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This research analyzes customer satisfaction in a food court located in a mall, based on data collected from 100 respondents. The findings reveal high satisfaction levels across various indicators, including food quality, service efficiency, and cleanliness, with an overall average satisfaction rating of 3.14. The study also identifies significant relationships between customer satisfaction and factors such as age and employment status, while noting that civil status and gender do not significantly affect satisfaction.
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Preview text, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data.
This chapter contains the presentation of all the data gathered, respondents of the sampling design, research instruments, procedures and the use of statistical instrument.
Figure 1 Population of Respondents According to Age
1718 19 20 and above
In the figure 2 shown above, age bracket is present as well as the number of population in percentage form according to their age.
There are fifty (50) respondents of second year Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English from Bulacan State University – Sarmiento Campus second semester of academic year 2017. In the age bracket of seventeen years old (17), there are nineteen (19) respondents that is equivalent to 38 %. In the bracket of eighteen years old (18), there are twelve (12) respondents that is equivalent to 24 %. In the age bracket of nineteen (19) years old got nine (9) respondents that is equivalent to 18 %. In addition, the age bracket of 20 and above got 10 respondents with equivalent of 20 %.
The age bracket that got the least number of respondents is in the age of nineteen (19) which is consist of nine respondents only while the age bracket that got the highest percentage is in the age of seventeen (17) which got nineteen respondents.
To get the percentage of the population according to their sex in this research, the researchers divided the number of the respondents in each sex to the total number of the whole class and multiplied it to 100.
Table Ranking of the Common Errors in Grammar Test
Topics No. ofitems ScoresTotal
Frequency of Errors
Errors in Percentage
Ranking Double Negative 4 200 155 76% 1 Preposition 5 250 186 74% 2 Subject-Verb Agreement 5 250 171 68% 3 Noun 2 100 67 67% 4 Pronoun 9 450 284 63% 5 Conjunction 3 150 91 61% 6 Adjectives 3 150 83 55% 7 Verb Tense 6 300 162 54% 8 Parallelism 3 150 63 42% 9 Diction 6 300 107 36% 10 Adverb 2 100 25 25% 11 Infinitives 2 100 18 18% 12
Researchers concluded that Double Negative got the most number of committed errors with four items; it has 155 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 76%. Followed by Preposition with five numbers of items in test with 186 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 174%. Subject-Verb Agreement has five item numbers with 171 frequencies that is equivalent to 168%. Noun with two numbers of items in test with 67 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 67%. Pronoun with nine numbers of items in test with 284 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 63%. Conjunction also has three numbers of items in test with 91 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 61%.
Coherence 5 158 63% 1 Clarity 5 130 52% 2 Organization of ideas
5 104 42% 3
Unity 5 93 37% 4
Table 6 presents the topics that consist the whole test in set B and its corresponding number of items, frequency of errors, error in percentage and its ranking based on the respondents answers.
First rank is for the Organization of ideas it has five numbers of items that got 104 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 42% error in percentage. Second, Clarity has five numbers of items that got 130 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 52% error in percentage. Third, Unity has five numbers of items that got 93 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 37% error in percentage. Lastly, Coherence has five numbers of items that got 158 frequencies of errors that is equivalent to 63% error in percentage.
Table 3 Comparison of the Two Tests LSD 2. SUMMARY HSD 2. Groups Count Sum Average Variance Scheffe 14. Grammar 50 1056 21 31 Post Hoc Data
TestEssay type Test 50 520 10 21 Essay type TestColored cells have significant mean10. differencesReject null Hypothesisbecause p < 0 (Means are Different) ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-Value F crit Between Groups 2872 1 2872 108 0 3. Within Groups 2589 98 26.
The table 7 shows that the hypothesis of this research which is there is no significance relationship between grammatical errors and effective writing is rejected because the P-Value is less than 0. In addition, the means of the two data are different. Therefore, the data proved that there is a significant relationship between grammatical errors and effective writing.
Table 4 Score in Grammar Test – Score in Essay type Test
The table 10 shows that there is a big difference between the results of the two data. The Score in Test A stands for Grammatical Errors and the Score in Test B stands for the mastery of the students when it comes to effective writing.
The Score in Test A range in 24 while the score in test B ranges in 14. that creates a 10 gap. The data reveals that students are better in Grammatical Tests than the essay type tests.
Therefore, the researchers conclude that there is a significant relationship between the Grammatical Errors and Effective Writing of the second year students English Major in Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus.
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Course : Research (RES1)
University : bulacan state university, this is a preview.
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chapter, data is interpreted in a descriptive form. This chapter comprises the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the findings resulting from this study. The analysis and interpretation of data is carried out in two phases. The first part, which is based on the results of the questionnaire, deals with a quantitative analysis of data.
Analysis and presentation of data 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the data analysis and findings from 107 questionnaires completed by adolescent mothers who visited one of the two participating well-baby clinics in the Piet Retief (Mkhondo) area during 2004. The purpose of this study was to identify factors contributing to
Chapter 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific research problem regarding the Effectiveness of Beat Patrol System in of San Manuel, Pangasinan.
PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA. This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data that have been gather form the questionnaire distribution to the respondent this chapter also contain the presentation of data in tabular form along with their correspondents' interpretation. Problem 1.
Chapter 2 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA The data gathered from the respondents are presented, analyzed, interpreted and subjected to statistical treatment. The analysis and the interpretation of the data were taken from the 100 respondents of the customers in a food stores in a mall.
PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA. This chapter contains the presentations, analysis, and interpretation of data that have been gathered from the questionnaires distributed to the respondents. This also contains different presentations of data on in charts and tabular forms with the correspondents response. Q1.
PDF | On Feb 19, 2020, Teddy Kinyongo published CHAPTER FOUR DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 4.0 Introduction | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
The analysis, presentation, and interpretation of the study's findings are included in this chapter. The analysis and interpretation of data involves two processes. The first section deals with a quantitative analysis of the data and is based on the questionnaire replies.
PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA. This chapter contains the presentation of all the data gathered, respondents of the sampling design, research instruments, procedures and the use of statistical instrument. Figure 1 Population of Respondents According to Age. 19; 38% 12; 24% 9; 18% 10; 20%. 1718 19 20 and above
The proper management of quantitative data is essential prior to analysis process, the presentation and interpretation of research findings. The researcher needs to 'quality assure' the data prior to full analysis. The data that you have collected require cleaning to reduce errors or inconsistencies. Doing so helps to enhance your data quality.