A review of contextual factors affecting mobile payment adoption and use

  • Original Article
  • Published: 10 January 2019
  • Volume 3 , pages 43–57, ( 2019 )

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research paper on mobile payment apps

  • Abhipsa Pal 1 ,
  • Rahul De’ 1 ,
  • Tejaswini Herath 2 &
  • H. Raghav Rao 3  

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Research on mobile payments is a flourishing area in information systems. An in-depth review of the literature reveals that a majority of studies frequently use existing theoretical models of IT adoption and usage, but do not extend the investigation further into other theories that could offer new contextually relevant variables. We identify some contextual variables missing in the extant research models. Starting from November 2016, India witnessed a number of events: demonetization, followed by low-cost Internet made available by a service provider, discounts and cash benefit offers by competing wallet companies, and related government regulations. Motivated by these events, we recognized the importance of contextual factors for technology usage and adoption. Drawing from management theories, we identified and classified factors from 79 relevant papers, and then developed a framework that included contextual variables—both environmental and cultural facilitators and barriers. This paper is useful for understanding the research trends in current mobile banking literature along with implications for future research and practice.

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Abhipsa Pal & Rahul De’

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Pal, A., De’, R., Herath, T. et al. A review of contextual factors affecting mobile payment adoption and use. J BANK FINANC TECHNOL 3 , 43–57 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42786-018-00005-3

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Received : 11 November 2018

Accepted : 06 December 2018

Published : 10 January 2019

Issue Date : 10 April 2019

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s42786-018-00005-3

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A Study on Adoption of Digital Payment Through Mobile Payment Application With Reference to Gujarat State

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2020

6 Pages Posted: 22 Jul 2020

Shivam Tripathi

Lakulish Yoga University; GLS University

Date Written: April 25, 2020

The trend of digital payments has been increased rapidly in recent years with the development of the Internet and due to the easy accessibility of Internet usage. Easy access to the Internet has driven consumers to use mobile payment applications for digital payment. India has internet users base about 546.5 million as of 2020 about 40% of the population. This number is the second largest in the world behind China. A maximum business organization running with the technological changes, due to globalization they are focusing more on meeting the needs of the consumers. We have also decided to study the consumer's attitude towards usage of mobile payment applications, especially the factors influencing the user for using mobile payment applications, and information about factors which played a role as barriers during usage of the mobile payment application. The population of the study is selected from the Gujarat state of the country. The sample size is 100 and we have used a convenient sampling method for the study. Our findings indicate that in the demographic information profession of the respondents not at all important in the decision-making process, whereas it is also concluded that elderly people are not at all attracted to use mobile payment applications for digital payments and education, undergraduate and postgraduates are more attracted towards mobile payment application. The research has also found that factors such as saves time, cashback and discounts, convenience, detailed records, reduced theft risk, track your spendings, and creating a cashless economy influence consumer’s attitudes towards mobile payment applications. The research also indicates some factors as barriers to the consumers towards mobile payment applications such as transaction charges, don’t know how to use, Digital Payments are not accepted everywhere, transparency, habit, and trust. It is expected that this study will help in India to plan successful strategies for increasing the use of mobile payment applications and they can build better relations with consumers.

Keywords: Digital Payment, Mobile Payment Application, UPI, Cashless Economy

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Treasury, IRS and DOE announce full applications are open for Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Tax Credit

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IR-2024-228, Aug. 29, 2024

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Department of Energy announced today that they received over 800 concept papers — project proposals — seeking a total of nearly $40 billion in tax credits, representing $200 billion in total project investments, for Round 2 of the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Tax Credit (48C) Program.

Of the nearly $40 billion, approximately $10.3 billion is from projects in designated energy communities census tracts.

Today, the IRS and DOE notified applicants on the 48C Portal that applications are now open and after initial review were encouraged to apply for the next stage of evaluation to determine which projects will receive a tax credit.

The IRS encouraged more than 450 projects across 46 states and the District of Columbia with over $22.5 billion in tax credits requested. Roughly $4.8 billion of the $22.5 billion in tax credits encouraged are in historic energy communities. The encouraged projects span large, medium and small businesses and non-profits, all of which must meet prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements to receive a 30% investment tax credit.

There is up to $6 billion in tax credit allocations for the second round for the 48C(e) program, including approximately $2.5 billion for projects located in 48C(e) designated energy communities.

Applicants who submitted a concept paper, whether they received an encourage or discourage letter, may now submit a full application on the 48C Portal. Applications are due by Friday, Oct. 18 11:59 pm Eastern time. Applicants are encouraged to use the application templates available on the 48C Portal.

DOE, IRS and UST will host a webinar for applicants on Monday, Sept. 16. The webinar registration link will be made available on the 48C landing page .

The 48C Program, funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, is designed to accelerate domestic clean energy manufacturing and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at industrial facilities. DOE is partnering with the Treasury Department and the IRS to implement the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Tax Credit (48C).

DOE’s Office of Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains (MESC) manages the 48C Program on behalf of the Treasury Department and the IRS. At least $4 billion of the total $10 billion will be allocated for projects in designated § 48C energy communities — communities with closed coal mines or coal plants as defined in Appendix C of IRS Notice 2024-36 .

Learn more about the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C) and the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C) Program .

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