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5th grade lesson 4 homework

Common Core Grade 5 Math (Worksheets, Homework, Lesson Plans)

Looking for video lessons that will help you in your Common Core Grade 5 Math classwork or homework? Looking for Common Core Math Worksheets and Lesson Plans that will help you prepare lessons for Grade 5 students?

The following lesson plans and worksheets are from the New York State Education Department Common Core-aligned educational resources. The Lesson Plans and Worksheets are divided into six modules.

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Grade 5 Homework, Lesson Plans And Worksheets

Module 1 Topics and Objectives

Standard: 5.NBT.1, 5.NBT.2, 5.MD.1
Days: 4

: Reason concretely and pictorially using place value understanding to relate adjacent base ten units from millions to thousandths. ( )

: Reason abstractly using place value understanding to relate adjacent base ten units from millions to thousandths. ( )

: Use exponents to name place value units and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point. ( )

: Use exponents to denote powers of 10 with application to metric conversions. ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.3
Days: 2

: Name decimal fractions in expanded, unit, and word forms by applying place value reasoning. ( )

: Compare decimal fractions to the thousandths using like units and express comparisons with >, <, =. ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.4
Days: 2

, : Round a given decimal to any place using place value understanding and the vertical number line. ( ) ( )
: Topics A-C (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications 1 day)

Standard: 5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.3, 5.NBT.7
Days: 2

: Add decimals using place value strategies and relate those strategies to a written method. ( )

: Subtract decimals using place value strategies and relate those strategies to a written method. ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.1, 5.NBT.3, 5.NBT.7
Days: 2

: Multiply a decimal fraction by single-digit whole numbers, relate to a written method through application of the area model and place value understanding, and explain the reasoning used. ( )

: Multiply a decimal fraction by single-digit whole numbers, including using estimation to confirm the placement of the decimal point. ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.3, 5.NBT.7
Days: 4

: Divide decimals by single-digit whole numbers involving easily identifiable multiples using place value understanding and relate to a written method. ( )

: Divide decimals with a remainder using place value understanding and relate to a written method. ( )

: Divide decimals using place value understanding including remainders in the smallest unit. ( )

: Solve word problems using decimal operations. ( )
: Topics A-F (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications 1 day)
Module 2 Topics and Objectives

Standard: 5.NBT.1, 5.NBT.2, 5.OA.1
Days: 2

: Multiply multi-digit whole numbers and multiples of 10 using place value patterns and the distributive and associative properties. ( )

: Estimate multi-digit products by rounding factors to a basic fact and using place value patterns. ( )

Standard: 5.OA.1, 5.OA.2, 5.NBT.5
Days: 7

: Write and interpret numerical expressions and compare expressions using a visual model. ( )

: Convert numerical expressions into unit form as a mental strategy for multi-digit multiplication. ( )

: Connect visual models and the distributive property to partial products of the standard algorithm without renaming. ( )

:Connect area diagrams and the distributive property to partial products of the standard algorithm without renaming. ( )

: Connect area diagrams and the distributive property to partial products of the standard algorithm with renaming. ( )

: Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm and using estimation to check for reasonableness of the product. ( )

: Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm to solve multi-step word problems. ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.7, 5.OA.1, 5.OA.2, 5.NBT.1
Days: 3

: Multiply decimal fractions with tenths by multi-digit whole numbers using place value understanding to record partial products. ( )

: Multiply decimal fractions by multi-digit whole numbers through conversion to a whole number problem and reasoning about the placement of the decimal. ( )

: Reason about the product of a whole number and a decimal with hundredths using place value understanding and estimation. ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.7, 5.NBT.7, 5.MD.1
Days: 3

: Use whole number multiplication to express equivalent measurements. ( )

: Use decimal multiplication to express equivalent measurements. ( )

: Solve two-step word problems involving measurement and multi-digit multiplication. ( )
: Topics A-D (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications 2 days)

Standard: 5.NBT.1, 5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.6
Days: 3

: Use patterns for multi-digit whole number division. ( )

, : Use basic facts to approximate quotients with two-digit divisors. ( ) ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.6
Days: 5

: Divide two- and three-digit dividends by multiples of 10 with single-digit quotients and make connections to a written method. ( )

: Divide two- and three-digit dividends by two-digit divisors with single-digit quotients and make connections to a written method. ( )

: Divide two- and three-digit dividends by two-digit divisors with single-digit quotients and make connections to a written method. ( )

, : Divide three- and four-digit dividends by two-digit divisors resulting in two- and three-digit quotients, reasoning about the decomposition of successive remainders in each place value. ( ) ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.7
Days: 4

: Divide decimal dividends by multiples of 10, reasoning about the placement of the decimal point and making connections to a written method. ( )

: Use basic facts to approximate decimal quotients with two-digit divisors, reasoning about the placement of the decimal point. ( )

, : Divide decimal dividends by two-digit divisors, estimating quotients, reasoning about the placement of the decimal point, and making connections to a written method. ( ) ( )

Standard: 5.NBT.6, 5.NBT.7
Days: 2

, : Solve division word problems involving multi-digit division with group size unknown and the number of groups unknown. ( ) ( )
: Topics A-H (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further application 2 days)
Module 3 Topics and Objectives

Standard: 5.NF.1, 5.NF.3
Days: 2

: Make equivalent fractions with the number line, the area model, and numbers. ( )

: Make equivalent fractions with sums of fractions with like denominators. ( )

Standard: 5.NF.1, 5.NF.2
Days: 5

: Add fractions with unlike units using the strategy of creating equivalent fractions. ( )

: Add fractions with sums between 1 and 2. ( )

: Subtract fractions with unlike units using the strategy of creating equivalent fractions. ( )

: Subtract fractions from numbers between 1 and 2. ( )

: Solve two-step word problems. ( )
: Topics A-B (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications 2 day)

Standard: 5.NF.1, 5.NF.2
Days: 5

: Add fractions to and subtract fractions from whole numbers using equivalence and the number line as strategies. ( )

: Add fractions making like units numerically. ( )

: Add fractions with sums greater than 2. ( )

: Subtract fractions making like units numerically. ( )

: Subtract fractions greater than or equal to one ( )

Standard: 5.NF.1, 5.NF.2
Days: 4

: Use fraction benchmark numbers to assess reasonableness of addition and subtraction equations. ( )

: Strategize to solve multi-term problems. ( )

: Solve multi-step word problems; assess reasonableness of solutions using benchmark numbers. ( )

: Explore part to whole relationships. ( )
: Topics C-D (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications 2 day)
Module 4 Topics and Objectives

Standard: 5.MD.2
Days: 1

: Measure and compare pencil lengths to the nearest 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 of an inch, and analyze the data through line plots. ( )

Standard: 5.NF.3
Days: 4

, : Interpret a fraction as division. ( )( )

: Use tape diagrams to model fractions as division. ( )

: Solve word problems involving the division of whole numbers with answers in the form of fractions or whole numbers. ( )

Standard: 5.NF.4a
Days: 4

: Relate fractions as division to fraction of a set. ( )

: Multiply any whole number by a fraction using tape diagrams. ( )

: Relate fraction of a set to the repeated addition interpretation of fraction multiplication. ( )

: Find a fraction of a measurement, and solve word problems. ( )

Standard: 5.OA.1, 5.OA.2, 5.NF.4a, 5.NF.6
Days: 3

: Compare and evaluate expressions with parentheses. ( )

, : Solve and create fraction word problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication. ( )
: Topics A-D (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications 1 day)

Standard: 5.NBT.7, 5.NBT.4a, 5.NF.6, 5.MD.1
Days: 8

: Multiply unit fractions by unit fractions. (

: Multiply unit fractions by non-unit fractions. ( )

: Multiply non-unit fractions by non-unit fractions. ( )

: Solve word problems using tape diagrams and fraction-by-fraction multiplication. ( )

, : Relate decimal and fraction multiplication. ( )

: Convert measures involving whole numbers, and solve multi-step word problems. ( )

: Convert mixed unit measurements, and solve multi-step word problems. ( )

Standard: 5.NF.5, 5.NF.6
Days: 4

: Explain the size of the product, and relate fraction and decimal equivalence to multiplying a fraction by 1. ( )

, : Compare the size of the product to the size of the factors. ( )

: Solve word problems using fraction and decimal multiplication. ( )

Standard: 5.OA.1, 5.NBT.7, 5.NF.7
Days: 7

: Divide a whole number by a unit fraction. ( )

: Divide a unit fraction by a whole number. ( )

: Solve problems involving fraction division. ( )

: Write equations and word problems corresponding to tape and number line diagrams. ( )

: Connect division by a unit fraction to division by 1 tenth and 1 hundredth. ( )

, : Divide decimal dividends by non-unit decimal divisors. ( )( )

Standard: 5.OA.1, 5.OA.2
Days: 2

: Interpret and evaluate numerical expressions including the language of scaling and fraction division. ( )

: Create story contexts for numerical expressions and tape diagrams, and solve word problems. ( )
: Topics A-H (assessment ½ day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications 2 days)
Module 5 Topics and Objectives

Standard: 5.MD.3, 5.MD.4
Days: 3

: Explore volume by building with and counting unit cubes. ( )

: Find the volume of a right rectangular prism by packing with cubic units and counting.( )

: Compose and decompose right rectangular prisms using layers. ( )

Standard: 5.MD.3, 5.MD.5
Days: 6

: Use multiplication to calculate volume. ( )

: Use multiplication to connect volume as with volume as . ( )

: Find the total volume of solid figures composed of two non-overlapping rectangular prisms. ( )

: Solve word problems involving the volume of rectangular prisms with whole number edge lengths. ( )

, : Apply concepts and formulas of volume to design a sculpture using rectangular prisms within given parameters. ( )
: Topics A-B (assessment 1 day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications ½ day)

Standard: 5.NF.4b, 5.NF.6
Days: 6

: Find the area of rectangles with whole-by-mixed and whole-by-fractional number side lengths by tiling, record by drawing, and relate to fraction multiplication. ( )

: Find the area of rectangles with mixed-by-mixed and fraction-by-fraction side lengths by tiling, record by drawing, and relate to fraction multiplication. ( )

: Measure to find the area of rectangles with fractional side lengths. ( )

: Multiply mixed number factors, and relate to the distributive property and the area model. ( )

, : Solve real world problems involving area of figures with fractional side lengths using visual models and/or equations. ( ) ( )

Standard: 5.G.3, 5.G.4
Days: 6

: Draw trapezoids to clarify their attributes, and define trapezoids based on those attributes. ( )

: Draw parallelograms to clarify their attributes, and define parallelograms based on those attributes. ( )

: Draw rectangles and rhombuses to clarify their attributes, and define rectangles and rhombuses based on those attributes. ( )

: Draw kites and squares to clarify their attributes, and define kites and squares based on those attributes. ( )

: Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties. ( )

: Draw and identify varied two-dimensional figures from given attributes. ( )
: Topics A-D (assessment 1 day, return ½ day, remediation or further applications ½ day)
Module 6 Topics and Objectives

Standard: 5.G.1
Days: 6

: Construct a coordinate system on a line. ( )

: Construct a coordinate system on a plane. ( )

, : Name points using coordinate pairs, and use the coordinate pairs to plot points. ( )

, : Investigate patterns in vertical and horizontal lines, and interpret points on the plane as distances from the axes. ( )( )

Standard: 5.OA.2, 5.OA.3, 5.G.1
Days: 6

: Plot points, use them to draw lines in the plane, and describe patterns within the coordinate pairs. ( )

: Generate a number pattern from a given rule, and plot the points. ( )

: Generate two number patterns from given rules, plot the points, and analyze the patterns. ( )

: Compare the lines and patterns generated by addition rules and multiplication rules. ( )

: Analyze number patterns created from mixed operations. ( )

: Create a rule to generate a number pattern, and plot the points.( )
: Topics A-B (assessment 1 day, return 1 day, remediation or further applications 1 day)

Standard: 5.G.1, 5.G.2
Days: 5

: Construct parallel line segments on a rectangular grid. ( )

: Construct parallel line segments, and analyze relationships of the coordinate pairs. ( )

: Construct perpendicular line segments on a rectangular grid. ( )

: Construct perpendicular line segments, and analyze relationships of the coordinate pairs. ( )

: Draw symmetric figures using distance and angle measure from the line of symmetry. ( )

Standard: 5.OA.3, 5.G.2
Days: 3

: Draw symmetric figures on the coordinate plane. ( )

: Plot data on line graphs and analyze trends.( )

: Use coordinate systems to solve real world problems. ( )
: Topics A-D (assessment 1 day, return 1 day, remediation or further applications 1 day)

Standard: 5.NF.2, 5.NF.3, 5.NF.6, 5.NF.7c, 5.MD.1, 5.MD.5, 5.G.2
Days: 5

, , , , : Make sense of complex, multi-step problems and persevere in solving them. Share and critique peer solutions. ( )

Days: 9

, : Solidify writing and interpreting numerical expressions. ( )

: Solidify fluency with Grade 5 skills.

, : Solidify the vocabulary of geometry. ( )

: Explore the Fibonacci sequence.

: Explore patterns in saving money. ( )

, : Design and construct boxes to house materials for summer use. ( )

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5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 4 Note & Homework: Multiplying Fractions & Mixed Numbers

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5th grade lesson 4 homework


This lesson covers multiply mixed numbers by fractions, whole numbers, and mixed numbers. The lessons starts with showing the process using models and then teaches the standard algorithm. This product includes notes, homework, and answer keys.

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Unit 5: Multiplying Fractions

Lesson 1: Part of a Group

Lesson 2: Multiplying Fractions by a Whole Number

Lesson 3: Multiplying Fractions by Fractions

Study Guide and Quiz on Lessons 1-3

Lesson 4: Multiplying Mixed Numbers and Fractions

Lesson 5: Finding Area

Lesson 6: Word Problems

Study Guide and Unit Test with Models

Study Guide and Unit Test without Models

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Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key

Engage ny eureka math 5th grade module 1 lesson 4 answer key, eureka math grade 5 module 1 lesson 4 problem set answer key.

Question 1. Convert and write an equation with an exponent. Use your meter strip when it helps you. a. 3 meters to centimeters 3 m = 300 cm 3 × 10 2 = 300 b. 105 centimeters to meters 105 cm = ______ m ________________________ Answer:-  105 cm = 105 ÷ 10 2 = 1.05 c. 1.68 meters to centimeters ______ m = ______ cm ________________________ Answer:-  1.68 m = 1.68 ×10 2  = 168

d. 80 centimeters to meters ______ cm = ______ m ________________________ Answr:- 80 cm = 80 ÷ 10 2 = 0.8 e. 9.2 meters to centimeters ______ m = ______ cm ________________________ Answer:- 9.2 m = 9.2 × 10 2 = 920 f. 4 centimeters to meters ______ cm = ______ m ________________________ Answer:- 4 cm = 4 ÷ 10 2 = 0.04 g. In the space below, list the letters of the problems where larger units are converted to smaller units. Answer: – a, e, c are the letters of the problems where larger units are converted to smaller units.

Question 2. Convert using an equation with an exponent. Use your meter strip when it helps you. a. 3 meters to millimeters ________ m = ________ mm ________________________ Answer:- 3 m = 3 × 10 3 = 3,000 b. 1.2 meters to millimeters ________ m = ________ mm ________________________ Answer:- 1.2 m = 1.2 × 10 3 = 1,200 c. 1,020 millimeters to meters ________ mm = ________ m ________________________ Answer:- 1020 mm = 1,020 ÷ 10 3 = 1.02 d. 97 millimeters to meters ________ mm = ________ m ________________________ Answer:- 97 mm = 97 ÷ 10 3 = 0.097 e. 7.28 meters to millimeters ________ m = ________ mm ________________________ Answer:- 7.28 m = 7.28 × 10 3 = 7,280 f. 4 millimeters to meters ________ mm = ________ m ________________________ Answer:- 4 mm = 4 ÷ 10 3 = 0.004 g. In the space below, list the letters of the problems where smaller units are converted to larger units. Answer:-  c, d, f are the letters of the problems where smaller units are converted to larger units.

Question 3. Read each aloud as you write the equivalent measures. Write an equation with an exponent you might use to convert. a. 3.512 m = _______________ mm 3.512 × 10 3 = 3,512 b. 8 cm = _______________ m ________________________ Answer:-  8 ÷ 10 2 = 0.08 c. 42 mm = _______________ m ________________________ Answer:-  42 ÷ 10 3 = 0.042 d. 0.05 m = _______________ mm ________________________ Answer:-  0.05 × 10 3 = 50 e. 0.002 m = _______________ cm ________________________ Answer:-  0.002 × 10 2 = 0.2

Question 4. The length of the bar for a high jump competition must always be 4.75 m. Express this measurement in millimeters. Explain your thinking. Include an equation with an exponent in your explanation. Answer:-  4.75 m = 4,750 mm So, 475 × 10 3 = 4,750 This actually means they had give the jump rod in meter so that we have to convert it into millimeters. The above equation shows that clearly.

Question 5. A honey bee’s length measures 1 cm. Express this measurement in meters. Explain your thinking. Include an equation with an exponent in your explanation. Answer:-  1 cm = 0.01 m; So, 1 ÷ 10 2 = 0.01 This actually means they had give the honey bee’s length in centimeter so that we have to convert it into meters. The above equation  shows that clearly.

Question 6. Explain why converting from meters to centimeters uses a different exponent than converting from meters to millimeters. Answer:-  We all know that converting m to cm we use 1m = 1 x 100 = 100cm whereas, we use the exponent for m to mm is 1m = 1 x 1000 = 1000mm

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 4 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Question 1. Convert using an equation with an exponent. 2 meters to centimeters 2 m = ________ cm _________________________ Answer:- 2 m = 2 × 10 2 = 200 40 millimeters to meters 40 mm = ________ m _________________________ Answer:- 40 mm = 40 ÷ 10 3 = 0.04

Question 2. Read each aloud as you write the equivalent measures. a. A piece of fabric measures 3.9 meters. Express this length in centimeters. Answer:-  3.9 m = 3.9 x  10 2 = 390 b. Ms. Ramos’s thumb measures 4 centimeters. Express this length in meters. Answer:-  4cm = 4 ÷ 10 2  = 0.04

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 4 Homework Answer Key

Question 1. Convert and write an equation with an exponent. Use your meter strip when it helps you. a. 2 meters to centimeters 2m = 200 cm 2 × 10 2 = 200

b. 108 centimeters to meters 108 cm = ______ m ________________________ Answer:- 108cm = 108 ÷ 10 2 = 1.08

c. 2.49 meters to centimeters ______ m = ______ cm ________________________ Answer:-  2.48m = 2.49 × 10 2 = 249

d. 50 centimeters to meters ______ cm = ______ m ________________________ Answer:- 50cm = 50 ÷ 10 2 = 0.5

e. 6.3 meters to centimeters ______ m = ______ cm ________________________ Answer:- 6.3m = 6.3 × 10 2 = 630

f. 7 centimeters to meters ______ cm = ______ m ________________________ Answer:- 7 cm = 7 ÷ 10 2 = 0.07

g. In the space below, list the letters of the problems where smaller units are converted to larger units. Answer:- b, d, f are list the letters of the problems where smaller units are converted to larger units.

Question 2. Convert using an equation with an exponent. Use your meter strip when it helps you. a. 4 meters to millimeters ________ m = ________ mm ________________________ Answer:-  4m = 4 × 10 3 = 4,000

b. 1.7 meters to millimeters ________ m = ________ mm ________________________ Answer:- 1.7m = 1.7 × 10 3  = 1,700

c. 1,050 millimeters to meters ________ mm = ________ m ________________________ Answer:- 1050mm = 1,050 ÷ 10 3 = 1.05

d. 65 millimeters to meters ________ mm = ________ m ________________________ Answer:- 65mm = 65 ÷ 10 3 = 0.065

e. 4.92 meters to millimeters ________ m = ________ mm ________________________ Answer:- 4.92m = 4.92 × 10 3 = 4,920

f. 3 millimeters to meters ________ mm = ________ m ________________________ Answer:- 3mm = 3 ÷ 10 3 = 0.003

g. In the space below, list the letters of the problems where larger units are converted to smaller units. Answer:- a, b, e are list the letters of the problems where larger units are converted to smaller units.

Question 3. Read each aloud as you write the equivalent measures. Write an equation with an exponent you might use to convert. a. 2.638 m = ______________ mm 2.638 × 10 3 = 2,638

b. 7 cm = ______________ m ________________________ Answer:-  7cm = 7 ÷ 10 2 = 0.07

c. 39 mm = ______________ m ________________________ Answer:- 39mm = 39 ÷ 10 3 = 0.039

d. 0.08 m = _______________ mm ________________________ Answer:- 0.08m = 0.08 × 10 3 = 80

e. 0.005 m = ______________ cm ________________________ Answer:- 0.005m = 0.005 × 10 2 = 0.5

Question 4. Yi Ting’s height is 1.49 m. Express this measurement in millimeters. Explain your thinking. Include an equation with an exponent in your explanation. Answer:-  1.49 m = 1,490 mm So,    1.49 × 10 3 = 1,490 Actually, Yi Ting’s height is 1.49m and that we have to convert it into millimeters. So, we have multiplied the Yi Ting’s height with 10 3 

Question 5. A ladybug’s length measures 2 cm. Express this measurement in meters. Explain your thinking. Include an equation with an exponent in your explanation. Answer:- 2 cm = 0.02 m So,      2 ÷ 10 2 = 0.02 Actually, ladybug’s length is 2 and that is in centimeters and now we have to convert it into meters for that we have divided with 100.

Question 6. The length of a sticky note measures 77 millimeters. Express this length in meters. Explain your thinking. Include an equation with an exponent in your explanation. Answer:- 77 mm = 0.077 m So,    77 ÷ 10 3 = 0.077 Actually, the length of a sticky note is 77 and that is in meters and now we have to convert it into meters for that we have to divide the length of the sticky note with 10 3

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Learn, Practice, Succeed

Learn, Practice, and Succeed from   Eureka Math™   offer teachers multiple ways to differentiate instruction, provide extra practice, and assess student learning. These versatile companions to   A Story of Units®   (Grades K–5) guide teachers in response to intervention (RTI), provide extra practice, and inform instruction.

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The Learn book serves as a student’s in-class companion where they show their thinking, share what they know, and watch their knowledge build every day!

Application Problems:  Problem solving in a real-world context is a daily part of   Eureka Math , building student confidence and perseverance as students apply their knowledge in new and varied ways.

Problem Sets :  A carefully sequenced Problem Set provides an in-class opportunity for independent work, with multiple entry points for differentiation.

Exit Tickets:   These exercises check student understanding, providing the teacher with immediate, valuable evidence of the efficacy of that day’s instruction and informing next steps.

Templates:   Learn   includes templates for the pictures, reusable models, and data sets that students need for   Eureka Math   activities.

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With   Practice , students build competence in newly acquired skills and reinforce previously learned skills in preparation for tomorrow’s lesson.   Together,   Learn   and   Practice   provide all the print materials a student uses for their core instruction.

Eureka Math  contains multiple daily opportunities to build fluency in   mathematics . Each is designed with the same notion—growing every student’s ability to use mathematics   with ease . Fluency experiences are generally fast-paced and energetic, celebrating improvement and focusing on recognizing patterns and connections within the material.

Eureka Math   fluency activities provide differentiated practice through a variety of formats—some are conducted orally, some use manipulatives, others use a personal whiteboard, or a handout and paper-and-pencil format.

Sprints:  Sprint fluency activities in  Eureka Math Practice  build speed and accuracy with already acquired skills. Used when students are nearing optimum proficiency, Sprints leverage tempo to build a low-stakes adrenaline boost that increases memory and recall. Their intentional design makes Sprints inherently differentiated – the problems build from simple to complex, with the first quadrant of problems being the simplest, and each subsequent quadrant adding complexity.

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Eureka Math Succeed   enables students to work individually toward mastery.  Teachers and tutors can use  Succeed   books from prior grade levels as curriculum-consistent tools for filling gaps in foundational knowledge. Students will thrive and progress more quickly, as familiar models facilitate connections to their current, grade-level content.

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Math Expressions Answer Key

Math Expressions Answer Key for Grade 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and Kindergarten K | Math Expressions Common Core Grades K-5

Houghton mifflin math expressions common core answer key for grade 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and kindergarten k.

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Homework and Remembering Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Homework and Remembering Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Homework and Remembering Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Homework and Remembering Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Homework and Remembering Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Kindergarten Homework and Remembering Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Student Activity Book Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Student Activity Book Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Student Activity Book Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Student Activity Book Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Student Activity Book Answer Key
  • Math Expressions Kindergarten Student Activity Book Answer Key

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 5 Homework and Remembering Answer Key

Math Expressions Grade 5 Homework and Remembering Volume 1 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 5 Volume 1 Answer Key

Unit 1 Addition and Subtraction with Fractions

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Introducing the MathBoard
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Answer Key Explain Equivalent Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Answer Key Equivalent Fractions and Multipliers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key Strategies for Comparing Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Answer Key Fractions Greater Than One
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Answer Key Add and Subtract Like Mixed Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 7 Answer Key Add Unlike Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Answer Key Subtract Unlike Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key Solve with Unlike Mixed Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 10 Answer Key Practice with Unlike Mixed Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 11 Answer Key Reasonable Answers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key Real-World Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 1 Lesson 13 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 2 Addition and Subtraction with Decimals

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Answer Key Decimals as Equal Divisions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Answer Key Thousands to Thousandths
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Answer Key Equate and Compare Thousandths
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Answer Key Adding and Subtracting Decimals
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Answer Key Add Whole Numbers and Decimals
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Whole and Decimal Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Properties and Strategies
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 8 Answer Key Round and Estimate with Decimals
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 9 Answer Key Graph with Decimal Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 2 Lesson 10 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 3 Multiplication and Division with Fractions

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Answer Key Basic Multiplication Concepts
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key Multiplication with Non-Unit Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Answer Key Multiplication with Fractional Solutions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Answer Key Multiply a Fraction by a Fraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Answer Key Multiplication Strategies
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Multiply Mixed Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 7 Answer Key Relate Fraction Operations
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 8 Answer Key Solve Real-World Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 9 Answer Key Make Generalizations
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 10 Answer Key When Dividing is Also Multiplying
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 11 Answer Key Solve Division Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 12 Answer Key Distinguish Multiplication from Division
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 13 Answer Key Review Operations with Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 3 Lesson 14 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 4 Multiplication with Whole Numbers and Decimals

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Answer Key Shift Patterns in Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key Patterns with Fives and Zeros
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Answer Key Sharing Methods for Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Answer Key Multiply Two-Digit Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Answer Key Practice Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Answer Key Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 7 Answer Key Multiply by Decimals
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 8 Answer Key Multiply with Decimals Greater Than 1
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 9 Answer Key Compare Shift Patterns
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Answer Key Estimate Products
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 11 Answer Key Multiplication Practice
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 4 Lesson 12 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Grade 5 Homework and Remembering Volume 2 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 5 Volume 2 Answer Key

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 5 Answer Key Unit 5 Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Answer Key Divide Whole Numbers by One Digit
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Answer Key Explore Dividing by Two-Digit Whole Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Answer Key Too Large, Too Small, or Just Right?
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Answer Key Interpret Remainders
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Answer Key Division Practice
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 6 Answer Key Divide Decimal Numbers by Whole Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 7 Answer Key Divide Whole Numbers by Decimal Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 8 Answer Key Divide with Two Decimal Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 9 Answer Key Division Practice
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 10 Answer Key Distinguish Between Multiplication and Division
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson 11 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Math Expressions Grade 5 Answer Key Unit 6 Operations and Word Problems

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Answer Key Situation and Solution Equations for Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Answer Key Situation and Solution Equations for Multiplication and Division
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Answer Key Write Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Determine Reasonable Answers
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Answer Key Language of Comparison Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Answer Key Multiplicative Comparison Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Types of Comparison Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 8 Answer Key Equations and Parentheses
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 9 Answer Key Multistep Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 10 Answer Key Practice Problem Solving
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 6 Lesson 11 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 5 Volume 2 Answer Key Unit 7 Algebra, Patterns, and Coordinate Graphs

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Answer Key Read and Write Expressions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key Simplify Expressions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Evaluate Expressions
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Answer Key Patterns and Relationships
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 7 Lesson 5 Answer Key The Coordinate Plane
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 7 Lesson 6 Answer Key Graph Ordered Pairs
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 7 Lesson 7 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Grade 5 Homework and Remembering Volume 2 Answer Key Unit 8 Measurement and Geometry

  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 1 Answer Key Convert Metric Units of Length
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Answer Key Metric Units of Liquid Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Metric Units of Mass
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Answer Key Customary Units of Length
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 5 Answer Key Customary Measures of Liquid Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 6 Answer Key Customary Units of Weight
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 7 Answer Key Read and Make Line Plots
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 8 Answer Key Perimeter and Area of Rectangles
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 9 Answer Key Cubic Units and Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 10 Answer Key Visualize Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 11 Answer Key Introduce Volume Formulas
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 12 Answer Key Relate Length, Area, and Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 13 Answer Key Volume of Composite Solid Figures
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 14 Answer Key Attributes of Quadrilaterals
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 15 Answer Key Attributes of Triangles
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 16 Answer Key Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes
  • Math Expressions Grade 5 Unit 8 Lesson 17 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 4 Homework and Remembering Answer Key

Math Expressions Grade 4 Homework and Remembering Volume 1 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 4 Volume 1 Answer Key

Unit 1 Place Value and Multidigit Addition and Subtraction

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Place Value to Thousands
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Answer Key Place Value Patterns
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Answer Key Round Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key Numbers to One Million
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Answer Key Compare and Round Greater Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Answer Key Make New Groups for Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 7 Answer Key Add Greater Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Answer Key Estimation and Mental Math
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key Subtract from Thousands
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 10 Answer Key Subtraction Undoes Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 11 Answer Key Subtract Greater Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key Practice Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 13 Answer Key Problem Solving with Greater Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 1 Lesson 14 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 2 Multiplication with Whole Numbers

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Answer Key Arrays and Area Models
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Answer Key Connect Place Value and Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Answer Key Mental Math and Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Answer Key Model One-Digit by Two-Digit Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Answer Key Estimate Products
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 6 Answer Key Use Place Value to Multiply
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Algebraic Notation Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 8 Answer Key Compare Methods of One-Digit by Two-Digit Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 9 Answer Key Discuss Different Methods
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 10 Answer Key One-Digit by Three-Digit Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Answer Key Multistep Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 12 Answer Key Two-Digit by Two-Digit Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 13 Answer Key Different Methods for Two-Digit Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 14 Answer Key Check Products of Two-Digit Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 15 Answer Key Practice Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 16 Answer Key Multiply One-Digit and Four-Digit Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 17 Answer Key Use the Shortcut Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 18 Answer Key Practice Multiplying
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 2 Lesson 19 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 3 Division with Whole Numbers

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Answer Key Divide with Remainders
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key Relate 3-Digit Multiplication to Division
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Answer Key Discuss 2-Digit and 4-Digit Quotients
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Answer Key Digit-by-Digit Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Answer Key Relate Three Methods
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Divide by Any Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 7 Answer Key Just-Under Quotient Digits
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 8 Answer Key Estimate to Check Quotients
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 9 Answer Key Make Sense of Remainders
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 10 Answer Key Mixed Problem Solving
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 3 Lesson 11 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 4 Equations and Word Problems

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Answer Key Properties and Algebraic Notation
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key Situation and Solution Equations for Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Answer Key Situation and Solution Equations for Multiplication and Division
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Answer Key Multiplication Comparisons
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Answer Key Discuss Comparison Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Answer Key Graphs and Comparison Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 7 Answer Key Solve Two-Step Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 8 Answer Key Solve Multistep Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 9 Answer Key Practice with Multistep Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Answer Key Factors and Prime Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 11 Answer Key Analyze Patterns
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 4 Lesson 12 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Grade 4 Homework and Remembering Volume 2 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 4 Volume 2 Answer Key

Grade 4 Answer Key Unit 5 Measurement

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Answer Key Measure Length
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Answer Key Metric Measures of Liquid Volume and Mass
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Answer Key Units of Time
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Answer Key Customary Measures of Length
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Answer Key Customary Units of Weight and Liquid Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 6 Answer Key Perimeter and Area of Rectangles
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 7 Answer Key Solve Measurement Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 8 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 6 Fraction Concepts and Operations

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Answer Key Understand Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Answer Key Fractions That Add to One
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Answer Key Add and Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Mixed Numbers and Fractions Greater Than 1
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Answer Key Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Answer Key Practice with Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 8 Answer Key Practice Multiplying a Fraction by a Whole Number
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 9 Answer Key Mixed Practice
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 10 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 7 Fractions and Decimals

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Answer Key Compare Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key Fractions on the Number Line
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Fractions of Different-Size Wholes
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Answer Key Equivalent Fractions Using Multiplication
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 5 Answer Key Equivalent Fractions Using Division
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 6 Answer Key Compare Fractions with Unlike Denominators
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 7 Answer Key Fractions and Line Plots
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 8 Answer Key Relate Fractions and Decimals
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 9 Answer Key Explore Decimal Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 10 Answer Key Compare Decimals to Hundredths
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 11 Answer Key Decimals Greater Than 1
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 12 Answer Key Compare Decimals Greater Than 1
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 7 Lesson 13 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 8 Geometry

  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 1 Answer Key Points, Rays, and Angles
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Answer Key Measuring Angles
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Circles and Angles
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Answer Key Name Triangles
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 5 Answer Key Compose and Decompose Angles
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 6 Answer Key Real World Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 7 Answer Key Parallel and Perpendicular Lines and Line Segments
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 8 Answer Key Classifying Quadrilaterals
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 9 Answer Key Decompose Quadrilaterals and Triangles
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 10 Answer Key Classify Polygons
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 11 Answer Key Line Symmetry
  • Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 8 Lesson 12 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 3 Homework and Remembering Answer Key

Math Expressions Grade 3 Homework and Remembering Volume 1 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 3 Volume 1 Answer Key

Unit 1 Multiplication and Division with 0-5, 9 and 10

  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Multiply with 5
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Answer Key Multiplication as Equal Groups
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Answer Key Multiplication and Arrays
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key The Meaning of Division
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 2
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Answer Key Building Fluency with 2s and 5s
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 7 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 10
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 9
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key Building Fluency with 2s, 5s, 9s, and 10s
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 10 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 3
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 11 Answer Key Multiplication and Area
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 4
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 13 Answer Key Use the Strategy Cards
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 14 Answer Key Building Fluency with 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 9s, and 10s
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 15 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 1 and 0
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 16 Answer Key Solve and create Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 17 Answer Key Play Multiplication and Division Games
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 18 Answer Key Building Fluency with 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 9s, 10s
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 1 Lesson 19 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 2 Multiplication and Division with 6, 7, and 8, Multiply with Multiples of 10, and Problem Solving

  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 6
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Answer Key Solve Area Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 8
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Answer Key Write Word Problems and Equations
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Answer Key Multiply and Divide with 7
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 6 Answer Key Square Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Practice with 6s, 7s, and 8s
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 8 Answer Key Building Fluency with 0s – 10s
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 9 Answer Key Equations and Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 10 Answer Key Write First Step Questions for Two-Step Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Answer Key Make Sense of Two-Step Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 12 Answer Key Multiply with Multiples of 10
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 13 Answer Key Play Multiplication and Division Games
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 14 Answer Key Building Fluency with 0s – 10s
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 2 Lesson 15 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 3 Measurement, Time, and Graphs

  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Answer Key Customary Units of Length
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key Customary Units of Liquid Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Answer Key Metric Units of Liquid Volume
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Answer Key Customary Units of Weight and Metric Units of Mass
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Answer Key Solve Word Problems Involving Liquid Volume and Mass
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Tell Time
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 7 Answer Key Before and After the Hour
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 8 Answer Key Elapsed Time
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 9 Answer Key Add and Subtract Time
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 10 Answer Key Solve Word Problems Involving Time
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 11 Answer Key Read and Create Pictographs and Bar Graphs
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 12 Answer Key Read and Create Bar Graphs with Multidigit Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 13 Answer Key Represent and Organize Data
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 14 Answer Key Use Graphs to Solve Time and Measurement Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 15 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Grade 3 Homework and Remembering Volume 3 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 3 Volume 2 Answer Key

Unit 4 Multidigit Addition and Subtraction

  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Answer Key Make Place Value Drawings
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key Build Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Answer Key Place Value in Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Answer Key Practice with Place Value
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Answer Key Round to the Nearest Hundred
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Answer Key Round to the Nearest Ten
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 7 Answer Key Explore Multidigit Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 8 Answer Key Discuss Addition Methods
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 9 Answer Key The Grouping Concept in Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Answer Key Practice Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 11 Answer Key Ungroup to Subtract
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 12 Answer Key Subtract Across Zeros
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 13 Answer Key Discuss Methods of Subtracting
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 14 Answer Key Relate Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 15 Answer Key Subtraction Practice
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 16 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Practice
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 17 Answer Key Solve Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 5 Write Equations to Solve Word Problems

  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Situations
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Answer Key Word Problems with Unknown Addends or Unknown factors
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Answer Key Word Problems with Unknown Starts
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Answer Key Comparison Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Answer Key Comparison Problems with Misleading Language
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 6 Answer Key Word Problems with Extra, Hidden, or Not Enough Information
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 7 Answer Key Write First Step Questions for Two-Step Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 8 Answer Key Solve Two-Step Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 9 Answer Key Equations and Two-Step Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 10 Answer Key Practice with Two-Step Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 11 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 6 Polygons, Perimeter, and Area

  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Answer Key Triangles
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Answer Key Parallelograms, Rectangles, Squares, and Rhombuses
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Answer Key Draw Quadrilaterals
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Classify Quadrilaterals
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Answer Key Perimeter and Area
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Answer Key Side Lengths with Area and Perimeter
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Areas and Perimeters
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 8 Answer Key Area of Rectilinear Figures
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 9 Answer Key Solve Perimeter and Area Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 10 Answer Key Tangram Shapes and Area
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 11 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 7 Explore Fractions

  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Answer Key Understand Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key Model Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Locate Fractions on the Number Line
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Answer Key Compare Unit Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 5 Answer Key Compare Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 6 Answer Key Introduce Equivalence
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 7 Answer Key Equivalent Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 8 Answer Key Problem Solving with Fractions
  • Math Expressions Grade 3 Unit 7 Lesson 9 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 2 Homework and Remembering Answer Key

Math Expressions Grade 2 Homework and Remembering Volume 1 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 2 Volume 1 Answer Key

Unit 1 Addition and Subtraction Within 20

  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Represent Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Answer Key Relate Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make-a-Ten Strategies
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key Relate Unknown Addends and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Answer Key More Practice with Unknown Addends and Teen Totals
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Answer Key Odd and Even Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 7 Answer Key Strategies Using Doubles
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Answer Key Equations, Equation Chains, and Vertical Form
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key Add Three or Four Addends
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 10 Answer Key Add To and Take From Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 11 Answer Key Add To and Take From Problems – Unknown in All Positions
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key Put Together/Take Apart Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 13 Answer Key Special Put Together/Take Apart Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 14 Answer Key Compare Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 15 Answer Key More Compare Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 16 Answer Key Mixed Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 17 Answer Key Problems with Not Enough, Extra, or Hidden Information
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 18 Answer Key More Complex Compare Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 19 Answer Key Two-Step Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 20 Answer Key Mixed Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 1 Lesson 21 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 2 Addition Within 200

  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Answer Key Ones, Tens, and Hundreds
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Answer Key Draw Quick Tens and Quick Hundreds
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Answer Key Represent Numbers in Different Ways
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Answer Key Combine Ones, Tens, and Hundreds
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Answer Key Compare Numbers within 200
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 6 Answer Key Explore 2-Digit Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Addition – Show All Totals Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 8 Answer Key Addition – New Groups Below Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 9 Answer Key Practice Addition with Sums over 100
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 10 Answer Key Choose an Addition Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Answer Key Buy with Pennies and Dimes
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 12 Answer Key Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 13 Answer Key Fluency: Addition Within 100
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 14 Answer Key Add Three or Four 2-Digit Addends
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 2 Lesson 15 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 3 Length and Shapes

  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Answer Key Measure Length
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key Recognize and Draw Shapes
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Answer Key Estimate and Measure
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Answer Key Draw, Estimate, and Measure
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Answer Key Draw Using Faces
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Estimate and Measure with Centimeters
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 7 Answer Key Estimate and Measure with Inches
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 8 Answer Key Measure for and Make Line Plots
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 3 Lesson 9 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Grade 2 Homework and Remembering Volume 3 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 2 Volume 2 Answer Key

Unit 4 Subtract 2-Digit Numbers

  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Answer Key Explore Quarters
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key Explore Dollars
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Answer Key Addends and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Answer Key Subtraction Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Answer Key Two Methods of Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Answer Key Practice and Explain a Method
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 7 Answer Key Subtract from 200
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 8 Answer Key Ungroup from the Left or from the Right
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 9 Answer Key Zero in the Ones or Tens Place
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Answer Key Model Subtraction with Money
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 11 Answer Key Fluency: Subtraction Within 100
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 12 Answer Key Word Problems with Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 13 Answer Key Equations with Greater Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 14 Answer Key Practice Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 15 Answer Key Buy and Sell with One Dollar
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 16 Answer Key Word Problems with Unknown Addends
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 17 Answer Key More Word Problems with Unknown Addends
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Answer Key Start Unknown Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 19 Answer Key Compare Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Answer Key Mixed Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 21 Answer Key Two-Step Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 22 Answer Key More Two-Step Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 23 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 5 Time, Graphs, and Word Problems

  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Answer Key Hours and A.M. or P.M
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Answer Key Hours and Minutes
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Answer Key Discuss Picture Graphs
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Answer Key Read Picture Graphs
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Answer Key Introduce Bar Graphs
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 6 Answer Key Read Bar Graphs
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 7 Answer Key Solve Problems Using a Bar Graph
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 8 Answer Key Collect and Graph Data
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 9 Answer Key Make Graphs and Interpret Data
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 5 Lesson 10 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

3-Digit Addition and Subtraction

  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Numbers to 1,000
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Answer Key Place Value
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Answer Key Compare Numbers Within 999
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Count by Ones and by Tens
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Answer Key Add Ones, Tens, and Hundreds
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Answer Key 3-Digit Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Discuss 3-Digit Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 8 Answer Key Word Problems: Unknown Addends
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 9 Answer Key Subtract from Hundreds Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 10 Answer Key Subtract from Numbers with Zeros
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 11 Answer Key Subtract from Any 3-Digit Number
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 12 Answer Key Practice Ungrouping
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 13 Answer Key Relationships Between Addition and Subtraction Methods
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 14 Answer Key Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 6 Lesson 15 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 7 Arrays, Equal Shares, and Adding or Subtracting

  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Answer Key Arrays, Partitioned Rectangles, and Equal Shares
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key Find Equal Shares
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Length Word Problems and Number Line Diagrams
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Answer Key Add Three and Four Lengths
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 7 Lesson 5 Answer Key More Length Word Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 7 Lesson 6 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 1 Homework and Remembering Answer Key

Math Expressions Grade 1 Homework and Remembering Volume 1 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 1 Volume 1 Answer Key

Unit 1 Partners and Number Patterns Through 10

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Discuss Numbers 1 – 10
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Answer Key Visualize Numbers as a 5-Group and Ones
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Answer Key Partners of 2 Through 5
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key Partners of 6
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Answer Key Partners of 7
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Answer Key Partners of 8
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 7 Answer Key Partners of 9
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Answer Key Partners of 10
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 2 Addition and Subtraction Strategies

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Answer Key Represent Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Answer Key Addition with Circle Drawings
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Answer Key Addition Equations
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Answer Key Addition Equations and Stories
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Answer Key Explore Solution Methods
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 6 Answer Key Addition Strategies: Counting On
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Count On from the Greater Number
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 8 Answer Key Addition Game: Unknown Totals
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 9 Answer Key Practice Counting On
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 10 Answer Key Represent Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Answer Key Subtraction with Drawings and Equations
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 12 Answer Key Practice with Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 13 Answer Key Generate Subtraction Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 14 Answer Key Relate Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 15 Answer Key Mixed Practice with Equations
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 2 Lesson 16 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 3 Unknown Numbers in Addition and Subtraction

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Answer Key Explore Unknowns
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key Problems with Unknown Partners
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Answer Key Solve Equations with Unknown Partners
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Answer Key Addition Game: Unknown Partners
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Answer Key Practice with Unknown Partners
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtraction Strategies
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 7 Answer Key Subtraction Stories and Games
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 8 Answer Key Practice with Subtraction Stories
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 9 Answer Key Relate Addition and Subtraction Situations
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 10 Answer Key Solve Mixed Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 11 Answer Key Practice with Mixed Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 3 Lesson 12 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 4 Place Value Concepts

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Answer Key Introduction to Tens Groupings
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key Explore Teen Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Answer Key Represent and Compare Teen Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Answer Key Visualize Teen Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Answer Key Teen Addition Strategies
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Answer Key Investigate Doubles
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 7 Answer Key Understand Tens and Ones
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 8 Answer Key Integrate Tens and Ones
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 9 Answer Key Practice Grouping Ones into Tens
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Answer Key Add with Groups of Ten
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 11 Answer Key Practice with Tens and Ones
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 12 Answer Key Use Place Value to Compare Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 13 Answer Key Add Tens or Ones
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 14 Answer Key Mixed Addition with Tens and Ones
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 15 Answer Key Counting On Strategy: 2-Digit Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 16 Answer Key Practice with 2-Digit Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 17 Answer Key 2-Digit Addition Games
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Grade 1 Homework and Remembering Volume 3 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 1 Volume 2 Answer Key

Unit 5 Place Value Situations

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Answer Key Unknown Partners with Teen Totals
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Answer Key Subtraction with Teen Numbers
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Answer Key Mixed Practice with Teen Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Answer Key Small Group Practice with Teen Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Answer Key Teen Problems with Various Unknowns
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 6 Answer Key Problems with Three Addends
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 7 Answer Key Count with Groups of 10
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 8 Answer Key Numbers Through 120
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 9 Answer Key Add and Subtract Tens
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 10 Answer Key Add and Subtract Multiples of 10
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 5 Lesson 11 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 6 Comparisons and Data

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Answer Key Explore Representing Data
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Answer Key Organize Categorical Data
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Answer Key Use Stair Steps to Represent Data
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Data Sets with Three Categories
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Answer Key Data Collecting
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Answer Key Introduce Comparison Bars
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Comparison Bars and Comparing Language
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 8 Answer Key Solve Compare Problems
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 6 Lesson 9 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 7 Geometry, Measurement, and Equal Shares

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Answer Key Introduction to Time
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key Tell and Write Time in Hours
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Time in Our Day
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Answer Key Tell and Write Time in Half-Hours
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 5 Answer Key Practice Telling and Writing Time
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 6 Answer Key Squares and Other Rectangles
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 7 Answer Key Triangles and Circles
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 8 Answer Key Equal Shares
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 9 Answer Key Compose 2-Dimensional Shapes
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 10 Answer Key 3-Dimensional Shapes
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 11 Answer Key Compose 3-Dimensional Shapes
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 12 Answer Key Order by Length
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 13 Answer Key Measure with Length Units
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 7 Lesson 14 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Unit 8 Two-Digit Addition

  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 8 Lesson 1 Answer Key Explore 2-Digit Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Answer Key Methods of 2-Digit Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Addition of Tens and Ones
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Answer Key Discuss Solution Methods
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 8 Lesson 5 Answer Key Practice 2-Digit Addition
  • Math Expressions Grade 1 Unit 8 Lesson 6 Answer Key Focus on Mathematical Practices

Math Expressions Common Core Kindergarten Homework and Remembering Answer Key

Math Expressions Kindergarten Homework and Remembering Volume 1 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade K Volume 1 Answer Key

  • Math Expressions Grade K Unit 1 Answer Key Understand Numbers 1 – 10
  • Math Expressions Grade K Unit 2 Answer Key 5-Groups in Numbers 6 – 10
  • Math Expressions Grade K Unit 3 Answer Key Teen Numbers as Tens and Ones

Math Expressions Kindergarten Homework and Remembering Volume 3 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade K Volume 2 Answer Key

  • Math Expressions Grade K Unit 4 Answer Key Partners, Problem Drawings, and Tens
  • Math Expressions Grade K Unit 5 Answer Key Consolidation of Concepts


Topic outline, grade 4 module 5, fraction equivalence, ordering, and operations.


Topic A: Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence

Topic b: fraction equivalence using multiplication and division, topic c: fraction comparison.


Topic D: Fraction Addition and Subtraction

Mid-module review, topic e: extending fraction equivalence to fractions greater than 1, topic f: addition and subtraction of fractions by decomposition, topic g: repeated addition of fractions as multiplication, topic h: explore a fraction pattern, end-of-module review.

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Math Homework Pages and Answers

Topic 1: understand place value.

1-1: Patterns with Exponents and Powers of 10

  • Homework Page

1-2: Understand Whole-Number Place Value

1-3: Decimals to Thousandths

1-4: Understand Decimal Place Value

1-5: Compare Decimals

1-6: Round Decimals

Topic 2: Use Models and Strategies to Add and Subtract Decimals

2-2: Estimate Sums and Differences of Decimals

2-3: Use Models to Add and Subtract Decimals

2-4: Use Strategies to Add Decimals

2-5: Use Strategies to Subtract Decimals

2-6: Model with Math

Topic 3: Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

3-1: Multiply Greater Numbers by Powers of 10

3-2: Estimate Products

3-3: Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers

3-4: Multiply 2-Digit by 2-Digit Numbers

3-5: Multiply 3-Digit by 2-Digit Numbers

3-6: Multiply Whole Numbers with Zeros

3-7: Practice Multiplying Multi-Digit Numbers

3-8: Solve Word Problems

3-9: Critique Reasoning

Topic 4: Use Models and Strategies to Multiply Decimals

4-1:Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10

4-2: Estimate the Product of a Decimal and a Whole Number 

4-3: Use Models to Multiply a Decimal and a Whole Number

4-4: Multiply a Decimal and a Whole Number

4-5: Use Models to Multiply a Decimal and a Decimal

4-6: Multiply Decimals Using Partial Products

4-7: Use Properties to Multiply Decimals

4-8: Use Number Sense to Multiply Decimals

4-9: Model with Math

Topic 5: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Whole Numbers

Topic 5-1: Use Patterns and Mental Math to Divide

Topic 5-2: Estimate Quotients with 2-Digit Divisors

Topic 5-3: Use Models and Properties to Divide with 2-Digit Divisors

Topic 5-4: Use Partial Quotients to Divide

Topic 5-5: Use Sharing to Divide: Two Digit Divisors

Topic 5-6: Use Sharing to Divide: Greater Dividends

Topic 5-7: Choose a Strategy to Divide 

Lesson 5-8: Make Sense and Persevere

Topic 6: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Decimals

6-1: Patterns for Dividing with Decimals

6-2: Estimate Decimals Quotients

6-3: Use Models to Divide by a 1-Digit Number

6-4: Divide by a 2-digit Whole Number

6-5: Divide by a Decimal

6-6: Reasoning 

Topic 7: Use Equivalent Fractions to Add and Subtract Fractions

7-2: Find Common Denominators

  •   Answers

7-3: Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators

7-4: Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators

7-5: Add and Subtract Fractions

7-6: Estimate Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers

7-7: Use Models to Add Mixed Numbers

7-8: Add Mixed Numbers

7-9: Use Models to Subtract Mixed Numbers

7-10: Subtract Mixed Numbers

7-11: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers

Topic 8: Apply Understanding of Multiplication to Multiply Fractions

8-1: Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number

8-2: Multiply a Whole Number by a Fraction

8-3: Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers

8-4: Use Models to Multiply Two Fractions

8-5: Multiply Two Fractions

8-6: Area of a Rectangle

8-7: Multiply Mixed Numbers

Topic 9: Apply Understanding of Division to Divide Fractions

Lesson 9-1: Fractions and Division

Lesson 9-2: Fractions and Mixed Numbers as Quotients

Lesson 9-3: Use Multiplication to Divide

Lesson 9-4: Divide Whole Numbers by Unit Fractions

Lesson 9-5: Divide Unit Fractions by Non-Zero Whole Numbers

Lesson 9-6: Divide Whole Numbers and Unit Fractions

Lesson 9-7: Solve Problems Using Division

Lesson 9-8: Repeated Reasoning

Topic 10: Represent and Interpret Data

Lesson 10-1: Analyze Line Plots

Lesson 10-2: Make Line Plots

Lesson 10-3: Solve Word Problems Using Measurement Data

Lesson 10-4: Critique Reasoning 

Topic 11: Understand Volume Concepts

Lesson 11-1: Model Volume

Lesson 11-2: Develop a Formula

Lesson 11-3: Combine Volume of Prisms

Lesson 11-4: Solve Word Problems Using Volume

Lesson 11-5: Use Appropriate Tools

5th Grade Homework Policy

We value your family time. therefore, we will be intentional with any homework we send home. students’ daily homework will be required reading of at least 30 minutes., students will have nightly math homework which supports our learning in class. there are a lot of new math concepts in 5th grade and it is important for students' growth and understanding. additionally, study guides and other assignments may be sent home periodically throughout the year., please note: if a student exhibits off-task behaviors, fails to complete an assignment, or is struggling to understand a concept, an assignment will be sent home for completion..

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Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
  • Learning numbers
  • Comparing numbers
  • Place Value
  • Roman numerals


  • Multiplication
  • Order of operations
  • Drills & practice


  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled Stories
  • Sentences & passages
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
  • Compare & contrast
  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Early writing
  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


Math Workbooks for Grade 4

Download & Print From only $2.00

Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

Grade 4 math worksheets.

Our grade 4 math worksheets help students  build mastery in computations with the 4 basic operations , delve deeper into the use of fractions and decimals and introduce concept related to factors.  

4 Operations

Place Value & Rounding

Mental Multiplication

Multiply in Columns

Mental Division

Long Division

Order of Operations

Fractions & decimals

Fractions to/from Decimals

Roman Numerals

Data & Graphing

Word Problems

5th grade lesson 4 homework

Sample Grade 4 Math Worksheet

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5th grade lesson 4 homework

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  1. Grade 5 Reading Lesson 4 Poetry

    5th grade lesson 4 homework

  2. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Homework

    5th grade lesson 4 homework

  3. Math Homework Book Grade 5

    5th grade lesson 4 homework

  4. Lesson 4 Homework Practice Multiply Integers

    5th grade lesson 4 homework

  5. 5th Grade Homework Choice Boards

    5th grade lesson 4 homework

  6. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Homework

    5th grade lesson 4 homework


  1. Into Math 5th Grade Lesson 4.1

  2. Eureka math grade 5 module 4 lesson 14 homework

  3. Grade 1 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework

  4. 5th Grade GO Math: Lesson 9.4 Line Graphs pages 401-404

  5. Into Math 5th Grade Lesson 4.2

  6. Grade 5 Module 6 Lesson 4 Homework Tutor Complete Homework Demonstrated


  1. Engage NY // Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework

    Engage NY // Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework

  2. Course: G5M4: Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal

    Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions. Eureka Essentials: Grade 5. An outline of learning goals, key ideas, pacing suggestions, and more! Fluency Games. Teach Eureka Lesson Breakdown. Downloadable Resources. Teacher editions, student materials, application problems, sprints, etc. Application Problems.

  3. Eureka math grade 5 module 5 lesson 4 homework

    Use multiplication to calculate volume, use a formula, V=LxWxH, common core, word problems, help students, help teachers, help parents

  4. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 4 Answer Key

    Engage NY Eureka Math 5th Grade Module 4 Lesson 4 Answer Key Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key. Question 1. Draw a tape diagram to solve. Express your answer as a fraction. Show the multiplication sentence to check your answer. The first one is done for you. a. 1 ÷ 3 = \(\frac{1}{3}\) b. 2 ÷ 3 = Answer: 2/3 ...

  5. PDF Module 4

    esson 1:Measure and compare pencil lengths to the nearest inch, and analyze the data through li. and 18 of an. 1. ©2015 Great Minds. eureka-math.org. G5-M4-SE-1.3.-05.2015. S. t 5 45. Use all three of your line plots to complete the foll. wing: Compare the three plots, and write one sentence that describes how the plots are alike and one ...

  6. Go Math!

    5TH GRADE. Go Math! What is the "Go Math!" curriculum? Curriculum - This details what domain, cluster, standard, and essential questions are taught within the math program. ... Homework: Lesson 4.1 Lesson 4.2 Lesson 4.3 Lesson 4.4 Lesson 4.5 Lesson 4.6 Lesson 4.7 Lesson 4.8 Extra Practice.

  7. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 4

    EngageNY/Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 4For more Eureka Math (EngageNY) videos and other resources, please visit http://EMBARC.onlinePLEASE leave a mes...

  8. Common Core Grade 5 Math (Worksheets, Homework, Lesson Plans)

    Topic A Overview. Lesson 1: Multiply multi-digit whole numbers and multiples of 10 using place value patterns and the distributive and associative properties. (Video Lesson) Lesson 2: Estimate multi-digit products by rounding factors to a basic fact and using place value patterns. (Video Lesson) B.

  9. EM4 at Home Grade 5

    Everyday Mathematics is divided into Units, which are divided into Lessons. In the upper-left corner of the Home Link, you should see an icon like this: The Unit number is the first number you see in the icon, and the Lesson number is the second number. In this case, the student is working in Unit 5, Lesson 4.

  10. 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 4 Note & Homework: Multiplying Fractions ...

    5th Grade Unit 5 Multiplying Fractions Bundle. The product includes the following lessons on multiplying fractions. Every lesson includes notes, homework, and answer keys.Lesson 1: Part of a Group using counters Lesson 2: Multiplying Fractions by a Whole Number using models and the standard algorithmLesson 3: Multiplying Fractions by Fractions. 9.

  11. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key

    Engage NY Eureka Math 5th Grade Module 1 Lesson 4 Answer Key Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key. Question 1. Convert and write an equation with an exponent. Use your meter strip when it helps you. a. 3 meters to centimeters 3 m = 300 cm 3 × 10 2 = 300 b. 105 centimeters to meters 105 cm = _____ m _____

  12. Course: G5M1: Place Value and Decimal Fractions

    Place Value and Decimal Fractions. Eureka Essentials: Grade 5. An outline of learning goals, key ideas, pacing suggestions, and more! Fluency Games. Teach Eureka Lesson Breakdown. Downloadable Resources. Teacher editions, student materials, application problems, sprints, etc. Application Problems.

  13. PDF Go Math! Practice Book (TE), G5

    Go Math! Practice Book (TE), G5. Name Line Graphs use the table for 1—5. Time Temperature (OF) Hourly Temperature 10 A.M. 11 A.M. 12 noon 1 P.M. 16 27 Lesson COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.5.G.2 Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. 2 P.M. 3 P.M. 38 41 1. Write the related number pairs for the hourly ...

  14. Eureka Math Student Materials: Grades K-5

    With Practice, students build competence in newly acquired skills and reinforce previously learned skills in preparation for tomorrow's lesson. Together, Learn and Practice provide all the print materials a student uses for their core instruction. Eureka Math contains multiple daily opportunities to build fluency in mathematics.Each is designed with the same notion—growing every student ...

  15. Math Expressions Answer Key for Grade 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and Kindergarten K

    Math Expressions Grade 5 Homework and Remembering Volume 1 Answer Key | Math Expressions Common Core Grade 5 Volume 1 Answer Key. Unit 1 Addition and Subtraction with Fractions. ... Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Answer Key Metric Measures of Liquid Volume and Mass;

  16. Module 4 Lesson 4 Eureka Math Homework 5th grade

    I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)

  17. PDF Go Math! Practice Book (TE), G5

    Lesson Check (CC.5.NBT.2, CC.5.NBT.7) 1. Sue buys material to make a costume. She buys 1.75 yards of red material. She buys 1.2 times as many yards of blue material. How many yards of blue material does Sue buy? 2.1 yards 2.95 yards C) 5.25 yards @ 21 yards 2. Last week Juan worked 20.5 hours.

  18. PDF Go Math! Practice Book (TE), G5

    Go Math! Practice Book (TE), G5. Name Fraction and Whole-Number Division Write a related multiplication sentence to solve. Lesson 8.4 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.5.NF.7c Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. 3 12. 9— 30 18 16 24 21 6 20 10. 4— 15 32 11. 3 Problem Solving REAL ...

  19. Khan Academy

    Khanmigo is now free for all US educators! Plan lessons, develop exit tickets, and so much more with our AI teaching assistant.

  20. Course: G4M5: Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations

    Eureka Essentials: Grade 4. An outline of learning goals, key ideas, pacing suggestions, and more! Fluency Games. Teach Eureka Lesson Breakdown. Downloadable Resources. Teacher editions, student materials, application problems, sprints, etc. Application Problems. Files for printing or for projecting on the screen.

  21. 5th Grade / Homework

    Students' daily homework will be required reading of at least 30 minutes. Students will have nightly math homework which supports our learning in class. There are a lot of new math concepts in 5th grade and it is important for students' growth and understanding. Additionally, study guides and other assignments may be sent home periodically ...

  22. Engage NY // Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 5 Homework

    Engage NY // Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 5 Homework

  23. Fourth grade math worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. 4th grade math worksheets: Multiplication, division, rounding, fractions, decimals , telling time, counting money, order of operations, factoring, roman numerals, geometry ...