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IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Causes and Solutions

by Dave | Understanding Task 2 Writing | 0 Comment

IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Causes and Solutions

I have listed here IELTS task 2 causes and solutions question types – enjoy reading and practicing with my sample answers and essays!

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Environmental damage is a problem in most countries.

What is the cause of this damage?

What should be done about this problem?

Read my essay here.

Fewer young people play sports these days.

Why is this?

What can be done to encourage more young people to do sports?

Get the full EBook on Patreon.

Today, many people do not know their neighbors.

What can be done about this?

Research shows that some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people engage in unhealthy activities.

What is the cause of this?

What can be done?

Read my EBook on Patreon.

Many doctors recommend that older people exercise regularly, but most patients do not follow an exercise routine.

Why do you think this happens?

How can people be encouraged to exercise regularly?

There is too much noise in many public places in cities.

What are the causes of this problem?

What can be done to solve the problem?

Read my sample answer here .

Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released.

Why is this the case?

What can be done to solve this problem?

Read my sample anwer here.

Not many young people in countries around the world go to and enjoy concerts and plays.

How should they be encouraged to attend?

Read my sample answer here.

Children are now facing educational, social, and commercial pressures.

What are the causes of these pressures?

What measures can be taken to reduce them?

Not all drivers obey the laws while driving on roads.

What are the reasons for this?

What can be done to fix this problem?

Many students find it difficult to focus or pay attention at school nowadays.

In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining.

Why do you think this is happening?

How can this issue be solved?

Read my essay.

Nowadays many countries are facing problemsrelated to waste disposal.

How can this issue be tackled?

Many students find it is harder to study at university or college compared to when they were in grade school.

What are some possible solutions for this problem?

Childhood obesity has become a serious problem in recent years.

What are the primary causes of this?

What measures should be taken to reduce childhood obesity?

Despite the benefits for health, fewer people today than ever before exercise by walking.

What can be done to encourage more walking?

Many students find it difficult to pay attention at school.

What could be done to solve this problem?

Some people play sport when they are young but then stop doing physical exercise when they become adults.

Many people living in cities these days do not get enough physical exercise.

What are the causes of this?

What are some possible solutions?

The amount of drinkable water for people is decreasing.

In some places, young people find it difficult to communicate with older people.

What are the solutions?

In many countries, people throw away a lot of food from restaurants and shops.

Why do you think people waste food in this way?

What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away?

When cars and cyclists use the same roads, there are often problems.

Some old people today struggle with the use of modern technologies such as smartphones and computers.

Even though doctors advise old people to get more exercise, many old people do not get enough.

What are some possible solutions for this?

The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment.

Plagiarism in academics has become a pressing problem in many countries today.

The roads in major cities today are often difficult to travel on.

More and more people today are drinking sugar-based drinks.

Nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the past and spend less time being active or creative.

What is the reason for this?

What measures should be taken to encourage children to be more active?

In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry.

What can be done about this problem?

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Writing an essay discussing the causes of a problem & suggesting solutions

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In today's IELTS playlist, you will learn how to write an IELTS essay discussing the causes of a problem and suggesting solutions. These are also known as the problem solution essays

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  •   Talks about setting the introduction and tone of your letter, with some exercises to test your ability (5 min)
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  •   Gives an example essay, and explains the positive aspects of it (4 min)
  •   One possible problem and solution (1 min)


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How to Structure a Cause and Solution Essay [IELTS Writing Task 2]

Posted by David S. Wills | Mar 30, 2021 | IELTS Tips , Writing | 0

How to Structure a Cause and Solution Essay [IELTS Writing Task 2]

Today, we are going to look at the process of writing an answer to a cause and solution IELTS essay . This is a common question type that will generally ask you to describe a cause (or reason) for an issue and then suggest some solutions.

What are Cause and Solution Essays?

In IELTS writing task 2, you may be asked to discuss the cause of a problem and then suggest some solutions to solve it. There are a wide array of possibilities and sometimes the words “cause” and “solution” are not actually used, so it can be a little difficult to spot these.

Here is an example:

Some people get into debt buying things they don’t need and can’t afford. What are the reasons for this behaviour? What action can be taken to prevent people having this problem?

In the first part, it does not say “what is the cause?” Instead, it says “What are the reasons…?” This is why it is important to read carefully and to think in terms of synonyms. In the second question, it does not say “solutions,” but instead says “What actions can… prevent…?” Again, if you read carefully you will realise this means “What are the solutions to the problem?”

Structure for Cause and Solution Essays

Thankfully, it is very easy to structure a cause and solution essay for IELTS. You simply need to write four paragraphs, with one body paragraph about the causes and one body paragraph about the solutions:

  • Introduction – introduce the topic
  • Body paragraph #1 – explain the causes of the problem
  • Body paragraph #2 – explain the solutions to the problem
  • Conclusion – summarise briefly

This is very, very easy to do. However, today I would like to show you a little more. In fact, I am going to discuss some complicated issues to help you produce a more advanced essay structure.

how to structure ielts essays for cause and solution

How Many Causes and How Many Solutions?

When I talk about IELTS essay structures, I often tell people to write just one main idea per paragraph. This is because for IELTS it is really important to give development and if you write too much then it can end up more like a list than an essay.

However, with cause and solution essays, you can get into multiple causes and multiple solutions if you are careful. Whilst it is fine to write one single cause and one single solution, you might find it easier to list many. However, I would suggest that you must structure this more carefully because you need to link the causes and solutions clearly.

For each cause, you could find one direct solution and link them in the following way:

advanced structure for cause and solution essay

I would recommend using a maximum of three problems and solutions for the aforementioned reason of development. If you wrote a list of five or six, you would not realistically be able to explain them properly.

To understand this better, let’s look at an example cause and solution question:

More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem?

When I read this question, I first thought, “Wow! It’s really hard to answer it because it’s such a vast issue!” Thus, I would want to mention many factors. Rather than listing them, I’ll boil them down to three causes and three direct solutions:

Destruction of natural habitatsEnding deforestation
Poaching for Chinese medicineBetter education
Commercial fishingLegal limits on trawl fishing

The benefit of this method is that I can include three big ideas about the problems and then counter each of them with a specific solution. The drawback of course is that I cannot go into much detail. This will be more of a problem for the solution section because obviously issues like “ending deforestation” are incredibly complex and require a lot of discussion. However, you cannot say everything for IELTS.

In order to put across the complexity of the situation and show my understanding of it, I will mention several times that it will be difficult to solve and that the problem is very serious. I will conclude my “solutions” paragraph with a note about the unlikeliness of any real change happening because it is true and also in order to counter any complaints about my ideas being unrealistic.

Sample Band 9 Answer

It is apparent nowadays that humans have had a devastating effect on the environment, and in particular we have caused the extinction of countless species of animals. This essay will explore the reasons for this and mention some possible solutions.

To begin with, there are various causes for the reduction in animal populations around the world. Perhaps the main cause is the destruction of their environment. Humans have cut down rainforests and polluted the seas, which has meant that animal no longer have their natural habitat and thus cannot survive. Beyond that, they are poached in order to satisfy the demand for fake medicines in Asia. Every day, elephants and rhinos are killed in Africa and then sent to China. Beyond that, the growing demand for fish has meant that vast fleets of fishing boats trawl the seas, causing the eradication of wildlife there. Many whales and dolphins, for example, are caught up in these nets as a tragic by-product of the industry.

Fixing this problem will be difficult and for many species it is already too late. The most important factor will be the cessation of deforestation in places like Brazil and Malaysia. Humans have to recognise the value of nature rather than focusing on obtaining more land for farming or housing. Education needs to be drastically improved in Asia and also punishments strictly enforced to end the sadistic trafficking of animals for these so-called medicines. Finally, ethical fishing needs to be practised, with limits on trawl nets and ranges for fishing boats. Sadly, none of this is particularly likely due to a lack of concern amongst most of the citizens of the world, and so of course education must be improved before it is too late.

In conclusion, there are various factors that have caused the tragic loss of biodiversity in this world, but there are some steps that could be taken to mitigate the damage.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Task 2 Sample Answer- Health and Fitness

In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

A template is something that can be used over and over again to produce something. Template IELTS answers are normally very bad and I tell people never to use them because they don’t answer the question properly, but there is one exception.

In problem and solution Task 2 answers or causes and solutions Task 2 answers, you will normally use the following 4 paragraph structure :

Problem Solution :

1. Introduction

2. Problems

3. Solutions

4. Conclusion

Causes Solution:

For the third paragraph for both essays we can use a template answer. Let’s look at a sample essay first.

In some nations, people are getting heavier and standards of health and well-being are falling. This essay will suggest that the principal cause of these issues is the type of nourishment they are eating and submit a government education program as a viable solution, followed by a reasoned conclusion.

The main cause of the health crisis currently affecting so many individuals is over-consumption of poor quality sustenance. Convenience food and junk food, such as microwave dinners, chocolate bars, McDonald’s and pizza, have become a ubiquitous part of modern life. Eating too much of these high-fat meals causes many to gain weight and this has knock-on effects on someone’s general wellness. For example, the movie ‘Super Size Me’ demonstrated that a person who eats this kind of food all the time will not only get fat but also suffer from such things as raised blood pressure and even fatty liver disease.

The most practical solution to this problem is a government-sponsored awareness campaign. An effective advertising campaign could warn of the dangers of a poor diet and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public.  This raised awareness of the problem would lead many people starting a healthier regime. For example, the U.K. recently lobbied their citizens to eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day and this resulted in a dramatic decrease in obesity-related illnesses such as stroke and heart disease.

In summary, the current health crisis has been caused by an over-reliance on unhealthy food and states should curtail this by educating men and women on how to make healthier choices.

(250 words)

You will notice in the third paragraph I suggest that a government advertising campaign is the best solution. Luckily, for most problems- and I say most because there are always exceptions- a government campaign that educates people about the issue is always a good solution.

We can, therefore, use the following template:

The most practical solution to this problem is a government-sponsored awareness campaign. An effective advertising campaign could warn of the dangers of [X] and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public.  For example, the U.K. recently lobbied their citizens to [Y] and this resulted in [Z].

All you have to do is think about your particular question and then replace X, Y and Z.

Let’s try this with another question.

Question-  In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.

What do you think are the causes of this?

What solutions can you suggest?

The most practical solution to this problem is a government-sponsored awareness campaign. An effective advertising campaign could warn of the dangers of student misbehaviour and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public.  For example, the U.K. recently lobbied their citizens to teach their children about the importance of respecting teachers and this resulted in a dramatic improvement.

As you can see, I have used the same template paragraph but changed X, Y and Z to meet the requirements of my particular question.

I hope you found this post useful. I also have a complete lesson on IELTS problem solution essays that you might find useful.

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About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Free Tips, Lessons & Model Essays

Success in IELTS writing task 2 is based on using the right techniques. These free tips, model essays, lessons, videos and information will help develop the skills for writing task 2. This page will teach you how to maximise your IELTS writing task 2 score. All lessons are on this page are for both GT and Academic writing task 2.

On this page, you will find for free:

  • PRACTICE LESSONS (writing skills, topic ideas etc)

1. IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information

Learn about your IELTS writing task 2 test. All lessons and tips on this page are for both Academic and GT writing task 2.

  • IELTS Writing has two tasks: Task 1 (a report) and Task 2 (an essay).
  • The total time is one hour for both tasks. You should spend only 40 mins on task 2.
  • The time is yourself to manage. No one will tell you when to move from task 1 to task 2.
  • The essay if a formal essay. You should not use informal language in your essay.
  • The instructions say “write at least 250 words”. This means you need to write over 250 words.
  • Writing task 2 is worth about 66% of your total writing score. Click here: Total Writing Score Calculations
  • There are four marking criteria which you must learn about. Click here: WRITING T2 BAND SCORES & MARKING WITH TIPS

The Essay Task

Below is an example task you will be given in IELTS Writing Task 2.

  • You will be given a topic.
  • Topics contain specific issues or opinions that you must address.
  • You are given a task, such as to discuss and give an opinion. 
  • Examples are based on your experience of the world in general, not your personal life.
  • There are FIVE ESSAY TYPES . 

2. IELTS Practice Essay Questions

Practice essay questions to help you prepare ideas for topics in IELTS writing task 2. These questions have been written based on questions reported by IELTS students.

Over 100 IELTS Essay Questions (repeated topics)

3. Essential IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

The most important writing tips for a strong IELTS essay in writing task 2. Learn about the recommended essay length, how to plan your essay, when to give your opinion and how to write an introduction etc. Some videos linked below are old, but still 100% relevant today. Click below:

Essay Structure & Paragraphing

Key Linking Words List

Types of IELTS Essays

Essay Planning Tips

Paraphrasing Tips & Examples

Common Essay Topics

When & How to give your opinion

Video  Using the last 5 minutes

4. IELTS Model Essays

IELTS Essays have a specific format, structure, style and band score requirements. These model essays are at band 9 and illustrate how an IELTS writing task 2 essay should be written. Use them as a guide to creating an essay suitable for a high band score in IELTS. Remember, language only counts for about 50% of your marks, the rest is IELTS essay techniques.

  • Agree Disagree Opinion Essay: Health
  • Advantages & Disadvantages Essay: Language
  • Cause  Solution Essay: Crime & Punishment
  • Direct Questions Essay: Happiness
  • Opinion Essay: Social Media
  • Discussion Essay: Work
  • Do Advs Outweigh Disavs Essay: Reading
  • Direct Questions Essay: Family
  • Direct Questions Essay: Art
  • Positive or Negative Development: Social Media
  • 2 Model Essays about Economy & Money /Buildings
  • Model Essay & Question for Topic of Education
  • Two Question Essay: Technology

More Writing Task 2 Tips

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  • Tips: Under Words Penalty
  • Can you use quotes, idioms or proverbs in your essay?
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  • Video : Grammar – How to Add a Clause
  • Video : Grammar – Connecting Sentences

5. Practice Lessons for Writing Task 2

Various lessons for: IELTS Essay Writing Skills, Topics, Language 

  • Improving Sentences for a Higher Score
  • Essay Ideas: Advertising to Children in Schools
  • Essay Topics for 2024
  • IELTS Essay Topics Prediction 2022
  • Grammar Test : Using “the” with countries and nationalities
  • Paraphrasing Practice
  • Using Passive Voice for Giving Opinions
  • Essay Ideas: Employment Competition
  • Essay Ideas: The Importance of History
  • Essay Ideas: Housing & Trees 
  • Essay Ideas: International Aid
  • Essay Ideas: City Transport
  • Essay Ideas: Salaries
  • Essay Ideas: Function of Schools
  • Essay Ideas: Female Staff in Senior Positions
  • Writing Skills: Punctuation Practice
  • Writing Skills: Linking Word Practice
  • Essay Ideas: Littering in Cities
  • Listen and Write Dictation: Natural Disasters
  • Discussion Essay with Feedback: Music Topic
  • Writing Skills: Improving Sentences: Ebooks Topic
  • Essay Ideas: Banning Mobile Phones
  • Two Question Essay with Feedback: Judging Business Success
  • Essay Ideas: Tourism and Local Communities
  • Essay Ideas: Traffic & Pollution
  • Writing Skills: Improving a Thesis Statement
  • Writing Skills: Improving Sentences (1)
  • Essay Ideas: Handwriting Skills
  • Essay Ideas: Older or Younger Leaders
  • Writing Skills: Introduction Feedback
  • Writing Skill: Opinion Essay Introduction Feedback
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Body Paragraphs
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Introduction
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Finding Main Points
  • Writing Skills: Thesis Statement
  • Essay Ideas: Public Services .


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IELTS Writing Task 2: Causes/Solutions Sample Essay

Woman pointing pencil at head to indicate causes and solutions essay

The “cause and solution” style of IELTS Writing Task 2 question presents a common social problem; your job is to identify the causes of the problem and propose ways the problem could be solved. For more information on this type of Writing Task 2 question, including tips and tricks, you can go to Magoosh’s guide to the different kinds of IELTS Writing Task 2 questions . And here in this post, we’ll go through a full causes and solutions model question and sample response.

The response itself is written at the band 9 level. After you read the essay, there is more explanation as to why this essay gets top marks. And to write a similarly high scored essay, check out our IELTS Writing Task 2 template .

Causes/Solutions Model Essay

This essay is a response to the sample prompt immediately below.

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Sample Task

Many large cities around the world lack affordable housing. What problems does a lack of affordable housing cause? How can these problems be overcome? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Essay (Band 9)

In almost every part of the world, expensive housing is closely associated with urban life. This is the underlying cause of many different problems, and civic planners are struggling to find solutions. I believe that the biggest, most important problem caused by high housing prices is homelessness. In my opinion, this problem can be addressed through rent control and welfare payments to low-income people.

Expensive urban housing leads to homelessness both directly and indirectly. The housing costs themselves cause some people to lose their homes, but such costs also drive up general prices, which can indirectly cause homelessness. For example, if a grocery store itself pays high rent, it must charge everyone more for food. This in turn forces landlords to charge more for rent in order to feed themselves. Once that happens, their tenants may have trouble paying the higher rent while also paying for more expensive food.

To reduce homelessness and make it easier for people to afford housing, I propose a twofold solution: limits on rent prices and increased welfare payments to the poor. Legally limiting rent fees will make housing much more affordable, while welfare payments can help people deal with the high costs of other goods. To give an example, if the government provides low-income people extra money for food, those people, in turn, have more room in their budget to pay rent. By employing both approaches, rent costs are directly reduced, and costs that compete with rent also go down.

In short, while expensive housing and homelessness are serious problems in cities, regulations and public assistance can help. The right kind of regulations will not only reduce the price of housing but also reduce general cost of living. This kind of government action is a win-win for everyone, whether they are homeless or not.

Word count: 300

Explanation of the Score

This essay meets all of the requirements for Band 9 in Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy; these are the categories seen in the official IELTS Writing Task 2 band descriptors . To understand this essay’s strengths, carefully read the level 9 descriptors in that document. And to further understand why an essay might receive a band 9, see the detailed score report at the bottom of Magoosh’s sample band 9 discussion essay for IELTS Writing Task 2 .

Additional Model Essays for Task 2

Would you like to see sample essays for all of the most common Writing Task 2 question types on the IELTS? At the links below, Magoosh has you covered!

  • Advantage/Disadvantage Essay
  • Two-Part Question Essay
  • Discussion Essay
  • Agree/Disagree Essay

David Recine

David is a Test Prep Expert for Magoosh TOEFL and IELTS. Additionally, he’s helped students with TOEIC, PET, FCE, BULATS, Eiken, SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. David has a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and an MA from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. His work at Magoosh has been cited in many scholarly articles , his Master’s Thesis is featured on the Reading with Pictures website, and he’s presented at the WITESOL (link to PDF) and NAFSA conferences. David has taught K-12 ESL in South Korea as well as undergraduate English and MBA-level business English at American universities. He has also trained English teachers in America, Italy, and Peru. Come join David and the Magoosh team on Youtube , Facebook , and Instagram , or connect with him via LinkedIn !

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2 responses to “IELTS Writing Task 2: Causes/Solutions Sample Essay”

MajidUllah Khan Avatar

Before reading this, i was not able to understand that how do i write advantage and disadvantage essay. After reading this, i came to know, this is a piece of cake.

Magoosh Expert

So glad to hear that the article helped! 😀

Thanks for letting us know, and good luck to you!

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How to answer cause and effect questions

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Cause-and-effect questions are different because they are easier to miss-read.

What is actually a cause-and-effect question can be answered incorrectly as a problems-and-effects or a problem-and-solution.

However, this can be easily solved by carefully reviewing the question.

What kinds of questions are cause-and-effect?

Firstly, the wording actually varies quite a bit even within this question type.

There is a variety of language that can be used, and this can cause confusion.

Spend some time to ask yourself:

  • Have I truly understood this question?
  • Do I understand what they are asking me for?

You have to make sure that you carry that question with you throughout the essay.

Sample question 1:

More and more children are becoming obese. What are the causes of this and what are the effects?

This could easily be interpreted as problem - solution, but that is absolutely not what the question has asked.

It's asking what are the causes for childhood obesity?

(Why are children in the world getting heavier and heavier?).

And then what are the effects of this?

What are the effects of childhood obesity?

This is even more specific than discuss this problem and then suggest solutions.

It is incredibly important to answer the question being asked.

Example question 2

Nowadays we have become a throwaway society with where it is common to throw away devices and gadgets instead of repairing them. Why is this happening and what are the effects of this?

Again the wording is a little different.

The examiner is asking you WHY is this happening?

Make sure to NOT writing this is a problem, we must say why it is happening.

And for the second paragraph:

What results from this (throw away society)?

Example question 3

People spend less time at home than they used to. What are the reasons for this change and what are the effects on society and individuals?

Here we are looking for reasons.

The wording has changed a little bit, but in essence, the information they want is the same.

Why is this happening?

What are the causes of this?

And then, of course, they asked for the effects.

You are lucky if you have this type of question in the exam

These types of questions are helpful because they are essentially telling you how to frame your answer.

They're making it specific, which is all your planning taken care of.

Click here to find out how to plan your essay for these types of questions.

Audio tutorial

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How to Plan & Write IELTS Problem Solution Essays

IELTS problem solution essays are the most challenging essay type for many people. The way they are worded can vary hugely which can make it difficult to understand how you should answer the question.

Generally, you’ll be asked to write about both the problem, or cause, and the solution to a specific issue. Sometimes, however, you will only be required to write about possible solutions.

The 3 essay types:

  • Problem and solution
  • Cause and solution
  • Just the solution

Hence, it’s essential that you analyse the question carefully, which I’ll show you how to do in this lesson. I’m also going to demonstrate step-by-step how to plan and write IELTS problem solution essays.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • Identifying IELTS problem solution essays 
  • 6 Common mistakes
  • Essay structure
  • How to plan
  • How to write an introduction
  • How to write main body paragraphs
  • How to write a conclusion

Want  to watch and listen to this lesson?

Click on this video.

Click the links to see lessons on each of these Task 2 essay writing topics. 

Once you understand the process, practice on past questions. Take your time at first and gradually speed up until you can plan and write an essay of at least 250 words in the 40 minutes allowed in the exam.

The Question

Here are two typical IELTS problem solution essay questions. They consist of a statement followed by the question or instruction.

1. One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion.

What do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest?

2. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the number of endangered species has increased significantly and we have witnessed more mass extinctions in this period than in any other period of time.

State some reasons for this and provide possible solutions.

These are some examples of different ways in which questions can be phrased. The first half of the questions relate to the problem or cause, the second half to the solution.

What issues does this cause and how can they be addressed?

What are some resulting social problems and how can we deal with them?

What problems arise from this and how can they be tackled?

Why is this? How might it be remedied?

What are the reasons for this, and how can the situation be improved?

Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

And here are a few questions where you only have to write about the solution.

How can this situation be improved?

What solutions can you suggest to deal with this problem?

How can this problem be solved?

What measures could be taken to prevent this?

It’s important that you are able to recognise the common synonyms, words and phrases used in problem solution questions. Here are the key words and their synonyms used in the questions above.

  • Problem  – issues, resulting, situation
  • Cause  – reasons, why
  • Solution  – deal with, addressed, tackled, remedied, improved, measures taken, solved, prevent

Before we move on to some common mistakes, I want to quickly explain the difference between a problem and a cause. Read the following examples.

Problem – I've missed the last bus home after visiting my friend for the evening.

Cause – I misread the timetable and thought the bus left at 22.45 when it actually left at 22.35.

The ‘cause’ is the reason for the ‘problem’.  We’ll be looking at question analysis in more detail in a minute.

6 Common Mistakes

These six errors are common in IELTS problem solution essays.

  • Confusing problem and causes questions.
  • Having too many ideas.
  • Not developing your ideas.
  • Not developing both sides of the argument equally.
  • Not linking the problems and solutions.
  • Not being specific enough.

It is common for an essay to consist of a list of problems and solutions without any of them being expanded on or linked to each other. Sometimes, a student will focus on just the problem or only the solution which leads to an unbalanced essay. Both these issues will result in a low score for task achievement.

You must choose just one or two problems and pick solutions directly linked to them. Explain them and give examples.

Another serious error is to write generally about the topic. You need to be very specific with your ideas. Analysing the question properly is essential to avoiding this mistake. I’ll show you how to do this.

Essay Structure

Now let’s look at a simple structure you can use to write IELTS problem solution essays. It’s not the only possible structure but it’s the one I recommend because it’s easy to learn and will enable you to quickly plan and write a high-level essay.

1)  Introduction

  • Paraphrase the question
  • State 1 key problem/cause and related solution

2)  Main body paragraph 1 – Problem or Cause

  • Topic sentence – state the problem or cause
  • Explanation – give detail explaining the problem or cause
  • Example – give an example

3)  Main body paragraph 2 – Solution

  • Topic sentence – state the solution
  • Explanation – give detail explaining the solution

4)  Conclusion

  • Summarise the key points 

This structure will give us a well-balanced essay with 4 paragraphs.

One Problem/Cause & Solution or Two?

Most questions will state problems, causes and solutions in the plural, that is, more than one. However, it is acceptable to write about just one.

This will give you an essay of just over the minimum 250 words. To write about two problems/causes and solutions will require you to write between 350 and 400 words which are a lot to plan and write in the 40 minutes allowed.

It is better to fully develop one problem/cause and solution than ending up with one idea missing an explanation or an example because you run out of time.

The step-by-step essay structure I’m going to show you includes one problem and solution but you can write about two if you feel able to or more comfortable doing so.

How To Plan IELTS Problem Solution Essays

Here’s the question we’re going to be answering in our model essay followed by the 3 steps of the planning process.

One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion.

What do you think the causes are? What solutions can you sugge st?

  • Analyse the question
  • Generate ideas
  • Identify vocabulary

# 1  Analyse the question

This is an essential step in the planning process and will ensure that you answer the question fully. It’s quick and easy to do. You just need to identify 3 different types of words:

1. Topic words

2.  Other keywords

3.  Instruction words

Topics words are the ones that identify the general subject of the question and will be found in the statement part of the question.

One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion .

So, this question is about ‘ traffic congestion’ .

Many people will do this first step of the process and then write about the topic in general. This is a serious mistake and leads to low marks for task achievement.

What we need to do now that we know the general topic, is to understand exactly what aspect of traffic congestion we're being asked to write about.

The  other keywords  in the question tell you the specific topic you must write about. 

By highlighting these words, it’s easy to see that you are being asked to write about the problem of traffic congestion in large cities. Your essay must only include ideas relevant to these ideas.

The instruction words are the question itself. These tell you the type of IELTS problem solution essay you must write. This is a ‘causes and solutions’ question.

# 2  Generate ideas

The next task is to generate some ideas to write about.

There are several different ways to think up ideas. I cover them fully on the  IELTS Essay Planning  page.

We’re going to use the ‘friends technique’. This is the method I prefer as it allows you to take a step back from the stress of the exam situation and think more calmly.

Here’s how it works. Imagine that you are chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee and they ask you this question. What are the first thoughts to come into your head? Plan your essay around these ideas.

Doing this will help you to come up with simple answers in everyday language rather than straining your brain to think of amazing ideas using high-level language, which isn’t necessary.

You might want to try this yourself before reading on for my ideas.

Here are my ideas:

  • Too many cars on the roads – increasing numbers of people own cars, more convenient than buses & trains
  • Inadequate public transport – crowded, old & dirty
  • Poor road layout
  • Rush hour traffic – most people travel to & from work at the same times each day
  • Car sharing, park-and-ride scheme, congestion charge
  • Improve public transport – more frequent and better quality
  • Improve infrastructure – bus lanes, cycle lanes will make it safer for people to cycle
  • Flexible working hours

For each cause you think of, immediately write down a possible solution. This you will ensure that the problems and solutions you think of are linked.

You don’t need to spend long on this as you only need one or two ideas.

I’ve got more far more ideas here than I need as I spent more time thinking about it that I would in the real exam. I’m going to pick just one cause to develop in the essay and one or two solutions.

My advice on making your selection is to choose ideas you can quickly think of an example to illustrate.

Here are my choices:

Cause  – Too many cars on the roads.  Why? – increasing numbers of people own cars, more convenient than buses & trains

Solution  – Park-and-ride schemes

We’re almost ready to start writing our IELTS problem solution essay but first, we have one more task to do.

# 3  Vocabulary

During the planning stage, quickly jot down some vocabulary that comes to mind as you decide which cause and solution you are going to write about, especially synonyms of key words. This will save you having to stop and think of the right language while you’re writing. For example:

  • traffic jam
  • heavy traffic
  • private transport
  • infrastructure

With that done, we can focus on the first paragraph of the essay – the introduction.

How To Write an Introduction

Good  introductions to IELTS problem solution essays have a simple 2 part structure:

  • State 1 key problem/cause and related solution/s (outline sentence)
  • Have 2-3 sentences
  • Be 40-60 words long
  • Take 5 minutes to write

1)  Paraphrase the question

Start your introduction by paraphrasing the question.

Question: One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion.

                  What do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest?

Paraphrased question:  

O ne of the most serious issues facing the majority of large urban areas is traffic jams.  

Note my use of synonyms to replace key words in the question statement. You don’t have to replace every key word but do so where possible whilst ensuring that your language sounds natural.

2)  Outline statement

Now we need to add an  outline statement  where we outline the two main points that we’ll cover in the rest of the essay, that is, the cause and the solution I chose earlier. Here they are again.

Cause  – Too many cars on the roads.  Why? – increasing numbers of people own cars, more convenient than buses & trains

And, this is one way to develop them into an outline sentence.

Outline statement:

The main reason for this is that there are too many private cars on the roads these days and a viable solution is to introduce more park-and-ride schemes.

So, let’s bring the two elements of our introduction together.


cause solution essay liz

This introduction achieves three important functions:

  • It shows the examiner that you understand the question.
  • It acts as a guide to the examiner as to what your essay is about.
  • It also helps to keep you focused and on track as you write.

The two ideas in your introduction will become your two main body paragraphs.

Main body paragraph 1  –  Too many cars on the roads  

Main body paragraph 2  –  Park-and-ride schemes

How To Write Main Body Paragraphs

Main body paragraphs in IELTS problem solution essays should contain 3 things:

  • Topic sentence – outline the main idea
  • Explanation – explain it and g ive more detail

Main Body Paragraph 1

The  topic sentence  summarises the main idea of the paragraph. That’s all it needs to do so it doesn’t have to be complicated.

It plays an important role in ensuring that your ideas flow logically from one to another. It does this by acting as a signpost for what is to come next, that is, what the paragraph will be about.

If you maintain a clear development of ideas throughout your essay, you will get high marks for task achievement and cohesion and coherence.

We’ll now take the idea for our first main body paragraph and create our topic sentence.

Obviously, we’re going to write about the cause of the problem first.

Main body paragraph 1  –  Too many cars on the roads 

Topic sentence:  

The number of people owning cars increases year on year, with most families now having more than one car. 

Next, we must write an  explanation sentence  that develops the idea.

Explanation sentence: 

Most people like the convenience of travelling at the time they want to rather than being restricted to public transport timetables, so they prefer to drive themselves around rather than taking the bus or train. This is despite the fact that they frequently have to sit in long traffic queues as they near the city centre.

Finally, we add an  example  to support our main point. If you can’t think of a real example, it’s fine to make one up, as long as it’s believable. The examiner isn’t going to check your facts. Alternative, you could add another piece of information to support your idea.

Example sentence:

Whenever I have to attend a meeting in the city, I always drive because it means that I can leave home when I want to rather than getting stressed about getting to the station in time to catch the train.

That’s the 3 parts of our first main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

cause solution essay liz

We now follow the same process for our second main body paragraph.

Main Body Paragraph 2

Main idea 2  –   Park-and-ride schemes

First, we write the  topic sentence  to summarise the main idea. 

Topic sentence:

A solution that is proving successful in many areas is park-and-ride schemes.

Now for the  explanation sentence  where we expand on this idea.

Explanation sentence:

This is where you park your car for free in a large car park on the outskirts of the city and take a bus for the final part of your journey. The fee you have to pay for the bus trip is usually very small and this public transport system is generally very regular, running every ten minutes or so.

Finally, an  example  to support this point.

A survey carried out in the city of Exeter showed that the rush hour congestion decreased by 10% when the council set up a park-and-ride scheme to the north of the city. There was an additional drop of another 10% in traffic volume when a second scheme began operating to the south.

That’s the 3 parts of our second main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

cause solution essay liz

Now we need a conclusion and our IELTS problem solution essay is done.

How To Write a Conclusion

The conclusion is a summary of the main points in your essay and can generally be done in a single sentence. It should never introduce new ideas.

If you're below the minimum 250 words after you’ve written your conclusion, you can add a prediction or recommendation statement.

Our essay is already over the minimum word limit so we don’t need this extra sentence  but you can learn more about how to write a prediction or recommendation statement for IELTS problem solution essays on the Task 2 Conclusions page.

The conclusion is the easiest sentence in the essay to write but one of the most important.

A good conclusion will:

  • Neatly end the essay
  • Link all your ideas together
  • Sum up your argument or opinion
  • Answer the question

If you achieve this, you’ll improve your score for both task achievement and cohesion and coherence which together make up 50% of the overall marks. Without a conclusion, you’ll score below band 6 for task achievement.

You can start almost any final paragraph of an IELTS problem solution essay with the words:

  • In conclusion


  • To conclude

Now all you need to do is briefly summarise the main ideas into one sentence.

Here’s a top tip . Go back and read the introduction to the essay because this is also a summary of the essay. It outlines what you are going to write about.

To create a good conclusion, you simply have to paraphrase the introduction. 


Here is the same information formed into a conclusion.  I’ve also added a personal statement at the end to link back to one of my example sentences. You don’t have to do this but in this case, I think that it rounds the essay off better.

cause solution essay liz

That’s it. We’ve completed our essay. Here it is with the 4 paragraphs put together.

Finished IELTS problem solution essay.

cause solution essay liz

Go through this lesson as many times as you need to in order to fully understand it and put in lots of practice writing IELTS problem solution essays from past exam questions. Practice is the only way to improve your skills.

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More help with ielts problem solution essays & other task 2 essays.

IELTS Writing Task 2  – T he format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing strategy & sample questions. All the key information you need to know.

The 5 Types of Task 2 Essay   – How to recognise the 5 different types of Task 2 essays. 15 sample questions to study and a simple planning structure for each essay type.

Understanding Task 2 Questions  – How to quickly and easily analyse and understand IELTS Writing Task 2 questions.

How To Plan a Task 2 Essay  – Discover why essay planning is essential & learn a simple 4 step strategy, the 4 part essay structure & 4 methods of generating ideas.

How To Write a Task 2 Introduction  – Find out why a good introduction is essential. Learn how to write one using a simple 3 part strategy & discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

How To Write Task 2 Main Body Paragraphs  – Learn the simple 3 part structure for writing great main body paragraphs and also, 3 common mistakes to avoid. 

How To Write Task 2 Conclusions  – Learn the easy way to write the perfect conclusion for a Task 2 essay. Also discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

Task 2 Marking Criteria  – Find out how to meet the marking criteria in Task 2. See examples of good and poor answers & learn some common mistakes to avoid.

The 5 Task 2 Essay Types:

Step-by-step instructions on how to plan & write high-level essays. Model answers & common mistakes to avoid.

   Opinion Essays

   Discussion Essays

  Problem Solution Essays

  Advantages & Disadvantages Essays

  Double Question Essays

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  • Sep 17, 2023

IELTS Writing Task 2: How To Answer Problem/ Cause & Solution Questions To Reach Band 9

Updated: Apr 7

Problem/ Cause & Solution Writing Task 2

When answering an IELTS Writing Task 2 problem/ cause and solution question you need to think of one or more problems (often two is good), and then give one or two solutions. You can group the problems in one paragraph and the solutions in one paragraph, or you can combine them, with a problem and solution together in each paragraph. It works really well if you have a main general idea for each paragraph which you can divide into two sub-ideas. In my plans below I’ll describe the problems in one paragraph and the solutions in another.

To begin with, think about your main ideas for the essay. The main idea is the general idea, and the sub-ideas go into more detail. In this kind of essay, your main idea 1 is about the problem, while main idea 2 is about the solution.

Basic Problem/Cause & Solution Task Plan:

Main idea 1: problem/ cause:.

Sub-idea A: Problem/ Cause 1

Sub-idea B : Problem/ Cause 2

Main Idea 2: Solution:

Sub-idea A: Solution 1

Sub-idea B : Solution 2

Next, I’ll show you a detailed plan on how to structure the problem/ solution essay with links to articles which have more information.

Detailed Task Plan:


Paraphrase question

Summarise main ideas 1 & 2

For more information on writing introductions click here

Body Paragraph 1 (Problem):

Topic Sentence: Summarise main idea 1. You may want to use “owing to ”/ “as a result of”/ “due to ” to give the reason for the problem. (see Giving Reasons/ Causes vocabulary below).

Introduce Sub-idea A: Describe the problem in one or two sentences.

Expand Sub-idea A: Write one or two sentences that explain/ support sub-idea A - say why or how it happens and/ or give an example. (see Giving Examples vocabulary below)

Result Statement: Explain the results of the problem. (see Results vocabulary below)

Introduce Sub-idea B: Use “Furthermore”, “In addition”, or “Moreover” and then describe the problem.

Expand Sub-idea B (as above)

Result Statement (as above)

For more information on writing essay body paragraphs click here

Body Paragraph 2 (Solution):

Topic Sentence: Summarise main idea 2 clearly. Use phrases such as “One solution is”/ “In order to address this problem”, etc. (see Proposing Solutions vocabulary below)

Introduce Sub-idea A: Describe the solution in one or two sentences.

Expand Sub-idea A: Write one or two sentences that explain/ support sub-idea A - say why or how it solves the problem and/ or give an example.

Result Statement: Explain the expected results of the solution. You can use the 2nd conditional here e.g. “This would lead to” . For more information on 2nd conditionals click here

Introduce Sub-idea B: Use “Furthermore”, “In addition”, or “Moreover”, and then describe the solution.


Summarise main ideas 1 & 2: Begin with “In conclusion”/ “To conclude”/ “To summarise”/ “In summary”. Avoid repeating vocabulary. Use synonyms and parallel expressions.

Useful Vocabulary:

Below you’ll find the useful vocabulary that will help you when you write your problem/ cause and solution IELTS essay.

Giving Reasons/ Causes:

As a result of

…is a major cause of a source of

...can contribute greatly to

…is the underlying cause of

The main cause of ………… is

….is due to

...are (important/ major) factors in

Giving Examples:

To give an example,

Suppose, for instance, that

As an example,

Good examples include

For instance,

For example,

This would lead to/ This leads to

This would mean that/ This means that

As a result


As a consequence

By doing this

This will provide

In this way

A consequence of this is

This will create a situation where

This makes it

Proposing Solutions:

One solution to this problem is

In order to address this problem

In order to do this

It would be a good idea if

…should be encouraged to

Steps should be taken to

...should take measures to

The problem can be fixed by

So what does this essay look like in full? Keep reading below:

Problem/ Cause and Solution Task Example:

It is generally agreed that family relationships are not as close as they were in the past.

Explain why you think this has happened and suggest how family relationships could be made closer.

Essay Plan:

Main Idea 1: Changes in society make it harder to maintain close relationships

Sub-idea A: People are more likely to move to another area or city

Sub-idea B: People have very busy lives so have less time for family

Main Idea 2: People should make more effort to foster family relationships

Sub-idea A: People should meet up with family members more often

Sub-idea B: We can take advantage of modern communication technology

Now we have the main and sub-ideas for the essay, we are ready to write it.

Paraphrase question:

It is commonly thought that families are not as close-knit as they were previously.

Summarise main ideas 1 & 2: In my opinion this could be the result of changes in society that have made it harder for people to spend quality time with family members. In order to address this problem, it’s important that people make more effort to stay in touch with family, and they can leverage modern communication devices and applications to do this.

Topic Sentence:

As a result of various changes in society it is much harder for people to maintain close ties with their families than previously.

Introduce Sub-idea A:

For one, in the past, people tended to live very near relatives during their whole lives, whereas in today’s world this is not the case.

Expand Sub-idea A:

These days, people are more mobile and regularly move to different cities or even countries in order to find a better job, take advantage of better education or for some other opportunity.

Result Statement:

This makes it more difficult to socialise with relatives and therefore more difficult to maintain close relationships.

Introduce Sub-idea B:

Furthermore, people’s lives are busier today than they were in the past.

Expand Sub-idea B:

We have a plethora of work and personal responsibilities, not to mention all of the recreational and personal development opportunities now available.

This means that it is even harder to find time for family. People are often only able to focus on providing for their nuclear family, at the expense of bonds with siblings, cousins and other family members.

One solution to the problems causing weakening family relationships is for people to prioritise their family members and make more effort to foster family relationships.

People should get together with relatives more frequently and spend more quality time together.

For example, they could organise a weekly meal together, or a regular family day out.

As a consequence of these activities, family members would become closer.

Moreover, even if a person lives far away from their relatives, in the modern world we have a myriad of technologies which enable us to stay in touch with them.

Be it on Skype, Messenger, or any similar application, people can message and speak to their siblings, parents or others quickly and cheaply.

By doing this, people who live far apart from their family members would still be able to remain close with them.

In conclusion, changes in society have made it harder for people to maintain strong family bonds. However, if we make a little more effort, and take advantage of the communication technologies now available, there’s no reason why we can’t maintain close relationships with our families.

Finally, if we put it all together, we get a model essay for a problem/ cause and solution IELTS writing task 2.

Model Answer:

It is commonly thought that families are not as close-knit as they were previously. In my opinion this could be the result of changes in society that have made it harder for people to spend quality time with family members. In order to address this problem, it’s important that people make more effort to stay in touch with family, and they can leverage modern communication devices and applications to do this.

As a result of various changes in society it is much harder for people to maintain close ties with their families than previously. For one, in the past, people tended to live very near relatives during their whole lives, whereas in today’s world this is not the case. These days, people are more mobile and regularly move to different cities or even countries in order to find a better job, take advantage of better education or for some other opportunity. This makes it more difficult to socialise with relatives and therefore more difficult to maintain close relationships. Furthermore, people’s lives are busier today than they were in the past. We have a plethora of work and personal responsibilities, not to mention all of the recreational and personal development opportunities now available. This means that it is even harder to find time for family. People are often only able to focus on providing for their nuclear family, at the expense of bonds with siblings, cousins and other family members.

One solution to the problems causing weakening family relationships is for people to prioritise their family members and make more effort to foster family relationships. People should get together with relatives more frequently and spend more quality time together. For example, they could organise a weekly meal together, or a regular family day out. As a consequence of these activities, family members would become closer. Moreover, even if a person lives far away from their relatives, in the modern world we have a myriad of technologies which enable us to stay in touch with them. Be it on Skype, Messenger, or any similar application, people can message and speak to their siblings, parents or others quickly and cheaply. By doing this, people who live far apart from their family members would still be able to remain close with them.

Thanks for reading and I hope you found that helpful!

  • IELTS Writing Task 2

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How to write cause/effect essays in IELTS?

Cause and effect essay questions in IELTS Writing task 2 give you a problem and ask you to state the main causes of this problem and discuss its possible effects .

In this lesson you will see:

  • how to generate ideas for causes and effects
  • band 9 answer structure for causes/effects essay
  • cause/effect model essay

This is an example of cause/effect IELTS writing task 2 question:

Today more people are overweight than ever before.

What in your opinion are the primary causes of this?

What are the main effects of this epidemic?

Generating ideas

After you’ve read the question, you can clearly determine the problem: growing number of overweight people .

But before you start to write your essay, it’s a good idea to think of 2-3 causes and 2-3 possible effects of the problem.

cause solution essay liz

Causes of obesity :

  • inactive lifestyle (relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at work, inactive leisure activities)
  • unhealthy eating habits (eating fast-food, drinking high-calorie beverages, consuming large portions of food, eating irregularly)

cause solution essay liz

Effects of obesity :

  • physical health problems
  • loss of productivity
  • depressions and mental disorders

Now, after we’ve generated the main ideas for causes and effects, it’s time to use these ideas in our essay.

Band 9 answer structure

As you know, there are many ways to structure your essay, but we’ll use a structure that has been approved by many IELTS examiners to be high-scoring and coherent .

Band-9 essay structure :


Body paragraph 1 - causes

Body paragraph 2 - effects

Let’s take a look at each of these sections in detail.

Write your introduction in two sentences:

Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly growing.

This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.

Today more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight.

Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity.

First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases.

Secondly, overweight people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person needs to put more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

For the conclusion you need simply to restate the problem and sum up the causes and effects that you described in your body paragraphs:

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

Model essay

Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly increasing. This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Today more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight. Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity. First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases. Secondly, overweight people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person needs to put more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

(251 words)

IELTS Task 2- Problem Solution Essay


This article explains and shows you how to reach a band 9 on your writing task 2 with a problem and solution essay. In my library of IELTS content, you will find articles on all of the task 2 essay types.

What is the problem solution essay?

The problem solution essay can be the hardest for many students. This can be due to how the question is worded. Generally you will be asked to discuss the problem and solution. But you may be asked to discuss the cause and solution and the solution only.

What's the difference between a problem, cause and solution?

Problem - I arrived at the wrong restaurant even though I had put the address into Google maps

Cause - I didn't check the postcode and discovered there was more than one 'Luigi's'

Solution - Next time I will be sure to check the correct post-code is entered to avoid arriving at the wrong destination

What is the essay structure?

As with any essay structure, you need an opening, the middle where you address the question in more depth, and the conclusion. But let's apply a more specific structure. You would have seen this in other essay posts I have written, so this should be somewhat familiar.


  • Paraphrase the question
  • State 1 key problem/cause and related solution

P aragraph 1 – Problem or Cause

  • Topic sentence – state the problem or cause
  • Explanation – explain the problem or cause

P aragraph 2 – Solution

  • Topic sentence – state the solution
  • Explanation – explain the solution
  • Summarise the key points

How many problems/cause should I write about?

This depends on how quickly you can write. If you can fit two in, which will result in a 350-400 word response then this is fine. Using one main problem/cause and developing your idea is also fine. With any of the essay types, it's always imperative to develop your ideas. So be sure to do this irrespective of the number of ideas.

Writing task 2 example

Let's use an example question to see how you can answer this question with a band 9 score. This question is a problem and solution essay.

The internet has transformed the way information is distributed and consumed, but it has also created problems that prior to this, did not exist.

What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest?

We have our structure in mind but planning is always part of writing. The structure above is something you should memorise. Then use a table like below and structure your ideas down in five minutes.

You can put this into a table if it helps to remember or simply create the titles and jot down your ideas.

cause solution essay liz

Writing task 2 example, in full

Since the boom of the internet in the 1990's, it has since changed how we consume and share information. In particular, the last decade has seen significant changes in how we use the internet, and our relationship with it. Although serious problems have arisen and continue to do so, there are solutions.

One of the first problems with the internet and arguably, the most worrisome, is the ease with which children can access sites with dangerous and harmful content. For example, pornography sites are easily accessible to them because they can claim to be an adult and have free rein thereafter. The lack of security in this corner of the web means that children are being exposed to content that is far beyond their emotional and cognitive understanding. Undoubtedly, this would affect their thoughts and damage how they otherwise see the world, people and relationships. It could damage their ability of forming their own understanding of sexual relationships as they grow up and mature. Such behaviour could be imitated and potentially harmful to others, and therefore negatively impacting society.

Another serious problem is the growth of online fraud and hacking. With such a wealth of our personal data online and the sophistication of hackers, our data is subject to theft. Whilst there are protective measures online and this issue is often in news stories, this issue is on the rise and has become an incredibly rich industry with hackers that can surpass online security. Even government and state conglomerates have been attacked. Take for example the 2017 NHS cyber attack. Proving that even those deemed safe and ostensibly with great power, are still susceptible to online criminals. From what is reported in the news, it seems as though regardless of status, background, or employment, we can all fall victim to the online hands of criminals.

It is important that action is taken to directly combat these problems. Firstly, Governments should ensure that adequate legislation is in place that will prevent young people from accessing dangerous sites. Clearly the current measures are not enough to protect children online. As well as this, companies dedicated to online protection should be doing more to create stricter, appropriate entries to such sites. Protection can also come from home. Parents should monitor their children whilst online and restrict access to certain sites. Fortunately this is now easier than ever and parents can control what their children consume. Similarly, the government should create stricter legislation around cyber security. Individual companies must also improve their onsite IT security systems to make fraud and hacking much more difficult and virtually impossible. Companies could collaborate on this and those operating within the same field, such as finance, could come together to create more successful online barriers.

To conclude, the internet is an incredible technological tool that has changed people's lives and brought them opportunities, connections, and much happiness but it is not without negative and genuinely harmful impacts. With the right action, especially by governments and business, alongside individuals, it can be a safe place for everyone.

Identify where the structure has been applied

  • How many problems are discussed?
  • What are they?
  • What language is used to initiate discussion of the problems?
  • How are the problems explained further?
  • What solutions are discussed for each problem?

Read my example and highlight with a different colour 1-5 within the body of the text.

Practice tips

Time yourself:

You have 40 minutes in the exam to write your 250 word answer. When first starting, give yourself 50 minutes. Each time you practice, shave off five minutes and see how you can meet the word count in ideally 30 minutes. It's always good to have time left over to proofread your response.

The need to know language for the problem and cause question:

  • Problem – issues, resulting, situation, obstacle, drawback
  • Cause – reasons, why, source, root, basis, origin
  • Solution – deal with, addressed, tackled, remedied, improved, measures taken, solved, prevent

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: Causes and Solutions Essay – Structure and template

  • IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: Causes and Solutions Essay – Structure and template

This type of question is very similar to Problems / Solutions IELTS Essay: Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem? it can also look like this: What are the reasons for this, and how could the problem be solved? What are the causes of ...? What solutions can you suggest? What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

This type of essay is called Reasons or Causes / Solutions Essay, because you are asked about the REASONS and decisions.

Example of this type of essay:

Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

Here you are given a problem, and the question is why this problem arises? And how to solve the problem?


1§ Introduction: Paraphrase the Task + Add general words like: there are numerous reasons and there are certain measures to be taken to resolve the problem. 2 SENTENCES 2§ One of the main causes of the problem is that ... + support this idea+ example. The solution is for the (… who?) to (... do what?) ... , which would ( what/result in what? e.x: attract more people/decrease..) 3§ Another reason is that ... + explain this -That is to say, To tackle this issue, ... (who?) should/ought to ..., in order to ... 4§ A third cause of the problem is that ... This means that ... (explain this reason) + Example. As a result, …. The way forward could be to ..., which would … ( do what?) 5§ Conclusion: In conclusion, ... (the problem) due to such reasons as ..., ... and ... (the reasons you've mentioned in the §s above). My view is that the main responsibility for solving the problem lies with ... (who? the government/the authorities/parents).

ATTENTION:     DO NOT misrecognize this essay with Problems / Solutions Essay! They are very similar, but in Problems / Solutions they ask about problems and solutions, and in causes / solutions the problem is given in the task and they ask about reasons and solutions     you should write the reason and solution in one paragraph. So it will be easier to connect your ideas without repeating yourself.     You can write two or three reasons in one paragraph, and two or three decisions in another. The main thing is that everything should be logical, connected and WITHOUT repeats.     Pay attention to super phrases for writing decisions. They are all different in the template. For example, The way forward could be to ... To tackle this issue, the government should ...     Write a variety of patterns Problems / solutions and causes / solutions are simple in structure and easy to write. Choose those ideas that you can explain and know a variety of words to support your statements.

How to master IELTS Writing: Task 1 & Task 2

  • How to write an answer to ANY type of Essay task
  • How to write an answer to ANY type of Graph task
  • How to structure your answer
  • What to write in each paragraph
  • What grammar to use
  • How to link your ideas
  • What vocabulary to use
  • What you should write to get a high score

Bonus: IELTS Punctuation PDF Guide Everything you want to know to have correct punctuation in your IELTS Writing for 7.0-9.0 Score (31 pages, .PDF)

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How to Write ‘Causes (Reasons) and Solutions’ Question in IELTS Writing Task 2?

How to Write ‘Causes (Reasons) and Solutions’ Question in IELTS Writing Task 2?

In this essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the causes or reasons of the problem in one paragraph and the possible solutions to eradicate that problem in the second paragraph separately and at the end, you can provide suggestion or advice on the problem. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of causes (reasons) and solutions respectively after reading the question for IELTS Writing .

Let’s look at an example:

Nowadays, people have developed poor eating habits and do not eat balanced diet., what are the reasons behind this, suggest possible solutions to control this..

With this type of essay for IELTS Writing, you have two points to be discussed:

1. Reasons of developing poor eating habits.

2. Solutions to control poor eating habits.

You must discuss both of them by giving reasons and support them with examples.

If you do not discuss any of the above two points in the essay, you will lose marks.

So, in this type of essay, you must explain both the points.

How to structure for IELTS Writing ?

The essay of IELTS Writing can be structured mainly in 4 paragraphs as follows:

1: Introduction

2: Causes & Reasons

3: solutions, 4: conclusion.

Further structuring of the paragraphs can be done as follows:

a. – Introduction

1- Paraphrase the Question

2-Outline the sentence

b. 2- 1 (Causes (reasons))

1- State the cause (reason)

2- Now, Explain how it is the cause (reason)

3-Write an example

c. 3- Body Paragraph 2 (Solutions)

1- State the solution

2-Explain how this solution can resolve the problem

3- Write an example

d. 4 – Conclusion

1- Write summary of the main points

2 – Provide suggestion or recommendation Four paragraphs are sufficient to explain your point of view. You may use any other structure you are comfortable with but this structure is approved by the IELTS examiners to help the students write in an effective and cohesive manner.


Useful vocabulary for causes (reasons).

· One of the causes/The reason is that

· Because/Since

· Due to this/Because of/Owing to

· As a result/Lead to the problem/Can attribute to

for Solutions

· One possible solution

· To overcome/deal with/handle the situation/Resolve the issue

· Mitigate the problem/Notable way to solve

· Can be implemented/Steps can be taken/Measures can be taken

Sample Question:

spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer:

In this modern era, a large number of people are observed to be negligent of their health as they eat unbalanced diet with no control of their bad eating habits, leading to health related issues later on. It is required to establish reasons for this poor habit and to develop various solutions to address this problem.

To commence with, there are a number of factors responsible for poor eating habits among individuals. One possible reason is that life has become busy nowadays. Nobody finds enough time to devote for preparing food at home which is healthy for human body. Because of this, people are left with no option but to consume fast food. Popularity of fast food restaurants is also growing day by day, adding fuel to this fire. For example, people are bombarded with attractive messages of offers and discounts everywhere apart from the lucrative advertisements displayed on television.

On the other hand, adequate solutions are also available to tackle the problem of poor eating habits among people. One such effective solution can be implemented by the government by creating awareness about healthy living . invest money in establishing health centres as well as youth clubs where people can build their physique. Apart from this, individuals can take responsibility of their near and dear ones to encourage eating home prepared food as compared to fast food which can be allowed, for example, once a week.

To sum up, eating badly is a serious concern as it directly relates to an individual’s health. Along with the steps taken by government and the positive attitude towards this issue adopted by the people themselves can help in controlling the poor eating habits.

(282 words)

Write an essay of minimum 250 words. Use the vocabulary mentioned above. 1. Global warming has become one of the major issues the world is facing today. What are its causes? solutions.

2. In recent times, stress has emerged out to be the major challenge faced by people nowadays. What are the causes of this problem? Suggest some effective solutions for the same.

3. Furthermore, Many youngsters find it difficult to pay attention and concentrate in their classes. What are the reasons behind this? How this problem can be dealt with?

4. Also,Crime rate against women is increasing day by day. What are the reasons for this? Discuss some possible solutions for dealing with this problem.

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Reason--solution (templates for ielts essays, writing task 2).

- IELTS Writing Task 2 (Essay)

Question type: Reason--Solution (Template)

Possible Questions

Reason (What are the reasons)

Solution (What can be done to improve it; What can --- do to improve it)

1. (One paragraph) Introduction (General statement; paraphrasing; thesis statement)

2. (One or two paragraphs) Reasons (Topic sentence; 2-3 reasons)

3. (One or two paragraphs) Solutions (Topic sentence; 2-3 solutions)

4. (One paragraph) Conclusion

Thesis statement templates

  • This essay shall analyse some causes of ________, and also suggest some steps to reduce it.
  • This essay shall analyse some causes of ________, and also suggest some steps that can be taken to reduce it.
  • This essay shall analyse some causes of ________, and also suggest some steps ________ can take to reduce it.
  • This essay shall analyse some causes of ________, and also suggest some steps that can be taken by ________ to reduce it.
  • There are a plethora of causes of ________.
  • A lot of steps can be taken to ________
  • ________ can take a lot of steps to ________
  • A lot of steps can be taken to ensure that ________ doesn't happen.
  • ________ can take a lot of steps to ensure that ________ doesn't happen.
  • To begin with; Firstly
  • Secondly; Thirdly...
  • Also; Additionally; In addition; Moreover; Furthermore
  • Then (E.g, Then it may be preferred by some students to focus exclusively on academics.)
  • Last but not the least
  • The same is true for
  • If _______, _______
  • Therefore; So; Hence; Thus; As a result
  • For example For instance To exemplify
  • ________ makes people feel ________
  • People may feel ________ because of ________
  • ________ may cause ________
  • ________ may be caused by ________
  • ________ may lead to ________
  • ________ may happen leading to ________
  • There may be ________ leading to ________
  • There may be times when ________ happens which results in ________

Different sentence structures to give solutions:

One way to give solutions is to write a couple of sentences with 'should' followed by 'this would lead to' or 'they would be able to'

  • There should be a thorough evaluation/analysis of reasons why ________ is happening.
  • ________ should thoroughly evaluate/analyse/diagnose why ________ is happening.
  • ________ should thoroughly evaluate/analyse/diagnose what is causing ________.
  • If ________ is causing ________, they should try to ________.
  • If ________ is caused by ________, they should try to ________.
  • If ________ is causing ________, ________ should be done/tried.
  • If ________ is caused by ________, ________ should be done/tried.
  • They should ensure that ________.
  • They should make sure that ________.
  • ________ should be ensured.
  • It should be ensured that ________.
  • They should check that ________.
  • It should be checked that ________.
  • ________ should be checked.
  • ________ may help in reducing ________.
  • There should be periodic checks to ensure that the measures being taken are effective.
  • There should be periodic checks to evaluate the efficacy of the measures being taken.
  • Periodical checks should be done/undertaken to evaluate how effective the current measures are.
  • From time to time, ________ should be reviewed to identify any changes that may be needed.
  • From time to time, ________ should review ________ to identify any changes that may be needed.
  • Regular feedback from all stakeholders should be requested. (Stakeholder: a person with a direct or indirect interest or concern in something. E.g., in a company, stakeholders would include the owners, employees, investors, and customers. So, this word can be used in multiple situations.)
  • ________ should always be on the lookout to identify potential problems and identify how they can be resolved well in time.
  • ________ should consider whether ________ needs to be done.
  • Necessary actions should be taken to enable and encourage ________.
  • A number of reasons are responsible for ________ such as ________ and ________. However, judicious and timely action by ________ can ensure that ________ does not happen.
  • A myriad of reasons such as ________ and ________ can lead to ________. What is promising, however, is the fact that its adverse impact can be ameliorated by judicious and timely steps such as ________ and ________.
  • ________ is an issue of great concern. Unless ________ take(s) some steps to reduce the problem, it can have a long-term, possibly irreversible, impact on ________.
  • ________ is a serious issue. If some steps are not taken to ameliorate this issue, ________ can suffer and have long-term, irreversible ramifications.

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    Thankfully, it is very easy to structure a cause and solution essay for IELTS. You simply need to write four paragraphs, with one body paragraph about the causes and one body paragraph about the solutions: Introduction - introduce the topic. Body paragraph #1 - explain the causes of the problem. Body paragraph #2 - explain the solutions ...

  11. Task 2 Causes Solutions Sample Essay

    Problem Solution: 1. Introduction. 2. Problems. 3. Solutions. 4. Conclusion. Causes Solution: 1. Introduction. 2. Causes. 3. Solutions. 4. Conclusion. For the third paragraph for both essays we can use a template answer. Let's look at a sample essay first. Answer: In some nations, people are getting heavier and standards of health and well ...

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Band 9

    _Solutions essay " means give reason and solution" _Direct question essay " means answering the questions and give opinion " ... Frequently usages of social media can cause addiction. In addition, it will cause us fail in real life while we are busy watching others life styles. ... but Liz's essay is a Band 9 while Vineet's essay is ...

  13. IELTS Writing Task 2: Free Tips, Lessons & Model Essays

    1. IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information. Learn about your IELTS writing task 2 test. All lessons and tips on this page are for both Academic and GT writing task 2. IELTS Writing has two tasks: Task 1 (a report) and Task 2 (an essay). The total time is one hour for both tasks. You should spend only 40 mins on task 2.

  14. IELTS Writing Task 2: Causes/Solutions Sample Essay

    The "cause and solution" style of IELTS Writing Task 2 question presents a common social problem; your job is to identify the causes of the problem and propose ways the problem could be solved. For more information on this type of Writing Task 2 question, including tips and tricks, you can go to Magoosh's guide to the different kinds of ...

  15. How to Answer Cause and Effect Essay Task 2 Questions

    Home » IELTS academic task 2 » How to answer cause and effect questions. Cause-and-effect questions are different because they are easier to miss-read. What is actually a cause-and-effect question can be answered incorrectly as a problems-and-effects or a problem-and-solution. However, this can be easily solved by carefully reviewing the ...

  16. IELTS Problem Solution Essays

    It's not the only possible structure but it's the one I recommend because it's easy to learn and will enable you to quickly plan and write a high-level essay. 1) Introduction. Paraphrase the question. State 1 key problem/cause and related solution. 2) Main body paragraph 1 - Problem or Cause.

  17. IELTS Writing Task 2: How To Answer Problem/ Cause & Solution Questions

    Essay Plan: Main Idea 1: Changes in society make it harder to maintain close relationships. Sub-idea A: People are more likely to move to another area or city. Sub-idea B: People have very busy lives so have less time for family. Main Idea 2: People should make more effort to foster family relationships.

  18. How to write IELTS cause and effect essay?

    This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem. Body paragraph 1 - causes. Sentence 1 - state all the main causes of obesity: In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Sentences 2-3 - describe the first cause.

  19. Achieve Band 9: Master Problem-Solution Essays in IELTS

    You would have seen this in other essay posts I have written, so this should be somewhat familiar. Introduction. Paraphrase the question; State 1 key problem/cause and related solution; Paragraph 1 - Problem or Cause. Topic sentence - state the problem or cause; Explanation - explain the problem or cause; Example; Effect; Paragraph 2 ...

  20. Cause -Solution Essay Technique

    Band score improvement techniques for IELTS Essays

  21. IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: Causes and Solutions Essay

    HERE IS AN EFFECTIVE STRUCTURE FOR THIS TYPE IELTS ESSAY: 1§ Introduction: Paraphrase the Task + Add general words like: there are numerous reasons and there are certain measures to be taken to resolve the problem. 2 SENTENCES. 2§ One of the main causes of the problem is that ... + support this idea+ example.

  22. How to Write 'Causes (Reasons) and Solutions' Question in IELTS Writing

    Solution: With this type of essay for IELTS Writing, you have two points to be discussed: 1. Reasons of developing poor eating habits. 2. Solutions to control poor eating habits. You must discuss both of them by giving reasons and support them with examples. If you do not discuss any of the above two points in the essay, you will lose marks.

  23. Reason--Solution (Templates for IELTS Essays, Writing Task 2)

    This essay shall analyse some causes of _____, and also suggest some steps that can be taken by _____ to reduce it. Topic sentence for '2' (Reasons) There are a plethora of causes of _____. Topic sentence for '3' (Solutions) ... The conclusion of the Reason--Solution essay should summarise the essay. Broadly, what is conveyed in the conclusion ...