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10 Sample Answers to “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

me in 5 years essay

Ever wondered how to ace the ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ question in job interviews?

At MatchBuilt, we’ve seen over 70% of employers ask this, making it a crucial pivot point for your career narrative. It’s not just about ambition; it’s a litmus test for your alignment with the company’s vision.

In this post, we’ll unlock the secrets behind this question, drawing on insights from top industry recruiters. Expect to find expertly crafted sample answers tailored to various career paths, equipping you with the right tools to articulate your future goals in sync with potential employers. Let’s dive in and transform your interview responses into compelling career stories.

how to answer where do you see yourself in 5 years

Why Employers Ask This Question and What They Are Looking For

Unraveling the intent behind the classic interview question, ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’, reveals much about an employer’s priorities. It’s not just a query; it’s a strategic probe into your career ambitions and fit with the company’s future.

Here, employers are gauging your long-term vision, seeking signs of ambition, motivation, and dedication to career growth.

A well-crafted answer showcasing your alignment with the company’s values and objectives isn’t just informative—it’s a testament to your commitment and potential growth within the organization. Let’s dive into how a strategic response can significantly impact your career trajectory.

How To Answer ‘Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?’

Now that we grasp the reasons behind the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” and what employers are seeking in your response, let’s delve into crafting a compelling answer. Follow these clear and direct steps to excel in your response:

  • Be Honest and Realistic: When answering this question, be honest and realistic about your career goals and aspirations . Avoid being vague or unrealistic, as this can give the impression that you haven’t thought much about your future plans.
  • Show Your Ambition: Employers seek ambitious and motivated candidates to grow within the company. Show your ambition by sharing your long-term career goals and how they align with the company’s mission and values.
  • Highlight Your Skills: Take the opportunity to showcase your skills and how you plan to develop them further. This demonstrates your commitment to your career growth and potential value to the company.
  • Be Flexible: While having a clear vision for your future is important, being flexible and adaptable is also essential. Show that you are open to new opportunities and challenges within the company and are willing to adjust your plans if necessary.

When answering this question, avoiding being vague or unrealistic is essential. For example, saying that you see yourself as the company’s CEO within five years may be unrealistic and may not align with the company’s needs. Instead, focus on realistic and achievable goals that demonstrate your ambition and commitment to your career growth within the company.

By following these simple steps, you can provide a thoughtful and strategic answer that impresses your interviewer and showcases your potential as a candidate.

best answer to where you see yourself in five years

Avoid Common Mistakes When Discussing Your 5-Year Vision

When answering the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” it’s important to avoid common mistakes that could send red flags to the hiring manager and hinder your chances of landing your dream job. Here are some tips on how to avoid these mistakes:

  • Don’t be too vague: Avoid giving generic or unclear answers that don’t align with your career aspirations. For example, saying that you see yourself “growing with the company” may not demonstrate enough ambition or a clear plan for your long-term career goals.
  • Don’t be too unrealistic: While showcasing your ambition and career growth aspirations is important, keeping them realistic is equally important. Saying that you want to be the company’s CEO within five years while starting at an entry-level position may come across as unrealistic.
  • Don’t be too short-sighted: Employers are looking for candidates with a long-term vision for their career growth, not just short-term goals. Ensure your answer includes how you plan to develop your skills and progress in your career beyond the five-year mark.
  • Don’t be too focused on the specific position: While showing enthusiasm for the role you’re interviewing for is excellent, showcasing your broader career goals and aspirations is vital. Don’t limit yourself to just one specific position within the company.
  • Don’t give the same example answer as everyone else: Employers have repeatedly heard the same “example answers” to this common job interview question. It’s important to stand out by providing a unique and personalized response that showcases your strengths and aspirations.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can correctly answer the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” and increase your chances of receiving a job offer. It’s a great way to show your ambition and commitment to long-term career growth while demonstrating that you are a good fit for the company.

Now that you’ve learned what to avoid when answering ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’, let’s take it a step further. Below is a special video to visually guide you through the nuances of crafting an impactful answer. This video will illustrate, with real examples, how to articulate your 5-year vision effectively, ensuring you stand out in your interview. Get ready to transform your answer from good to exceptional, and confidently express your career aspirations.

10 Example Answers to “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

Dive into the heart of your next interview with our curated selection of ten sample answers to the pivotal question, ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ This section is crafted to arm you with strategies that not only answer the question but also align your ambitions with the company’s vision.

From aspiring leaders to technical experts, each example is tailored to showcase different career paths and goals. Let’s enhance your interview preparation and ensure you leave a memorable impression, well-equipped to articulate your future plans with confidence.

Sample Answer 1: Career Growth

In five years, I see myself as an integral part of the company’s vision, contributing to its growth and success. As the company expands into new markets and adopts new technologies, I would love to take on more responsibilities and advance within my role . To achieve this, I plan to proactively seek out professional development opportunities and mentorship from senior team members. I also aim to leverage my skills and experience to support the company’s goals and work collaboratively with my colleagues towards achieving shared objectives.

The response reflects the candidate’s eagerness to advance their company career and unwavering dedication to growth. It exhibits a thorough understanding of the company’s objectives and reveals the candidate’s determination to succeed through proactivity. By prioritizing their professional progression and seeking opportunities to hone their skills, the candidate aligns with the qualities that employers look for in a driven and committed candidate.

Sample Answer 2: Leadership Development

In the next five years, I envision myself growing within the company by taking on new challenges and expanding my skill set. As I understand from my research, the company is expanding its market share and introducing new products to its portfolio. I would like to be a part of this growth and contribute to the success of the company by taking on leadership roles in these new projects. To achieve this, I plan to actively seek out opportunities to learn and develop my skills, take on new responsibilities, and work closely with senior leaders to gain mentorship and guidance. I believe that by growing my leadership skills and contributing to the company’s vision, I can make a meaningful impact and help drive the company’s success in the future.

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s ambition and commitment to developing their leadership skills, a highly valued trait by employers. It also shows that the candidate has a clear plan for achieving their goals and is willing to take proactive steps to develop their skills.

Sample Answer 3: Cross-Functional Experience

In the next five years, I see myself growing within the company by taking on new challenges and expanding my skillset. I am impressed with the company’s vision for innovation and growth, and I would love to be a part of that journey. Specifically, I am interested in learning more about [specific department or project] and how I can contribute to its success. I plan to seek out opportunities to collaborate with those teams and gain a deeper understanding of their operations. By doing so, I believe I can bring added value to the company and achieve my own professional goals.

This response highlights the candidate’s eagerness to enhance their knowledge and expertise beyond their current position, showcasing a valuable attribute for any employee. Moreover, it indicates that the candidate is proactive in their approach and actively seeks out avenues for progress and advancement within the organization.

Sample Answer 4: Contribution to Company Goals

I see myself growing with the company and taking on new challenges over the next five years. I am excited about the company’s focus on expanding into new markets and developing innovative products, and I would love to be a part of that vision. Specifically, I hope to take on leadership roles within my department and contribute to the company’s success through my skills and expertise. I plan to continually improve myself by seeking out opportunities for training and development and staying up-to-date with industry trends. Ultimately, my goal is to make a significant impact on the company’s growth and success while also advancing my own career.

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s commitment to the company’s goals and values, a highly valued trait by employers. It also shows that the candidate has a clear plan for achieving their goals and is willing to seek feedback and mentorship to ensure their success.

Sample Answer 5: Technical Expertise

In the next five years, I see myself growing within the company and becoming an integral part of its future. I am excited about the company’s vision to expand its digital offerings, and I would love to be a part of that growth. Specifically, I am passionate about developing my technical expertise and becoming a subject matter expert within my field. To achieve this goal, I plan to attend technical training or workshops, seek mentorship or guidance from technical experts within the company, and actively seek out challenging technical projects. My objective is to become a valuable resource for the company and a go-to person for technical questions or projects that contribute to the company’s growth and success.

The candidate’s response indicates a strong drive to improve their technical abilities , reflecting a desirable quality sought by employers. Additionally, the candidate’s clear and well-thought-out plan for skill development showcases their dedication to achieving their objectives and their proactive approach toward seeking opportunities for growth and advancement.

candidate talking about professional development plan

Sample Answer 6: Leadership and Management

I see myself taking on a leadership role within the company over the next five years and managing a team. I have been actively developing my leadership skills, and I believe that I will be ready to take on this responsibility in five years. I plan to continue to grow my skills by taking leadership courses and working closely with my current manager to learn as much as possible.

This answer demonstrates that the candidate has ambition and is committed to growing their skills within the company. It also shows that they have a specific career path in mind and are actively working towards achieving their goals.

Sample Answer 7: Industry Expertise

In five years, I see myself as a vital member of the team, contributing to the company’s growth and success. As I understand the company’s vision, it aims to expand into new markets and develop innovative products to stay ahead of the competition. I am excited about the opportunity to grow alongside the company and be part of this vision. I plan to take on challenging projects, seek out learning opportunities, and continuously improve my skills to contribute to the company’s progress. Additionally, I look forward to mentoring new team members and sharing my knowledge and expertise to contribute to the team’s overall success.

The candidate’s response shows a strong commitment to staying current with the latest industry trends and a drive to enhance their expertise. Moreover, it highlights their proactive attitude and willingness to take on new challenges to advance their objectives.

Sample Answer 8: Making an Impact

In five years, I envision myself as a key player in the company’s growth and success. As the company expands into new markets and takes on more complex projects, I would like to take on a leadership role in these endeavors. I am excited about the company’s focus on innovation and sustainability, and I hope to contribute to these initiatives by developing new strategies and implementing best practices. By seeking out mentorship opportunities and continuously improving my skills, I am confident that I can help the company achieve its long-term goals.

This answer shows that the candidate is focused on making a meaningful impact within the company and is committed to finding ways to contribute to the team’s success. It also demonstrates that they are eager to develop their skills and become a more valuable team member.

Sample Answer 9: Entrepreneurship

In five years, I see myself starting my own business within the industry. I plan to continue learning as much as possible while working at this company and develop a network of industry professionals who can support me when the time comes. I believe that my experience working here will be invaluable when starting my own business.

This answer demonstrates that the candidate is ambitious and has a long-term career plan in mind. It also shows they are committed to developing their skills and network while working at the company. They see their experience there as an asset to their future entrepreneurial endeavors.

Sample Answer 10: Company Loyalty

In five years, I see myself still working at this company and contributing to its growth and success. I plan to continue developing my skills and taking on new challenges as they arise. I believe that this company is the best place for me to achieve my career goals, and I am committed to its success.

The candidate’s response exemplifies their loyalty to the company and their intention to stay for the long haul. It also highlights their unwavering commitment to improving their skills and tackling fresh challenges to propel the company’s growth and prosperity further.

Actionable Tips for the 5-Year Vision Interview Question

When responding to the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” in an interview, it’s beneficial to focus on one or two key areas that align closely with your career aspirations and the company’s objectives. This section offers actionable tips derived from various focus areas to help you articulate a clear and strategic vision. Tailoring your response by combining aspects of these tips can make your answer more impactful and aligned with your individual goals.

Focus Area Actionable Tip
Career Growth Demonstrate commitment to long-term career goals
Leadership Skills Articulate aspirations for leadership roles
Skill Development Express eagerness to acquire specific skills
Company Alignment Align personal goals with the company’s vision
Professional Growth Discuss steps for career progression
Team Contribution Highlight the importance of contributing to a team
Personal Development Emphasize ongoing personal improvement
Innovation Showcase a desire to bring innovative ideas
Industry Knowledge Display a deep understanding of the industry
Work-Life Balance Balance professional ambitions with personal life

Enhance your understanding of ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ another video guide. This visual complements the actionable tips provided, offering a dynamic way to understand how to effectively incorporate these strategies into your answer. The video will bring these tips to life, demonstrating how to blend your career aspirations with the company’s goals in a compelling and personalized way. Get ready to refine your response and make a memorable impact in your next interview.

More Frequently Asked Interview Questions

Preparing for an interview can be nerve-wracking, especially when unsure of what to expect. While every interview differs, hiring managers tend to ask several common questions. Knowing how to answer these questions can help you feel more confident and prepared for your interview. This section will review some of the most common interview questions, tips, and example answers to help you nail your next interview.

The best answer to "What is your long-term goal?" will vary depending on the individual and the specific job opportunity. However, a good answer should demonstrate ambition, a clear vision for the future, and alignment with the company's values and goals. Here is an example of a strong answer: "My long-term goal is to continue to grow and develop in my career while making meaningful contributions to the company. Specifically, I aim to take on increasingly challenging roles and responsibilities that allow me to leverage my skills and experience while also expanding my knowledge and expertise. I see myself as a valuable member of the team, working collaboratively with my colleagues to drive the company's success and achieve our shared goals."

One example answer to the question "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" could be: "In 10 years, I see myself in a leadership role within the company, working closely with the executive team to drive business strategy and innovation. I hope to have developed a strong team of professionals who share my vision and commitment to excellence. Additionally, I plan to have pursued further education and training to expand my skills and knowledge, ultimately positioning myself as an expert in my field." This answer demonstrates ambition, strategic thinking, and a long-term commitment to the company's success. It also shows a willingness to invest in personal and professional growth, which is highly valued by employers. It's important to note that this answer should be tailored to the specific position and company you are interviewing for, showcasing how your long-term goals align with their needs and objectives.

One example answer to the question "What can you bring to the company?" could be: "One of my strengths is my ability to problem-solve and think creatively. In my previous job, I identified a bottleneck in the production process and developed a new strategy that increased efficiency by 30%. I believe this kind of innovative thinking can be applied to any company, and I am excited to bring it to your team." The answer provided showcases a clear understanding of the company's needs and a strong alignment with them. The candidate has also demonstrated how their skills and experience can benefit the company by providing a specific example.

A great example answer to "How do you handle stress and pressure?" would be: "I handle stress and pressure by prioritizing my tasks and breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. I also make sure to take breaks and step away from my work when necessary to clear my mind and refocus. In my previous job, I had a deadline for a project, and there was a lot of pressure to finish it on time. I took the initiative to organize a meeting with my team to discuss our progress and delegate tasks effectively, which helped us meet our deadline without compromising the quality of our work." This answer demonstrates a proactive approach to stress and pressure, emphasizing problem-solving skills, time management, and teamwork. The candidate shows the ability to take charge of the situation and manage their workload effectively while maintaining high quality in their work. Providing a specific example also adds credibility to the candidate's answer, showing their ability to handle stressful situations in the past.

A great way to answer the question, "What can you contribute to the team?" is to provide specific examples of your skills, experiences, and accomplishments related to the job and the team's needs. "I believe my strong communication and collaboration skills, as well as my ability to think creatively and solve problems, would make a valuable contribution to the team. In my previous job, I collaborated with a team of designers and developers to create a new website for our client. My ability to communicate effectively and work well with others helped us meet our deadlines and deliver a high-quality product. I also came up with a creative solution to a technical problem that saved the project time and money. I am confident that I can bring these skills and experiences to this team and contribute to its success." This answer shows that the candidate has specific skills and experiences that are relevant to the job and the team's needs. The example also demonstrates the candidate's ability to work well with others, think creatively, and solve problems, all of which are valuable traits in a team environment. By providing a concrete example, the candidate shows that they have a track record of contributing to a team's success, which can give the hiring manager confidence in their ability to do the same in the new job.

Moving Up the Ladder: Using the “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” Question to Your Advantage

Answering the question about where you see yourself in 5 years requires a certain amount of crystal ball-gazing. However, by considering your long-term personal goals and creating a five-year plan, you can position yourself for success over the long haul. Whether you’re aiming for a specific management position or simply looking to build your skills and experience as an entry-level employee, having a clear sense of your ultimate goal is a good idea.

At MatchBuilt executive search, we understand that the coming years may hold many opportunities and challenges for job seekers like you. That’s why we’ve provided ten sample answers to one of the most common interview questions, along with advice on how to craft the best response for your potential employers. By following our tips and tailoring your answer to the specific position you’re seeking, you’ll make a great first impression on new employees and increase your chances of landing the job.

me in 5 years essay

About Mark Matyanowski

As the founder of MatchBuilt, with over 18 years of recruiting and coaching experience and 8+ years in executive roles at a leading Fortune 100 company, I am deeply committed to guiding professionals in their career paths.

Our team at MatchBuilt offers expert support in enhancing resumes, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and preparing for interviews. Our blog, drawing on our rich experience and industry insights, is a valuable resource for job seekers.

We take pride in successfully guiding job candidates to top-tier company roles while empowering individuals to achieve their career ambitions, irrespective of their background or educational level.

Visualizing My Future: A Reflection on Where I See Myself in Five Years

Investing the time to visualize our future can be a powerful tool to bring us closer to achieving our aspirations. Taking stock of where we are now, and where we want to be in five years, allows us to create a tangible plan with achievable goals and milestones. This self-reflection practice can help identify any potential roadblocks or detours that might be encountered along the way, so that these issues can be addressed before they become hindrances.

According to this, writing an essay on how do you see yourself after college is an essential exercise for college students. It allows you to reflect on your goals, identify the skills and knowledge you need to acquire, develop critical thinking and writing skills, and demonstrate your ambition to potential employers or graduate schools.

By the way, in case you are facing challenges in composing an essay about where do you see yourself in 5 years essay, a professional custom essay writing service can provide you with the assistance you require.

What Do I Envision for Myself Five Years From Now

As I sit down to write this essay, I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The topic at hand is “Where do I see myself in 5 years?” It’s a question that has been asked of me numerous times, and one that I have often pondered over myself. After careful consideration and introspection, I have come to a few conclusions about where I see myself in the next five years.

In five years, I see myself as a successful professional in my field. I have always been driven to achieve my goals and have worked tirelessly towards that end. Over the next few years, I plan to continue working hard and expanding my knowledge and skills. I believe that with dedication and hard work, I will be able to climb the ladder of success in my chosen field.

Balancing Personal Interests with Professional Goals

In addition to my professional goals, I also see myself as a more well-rounded individual. I plan to continue pursuing my interests outside of college, including traveling, photography, and volunteering. I believe that these activities will not only bring me personal fulfillment but also help me to develop valuable skills that will benefit me in my professional life.

Finding a balance between personal interests and professional goals can be challenging, but it is essential for achieving long-term success and personal fulfillment. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in work and neglect our personal lives, but doing so can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.

For example, travelling can help us develop a global perspective and improve our communication and adaptability skills. Photography can enhance our attention to detail, creativity, and visual storytelling abilities, which can be beneficial in various professional fields. Volunteering can improve our teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills, which are highly valued by employers.

Prioritizing Personal Relationships

Investing in personal relationships is often overlooked in the pursuit of professional success, but it is just as essential for achieving overall success and personal fulfillment. Building and maintaining strong relationships with family, friends, and colleagues can bring a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and emotional support, which are essential for personal well-being.

Moreover, personal relationships can also have a significant impact on our professional lives. Strong connections with colleagues can foster a positive work environment, increase job satisfaction, and improve teamwork and collaboration. Good relationships with clients and customers can also lead to increased loyalty, repeat business, and referrals.

Embracing Change and Growth

As we travel through life, our aspirations and goals may shift, alter or even transform drastically. It is essential to stay open to new possibilities and adventures as well as being prepared to adjust and develop as we navigate life’s path. In the next five years, I aim to have a clearer idea of my ambitions for the future while also staying alert to changes and growth in myself.

I believe that personal development and ongoing education are pivotal for achieving long-term success and gratification. I intend to dedicate time and energy into my individual and skilled progress, whether it be via taking classes, participating in workshops, or engaging in introspection. By continuously learning and developing, I can master new methods, extend my outlooks as well as enhance my ability to solve issues and make decisions.

So, where do I see myself in five years? I see myself as a successful professional, a well-rounded individual, and a person with strong personal relationships. I also see myself as someone who is open to new experiences and who is committed to continued growth and self-improvement. While the future is uncertain, I am excited to see where my journey takes me over the next five years and beyond.

Tips on Writing an Opinion Essay on “Where I See Myself in Five Years”

Even if students have a clear idea of their dream board five years after college graduation, they may struggle to express these ideas compellingly and coherently. Writing about oneself can be challenging, especially when it comes to discussing personal goals and aspirations. Practicing writing opinion essay and articulating your ideas can help you feel more confident and comfortable discussing your future aspirations. Do not forget about the following tips:

Be realistic

While it’s essential to aim high and have ambitious goals, it’s also important to be realistic about what you can achieve in five years. Consider your current experience, qualifications, and opportunities when setting your goals. Make sure that your goals are achievable and realistic, given your current circumstances.

Explain your reasoning

In a 5 years from now I see myself essay, explaining why you have chosen certain goals for yourself is important. What motivates you? What experiences have led you to these goals? Providing context and rationale for your goals can help the reader understand your perspective and reasoning.

Consider challenges

Anticipate challenges that you may face in achieving your goals and explain how you plan to overcome them. This shows that you have thought through the potential obstacles and are prepared to tackle them.

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me in 5 years essay

Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years? (Sample Answers Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

where do you see yourself in 5 years

By Mike Simpson

Updated 4/30/2022

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? It’s one of those interview questions that seems so simple, but it’s surprisingly tricky to answer. Doesn’t the hiring manager know you can’t predict the future? Yes, they do. But that doesn’t mean they won’t ask you to try.

So, how do you answer a question well if it’s based mainly on guesswork? We’re about to tell you. 

Here’s what you can expect from us in this article:

  • Why do Hiring Managers ask this question?

Communicating Your 5 Year Goals

  • Mistakes to Avoid When Answering This Question
  • How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”
  • 3 Great “Where Do you see Yourself in 5 Years” Examples

Why Do Hiring Managers Ask This Question

Alright, before we hop into any “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” sample answers, let’s talk about why Hiring Managers ask this question.

Do hiring managers think you can tell them with 100 percent certainty where you’ll be five years down the road? No, they don’t. Instead, this question is sort of a test (and not necessarily a great one).

There’s a lot of debate regarding whether hiring managers should ask this question. Some people consider it one of the most ineffective interview questions around because it’s asking you to provide an answer based on a theoretical future no one can actually predict. Others dislike it because it’s essentially requiring candidates to provide lip service to the company.

Still, whether it’s a great way to just a candidate’s chances of success, you may need to answer it. So, it’s vital to know what the hiring manager is actually trying to find out.

Essentially, the hiring manager wants to see whether your answers line up with the company’s goals and the hiring manager’s vision for the position. In the end, hiring a new employee costs around $4,000 to hire, but that’s just part of the equation. Companies also invest in onboarding and training.

Since that’s the case, they want to make sure the incoming hire stays put long enough for them to get a sufficient amount of value out of them. If this job is a fit for your long-term plan, that increases the likelihood that you’ll stay in the role long enough to make hiring you worthwhile. If it isn’t a match for your goals, they may assume that investing in you isn’t a wise choice. Yes, it’s that simple.

In some cases, hiring managers can learn a bit more, too. Depending on how you answer, they can assess aspects of your personality. Are you methodical or free-spirited? Ambitious or cautious? Metered or bold? How you answer may tell them.

By knowing what hiring managers are trying to find out, you can create an answer that speaks to those points. That way, you can increase your chances of standing out for the right reasons.

FREE BONUS PDF "CHEAT SHEET" Get our Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years cheat sheet that gives you   3 more word-for-word example answers to this interview question and more. 

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Regardless of the reasons for the Hiring Manager to ask this question, the fact of the matter is, there is a good chance you’re going to be asked it. And this has been made more relevant during the post-Covid world, as the Great Resignation continues and companies become more and more paranoid about losing workers. They want to know if you’re going to stick with them after they’ve invested in you.

So how do you communicate your 5 year plan? How do you let them know that you’ve walked into the interview with a firm grasp of your short term, medium term and long term career goals?

For starters, you need to have put some thought into this before your interview. According to the Wall Street Journal , “Don’t wait for a manager or mentor to ask you what your goals are. Get ahead by brainstorming and crafting your professional goals independently.”

There are many goal-setting resources out there that can assist you with building a goal profile that you can feel confident about heading into your interview.

Once you’ve flushed out your goal profile, get comfortable with it. Read it over several times. Ask a friend to sit down with you and ask you questions about your goals; anything from short- to long-term, financial or growth related or anything else that an interviewer might ask you.

And finally, study how your goals might align with what the company is expecting from the person they hire for the job:

Common Mistakes People Make When Answering the Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Interview Question

So, can you make mistakes when answering the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” interview question? Yes, you can.

Usually, the biggest misstep is discussing a goal that has nothing to do with the job or company. If you don’t line up your career path with the opportunity, you’ll seem like a poor fit, even if you could thrive in the role.

Outlining an unrealistic target is also a big mistake. While saying you’ll be CEO in 5 years might seem daring and passionate, if getting into that role in the next half-decade isn’t actually plausible, it’s a bad answer.

Undershooting works against you, too. If you don’t discuss any kind of growth or advancement, it makes you seem complacent about your career. The hiring manager may also worry that you lack confidence or that your abilities don’t actually line up with what they need. In any of those cases, that works against you.

Saying you want to end up in the hiring manager’s job is also a terrible choice. It doesn’t seem ambitious. Instead, it comes across as a threat.

How To Answer Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years

Creating a fantastic answer for this interview question usually seems tricky. However, with the right strategy, you can get the ball rolling. If you aren’t sure where to start, here are three tips that can get you moving in the proper direction.

1) Research the Role and Company

Since your answer needs to show that the position you want to land fits into your 5-year plan, it’s time for some research. Learn as much as you can about the job and the company, especially when it comes to missions, values, and goals. That way, you can fit the right details into the answer, making you seem like a strong fit.

Additionally, spend time researching the next job in the career path. That could give you a reasonable 5-year target, giving you a reference point to discuss how you see that time potentially unfolding.

2) Let Your Enthusiasm Shine Through

Talking about the future should be fun and exciting. If you deliver an answer to the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” interview question that seems hesitant or uninspired, the hiring manager might assume that you don’t have much passion for the field or the opportunity.

Instead, you need to ensure that your enthusiasm shines through. Show that the path ahead is genuinely motivating to you. That way, you increase your odds of impressing.

3) Embrace Genericness (To a Degree)

Generally speaking, being generic when you answer a job interview question is a poor choice; this is the exception. Since you’re talking about a moment far in the future and there’s no way to know exactly what’ll end up on the horizon, it’s okay to be a little vague. Embrace that idea.

By being a bit generic, you can tailor your answer to the job without making your plan seem too rigid. Additionally, with a broad answer, the hiring manager may fill in some of the gaps themselves. They might figure out how the role could potentially work for you in ways you wouldn’t think of, causing them to relate their ideas to you in their minds. In some cases, that can work in your favor.

Step-By-Step Guide for Answering This Question

As with most interview questions, a strategic approach is your ally. Here’s how to answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

1. Do Your Research

As mentioned above, you need to spend time learning about the job and company. That way, you’ll have an easier time designing a response that’s relevant in the eyes of the hiring manager.

2. Check Out the Career Path

After you dig into the role and employer, spend a little time reviewing your potential career path. Determine what jobs come next and how long it usually takes to land them. That way, you can find a solid target for your answer.

3. Have a Compelling Value Proposition

In the end, you should always strive to showcase your value during your interview. Consider how any goals you outline can benefit the company, allowing you to show why your growth and advancement is ultimately a win-win.

4. Embrace Brevity and Be Generic

Generally, this is an interview question where the answer should be short, sweet, and free of any overly limiting detail. Provide a quick overview with somewhat generic targets, ensuring it’s easy for the hiring manager to see how the job can fit into your 5-year plan.

But what if they ask you where you see yourself in 10 years? Don’t worry, we’ve written a separate article for that which you can read here .

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Examples

How you answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” largely depends on where you are in your career. Since that’s the case, it’s helpful to see a couple of examples. Fortunately, we have your back.

Here are three “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” sample answers, with each one targeting a different moment in a person’s career.

Entry-Level Recent Graduate

As a recent graduate, I’m excited to take my first steps into my chosen field. Over the next five years, my main goal is to continue learning and growing. That’s what initially attracted me to the position and your company, as you have a reputation for supporting your employee’s development.
Ideally, I’d also like to take move from an entry-level role into one that’s a bit more advanced within the next five years if the opportunity arises. Along the way, I also want to explore emerging trends in the field, including on my own time. That way, I can provide an employer with value beyond my current role, hopefully putting me on the track to a rewarding career.

Mid-Career Individual Contributor

During my career, I’ve mainly focused on honing my capabilities, ensuring I can exceed expectations in every role I’ve held. One of those opportunities involved overseeing a critical project. It was my first chance to lead a team, and it ignited my passion for coaching others toward success. Due to that, my main goal for the next five years is to work toward a management role.
To make that a possibility, I’m already taking extra steps. For instance, I’m signing up for project management and leadership courses, allowing me to boost those capabilities. I also feel this role helps me continue down this path, as overseeing projects is a major component of the position.

Manager, Leader, or Executive

During the next five years, my top priority is to support the growth and development of a team while supporting my employer’s overall mission and vision. I’d also like to keep my career moving forward.
In my current position, I’ve had the opportunity to guide and coach an outstanding team, leading to a variety of individual and team successes. For my next step, I’m seeking out opportunities to expand my responsibilities.
That’s why I feel like this role is an exceptional fit for my goals, as it allows me to oversee a department. Ultimately, I’d like to take my knowledge of leadership and coaching and apply it at that level. That way, I can provide exceptional value, all while expanding into new strategic areas that allow me to give even more.

Putting It All Together

By now, you like have a good idea of how to answer, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Use all of the tips above to your advantage. That way, when it’s time to speak with a hiring manager, you’ll have a plan in place, making it easier to impress.

FREE : Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years PDF "Cheat Sheet"

Ok the next thing you should do is Download our PDF Answer "Cheat Sheet" that gives you "word for word" example answers to this dreaded question.

In it you'll find answers to fit a variety of scenarios including: if you are applying for an entry level position , mid management and more!


me in 5 years essay

Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com.

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com. His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Where Do I See Myself in 5 Years

Table of contents, 5 years from now: a glimpse into the future, navigating the path to achievement, balancing ambition with adaptability, conclusion: embracing the journey with anticipation.

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Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? Sample Answers

By Biron Clark

Published: November 19, 2023

One of the most common interview questions you’ll hear is: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (or 2 years, 3 years, etc.) The problem: Who honestly knows where they’ll be in that amount of time?  The trick is: Hiring managers don’t actually expect you to know when answering this question. They’re just looking to hear a few key things in your response.

So in this article, I’m going to share:

  • Why hiring managers ask this interview question and what they’re really looking for
  • How to answer the question in 3 steps to show employers you’re a good fit for their job
  • The mistakes to avoid when answering where you see yourself in 5 years
  • Word-for-word sample answers

Why Employers Ask Where You See Yourself in 5 Years

When the interviewer asks you this question, they aren’t expecting you to really know where your career or life will be in five years. Nobody’s going to check on you. In fact, you might not even be with the same employer. So it doesn’t matter if your prediction of your long term goals is accurate.

All that matters is you give a good answer that gets you the job offer , and you can do that by highlighting certain traits that the interviewer wants to see, and traits that show the employer you’re a good fit for their position and company.

What hiring managers want to hear when they ask this question:

  • They want to hear that you’ve thought about your long term goals and future, and that you care about your career path and growth (because this means you’ll work harder, have a better attitude, and be more motivated in their company).
  • They want to make sure you’re ambitious and goal-oriented in general.
  • They want to know that you’re interested in the specific type of job they’re hiring for, and that you aren’t just applying because you’re desperate to find any position you can land (this is also why they ask, “Why are you applying for this position?” )

If you don’t show employers that you’ve put thought into what direction your career is going and/or if you can’t show that your goals align with the job you’ve applied for, it’s going to cost you job offers . And if you seem like you don’t really  want their specific position , they won’t hire you either. Employers have a LOT of applicants to choose from and almost always pick a candidate who has specific reasons for wanting  their  job.

This means  researching the company before your interview  and being ready to name a few things that excite you about their job description, their company’s overall mission, their industry, etc.

Watch: How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

How to give the perfect answer to where you see yourself in 5 years.

First, here’s the WORST thing you can do: Respond in a way that makes you sound like you haven’t put any thought into it this all, or that you don’t have career goals or long-term aspirations. Remember – employers want to know that they’re hiring someone who is goal-oriented, motivated, and cares about their long term career and future.

So that’s step one…

1. Think about where you’d actually like to be in 5 years in your career

Nothing sounds worse than saying, “Wow, I haven’t thought about that. I have no idea.” And you also don’t want to draw a blank and say “Um, let me think.” So thinking about this ahead of time will prepare you to talk confidently about the topic.

2. Make sure you sound slightly ambitious

You don’t want to say, “I see myself in the same position doing the same work five years from now.” Remember – nobody’s going to tap you on the shoulder in 5 years and check on you! If you do want to stay in your next job for five years without trying to get any promotions, that’s your choice. But saying that won’t help you get hired for most of the high-quality jobs out there.

So for the interview, you just need to say something that’s a bit challenging but still reasonable.

3. Tailor your answer to the company & job

As a final step, make sure that with whatever five-year goal you share, you can explain how the job you’re interviewing for fits into that goal. Otherwise, they’re going to be wondering whether you really want their job and whether you’ll stay long-term. For example, if you’re applying for your first Supervisor position, and you want to be a Manager in the next five years, you could explain that you think you’d really enjoy leading people and your big career goal is to break into management. Then you could easily explain how this Supervisor role is a great first step to get into leadership, and how you would excel in this job and enjoy the opportunity.

This is also true when answering, “ what’s your dream job? ” – you don’t need to say this is your exact dream position, but it should have some similarities to what you want to be doing long-term!

Now that we’ve looked at why employers hiring managers ask where you see yourself in five years and how to answer,  let’s take a look at word-for-word example answers.

Example answer #1

“It’s only been two years since I graduated and began working, but I’d say that my goal in five years is to see significant growth in my sales skills. One of my longer-term career goals is to be involved in sales training and mentoring, maybe as a Manager or corporate trainer, but I know the first step is to master the day-to-day work. So in the next five years, I look forward to continuing to build my sales skills, both in-person and over the phone, and continuing on my current career path as a salesperson. I reviewed your job posting and it seems like this position would offer some great challenges and learning opportunities for someone relatively new in their sales career like myself.”

Example answer #2

“In the next 5-10 years, I hope to be leading a team or department. I’ve always enjoyed leadership in my career, so growing as a leader is one of my core career goals right now. Your job posting looked exciting and mentions some great leadership opportunities, so I was eager to have a job interview and learn more about this opportunity.”

Example answer #3

“Since becoming a Project Lead in my last job, I’ve found I really like project management. In five years, I hope to be leading larger projects, or maybe managing multiple project teams. I thought your Senior Project Manager position was a great step in that direction and would provide a nice challenge, while also making use of my 2+ years of prior project leadership experience in this same industry.”

Example answer #4:

“I’ve actually been developing my five year plan recently. Since I’m looking for an entry level position in social media and content marketing right now, in five years I would like to be a manager or supervisor in this area, or possibly a project manager. So that means that in the next few years, I need to master the fundamentals and hands-on aspects of the role to advance in the future. And then in the very long term outlook for my career, I’d love to branch out into other areas of digital marketing and lead an entire marketing department for my company. This position seems like a great fit for my five-year goal, based on what I saw on the job description, so I was eager to come have an interview to learn more.”

The example answers above are effective for a few reasons. They’re doing the following:

  • Showing the hiring manager that you’ve clearly thought about this topic
  • Making sure to sound slightly ambitious
  • Explaining not only where you want to be in 5 years, but also how their specific job fits into your longer-term goals, and why you applied for their position!

If you do these three things and keep your answer concise and direct, you’ll put a smile on the interviewer’s face and move one step closer to getting the job offer. These are the types of responses that the interviewer wants to hear when deciding whether job seekers are a fit for the company. You can use this same style of answer if a hiring manager asks about your career goals for 2 years, 10 years, or any other time period. And you can also use this if they ask a similar interview question like, “What are your career goals?” Just adjust the beginning of your answer and say, “In 5 years, I hope to be doing….”

Tailoring Your Answer for Different Job Levels and Industries

When responding to the question, you’ll want to consider the status of the role in the department’s hierarchy. 

If you’re applying for an entry-level role, it’s okay to express your ambition to graduate to the organization’s next level within five years. For instance, if the position is for a bookkeeper but you’re working on a bachelor’s degree in accounting , it’s reasonable to expect to move up to a staff accountant position after graduation. 

Be careful in your response if you’re applying for a mid-level position. Employees in these roles often spend some time there until senior-level executives retire or move into other roles. Consider who is holding the position you’re hoping for in the next five years and whether they are following a career trajectory. 

Rather than telling the hiring manager you’re hoping for the top-dog role, express an interest in learning new skills that will benefit you in the job you’re applying for. You could also mention lateral movements within the department to expand your skill set.

Individuals applying for a senior-level position should talk about goals they hope to achieve for the company, such as growing sales or introducing a new product. If they’re successful, they’ll bring additional value to the organization.

Industry-Specific Example Answers


“I envision myself as an experienced nurse practitioner , having gained extensive knowledge in patient care and cutting-edge treatments. I hope to lead a team of dedicated healthcare professionals as a charge nurse, where we work together to provide exceptional care while implementing innovative solutions that improve health outcomes. Additionally, I aim to actively participate in research and continuous learning to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.”
“Five years from now, I see myself as a senior software engineer, leading a talented team of developers and contributing to high-impact projects that solve complex problems. I aim to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration within my team, where we constantly challenge ourselves to learn and grow. I also hope to mentor junior developers, sharing my knowledge and passion for technology to help them thrive in their careers. By staying updated with the latest industry trends, I plan to develop cutting-edge solutions that drive growth for the company.”
“In five years, I aim to become a financial analyst , leveraging my expertise to optimize investment portfolios and help clients achieve their financial goals. I hope to have developed a strong understanding of market trends and financial models, enabling me to provide insightful recommendations that contribute to the firm’s overall success in the industry. By staying ahead of emerging investment opportunities and engaging in continuous learning, I plan to become a trusted advisor to clients, colleagues, and the company.”

What to Avoid When Answering

If a hiring manager asks where you see yourself in five years, avoid the following mistakes in your answer:

Not Expressing Yourself Clearly

Sometimes, job candidates simply don’t know how to answer this question. They don’t want the hiring manager to think they’ll leave the job as soon as they find something better, so to avoid appearing overly ambitious, they’ll give a generic answer that doesn’t give the interviewer any sense of their aspirations.

Interviewers want to know that you’re goal-oriented. Be prepared with a specific answer that shows you have given real thought to your future and your desired career trajectory.

Expressing a Desire to Leave the Company or Industry

Here’s a secret: telling the interviewer what you plan to accomplish in the next five years is okay. Just ensure it’s not wildly different from the role you’re interviewing for. 

For instance, if you’re applying for a job as a financial reporting manager and you tell the hiring manager you plan to open an accounting business in the next five years, they may decide on another candidate. They know you’re not thinking long-term about their organization.

Make sure your answer relates to the company and your profession. You can also include personal goals. Just ensure those objectives don’t require you to leave the company or enter a new field of work. Otherwise, the hiring manager will choose a different applicant who genuinely aspires to stay with the organization long-term.

Only Focusing on Personal Ambition

We all have personal goals we’re working toward. Perhaps you’re writing a book you hope to publish soon or waking up at the break of dawn to exercise and lose weight. Those are great goals to have, and you should continue progressing.

While you can convey personal goals in your response, you should also find a way to incorporate career goals that apply to the position. 

For instance, if you’re working on an advanced degree or certification that applies to the role or your profession, that’s something you’ll want to share with the hiring manager. They’ll see that you’re taking the initiative to improve yourself, which will benefit you and them.

Conclusion: How to Determine Where You See Yourself in 5 Years, and How to Answer

If you read everything above, you know know what employers look for when asking this interview question, and how to explain where you see yourself in five years to impress them.

The first step to take is to think about a general idea of where you’d hope to be in five years. Remember: Nobody’s going to be following up and checking on you! Just take a rough guess at what direction you’d like to go in with your career, and pick something that sounds ambitious… (something that’s 1-2 steps ahead of where you’re currently at in your career). If you do this, you’ll show the interviewer that you’re goal-oriented in your career and have taken the time to think about where you see yourself in five years or more.

And if you can explain how their job fits in with your long-term goals (Step 3/3 in the instructions earlier in the article), then they’ll be even more impressed with your response to this interview question.

That’s how to answer where you see yourself in five years in a job interview.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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This was extremely helpful. now I have more confidence in answering the question like this

Can you please provide an example answer to this question say for a project manager position.

Great potential, career experience, and strong academic qualifications, but no job interviews.

Hi Victor, then it’s definitely your resume that needs work.

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How to Answer: “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” (+ Examples)

How to Answer: “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” (+ Examples)

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

Wait, does that mean recruiters expect you to predict your future with pinpoint accuracy? Will they hold you to a precise five-year plan? No, not really.

Rather, by asking this interview question, they want to understand your general long-term professional goals. It’s like they’re saying “let’s talk about all the potential paths you envision for your career and how you plan to get there.”

And while this once-classic question about your 3–5-year career plans is slowly becoming obsolete, you might still hear it. It’s just that the expectations for a good answer have changed significantly.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Why interviewers ask “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
  • How to prepare an answer that stands out.
  • Sample great answers to “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
  • Common mistakes to avoid when talking about where you see your professional future going.

And if you just want a quick recap of the main points, here it is.

How to answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

  • Show that you’re ambitious, goal-oriented, and that the job fits into your long-term goals.
  • Tie your answer to the position you’re interviewing for.
  • Emphasize continual learning. Let them know you want to take on courses, certifications, or other types of professional training.
  • Stay realistic. Mention a job role or scope of responsibilities that’s a reasonable progression from the job you’re applying for.
  • Be flexible. Although you should have an idea of where you want to be, demonstrate that you’re adaptable to change, as the business landscape is always evolving.

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Why Do Interviewers Ask “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

First of all, yes, this question sounds intimidating but, in reality, recruiters don’t really want to hear your specific, detailed 5-year plan. They simply want to know your long-term career goals (and if you have a 2-year plan and are still considering your options after that — that’s fine, too).

Interviewers will ask you “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” for two main reasons:

To find out about your general career goals

Are you thinking long-term and do you have a clear plan for what your future should look like?

If you’re already making plans, it will probably mean you’re decisive, organized, responsible, proactive, and motivated.

To find out about your goals within this company and this position

Interviewers want to know how the position you applied for will fit into your long-term goals.

They want to know if your development plans are in line with the approximate career progression plan for the role you’re interviewing for.

And most importantly, they must check if you’ll be happy and fulfilled in your new role so that they won’t have to hire again soon.

How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

As we explained above, there are five key steps to crafting a good answer:

  • Show that you’re ambitious and that the job fits your goals.
  • Emphasize continual learning.
  • Stay realistic.
  • Be flexible.

1. Show that you’re ambitious and that the job fits your goals.

You need to show them why you’re a good pick for that particular position.

Talk about how your plans are aligned with what the company wants to achieve with this open position. You can usually figure this out by looking at the job ad or by speaking to the recruiter about the position — there must be a reason they opened it in the first place.

2. Tie your answer to the position you’re interviewing for.

We’re not saying you should make it up, but there must be a mutual factor beneficial to both you and the company.

Take this example: you’re a senior content writer who would like to become Head of Content one day. The company says it’s growing and will potentially need someone to take over the writing team in the future.

Bam! It’s a perfect opportunity to mention how you plan to develop leadership skills to run a team one day.

3. Emphasize continual learning.

In order to be successful in just about any job today, you need to be committed to life-long learning and development, both personally and professionally.

And you have an opportunity to bring it up in your “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” answer.

So make sure you mention your growth goals and briefly outline the steps that will get you there. That said…

4. Be realistic.

It takes years to progress from one level to another, so if you’re a recent grad starting your career, saying you want to be a VP or Head of X in 5 years will make you look naive.

Also, when speaking with a hiring manager, avoid borderline arrogant statements like “In 5 years, I will be in the position you are now,” even if intended as a joke.

5. Be flexible.

Nothing better than an adaptable candidate with a quick wit.

In your answer to “Where do you see yourself in 5 years,” demonstrate your ability to adapt and navigate change.

Mention a plan B you have in case your plan A gets derailed. Talk about one or two additional paths you’re considering, depending on the situation on the market, in the industry, and the company you’ll work for.

For more useful tips that’ll help you become an offer-generating machine, we’ve prepared a free course (where we teach you how to speak about your strengths, sell yourself , and negotiate the salary and benefits of your dreams).

“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” — Answer Template and Sample Answers

Let’s take a look at some examples.

“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” — Sales Representative Sample Answer

Why we like it: The candidate doesn’t need help with setting up a plan — they already have a thorough understanding of what it takes to become a successful Sales Representative. Hiring managers love candidates with clear goals and dedication to professional development. Plus, the candidate mentioned they’re looking to settle in an appropriate company, and considering how costly it is to replace and train new employees, any company would be happy to hire a person who wants to stay there for a longer period of time.

“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”: Content Writer Sample Answer

Why we like it: The candidate is thinking both short and long-term (which is awesome as some skills can be acquired faster than others). In addition, on a long-term basis, they have a more ambitious goal of developing strategic skills so that they can work on content strategy, as well as writing. This is something that any company could benefit from, so it’s a good thing they mentioned it.

“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” — Software Developer Sample Answer

Why we like it: This answer demonstrates a commitment to life-long learning and flexibility. The candidate wants to work on the soft skills that would help them get into a leadership role when the time comes, but they also want to remain in their expert field and stay in the loop with the trends and innovations. This way, whatever the market situation is in the years to come, the candidate will have options to choose from.

“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” — Project Manager Sample Answer

Why we like it: The candidate is specific. They clearly outlined the methodologies they want to be certified in and listed specific soft skills that’ll help them become a well-rounded professional. Additionally, they provided a reason for why they want to work in this specific company and why they’d be a good culture fit.

“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” — Teacher Sample Answer

Why we like it: The candidate succinctly lists what their values and interests are, and says they’re looking for a company with the same focus. A nice way to demonstrate alignment between their personal goals and what the institution is doing.

Still not sure how to use these examples? Here’s a template we created that combines all the best techniques:

“Where Do You See Yourself in X Years?” Template

“In the next [X] years I plan to grow in [area 1] and [area 2] and pursue [goal 1] and [goal 2]. I’d also like to master [set of needed skills]. As for what comes next, I’m considering a few best-case scenarios that seem great at the moment. Right now, my ideal situation would be [scenario 1]. But I’ll know which one is best later on, once I gain a better understanding of how my skills evolve and where the market’s at.”

“Where do you see yourself in five (or any other number) years?” is one of those questions that tend to be asked really frequently. Other common interview questions include:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • How do you handle conflict?
  • How do you problem-solve under pressure?

You can learn all about them by clicking the links from the list above. Or, get an all-in-one guide here: Common interview questions & sample answers .

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Answering the “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” Question

Being too vague or general.

You already know you need to be specific in answering pretty much any interview question. The same applies here.

is simply not a good answer. The reasoning is good, but you need to add to it by explaining in more detail what you’ll do to get there. You need to be able to provide more specific information.

Now, this is a much better answer because it outlines what particular steps you’ll take and where you expect them to lead you.

Being too honest or weirdly specific

Similarly, you want to avoid being too honest and answering the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” like this:

What’s wrong with it: It shows you did not take the question seriously, did not prepare for the interview, that you lack planning skills, and have no desire to progress in your career.

What’s wrong with it: If there’s already a person in the Head of X position, answering the question like this will showcase your competitive nature (and you haven’t even landed an offer yet). It simply looks bad.

What’s wrong with it: You’ve placed yourself in too many boxes here. You narrowed it down and got so specific that there’s only a limited number of companies you will be able to do this at, and it’s very likely that the one you’re interviewing with will simply not check all of your boxes.

Focusing solely on personal goals or aspirations

Avoid focusing strictly on what’s in it for you.

Sure, the question asks about your goals in the next 5 years, but remember that recruiters are trying to check if you and the company are the right fit for each other.

So you need to show the alignment between your plans and the company’s goals to display you’re the right match.

Overpromising or setting unrealistic expectations

It will paint the wrong picture of you and your abilities and set employer expectations high. And if you can’t fulfill them and deliver on your promises and goals, you’ll end up looking bad.

Always stick to realistic goals and set proper plans that follow them. Delivering on what’s promised, even if it’s not crazy ambitious, will send a message that you’re a person of their word.

Showing no interest in the company or industry

Remember this answer: “In 5 years, I want to become a Head of People and Culture, leading a team of at least 5 recruiters and 2 managers, working in a B2B SaaS company that’s also strictly remote and from the US.”

In addition to being a bit too specific, it also demonstrates the candidate and the company are not the right fit.

What if it’s a B2C company in the ecommerce space that’s office-based? It checks zero candidate’s boxes.

Now, don’t get us wrong, it’s great that the candidate knows what they want, but if they know that the company does not meet the criteria, they’re wasting their (and the company’s) time.

That’s why you always need to tailor your answer so that it encompasses your goals and displays interest in the company you’re interviewing with, or the industry it operates in.

Want to score more interviews? Time to up your resume game. We’re here to help, make sure you give these handy guides a read:

  • How to Write a Resume That Lands Jobs
  • Which Resume Format to Choose
  • Resume Summary Examples
  • Resume Objective Examples
  • Resume Profile Examples
  • How to Describe Your Work Experience on a Resume
  • How to Create an Education Section on a Resume
  • The Best Skills to Put on a Resume
  • How to Describe Hobbies and Interests on a Resume

Additional Tips for Answering the “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” Question Effectively

Research the company and its industry trends.

Being in the loop with the company’s events and industry trends will always get you bonus points.

That’s why you can dig around the company’s website (Events, Career, and About Us pages) to get informed; and you can keep track of industry trends by subscribing to newsletters, starting a LinkedIn profile, or reading online newspapers such as Tech Crunch and similar.

Incorporating the info you find here in your answer to the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” will show that you’re well-informed, aligned with the company and industry, resourceful, and a well-rounded person that could easily fit in with the team.

Reflect on your career goals and aspirations

Before you even hit the “Apply” button, you need to sit with yourself and carefully think about your goals and aspirations.

Be true to yourself and determine your career goals. It will help you down the road, as you’ll be more transparent about where you want to go and what you want to achieve.

Plus, you can save yourself time and effort and apply only to companies that align with your goals.

Need help finding the right jobs to apply for? Here’s a 4-step guide to help you niche down.

Tailor your answer to the specific job and company

As we already suggested above, whenever you can, tailor your answer to the specific job and company.

After you’ve done your research, it should be fairly easy to do it, as the mere fact that you decided to apply and landed an interview says that you could be a fit and there are mutual goals for both you and the company.

Focus on your goals but always tie them to what the company can get from them, and emphasize your skills and traits that could be particularly useful for the company.

Practice your response to build confidence

All the thinking in the world won’t help you if you don’t prepare your answer in advance and practice .

We recommend that you write your main points down. In this case, these would be your key goals and ambitions for the next 5 years.

Then put them into a single, coherent answer.

Don’t learn it by heart (you don’t want to sound robotic), but have a sense of what you’ll want to mention and how you want to phrase it.

When you have it figured out, head to the Mock Interview Practice Tool and record your answer. Ta-da! You’ll get an instant report on what you sounded like and how to improve (feedback like word choice, power words you used, your speaking speed, how many filler words you used, etc.).

Mock Interview Practice Tool: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years

“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” — Popular Opinion vs. Expert Advice

Now, let’s analyze some popular advice on social sites like TikTok, Reddit, YouTube, or Quora.

We asked our two experts, Big Interview’s co-founder and Chief Career Coach with 15+ years of experience, Pamela Skillings, and Michael Tomaszewski, a Certified Professional Resume Writer, to analyze the tips given by the community.

A Reddit user asked: “All my interviewers have asked “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, but I still haven’t come up with a good way to answer it apart from the joking “still here, I hope”. The truth is that I don’t really know how far I can get in five years. 

Here’s what the most upvoted advice by johnnychimpo017 was: 

You could say something like: “In 5 years I want to be known as a Subject Matter Expert, who my peers look to based on my knowledge and ability to coach/mentor.” This answer works no matter what the job: be an expert in a process, a product, a technology, or an architecture. Think of it less of “how far I can get” and more “what kind of responsibilities I want to have”. Or say you’d like foreign experience if the company has foreign offices. The key is to paint a positive future with yourself being a valuable employee. Saying stuff like “still here I hope” makes it seem to the interviewer that you have no aspirations. 

Overall, you’ll come across as someone who is invested in contributing positively to the workplace, which is something employers often look for in candidates. — Pamela Skillings, Chief Coach at Big Interview

Next, a popular TikTok where user @millionmilestravelmaker said:

As for me, I’m declaring that in 5 years time I will be packing my bags and chasing my dreams around the globe. So traveling around the world and earning six figures.

While it’s great to see ambition, this answer isn’t appropriate for a job interview. Stating a desire to travel and earn six figures might be exciting for personal goals, but it lacks commitment to the specific role or company. Interviewers are likely to be concerned about your dedication to the job, as it seems more focused on personal aspirations than contributing to the organization. — Michael Tomaszewski, CPRW

In another similar Reddit thread, user punknprncss said:

It’s best to take a step back in this question and ask yourself, why is this question asked in the interview? Hiring managers will be looking for a few things — Does this candidate set realistic goals? Do they have an idea of where their future is going? Are they ambitious? Do they present themselves as someone that will be with us long term? If I was hiring for an admin or marketing role and a candidate said “In 5 years, I’d love to be working in IT”, I would likely consider them not to be a good fit as it doesn’t align with the role. If they said in 5 years they want to be a vice president, again not a good fit as it’s not realistic.

But I would love answers like “In the next 5 years, I hope to have learned a variety of skills and tasks and be in a position to take on higher level tasks and consider a management role. I hope to be in a company that allows for career growth and provides new opportunities as I enjoy learning new skills”.

The example answer provided is excellent. I like how they advise job applicants to always try to understand the purpose behind the question. Just like you, employers know that life is unpredictable, and nobody’s expecting you to give them a bulleted list of your exact yearly plans. Generally, what people like to hear is that you have a solid career plan and aspirations. Be reasonable and a little ambitious. Remember that it’s less about the exact position and more about the soft skills and business acumen you plan on acquiring over those years.

— Pamela Skillings, Chief Coach at Big Interview

The Evolution of the “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” Question

Now, in all honesty, when recruiters ask the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” and its variations like:

  • Where do you see yourself in 3/5/X years
  • Where do you want to be in 5 years
  • What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years
  • What are your goals when applying for this job
  • What are your long-term career goals

… they probably do understand that you might not have everything planned out for the years to come.

We could indeed argue that rigid planning no longer makes sense.

Nowadays, we’re seeing rapid changes in technologies and job markets. Just remember the pandemic, ChatGPT craze, and The Great Resignation, for example. There are too many factors at play and making strict plans in such a climate might now always be a good idea.

Additionally, the gig economy and remote work are becoming increasingly popular. A lot of work can be outsourced and given to anyone, anywhere on the planet. There are way fewer office limitations.

So when recruiters ask you this question, aim to display your planning and long-term thinking skills but leave some room for flexibility and adaptability. It could show you’ve taken into account even the elements you can’t predict, and it will bring bonus points.

Summary of the Main Points

  • Recruiters ask “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” to check your long-term thinking and career goals, as well as how they fit with the company goals.
  • Emphasize this alignment and show why this collaboration would be fruitful for both you and the company.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to continual learning and the ability to successfully navigate changes (being flexible).
  • Be clear about your career goals and show interest in the company you applied for, but don’t be too specific, don’t overshare your personal goals, and don’t overpromise on your goals.
  • Tailor your answer to the specific job opening and practice your response.

We hope these tips will help you make the most of your answer.


Need a hand? There are 3 ways we can help you:

  • Learn how to answer the dreaded “Why do you want to work here” question and wow hiring managers.
  • Learn how to turn more job interviews into job offers here . (Rated with 4.9/5 by 1,000,000 users).
  • Use our Resume AI tool to instantly improve your resume

What if the interviewer asks about where I see myself in 2 years?

Focus on your goals and the skills you wish to acquire that align with the company’s objectives. Emphasize how you plan to contribute to the company’s success and professional growth in that time frame.

What if they ask about where I see myself in 10 years?

Share a long-term vision of your career growth while being flexible, as industries can change rapidly. Demonstrate how you intend to grow within the company and how its growth aligns with your professional aspirations.

What if I don’t have a 5-year plan for myself?

Develop a general but flexible plan that demonstrates your ambition and commitment to growth. Identify the skills you want to develop and where you want to make an impact in the company or industry, leaving room for change as circumstances evolve.

Isn’t the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” question a bit old-school?

While it may seem old-school, this question assesses your ambition, commitment, and compatibility with the company’s future plans. An effective response shows your understanding of the industry, your professional goals, and how well you align with the company.

Do I need to tell them that my plan is to stay with them for the next 5 years?

Show your interest in staying by articulating how you see the company helping you grow professionally and how you plan to contribute to its growth. Conveying mutual benefit and long-term commitment, without rigidly locking yourself in, is key.

What if, within the next 5 years, I plan a career break to start a family? Do I disclose that?

Focus on your professional goals while being mindful of any legal rights or company policies about family planning. Don’t feel obliged to disclose personal plans, but emphasize commitment and dedication to the job during your time with the company.

What if I know I’ll no longer work for them 5 years from now? Do I lie?

Rather than lying, frame your response around your professional growth, immediate goals, and how you can contribute to their company. Focus on the mutual benefits you can bring each other during your time together.

me in 5 years essay

Maja Stojanovic

Turn interviews into offers

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The Best Way to Answer ‘Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?’

Demonstrate that your career goals align with the job at hand.

Hal Koss

Items you should bring to a job interview : notepad, copy of your resume, crystal ball.

Joking aside, that last one might come in handy, thanks to a particular question that’s loved by  hiring managers :  “Where do you see yourself in five years?” (They may also ask it in another form: “What are your short- and long-term goals ?”)

Tips for Answering ‘Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?’

  • Show how your professional goals and the job you’re applying for align.
  • Focus on the skills you want to learn and get better at.
  • Don’t get too specific with job titles or time frames.
  • Never say “I want your job,” “I don’t know” or “Not here!”

It’s a tricky question, and if you don’t start thinking about it ahead of time, the answer is easy to flub.

Why Interviewers Ask This Question

1. to ensure a candidate is a good fit for a role.

Interviewers ask this question because they want to see if your professional goals align with the job for which you’re interviewing. If the two don’t match, the hiring manager might doubt that you’ll be motivated to develop in your role or stick around long enough to make a difference — which makes you a risky investment, from their point of view.

“A lot of managers ask that question to feel safe,” Mike Manoske, career coach and co-author of the book  The Job Search Manifesto , told Built In. “Typically, what they’re looking for is stability.”

Such caution is warranted. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that people usually stay at their jobs for  around four years . When it comes to tech startups, employee tenure is often  shorter than that .

2. To Avoid a Flight-Risk Candidate

Considering how expensive it is to hire and onboard new employees, interviewers want to feel confident that people they hire have ambition to excel and potential for growth but who aren’t already plotting for how to land their next jobs.

Hiring managers want to know that the candidate will be a fit for the company in both the short and long term, according to Roxy Phothirath-Burke, director of customer success at Resident .

“Are they looking for this role to be long term for them?” Phothirath-Burke told Built In, describing her thought process. “Or are they trying to really just find a placeholder while they’re still searching for something else?”

3. To See If Candidates Have a Growth Mindset

Hiring managers also ask this question because they’re trying to uncover how the candidates see themselves growing , Phothirath-Burke added, and how that growth may or may not align with the vision of the company.

Things change fast in the startup world. You never really know what that next role is going to be for somebody — but hiring managers “still want them to be able to work the hardest in the role that you’re trying to hire them for in the current moment,” Phothirath-Burke said.

More on Job Interview Questions How to Answer ‘Why Should We Hire You?’

1. Answer This Question for Yourself First

Even before candidates field this question from hiring managers, they’ll want to prepare by thinking through what their short- and long-term career goals are.

Hilary Malecha, director of business development at Cogo Labs , said it might help to think of one’s career as a narrative. She recommends that job seekers ask themselves: What is the climax of my plot ? Where do I want to end up? What skills do I need to get there?

If people need help figuring this out, Malecha recommends finding someone, like a mentor , who’s more experienced and doing the sort of job they want to be doing one day. Ask them what their various roles were that gave them the skills they needed to land that job. After doing this, job seekers should have a better understanding of how to prepare their answers.

2. Show You’re Interested in This Job

When Rick Wolf interviews candidates for a job, he looks for intentionality.

“If you’re kind of just drifting along, or you’re here because I asked you to be, I don’t think you’re going to be particularly happy in a role I have to offer,” Wolf, a data science manager at Grand Rounds , told Built In. “And moreover, I won’t be a good manager for you, because I won’t be able to figure out what to offer to help you grow.”

Hiring managers want to know that candidates are looking for something more than “just a job,” that the role for which they are applying fits in with their larger professional goals. This question helps uncover that.

For example, if you’re interviewing for a social media marketing position, and you say, “I want to eventually be a UX designer,” that signals you might not be excited about the idea of this particular job. 

Same goes if you’re applying for a customer success role with a fintech company but you say you’re not really interested in the financial services industry.

Stephen Jensen, former director of mid market at  Motive , put it this way: If he’s interviewing a candidate for a sales position, and they say they want to be a fisherman in five years, he’d think, “You might be able to do the sales job, but how motivated are you going to be ... to really understand and grow within this company and be successful at your job if you have no interest at building a career within our industry, or within this specific skill set?”

3. Keep It General

Kirsten Nelson, a career coach , typically encourages job seekers to be very specific when answering interview questions. Not with this one.

“I think with this question it’s actually OK to be a little bit more general in your response,” Nelson said. She suggests candidates avoid sharing too much detail when it comes to timelines and job titles.

Instead of saying, “I want to be a senior marketing director within three years,” discuss more generally the  skills you hope to accrue , the experiences you hope to have and the impact you hope to make. For example, say, “I plan on expanding my knowledge about different marketing channels, especially around experimenting with paid search and social ads, and finding ways to get more involved in campaign strategy.”

Catalina Peña, a career coach and founder of  Catalyst Creation , offers similar advice: “A bad way to answer is saying, ‘I want to be a manager of this team, and have this many people, and I want to work on this particular project — and I want to do it all from my house,’” Peña said.

The more specific a candidate’s answer, the more they box themselves in, she added. The more detailed a five-year plan, the less likely it is the job will be able to accommodate it.

Hiring managers aren’t looking for candidates who want something from a job that the job doesn’t provide. The best way to respond is to show intentionality with direction , but flexibility on the details.

4. Focus on Skills

When an interviewer asks, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” emphasize the competencies you hope to learn and improve upon.

For example, you might say something like, “In the next few years I want to get better at designing, running and optimizing marketing campaigns. I look forward to deepening those skills and taking my knowledge base to the next level so I can contribute even more.”

Or you could offer a response that runs along these lines: “I’ve enjoyed managing a direct report in my current role. So in the next few years, I see myself enhancing my leadership and management skills, developing as a mentor and supervisor, and putting myself in a position where I can lead a growing team.”

Another answer might begin like this: “In my current role, I’ve been able to progressively get more involved in driving the strategy behind our product roadmap. And that’s something I want to continue to do. I see myself making an impact in that way.”

Shwetha Shankar, vice president of customer success at Tray.io , also thinks job seekers ought to center their responses on the skills they hope to learn .

If a candidate doesn’t know what skills to discuss, Shankar recommends they start by taking their long-term vision and breaking it down into the skills required to get there.

Additionally, candidates may want to incorporate some language from the actual job description into their answers.

As for particular phrasing, Shankar recommends a few jumping-off points: “I’m looking to become an expert in XYZ,” or “I’m looking to deepen my skills in such and such area,” maybe even, “I see myself in a leadership role in this particular space, and for me to get there, I’m hoping to learn A, B and C skills along the way.”

“It’s a mix of humility combined with ambition that makes for an excellent answer to that question,” Shankar added.

5. Connect Short-Term Goals With Long-Term Ambitions

Malecha recalls asking a candidate what his goals were and being impressed by his answer.

The candidate said in the next five to 10 years he hoped to work in venture capital directly. But in order to get there, he first needed to better understand the inner workings of successful companies — how they acquire customers, monetize, things like that — so he could best advise them.

“That was sort of an amazing answer and culture fit for Cogo [Labs] because we are building companies [and going] in the weeds. But we also have a venture capital company that invests in them,” Malecha said.

She said a colleague of hers, a senior analytics manager, also handled this question well when it was posed to her in an interview.

The candidate basically said that, long term, she saw herself bringing a woman’s view to leadership , whether that would be with Cogo Labs or at another company. But first she wanted to learn all of the skills she needed to get there — by coming into this role and driving impact and growth for the companies it’s currently incubating.

Malecha liked this answer because it struck the right balance “between realism and tactical versus [an] optimistic, long term approach.”

Example Answers for ‘Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?’

Answering the five-year-plan question is a balancing act. A good answer demonstrates that you are motivated and driven while still making it clear you are excited about the job for which you’re interviewing. For help formulating an answer, here are a few starting points:

  • “I see myself eventually developing into a leader in the [industry vertical] space. To get there, I hope to learn even more about [skills and experiences] along the way.”
  • “I want to continue to deepen my [example] skills.”
  • “I want to learn how to [skills] even better, so that I can make even more of an impact, including [impacts you wish to make] .”
  • “My favorite part of my job right now is [ways you’re contributing] . I hope to continue to do that, but I also hope to challenge myself to grow in new ways, including [examples] .”
  • “I’m interested in applying my love of [broader themes of your skills] to help make a difference, especially with organizations that value [company’s value you align most with] .”
  • “I’m really excited about the [industry vertical] space right now. I hope that in five years, I’m continuing to get better at [skills] and learning more about how to become an expert in [skills] so that I can ultimately [goal that aligns with job description] .”

Things You Should Never Say When Asked ‘Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?’

‘i don’t know.’.

Malecha doesn’t really like it when candidates answer the question by saying “I don’t know.”

To her, it indicates they haven’t given much thought to their long-term career goals , if any at all. (With one exception — she thinks it’s just fine when recent grads say “I don’t know.” But even then, she’ll rephrase the question to try to get a sense of what general direction the candidate hopes to go in.)

For someone who’s already a few years into their career , though, not having any idea of what they want their future to look like is in “a little bit of the red flag category,” Malecha said. It might indicate a lack of vision or ambition .

‘In a More-Senior Role Than the One I’m Applying For.’

It may raise concerns from hiring managers when a candidate answers the question by saying they want to quickly get promoted into a senior role. It shows focus is a bit too far down the road, rather than the job right in front of them.

“That’s something that tells me they’re already, potentially, not going to be [around] long term in the role we’re looking for,” Phothirath-Burke said.

‘In a Different Department.’

A candidate whom Phothirath-Burke recently interviewed said their five-year goal was to work their way up to a leadership role — in a different department.

“That to me is a red flag,” Phothirath-Burke said. “I’m not going to be able to meet this person’s expectations for what they’re looking for — either I’m not going to be able to give them the resources, or they’re going to get bored and uninterested because this isn’t in their goal for the future.”

‘I’m Coming for Your Job.’

Pro of answering this way: it exudes confidence .

Con: “It makes me a little nervous,” Phothirath-Burke said. “But I am more than happy to hear their thought process behind it.” 

Part of the reason this brash response puts Phothirath-Burke off is that the candidate doesn’t know enough about her job to make such a statement.

“I think that shows somebody wanting to run before they’ve learned to walk,” she said.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to answer, "where do you see yourself in five years".

Discuss how you want to learn new skills and grow professionally, especially in ways that align with the job description and the company’s goals. Don’t mention specific job titles you want or timelines for promotions.

Why is 'where do you see yourself in five years' a popular question?

Employers want to know what candidates’ goals are and whether those goals align with the position and the company’s goals. This way, employers can reduce employee turnover and ensure new hires have opportunities to grow and develop at their company.

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Best Answers: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years (Job Interview)

  • Noel Rojo , 
  • Updated November 13, 2023 8 min read

“ Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”  is a much hated question at job interviews. And I’m not surprised.

It can be hard to articulate your future goals when you don’t even know what you’ll have for dinner tomorrow.

But don’t worry. The interviewers don’t expect you to tell them exactly where you’ll be in five year’s time. They only want to hear about your motivations and career goals and see if they match with theirs.

Something relatively general like “ I see myself in a position where I have progressed up the career ladder, feel fulfilled, and am making a meaningful contribution to the company” usually does the trick.

But if you want to make sure you have prepared a good answer for all kinds of different interview situations or specifically for your position, keep on reading!

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

  • What do employers look for in your answer?

How to answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 

  • Best answer examples for "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Career Goal Examples

Other similar questions to “where do you see yourself in 5 years”, other common job interview questions, what do employers look for in your answer .

This seemingly simple question is actually loaded. Your answer will provide the hiring manager with the information (good or bad) he needs to decide if you’re the right person for the job. 

Hence, why it’s so important to truly understand this question.

Why do they ask?

In short, when asked “Where do you see yourself in years?”  your hiring manager wants to know if you’re someone who can commit long-term to the company . It's asked to weed out those who can’t, which lowers their company’s turnover rate. That in turn saves them time and money that would be spent in retraining. 

What do they want to know? 

Your interviewer is able to know if you're capable of long-term commitment once he evaluates several layers of your answer. He wants to know if:

  • You’re someone with self-knowledge : If you have dedicated the time to know who you are, chances are you know what you want. Such a quality can be very valuable to the company because you won’t just up and leave one day because you suddenly found a new calling. 
  • You’re ambitious:  Hiring managers look for individuals with this trait because they’re usually enthusiastic and driven, constantly reaching for the next goal. 
  • You sincerely want the job: Having passion for the tasks that come with the job increases the probability that the job you're applying for will fulfil your needs. This will also increase your productivity as it’s easier to get in a state of flow when doing something you enjoy.
  • Y our goals align with the company’s goals:  Aligning goals gets you and the company pushing in the same direction. This benefits both sides as you will feel you’re doing something meaningful, which means you will work with intention and thus provide better work.

Since you now know why the question is asked, you can put away your “I see myself with a spouse, a kid and a house” response. 

Instead, we have the kind of answers that will get you the job.  

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This question is a good reason why you should always say yes when they offer you water. 

Take a sip, soak in the question, and respond once your mind is collected.  

Here’s how to respond: 

Keep it broad . Although it’s often recommended to answer job interview questions as precisely as you can, this is one time you can bend that rule and keep the answer on the general side. Especially, if you’re still searching for your vocation. For example:

“In 5 years time, I see myself in a role that continues to challenge me and that provides me opportunities to grow my skill-set.”

Be enthusiastic by what the job could bring to you. Tell your interviewer how you want to expand your skill-set.  

“I saw on the company’s website you’re looking for someone good at social media. I actually have 80,000 followers on my instagram. I would love to continue learning about it and think I could help with growing your social media reach.”

Talk long-term , let them know you’re someone who is looking at the job as a long-term investment. 

“The truth is I’ve always wanted to be a communication’s manager and learning more about social media can help me get there.”

(You would only say something like this if there’s a possibility of becoming a communication manager in the company, otherwise it can be counterintuitive.)

Now, these were examples for a social media guru and we know not everyone is one. So, we prepared a few more answer examples for you.

Best answer examples for "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Apart from properly researching the company you’re being interviewed for or going through a job interview guide , learning from examples is one of the best ways to prepare an amazing response. 

Here are some short answer examples for different careers to “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” .

Best answer for the nurse (example):

Every position offers opportunities that can change your life trajectory. However, it’s important to be realistic in your expectations. If you attend an interview to become a nurse, don't expect to be a doctor in five years. Just because it's not possible without a further degree. Instead, as a future nurse, your answer could be:

“I would like to gain clinical skills and assume more responsibilities with time. I think I would enjoy being a team leader so becoming a supervisor or even a nurse manager later on would allow me to grow – professionally and personally, too.”

Best answer for the software developer (example):

If applying for a position as a software developer, stress your area of interest. Let’s say, you want to work for a company that leads in cyber security. Your response to “Where do you want to be in five years?” could be as follows: 

”One of my passions has been researching cyber security and looking for solutions in this field. Working for a company with such an outstanding record in this area, I see myself learning new approaches and applying them to the development of new technologies in the future.”

Best answer for the administrative assistant (example):

Do you want to get that administrative assistant job? Tell the interviewer about your determination this way:

”In five years, I see myself as an executive assistant. I believe I can gain enough experience to grow into such a position. I am planning to learn some more soft skills, such as, for example, delivering presentations or communication techniques, which could be valuable assets for myself as well as the company I will be working for.”

Best answer for the accountant (example):

Ready to get that accountant job of your dreams? This response will persuade your interviewer that you are the right person for it:

”There is always something new to learn and I am a passionate learner. Apart from getting better at working with various accounting softwares, I am planning to learn coding in Python, which could open up new possibilities for me at work. I want to keep on improving my communication skills to apply them in contact with clients.”

Best answer for the internship (example):

Dreaming of an internship at your favourite media organization? Apart from telling them why you admire their work, mention where you'd like to grow as a journalist and how this internship will help you do so:

”In today’s world, independent journalism is key in fighting desinformation. Therefore, I want to become a part of a media organization which produces high-quality journalism. I consider investigative journalism my main area of interest and I am planning on developing all skills necessary to become an investigative reporter that can disclose important cases to contribute to the change in our societies. For that I need to become an expert in research and analysing data.”

Or is your internship opportunity in an advertising company ? 

”My biggest strength is that I am an idea maker and can come up with effective campaigns on social media. In the future, I see myself as a leader of the marketing team of a company whose work contributes to solving societal issues and/or whose products are socially responsible. It is important to me to put my skills in use for the cause I believe in. For that, I need to keep up with all the changes that are happening in the marketing world and always find new ways to enforce my creativity.

If you still can’t find inspiration in the answers above or we didn’t cover your career, you can use these career goal examples to help you formulate a perfect response: 

As there are thousands of career goals out there, we’re going to break them down into 3 types.

1.) Leadership Goals:

One of the best ways to proceed in your career is to aim towards a leadership role. Here are some examples to shoot for: 

  • Team leader
  • Supervisor 
  • Consultant 
  • Coach 

2.) Education Goals :

Furthering your professional education shows you're willing to go above and beyond. By mentioning your education goals for the next five years you will let your employer know you're someone who will stay relevant within your field. Here are some examples of ways to educate yourself further:

  • Getting a degree 
  • Getting a certificate
  • Getting an accreditation 
  • Learning to use new software 
  • Learning a new language 
  • Learning to code

3.) Personal development goals:

Another way to advance in your career is by bettering yourself. Here’s a few ways you could do that:  

  • Aiming for an award
  • Becoming an expert in a topic or field 
  • Expanding your network
  • Working on your soft skills 

See! There’s many ways to show your interviewer you’re the right person for the job.

This question comes in many variations (though with the same intent):

  • What are your long-term objectives? 
  • What is most important in your career?
  • What’s your definition of success? 
  • What are your career goals in the next five years? 
  • What are you looking for in a company?
  • Describe your professional goals
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
  • What are your career objectives? 
  • Where do you want to be in 5 years? 
  • What are your future goals? 

Christy's word of advice

This is a popular interview question, but it’s not a particularly imaginative or useful one. You could always jokingly reply  “At your desk!” , but unless your potential boss has a great sense of humour, a more diplomatic  “In a position where I have progressed up the career ladder, feel fulfilled, and am making a meaningful contribution to the company and its customers”  might be a better response!

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Expert

Do you have any questions for me?

The answer is always yes.

You could ask: “What problem has the company been trying to resolve or what issue do you need this position to tackle?"

You could use this opportunity to shine. Tell them how you would solve their problem. 

What are your strengths?  

Use the job description as your guide when you select your strengths. A good rule of thumb is to follow the formula of strength + context + story . When providing context for your strengths, address the specific qualities that qualify you for the job and distinguish you as a candidate . 

Can you tell me about one of your weaknesses? 

Like with the question about your strengths, you can use the formula of weakness + context + story . We advise talking about a real weakness, but that is not a big part of the job at hand. Talk about a weakness that you’ve overcome, that made you better or even an expert. 

Why does our company appeal to you?

A good way to answer this question is by adding the company’s values to your response (most companies have them listed in their websites). However, try not to force them into the conversation as you will not sound authentic. Instead, be subtle and use them in moderation.  

What’s a challenging situation you’ve faced? 

When answering this question is good to reflect the skills the employer is searching for. Try tailoring your examples to the job description.

Why should we hire you?

There's a simple three step formula you can use to answer the question " Why should we hire you ? ".

  • Statement : Start by briefly stating you understand what they’re searching for in an employee (skills, experience, and character).
  • Experience :  Pick 2 to 3 things that stand out to you from the job listing and restate how your experience can fulfil those requirements
  • Benefit : Try not to only list the skills you possess (features). Instead, talk about how your these skills, experience and personality traits can bring improvements into the job, team, or company (benefits).

To sum it up

Keep your answer brief, work related, and a bit on the general side (especially if you still don’t know your vocation).

Let your hiring manager know that you’re someone who is able to commit to long- term goals.

Talk about your goals, skills, and values and have them align with what they're searching for.

Your future starts here.

With a stunning resume that gets you a job.

Prepared to tackle the "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" question with confidence? Let's take it up a notch. Have a look at our wealth of resume samples to ensure your resume also communicates your forward-thinking career vision.

A documentary photographer and writer. Noel has worked for International publications like Deutsche Welle in Germany to News Deeply in New York. He also co-founded the global multimedia project Women Who Stay and collaborated as a journalist fellow with the University of Southern California. He went from traveling around the world to sitting on a couch thanks to the pandemic, but he got a nice job working for Kickresume thanks to that, so he won't complain.

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20 Smart Answers: “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

By Status.net Editorial Team on April 10, 2023 — 10 minutes to read

Why Do They Ask This Question?

When you’re asked “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?,” the interviewer wants to gain insight into your career aspirations, personal goals, and how you envision growing within the company or industry. This question also helps interviewers understand whether your long-term goals align with the opportunities that the company or job may provide.

Before you go into the interview, take some time to reflect on what you genuinely want to achieve in the next five years. Consider the following aspects:

  • Areas you wish to specialize in or skills you want to refine
  • Leadership opportunities you’d like to explore
  • Professional certifications or training programs you plan to complete
  • Any goals related to the company’s values or industry trends

Understanding your own goals will help you create a truthful and thoughtful response that showcases your ambition and commitment to personal growth. Moreover, demonstrating how you plan to utilize and develop the skills gained in this role will show the interviewer that you’re a good fit for the company.

It’s important to remember that your answer should be tailored to the specific position or industry you’re interviewing for. You want to show the interviewer that your long-term goals are a natural progression from the job you’re applying for. Feel free to express enthusiasm for the company, industry, or role, but avoid making unrealistic claims or commitments.

Tips for Structuring Your Answer

Being honest in your response means sharing your true career aspirations, while still trying to keep your goals realistic and attainable within the company. Your response might include the following aspects:

  • Specific job titles or roles you aspire to reach
  • Skills you plan to develop or improve
  • Any certifications, trainings, or educational goals you intend to achieve

Be Adaptable

Show flexibility in your answer by acknowledging that change is inevitable and that you’re willing to adapt to the company’s needs as well as your own professional growth. You can tell your interviewer that you’re open to new opportunities within the organization.

  • Highlight your ability to learn new skills and take on new challenges
  • Discuss how you can grow within the company and contribute to its success
  • Emphasize your willingness to embrace change and adapt as needed

Show Your Commitment

  • Express how you see your professional growth aligned with the company’s goals
  • Discuss the ways you intend to contribute meaningfully to the organization
  • Reiterate your excitement to be part of the company’s future

Addressing Uncertainty

It’s natural to feel uncertain about your future, especially when asked to predict where you will be in five years. However, using some strategies, you can form a thoughtful response that communicates your aspirations and adaptability.

Firstly, consider discussing your long-term goals in broad terms. Even if you’re unsure about the specifics, try to focus on the direction you’d like your career to move. For example, mention professional growth opportunities or attribute you’d like to develop. This approach demonstrates ambition without being too rigid.

Example: “In five years, I hope to have built on my skills and gained more responsibility within this company. I’m eager to learn from experienced team members and eventually take on leadership roles.”

Secondly, when you are not entirely sure about the exact positions or steps, you can emphasize a growth mindset. Talk about continuously improving and adapting to changing situations, which would show that you’re flexible and resilient.

  • Constant learning
  • Embrace challenges
  • Adapt to change

Example: “I’m committed to continually expanding my knowledge and improving, which is why I’m enthusiastic about your company’s focus on innovation. Wherever I see myself in five years, I’ll be ready to adapt and grow.”

If future possibilities are vague, mention that you’re open to exploring various paths or contributing to different projects. Clarify that you’re excited to work with the company and discover opportunities to make a meaningful impact.

Example: “I’m excited about the wide range of projects your company is involved in. While I may not know the precise role I’ll fill in five years, I’m eager to contribute to a company like yours and find my unique path.”

Setting Realistic Goals

When crafting your answer to the oft-dreaded question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, it’s crucial to set realistic goals. Establishing achievable objectives demonstrates not only your ambition but also your clarity about what it takes to advance your career and thrive in the company.

One way to set realistic goals is to consider the job role and how it aligns with your long-term aspirations. Analyze the job description and requirements, and think about how they fit with your personal growth plans. Start by identifying the necessary steps to progress in the company or your field, and incorporate them into your answer. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Reflect on the skills or experience you need to acquire in the next five years. For example, perhaps you’ll need to complete a specific certification or training to advance in your industry. Mention this in your response, acknowledging the importance of self-development and continuous learning.
  • Consider potential career paths within the company. Research and identify possible roles you might transition into, ensuring your answer aligns with the organization’s structure and growth opportunities. This demonstrates a commitment to the company and its future.
  • Think about your personal life and how it may impact your career trajectory. It’s essential to recognize that your personal circumstances could play a role in determining your career path over the next five years. By balancing work and personal life, you can set realistic expectations for yourself and your employer.

As you formulate your response, keep in mind that it’s perfectly normal to not have an exact plan for the next five years. However, it’s crucial to demonstrate a strong work ethic, flexibility, and willingness to learn and grow within your role and the company.

Aligning with Company Vision

It’s also useful to consider the company’s vision and values. Doing so shows interviewers that you have done your research and genuinely care about the potential role you might play in the organization’s future.

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the company’s mission statement and objectives. Visit their website, read up on any press releases, and research the history and recent accomplishments. This information will give you a solid foundation to align your long-term career goals with the organization’s vision.

Next, reflect on your personal values and career aspirations to find a meaningful connection with the company’s ethos. Use your research to identify opportunities for growth within the organization and emphasize how your contribution can serve as a catalyst for furthering their mission.

  • Review the job description thoroughly and understand the key responsibilities and required skills.
  • Reflect on your unique strengths and how they can contribute to the role and the company’s success.
  • Think about possible career milestones within the role and how they align with your long-term goals.
  • Consider the company’s projects or initiatives you would like to be involved in or lead, helping the organization grow and evolve in the future.
  • Prepare to communicate these points with confidence and enthusiasm during the interview.

An example of a well-aligned response could be:

“In five years, I see myself holding a leadership role within your company’s marketing department, where I can contribute to the development and execution of successful marketing strategies. I’m especially excited about the potential opportunity to work on your company’s sustainability initiatives, as I believe strongly in environmentally-conscious business practices.”

Focusing on Skills and Growth

When answering the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, focusing on skills and growth is an excellent approach. This shows employers that you’re dedicated to improving yourself professionally and highlights your commitment to the role you’re applying for.

Improving Current Skillset

Identify the key skills relevant to the job you’re seeking, and consider how you can enhance these skills over time: this can include further training, mentorship, or hands-on experience.

For example, you might say something like:

“In the next five years, I plan to hone my expertise in project management. I would like to collaborate on more complex projects and learn from experienced professionals in the field. I also plan to pursue a certification in Agile methodologies to streamline processes and deliver higher-quality results.”

This answer demonstrates your ambition, as well as a desire to contribute positively to the organization.

Acquiring New Skills

Besides improving your current skillset, it’s important to consider acquiring new skills. Employers appreciate candidates who are adaptable and committed to their professional development. Think about which additional skills could help you be more effective in your role or support the company’s goals.

“I am eager to learn more about data analysis tools like SQL and Python to inform and optimize our marketing strategies. I believe this will allow me to contribute more effectively to data-driven decision-making within the team and help the company achieve its larger objectives.”

“In the next five years, I plan to become an expert in Python programming and machine learning. I’m committed to taking courses and attending workshops to expand my skillset, which I believe will be an asset to your company’s tech team.”

“My goal is to develop my skills and expertise in this field, and in five years, I hope to have become an expert in my area of work and be recognized as a thought leader in the industry.”

Leadership-Focused Examples

Discussing your aspirations for a leadership role demonstrates your interest in taking on responsibility and driving teams to succeed. Emphasize your ability to guide others and create a positive work environment:

“As someone with a passion for teamwork and collaboration, I see myself in a leadership position in the next five years. I’m eager to mentor junior colleagues and help foster their professional growth, while also contributing to the overall success of the company.”

“In five years, I see myself as a senior member of this organization, having taken on more leadership responsibilities and contributing to the growth of the company.”

Career-Focused Examples

“In five years, I see myself in a mid-level management position within the marketing department. I plan on using the next few years to further develop my skills in marketing strategy and data analysis, and I truly believe this company is the perfect place to grow and achieve those goals.”

“I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow in this role, and in five years, I hope to have taken on new challenges and responsibilities within the company.”

“I am passionate about making a positive impact in the world, and in five years, I see myself working on projects that have a tangible impact on people’s lives and the environment.”

“In five years, I hope to have built strong relationships with my colleagues and clients, and have a reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy partner in business.”

“I am committed to continuous learning and personal growth, and in five years, I hope to have completed additional training and certifications that will help me progress in my career.”

“I am excited about the potential for innovation and new technologies in this field, and in five years, I hope to have contributed to the development of new products or services that can benefit our customers.”

“In five years, I see myself in a leadership role within the company, mentoring and coaching others to help them achieve their full potential.”

“In five years, I hope to have made a significant impact in this company and have grown both professionally and personally. I see myself taking on more responsibility and leadership roles, while continuing to develop my skills and expertise in my field. Ultimately, I would like to be seen as a valuable asset to the company and contribute to its continued success.”

“In five years, I see myself having made a meaningful impact in this industry and having established myself as a thought leader and expert in my field. I am someone who is constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve, and I hope to have brought new ideas and approaches to the table that have helped move the industry forward. I also hope to have built a strong network of contacts and collaborators who share my passion for this work.”

“In five years, I see myself having built a successful and fulfilling career in this industry, while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I believe that it’s important to have a sense of purpose and meaning in one’s work, but also to prioritize personal relationships and hobbies outside of work. I hope to have found that balance and to be living a life that feels both rewarding and fulfilling.”

Your answer doesn’t need to be set in stone or overly specific; instead, focus on showcasing your skills, growth potential, and flexibility in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

To summarize:

  • Align your goals with the company’s objectives
  • Emphasize your desire for growth and development

Crafting the perfect response takes time, so give yourself an opportunity to reflect and practice before your interview.

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  • How to Answer “Where Do You...

How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

7 min read · Updated on March 25, 2021

M.A. Smith

Even if you don't know where you see yourself in five years, there's a right way to answer this question during an interview.

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

There is perhaps no interview question as daunting or mind-numbing. No worries, though — hiring managers and employers aren't concerned with your actual plans. When asking this question, an interviewer isn't expecting you to know 100 percent where you see yourself in the future, but they do want to know if you have ambition, goals, focus, and drive. They want to know you've at least considered your future and what you'd like to accomplish.

Why hiring managers ask these types of interview questions

So, if hiring managers don't actually care about your path in 1,820 days, why do they ask this silly question? Well, asking "Where do you see yourself in five years?" is more about getting insight into your hopes, aspirations and goals for the next few years. Interviewers ask about objectives you have set to give them an inside look into how you operate and structure your thoughts. The interviewer wants to understand more about your career goals and how their position would fit into your grand plan. Companies want trustworthy, detail-oriented, and dedicated team members who are willing to take a leap — not a noncommittal employee who is only sticking around until a better opportunity arises elsewhere.

Hiring managers may pose this common interview question in different ways.Below are a few examples of similar job interview questions that aim to uncover the same information:

What are your long-term career goals?

What is your ideal dream job at this stage in your career?

What are you looking for?

How do you define success?

What is most important to you in your career?

What is your five-year plan?

What is your goal in the next five years?

Where will you be in five years?

Before the interview

Preparing for "where do you see yourself in five years".

No one has a crystal ball and knows where they will be in five years, and the hiring manager is aware of this. They are not looking for you to lay out a specific plan, detailing everything you are going to do. Instead, focus on what your dreams are, where you would like to take your career path next, and how you plan to do this. Also, be sure to focus on how you plan to help the company. Hiring managers want candidates who will add value to the team and help advance the company. And don't forget to be realistic — hiring managers are as likely to reject a far-fetched idea just as quickly as no idea at all.

Think about the answer to this question ahead of time. Consider practicing your response out loud with a trusted friend so you can hear yourself speak and make tweaks if needed. While developing your answer, keep in mind what the hiring manager or interviewer wants to know when they ask you this question: your work-related goals, ambitions, desired training, and so on. What type of positions do you see yourself occupying? What type of training? Are you interested in leadership positions, or would you like to keep your focus on the technical aspects of your work? Provide quantifiable answers when possible.

Write out your five-year plan. While it's hard to know exactly what you'll be doing or where you'll be in five years, try visualizing and imagining where you would love to be, the type of culture you'd like to be in, the types of positions you'd like to maintain, the type of experience and accomplishments you'd like to have had, and so on. Take these items into consideration and then make a list of them with a roadmap as to how you'll achieve them. This will help you share where you see yourself in five years from an honest and thoughtful perspective.

During the interview

Answering "where do you see yourself in five years".

When answering this question, be honest and be yourself. Sharing what you think the interviewer wants to hear may seem like a good idea, but if it's out of alignment with your truth, you can get in trouble down the road if you do get hired. Plus, it's much easier to be yourself than to try to be someone you're not.

Also, keep your answer specific and work-related. The interviewer doesn't need to know that you plan on having two kids and a white picket fence in five years. In fact, if you do share this, they might hear, "I'm going to be taking a lot of time off from work to take care of my kids after they're born. Work is not my priority." It might seem unfair, but it's true. Keep your answers to-the-point and about your work goals and visions.

An example response:

Let's say you're interviewing for an HR position at an organization and are asked, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" You might answer as follows:

"In five years I would like to expand my horizons by jumping in feet first and learning as much as I can, as quickly as I can, with the organization. From there, I'd seek out opportunities — at least one to two a year — to expand my knowledge through training and educational opportunities to support my job. I'd love to participate in at least one project geared toward leadership training, if the opportunity arises. I also understand that the organization has a strong volunteer team, and I'd like to be an active participant of that team, as well. At some point, I'd also like to be considered for a supervisory or management level role."

Keep it primarily work-related, show ambition, show that you've done your homework, and provide quantifiable long term goals. The key is to be confident, honest, clear, and succinct, and, of course, to answer the question.

What not to say when answering "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

While it's important to understand the right way to answer, it's also good to keep in mind what an interviewer does not want to hear when they ask you, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" In short, be careful how you answer this popular interview question, and try to avoid answers like this: 

That you plan on a short-term tenure with the company. If an organization is going to invest time and resources in you, they want to believe you'll be with them for the long haul or at least five years. Employees may now be spending less time in a role before moving on, but you definitely don't want to let the cat out of the bag that you don't plan on being with the organization for very long (unless you're interviewing for a temporary position).

That you haven't given any thought to your future with the company or life in general. Whatever you do, do not respond, “I don't know.” If the answer doesn't come to you at first, take a few seconds to think about how you have grown over the last five years. Consider the natural flow of progression and formulate an answer. Again, one of the main reasons this question is asked is to find out if you have goals and are excited about your prospective future with the company. They also want to know that you have ambition and a good work ethic and that you've considered how you might handle your work if you were to be hired.

That you want their position. Yes, the interviewer wants to know you're ambitious, but you don't want to let it be known that you're very eager to move up and see yourself in their position, especially if it's a small company where such opportunities are few and far between.

The chances are good that you'll be asked this question at some point during your career. Luckily, now you know you've got the skills to answer with a slam dunk. 

Before you can answer this question, make sure your resume is getting you the interviews. Check your resume with a free review today by one of our career experts. 

Recommended Reading:

How Should I Answer "Tell Me About Yourself" During the Job Interview?

Talking About Your Short and Long-Term Goals During The Interview

How to Answer “Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?” — Even if You Got Fired

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Where Will You Be in Five Years?

Most people have been asked that perennial, and somewhat annoying, question: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Of course it is asked most often in a job interview, but it may also come up in a conversation at a networking event or a cocktail party. Knowing and communicating your career goals is challenging […]

Most people have been asked that perennial, and somewhat annoying, question: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Of course it is asked most often in a job interview, but it may also come up in a conversation at a networking event or a cocktail party. Knowing and communicating your career goals is challenging for even the most ambitious and focused person. Can you really know what job you’ll be doing, or even want to be doing, in five years?

me in 5 years essay

  • Amy Gallo is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review, cohost of the Women at Work podcast , and the author of two books: Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People) and the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict . She writes and speaks about workplace dynamics. Watch her TEDx talk on conflict and follow her on LinkedIn . amyegallo

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  • Interview Question

How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years”

Introduction, why do interviewers ask “where do you see yourself in 5 years”, how to give the perfect answer to “where do you see yourself in 5 years”, 1. setting the career goals: , 2. interconnect job description and job role: , 3. organizational support: , where do you see yourself in 5 years sample answer, answers to “where do you see yourself in 5 years” that you should avoid , 1. answers that show you haven’t thought about your future yet:, 2. answers that show you’ll be leaving the company soon for a better opportunity: , 3. answers that are too generic:, important resources.

Human aspirations are a direct result of growing needs and the ability to sustain themselves in the changing world. Technology has emerged as a prime employer for new generation employees. The motivation for the job change is driven by the long-term goals of stability and higher profitability. Employees often were faced with the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” whenever they try shifting jobs. 

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of being asked this question, then you know how difficult it can be to answer this. You’re expected to envision your future in a single sentence without making it sound totally false, right? Well, don’t worry. This post will walk you through a method for answering this question, complete with an example answer.

Interviews are often conducted in a group setting wherein more than one interviewer was involved. The interview panel depicts the organizational strength by placing experts in the position of the job vacancies. When an interviewer asks “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” from the applicant, it signifies the aspiration of the interviewer to know about the dedication of the employee to the new organization. 

Confused about your next job?

The interviewer gauges the applicability, versatility, and relevancy of the new applicant for the desired role. Based on the answer given, the interviewer can gauge the dedication of the applicant regarding the career goals by giving a specific period of 5 years to help the interviewer understand the immediate priorities of the applicant. Applicants’ answer to the question reveals the satisfaction level of the applicant for the job role and helps the interviewer inspect the level of hard work the applicant will be able to put in to stay as long as possible with the new organization. 

The aim of the interviewer here is to seek the acceptability of the applicant for the job role resulting in the maximum benefit from the work the employee will put in for the organization. The interviewer’s aim to ask the question of the applicant is to fill the job role with the most dedicated and mentally stable employee that would result in the long-term benefit of the organization. An applicant failing to answer would simply show that the applicant is not the best fit for the job role and the interviewer shall be searching for the ideal candidate again. 

The answer to the question raised is about seeking to visualize them in an organization that not only empowers the employees but also looks for their health and wellbeing, social growth, and family support. The growth in software development is increasing by leaps and bounds and thereby providing varied opportunities to trained professionals. Employees ponder over the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” beforehand to show preparedness for the interview and portray that software engineers are ready to move on to the next organization with a clear focus and planning. 

Preparation for “ Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years ” in a perfect manner is not an easy task. On the part of the applicant, it requires a focused approach and a thorough understanding of how life will change in the next five years. Sometimes, an applicant is struggling with the existing job responsibilities or in pressure from family responsibilities. The peer pressure of securing a dream job also drives the applicant’s motivation to think about the answer to the question. Software and technology development jobs are lucrative outside the country as well, hence, an applicant who wants to secure a job in Silicon Valley in the coming years must consider that goal in hindsight while preparing for the perfect answer that he/she wants to secure a foreign-based opportunity. 

Answering the question is linked with the human willingness and approach towards the work wherein the long-term goal-setting process is utilized by the employees and through effective communication, employees convince the hiring managers with a clear explanation of where they would be after five years from now. 

The applicant needs to answer perfectly about the motivation for the next five years. To answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” an applicant must prepare in a stepwise manner to answer and express the will concerning the organizational requirements as well as personal competencies. The preparation to answer perfectly can be elaborated on below given points: 

The applicant should understand the job profile and organizational structure before applying and following that, he/she must set career goals for at least five years in the future. The applicant also needs to enhance their skills and knowledge as per the new job responsibility. 

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of being asked, “Where do see yourself in 5 years?” then you know how difficult it can be to answer this question. You’re expected to envision your future in a single sentence without making it sound false, right? Well, don’t worry. This post will walk you through a method for answering this question, complete with an example answer.

it is a must to understand the exact job responsibilities and work profile within which the organization is working. Organizational growth charts will be integral to preparing for the interview. The existing skill set of the applicant must be reflected when answering the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 

Applicants must review the type of organization and ask if the organization will be able to support and nurture the applicant’s growth in the next five years as it would eventually help the applicant to set the answers and career goals in the right direction. 

An applicant must prepare in advance the answer using the above-given points. Right identification of existing skills and work experience is critical to demarcate the suitability of the new job requirement and the applicant’s future work aspirations. 

There can be multiple ways to answer this question. To help you figure out how to answer where you see yourself in 5 years, the best answer examples are given below.

“In the next 5 years, I aspire to be leading a team or department. In my experience, individual employees need to grow as leaders and managers, too. Your job posting looks exciting and mentions some great leadership opportunities, so I wanted to learn more about the position and interview for it.” 


This answer typically shows that you are looking for success but in the same company. HR loves when you have goals for organizational growth. 

“Since taking on the role of team leader in my previous job, I’ve discovered that I really enjoy team and project management. In five years’ time, I hope to be managing larger projects, or perhaps multiple project teams. The Senior Project Manager role you advertised seemed like a great next step in that direction and would provide a nice challenge.”

This answer emphasizes your past roles and how you handled them. Moreover, you are showing that you want to attain success in the same role they are offering you. 

“I really see myself developing my project management skills in the next five years. Moreover, I also see myself with significant experience in managing major projects. I aspire to achieve all this success with this job opportunity.” 

Such an answer shows that you have outlined a success path and are willing to work hard. Moreover, it also specifies a career goal, which is attaining experience in project management. 

“In the next five years, I would like to see myself in a software team lead position with your organization. To be there, I have planned my growth along with the organizational support using the following three-pronged approach that intermixes capacity building, professional networking, and Leadership Responsibility.”

This answer significantly shows that you are seeing your growth within the organization. Moreover, it also emphasizes that you are focused on professional development in terms of leadership, networking, and capacity building. 

Read all the answers you can say to “Where do you see yourself in 5 years”? Now, let’s move on to the things you should avoid saying:

Avoid answers such as “retired with a lot of money” or “as a rich old guy”! Such questions depict that you don’t have a plan for the future! Thinking about the future is either an exciting or scary prospect. By developing a career plan, you can create a roadmap for your path to success and feel more confident in your career choices.

“I see myself working at Facebook in the next 5 years”

Make sure you are not seeing yourself in some other bigger organization in your answer to the question. Even though HR doesn’t want everyone to stay for 5+ years, it’s still not appropriate to give signs of leaving in your interview. 

“I see myself working hard for this company’s success” 

Such questions are asked only to see your creative and ambitious plans. Being too generic won’t work.

The answer to the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” is an individual perception and therefore should connect an individual knowledge, skills, and experiences gained through professional life. An applicant must prepare in advance for the job role and understand the organizational background and its growth trajectory to answer. 

This is an extremely common question, and the answer is often simple, so feel free to think about it before your interview. We recommend that you stick to the “one-word” answer. It will be easier for them to ask follow-up questions and you won’t feel pigeonholed into giving a one-dimensional answer.

Quick tip — If you want to go into more detail, do your research on the company prior to your interview.

It is beneficial to prepare the answer as it reflects the employee’s commitment and dedication to work and satisfies the interviewer regarding the suitability of the applicant for the organizational benefit.     

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Where do I see myself in 5 years? essay

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Personal and Professional Goals in 5 Years

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Published: Jan 29, 2024

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Personal goals, professional goals, challenges and obstacles.

  • United States Census Bureau. "Educational Attainment in the United States: 2019." https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2019/demo/educational-attainment/cps-detailed-tables.html.
  • World Health Organization. "Healthy Diet." https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet.
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me in 5 years essay

Where do i See myself in 5 Years

This essay will provide guidance on envisioning and planning for one’s future, specifically looking at a five-year timeframe. It will discuss the importance of setting personal and professional goals, considering potential changes and opportunities, and preparing for unforeseen challenges. The piece will offer tips on goal-setting, self-assessment, and creating a realistic yet ambitious plan for personal growth and achievement. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Myself.

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The world is changing so quickly that it is very difficult to predict exactly where I will be in 5 years. Therefore, I decided for myself that I would use the following rules in order to live the most successful and balanced life. Of course, I am sure that my career will be successful, but in what direction it will go I cannot predict because I trust life. Over the semester we have discussed many informative and valuable information that I will continue to use throughout my college career.

Although I have enjoyed every topic that we went over, there were three main topics that I think hold the most value to me. These three topics are strategies that I can still see myself using two to three years from now, and still holding up to their value. These strategies are from a book called “Teach Yourself How to Learn” by Saundra Yancy McGuire with Stephanie McGuire. This book was highly recommended and was truly a great book.

The first strategy that I enjoyed during the semester was The Study cycle. The Study Cycle is a five-step guide on how to prepare for a class and an exam. The five steps of the study cycle are: preview, attend the class, review, do the intense study session, and assess. This study cycle is my favorite strategy because this is so helpful in so many ways. I used to do step one, preview before class, in high school but I was not doing it correctly. Now after reading the Dr.McGuire book, I have a better understanding on how to properly preview before class with extra steps added on. After learning the steps to the study cycle, I have been using it to help me prepare for my classes, and I am using the intense study session to help me study for my final exams. This strategy has added great value to my studying, and I believe that it will help me stay on top of my classes in the future.

The next strategy I want to discuss is a Growth mindset. A growth mindset is when a person believes that their intelligence can be enhanced and grow over time; that they are not born with all the knowledge that they can have, but that they can always achieve at learning new things with the right effort. Having a growth mindset is a great thing to have when you want to achieve something, and finishing college is something I want to achieve. If I continue to have a growth mindset, then I know personally that everything I want to accomplish in life I can do it. That I know if I struggle with something, I can get better if I just work harder and not feel the feeling of defeat. Learning about growth mindset was by far my favorite, and I have been using growth mindset with some of the classes that I want to get better at over time. This is a strategy I know I can use throughout college and after college. This was my first time learning about growth mindset, and I am glad that I learned about this my freshman year in college because I know that the next three years of my academic career is going to be challenging, and I am going to need to have a growth mindset to push through.

The last strategy is the peer-to-peer teaching. The concept of peer-to-peer teaching is to know a material so well that you can fully teach it to someone else. This strategy is so helpful because you might think that you really understand a topic, but when you try to explain it to someone else you, realize that you do not know it as well as you thought you did. Using peer-to-peer strategy in the future will be very helpful for me because I will know that if I can’t talk out how to do something, then I really do not understand the material. With learning that I do not truly know the material, I know that I probably need to study more on that certain subject. Also doing the peer-to-peer teaching in class was kind of fun to do. It was something new, and I enjoyed teaching different topics to my classmates.

Overall, I have learned many strategies that can help lead me to success. I have many tips and resources to help me along the way of my college career, and I plan to take full advantage of everything I learned from the course. At first, I was not really looking forward to taking this class, but now I am glad that did because I have really enjoyed every part of this class, and I have gained so much knowledge. I know that I have a lot of schooling ahead of me, but with these strategies, I feel more prepared than I felt coming into college. Now that I have these amazing strategies, it’s all up to me now to apply everything that I learned and be the best I can be. 


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Where Do I See Myself In Five Years (Essay Sample)

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The question about where one sees him or herself in the next five or so years is quite common during a job interview, and it normally give people problems to answer. It can be an uphill task to articulate where you can see yourself even within one year leave alone five years. Even if one was aware, it is important for one to exercise some restraints when responding to this kind of question during the job interview. It would be important for one to tailor his or her answer for the job that one is being interviewed for.

A period of five years is too long for one to foresee where he or she would be not only in terms of career, but also in his or her entire life. The question concerning where one sees him or herself in the next five years is quite important mainly to the interviewers and the hiring managers for many reasons. This question helps them to know your career goals aligns with the organization’s and also if you are likely to stay there for long or would probably leave just after a few years or months. However, it would be important to remember that answering this question requires one to be very knowledgeable and wise enough when answering. This paper will be providing some of the tips for answering such a question.

Tips for Answering Question about Future Plan

Questions concerning future plans of an individual can be a tricky one to answer and one ought to be honest when responding to this question, however, the answer should be relevant to the job being applying for and the organization. For instance, one should not say that his or her plan in the next five years is to publish a book, when being interviewed for accountancy job is irrelevant. Being vague or responding poorly to such a question could make it possible for interviewers believe that one has not invested in his or her career; this is not good for the organization or it would mean that one is covering up something. The following are some of the tips that would be enable one to answer a question about where one sees him or herself in the next five years. Remember that when answering such a question one should be wise and at the same time re-affirming his or her own interest or role.

The first tip for answering such a question is by outlining a career path that would show where you would be in the next five years. For one to prepare well for this question, one would research on a reasonably about his or her career path that will flow from the position for which one is applying for. Researching could entail approaching professionals in the field through family, friends, alumni and/ or professional associations to get the right picture about the career path.

The other tip that one can use to answer such a question is by beginning with an individual’s interest in the job. The experts have pointed out that it is advantageous for one to emphasize thoroughly on the interest that you have for the position that you are applying for. If an individual’s interest seems to be in the first job, the possible employer might be prompted to question how motivated you are in carrying the expected duties. Furthermore, the manager that hires would probably want someone that will be enthusiastic and competent for the job for at least two years or more. Generally, when showing the career path, it should show if the organization would benefit from the investment that they have put on you.

me in 5 years essay

How to Write an Effective “About Me” Page (Examples Included!) 

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An “About Me” page is one of the most crucial elements of any personal website, portfolio , or blog. It’s where visitors get to know who you are, what you do, and why they should care. Whether you're a freelancer , entrepreneur , or creative professional , this page can make or break a visitor’s first impression of you.

Let’s dive into the essentials of creating a standout one pager about yourself, provide actionable tips, and share examples to inspire you.

Add an “About Me” to your resume or portfolio and then put it to the test! Apply to these open jobs on The Muse »

What is an “About Me” page?

An “About Me” page is a dedicated section on your website where you introduce yourself to your visitors. This page goes beyond a simple biography and a list of your credentials; it's an opportunity to convey your personality, share your story, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

It often includes key elements such as a brief professional summary , personal anecdotes, and highlights of your skills and experiences. By providing a narrative of your journey, accomplishments, and aspirations, you create a relatable and authentic presence that can engage and build trust with your visitors.

An “About Me” page serves multiple purposes:

  • It outlines your mission and vision, helping visitors understand what motivates you and what sets you apart.
  • It can serve as a platform to showcase testimonials, notable projects, and any media coverage or recognition you have received.
  • Your story helps humanize your brand. People connect with people, not faceless entities. 
  • It lets visitors know what they can expect from your site and how you can help them.
  • A well-crafted “About Me” page can improve your website’s SEO for Google by incorporating relevant keywords and phrases.

Where can you usually find “About Me” pages? 

An “About Me” can be a valuable addition to various platforms and contexts. Here are some common uses:

  • Personal website: Whether it’s a blog or a personal brand site, an “About Me” page helps visitors understand who you are and why they should follow you.
  • Portfolio: For creatives like designers, writers , and photographers, an “About Me” page showcases your background and expertise, helping potential clients or employers get to know you better.
  • Resume: Adding an “About Me” section to your online resume provides a personal touch and highlights your unique strengths and career journey.
  • Business website: Entrepreneurs and small business owners can use an “About Me” page to share their story, mission, and the values behind their business.
  • Freelance profiles: On freelance platforms, an “About Me” page can differentiate you from other freelancers by highlighting your experience and skills.
  • Social media profiles: Sites like LinkedIn benefit from a detailed “About Me” section, helping you network and connect with potential employers or collaborators.
  • Author pages: For writers and authors, an “About Me” page helps readers connect with you on a personal level and understand the inspiration behind your work.
  • E-commerce sites: Store owners can add an “About Me” page to build trust with customers by sharing their journey and the story behind their products.
  • Professional associations: Members of professional organizations can use an “About Me” page to share their professional background, expertise, and contributions to their field.

Checklist for “About Me” pages 

What to include in an “About Me” page? Effective content should include the following elements:

  • Your name and profession : Clearly state who you are and what you do.
  • A photo : Adding a photo humanizes your profile and makes it more relatable.
  • Your story : Share your background, journey, and what inspired you to pursue your path.
  • Your values and mission : Explain what drives you and what you aim to achieve.
  • Your skills and expertise : Highlight your key skills, qualifications, and achievements.
  • Testimonials : If applicable, include testimonials from clients or colleagues to build credibility.
  • Contact information : Provide a way for visitors to get in touch with you.

How to write an “About Me” in 5 steps

Writing an “About Me” page involves balancing personal storytelling with professional insights. Here are five tips to help structure yours.

1. Start with a strong—and catchy—opening

Begin with a compelling hook that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be an interesting fact, a personal anecdote, or a bold statement about your mission.

2. Who are you?

Provide a brief introduction that includes your name, profession, and a high-level overview of what you do. Make sure to keep it concise and engaging.

3. Tell your story

Narrate your journey—how you got started, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the milestones you’ve achieved. This is where you can infuse your personality and make your story relatable.

4. Highlight your expertise

Explain what you do and how you can help your audience. Call out your skills , qualifications, and any notable accomplishments.

5. Include a call to action (CTA)

A call to action is a prompt that tells your visitors what to do next, like contacting you, following you on social media, or checking out your portfolio. Make sure your CTA is clear and compelling so they know exactly what action to take.

Bonus tips on writing an “About Me” page

To write an “about me” paragraph that not only introduces you effectively but also engages your audience and enhances your online presence, follow these recommendations:

  • Know your audience: Understand who you are writing for. Tailor your tone and content to resonate with your target audience.
  • Be authentic : Authenticity is key. Be genuine in your storytelling and avoid overly formal language.
  • Keep it concise: While it’s important to provide enough detail, avoid overwhelming your readers with too much information. Aim for clarity and brevity.
  • Use visuals: Incorporate photos, videos, or infographics to make your page visually appealing and engaging.
  • Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your “About Me” page to improve search engine visibility.
  • Update regularly: Your “About Me” page should evolve as you grow. Regularly update it to reflect new experiences, skills, and achievements.

“About Me” template text

How to write an “About Me”? Here’s a simple and general template to get you started:

[Your name]

[Your profession/title]


Hi, I’m [Your name], a [Your profession] with [number] years of experience in [your field]. I’m passionate about [your passion] and have dedicated my career to [your mission].

Your story:

My journey began [describe how you started]. Over the years, I’ve [mention key milestones and achievements]. My work has been featured in [mention notable publications or collaborations].

Your expertise:

I specialize in [mention your key skills and areas of expertise]. My clients have included [mention notable clients or projects].

Call to action:

If you’d like to [mention what you want your readers to do next – contact you, follow you, etc.], feel free to [provide contact details or a CTA].

“About Me” page examples for different scenarios

You might be looking for information on how to write your “About Me” page for your new blog, maybe your LinkedIn profile, or other context. These could have some differences, so find the “About Me” paragraph example that suits you best.

For a website: “About Me” blog example

Hi, I’m Sarah, a passionate travel blogger who has visited over 50 countries. I share my adventures, tips, and travel guides to help you plan your next trip. My journey began in 2010 when I left my corporate job to explore the world. Since then, I’ve been featured in numerous travel magazines and have collaborated with top travel brands. Follow along as I explore new destinations and share my insights.

Portfolio “About Me” example

Hello! I’m Mark, a freelance graphic designer with over 10 years of experience in creating stunning visuals for brands. My work includes logo design, branding, and digital marketing materials. I started my career working for a design agency, but my passion for creativity led me to freelance. My clients include Fortune 500 companies and startups alike. Take a look at my portfolio to see my work and let’s collaborate on your next project.

For your resume: What is an example of best “About Me”?

I’m Emily, a marketing professional with a decade of experience in digital marketing and brand strategy. I specialize in SEO, content marketing, and social media management. My career highlights include leading successful campaigns for high-profile clients and earning industry awards. I’m currently seeking new opportunities to leverage my skills and drive impactful marketing initiatives.

Other type of site: “About Me” example

As a bestselling author, I’ve always been passionate about storytelling. My journey began with a love for reading, which soon transformed into writing my own stories. Over the years, I’ve published five novels and numerous short stories. My work explores themes of love, loss, and resilience, drawing inspiration from my personal experiences. When I’m not writing, you can find me at book signings or conducting writing workshops.

me in 5 years essay

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Man who attacked police at the US Capitol with poles gets 20 years, one of longest Jan. 6 sentences


FILE - Rioters loyal to President Donald Trump rally at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

This image from video from the Justice Department contained in the sentencing memorandum, and annotated by the source, shows David Nicholas Dempsey throwing a pole at a police officer in the Lower West Terrace Tunnel at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. Dempsey, a California man with a history of political violence, was sentenced on Aug. 9, 2024, to 20 years in prison for repeatedly attacking police with flagpoles and other makeshift weapons during the riot at the U.S. Capitol. (Justice Department via AP)

This image from video from the Justice Department contained in the sentencing memorandum, and annotated by the source, shows David Nicholas Dempsey stomping on police officers in the Lower West Terrace Tunnel at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. Dempsey, a California man with a history of political violence, was sentenced on Aug. 9, 2024, to 20 years in prison for repeatedly attacking police with flagpoles and other makeshift weapons during the riot at the U.S. Capitol. (Justice Department via AP)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A California man with a history of political violence was sentenced on Friday to 20 years in prison for repeatedly attacking police with flagpoles and other makeshift weapons during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

David Nicholas Dempsey’s sentence is among the longest among hundreds of Capitol riot prosecutions. Prosecutors described him as one of the most violent members of the mob of Donald Trump supporters that attacked the Capitol as lawmakers met to certify Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential election victory.

Dempsey, who is from Van Nuys, stomped on police officers’ heads. He swung poles at officers defending a tunnel, struck an officer in the head with a metal crutch and attacked police with pepper spray and broken pieces of furniture, prosecutors said.

He climbed atop other rioters, using them like “human scaffolding” to reach officers guarding a tunnel entrance. He injured at least two police officers, prosecutors said.

“Your conduct on January 6th was exceptionally egregious,” U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth told Dempsey. “You did not get carried away in the moment.”


Dempsey pleaded guilty in January to two counts of assaulting police officers with a dangerous weapon.

Only former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has received a longer sentence in the Jan. 6 attack. Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years for orchestrating a plot to stop the peaceful transfer of power from Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 presidential election.

Dempsey called his conduct “reprehensible” and apologized to the police officers whom he assaulted.

“You were performing your duties, and I responded with hostility and violence,” he said before learning his sentence.

Justice Department prosecutors recommended a prison sentence of 21 years and 10 months for Dempsey, a former construction worker and fast-food restaurant employee. Dempsey’s violence was so extreme that he attacked a fellow rioter who was trying to disarm him, prosecutors wrote .

“David Dempsey is political violence personified,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Douglas Brasher told the judge.

Defense attorney Amy Collins, who sought a sentence of 6 years and six months, described the government’s sentencing recommendation as “ridiculous.”

“It makes him a statistic,” she said. “It doesn’t consider the person he is, how much he has grown.”

Dempsey was wearing a tactical vest, a helmet and an American flag gaiter covering his face when he attacked police at a tunnel leading to the Lower West Terrace doors. He shot pepper spray at Metropolitan Police Department Detective Phuson Nguyen just as another rioter yanked at the officer’s gas mask, prosecutors wrote.

“The searing spray burned Detective Nguyen’s lungs, throat, eyes, and face and left him gasping for breath, fearing he might lose consciousness and be overwhelmed by the mob,” they wrote.

Dempsey then struck MPD Sgt. Jason Mastony in the head with a metal crutch, cracking the shield on his gas mask and cutting his head.

“I collapsed and caught myself against the wall as my ears rang. I was able to stand again and hold the line for a few more minutes until another assault by rioters pushed the police line back away from the threshold of the tunnel,” Mastony said in a statement submitted to the court.

Dempsey has been jailed since his arrest in August 2021.

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His criminal record in California includes convictions for burglary, theft and assault. The assault conviction stemmed from an October 2019, gathering near the Santa Monica Pier, where Dempsey attacked people peacefully demonstrating against then-President Trump, prosecutors said.

“The peaceful protest turned violent as Dempsey took a canister of bear spray from his pants and dispersed it at close range against several protesters,” they wrote, noting that Dempsey was sentenced to 200 days of jail time.

Dempsey engaged in at least three other acts of “vicious political violence” that didn’t lead to criminal charges “for various reasons,” according to prosecutors. They said Dempsey struck a counter-protester over the head with a skateboard at a June 2019 rally in Los Angeles, used the same skateboard to assault someone at an August 2020 protest in Tujunga, California, and attacked a protester with pepper spray and a metal bat during a August 2020 protest in Beverly Hills, California.

More than 1,400 people have been charged with Jan. 6-related federal crimes. Over 900 of them have been convicted and sentenced, with roughly two-thirds receiving terms of imprisonment ranging from a few days to the 22 years that Tarrio received.

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The lasting power of ‘Sweet Valley Twins’: How my daughter and I are connecting over the series

Left: My daughter and me. Right: Our growing collection of "Sweet Valley Twins" and "Sweet Valley High" books (alongside some from "The Babysitter's Club," naturally). 

When I was in the fourth grade, my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. “A writer,” I said without hesitation. “Just like Francine Pascal — and Elizabeth Wakefield.”

Francine Pascal was the writer and creator of the book series “Sweet Valley Twins” and “Sweet Valley High.” Elizabeth Wakefield, of course, is twin sister to Jessica Wakefield — the main characters of the beloved series. When I learned that Pascal passed away in July at 92, it hit me hard. Not only did I consider her my first writing teacher (though we never met), but also I’d just reconnected with Elizabeth and Jessica and the world of Sweet Valley by introducing them to my 9-year-old daughter, Mila.

“Sweet Valley ” was so ingrained in my childhood that it’s more to me than just a book series. The characters and storylines of “Sweet Valley Twins” were amalgamations of what was happening in my own life: friendship drama, gaining my parents’ trust and finding some independence, and, in the case of “Sweet Valley High,” what I hoped would happen one day: boyfriends, homecoming dances and driving a car or — gasp — a motorcycle. The bookshelf in my bedroom is where I proudly displayed my prized collection of “Sweet Valley” books. I used my allowance money to bring them home as soon as they hit bookstores. 

“Sweet Valley Twins” always ended with a cliffhanger that teased the next book. This was 1986, a time before spoilers and Goodreads. Since I devoured each book in a single setting, I had to take matters into my own hands when it came to satisfying my craving for more. When I finished a book, I’d painstakingly write up “bonus chapters,” creating my own plot twists and fantasies instead of idly waiting for the next release. It was fan fiction before I knew what fan fiction was. I filled dozens of notebooks with the trials and tribulations that I dreamed up for Elizabeth and Jessica to go through next. I even sent some of my work to Pascal herself in the hopes she’d take my ideas into consideration. I’m sure my pages must have been lost in the mail.

Alas, as I got older, I grew apart from Elizabeth and Jessica, but I always carried a piece of the Wakefield twins with me. I became editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper and took it as the highest compliment when a friend said I was following in the footsteps of Elizabeth, who was also editor of her school paper in the books. As I moved to New York City and started a writing career , many friends liked to joke that I was a “Carrie Bradshaw,” but I always thought of myself as more of an Elizabeth.

I never thought my daughter would be interested in “Sweet Valley.” But when Mila became so enthralled with my other love, “The Babysitters Club,” that she dressed as Claudia for “Character Day” at school, I wondered if she’d connect with the Wakefield twins, too.

All my “Sweet Valley” books were donated years ago (against my will, when I went off to college), but thanks to eBay and Etsy, I’ve begun rebuilding my collection. 

My daughter, Mila, proudly shows off our book collection.

Though my daughter is almost 10 years old, reading out loud to her is still a cherished part of her nightly bedtime routine. And it was the perfect way for me to introduce her to the Wakefield twins. I have to admit, it took a bit for my Gen Alpha daughter to find her groove with the totally '80s lifestyle in Sweet Valley. Some of her questions were simply reflections of the books’ age (“Sweet Valley High” debuted in 1983 and “Sweet Valley Twins” in 1986): “Why are they using typewriters instead of laptops?” “Why is Jessica leaving Elizabeth a note? Can’t she just call her cell phone?”

But other questions initiated deeper conversations. We were on page two of the very first “Sweet Valley Twins” book, “Best Friends,” when I gasped, unsure if I should skip over a conversation where Jessica complains to Elizabeth about their classmate looking “fat” in her leotard. “They shouldn’t let a tub like her take ballet,” I read in practically a whisper, watching my daughter’s eyes widen with horror. The upside was that the moment prompted Mila to go on a rant about how “fat” is a terrible word and “everyone’s body is beautiful” before we put the book down for a heart-to-heart about acceptance and not judging others by their looks .

I would argue that the 'Sweet Valley' books are timeless. The struggles and growing pains of tweens and teens don’t change even if their fashion, slang and technology do.

But, while Jessica’s prejudice against weight is not where the outdated, cringey moments in the series ends, I would argue that the “Sweet Valley” books are timeless. The struggles and growing pains of tweens and teens don’t change even if their fashion, slang and technology do. Elizabeth and Jessica, though identical on the outside, are complete opposites. They’re lucky enough to be sisters and best friends — but still struggle with growing apart and embracing separate interests. I’ve watched this start happening with my daughter and her own friends — and they’re not even in middle school yet. Elizabeth, as the responsible one, always bails impulsive Jessica out of trouble. Elizabeth dreams of being a writer while Jessica just wants to be popular. In “Sweet Valley Twins,” Elizabeth starts a school newspaper while Jessica is initiated into a clique of snobby girls called “The Unicorns” (they were ahead of their time, paving the way for Regina George and “ The Plastics ”).

As a kid, I always had an “Elizabeth” sitting on one shoulder encouraging me to read, write and behave, while a “Jessica” sat on the other, daring me to disobey my parents, wear a little lip gloss and talk to cute boys. Elizabeth was my soul sister but it never stopped me from wondering, “What would Jessica do?”

I could tell my daughter was inspired by Elizabeth yet awestruck by Jessica, just as I’d been.  In one book, Jessica tells an elaborate lie so she can see her favorite singer, Johnny Buck, in concert even though her parents already told her she was too young to go. “Mommy, didn’t you do the same thing?” my daughter gleefully asked me. It’s a famous story in my family about a complex plan I hatched so I could attend a meet-and-greet event with Brian Austin Green after my parents said I too was too young to go. Things went so horribly awry that I got caught by my parents and needed assistance from the police to safely get home. I’m sure if my daughter ever pulls a stunt like that, I’ll initially be angry or disappointed. But I also know it’s a rite of passage to embrace your inner “Jessica.” In fact, it’s a rite of passage to discover the world of Sweet Valley. And now that my daughter has met the twins, perhaps she’ll have a few chapters of her own to write for them.

Lauren Brown West-Rosenthal is a writer, storyteller and producer with over 20 years experience interviewing celebs, writing features, essays and more for various publications, brands and TV. You can learn more  about her at laurenbwestro.com .

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Britain’s Violent Riots: What We Know

Officials had braced for more unrest on Wednesday, but the night’s anti-immigration protests were smaller, with counterprotesters dominating the streets instead.

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A handful of protesters, two in masks, face a group of riot police officers with shields. In the background are a crowd, a fire and smoke in the air.

By Lynsey Chutel

After days of violent rioting set off by disinformation around a deadly stabbing rampage, the authorities in Britain had been bracing for more unrest on Wednesday. But by nightfall, large-scale anti-immigration demonstrations had not materialized, and only a few arrests had been made nationwide.

Instead, streets in cities across the country were filled with thousands of antiracism protesters, including in Liverpool, where by late evening, the counterdemonstration had taken on an almost celebratory tone.

Over the weekend, the anti-immigration protests, organized by far-right groups, had devolved into violence in more than a dozen towns and cities. And with messages on social media calling for wider protests and counterprotests on Wednesday, the British authorities were on high alert.

With tensions running high, Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s cabinet held emergency meetings to discuss what has become the first crisis of his recently elected government. Some 6,000 specialist public-order police officers were mobilized nationwide to respond to any disorder, and the authorities in several cities and towns stepped up patrols.

Wednesday was not trouble-free, however.

In Bristol, the police said there was one arrest after a brick was thrown at a police vehicle and a bottle was thrown. In the southern city of Portsmouth, police officers dispersed a small group of anti-immigration protesters who had blocked a roadway. And in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where there have been at least four nights of unrest, disorder continued, and the police service said it would bring in additional officers.

But overall, many expressed relief that the fears of wide-scale violence had not been realized.

Here’s what we know about the turmoil in Britain.

Where arrests have been reported

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