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Initialization, declaration and assignment terms in Java
A variable provides us with named storage that our programs can manipulate. Each variable in Java has a specific type, which determines the size and layout of the variable's memory; the range of values that can be stored within that memory; and the set of operations that can be applied to the variable.
You must declare all variables before they can be used. Following is the basic form of a variable declaration − data type variable [ = value][, variable [ = value] ...] ;
Here data type is one of Java's datatypes and variable is the name of the variable. To declare more than one variable of the specified type, you can use a comma-separated list.
Following are valid examples of variable declaration and initialization in Java −
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Java Assignment Operators with Examples
Operators constitute the basic building block of any programming language. Java too provides many types of operators which can be used according to the need to perform various calculations and functions, be it logical, arithmetic, relational, etc. They are classified based on the functionality they provide.
Types of Operators:
- Arithmetic Operators
- Unary Operators
- Assignment Operator
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Bitwise Operators
- Shift Operators
This article explains all that one needs to know regarding Assignment Operators.
Assignment Operators
These operators are used to assign values to a variable. The left side operand of the assignment operator is a variable, and the right side operand of the assignment operator is a value. The value on the right side must be of the same data type of the operand on the left side. Otherwise, the compiler will raise an error. This means that the assignment operators have right to left associativity, i.e., the value given on the right-hand side of the operator is assigned to the variable on the left. Therefore, the right-hand side value must be declared before using it or should be a constant. The general format of the assignment operator is,
Types of Assignment Operators in Java
The Assignment Operator is generally of two types. They are:
1. Simple Assignment Operator: The Simple Assignment Operator is used with the “=” sign where the left side consists of the operand and the right side consists of a value. The value of the right side must be of the same data type that has been defined on the left side.
2. Compound Assignment Operator: The Compound Operator is used where +,-,*, and / is used along with the = operator.
Let’s look at each of the assignment operators and how they operate:
1. (=) operator:
This is the most straightforward assignment operator, which is used to assign the value on the right to the variable on the left. This is the basic definition of an assignment operator and how it functions.
2. (+=) operator:
This operator is a compound of ‘+’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by adding the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right and then assigning the result to the operand on the left.
Note: The compound assignment operator in Java performs implicit type casting. Let’s consider a scenario where x is an int variable with a value of 5. int x = 5; If you want to add the double value 4.5 to the integer variable x and print its value, there are two methods to achieve this: Method 1: x = x + 4.5 Method 2: x += 4.5 As per the previous example, you might think both of them are equal. But in reality, Method 1 will throw a runtime error stating the “i ncompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int “, Method 2 will run without any error and prints 9 as output.
Reason for the Above Calculation
Method 1 will result in a runtime error stating “incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int.” The reason is that the addition of an int and a double results in a double value. Assigning this double value back to the int variable x requires an explicit type casting because it may result in a loss of precision. Without the explicit cast, the compiler throws an error. Method 2 will run without any error and print the value 9 as output. The compound assignment operator += performs an implicit type conversion, also known as an automatic narrowing primitive conversion from double to int . It is equivalent to x = (int) (x + 4.5) , where the result of the addition is explicitly cast to an int . The fractional part of the double value is truncated, and the resulting int value is assigned back to x . It is advisable to use Method 2 ( x += 4.5 ) to avoid runtime errors and to obtain the desired output.
Same automatic narrowing primitive conversion is applicable for other compound assignment operators as well, including -= , *= , /= , and %= .
3. (-=) operator:
This operator is a compound of ‘-‘ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by subtracting the variable’s value on the right from the current value of the variable on the left and then assigning the result to the operand on the left.
4. (*=) operator:
This operator is a compound of ‘*’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by multiplying the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right and then assigning the result to the operand on the left.
5. (/=) operator:
This operator is a compound of ‘/’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by dividing the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigning the quotient to the operand on the left.
6. (%=) operator:
This operator is a compound of ‘%’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by dividing the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigning the remainder to the operand on the left.
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- The SortedSet interface is present in java.util package extends the Set interface present in the collection framework. It is an interface that implements the mathematical set. This interface contains the methods inherited from the Set interface and adds a feature that stores all the elements in this 8 min read
- NavigableSet represents a navigable set in Java Collection Framework. The NavigableSet interface inherits from the SortedSet interface. It behaves like a SortedSet with the exception that we have navigation methods available in addition to the sorting mechanisms of the SortedSet. For example, the Na 9 min read
- TreeSet is one of the most important implementations of the SortedSet interface in Java that uses a Tree(red - black tree) for storage. The ordering of the elements is maintained by a set using their natural ordering whether or not an explicit comparator is provided. This must be consistent with equ 13 min read
- In Java, Map Interface is present in java.util package represents a mapping between a key and a value. Java Map interface is not a subtype of the Collection interface. Therefore it behaves a bit differently from the rest of the collection types. No Duplicates in Keys: Ensures that keys are unique. H 12 min read
- In Java, HashMap is part of the Java Collections Framework and is found in the java.util package. It provides the basic implementation of the Map interface in Java. HashMap stores data in (key, value) pairs. Each key is associated with a value, and you can access the value by using the corresponding 15+ min read
- The Hashtable class, introduced as part of the original Java Collections framework, implements a hash table that maps keys to values. Any non-null object can be used as a key or as a value. To successfully store and retrieve objects from a hashtable, the objects used as keys must implement the hashC 13 min read
- LinkedHashMap in Java implements the Map interface of the Collections Framework. It stores key-value pairs while maintaining the insertion order of the entries. It maintains the order in which elements are added. Stores unique key-value pairs.Maintains insertion order.Allows one null key and multipl 7 min read
- SortedMap is an interface in the collection framework. This interface extends the Map interface and provides a total ordering of its elements (elements can be traversed in sorted order of keys). The class that implements this interface is TreeMap. The SortedMap interface is a subinterface of the jav 11 min read
- Let us start with a simple Java code snippet that demonstrates how to create and use a TreeMap in Java. [GFGTABS] Java import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; public class TreeMapCreation { public static void main(String args[]) { // Create a TreeMap of Strings (keys) and Integers (values) T 15+ min read
Multi-threading in Java
- Multithreading is a Java feature that allows concurrent execution of two or more parts of a program for maximum utilization of CPU. Each part of such program is called a thread. So, threads are light-weight processes within a process. Threads can be created by using two mechanisms : Extending the Th 3 min read
- A thread in Java at any point of time exists in any one of the following states. A thread lies only in one of the shown states at any instant: New StateRunnable StateBlocked StateWaiting StateTimed Waiting StateTerminated StateThe diagram shown below represents various states of a thread at any inst 6 min read
- Java provides built-in support for multithreaded programming. A multi-threaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently. Each part of such a program is called a thread, and each thread defines a separate path of execution.When a Java program starts up, one thread begins running i 4 min read
- As we already know java being completely object-oriented works within a multithreading environment in which thread scheduler assigns the processor to a thread based on the priority of thread. Whenever we create a thread in Java, it always has some priority assigned to it. Priority can either be give 5 min read
- Background Server Programs such as database and web servers repeatedly execute requests from multiple clients and these are oriented around processing a large number of short tasks. An approach for building a server application would be to create a new thread each time a request arrives and service 9 min read
- Multi-threaded programs may often come to a situation where multiple threads try to access the same resources and finally produce erroneous and unforeseen results. Why use Java Synchronization?Java Synchronization is used to make sure by some synchronization method that only one thread can access th 5 min read
- Threads communicate primarily by sharing access to fields and the objects reference fields refer to. This form of communication is extremely efficient, but makes two kinds of errors possible: thread interference and memory consistency errors. Some synchronization constructs are needed to prevent the 7 min read
- Our systems are working in a multithreading environment that becomes an important part for OS to provide better utilization of resources. The process of running two or more parts of the program simultaneously is known as Multithreading. A program is a set of instructions in which multiple processes 10 min read
- As we know Java has a feature, Multithreading, which is a process of running multiple threads simultaneously. When multiple threads are working on the same data, and the value of our data is changing, that scenario is not thread-safe and we will get inconsistent results. When a thread is already wor 5 min read
- Java-Operators
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1.7 Java | Assignment Statements & Expressions
An assignment statement designates a value for a variable. An assignment statement can be used as an expression in Java.
After a variable is declared, you can assign a value to it by using an assignment statement . In Java, the equal sign = is used as the assignment operator . The syntax for assignment statements is as follows:
An expression represents a computation involving values, variables, and operators that, when taking them together, evaluates to a value. For example, consider the following code:
You can use a variable in an expression. A variable can also be used on both sides of the = operator. For example:
In the above assignment statement, the result of x + 1 is assigned to the variable x . Let’s say that x is 1 before the statement is executed, and so becomes 2 after the statement execution.
To assign a value to a variable, you must place the variable name to the left of the assignment operator. Thus the following statement is wrong:
Note that the math equation x = 2 * x + 1 ≠ the Java expression x = 2 * x + 1
Which is equivalent to:
And this statement
is equivalent to:
Note: The data type of a variable on the left must be compatible with the data type of a value on the right. For example, int x = 1.0 would be illegal, because the data type of x is int (integer) and does not accept the double value 1.0 without Type Casting .
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The Java Tutorials have been written for JDK 8. Examples and practices described in this page don't take advantage of improvements introduced in later releases and might use technology no longer available. See Dev.java for updated tutorials taking advantage of the latest releases. See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases.
Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators
The simple assignment operator.
One of the most common operators that you'll encounter is the simple assignment operator " = ". You saw this operator in the Bicycle class; it assigns the value on its right to the operand on its left:
This operator can also be used on objects to assign object references , as discussed in Creating Objects .
The Arithmetic Operators
The Java programming language provides operators that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There's a good chance you'll recognize them by their counterparts in basic mathematics. The only symbol that might look new to you is " % ", which divides one operand by another and returns the remainder as its result.
The following program, ArithmeticDemo , tests the arithmetic operators.
This program prints the following:
You can also combine the arithmetic operators with the simple assignment operator to create compound assignments . For example, x+=1; and x=x+1; both increment the value of x by 1.
The + operator can also be used for concatenating (joining) two strings together, as shown in the following ConcatDemo program:
By the end of this program, the variable thirdString contains "This is a concatenated string.", which gets printed to standard output.
The Unary Operators
The unary operators require only one operand; they perform various operations such as incrementing/decrementing a value by one, negating an expression, or inverting the value of a boolean.
The following program, UnaryDemo , tests the unary operators:
The increment/decrement operators can be applied before (prefix) or after (postfix) the operand. The code result++; and ++result; will both end in result being incremented by one. The only difference is that the prefix version ( ++result ) evaluates to the incremented value, whereas the postfix version ( result++ ) evaluates to the original value. If you are just performing a simple increment/decrement, it doesn't really matter which version you choose. But if you use this operator in part of a larger expression, the one that you choose may make a significant difference.
The following program, PrePostDemo , illustrates the prefix/postfix unary increment operator:
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Java's Official Definite Assignment Rules Explained with Examples
Definite Assignment in Java can often trip up even seasoned programmers. This is evident when dealing with what Java considers "definitely assigned" variables within different control structures such as while loops. To understand these peculiarities better, let's take a deeper dive using two examples of code as our reference points:
In Example 1, Java will throw an error for the statement System.out.println(k); , citing that the variable k might not have been initialized. On the other hand, Example 2 compiles and runs without any issues. Why this difference?
Dissecting the Rules
To tackle why this occurs, it is vital to understand Java's definite assignment rules as detailed in the Java Language Specification (JLS). Specifically, Section 16 of the JLS explains definite assignments, and section 16.2.10 covers the while statement.
Key Points from the JLS:
General Rule : A variable V is definitely assigned after the while (e) S if:
- V is definitely assigned after e if e evaluates to false , and
- V is definitely assigned before every break statement for which the while statement is the break target.
Constant Expressions : As per JLS 16.1.1, if you have while (true) or any constant expression, the rules state that the variable can be assumed to be "definitely assigned" when the loop breaks, effectively due to a concept known as vacuous truth.
Breakdown of Examples
For example 1:.
- The condition n < 6 is a variable-dependent expression.
- Initially, k is not definitely assigned.
- Within the while block, k is assigned a value ( k=5 ).
- The compiler, however, cannot ascertain that n < 6 will ever actually result in the loop executing and thus k getting assigned before the loop is potentially skipped or completed.
- Consequently, the compiler decides that k might not have been definitely assigned prior to System.out.println(k); , resulting in a compilation error.
For Example 2:
- The condition while (true) means the loop is constant and infinite unless a break statement is encountered.
- Since the loop is infinite due to true , logically, the break statement immediately ensures execution.
- Because k=5; precedes the break statement, k is definitely assigned before the break ends the loop.
- Thus, after the loop, k is regarded as definitely assigned, and System.out.println(k); compiles and runs correctly.
Understanding definite assignment in Java requires both a technical grasp of how conditional expressions are evaluated and the peculiarities of how Java treats different forms of loops and their conditions. The conditions highlighted by the Java Language Specification (JLS) encapsulate the logic needed to determine whether a variable is definitively assigned or unassigned.
Programming experts and newcomers alike can easily misinterpret these intricate details, as experienced in our examples. By dissecting official specifications and using deductive reasoning, we can confidently predict and correct issues related to definite variable assignment in Java programs.
assignment: throwing away the old value of a variable and replacing it with a new one. initialization: it's a special kind of assignment: the first. Before initialization objects have null value and primitive types have default values such as 0 or false. Can be done in conjunction with declaration.
Feb 25, 2020 · Initialization declaration and assignment terms in Java - A variable provides us with named storage that our programs can manipulate. Each variable in Java has a specific type, which determines the size and layout of the variable's memory; the range of values that can be stored within that memory; and the set of operations that can be applied to the variab
Sep 13, 2023 · Types of Assignment Operators in Java. The Assignment Operator is generally of two types. They are: 1. Simple Assignment Operator: The Simple Assignment Operator is used with the “=” sign where the left side consists of the operand and the right side consists of a value. The value of the right side must be of the same data type that has ...
Java Program to print the largest element in an array; Java Program to print the smallest element in an array; Java Program to print the number of elements present in an array; Java Program to print the sum of all the items of the array; Java Program to right rotate the elements of an array; Java Program to sort the elements of an array in ...
Java programs store data values in variables. When a programmer creates a variable in a Java application, he declares the type and name of the variable, then assigns a value to it. The value of a variable can be altered at subsequent points in execution using further assignment operations.
An assignment statement designates a value for a variable. An assignment statement can be used as an expression in Java. After a variable is declared, you can assign a value to it by using an assignment statement. In Java, the equal sign = is used as the assignment operator. The syntax for assignment statements is as follows: variable = expression;
Variations on the above analysis are used to define well founded definite unassignment rules for all loop statements in the Java programming language. 16.1. Definite Assignment and Expressions
See Dev.java for updated tutorials taking advantage of the latest releases. See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases.
Nov 3, 2024 · To tackle why this occurs, it is vital to understand Java's definite assignment rules as detailed in the Java Language Specification (JLS). Specifically, Section 16 of the JLS explains definite assignments, and section 16.2.10 covers the while statement. Key Points from the JLS: General Rule: A variable V is definitely assigned after the while ...
In this lesson, you will learn about assignment statements and expressions that contain math operators and variables. 1.4.1. Assignment Statements¶ Remember that a variable holds a value that can change or vary. Assignment statements initialize or change the value stored in a variable using the assignment operator =. An assignment statement ...