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TikTok Growth Strategy: 20 Success Tactics + In-Home Case STUDIES [with REAL Results]

Alexandra Kazakova

By Alexandra Kazakova 27 min READ | Apr 3 2024

TikTok Growth Strategy: 20 Success Tactics + In-Home Case STUDIES [with REAL Results]

Table of contents

Customer behavior keeps changing which has made it a must for brands to understand how TikTok works.

In this article, we are not only scratching the surface; but also gives you a behind-the-scenes look at our in-house case studies featuring actual examples that demonstrate the power of strategic thinking on this platform.

Additionally, we will be revealing insider tips from our vast experience that will give you tangible insights for driving your TikTok presence higher.

Whether you have been doing this for years or just starting, be ready to get into the depths of TikTok success secrets as per my experience here inBeat.

What Is a TikTok Growth Strategy?

TikTok growth strategy is a smart way to skyrocket your reach and visibility on the platform.

This will open up a way for you to gain an even larger reach and influence an audience much bigger than normal marketing would allow, simply because you have a way more compelling presence on the app.

Key to growth on TikTok is committing to experimenting with the content and using the data to inform decisions.

Coupling the system with the approach helps in the generation of new leads and traffic to your website, with a great boost to brand awareness and recognition.

Here is where TikTok growth strategy comes in, designed to get you the highest value from your every dollar invested in social media campaigns.

As TikTok's growth persists, and with a market space that is ever more crowded, a strong growth strategy is essential in order to win the largest addressable audience possible and engage it effectively.

20 Best TikTok Growth Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Now, the part you’ve been waiting for.

  • Optimize your profile: Crafting a strong brand profile on TikTok is a powerful tool for attracting user attention and setting the foundation for your social media marketing efforts.
  • Understand your audience: To resonate with your audience, dive into the TikTok-style video content that aligns with their preferences, leveraging TikTok's preferred search engine features to uncover trending searches. Use dance challenges, special effects, and creator tools.
  • Use TikTok influencer marketing: Engaging with popular creators through an influencer marketing platform can amplify your branded content, making your company one of the favourite brands on TikTok.
  • Leverage paid media to scale your influencer marketing campaign: Combining organic content with Spark Ads in your campaigns alongside content takes your strategy from solid to stellar, ensuring a wider reach.
  • Use TikTok UGC: Encouraging your audience to create content from scratch fosters a community of creators, making every piece of content a potential viral contest entry. Alternatively, use popular creators with a significant follower count to post several times per day.
  • Focus on a niche: Specializing in niche TikTok marketing helps you jump ahead of the curve before competitor brands, establishing your authority in specific content pillars.
  • Use TikTok Pro Analytics: TikTok Pro Analytics is an essential organic marketing tool for understanding the types of videos that engage your audience, optimizing your content creation process.
  • Leverage TikTok trends: Staying atop organic trends and participating in viral challenges like the song challenge can catapult your content into the limelight.
  • Focus on creating engagement: Crafting epic content that leverages awesome features like branded stickers encourages user interaction, making your brand more memorable.
  • Post frequently: Maintaining a consistent post frequency, with 2 - 3 posts per day, keeps your audience engaged and ensures a steady organic growth curve.
  • Use hashtags: Implementing a branded hashtag challenge not only boosts your visibility but also engages users in a community-building initial challenge.
  • Use the right sound and music: Aligning your content with trending sounds enhances its potential for virality, making your videos part of the larger TikTok conversation.
  • Make a duet with an influencer or loyal follower: Duets are a unique advertising format on TikTok, offering a creative way to collaborate with influencers and engage your community.
  • Post at the right time: Analyzing when your audience is most active using TikTok Pro Analytics can optimize your times per day to post, maximizing user attention.
  • Leverage cross-promotion on other marketing channels: Cross-promotion amplifies the reach of your TikTok marketing, driving traffic from other social media channels to your TikTok content series.
  • Use branded TikTok ads: TikTok ads, especially when featuring helpful content like how-to and tip-based content, can significantly lower your app install CPA while driving brand awareness.
  • Use CTAs: Effective CTAs in your videos act as a solid strategy, guiding viewers towards taking the next step in their journey with your brand.
  • Make a solid plan to go viral on TikTok: A solid plan for viral success involves leveraging key terms in your content and engaging with organic trends to capture the TikTok audience's imagination.
  • Monetize your music on TikTok: For artists, TikTok offers a unique platform for music promotion, with features that allow for the monetization of mobile video content, expanding reach and engagement.
  • Leverage TikTok SEO: Implementing TikTok SEO tactics ensures your content is discoverable, driving organic growth and increasing visibility across the platform.

1. Optimize Your Profile

Before thinking of intricate marketing initiatives, remember that your username can make or break your success on this social media platform, so make sure it’s:

  • Easy to memorize
  • Easy to pronounce

And yes, it can even contain your real name — especially if you already have a brand.

Apart from that memorable TikTok username, you also need:

  • A profile picture that draws attention while being easy to recognize
  • Links to all of your social platforms
  • A public profile

Take Grammarly, for example:

case study tiktok

The company uses its famous logo as the profile picture and its brand as the profile name.

They also have a clear slogan, “Good writing moves work forward,” so people (and TikTok’s crawlers) can immediately understand the services offered.

More importantly, Grammarly has recently created playlists for its content so people can find what they’re interested in faster.

Additionally, for those interested in the evolution of social media branding, the TikTok Logo Design History offers fascinating insights into how the platform's iconic logo came to be.

2. Understand Your Target Audience

You can’t grow your company on TikTok unless you understand your audience precisely.

After all, if you’re not speaking their language, how can you expect to draw their attention?

Here’s what you have to consider:

  • Be highly specific: Select a niche that will pick up on your TikTok videos and make them go viral.
  • Understand your audience: Know what they like and don’t like by researching different profiles within your target demographics (e.g., geographical area, age, etc.). Alternatively, you can just ask your existing audience for their feedback on other social platforms.
  • Understand your competition: It’s wise to check what your competitors are doing because you can backtrack their success strategies or find missed opportunities you can leverage. For example, they may produce instructional content in volume or use Spark Ads.

3. Use TikTok Influencer Marketing

Most people associate TikTok with a teen demographic, but that’s not entirely true.

According to Comscore , the 20-39 generation represents 46% of the social network's user base, while teens represent 32.5%.

That means TikTok has hundreds of millions of users with significant purchasing power.

Another advantage is that those people make purchase decisions according to influencers’ recommendations.

There’s another thing to consider:

Those younger generations will soon grow up to have significant purchasing power, too.

According to Forbes , this generation will shortly amount to 40% of all consumers.

And Gen Z hates traditional advertising.

Warning: The worst mistake your company can make on TikTok is posting ads that look traditional, like they came out of a print ad or a TV advert.

That’s why influencer marketing an effective strategy for TikTok.

Content creators on this platform:

  • Are outstanding at storytelling
  • Keep your brand messages authentic
  • Have a loyal base of followers
  • Give you access to a broader audience, ensuring follower growth

4. Leverage Paid Media to Scale Your TikTok Influencer Efforts

That’s probably the most important question because you’re not advertising on TikTok for the sake of advertising.

You want to increase your gains and expand your company.

Here’s how we advise our clients to implement this step.

First, ask yourself what types of content work well on TikTok.

Your best performance indicator is shareability.

The TikTok videos that people — your people — share the most are the ones they resonate with. These clips can be:

  • Original music
  • Dance videos
  • Comedic skits
  • How-tos ( how to do voice overs )
  • Tips and demonstrations
  • Cringe clips

Below is a rundown of TikTok content that brought awesome results for various clients we had across a slew of diverse audiences.

You can use these ads in combination with your influencer campaigns:

  • In-feed ads are short-form video ads that fit into TikTok’s format. You can adapt these ads to your target based on primary demographic factors like age, location, and gender. These ads cost $10/impression, so you need about $6,000 to start your campaign.
  • Brand takeover ads. These ads are the most actionable and get users to your landing pages directly, but they’re also the most expensive. Prepare a $50,000 budget/day.
  • Challenge ads. These ads work like regular challenges on TikTok, with one difference: they promote your branded hashtags. As a result, you’ll raise awareness and receive tons of user-generated content that you can repurpose. Don’t forget to send users to a page with precise instructions for a successful UGC strategy on TikTok .
  • Shoppable ads. These ads give your challenges a shoppable dimension because people can click on the Explore tab after visiting your hashtag-challenge page. This tab has a “Shop Now” feature that sends people to your website’s landing page.

Influencer marketing ads should take center stage in your campaign, though.

Influencer ads generate:

  • A high level of engagement: Measured particularly in the quality of the comments you receive and the number of shares. Likes and views take second place.
  • Positive brand sentiment: Measured by the number and quality of brand mentions and the user-generated content that becomes viral.
  • Conversions: Measured in the number of sales, sign-ups to your newsletter, or downloads.

Pro tip: If you want to achieve these results, make sure the video content created and distributed by your influencer is:

  • Inspirational

Case Study Break:

inBeat Agency leveraged TikTok Ads to significantly boost the promotion of the app for NielsenIQ, focusing on a creative strategy centered around user-generated content.

By tapping into our micro-influencers and content creators network, inBeat produced authentic and high-quality visual assets tailored for TikTok's dynamic platform.

Not to brag, but this approach was underpinned by a meticulous media-buying strategy, which involved defining the app's unique selling propositions, identifying target personas, and generating content that resonated with these elements.

The process also included continuous analysis, testing, and optimization of the creatives, coupled with collaborative brainstorming sessions with top creators to keep the content fresh and engaging.

case study tiktok

The results of this strategic approach were outstanding.

The campaign achieved over 100,000 app installs per month, demonstrating the effectiveness of leveraging TikTok Ads with a focus on genuine UGC.

Most notably, there was a remarkable 75% reduction in the cost per acquisition across all major paid media platforms used in the campaign and an 83% CPA decrease on TikTok.

5. Use TikTok UGC

Building a content library with user-generated content on TikTok is an excellent growth strategy.

The first step entails engaging customers and creating a community where they can share product experiences and participate in challenges, fostering a sense of belonging and validation.

Remember: Collaborate with influencers who resonate with your target audience and have a high engagement rate.

Authenticity and relatability in content significantly enhance trust and social proof, potentially leading to FOMO and increased desire for your products.

Encouraging content that aligns with your audience's interests without being overly promotional creates a more organic and effective marketing approach.

Insider tip: We advise our clients who want to create successful UGC campaigns to carefully select influencers who reflect their audience's demographics and interests, personalize pitches to potential collaborators, and clearly define content goals and expectations.

Besides, focus on evaluating content effectiveness.

This should go beyond superficial engagement metrics to include conversion rates, ensuring that the UGC not only garners attention but also drives sales.

You should also repurpose your TikTok UGC to grow your brand on other channels.

Incorporating influencer content into your broader marketing strategy, such as social media, email marketing, and your website, requires a thoughtful content calendar and a strategic approach to repurposing TikTok videos.

Using tools like inBeat can streamline the process, saving time and enhancing the efficiency of your UGC marketing efforts, ultimately keeping your brand relevant and encouraging purchases.

Case Study Break: Hopper

inBeat Agency tackled the challenge of ad fatigue on TikTok for the travel app Hopper by strategically scaling UGC for their ads.

Ad fatigue which typically leads to increased CPAs. The solution involved establishing a scalable content creation process that enabled Hopper to collaborate with top-performing creators on the platform.

This approach ensured a continuous supply of authentic and engaging creatives that resonated well with the TikTok audience.

By leveraging UGC, Hopper maintained fresh and relatable ad content, effectively driving down CPAs and circumventing ad fatigue.

The result was a stream of ongoing, high-performing creatives that contributed significantly to Hopper's advertising success on TikTok.

case study tiktok

6. Focus on a Niche

Focusing on a niche is a pivotal TikTok growth strategy that involves tailoring content to cater to a specific audience segment with particular interests or needs.

This approach helps content creators or brands establish themselves as authorities or go-to sources in a specific domain, leading to a more engaged and loyal follower base.

Content consistently themed around a niche resonates more deeply with viewers who share an interest in that topic.

This resonance increases the likelihood of content being shared, commented on, and liked, which are key factors in TikTok's algorithm for promoting content to a wider audience.

Insider tip: At inBeat, we found that niche-focused content faces less competition than broader categories, making it easier to stand out and get noticed.

Besides, focusing on a niche makes brainstorming and producing content easier, as you become deeply familiar with the subject matter and your audience’s preferences.

This familiarity breeds creativity and authenticity, critical for maintaining viewer interest and engagement over time.

7. Use TikTok Pro Analytics

Using TikTok Pro Analytics is a strategic move for anyone looking to grow on the platform because it offers invaluable insights into your account's performance.

With this tool, you can dive deep into your content's reach, engagement rates, and viewer demographics, enabling you to understand what works and what doesn't.

This data-driven approach entails optimizing your content strategy by tailoring your videos to your audience's preferences, posting at optimal times, and more effectively leveraging trending topics.

Thus, TikTok Pro’s excellent insights into the minds of your consumers allow you to adjust your video content strategy according to your marketing goals.

An example of the TikTok Analytics tool.

Pro tip: To simplify the process of tracking your campaign, you can use an online tool, such as the influencer tracking software .

case study tiktok

Case Study Break: NYC Votes

For the NYC Votes campaign, inBeat Agency harnessed the power of TikTok analytics to craft a targeted campaign to engage young voters, a demographic increasingly difficult to reach via traditional marketing channels.

Recognizing this group's diverse interests and backgrounds, inBeat strategically collaborated with various influencers, each bringing their unique perspective to discuss the importance of voting in formats that naturally resonated with TikTok users.

The usage of TikTok analytics was crucial in this process.

By analyzing data on user engagement, content preferences, and viewing habits, inBeat could identify content themes and influencers that would most effectively capture the attention of young voters on the platform.

This data-driven approach ensured the content was relevant, engaging, and optimized for maximum reach and impact within the TikTok ecosystem.

case study tiktok

Results: The average view time for the content was an engaging 10 seconds, indicating that the messages were captivating enough to hold viewers' attention.

Overall, the campaign amassed a remarkable 2.5 million views, with 56% of users watching more than half of the content.

8. Leverage TikTok Trends

Leveraging TikTok trends is a solid growth strategy for brands because it taps into the current cultural zeitgeist, ensuring content resonates with a broad audience.

Trends on TikTok typically go viral, offering a unique opportunity to increase your visibility and engagement quickly.

By participating in these trends, you can showcase your adaptability and relevance, connecting with users in a fun and relatable way.

This enhances brand recognition and fosters a sense of community and belonging among viewers.

Consequently, using TikTok trends can significantly amplify your brand's reach and appeal on the platform.

inBeat creators frequently use trends to relate to their audience.

Here’s a neat example from the NYC Votes campaign above, leveraging the “joke is on you” music trend:

case study tiktok

Pro tip: Find a trend that:

  • Suits your values and personality
  • Fits your brand
  • Lets you show your uniqueness

9. Focus on Creating Engagement

Creating engagement on TikTok guarantees that people who’ve accidentally discovered your videos will come back for more, which helps grow your brand.

Also, they’ll share those viral videos or even use them as a starting point to create their own content.

You can create engagement by:

  • Using a theme that’s easy to recognize
  • Linking “episodes” to keep your audience coming back
  • Responding to comments on your profile
  • Engaging with other content creators on their profiles

One of inBeat’s clients, Linktree, offers a neat example again by partnering with highly engaging influencers: it's about time @Tiara Willis ♬ original sound - Linktree

10. Post Frequently

More posts attract a larger audience, so posting frequently embodies the very definition of a solid growth strategy.

The problem is you can easily slack off posting regularly.

The solution is planning a rigorous schedule.

Thus, take the time one day per week to shoot and edit a set of TikTok videos.

Then, post these videos for the rest of the week to keep your audience coming back for more.

  • Don’t get discouraged if your first few videos don’t get a lot of views. Keep at it diligently, and your time to shine will come.
  • Don’t delete old content. One of your old videos can hit the FYP page and go viral anytime. That’s TikTok’s algorithm for you—the more outstanding content you post, the more chances your old videos have of getting viral.
  • Use exciting video titles to catch people’s attention. However, remember that your content should be quality. Intriguing titles paired with poor content can dispel your audience quickly.

11. Use Hashtags

Using suitable hashtags will get you TikTok famous because people usually try to watch everything related to a specific topic they like.

And that will help you grow your TikTok audience.

  • Check out the trending hashtags using the suggestion tool. All you have to do is click #, and you’ll get many suggestions.
  • Start with hashtags that fit your niche and values.
  • Include relevant hashtags on your video captions to attract more potential followers and to show TikTok’s algorithm what you’re about.
  • Use branded hashtags to reflect your audience’s subculture and build your audience.

12. Use The Right Sound and Music

If you’re a musician, use your original tunes on TikTok.

Needless to say, you should select the best 15 seconds from your best soundtracks if you’re going down this road.

If you want to use your music in videos without soundtracks, download some royalty-free stock tracks from websites like Videvo and experiment with blending them together!

Otherwise, consider using trending songs or even hiring an in-house musician.

Hint: It’s not a coincidence that many popular songs are also popular on TikTok.

This platform is in cahoots with the music industry, and many record labels push specific songs on TikTok.

So all you have to do is jump on a famous song wagon to grow your brand on TikTok.

Here’s how to find a tune that works:

  • Open TikTok video editor
  • Tap on the plus icon
  • Select “sounds”
  • Check out what’s now famous on TikTok

Pro tip: If you want to be super-specific and choose a popular song with your audience, get TikTok Pro .

This account type has an Analytics tab in your Followers section that tells you what your potential customers listen to.

13. Make a Duet with an Influencer or Loyal Follower

Making a duet with another TikToker — maybe a famous one or one of your most talented audience members — helps you leverage their engaged audience to grow your visibility on TikTok.

This strategy:

  • Increases your organic visibility
  • Shows off your skills/values
  • Brings more interaction between you and your audience
  • Increases brand engagement

14. Post at the Right Time

If you want to draw more people to your TikTok profile, post when your audience is online.

Timing is essential because it increases your visibility.

If you have that TikTok Pro Account we mentioned earlier, the Analytics section will help you find:

  • Where your audience is from
  • When your potential customers/viewers are on TikTok (days and peak times of day)

Although this data is only for the past four weeks, you can still gain a lot of insight into your audience’s patterns.

Pro tip: This Analytics tab will also show you your posts’ performance for the last week. That info allows you to adjust your strategy to get better results.

Screenshots showing TikTok Analytics, a great marketing tool to reach more people on TikTok.

15. Leverage Cross-Promotion on Other Marketing Channels

Using other platforms is essential because:

  • Most TikTok-ers are Gen Z
  • Research shows that 71% of Gen-Z-ers are on Instagram, and 65% are on Snapchat

And, regardless of who your audience is, chances that they’re only using TikTok are very slim.

Targeting these potential customers on all the social platforms they’re using:

  • Enhances your visibility
  • Keeps you top of mind
  • Allows you to engage with your audience in unique ways
  • Increases your chances of making a sale

Here’s how to go about cross-promotion:

  • Use Instagram Reels, aka Instagram’s version of TikTok.
  • Remove the TikTok watermark from that video, or else Instagram won’t promote it to your Instagram followers.
  • Use the Instagram Reels Explore Tab to access a new audience.
  • Post your snippets on other social media channels and all of your websites.
  • If you’re doing e-mail marketing, you can include these videos and a suitable CTA in your e-mails.
  • Leverage IG Reels editing apps to make more engaging videos for your post.

16. Use Branded TikTok Ads

Using TikTok ads is a great growth strategy for brands due to the platform's vast, diverse user base and highly engaging content format.

TikTok's sophisticated algorithm ensures ads reach highly targeted audiences, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

In fact, setting up TikTok Ads gives you access to a worldwide audience and useful ad management tools.

These tools allow you to:

  • Select a specific target
  • See the people who already know you and have interacted with you
  • Create professional ads
  • Get detailed reports

With various ad formats available, you can creatively showcase your products or services, making your message more appealing and memorable.

Additionally, TikTok's interactive features, such as hashtags and challenges, can amplify your ad campaigns, encouraging user participation and viral sharing.

This makes TikTok ads an effective tool for boosting brand visibility, driving traffic, and achieving substantial growth.

Warning: These TikTok ad options range from $25k to $50k per day.

17. Use CTAs

Incorporating clear calls-to-action in your TikTok content is a powerful growth strategy for your brand.

CTAs guide your audience on what steps to take next, whether visiting your website, following your account or checking out a new product.

This direct approach can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

Using CTAs effectively turns passive viewers into active participants, encouraging them to interact with your brand beyond just watching a video.

This boosts your TikTok presence and drives tangible results, such as increased website traffic, higher follower counts, and more sales, contributing to your overall brand growth.

So, end your videos with mobilizing and inspiring CTAs that will nudge your TikTok viewers in the right direction.

Also, include that CTA in your video’s caption to ask people to:

  • Tag their friends
  • Share your videos
  • Re-create your challenge
  • Take part in your contests/giveaways

18. Make a Solid Plan to Go Viral on TikTok

To make TikTok videos go viral, you must navigate a series of strategic steps, understanding that there's no guaranteed formula for virality.

As always, we advise our clients to begin with a deep understanding of TikTok's dynamics, including spending time on the platform to analyze popular content and recognize patterns contributing to their success.

Pro tip: TikTok suggests that the optimal length for in-feed ads is 9-15 seconds, urging creators to distill their music into captivating snippets that encourage repetitive listening.

We also found that choosing the right digital distributor is crucial, especially one that collaborates with TikTok, to ensure your music gets the platform exposure it deserves.

Besides, creating an easy, entertaining, and replicable challenge can significantly boost engagement, aided by a catchy hashtag that links your track to the challenge forever.

Pro tip: Localizing content to reflect regional humor or landmarks can also endear you to a local audience, serving as a springboard for broader recognition.

Of course, understanding your audience is vital to tailor content that resonates with their interests and values, and selecting influencers who align with your audience can amplify your reach.

Pro-tip for musicians looking to go viral on TikTok:

Your TikTok strategy should ultimately funnel your audience to platforms where your music is sold, like Spotify or Instagram, building a community that not only engages with your TikTok content but also supports your broader artistic endeavors.

Incorporating elements that encourage user interaction, such as dance routines or TikTok's collaboration tools like Duets and Challenges, can foster community participation.

Case Study Break: Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime creates engaging content that’s easy to meme-fy and stitch.

Here’s a neat example:

@mckenzibrooke #stitch with @amazonprimevideo I think he scared my dog... LMAO 😱😅 #primevideo #withoutremorse #ad ♬ original sound - McKenzi Brooke

Amazon Prime’s initial clip sparks curiosity about the unfolding events, prompting users to use the Stitch feature to continue the scene creatively through their own interpretations and performances.

19. Monetize Your Music on TikTok

According to Business Insider , you can make money from music on TikTok because most TikTokers search the songs they originally heard on this platform.

That’s why many marketers thought to leverage this tendency by:

  • Hiring influencers to promote songs
  • Signing song promo deals that earn users four-figure sums/video
  • Creating user-generated promo trends

Warning: You can apply some rules, but you can’t predict with 100% accuracy which video will become the next big thing on TikTok.

So, if you want to sell your music using this platform, you need to:

  • Hire the right influencers. inBeat can help you with that, thanks to our experience in the field. You can join arrange a free online meeting to discuss your strategy or even try out the influencer database at no cost to see if it’d make a good fit for your needs.
  • Leave plenty of room for experimentation. If you plan on hiring influencers, it’s best to give them more freedom to play with your content than on any other platform. Influencers are very creative people and have many insights into their niche, essential for turning specific content viral.
  • Use the platform early on. Incorporate TikTok straight from the first steps of your creative process. Take the example of Tiagz , the Canadian rapper with a staggering 4.2 million audience. His songs are so successful because they include references to TikTok’s most popular trends and memes.

Pro tip: If you decide to use influencers to sell your music on TikTok, choose micro or nano-influencers .

The platform has already become over-saturated, so it’s better not to throw the big bucks at a premium celebrity.

Instead, working with many micro-influencers will help you cast a wider net to reach millions of views at a minimal cost.

20. Leverage TikTok SEO

Using SEO to boost your TikTok content is essential for visibility and discoverability.

For example, incorporating relevant keywords into your captions, hashtags, and video descriptions makes it easier for users interested in those topics to find your content.

This targeted approach helps you attract an audience genuinely interested in your brand or niche, enhancing engagement and fostering a loyal community.

Besides, strategically using keywords means you're effectively speaking the language of your desired audience, ensuring your content resonates and stands out amid the vast sea of TikTok videos.

Here’s how we advise our clients to use keywords effectively on TikTok:

  • Start by researching trending terms within your niche and the interests of your target audience.
  • Incorporate these keywords naturally into your video captions, descriptions, and hashtags, ensuring they align with your videos' content.
  • Use a mix of broad and niche-specific keywords to cast a wide net while also targeting specific segments.
  • Monitor the performance of your content to identify which keywords drive the most engagement and refine your strategy accordingly.

Remember: The goal is to integrate these keywords seamlessly so your content remains relatable and engaging while being easily discoverable by those most likely to appreciate it.

To promote the Greenpark app, inBeat’s influencers used certain keywords, such as “sports fans,” “sports bar on your phone,” and “Greenpark sports app.”

case study tiktok

Kickstart Your TikTok Growth Strategy

Embarking on your TikTok growth journey can be both exciting and daunting.

Equipped with those insights and strategies — ranging from our in-house case studies to expert tips — never have you been better prepared to dive into this vibrant platform.

The base of any successful TikTok campaign is authenticity and being creative in respect of your approach, keeping the knowledge of your audience well in mind.

If you want to clear a path toward TikTok success, look no further than our TikTok influencer database — inBeat.

Offering a wide range of services aimed at pairing you with the perfect voices to put your brand in front of millions, inBeat is the ultimate influencer discovery platform.

If you are looking for one place where you can get a holistic growth strategy, then our TikTok marketing agency is your go-to partner, helping you from A-Z in making a TikTok presence that will resonate, engage, and convert.

Let's turn your TikTok aspirations into tangible results together.

inBeat, for free

Get your influencer campaign started..

16 Successful TikTok Case Studies [+ Actionable Takeaways]

Ever wonder if TikTok helps with a company’s revenue growth? Check out these 16 TikTok case studies that show why the answer is often yes!

Aana Leech

TikTok is well-known for producing influencers who make it big, and creating lucrative personal brands. But beyond influencers, the platform presents a huge opportunity for well-established brands to grow revenue. In this blog, we’ll cover 16 marketing case studies where brands saw success from leveraging TikTok.

TikTok influencer video

In 2021, KFC wanted to bring their chicken sandwich advertising campaign to a wider audience. To make this happen, they focused the bulk of their campaign on two TopView ads, or sponsored videos that TikTok users see when they first open the app. They partnered with prominent TikTok creators to use fun music, dance, and Colonel Sanders impersonations to grab attention. The campaign brought in a whopping 221 million video views for KFC, an engagement rate of 9.3%, and a TopView click-through rate of 13.8%, according to TikTok for Business . The brand also saw a 24.7% increase in ad recall rate, which was part of the significant growth in sandwich sales — even selling out in some locations.

KFC TikTok Video Example

Actionable Takeaway

Partner with already-established TikTokers: Finding influencers who already have a prominent following is key for any large brand, and can help boost your return on investment (ROI) . Though KFC is practically a household name, partnering with smaller-scale content creators worked to their advantage — it allowed them to tap into the trust that smaller influencers have with their followers.

Crumbl, a cookie business best known for their ever-changing menu, releases new flavors every Sunday. To build awareness and excitement, they used Spark Ads to help accomplish their goal of hitting 1 million followers on TikTok, which allows brands to boost their own organic posts.They made their product the star of the show by releasing behind-the-scenes videos of how their cookies are made. Crumbl also capitalized on the highly effective use of hashtags. #Crumblreview and #tasteweekly were the brand’s top hashtags, with #crumblreview alone netting over 231 million views.

Crumbl TikTok Video Example

Sticking to the basics can work: Crumbl kept it simple with short, snappy videos and hashtags. The brand hit its 1 million follower mark quickly — then upped its goal to 2 million and also achieved that milestone during the two-month campaign.

Long known as a technology leader, HP’s most recent goal is to become the most sustainable technology company. One large part of this goal includes reducing plastics, so to get the word out about the new initiative, HP turned to TikTok to amplify their message. HP’s main strategy for its TikTok campaign leaned on partnerships with TikTok creators to promote the #HPRadicalResuse hashtag challenge. The videos posted by HP’s partners showed ways that we all can reuse in our everyday lives. In addition to the influencer partnerships, HP tapped into One Day Max In-Feed Ads to increase the reach of its campaign. This ultimately brought in 38 million impressions and more than 36 million video views in a single day. The brand also utilized Reach & Frequency Spark Ads to ensure that TikTok users were seeing the videos through the campaign. Find out more about getting started with TikTok ads .

HP TikTok Video Example

Social issues can be successful: In today’s world, consumers want to support brands that align with their personal values. Through this campaign, HP showed the world that it could do just that. After the campaign, HP’s brand favorability increased by 1.9%.

With the goal of tapping into adult snackers’ nostalgia, Goldfish used TikTok to re-engage long-time fans. The brand came up with the #GoForTheHandful hashtag challenge. Similar to HP, Goldfish capitalized on TikTokers’ love of challenges, but made it more competitive by encouraging its user base to see how many Goldfish crackers they could fit in their hand at one time. Best of all, the winner got to take home a year’s worth of Goldfish. Goldfish partnered with TikTok influencers as well as NBA basketball player Boban Marjanovic — who has the largest hands in NBA history — to spread the word and build hype. The brand also used a hashtag emoji challenge by including the bright orange goldfish emoji alongside the hashtag.Another successful element of this campaign was Goldfish’s use of a separate challenge page called @goldfishsmiles, which included all the information about the contest. Finally, the brand ran television ads, as well as ads on other platforms, to promote the #GoForTheHandful challenge.

Goldfish TikTok Video Example

Cross-promote your campaign: For a brand as big as Goldfish, laying down the dollars to expand its reach probably wasn’t an issue. But even if your brand doesn’t have a ton of funds to dedicate to ads or celebrity features, think about creative ways to expand your campaign beyond a single social media platform. This strategy helped Goldfish see a post-campaign brand lift of 19.2%.

Lawn-care company Scotts may already have a worldwide following, but the brand wanted to expand its audience to include more young people. So, it turned to TikTok by adapting a Super Bowl campaign for the platform. Using a hashtag challenge alongside a TikTok-adapted commercial featuring John Travolta, Scotts rolled out a contest that encouraged TikTokers to get outside and think about their lawns. The brand incorporated the Scotts Slide — a dance that Travolta and his daughter Ella performed during a Super Bowl commercial — as part of the TikTok challenge, using the hashtag #DoTheScottsSlide. In two days, the hashtag saw 2 billion video views, and 1.4 million TikTok users had created videos for the campaign.

Scotts TikTok Video Example

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel: If you have a campaign that worked, stick with it! #DoTheScottsSlide is a great example of how any brand can take a successful campaign and adapt it to a different platform.

Morning Brew

In an effort to boost its number of quality subscribers, subscription-based media company Morning Brew tried its first paid TikTok campaign utilizing Spark Ads.Morning Brew stuck to the basics by partnering with a TikTok influencer who created a video that was 80% native TikTok skit and 20% call to action that aligned with Morning Brew’s message. This ratio gave the TikTok creator more control and creativity than many other brand partnerships. The campaign was successful, beating its target CPA by 60%. TikTok for Business reports that, “Morning Brew [also] gained 70,000 registration subscribers and reached 23 million impressions on TikTok.”

Morning Brew Scotts TikTok Video Example

Give influencers creativity and autonomy: When utilizing influencer marketing, let creators be creative — after all, it’s in their job title! Allowing creators (a reasonable amount of) autonomy ensures that the content is relatable and feels authentic to their audience, which makes their followers more likely to consider using the brand they’re promoting.

To drive brand awareness and reach with a focus on a young, multicultural audience, McDonald’s used it’s already-established TikTok community to help push customers into its stores. The campaign focused on posting up-close shots of McDonald’s food offerings — previously used in TV ads — paired with a voiceover and layover text. McDonald’s used Auction In-Feed Ads on TikTok , which helped the brand to target audience members who watched a two-second video from another campaign. The ad had over 45 million impressions.The brand also leveraged TikTok’s partnership with OpenSlate, which gives brands greater control over their ad placement.

McDonald's Scotts TikTok Video Example

Keep brand safety in mind: When running ads on social media, you’ll want to think about where exactly your ad is being run. TikTok’s OpenSlate partnership helped McDonald’s to target their desired audience without having to worry about whether or not their ad would show up alongside content that didn’t align with their brand.

Online thrift shop Goodfair is best known for their creating mystery bundles — boxes of pre-loved clothing that’s chosen based on a theme. The brand already has a solid following of more than 400,000 followers on TikTok, but was seeking to drive more conversions on its website.Goodfair leaned heavily on organic strategies like leveraging user-generated content, as well as boosting unboxing videos by their employees. Coupling this with In-Feed Ads, Goodfair was able to accomplish its goal of providing behind-the-scenes TikTok content, as well as educational content, surrounding ethical fashion. The campaign helped the brand decrease its TikTok cost per click (CPC) by over 15% and increase its click-through rate (CTR) by over 87%.  

Goodfair TikTok Video Example

Boost your credibility: Goodfair’s brand is all about decreasing the consumption of fast fashion across generations. By focusing videos on educating followers about the fast fashion industry, the brand continued to build its expertise and gained trust among its customers.

Little Caesars

Well-known national pizza chain Little Caesars saw an opportunity with TikTok when it launched its Stuffed Crazy Bread in mid-2020. To get people talking, the brand partnered with 13 TikTok creators for an influencer marketing campaign. The premise was for the influencers to demonstrate the unique way they #GoCrazy after taking a bite of Little Caesars’ new Stuffed Crazy Bread. Influencers featured in the campaign included Olympian Gabby Douglas, the McFarland Family, and Nathan Davis Jr. Using a combination of paid and organic strategies, Little Caesars wanted to show up organically in TikTok users’ “For You” pages as much as possible. To help make this possible, the brand allowed their partners total creative freedom to shoot the video however they wanted. Interestingly enough, this choice revealed that popular TikTok families saw higher CTRs than celebrities.

Little Caesars TikTok Video Example

Family creators can be a great partnership to boost CTR: Because Little Caesars worked with a diverse group of influencers, the brand was able to see what types of creators performed best. While most people would expect A-list celebrities and athletes to garner the most action, for Little Caesars, the McFarlands and Nathan Davis Jr. (with his mom) performed the best. This may be something to keep in mind when you’re searching for influencers to work with your brand.

EBay has always been a place for popular and rare sneakers, but in 2021, the ecommerce brand created a TikTok campaign to draw in younger generations of sneakerheads (millennials and Gen Zers). Along with the help of a marketing agency, eBay launched this campaign to “celebrate the deep connections between sneaker culture, music, and dance,” according to TikTok for Business . EBay’s campaign included a branded hashtag challenge using a custom song that featured the lyrics, “got my sneaks on eBay” and the hashtag #LaceEmUp. To round out the campaign, the brand partnered with eight TikTok influencers to create videos using the custom song and hashtag, and then put some dollars behind the videos to amplify the reach.Following the campaign, eBay reported positive user sentiment with many sharing they would use eBay to look for sneakers in the future. The #LaceEmUp challenge also inspired over 500,000 people to create TikTok videos.

eBay TikTok Video Example

Use music to stand out: TikTok is known for its music and dances, so why not capitalize on that by creating a tune specific to your brand’s campaign? This marketing strategy proved highly effective for eBay’s #LaceEmUp campaign, and encouraged a younger generation of sneakerheads to consider using eBay.

Known for its sleeping bags and jackets, Moncler has become a highly sought-after brand for those seeking fashionable warmth. The brand tapped into TikTok to promote its various collections, as well as drive new followers to its TikTok page.. The brand used rapper Ty Dolla $ign’s hit track “Bubble” to launch the #MonclerBubbleUp challenge, which encouraged TikTokers to create looks using household items that resembled Moncler’s famous jackets. The campaign was launched worldwide, which included paid TikTok ads in Italy and France, and brought in 7 billion views, which led to 170,000 new followers for Moncler.

Moncler TikTok Video Example

If you have a worldwide audience, capitalize on it: Right out of the gate, Moncler was able to reach a worldwide audience by investing in paid ads in Europe and collaborating with TikTok creators in the U.S. and the U.K. As explained by TikTok for Business, “The challenge shattered benchmarks, exceeding expectations and reaching new users from across the globe.”

Many people over the age of 25 may remember the Mucinex commercials with the infamous Mr. Mucus, but the brand identified that Gen Z wasn’t as familiar. Mucinex launched a TikTok campaign to promote its Nightshift product line, specifically targeting Gen Z. Mucinex created a 360-degree campaign that included a #BeatTheZombieFunk branded hashtag challenge, collaborations with TikTok influencers, a Branded Effect that featured a dancing Mr. Mucus, and a sweepstakes surrounding the Zombie Funk dance. The campaign only ran for only nine days, but more than 500,000 TikTokers joined in. As a result, the campaign earned Mucinex almost 6 billion views .

Mucinex TikTok Video Example

Always keep your target audience in mind: Through the #BeatTheZombieFunk campaign, Mucinex shows us that even an older well-established brand can relate to the youngest of customers by utilizing all that TikTok has to offer. If you want to branch out and target a new audience, go where that audience goes and adapt to the platform — in this case, TikTok.

Fast-food chain Chipotle noticed its name was being dropped left and right on TikTok and decided to capitalize on it by creating its official business TikTok account in 2018. Unlike other brands, Chipotle keeps it casual on TikTok by sharing content that has a distinctly low-key and down-to-earth feel. The brand has run two branded hashtag challenges to further engage its audience, but relies heavily on comedy sketches and reposting fan content. Since Chipotle’s TikTok debut, they have gained over 1.3 million followers and over 20 million likes on their 100+ videos .

Chipotle TikTok Video Example

Listen to your online community: Regardless of the size of your brand, it’s vital to keep an eye on what people are saying about you online. Follow hashtags related to your brand, and set up Google Alerts to make this process easier. Many times, the best ideas can come from your fans — which can even save you money along the way.

Grooming tool company Manscaped was one of the first companies to utilize the self-service tools provided by TikTok back in 2019. With TikTok, they saw an opportunity to get the word out about their brand while keeping their budget low. Spending as little as possible, Manscaped focused on frequent educational and creative videos surrounding grooming hygiene and boosted these videos through In-Feed ads. The brand pushed more money into campaigns surrounding their products, the Lawnmower 2.0 and Lawnmower 3.0, around holidays like Father’s Day, the Fourth of July, Black Friday, and Christmas.

Manscaped TikTok Video Example

You don’t need to spend a lot to see results: Manscaped saw impressive cost efficiency from a CPM perspective, according to TikTok for Business . Even though the investment was small, the brand gained 151 million impressions using creative, always-on strategies. Discover more must-read TikTok strategy tips here.

As a leading dating app, Bumble approached TikTok marketing and advertising with the goal of increasing app downloads. Their strategy focused heavily on leaning into authenticity, which showed success in the past. Bumble partnered with TikTok influencers — each with multi-million user followings — to produce and share creative, native-looking ads. This supported the brand’s already-established trustworthy and relatable reputation. This simple, yet effective technique, along with putting some money behind videos for In-Feed Ads, resulted in a “5x increase in app install volume since the start of Bumble’s TikTok program while achieving a 64% decrease in cost-per-registration,” as TikTok for Business reports.

Bumble TikTok Video Example

Don’t make ads, make TikToks: Traditional digital marketing and advertising techniques don’t work on TikTok, mainly because users can tell they are ads. That’s where the mantra “Don’t make ads, make TikToks” comes in. Simply put, if you want to be successful on TikTok, create your brand’s content with authenticity and relatability in mind.

Even the most chic brands are joining TikTok in droves. Fashion brand Fendi created its TikTok channel to help build their Gen Z follower base. Fendi approached their promotion by running five In-Feed ads upon its TikTok profile launch. The campaign was called "F is for..." and each of the five ads corresponded to a different one of Fendi’s core values: family, fearlessness, freedom, friendship, and the future.From just five ads, Fendi saw an initial wave of 15,000 new followers as well as an average CTR that outperformed its benchmark by over 158% .

Fendi Fendi TikTok Video Example

Simplicity can be highly effective: Fendi proved that utilizing an already-established aspect of your brand — like your company values — and focusing on a limited number of high-quality ads can be extremely effective.

Looking To Add Your Company to This List? From Popular Pays Can Help!

If you’re feeling inspired to plan your brand’s next (or first-ever!) TikTok influencer marketing campaign, check out From Popular Pays — where you can connect, collaborate, and track your work with influencers all in one place. Find TikTok influencers and learn about how From Popular Pays can take your influencer marketing to the next level.

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12 Examples of Influencer Marketing on TikTok (Case Studies)

Influencer Marketing Hub

We’ve written many times recently about how TikTok is now one of the fastest growing apps. Indeed there have been times when it has held the top position for non-gaming apps in Apple’s iOS Store. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that many brands have now shifted a portion of their influencer marketing to the short video platform.

Generation Z, in particular, has flocked to TikTok. Therefore it is a natural place for brands that target the youth demographic to market. As we write about in our 50 TikTok Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind , TikTok enjoys higher engagement rates than either Instagram or Twitter. This makes it ideal for influencer marketing.

Here are some great examples of brands that have realized the potential TikTok has to offer, helping them reach their target audiences.

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TikTok Success Stories: 9 Small Businesses That Went Viral

Want to be the next brand to go viral on TikTok? Here are nine inspiring TikTok success stories to help you take your small business to the next level.

case study tiktok

For many small businesses, social media is the best way to grow an audience and reach new customers—and TikTok is quickly becoming a favorite! Savvy entrepreneurs will find a lot to love about the video-sharing platform, and for some, it's been huge in taking their business to the next level. 

TikTok success stories are now abundant on the app, and those success stories are excellent models to help growing businesses succeed on TikTok.

Why is TikTok so good for small businesses?

Inspiring tiktok success stories, dasha derkach, enchanted scrunch.

  • Andrea Osstifin, Peachy BBs Slime

Sana and Will Saleh, Lala Hijabs

Chioma ngwudo, ceecee’s closet nyc, kyle hinds, noble leather co..

  • Natalie Rogers, Klassy Network

Matthew Crosthwaite, Ya Boy Chamoy

Pierce woodward, brand pierre, jamal hejazi, candy funhouse, turning your brand into a tiktok success story.

There are several reasons why TikTok is so great for small businesses . Firstly, the app’s unique discovery algorithm learns what you like over time—meaning that the more you engage with its content through the For You page (watch, like, share, comment), the more of that content you will see.

This is fantastic for small businesses because the app will most likely share your content with people who are going to be interested in your brand and content. Regardless of how many followers you have or how new your business is, every TikTok video has the ability to go viral. 

Connect with shoppers on TikTok

Shopify comes with powerful tools to help you tell your brand story and create TikTok in-feed ads in minutes. Make sales on TikTok and manage all your orders, returns, and payments from Shopify.

If you want to reach a younger demographic, TikTok should be made a priority in your social media strategy. While Boomers and Millennials historically lean towards Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, Gen Z are the original adopters and most prominent TikTok users. They value authenticity and creativity and are more likely to support small business accounts that foster community and speak their language.

While many businesses use TikTok in their marketing, a handful of some TikTok case studies have really taken off, thanks to the app. These nine success stories are all examples of how TikTok can make all the difference to your social media strategy. 

Founder Dasha Derkach began her business, Enchanted Scrunch , a year ago because she wanted to provide a bigger, better variety of scrunchie designs. After initially promoting through Instagram, she started posting on TikTok.

“It was two months later, [the video] got 15k views, and I got 10 orders that first day! From then on, I got more and more views over time, reaching even 3 million views on a video.” 

 Since then, TikTok has become Dasha’s main marketing tool, and around 90% of her overall sales are now made through the video-sharing platform, with a further 10% coming from Instagram and Pinterest.

“It has significantly boosted our sales. Before TikTok, we got around two orders a week, then once we started around 100 a week, now we also do TikTok Lives nearly every day and get almost 500 orders a week!”

In the year since launching Enchanted Scrunch on TikTok, Dasha’s oversized and unique scrunchie brand is now a six-figure company with over 170k followers.

Andrea O., Peachy BBs Slime

Slime shops are everywhere on TikTok, but few have blown up like Peachy BBs. With the main account boasting 4.7 million followers (and a side account with over a million), Andrea and her small team have mastered the art of the TikTok slime account.

This has been especially true ever since Kim and North Kardashian started sharing videos of Andrea’s slimes on her Instagram! That’s PR that most small businesses dream of.

Like many people, Sana and Will Saleh started Lala Hijabs after losing their jobs during the pandemic—and like everyone else in quarantine, decided to join TikTok. The couple began designing cute tie-dyed hijabs just for fun and sharing them on the app—and before they knew it, they were blowing up.

“When people began asking where we got [the hijabs] from, we decided to hype up the business before we even began forming it—and people loved it and anticipated the huge launch!”

Overnight and with one viral video, the Saleh’s gained over 50k followers and one million views, so the couple decided to use their life savings to launch Lala Hijabs – and use TikTok as their main source of marketing.  

The family-owned business posts lots of behind-the-scenes content as well as hijab tutorials and product launches, and since launching has now over 144k followers and 4.2 million likes, with 60% of its sales coming through the app. 

“Anytime we have a new launch or product to showcase, the first place we show it is on TikTok—and absolutely LOVE the response we get from our audience. It grows our following and awareness for our brand every day.”

Self-made CEO, speaker, coach, headwrap connoisseur, and co-founder, NYC-based Chioma Ngwudo is on a mission to inspire and celebrate Black women and African culture through her fashion and beauty brand CeeCee’s Closet NYC .

Together with her sister and creative director Uchenna, the company designs all their unique, colorful African-inspired items in partnership with artisan creators in Nigeria. From head wraps to waist beads and body care products, CeeCee’s Closet NYC are making African fashion and beauty accessible—all while placing equity at the forefront of their business model. 

 Chioma predominantly uses her TikTok account to educate and showcase—especially with products not as widely available in the United States, such as African exfoliating nets and skin care products created specifically for Black and Brown skin. As of writing, CeeCee’s Closet NYC has over 158k followers and almost 4 million likes.

“I believe with social media we’ve seen a real resurgence and interest in African cultures and things that are associated with the African experience and diaspora,” Chioma told Browned 2 Perfection Agency back in January. “Social media has been a huge tool for us. We’ve been expanding more on TikTok and Pinterest. Also, we use email marketing and text lists to keep our customers up to date.”

With 1.5 million followers and counting, the self-proclaimed CEO of #LeatherTok, Kyle Hinds has created a successful brand creating handmade leather wallets and belts from his studio in Ontario, Canada.  

 Kyle started Noble Leather Co. in 2018 after discovering the leather aisle of an art supply store and learning his craft through YouTube videos. Since then, he has crafted countless leather items and uses his TikTok account to showcase his workmanship, leaning into trends such as ASMR and #OddlySatisfying to help his TikTok go viral on the app.

His most successful TikTok—the one that started it all—has almost 30 million views and shows Kyle making one of his famous belts from scratch in his studio. His videos regularly get over a million views each. 

Natalie Rogers, Klassy Network 

Founder Natalie Rogers started Klassy Network in 2019 when she wanted a stylish top to wear without a bra. She was unable to find any she liked with built-in padding, so she decided to make her own. Like many innovative small businesses, Natalie noticed a gap in the market—which was confirmed after her idea took off in 2020 when a video of her “halter brami” went viral on both TikTok and Instagram.

In the years since, Klassy Network has been bringing stylish bra tops, bodysuits, and bramis (a cross between a bra and a camisole) to women worldwide—many of whom discover her designs through her TikTok, which has almost half a million followers. Her Instagram has also been hugely important in scaling her business . But, a true TikTok success story, it’s the app where she’s seen the fastest growth.

Klassy Network is now a six-figure business. Natalie posts videos almost daily showcasing her “fun and functional” items through #GRWM (get ready with me) videos, behind-the-scenes insights into the company, and other inspirational content to inspire and empower women.

One of the many reasons why TikTok is becoming the go-to social channel for small businesses is that it’s great for introducing users to new foods and cultures. This is definitely the case for candy business Ya Boy Chamoy . 

The California-based business started as a hobby but took off after their videos began to go viral on TikTok. Matthew Crostwaite and his partner run the company, which now has over a million followers on the app, making and selling candy soaked in their special secret Mexican chamoy sauce—a recipe passed down from Matthew’s grandmother. 

 The combination of candy and chamoy is popular in Mexico—known as dulces enchilados—and the video-sharing platform has allowed the idea to be introduced to thousands outside of the Latin community and helped Ya Boy Chamoy to grow from a hobby to a successful e-commerce store .

One spoon changed Pierce Woodward’s entire life, and his creative up-cycling has helped him become a well-known TikTok success story. The teenager started his business making rings out of old metal spoons during quarantine and sharing his creations on TikTok for fun. 

His content caught the attention of more prominent influencers, whose interest in his rings helped Pierce gain an even bigger following. After opening up a store, his first ring drop sold out in two days, and subsequent drops now sell out in minutes. This was all driven by the teen’s savvy use of the platform to create engaging ring-making content and leverage larger influencers to grow his business.  

 The high school dropout has built Brand Pierre into a million-dollar business and uses TikTok as his main marketing source. The account has a cool 1.6 million followers, and now Pierre has moved on from spoon rings, scaling the business into something more sustainable and creating jewelry that he describes has “purpose, meaning, and intention.”

Jamal Hejazi, the founder of Candy Funhouse , is a fantastic TikTok success story. Hejazi wanted to create the world's best candy experience and took his brick-and-mortar store online in December 2020 to reach a more global customer base, using TikTok to get to them. Their first viral video showed a customer’s order being packed up for shipping and helped them gain 30k followers alone. 

“The first time we went viral as a company was through a fan's user-generated content doing a review on our company. We had a surge of visitors to the website and didn't know where it was coming from.”

While TikTok is international and videos can be enjoyed by people worldwide, individual accounts can still foster community. This is undoubtedly true in the case of Candy Funhouse, who have themed candy around local baseball teams and pop culture phenomenons.

 “Listening to our audience has been the key to growing our social media accounts. We participate in active social listening from our audience and create content that we, as candy lovers, would enjoy watching ourselves. We consider ourselves to be media and technology experts, and we use our social channels to channel our creativity and goals in those fields.”

Candy Funhouse’s young and dynamic team has helped establish Candy Funhouse as the frontrunner for all things candy on social media. TikTok has significantly boosted its traffic, sales, and brand awareness—their most popular candies tend to be the ones that go viral on the app. The store’s account now boasts 2.7 million followers.

“The key to turning TikTok into a business is to create an environment that is based around the content and experience, rather than a product. TikTok is a great platform for building a brand if you can capture the spirit of TikTok and steer away from the traditional forms of advertisement.”

Whether you're a candy company, create up-cycled jewelry, or have just opened a slime store, TikTok is a great space for small businesses wanting to improve brand awareness, foster community, and generate sales. The best TikTok small businesses know just how to use the app’s endless sounds, trends, and content ideas for virtually unlimited marketing experimentation and aren’t afraid to take risks and see what works.

Learn more: Best times to post on TikTok

Furthermore, small businesses on TikTok tend to blow up when entrepreneurs simply share their hobbies and processes on the app, creating content that is both authentic and engaging . The best way to learn how to do that is to spend time using TikTok. Watch videos, engage with creators and small businesses you admire, and take insight from the viral masters—all this will help you use TikTok to scale your business and take it to the next level. 

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Table of Contents

20 Success Stories: Businesses Winning Big on TikTok TikTok Marketing Marketing Strategies

20 Success Stories: Businesses Winning Big on TikTok

  • TikTok Marketing
  • Marketing Strategies

TikTok is a popular social media platform known for its short-form video content. It has over a billion active users, offering vast audience reach for brand promotion. Small businesses can leverage TikTok’s engaging format and broad user base to effectively market and sell their products.

This article guides us through 20 TikTok advertising case studies as well as how to develop a TikTok marketing strategy. Next, we’ll look at how to develop a TikTok hashtag strategy as well as explore how TikTok helps small businesses. Lastly, the article answers some frequently asked questions (FAQs). 

20 Success Stories: Businesses Winning Big on TikTok

20 TikTok Advertising Case Studies

TikTok has proven to be a powerful platform for small businesses, offering various ways to reach audiences, enhance brand visibility, and increase sales. 

Here are some case studies of small businesses that have achieved success through TikTok:

1. Enchanted Scrunch

Enchanted Scrunch is a brand known for its handmade scrunchies. On TikTok, they gained significant attention through a viral video that showcased their unique scrunchie designs. This exposure led to a remarkable increase in both sales and social media followers, highlighting the impact of viral content on brand growth. This marked the beginning of a dramatic increase in sales, with TikTok becoming the primary marketing tool and accounting for around 90% of total sales . The brand quickly grew into a six-figure company with over 170,000 followers on TikTok.

2. Peachy BBs Slime

Peachy BBs Slime specializes in creating homemade, high-quality slime. Their TikTok success came from interactive slime-making videos, which captivated a large audience. This led to a substantial boost in their customer base and brand recognition, demonstrating the power of engaging content in attracting a wider audience. This slime shop has become a sensation on TikTok, with the main account amassing 4.7 million followers . The videos about the slime-making process and answering followers’ questions have made the business so successful that their products often sell out within minutes.

3. Lala Hijabs

Lala Hijabs offers a variety of fashionable hijabs. They achieved TikTok fame through creative and culturally relevant content, significantly enhancing their brand visibility and sales. This success story underscores the effectiveness of culturally resonant content in driving brand growth and customer engagement. They gained 100,000 followers in a single night, leading to the successful launch of their hijab business. TikTok has remained their primary marketing medium, driving 60% of their sales .

4. Candy Funhouse

Candy Funhouse is a brand that sells a wide array of candies and sweets. Their TikTok fame stemmed from fun and engaging candy-related content, leading to a noticeable increase in their online orders and followers. This case highlights the potential of entertaining content in driving e-commerce success. The store’s account now has 2.7 million followers , and the first viral video alone attracted 30,000 followers . The store’s success on TikTok has established it as a leader in candy-focused social media content.

5. Street Brew Coffee

Street Brew Coffee is known for its premium coffee products. Their notable TikTok moment came from engaging videos that highlighted their coffee’s quality and the brand’s passion for coffee-making. This resulted in increased brand awareness and a surge in online sales, showcasing the impact of passion-driven content on brand success. The account now boasts over 900,000 followers and 20 million video likes . Her strategy emphasizes the importance of consistent posting to maintain audience engagement.

6. Nice Shirt. Thanks!

Nice Shirt. Thanks! creates custom shirts based on customer preferences. They gained TikTok popularity through a unique approach to customer engagement in their shirt-designing process. This innovative marketing strategy led to an increase in orders and social media followers, demonstrating the effectiveness of customer-centric content. This approach resonated with TikTokers of various ages, leading to 1.5 million views and 370,000 likes .

7. Slate & Tell

Slate & Tell offers personalized jewelry and gained TikTok recognition through videos that showcased the personalization process. This approach led to a rise in sales and an expanded online following, highlighting the appeal of personalized products in digital marketing. This campaign reached 4 million users and resulted in 1,000 single session add-to-carts , achieving their goal of a 2x return on ad spend .

8. Momentary Ink

Momentary Ink specializes in temporary tattoos and gained attention on TikTok through videos demonstrating the realistic look and easy application of their tattoos. This exposure boosted their sales and online presence, showing the power of product demonstration in online marketing. The campaign reached 14 million video views and was 22% more efficient than the benchmark in its category in terms of CPA for purchase.

9. Princess Polly

Princess Polly is a fashion brand that became popular on TikTok through trendy fashion content and influencer collaborations. This strategy significantly increased their sales and online following, emphasizing the effectiveness of influencer marketing and trend-driven content. An Australian online fashion retailer, they ran a discount code campaign on TikTok, resulting in over 9 million impressions , a 1.05% click-through rate , and a 15X return on ad spend .

10. BM Collagen

BM Collagen sells collagen supplements and gained TikTok fame through educational and testimonial videos about their products. This led to an increase in sales and followers, showcasing the impact of informative content in promoting health and wellness products. A skincare company in Thailand, they used UGC content in their In-Feed ad campaign, resulting in sales growth of almost 200%, with 361,000 clicks and 57 million impressions .

11. Morning Brew

Morning Brew is a digital media company that achieved TikTok success through informative yet engaging content on current events. This approach increased their subscribers and brand recognition, highlighting the importance of informative content in the media industry. This company used TikTok to gain 70,000 registration subscribers and reached 23 million impressions on the platform. Their success was attributed to giving influencers creative freedom, which resulted in authentic and relatable content for their audience.

12. McDonald’s

McDonald’s, the fast-food giant, leveraged TikTok for promotional campaigns that resonated with a younger audience, leading to increased brand engagement and sales during the campaign periods, showing the power of tailored marketing strategies for specific platforms. They utilized TikTok to target a young, multicultural audience, focusing on up-close shots of their food offerings. With over 45 million impressions on their TikTok campaign, they demonstrated the power of brand-safe advertising.

13. Goodfair

Goodfair is an online thrift store that became popular on TikTok through videos promoting sustainable fashion. This led to a surge in orders and followers, emphasizing the growing interest in sustainability in the fashion industry. An online thrift shop known for creating mystery bundles of pre-loved clothing. By leveraging user-generated content and In-Feed Ads, Goodfair successfully decreased its cost per click (CPC) by over 15% and increased its click-through rate (CTR) by over 87% .

14. Little Caesars

Little Caesars used TikTok to promote their pizza offerings through humorous and relatable content, resulting in increased customer engagement and sales, showcasing the effectiveness of humor in food industry marketing. The national pizza chain engaged in an influencer marketing campaign on TikTok to promote its Stuffed Crazy Bread and amassed over 1 million followers . They partnered with a variety of influencers, including families and celebrities, and found that family creators achieved higher CTRs.

eBay utilized TikTok for showcasing unique finds available on their platform, leading to increased user engagement and sales, emphasizing the platform’s versatility in marketing various product types. Aimed at attracting younger generations of sneakerheads, eBay’s campaign involved a branded hashtag challenge and a custom song. This strategy led to over 500,000 people creating TikTok videos for the challenge and enhanced brand engagement.

16. Moncler

Moncler, a luxury fashion brand, leveraged TikTok for brand storytelling and showcasing their high-end products, resulting in enhanced brand prestige and sales, highlighting the platform’s effectiveness in luxury brand marketing. Known for their jackets, Moncler launched the #MonclerBubbleUp challenge on TikTok, which brought in 7 billion views and led to 170,000 new followers . Their global campaign included paid ads in Europe and collaborations with creators in the U.S. and U.K.

17. Mucinex

Mucinex, known for their cold and flu remedies, used TikTok for educational and entertaining content about health, leading to increased brand awareness and sales, demonstrating the impact of health education in pharmaceutical marketing. They leveraged TikTok for brand marketing, tapping into the platform’s ability to reach millions of views overnight. This strategy helped the brand gain significant attention and customer acquisition.

18. The Silk Labs

The Silk Labs sells silk hair accessories and gained popularity on TikTok through videos showcasing the quality and benefits of their products, leading to an increase in sales and followers, underscoring the effectiveness of product-focused content. Founder Jenna Labiak’s first TikTok video went viral, garnering over 600K likes and 3.5M views , which translated into significant sales for their silk products.

19. Nadaré Co

Nadaré Co specializes in swimwear and achieved TikTok fame through engaging content that highlighted their products’ style and quality. This resulted in increased sales and a broader customer base, showing the importance of product quality and style in fashion marketing. Started by Andrea Norquay, this jewelry business received 40 orders on its launch day thanks to TikTok marketing. A single viral video resulted in 700 orders in a week, making TikTok a major sales driver.

20. Designs by Felicias

Designs by Felicias offers custom home decor and gained TikTok attention through videos showcasing their unique designs and customization process. This exposure led to a rise in orders and social media presence, demonstrating the appeal of customized home decor in digital marketing. Leveraged TikTok to amplify their side hustle. The platform enabled them to reach a wide audience of over 1 million followers and significantly boost their business.

These case studies illustrate the diverse ways in which TikTok can be used for business growth, from influencer collaborations and creative campaigns to leveraging viral trends and user-generated content

Now that we’ve gone over some TikTok advertising case studies, let’s discuss how we can develop an effective TikTok marketing strategy. 

13 Steps to Develop a TikTok Marketing Strategy According to the Case Studies

Developing a successful TikTok marketing strategy involves understanding the platform’s unique features and how they can be leveraged for business growth. Each step of the strategy should be well-planned and executed, with examples from businesses that have successfully utilized TikTok for marketing.

1. Understand Your Audience

Begin by researching and understanding your target audience on TikTok. Identify their interests, behaviors, and the types of content they engage with. For example, a small fashion retailer might find that their audience loves quick fashion tips and outfit challenges. By creating content that aligns with these interests, they can increase engagement and brand awareness. A real-world example is the fashion brand Princess Polly, which achieved significant engagement by targeting their young, fashion-forward audience on TikTok.

2. Create Engaging and Authentic Content

TikTok favors creative, original, and authentic content. Instead of polished ads, focus on making fun and relatable videos. A local bakery, for instance, could share behind-the-scenes videos of baking processes or participate in trending challenges with a culinary twist. Businesses like The Silk Labs gained massive followings simply by creating engaging content that resonated with their audience.

3. Leverage Hashtags and Trends

Utilizing trending hashtags and participating in challenges can vastly increase a brand’s visibility. It’s important to stay current with trends and incorporate them in a way that aligns with your brand. For example, an artisan soap maker could use popular hashtags related to DIY and wellness while showcasing their soap-making process. This approach has helped many small businesses, like Nadaré Co, gain substantial followings and boost sales.

4. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with TikTok influencers can help reach a larger and more engaged audience. Choose influencers whose followers match your target demographic. For instance, a fitness equipment brand might collaborate with fitness influencers to demonstrate their products. This strategy was successfully employed by brands like Little Caesars, who partnered with various TikTok creators to promote their products effectively.

5. Utilize TikTok’s Advertising Platform

TikTok offers various advertising options, including in-feed ads, branded hashtags, and more. Small businesses can benefit from these targeted ads to reach potential customers. For instance, a tech gadget company can use in-feed ads to showcase their latest products. Companies like Momentary Ink and BM Collagen have used TikTok ads to increase brand awareness and drive sales.

6. Analyze and Adapt

Regularly analyze your TikTok metrics to understand what works and what doesn’t. Adjust your strategy based on these insights. Continuous learning and adaptation are key. A business owner who finds that tutorial videos perform better than product showcases might shift their focus accordingly, similar to how Street Brew Coffee adapted their content to what resonated most with their audience.

7. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is crucial on TikTok. Respond to comments, participate in conversations, and create content that encourages user interaction. For example, a pet supplies store might ask followers to share videos of their pets using the store’s products. Engagement strategies have proven successful for businesses like The Wobbles, which built a strong community around their brand on TikTok.

8. Incorporate User-Generated Content

Encourage your followers to create content related to your brand, such as reviews, unboxings, or creative uses of your products. This not only enhances engagement but also provides authentic promotional material. For instance, a new cosmetic brand could encourage users to post their makeup tutorials using their products. Brands like CeeCee’s Closet NYC utilized user-generated content to educate and engage their audience, greatly enhancing brand authenticity and reach.

9. Consistent Posting Schedule

Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and attract new followers. Determine the best times to post when your audience is most active. A coffee shop, for example, might find that posting in the morning generates more engagement. Businesses like Enchanted Scrunch grew exponentially by maintaining a consistent posting schedule, leading to increased visibility and sales.

10. Diversify Content Types

Use a mix of content types like tutorials, behind-the-scenes, Q&A sessions, and product showcases. This variety keeps your content fresh and appealing. A tech gadget store, for instance, could alternate between product reviews, tech tips, and behind-the-scenes peeks into product development. This approach was effective for businesses like Nadaré Co, which used diverse content to address customer queries and showcase products.

11. Focus on Storytelling

Share your brand’s story, values, and mission through your content. This builds a deeper connection with your audience. A family-owned restaurant, for example, can share stories about the origins of their recipes. Brands like Designs by Felicias effectively used storytelling to build a personal connection with their audience, enhancing brand loyalty.

12. Interactive Features and CTAs

Utilize TikTok’s interactive features like polls, Q&A, and clickable links in your bio. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) in your videos to guide viewers towards desired actions like visiting your website or checking out a new product. For instance, a bookshop might use CTAs to direct viewers to their online store for new releases. Businesses like The Wobbles effectively used CTAs to guide potential customers, resulting in increased conversions.

13. Track and Leverage TikTok Analytics

Regularly monitor your TikTok analytics to understand your audience better and refine your strategy. Track metrics like views, engagement rates, and follower growth. A small fashion brand could use these insights to see which types of clothing items are most popular among their followers. Successful businesses on TikTok, like Street Brew Coffee, continuously analyze their performance to optimize their content and strategy.

By implementing these additional steps in your TikTok marketing strategy, you can effectively engage your audience, grow your brand presence, and drive meaningful results for your business. Now let’s discuss how you can develop an effective hashtag strategy on TikTok.

20 Success Stories: Businesses Winning Big on TikTok

17 Steps to Develop a Hashtag Strategy for TikTok

Developing a successful hashtag strategy on TikTok is essential for increasing the visibility of your content and reaching your target audience. 

Here are steps to create an effective hashtag strategy for TikTok, especially for business owners integrating it into their marketing efforts:

1. Research Relevant Hashtags

Start by researching hashtags relevant to your industry, target audience, and content. Look for hashtags commonly used by your competitors and industry influencers. A local bakery, for example, might use hashtags like #BakingTips or #LocalBakery. They can also check what hashtags are trending in their niche and incorporate them into their posts. Businesses like Princess Polly have successfully used relevant hashtags to reach fashion-conscious TikTok users.

2. Mix Popular and Niche Hashtags

Combine broad, trending hashtags with more specific ones. This approach helps you reach a wider audience while also targeting those specifically interested in your niche. For instance, a fitness equipment brand might use general hashtags like #FitnessChallenge along with more targeted ones like #HomeGymSetup. This strategy can help businesses reach both a wide audience and a more targeted group interested in specific products or services.

3. Create Branded Hashtags

Develop unique hashtags for your brand or specific marketing campaigns. Encourage your followers to use these when they post content related to your brand. For example, a clothing brand might create a hashtag for a new line of eco-friendly apparel. This strategy not only promotes brand awareness but also encourages user-generated content. Brands like Gymshark have successfully used branded hashtags to create viral marketing campaigns.

4. Analyze Hashtag Performance

Regularly analyze the performance of the hashtags you use. Track metrics like reach, engagement, and conversion to understand which hashtags are driving the most traffic to your content. A small business owner can use TikTok’s analytics tools to assess which hashtags are most effective and adjust their strategy accordingly. This analytical approach has been used effectively by various brands to refine their hashtag strategies.

5. Stay Updated with Trends

Keep an eye on trending hashtags and challenges on TikTok. Participating in these trends can significantly increase your visibility. However, it’s crucial to only participate in trends that align with your brand values and image. A tech gadget store, for instance, might participate in a trending tech challenge, using relevant hashtags to tap into the trend’s audience. This method has helped many small businesses gain exposure on TikTok.

6. Engage in Hashtag Challenges

Participate in or create your own hashtag challenges. Challenges are a great way to engage with your audience and encourage user-generated content. For instance, a beauty brand could start a challenge where users showcase their makeup routines using the brand’s products. Brands like Chipotle have successfully leveraged hashtag challenges to engage with their audience and create viral content.

7. Balance Hashtag Quantity

While TikTok allows up to 150 characters in hashtags, using too many can be counterproductive. Aim for a balanced mix of 3-5 relevant hashtags per post to avoid overcrowding your content and making it look spammy. For example, a travel agency might use a combination of #TravelTips, #DreamVacation, and a branded hashtag for the best results.

8. Utilize Seasonal and Event-Based Hashtags

Incorporate hashtags related to events, seasons, or holidays relevant to your business. This can help your content reach users interested in these topics. For example, a gift shop could use hashtags like #ChristmasGifts or #SummerSale during those respective seasons. Seasonal hashtags can boost visibility when users are searching for content related to specific times of the year.

9. Monitor Competitors’ Hashtags

Keep an eye on the hashtags your competitors are using and how well their content is performing. This can give insights into what might work for your own strategy. For instance, if a competing coffee shop is gaining traction with #LatteArtChallenge, consider how you can creatively use this or similar hashtags in your content.

10. Incorporate Local Hashtags

For businesses targeting a local market, using location-based hashtags can be very effective. For example, a restaurant in New York might use hashtags like #NYCEats or #NewYorkFoodie to attract local food enthusiasts. Local hashtags help in reaching an audience in your geographical area, which can be especially beneficial for businesses relying on local clientele.

11. Experiment with Hashtag Formulas

Try different combinations of hashtags to see which formula works best for your content. This could include mixing popular and niche hashtags, using a blend of generic and specific tags, or alternating between branded and trend-related hashtags. It’s about finding the right balance that resonates with your audience and fits your content.

12. Engage with Hashtagged Content

Actively engage with other users’ content that falls under the hashtags you are targeting. This can increase your visibility and encourage others to engage with your content in return. For instance, if you use #EcoFriendlyLiving, engage with posts under this hashtag to build a community around it.

13. Capitalize on User Interests and Behaviors

Pay attention to the interests and behaviors of your target audience on TikTok. Use hashtags that align with these interests. For example, a business selling eco-friendly products might use hashtags like #SustainableLiving or #EcoFriendlyTips, tapping into the growing trend of environmental consciousness among their audience.

14. Use Hashtags to Tell a Story

Use a series of hashtags to narrate a story or convey a message about your brand. This can make your posts more engaging and memorable. For instance, a travel agency might use a combination like #AdventureAwaits, #TravelDreams, and #WanderlustLife to create a narrative about the excitement of travel.

15. Update Hashtag Strategies Regularly

Digital trends are constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep your hashtag strategy up-to-date. Regularly review and update your hashtags to ensure they remain relevant and effective. This might mean dropping some hashtags, introducing new ones, or adjusting their usage based on performance and trending topics.

16. Engage in Community Hashtags

Participate in community-driven hashtags that are popular within your niche. This can help foster a sense of community and build stronger connections with your audience. For instance, a fitness brand might engage with #FitnessCommunity or #HealthAndWellness hashtags to connect with like-minded users and creators.

17. Track and Leverage TikTok Analytics for Hashtags

Use TikTok’s analytics tools to track the performance of your hashtags. This data can provide insights into which hashtags are most effective in driving engagement and reaching your target audience. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to optimize your hashtag use.

By implementing these steps, businesses can craft a more effective and dynamic hashtag strategy on TikTok, tailored to their specific goals and audience. This approach can lead to enhanced engagement, broader reach, and ultimately, greater success on the platform. 

Now, let’s discuss the different ways through which TikTok helps small businesses. 

10 Ways Through Which TikTok Helps Small Businesses

TikTok revolutionizes small business marketing with its viral potential, targeted reach, and user engagement. It integrates e-commerce, offers cost-effective advertising, and provides real-time feedback for trend adaptation. Collaborations, brand storytelling, and global exposure further enhance its utility. Additionally, it serves as a learning platform, aiding in business growth and development. This multifaceted approach makes TikTok an invaluable tool for small businesses seeking expansive growth and connectivity.

1. Viral Marketing Potential

TikTok helps small businesses by offering significant viral marketing potential. Its algorithm can amplify content to a large audience, regardless of the original follower count. This feature enables small businesses to achieve widespread visibility quickly. For example, a local artisan soap maker could post a captivating video about their soap-making process, which could go viral and attract customers from all over, not just their immediate locality.

2. Targeted Audience Reach

The platform’s diverse and extensive user base allows for targeted marketing. Small businesses can create content that resonates with specific demographics or interests. For instance, a small yoga studio can share short yoga sequences or wellness tips, effectively reaching health-conscious individuals on TikTok who are likely to be interested in their services.

3. Enhanced User Engagement

TikTok fosters high user engagement, crucial for building a loyal community around a brand. By initiating challenges or interactive content, small businesses can directly engage with their audience. A boutique clothing store, for example, could start a fashion challenge, encouraging users to showcase how they style the store’s clothes, which enhances user interaction and brand loyalty.

4. E-commerce Integration

The platform integrates e-commerce features, making it easier for small businesses to directly sell products. TikTok’s shopping features allow businesses to link products in videos, simplifying the path from discovery to purchase. For example, a small jewelry brand can showcase their pieces in creative videos, and interested viewers can easily purchase them through the app, streamlining the shopping experience.

5. Cost-Effective Advertising

TikTok offers a cost-effective advertising solution for small businesses. Its ads are generally less expensive compared to other platforms, making it accessible for businesses with limited marketing budgets. A local cafe, for instance, can use affordable TikTok ads to reach a wider audience, showcasing their unique coffee blends and cozy ambiance, without the need for a large advertising budget.

6. Real-Time Feedback and Trends Adaptation

TikTok provides real-time feedback through comments and likes, enabling small businesses to quickly adapt to trends and user preferences. This immediate interaction allows businesses to understand what content resonates with their audience. A small home decor business, for instance, can experiment with different styles in their videos and quickly adapt based on the audience’s response, ensuring they are always in sync with current trends.

7. Influencer Collaborations

The platform offers opportunities for collaborations with influencers, which can exponentially increase a brand’s reach. Small businesses can partner with TikTok influencers whose followers align with their target market. For example, a startup in natural skincare products can collaborate with a beauty influencer, leveraging their established audience for brand exposure.

8. Brand Storytelling

TikTok enables small businesses to engage in brand storytelling, creating a more personal and relatable brand image. Through creative content, businesses can share their journey, values, and behind-the-scenes, building an emotional connection with their audience. A family-run bakery, for example, can share stories of their baking traditions and recipes passed down through generations, creating a strong, relatable brand narrative.

9. Global Reach

Despite being a small or local business, TikTok can provide global reach. The platform’s worldwide user base allows businesses to reach international markets without physical expansion. A local artist or craftsman, for example, can showcase their artwork or crafts on TikTok and attract customers from around the globe, expanding their market beyond local boundaries.

10. Learning and Development

TikTok is not only a marketing tool but also a learning platform. Small businesses can learn from others in their industry, gather new ideas, and stay updated on best practices. An up-and-coming fashion designer can use TikTok to follow industry trends, get inspired by other designers’ work, and learn new marketing strategies, all contributing to their business growth and development.

Now that we’ve looked at how TikTok helps small businesses, let’s discuss some frequently asked questions (FAQs). 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What are some successful businesses on tiktok.

Successful businesses on TikTok include Enchanted Scrunch, Peachy BBs Slime, Lala Hijabs, and CeeCee’s Closet NYC. These businesses range from fashion and beauty to culinary arts, each leveraging TikTok’s unique platform to enhance brand visibility and customer engagement.

How did TikTok contribute to the success of these businesses?

TikTok contributed to the success of these businesses by providing a platform for viral marketing, targeted audience reach, enhanced user engagement, and e-commerce integration. For instance, Enchanted Scrunch witnessed a surge in sales and followers due to its engaging content on TikTok.

What types of businesses thrive on TikTok?

Businesses that thrive on TikTok are diverse, including fashion, beauty, food, fitness, and tech. Success on TikTok generally favors those who create engaging, creative content that resonates with the platform’s predominantly young, dynamic audience.

Can small businesses benefit from TikTok?

Yes, small businesses can significantly benefit from TikTok. By creating authentic content, engaging with trends, and using targeted hashtags, small businesses can reach a vast audience, increase brand awareness, and even drive sales.

What are key strategies for business success on TikTok?

Key strategies for business success on TikTok include understanding the platform’s algorithm, creating engaging and authentic content, participating in trends and challenges, using effective hashtags, and engaging with the audience to build a community around the brand.


In conclusion, we’ve highlighted the transformative power of TikTok in the business world. It showcases how diverse businesses, from small startups to established brands, have leveraged TikTok’s unique features to achieve remarkable success. These businesses have utilized the platform’s vast, engaged audience, creative content possibilities, and e-commerce integrations to enhance brand visibility, engage with customers, and drive sales. 

The success stories of businesses like Enchanted Scrunch and Peachy BBs Slime exemplify the potential of TikTok as a marketing tool, demonstrating that with the right strategy, businesses of all sizes can flourish. The article underscores the importance of understanding TikTok’s algorithm, engaging with current trends, and using targeted hashtags. 

It also highlights the significance of creating authentic and relatable content that resonates with TikTok’s audience. These insights offer valuable lessons for businesses aiming to tap into the digital market and expand their reach on this rapidly growing social media platform.

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7 TikTok Marketing Case Studies & Insights

TikTok Marketing Case Studies & Insights

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms worldwide, overtaking even Instagram and Facebook. With over 800 million active monthly users, it has become the second most downloadable app in the world. This makes it the most desirable place for brands to promote their business.

Over the past few years, TikTok’s user base has increased substantially, opening an opportunity for influencer marketing. Most global brands either buy TikTok followers or work with the top TikTok influencers to raise brand awareness among young followers. This article presents seven best TikTok marketing case studies to get an insight into influencer marketing on TikTok. Writing such a case study is not an easy task, so people often use services like Bid For Writing for professional help.

Walmart one of the largest bricks and mortar retailers worked with six TikTok influencers for a Black Friday-themed campaign, using the hashtag #DealDropDance. This campaign encouraged the followers to post videos of themselves stating their opinion about the Black Friday savings and how the store made them feel.

This collaboration of Walmart with the six TikTok influencers reached over 17 million followers. It was a highly effective marketing strategy to increase engagement on TikTok. The campaign resulted in both the customers and influencers filming themselves dancing in the aisles of Walmart, hoping to win a $100 gift card.

2. Benny Blanco – Universal Records

The famous US-based singer and songwriter Benny Blanco signed to Universal Records to release their new single 'Graduation'. Looking to get more audience engagement with the song, Benny Blanco partnered with a leading TikTok agency to develop a marketing campaign with the best TikTok influencers.

Their creative idea featured them reminiscing about their school years. They used classic TikTok transitions to show each stage of the school, including the graduation backdrop in the last parts of the video. And the soundtrack was uploaded for the users to make videos on it.

The results with the hashtag #school years generated around six million views with over 81,000 user videos. The influencer's videos have over 15,000 hours of watch time with a 20% increase in engagement rate on TikTok. This challenge became so popular that it continued to grow past the end of the campaign and caused the song to experience about four months of sustained growth.

3. Playfoam Pluffle – Educational Insights

The Educational Insights carried out a TikTok influencer campaign to promote their product – Playfoam Pluffle. They partnered with ‘The Influencer Marketing Factory’, an influencer agency to work with ten relevant TikTok influencers. And their collaboration significantly increased engagement on TikTok. The influencers made videos promoting the product for over four weeks resulting in 2,500,000 video views, 470,900 TikTok likes, 1500 user comments, and 2000 video shares.

4. Ralph Lauren

The popular fashion brand Ralph Lauren made a deal with TikTok influencer Diana Silver to increase engagement on TikTok. Besides this, they tied the campaign with the US Open Tennis Championship that used the popular hashtag #USOpen. This gave Ralph Lauren access to Diana’s followers and to the people who searched for #USOpen.

Now, this was a clever marketing strategy to get maximum exposure. Ralph Lauren got the two audiences together, by using the custom hashtag #Winning RL asks the audience to share how they are winning in real life. This campaign resulted in magnified results receiving 100,000 likes and 600 million views.

Tropico is a juice brand that worked with Upfluence to create a solid influencer marketing campaign on Instagram as well as TikTok. The campaign was called "True Colours" that aimed at increasing engagement on TikTok and Instagram. Tropico targeted the young TikTok influencers to amplify the brand value and image. In this campaign, the influencers made nine TikTok videos to a community of 1.8 million followers resulting in 267,000 video views and 61,000 likes.

6. Target – Vera Bradly

Target also partnered with top TikTok influencer, Victoria Bachelet, in a back-to-school-themed campaign to promote the Vera Bradley self-care products. Here, the influencer shared videos of visiting Target, buying Vera Bradley products, and using them at home to prepare for the new year of school. The purpose of this video was to raise awareness of the collaboration between Target and Vera Bradley's self-care product collection.

7. EA Sports

In recognition of its young and tech-savvy audience, EA Sports used TikTok to promote several of its games. For example, the game Apex Legends which is similar to Fortnight was made popular by the hashtag challenge #apex legends with 546.6 million views. EA Sports collaborated with TikTok influencer, Brent Rivera to a comedy video of himself playing the game. This collaboration doubled the engagement rate with over 900,000 likes. Similar campaigns were run by EA Sports with TikTok influencers to promote games like Plants vs. Zombies and FIFA 20.

TikTok is undoubtedly the most popular marketing platform. And the above seven TikTok marketing case studies show how powerful influencer marketing on TikTok can be. Every successful TikTok marketing case study is based on the expertise, experience, and efficiency of the campaign. Looking at the engagement rate and popularity each campaign got by simply finding the best sites to buy Tik Tok followers , it is definite that TikTok is the best place for promoting your brand especially if your target audience is young.

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How to increase your TikTok Followers & Likes?

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Case Study: TikTok

Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has skyrocketed to global fame, becoming a household name and a cultural phenomenon. Owned by the Chinese tech giant ByteDance, TikTok has revolutionized the social media landscape with its unique approach to short-form video content. The platform enables users to create, share, and discover videos ranging from 15 to 60 seconds, covering a wide array of genres, from dance challenges and lip-syncing to educational content and comedy skits. This highly engaging and user-friendly format has captured the attention of millions worldwide, making TikTok one of the most downloaded apps globally.

A critical component of TikTok’s rapid ascent and sustained popularity is its strategic use of product analytics . By leveraging advanced data analysis techniques, TikTok can gain deep insights into user behavior , preferences, and trends. This allows the platform to continuously refine its features and content recommendation algorithms, ensuring users have a personalized and engaging experience every time they log in. Moreover, TikTok’s ability to quickly adapt to changing user demands and market trends through data-driven decisions has solidified its position as a leader in the social media space.

This article explores how TikTok leverages product analytics to optimize user experience , drive engagement, and ensure continuous growth . From understanding intricate user behaviors and conducting rigorous A/B testing to developing sophisticated content recommendation systems and predicting user churn , TikTok’s data-centric approach offers valuable lessons in harnessing the power of analytics to build a successful digital product.

The Role of Product Analytics in TikTok’s Success

TikTok’s rapid growth is deeply rooted in ByteDance’s artificial intelligence and machine learning expertise. This technological foundation has enabled TikTok to stand out in the crowded social media landscape. From the very beginning, TikTok’s mission was to deliver a highly personalized and engaging user experience that would keep users coming back for more. Achieving this ambitious goal required a sophisticated understanding of user behavior and preferences, which TikTok has accomplished through the extensive use of advanced product analytics.

Product analytics plays a critical role in every aspect of TikTok’s strategy . By leveraging vast amounts of data generated by user interactions, TikTok can make informed decisions about product development, user engagement strategies, and feature optimization. This data-driven approach ensures that the platform continuously evolves in response to user needs and preferences.

Central to TikTok’s success is its ability to track and analyze many user interactions in real time. Every like, share, comment, and viewing duration is meticulously recorded and analyzed. This granular level of data collection allows TikTok to identify trends, understand user engagement patterns, and predict what types of content will be most appealing to individual users.

Additionally, TikTok employs machine learning algorithms to process this data and derive actionable insights. These algorithms are designed to learn and adapt over time, becoming more accurate in their predictions and recommendations as they are exposed to more data. This constant learning loop is crucial for maintaining a dynamic and responsive platform that feels personalized to each user.

Furthermore, TikTok’s product analytics strategy includes robust A/B testing frameworks. By experimenting with different versions of features and user interfaces, TikTok can determine what changes will most effectively enhance user experience and engagement. This iterative testing process ensures that only the most successful innovations are implemented across the platform, minimizing the risk of negative user reactions.

Another vital aspect of TikTok’s use of product analytics is sentiment analysis . TikTok can quickly gauge the public’s reaction to new features, trending content, and overall platform changes by analyzing the tone and sentiment of user comments and interactions. This real-time feedback loop allows TikTok to make swift adjustments and address any issues that may arise, maintaining a positive user experience.

In summary, TikTok’s strategic use of product analytics has been a cornerstone of its phenomenal success. By deeply understanding user behavior and continuously optimizing the platform through data-driven decisions, TikTok has created a highly engaging and personalized user experience that sets it apart from other social media platforms. This relentless focus on leveraging product analytics ensures that TikTok remains at the forefront of innovation and user satisfaction in the digital age.

Key Areas of TikTok’s Product Analytics Strategy

  • Understanding User Behavior
  • Objective : Decode how users interact with the app and identify engagement-driving patterns.
  • Implementation : TikTok tracks various interactions, such as video likes, shares, comments, viewing duration, and repeat views. By analyzing these data points, TikTok identifies trending content and understands what captivates users.
  • Outcome : Insights from user behavior analysis refine TikTok’s content recommendation algorithms, ensuring users receive videos tailored to their interests.
  • A/B Testing for Continuous Improvement
  • Objective : To optimize features and enhance user experience through experimentation.
  • Implementation : TikTok conducts A/B tests on user interface changes, new features, and algorithm tweaks. For example, different versions of the “For You” feed are tested to determine which generates higher engagement.
  • Outcome : Data-driven decisions from A/B testing ensure only the most effective features and changes are rolled out broadly.
  • Personalized Content Recommendations
  • Objective : To create a unique and engaging feed for each user.
  • Implementation : TikTok’s recommendation system analyzes vast data, including user interactions, video content, and metadata. Machine learning algorithms predict user preferences and recommend likely appealing videos.
  • Outcome : The personalized “For You” feed significantly boosts user retention and engagement, making TikTok highly addictive and enjoyable.
  • Sentiment Analysis for User Feedback
  • Objective : To measure user sentiment toward content and platform changes.
  • Implementation : Analyzing comments, likes, and shares helps TikTok gauge user sentiment toward specific videos or trends. Natural language processing ( NLP ) interprets sentiments in user comments.
  • Outcome : Sentiment analysis enables TikTok to respond swiftly to user feedback, adjusting the recommendation algorithm or moderating content to enhance community standards.
  • Churn Prediction to Retain Users
  • Objective : To identify users at risk of leaving the platform and implement retention strategies.
  • Implementation : TikTok uses predictive analytics to spot patterns associated with user churn, such as decreased activity and reduced video engagement.
  • Outcome : Early identification of at-risk users allows TikTok to deploy targeted retention strategies, including personalized content recommendations and re-engagement notifications.

Impact and Results

The strategic application of product analytics has been instrumental in TikTok’s explosive growth and sustained user engagement. Key outcomes include:

  • User Growth : TikTok surpassed 1 billion monthly active users in 2021, highlighting its effectiveness in user acquisition and retention.
  • Engagement : The average TikTok user spends 52 minutes daily on the app, a testament to the platform’s engaging nature.
  • Content Creation : Over 1 billion videos are viewed on TikTok daily, indicating a highly active and vibrant content creation community.

TikTok’s meteoric rise highlights the power of product analytics in driving growth and user engagement. The platform’s success is attributed to its sophisticated use of data to understand and predict user behavior. By analyzing user interactions, TikTok gains deep insights allowing real-time adjustments and enhancements, ensuring an engaging and relevant user experience. This granular understanding is crucial for fine-tuning the app and keeping users captivated.

A/B testing is central to TikTok’s strategy, enabling the company to experiment with various features and interface changes. This methodical approach ensures that only the most effective updates are implemented, leading to continuous functionality and user satisfaction improvements. Additionally, powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, TikTok’s personalized content recommendations significantly boost retention rates by delivering a uniquely tailored feed for each user.

Furthermore, sentiment analysis and churn prediction are critical components of TikTok’s analytical toolkit. By interpreting user comments and reactions, TikTok can gauge emotional responses and make informed decisions to keep the platform user-centric. Churn prediction helps identify at-risk users, allowing TikTok to implement targeted retention strategies and maintain a robust user base. This case study underscores the essential role of data-driven decision-making in building and sustaining a successful digital product, setting a benchmark for other platforms aiming to enhance user engagement and drive growth.

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TikTok: Trends, Case Studies, and Tips


Let’s be honest, everyone is talking about TikTok. Generation Z can’t stop making them, Millennials are adding it to their social consumption next to Instagram and Facebook, and Boomers are starting to engage on it as well. Meanwhile marketers are quickly trying to capitalize on this hyper-engaged audience.  

As the app continues to skyrocket in popularity, many brands are hungry to create content that will engage a new audience. But ask any social media guru, and they’ll immediately tell you that TikTok is a totally different beast than other platforms.

So where do you begin with TikTok? How do you know if it’s right for your brand? Keep reading and we’ll give you all the details on how to succeed on the app.

A Brief History of TikTok

TikTok is a video-based social media platform, originally dominated by Generation Z.  

Music is a huge part of many TikTok trends and videos, probably due to the fact that the app used to be known as, where users would lip sync to songs or audio clips. That concept still exists in many videos on TikTok, but more commonly songs go viral by being used in dance trend videos, where thousands of users do a choreographed dance or action to a specific song.

However, the app is changing quickly and trends are also a large part of the TikTok ecosystem. Not only do trends encourage users to actively participate and post videos, but they also create a sense of community within the app. In general, TikTok videos are goofy, authentic, and raw. You won’t see lots of editing like you might on a platform like YouTube or Instagram.  

With TikTok defying many traditional marketing tactics, brands are trying to keep up and figure out the best way to succeed.

TikTok Case Studies

Our work on tiktok with banila co.

Many brands that we work with have asked us about TikTok, and when Banila Co approached us to create a TikTok strategy, we knew they were a perfect fit.

Banila Co is a Korean skincare brand who launched in the United States market. Their most popular product is Clean It Zero, a 3-in-1 cleansing balm that removes makeup and cleanses skin without irritation. They’re incredibly popular among Gen Z and have a low price point, making them an ideal brand to try out TikTok.

We reached out to a range of TikTok influencers—some with tons of followers, some with fewer followers, as well as a differing ages. We sent them a free tub of Clean It Zero and gave them minimal instructions. All they had to do was create a video of them melting off their makeup with Clean It Zero to the song “Melt” by E40 and include the hashtag #TheMeltChallenge.

No influencers were paid, and we didn’t provide a ton of guidelines for the videos. We wanted the content to be organic and creative, which TikTok influencers excel at.

The goal of the challenge, like most social campaigns, was simply brand awareness. Specifically, with this campaign, we wanted to create a movement that would inspire other users on the app to take part in the challenge.

#TheMeltChallenge Results

The videos made by influencers were really creative and authentic. One video in particular has over 65,000 likes!

@beatsbydeb so satisfying to melt this makeup off🤤 #TheMeltChallenge @banilacousa ♬ Melt - E-40  

We saw the trend start to expand beyond the individuals we sent product to, with other users taking part in #TheMeltChallenge (with or without Clean It Zero).

Overall, we were pleased with the results of the campaign, especially since there was minimal cost and high-quality videos that came out of it!

Tips for TikTok

There are a lot of brands on TikTok trying to make it work—from Ralph Lauren to Chipotle, brands are desperately trying to connect with a younger generation that is averse to and unimpressed with traditional marketing techniques.

Assess Your Social Workload

Lots of brands want to start posting on TikTok, but they may not realize how much work goes into creating these videos. It requires a lot of creativity and effort to make videos that do well, which includes researching trends. And even though videos generally have minimal editing, you will still need to take time to do a little bit of work on them in post-production.

If you choose to do it in-house (instead of working with influencers to create the videos), you need to find employees who can be naturally goofy on camera without coming across as super cheesy or corny. Not every company has employees who are willing to put themselves out there on camera like that, so that is a consideration as well.

Bottom line: if your team is already struggling to find time to manage your Twitter/Facebook/Instagram accounts, you shouldn’t be on TikTok.

Work with Influencers

One of the easiest ways to break ground in TikTok is to work with influencers. This is still a relatively new platform, but there are still people monetizing off their following—even people who aren’t old enough to drive yet!

The influencer work we coordinated for Banila was on a product exchange only basis, requiring no additional cost to the client on top of the cost of goods and shipping.

Keep in mind that as influencers grow and more begin to take advantage of monetizing their audiences, just sending free product might not be enough. But, with smaller influencers, that option will likely always be there. Of course, you’ll still want to create your own brand account so that you can be tagged in the post from the influencer, and can also repost those influencer videos to your page to populate your brand's feed.

Make Raw and Authentic Videos

TikToks are an interesting combination of raw and authentic, as well as rehearsed and choreographed. The production value is low, so that part doesn’t require much more equipment than your smartphone.

Where the bulk of your investment in TikTok lies is making the content feel natural, fun, and not forced. Every piece of content you create should feel authentic. We know these words are somewhat vague and seem like trendy filler words, but they’re really the key to succeeding on TikTok.

Don’t Be an Infomercial

TikTok is the last place you want to traditionally promote your product. Whereas on platforms like Instagram or YouTube, you can document how to use a product or show features, that will absolutely not perform well on TikTok. In order for campaigns to be successful, something besides your brand has to be the feature—whether a challenge, dance, or trending song.

Your product becomes secondary or even tertiary to the point of the video. The focus should be on some kind of challenge, dance, or specific action that involves your product.  

Follow TikTok Trends and Challenges

TikTok thrives on trends and challenges that sweep through the platform. Staying updated with the latest viral trends and participating in relevant challenges can significantly boost your visibility. Joining these trends allows your content to appear in associated feeds, increasing the likelihood of discovery by a broader audience.

Utilize Hashtags Strategically

Hashtags are the lifeblood of discoverability on TikTok. Incorporate a mix of popular and niche-specific hashtags relevant to your content. Use trending hashtags to reach a wider audience, but also include niche hashtags to target specific communities or interests.

Research and select hashtags that align with your brand's niche and resonate with your target audience. A strategic combination of these hashtags can improve the discoverability of your content and encourage engagement from users who share similar interests.  

Optimize Video Quality and Length

TikTok is a visual platform where high-quality content thrives. Ensure your videos are visually appealing, well-edited, and optimized for TikTok's vertical format. Use clear and vibrant visuals to grab attention and maintain user interest.

Keep your videos concise and to the point. Aim for a length of 15 to 60 seconds to align with the platform's user behavior. Snappy, engaging content keeps viewers hooked and encourages them to watch until the end, boosting engagement metrics.

It’s Not for Everyone

So many brands are hungry to connect with Generation Z, and at first glance TikTok seems like the perfect place to market your product to them. However, not every brand is right for TikTok.

For example, if your brand has a high price point, you’ll likely not be able to eventually convince a teenager to invest in your product. Or maybe your brand simply isn’t geared towards young people—like a treatment that reverses wrinkles or a product for heart health.

However, many brands would do well on TikTok, even if they seem unconventional. Fast fashion brands would do well, as well as health-conscious food and restaurants.

Staying updated with the latest TikTok trends can significantly boost your content's visibility and engagement.

TikTok Trends

To help you leverage TikTok trends and strategies effectively we gather some useful insights and tips to help you navigate the platform effectively:

Viral Challenges and Hashtag Trends

TikTok is constantly buzzing with new challenges and hashtag trends that quickly gain momentum and engage users worldwide. These challenges range from dance routines, lip-syncing, comedy sketches, cooking hacks, DIY projects, to fitness routines, and more. Monitoring and participating in these challenges can significantly enhance your brand's visibility and audience engagement.

Music-driven Content

Given TikTok's close association with music, trending songs and sounds often spark new trends and challenges. Users create content by lip-syncing, dancing, or performing skits to popular tunes. Keeping an eye on trending music can help align your content with popular songs, boosting its chances of virality.  

Nostalgia and Throwback Content

Nostalgia-driven content that taps into past trends, fashion, or pop culture references often strikes a chord with audiences. Leveraging nostalgia by reviving old trends, celebrating anniversaries, or recreating iconic moments can resonate with users' emotions, leading to increased engagement and shares.

Sustainability and Environmental Awareness

TikTok users are increasingly drawn to content centered around sustainability, eco-friendly practices, and environmental activism. Brands and creators promoting eco-conscious messages, DIY upcycling, zero-waste living, or highlighting environmental issues can gain traction and support from users passionate about these causes.

Strategies to Leverage TikTok Trends

  • Timely Participation: Act swiftly to join trending challenges or hashtags while they are still gaining momentum to maximize exposure.
  • Inject Brand Relevance: Seamlessly integrate these trends with your brand's identity, products, or messages to ensure relevancy and authenticity.
  • Engage Creatively: Put a unique spin on trends. Add your brand's creative flair or storytelling elements to stand out in the crowd.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage user participation by inviting your audience to engage with these trends and create user-generated content related to your brand.
  • Consistent Monitoring: Regularly monitor TikTok's "Discover" page, explore trending hashtags, and engage with content creators to stay updated with emerging trends.

Leveraging TikTok trends effectively involves creativity, agility, and a deep understanding of your audience's interests. By strategically aligning your brand with relevant trends and consistently engaging with the TikTok community, you can amplify your brand's visibility and connect with a broader audience on this vibrant platform

Beyond creating a TikTok account for organic traffic, brands now have more options.

TikTok Advertising

TikTok Advertising serves as a platform enabling businesses to showcase their products or services to TikTok's vast user base. Through various ad formats like In-Feed Ads, Spark Ads , TopView Ads, Branded Hashtag Challenges, and Branded Effects, brands engage users in distinct ways. In-Feed Ads seamlessly integrate as native content within users' feeds, while TopView Ads present full-screen visuals upon app launch. Branded Hashtag Challenges encourage user participation, fostering community engagement. Additionally, Branded Effects offer interactive augmented reality experiences. Advertisers can precisely target audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. By creating campaigns, setting objectives, and monitoring performance through analytics, brands can optimize their ad efforts. TikTok Advertising operates on CPC or CPM models, empowering brands to drive brand awareness, engagement, and conversions effectively.

TikTok Shop: Explore E-commerce on TikTok

TikTok Shop is an integrated e-commerce feature within the TikTok app, offering users a seamless shopping experience directly on the platform. This feature allows brands to showcase their products through shoppable videos, enabling users to explore, view product details, and make purchases without leaving the TikTok app. By integrating shopping functionalities into the TikTok environment, TikTok Shop enhances the connection between product discovery and purchase, providing users with an immersive shopping journey within the app. It aims to streamline the shopping experience, making it more convenient and engaging for TikTok's diverse user base to discover and buy products showcased in videos directly from the platform.

Need a little help getting your TikTok off the ground? Want help determining if TikTok is right for your brand? Reach out to the Blue Wheel team today!

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case study tiktok

Business Model and Strategy : A Case Study Analysis of TikTok

Advance Knowledge for Executives, 2(1), No.12, 1-18 (2023)

18 Pages Posted: 25 Jan 2023 Last revised: 6 Feb 2023

Parichat Jaipong

Manipal GlobalNxt University

Date Written: January 24, 2023

Objective: This paper proposes TikTok's business model and strategy as a case study analysis. Method: This article was reviewed using systematic literature. The scholarly publications from EBSCO, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect provided more material and data. English peer-reviewed studies were included. The researcher assessed search results, gathered data, and set study quality to summarise and present findings. Result: Creating engaging TikTok marketing material for a small business is crucial. Understanding the platform's younger users and their content preferences is vital. TikTok Marketing Tips are 1) define the purpose and branded content, 2) create loyal TikTok influencer partnerships, 3) understand TikTok trends, 4) understand short-form video engagement, 5) video analytics speak volumes and 6) make entertaining videos. Conclusion: Brands may reach millions of users with challenges since hashtags are discoverable. The Creator Marketplace on TikTok lets marketers establish marketing campaigns, view influencer stats, and interact with top influencers. Authentic content, challenges, influencer marketing, and TikTok commercials can boost sales and brand recognition. Recommendation & Implication: Interviews or online surveys may be used in future studies to provide more explanations and definitive results. Digital marketing can help managers understand and develop TikTok in the digital age.

Keywords: TikTok, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Business Model, Case Study

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

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Data sets featured

Showcasing tiktok as a gateway to c-suites.

Think of TikTok and the chances are you think of somewhere people go to learn, follow creators, or be entertained. But that’s only half the story; TikTok has a growing B2B audience of C-level executives in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), a fact they proved using GWI. 

Hero image-2

monthly active users

mobile platform (average time spent per user across 2023 worldwide)

We talked to:

Aaron Almeida photo

Aaron Almeida

Insights partner, TikTok

The challenge

Validating their thinking with third-party data.

TikTok has a wealth of insights at its disposal that help the team understand their diverse audiences, drive strategic growth, and partner with brands. When it came to B2B advertising, their first-party data showed the platform welcomed a sizable audience of C-suite business professionals, but they needed a credible source of third-party consumer research to validate this, and dive deeper into this audience’s attitudes and behaviors.

Specifically, they wanted to uncover how active these C-suites were on TikTok, and understand their motivation for using it.

Aaron Almeida, insights partner, TikTok

The team needed a fast way to prove how the platform not only appeals to more niche audiences like C-suite professionals – but also how TikTok is a goldmine for brands trying to target these users. This was critical to solidifying and driving the right partnerships. And that’s where GWI came in.

Using GWI to investigate audiences under the microscope

Looking closely at their C-suite audience, the team explored their behavior on TikTok to understand why they use the platform. Now here’s where the investigation really paid off.

Digging even deeper, the team analyzed TikTok users in senior management and executive positions, zooming in at a regional level to focus on consumers in the UAE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Exploring at this level of depth revealed some truly game-changing insights about the why behind their audience’s behavior. A whopping 74% of C-level executives in these regions are on TikTok - but fascinatingly, many are using it for business.

case study tiktok

This granular data showcased how C-suite professionals weren’t just using TikTok for entertainment, but for business activities like networking, discovery, and consideration.

Amazingly, this audience was even more actively engaged than the average TikTok user. The data was crystal clear: TikTok’s a place for C-suites to learn, be inspired, make decisions, and explore work-related interests.

With this data highlighting untapped opportunities to target business professionals on the platform, the team had what they needed to approach new brand partners in this space with confidence.

case study tiktok

Proving their reach and influence over C-suite leaders

Leveraging these unique insights, TikTok created a compelling one-page infographic to educate prospective partners and clients, proving how TikTok drives major engagement among C-suite professionals across a diverse range of sectors.

To highlight their professional audience reach, the one-pager also featured examples of highly-engaged C-suite influencers who use TikTok to create and share their own content.

Cementing the platform as a source of “entertainment, inspiration, and influencing decisions”, the team had the tools they needed to win over brands who might not have considered partnering with them before.

By also arming its sales team with these powerful insights, TikTok was able to demonstrate the extent of active engagement among C-suites on the platform with data-backed confidence – from a highly credible third-party source – and drive B2B conversations with key brands.

Ultimately, this helped them get the right partnerships and activations over the line.

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Quantifying the impact of TikTok advertising

2 minute read | April 2022

The popular video-sharing platform TikTok has exploded onto the scene in the last few years. Now available in over 155 countries, the platform has seen tremendous growth within the Middle East region for engaging entertainment and inspirational content.

In this case study, TikTok commissioned a syndicated Market Mix Model (MMM) study with Nielsen to investigate what impact its full-funnel immersive ad solutions have on driving sales and ROAS across the CPG category. Using Nielsen’s  Marketing Mix Modeling  solution, TikTok uncovered data-driven insights on how brands can maximize ROAS. Here is what Jorge Ruiz, TikTok’s Head of Measurement had to say:

case study tiktok

Additional ROAS by running > 1 ad formats

TikTok Total ROAS

Retail Sales Revenue Per Dollar Spent

Higher ROAS when running in-feed ads for higher no. of weeks on air

Methodology: The syndicated MMM solution methodology utilizes “Ad Intel” data sourced via a third party supplier to provide estimate spends for the other publishers to be used within the model. Ad-Intel captures the data through: own registration, media declaration and crawler technology. The model leverages multivariate regression, aligning the media and other drivers to define how sales change based on fluctuations of each driver.  A ‘lift factor’ is mathematically ascribed to each of these drivers (aka coefficients or elasticities) and define how much sales change as a result of each individual driver. Nielsen measured the ROAS & Effectiveness of TikTok Ad spend at a granular level. 

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  4. Story of TikTok

    case study tiktok

  5. TikTok Case Study

    case study tiktok

  6. TikTok Marketing Strategy Case Study Examples to Inspire You

    case study tiktok


  1. Case Studies: Success Stories and Inspirational Brand Results

    Case Studies: Success Stories and Inspirational Brand Results. Get the latest TikTok product updates and insights here. Discover TikTok success stories from Large Businesses, Small-Medium Businesses, Creators, and much more.

  2. Case Studies: Success Stories and Inspirational Brand Results

    mise en scène HELLO BUBBLE. Leveraging the K-wave sweeping the Southeast Asian market and a product concept, Brandformance campaign was carried out to promote the HELLO BUBBLE brand and drive purchases through a branded effect. October 30, 2023. Technology.

  3. Top 3 TikTok Marketing Case Studies & Insights 2024

    What's more, our influencers videos hit a 20.13% engagement rate, well over the successful industry benchmark of 14% for TikTok, and as a bonus, the Idahoan Foods TikTok account drove 3,700 followers following the end of the campaign. 9. 2. Vestiaire Collective. Fashion content soared earlier this year and it doesn't look like it's ...

  4. TikTok Growth Strategy: 20 Success Tactics + In-Home Case STUDIES [with

    8. Leverage TikTok Trends. Leveraging TikTok trends is a solid growth strategy for brands because it taps into the current cultural zeitgeist, ensuring content resonates with a broad audience. Trends on TikTok typically go viral, offering a unique opportunity to increase your visibility and engagement quickly.

  5. 16 Successful TikTok Case Studies [+ Actionable Takeaways]

    TikTok is well-known for producing influencers who make it big, and creating lucrative personal brands. But beyond influencers, the platform presents a huge opportunity for well-established brands to grow revenue. In this blog, we'll cover 16 marketing case studies where brands saw success from leveraging TikTok.

  6. 13 TikTok Influencer Marketing Case Studies To Inspire You

    However, TikTok has gained in popularity for influencer marketing over the last year, so this post presents another 12 TikTok influencer marketing case studies. Undoubtedly the most significant factor in TikTok's success in recent times has been the speed of its ascent. It was the fourth fastest-growing free iPhone app in 2019.

  7. 12 Examples of Influencer Marketing on TikTok (Case Studies)

    The campaign hashtag, #gymshark66, had 45.5 million views. TikTok fans recognize Gymshark for the educational content of many of their videos. They (and their influencers) speak directly to their target market - fitness enthusiasts. 6. Chipotle. Chipotle ran a series of TikTok challenges during 2019.

  8. Case Studies: Success Stories and Inspirational Brand Results

    Discover TikTok success stories from Large Businesses, Small-Medium Businesses, Creators, and much more. Getting started. Solutions Inspiration. Learning and resources. What's new. EN-GB. Create Now . See our success stories. TikTok For Business solutions are working for companies everywhere. Explore the strategies they're using and the ...

  9. Case study: Quantifying the impact of TikTok advertising

    In this case study, we look at how TikTok for Business' suite of full-funnel, immersive ad solutions delivers a positive return on advertising spend (ROAS) of up to US$2.6. Using Nielsen's Marketing Mix Modeling solution, TikTok uncovered data-driven insights on how brands can maximize ROAS. Here is what Jorge Ruiz, TikTok's Head of ...

  10. TikTok Success Stories: 9 Small Businesses That Went Viral

    For many small businesses, social media is the best way to grow an audience and reach new customers—and TikTok is quickly becoming a favorite! Savvy entrepreneurs will find a lot to love about the video-sharing platform, and for some, it's been huge in taking their business to the next level.. TikTok success stories are now abundant on the app, and those success stories are excellent models ...

  11. 20 Businesses Finding Success on TikTok

    20 TikTok Advertising Case Studies. TikTok has proven to be a powerful platform for small businesses, offering various ways to reach audiences, enhance brand visibility, and increase sales. Here are some case studies of small businesses that have achieved success through TikTok: 1. Enchanted Scrunch

  12. TikTok Business Model Detailed Case Study

    A $3 billion funding round for TikTok was led by SoftBank Group Corp. in 2018, with participation from KKR & Co. and General Atlantic. ByteDance's valuation grew during the fundraising round to $75 billion. According to the most current rumors, Tiger Global Management became the most recent venture capital firm to invest in TikTok in March 2020.

  13. 7 TikTok Marketing Case Studies & Insights

    This article presents seven best TikTok marketing case studies to get an insight into influencer marketing on TikTok. Writing such a case study is not an easy task, so people often use services like Bid For Writing for professional help. 1. Walmart. Walmart one of the largest bricks and mortar retailers worked with six TikTok influencers for a ...

  14. Case Study: TikTok

    Case Study: TikTok. Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has skyrocketed to global fame, becoming a household name and a cultural phenomenon. Owned by the Chinese tech giant ByteDance, TikTok has revolutionized the social media landscape with its unique approach to short-form video content. The platform enables users to create, share, and discover ...

  15. The Psychology Behind TikTok's Addictive Feed

    Story Duration: 5 min. …this skateboarding bird (with 3.4M likes!) seems like a great choice by the algorithm. Distraction-free interfaces can greatly increase your user engagement. in user engagement for our case studies when we defaulted them to fullscreen. This TikTok case study shows you the psychological principles that make their video ...

  16. TikTok: Trends, Case Studies, and Tips

    TikTok Case Studies Our Work on TikTok with Banila Co. Many brands that we work with have asked us about TikTok, and when Banila Co approached us to create a TikTok strategy, we knew they were a perfect fit. Banila Co is a Korean skincare brand who launched in the United States market. Their most popular product is Clean It Zero, a 3-in-1 ...

  17. Case Studies: Success Stories and Inspirational Brand Results

    Hilton. Increasing consideration among diversity-conscious audiences in Australia by fostering brand love and affinity as the first travel client to launch content supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. August 03, 2023. Education.

  18. HP

    Moreover, a post-campaign Brand Lift Study showed a 5.9% increase in ad recall and a 1.9% increase in brand favorability, exceeding Kantar's industry norms, and proving that it's possible to make waves while making a difference. *As of December 2021. "TikTok has become a trusted partner for our brand as we look for new ways to innovate.

  19. Business Model and Strategy : A Case Study Analysis of TikTok

    Abstract. Objective: This paper proposes TikTok's business model and strategy as a case study analysis. Method: This article was reviewed using systematic literature. The scholarly publications from EBSCO, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect provided more material and data. English peer-reviewed studies were included.

  20. Assembling "Sides" of TikTok: Examining Community, Culture, and

    To examine how sides of TikTok are constructed and maintained by users and technology, we use BookTok as a case study. The case study approach "is used to generate an in-depth, multifaceted understanding of a complex issue in its real-life context" (Crowe et al., 2011, p. 1).

  21. TikTok Case Study

    TikTok has a growing B2B audience of C-level executives in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), a fact they proved using GWI. ... Case studies See how the world's biggest brands use our platform to drive success. 2024 trends Discover the trends that'll dominate 2024 with our annual Connecting the dots report.

  22. Duolingo

    Surpassing KPIs with authenticity & creativity. With a diverse content production made specifically for TikTok, the audience receptivity and audience engagement rate surpassed the education market average: the campaign's average click-through rate was 39% above the benchmark, and Duolingo's follower base grew more than 1,400%.

  23. Case study: Quantifying the impact of TikTok advertising

    In this case study, TikTok commissioned a syndicated Market Mix Model (MMM) study with Nielsen to investigate what impact its full-funnel immersive ad solutions have on driving sales and ROAS across the CPG category. Using Nielsen's Marketing Mix Modeling solution, TikTok uncovered data-driven insights on how brands can maximize ROAS.