Italian Government Scholarship 2025 (Application Process)

Start your study adventure in Italy. Good news! Applications for Italian Government Scholarship 2022 are currently open. In this article, we will explain about this scholarship, its benefits and step by step application procedure.

Italian Government Scholarship 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students to pursue masters or PhD at the top Italian Universities. This scholarship covers monthly payments of 900 euros, tuition fee and medical insurance.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) intend to promote scientific and technological cooperation, international cultural, Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions). Scholarships are offered to undertake study, training, and/or research programs at Italian Higher Education Institutes, both public and legally recognized.

With 61 vibrant public universities, 30 private universities and 11 public research organizations, groundbreaking university programs, AFAM (Centers for higher artistic education) and 339 courses held in English,  Italy will teach you more than Italian.

Scholarship Description

  • Level of Study:  Masters/PhD
  • Institution(s):  Italian Higher Education Institutes
  • Study in: Italy
  • Offered Courses: It is possible to apply for every course organized by Universities recognized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR). In any case, it is up to the applicant to verify directly with the chosen university the existence of course.
  • Program Period: The scholarship duration can be three, six, or nine months depending on the type of course.
  • Deadline: June 14, 202 4

Scholarship Coverage

Italian Government Scholarship provide the recipient with the following benefits:

  • Health and Medical Insurance Grantees will be covered by a health and medical/accident insurance contracted by MAECI for the entire duration of the grant. Insurance coverage will not apply to events derived from pre-existing physical and pathological conditions.
  • Tuition Fees Grantees may be exempted from the payment of enrollment and tuition fees depending on the policy of each University. Exemption is not granted for courses in Italian language and culture, for which enrollment fees are due.
  • Financial Grant Grantees will receive a 900 Euros monthly allowance on a quarterly basis, which will be paid on their Italian bank account.

Eligibility Criteria for Italian Government Scholarship

Following is the eligibility criteria for Italian Government Scholarship for International Students:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries:  Students from  eligible foreign countries
  • Applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programs/ Italian Language and Culture Courses should not be over 28 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Applications must only be submitted by foreign students not residing in Italy.
  • Applicants for PhD Programs should not be over 30 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Proof of proficiency in Italian is not required for courses entirely taught in English.
  • Applicants for Research Projects under academic supervision should not be over 40 years old by the deadline of this call.
  • In this case, applicants must provide a language certificate of their proficiency in English Language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • Admission to the first year of a Master’s Degree course in Italy requires the completion of a Bachelor’s degree in the applicants’ country of origin; admission to the second year is granted to applicants upon evidence to be on track with their first year studies.
  • For Italian language and culture courses, applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
  • To be admitted to an Italian AFAM Institute, applicants need to meet the entry requirements and academic qualifications established by the relevant University/Institute.
  • To be admitted to a PhD in Italy, applicants need to meet the entry requirements and academic qualifications established by the University; they are also required to provide a letter of acceptance on behalf of the relevant Italian University.
  • For a research under academic supervision grants can be awarded to research projects carried out at the Italian Research Institutions (i.e Italian Research Council – CNR, Italian National Institute of Health – ISS, Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics – INFN, Italian National Institute for Astrophysics – INAF, The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – ISPRA) under the academic supervision of public Universities or Museums and Archives.

How to Apply for Italian Government Scholarship?

Please follow the following application instructions to win Italian Government Scholarship:

(1)  Create an account on this website by clicking  here .

(2)  Fill the online application form

(3)  Following documents are required

  • Score statement.
  • Recommendation letter.
  • Admission from the university in Italy.
  • A letter of no more than 1000 words.

To know more about Italian Government Scholarship, please visit official website:

Official Website

For more scholarships in Italy, click here .

Università degli Studi di Verona

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  • PhD Schools
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  • Degree Programmes Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees
  • Postgraduate Professional Master's Programmes and other courses
  • PhDs Doctoral programmes
  • Research Projects, results and research opportunities
  • International International activities
  • Services Infos for prospective students, graduates, companies
  • Third mission Companies, community and public engagement

PhD programmes are the third and highest level of university education in Italy.

The objective of a PhD is to learn good methodology for advanced academic or scientific research that can be applied at universities, public authorities or private institutions, or to acquire highly specialised professional knowledge to use in a company.

In the context of internationalising research , the University of Verona actively supports international PhD programmes, thesis co-tutoring and the issuing of the additional Doctor Europaeus certificate, as per specific collaboration agreements with foreign universities. It is also possible to be employed in a company on an advanced research apprenticeship contract and work towards your PhD at the same time.

Candidates are admitted to the programmes by a competitive application process . At the end of the three- or four-year period of study, graduates are awarded with the title of dottore di ricerca (PhD) after successfully defending their thesis.

PhD Programmes

Inflammation, immunity and cancer.

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Biomolecular Medicine

Neuroscience, psychological and psychiatric sciences, and movement sciences, national phd programme in kinesiology and sport sciences.

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar  

Applied Life and Health Sciences

Area: Life and Health Sciences Language : Italian, English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences

Surgical and cardiovascular sciences.

Area: Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Regenerative Medicine, Technological and Translational Surgery

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language: Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

European and International Law

Area : Law and Economics Language : Italian, French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Interuniversity PhD in Accounting and Management

Area : Law and Economics Interuniversity PhD with Università di Udine Language : Italian, English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Economics and Finance

Area : Law and Economics Language : English Duration : 4 years Lesson calendar

Computer Science

Area: Natural Sciences and Engineering Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Nanoscience and Advanced Technologies

Interuniversity phd in mathematics.

Area: Scienze naturali e ingegneristiche Interuniversity PhD with Università di Trento Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar


Course partially running (last cycle activated 39th) Area: Natural Sciences and Engineering Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Molecular, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnologies

Area : Natural Sciences and Engineering Language: Italian, English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Smart Agrifood Sciences

Area : Natural Sciences and Engineering Lingua: English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Intelligent Systems Engineering

Human sciences.

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: English, Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Philology, Literature, and Performance Studies

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Foreign Literatures and Languages

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: Italian, English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar


Area: Arts and Humanities Interuniversity PhD with Libera Università di Bolzano Language : English, Italian, German Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Archaeology, Art History and History

PhD Programmes in collaboration with firms for Public Administration, cultural heritage, and digital and environmental transition (funded within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR).

PhD Programmes in collaboration with firms for Public Administration, cultural heritage, and digital and environmental transition (funded within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR).

The European Union promotes this initiative in the framework of the 'Next Generation EU' Programme for funding Doctoral scholarships related to projects that are consistent with PNRR objectives, Mission 4, Component 2 'From Research to Enterprise' (M4C2), Investment 3.3 and Mission 4, Component 1 'Strengthening the supply of education services: from nursery schools to universities' (M4C1), Investment 3.4 and 4.1. The PhD paths include mobility periods at enterprises and abroad for study and research purposes.

Recognition of foreign PhD qualifications

italy phd scholarship 2022

National PhD programme in Kinesiology and Sport Sciences

The Call for Applications for the 40th cycle of the National PhD Programme Kinesiology and Sport Sciences run in collaboration with 24 Italian University will be published in the next months.

National PhD programmes in agreement

For the 40th cycle , the University of Verona participates in the following National PhD programmes with administrative headquarters at other Italian Universities with the financing of doctoral scholarships:

  • Autonomous Systems of the Polytechnic of Bari
  • Artificial intelligence – Industry of the Polytechnic of Turin
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the Sapienza University of Rome
  • Learning sciences and digital technologies of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Leadership, Empowerment, and Digital Innovation in Education and Learning (LEDIEL) of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
  • Religious studies of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

The administrative headquarters of the Doctorate manages the competition procedures and related registrations. More information can be found by visiting the pages of the individual courses.

italy phd scholarship 2022

AntCom network publishes a call for 10 PhD fellowships within the training program “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities”. The positions are funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action, Grant Agreement 101073543.

Applications will be accepted from 24/02/2023 until 24/04/2023 at 12:00 pm (Central European Time).

What’s AntCom What is the role of classical heritage in building modern, plural, diverse European identities? To answer this question the consortium “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities” (AntCom) will train a new generation of 10 highly skilled cultural heritage researchers allowing them to fully engage in the digital transitionas well as to address its professional and societal challenges

Official call and futher information at the AntCom web site

The AntCom project has received funding from Horizon Europe Program for Research and Innovation under the action Horizon MSCA Doctoral Network, Grant Agreement No. 101073543

Borse di Dottorato PON

PON Doctoral scholarships

43 additional PhD scholarships have been awarded in 2022 (XXXVII cycle) thanks to the funding available within the REACT-EU ESF resources on Green and Innovation topics under the National Operational Programme "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020 (PON), Ministerial Decree 10 August 2021, no. 1061.

The PON grant beneficiaries began their doctoral training on 1 January 2022. The training and research activities are aimed at the realisation of a research project developed within the framework of GREEN or INNOVATION themes, which, as provided for by the SNSi and NRP guidelines, promote the dissemination of an open approach to innovation and more excellent interchange between the world of research and the world of production. By the provisions of Ministerial Decree 1061/2021, the doctoral programme provides for a compulsory period in a company (minimum 6 up to 12 months). The project shall also include mobility abroad (up to 6 months).  

Borse di Dottorato a valere sul Programma Operativo Nazionale "Ricerca e Innovazione" 2014-2020, D.M. 1061 (XXXVII ciclo)

Elenco dottorandi beneficiari di borsa PON e relativo progetto

TClock4AD Doctoral network publishes a call for 17 PhD fellowships within the training program “Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease”. The positions are funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action.

Online application was expired on May 31 st  2023.

What's  TClock4AD

Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease” Doctoral Network (TClock4AD) is a joint doctoral programme funded within Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks that aims to train doctoral candidates thorough an international consortium of universities, research institutions, SMEs, a hospital, a patient association and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.


“Municipal Doctoral scholarships”

With Ministerial Decree no. 725 of 22 June 2021, the Italian Ministry for University and Research - MUR, in agreement with the Ministry for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion, provided for the experimental funding of "Municipal Doctoral scholarships" aimed at the definition, implementation, study and monitoring of local strategies for sustainable development and to foster in-depth analysis of issues concerning the quality of life of the citizens of inland areas, both from technical and scientific perspectives.

Two proposals submitted by the Unione Montana Comelico and the Unione Montana Spettabile Reggenza dei Sette Comuni within the PhD in Computer Science framework have been funded with two three-year PhD scholarships worth € 73,735.92.

DIRNANO - Directing the Immune Response through designed NANOmaterials

The group of Organic Chemistry and Nanobiointeractions of the Department of Biotechnology, led by Prof. Roberto Fiammengo within the framework of the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska - Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) project “ DIRNANO - Directing the Immune Response through designed NANOmaterials ” employees an Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student) for position ESR09 - "Development of therapeutic cancer nanovaccine candidates” . The ESR09 is enrolled in the doctoral programme of Biotechnology (PhD in Biotechnology) of the University of Verona.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956544.

The Empirical study of Literature Training Network

The ELIT network opened a call for applications within the framework of the ELIT project (Empiricalstudy of Literature Training Network), coordinated by the University of Verona, for 10 PhD positions , . Each early-stage researcher is enrolled in a doctoral programme leading to a double/joint doctoral degree involving two universities. One position is at the University of Verona (UNIVR) and VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands).  

What’s ELIT The Empirical Study of Literature Innovative Training Network (ELIT) is an EU network whose mission is to provide a Joint/Double Doctorate level training programme, on innovative approaches applied to literary reading in the digital age. This interdisciplinary programme will train future research leaders with the capability to address the needs of improving literacy rates and mental wellbeing in European society.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860516.

PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch


The EU project PRECODE, established a shared doctorate programme of excellence for 14 PhD positions on pancreatic cancer . One of them is at the University of Verona, within the research team led by Dr Vincenzo Corbo.

What’s PRECODE PRECODE (PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch)  is a  network  involving 24 universities, SMEs and patient advocate groups from 9 countries, who have designed a specific  training and research programme  for the next generation of creative and innovative researchers in pancreatic cancer.

This Innovative Training Programme is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme.


The ATLAS is an Innovative Training Network - European Joint Doctorate project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. The project, coordinated by the University of Leuven, is implemented by a consortium of seven Universities and many industrial partners; it established a shared doctorate programme for 15 PhD positions, each leading to a double/joint doctoral degree involving two universities; two positions are at the University of Verona.

What’s ATLAS ATLAS stands for “AuTonomous intraLuminAl Surgery” and targets the training of experts in a very specific branch of Robotic Surgery. Intraluminal navigation, a particularly challenging branch,  reappears in many minimal invasive surgical (MIS) interventions that rely on steering flexible instruments through fragile lumens or vessels.

Doctoral programmes and the territory

To train the best researchers, the University of Verona, in line with the European Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training, invests in doctoral courses, strengthening their international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral dimension by promoting courses in collaboration with Italian and foreign enterprises and organisations to develop competitive profiles and know-how that can be spent in public and private contexts.

Collaboration with enterprises and other entities Collaboration with international universities

Office UO  PhD Office  

  Location Via San Francesco, 22 - 37129 Verona   Opening times Monday, Wednesday and Friday: from 10 am to 1 pm   Phone  +39 045 802 8608-8078   Email [email protected]  

INVITE is a doctoral programme of the University of Verona with a strong inter-sectoral, inter-disciplinary and international research and training dimension .

The INVITE doctoral programme aims to encourage each student’s intellectual curiosity and support the acquisition of critical thinking skills by training them in the use of innovative theoretical tools and practical methods.

The Project is cofunded by  the University of Verona, Regione del Veneto and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754345.

More info:

N.B. The content of this video reflects only the author's view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

List of Italy Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships for International Students

Politecnico milano merit based international scholarships.

Deadline: 13 June/15 July 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts Sept 2024/Feb 2025

Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

Deadline: 14 June 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts AY 2024/2025

  • Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students


In Italy, all international students are entitled to the same financial assistance services as Italian students based on same requisites of financial means and/or merit. There are government scholarships at the national and regional level to which international students can apply for. Moreover, some Italian Universities offer Italian scholarship programs for international students .

University of Milan Excellence Scholarships

Deadline: 31 May 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts Sept 2024

Tuition Fee Waivers for International Students at University of Pavia

Deadline: 23 May 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts Sept 2024

Bocconi Graduate Merit Awards

Deadline: 18 Apr/23 May 2024 Study in: Milan, Italy Course starts 2024/25

Padua International Excellence Scholarship Programme

Deadline: 12 Mar/11 Apr/10 June 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts September 2024

University of Bologna Study Grants for International Students

Deadline: 31 Mar/29 April 2022 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts September 2022

International Scholarship for the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals

Deadline: 10 July 2020 (Annual) Study in: Italy Course starts Oct 2020

Study a Masters in Europe Scholarships

Deadline: 17 August 2020 (Annual) Study in: European Countries Course starts Spring 2021

International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD) Scholarships

Deadline: 28 Feb 2020 (Annual) Study in: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain Course starts September 2020

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  • Phd-Study-In-Italy
  • PhD in Italy – Fees and Funding Guide 2023

Written by Taru Medha

PhD fees in Italy are relatively low compared to other countries, making it a highly sought-after study abroad destination for many international students. This has been made possible because of the well-reputed publicly funded university system . Even though most institutions have their own fee structure, there is a legal minimum fee for enrolment and a maximum level for student contributions which cannot exceed 20% of state funding.

Your PhD fee can change drastically depending on the kind of university and programme you opt for. You can check out the list of PhD programmes in Italy on our website.

PhD fees in Italy

The cost of studying a PhD is significantly lower at a publicly funded university in Italy. Regular fees can vary from €900 to €4,000 depending on where you are from, your family income and the course you are applying to. The average tuition fee is €1,630 per year for a PhD at a publicly funded university in Italy.

At a private university, fees for PhD courses can be as high as €6,000 to around €20,000 per year.

If you are an EU or EEA student, you will most likely be charged the same fee. However, fee structures for an international student (non-EU/EEA) might be different and it is a good idea to check with your university.

These figures do not include the cost of accommodation and living. You can have a look at our living in Italy guide to find out more about the cost of living as a PhD student in Italy.

Even though public universities in Italy do not charge a very high fee for education, there are a lot of ways you can find funding to help cover the cost of your PhD in Italy.

This page gives a detailed guide of the different kinds of funding opportunities and scholarships available if you think a PhD in Italy is the perfect match for you.

PhD scholarships for international students in Italy

You can find funding from a few different sources as a PhD student in Italy. These include fee waivers, scholarships and bursaries provided by the Italian government and universities. Most of these funding options are open to both national and international students.

Scholarships from universities

Many higher education institutions in Italy award scholarships based on academic merit, with sums ranging from €12,000 to 20,000 per year.

  • UCSC International Scholarship is an annual tuition fee reduction offered by the Università Cattolica. This will not make studying in Italy free but will provide a 37% reduction of the total cost of the programme. You must maintain full-time enrolment status and finish your degree on time. If you are unable to graduate on the expected date, you will have to cover all additional costs yourself.
  • Scuola Normale Superiore PhD scholarships are awarded to 75 students by the Scuola Normale Superiore for a duration of four years. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation and additional funding for research activity.

You can also use our course finder to find your ideal Italian PhD programme and enquire about funding options at other institutes using the contact details provided.

Italian government scholarships for foreign students

Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) provides grants for both international students and Italian citizens living abroad. These scholarships are provided for both Masters and PhD levels.

Grants for both PhD programmes and research under academic supervision (Progetti in co-tutela) are awarded for a period of either six or nine months.

Applicants must be 30 years old or younger when they apply. For a PhD grant you do not need to demonstrate proficiency in either English or Italian. You can view the full eligibility criteria on the Study in Italy website.

Applications for MAECI grants are made through the Study in Italy website. You’ll be required to submit a motivation statement explaining why you want to study your chosen programme and how it fits with your future goals. You’ll usually need to apply by June of the year your PhD starts.

EDISU Piemonte scholarships

The EDISU Piemonte provides scholarships for students enrolled at a university in the Piedmont region. These include Piedmontese universities and institutes of advance artistic, musical and choreutic education. These scholarships are provided on the basis of both merit and economic requirements. .

There are also companies and organisations who advertise partial or full funding for certain PhD projects so it’s worth researching what’s on offer.

More about a PhD in Italy

You can also look at our guides on Italian PhD courses, applications and visas to prepare yourself with everything you need to know before you leave for your PhD in Italy.

Our postgrad newsletter shares courses, funding news, stories and advice

italy phd scholarship 2022

This guide tells you about everything you need to apply to study a PhD programme in Italy.

italy phd scholarship 2022

Our guide tells you everything about which visa you'll need to study a PhD abroad in Italy and how to apply for it.

italy phd scholarship 2022

What is it like living in Italy during a PhD? Our guide provides information on accommodation, student living costs, working and more.

italy phd scholarship 2022

We cover the types of student accommodation available in Italy, typical costs and what to keep in mind when booking.

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DEADLINE: 25th August 2022

Sapienza University of Rome announces the exam-based open call for admission to the 38th cycle of PhD programmes. The  Annex A  indicates the list of the PhD Programmes, including potential curricula; the number of the available positions, with and without scholarship; the type of the admission procedures; as well as the denomination of the PhD School they are part of, in case they belong to any specific PhD School. 

Annex A indicates the website of each PhD programme reporting the admission procedure and evaluation criteria.

The candidates, when submitting their application, must declare for which PhD scholarship(s) they intend to apply for, expressing their preferences in order of priority.

It will not be possible to award a scholarship of any of the types listed below that the candidates have not explicitly selected.

A. Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Ministerial Decree 351 (Type A)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for:

  • a period of study and research in companies, public administrations or research centres, including museums, institutes of the Ministry of Culture, archives, libraries, as indicated in DM 351/2022, from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of twelve (12) months, as well as periods of study and research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months;
  • an increased amount in favour of the doctoral candidate of €15,000.00 gross all-inclusive over the three-year period with respect to the value of the scholarship referred to in Article 13 below;
  • the restriction to a research topic consistent with both the specific project within the Rome Technopole or National Centre project and with  Ministerial Decree 351/22 ;
  • periodic reporting of the activities carried out (periodic scientific report and time sheet);
  • the commitment to publish at least 1 scientific article in a journal of high scientific quality (or patent or other high-quality research product) on topics related to the topic referred to in point c);
  • a commitment to collaborate with project partners (organisations, institutions and enterprises) and to coordination with the Sapienza working group coordinated by the Sapienza scientific referee of the specific Rome Technopole/National Centre project.

The successful candidate of the scholarship referred to in this paragraph must, on a quarterly basis produce through the appropriate online platform ( ) a report containing an indication of the time commitment (broken down into months in the company, at the headquarters, abroad, if envisaged), and a summary of the main activities carried out by the candidate for validation by the scientific coordination of the Rome Technopole or National Centre project.

This scholarship may only be awarded to candidates who rank within the first 50% of the places in the ranking list.

B. Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Sapienza (Type B)

  • the restriction to a research topic consistent with both the specific project within the Rome Technopole or National Centre project;

C. Doctoral Scholarships ex D.M. 351 (Type C)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for a period of study and research in enterprises, public administrations or research centres, including museums, institutes of the Ministry of Culture archives, libraries as indicated in  Ministerial Decree 351/2022 , from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of twelve (12) months as well as periods of study and research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months. Exceptions are doctoral scholarships pursuant to Ministerial Decree 351 relating to PNRR PhD Programmes for which only the study and research period is mandatory research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months.

The successful candidate of the scholarship referred to in this paragraph must, on a six-monthly basis produce through the appropriate online platform ( ) a report containing an indication of the time commitment (broken down into months in the company, on site, abroad, if planned) and a summary of the main activities carried out.

D. Doctoral Scholarships ex D.M. 352 (Type D)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for a period of study and research in the company from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months, and periods of study and research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months, as indicated in  Ministerial Decree 351/2022 .

The successful candidate of the scholarship referred to in this paragraph must, every six months produce through the appropriate online platform ( ) a report containing an indication of the time commitment (broken down in months in the company, on site, abroad, if planned) and a summary of the main activities carried out.

E. Doctoral Scholarships Infrastructure (Type E)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for the doctoral thesis to be carried out in the context of projects linked to European research infrastructures and funded under the PNRR notice "Strengthening and Creation of Research Infrastructures", in particular the research activities shall will take place in one of the following 3 projects: EBRAINS-Italy, METROFOOD-IT, SoBigData.

F. Doctoral Scholarships Funded by Third-Party Entities (Type F)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph are funded by public or private bodies, departments or other universities, some with restricted subject matter requested by the funding body.

G. Sapienza Doctoral Scholarships (Type G) 

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph are fully funded by Sapienza in accordance with the provisions of  Ministerial Decree 351/2022  and the  General University Regulations in matter of PhDs .

What is funded

The fellowship amounts to € 16.243,00 gross per year and it is paid on a monthly basis and includes National Insurance Contributions (INPS) which fellowship recipients are required to pay.

Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Ministerial Decree 351 ( Type A Scholarships ) and Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Sapienza (Type B) have an increased amount in favour of the doctoral candidate of €15,000.00 gross all-inclusive over the three-year period with respect to the value of the scholarship.

The frequency of payment of the scholarship is monthly. The amount is increased by up to 50% for any authorised periods of research spent abroad for a maximum of 12 months; the amount is increased for a maximum of 18 months for doctoral students who start a joint thesis supervision agreement with Sapienza and a foreign institution.

Within the financial resources existing in the budget, each PhD student is ensured a budget for research activity in Italy and abroad that is adequate for the type of course and in any case for an amount not less than 10% of the scholarship amount. If the PhD student with a scholarship is not assessed positively for the purposes of admission to the following year and is therefore excluded from the PhD or irrevocably renounces the scholarship, the residual amount can be used according to the procedures set out in the University Regulations for PhD Programmes.

The gross annual taxable income limit to be eligible for the PhD scholarship is set at € 16,243.00 - excluding the scholarship. The cases of total or partial incompatibility for the use of the scholarship are established by current legislation. In particular, scholarship cannot be combined with research grants or other scholarships awarded for any reason, except with those granted by national or foreign institutions useful for integrating, with stays abroad, the activity of training or research of fellows and with funding from the MIUR Youth Fund.

In case of incompatibility, students will have to reimburse the amount of money unduly received. Reimbursements refer to an academic year or fraction thereof. Students cannot be awarded the doctoral scholarship twice.

PhD programmes last three years.


Applications are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian laurea specialistica, laurea magistrale or any equivalent academic second-level degree issued by Artistic and Musical High Education institutions (AFAM) or any equivalent academic degree obtained abroad. Applications are also accepted from candidates who expect to receive their degree by October 31 st , 2022. Candidates who do not hold their degree at the time of the application are admitted “with reserve” until they obtain it. 

The Examination Board will ascertain the equivalence of each academic degree obtained abroad to the relevant Italian degree for the sole purpose of this call, or in the frame of inter-university cooperation and mobility agreements.

Admission is conditional to reception of relevant degrees by the indicated deadline (October 31 st , 2022).

Students currently enrolled without a scholarship can participate to competitive exams for the same PhD Programme they are already attending, but, if admitted, they cannot enrol unless they formally resign their doctoral position with the relevant Doctorate Committee. 

Those who already hold a PhD are allowed to enrol, upon successfully passing the admission tests, another PhD Programme without scholarship (if they have been already granted one in the previous PhD), provided that topics and main scientific sectors are different from those related to the already obtained PhD.


The application must be completed by August 25 th , 2022, at 2.00 p.m. (Italian time). 

In order to apply, candidates must  register  and  login  on Infostud and click on “PhD Programmes”, and follow the instructions. 

The payment of the examination fee is available through the Pago PA system which is accessed directly from the application. The fee must be paid by August 25 th , 2022, at 11.59 p.m. (Italian time). No payment made after the deadline will be considered valid. 

The application is correctly submitted only if the system displays the message “pagamento effettuato/fee paid and the symbol ✓ appears under “pagamento/payment” and “documenti/documents”. 

Any claims related to malfunctioning of the informatics system in close proximity to the deadline will not be accepted; candidates are recommended to complete the application sufficiently in advance in order to allow the office in charge to guarantee any necessary support.

Detailed instructions are available at .

Please note that the paper copy of the application form and of the bank payment must not be delivered to the PhD office. Applications that are not submitted as described herein will be rejected.

Please note that the University will check the veracity of the self-statements presented by the candidate. If the control ascertains the falsity of the declarations, the candidate will be excluded from taking the admission test or, if in the list of nominees will be declared lapsed, without prejudice to the criminal prosecution as for art. 76 of the law n. 445/2000.

In order to submit an application, candidates with a foreign academic degree must also submit:

  • Candidates with an EU academic degree:  Self-declaration affidavit with signature (“dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione e/o dell’atto di notorietà” according to art. 46 and art. 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000) of academic degree with a full list of exams and grades, in Italian or English.
  • Candidates with a non-EU academic degree:  a legalized translation of the academic degree into English or Italian with a full list of all exams and grades obtained.

Applications lacking any of these documents will be rejected.

Foreign candidates holding a non-Italian degree who do not plan or need to request a scholarship may apply for a PhD position, not covered by a grant, as a supernumerary student (Admission as Supernumerary students). Up to one third of the positions assigned to each PhD Programme are reserved to supernumerary foreign students, with separate rankings.

For this purpose, candidates have to specify in the application form, as described in art. 3, their intention to be admitted as supernumerary students, by selecting the option in the field (art. 5 cittadini stranieri con titolo estero - Foreign candidates holding a non-Italian degree). 


italy phd scholarship 2022

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46+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Italy

Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Italy- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!

[Updated 3 days ago] PhD Scholarships for International students in Italy are below:

  • Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 |
  • John Monash Scholarships 2024 |
  • Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 |
  • Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 |
  • Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 |
  • CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 |
  • Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowships 2024 |
  • more scholarships below
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UniCredit Foundation Scholarship programs

Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024

John Monash foundation Scholarship programs

John Monash Scholarships 2024

Marc Sanders Foundation Scholarship programs

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024

Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Scholarship programs

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024

Carlsberg Foundation Scholarship programs

Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowships 2024

Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarship programs

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Scholarship programs

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024

Government of Italy Scholarship programs

Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government 2024

Momeni Foundation Scholarship programs

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024

FinancialCAD Corporation Scholarship programs

Women in Finance Scholarship by Numerix 2024

Roberto Rocca Education Program Scholarship programs

Roberto Rocca Fellowships 2024

The Center for Cyber Safety and Education Scholarship programs

Center for Cyber Safety and Education Certification Scholarship 2024

Croucher Foundation Scholarship programs

Croucher Scholarships for Doctoral Study 2024

Facebook Scholarship programs

Facebook Emerging Scholar Program 2023

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones Scholarship programs

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024

Australian government Scholarship programs

Roberta Sykes Scholarships 2024

The Leakey Foundation Scholarship programs

Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024

Our scholarship team will help you with any questions.

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Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Momeni Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to applicants of Iranian descent

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the university . 30 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024. Any institution across the world. You may apply on Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Momeni Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Germany nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedicine. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024. Renowned research laboratories all over the World except their home institution and city.. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)

Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the UniCredit Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to nationals of all countries where UniCredit is present

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Economics, Banking or Finance. 15 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024. Anywhere across the globe . You may apply on Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by UniCredit Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedical research. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024. Any Internationally leading laboratory. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 application form .

John Monash Scholarships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the John Monash foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Australian nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the universities. 01 Jul is the deadline to send applications for John Monash Scholarships 2024. Universities around the world. You may apply on John Monash Scholarships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by John Monash foundation

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Anthropology. 01 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024. Any research institution around the World. You may apply on Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Wenner-Gren Foundation

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Marc Sanders Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in History of Early Modern Philosophy. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024. Any institutions across the world. You may apply on Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Marc Sanders Foundation

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Social Policy. 01 Dec is the deadline to send applications for Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024. Institutions/Universities across the World. You may apply on Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Physics and Mathematics. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025. Any overseas or interstate institution, such as a university or research establishment of international standing... You may apply on CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowships 2024 is a Full Funding international scholarship offered by the Carlsberg Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Denmark nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All research fields offered by the Institutions. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowships 2024. International Research institutions around the World. You may apply on Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Carlsberg Foundation

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Interest Based Scholarships

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  • Malaysian scholarships for PhD students
  • Vietnamese scholarships for PhD students
  • Iranian scholarships for PhD students

Degree Based Scholarships

  • High/Secondary School Scholarships in Italy
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  • Conferences & Travel Grants Scholarships in Italy
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  • Medicine (MBBS/ MD) Scholarships in Italy
  • Sports degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Nursing degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Civil Engineering degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Mechanical Engineering degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Film degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Pharmacy degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Medicine degree Scholarships in Italy
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  • History degree Scholarships in Italy
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Nationality Based Scholarships

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  • Scholarships for swedish students in Italy
  • Scholarships for dutch students in Italy
  • Scholarships for japanese students in Italy
  • Scholarships for chinese students in Italy
  • Scholarships for south-korean students in Italy
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IYT: enjoy the made in Italy experience

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Are you ready to create your masterpiece?

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Dream, travel, achieve. Invest Your Talent in Italy

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Broaden your perspectives      

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Giulia Cecchettin was a 22-year-old university student. She was born in Vigonovo, in the Italian province of Venice, and was studying Biomedical Engineering at the University of Padua. On the night of 11 November 2023, Giulia was brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend. She would have obtained her degree on 16 November. Giulia’s death deeply shocked the entire country and from this originated a general reflection on gender-based violence. People spontaneously made Giulia a symbol of the need to react against all femicides, and many initiatives were organized in her memory on 25 November. On that same day, the Italian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, announced that he wanted to dedicate to the memory of the young woman several scholarships for foreign students “who want to study in Italy and who dream what Giulia dreamt for herself”. Therefore, the “Invest Your Talent in Italy” program has been dedicated to Giulia’s memory. In order for this decision to be impactful, all the IYT grantees from the academic year 2023-2024 on, will attend a seminar or a course on the enhancing of gender equality and on fighting violence and abuse against women, as part of their academic path at the University of their choice.

Welcome to the Invest Your Talent in Italy Program

The “Invest Your Talent in Italy” program aims at promoting the internationalization of the Italian university system as a center of excellence by giving foreign students opportunities for a fulfilling educational path and successful future careers. The program offers the possibility to develop academic, technical and professional skills through a range of Master’s and Postgraduate courses in Engineering/Advanced Technologies, Architecture/Design, Economics and Management and on-the-job trainings at Italian companies. The top Italian universities, participating in the program, offer courses held entirely in English, with the aim of boosting job prospects in a competitive landscape. The selected grantees will receive a nine-month scholarship as a contribution to their Italian experience. We want to reward your talent and Invest Your Talent in Italy is the right way to do it!

“A tree: the slow explosion of a seed.”

Bruno Munari

“The destination is to leave.”

Giuseppe Ungaretti

“One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time it is like life starting all over again.”

Renzo Piano

“I prefer proton to heaven.”

Margherita Hack

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

“once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”.

Leonardo da Vinci

About the program

Which countries, partners and universities are involved?

View details »

For a chance of obtaining a fulfilling educational path and successful future careers.

How to apply?

Register, upload the required documents, submit your application to be part of INVEST YOUR TALENT IN ITALY


Invest Your Talent in Italy current edition is open to the following Countries:



People's republic of china, iyt: a timeline of the project, first steps.

From the synergy between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ICE- Italian Trade Agency, universities and companies, Invest Your Talent in Italy was born. 3 Countries involved: Turkey, Brazil and India - 5 Universities

10 years and 300 scholarships later, with Uni-Italia joining the program and the support of Unioncamere (the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce) and Confindustria (the Italian Industry Association), Invest your Talent in Italy grows stronger

  • 22 universities involved, 130 degree programs
  • 10 countries: Azerbaijan, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Turkey and Vietnam
  • 587 applications, 53 scholarships

The IYT Family grows

India, Iran and Tunisia join the Project. 1500 applications from 13 countries involved, 83 scholarships

The Ministry of University and Research joins the IYT Project.

  • 17 countries from all over the world: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, South Korea, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam
  • 1300 applications, 80 new scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024.
  • 25 universities involved, for 250 postgraduate courses and Masters

The program is named in memory of Giulia Cecchettin

IYT - 8th Edition

Academic year 2023-2024

Submitted applications

Admitted applications

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  • PhD Scholarships

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The 2022 Italian Government Scholarships for International Students has opened applications for interested and qualified candidates willing to pursue a Bachelors, Masters or PhD degree in Italy.

We are on twitter, follow us to connect with us - @scholarsregion — Scholarship Region (@scholarsregion) January 13, 2022

The scholarship comes with a full tuition waiver, €2,700 study grants, and health insurance for the whole period of your study.

Studying in Italy exposes you to an outstanding educational system based on solid notions, scientific methods, and a creative approach. Additionally, there is a wide offer of courses taught in English in a dynamic and pleasant environment. 

Several other scholarships are available in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom and Canada that offers full scholarships and monthly allowances. Here are some suggestions you should check out;

  • The 2022 University of Michigan-Dearborn Undergraduate Scholarship in USA | offers Full Scholarships and $10,000 annual stipend.
  • The 2022 DAAD Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship to study in Germany | offers Full Scholarships and €12,444 annual stipends
  • 2022 University of Maine Scholarships to study in USA | offers Full Scholarships and $23,000 annual stipends

Scholarship Summary

  • Host Country: Italy
  • Study Abroad:  Study in Europe  
  • Category:  Undergraduate Scholarships | Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | PhD Scholarships  
  • Eligible Countries: All Countries
  • Full Tuition waiver
  • €2,700 Annual Grants

Deadline: June 9, 2022

  • Scholarship Alerts: To receive Scholarship Alerts on  WhatsApp, Click HERE

Scholarship Details:

The Italian Government awards scholarships for studying in Italy both to foreign citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad (IRE).

The aim of these scholarships is fostering international cultural cooperation, spreading the Italian language, culture and science knowledge and promoting the economic and technological sectors of Italy all around the world.

Scholarships can be awarded only for study/ research projects at institutions within the Italian public education and research system.

Join any of these WhatsApp Groups to receive Scholarship alerts on WhatsApp

  • Scholarship Region 1
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  • Scholarship Region 3

Scholarship Requirements:

To be considered for the Italian Government Scholarship, you must:

Be a foreign student not residing in Italy or an Italian citizen living abroad (IRE)* holding an appropriate academic qualification required to enroll in the Italian University/Institute.

Age requirements:

Applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/ Italian Language and Culture Courses should not be over 28 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for PhD Programmes should not be over 30 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for Research Projects under academic supervision should not be over 40 years old by the deadline of this call.

Language proficiency: Applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian or English language.

The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


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  • Grantees can benefit of the grant in a period of study starting  November 1 st , 2022  and ending by  October 31 st  2023 .
  • The scholarship holders are exempt from the payment of the university tuition fees, in accordance with existing regulations. However the Universities, as part of their autonomy, may not allow such exemption. Candidates are therefore recommended to contact the chosen Institution in order to be informed on eventual taxes or tuition fees.
  • For the sole period of the scholarships granted by the Italian Government, the scholarship-holders are covered by an insurance policy against illness and/or accident. Air tickets are not granted, except for Chilean citizens.

Scholarship Reminder

Method of application.

We recommend to register through a frequently used email address, as further communications will be sent to the chosen email address.  

Applications will be evaluated by a Committee set up by the competent Italian Diplomatic Mission.

Grants will be awarded on the basis of a comparative assessment of applications according to the entry requirements and other criteria of merit related to applicant’s cv.

Read more about the scholarship here should you need more info.

Visit HERE to check out many more Scholarship opportunities.

Receive Scholarship Updates through our Social Media Channels:

  • WhatsApp : Scholarship Region WhatsApp
  • Facebook : Scholars Region
  • Twitter : @scholarsregion
  • Telegram : Scholarship Region
  • 2022 Italian Government Scholarships
  • 2022 Italian Government Scholarships for International Students
  • Italian Government Scholarships


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‘Invest your Talent in Italy’ scholarships 2021 -2022

‘Invest your Talent in Italy’ scholarships 2021 -2022

  • Publication date: 12-03-2021

The call for applications for the 2021-2022 academic year is open until 26 March 2021.

Borse di studio Invest your talent in Italy

The ‘Invest Your Talent in Italy’ programme provides students from various foreign countries with 9-month scholarships for post-graduate courses (Master’s degree or specialisation courses) in Italy in Engineering, Design/Architecture, Economics/Management , followed by an internship with an Italian company that has already launched or is about to launch an internationalisation project.

Scholarships are reserved for citizens and residents of the following countries: Azerbaijan, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.

The call for applications for the 2021-2022 academic year is available on the programme portal . The deadline for submitting applications is 26 March 2021 .

To find out more, visit the website

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Invest your talent in Italy

Scholarships 'Invest your Talent in Italy'

The programme 'Invest Your Talent in Italy' provides students from some foreign countries with 9-month scholarships for post-graduate courses (Master's degree...

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Italian Government 2022-2023 Masters & PhD Scholarships for Foreign Students

Published: 13 May 2022 5,989 views

The Italian Government awards scholarships for studying in Italy both to foreign citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad (IRE). The aim of these scholarships is fostering international cultural cooperation, spreading the Italian language, culture and science knowledge and promoting the economic and technological sectors of Italy all around the world.

Courses for which grants are available:

  •        Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° ciclo)
  •        Courses of Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM)
  •        PhD programmes
  •        Research under academic supervision (Progetti in co-tutela)
  •        Italian Language and Culture Courses
  • Table of Content

About Government of Italy

Masters & phd scholarships, aim and benefits of masters & phd scholarships, requirements for masters & phd scholarships qualification, application deadline, how to apply.

Established in 1861, the Ministry of the Interior is a cabinet-level ministry of the Italian Republic. It is a government agency of Italy Why at this program? This program has the motive to support students in their education. It will help applicants with providing them complete help for studying Italian Public Universities without any funding problem and build a bright future according to the chosen subjects. ... read more... continue reading

Government of Italy

Application Deadline
Country to study
  • Normally, the scholarship holders are exempt from the payment of the university tuition fees, in accordance with existing regulations. However the Universities, as part of their autonomy, may not allow such exemption. Candidates are therefore recommended to contact the chosen Institution in order to be informed on eventual taxes or tuition fees.
  • For the sole period of the scholarships granted by the Italian Government, the scholarship-holders are covered by an insurance policy against illness and/or accident. Air tickets are not granted, except for Chilean citizens.
  • Academic qualifications: Applications must only be submitted by foreign students not residing in Italy and by Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* holding an appropriate academic qualification required to enroll to the Italian University/Institute.
  • Applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/ Italian Language and Culture Courses should not be over 28 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Applicants for  PhD Programmes   should not be over 30 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Applicants for  Research Projects under academic supervision  should not be over   40 years old by the deadline of this call.
  • Applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages  (CEFR):  (
  • Proof of proficiency in Italian is not required for courses entirely taught in English.
  • In this case applicants must provide a language certificate of their proficiency in English Language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • For Italian language and culture courses, applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR):
  • Click  here  to access the registration form
  • Before applying, please read carefully the  Call for Procedure

For more details, visit the website. 

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Italy Government Scholarship 2022

9th June, 2022  All Subjects
: Government of Italy   
: Masters and PhD    Italy

Italy Government Scholarship 2022-2023 | Fully Funded

The application process for the Italy Government Scholarship 2022-2023 is now open. So, International students can apply for the scholarship to study for free in Italy. Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) provides grants to students pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees at Italian universities and the Italian Government Scholarship does not require IELTS. So, you may submit a certificate of English proficiency from your previous institute and make plans for your studies in Italy, this scholarship is fully funded.

Further, Scholarships are available to complete Master’s and Ph.D. study courses and applicants from all over the world are welcome to apply. Also, scholarships are only available for academic courses on Italian soil and Italy is a fantastic country that offers both study and work opportunities and scholarships are available at all Italian universities.

Additionally, Italy has one of the world’s oldest universities and It is well-known for providing high-quality higher education at a low cost. Also, It is not difficult to gain admission to an Italian university and with 61 thriving public universities, 30 private universities, 11 public universities, and 339 English-language courses. So, there are numerous Courses to choose from and the Italy Government Scholarship 2022-23 application form is available below. You may also check: Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022 .

Courses Offer

The Italian Scholarship is available in the following ways:

  • Master’s Degree Program.
  • Ph.D. Program.
  • Research Program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Academic qualifications: Applications must be submitted only by foreign students not residing in Italy and by Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* who have the necessary academic qualifications to enroll in an Italian university/institute.
  • With the exception of renewals, applicants for Master’s Scholarships in Italy/Higher Education should not be older than 28 years old by the deadline of this call.
  • With the exception of renewals, applicants for Ph.D. programmes should not be more than 30 years old by the deadline of this call.
  • Applicants for Research Projects under Academic Supervision must be under the age of 40 at the time of application.
  • Language skills and proficiency: Candidates with an English-taught Bachelor’s degree may submit a document certifying that their Bachelor’s degree study programme was entirely held in English.
  • For courses taught entirely in English, no proof of proficiency in Italian is required.

Benefits of Italy Government Scholarship 2022

Depending on the course, scholarships for international students in Italy can last three, six, or nine months.

  • Tuition Fees: Depending on the policy of each university, grantees may be exempt from paying enrollment and tuition fees.
  • Health and Medical Insurance: Grantees will be covered by MAECI-contracted health and medical/accident insurance for the duration of the grant.
  • Also, Financial Assistance : Grantees will receive a monthly allowance of 900 Euros paid to their Italian bank account on a quarterly basis.

Also check: Michigan University Scholarships 2022

Why Study in Italy?

  • Research, Science, and Creativity Excellence
  • Outstanding educational system founded on sound ideas, the scientific method, and a creative approach.
  • Complex problem solving, critical thinking, and flexibility are all being developed.
  • A diverse range of courses, including English, are available in a lively and welcoming environment.

Application Deadline

So, the application deadline for the Italy Government Scholarship 2022-2023 for International Students is June 30, 2022 .

How to apply for Italy Government Scholarship 2022?

Finish your applications. The official website contains all of the information. For further details and to apply,  visit Official website of Italian Scholarships for session 2020-2023 .

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Opportunities For Africans

Italian Government Scholarships 2022/2023 for Bachelors, Masters & in Italy ( 900 Euros per month)

Application Deadline: June 9, 2022

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens* and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)** for the academic year 2022-23 in order to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific and technological fields, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (according to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions).

Grants are offered to complete study courses and research/training programs in public or legally recognized Italian educational institutions.

Scholarships are available to attend academic courses on the Italian territory only.


Applications must be sent exclusively through the STUDY IN ITALY portal. Applicants must be in possession of a valid passport or identity card. They must upload a legible photocopy of the document at the time of registration, under penalty of exclusion.

Academic qualifications

Applications must only be submitted by foreign and Italian students living abroad (IRE)* holding an  appropriate academic qualification required to enroll to the Italian University/Institute  (more information on: ).

Age requirements

Applicants for  Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/ Italian Language and Culture advanced Courses  should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceedthe ageof  28 years and 364 days  by the deadline of this call (June 9 th  2022), with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for  PhD Programmes  should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of  30 years and 364 days  by the deadline of this call (June 9 th  2022), with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for  Research Projects under academic supervision  should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of  40 years and 364 days  by the deadline of this call (June 9 th  2022).

Language proficiency

Italian-taught courses

In order to enroll in an Italian-taught course, applicants must provide a certification regarding their proficiency in Italian language.  The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) .

Candidates who were enrolled in an Italian-taught course or in an Italian language course at University may submit a language certification, issued by the person in charge of the above mentioned courses, certifying the Italian language level required.

Tuition Fee

  • Grantees may be exempted from the payment of enrollment and tuition fees depending on the policy of each University in line with the regulations on the autonomy of academic institutions. Regional Fees are due anyway.
  • The exemption is not applied for Italian language and culture advanced courses, for which the payment of registration and tuition fees is required.
  • The winner of a MAECI scholarship, based on the starting date of the grant and the number of months indicated in the “Dichiarazione di assegnazione di borsa di studio” (Awarding Letter), will receive a  monthly amount  of  900 euros  paid quarterly to the personal current account, opened in his/her name, with an Italian banking Institution.


Grantees will be covered by a health and medical insurance, contracted by MAECI, in case of illness or accident. The insurance is valid exclusively for the duration of the grant.

Illnesses depending on pre-existing physical or pathological conditions and dental care are excluded from the insurance coverage. Grantees coming from EU countries are advised to get the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Italian government Scholarships Bachelors, Masters & PhD Scholarships 2022/2023

italy phd scholarship 2022

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​Qatar University supports a wide variety of scholarship recipients in each academic year in order to attract highly qualified and talented students. The scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and talent.



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italy phd scholarship 2022

Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle

Loghi PNRR

Italian version

  Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle

The call for application for new PhD position at the University of Padova funded by PNRR, PRIN2022, PRIN2022PNRR, Departments and external funds.

The deadline is  October 30, 2023 - 1 pm  (CET)

  • PhD Courses: call for admission XXXIX cycle 2023/24 Call further PhD scholarships academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle PhD Courses: call for admission XXXIX cycle 2023/24 Download
  • Ratification PhD scholarships academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Ratification Download
  • PhD Course table (Appendix 1: course list) 2023/24 Call further PhD scholarships academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle PhD Course table (Appendix 1: course list) 2023/24 (update 25-10-2023) Download
  • Technical guidelines for the submission of the application form for PhD Courses 2023/24 Call further PhD scholarships academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Technical guidelines for the submission of the application form for PhD Courses 2023/24 Download

  Final rankings and enrollment procedure

The enrollment application must be submitted exclusively through the  online procedure, which will be available from Friday 24th November to December 7th 2023 - 13 pm (13:00 CET).  Please do not send any documents by email, they will not be taken into consideration.

  • Final ranking Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Final ranking Download
  • Enrollment instructions Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Enrollment instructions Download
  • Attachments Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Attachments
  • Place Acceptance Form Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Place Acceptance Form Download
  • Form 1 Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Form 1 Download
  • Form 3 Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Form 3 Download
  • Form 4 Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle Form 4 Download

Other relevant forms

  Final rankings and enrollment procedure - Project "Space It Up" funds ASI

The enrollment application must be submitted exclusively through the  online procedure, which will be available from Monday 12th February to 16th 2024 - 13 pm (13:00 CET).  Please do not send any documents by email, they will not be taken into consideration

  • Project "Space It Up" funds ASI Final ranking integration Final ranking integration Download
  • Project "Space It Up" funds ASI Enrollment instructions Enrollment instructions Download
  • Project "Space It Up" funds ASI Place Acceptance Form Place Acceptance Form Download
  • Project "Space It Up" funds ASI Form 1 Form 1 Download
  • Project "Space It Up" funds ASI Form 3 Form 3 Download

  Vacant places

Following explicit or tacit withdrawal by successful candidates before the start of the courses, the PhD Office will contact directly the other eligible candidates according to the ranking drawn up for that specific research topic, in order to assign them vacant places available (if any).   

Doctoral Degrees - PhD Office

via Martiri della Libertà, 8 - 35137 Ground mail: via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova tel. +39 049 827 8978 e-mail: [email protected] Telegram channel

Public opening hours: Monday: 10-13, Tuesday 10–13 and 15–16.30, Wednesday: 10–13, Thursday: 10–15, Friday: 10-13

NOTICE We recommend accessing the front office preferably by reservation, by booking an appointment at the following link and following the instructions on the screen.


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    PhD in Systems Medicine. European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) In the multi and interdisciplinary scientific environment of the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) network, that includes 8 Italian Research Centers and 7 Italian Universities, we offer 65 positions in the context of the innovative PhD program in Systems Medicine.

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  6. PhD Study in Italy

    Affordable - A PhD in Italy will cost you a lot less that other popular study destinations in Europe. This has been possible because of the public-funded universities with fees between €900 and €4,000. And, there are a number of scholarships available for both national and international students. Historic relevance - Italy is home to ...

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    PhD programmes are the third and highest level of university education in Italy. The objective of a PhD is to learn good methodology for advanced academic or scientific research that can be applied at universities, ... 43 additional PhD scholarships have been awarded in 2022 (XXXVII cycle) thanks to the funding available within the REACT-EU ESF ...

  8. How to apply for a PhD programme

    Submit the application. Log in Studenti Online. Select "Admission application", then "PhD programme" and "Next". Select the PhD programme you intend to apply for. Fill in the online application form and upload the documents. Remember to pay the €5 admission fee, before the deadline, using the PagoPA system only ( check the Pago PA system user ...

  9. Italy Scholarships for International Students 2024-2025

    Search International Bachelors, Masters, and PhD Scholarships for study in Italy. International Scholarships for Developing Countries | Scholarships for Development. International Undergraduate Scholarships, Master Scholarships, PhD Scholarships for International Students 2024-2025 ... Deadline: 31 Mar/29 April 2022 (annual) Study in: Italy ...

  10. PhD in Italy

    The cost of studying a PhD is significantly lower at a publicly funded university in Italy. Regular fees can vary from €900 to €4,000 depending on where you are from, your family income and the course you are applying to. The average tuition fee is €1,630 per year for a PhD at a publicly funded university in Italy.. At a private university, fees for PhD courses can be as high as €6,000 ...


    Sapienza University of Rome announces the exam-based open call for admission to the 38th cycle of PhD programmes. The Annex A indicates the list of the PhD Programmes, including potential curricula; the number of the available positions, with and without scholarship; the type of the admission procedures; as well as the denomination of the PhD School they are part of, in case they belong to any ...

  12. PhD programmes

    The provisions governing the selection procedure are laid down in the Call for applications and its attachments. University of Bologna PhD programmes. Other phd programmes the University of Bologna is involved in. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - COFUND FutureData4EU Programme - 53 PhD positions to train new Big Data talents.

  13. 45+ PhD Scholarships in Italy 2024-25 [Updated]

    Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government 2024. Eligible Degrees: Bachelors, PhD, Research Fellow/ Scientist. Funding Type: Full Funding. Eligible Courses: Arts, Music, Dance, Language and Culture. Deadline: 14, Jun 2024.

  14. IYT

    IYT: enjoy the made in Italy experience. Giulia Cecchettin was a 22-year-old university student. She was born in Vigonovo, in the Italian province of Venice, and was studying Biomedical Engineering at the University of Padua. On the night of 11 November 2023, Giulia was brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend.

  15. Scholarships and awards

    Scholarships and awards. The University of Padua, the Veneto Region and other organisations offer various scholarships and awards to support students. Below is a list of the funding opportunities most often proposed to international students in Padua. Scholarships for prospective international students. Study awards for enrolled and graduate ...

  16. International scholarships

    The University of Milan offers its best new students "Excellence Scholarships", all students enrolled in the first year of a Master's degree programme can apply. For academic year 2024/2025, 155 incentives are available to the best international students admitted to a Master's degree programme, of which: 55 scholarships worth € 8,000 each ...

  17. Study-In-Italy: 2022 Italian Government ...

    We are on twitter, follow us to connect with us - @scholarsregion. — Scholarship Region (@scholarsregion) January 13, 2022. The scholarship comes with a full tuition waiver, €2,700 study grants, and health insurance for the whole period of your study. Studying in Italy exposes you to an outstanding educational system based on solid notions ...

  18. 'Invest your Talent in Italy' scholarships 2021 -2022

    The 'Invest Your Talent in Italy' programme provides students from various foreign countries with 9-month scholarships for post-graduate courses (Master's degree or specialisation courses) in Italy in Engineering, Design/Architecture, Economics/Management, followed by an internship with an Italian company that has already launched or is about to launch an internationalisation project.

  19. Italian Government 2022-2023 Masters & PhD Scholarships for Foreign

    Published: 13 May 2022 5,978 views. The Italian Government awards scholarships for studying in Italy both to foreign citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad (IRE). The aim of these scholarships is fostering international cultural cooperation, spreading the Italian language, culture and science knowledge and promoting the economic and ...

  20. Scholarships

    Galilean School of Higher Education Scholarships. The Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori (Galilean School of Higher Education) is the University of Padua's school of excellence. It combines traditional university education with a series of special in-house courses comprising seminars and lectures by renowned international visiting professors.

  21. Italy Government Scholarship 2022-2023

    The application process for the Italy Government Scholarship 2022-2023 is now open. So, International students can apply for the scholarship to study for free in Italy. Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) provides grants to students pursuing master's and doctoral degrees at Italian universities and the ...

  22. Italian Government Scholarships 2022/2023 for Bachelors, Masters & Ph.D

    Application Deadline: June 9, 2022. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens* and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)** for the academic year 2022-23 in order to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific and technological fields, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy's economic ...

  23. Scholarships

    Qatar University supports a wide variety of scholarship recipients in each academic year in order to attract highly qualified and talented students. The scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and talent.

  24. Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships academic year 2023/

    Call for the assignment of further PhD scholarships on external funds, PNRR and PRIN for the academic year 2023/24 - XXXIX cycle. The call for application for new PhD position at the University of Padova funded by PNRR, PRIN2022, PRIN2022PNRR, Departments and external funds. The deadline is October 30, 2023 - 1 pm (CET)