hampers the elasticity of the arteries. That means obesity can cause havoc in our body by altering the blood pressure to an abnormal range. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Obesity is known to create an endless list of problems.

In extreme cases, this disorder gives birth to acute diseases like diabetes and cancer. The weight gain due to obesity puts a lot of pressure on the bones of the body, especially of the legs. This, in turn, makes our bones weak and disturbs their smooth movement. A person suffering from obesity also has higher chances of developing infertility issues and sleep troubles.

Many obese people are seen to be struggling with breathing problems too. In the chronic form, the condition can grow into asthma. The psychological effects of obesity are another serious topic. You can say that obesity and depression form a loop. The more a person is obese, the worse is his/ her depression stage.

How to Control and Treat Obesity:

The simplest and most effective way, to begin with, is changing our diet. There are two factors to consider in the diet plan. First is what and what not to eat. Second is how much to eat.

If you really want to get rid of obesity, include more and more green vegetables in your diet. Spinach, beans, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc., have enough vitamins and minerals and quite low calories. Other healthier options are mushrooms, pumpkin, beetroots, and sweet potatoes, etc.

Opt for fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, and berries. Oranges, grapes, pomegranate, pineapple, cherries, strawberries, lime, and cranberries are good for the body. They have low sugar content and are also helpful in strengthening our immune system. Eating the whole fruits is a more preferable way in comparison to gulping the fruit juices. Fruits, when eaten whole, have more fibers and less sugar.

Consuming a big bowl of salad is also great for dealing with the obesity problem. A salad that includes fibrous foods such as carrots, radish, lettuce, tomatoes, works better at satiating the hunger pangs without the risk of weight gain.

A high protein diet of eggs, fish, lean meats, etc., is an excellent choice to get rid of obesity. Take enough of omega fatty acids. Remember to drink plenty of water. Keeping yourself hydrated is a smart way to avoid overeating. Water also helps in removing the toxins and excess fat from the body.

As much as possible, avoid fats, sugars, refined flours, and oily foods to keep the weight in control. Control your portion size. Replace the three heavy meals with small and frequent meals during the day. Snacking on sugarless smoothies, dry fruits, etc., is much recommended.

Regular exercise plays an indispensable role in tackling the obesity problem. Whenever possible, walk to the market, take stairs instead of a lift. Physical activity can be in any other form. It could be a favorite hobby like swimming, cycling, lawn tennis, or light jogging.

Meditation and yoga are quite powerful practices to drive away the stress, depression and thus, obesity. But in more serious cases, meeting a physician is the most appropriate strategy. Sometimes, the right medicines and surgical procedures are necessary to control the health condition.

Obesity is spreading like an epidemic, haunting both the adults and the kids. Although genetic factors and other physical ailments play a role, the problem is mostly caused by a reckless lifestyle.

By changing our way of living, we can surely take control of our health. In other words, it would be possible to eliminate the condition of obesity from our lives completely by leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Essays About Obesity: Top 5 Examples and 7 Writing Prompts

Obesity is a pressing health issue many people must deal with in their lives. If you are writing essays about obesity, check out our guide for helpful examples and writing prompts. 

In the world we live in today, certain diseases such as obesity are becoming more significant problems. People suffering from obesity have excess fat, which threatens their health significantly. This can lead to strokes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and even death. It also dramatically alters one’s physical appearance.

However, we must not be so quick to judge and criticize obese people for their weight and supposed “lifestyle choices.” Not every obese person makes “bad choices” and is automatically “lazy,” as various contributing causes exist. Therefore, we must balance concern for obese people’s health and outright shaming them. 

To write insightful essays about obesity, you can start by reading essay examples. 

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5 Best Essay examples

1. obesity as a social issue by earnest washington, 2. is there such a thing as ‘healthy obesity’ by gillian mohney, 3. problems of child obesity by peggy maldonado, 4.  what is fat shaming are you a shamer by jamie long.

  • 5. ​​The Dangerous Link Between Coronavirus and Obesity by Rami Bailony

Writing Prompts for Essays About Obesity

1. what causes obesity, 2. what are the effects of obesity, 3. how can you prevent obesity, 4. what is “fat shaming”, 5. why is obesity rate so higher, 6. obesity in the united states, 7. your experience with obesity.

“Weight must be considered as a genuine risk in today’s world. Other than social issues like body shaming, obesity has significantly more to it and is a risk to human life. It must be dealt with and taken care of simply like some other interminable illness and we as people must recollect that machines and innovation has progressed to help us not however not make us unenergetic.”

Washington writes about the dangers of obesity, saying that it can significantly damage your digestive and cardiovascular systems and even cause cancer. In addition, humans’ “expanded reliance on machines” has led us to become less active and more sedentary; as a result, we keep getting fatter. While he acknowledges that shaming obese people does no good, Washington stresses the dangers of being too heavy and encourages people to get fit. 

“‘I think we need to move away from using BMI as categorizing one as obese/overweight or unhealthy,” Zarabi told Healthline. “The real debate here is how do we define health? Is the vegetarian who has a BMI of 30, avoiding all saturated fats from meats and consuming a diet heavy in simple carbohydrates [and thus] reducing his risk of cardiac disease but increasing likelihood of elevated triglycerides and insulin, considered healthy?

Mohney, writing for Healthline, explains how “healthy obesity” is nuanced and should perhaps be retired. Some people may be metabolically healthy and obese simultaneously; however, they are still at risk of diseases associated with obesity. Others believe that health should be determined by more factors than BMI, as some people eat healthily and exercise but remain heavy. People have conflicting opinions on this term, and Mohney describes suggestions to instead focus on getting treatment for “healthy obese” people

“The absence of physical movement is turning into an increasingly normal factor as youngsters are investing more energy inside, and less time outside. Since technology is turning into an immense piece of present-day youngsters’ lives, exercises, for example, watching TV, gaming, messaging and playing on the PC, all of which require next to no vitality and replaces the physical exercises.”

In her essay, Maldonado discusses the causes and effects of childhood obesity. For example, hereditary factors and lack of physical activity make more children overweight; also, high-calorie food and the pressure on kids to “finish their food” make them consume more. 

Obesity leads to high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer; children should not suffer as they are still so young. 

“Regardless of the catalyst at the root of fat shaming, it persists quite simply because we as a society aren’t doing enough to call it out and stand in solidarity against it. Our culture has largely bought into the farce that thinness equals health and success. Instead, the emphasis needs to shift from the obsession of appearance to promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors for all, regardless of body size. A lean body shouldn’t be a requisite to be treated with dignity and respect. Fat shaming is nonsensical and is the manifestation of ignorance and possibly, hate.”

Long warns readers of the dangers of fat shaming, declaring that it is reprehensible and should not be done. People may have “good intentions” when criticizing overweight or obese people, but it does not, in fact, help with making them healthier. Long believes that society should highlight a healthy lifestyle rather than a “healthy” body, as everyone’s bodies are different and should not be the sole indicator of health. 

5. ​​ The Dangerous Link Between Coronavirus and Obesity by Rami Bailony

“In a study out of NYU, severe obesity (BMI >40) was a greater risk factor for hospitalization among Covid-19 patients than heart failure, smoking status, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. In China, in a small case series of critically ill Covid-19 patients, 88.24% of patients who died had obesity versus an obesity rate of 18.95% in survivors. In France, patients with a BMI greater than 35 were seven times more likely to require mechanical ventilation than patients with a BMI below 25.”

Bailony’s essay sheds light on research conducted in several countries regarding obesity and COVID-19. The disease is said to be “a leading risk factor in mortality and morbidity” from the virus; studies conducted in the U.S., China, and France show that most obese people who contracted the coronavirus died. Bailony believes obesity is not taken seriously enough and should be treated as an actual disease rather than a mere “lifestyle choice.”

It is well-known that obesity is an excess buildup of body fat, but what exactly causes this? It is not simply due to “eating a lot,” as many people simply understand it; there are other factors besides diet that affect someone’s body size. Look into the different causes of obesity, explaining each and how they are connected.

Obesity can result in the development of many diseases. In addition, it can significantly affect one’s physique and digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems. For your essay, discuss the different symptoms of obesity and the health complications it can lead to in the future.

Essays About Obesity: How can you prevent obesity?

It can be safely assumed that no one wants to be obese, as it is detrimental to one’s health. Write an essay guide of some sort, giving tips on managing your weight, staying healthy, and preventing obesity. Include some dietary guidelines, exercise suggestions, and the importance of keeping the balance between these two.

“Fat shaming” is a phenomenon that has become more popular with the rise in obesity rates. Define this term, explain how it is seen in society, and explain why it is terrible. Also, include ways that you can speak about the dangers of obesity without making fun of obese people or making them feel bad for their current state. 

The 21st century has seen a dramatic rise in obesity rates worldwide compared to previous decades. Why is this the case? Explore one or more probable causes for the increase in obese people. You should mention multiple causes in your essay, but you may choose to focus on one only- explain it in detail.

The United States, in particular, is known to be a country with many obese people. This is due to a combination of factors, all connected in some way. Research obesity in the U.S. and write about why it is a bigger problem than in other countries- take a look at portion size, fitness habits, and food production. 

If applicable, you may write about your experience with obesity. Whether you have struggled or are struggling with it in the past or know someone who has, discuss how this makes you feel. Reflect on how this knowledge has impacted you as a person and any lessons this may have taught you. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .If you’re looking for more ideas, check out our essays about bullying topic guide !

Obesity Essay

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

Obesity Essay: A Complete Guide and Topics

By: Nova A.

11 min read

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Aug 31, 2021

Obesity Essay

Are you assigned to write an essay about obesity? The first step is to define obesity.

The obesity epidemic is a major issue facing our country right now. It's complicated- it could be genetic or due to your environment, but either way, there are ways that you can fix it!

Learn all about what causes weight gain and get tips on how you can get healthy again.

Obesity Essay

On this Page

What is Obesity

What is obesity? Obesity and BMI (body mass index) are both tools of measurement that are used by doctors to assess body fat according to the height, age, and gender of a person. If the BMI is between 25 to 29.9, that means the person has excess weight and body fat.

If the BMI exceeds 30, that means the person is obese. Obesity is a condition that increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions like metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and even some types of cancer.

Obesity Definition

Obesity is defined by the World Health Organization as an accumulation of abnormal and excess body fat that comes with several risk factors. It is measured by the body mass index BMI, body weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of a person’s height (in meters).

Obesity in America

Obesity is on the verge of becoming an epidemic as 1 in every 3 Americans can be categorized as overweight and obese. Currently, America is an obese country, and it continues to get worse.

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Causes of obesity

Do you see any obese or overweight people around you?

You likely do.

This is because fast-food chains are becoming more and more common, people are less active, and fruits and vegetables are more expensive than processed foods, thus making them less available to the majority of society. These are the primary causes of obesity.

Obesity is a disease that affects all age groups, including children and elderly people.

Now that you are familiar with the topic of obesity, writing an essay won’t be that difficult for you.

How to Write an Obesity Essay

The format of an obesity essay is similar to writing any other essay. If you need help regarding how to write an obesity essay, it is the same as writing any other essay.

Obesity Essay Introduction

The trick is to start your essay with an interesting and catchy sentence. This will help attract the reader's attention and motivate them to read further. You don’t want to lose the reader’s interest in the beginning and leave a bad impression, especially if the reader is your teacher.

A hook sentence is usually used to open the introductory paragraph of an essay in order to make it interesting. When writing an essay on obesity, the hook sentence can be in the form of an interesting fact or statistic.

Head on to this detailed article on hook examples to get a better idea.

Once you have hooked the reader, the next step is to provide them with relevant background information about the topic. Don’t give away too much at this stage or bombard them with excess information that the reader ends up getting bored with. Only share information that is necessary for the reader to understand your topic.

Next, write a strong thesis statement at the end of your essay, be sure that your thesis identifies the purpose of your essay in a clear and concise manner. Also, keep in mind that the thesis statement should be easy to justify as the body of your essay will revolve around it.

Body Paragraphs

The details related to your topic are to be included in the body paragraphs of your essay. You can use statistics, facts, and figures related to obesity to reinforce your thesis throughout your essay.

If you are writing a cause-and-effect obesity essay, you can mention different causes of obesity and how it can affect a person’s overall health. The number of body paragraphs can increase depending on the parameters of the assignment as set forth by your instructor.

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that is the crux of its content. It is necessary to write an engaging topic sentence as it helps grab the reader’s interest. Check out this detailed blog on writing a topic sentence to further understand it.

End your essay with a conclusion by restating your research and tying it to your thesis statement. You can also propose possible solutions to control obesity in your conclusion. Make sure that your conclusion is short yet powerful.

Obesity Essay Examples

Essay about Obesity (PDF)

Childhood Obesity Essay (PDF)

Obesity in America Essay (PDF)

Essay about Obesity Cause and Effects (PDF)

Satire Essay on Obesity (PDF) 

Obesity Argumentative Essay (PDF)

Obesity Essay Topics

Choosing a topic might seem an overwhelming task as you may have many ideas for your assignment. Brainstorm different ideas and narrow them down to one, quality topic.

If you need some examples to help you with your essay topic related to obesity, dive into this article and choose from the list of obesity essay topics.

Childhood Obesity

As mentioned earlier, obesity can affect any age group, including children. Obesity can cause several future health problems as children age.

Here are a few topics you can choose from and discuss for your childhood obesity essay:

  • What are the causes of increasing obesity in children?
  • Obese parents may be at risk for having children with obesity.
  • What is the ratio of obesity between adults and children?
  • What are the possible treatments for obese children?
  • Are there any social programs that can help children with combating obesity?
  • Has technology boosted the rate of obesity in children?
  • Are children spending more time on gadgets instead of playing outside?
  • Schools should encourage regular exercises and sports for children.
  • How can sports and other physical activities protect children from becoming obese?
  • Can childhood abuse be a cause of obesity among children?
  • What is the relationship between neglect in childhood and obesity in adulthood?
  • Does obesity have any effect on the psychological condition and well-being of a child?
  • Are electronic medical records effective in diagnosing obesity among children?
  • Obesity can affect the academic performance of your child.
  • Do you believe that children who are raised by a single parent can be vulnerable to obesity?
  • You can promote interesting exercises to encourage children.
  • What is the main cause of obesity, and why is it increasing with every passing day?
  • Schools and colleges should work harder to develop methodologies to decrease childhood obesity.
  • The government should not allow schools and colleges to include sweet or fatty snacks as a part of their lunch.
  • If a mother is obese, can it affect the health of the child?
  • Children who gain weight frequently can develop chronic diseases.

Obesity Argumentative Essay Topics

Do you want to write an argumentative essay on the topic of obesity?

The following list can help you with that!

Here are some examples you can choose from for your argumentative essay about obesity:

  • Can vegetables and fruits decrease the chances of obesity?
  • Should you go for surgery to overcome obesity?
  • Are there any harmful side effects?
  • Can obesity be related to the mental condition of an individual?
  • Are parents responsible for controlling obesity in childhood?
  • What are the most effective measures to prevent the increase in the obesity rate?
  • Why is the obesity rate increasing in the United States?
  • Can the lifestyle of a person be a cause of obesity?
  • Does the economic situation of a country affect the obesity rate?
  • How is obesity considered an international health issue?
  • Can technology and gadgets affect obesity rates?
  • What can be the possible reasons for obesity in a school?
  • How can we address the issue of obesity?
  • Is obesity a chronic disease?
  • Is obesity a major cause of heart attacks?
  • Are the junk food chains causing an increase in obesity?
  • Do nutritional programs help in reducing the obesity rate?
  • How can the right type of diet help with obesity?
  • Why should we encourage sports activities in schools and colleges?
  • Can obesity affect a person’s behavior?

Health Related Topics for Research Paper

If you are writing a research paper, you can explain the cause and effect of obesity.

Here are a few topics that link to the cause and effects of obesity.Review the literature of previous articles related to obesity. Describe the ideas presented in the previous papers.

  • Can family history cause obesity in future generations?
  • Can we predict obesity through genetic testing?
  • What is the cause of the increasing obesity rate?
  • Do you think the increase in fast-food restaurants is a cause of the rising obesity rate?
  • Is the ratio of obese women greater than obese men?
  • Why are women more prone to be obese as compared to men?
  • Stress can be a cause of obesity. Mention the reasons how mental health can be related to physical health.
  • Is urban life a cause of the increasing obesity rate?
  • People from cities are prone to be obese as compared to people from the countryside.
  • How obesity affects the life expectancy of people? What are possible solutions to decrease the obesity rate?
  • Do family eating habits affect or trigger obesity?
  • How do eating habits affect the health of an individual?
  • How can obesity affect the future of a child?
  • Obese children are more prone to get bullied in high school and college.
  • Why should schools encourage more sports and exercise for children?

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Topics for Essay on Obesity as a Problem

Do you think a rise in obesity rate can affect the economy of a country?

Here are some topics for your assistance regarding your economics related obesity essay.

  • Does socioeconomic status affect the possibility of obesity in an individual?
  • Analyze the film and write a review on “Fed Up” – an obesity epidemic.
  • Share your reviews on the movie “The Weight of The Nation.”
  • Should we increase the prices of fast food and decrease the prices of fruits and vegetables to decrease obesity?
  • Do you think healthy food prices can be a cause of obesity?
  • Describe what measures other countries have taken in order to control obesity?
  • The government should play an important role in controlling obesity. What precautions should they take?
  • Do you think obesity can be one of the reasons children get bullied?
  • Do obese people experience any sort of discrimination or inappropriate behavior due to their weight?
  • Are there any legal protections for people who suffer from discrimination due to their weight?
  • Which communities have a higher percentage of obesity in the United States?
  • Discuss the side effects of the fast-food industry and their advertisements on children.
  • Describe how the increasing obesity rate has affected the economic condition of the United States.
  • What is the current percentage of obesity all over the world? Is the obesity rate increasing with every passing day?
  • Why is the obesity rate higher in the United States as compared to other countries?
  • Do Asians have a greater percentage of obese people as compared to Europe?
  • Does the cultural difference affect the eating habits of an individual?
  • Obesity and body shaming.
  • Why is a skinny body considered to be ideal? Is it an effective way to reduce the obesity rate?

Obesity Solution Essay Topics

With all the developments in medicine and technology, we still don’t have exact measures to treat obesity.

Here are some insights you can discuss in your essay:

  • How do obese people suffer from metabolic complications?
  • Describe the fat distribution in obese people.
  • Is type 2 diabetes related to obesity?
  • Are obese people more prone to suffer from diabetes in the future?
  • How are cardiac diseases related to obesity?
  • Can obesity affect a woman’s childbearing time phase?
  • Describe the digestive diseases related to obesity.
  • Obesity may be genetic.
  • Obesity can cause a higher risk of suffering a heart attack.
  • What are the causes of obesity? What health problems can be caused if an individual suffers from obesity?
  • What are the side effects of surgery to overcome obesity?
  • Which drugs are effective when it comes to the treatment of obesity?
  • Is there a difference between being obese and overweight?
  • Can obesity affect the sociological perspective of an individual?
  • Explain how an obesity treatment works.
  • How can the government help people to lose weight and improve public health?

Writing an essay is a challenging yet rewarding task. All you need is to be organized and clear when it comes to academic writing.

  • Choose a topic you would like to write on.
  • Organize your thoughts.
  • Pen down your ideas.
  • Compose a perfect essay that will help you ace your subject.
  • Proofread and revise your paper.

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However, if you are still struggling to write your paper, you can pick any of the topics from this list, and our essay writer will help you craft a perfect essay.

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As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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90+ Obesity Essay Topics

Obesity is one of the most widespread diseases. Today it’s easy to meet an obese or overweight person. Look around – it’s your neighbor, classmate, or colleague. If you are lucky enough, and all of the people close to you are thin and slender, the problem still exists. Even the growing popularity of healthy eating and being fit cannot significantly decrease obesity rates. While fat people may often be considered as soft and cheerful persons, their weight badly influences their overall health. This disease affects all age groups: children, adolescents, adults, and elderly.

In this article our essay writers want to show you a list of topics connected with obesity that you can freely use for your own essay. You can paraphrase them or use them as they are, unchanged. We strive to cover the most interesting and recent topics about obesity and being overweight. Enjoy!

Childhood obesity research topics

childhood obesity research topics

Obesity can dramatically influence the physical and social well-being of children. Usually, overweight children grow up to be adults with health problems. Let’s see what topics you can discuss in relation to childhood and adolescent obesity.

  • Explain how parents with obesity increase the chances of their children to be obese.
  • What are the main reasons for child obesity in well-developed/developing countries?
  • Explore the local statistics of obesity rates among adults and children in your state. What treatment and social programs are available?
  • Do TV, computers, and other gadgets influence childhood obesity rates?
  • How fast food advertising influences childhood obesity .
  • How do regular exercises and sports in childhood protect from obesity in adulthood?
  • Explain the effect of childhood abuse and neglect in relation to obesity in adulthood.
  • How does obesity affect the psychological well-being and emotions of a child?
  • How do childhood and adult obesity influence your community and you personally?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of isocaloric fructose restrictions for children with obesity.
  • Do electronic medical records improve the diagnostics and screening of children with obesity?
  • Think about whether childhood obesity influences the level of academic performance of a child.
  • Is it true that children raised within a single-parent family are more prone to obesity?
  • How can exercises among children and adolescents be promoted? How can they be made interesting and engaging?
  • Explain the main causes of obesity among pre-adolescents in the US.
  • Explain the causes of the increasing prevalence of adolescent obesity in Hong Kong (or another country of your choice).
  • What measures can schools and universities use to decrease obesity rates?
  • Persuade your audience that one of the most effective ways to decrease the obesity of students in schools is removing sweets and high-fat snacks from vending machines.
  • Examine physical education programs in schools and colleges. How is it connected to obesity?
  • How does the obesity of a mother affect a newborn?
  • Analyze how childhood obesity influences the early development of chronic diseases.

Obesity argumentative essay topics

obesity argumentative essay topics

Obesity is a quite controversial issue. Doctors and researchers actively seek for the real causes of obesity and find working methods to fight the disease. Also, scientists still argue whether obesity is a disease or not.

  • Does a vegetarian diet decrease chances of obesity? Why?
  • Can surgery methods overcome obesity? Is it the right choice? Why?
  • Think about who should be responsible for controlling obesity rates: individuals themselves, parents, local authorities, educational institutions, mass media, etc.
  • Can obesity be considered a mental illness? Explain why.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of warning statements on food labels as a preventative tool for obesity and chronic diseases in Australia. Should this practice be provided worldwide?
  • Describe the most effective methods of obesity prevention in the US. What methods are used in other countries?
  • Does education and the economic situation in the country play a role in the growing trend of obesity?
  • Is obesity connected to a person’s behavior and lifestyle?
  • Is obesity an international health issue? Provide arguments to your position.
  • Does mass media influence obesity rates? How?
  • What are the reasons for obesity in your school/college/community?
  • Why is obesity a social problem? How can society address the issue?
  • How do weight management and dietary changes influence a person’s health?
  • Explain the importance of a well-balanced menu in the school cafeteria. Write a persuasive essay about promoting healthy meals in schools and restricting junk food.
  • What nutritional programs are available in the US? Do they help lower obesity rates?
  • Can obesity be considered a chronic or non-chronic disease?
  • Does breastfeeding decrease the chances of occurrence of childhood obesity?
  • Explain the meaning of healthy play places for children in terms of reducing obesity.
  • How does the right kind of daily routine prevent obesity?

Obesity topics for research paper: discussing causes and consequences

obesity topics for research papers

There are many reasons why obesity occurs. To make the treatment more effective, we should find out what has caused the weight gain. Each case of obesity is unique, and therefore, the patient should undergo an individual treatment program. In this section you will find topics connected to the causes and consequences of obesity.

  • Analyze the articles related to the reasons of obesity. Identify ideas presented in articles and define their viability.
  • Is obesity connected to genetics? Can obesity be predicted?
  • The obesity rates continue to rise. Why do you think this happens?
  • Why are US immigrants more affected by obesity? Relate the environment and segregation to this issue.
  • How do you think fast food restaurants influence the rising rates of obesity?
  • Are women more prone to obesity? Why? In what counties or cultures?
  • How is stress related to obesity? Find out the most recent publications on this issue.
  • How does the urban environment affect obesity? Are people from big cities more prone to obesity than those who live in small towns and the countryside? Why?
  • Define the obesity rates among African American citizens. What are the main causes of obesity?
  • How does eating behavior depend on media and advertisement? Does it influence the occurrence of obesity?
  • What is the life expectancy for people with obesity? What is the main identification? What are the solutions to increase this level?
  • Analyze the scholarly article, “Genetic Influences on the Response of Body Fat and Fat Distribution to Positive and Negative Energy Balances in Human Identical Twins” by Claude Bouchard. What makes this research unique? What questions does the author strive to answer?
  • Analyze the article “What’s Behind the Obesity Epidemic” by Carlotta Pozza and Andrea M. Isidori.
  • Identify particular eating habits as an important cause of obesity. How does family eating habits influence obesity rates?
  • Quantify the phenomenon of obesity in your region. Collect the data from reliable sources, identify reliability and validity, and interpret the received data.
  • What are the negative effects of obesity on children/teenagers/adults?
  • Analyze the causes and consequences of obesity among US military personnel.

Economics and sociology of obesity topics

economics and sociology of obesity topics

Currently, a significant increase in the number of people suffering from being overweight has actually become a serious problem for ensuring sustainable socio-economic development at the state and local levels. Here are some topics connected with this issue.

  • Can local socioeconomic status be associated with the causes of obesity?
  • Analyze the film “The Weight of the Nation” about the obesity epidemic.
  • Explain the influence of food prices and food quality on obesity. How to fix it?
  • Analyze the film “Globesity” available online. What have you learned from the film? Describe how China and other countries can control the threat of obesity.
  • Should the government play an active part in preventing obesity? What governmental regulations can help?
  • Do people with obesity suffer from discrimination in the workplace? Is it legal?
  • Discuss the situation of obesity in Latino communities in the US.
  • Critically evaluate Zinczenko’s views on obesity, the fast food industry, and healthy food.
  • Analyze the current situation of the food industry in the US. Do people have the opportunity to buy quality, healthy foods? Does the food industry influence obesity rates?
  • Describe the current situation of obesity in the US. Provide statistical data, analyze the most frequent causes, and define the tendency. How does obesity affect the US economy and society?
  • Will tax on sugary drinks lower the obesity rates? What economic effect will it lead? Give two other ways to decrease obesity level.
  • Analyze the obesity rates among Maori or Islander citizens in New Zealand.
  • Compare and contrast the situation with obesity rates in the US and Asian countries.
  • What are the cultural differences related to obesity in India and China?
  • Identify the ethical principles and issues in the context of the obesity epidemic.
  • The role of body image on the rising occurrence of obesity.

Biology and treatment of obesity topics

treatment of obesity essay topics

Still, there is no single answer about the biological causes of obesity and influence of body state on the occurrence of this disease. Here are some insights into the problem from various perspectives.

  • Describe metabolic complications and the role of fat distribution in people with obesity.
  • Explain the linking mechanism between obesity, type 2 diabetes, and inflammation.
  • What digestive diseases are associated with obesity?
  • Explain the interconnection of insulin resistance and obesity.
  • How does heart failure relate to obesity and type 2 diabetes?
  • Explain the occurrence of bone fraction and obesity in women during menopause.
  • Does obesity influence a woman’s childbearing experience?
  • Explain the meaning of personal responsibility in relation to the US (or another country of your choice).
  • Find out the influence of fructose and corn syrup on obesity and gaining weight.
  • What is the obesity stigma? How does it worsen outcomes in obese people?
  • Explain the effect of obesity on healthcare staff and personnel from the emergency unit. What are the underlying causes?
  • Explain the relationship between endocrine-disrupting organotin and obesity.
  • Analyze obesity from a sociological perspective. What is the role of sociological imagination?
  • Compare and contrast obesity and anorexia. What health problems do they lead?
  • Explain the influence of gut microbiome on obesity and metabolic syndrome.
  • Explain the meaning of morbid obesity. What conditions are related to morbid obesity? Describe treatment methods and risks connected. Explain what may happen to a person if obesity is not treated.
  • Can gastric bypass surgery cure obesity? How? In what cases?
  • Explain the role of nurses in obesity treatment.
  • Are there any drugs for obesity treatment? Are they effective? What side effects do they have? Why?
  • What is the difference between being overweight and obesity? How do healthy nutrition and physical activity help to cure the disease?
  • How can nurses monitor and negotiate the problem of obesity in and outside the hospital?

Obesity and being overweight are massive issues that can be discussed from many angles. As this problem is one of the most challenging issues of public health, it should be actively discussed at schools and colleges to raise awareness about the seriousness of this problem and how to prevent it.

How we can help with obesity papers writing

It can be hard to find a good topic on obesity, which is why we have created this list. We will be happy if one of our topics will inspire you on writing. This means that all of our efforts were not spent in vain! However, we know that finding a topic is only half of the way to writing a good essay. If you have troubles with writing, ask our expert writers to help you! Just fill in the order form on this page, or in an essay writing app and get assistance from EssayShark 24/7.

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7. Considering Obesity A Disease: The Spreading Condition

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9. The Rates Of Childhood Obesity

10. An Attempt To End Obesity With Junk And Healthy Food

11. The Crucial Issue Of Child Obesity In The World And Methods Of Its Prevention

12. Deadly Consequences Of Sugar And Glucose Epidemic In The United States

13. Link Between the Beverage Consumption and Body Fat in U.S Children

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Obesity and Weight Loss Strategies Essay

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Otc product and diet.

The obesity epidemic is among the most urgent healthcare issues in the United States and worldwide. According to recent estimations, between 39% and 49% of the world’s population are overweight or obese nowadays (Powell-Wiley et al., 2021). This trend has led to many people seeking weight loss through different means, including diet, eating behavior management, and pharmacological weight loss agents (Kushner, 2018). However, over-the-counter (OTC) weight loss products have also gained popularity despite serious health risks (Rodriguez-Guerra et al., 2021). Therefore, it is essential for healthcare professionals to keep the broad public well-informed about the nature and potential adverse effects of such products.

The model client is a 40-year-old man with a family history of obesity-related cardiovascular disease. The client pursues weight loss primarily out of concerns for personal health due to recently developed hypertension. The client has considered using an OTC, non-prescription herbal weight loss supplement, AMPK Metabolic Activator. The drug is advertised as a mixture of two botanical components that supposedly help the body burn stored abdominal fat (AMPK Metabolic Activator, n. d.). The patient’s product choice was primarily driven by the desire to achieve quick weight loss using natural products instead of synthetic medications.

However, the client was strongly advised against using OTC products due to a broad range of associated health hazards. Despite advertisement, most OTC herbal weight loss drugs are adulterated with active pharmaceutical agents (Dastjerdi et al., 2018). The pharmaceutical components in such products include tramadol, caffeine, fluoxetine, rizatriptan, venlafaxine, and methadone (Dastjerdi et al., 2018). Legal in most countries, these agents present serious health risks in case of excessive consumption. Furthermore, sibutramine, associated with a high risk of cardiovascular diseases even among consumers without a known history of CVDs, remains in many herbal medications (Rodriguez-Guerra et al., 2021). Therefore, the list of potential negative side-effects of the OTC weight loss products contradicts the client’s initial expectations and desires.

A healthier and more effective weight loss strategy is changing the lifestyle. Healthcare experts agree that weight loss depends primarily on reducing total caloric intake and sufficient physical activity (Kushner, 2018). Additionally, this strategy helps prevent a broad range of cardiovascular diseases and improves the overall physical condition. Therefore, a diet based on the client’s metabolic profile and health condition is the strategy’s primary focus. Experts recommend the calorie-reduced Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, for patients with hypertension (Kushner, 2018). The proposed day 1 menu would consist of the following:

  • a whole-wheat bagel with 2 tablespoons peanut butter, an orange, and a cup of fat-free milk for breakfast;
  • spinach salad with reduced-sodium wheat crackers for lunch;
  • baked cod with 1/2 cup brown rice pilaf with vegetables, 1/2 cup fresh green beans, and herbal tea for dinner (Sample menus for the DASH diet, 2020).

This diet corresponds to the client’s goals and is optimal for his health profile.

Intermittent fasting (IF) has become an increasingly popular approach to treating obesity. Its proponents argue that the strategy is more effective in addressing weight loss than traditional daily caloric intake reduction (Halpern & Mendes, 2021). The IF advocates claim that high insulin levels in the organism associated with high carbohydrate intake facilitate the development of obesity. Intermittent fasting addresses this issue by reducing insulin levels via specially developed fasting schedules. However, experimental models in animals and humans have repeatedly discredited the insulin-related theory (Halpern & Mendes, 2021). Nevertheless, many people still see IF as a preferable alternative, mainly due to its widely marketed supposed benefits and the absence of strict dietary limitations and excessive physical activity.

Obesity remains a significant public health hazard globally, requiring the development and broad introduction of efficient and affordable weight loss strategies and programs. While many still resort to OTC medications and other questionable weight loss strategies, public health professionals and institutions must promote evidence-based approaches. These include safe, personally developed, balanced dietary measures, prescription pharmaceutical agents, and a healthy lifestyle with sufficient physical activity and caloric intake.

AMPK Metabolic Activator (n. d.). Life Extension. Web.

Dastjerdi, A. G., Akhgari, M., Kamali, A., & Mousavi, Z. (2018). Principal component analysis of synthetic adulterants in herbal supplements advertised as weight loss drugs . Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 31 , 236–241. Web.

Halpern, B., & Mendes, T. B. (2021). Intermittent fasting for obesity and related disorders: unveiling myths, facts, and presumptions. Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 65 (1). Web.

Kushner, R. F. (2018). Weight Loss Strategies for Treatment of Obesity: Lifestyle Management and Pharmacotherapy . Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. Web.

Powell-Wiley, T. M., Poirier, P., Burke, L. E., J.-P., Després, Gordon-Larsen, P., Lavie, C. J., Lear,S. A., Ndumele, C. E., Neeland, I. J., Sanders, P., & St-Onge, M.-P. (2021). Obesity and cardiovascular disease: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association . Circulation, 143 (21), 984–1010. Web.

Rodriguez-Guerra, M., Yadav, M., Bhandari, M., Sinha, A., Bella, J. N., & Sklyar, E. (2021). Sibutramine as a cause of sudden cardiac death . Case Reports in Cardiology, 2021 , 1–5. Web.

Sample menus for the DASH diet (2020). Mayo Clinic. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 12). Obesity and Weight Loss Strategies. https://ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-and-weight-loss-strategies/

"Obesity and Weight Loss Strategies." IvyPanda , 12 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-and-weight-loss-strategies/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Obesity and Weight Loss Strategies'. 12 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Obesity and Weight Loss Strategies." February 12, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-and-weight-loss-strategies/.

1. IvyPanda . "Obesity and Weight Loss Strategies." February 12, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-and-weight-loss-strategies/.


IvyPanda . "Obesity and Weight Loss Strategies." February 12, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-and-weight-loss-strategies/.

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Obesity: Risk factors, complications, and strategies for sustainable long‐term weight management

Sharon m. fruh.

1 College of Nursing, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama

Background and Purpose

The aims of this article are to review the effects of obesity on health and well‐being and the evidence indicating they can be ameliorated by weight loss, and consider weight‐management strategies that may help patients achieve and maintain weight loss.

Narrative review based on literature searches of PubMed up to May 2016 with no date limits imposed. Search included terms such as “obesity,” “overweight,” “weight loss,” “comorbidity,” “diabetes,” cardiovascular,” “cancer,” “depression,” “management,” and “intervention.”


Over one third of U.S. adults have obesity. Obesity is associated with a range of comorbidities, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obstructive sleep apnea, and cancer; however, modest weight loss in the 5%–10% range, and above, can significantly improve health‐related outcomes. Many individuals struggle to maintain weight loss, although strategies such as realistic goal‐setting and increased consultation frequency can greatly improve the success of weight‐management programs. Nurse practitioners have key roles in establishing weight‐loss targets, providing motivation and support, and implementing weight‐loss programs.

Implications for Practice

With their in‐depth understanding of the research in the field of obesity and weight management, nurse practitioners are well placed to effect meaningful changes in weight‐management strategies deployed in clinical practice.


Obesity is an increasing, global public health issue. Patients with obesity are at major risk for developing a range of comorbid conditions, including cardiovascular disease (CVD), gastrointestinal disorders, type 2 diabetes (T2D), joint and muscular disorders, respiratory problems, and psychological issues, which may significantly affect their daily lives as well as increasing mortality risks. Obesity‐associated conditions are manifold; however, even modest weight reduction may enable patients to reduce their risk for CVD, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and hypertension among many other comorbidities (Cefalu et al., 2015 ). A relatively small and simple reduction in weight, for example, of around 5%, can improve patient outcomes and may act as a catalyst for further change, with sustainable weight loss achieved through a series of incremental weight loss steps. In facilitating the process of losing weight for patients, nurse practitioners play an essential role. Through assessing the patient's risk, establishing realistic weight‐loss targets, providing motivation and support, and supplying patients with the necessary knowledge and treatment tools to help achieve weight loss, followed by tools for structured lifestyle support to maintain weight lost, the nurse practitioner is ideally positioned to help patient's achieve their weight‐loss—and overall health—targets.

The obesity epidemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines overweight and obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health (WHO, 2016a ). A body mass index (BMI) ≥25 kg/m 2 is generally considered overweight, while obesity is considered to be a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m 2 . It is well known that obesity and overweight are a growing problem globally with high rates in both developed and developing countries (Capodaglio & Liuzzi, 2013 ; WHO, 2016a , 2016b ).

In the United States in 2015, all states had an obesity prevalence more than 20%, 25 states and Guam had obesity rates >30% and four of those 25 states (Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and West Virginia) had rates >35% (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016 ; Figure ​ Figure1). 1 ). Approximately 35% and 37% of adult men and women, respectively, in the United States have obesity (Yang & Colditz, 2015 ). Adult obesity is most common in non‐Hispanic black Americans, followed by Mexican Americans, and non‐Hispanic white Americans (Yang & Colditz, 2015 ). Individuals are also getting heavier at a younger age; birth cohorts from 1966 to 1975 and 1976 to 1985 reached an obesity prevalence of ≥20% by 20–29 years of age, while the 1956–1965 cohort only reached this prevalence by age 30–39 years (Lee et al., 2010 ). Additionally, the prevalence of childhood obesity in 2‐ to 17‐year‐olds in the United States has increased from 14.6% in 1999–2000 to 17.4% in 2013–2014 (Skinner & Skelton, 2014 ). Childhood obesity is an increasing health issue because of the early onset of comorbidities that have major adverse health impacts, and the increased likelihood of children with obesity going on to become adults with obesity (50% risk vs. 10% for children without obesity; Whitaker, Wright, Pepe, Seidel, & Dietz, 1997 ).

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U.S. obesity epidemic 2015.

Source . Figure adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html .

Association of obesity with mortality and comorbid disease

Obesity is associated with a significant increase in mortality, with a life expectancy decrease of 5–10 years (Berrington de Gonzalez et al., 2010 ; Kuk et al., 2011 ; Prospective Studies Collaboration et al., 2009 ). There is evidence to indicate that all‐cause, CVD‐associated, and cancer‐associated mortalities are significantly increased in individuals with obesity, specifically those at Stages 2 or 3 of the Edmonton Obesity Staging System (EOSS; Kuk et al., 2011 ; Figure ​ Figure2). 2 ). Mortality related to cancer is, however, also increased at Stage 1, when the physical symptoms of obesity are marginal (Figure ​ (Figure2). 2 ). Recently, a large‐scale meta‐analysis that included studies that had enrolled over 10 million individuals, indicated that, relative to the reference category of 22.5 to <25 kg/m 2 , the hazard ratio (HR) for all‐cause mortality rose sharply with increasing BMI (The Global BMI Mortality Collaboration, 2016 ). For a BMI of 25.0 to <30.0 kg/m 2 , the HR was 1.11 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.10, 1.11), and this increased to 1.44 (1.41, 1.47), 1.92 (1.86, 1.98), and 2.71 (2.55, 2.86) for a BMI of 30.0 to <35.0, 35.0 to <40.0, and 40.0 to <60.0 kg/m 2 , respectively.

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Association between EOSS stage and risk of all‐cause (A), CVD (B), cancer (C), and non‐CVD or noncancer mortality (D) in men and women. © 2011.

Source . Reproduced with permission from NRC Research Press, from Kuk et al. ( 2011 ). CVD, cardiovascular disease; NW, normal weight.


Obesity is a chronic disease that is associated with a wide range of complications affecting many different aspects of physiology (Dobbins, Decorby, & Choi, 2013 ; Guh et al., 2009 ; Martin‐Rodriguez, Guillen‐Grima, Marti, & Brugos‐Larumbe, 2015 ; summarized in Table ​ Table1). 1 ). To examine these obesity‐related morbidities in detail is beyond the scope of this review and therefore only a brief overview of some of the key pathophysiological processes is included next.

Morbidities associated with obesity (Hamdy, 2016 ; Petry, Barry, Pietrzak, & Wagner, 2008 ; Pi‐Sunyer, 2009 ; Sakai et al., 2005 ; Smith, Hulsey, & Goodnight, 2008 ; Yosipovitch, DeVore, & Dawn, 2007 )

Class of eventComorbidities associated with obesity
Cancer/malignancyPostmenopausal breast, endometrial, colon and rectal, gallbladder, prostate, ovarian, endometrial renal cell, esophageal adenocarcinoma, pancreatic, and kidney cancer
CardiovascularCoronary artery disease, obesity‐associated cardiomyopathy, essential hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, cor pulmonale, accelerated atherosclerosis, pulmonary hypertension of obesity, dyslipidemia, chronic heart failure (CHD), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), cardiomyopathy, pulmonary hypertension, lymphedema (legs)
Gastrointestinal (GI)Gall bladder disease (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), reflux esophagitis, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), fatty liver infiltration, acute pancreatitis
GenitourinaryStress incontinence
Metabolic/endocrineType 2 diabetes mellitus, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia
Musculoskeletal/orthopedicPain in back, hips, ankles, feet and knees; osteoarthritis (especially in the knees and hips), plantar fasciitis, back pain, coxavera, slipped capital femoral epiphyses, Blount disease and Legg‐Calvé‐Perthes disease, and chronic lumbago
Neurological and central nervous system (CNS)Stroke, dementia idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and meralgia paresthesia
Obstetric and perinatalPregnancy‐related hypertension, fetal macrosomia, very low birthweight, neural tube defects, preterm birth, increased cesarean delivery, increased postpartum infection and pelvic dystocia, preeclampsia, hyperglycemia, gestational diabetes (GDM)
SkinKeratosis pilaris, hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans, and acrochondons, psoriasis, intertrigo (bacterial and/or fungal), and increased risk for cellulitis, venous stasis ulcers, necrotizing fasciitis, and carbuncles
PsychologicalDepression, anxiety, personality disorder, and obesity stigmatization
Respiratory/pulmonaryObstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Pickwickian syndrome (obesity hypoventilation syndrome), higher rates of respiratory infections, asthma, hypoventilation, pulmonary emboli risk
SurgicalIncreased surgical risk and postoperative complications, deep venous thrombosis, including wound infection, pulmonary embolism, and postoperative pneumonia
Reproductive (Women)Anovulation, early puberty, polycystic ovaries, infertility, hyperandrogenism, and sexual dysfunction
Reproductive (Men)Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), decreased libido, and sexual dysfunction
ExtremitiesVenous varicosities, lower extremity venous and/or lymphatic edema

The progression from lean state to obesity brings with it a phenotypic change in adipose tissue and the development of chronic low‐grade inflammation (Wensveen, Valentic, Sestan, Turk Wensveen, & Polic, 2015 ). This is characterized by increased levels of circulating free‐fatty acids, soluble pro‐inflammatory factors (such as interleukin [IL] 1β, IL‐6, tumor necrosis factor [TNF] α, and monocyte chemoattractant protein [MCP] 1) and the activation and infiltration of immune cells into sites of inflammation (Hursting & Dunlap, 2012 ). Obesity is also usually allied to a specific dyslipidemia profile (atherogenic dyslipidemia) that includes small, dense low‐density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, decreased levels of high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) particles, and raised triglyceride levels (Musunuru, 2010 ). This chronic, low‐grade inflammation and dyslipidemia profile leads to vascular dysfunction, including atherosclerosis formation, and impaired fibrinolysis. These, in turn, increase the risk for CVD, including stroke and venous thromboembolism (Blokhin & Lentz, 2013 ).

The metabolic and cardiovascular aspects of obesity are closely linked. The chronic inflammatory state associated with obesity is established as a major contributing factor for insulin resistance, which itself is one of the key pathophysiologies of T2D (Johnson, Milner, & Makowski, 2012 ). Furthermore, central obesity defined by waist circumference is the essential component of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definition of the metabolic syndrome (raised triglycerides, reduced HDL cholesterol, raised blood pressure, and raised fasting plasma glucose; International Diabetes Federation, 2006 ).

Obesity is also closely associated with OSA. To start, a number of the conditions associated with obesity such as insulin resistance (Ip et al., 2002 ), systemic inflammation, and dyslipidemia are themselves closely associated with OSA, and concurrently, the obesity‐associated deposition of fat around the upper airway and thorax may affect lumen size and reduce chest compliance that contributes to OSA (Romero‐Corral, Caples, Lopez‐Jimenez, & Somers, 2010 ).

The development of certain cancers, including colorectal, pancreatic, kidney, endometrial, postmenopausal breast, and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus to name a few, have also been shown to be related to excess levels of fat and the metabolically active nature of this excess adipose tissue (Booth, Magnuson, Fouts, & Foster, 2015 ; Eheman et al., 2012 ). Cancers have shown to be impacted by the complex interactions between obesity‐related insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, sustained hyperglycemia, oxidative stress, inflammation, and the production of adipokines (Booth et al., 2015 ). The wide range of morbidities associated with obesity represents a significant clinical issue for individuals with obesity. However, as significant as this array of risk factors is for patient health, the risk factors can be positively modified with weight loss.

Obesity‐related morbidities in children and adolescents

As was referred to earlier, children and adolescents are becoming increasingly affected by obesity. This is particularly concerning because of the long‐term adverse consequences of early obesity. Obesity adversely affects the metabolic health of young people and can result in impaired glucose tolerance, T2D, and early‐onset metabolic syndrome (Pulgaron, 2013 ).There is also strong support in the literature for relationships between childhood obesity and asthma, poor dental health (caries), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD; Pulgaron, 2013 ). Obesity can also affect growth and sexual development and may delay puberty in boys and advance puberty in some girls (Burt Solorzano & McCartney, 2010 ). Childhood obesity is also associated with hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in girls (Burt Solorzano & McCartney, 2010 ). Additionally, obesity is associated with psychological problems in young people including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, poor self‐esteem, and problems with sleeping (Pulgaron, 2013 ).

Modest weight loss and its long‐term maintenance: Benefits and risks

Guidelines endorse weight‐loss targets of 5%–10% in individuals with obesity or overweight with associated comorbidities, as this has been shown to significantly improve health‐related outcomes for many obesity‐related comorbidities (Cefalu et al., 2015 ; Figure ​ Figure3), 3 ), including T2D prevention, and improvements in dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, osteoarthritis, stress incontinence, GERD, hypertension, and PCOS. Further benefits may be evident with greater weight loss, particularly for dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension. For NAFLD and OSA, at least 10% weight loss is required to observe clinical improvements (Cefalu et al., 2015 ).

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Benefits of modest weight loss. Lines demonstrate the ranges in which weight loss has been investigated and shown to have clinical benefits. Arrows indicate that additional benefits may be seen with further weight loss.

Source . Figure adapted from Cefalu et al. ( 2015 ).

Importantly, the weight‐loss benefits in terms of comorbidities are also reflected in improved all‐cause mortality. A recent meta‐analysis of 15 studies demonstrated that relatively small amounts of weight loss, on average 5.5 kg in the treatment arm versus 0.2 kg with placebo from an average baseline BMI of 35 kg/m 2 , resulted in a substantial 15% reduction in all‐cause mortality (Kritchevsky et al., 2015 ).

Cardiovascular health

Weight loss is associated with beneficial changes in several cardiovascular risk markers, including dyslipidemia, pro‐inflammatory/pro‐thrombotic mediators, arterial stiffness, and hypertension (Dattilo & Kris‐Etherton, 1992 ; Dengo et al., 2010 ; Goldberg et al., 2014 ; Haffner et al., 2005 ; Ratner et al., 2005 ). Importantly, weight loss was found to reduce the risk for CVD mortality by 41% up to 23 years after the original weight‐loss intervention (Li et al., 2014 ; Figure ​ Figure4). 4 ). Evidence including the biological effects of obesity and weight loss, and the increased risk for stroke with obesity indicates that weight loss may be effective for primary‐ and secondary‐stroke prevention (Kernan, Inzucchi, Sawan, Macko, & Furie, 2013 ).

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Reduction in cardiovascular mortality with modest weight reduction. Cumulative incidence of CVD mortality during 23 years of follow‐up in the Da Qing study (Li et al., 2014 ). Figure © 2014 Elsevier.

Source . Reproduced with permission from Li et al. ( 2014 ).

Type 2 diabetes

Three major long‐term studies, the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), the Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS), and the Da Qing IGT and Diabetes (Da Qing) study, have demonstrated that modest weight loss through short‐term lifestyle or pharmacologic interventions can reduce the risk for developing T2D by 58%, 58%, and 31%, respectively, in individuals with obesity and prediabetes (DPP Research Group et al., 2009 ; Pan et al., 1997 ; Tuomilehto et al., 2001 ). Long‐term benefits were maintained following the interventions; for example, in the DPP, the risk reduction of developing T2D versus placebo was 34% at 10 years and 27% at 15 years following the initial weight‐loss intervention (DPP Research Group, 2015 ; DPP Research Group et al., 2009 ). Weight loss increased the likelihood of individuals reverting from prediabetes to normoglycemia (DPP Research Group et al., 2009 ; Li et al., 2008 ; Lindstrom et al., 2003 , 2006 ; Tuomilehto et al., 2001 ), and also improved other aspects of glycemic control including fasting and postprandial glucose, and insulin sensitivity (Haufe et al., 2013 ; Li et al., 2008 ).

Sleep apnea

Data indicate that weight loss is beneficial, although not curative, in patients with obesity who experience OSA. Meta‐analyses of patients who underwent treatment with either intensive lifestyle intervention (Araghi et al., 2013 ) or bariatric surgery (Greenburg, Lettieri, & Eliasson, 2009 ) demonstrated improvements in apnea‐hypopnea index (AHI) following treatment. In the first of these meta‐analyses, in randomized controlled trials, lifestyle intervention lead to a mean reduction in BMI of 2.3 kg/m 2 , which was associated with a decrease in mean AHI of 6.0 events/h. As expected, weight loss was much higher in the second meta‐analysis that investigated the effect of bariatric surgery on measures of OSA, and this was associated with greater reductions in AHI; the mean BMI reduction of 17.9 kg/m 2 resulted in AHI events being reduced by a mean of 38.2 events/h. Once these improvements in AHI have occurred, they seem to persist for some time, irrespective of a certain degree of weight regain. In one study, an initial mean weight loss of 10.7 kg resulted in a persistent improvement in AHI over a 4‐year period despite weight regain of approximately 50% by Year 4 (Kuna et al., 2013 ).

Intentional weight loss of >9 kg reduced the risk for a range of cancers including breast, endometrium, and colon in the large‐scale Iowa Women's Health Study (Parker & Folsom, 2003 ). The overall reduction in the incidence rate of any cancer was 11% (relative risk, 0.89; 95% CI 0.79, 1.00) for participants who lost more than 9 kg compared with those who did not achieve a more than 9 kg weight loss episode. Additionally, weight loss in participants with obesity has been established to be associated with reductions in cancer biomarkers including soluble E‐selectin and IL‐6 (Linkov et al., 2012 ).

Additional health benefits

The substantial weight loss associated with bariatric surgery has been shown to improve asthma with a 48%–100% improvement in symptoms and reduction in medication use (Juel, Ali, Nilas, & Ulrik, 2012 ); however, there is a potential threshold effect so that modest weight loss of 5%–10% may lead to clinical improvement (Lv, Xiao, & Ma, 2015 ). Similarly, modest weight loss of 5%–10% improves GERD (Singh et al., 2013 ) and liver function (Haufe et al., 2013 ). A study utilizing MRI scanning to examine the effects of weight loss on NAFLD has reported a reduction in liver fat from 18.3% to 13.6% ( p = .03), a relative reduction of 25% (Patel et al., 2015 ). Taking an active role in addressing obesity through behavioral modifications or exercise can also reduce the symptoms of depression (Fabricatore et al., 2011 ), improve urinary incontinence in men and women (Breyer et al., 2014 ; Brown et al., 2006 ), and improve fertility outcomes in women (Kort, Winget, Kim, & Lathi, 2014 ). Additionally, weight loss can reduce the joint‐pain symptoms and disability caused by weight‐related osteoarthritis (Felson, Zhang, Anthony, Naimark, & Anderson, 1992 ; Foy et al., 2011 ).

Mitigating risks

Despite the array of benefits, weight loss can also be linked with certain risks that may need to be managed. One such example is the risk for gallstones with rapid weight loss, which is associated with gallstone formation in 30%–71% of individuals. Gallstone formation is particularly associated with bariatric surgery when weight loss exceeds 1.5 kg/week and occurs particularly within the first 6 weeks following surgery when weight loss is greatest. Slower rates of weight loss appear to mitigate the risk for gallstone formation compared to the general population but may not eliminate it entirely; as was noted in the year‐long, weight‐loss, SCALE trial that compared liraglutide 3.0 mg daily use to placebo and resulted in gallstone formation in 2.5% of treated subjects compared to 1% of subjects taking placebo. For this reason, the risk for cholethiasis should be considered when formulating weight‐loss programs (Weinsier & Ullmann, 1993 ).

Strategies to help individuals achieve and maintain weight loss

Rogge and Gautam have covered the biology of obesity and weight regain within another section of this supplement (Rogge & Gautam, 2017 ), so here we focus on some of the clinical strategies for delivering weight loss and weight loss maintenance lifestyle programs. Structured lifestyle support plays an important role in successful weight management. A total of 34% of participants receiving structured lifestyle support from trained‐nursing staff achieved weight loss of ≥5% over 12 weeks compared with approximately 19% with usual care (Nanchahal et al., 2009 ). This particular structured program, delivered in a primary healthcare setting, included initial assessment and goal setting, an eating plan and specific lifestyle goals, personalized activity program, and advice about managing obstacles to weight loss. Additionally, data from the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), which is the longest prospective compilation of data from individuals who have successfully lost weight and maintained their weight loss, confirm expectations that sustained changes to both diet and activity levels are central to successful weight management (Table ​ (Table2). 2 ). Therefore, an understanding of different clinical strategies for delivery‐structured support is essential for the nurse practitioner.

Lifestyle factors associated with achieving and maintaining weight loss

Modified food intake98
Increased physical activity 94
Exercised on average for 1 h each day90
Ate breakfast every day78
Weighed themselves weekly75
Watched less than 10 h of television weekly62
Lost weight with the help of a weight‐loss program55

Note . Data from (NWCR, 2016 ).

a Walking was the most common activity undertaken.

Realistic weight‐loss targets

From the outset, a patient's estimate of their achievable weight loss may be unrealistic. Setting realistic weight‐loss goals is often difficult because of misinformation from a variety of sources, including friends, media, and other healthcare professionals (Osunlana et al., 2015 ). Many individuals with obesity or overweight have unrealistic goals of 20%–30% weight loss, whereas a more realistic goal would be the loss of 5%–15% of the initial body weight (Fabricatore et al., 2007 ). Promoting realistic weight‐loss expectations for patients was identified as a key difficulty for nurse practitioners, primary care nurses, dieticians, and mental health workers (Osunlana et al., 2015 ). Visual resources showing the health and wellness benefit of modest weight loss may thus be helpful (Osunlana et al., 2015 ). Healthcare practitioners should focus on open discussion about, and re‐enforcement of, realistic weight‐loss goals and assess outcomes consistently according to those goals (Bray, Look, & Ryan, 2013 ).

Maintaining a food diary

The 2013 White Paper from the American Nurse Practitioners Foundation on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity considers a food diary as an important evidence‐based nutritional intervention in aiding weight loss (ANPF). Consistent and regular recording in a food diary was significantly associated with long‐term weight‐loss success in a group of 220 women (Peterson et al., 2014 ). This group lost a mean of 10.4% of their initial body weight through a 6‐month group‐based weight‐management program and then regained a mean of 2.3% over a 12‐month follow‐up period, during which participants received bimonthly support in person, by telephone, or by e‐mail (Peterson et al., 2014 ). Over the 12‐month follow‐up, women who self‐monitored consistently (≥50% of the extended‐care year) had a mean weight loss of 0.98%, while those who were less consistent (<50%) gained weight (5.1%; p < .01). Therefore, frequent and consistent food monitoring should be encouraged, particularly in the weight‐maintenance phase of any program.

Motivating and supporting patients

Motivational interviewing is a technique that focuses on enhancing intrinsic motivation and behavioral changes by addressing ambivalence (Barnes & Ivezaj, 2015 ). Interviews focus on “change talk,” including the reasons for change and optimism about the intent for change in a supportive and nonconfrontational setting, and may help individuals maintain behavioral changes.

For patients that have achieved weight loss, the behavioral factors associated with maintaining weight loss include strong social support networks, limiting/avoiding disinhibited eating, avoiding binge eating, avoiding eating in response to stress or emotional issues, being accountable for one's decisions, having a strong sense of autonomy, internal motivation, and self‐efficacy (Grief & Miranda, 2010 ). Therefore, encouraging feelings of “self‐worth” or “self‐efficacy” can help individuals to view weight loss as being within their own control and achievable (Cochrane, 2008 ).

Strengthening relationships with patients with overweight or obesity to enhance trust may also improve adherence with weight‐loss programs. Patients with hypertension who reported having “complete trust” in their healthcare practitioner were more than twice as likely to engage in lifestyle changes to lose weight than those who lacked “complete trust” (Jones, Carson, Bleich, & Cooper, 2012 ). It may be prudent to ensure the healthcare staff implementing weight‐loss programs have sufficient time to foster trust with their patients.

Continued support from healthcare staff may help patients sustain the necessary motivation for lifestyle changes. A retrospective analysis of 14,256 patients in primary care identified consultation frequency as a factor that can predict the success of weight‐management programs (Lenoir, Maillot, Guilbot, & Ritz, 2015 ). Individuals who successfully maintained ≥10% weight loss over 12 months visited the healthcare provider on average 0.65 times monthly compared with an average of 0.48 visits/month in those who did not maintain ≥10% weight loss, and 0.39 visits/month in those who failed to achieve the initial ≥10% weight loss ( p < .001; Lenoir et al., 2015 ).

Educational and environmental factors

It is important to consider a patient's education and environment when formulating a weight loss strategy as environmental factors may need to be challenged to help facilitate weight loss. A family history of obesity and childhood obesity are strongly linked to adult obesity, which is likely to be because of both genetic and behavioral factors (Kral & Rauh, 2010 ). Parents create their child's early food experiences and influence their child's attitudes to eating through learned eating habits and food choices (Kral & Rauh, 2010 ). Families can also impart cultural preferences for less healthy food choices and family food choices may be affected by community factors, such as the local availability and cost of healthy food options (Castro, Shaibi, & Boehm‐Smith, 2009 ). Alongside this, genetic variation in taste sensation may influence the dietary palate and influence food choices (Loper, La Sala, Dotson, & Steinle, 2015 ). For example, sensitivity to 6‐n‐propylthiouracil (PROP) is genetically determined, and PROP‐tasting ability ranges from super taster to nontaster. When offered buffet‐style meals over 3 days, PROP nontasters consumed more energy, and a greater proportion of energy from fat compared with super tasters. So it is possible that a family's genetic profile could contribute to eating choices. To address behavioral factors, it is important to ensure that families have appropriate support and information and that any early signs of weight gain are dealt with promptly.

A healthy home food environment can help individuals improve their diet. In children, key factors are availability of fresh fruit and vegetables at home and parental influence through their own fresh fruit and vegetable intake (Wyse, Wolfenden, & Bisquera, 2015 ). In adults, unhealthy home food environment factors include less healthy food in the home and reliance on fast food ( p = .01) are all predictors of obesity (Emery et al., 2015 ).

Family mealtimes are strongly associated with better dietary intake and a randomized controlled trial to encourage healthy family meals showed a promising reduction in excess weight gain in prepubescent children (Fulkerson et al., 2015 ). Another study showed that adolescents with any level of baseline family meal frequency, 1–2, 3–4, and ≥5 family meals/week, had reduced odds of being affected by overweight or obesity 10 years later than adolescents who never ate family meals (Berge et al., 2015 ). Community health advocates have identified the failure of many families to plan meals or prepare food as a barrier to healthy family eating patterns (Fruh, Mulekar, Hall, Fulkerson et al., 2013 ). Meal planning allows healthy meals to be prepared in advance and frozen for later consumption (Fruh, Mulekar, Hall, Adams et al., 2013 ) and is associated with increased consumption of vegetables and healthier meals compared with meals prepared on impulse (Crawford, Ball, Mishra, Salmon, & Timperio, 2007 ; Hersey et al., 2001 ).

The role of the nurse practitioner

The initial and ongoing interactions between patient and nurse practitioner are keys for the determination of an effective approach and implementation of a weight loss program and subsequent weight maintenance. The initial interaction can be instigated by either the nurse practitioner or the patient and once the decision has been made to manage the patient's weight, the evaluation includes a risk assessment, a discussion about the patient's weight, and treatment goal recommendations (American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, 2013 ). Across this process, it may be advantageous to approach this using objective data and language that is motivational and/or nonjudgmental. Patients may struggle with motivation, and therefore, ongoing discussions around the health benefits and improvements to quality of life as a result of weight loss may be required (American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, 2013 ). It may be valuable to allocate personalized benefits to the weight loss such as playing with children/grandchildren (American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, 2013 ). Treatment approaches encompass nonpharmacological and pharmacological strategies; however, it is important to remember that any pharmacological agent used should be used as an adjunct to nutritional and physical activity strategies (American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, 2013 ). Pharmacotherapy options for weight management are discussed further in the article by Golden in this supplement.


The importance of obesity management is underscored both by the serious health consequences for individuals, but also by its increasing prevalence globally, and across age groups in particular. Obesity promotes a chronic, low‐grade, inflammatory state, which is associated with vascular dysfunction, thrombotic disorders, multiple organ damage, and metabolic dysfunction. These physiological effects ultimately lead to the development of a range of morbidities, including CVD, T2D, OSA, and certain cancers along with many others, as well as causing a significant impact on mortality.

However, even modest weight loss of 5%–10% of total body weight can significantly improve health and well‐being, and further benefits are possible with greater weight loss. Weight loss can help to prevent development of T2D in individuals with obesity and prediabetes and has a positive long‐term impact on cardiovascular mortality. Beneficial, although not curative, effects have also been noted on OSA following >10% weight loss. In addition, weight loss reduces the risk for certain cancer types and has positive effects on most comorbidities including asthma, GERD, liver function, urinary incontinence, fertility, joint pain, and depression.

Weight‐loss programs that include realistic weight loss goals, frequent check‐in, and meal/activity diaries may help individuals to lose weight. Setting realistic weight‐loss goals can be difficult; however, visual resources showing the health and wellness benefit of weight loss may be helpful in discussing realistic goals, and help motivate the patient in maintaining the weight loss. Techniques such as motivational interviewing that focus on addressing resistance to behavioral change in a supportive and optimistic manner may help individuals in integrating these changes to allow them to become part of normal everyday life and thus help with maintaining the weight loss. Positive reinforcement in terms of marked early‐weight loss may also assist in improving adherence, so this should be a key goal for weight‐loss programs. Encouraging feelings of “self‐worth” or “self‐efficacy” can help individuals to view weight loss as being within their own control.

Nurse practitioners play a major role in helping patients achieve weight loss through all aspects of the process including assessment, support, motivation, goal‐setting, management, and treatment. With their in‐depth understanding of the research in the field of obesity and weight management, nurse practitioners are well placed to effect meaningful changes in the weight‐management strategies deployed in clinical practice.

List of helpful resources

The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC): This site has educational resources for providers and patients. It also has information on advocacy for patients.
Stop Obesity Alliance: This site has many helpful resources to help prevent obesity bias and helpful educational materials for patients. It also has an excellent tool to help providers discuss the topic of obesity with patients.
UConn Rudd Center: This site is an excellent resource for providers in clinical practice. This site has modules to help providers improve obesity management.


The authors are grateful to Watermeadow Medical for writing assistance in the development of this manuscript. This assistance was funded by Novo Nordisk, who also had a role in the review of the manuscript for scientific accuracy. The author discussed the concept, drafted the outline, commented in detail on the first iteration, made critical revision of later drafts, and has revised and approved the final version for submission.

Dr. Sharon Fruh serves on the Novo Nordisk Obesity Speakers Bureau. In compliance with national ethical guidelines, the author reports no relationship with business or industry that would post a conflict of interest.

Writing and editorial support was provided by Watermeadow Medical, and funded by Novo Nordisk.

The copyright line in this article was changed on 9 August 2018 after online publication.

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Definition and Overview

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines overweight and obesity as having “excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.” There are various methods to calculate body fat , as each range in accuracy and can have limitations. Body mass index (BMI) is one tool used to screen for excessive body fat. A BMI value of more than 25 is categorized as overweight, and a BMI value of more than 30 is categorized as obese.

Why use BMI?

Health impacts.

There are negative health impacts associated with excess body fat. The WHO estimates that in 2019, 5 million deaths from noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes were caused by a high BMI, and rates of obesity continue to grow globally in children and adults. [1] According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S., 1 in 5 children and 1 in 3 adults has obesity. [2] Children with obesity are more likely to have obesity as adults and the associated risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

A healthy amount of body fat in children and teens varies based on age as well as sex. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed growth charts for boys and girls ages 2-19 that show the distribution of BMI values at each age. [3] By the CDC’s definition, a child whose BMI falls between the 85th and 94th percentile for age and sex is considered overweight; a BMI at the 95th percentile or higher for age is considered obese. As the rates of obesity rise in children, there is also a category for severe obesity in which the BMI is 120% of the 95th percentile. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides more specific classifications of severe obesity:

  • Class 2 Obesity: BMI ≥120% to <140% of the 95th percentile or BMI ≥35 to <40 kg/m 2
  • Class 3 Obesity: BMI ≥140% of the 95th percentile or BMI ≥40 kg/m 2

Obesity can negatively affect nearly every system in a child’s body – the heart, lungs, muscles, bones, kidneys, digestive tract, and hormones that control blood sugar and puberty – and can also take a heavy social and emotional toll. Children with obesity may be burdened by stigma and discrimination from bullying, teasing and victimization. Youth with obesity have substantially higher odds of remaining overweight or obese into adulthood increasing their risk of disease and disability later in life. [4]

The risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other weight-related health risks increases with an increasing body mass index (BMI). But evidence shows that in some ethnic and racial groups, weight gain and higher fat mass even if BMI remains in the normal range can still increase health risks.

The Nurses’ Health Study tracked patterns of weight gain and type 2 diabetes (T2D) development in 78,000 U.S. women to see differences by ethnic group. [5] All women were healthy at the start of the study. After 20 years, researchers found that at the same BMI, Asians had more than twice the risk of developing T2D than Whites; Hispanics and Blacks also had higher risks of diabetes than Whites, but to a lesser degree. Increases in weight over time were more harmful in Asians than in other ethnic groups – for every 11 pounds Asians gained during adulthood, they had an 84% increased risk of T2D; Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites who gained weight also had higher risk, but to a much lesser degree than Asians. Other studies have found that even with a lower BMI than Whites, increasing weight in Asians with a BMI of 25 or higher increased risk of high blood pressure, T2D, and early death from all causes. [6-8]

One reason for this difference could be amount and location of body fat. Even with a lower BMI than other populations, Chinese and South Asians tend to carry higher abdominal fat than Whites, which increases the risk for T2D, cardiovascular disease, and other metabolic disorders. [9-11] In contrast, some studies have found that blacks have lower body fat and higher lean muscle mass than whites at the same BMI, and therefore at the same BMI, may be at lower risk of obesity-related diseases. [12,13]

For this reason, the World Health Organization and other organizations have recommended a lower BMI cutoff to classify obesity in Asian people (BMI of 25-27 or greater) as well as a smaller waist circumference to measure visceral fat. [9,14]

Weight gain of greater than 10 pounds in adulthood also increases disease risk (i.e., heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones) even in those whose BMI remains in the normal range, according to research from the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study. [15-19]

With the five leading causes of death – heart disease, cancer , chronic lower respiratory disease, cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke, and unintentional injuries – obesity is a major risk factor for the first four. [20] Obesity is also associated with other health conditions such as sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, gallstones, infertility, respiratory diseases, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis. No less real are the social and emotional effects of obesity which may include discrimination, lower quality of life, and susceptibility to depression.

Economic Impacts

Obesity costs the U.S. health care system almost $173 billion annually. [2] This includes money spent directly on medical care and prescription drugs related to obesity. In the workplace, research has shown that the number of sick days, short-term disability, and workers’ compensation days increase with increasing BMI. [21] Compared with an employee with a BMI of 25, an employee with a BMI of 35 has nearly double the risk of a disability or workers’ compensation claim. Perhaps one of the most surprising consequences of the current obesity epidemic in the U.S. is its impact on recruitment for the armed services, with data showing that 3 in 5 young adults carry too much weight to qualify for military service. [2]

According to the WHO, worldwide obesity rates are rising with 1 in 8 people, or more than 1 billion people, around the world living with obesity. [14] A Lancet review showed that global adult obesity doubled from 1990 to 2022, and adolescent obesity quadrupled. [22] As low to middle-income countries adopt unhealthy eating patterns and behaviors of industrialized nations such as less physical activity, so do their obesity rates. Specific regions including Polynesia, Micronesia, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and north Africa showed the greatest increases in obesity, as well as higher-income countries such as Chile. [22] Increased eating out of home, access to ultra-processed low-nutrient-dense foods, and sedentariness (e.g., sitting at work, driving instead of walking or bicycling) have contributed. Higher cost and limited access to healthy foods and decreased opportunities for play and sports may cause inequalities in obesity and could limit the impact of policies that target unhealthy foods. [22]

The NCD Risk Factor Collaboration visualizes the prevalence of obesity globally as well as changing obesity rates in various countries since 1990. Below are data summaries of obesity rates for both adults and children around the world:

In 2018, the United States had the highest prevalence of adult obesity among high-income Western countries worldwide. [23]   From 1999 through 2018, the age-adjusted prevalence of adults with obesity increased significantly from 31% to 42%. [24]. If trends continue, projections estimate that by 2030 nearly 50% of adults will have obesity, and nearly 1 in 4 adults will have severe obesity (BMI ≥35). [25]

Obesity disproportionately affects U.S. racial/ethnic minority populations. Compared to 42% of non-Hispanic whites, 50% of non-Hispanic Black and 45% of Hispanic adults have obesity. [24] There are considerable differences in obesity among non-Hispanic Black adults by sex, with 57% of non-Hispanic Black women having obesity compared to 41% of men. [24] Trends estimate that severe obesity may become the most common BMI category among non-Hispanic Black and low-income adults by 2030. [25]

Obesity rates in Canada are not as high as they are in the U.S., but Canada has seen dramatic increases over the past three decades. Obesity prevalence among Canadian adults increased from 9% in 1975 to 31% by 2016. [23] Indigenous populations in Canada are also disproportionately affected by the burden of obesity. [26]

The U.S. has among the highest childhood obesity rates in the world, with nearly 1 in 3 children with overweight or obesity. In 2015-2016, nearly 19% of children 2-19 years old had obesity, affecting an estimated 14 million children nationwide. Obesity prevalence was highest among adolescents 12-19 years old (21%) and lowest among preschool-aged children 2-5 years old (14%). [27] Recently, the prevalence of obesity declined among children ages 2-5 years old, held steady for children 6-11 years, and continued to rise among adolescents 12-19 years. [28,29] Current trends suggest that an alarming 57% of children currently between 2 and 19 years old will have obesity at age 35. [30]

Overweight and obesity disproportionally affects racial/ethnic minority populations, and such disparities exist as early as age 2 and persist into adulthood. [27,30] The highest obesity prevalence are among Hispanic (26%) and non-Hispanic Black children (22%), compared with the lowest prevalence among non-Hispanic White (14%) and non-Hispanic Asian (11%) children. [27]

Canada has also seen a rise in childhood obesity since the late 1970s. Obesity rates have more than doubled, and in some age groups, tripled. [31] But childhood obesity rates are lower there than they are in the U.S; in 2013, 10% of children ages 6-11 years old and 17% of children ages 12-17 had obesity. [32] Childhood obesity is significant among Canada’s Aboriginal groups. In a 2006 survey of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, nearly 33% of children ages 6-8 had obesity, and 13% among children ages 9-14. [33]

Over the past several decades, obesity has become a significant health challenge in Latin America. While undernourishment persists among vulnerable groups, so do overweight and obesity. Each year, obesity among the population grows by 3.6 million individuals, and now exceeds undernourishment as the greatest nutritional threat. [34] Between 1975 and 2014, among the largest increases in BMI in regions worldwide occurred for men in central Latin America, and for women in Andean Latin America and the Caribbean. [35] In 2016, approximately 104 million adults in Latin America had obesity; 15% of men and 16% of women. [23] Countries with the highest prevalence of obesity included Bermuda (women 43%, men 30%) and Puerto Rico (women 42%, men 29%). [23]

While Latin America has shown significant progress in reducing child stunting due to undernourishment, prevalence of overweight and obesity due to malnutrition has grown to be among the highest in the world. [34] As a result, Latin American children have the dual burden of undernutrition coexisting with overweight and obesity. [36] In 2016, 15% of children ages 5-9 years and 10% of adolescents ages 10-19 years had obesity in Latin America and the Caribbean. [34] Among girls ages 5-19 years old, central Latin America demonstrated the highest increase of BMI per decade worldwide over the past 40 years. [37] Inequality further exacerbates overweight and obesity in populations with lower income, and among women, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, and rural families. [34]

Since 1975, obesity rates have been rising across Europe, though not as rapidly or as high as they are in the U.S. [35] Countries with the highest prevalence include Malta and the United Kingdom, hovering around 30% for both men and women. Countries with the lowest obesity prevalence include Austria, Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland for women and Moldova and Russia for men (<20% for all). [23] The rise in women’s BMI in central and southwestern Europe has been among the lowest over the past 40 years, one of the few places worldwide that can report such a trend. [23,35]

Over the past several decades, many European countries had among the largest increases in the number of children and adolescents with obesity. [37] More recently, obesity has plateaued in many regions, particularly in eastern, northwestern, and southwestern Europe, but prevalence rates remain high in Mediterranean countries. [37,38] In Greece, Malta, and Cyprus, 16% of boys ages 5-19 have obesity, and 11% of girls in Greece and Malta. [37]  

Regional surveys and analyses demonstrate similar childhood obesity trends in Europe. A 2019 systematic review of 130 studies across 28 European countries assessed prevalence trends in overweight and obesity among 2-13-year-old children between 1999-2016. [39] The prevalence of overweight and obesity tended to decrease in the Iberian region and increase in the Mediterranean regions, with no significant changes in Atlantic or Central Europe. Although the overall prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity remains high, trends have stabilized in most European countries, but continues to rise in some Mediterranean countries. [39]

Undernutrition has historically received more public health attention in Africa than overnutrition. Yet today, obesity and associated chronic diseases have become a growing problem across the continent. Some have called it a “silent epidemic,” striking countries that are still struggling with the health and economic burdens of malnutrition, stunting, infectious disease, and high childhood mortality rates. [40]

Obesity prevalence is higher among African women compared with men, and can vary widely from country to country. For example in 2016, 41% of women in South Africa had obesity (higher than in U.S. women) compared with 16% of men. In stark contrast, the lowest prevalence of obesity was in Ethiopia for women (7.3%) and in Uganda for men (2%); prevalence of undernutrition exceeds that of overnutrition in these African countries among many others. [35]  Between 1975 and 2016, Botswana experienced the largest increases in obesity prevalence in these African regions, jumping from 5% to 31%. [35]

Hunger, underweight, and stunting have long been the more pressing child nutrition concerns across Africa. Even today, more children and adolescents are moderately or severely underweight than obese, particularly in central, east, and west Africa. [35] Yet here too, child obesity rates are on the rise, particularly in southern Africa. In 1975, less than 0.5% of girls and boys in South Africa had obesity, but by 2016 the prevalence jumped to 13% for girls and 10% for boys. [37]

Researchers have taken a closer look at obesity trends in the six Persian Gulf states (Oman, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait), since these countries have seen tremendous increases in wealth since the discovery of oil reserves in the 1960s. [41] Even in 1975, obesity prevalence in Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates exceeded 20% among women, raking among the top 20 countries worldwide with the highest prevalence. Among men, Kuwait and Qatar also ranked among the top 20 countries with the highest prevalence in 1975, but only at 12%. [23] In 2016, the prevalence of obesity increased to 47% in Kuwait and 45% in Qatar for women, and to approximately 30% for men in both countries. The most significant increases have been observed in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, from 6% in 1975 to around 30% in 2016. [23]

The Middle East and north Africa have seen sharp increases in obesity since 1975, and this region now has among the highest prevalence of child and adolescent obesity worldwide. [38] Girls in Kuwait and Egypt and boys in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have the highest obesity prevalence in the region, all hovering around 20% of the child and adolescent population. [37] In 1975, girls in the Middle East and north Africa had higher age-standardized BMI than boys, but by 2016 this gap shrank or reversed as boys gained more weight than girls. [37]

Some countries in Asia have the lowest obesity prevalence worldwide, yet here too it has become a serious problem across the region over the past four decades, even while underweight concerns persist. Japan and South Korea have among the lowest obesity prevalence in the world (<9%) for both men and women. However, recent trends in China are of special concern. Although obesity rates are still low overall, there has been a substantial increase from <1% in 1978, to 6% for women and 7% for men in 2016. [23] China is one of the most populous nations on the planet with more than 1.4 billion people, so even small percentage increases in obesity prevalence translate into millions more cases of chronic disease. Furthermore, Asians have a higher risk of weight-related diseases like type 2 diabetes at lower BMI levels , further exacerbating the health issues related to overweight and obesity.

South Asian countries like Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan have among the highest prevalence of moderate and severe underweight worldwide; 20% in girls and 29% in boys. Nevertheless, trends in mean BMI have significantly accelerated in east, south, and southeast Asia between 1975 and 2016. Although obesity prevalence remains relatively low in south Asia, their large populations add up to large numbers of children who have obesity.

Compared to south Asia, the prevalence of child and adolescent obesity is greater in high income Asia Pacific and east/southeast Asia, particularly among boys. [37,38] Obesity prevalence in Malaysia, Taiwan, and China for boys was less than 0.5% in 1975 and jumped to 15% in 2016. Girls in Asia have lower obesity prevalence compared to boys, but has still been increasing over time, most notably in Malaysia where obesity increased from 0.2% to 10% during this time period. [37]  

It’s important to note that in Asian adults, the health complications associated with overweight and obesity start at a lower BMI than seen in the U.S. and Europe; therefore these estimates of child obesity prevalence in Asia likely underestimate the true public health burden of obesity in Asia.

The top 13 countries with the highest obesity prevalence worldwide are located within Oceania. Eight of the countries exceed 45% obesity prevalence among men, and 13 countries exceed 50% among women. American Samoa and Nauru have the highest obesity prevalence among women (68%) worldwide; for men it is Nauru at 60%. Australia and New Zealand have lower prevalence in the region but still hover around 30% for both men and women. [23]

Of the top 13 countries with the highest child and adolescent obesity prevalence in 2016, 11 were located in Oceania. There was more than 30% obesity prevalence for both girls and boys in the Cook Islands, Nauru, Palau, and additionally for boys in Niue and American Samoa. [37]

High-income countries in Oceania, Australia and New Zealand have childhood obesity rates in the double digits, but there’s some evidence that rates have hit a plateau. In Australia, 13% of boys and 11% of girls have obesity; in New Zealand the prevalence is higher at 18% and 15% respectively. [37] Overweight and obesity prevalence is even higher in some of New Zealand’s ethnic groups (Maori, 37%; Pacific Islanders, 57%) but have largely unchanged since early 2000. [42]

Risk Factors

Various factors can influence body weight or greater weight gain in specific areas of the body. Some of these cannot be changed, but others may be modified:

  • Non-modifiable risk factors (risk factors you can’t change): age, gender, genes, ethnic origin, and sometimes medications that change how energy is processed in the body leading to weight gain. There’s also strong evidence that having obesity in infancy or childhood increases the chances of remaining obese in adulthood.
  • Risk factors that can be modified: food and beverages consumed, level of physical activity, daily screen time (increased screen time is associated with reduced physical activity time and also increases exposure to marketing of unhealthy foods/beverages), poor sleep hygiene, uncontrolled negative stress. While easier said than done, evidence has shown that addressing these factors as early as possible, even in childhood, may reduce the risk of developing obesity.

Obesity is complex and not just about being born with a certain body size, taking in more calories than the body needs, or burning extra calories through exercise to lose weight. It is often the result of a combination of several non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors. When looking at diet and food, which is often the focus with obesity, there are various factors to consider than just calories in/calories out:

  • Living in a food environment that lacks access to healthy food choices or income-related barriers to regularly consuming a variety of healthy foods.
  • Amount of low-nutrient ultra-processed foods and sugary beverages consumed, especially when displacing high-fiber whole foods, which can increase cravings .
  • Eating behaviors such as skipping meals and eating heavy meals or snacks at night before bed.
  • Overeating portions not from hunger but from stress or boredom.

The environments that surround us also play an important role, as they can make a modifiable risk factor a non-modifiable one. Examples are when someone does not have the ability to secure healthy food choices due to living in a food desert or a safe place to perform regular physical activity .

There are various risk factors for obesity, but not everyone with these risk factors develops obesity. And not everyone who has obesity develops health problems. In these cases, genes may play a role. Studies of siblings or twins show genetic factors that can determine weight and body size throughout life. [43] Some research suggests differences in genes in people who are of normal weight versus those carrying extra weight that may influence appetite control, metabolic rate, or even ability to change behavior. Gene-nutrient interactions can also promote obesity. For example, genes that increase risk of developing obesity have been reported to be stimulated by saturated fatty acids but not by unsaturated fatty acids . [43] The gut microbiome may also play a role in a person’s risk of developing obesity and chronic health conditions. [44]

However, obesity caused by mutations in a single gene, or monogenic obesity, is rare and is more likely influenced by changes in many different genes, called “common” obesity. Still, the modern obesity epidemic is largely fueled by environmental factors, with excess energy intake and low physical activity pinned as the main culprits. [45] First-degree family members (parents, siblings) who live together typically share similar environments that increase the risk of obesity, and health-related habits of parents are often passed onto their children. Examples include food choices, meal preparation methods (cooking at home vs. reliance on fast food), exercise, screen time, and sleep habits, as well as lack of access to outdoor green space.

These findings suggest that genetic factors make a small contribution to obesity risk, and that our genes are not our destiny. Many people who carry potential “obesity genes” do not become overweight, and healthy lifestyles can counteract these genetic effects.

Is Prevention Possible?

Many factors contribute to rising rates of obesity in children and adults. Among them, the abundance of low-priced, high-calorie ultra processed foods and sugary drinks; incessant marketing driving people to eat more; and an environment that reduces the need for regular physical activity.

Although preventing weight gain over the years of life may not be possible for everyone due to a variety of circumstances, there are strategies to reduce the amount of weight change by increasing awareness of modifiable risk factors and working toward healthy lifestyle behaviors.

However, focusing only on the individual (e.g., nutrition and lifestyle education, weight loss medications) has little impact on global obesity prevalence. Prevention requires a broader scope that addresses food systems and an obesogenic environment , including policy changes such as regulating the marketing of ultra-processed low-nutrient-dense foods and taxing items such as sugar-sweetened beverages.

Indeed, what sometimes gets lost in the discussion is that obesity is preventable . We can turn around the obesity epidemic by collaboratively creating an environment where the default option is the healthy choice.

Obesity prevention at the individual level and beyond

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The Impact of Obesity on College Students' Health

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Published: Mar 8, 2024

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Introduction, physical effects of obesity, emotional effects of obesity, mental health effects of obesity.

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