UNFAIR grading by PROFESSOR (What can students do)

How to i ask my professor to regrade an assignment.

If you come at them with anger, it won’t likely help your situation. Be polite and talk with them about your grade and try to find out why they deducted points . It might actually be more fair than you think.
In all my years of teaching college students, I have never ever regraded assignments EXCEPT in a few rare circumstances. I only regraded assignments when a student helped me understand what they meant to say as it was all just a misunderstanding.
Remember, you shouldn’t be trying to convince your professor to regrade your assignment, instead you are trying to get your professor to understand your perspective on the assignment.

When you do this, your professor may realize that they didn’t grade it correctly because they misunderstood what you were trying to say. This will only work on certain assignments. Some assignments have clear answers, while other assignments are more subjective.

Can you ask your professor to reconsider a grade?

Are they a first year professor?

Most professors have years of teaching experience and have graded thousands of assignments. And they have probably assigned the same assignment to dozens of classes over the years. They know what a good assignment looks like.

How do you email a professor to ask for a regrade?

If the student does not agree with the grade, it is best to ask the professor to allow them to redo the assignment because they did not understand the expectations rather than arguing that the professor didn’t grade accurately.

This email is short and to the point. You aren’t pointing fingers at the professor in your email, and you aren’t telling them that you deserve a better grade either.

If it isn’t a misunderstanding, and your professor cannot provide a thorough explanation for your grade, you should just ask to redo the assignment. If that fails, you want to just focus on improving your performance on future assignments.

What can a college student do about a bad grade they don’t think they deserve?

If a college student doesn’t feel like they deserved a bad grade that they received on an assignment, it is recommended that they talk with their professor and determine how they decided to deduct points. If after discussing this with them, the student still doesn’t think the grade is fair, they should ask them if they can redo the assignment instead.

You may argue that you have always received high grades in your courses, but grading can be subjective and it is based upon the professor’s knowledge and expectations. Every professor won’t grade the same.

What can a college student do if they think a professor is grading unfairly?

If a student thinks that their professor is grading unfairly, they should talk to their professor to ask them how they are grading their assignments, and if they have a rubric. Then they should ask their professor what an ideal assignment would look like. If they still aren’t satisfied with their professor’s responses, they could appeal their grades if their college has a grade appeal process.

I would even ask for the professor to tell you the class average, lowest and highest grade, and the median assignment grade. It can help you understand if other students are scoring well on these assignments or if your professor is just a tough grader.

i did my assignment wrong

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What to Say (and Not Say) When Handing in Late Assignments, According to Professors

A young man talks with an older man holding a notebook in a hallway

No matter how hard you try to manage your time, you will probably end up being late on an assignment at some point in your academic (or professional) career. In times of stress and panic, your initial reaction may be to lie or go one the defense. It might seem reasonable to claim you had an emergency or swear you sent in the required documents, and did they check the spam filter?  But professors and bosses can probably tell when you’re fibbing, especially if it isn’t the first time. Instead, it’s better to face the problem head-on. Be proactive, and ask for an extension—or at least explain your lateness in a way that won’t ruin their opinion of you. Here’s how to do it, according to college profs themselves.

Kim Crowley, PhD, who teaches English at Bismarck State College, said the first mistake a student can make when asking for an extension (or even reporting a planned absence) is not being respectful or professional in their communication. Don’t dash off a text or email. Choose your words carefully, and use correct capitalization, punctuation, and grammar when sending these messages, which will show you understand you’re asking for serious consideration. Authority figures aren’t your friends.

Keep in mind that while you’re stressing about this one class or assignment, the professor is overseeing any number of other students or coworkers who might be in similar situations, so “identifying [yourself] is a big plus,” Crowley said. Even if they recognize your name, they might not quite remember which section you’re in. Helping them out there will decrease the amount of work they have to do to help you solve your problem, which could earn you some points—or at least not cost you any.

Finally, check the syllabus to figure out what is missing. Don’t ask the professor a vague question, like whether you are missing “anything important” or what you still haven’t handed in. Open up that document they gave you at the beginning of the semester and check the assignment schedule. Skipping this step will definitely not impress them. Instead, be straightforward: “I’m missing [this specific assignment] because I missed class. I’m going to send it shortly, but is there anything we went over in person I need to know first?”

Know the professor’s penalties

Every professor has a different set of rules governing late work. You might even notice that older, more seasoned teachers are a little more chill after years in the business (but don’t count on it). Carl Coulanges, who teaches at Suffolk Community College, said he’s “gotten softer” over the years and doesn’t mind an assignment being a day or two late, but, “once it goes beyond a week it starts to impact the grade. Two weeks, then it’s an automatic 50%.”

Late work penalties are almost always noted in the syllabus, and it’s hard to fight a grade reduction when things are clearly laid out in writing well before the homework is due. You can try, though—and if you do, Coulanges recommends being honest, and avoiding “BS excuses.”

“I always tell my students, ‘Listen, if there’s a real-life situation and you need the extension, that’s fine and I’ll work with you. Let’s figure out what works, but when you don’t speak up and don’t say anything, then I can’t help,’” he explained.

While Crowley said giving a detailed explanation of why you’re missing work or class is optional, it might be beneficial to do so if you’re aiming for the honesty Coulanges recommends. If you miss a class because of a medical situation or even a stressful life event, you can relay that information without getting too personal. Try framing that references the event while avoiding the intimate details, which can come off as an attempt to engender their sympathy.

The straightforward approach—“Professor, I missed Wednesday’s class and wasn’t able to submit the homework because of a private health concern. I know from the syllabus that this will result in a 10% grade reduction, which I accept, but I wanted to let you know the assignment will be in next week”—might or might not earn you an assurance that they won’t dock your score, but you might be able to use the same approach to successfully ask for an extension.  

They’re not your friends , but professors are people. They know what it’s like to fall behind on work, and they may be willing to share resources that can help you out. If you fail their class, it reflects poorly on them, too, so they may consider it in their own best interests to show a degree of flexibility. Give them the opportunity to do that by making it easy for them to understand why you’re late, and empathize with you.

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Did Assignment Wrongly: Before you Accidentally Submit

Did Assignment Wrongly: Before you Accidentally Submit

After You did Assignment Wrongly

After You did Assignment Wrongly

As a student, you need to submit an assignment with correct answers. Unfortunately, not all students live up to that expectation. And various reasons lead to such an instance.

Doing the assignment in a hurry, lack of interest, laziness and lack of knowledge in the subject are some causes of doing your assignment wrongly.  

i did my assignment wrong

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What to Do if You Did Your Assignment Wrongly

You need to take significant mitigation measures once you do your assignment wrongly. The aim is to ensure you get back on track.

Below are some of the mitigation measures you need to capitalize on;

seek assignment help

Seeking help from an online tutor enables you to correct the wrong answers. The tutor guides you on which answers suit the questions in your assignment.

Besides, you learn the guidelines that govern answering assignment questions.

However, ensure that you are seeking help from an experienced tutor. You have to vet the options at hand not to be spoilt for choice.

Google can also be one place you can rectify your assignment. You can search for correct answers for your homework. Google gives you instant answers. You will take less time to rectify your assignment. This will ensure you still get a good grade regardless of making a mistake early on.

Studying a particular subject enhances your knowledge. Thus, if you have wrong answers in an assignment, you need to read more. You need to do in-depth research and read various study materials to get the right answers.

Studying will help you to correct the wrong answers as soon as possible. However, ensure you have enough time by your side.

You need to create sufficient time to study a subject before undertaking its assignment. Planning is an important aspect you cannot afford to ignore. Create a timetable where you have to allocate each assignment its own time.

Study hard before you sit down to tackle the assignment. In addition, use your notes and other sources to get answers.

Email Teacher

Email your teacher when you submit a wrong assignment. Request more time from your teacher so that you can sort out the earlier mess. The teacher can be gracious enough to give you a chance to correct your assignment.

email to teacher

Make sure this time around you do a great job. Above all, study to get the correct answers. You can employ any reasonable help to enable you to tackle the assignment.

The email you send to your teacher ought to be well written. It needs to prove to the teacher that you are ready and willing to rectify your mistake. The format of the email should be appealing.

It is equally important to avoid any grammatical errors. Make sure it is brief and to the point, which is a request to correct the assignment you did wrongly.

If you do your assignment wrongly, you can get a chance to rectify it. That means you have to repeat the assignment. Now that you have an opportunity to correct the earlier mistake, ensure you show commitment.

You have to find the correct answers. Conduct in-depth research, and consult professionals to complete the assignment in due time.

Repeating your assignment allows you to redeem yourself. If the essay was wrong, you need to write from scratch once more. Because it is a second chance, you cannot afford to be careless. Make all the necessary preparations to ensure you do not make any mistakes.

Hire a Writer

You can hire a writer to rectify your wrong essay. The writer needs to have a great reputation and experience in writing essays. If that is not the case, the situation will worsen. You will waste your money on a writer who is out to exploit you. Take advantage of reviews to determine which writers suit your assignment.

hire a writer

Various companies provide essay writing services. But you cannot trust all of them. Take your time to find a writer with the right profile befitting your assignment. Do not squander the opportunity to correct your wrong assignment.

How to Write an Email That You Did Assignment Wrongly?

Notifying your teacher after doing an assignment is a decision you should take immediately. Write an email to request more time to correct your assignment. The email should be precise but straight to the point.

Avoid writing a long email that will take up a significant time of your teacher. The teacher needs to go through other students’ assignments. 

The email ought to be free of any grammatical mistakes. It needs to show your remorse and your willingness to correct your assignment. Under the circumstances, use persuasion to convince the teacher that you need more time.

Acknowledge your mistakes, pledge to do great work and sign-off accordingly . If the teacher offers you more time, ensure you do not take it for granted.

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Tips on How to Avoid Doing Assignments Wrongly

Submitting an assignment with wrong answers attracts serious repercussions. You get a lower score, which might negatively impact your overall performance.

prepare for your assignment

For that reason, you need to take the correct measures necessary to mitigate the assignment you did wrongly. That includes notifying the teacher to give you more time.

It is better to avoid doing your assignments wrongly using the following tips:

Study In Advance

Study before you sit down to do your assignment. Ensure you have all your answers at your fingertips. That is possible through conducting enough research before doing your assignment . Therefore, get all the study materials that you need to give you the right answers. You can then put your brain to work.

Refer From Other Students

You can check your fellow students’ assignments to ensure you do not do your assignment wrongly. If you find anything wrong with your assignment, ensure you rectify it as soon as possible.

Most importantly, consult others to get an in-depth explanation of the guidelines you do not understand.

Use an Online Tutor

online tutoring

Online tutors are there to assist you with your assignment. They give your insight on how best to tackle your assignment.

You can ask any questions you have to receive the right answers. This way, you minimize the chances of doing your assignment wrongly.

Seek Clarification from the Teacher

You must understand all the guidelines that pertain to answering assignment questions. Your teacher can help you avoid any unnecessary mistakes.

Make sure you seek clarity on any instructions you do not understand before tackling your assignment. The teacher is always ready to assist.

Hire a Professional Writer

You can hire someone else to do the assignment on your behalf. In this connection, you will need a professional in the subject you are dealing with. Fortunately, there are various companies and individuals that offer essay writing services.

They can work on your assignment within the shortest time possible. Being professionals, you are sure that your assignment will be in safe pair of hands.

Before you hire a professional writer , there are some points to note. Not every writer can produce a great essay. You have to ensure you assess all the options at your disposal before making your final selection. An experienced essay writer will be the best option so that you get the best results.

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Do not panic once you submit an assignment you did wrongly. Make sure you notify your tutor and show the willingness to correct. You can then get to work once you get a second chance. More emphasis should be on your studies so as to get the correct answers. You can also hire a writer to help you out.

Josh Jasen

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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I Forgot to Submit my Assignment: Here are 6 things to do

  • by Joseph Kenas
  • November 21, 2023

Forgetting to Submit Your Assignment

Forgetting to submit assignments is common in schools today due to many preoccupations affecting the students. In this guide, we will explain the options you have if you forget to submit your homework in order to avoid the effects of tardiness.

Sometimes, it is possible to just forget to hand in your homework or submit your essays and papers. Some schools have no leniency to entertain any lateness. However, some students have to try their best when they get late. Here is what to do.

What to Do If You Forgot to Submit Your Assignment

1. submit it anyway.

If you are done with the assignment, and you forgot to submit it, submitting it as soon as possible is the best option you have. The more you keep delaying with it, the more the chances of your assignment not being accepted increase.

Submitting it a few hours after the deadline can make the instructor understand any excuses for late assignments you give other than submitting it days after the deadline passed.

2. Alert the Professor of the Lateness

The best thing to do if you forget to submit your assignment is to alert the professor. He or she sets the deadline and requires you to follow it.

Alert the professor immediately after you realize you missed the deadline, and make sure you give reasons for the deadline miss.

Submitting an assignment without the consent of the professor can decrease the chances of the assignment getting accepted.

Contacting the professor through email is the best way of alerting the professor that you missed the deadline. The email should be short and straight to the point. Read my guide on this and see the late assignment email examples that I provided on that post.

Polite language should be used when writing the email. Use the full name of the professor and words such as “dear” at the beginning and a complimentary close at the end, such as “sincerely.”

3. Request an Extension

This varies from one institution to the other. One will always have to provide proper reasons as to why they need an extension.


In some schools, all you have to do is write to the professor explaining why you need an extension.

The discretion lies with the professor. In other institutions, you will have to write to the examination body to request an extension.

This body then analyses your reasons as to why you need the extension.

They decide whether you deserve it or not and then communicate with your professor on the decision made.

Before requesting an extension, apologize for your lateness. Try to show that you regret not being able to submit your paper on time. 

4. Giving Excuses

Whenever your assignment is late, you will have to give proper excuses as to why it is late. Good excuses can easily get you off the hook.

Unavoidable events and conditions such as illnesses can be good excuses as to why you forgot to submit your assignment.

Every excuse must be backed up with evidence to make it look true. Illness, for example, should be supported by doctor reports showing the days that you were attended to and the severity or type of illness that you had.

In most institutions, the examination body is tasked with determining whether the excuses are genuine or not. 

5. Take responsibility for the lateness

Deadlines are always established by professors for a reason. Professors hate it when students don’t take deadlines seriously because the older the students get, the more responsible they become.

Always take responsibility for missing the deadline and do your best to resolve the problem.

Avoid blame games. Teachers or your institution are not responsible for your lack of time or opportunity to beat deadlines. Always present yourself as a mature person, aware that studying is a major responsibility. 

6. Submit the Assignment Late

They say better late than never. Even if your assignment will be late, always put an effort to make sure that you complete and submit it. You can get lucky and get partial crediting for your work for submitting your assignment after a deadline.

This is better than getting a zero for not submitting the assignment just because you thought that your work will not be accepted.

Always remember you have nothing to lose and finish the assignment. Some professors can be understanding and even accept to mark your work. Don’t accept to fail just because you have not used your chance.

Reasons for Late Assignment Submissions

Mixing up the deadline date.

Students who did not get the deadline dates correctly are likely to submit their assignments late. This can work as a brilliant excuse sometimes if several students miss the deadline due to the same.

If you are the only student in your class who didn’t get the deadline correctly, you are likely to be punished. This can be avoided by being attentive when the instructor is giving deadlines.

Asking other students and the instructor about the deadline if you did not get it correctly can also help meet it. 

Family Emergencies

These also can lead to late assignment submissions. Family emergencies include all the unexpected events that affect the health and safety of your family.

Doing assignment

These include accidents and other unavoidable events. Students whose parents are sick can lack enough time to concentrate on assignments while attending to their ill parents.

When the babysitter fails to show up, and the student has to look after his siblings, he or she may not get enough time to do assignments.

These reasons work as proper excuses in school, and one can get an extension to finish the assignment.

Power Outage

When you complete an assignment early, do not wait for the eve of the deadline or the deadline day to print it. Print it immediately after you are done doing it.

When there is no power to type and print the assignment when hardcopies are needed, then the student is likely to miss the deadline. This reason works as a good excuse for assignments with short deadlines. It may or not work in assignments with long deadlines.

Personal Illness

It is hard for students feeling unwell to finish their assignments before the deadline day. Illness is an unforeseen circumstance, and students can’t control it.

It is good to inform your professor that you are ill and won’t meet the deadline before the deadline is reached. Ensure that you provide evidence from the doctor when you do back to school as proof that you were sick.

Lost Your Glasses

Students who have eye problems can submit their assignments late if they lose their eyeglasses. They will not be able to conduct research and type the assignment. This is only applicable for short-term deadlines.

in long-term deadlines, a student is expected to find a solution to complete the assignment before the deadline. One can buy new glasses or pay for the assignment to be typed. 

Another Important Paper is Due 

A student can submit a paper late if there is another important paper that is due in the same time frame. In this case, the student has to write to the instructor and request a late submission. It is a valid reason but you must inform your instructor about the circumstances first. 

Job Interviews

If a student has a job interview that is related to the area of study they specialize in, he or she can submit an assignment late.

One may spend a lot of time preparing for the interview and lose concentration on the assignment in the process. Informing your instructor about this can get you permission for the submission of late work.

Effects of Late Assignment Submissions

Poor grades .

Assignment Submission

Many institutions are usually very serious when it comes to assignment deadlines.

Some institutions will mark the work, but a percentage of the total marks will be deducted.

Instructors are usually instructed not to accept late work. In this case, the students get a zero.

Students mostly fail in these assignments hence contributing to poor grades overall.

Lack of Fairness

Institutions that accept late assignments from students create a feeling of unfairness among the students.

Those students who hurried up and did the assignment limiting themselves to beat the deadline, will feel that they have been treated unfairly if some students get their deadlines extended. Not accepting late work creates a fairground for all the students in the class. 

Undermines Course Pacing

Late assignments will not help in cases where students need to cover a lot of work in very little time. Even a day or two missed in these circumstances is a big loss. Once a student gets late with the assignment, catching up becomes very hard.

Instructors are forced to set deadlines that all the students must adhere to. Students who can’t cope with course pacing because of submitting late assignments are likely to be kicked out of class. 

Promotes Laziness

When students are allowed to submit their assignments late, the sense and responsibility of finishing assignments on time are reduced.

Students will submit assignments whenever they want to know that they can give excuses for late homework submission and get their assignments accepted by the instructor.

Schools should always strive to prepare students for the outside world. When schools train students that submitting late assignments is right, they are not preparing them well for the real world.

There are situations in real life, such as job interviews, that cannot be postponed. Therefore, to instill this value, it makes sense to penalize students for late homework so that they can learn.

Even in higher learning levels such as master’s and Ph.D. programs, late submissions are not allowed because professors at this level are very busy and try to avoid inconveniences as much as possible.

i did my assignment wrong

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.

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What happens if you use the wrong reference?

I recently submitted an assignment but realised a week later that one of the sources I have used in the essay and bibliography was wrong. I'm not sure how it happened I'm guessing some mix up with the citation software I used but I'm really scared that my professor will be able to tell. Does anybody know how thoroughly lecturers check the references used?

Millie 's user avatar

It's a mistake in good faith. You are a student, so you're supposed to learn. It's great that you found it yourself. Just send the lecturer an email explaining what happened. He probably won't really mind, but if the bibliography is included in the grade (e.g. if this is an Academic Writing course or so) he might deduct some point.

  • Oh that's not too bad then I was really stressed about, i might just phone my professor Monday morning. Thanks :) –  Millie Commented Jan 11, 2018 at 20:53

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i did my assignment wrong

Live: Simone Biles goes for gold on vault

Turkish sharpshooter Yusuf Dikeç wins silver at Paris Olympics with minimal gear, becomes internet sensation

Turkish sharpshooter Yusuf Dikeç didn't need special lenses or big ear protectors to win the silver medal in the air pistol team event at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

With one hand in his pants pocket, Dikeç, 51, shot his way to second place, marking a historic moment for his home country and catapulting himself into internet fandom.

Serbia's Damir Mikec and Zorana Arunović won gold and India's Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh took bronze.

Turkey's Yususf Dikec competes in the 10m air pistol mixed team gold medal event at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Chateauroux, France.

Shooters are allowed some freedom in what they wear, The Associated Press reported . Most wear large ear protectors and visors or blinders over one eye to help with focus and to reduce the glare of the lights.

But Dikeç skipped the fancy, high-tech gear and wore just small yellow earplugs and a seemingly regular pair of glasses. His partner, Şevval İlayda Tarhan, also didn't wear any blinders and kept one hand tucked in her pocket. Their win was Turkey’s first medal in an Olympic shooting event.

Image: Shooting - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day 4

"I did not need special equipment. I’m a natural, a natural shooter," Dikeç was quoted as telling Turkish media, according to EuroNews .

Fans quickly took notice and celebrated him for his laid-back, casual demeanor.

"No lens, no headphones, just vibes," Eurosport wrote on X . "Turkey’s Yusuf Dikeç wins silver and fan’s hearts."

"Turkey sent a 51 yr old guy with no specialized lenses, eye cover or ear protection and got the silver medal," a user wrote.

In contrast, South Korea's Kim Ye-ji  also went viral this week after she was seen at the 10-meter air pistol women’s event Saturday featuring futuristic lenses with a "Paris 2024" blinder and a cool, effortless demeanor.

A fan quickly dubbed her the "James Bond of [the] Olympics."

Minyvonne Burke is a senior breaking news reporter for NBC News.

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I accidentally handed in the wrong assignment and got a 30%

I just got my grade back for an assignment and instead of the A that I was expecting, I got a 30%. I had followed all of the instructions to a T and worked quite hard on it. This is my final semester of undergrad and 20% of my application to vet school this year depends on this semester, so I saw my entire future go out the window because of how badly I was apparently going to screw up this course.

I just went to the Prof's office to pick up my assignment and see where I went wrong, but before I had even gotten a chance to reach into the pile of papers to find mine, she called me into her office to ask me if I had submitted the wrong paper. I grabbed my knapsack and frantically searched through it, and lo and behold, there was my assignment. I had accidentally grabbed a very similar looking early rough draft from my bag the day it was due and hadn't realized.

Luckily I've spoken with the Prof before and had brought in said rough draft a week before the assignment was due and she had told me what to change, so she knew that I wouldn't have purposely handed in the bad copy. She let me give her the real assignment and she's regrading it. I'm so, so relieved. God bless kind and understanding Profs.

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Submitted the wrong assignment. HELP!!

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  • Did a completely wrong unit/module during the first term of my Second year, HELP!
  • Failed first year,waiting for appeal result should I change course?
  • Coping with a bad grade
  • Assignment help
  • 19% turnitin
  • Access to Leeds 2023
  • Academic misconduct
  • Struggling with my final year and missed two essay deadlines
  • Help workload master’s

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Articles for you

Ucas deadline countdown 2024: things to remember

Ucas deadline countdown 2024: things to remember

How to get a pupillage (and what to do if you don’t get one)

How to get a pupillage (and what to do if you don’t get one)

Finding a university place in Ucas Clearing 2024: 10 top tips to help you get ready

Finding a university place in Ucas Clearing 2024: 10 top tips to help you get ready

Top 10 tips for Ucas Clearing 2024


  1. Meme Creator

    i did my assignment wrong

  2. What went wrong? assignment explained

    i did my assignment wrong

  3. Submit An Assignment At 11:59 PM: What it Means in College

    i did my assignment wrong

  4. Did Assignment Wrongly: Before you Accidentally Submit

    i did my assignment wrong

  5. An assignment without a mental breakdown seems suspicious...

    i did my assignment wrong

  6. Why Almost Everything You’ve Learned About Assignment Help Help Is

    i did my assignment wrong


  1. WRONG ASSIGNMENT ( meco again)

  2. Starbucks keeps getting my name wrong


  1. How do you respond when students submit the wrong assignment, but you

    I occasionally get students who submit their assignments, but I only notice that they've submitted the wrong assignment when I begin grading. I can think of three possibilities to explain this: They made an honest mistake; They are trying to buy some time to submit their assignment by making it seem like an honest mistake

  2. UNFAIR grading by PROFESSOR (What can students do)

    If a student thinks that their professor is grading unfairly, they should talk to their professor to ask them how they are grading their assignments, and if they have a rubric. Then they should ask their professor what an ideal assignment would look like. If they still aren't satisfied with their professor's responses, they could appeal ...

  3. I accidentally submitted the wrong file, not only once but ...

    I make all of my submission spots "unlimited" and grade the latest one. If someone uploads the wrong thing, I give them the benefit of the doubt and start my standard "late policy" the business day after I email them to ask for the correct document. I put a zero in the assignment spot as a red flag to get their attention.

  4. I misunderstood an assignment, how to write to the professor

    The professor sent me a programming assignment to do 3 weeks ago; the assignment was to be on JSF (Java Server Faces). Instead, I misread it as JSP (Java Server Pages) and have been working on that ever since. So recently I re-read the initial email detailing the assignment and I realized my blunder.

  5. What to Say (and Not Say) When Handing in Late Assignments, According

    Late work penalties are almost always noted in the syllabus, and it's hard to fight a grade reduction when things are clearly laid out in writing well before the homework is due. You can try ...

  6. Professor gave me a higher grade than I deserved. What should I do?

    If in fact you did end up completing the assignment, then you got the educational benefit of the class and the assignment and demonstrated your knowledge, even if belatedly. ... People can tell you that you did nothing wrong (because you did not, e.g., you did not try to game the system), but you have to accept it for yourself (i.e., gain ...

  7. Solved: I have accidentally submitted the wrong assignment

    This is not your course. While Community members can help answer general questions about the functionality of Canvas, we cannot answer specific questions about the curriculum of your class or what your instructor's policies might be when you submit the wrong assignment.

  8. Did Assignment Wrongly: Before you Accidentally Submit

    Submitting an assignment with wrong answers attracts serious repercussions. You get a lower score, which might negatively impact your overall performance. For that reason, you need to take the correct measures necessary to mitigate the assignment you did wrongly. That includes notifying the teacher to give you more time.

  9. I Study Hard, But I Still Get Bad Grades

    Here are the 9 most common reasons students get bad grades, despite studying (plus tips to help). Cause #1: You're Struggling With Test Anxiety. The problem: If you feel so nervous that your mind goes blank when you sit down for a test, you could be struggling with test anxiety. This makes it hard to remember what you studied and concentrate ...

  10. Assignment submitted to wrong assignment

    I have a student that submitted an assignment into the wrong assignment. How do I remove it? Best, Tonya. Solved! Go to Solution. 1 person also had this question. I also have this question. 2 Likes Reply. 1 Solution Jump to solution. Robbie_Grant. Community Champion Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute;

  11. Assignment Issues

    Mastering: Assignment Points May Not Sync Correctly for Assignments Copied from Pooled Assignments. Mastering: Items in Assignments Only Partially Loading. Mastering: Wrong Gradebook Weighting Due to Extra Credit Assignments. Revel. Revel: Earned Points for Some Assessments Not Showing in Assignment Drawer. Revel for Blackboard, Brightspace ...

  12. I Forgot to Submit my Assignment: Here are 6 things to do

    2. Alert the Professor of the Lateness. The best thing to do if you forget to submit your assignment is to alert the professor. He or she sets the deadline and requires you to follow it. Alert the professor immediately after you realize you missed the deadline, and make sure you give reasons for the deadline miss.

  13. My professor gave me the wrong grade, what should I do?

    As finals week approached, I had calculated the grades a million times to see what I needed to get on the exams to 1: pass one of my classes, and 2: get a C- or higher in the other class. I took the exams, got a really good grade in the second class, and bombed the first class exam. As i anxiously waited for grades to be finished up, and all ...

  14. VIDEO: See why Kamala Harris 'negative' viral moments ...

    In an episode of "The Assignment" Audie Cornish speaks with Deja Foxx who worked on Kamala Harris's 2019 presidential campaign as a social media strategist. She explains how old Kamala ...

  15. I did both of my assignments wrong and I feel like an idiot

    The other assignment was doing a design based on words, professor wasn't really clear about it but I could tell by the other discussion submissions that I did it wrong; I am redoing it a mere day before it's due. I want to drop out. I am stupid, lazy, should not be in college because I suck as a student and am a horrible idiot.

  16. MrBeast, YouTube star, acknowledges past use of 'inappropriate ...

    MrBeast, the incredibly popular YouTuber with a nice-guy reputation, is facing scrutiny for resurfaced racist comments he made years ago online. In a video reportedly filmed around 2017 that ...

  17. JD Vance's former Yale classmate and friend says emails show ...

    A Yale Law School friend of Ohio Sen. JD Vance, who has revealed years of emails the two previously exchanged, said Monday that the Republican vice presidential nominee is a "chameleon" who ...

  18. citations

    9. It's a mistake in good faith. You are a student, so you're supposed to learn. It's great that you found it yourself. Just send the lecturer an email explaining what happened. He probably won't really mind, but if the bibliography is included in the grade (e.g. if this is an Academic Writing course or so) he might deduct some point. Share.

  19. Turnitin LTI Users Must Take Action Before Fall 2024

    If you are reusing course content copied from a previous term, you must remove any old LTI 1.1 assignments in your Fall 2024 courses and recreate them as LTI 1.3 assignments. For more information, refer to Turnitin's LTI 1.3 tutorials for instructions on how to create assignments, copy previous assignments, manage assignment settings, etc.

  20. Imane Khelif: Algeria boxer who had gender test issue wins first ...

    Imane Khelif of Algeria won her opening Olympic boxing bout Thursday when opponent Angela Carini of Italy quit after just 46 seconds.

  21. Turkish sharpshooter Yusuf Dikeç wins silver at Paris Olympics with

    Fans quickly took notice and celebrated him for his laid-back, casual demeanor. "No lens, no headphones, just vibes," Eurosport wrote on X. "Turkey's Yusuf Dikeç wins silver and fan's hearts."

  22. I think my professor gave me the wrong grade

    In one of my classes, we had to do this massive final paper. Mine turned out to be 35+ pages. I just received my grade and got a 97/150. The reason I think it's an incorrect grade is because there is a discrepancy between the rubric and the final paper point total - the rubric she used to grade the paper is based out off 100 points and the paper itself is out of 150 points through the Canvas ...

  23. Deliverance of families (Part 8) || Bishop Peter Gatimu || 2024

    Deliverance of families - Part 8 || Bishop Peter Gatimu || 2024 Teachings YouTube: https://youtu.be/NuL07Xp-s2M

  24. I accidentally handed in the wrong assignment and got a 30%

    ADMIN MOD. I accidentally handed in the wrong assignment and got a 30%. I just got my grade back for an assignment and instead of the A that I was expecting, I got a 30%. I had followed all of the instructions to a T and worked quite hard on it. This is my final semester of undergrad and 20% of my application to vet school this year depends on ...

  25. Submitted the wrong assignment. HELP!!

    10 years ago. Submitted the wrong assignment. HELP!! A. Nelch. I accidentally submitted the wrong assignment via electronic submission without realising and now I'm faced with getting a zero on 3% of my degree. i didn't realise I'd done it until a week after the deadline when my lecturer emailed me about it, I have proof in the form of my ...