carnegie project on the education doctorate

 includes over 130 colleges and schools of education, which have committed resources to work together to undertake a critical examination of the doctorate in education (EdD) through dialog, experimentation, critical feedback and evaluation.

We envision a future where equity-minded educational professionals lead lasting and positive change for the learning and benefit of everyone.

 transforms the advanced preparation of educational professionals to lead through scholarly practice for the improvement of individuals and communities.

 We value every learner and the different perspectives, skills, histories, and voices of members of diverse communities.

 We value continuous improvement, growth, practical application of knowledge, and inquiry.

 We value solving authentic and critical problems of practice in partnership with others.

 We value the professional expertise and lived experiences of every educational professional.

 We value ethical, just, and inclusive practices. 

 We value the success of every student.

Through a collaborative, authentic process, members of CPED developed a that supports creating quality, rigorous practitioner preparation while honoring the local context of each member institution. The CPED Framework consists of three components—a new definition of the EdD, a set of guiding principles for program development and a set of design-concepts that serve as program building blocks. .

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© Copyright 2022 Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate. All rights reserved.

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carnegie project on the education doctorate  
(CPED) is an international network of 135+ graduate schools of education leading the charge to transform the Education Doctorate into the Professional Practice Doctorate in EducationMembers are committed to rethinking advanced educational preparation through improved EdD program designs that offer academic rigor, practical impact, applied research, and value. CPED, the first action-oriented effort working to distinguish the EdD from the PhD, defines the EdD as one that prepares educators to become Scholarly Practitioners who can apply appropriate and specific practices, generate new knowledge, and steward the profession. 

Impacting Education: Journal for Transforming Professional Practice (IE), the peer-reviewed, open-source academic journal of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate.   




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We envision a future where equity-minded educational professionals lead lasting and positive change for the learning and benefit of everyone.  

The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) transforms the advanced preparation of educational professionals to lead through scholarly practice for the improvement of individuals and communities. 

Today, CPED is an active international network with over 135 member institutions.


Broad and diverse membership is central to CPED’s success. Annually, CPED invites schools and colleges of education from around the world to join its 135+ member institutions in the work of transforming the EdD into the professional practice doctorate in education. Through professional development opportunities and a wide range of resources, CPED and their faculty learn to redesign their EdD programs to better serve practitioners.  include a professional development network that supports schools and colleges of education in EdD program design, annual Convenings, virtual events, resources to access national data, opportunities for collaboration and publication.

Through a collaborative, authentic process, members of CPED developed a that supports creating quality, rigorous practitioner preparation while honoring the local context of each member institution. The three-part Framework for EdD redesign includes a new definition of EdD, a set of guiding principles for program development, and a set of design concepts that serve as program building blocks. CPED members are often at different ; as they engage in the consortium, they utilize the Framework© to design/redesign, evaluate, and improve their programs.


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Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate

© Copyright 2022 Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate. All rights reserved.

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With the prompting of a consortium member and a very gracious offer from the former Editor of Planning and Changing, this special issue focused on the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) was developed and edited by me, Dr. Jill Perry. As the Co-Director of CPED, I welcomed the opportunity because it afforded me the chance to tell the story of the project and its accomplishments through the voice of the consortium. I often tell people that, while I have a birds-eye view that allows me to see the accomplishments of CPED across 56 U.S. schools of education, this opinion is rarely heard by everyone or accompanied by voices that speak to the influences CPED has had on individuals and programs. This special issue gave me the privilege and honor of collaborating closely with deans, faculty and graduates of CPED institutions to learn how the broader CPED work is transpiring at the institutional, programmatic and individual level. It is with the voices of varied individuals that I wish to present this issue outlining how CPED's reconceptualizing of the EdD has changed schools of education at these three levels.

To this end, this special issue serves three purposes. First, it provides a brief introduction to the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate, written by me. This article offers a historical overview of the project, a description of how it came to be the first action-oriented effort to distinguish the EdD as a professional practice degree, and a summary of the consortium's accomplishments. Second, through the stories of change presented by various authors, this issue will demonstrate how national level ideas, tested locally, are driving the way we think about the EdD as a professional practice degree. Finally, this issue supports the goals of CPED as a learning organization. The articles included are written so that all schools of education can leam from the experiences of those who are already walking the path of redesigning the EdD, of those who have faced and continue to face the many challenges that come with change in higher education, and of those who continue to improve professional preparation in education. This issue serves as a precursor to the publication of findings and lessons...

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