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Essay on Drug Abuse

essay on drug abuse

Here we have shared the Essay on Drug Abuse in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

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Essay on Drug Abuse in 150 words

Essay on drug abuse in 250-300 words, essay on drug abuse in 500-1000 words.

Drug abuse is a global issue that poses serious risks to individuals and society. It involves the harmful and excessive use of drugs, leading to physical and mental health problems. Drug abuse can result in addiction, organ damage, cognitive impairment, and social and economic difficulties. Prevention efforts should focus on education, raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Access to quality healthcare and addiction treatment services is crucial for recovery. Strengthening law enforcement measures against drug trafficking is necessary to address the supply side of the problem. Creating supportive environments and opportunities for positive engagement can help prevent drug abuse. By taking collective action, we can combat drug abuse and build healthier communities.

Drug abuse is a growing global concern that poses significant risks to individuals, families, and communities. It refers to the excessive and harmful use of drugs, both legal and illegal, that have negative effects on physical and mental health.

Drug abuse has severe consequences for individuals and society. Physically, drug abuse can lead to addiction, damage vital organs, and increase the risk of overdose. Mentally, it can cause cognitive impairment, and psychological disorders, and deteriorate overall well-being. Additionally, drug abuse often leads to social and economic problems, such as strained relationships, loss of employment, and criminal activities.

Preventing drug abuse requires a multi-faceted approach. Education and awareness programs play a crucial role in informing individuals about the dangers of drug abuse and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Access to quality healthcare and addiction treatment services is vital to help individuals recover from substance abuse. Strengthening law enforcement efforts to curb drug trafficking and promoting international cooperation is also essential to address the supply side of the issue.

Community support and a nurturing environment are critical in preventing drug abuse. Creating opportunities for individuals, especially young people, to engage in positive activities and providing social support systems can serve as protective factors against drug abuse.

In conclusion, drug abuse is a significant societal problem with detrimental effects on individuals and communities. It requires a comprehensive approach involving education, prevention, treatment, and enforcement. By addressing the root causes, raising awareness, and providing support to those affected, we can combat drug abuse and create a healthier and safer society for all.

Title: Drug Abuse – A Global Crisis Demanding Urgent Action

Introduction :

Drug abuse is a pressing global issue that poses significant risks to individuals, families, and communities. It refers to the excessive and harmful use of drugs, both legal and illegal, that have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. This essay explores the causes and consequences of drug abuse, the social and economic impact, prevention and treatment strategies, and the importance of raising awareness and fostering supportive communities in addressing this crisis.

Causes and Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse

Several factors contribute to drug abuse. Genetic predisposition, peer pressure, stress, trauma, and environmental influences play a role in initiating substance use. The availability and accessibility of drugs, as well as societal norms and cultural acceptance, also influence drug abuse patterns. Additionally, underlying mental health issues and co-occurring disorders can drive individuals to self-medicate with drugs.

Consequences of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse has devastating consequences on individuals and society. Physically, drug abuse can lead to addiction, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms. Substance abuse affects vital organs, impairs cognitive function, and increases the risk of accidents and injuries. Mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis, are often associated with drug abuse. Substance abuse also takes a toll on relationships, leading to strained family dynamics, social isolation, and financial instability. The social and economic costs of drug abuse include increased healthcare expenses, decreased productivity, and the burden on criminal justice systems.

Prevention and Education

Preventing drug abuse requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Education and awareness programs are essential in schools, communities, and the media to inform individuals about the risks and consequences of drug abuse. Promoting healthy coping mechanisms, stress management skills, and decision-making abilities can empower individuals to resist peer pressure and make informed choices. Early intervention programs that identify at-risk individuals and provide support and resources are crucial in preventing substance abuse.

Treatment and Recovery

Access to quality healthcare and evidence-based addiction treatment is vital in addressing drug abuse. Treatment options include detoxification, counseling, behavioral therapies, and medication-assisted treatments. Rehabilitation centers, support groups, and outpatient programs provide a continuum of care for individuals seeking recovery. Holistic approaches, such as addressing co-occurring mental health disorders and promoting healthy lifestyles, contribute to successful long-term recovery. Support from family, friends, and communities plays a significant role in sustaining recovery and preventing relapse.

Law Enforcement and Drug Policies

Effective law enforcement efforts are necessary to disrupt drug trafficking and dismantle illicit drug networks. International cooperation and collaboration are crucial in combating the global drug trade. Additionally, drug policies should focus on a balanced approach that combines law enforcement with prevention, treatment, and harm reduction strategies. Shifting the emphasis from punitive measures toward prevention and rehabilitation can lead to more effective outcomes.

Creating Supportive Communities:

Fostering supportive communities is vital in addressing drug abuse. Communities should provide resources, social support networks, and opportunities for positive engagement. This includes promoting healthy recreational activities, providing vocational training, and creating safe spaces for individuals in recovery. Reducing the stigma associated with drug abuse and encouraging empathy and understanding are crucial to building a compassionate and supportive environment.

Conclusion :

Drug abuse remains a complex and multifaceted issue with far-reaching consequences. By addressing the causes, raising awareness, implementing preventive measures, providing quality treatment and support services, and fostering supportive communities, we can combat drug abuse and alleviate its impact. It requires collaboration and a collective effort from individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to build a society that is resilient against the scourge of drug abuse. Through education, prevention, treatment, and compassion, we can pave the way toward a healthier and drug-free future.

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Paragraph on Drug Addiction in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)


Drug addiction is a pervasive issue affecting individuals globally. It ensnares people in a cycle of dependency on substances like drugs or alcohol, leading to harmful consequences on health, relationships, and society.

(Here, we’ve presented paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 & 250 word samples. All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. Nursery, LKG, UKG & class 1 to class 12).

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Drug Addiction in 100 Words

Drug addiction is a serious problem affecting many people globally. It occurs when individuals become dependent on substances like drugs or alcohol. This dependency can lead to harmful consequences, including health issues, strained relationships, and legal troubles. Addiction often starts with experimental use and can quickly spiral out of control.

Factors like genetics, environment, and mental health play significant roles in its development. Overcoming addiction requires strong support systems, counseling, and sometimes medical intervention. Awareness and prevention efforts are crucial in combating this widespread issue and helping individuals reclaim their lives from its grip.

Paragraph on Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a shadow that follows many, gripping tightly onto those who fall prey. It starts with a whisper of relief, promising an escape from reality’s harsh glare. Soon, it becomes a demanding master, dictating every move. Relationships crumble, dreams shatter, and futures fade into obscurity. The initial rush fades, leaving only emptiness and despair in its wake.

 Families weep, hearts ache, yet the craving persists like a relentless tide. Breaking free seems impossible, trapped in a cycle of dependence. But hope flickers in the darkness, a beacon of possibility amidst the storm. Recovery whispers of second chances, of reclaiming lost lives, of finding solace in sobriety’s embrace.

Drug addiction is like a dark cloud hanging over many lives. It starts with trying to feel better but ends up taking control. It makes everything fall apart—family, dreams, and hopes for the future. Even though it feels good at first, it leaves behind only sadness and loneliness.

People who care about you cry, and your heart hurts, but the need for drugs keeps growing. It’s hard to break free, but there’s always a chance to find light again. Recovery means finding happiness without drugs and rebuilding what was lost.

Drug Addiction Paragraph

Drug Addiction Paragraph in 150 Words

Drug addiction is a pervasive issue gripping individuals worldwide, causing profound harm to both users and their communities. It ensnares people in a cycle of dependency on substances such as drugs or alcohol, often beginning with experimental use and escalating into a compulsive need. This addiction wreaks havoc on one’s health, relationships, and overall well-being.

Factors like genetics, environment, and mental health contribute to its onset, complicating the path to recovery. Breaking free from addiction demands unwavering support, professional counseling, and sometimes medical intervention to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings effectively.

However, combating drug addiction goes beyond individual efforts. It requires collective action through awareness campaigns, accessible treatment programs, and stringent regulations on substance distribution. By addressing the root causes and providing resources for rehabilitation, societies can mitigate the devastating impact of drug addiction and empower individuals to reclaim control over their lives.

Paragraph Writing on Drug Addiction in 200 Words

Drug addiction permeates every aspect of human life, wreaking havoc on individuals and society at large. It begins innocently, often as a means of experimentation or coping with stress, but swiftly spirals into a debilitating cycle of dependency. This relentless pursuit of drugs or alcohol corrodes physical health, strains relationships, and shatters mental well-being, trapping individuals in a relentless struggle for survival. Moreover, addiction knows no boundaries, affecting people of all ages, backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses.

Addressing drug addiction necessitates a multifaceted approach that encompasses prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation. Prevention efforts must focus on educating communities about the risks associated with substance abuse and promoting healthy coping mechanisms. Early intervention is crucial to identifying and supporting individuals at risk and providing access to counseling and support services. Additionally, rehabilitation programs should offer comprehensive care, including detoxification, therapy, and ongoing support to help individuals rebuild their lives free from addiction.

Furthermore, it is imperative to strengthen regulations on drug distribution and invest in treatment facilities to ensure accessibility for all those in need. By fostering a culture of support and understanding, we can collectively combat the scourge of drug addiction and pave the way for healthier, more resilient communities.

Writing Paragraph on Drug Addiction in 250 Words

Drug addiction, a pervasive issue worldwide, inflicts severe repercussions on individuals and society. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 31 million people suffer from drug use disorders globally. Its impact extends far beyond physical health, corroding relationships, hampering productivity, and fueling crime rates.

Alarmingly, the youth are particularly vulnerable, with statistics showing that over 35% of new drug users worldwide are between the ages of 15 and 24. The allure of drugs coupled with peer pressure and societal influences has ensnared countless young individuals in a perilous cycle of addiction.

To combat this epidemic, a comprehensive approach is imperative. Firstly, prevention strategies must be prioritized, targeting schools, communities, and families to educate about the dangers of substance abuse. Early intervention programs should be readily accessible to identify and support at-risk individuals before addiction takes hold. Moreover, rehabilitation facilities must offer holistic treatment, including detoxification, counseling, and life skills training, to facilitate lasting recovery and reintegration into society.

Raising awareness is paramount in addressing drug addiction. Collaborative efforts involving governments, non-profit organizations, and healthcare providers can amplify the reach of awareness campaigns through various platforms, including social media, educational workshops, and community events. By dispelling myths, promoting healthy alternatives, and fostering open dialogue, communities can dismantle the stigma surrounding addiction and encourage individuals to seek help without fear of judgment.

In conclusion, drug addiction remains a formidable challenge, but with concerted efforts and unwavering commitment, it can be overcome. By prioritizing prevention, intervention, rehabilitation, and awareness, we can mitigate its devastating impact and pave the way for a healthier, drug-free future for generations to come.

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Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects Essay

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Works cited.

One of the consequences of using drugs is, eventually, an individual becoming addicted. Addiction refers to a neuropsychological disorder that involves persistently feeling an urge to engage in particular behaviors despite the significant harm or negative effects. The psychology that explains addiction covers many areas, such as an illness or personal problem, an effect of someone’s lifestyle, family history, or socioeconomic demographics. This paper aims to highlight what the field of psychology says about the negative effects of drugs and why people continue using despite the consequences.

Using drugs once does not necessarily mean someone will never consume them again. In most cases, the drugs contain elements that can cause a person to become addicted. From a psychological perspective, it is important to understand how people enter into addiction. At the root of addictive behavior is a level of emotional stress deeply hidden within someone’s subconscious mind, and addressing it becomes a challenge. To relieve stress, pleasure is discovered in excess (Bechara 100). An example is when people choose to drink alcohol to ease their pain and ultimately find fun.

Stopping the behavior is a danger to someone’s mental state as they fear returning thoughts of the initial source of emotional stress. When a person is addicted, it suggests they lack healthy coping methods for the problem. The only mechanisms are distracting as well as unhealthy such as substance usage. Individuals dealing with addiction do not care about what matters since what is important to them is the desire to do something when that stress appears (Bechara 101). Some can stop their behaviors as their emotional stress does not manifest as among the addictive behaviors. Meanwhile, for others, their drug usage indicates an issue they may not have known and needs treatment. This leads to associative learning, which refers to learning to do something according to a novel stimulus.

Associative Learning

It is regarded as associative learning when an individual finds and takes drugs and ultimately gets high. The concept can be further explained using Ivan Pavlov’s experiment, where he rang a bell to call a dog and then rewarded it with food (Fouyssac and David 3015). A specific part of the brain controls associative learning, which it does via a neurotransmitter named dopamine. Dopamine is produced naturally by the brain when an individual does something rewarding or pleasurable.

The dopamine effect is a survival mechanism whereby eating or drinking feels good. It ensures continuity of life, family, and species in general. The element’s production is among the key drivers behind sex since, as much as the act is rewarding and pleasurable simultaneously, it is needed for survival (Fouyssac and David 3015). The main effect is that it creates a memory of the experience, which pushes people to seek the feeling again. People forget about the negative effects of drugs due to the moments of pleasure. As mentioned earlier, it is most likely that someone who uses the drug once will consume it again. The feeling established, regardless of how long, is enough to convince a person to forget everything they know concerning the negative effects and pursue a minute or two of a great time.

The paper has highlighted what the field of psychology says about the negative effects of drugs and why people continue using despite the consequences. It has been established that, in most cases, individuals experience addiction due to the pursuit of stress relief. Using the logic of the dopamine effect, once someone experiences something pleasurable or rewarding to them, they are most likely to pursue that feeling again. Eventually, it becomes impossible to convince them against the drugs as their desire to end their problem is more than the need to remain healthy.

Bechara, Antoine, et al. “A Neurobehavioral Approach to Addiction: Implications for the Opioid Epidemic and the Psychology of Addiction.” Psychological Science in the Public Interest, vol. 20, no. 2, 2019, p. 96–127.

Fouyssac, Maxime, and David Belin. “Beyond Drug‐Induced Alteration of Glutamate Homeostasis, Astrocytes May Contribute to Dopamine‐Dependent Intrastriatal Functional Shifts That Underlie the Development of Drug Addiction: A Working Hypothesis.” European Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 50, no. 6, 2019, p. 3014-3027.

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IvyPanda. (2023, August 26). Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects. https://ivypanda.com/essays/drug-abuse-and-its-negative-effects/

"Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects." IvyPanda , 26 Aug. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/drug-abuse-and-its-negative-effects/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects'. 26 August.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects." August 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/drug-abuse-and-its-negative-effects/.

1. IvyPanda . "Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects." August 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/drug-abuse-and-its-negative-effects/.


IvyPanda . "Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects." August 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/drug-abuse-and-its-negative-effects/.

Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Drug Addiction — The Causes, Effects and Prevention of Drug Addiction


The Problem of Drug Addiction: Causes, Effects and Solutions

  • Categories: Drug Addiction

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Words: 1196 |

Published: Jan 15, 2019

Words: 1196 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Causes of drug addiction, effects of drug addiction, how to prevent drug addiction (essay), works cited.

  • Doan, H. (2007). Police dogs will sniff out drugs at city schools. The Roanoke Times.
  • Mayo Clinic. (2019). Drug addiction (substance use disorder).
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2022). Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide (third edition).
  • New York Times. (2009). Drug-sniffing dogs are in demand.
  • Psychological Studies and Support to Drug Users. (2014). Teenagers and drug use: Facts and figures.
  • Smith, M. J., & Stevens, A. (Eds.). (2013). Drug Policy and the Public Good.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). Treatment for substance use disorders.
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2021). World drug report 2021.
  • Volkow, N. D., Koob, G. F., & McLellan, A. T. (2016). Neurobiologic advances from the brain disease model of addiction. New England Journal of Medicine, 374(4), 363-371.

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The Problem of Drug Addiction: Causes, Effects and Solutions Essay

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Drug Addiction Paragraph 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

September 4, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on Drug Addiction: Drug addiction is a matter of major concern in India and abroad. A large percentage of youth are taking to drugs and losing lives. Such an addiction is bad for health mentally, physically and emotionally. There are various ways to tackle such grim crises. The following are the paragraphs on drug addiction for different classes.

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph Drug Addiction Essay for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Students

Paragraph on drug addiction – 100 words for classes 1,2 and 3 kids.

Drug addiction is bad. Doctors give us drugs when we are unwell. We don’t take drugs without a doctor’s advice. Parents give us medicines to fight germs. They give drugs in fever, cold and cough. Taking too much medicine is bad. Green vegetables keep us healthy. Eating apples keeps doctors away. We drink milk daily to fight germs. We wash our hands before we eat and sleep. We do not take drugs when healthy and strong. Wrong medicines make us unhealthy. Right drugs fight a fever. Eating junk food makes us unwell. Drinking clean water keeps us healthy. Healthy children need no medicines and drugs.

essay on drug addiction in 150 words

Paragraph on Drug Addiction – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Addiction to drugs is dangerous. Consuming too much medicine regularly makes us addicts. Addiction of any kind is not good for health. It can harm our bodies and mind. Doctors advise medicines during an illness such as fever. Drugs shouldn’t be consumed without parent’s permission. It can be harmful to us.

We can save ourselves from drug addiction. We must eat green vegetables and pulses. We must consume a glass of milk daily. Washing hands with soap before and after eating and playing helps fight germs. Parents and doctors have permission to give drugs to fight germs. Exercising and eating a healthy diet keeps us away from drug consumption.

It is a bad habit to take drugs daily. It is not good to take drugs when we are healthy. It can weaken our immune system. We must take at least one fruit daily such as apples to keep us healthy. We should save ourselves from taking drugs.

Paragraph on Drug Addiction – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7 and 8 Students

When there is an urge to consume substances that are harmful, it is addiction. Drug addiction has a dangerous impact on the consumer. It destroys one’s mind and body. Such an addiction is a chronic illness. When addicted to consuming drugs, one loses one’s control and is unable to live without it. Addiction of any kind is harmful to be it alcohol, sweets or even smartphones. Drug addiction is also called a substance use disorder and has become a major problem all across the globe.

It affects the memory and brain of a person as well as relationships. People who are addicted to drugs get involved in illegal activities such as robbery, murder and fraud. There is an urgent need to fight such an addiction. Such people need help as it can be fatal as well. Treating a drug addict can be difficult as withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Breathing problems
  • Heart attacks

However, there are medicines and counselors to treat such people and help them quit consuming drugs. Some of these patients are also admitted to rehabilitation centers where they are given proper treatment not just to fight drugs, but also to depression and anxiety.

Paragraph on Drug Addiction – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9,10,11, 12 and Competitive Exam Students

Drug addiction has become a major cause of concern all over the globe. It is a devastating state that has been running a riot for a decade and there is an urgent need to put an end to it. Drug addiction is synonymous with substance disorder abuse. Victims of such abuse are in pitiable conditions. It affects them mentally, physically and emotionally.

In India, substance disorder abuse comprises narcotics, sedatives and stimulants. Opium and heroin are examples of the same. A drug addict loses his control over mind and engages in activities that are considered illegal for mankind- kidnappings, murder, robbery, burglary and the list is endless. It also harms their relationships as such an addiction can have adverse effects on their moods- they can get very aggressive at times and can be murderous.

We need to help such people. It is not easy to quit addiction all at once. It is a long and gradual process and has to be dealt with smartly and wisely. Quitting all at once can take a toll on their lives and the withdrawal effects can be very harmful- heart dresses, respiratory problems, emotional imbalance, incessant vomitings, etc.

A drug addict should be treated only by a professional. There are several ways to fight addiction, drugs in particular:

  • Behavioral counselors take regular sessions with such patients to help them in distress themselves.
  • Doctors treat them using medicines and therapies that fight not just addiction but problems of anxiety and depression.
  • Rehabilitation centers have been built to admit drug addicts and provide 24×7 services.
  • Drug addiction campaigns must be run in schools, universities and colleges stating about ill effects of the same and ways to treat such patients.

Even if a patient is fully cured, he/she may need to be treated for life as it can be relapsed anytime. Yoga, meditation, regular counseling sessions and medication can help them stay away from drugs.

drug addiction paragraph 300 words

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Drug Addiction

Question 1. What is drug addiction?

Answer: Drug addiction, also called substance disorder abuse is an inability to stop using drugs such as narcotics and marijuana that cause psychological, mental and emotional imbalance.

Question 2. What kind of substances do people get addicted to?

Answer: People get addicted to certain substances or drugs like heroin, marijuana and narcotics that affect them mentally, physically and emotionally.

Question 3. Can drug addiction be stopped?

Answer: Yes, Drug addiction can be stopped with the help of doctors and counselors. There are many rehabilitation centers that help drug addicts treat this chronic disease.

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  11. Write an essay on Drug Addiction.

    Answer: Drug abuse and addiction are a major burden to society. Drug addiction is a pathological or abnormal condition which arises due to frequent drug use. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond ...

  12. Write an essay about the present drug scenario in the ...

    The drug problem in the Philippines is not new and it has been taking place for decades. In this essay, I will discuss why drug use is still prevalent today in the Philippines and how it can be solved by implementing a drug free society. The first reason why drugs are still prevalent in the country is because of its location.

  13. Short essay on drug addiction in 150 words

    Addiction Of Drugs . The word addiction is very harmful for anyone. Addiction of anything is very bad in itself. And the addiction of drugs can be deadly. The addiction of mobile, video games, alcohol and drugs is very common these days. In a report it is found that the addiction of drugs is very high in adolescents as compared to adults.

  14. Essay Drug abuse on 150 words

    Essay Drug abuse on 150 words - 13427899

  15. Write an essay on Drug Addiction.(150-200 words)

    Write an essay on Drug Addiction.(150-200 words) - 26217921. pihu16 pihu16 19.10.2020 English Secondary School answered Write an essay on Drug Addiction.(150-200 words) See answer Advertisement

  16. HeLLø ️ WriTe EssaY On DrUgS in 100- 150 words ☠️

    Find an answer to your question HeLLø ️ WriTe EssaY On DrUgS in 100- 150 words ☠️

  17. Write an essay of at least 150 words that explains why it ...

    Write an essay of at least 150 words that explains why it is important to use a dictionary. Three ways to organize a descriptive essay include: A. Spatially, General to Particular, Chronologically B. First, Second, Third C. Plot, Characters,