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How to write a manifesto for a school prefect with a sample

Some people are born leaders, but leadership skills have to be nurtured. This explains why today, schools take the allocation of power to students seriously through holding elections. Just like politicians, if you want to become a student leader, you must know how to write a manifesto for a school prefect.

Junior school prefect manifesto


How do you write a school manifesto, 1. introduce yourself and your objectives, 2. talk about your experiences, 3. indicate the problem facing your area of interest and your action plan, 4. be brief, 5. be grammatically correct, manifesto for head girl in school, manifesto for health prefect, manifesto for a compound prefect, manifesto for entertainment prefect, manifesto for the sanitary prefect, manifesto for chaplain prefect, manifesto for school prefect sample, what are 3 qualities a prefect should have.

A manifesto is a public declaration of policy and aims by an individual, especially before an election to a certain position. It helps one spread their message as widely as possible, and therefore, one should be clear on their intentions and ideas. It is an opportunity to inform the voters about oneself.

How to write a manifesto for a school prefect

The purpose of an election manifesto is to convey your intentions, views and beliefs, and motivation behind the specific position you are vying for. To successfully do this, you should ensure that the actual content of your manifesto is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound (SMART). Here is everything you need to know about writing a junior school prefect manifesto.

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The manner in which you write your manifesto determines whether or not fellow students will vote for you as a leader. Therefore, you must organize your ideas, beliefs, and plans in a comprehensive way that distinguishes you from other election candidates.

By reading your manifesto, let the students and the whole school fraternity understand the strategies that you will use to cause positive transformations in the institution. There are several areas in a learning institution that require overseeing by leaders. There is the compound, entertainment , health and sanitation.

There must also be a senior prefect who oversees the work of the other prefects. Therefore, when writing your manifesto, consider the position you want and its requirement. For instance, if you want to become a chaplain prefect, your manifesto cannot be similar to that of a compound leader.

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Guidelines on how you write a manifesto for being a school prefect

The first step towards creating an excellent manifesto is to prepare the ideas that you want the public to see. You must know the area that you are interested in. If you are vying for a compound perfect position, you have an interest in that area.

Do some research about the position you want. You do not want to appear clueless about the issues that need to be addressed in that area. Outline all the aspects concerning that position and determine what you will do to make it better. Then proceed to write the manifesto.

How do you introduce yourself in a manifesto? Begin by informing people about your identity i.e. your name and your class. This should be followed by the objectives that you have as a leader. These goals should appear in a bulleted format and a brief explanation for each of them.

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Your objectives should be feasible. Do not go making promises that can never be accomplished. For instance, if you are a health prefect, you cannot say that you will build a hospital. This is impossible and can make your manifesto less influential.

Manifesto for school prefect sample

Let people know about the experiences you have had either at home, school, internship or life in general that make you suitable for that position. If you want the compound prefect position, talk about planting trees in the past or doing a cleanup.

This information should be complemented by a list of skills that you gain. They could be problem-solving, critical thinking, commitment, and decision-making capabilities among others.

Let other students know that you are familiar with the issues facing your area of interest. Then talk about the measures you plan to take to rectify the situation or make it better.

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For instance, if you want the sports prefect seat, you can talk about the number of balls for playing football. Students want to know if you have their best interests at heart and that you can represent them adequately to the administration.

Nobody wants to read long manifestos. After all, there are many people vying, and each has a manifesto that must be read. Be precise, organize your work using bullets and be straight to the point.

Avoid misspelling words, using words wrongly or using incorrect punctuation. Also, ensure to write comprehensive sentence structures. Remember, you want to be a leader. Grammatical errors can reduce the relevance of your manifesto.

How do you make a manifesto?

Now that you have discovered the general guidelines for writing the manifesto, here is an outline of additional requirements for specific positions.

manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

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To be a senior prefect, you must show how knowledgeable you are about all areas of the school. Talk about the leadership skills that will enable you to ensure that all the other prefects work as a team. Also, let the students you how you plan to represent their concerns to the administration.

Are you conversant with the health services provided in the school? Are students attended to on time? What complaints about your school healthcare facility have you heard repeatedly?

What do you think should be done to address healthcare concerns in the school? Outline your goals as a student health representative. Tell them the steps you will take to ensure that their needs are met satisfactorily.

If you need to know how to write a manifesto for compound prefect in your school, you need to be aware of things like garbage disposal in your school, when and how is the compound cleaned and what are your standards for a clean compound. Outline such aspects and how you plan to make the environment cleaner.

manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

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Also, be wise enough to talk about environmental sustainability now that it is a global issue. You can also talk about making proposals to the administration to allow tree-planting activities in or outside the school.

Here express your interest and knowledge on the importance of nurturing talents. Talk about how talents such as singing, poetry, sports and acting among others are helping people to earn income.

How do you plan to make the entertainment in the school livelier? You can talk about enforcing singing or drama competitions between groups occasionally during school terms.

Your interest here is to ensure that students live in hygienic conditions. Explain your goal of ensuring that they access clean water and clean ablution rooms. What is your action plan? You can make proposals about having hygiene talks with the students.

manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

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To be fit for this position, you ought to know how to meet the spiritual and emotional requirements of other people. Students are likely to face stress due to poor performance, strict rules or familial issues.

What will you do to encourage them and give them hope? Will you facilitate individual or group counselling sessions? Do you know school-related issues that cause students emotional torture? All these issues must be addressed in the manifesto.

Manifesto for head girl in school

Generally, prefects are expected to establish and maintain the highest standards of behaviour, attitude and appearance at all times. In addition, they are expected to be positive role models for the other students.

With that in mind, anyone vying for the girl prefect position must be in a position to win both the teacher's and the student's hearts with their manifesto. So what should I write in my prefect application? Here is a sample manifesto for school prefect JHS.

manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

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The headmasters, assistant headmaster, teaching staff, outgoing prefects and colleague students, I see it a great honour to stand here today to make known my plans when I am voted in power. Things are easily said but not easily done, so lend me your ears as I recount the attributes that back up my claim.

Becoming the girl's prefect at this institute is no joke, and I am more than ready to take up the task and deliver my possible best and to the satisfaction of all. After keenly observing the last two sets of remarkable and hard-working prefects perform their duties, I recognized and learnt that a good prefect should have the following:

  • P-Persevering
  • R-Responsible
  • E-Excellent
  • E-Encouraging

When I assume office, here are some things that I will do.

  • Ensure that the discipline in the school is raised to the maximum level.
  • Improve sports and entertainment activities in the school.
  • Ensure that a balanced diet is served at the dining hall.

manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

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Apart from all the things mentioned above, it will be my duty to promptly ensure that all complaints are attended to. This will come in handy in ensuring that all our students continue believing in our school and love it.

Before I leave, I would like you all to remember that a vote for me will surely end well.

Thank you .

The three major qualities a prefect should have to include:

  • Leadership skills: Be able to take charge of situations when necessary.
  • Responsibility: Should be responsible and reliable, always following through with other students' commitments.
  • Communication: Should be able to listen to the concerns and ideas of their fellow students and communicate effectively with teachers and other staff members.

Learning how to write a manifesto for a school prefect is now made easier. Your manifesto speaks volumes about you. Make it brief, organized and straight to the point. Most importantly, be realistic with your plan.

manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

How to write about myself? shared an article on how to write an application letter for employment in Ghana. Writing this letter can seem like a challenging task.

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Venic Mwendwa Venic Nyanchama is a copywriter with more than two years of working experience in the journalism world. She has an educational background in Journalism and Media Studies from the University of Nairobi having graduated in 2014. Venic works on topics in Facts and Life Hacks since 2018. Email address: [email protected]

Jackline Wangare (Lifestyle writer) Jackline Simwa is a content writer at, where she has worked since mid-2021. She tackles diverse topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. Previously, she worked at The Campanile by Kenyatta University. She has more than five years in writing. Jackline graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics (2019) and a Diploma in Marketing (2015) from Kenyatta University. In 2023, Jackline finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and Google News Initiative course in 2024. Email: [email protected].

10 School Prefect Speech Outline Examples (PDF)

sample speech templates

The speech outline examples below will guide you to write a good speech as the head prefect of your school. They are sample speech templates I’ve personally used to achieve amazing results with my English essay writing class over the years.

Do you teach English Language in a senior high school or even junior high? These speech outline examples will make your work a lot easier.

And if you happen to be a parent who likes to homeschool your child there’s so much you can take from here to assist your ward to write great school prefect speeches.


Head Prefect Speech Outlines


3. Advice: (i) Study   (ii) Friends / Social life   (iii) Home.

       (i) Communal labour – clearing

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Closing remarks.

Plan /Outline:

Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

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Halifield Schools

School Prefect Manifesto – Kene-Mbuba Onyinyechi

My academic goal as a student is to move from above-average to the top of my class. I intend to put every effort to achieve this goal.


A prefect is a person who has special duties and helps to control younger students in a school environment. Most people believe that being a prefect is not that important but I take another view to that. A prefect is someone who is in charge of the students but is still able to focus and succeed as a student.

I believe that a prefect should be approachable and responsible. This is because the students should be able to come to them in times of trouble irrespective of their age, size and class. I believe that I possess the above qualities.

As a prefect, I intend to serve as an intermediary between the students and staff. I will serve as a voice of the students to the teachers and of the teachers to students.

I believe that a prefect has to be approachable and responsible because the students are meant to be able to confront them in times of trouble irrespective of their age, size and class and I believe that I possess the above qualities.

Endeavor to vote for Kene-Mbuba Onyinyechukwu as a prefect for a better Halifield college

  • Post author: Admin
  • Post published: May 18, 2018
  • Post category: News and Update / Spotlight
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A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School

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Secrets of Successful Speech of a School Perfect

  • Be punctual- don’t be late to school or not submit homework or classwork.
  • Take everybody’s interests in account - don’t just think about what you would like.
  • Be friendly but stern- you don’t want people to dislike you or think you are mean. Why do you deserve the position?
  • Suggest points where you might have gone to another school where you were a prefect and how well you organized things there.

Prof. Finch

  • End by saying how you will be proud to lead your school.
  • You can also put in quotes as this will make people think that you are well-read.
  • You might also put in why discipline and organization are essential parts of a successful life.

Example of a Speech

A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School. (2018, Nov 06). Retrieved from

"A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School." StudyMoose , 6 Nov 2018,

StudyMoose. (2018). A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1 Aug. 2024]

"A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School." StudyMoose, Nov 06, 2018. Accessed August 1, 2024.

"A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School," StudyMoose , 06-Nov-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2018). A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1-Aug-2024]

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A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School essay

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How to write application letter/manifesto for Entertainment prefect

manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

Writing an effective application letter or manifesto for an Entertainment Prefect position can be a daunting task. It requires careful thought and planning to create a compelling presentation of your qualifications and experience. In this article, we will provide tips and advice on how to craft a winning application letter or manifesto that will help you stand out from the competition and make a great impression on the selection committee.

Who is an Entertainment prefect

The Entertainment prefects are responsible for every entertainment programme that takes place in the school. They organize the Time Schedule for the Term’s entertainment programmes in conjunction with the entertainment master & entertainment committee.

How to write an application letter/manifesto for a compound prefect


1. Introduce yourself

Your application letter should begin with an introduction that contains your name, the school you attend and the position you are applying for. This will help the reader clearly understand who you are and what you are applying for.

2. Explain your qualifications

In the next section of your application letter, explain why you are uniquely qualified for the position. This might include your experience in student government, your involvement in the entertainment industry, or any other activities that demonstrate your leadership and organizational skills.

3. Describe your vision for the position

When writing an application letter for the position of Entertainment Prefect, you should outline your vision for the role. What do you want to accomplish in the position? How are you going to make a difference in the school? Describe your plans in detail and explain why you think they will be successful.

4. Show your enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is an important part of any application letter. Convey your excitement for the position and explain why you are passionate about the role. Showing your enthusiasm will help the reader to get a better sense of why you are the best candidate for the job.

5. Proofread

Before submitting your application, you should make sure to proofread it carefully. Look for any typos or grammar mistakes, and make sure the letter is free of any errors. You want to make sure your application is as professional as possible.

Manifesto for Entertainment prefect sample

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The Headmaster, Assistant Headmasters, Teaching staff, Prefects Outgoing, Colleague Students, I consider it a great opportunity to be present before you all today reading out my manifesto as I aspire for the position of entertainment prefect.

Entertainment has really come to a stay as a professional career ready to pay the bills and provide food for many people in the country. This is the main reason among others why I think the whole concept of entertainment in our schools must be revised. These are some of the things I will be doing;

1 . Revision of the general timetable to include entertainment

I will make sure entertainment is included in our daily classwork timetable. Students will be taught entertainment with all seriousness and discipline in class so as to enlighten them on the career paths they could build from that sector.

2.   Construction of Entertainment Facilities

I shall ensure that the school will have all the basic facilities needed to enhance the teaching and training of students who have unique talents and desire to enter the entertainment industry.

3 .  Organization of Entertainment programs

I shall make sure I bring onboard some popular celebrities in the entertainment industry such as Sarkodie, Shatta Wale. Jackie Appiah, etc. at least once every term to perform and also motivate students on the benefits and the beauty of being in the entertainment industry.

4. I will see to it that students who fail to attend entertainment activities are punished

Any student who exempts him or herself from any entertainment activity will be punished. When this happens, other learners will take any sort of entertainment activity very serious.

The Headmaster, Assistant Headmasters, Teaching staff, Prefects Outgoing, Colleague Students I believe you all shall consider my interest and willingness to raise the entertainment bar in this our noble institution and vote for me. Thank you .

Final words

Writing an application letter/manifesto for Entertainment prefect is not an easy task. It requires an in-depth understanding of the role, as well as creativity and commitment. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of being successful in your application and achieving the position of Entertainment prefect.

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Manifesto for sports prefect

Manifesto for sports prefect

Mr. Chairman, the executive manager, the supervisor of studies,invited guests, dear prents, members of staff, fellow students ladies and gentlemen: Ideem it prudent to stand before you to read my manifesto. The remains Desmond laryeah contesting for the sports prefect posistion. Mr. Chairman before I advance on the spell out my intentions for the schol when I am voted into office as the senior sports prefect, I would like to thank all vocative s for attending to such an august gathering.

Firstly, Mr. Chairman, if I am voted into office as the senior sports prefect of Holy trinity Lutherean School, Our current basketball cout is not a mordern one and aside that, the nets are all torn. If I am voted into office with consultaion of the executive manager and his entire members, I will provide the school with a modern basketball cout with a lots of balls.

Mr. chairman, if anyone doubts me, then that person should vote for me and I will prove my Faithfulness. Secondly, Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen,there is one problem I have noticed since I joined Holy Trinity lutherean school and that is, the school has never won a trophy regarding to sporting activities. Ladies and gentlemen, not only academic excellence promotes or raises the standard of a school but also, sporting activities.

With me as the sports prefect, I will appeal to the school authorities to allow the school participate in sporting activities. This allows students talented with sporting abilities display their talents. Finally ladies and gentlemen, the major problem I have observed in this school is that, the students are very healthy. Mr. Chairman, almost everyday, most students complain of sickness. Mr. Chairman, it will interest you to know that the cause of this regular illness is the resistance to regular exercises. Mr. Chairman if I am voted into office, I will appeal to the school authorities to set aside the first friday of every month to exercise our bodies and keep fit all the time. As it is said, ”a healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. If so, then why dont we keep our bodies healthy in order to attain helthy minds. Ladies and gentlemen, if I am voted into office, I assure you that, the issue of regular illnes will be a thing of the past.

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Kofi Asante

Grade: 6
Position: President

Mr. Chairman, headmaster, teachers, pupils, parents, fellow contestants, ladies and gentleman. Good Afternoon.

A great school like Angels Specialist International needs a leader that is intelligent, tolerant, friendly, responsible and respectful and above all hygiene conscious to ensure our noble educational outfit becomes greater than it is now.

Given the mandate to lead this school, I will encourage the pupil to mention their complaints to me in order to discuss it with appropriate authorities, my position will be used to improve personal relationship among pupils so we could have hatred free, lovely teaching and learning environment.

Mr. Chairman, you will agree me that we have challenges that need to be resolved. At this point, I will take a moment to ask my fellow pupil a question.

  • My fellow pupil, can I please have your attention? Given the opportunity would you like to have a swimming pool in the school? Given the nod, with the help of my parents, I would provide the school with one large swimming pool.
  • Mr. Chairman, may I again ask another question, fellow pupil, would you like to upgrade the hygienic condition of your places of convenience?

Our toilets are not mostly well cleaned in the afternoons, and these are the ways I will make sure the places become clean and neat.

  • I will seek for daily report from the compound prefect to know the state of the washrooms
  • Provide detergent for daily cleaning of the washrooms and lastly
  • Provide dustbins for all classrooms to improve total sanitation in the school

Mr. Chairman, fellow pupil, ladies and gentlemen, our motto is each child at a time. I seek to be president to make this motto of ours very meaningful in our lives practically. To do this, I will make sure I engage groups of pupils every week under the summer hut to report problems, challenges and issues to ensure that, problems that come up will be well known and be addressed as a result. By this, we will eventually take the issues of each child into concern.

Mr. Chairman, fellow pupil and fellow contestants, for progress, vote for Yaa, for cleanliness, vote for Yaa and finally for committed and dedicated leadership, Yaa is the answer to your problem.

I am at your service, vote for Yaa and have love always

What are the steps to write a manifesto for a protocol prefect speech?

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Writing a manifesto for a protocol prefect speech requires careful planning and consideration. Here are the steps you can follow to create an effective manifesto:

Understand your role: Begin by understanding the responsibilities and duties of a protocol prefect. This will help you identify the key areas you want to focus on in your manifesto.

Identify your goals: Determine the goals you want to achieve as a protocol prefect. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Consider what changes or improvements you want to bring to the role and the impact you want to make.

Research and gather information: Conduct research to gather information about the needs and concerns of the students you will be representing. Talk to your peers, teachers, and other stakeholders to understand their perspectives and identify areas that require attention.

Structure your manifesto: Organize your manifesto into clear sections to make it easy to read and understand. Consider including sections such as an introduction, your goals and objectives, strategies to achieve them, and a conclusion.

Be concise and clear: Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively. Avoid using jargon or complicated words that may confuse your audience. Keep your manifesto focused and to the point.

Highlight your qualifications: Share your qualifications, skills, and experiences that make you suitable for the role of a protocol prefect. Explain how these qualifications will enable you to fulfill your goals and responsibilities effectively.

Address the concerns of your audience: Acknowledge the concerns and issues faced by the students you will be representing. Show empathy and propose solutions or strategies to address these concerns. This will help build trust and support from your audience.

Avoid negative campaigning: Focus on your own ideas and proposals rather than criticizing or discrediting your opponents. Keep the tone positive and inspiring, emphasizing your strengths and capabilities.

Proofread and revise: After writing your manifesto, proofread it carefully to check for any grammatical or spelling errors. Revise the content to ensure clarity and coherence. Seek feedback from others to get different perspectives and make necessary improvements.

Learn more:

  • How do you write a manifesto as a protocol prefect? - Quora
  • How to write manifesto as a protocol prefect - The Student Room
  • How to Write a Manifesto | Students Union UCL

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  1. school prefect manifesto essays

    manifesto essay for school prefect jhs pdf

  2. 🌈 Write a manifesto for a school prefect. Write a manifesto for being

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  3. How to Write Best Manifesto for a School Prefect YEN.COM.GH

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  4. 🐈 Prefect application examples. Prefect Application Essay Example. 2022

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  5. How to write a manifesto for a school prefect with a sample

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  6. Sample Manifesto for School Prefect in Jhs 2

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  5. Girls Prefect Manifesto.incoming Politicians 😂

  6. Eternal Perspectives


  1. How to write a manifesto for a school prefect with a sample

    Here is a sample manifesto for school prefect JHS. Read also. Application for employment as a cleaner: guide and 5 samples. The headmasters, assistant headmaster, teaching staff, outgoing prefects and colleague students, I see it a great honour to stand here today to make known my plans when I am voted in power. Things are easily said but not ...

  2. School Prefect Manifesto

    Thank you. Good Afternoon Head of Schools, Vice Principal, Fellow students, Staff, Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Oreoluwa Banji-Baruwa, a year 10 Art student of this great school. I am here before you, today, to present my school prefect manifesto to you. Thank you for nominating and giving me the opportunity to present my manifesto for.

  3. 10 School Prefect Speech Outline Examples (PDF)

    4. How you shall be missed. 5. Farewell. Your school is celebrating the fortieth anniversary of its founding. As head prefect you are asked to give a public speech during the celebrations. Write your speech, outlining the achievements of the school and your hopes for the future.

  4. Manifesto for School Prefect

    Manifesto For School Prefect(boys) Sample Manifesto written by ..... when vying for the post of Senior boys Prefect Mr. Chairman, Honorable Proprietor and Headmaster, Mr. Commissioner distinguished staff members, co-aspirants, fellow students, ladies and gentlemen, I greet you all It has been observed by me in recent times, that there are many problems, which arise day in day out.

  5. Angels Specialist School International

    Maami Afua Aidoo. Grade: 6. Position: President. Profile: Manifesto. Mr. Chairman, honourable headmaster, members of staff, outgoing prefect, fellow students, ladies and gentlemen, good day. I am very grateful for having the chance to present my manifesto to you as I compete for the position of school's president in this great school of ours.

  6. Teacherbot

    As a pupil aged seventeen, I am excited to present my manifesto and explain why I am the ideal candidate for the position of school prefect. In this manifesto, I will outline my qualities, skills, and plans to contribute positively to our school community. Paragraph 1: First and foremost, I believe that communication is key in any leadership role.

  7. School Prefect Manifesto

    Thank you. Good day everyone. My name is Kene-Mbuba Onyinyechi, I present to you my manifesto on why I should become a Halifield School prefect. My academic goal as a student is to move from above-average to the top of my class. I intend to put every effort to achieve this goal. WHO IS A SCHOOL PREFECT.

  8. A Manifesto on Been the Senior Prefect of Your School

    Wilt Thou join Thyself with me in eternity, and trust me in right-eousness and in judgment, in grace and mercy, yea, wilt Thou join me in faith that I may know Thee, the Lord. Lord, let my complaints come before Thee. Instruct me according to Thy word. Let my prayers come before Thee, rescue me according to Thy word.

  9. How to write application letter/manifesto for Entertainment prefect

    Writing an application letter/manifesto for Entertainment prefect is not an easy task. It requires an in-depth understanding of the role, as well as creativity and commitment. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of being successful in your application and achieving the position of Entertainment prefect.

  10. Writing a Manifesto: A Guide for Students

    The polishing process adds in a new and optional layer, and that is pairing the words of the manifesto with graphic design elements. Using Canva or Google Slides, I give students the space to create their written manifesto into a visual work of art that underscores the tone, message, and themes of the manifesto itself.

  11. PDF Prefects' Handbook

    In performing your duties as Senior School Prefect, you will be expected to: Observe the school rules at all times. Be dressed appropriately at all times. Maintain an excellent attendance record. Be punctual for your duties. Be positive and enthusiastic. Be able to encourage and motivate fellow students.

  12. Angels Specialist School International

    Grade: 6. Position: Compound Overseer. Profile: Manifesto. The Head teacher, Members of Staff, Students, Parents and Guardians, Ladies and Gentleman. It is a great pleasure to share my ideas with you on this very important day. I would like to read out my manifesto when elected as the Compound Prefect for the 2013/2104 Academic Year.

  13. ⇉Manifesto for sports prefect Essay Example

    Manifesto for sports prefect. Mr. Chairman, the executive manager, the supervisor of studies,invited guests, dear prents, members of staff, fellow students ladies and gentlemen: Ideem it prudent to stand before you to read my manifesto. The remains Desmond laryeah contesting for the sports prefect posistion.

  14. Angels Specialist School International

    6. Position: President. Profile: Manifesto. Mr. Chairman, headmaster, teachers, pupils, parents, fellow contestants, ladies and gentleman. Good Afternoon. A great school like Angels Specialist International needs a leader that is intelligent, tolerant, friendly, responsible and respectful and above all hygiene conscious to ensure our noble ...

  15. What are the steps to write a manifesto for a protocol prefect speech

    Here are the steps you can follow to create an effective manifesto: Understand your role: Begin by understanding the responsibilities and duties of a protocol prefect. This will help you identify the key areas you want to focus on in your manifesto. Identify your goals: Determine the goals you want to achieve as a protocol prefect. These goals ...

  16. Angels Specialist School International

    Dining Hall. Profile: Manifesto. Mr. Chairman, Honourable Headmaster, outgoing prefect, fellow students and contestants. Ladies and gentlemen good afternoon. My name is Zoe Ann Nyamekor. I am 11 years of age. I come from Ave-Dapka in the Volta Region. I am standing as dining hall prefect As a dining hall prefect I will ensure that the adage ...

  17. Manifesto for protocol prefect

    Arts and humanities academic help. English exams and study help. Manifesto for protocol prefect. Watch. 2 years ago.

  18. A Manifesto for the Position of School Prefect

    A Manifesto for the Position of School Prefect. Colleagues, my reasons for vying for this position are very tangible and varied. Firstly, my personal qualities compelled me to vie for this enviable position. I am specifically referring to my high sense of discipline, hardworking, academically good, physically sound and friendly.