75 Critical Thinking Essay Topics

Critical thinking requires students to think for themselves, question everything, and look at both sides of an issue before coming to a conclusion. In critical thinking essay writing, these same skills are applied to examine a topic more closely. In this type of essay, the writer must not only present their own opinion on the subject but must also back it up with evidence and reasoning.

Critical thinking essays can be challenging to write depending on the topic, course, and length of the assignment. However, there are some tips and tricks that can make the process a little bit easier. Take a look at our detailed guide breaking down the components of an excellent critical thinking essay, and consider using any of our 75 critical thinking essay topics at the end to get started.

Essential Things to Consider When Writing a Critical Thinking Essay

When writing a critical thinking essay, students must look past surface-level information and delve deeper into the subject matter. This requires a lot of research and analysis, which can be tough for some students. However, if you take the time to plan your essay and follow these tips, you should be able to write a great critical thinking essay that will impress your instructor.

1. Do Your Research

Before you can start writing your essay, you need to make sure that you have enough evidence to support your claims. This means doing a lot of research on your topic. Try to find reliable sources from experts in the field that you can use to back up your points. Once you have gathered all of your evidence, you can plan out your essay.

2. Create An Outline

An outline will help keep your thoughts organized and ensure that you don’t forget any vital information. Your outline should include a thesis, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each part of your outline should also have a few key details that you want to discuss to help make the writing process go smoothly.

3. Write A Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the most essential part of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that presents your argument. Your thesis statement should be included in your introduction and reaffirmed in your conclusion.

It is important to note that because this is a critical thinking essay, your thesis should be more than just a statement of fact. Instead, it should be an arguable claim that you will be defending throughout your essay.

For example, if you are writing about the death penalty, your thesis statement needs to be more than, “The death penalty is wrong.” This thesis doesn’t leave room for discussion or debate. A better thesis statement would be, “The death penalty is a violation of human rights and it should be abolished.” This thesis statement presents an argument that can be debated and discussed.

4. Write The Introduction

Your introduction should start with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention. You can use a surprising statistic, a quote, or a rhetorical question. After the hook, you should provide some background information on your topic. This will help orient the reader and give them context for your argument. Finally, you should end your introduction with your thesis statement.

5. Write The Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the paragraph’s main point. The rest of the paragraph should be used to support this point with evidence and reasoning. You should have at least three body paragraphs in your essay, but you can have more if needed.

Pro Tip: Critical thinking essays examine and analyze – they don’t just restate facts. When presenting your evidence, be sure to discuss it critically. What are the implications of this evidence? How does it support your argument?

6. Write The Conclusion

The conclusion of a critical thinking essay should be just as strong as the introduction. You should start by restating your thesis statement. Then, you should provide a brief summary of the main points of your essay. Finally, you should end with a strong closing statement that leaves the reader thinking about your argument long after they finish reading, such as a call to action or a final thought-provoking question.

Citing Sources in a Critical Thinking Essay

Since this type of essay will rely on evidence and reasoning, it is important to use credible sources. Be sure to only use reliable sources from experts in the field. When you do use sources, be sure to cite them properly. This will show that you are using other people’s work ethically, and it will also help strengthen your argument by showing that you have looked at the issue from multiple perspectives.

Citing sources has many different rules that you will need to follow depending on the formatting style that you are using. The most common formatting styles are MLA, APA, and Chicago. Be sure to check with your professor to see which style they prefer before you start writing your essay.

When citing in MLA format, you’ll need to use in-text citations. These are brief citations included in the body of your essay whenever you use a source. The full citation for each source is listed in the Works Cited section at the end of your paper.

When citing in APA format, you’ll need to use in-text citations and a reference list. The in-text citations are brief citations included in the body of your essay whenever you use a source. The reference list is a list of all the sources that you used – usually included at the end of your paper.

When citing in Chicago style, you’ll need to use footnotes or endnotes. These are brief citations at the bottom of each page (footnotes) or the end of your paper (endnotes).

Any of these 75 critical thinking essay topics will help students struggling to find an arguable and interesting topic.

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About Social Issues

  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is capitalism good or bad?
  • Is socialism a viable alternative to capitalism?
  • Does religion do more harm than good?
  • Should creationism be taught in schools?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?
  • Are zoos cruel?
  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Is climate change real?
  • Who is responsible for climate change?
  • Should wealthy nations do more to help developing nations?
  • Is immigration a good or bad thing?
  • What are the root causes of terrorism?
  • Is terrorism ever justified?
  • Are gun laws too strict or not strict enough?
  • Is healthcare a human right?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • What are the ethical implications of stem cell research?
  • What should be done about the global water crisis?
  • How can we best help refugees?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About General Issues

  • Should people be judged by their looks?
  • Is it better to be single or in a relationship?
  • Are men and women equal?
  • Should parents be held responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Is it better to grow up with siblings or as an only child?
  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Is drug legalization a good or bad idea?
  • What are the best ways to deal with stress?
  • How can we prevent bullying?
  • Are social media and technology making us more or less connected?
  • Should parents monitor their children’s internet use?
  • Should schools ban cell phones?
  • How can we reduce the number of teenage pregnancies?
  • What is the best way to deal with teenage rebellion?
  • Is homeschooling a good or bad idea?
  • Should all students be required to learn a foreign language?
  • Should schools start later in the morning?
  • Are there better alternatives to traditional schooling?
  • Is college tuition too high?
  • Should student loans be forgiven?
  • Should colleges be free to attend?
  • What are the best ways to prepare for a job interview?
  • How can we better retain employees?
  • What are the best ways to motivate employees?
  • How can we reduce workplace stress?
  • Should remote working be encouraged?
  • What are the pros and cons of globalization?
  • Is consumerism a good or bad thing?
  • How can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About The Environment and Conservation

  • What are the best ways to reduce pollution?
  • Should we be doing more to conserve water?
  • How can we reduce food waste?
  • Is nuclear energy a good or bad thing?
  • What are the best ways to deal with climate change?
  • Is overpopulation a real problem?
  • What can we do to reduce our reliance on plastic?
  • Should we be doing more to protect endangered species?
  • How can we best preserve our natural resources?
  • What is the best way to deal with hazardous waste?
  • What are the best ways to reduce deforestation?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About Technology

  • Should we be doing more to regulate the internet?
  • How can we best protect our privacy online?
  • What are the best ways to deal with cyberbullying?
  • Is social media a good or bad thing?
  • Are we too reliant on technology?
  • What are the best ways to deal with data breaches?
  • Should we be worried about artificial intelligence?
  • What are the best ways to deal with tech monopolies?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About American Classics

  • Explore the theme of capitalism in Fight Club.
  • What is the significance of the title The Great Gatsby?
  • Is Atticus Finch a good father?
  • What is the significance of the title To Kill a Mockingbird?
  • Is Holden Caulfield a sympathetic character?
  • How does Steinbeck portray the American dream in The Grapes of Wrath?
  • How does Fitzgerald use symbolism in The Great Gatsby?

When writing on any of these 75 critical thinking essay topics, be sure to support your position with solid reasoning, examples, and evidence.

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105 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Critical thinking is a skill that is highly valued in today's society. It involves analyzing and evaluating information to form well-reasoned judgments and make informed decisions. Critical thinking essays require students to think critically and present their arguments in a logical and coherent manner.

If you are struggling to come up with a topic for your critical thinking essay, here are 105 ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The impact of social media on personal relationships
  • The effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional classroom learning
  • The role of technology in shaping society
  • The ethical implications of genetic engineering
  • The influence of media on body image
  • The pros and cons of globalization
  • The impact of climate change on the environment
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using renewable energy sources
  • The role of governments in addressing income inequality
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the job market
  • The ethics of animal testing in scientific research
  • The influence of advertising on consumer behavior
  • The role of education in reducing poverty
  • The benefits and challenges of multiculturalism
  • The impact of video games on children's behavior
  • The morality of capital punishment
  • The implications of legalized marijuana
  • The influence of religion on politics
  • The consequences of plastic pollution in oceans
  • The role of media in shaping public opinion
  • The ethics of human cloning
  • The impact of social class on opportunities in life
  • The benefits and drawbacks of nuclear energy
  • The effects of income inequality on societal well-being
  • The role of censorship in the media
  • The implications of mass surveillance on privacy rights
  • The influence of gender stereotypes on career choices
  • The ethics of euthanasia
  • The impact of fast food on public health
  • The role of technology in reducing poverty in developing countries
  • The benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence in healthcare
  • The consequences of deforestation on biodiversity
  • The influence of cultural norms on individual behavior
  • The ethics of animal rights
  • The implications of overpopulation on resources
  • The impact of social media on political activism
  • The benefits and drawbacks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • The role of education in combating climate change
  • The effects of income inequality on social mobility
  • The influence of gender roles on relationships
  • The ethics of assisted suicide
  • The consequences of air pollution on public health
  • The role of technology in promoting equality
  • The benefits and challenges of space exploration
  • The implications of consumerism on the environment
  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The ethics of animal captivity in zoos
  • The influence of cultural diversity on creativity
  • The consequences of water scarcity on agriculture
  • The role of media in promoting stereotypes
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online shopping
  • The effects of income inequality on crime rates
  • The influence of gender inequality on economic development
  • The ethics of genetic testing
  • The implications of nuclear weapons on global security
  • The impact of social media on democracy
  • The benefits and challenges of autonomous vehicles
  • The role of education in promoting tolerance and acceptance
  • The consequences of plastic waste on marine life
  • The influence of cultural appropriation on identity
  • The ethics of animal agriculture
  • The implications of deforestation on indigenous communities
  • The impact of social media on self-esteem
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online dating
  • The effects of income inequality on education
  • The influence of gender stereotypes on leadership positions
  • The ethics of human organ trafficking
  • The consequences of pollution on wildlife
  • The role of technology in promoting sustainable development
  • The benefits and challenges of renewable energy
  • The implications of cultural assimilation on diversity
  • The impact of social media on fake news
  • The ethics of animal experimentation in cosmetics industry
  • The influence of cultural relativism on human rights
  • The consequences of soil erosion on food security
  • The role of media in perpetuating stereotypes
  • The benefits and drawbacks of virtual reality
  • The effects of income inequality on healthcare access
  • The influence of gender inequality on domestic violence
  • The ethics of surrogacy
  • The implications of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of social media on youth activism
  • The benefits and challenges of 3D printing
  • The role of education in promoting sustainable consumption
  • The consequences of industrial agriculture on biodiversity
  • The influence of cultural globalization on cultural heritage
  • The ethics of animal entertainment in circuses
  • The implications of cultural imperialism on local traditions
  • The impact of social media on political polarization
  • The benefits and drawbacks of autonomous drones
  • The effects of income inequality on mental health
  • The influence of gender stereotypes on STEM fields
  • The ethics of human trafficking
  • The consequences of noise pollution on human health
  • The role of technology in promoting social justice
  • The benefits and challenges of biofuels
  • The implications of cultural appropriation on indigenous cultures
  • The impact of social media on cyberbullying
  • The ethics of animal extinction caused by human activities
  • The influence of cultural stereotypes on interracial relationships
  • The consequences of plastic packaging on waste management
  • The role of media in promoting consumerism
  • The benefits and drawbacks of cryptocurrency
  • The effects of income inequality on political participation
  • The influence of gender inequality on human development

These essay topics cover a wide range of critical thinking subjects, allowing you to choose the one that interests you the most or aligns with your academic goals. Remember to research your chosen topic thoroughly and present a well-supported argument in your essay. Critical thinking is all about analyzing information and forming an evidence-based opinion, so make sure to approach your essay with a critical mindset.

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175 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best critical thinking topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on critical thinking, 🥇 most interesting critical thinking topics to write about, ✅ simple & easy critical thinking essay titles, ❓ critical thinking essay questions.

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  • Obesity Tackling on Critical Thinking Standards It is impossible to stop the implementation of technology and invention in daily life. The solutions of the reasoning are accurate in the way that it is dealt with in this paper.
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  • Critical Thinking Skills for Company’s Communication It is therefore important that the company introduces a new product in the market to regain its position as the leader in the market.
  • Best Practices in Critical Thinking and Decision Making Thus, it is the role of the critical thinker to make sure that the evaluation drawn from such a breakdown is defensible.
  • Critical Thinking and Writing Skills Reflection I have gained so much academically from studying this writing course, and I believe that the skills and knowledge gained from Clouse and Grevstad’s The Student Writer: Editor and Critic will go a long way […]
  • Critical Thinking in the Decision-Making Processes According to Ennis, one can view “critical thinking as a way of becoming aware of and taking control of one’s thinking processes to think more effectively”.
  • Critical Thinking, Mission and Leadership Statement This is because it consists of a detailed guideline that takes into consideration all the factors in the environment that may influence the goals, missions, and leadership statements. The position of a leader that I […]
  • Believing Game as Critical Thinking Approach The doubting game is considered to be an essential approach to this process. Moreover, this approach helps to evaluate the personal position and to see its possible drawbacks and weak spots.
  • Critical Thinking in Business & Life Decision-Making Such a method is beneficial for its practical application to determine and make tradeoffs within the context of set objectives as well as the range of alternatives to them.
  • Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Development If Tsui only states the perspectives according to which it is possible to reform the existing approach to enhance the students’ critical thinking abilities with references to the conducted research, Payne and Gainey provide the […]
  • Doctoral Demeanor, Responsibility, Critical Thinking It has been demonstrated that the outward expression of an individual greatly determines how he or she is perceived by other persons. If the demeanor attributes are not pleasing other people, the individual could be […]
  • Critical Thinking: Developing Skills At that time, the ability to think critically and recognize the deeper meaning of information coming from the outside world became more attractive due to the pressure of the totalitarian governments that were operating in […]
  • Critical Thinking vs. Scientific Authority Even before Painter carried out the experiment on human chromosomes, previous studies on the same had already confirmed a total of 23 pairs of chromosomes.
  • Breach of a Law: Critical Thinking The case discussed in this paper is an excellent example of an ethical challenge in which one participating company must decide on a course of action including whether to continue as one of the parties […]
  • Critical Thinking Benefits in Decision-Making Processes It is the purpose of this paper to provide an example of critical thinking application at the personal level in addition to critically discussing the importance and benefits of critical thinking in decision-making processes.
  • Critical Thinking and Paraphrasing: The Word “War” The writer’s opinion brings out the negative side of the word’s interpretation or significance and portrays lack of enough objectives and more productive terms of the language.
  • Critical Thinking Tools in Decision Making Process The authors suggest that critical thinking will aid individuals in dealing with the qualms of the contemporary society and become secure in the choices they make.
  • Homeland Security’s Critical Thinking Model The ‘best’ critical thinking model that is established in this essay consists of a combination of other critical thinking models that have been employed in the past.
  • Congress’ Work in Critical Thinking: A User’s Manual As the matter of fact, the argument of the statement is centered on that fact that the only opportunity to pass the bill is to be flexible and use sweet-talking as the approach to influence […]
  • Whistleblowing as a Critical Thinking Skill Whistleblowing is defined as “having four component parts: 1) an individual acts with the intention of making information public; 2) the information is conveyed to parties outside the organization who make it public and a […]
  • Critical Thinking Skills in Emergency Management Therefore, critical thinking plays a crucial role in the success of the response to emergencies. This aspect requires all the involved parties to understand the nature of the crisis that they are handling.
  • Education: Critical Thinking Process Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information or a situation. It entails the practice of engaging in independent and reflective thinking to identify and evaluate ideas to make informed decisions.
  • Critical Thinking and Development of the Writer’s Reflection Techniques The view of the previous research is assessed and a decision is reached by the writer. Analysis is persuasive and the theory of critical writing will support the writer’s analysis.
  • The Steps of Critical Thinking: Memo She rejects the governor’s offer of privatizing the management function of the DMV information systems of the state, and says that the plight of the workers should have been considered.
  • Critical Thinking Paper: Executive Compensation Although most advocates of the high levels of executive compensation, especially for CEOs, argue that the suitability of compensation is determined through the market process of wage negotiation rather than a simple process of introspection, […]
  • Critical Thinking in Health Care Compared to Fero et al.’s key CT skills of autonomous interventions, clinical judgment, and analysis and interpretation of problems, Robert and Petersen identify risk estimation, and analysis and evaluation of diagnosis as the key aspects […]
  • Instructional Design, Constructivism, and Learning Sciences In the context of the gaming theory discussed before, the outer aspect of the game involves the interaction of the external stimuli through enhancement of the thinking process to determine the best possible strategies of […]
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy and Critical Thinking As of the strong sides of this approach, these are the clear definition of the stages of cognitive operations and the distinction that is made between them.
  • “The Development of Lexical Fluency in a Second Language” by Kroll et al. Methodology is a broader term that encompasses the theories and perspectives that underlies the research as well as the methods that are used in conducting the research.
  • Critical Thinking and Intelligence Analysis On the other hand, when speaking about the scientists who predicted war in various parts of the Earth, one can make a conclusion that biases in evaluating evidence as well as diagnostic techniques were used […]
  • What Is Critical Thinking? It seems that critical thinking can be defined as a cognitive process which involves unbiased evaluation and analysis of information as well the generation of new ideas or arguments. This is one of the points […]
  • Two Definitions of Critical Thinking Second, critical thinking is knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning. Components of critical thinking seek and treat information in their ways, involve continual use of skills, and acknowledge the outcomes of the […]
  • HR Critical Thinking: Where Do You Find the Bodies? In order to maintain the employees, they should be treated well in that there should better working conditions and terms. The mechanics should be hired on better working conditions and terms in order to maintain […]
  • The Development of Ability to Critical Thinking That is why it is necessary to find new approaches to the analysis of many aspects of our everyday life. One more important aspect or objective for improving of your critical thinking is the necessity […]
  • Communication Systems, Ethical Issues, and Organizational Processes in the Hospital The meeting revolves around this and it is towards the end that Chris realizes that he was being briefed on the challenges affecting the hospital and that he is to use this information in coming […]
  • Critical Thinking: Level of Reasoning and Making Judgments This is because such offices are important in that they hold the keys to either the success or the failure of the corporations.
  • Corporate External and Internal Communication Argenti has discussed how a business’ corporate communication of internal and external communication to its constituencies should be, in the third and the seventh chapter his book Corporate Communication.
  • Natural Science, Ethics, and Critical Thinking The consequences of the results of stem cell research have been under greater scrutiny and the rightness or wrongness of the practice is very unclear.
  • Critical Thinking and Worldview The purpose of life in Christianity’s view is to serve God. This is a big contrast to the Buddhism view on destiny.
  • The Importance and Relevance of Critical Thinking in Both the Classroom and the Outside World By use of type of critical thinking, the student has the ability to analyze and evaluate different concepts to come up with the best solution.
  • Critical Thinking and Its Role in Real Life Situations There are other instances in our lives that will always need critical thinking and this is a fact that we have to live with.
  • Critical Thinking About the Vietnam Conflict This forced the U.S.into supporting the establishment of an adversarial Vietnamese Republic in the south while arming, advising, and training the newly formed Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
  • What Is Critical Thinking, and How Is It Important in Our Lives? A critical thinker is one with the ability to solve a problem intellectually and skillfully by identifying the problem, conceptualizing on the same, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information gathered and to exercise their best judgment […]
  • Critical Thinking as the Most Effective Learned Skill These are the features of critical thinking that we shall compare to the three commonly applied approaches of critical thinking to determine the approach that is most ideal.
  • The Importance of Being a Good Critical Thinker According to the article, there are a growing number of social networks that can be adopted to sell or dispense information; the networks include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Yahoo Chat.
  • Critical Thinking Application Paper The evaluation critical thinking paper gives an example that required critical thinking as well as the importance and benefits of critical thinking in decision making process.
  • Critical Thinking and Actively and Skillfully Conceptualizing A problem can come from any part of the organization and being able to identify the specific problem is the most important thing in the process of critical thinking.
  • Critical Thinking in Problem Solving The common practice disorients the attention of the driver and endangers the lives of other individuals using the road. Thus, the technique has been employed to increase the production of food so as to meet […]
  • How Can Teachers Teach Critical Thinking? Despite the fact that, as we have mentioned earlier, the growing number of educators come to realize the indispensability of providing students with a stimulus to develop critical thinking, only few of them seem to […]
  • Critical Thinking and What Really Constitutes Critical Thinking This essay is going to apply the elements of critical thinking to the report of September 11, 2001 concerning the attacks on the United States.
  • Critical Thinking Method vs. The Elements of Thought Questions: Finding Out Which Method Is More Effective For example from Asking the Right Questions the first two questions: 1) What are the issues and conclusions? and 2) What are the reasons; are similar to Elements of Thought’s first two questions: 1) What […]
  • What Is Critical Thinking?
  • How Does Critical Thinking Help Students?
  • What Does a Critical Thinking Essay Refer To?
  • Does Mindfulness Enhance Critical Think?
  • What Is the Role of Critical Thinking in the World Today?
  • What is the Difference Between the Critical Thinking and the Nonconscious Thinking? This paper states that critical thinking skills and nonconscious thinking are not mutually exclusive phenomena. They occur in parallel but are interconnected.
  • How Can Critical Thinking and Ethics Affect One’s Life?
  • What Are the Scope of Fallacies as They Relate to Creative and Critical Thinking?
  • Does Simulation Have Any Effect on the Self Confidence or Critical Thinking?
  • What Is the Importance of Individuality, Self-Knowledge, and Self-Worth in Critical Thinking?
  • How Will Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Techniques Assist in Duties as a Field Grade Officer?
  • What Is the Meaning of Critical Thinking to Our World Today?
  • Should Teach Critical Thinking in High School?
  • How Can Critical Thinking Be Used in Everyday Life?
  • What Effect Does Simulation Lab Have on Critical Thinking and Confidence?
  • How Does Critical Thinking and Ethics Affect Therapeutic Communication in the Treatment of Mental Health Patients?
  • What Role Does Language and Language Diversity Play in the Critical Thinking?
  • How Do Reading, Critical Thinking, and Writing Relate to One Another?
  • What Is the Connection Between Communication and Critical Thinking Skills?
  • How Can Critical Thinking Be Enhanced Among Students?
  • Is There a Link Between Critical Thinking and Money?
  • What Is Link Between Reflective Analysis and Critical Thinking?
  • Is There a Link Between Critical Thinking, Reflective Analysis, and Ethics in the World Today?
  • What Are the Benefits of Applied Critical Thinking to Organizations and Businesses Today?
  • How Well Are Our Schools Influencing Our Critical Thinking and Promoting Imagination in Students?
  • What Are the Arguments in Critical Thinking?
  • How Can I Improve My Critical Thinking Skills?
  • Are There Any Trends in Critical Thinking?
  • What Is the Scope of Creative Thinking About Critical Thinking?
  • How Important Is Critical Thinking to Your Problem-Solving Process?
  • What Are the Benefits of Learning Critical Thinking Skills?
  • Personal Ethics Titles
  • Cultural Psychology Ideas
  • Economic Topics
  • Learning Styles Essay Topics
  • Forensic Accounting Paper Topics
  • Employee Engagement Essay Topics
  • Pedagogy Topics
  • Self-Reflection Research Topics
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  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 175 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/critical-thinking-essay-topics/

"175 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '175 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "175 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "175 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "175 Critical Thinking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.

  • Nursing Topics Topics: 633
  • Color Blindness Topics Topics: 49
  • Animal Rights Research Topics Topics: 55
  • Homelessness Topics Topics: 151
  • Gender Inequality Topics Topics: 75
  • Gender Equality Research Topics Topics: 77
  • Domestic Violence Topics Topics: 160
  • Social Inequality Research Topics Topics: 77
  • Animal Ethics Paper Topics Topics: 60
  • Drug Abuse Research Topics Topics: 141
  • Substance Abuse Research Topics Topics: 217
  • Transgender Topics Topics: 102
  • Gender Stereotypes Paper Topics Topics: 94
  • Animal Cruelty Essay Topics Topics: 107
  • Animal Abuse Topics Topics: 97

126 Critical Thinking Essay Topics, Questions, & Examples

Are you searching for the best critical thinking topic for your paper? Look no further! StudyCorgi has made a list of excellent questions and topics for critical thinking. Whether you’re studying at high school, college, or university, you will likely find a good idea for your essay, discussion, presentation, or research paper.

🏆 Best Critical Thinking Topics for Students

✍️ critical thinking essay topics for college, 👍 good critical thinking research topics & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting critical thinking topics to write about, ❓ critical thinking essay questions, 📃 critical thinking paper topics.

  • Reading as a Source of Knowledge, Intelligence, and Critical Thinking
  • Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning
  • Mass Media: Critical Thinking Skills, Images, and Stereotypes
  • Aspect of Sociocentric and Critical Thinking
  • Critical Thinking in Nursing Process
  • Critical Thinking: Linen Management Process Analysis
  • Critical Thinking and Its Components
  • Critical Thinking in Education Critical thinking is useful for any person because of providing possibilities to analyze the situations and facts appropriately and find effective solutions to problems.
  • Critical Thinking and Critical Response in Human Studies The paper defines critical thinking, describes why it is crucial in studying the humanities, identifies the six steps in critical response, and explains how they relate to critical thinking.
  • Critical Thinking: Examples From Literature The five stories under analysis allow seeing how critical thinking can be differentiated from pseudo-critical and unsupported ideas of inexperienced people.
  • Relationship Between Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, and Stress Management in Nursing In nursing practice, many care providers and leaders have to encounter high-stress levels due to the nature of their work.
  • Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment in Nursing Nurses in the current healthcare institutions need to have proper clinical judgment skills that will ensure that their decisions help save the lives of their patients.
  • “Critical Thinking” by Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker The author of this piece commits some serious logical errors owing to the fact that he/she is trying to convince other readers to support his/her position based on a bad flow of reasoning.
  • Philosophy of Knowledge and Critical Thinking Philosophical inquiries and debates contribute to the students’ critical thinking and encourage them to look at one issue from different angles.
  • Critical Thinking and Active Learning Model Critical thinking is the capacity to think clearly and logically without allowing emotions or personal prejudices to cloud one’s judgment.
  • Critical Thinking: Dignity and Justice The critical analysis of the works of Pope Paul IV showed the connection between the notion of human dignity and the common good based on justice.
  • Critical Thinking and Its Importance in Modern Life Critical thinking is the subject of the study of ideas about the content of intellect, which can be associated with research in psychology, philosophy, education and epistemology.
  • The Attributes of Critical Thinking in the Nursing Practice The current paper discusses such attributes of critical thinking as curiosity, reflection, rational thought, and intuitive thought.
  • Critical Thinking in the “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr Carr suggests that we should be more attentive to the influence the Internet has on our thinking and reflect on the AI’s ability to make us more efficient but less human.
  • Critical Thinking Tactics for Nurses Critical thinking guides nurses to get right information from patients. The concept makes it easier for Nurse to analyze, discuss, and address issues affecting patients.
  • Whistleblowing and Critical Thinking Whistleblowing remains an important ethical practice that allows individuals to expose harmful actions of companies and organizations to the public eye.
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a rich concept and an essential skill. It is a key to successful choices and vital for the twenty-first-century human mindset.
  • Environmental Studies: Critical Thinking The article “Impacts of the 1945 and 1995-1996 Ruapehu Eruptions, New Zealand” by Johnston et al. (2000) examines the negative consequences of two volcanic eruptions.
  • Researching of Classroom Critical Thinking and Collaboration Activities The students will be instructed to engage in brainstorming and explaining ways in which recycling can be conducted at the school to improve the environment.
  • Communication: Critical Thinking Habits Critical thinking is an essential skill of a modern person. Among the skills of critical thinkers, planning and communication are central.
  • Unveiling Truths in Nursing: A Journey from Perception to Critical Thinking Nurses should not rely solely on visible signs of illness but should ask questions about causes, effects, and possible co-morbidities.
  • Critical Thinking in Modern Society Critical thinking is necessary in human life in order to better understand our surroundings. It would be unjust to oneself not to question why things are the way they are.
  • Discovery Learning Method: Critical Thinking Skills A discovery learning method is a form of learning that encourages participation rather than passive consumption of information.
  • Leasing vs. Buying a Car: Math & Critical Thinking Leasing allows you to drive a vehicle that people cannot buy due to its cost. Buying a car seems more relevant in today’s realities, as it meets people’s needs in the long term.
  • Critical Thinking Applied to Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk tells the story of a narrator who is seemingly trapped in an apparent disordered series of domino effects.
  • Critical Thinking Process and Its Importance Critical thinking is one of the most important processes that have many functions. It helps individuals analyze and interpret the information.
  • The Example of Critical Thinking Skills The paper states that critical thinking and emotional intelligence define the quality of multiple processes and colleague relationships.
  • Critical Thinking, Modern Society, and Argumentation Critical thinking is a process of balanced reflection on external phenomena. It requires a high level of awareness, attentiveness, and concentration.
  • Concepts of Critical Thinking The paper discusses concepts of critical thinking. It includes self-regulation, system-1, system-2, heuristics, dominance structuring, and cognitive bias.
  • Critical Thinking in the Modern World Naturally, critical thinking is one of the essential elements of people’s lives, as it is part of interpersonal communication.
  • Critical Thinking and Role of Schools in Knowledge This paper analyzes the articles “What can schools do? Knowledge, social identities and the changing world” and “Critical Thinking and Critical Theory”.
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking for Effective Human Resource Management This paper discusses the importance of critical thinking for managers and leaders in managing human resources effectively.
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy for Critical Thinking Development The paper states that critical thinking in writing can be derived from the notion that learning occurs linearly and hierarchically.
  • Critical Thinking and Racism in Modern Times The new definition of racism is a belief that human capacities are determined by race and that differences in race lead to one race being viewed as superior to another race.
  • Discussion of Lessons of Critical Thinking The article discusses lessons of critical thinking from stories of Faye Abdellah, Chiara Lubich and Oprah Winfrey.
  • Critical Thinking Self-Assessment I have gained sufficient knowledge from this course that has made me a critical thinker. I can now identify fallacies in my thinking and try to avoid them.
  • Math in Real Life: Critical Thinking and Number Sense The paper states that Critical Thinking and Number Sense are applicable in decision-making, analysis, reasoning, and communication mathematical knowledge.
  • Medical Intervention in Acute Heart Failure and COPD The essay evaluates the health condition related to the quality medical intervention in acute decompensated heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Aspects of Critical Thinking Critical thinking is one of the fundamental concepts of philosophy. Used to describe the process of objectively identifying and analyzing events.
  • Flat Earth Society: The Importance of Logic and Critical Thinking in Perceiving Information The consideration of such organizations as the Flat Earth Society demonstrates the need to apply critical thinking to the newly received information to avoid misconceptions.
  • Critical Thinking and Transgender Ethics Sexual orientation and preference is a debated and complex topic involving biological aspects, including hormones, which can alter and change people’s behavior and feelings.
  • Decision in Paradise: Possible Solutions, Analysis of the Decision-Making Technique and Critical Thinking The management staff should be sourced from the already established branches, as their experience will be much needed in the making of the day-to-day decisions.
  • Assisted Suicide: Critical Thinking and Rhetoric For assisted suicide to have positive consequences for people who yearn for such an early death, the practice must be published and not performed in secret.
  • Characteristics of Critical Thinking and Decision Making Critical thinking involves fairness, and it implies in-depth thinking with highly insightful thinking. A critical thinking mind treats every opinion in an unbiased manner.
  • Social Psychology and Critical Thinking Process Obedience to the boss is a common thing and most people take it for granted, the others try to quarrel, thinking that they know better.
  • Future US President: Arguments & Critical Thinking One of the greatest arguments is taking place today in the United States. The argument centers around who will be the running mates of Barack Obama and John McCain.
  • Homeland Security and Critical Thinking Skills The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how a lack of critical thinking skills on a governmental scale could cause long-term issues and threats to homeland security.
  • Critical Thinking for Homeland Security The skill of critical thinking is helpful in all areas of people’s lives. It is vital to understand what factors contribute to the development of one’s critical thinking.
  • Critical Thinking and Ethics Today Ethical interpretations of events are based on various types of viewpoints. Amoralists believe that ethics do not exist.
  • Critical Thinking for Managers Everyday we are dared to make proper decisions, normally with limited ideas under serious time restrictions; this requires critical thinking.
  • What Is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking is a way of thinking in which the critical thinkers arrive at conclusion through logical means.
  • Happy Life: Critical Thinking and Ethics Any person has more chances to be happy and successful if some material values are present in the life and do not cause any emotions or feeling.
  • Critical Thinking Skills Influence The ability to think critically allows a person to identify and resist attempts to manipulate, teaches to keep thoughts clear and structured, and interpret information correctly.
  • Television Violence and Critical Thinking T.V. viewing is one of the most influential forms of information distribution and behavioral modification in that people tend to believe what they hear from T.V.
  • Learning Environment for Nurses’ Critical Thinking The learning environment plays a significant role in the formation of students’ critical thinking abilities. For nursing students, these skills are particularly important.
  • Reflection: Critical Thinking and New Habits’ Development Reflective learning is one of the most efficient ways of getting some information and developing certain skills. It is based on constant analysis of different kinds of activities.
  • Contingency Planning Analysis: Creativity, Critical Thinking and Key Steps Contingency plans are essential for the majority of organizations. They allow the company to have a course of action even when the original plans become obsolete due to an unforeseen problem.
  • Nursing Values: Empathy and Critical Thinking The ability to be empathetic and the nurse’s willingness to help the patient is a fundamental variable of nursing. Empathy can create space for the patient’s self-actualization.
  • Critical Thinking in Addressing Dispensing Errors Dispensing errors are common and most of them, often, go undetected when dispensing drugs in the hospitals and the pharmacies.
  • Humanistic Psychology: Critical Thinking and Issues The paper discusses Humanistic Psychology, its peculiarities, and effects on the development of the understanding of human behavior, as well as the difference of the school of Behaviorism.
  • Critical Thinking and Overpopulation Problem Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Framework is used to analyze various social issues. The main purpose should be to understand why overpopulation is a major problem affecting humanity.
  • Critical Thinking to Solve Hard Problems The hard problem is a problem without functional explanation as opposed to an easy problem, which involves explanation in the form of what mechanism can perform what function.
  • Social Media Affecting Critical Thinking
  • The Performance Classification Systems for Critical Thinking
  • Sustainable Development Critical Thinking
  • The Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decision Making
  • Relationship Between Listening and Critical Thinking
  • The Outsourcing Bogeyman Critical Thinking Exercise
  • Banking Regulation Critical Thinking
  • The Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Language
  • Applying Critical Thinking Skills on Academic and Professional
  • Relationships Between Critical Thinking and Ethics
  • Various Critical Thinking Skills and Their Uses
  • The Early Church Critical Thinking
  • Barriers and Critical Thinking Skills
  • Assisted Suicide Critical Thinking
  • The Direct Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Ethics
  • Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decision Making
  • The Importance and Features of Critical Thinking
  • Using Critical Thinking Skills Creatively
  • The Education Profession Aims and Improving Critical Thinking
  • African American Civil Rights Movement Critical Thinking
  • American Foreign Policy Critical Thinking
  • How Can You Improve Your Critical Thinking?
  • What Are Barriers to Critical Thinking?
  • How Does Critical Thinking Help in Solving Problems?
  • What Are the Main Principles of Critical Thinking?
  • Can Critical Thinking Be Learned?
  • What Factors Affect Critical Thinking?
  • How Can a Person Master the Critical Thinking Skills?
  • What Causes a Lack of Critical Thinking Skills?
  • Why Is Critical Thinking So Difficult?
  • Is Critical Thinking a Skill or Talent?
  • What Are the Two Main Components of Critical Thinking?
  • Why Is Critical Thinking Important for Students?
  • How Does Critical Thinking Affect Society?
  • What Is the Difference Between Thinking and Critical Thinking?
  • How Are Critical Thinking Leaders Beneficial to an Organization?
  • What Does Poor Critical Thinking Look Like?
  • Is Critical Thinking Necessary in Our Society?
  • Who Is the Father of Critical Thinking?
  • Why Is Critical Thinking Important in Social Work?
  • How Do Leaders Develop Critical Thinking Skills?
  • What Are the Benefits Enjoyed by a Society That Promotes and Teaches Critical Thinking?
  • Where in Society Is Critical Thinking Valued and Used?
  • How Do You Improve Critical Thinking in the Workplace?
  • Why Is Critical Thinking Essential for Today’s Business Teams?
  • How Can Critical Thinking Improve Your Chances of Making Better Choices?
  • How can critical thinking help identify fake news?
  • The role of critical thinking in solving ethical dilemmas in healthcare.
  • Critical thinking lessons one can gain from the anti-GMO movement.
  • The link between critical thinking and emotional intelligence.
  • The significance of critical thinking in evaluating advertisements.
  • The effects of media portrayals on stereotypes and prejudices.
  • The connection between critical thinking skills and beliefs in conspiracy theories.
  • The role of critical thinking in effective leadership.
  • The impact of technology on critical thinking skills.
  • Age-appropriate strategies for developing critical thinking in children.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 28). 126 Critical Thinking Essay Topics, Questions, & Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/critical-thinking-essay-topics/

"126 Critical Thinking Essay Topics, Questions, & Examples." StudyCorgi , 28 Jan. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '126 Critical Thinking Essay Topics, Questions, & Examples'. 28 January.

1. StudyCorgi . "126 Critical Thinking Essay Topics, Questions, & Examples." January 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "126 Critical Thinking Essay Topics, Questions, & Examples." January 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "126 Critical Thinking Essay Topics, Questions, & Examples." January 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/critical-thinking-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Critical Thinking were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 21, 2024 .

80 High-scoring Critical Thinking Essay Topics

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To criticize someone does not solely mean disrespecting someone or highlighting their shortcomings.

When writing a critical thinking essay, it is important to analyze the critical thinking essay topics thoroughly and discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of the situation.

A recent research indicated that 52% of difficulties in academic writing lay in vocabulary and 47% in writing resources. Both of these might be important in choosing a critical essay topic.

Table of Contents

The Challenges of Choosing Good Critical Thinking Topics

It is not that easy to shortlist some critical thinking topics for students. The topic they pick must have a plethora of data available for research and more. Here are common challenges of picking up critical essay topics for students.

Overlapping of a topicFinding a unique angle for some critical analysis topics can be difficult as most of the topics are covered.Focus on fresh perspectives and lesser-known aspects of topics for critical essay.
Resources Depth of critical thinking paper topicsLess availability of primary and secondary resources for in-depth analysis.Pick a topic that has a plethora of credible references available.
Relevance and Personal InterestDifficulty in balancing personal interest in topics for critical thinking with academic relevance.Choose a topic that covers personal passion and academic importance
Critical Topics’ ScopeThe topic may be too broad or too narrow.Refine the topic you select.
Originality of the critical essay topicsThe topic has to allow original thoughts.Brainstorm unique angles

During my high school time, I had a very hard time figuring out a topic for my critical thinking essay. I could have gone with Shakespeare’s stuff like others but that would be too much for me.

All I needed was something different and very unique in my shortlisted critical thinking essay topics. After spending hours in the library and discussing with my colleagues and professor, I finally thought about going with mental health and society expectations.

As I took a lot of time finding this topic, I knew where to research it and how to find the supporting evidence. All in all, the essay went very well and helped me secure top scores. Hence you should take your time with choosing critical thinking topics for students.

80 Interesting Critical Thinking Essay Topics

Here are 100 topics for critical thinking you can count on for writing a killer critical thinking essay.

20 New Critical Thinking Topics For Students

This is the first list of critical thinking paper topics that has some very unique and easy-to-research critical analysis topics.

  • How is social media impacting our relationships and self-esteem?
  • The causes and effects of income inequality.
  • Effective ways of reducing gun violence these days.
  • Ways to ensure pay equity in an organizational setup.
  • How are climate change and equity related?
  • Working ways of preventing racial profiling.
  • Different ways to ensure access to healthcare.
  • How can we deal with the refugee crisis well?
  • Discussing the  challenges in learning for students with autism  these days.
  • What are the reasons behind youth homelessness?
  • The negative impact of mass incarceration.
  • How can we address education equity well?
  • The historical injustices of indigenous rights.
  • Effective ways to analyze barriers to disability rights?
  • Different ways to examine stereotypes and promote respect.
  • The causes of food insecurity these days.
  • How to address the mental health stigma effectively?
  • Ways to end human trafficking.
  • The hurdles in the way of clean water access for all.
  • Effective ways to ensure digital privacy.

20 Critical Thinking Essay Topics Related to Technology

Still couldn’t shortlist some topics for critical essay? Don’t fret as we have more critical essay topics for you here.

  • The ethical considerations of using AI.
  • How can we assure privacy in this digital age?
  • Effective strategies that we can employ against cybersecurity threats.
  • Will automation take all of the human jobs?
  • The challenges of interconnected devices.
  • The access to technology and internet connectivity these days.
  • What should we know about the ethical implications of biometric technology?
  • The difference between Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).
  • What are the ethical implications of using big data?

Hopefully, you are having a good time going through our list of critical thinking topics for discussion. Keep on reading as more of such critical thinking essay topics from a professional  paper writing service  are coming your way.

  • The Disadvantages of Quantum Computing.
  • How is social media breaching our online privacy? 
  • The benefits and risks of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology.
  • The concept and principles of Digital Rights Management (DRM).
  • The impact of surveillance technologies on civil liberties and privacy.
  • How can we ensure ethics in biotechnology?
  • How can we explore the benefits and challenges of integrating technology? 
  • Assessing the implications of wearable devices on health, privacy, and society.
  • The regulatory challenges of autonomous vehicles.
  • The potential and limitations of 5G Technology.
  • The psychological impact of digital addiction on students. 

10 critical thinking essay topics related to the environment

There are so many things you can choose for a critical thinking essay on the environment. Here’s a list of critical thinking topics for discussion in this category.

  • The negative impact of climate change on human beings.
  • The consequences of deforestation we should know about.
  • Is plastic pollution too dangerous for human survival in the future?
  • The transition to renewable energy sources and overcoming challenges.
  • The causes and implications of biodiversity decline.

You would already have noticed that most critical topics are debatable and open to differing points of view. Here are more essay topics:

  • The bad impact of excessive Co2 emissions.
  • The concept of sustainable agriculture.
  • The challenges of water scarcity and solutions.
  • The most common sources of air pollution.
  • How is ecosystem restoration possible these days?

20 Interesting Topics for Critical Essay

An interesting critical topic can make your piece enticing to read. Here’s another list of critical thinking essay topics you can consider.

  • How is mental illness portrayed in literature?
  • How is social media shaping political discourse?
  • What students usually miss out on when collecting resources for  how to write an autobiography  well.
  • How is technology influencing human relationships?
  • The negative representation of gender in movies.
  • How has language evolved and what is its cultural significance?
  • Things we should know about the psychology of conspiracy theories.
  • How are religion and politics interacting these days?
  • Things we should know about environmental racism.
  • The ethics of animal testing biotechnicians must know.
  • How does advertising impact consumer behavior?
  • Things we must know about the philosophy of happiness.
  • How is cybersecurity possible in the digital age?
  • How can parenting style influence child development?
  • Discussing the efficiency of healthcare systems.
  • The Economics of Healthcare: Assessing the efficiency and equity of healthcare systems.
  • How is food of cultural significance in different societies?
  • How is race represented in contemporary art?
  • How is globalization impacting cultural diversity?
  • The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.

10 Critical Thinking Topics for Discussion Related to Culture

Researching culture could be a great idea. Here are some critical thinking essay topics related to culture.

  • The disadvantages of cultural appropriation in fashion.
  • Effective strategies to preserve endangered languages.
  • How to cope with the cultural stereotypes in the media?
  • The relationship between globalization and cultural homogenization.
  • Analyzing Cultural Relativism vs. Universalism.
  • The challenges of Indigenous Cultural Preservation and successes in maintaining traditions.
  • Different types of cultural assimilations in Immigration.
  • Is cultural heritage conservation even possible these days?
  • How is multiculturalism working in Education?
  • The role of culture in international relations and diplomacy.

Useful Resources for Students

Students can check out these important resources to improve their critical thinking abilities before shortlisting a topic or two.

  • You can watch videos on Youtube about how to be a creative thinker.
  • You can go through this book  The Foundation for Critical Thinking  by Richard W. Paul, Linda Elder to improve your understanding.
  • You can also go through the critical thinking flowchart to improve your understanding.

Critical Thinking Process Flowchart

Final Thoughts

To be able to write a good critical thinking essay, you must be able to start well with a good topic. A good topic will not only get you on the right track but will also help you find ample resources to convey your ideas well. Going through a critical thinking essay example is also a way to learn the art of choosing a topic for one. All in all, this article was all about letting you know of interesting and unique critical thinking essay topics to work on.

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92 Critical Thinking Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 critical thinking research papers examples, 🏆 best critical thinking essay titles, 🎓 simple research topics about critical thinking, ❓ critical thinking research questions.

  • Cross-Cultural Psychology: Definition and Elements Psychology essay sample: Cross-cultural psychology aims to illustrate the major difference between regions by applying credible comparative analysis of cultures.
  • What Makes a Leader? Psychology essay sample: Emotional intelligence is the ability to control and express one’s emotions with empathy specifically in interpersonal relationships.
  • Critical Thinking in Decision-Making Process Psychology essay sample: Sometimes people make decisions that are beyond their and their reasonable thinking. Instead, their thinking mostly depends on a particular situation or on other people’s experiences.
  • EPortfolio Artifacts Overview Psychology essay sample: The ability to realize a professional potential within the framework of organizational needs is a valuable artifact.
  • Thinking. "Blink" Book by Malcolm Gladwell Psychology essay sample: The main point of Malcolm Gladwell’s book "Blink: The power of thinking without thinking" is the importance of "thin slicing" or making decisions without an in-depth assessment.
  • Critical Thinking Definition and Description Psychology essay sample: Critical thinking is essential in any academic field and, consequently, developing it should be a priority for anyone engaging in intellectual pursuits.
  • Introspection and Development Level Determination Psychology essay sample: In this article, the author talks about the importance of introspection to determine the level of one's development.
  • Perception and Critical Thinking Psychology essay sample: Effective perception should depend on the information collected with the help of all five senses. It provides the necessary grounds for critical thinking.
  • Problem-Solving in Cognitive Psychology Psychology essay sample: The abilities to analyze and make the right decision based on the proposed circumstances are the skills that distinguish the human species from most other living beings.
  • Study of Psychology and the Process of Critical Thinking Psychology essay sample: From the psychological point of view, critical thinking helps in analyzing and presenting facts. People who think critically find solutions to their problems systematically.
  • Ethical Practices for Psychologists Psychology essay sample: Psychologists need to understand the ethical principles of their occupation and activate critical thinking. It helps them make the right decisions and come to logical conclusions.
  • Self-Exploration: The Role for a Helper Psychology essay sample: Self-exploration assists helpers in creating a trustful relationship with their clients. Without self-exploration, the counselor could project their problems onto their clients.
  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule and Leadership Ability Assessment Psychology essay sample: This paper provides the discussion of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule as one of the most effective tools to diagnose ASD and determine its severity.
  • Cognitive Conflict Theory in Everyday Use Psychology essay sample: Cognitive conflict implies a special psychological state when the new knowledge gained is not combined with the picture of the world, that already exists in a person's head.
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy and Counselling Psychology essay sample: The paper states that Bloom's Taxonomy approach can be used in counseling to receive positive mental health shifts and helps people live better lives.
  • Biopsychosocial and Holistic Approaches to Assessment Psychology essay sample: Biopsychosocial and holistic assessments are applied to ensure child welfare assessment. They enable us to work with children and families to deliver services.
  • Common Sense, Psychological, and Sociological Ways of Thinking Psychology essay sample: The essay will argue that sociological thinking can be the most helpful to improving society, but it fails to achieve it because decision-makers in power underutilize it.
  • The Anxiety Related to the COVID-19 Virus Uncertainty: Strategy Psychology essay sample: The initial issue that the author developed a strategy to deal with was the anxiety related to the COVID-19 virus uncertainty.
  • Personal Hardship and Critical Thinking Strategies Psychology essay sample: Personal hardships might seem overwhelming and impossible to overcome by numerous people. When faced with pandemics, such hardships are seen in a more fatalistic manner.
  • Importance of Being Skilled in Critical Thinking Psychology essay sample: Being skilled in critical thinking is assessing your thinking in a systematic manner, examining every aspect of it, evaluating its quality, and then improving it.
  • Cognitive Development: Piaget's Theory Psychology essay sample: Cognitive processes, according to Piaget, develop through four stages: sensory-motor, preoperative, operational, and formal.
  • Importance of Critical Thinking Skills Psychology essay sample: Self-regulation is the ability to acknowledge that a decision is supposed to be made. One takes time to apply critical thinking skills.
  • Teenage Driving with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Psychology essay sample: ADHD is a condition that influences many aspects of a person’s daily life, including their ability to successfully operate a vehicle.
  • Psychology: Learning, Memory, Problem-Solving Psychology essay sample: In this essay, three core psychology concepts examined during the course will be explained alongside personal experiences and thoughts regarding their significance.
  • Critical Thinking: Definitions and Use Psychology essay sample: Critical thinking is defined as - a system of judgments that are used to analyze things from a critical perspective and events with the formulation of reasonable conclusions.
  • Formal Operational and Post-Formal Operational Thinking Psychology essay sample: Formal and post-formal operational stages are phases in cognitive development. The formal operational stage is the last cognitive stage proposed by Piaget.
  • Psychological Analysis and Critical Thinking Psychology essay sample: It is impossible to answer the question 'Who am I?' because everyone spends their whole life trying to answer who they are only at the end of their life's journey.
  • Bias, Moral Reasoning, and Critical Thinking Psychology essay sample: There are essential practices and concepts in everyday life that determine social interactions. These include critical thinking.
  • The Concept of Critical Thinking Psychology essay sample: The paper states that the concept of critical thinking is essential for everyone’s well-being as it helps make proper decisions promptly.
  • Unrequited Love Theories in Practice Psychology essay sample: The biological and social aspects of unrequited love are covered in Bamford's article, while the severity of the experience is covered by Bode & Kuula.
  • Teaching Critical Thinking to Kids: Fun and Engaging Activities for Young Minds
  • The Link Between Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking in Kids
  • From Conflict to Resolution: Using Critical Thinking in Family Decision-Making
  • Fostering a Growth Mindset in Children Through Critical Thinking
  • Incorporating Critical Thinking Into Everyday Learning for Children
  • The Role of Critical Thinking in Solving Complex Problems
  • Debunking Common Myths About Critical Thinking: Separating Fact From Fiction
  • Critical Thinking in the Age of Information Overload: Navigating Misinformation and Fake News
  • Improving Decision-Making Skills Through Critical Thinking: Practical Tips for Effective Analysis
  • Driving Business Growth Through Critical Thinking: Identifying Opportunities and Mitigating Risks
  • Empowering Children to Think Critically in a Fast-Paced World
  • The Psychology of Critical Thinking: Understanding Cognitive Biases and How to Overcome Them
  • Critical Thinking vs. Creative Thinking: Finding the Balance
  • 5 Fun and Engaging Critical Thinking Activities for Kids
  • The Influence of Media Literacy on Critical Thinking in Family Environments
  • The Role of Critical Thinking in Parenting: Making Informed Decisions
  • Critical Thinking in Marketing and Sales: Strategies for Crafting Compelling Campaigns
  • The Impact of Technology on Children’s Critical Thinking Skills
  • Critical Thinking in Science and Research: Uncovering Truth Through Rational Inquiry
  • Ethical Decision-Making: The Intersection of Critical Thinking and Moral Reasoning
  • Critical Thinking in the Digital Era: Evaluating Online Sources and Information Credibility
  • The Art of Socratic Questioning: Enhancing Critical Thinking Through Thoughtful Inquiry
  • Cultivating Critical Thinking in Higher Education: Strategies for Educators and Students
  • The Influence of Cognitive Biases on Critical Thinking: Overcoming Mental Pitfalls
  • Role of Critical Thinking in Education
  • Teaching Kids to Question: A Guide to Encouraging Critical Thinking
  • Critical Thinking in the Classroom: Strategies for Educators
  • Critical Thinking and Creativity: Exploring the Connection Between Rational Analysis and Innovation
  • Applying Critical Thinking to Personal Finance: Making Sound Money Management Choices
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills in Child Development
  • The Role of Parents in Fostering Critical Thinking in Kids
  • Books That Promote Critical Thinking for Children
  • Developing Problem-Solving Skills in Children Through Critical Thinking
  • Encouraging Independent Thinking in Children: A Parent’s Guide
  • Critical Thinking: Nurturing Independence in Teenagers
  • The Impact of Critical Thinking on Problem-Solving in Family Dynamics
  • Beyond the Buzzword: Understanding the Core Elements of Critical Thinking
  • Critical Thinking Skills Development
  • Insights on the Value of Critical Thinking in Today’s Workforce
  • From Data to Insights: Leveraging Critical Thinking in Data Analysis
  • Empowering Employees: Training Programs for Developing Critical Thinking Skills
  • Teaching Critical Thinking in the Classroom: Effective Methods for Educators
  • How to Make Better Decisions in Your Daily Life?
  • Why Critical Thinking Essential for Career Success?
  • How to Nurture Critical Thinking in Children From a Young Age?
  • How Critical Thinking Can Strengthen Family Relationships?
  • How Critical Thinking Can Help Families Overcome Cognitive Biases?
  • How Critical Thinking Strengthens Family Values?
  • How Critical Thinking Impacts Decision-Making and Problem-Solving?
  • How Critical Thinking Empowers Organizations to Thrive in Change?
  • What the Connection Between Critical Thinking and Emotional Intelligence?
  • What the Importance of Critical Thinking in Today’s World?
  • What the Strategies for Educators and Parents to Teaching Critical Thinking?
  • How to Stand Out in Your Career Through Critical Thinking in the Workplace?
  • How Critical Thinking Can Enhance Personal and Professional Relationships?
  • What’s Fostering Critical Thinking in Children?
  • What the Future of Critical Thinking?
  • How to Apply Critical Thinking in the Workplace Effectively?
  • How to Overcome the Influence of Bias on Critical Thinking?
  • What the Role of Critical Thinking in Decision Making?
  • What the Impact of Technology on Critical Thinking?
  • Why Employers Value Critical Thinking Skill?

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142 Critical Thinking Essay Topics That Will Get You An A+

critical thinking essay topics

Are you ready to ace your paper with brilliant critical thinking essay topics? We have the tip-top writing ideas to take you to the top ASAP!

A critical thinking essay requires you to explain or analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a specific topic.

To ace your critical thinking essay, you need to do lots of reading, find numerous unique resources and even visit monumental locations. All these will give you a firm grip on your preferred area of study as well as sufficient inspiration to churn a high-scoring paper.

A great topic is the genesis of any successful essay writing process. However, we all know how difficult and time-consuming it is to come up with an out-of-the-box case. Lots of scholars fail to get past this stage. We decided to give you the roadmap for smooth sailing during the writing process on the bright side. We have compiled an impressive list of critical thinking essay topics.

Cultural Criticism Essay Topics

  • Define islamophobia and explain its impact on the lives of American Muslims
  • Review the history of the slave trade and highlight the impact of the abolition
  • Review the history of the first nations of Canada and their impact on Canada we know today
  • Explain how racism affects the mental health of black people in the U.S
  • Define xenophobia, review its history and explain how it affects our daily life
  • Highlight the features of a multicultural society
  • What is the impact of drug use and addiction among teenagers in the U.S
  • Examine the prevalence of poverty in the U.S and explain how it leads to homelessness
  • Explain the effect of social media and technology on human interaction and socialization
  • What are the likely impacts of changing gender roles

Critique Essay Topics

  • Explain why people tend to think that nature is a free shop
  • Discuss why some animals are kinder and more faithful as compared to people
  • Examine five ways in which technological advancement has impacted human life
  • Examine the viewer experience of mind sports
  • Dive into the effectiveness of standardized tests
  • Explain the difference between online and traditional relationships
  • Compare and contrast between recorded music and live performances
  • Define global warming and analyze its effects on human life
  • Review the advantages and disadvantages of attending private and public schools
  • Look into the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering and GMOs
  • Examine why painkillers are so essential and highlight some of their side effects
  • Investigate the pros and cons of having a college degree
  • Examine the problems that Native Americans faced in their quest for independence
  • Discuss whether any health risks are arising from anorexia nervosa
  • What is the effectiveness of a balanced diet in a child’s health?
  • Explain the role played by mass media in crime development and mitigation
  • Investigate the pros and cons of district zoning
  • Define health insurance, why it is so important, and highlights its potential disadvantages

Top Critical Essay Topic Ideas

  • Examine how moves portray a historical figure
  • Investigate how environmentalism and capitalism compare to each other
  • What is the impact of social media bullying on one’s mental health, and how can the problem be resolved?
  • Analyze the long term impact of colonialism as observed in the world today
  • Examine the correlation between economic growth and the environment
  • How is the global climate-related to capitalism
  • Evaluate events that defined economic development in the U.S since 1900
  • Examine the concept of same-sex marriage from a Christian point of view
  • What is the link between religion and morality?
  • Highlight the best places to visit in Europe and explain why they are so unique
  • Discuss the effect of technology on the health care industry
  • What is the impact of deforestation of tropical forests on the environment?
  • Analyze the cultural value of the pyramids of Giza
  • Synthesize the attributes of an epic summer movie

Impressive Critical Thinking Essay Questions

  • In what ways can the standard of education be improved?
  • What is the importance of school authorities?
  • Is it possible to live a happy life without engaging in romantic relationships?
  • Discuss different methods that we can use to improve a country’s financial situation
  • Explain why marketing is the best way to sell a product
  • What are the best way to get rid of addiction and other bad habits?
  • Is it true that happiness is an abstract concept?
  • Investigate why it is essential to cancel strong punishments for criminals
  • Evaluate the relationship between academic performance and sports
  • Explain different reasons why animals should not be put in zoos or used in sports
  • Evaluate why cheerleading should be a sport on its own
  • What is the importance of college football players, and should they get paid?
  • Highlight the importance of outdoor and indoor activities
  • What are the mental health implications associated with violent video games among children?

Latest Critical Analysis Topics

  • Explain the impact of promoting feminism on social media sites
  • What is the distinction between economic liberalism and economic nationalism?
  • Analyze factors that have contributed to China becoming a superpower
  • Compare and contrast between traditional learning and virtue learning
  • Critically analyze how the growth of industry impacts student aspiring to join it
  • Examine the negative impact of the lottery industry and justify why it should be banned
  • Explain the effects of globalization and why it is the most significant economic phenomenon at this time
  • Highlight the most important risk factors associated with lung cancer and how to mitigate them
  • What is the impact of corruption on third-world countries?
  • Synthesize the Italian food custom and highlight different symbolism in it
  • What is the link between corruption and asterism?
  • Examine the effect of social media on the mental health of a teenager
  • Why eating fast foods may not be suitable for your health

Good Critical Thinking Topics

  • Discuss the impact of food coloring on human health
  • Examine how stress affects the productivity of a team member
  • Analyze the essential elements in the Islamic religion
  • Discuss the future of social media in the next ten years
  • Examine the different parts that lead to juvenile delinquency
  • Evaluate how nature affects the evolvement of sea creatures from various aspects
  • Explain the role of nature in Chinese art
  • Examine the impact of overusing technology on human life
  • Review the impact of technology on religion
  • How does playing video games affect a child’s concentration
  • What is the impact of technology on anxiety and depression levels among people?

Top-Notch Critical Thinking Topics For Papers

  • Which is better between city life and country life?
  • Explain how personal fashion impacts one’s identity
  • Give reasons why education should be free
  • What is the link between job satisfaction and team member turnover rate?
  • Examine the impact of social media on human psychology
  • What is the difference between applied education and education quality?
  • Analyze the importance of individuality, self-knowledge, and self-worth in critical thinking
  • Examine the scope of fallacies as they relate to creative and critical thinking
  • What is the role of critical thinking in the world today?
  • Define the link between reflective analysis and critical thinking
  • Evaluate the link between critical thinking and money

High-End Critical Thinking Paper Topics

  • How can critical thinking be enhanced among students?
  • Evaluate the basics of critical thinking
  • Explain democratic governments are regarded the best in catering for the people’s needs
  • Discuss the causes of anarchy in a society with different cultures and religions
  • What is the difference between the caste system and the class system in society?
  • What is the importance of the marriage institution and society as a whole?
  • Examine the source of gender disparity between men and women in developed countries
  • Why is it essential to empower women from their opposite gender?
  • Investigate the role of society in advancing negative emotions like hatred in human beings
  • Analyze how the increase or decrease of carbon dioxide is harmful to the quality of life on earth
  • What is the impact of the composition of air of a particular region on a person’s health?
  • Investigate why plants that grow in tropical regions do not germinate in temperate areas

Interesting Critical Analysis Essay Topics

  • Explain the link between topography and vegetation that grows in a particular region
  • Investigate why people are turning away from hybrid seeds and opting for traditional seeds
  • Explain the cause of a spike in cardiovascular diseases across the world
  • Analyze the reasons behind an increase in breathing and respiratory problems in the past decades
  • Highlight the impact of technology on surgery
  • Why is cyber security a big problem in developing countries?
  • Why are digital currencies like Bitcoin not so popular despite their convenience?
  • How do financial crises affect a country’s economy?
  • What factors contribute to the fall of a country’s national economy?
  • What is the link between the explosion of population and global warming in Asian countries?
  • Explain how the set up of industries in developing countries is contributing to the increase in global temperatures
  • Investigate the relationship between the increase in natural disasters and global warming
  • Do not disturb the pharaohs: Examine the cultural impact of exploring the pyramids.
  • Evaluate the impact of doping on athletics
  • Examine the impact of TV advertisements on a child’s mind

World-Class Critical Essay Topics

  • What is the effect of domestic violence on children’s mental health?
  • How does divorce impact a child’s mental health?
  • Analyze the effects of inflation on a country’s economy
  • Synthesize euthanasia from a religious point of view
  • What drives women and men to opt for a gender change?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery?
  • Why is it important for people to have principles?
  • Explain why companies spend a lot of money on advertisements
  • What are the ramifications of robots replacing human labor?
  • Discuss the impact of nanotechnology on human life

First-Class Critical Thinking Essay Topics

  • Are children necessary for the continuation of the human race?
  • What is the difference between love in medieval times and love now?
  • One person can change the world: How true is that statement
  • Is the criticism of gays in society justified?
  • Explain how misconceptions impact our desires
  • Investigate critical problems associated with overpopulation
  • Explain why people are reluctant to accept the concept of environmental improvement
  • Why is it important to analyze every situation in life?
  • Explain why several government policies fail to work in the U.S
  • Investigate the role of mass media in mitigating problems like poverty and illiteracy
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the judicial system in its quest to control the use of drugs
  • Highlight the differences and similarities between the first and second world war
  • What is the role of fairy tales in affective learning?
  • What is the impact of the author’s background in the creation of a masterpiece?

Final Words

If the topic was standing between you and a stunning essay, your options are almost endless now. Nonetheless, it does not end here. You also need to align your topic to an exciting theme besides focusing the essay on a contemporary problem in society. With this and other small but critical details, putting together an epic paper is not easy.

It can be a burdening task to a huge chunk of college and university students who are often busy or unprepared. Yet, all hope is not lost. You can still get quality assistance from a trusted essay writing service. The best platform will guarantee top grades in your nonplagiarized online essays at cheap and affordable rates.

The deadline should not worry you as their professional writers work at an incredible pace, even at a moment’s notice. Get an expert to work on your critical thinking essay today and watch your graduation ambitions spring back to life!

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744 Critical Thinking Essay Topics & Analysis Ideas

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Critical thinking essay topics encourage students to analyze, interpret, and evaluate complex issues. Some themes may explore socio-political phenomena, ethical dilemmas, scientific theories, and cultural paradigms, among others. Each topic stimulates a comprehensive, balanced assessment, fostering the development of key skills, such as reasoning, interpretation, and decision-making. Other topics may probe into the workings of global systems, require in-depth analysis of controversial scientific studies, or provoke thoughtful assessments of societal norms and values. Critical thinking papers allow students to showcase their ability to argue coherently, understand different perspectives, and build a well-reasoned discourse. Thus, critical thinking essay topics are designed not only to test students’ understanding and knowledge but also to cultivate a deeper sense of curiosity, logic, and intellectual rigor in addressing complex problems.

Hot Critical Thinking Essay Topics

  • Analyzing Bias in Mainstream News Media
  • Critical Thinking in the Age of Misinformation
  • Dissecting Polarization in Social Media Discourse
  • Decision-Making Processes: A Critical Analysis
  • Fake News: Strategies for Identification and Counteraction
  • Unpacking the Assumptions in Economic Forecasting
  • Critical Thinking Skills and Their Influence on Professional Success
  • Critical Examination of AI Ethics and Transparency
  • Understanding Confirmation Bias in Political Debates
  • Media Literacy and Critical Thinking in Digital Education
  • Assessment of Logic in Everyday Arguments
  • Critical Analysis of Sustainability Claims in Corporate Branding
  • Challenges of Teaching Critical Thinking in Educational Institutions
  • Critical Thinking as a Countermeasure to Conspiracy Theories
  • Interdisciplinary Applications of Critical Thinking
  • Critical Thinking in Health Care: Misconceptions and Realities
  • Biases in Historical Narratives: A Critical Perspective
  • Critical Thinking and Emotional Intelligence: An Integrated Approach
  • Analysis of Critical Thinking in Different Cultural Contexts
  • Unconscious Bias and Its Implication for Decision Making

Critical Thinking Essay Topics & Analysis Ideas

Easy Critical Thinking Essay Topics

  • Analyzing Advertising: The Power of Persuasion
  • Unpacking Bias in Personal Beliefs and Opinions
  • Interpretation of Art: A Critical Thinking Approach
  • Distinguishing Facts From Opinion in Media Reports
  • Understanding Fallacies in Common Arguments
  • Critical Thinking in Everyday Problem-Solving
  • Analyzing the Validity of Superstition Beliefs
  • Assessing Credibility in Internet Resources
  • Misinterpretations of Statistical Data: A Critical View
  • Decoding the Influence of Emotional Appeal on Marketing
  • Examination of Ethical Dilemmas in Popular Films
  • Critical Thinking in the Analysis of Social Stereotypes
  • Investigating Claims in Nutritional Supplement Advertising
  • The Power of Groupthink in Decision-Making Processes
  • Biases in Reality TV Shows: A Critical Assessment
  • Critical Analysis of Social Media Influencer Endorsements
  • Assessing Logical Consistency in Popular Conspiracy Theories
  • Deciphering Rhetoric in Political Speeches
  • Scientific Claims in Cosmetics Advertising: A Critical Review

Interesting Critical Analysis Topics

  • Examining Narrative Techniques in Contemporary Literature
  • Dissecting the Rhetoric of Climate Change Denial
  • Cultural Stereotypes in Hollywood Cinema: A Critical Analysis
  • Analyzing Cryptocurrency Predictions: Market Hype vs. Reality
  • Critical Evaluation of Gender Portrayals in Video Games
  • Deconstructing the Metaphysics in Sci-Fi Literature
  • Interrogating Symbolism in Modern Art Movements
  • Analyzing Bias in Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
  • Critical Examination of Ethical Issues in Biomedical Engineering
  • Decoding Satire in Political Cartoons
  • Investigating Cultural Appropriation in Fashion Industry
  • Media Literacy in the Era of Deepfakes: A Critical Inquiry
  • Critical Analysis of Pseudoscience in Popular Culture
  • Ethics of Data Privacy: A Critical Evaluation
  • Dissecting the Dynamics of Power in Organizational Leadership
  • Bias and Objectivity in Documentary Filmmaking: A Critical Exploration
  • Critical Evaluation of Social Justice Themes in Graphic Novels
  • Analyzing Gender Bias in Children’s Literature
  • Interrogating the Intersection of Technology and Privacy: A Critical Analysis
  • Unpacking the Politics of Language in National Identity Construction

Critical Thinking Essay Topics for High School

  • Analyzing Character Development in a Favorite Book
  • Exploring Themes of Freedom and Responsibility in Young Adult Literature
  • Unpacking Social Commentary in Dystopian Fiction
  • Evaluating the Validity of Arguments in Debates
  • Assessing the Accuracy of Historical Events in Films
  • Interpreting Symbolism in Famous Works of Art
  • Understanding Bias in News Coverage of Current Events
  • Scrutinizing the Ethics of Animal Testing in Scientific Research
  • Analyzing Representations of Gender and Diversity in Media
  • Exploring Satire in Popular Comedy TV Shows
  • Investigating the Reality of Reality Television: A Critical View
  • Critically Examining the Marketing Tactics of Fast Food Chains
  • Understanding the Techniques of Persuasion in Political Speeches
  • Deconstructing the Portrayal of Villains in Disney Films
  • Analyzing the Rhetoric of Anti-Bullying Campaigns
  • Investigating the Influence of Social Media on Body Image Perceptions
  • Assessing the Representation of Mental Health in Teen Movies
  • Understanding the Themes of Identity and Belonging in Young Adult Novels
  • Analyzing Stereotypes in High School Movie Genres

Critical Thinking Essay Topics for College Students

  • Deconstructing Identity Politics in Contemporary Society
  • Understanding the Influence of Social Media on Public Opinion
  • Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Modern Biotechnology
  • Critically Analyzing the Causes and Effects of Income Inequality
  • Examining the Representation of Diversity in Contemporary Literature
  • Analyzing the Rhetoric of Peace and War in International Relations
  • Investigating the Ethical Implications of AI Surveillance
  • Unpacking Environmental Justice Themes in Climate Change Discourses
  • Exploring the Power Dynamics in Corporate Governance
  • Analyzing the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Class in Media
  • Understanding the Mechanisms of Consumer Culture
  • Investigating Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making
  • Analyzing Power Structures in Postcolonial Literature
  • Assessing the Influence of Pop Culture on Society’s Values
  • Interrogating the Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • Unpacking the Motivations Behind Cybercrime
  • Understanding the Use of Propaganda in Political Campaigns
  • Exploring the Influence of Globalization on Cultural Identity
  • Critically Analyzing the Portrayal of Mental Illness in Film
  • Deconstructing Gender Stereotypes in Professional Sports

Critical Thinking Essay Topics

Critical essay topics about culture.

  • Decoding Cultural Narratives in Contemporary Cinema
  • Analyzing Cultural Dimensions in International Business Negotiations
  • Examining the Intersection of Culture and Mental Health Practices
  • Unpacking the Influence of Culture on Language Development
  • Globalization and Cultural Homogenization: A Critical Perspective
  • Cultural Diversity in Workplace: An Analytical Approach
  • Critiquing the Cultural Representation in Animated Films
  • Language, Culture, and Thought: A Critical Examination
  • Examining Cultural Stereotypes in Television Series
  • Cultural Shifts in the Age of Digital Communication
  • Understanding the Politics of Cultural Appropriation in Fashion
  • Unpacking the Cultural Aspects of Food Habits and Choices
  • Examining the Influence of Culture on Personal Identity
  • Critically Analyzing Cultural Factors in Educational Success
  • Analyzing the Influence of Culture on Human Rights Discourses
  • Interrogating Cultural Dimensions in Environmental Conservation
  • Unpacking the Representation of Cultural Diversity in Children’s Literature
  • Analyzing the Intersection of Culture and Gender in Society
  • Understanding the Influence of Pop Culture on Youth Values
  • Interrogating Cultural Practices in the Context of Climate Change

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About Movies and TV

  • Exploring Themes of Feminism in Contemporary Cinema
  • Interrogating Representations of Mental Illness in Television Dramas
  • Analyzing the Rhetoric of Violence in Action Films
  • Dissecting the Mythology of the American Dream in Hollywood Cinema
  • Critically Examining the Portrayal of AI in Science Fiction Films
  • Understanding the Influence of Reality Television on Public Perception
  • Deconstructing Stereotypes in Animated Children’s Television
  • Investigating the Ethics of Documentary Filmmaking Practices
  • Scrutinizing the Representation of History in Biographical Films
  • Analyzing the Semiotics of Horror in Contemporary Television Series
  • Exploring Social Commentary in Dystopian Cinema
  • Critically Assessing the Portrayal of Warfare in Historical Drama Series
  • Unpacking the Intersection of Class and Gender in Romantic Comedies
  • Interrogating the Use of Propaganda in Political Drama Series
  • Examining the Influence of Cinematography on Viewer Perception
  • Analyzing the Portrayal of Justice and Law Enforcement in Crime Shows
  • Dissecting the Treatment of Family Dynamics in Sitcoms
  • Unpacking the Depiction of Spirituality and Religion in Film
  • Exploring the Influence of Superhero Films on Societal Norms

Literature Critical Essay Topics

  • Exploring Existential Themes in Modernist Literature
  • Analyzing the Discourse of Posthumanism in Science Fiction Novels
  • Interrogating the Concept of Heroism in Epic Poetry
  • Critiquing Gender Representations in Victorian Novels
  • Examining the Influence of Setting on Narrative in Gothic Literature
  • Unpacking the Cultural Significance of Oral Tradition in Folklore
  • Analyzing Power Structures in Dystopian Literature
  • Exploring the Use of Symbolism in Magical Realism
  • Examining the Depiction of Trauma and Recovery in Contemporary Fiction
  • Analyzing the Techniques of Satire in Political Novels
  • Interpreting the Role of Absurdism in Postmodern Literature
  • Unpacking the Representation of Immigration in Modern American Literature
  • Exploring Class Conflict in 19 th -Century British Literature
  • Critically Examining the Depiction of Love in Classic Poetry
  • Analyzing the Use of Allegory in Philosophical Literature
  • Examining Narratives of Displacement in Postcolonial Literature
  • Interpreting Themes of Redemption in Classic Novels
  • Analyzing Perspectives on Nature in Romantic Poetry
  • Understanding the Use of Irony in Tragicomic Literature
  • Dissecting the Influence of Mythology in Fantasy Novels

History Critical Thinking Essay Topics

  • Manifest Destiny: Justification or Imperialistic Agenda?
  • Implications of The Treaty of Versailles on The Rise of Nazi Germany
  • Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Mysteries and Contributions
  • Churchill’s Leadership During World War II: A Critical Review
  • Influence of Enlightenment Philosophies on the American Declaration of Independence
  • Understanding the Mughal Empire: Achievements and Downfall
  • Analyzing the Causes and Effects of The Cold War
  • Exploration of The Ottoman Empire’s Role in Shaping Middle Eastern Politics
  • Decoding The Byzantine Empire: Legacy and Decline
  • Unraveling the Significance of The Age of Exploration in Globalization
  • Evaluation of Women’s Suffrage Movement and Its Impact on Modern Feminism
  • Gandhi’s Philosophy of Non-Violence: Analysis and Applicability
  • Apartheid in South Africa: Influences on Contemporary Racial Policies
  • Colonization of Africa: Impact on Cultural Identity and Sovereignty
  • Russian Revolution: Catalyst for Communism or Power Struggle?
  • Ataturk’s Reforms: A Critical Analysis of Modern Turkey’s Foundations
  • Study of Japanese Feudalism: Cultural Implications and Transformation
  • Slave Trade: Effects on African Diaspora and Cultural Identity
  • Examination of The Crusades: Religious Zeal or Political Gain?

Critical Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • Examining the Intersection of Poverty and Education
  • Understanding the Dynamics of Immigration Policies and National Identity
  • Dissecting the Implications of Mass Surveillance on Privacy
  • Unpacking the Effects of the Digital Divide on Social Equality
  • Exploring the Correlation Between Substance Abuse and Mental Health
  • Critically Analyzing the Challenges of Affordable Housing
  • Assessing the Influence of Social Media on Body Image Perception
  • Interrogating the Rhetoric of Populism in Political Discourses
  • Understanding the Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Childhood Obesity
  • Exploring the Influence of Socio-Economic Status on Health Outcomes
  • Analyzing the Rhetoric and Reality of Universal Basic Income
  • Interpreting Social Inequality in the Context of Capitalist Economies
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation in Criminal Justice
  • Critically Assessing the Rhetoric of the War on Drugs
  • Understanding the Influence of Social Isolation on Mental Health
  • Investigating the Social Consequences of Climate Change
  • Dissecting the Dynamics of Discrimination in the Labor Market
  • Unpacking the Discourse of Feminism in the #MeToo Era
  • Exploring the Social Implications of Technological Unemployment
  • Interrogating the Narrative of Meritocracy in Education Systems

Sports Critical Thinking Essay Topics

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Sports Coaching: A Critical Perspective
  • Commercialization of Amateur Sports: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Political Influence on International Sports Events: An Exploration
  • Heroism in Professional Sports: A Narrative Dissection
  • Correlation Between Sports Participation and Academic Performance: An Examination
  • Gender Equality in Professional Sports: An Interrogation of Dynamics
  • Media Coverage Influence on Public Perception of Athletes: An Unpacking
  • Long-Term Health Consequences of Contact Sports: An Investigation
  • Anti-Doping Policies in Athletics: An Analytical Assessment
  • Factors That Influence Youth Attrition in Competitive Sports: An Examination
  • Business Model of Franchise Sports Teams: A Dissection
  • Patriotism in International Sports Events: An Exploration
  • Race and Representation Intersection in Sports Media: An Analysis
  • Ethics of Genetic Enhancement in Professional Sports: An Investigation
  • Celebrity Athlete Endorsements Influence on Consumer Behavior: An Understanding
  • Socio-Cultural Impact of Mega Sporting Events: An Examination
  • Leadership and Teamwork Dynamics in Sports: A Dissection
  • Psychological Challenges Faced by Retired Athletes: An Unpacking
  • Influence of Sports Participation on Adolescent Development: An Interpretation

Critical Review Essay Topics

  • Examining Academic Discourse on Climate Change Mitigation Strategies
  • Critical Assessment of Theories in Cognitive Psychology
  • Analyzing Key Concepts in Modern Anthropological Studies
  • Unpacking Debates Around Artificial Intelligence in Legal Jurisprudence
  • Critical Review of Literature on Holistic Wellness Practices
  • Examining Controversies in Modern Genetic Engineering
  • Assessing Narratives in Postcolonial Literary Criticism
  • Unpacking Major Debates in Modern Political Theory
  • Scrutinizing Current Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Critical Analysis of Trends in 21 st -Century Educational Theories
  • Examining Debates Around Quantum Computing Applications
  • Reviewing Contemporary Issues in Global Health Policy
  • Analyzing Theories on Sustainable Urban Planning
  • Critical Review of Modern Astrophysical Concepts
  • Assessing Recent Developments in Blockchain Technology
  • Analyzing Key Debates in Bioethics and Medical Ethics
  • Examining Literature on Social Entrepreneurship Trends
  • Reviewing Discourse on Human Rights and Internet Freedom
  • Critical Analysis of Literature on Cybersecurity Threats
  • Examining Studies on the Integration of Technology in Classrooms

Critical Response Essay Topics

  • Interpreting Societal Reactions to Climate Change Policies
  • Assessing Public Response to Advances in Artificial Intelligence
  • Analyzing Cultural Responses to Globalization
  • Unpacking Public Perception of Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Critical Assessment of Social Response to Immigrant Policies
  • Examining Public Reaction to the Rise of Populism
  • Response to the Disruption of Traditional Media by Digital Platforms
  • Understanding Public Response to the Decriminalization of Drugs
  • Dissecting Public Reaction to Changes in Education Policies
  • Response to Globalization in the Context of National Identity
  • Examining Social Reactions to Increasing Automation in Workplaces
  • Critical Analysis of Societal Response to Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Public Response to the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage: A Review
  • Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Political Participation
  • Unpacking Public Perception of Cryptocurrency
  • Understanding Responses to Animal Rights Activism
  • Examining Public Response to the Growing Gig Economy
  • Assessing Public Reaction to Major Technological Disruptions
  • Interpreting Cultural Responses to Hollywood’s Global Dominance
  • Analyzing Public Perception of Mental Health Awareness Campaigns

Critical Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the Efficiency of Cybersecurity Measures in Major Corporations
  • Assessment of Educational Reforms in Public Schools
  • Critical Examination of Diversity Policies in the Tech Industry
  • The Efficiency of International Laws in Protecting Internet Privacy
  • Evaluation of Sustainable Practices in the Fashion Industry
  • Examination of Mental Health Resources in Universities
  • Assessment of Public Transport Infrastructure in Mega Cities
  • Efficacy of Non-Governmental Organizations in Addressing Global Hunger
  • Critical Evaluation of Ecotourism Practices in Developing Nations
  • The Efficiency of Rehabilitation Programs in Correctional Facilities
  • Examination of Gender Inclusion Policies in Professional Sports
  • Analysis of Pandemic Response Measures by Health Organizations
  • Assessment of Renewable Energy Initiatives in the Automobile Industry
  • Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Multinational Corporations
  • Critical Review of Global Trade Policies and Their Fairness
  • Assessment of Conservation Policies in National Parks
  • Evaluation of Work-Life Balance Initiatives in Tech Companies
  • Examination of Disaster Response Measures in Coastal Cities
  • Critical Evaluation of Child Labor Laws Enforcement in Developing Countries

Education Critical Essays Topics

  • Exploring Equity and Inclusion in Special Education Policies
  • Critical Analysis of Standardized Testing in K-12 Education
  • Assessing the Efficacy of Bilingual Education Programs
  • Addressing Technological Disparity in Digital Education
  • Examining the Effect of Socio-Economic Status on Academic Achievement
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Learning during the Pandemic
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education Curriculum Design
  • Unpacking the Concept of School-to-Prison Pipeline
  • Assessing the Influence of Parental Involvement on Student Success
  • Analyzing the Debate Around Sex Education in Schools
  • Critical Examination of Charter Schools vs. Public Schools
  • Assessing the Effect of School Nutrition Programs on Student Health
  • Unpacking the Issue of Academic Dishonesty in Higher Education
  • Understanding the Influence of Teacher Quality on Student Outcomes
  • Examining the Debate Around Tuition Fees in Higher Education
  • Assessing the Importance of Art Education in the K-12 Curriculum
  • Dissecting the Issues Surrounding School Voucher Systems
  • Analyzing the Effect of Classroom Size on Student Learning
  • Unpacking the Merits and Drawbacks of Homeschooling
  • Critical Evaluation of Lifelong Learning Policies in Higher Education

Personality Critical Essays Topics

  • Analyzing the Validity of the Big Five Personality Traits Model
  • Understanding Personality Changes Across the Lifespan
  • Evaluating the Influence of Culture on Personality Development
  • Unpacking the Role of Genetics in Personality Traits
  • Critical Examination of Defense Mechanisms in Freudian Theory
  • Assessing Personality Differences in Twins: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Interpreting Personality Traits through Handwriting Analysis: Science or Pseudoscience?
  • Examining the Influence of Parenting Styles on Child Personality Development
  • Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Personality Development
  • Exploring the Intersection of Personality Disorders and Criminal Behavior
  • Analyzing the Efficacy of Personality Assessment Tools in Employment Selection
  • Examining the Link Between Personality Traits and Leadership Styles
  • Understanding the Effect of Birth Order on Personality Traits
  • Assessing the Role of Resilience in Personality Development
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Personality
  • Unpacking the Influence of Personality on Romantic Relationship Success
  • Analyzing the Correlation Between Personality Traits and Job Satisfaction
  • Examining the Role of Self-Efficacy in Personality Development
  • Understanding the Personality Dynamics in Addiction and Substance Abuse
  • Critical Evaluation of Personality Transformation in Therapy

Critical Thinking Essays Ideas on Nature and Animals

  • Assessing the Efficiency of Wildlife Conservation Policies
  • Examining the Ethical Dilemmas in Animal Experimentation
  • Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Endangered Species
  • Exploring the Feasibility of Wildlife Corridors in Urban Planning
  • Analyzing the Effects of Deforestation on Biodiversity
  • Dissecting the Issue of Invasive Species and Ecosystem Disruption
  • Investigating the Ecological Consequences of Overfishing
  • Examining the Implications of Animal Agriculture on Global Warming
  • Understanding the Effect of Habitat Fragmentation on Wildlife
  • Unpacking the Issue of Plastic Pollution and Its Effect on Marine Life
  • Analyzing the Efficacy of Policies Against Poaching
  • Interpreting the Impact of Urban Sprawl on Local Ecosystems
  • Assessing the Ethical Implications of Zoos and Wildlife Parks
  • Exploring the Dilemma of Animal Rights vs. Conservation
  • Examining the Effect of Pesticides on Bee Populations
  • Understanding the Influence of Human Interference on Natural Animal Behavior
  • Analyzing the Consequences of Melting Polar Ice Caps on Wildlife
  • Examining the Potential of Regenerative Agriculture for Soil Health
  • Unpacking the Issue of Animal Welfare in the Meat Industry

Leadership and Management Critical Thinking Essay Topics

  • Understanding Transformational Leadership in Modern Businesses
  • Dissecting the Concept of Ethical Leadership in the Corporate World
  • Analyzing Gender Dynamics in Corporate Leadership Positions
  • Examining the Influence of Leadership Styles on Employee Morale
  • Unpacking the Relationship Between Leadership and Organizational Culture
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Leadership Development Programs
  • Exploring the Dichotomy of Management and Leadership
  • Investigating the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership
  • Assessing the Influence of Leadership on Team Performance
  • Understanding the Significance of Leadership Communication in Crisis Management
  • Exploring the Concept of Servant Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations
  • Analyzing the Influence of Leadership on Innovation and Creativity
  • Examining the Role of Leadership in Change Management
  • Evaluating Strategies for Leadership Succession in Family Businesses
  • Unpacking the Role of Leadership in Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
  • Analyzing the Relevance of Charismatic Leadership in the Digital Age
  • Investigating the Efficacy of Virtual Leadership in Remote Work Environments
  • Understanding the Impact of Leadership Behavior on Employee Retention
  • Examining the Relationship Between Leadership and Corporate Governance
  • Exploring the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Leadership Styles

Race and Ethnicity Critical Thinking Essays Topics

  • Examining Intersectionality in Racial and Ethnic Studies
  • Unpacking the Influence of Racial Identity on Mental Health
  • Understanding the Effects of Racial Profiling on Law Enforcement
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Ethnicity and Socio-Economic Status
  • Exploring the Impact of Race on Educational Achievement
  • Dissecting the Issue of Racial Stereotypes in Media and Entertainment
  • Investigating the Historical Context of Racial Discrimination Policies
  • Examining the Effect of Ethnic Diversity on Community Cohesion
  • Assessing the Influence of Racial Bias on Healthcare Disparities
  • Understanding the Role of Ethnicity in Language Preservation
  • Analyzing the Impact of Racial Inequalities in Housing Policies
  • Unpacking the Effects of Race on Political Participation and Representation
  • Investigating the Influence of Ethnicity on Dietary Habits and Health
  • Understanding the Effect of Racial Microaggressions in Workplace Environments
  • Exploring the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Policies
  • Analyzing the Implications of Racial and Ethnic Identity on Youth Development
  • Examining the Role of Ethnic Communities in Fostering Cultural Heritage
  • Assessing the Impact of Systemic Racism on Social Mobility
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Race and Environmental Justice

Journalism and Media Critical Thinking Essays Topics

  • Social Media’s Influence on Journalism Practices: An Analysis
  • Ethical Considerations in War Reporting: An Examination
  • Effects of Media Ownership on News Objectivity: A Study
  • Citizen Journalism and Its Impact on Traditional Newsrooms
  • Public Service Broadcasting: Its Place in Democracy
  • Media Convergence Implications for Journalists: An Exploration
  • Digital Transformation in Journalism: Understanding the Changes
  • Data Journalism in the Information Age: Challenges and Opportunities
  • How Media Representation Shapes Public Opinion
  • Fake News and Its Effect on Media Credibility: An Analysis
  • Media Framing and Its Influence on Policy Formation: A Study
  • Efficacy of Media Literacy Programs in Schools: An Evaluation
  • Investigative Journalism in an Era of Secrecy: An Exploration
  • Satire’s Place in Contemporary News Media: An Understanding
  • Media Bias in Political Campaigns: Effects and Analysis
  • Ethics of Paparazzi and Celebrity Journalism: An Examination
  • Social Media Algorithms and News Consumption: An Analysis
  • Impact of Public Relations on Media Content: A Study
  • Future of Print Journalism in a Digital Age: An Exploration
  • How News Media Affects Cultural Understanding: An Investigation

International Relations and Diplomacy Critical Thinking Essays Topics

  • Decoding Effects of Globalization on Diplomatic Practices
  • Foreign Aid and Its Influence on Bilateral Relations Explored
  • The New Face of Cyber Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Assessment of Success and Failure Factors in Peacekeeping Operations
  • Climate Change and Its Implications for International Relations
  • How Soft Power and Public Diplomacy Shape Contemporary Politics
  • Power Dynamics in the United Nations Security Council Uncovered
  • Economic Sanctions as Diplomatic Tools: An Analysis
  • Human Rights and Foreign Policy: An Intricate Nexus
  • Nuclear Proliferation and Its Consequences for Global Security
  • Resource Wealth Paradox: Wealth and Political Instability Connection
  • Diplomacy of Small States in International Politics: An Assessment
  • Rise of China and Shifts in Global Power Structures: An Investigation
  • Causes and Effects of Global Migration on International Relations Unveiled
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Their Role in Shaping International Relations
  • International Law Enforcement Mechanisms: A Comparative Analysis
  • Cultural Diplomacy and Its Influence on International Relations
  • State Behavior in International Trade Agreements: An Analysis
  • Non-State Actors in Global Politics: A Comprehensive View
  • Geopolitics of Energy: Dynamics of Power and Influence

Critical Analysis Essay Topics

Politics and government critical analysis topics.

  • Deciphering Power Dynamics in Democratic Systems
  • Populism in Contemporary Politics: Causes and Consequences Explored
  • Foreign Interference in National Elections: An Analysis
  • Constitutional Monarchies vs. Republics: A Comparative Review
  • Digital Technology: Its Effects on Political Campaigns and Elections
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations: Successes and Failures
  • Political Ideologies in the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Review
  • Political Power and Influence of Multinational Corporations Examined
  • Polarization in American Politics: An In-Depth Investigation
  • Exploring Public Opinion and Its Influence on Policy Making
  • Understanding Political Corruption: Causes and Preventive Measures
  • Decentralization and Local Governance: A Critical Examination
  • Cybersecurity in Politics: An Investigation Into Election Security
  • An Assessment of Political Risk in International Business
  • The Future of European Union Post-Brexit: An Investigation
  • Gerrymandering and Electoral Fairness: A Critical Analysis
  • State Surveillance and Privacy Rights: A Contemporary Examination
  • Assessing the Influence of Lobbying on Policy Making
  • Globalization and Sovereignty: A Critical Assessment
  • Climate Change Policy: International Cooperation and Conflict

Technology and the Internet Critical Analysis Topics

  • Cybersecurity Challenges in the 21st Century: A Detailed Review
  • Dissecting Blockchain Technology: Benefits and Drawbacks Explored
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Artificial Intelligence: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Social Media Algorithms: Their Influence on Public Discourse Examined
  • Cloud Computing: Security Risks and Preventive Measures Analyzed
  • Understanding the Digital Divide: A Global Perspective
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Potential Risks and Opportunities Discussed
  • AI in Healthcare: Promise, Potential, and Pitfalls Investigated
  • Big Data and Privacy Concerns: An Extensive Study
  • Emerging Trends in E-Commerce: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Machine Learning Applications in Finance: A Critical Examination
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: A Comparative Study
  • Quantum Computing: Future Prospects and Challenges
  • Internet Censorship: A Comparative Study Across Countries
  • Dark Web: An Exploration of Online Criminal Networks
  • Fintech Revolution: An Analysis of Its Effects on Traditional Banking
  • Remote Work: Technological Solutions and Challenges Post-COVID
  • Deepfakes and Their Implications for Truth in the Digital Age
  • Understanding the Mechanics of Cryptocurrency Markets

Science and Research Critical Thinking and Analysis Essay Topics

  • Debates Around Quantum Mechanics Interpretations: A Critical Review
  • Challenges of Synthetic Biology: A Comprehensive Investigation
  • Climate Change Research: Assessing Predictive Models’ Accuracy
  • Stem Cells: Prospects, Hurdles, and Ethical Considerations
  • Unpacking the Potential of Nanotechnology in Medicine
  • Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research: A Comparative Study
  • String Theory and Multiverse: Critical Analysis and Implications
  • Precision Medicine: Possibilities and Challenges in Modern Healthcare
  • Scientific Misconduct: An Analysis of High-Profile Cases
  • Climate Engineering: Feasibility and Potential Impacts
  • Machine Learning in Genomic Research: A Detailed Evaluation
  • Unveiling the Mystery of Dark Matter: A Critical Study
  • Space Travel: Technological Advancements and Challenges
  • Dissecting the Human Genome Project: Accomplishments and Shortcomings
  • Black Holes: A Detailed Analysis of Current Research
  • Decoding Consciousness: Neuroscientific Approaches and Theories
  • Astrobiology: Searching for Life Beyond Earth
  • Quantum Computing: Capabilities, Limitations and Future Directions
  • Analysis of Controversies and Debates in Evolutionary Biology
  • Antibiotic Resistance: A Critical Review of Current Research

Philosophy and Ethics Critical Analysis Topics

  • Moral Realism vs. Moral Subjectivism: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Emotional Intelligence: An Ethical Perspective
  • Unpacking the Concept of Justice in Rawls’s “Theory of Justice”
  • Confucius and the Art of Virtue Ethics: A Detailed Study
  • Freud and the Morality of the Unconscious: A Critical Analysis
  • Postmodernism’s Challenge to the Objective Truth Concept
  • Utilitarianism: Pros and Cons of Bentham and Mill’s Theories
  • Unraveling Kant’s Categorical Imperative: An In-Depth Study
  • Exploring Nietzsche’s Critique of Morality: Beyond Good and Evil
  • Ethical Dimensions of Genetic Engineering: A Critical Inquiry
  • Existentialism: Sartre and the Notion of Human Freedom
  • Artificial Intelligence: Ethical Implications and Dilemmas
  • Nihilism: Nietzsche’s Perspective and Its Contemporary Relevance
  • Mind-Body Dualism: Descartes’s Philosophy and Its Critics
  • Spinoza’s Pantheism: Understanding God and Nature
  • Hume’s Problem of Induction: A Detailed Analysis
  • Virtue Ethics: Aristotelian Perspectives for the 21st Century
  • Derrida’s Deconstruction: Implications for Ethical Theory
  • Plato’s Allegory of the Cave: Interpretations and Implications

Psychology and Human Behavior Critical Analysis Topics

  • Cognitive Biases: A Critical Investigation of Heuristics
  • Personality Traits: An Analytical Study on Introversion and Extroversion
  • Erikson’s Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development: A Comprehensive Study
  • Insights Into Psychopathy: Examining Theories and Case Studies
  • Freud’s Theory of Dream Interpretation: Modern Perspectives
  • Conformity vs. Individuality: Lessons From Asch’s Experiment
  • Power Dynamics in Cults: A Psychological Perspective
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Advances in Treatment Approaches
  • Implicit Bias: Psychological and Societal Implications
  • Exploring the Bystander Effect: A Social Psychology Perspective
  • Milgram’s Obedience Experiment: Ethical Considerations and Outcomes
  • Attachment Styles and Their Influence on Adult Relationships
  • Emotional Intelligence: Unpacking Its Significance in Mental Health
  • Behaviorism: Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Revisited
  • Nature vs. Nurture: Contemporary Debates in Personality Development
  • Stanford Prison Experiment: Ethical Questions and Psychological Effects
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: A Re-Evaluation in the Modern Context
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder: Progress in Diagnostic Approaches
  • Cognitive Dissonance: A Deep Dive Into Festinger’s Theory
  • Psychoanalytic Theory: Critiques of Freud’s Oedipus Complex

Art and Aesthetics Critical Analysis Topics

  • Aesthetics in Minimalist Art: Deciphering the Power of Less
  • Surrealism: An Examination of Dali’s Persistent Memory
  • Cubism: Perspectives on Picasso’s Violin and Grapes
  • Photorealism: Insights From Richard Estes’ Works
  • Postmodern Architecture: Scrutinizing Frank Gehry’s Designs
  • Street Art: A Critical Review of Banksy’s Social Commentary
  • Impressionism: Analyzing Monet’s Water Lilies Series
  • Digital Art: Evaluating the Artistry in CGI and 3D Rendering
  • Art Nouveau: An Aesthetic Appraisal of Mucha’s Works
  • Abstract Expressionism: Probing Into Jackson Pollock’s Drip Paintings
  • Cinematic Aesthetics: A Study of Wes Anderson’s Symmetrical Composition
  • Video Game Aesthetics: Interpretations of Bioshock Infinite’s Columbia
  • Renaissance Portraiture: An Inquiry Into Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa
  • Modern Sculpture: A Review of Henry Moore’s Abstract Forms
  • Japanese Ukiyo-e: A Scrutiny of Hokusai’s Great Wave
  • Greek Art: An Analysis of the Parthenon Sculptures
  • Perspectives on Art Censorship: Lessons From the Mapplethorpe Controversy
  • Art Therapy: Exploring the Benefits through Case Studies
  • Byzantine Mosaics: A Study of Hagia Sophia’s Artistry

Economics and Business Critical Analysis Topics

  • Behavioral Economics: Deconstructing Kahneman’s Prospect Theory
  • Cryptocurrency Economy: Analyzing the Bitcoin Phenomenon
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Examining Starbucks’ Sustainability Efforts
  • Game Theory in Business: Insights From the Prisoner’s Dilemma
  • Economic Effects of Brexit: British Business Perspective
  • Global Supply Chain Management: A Study of Apple Inc.
  • Economic Globalization: Scrutinizing the Rise of China
  • Consumerism and Material Culture: A Case Study of Amazon
  • Green Economics: Evaluating the Profitability of Sustainable Businesses
  • E-Commerce Revolution: Lessons From Alibaba’s Success
  • Microfinance Institutions: An Analysis of Grameen Bank’s Model
  • Income Inequality: Lessons From Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century
  • Startup Ecosystem: Insights From Silicon Valley
  • Monetary Policy: Unpacking the Quantitative Easing Strategy
  • Corporate Culture: An Exploration of Google’s Work Environment
  • Foreign Direct Investment: Case Study of Dubai’s Economic Growth
  • Fast Fashion Industry: An Analysis of Zara’s Business Model
  • Sharing Economy: A Review of Uber’s Market Disruption
  • Organizational Structure: Examining Flatarchy in Spotify
  • Economic Sanctions: A Study on the Effectiveness against North Korea

Education and Learning Critical Analysis Topics

  • Educational Technology: Analyzing Khan Academy’s Influence on Self-Directed Learning
  • Critical Pedagogy: A Closer Look at Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed
  • Montessori Method: A Review of Its Effectiveness in Early Childhood Development
  • Learning Styles Theory: A Re-Evaluation of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
  • Standardized Testing: A Critical Appraisal of the SAT’s Predictive Validity
  • Education Policy: Scrutinizing No Child Left Behind’s Long-Term Outcomes
  • Digital Divide: Evaluating One Laptop per Child Initiative’s Success
  • Charter Schools: A Comparative Analysis With Traditional Public Schools
  • Inclusive Education: A Study on the Effectiveness of Mainstreaming Special Needs Students
  • Homeschooling: An Examination of Its Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Adult Learning: A Deeper Understanding of Malcolm Knowles’ Andragogy Theory
  • Language Acquisition: Dissecting Chomsky’s Innate Hypothesis
  • Online Education: A Review of MOOCs’ Accessibility and Completion Rates
  • Student Motivation: Insights From Self-Determination Theory
  • Teacher Effectiveness: A Look Into the Teach for America Program
  • Early Childhood Education: Evaluating the Success of Head Start Program
  • Education Financing: An Analysis of the Student Loan Crisis
  • Bilingual Education: A Study on Its Effect on Cognitive Development
  • Higher Education: Scrutinizing the Value of University Rankings

Religion and Spirituality Critical Analysis Topics

  • Sacred Texts: Dissecting Biblical Hermeneutics in Contemporary Theology
  • Interfaith Dialogue: Analyzing Commonalities in Abrahamic Traditions
  • Mysticism in Religion: Scrutinizing Sufism in Islam
  • Secularization Thesis: Evaluating Its Relevance in the 21st Century
  • Buddhist Philosophy: A Detailed Analysis of the Four Noble Truths
  • Deconstruction of Beliefs: A Review of the New Atheism Movement
  • Dharma and Karma: Unraveling Their Meanings in Hindu Philosophy
  • Comparative Religion: Unpacking the Concept of Messiah in Different Faiths
  • Neo-Paganism: Examining Wicca and Its Modern Appeal
  • Religious Fundamentalism: A Study on Its Resurgence in the Modern World
  • New Religious Movements: Scientology and Its Controversial Practices
  • Monotheism and Polytheism: Exploring the Theological Differences
  • Spiritual Practices: Analyzing Meditation Techniques in Zen Buddhism
  • Judaism: A Closer Look at the Kabbalah Tradition
  • Religion and Science: Evaluating the Compatibility of Faith and Reason
  • Eastern Orthodoxy: Understanding the Concept of Theosis
  • Existentialism and Faith: A Study on Kierkegaard’s Leap of Faith
  • Theodicy in Religion: Assessing the Problem of Evil in Monotheistic Beliefs
  • Mormonism: An Examination of Its Distinct Theology and Practices
  • Religion and Politics: Reviewing the Influence of Christian Dominionism in US Politics

Literature and Writing Critical Analysis Topics

  • Metafiction in Contemporary Literature: Analysis of David Foster Wallace’s Works
  • Bildungsroman Genre: A Study of Character Development in “Great Expectations”
  • Postcolonial Literature: Examining Hybridity in Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children”
  • Tragicomedy in Plays: Unpacking the Techniques in Tom Stoppard’s “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead”
  • Modernist Poetry: Dissecting the Symbolism in T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land”
  • Stream of Consciousness: A Review of Its Use in Virginia Woolf’s “Mrs. Dalloway”
  • Magical Realism: Exploring the Narrative Style in Gabriel García Márquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude”
  • Gothic Literature: Analyzing the Elements of Horror in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”
  • Epistolary Novels: Assessing Character Revelation in “The Color Purple”
  • Absurdist Fiction: Evaluating Meaninglessness in Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”
  • Queer Theory and Literature: A Study on Gender Roles in “Orlando”
  • Eco-Literature: Understanding Environmental Concerns in Barbara Kingsolver’s “Prodigal Summer”
  • Postmodern Fiction: Unraveling the Parody in Thomas Pynchon’s “The Crying of Lot 49”
  • Dystopian Literature: Examining Socio-Political Commentary in “Brave New World”
  • Poetic Form: Exploring the Sonnet in Shakespeare’s Works
  • Narrative Perspective: A Study on Unreliable Narration in “Catch-22”
  • Surrealist Literature: Assessing the Dream Logic in André Breton’s “Nadja”
  • Racial Themes in Literature: Analysis of Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”
  • Romantic Literature: Evaluating Nature and the Sublime in Wordsworth’s Poetry

Media and Entertainment Critical Analysis Topics

  • Media’s Effect on Body Image: A Study of Fashion Magazine Portrayals
  • Reality Television and Its Influence on Public Perception
  • Critical Analysis of Representation in Children’s Animation
  • Film Adaptations and Fidelity to the Source Material: A Case Study of “Harry Potter”
  • Censorship in Media: A Deep Dive Into the Chinese Film Industry
  • The Portrayal of Mental Illness in Cinema: Examining “A Beautiful Mind”
  • Gender Stereotyping in Advertising: A Study of Cosmetics Commercials
  • Sitcom Analysis: Exploring Humor Devices in “Friends”
  • Investigating the Propaganda Model in American News Networks
  • Video Games as a Storytelling Medium: Assessing “The Last of Us”
  • Representation of Race in Hollywood: A Case Study of “Black Panther”
  • Film Noir Aesthetics: A Review of “Chinatown”
  • The Politics of Representation in Bollywood Cinema
  • Critiquing the Portrayal of History in Biopics: The Case of “Lincoln”
  • Understanding the Popularity of K-Dramas: Cultural Analysis of “Parasite”
  • Postmodernism in Television: Analysis of “Westworld”
  • Transmedia Storytelling: The Phenomenon of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • The Portrayal of AI in Science Fiction Films: A Critical Analysis of “Ex Machina”
  • Music Videos as a Form of Visual Communication: A Study of Beyonce’s “Lemonade”
  • Audience Reception of Subtitles vs. Dubbing in Foreign Films

Social Issues and Activism Critical Analysis Topics

  • Framing of Climate Change Discourse in Social Media
  • Prison Reform Movements: An Analysis of Advocacy Tactics
  • Black Lives Matter and the Influence on Policy Change
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Youth Activism in Gun Control Legislation
  • Online Activism: An Analysis of Hashtag Movements
  • Disability Rights Movements and Their Influence on Accessibility Laws
  • Critique of Performative Allyship in Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Reproductive Rights Advocacy: A Study of Legislative Changes
  • Analyzing LGBTQ+ Representation in Politics
  • Investigating the Discourse on Immigration Reform
  • Feminist Movements and Their Influence on Gender Equity Policies
  • Understanding the Effectiveness of Peaceful vs. Violent Protests
  • The Fight for Net Neutrality: An Examination of Stakeholders and Interests
  • Homelessness and Housing Advocacy: Critique of Policy Interventions
  • Body Positivity Movement: An Analysis of Social Media Impact
  • Food Security Advocacy: An Examination of Policy Changes
  • Critiquing Anti-Racism Training in the Corporate Sector
  • Analysis of Protest Art in Social Movements
  • Investigating Advocacy Tactics in Mental Health Awareness Campaigns
  • Intersectionality in Feminist Movements: Case Study of the #MeToo Movement

Health and Medicine Critical Analysis Topics

  • Healthcare System Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis
  • Examining Patient Data Privacy in Digital Health Systems
  • Vaccination Hesitancy: A Critical Study of Causes
  • Disparities in Mental Health Access: An Investigative Approach
  • Telemedicine Successes and Challenges: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Debate on Universal Healthcare: Arguments and Counterarguments
  • Holistic Approaches in Modern Medicine: A Study of Effectiveness
  • Critiquing the Classification and Treatment of Rare Diseases
  • Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Genomic Medicine
  • Euthanasia Laws Across Different Jurisdictions: An Analysis
  • Investigating the Overprescription of Opioids: Causes and Consequences
  • Analysis of Alternative Medicine Practices: Efficacy and Safety
  • Healthcare Quality and Patient Satisfaction: Factors Affecting Correlation
  • Critique of Current Nutrition Guidelines and Recommendations
  • Antibiotic Resistance: Factors and Possible Solutions
  • Inequities in Access to Maternal Healthcare: A Global Perspective
  • Studying the Efficiency of Health Insurance Models
  • Medical Error Disclosure: Ethical Implications and Patient Response
  • Investigating Health Outcomes Related to Air Pollution

Gender and Sexuality Critical Thinking and Analysis Essay Topics

  • Perceptions of Masculinity in Contemporary Media
  • Gender Representation in Children’s Literature: A Study
  • Sex Education Policies and Their Influence on Teenage Pregnancy
  • Societal Expectations of Femininity: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Transgender Rights Legislation Across the Globe
  • Toxic Masculinity: Cultural Origins and Effects
  • Intersectionality in the LGBTQ+ Rights Movement
  • Examining the Pink Tax: Economic Implications for Women
  • Transnational Feminism: Successes and Shortcomings
  • Discrimination Faced by Non-Binary Individuals in Workplace
  • Sexual Orientation Discrimination: An Analysis of Legal Protections
  • Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents: Psychological Perspectives
  • Deconstructing the Gender Binary in Contemporary Societies
  • Critique of Female Representation in Video Games
  • Heteronormativity in Advertising: A Critical Study
  • Queer Theory in Modern Literature: An Analytical Approach
  • Transgender Representation in Hollywood: Progress and Shortfalls
  • Sexual Assault in the Military: An Examination of Policies
  • Patriarchy and Its Effect on Domestic Abuse Rates

Law and Justice Critical Analysis Topics

  • Capital Punishment in a Modern Society: A Comparative Analysis
  • Interrogation Techniques: Ethical and Legal Perspectives
  • War on Drugs: Policies, Consequences, and Alternatives
  • Juvenile Justice System: A Comparative Study
  • Immigration Policies and Human Rights: A Global Perspective
  • White-Collar Crime: Enforcements and Legal Loopholes
  • Cyber Law Challenges in Data Privacy and Protection
  • Constitutional Law: Second Amendment Interpretations
  • Environmental Legislation: A Study of International Practices
  • Antitrust Laws in the Era of Tech Giants
  • Terrorism Legislation and Civil Liberties: A Balance
  • Patent Law: Comparing American and European Frameworks
  • Plea Bargaining: Justice Served or Compromised
  • Forensic Science in Court: Strengths and Shortcomings
  • Consumer Protection Laws and Online Marketplaces
  • Free Speech Limitations in Different Jurisdictions
  • Human Trafficking Legislation: Effectiveness and Needed Improvements
  • Discrimination Laws and the Protection of LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Healthcare Law: Comparative Analysis of Global Systems

Consumerism and Advertising Critical Analysis Topics

  • Digital Advertising: Privacy Concerns in Data-Driven Campaigns
  • Consumerism Trends in Emerging Economies
  • Sustainable Consumerism: Barriers and Opportunities
  • Ethical Challenges in Children’s Advertising
  • Consumer Psychology: Influence of Social Media Advertising
  • False Advertising: Legal Implications and Consumer Rights
  • Consumerism and Fast Fashion: Environmental Consequences
  • Product Placement Strategies in Modern Cinema
  • Emotional Appeal in Advertising: A Psychological Perspective
  • Fashion Industry’s Advertising Strategies and Body Image Perception
  • Neuromarketing in Advertising: Benefits and Ethical Issues
  • Luxury Consumerism: An Analysis of Branding and Perception
  • Advertising in Video Games: Strategies and Implications
  • Artificial Intelligence in Digital Advertising: Future Potential
  • Experiential Marketing: Impact on Consumer Behavior
  • Celebrity Endorsements in Advertising: Effectiveness and Risks
  • Influence of Advertising on Dietary Choices and Public Health
  • Consumer Protection: Comparative Analysis of International Legislation
  • Nostalgia in Advertising: Psychological Impact on Consumers
  • Advertising and Gender Stereotypes: A Critical Analysis

Travel and Tourism Critical Analysis Topics

  • Sustainable Tourism: Challenges and Strategies
  • Hospitality Industry Innovations: The Potential of Technology
  • Dark Tourism Sites: Ethical Implications and Visitor Experience
  • Overtourism: Causes, Effects, and Management Strategies
  • Tourism Policies: Comparative Analysis of Various Countries
  • Culinary Tourism: The Influence on Local Economies
  • Crisis Management in Tourism: The Case of Pandemics
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation in Popular Tourist Destinations
  • Adventure Tourism: Risks, Regulations, and Responsibility
  • Wellness Tourism: The Rising Trend and Its Implications
  • Tourism Marketing Strategies: Social Media’s Influence
  • Political Instability: Effects on International Tourism
  • Cruise Tourism: Environmental Impacts and Sustainability Issues
  • Virtual Reality and Its Potential for Destination Marketing
  • Ecotourism: Beneficial or Detrimental for Local Communities
  • Effects of Climate Change on the Ski Tourism Industry
  • Tourist Behavior: Psychological Factors and Decision-Making Processes
  • Implications of Airbnb and the Shared Economy on Traditional Accommodations
  • Socio-Cultural Impacts of Tourism on Local Communities
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  • What Is Critical Thinking? | Definition & Examples

What Is Critical Thinking? | Definition & Examples

Published on May 30, 2022 by Eoghan Ryan . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Critical thinking is the ability to effectively analyze information and form a judgment .

To think critically, you must be aware of your own biases and assumptions when encountering information, and apply consistent standards when evaluating sources .

Critical thinking skills help you to:

  • Identify credible sources
  • Evaluate and respond to arguments
  • Assess alternative viewpoints
  • Test hypotheses against relevant criteria

Table of contents

Why is critical thinking important, critical thinking examples, how to think critically, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about critical thinking.

Critical thinking is important for making judgments about sources of information and forming your own arguments. It emphasizes a rational, objective, and self-aware approach that can help you to identify credible sources and strengthen your conclusions.

Critical thinking is important in all disciplines and throughout all stages of the research process . The types of evidence used in the sciences and in the humanities may differ, but critical thinking skills are relevant to both.

In academic writing , critical thinking can help you to determine whether a source:

  • Is free from research bias
  • Provides evidence to support its research findings
  • Considers alternative viewpoints

Outside of academia, critical thinking goes hand in hand with information literacy to help you form opinions rationally and engage independently and critically with popular media.

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Critical thinking can help you to identify reliable sources of information that you can cite in your research paper . It can also guide your own research methods and inform your own arguments.

Outside of academia, critical thinking can help you to be aware of both your own and others’ biases and assumptions.

Academic examples

However, when you compare the findings of the study with other current research, you determine that the results seem improbable. You analyze the paper again, consulting the sources it cites.

You notice that the research was funded by the pharmaceutical company that created the treatment. Because of this, you view its results skeptically and determine that more independent research is necessary to confirm or refute them. Example: Poor critical thinking in an academic context You’re researching a paper on the impact wireless technology has had on developing countries that previously did not have large-scale communications infrastructure. You read an article that seems to confirm your hypothesis: the impact is mainly positive. Rather than evaluating the research methodology, you accept the findings uncritically.

Nonacademic examples

However, you decide to compare this review article with consumer reviews on a different site. You find that these reviews are not as positive. Some customers have had problems installing the alarm, and some have noted that it activates for no apparent reason.

You revisit the original review article. You notice that the words “sponsored content” appear in small print under the article title. Based on this, you conclude that the review is advertising and is therefore not an unbiased source. Example: Poor critical thinking in a nonacademic context You support a candidate in an upcoming election. You visit an online news site affiliated with their political party and read an article that criticizes their opponent. The article claims that the opponent is inexperienced in politics. You accept this without evidence, because it fits your preconceptions about the opponent.

There is no single way to think critically. How you engage with information will depend on the type of source you’re using and the information you need.

However, you can engage with sources in a systematic and critical way by asking certain questions when you encounter information. Like the CRAAP test , these questions focus on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

When encountering information, ask:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert in their field?
  • What do they say? Is their argument clear? Can you summarize it?
  • When did they say this? Is the source current?
  • Where is the information published? Is it an academic article? Is it peer-reviewed ?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence? Does it rely on opinion, speculation, or appeals to emotion ? Do they address alternative arguments?

Critical thinking also involves being aware of your own biases, not only those of others. When you make an argument or draw your own conclusions, you can ask similar questions about your own writing:

  • Am I only considering evidence that supports my preconceptions?
  • Is my argument expressed clearly and backed up with credible sources?
  • Would I be convinced by this argument coming from someone else?

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  • Common knowledge

Critical thinking refers to the ability to evaluate information and to be aware of biases or assumptions, including your own.

Like information literacy , it involves evaluating arguments, identifying and solving problems in an objective and systematic way, and clearly communicating your ideas.

Critical thinking skills include the ability to:

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

A credible source should pass the CRAAP test  and follow these guidelines:

  • The information should be up to date and current.
  • The author and publication should be a trusted authority on the subject you are researching.
  • The sources the author cited should be easy to find, clear, and unbiased.
  • For a web source, the URL and layout should signify that it is trustworthy.

Information literacy refers to a broad range of skills, including the ability to find, evaluate, and use sources of information effectively.

Being information literate means that you:

  • Know how to find credible sources
  • Use relevant sources to inform your research
  • Understand what constitutes plagiarism
  • Know how to cite your sources correctly

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search, interpret, and recall information in a way that aligns with our pre-existing values, opinions, or beliefs. It refers to the ability to recollect information best when it amplifies what we already believe. Relatedly, we tend to forget information that contradicts our opinions.

Although selective recall is a component of confirmation bias, it should not be confused with recall bias.

On the other hand, recall bias refers to the differences in the ability between study participants to recall past events when self-reporting is used. This difference in accuracy or completeness of recollection is not related to beliefs or opinions. Rather, recall bias relates to other factors, such as the length of the recall period, age, and the characteristics of the disease under investigation.

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Ryan, E. (2023, May 31). What Is Critical Thinking? | Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/working-with-sources/critical-thinking/

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Library Home

Critical Thinking in Academic Research - Second Edition

(5 reviews)

research topics for critical thinking

Cindy Gruwell, University of West Florida

Robin Ewing, St. Cloud State University

Copyright Year: 2022

Last Update: 2023

Publisher: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Language: English

Formats Available

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Reviewed by Erin Weldon, Director of Instructional Design and Development, Trine University on 8/28/24

The textbook offers a comprehensive overview of academic research with a focus on essential tools and strategies for researchers. It includes a valuable section on barriers of critical thinking. To enhance its utility, consider adding a section... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The textbook offers a comprehensive overview of academic research with a focus on essential tools and strategies for researchers. It includes a valuable section on barriers of critical thinking. To enhance its utility, consider adding a section highlighting the advantages or benefits of critical thinking, which can help mitigate these barriers. While discussing challenges is crucial, perhaps positioning this section later in the textbook would allow readers to build a stronger foundation before addressing potential obstacles. A suggestion for the readers is to read the barriers chapter toward the end after you have a strong foundation of critical thinking in academic research.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The textbook presents unbiased information and offers descriptive evidence to support its arguments on critical thinking topics. Examples illustrate the application of critical thinking in research. Throughout the text, valuable tips encourage readers to cultivate critical thinking skills and provide practical suggestions that they can put into action. For instance, in Chapter 5, learners are provided with tips on how to keep track of information. I appreciate the citation management software options. This is a great resource to get readers started on their research journey.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The textbook effectively aligns with current research methods and strategies. The text includes the most recent academic trends. Its strategies provide learners with practical guidance on conducting thorough research, ensuring proper attribution and compliance with copyright regulations, which are increasingly important in today's world.

Clarity rating: 4

The textbook provides clear chapters that coincide with the purpose. I appreciate the examples to clarify the strategies for critical thinking in research. A few interactive quizzes could benefit from clearer instructions to enhance their effectiveness. For instance, in Chapter 8, providing specific guidance within the Main Concepts section would clarify the quiz's purpose. While the questions may appear factual, they actually require learners to identify the main concept or topic. This added clarity would improve the overall learning experience.

Consistency rating: 5

The textbook's topics are interconnected and progressively build upon one another, forming a comprehensive and reliable resource. The text begins by introducing key concepts of critical thinking, then progresses into effective research strategies, skills, and methodologies, concluding with a discussion of ethical considerations and standards for responsible research practices.

Modularity rating: 5

The text displays excellent readability. I appreciate the awareness of accessibility with the use of alt-text on the images. There should be little to no barriers for readers. To further enhance inclusivity, adding audio narration to the text would provide an alternative format that is easily accessible within the book.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The overall organization of the textbook is clear and concise. See comment above about rearranging the barriers chapter later in the book such as after a section on the benefits as mentioned above.

Interface rating: 5

There does not appear to be any navigational issues throughout the book. From an accessibility standpoint, everything appears to be accessible in a way that would not distract or cause barriers to the reader.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical errors present or noticeable that I could see.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This comprehensive textbook fosters an inclusive learning environment by presenting a diverse range of examples that illustrate various perspectives. Readers are encouraged to develop a deep understanding of different cultures and experiences and appreciate the value of diverse viewpoints.

This text is an excellent resource for anyone who needs a textbook for a research class,. his comprehensive text serves as a valuable resource for students and researchers, providing a solid foundation for coursework in research methods.

Reviewed by Julie Jaszkowiak, Community Faculty, Metropolitan State University on 12/22/23

Organized in 11 parts, this his textbook includes introductory information about critical thinking and details about the academic research process. The basics of critical thinking related to doing academic research in Parts I and II. Parts III –... read more

Organized in 11 parts, this his textbook includes introductory information about critical thinking and details about the academic research process. The basics of critical thinking related to doing academic research in Parts I and II. Parts III – XI provide specifics on various steps in doing academic research including details on finding and citing source material. There is a linked table of contents so the reader is able to jump to a specific section as needed. There is also a works cited page with information and links to works used for this textbook.

The content of this textbook is accurate and error free. It contains examples that demonstrate concepts from a variety of disciplines such as “hard science” or “popular culture” that assist in eliminating bias. The authors are librarians so it is clear that their experience as such leads to clear and unbiased content.

General concepts about critical thinking and academic research methodology is well defined and should not become obsolete. Specific content regarding use of citation tools and attribution structure may change but the links to various research sites allow for simple updates.

Clarity rating: 5

This textbook is written in a conversational manner that allows for a more personal interaction with the textbook. It is like the reader is having a conversation with a librarian. Each part has an introduction section that fully defines concepts and terms used for that part.

In addition to the written content, this textbook contains links to short quizzes at the end of each section. This is consistent throughout each part. Embedded links to additional information are included as necessary.

Modularity rating: 4

This textbook is arranged in 11 modular parts with each part having multiple sections. All of these are linked so a reader can go to a distinct part or section to find specific information. There are some links that refer back to previous sections in the document. It can be challenging to return to where you were once you have jumped to a different section.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

There is clear definition as to what information is contained within each of the parts and subsequent sections. The textbook follows the logical flow of the process of researching and writing a research paper.

Interface rating: 4

The pictures have alternative text that appears when you hover over the text. There is one picture on page 102 that is a link to where the downloaded picture is from. The pictures are clear and supportive of the text for a visual learner. All the links work and go to either the correct area of the textbook or to a valid website. If you are going to use the embedded links to go to other sections of the textbook you need to keep track of where you are as it can sometimes get confusing as to where you went based on clicking links.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

This is not really a grammatical error but I did notice on some of the quizzes if you misspelled a work for fill in the blank it was incorrect. It was also sometimes challenging to come up with the correct word for the fill in the blanks.

There are no examples or text that are culturally insensitive or offensive. The examples are general and would be applicable to a variety of students study many different academic subjects. There are references and information to many research tools from traditional such as checking out books and articles from the library to more current such as blogs and other electronic sources. This information appeals to a wide expanse of student populations.

I really enjoyed the quizzes at the end of each section. It is very beneficial to test your knowledge and comprehension of what you just read. Often I had to return and reread the content more critically based on my quiz results! They are just the right length to not disrupt the overall reading of the textbook and cover the important content and learning objectives.

Reviewed by Sara Stigberg, Adjunct Reference Librarian, Truman College, City Colleges of Chicago on 3/15/23

Critical Thinking in Academic Research thoroughly covers the basics of academic research for undergraduates, including well-guided deeper dives into relevant areas. The authors root their introduction to academic research principles and practices... read more

Critical Thinking in Academic Research thoroughly covers the basics of academic research for undergraduates, including well-guided deeper dives into relevant areas. The authors root their introduction to academic research principles and practices in the Western philosophical tradition, focused on developing students' critical thinking skills and habits around inquiry, rationales, and frameworks for research.

This text conforms to the principles and frames of the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, published by the Association of College and Research Libraries. It includes excellent, clear, step-by-step guides to help students understand rationales and techniques for academic research.

Essential for our current information climate, the authors present relevant information for students who may be new to academic research, in ways and with content that is not too broad or too narrow, or likely to change drastically in the near future.

The authors use clear and well-considered language and explanations of ideas and terms, contextualizing the scholarly research process and tools in a relatable manner. As mentioned earlier, this text includes excellent step-by-step guides, as well as illustrations, visualizations, and videos to instruct students in conducting academic research.

(4.75) The terminology and framework of this text are consistent. Early discussions of critical thinking skills are tied in to content in later chapters, with regard to selecting different types of sources and search tools, as well as rationales for choosing various formats of source references. Consciously making the theme of critical thinking as applied to the stages of academic research more explicit and frequent within the text would further strengthen it, however.

Chapters are divided in a logical, progressive manner throughout the text. The use of embedded links to further readings and some other relevant sections of the text are an excellent way of providing references and further online information, without overwhelming or side-tracking the reader.

Topics in the text are organized in logical, progressive order, transitioning cleanly from one focus to the next. Each chapter begins with a helpful outline of topics that will be covered within it.

There are no technical issues with the interface for this text. Interactive learning tools such as the many self-checks and short quizzes that are included throughout the text are a great bonus for reinforcing student learning, and the easily-accessible table of contents was very helpful. There are some slight inconsistencies across chapters, however, relative to formatting images and text and spacing, and an image was missing in the section on Narrowing a Topic. Justifying copy rather than aligning-left would prevent hyphenation, making the text more streamlined.

(4.75) A few minor punctuation errors are present.

The authors of this text use culturally-relevant examples and inclusive language. The chapter on Barriers to Critical Thinking works directly to break down bias and preconceived notions.

Overall, Critical Thinking in Academic Research is an excellent general textbook for teaching the whys and hows of academic research to undergraduates. A discussion of annotated bibliographies would be a great addition for future editions of the text. ---- (As an aside for the authors, I am curious if the anonymous data from the self-checks and quizzes is being collected and analyzed for assessment purposes. I'm sure it would be interesting!)

Reviewed by Ann Bell-Pfeifer, Program Director/ Instructor, Minnesota State Community and Technical College on 2/15/23

The book has in depth coverage of academic research. A formal glossary and index were not included. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The book has in depth coverage of academic research. A formal glossary and index were not included.

The book appears error free and factual.

The content is current and would support students who are pursuing writing academic research papers.

Excellent explanations for specific terms were included throughout the text.

The text is easy to follow with a standardized format and structure.

The text contains headings and topics in each section.

It is easy to follow the format and review each section.

The associated links were useful and not distracting.

No evidence of grammatical errors were found in the book.

The book is inclusive.

The book was informative, easy to follow, and sequential allowing the reader to digest each section before moving into another.

Reviewed by Jenny Inker, Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University on 8/23/22

This book provides a comprehensive yet easily comprehensible introduction to critical thinking in academic research. The author lays a foundation with an introduction to the concepts of critical thinking and analyzing and making arguments, and... read more

This book provides a comprehensive yet easily comprehensible introduction to critical thinking in academic research. The author lays a foundation with an introduction to the concepts of critical thinking and analyzing and making arguments, and then moves into the details of developing research questions and identifying and appropriately using research sources. There are many wonderful links to other open access publications for those who wish to read more or go deeper.

The content of the book appears to be accurate and free of bias.

The examples used throughout the book are relevant and up-to-date, making it easy to see how to apply the concepts in real life.

The text is very accessibly written and the content is presented in a simple, yet powerful way that helps the reader grasp the concepts easily. There are many short, interactive exercises scattered throughout each chapter of the book so that the reader can test their own knowledge as they go along. It would be even better if the author had provided some simple feedback explaining why quiz answers are correct or incorrect in order to bolster learning, but this is a very minor point and the interactive exercises still work well without this.

The book appears consistent throughout with regard to use of terminology and tone of writing. The basic concepts introduced in the early chapters are used consistently throughout the later chapters.

This book has been wonderfully designed into bite sized chunks that do not overwhelm the reader. This is perhaps its best feature, as this encourages the reader to take in a bit of information, digest it, check their understanding of it, and then move on to the next concept. I loved this!

The book is organized in a manner that introduces the basic architecture of critical thinking first, and then moves on to apply it to the subject of academic research. While the entire book would be helpful for college students (undergraduates particularly), the earlier chapters on critical thinking and argumentation also stand well on their own and would be of great utility to students in general.

This book was extremely easy to navigate with a clear, drop down list of chapters and subheadings on the left side of the screen. When the reader clicks on links to additional material, these open up in a new tab which keeps things clear and organized. Images and charts were clear and the overall organization is very easy to follow.

I came across no grammatical errors in the text.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

This is perhaps an area where the book could do a little more. I did not come across anything that seemed culturally insensitive or offensive but on the other hand, the book might have taken more opportunities to represent a greater diversity of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

This book seems tailor made for undergraduate college students and I would highly recommend it. I think it has some use for graduate students as well, although some of the examples are perhaps little basic for this purpose. As well as using this book to guide students on doing academic research, I think it could also be used as a very helpful introduction to the concept of critical thinking by focusing solely on chapters 1-4.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Part I. What is Critical Thinking?
  • Part II. Barriers to Critical Thinking
  • Part III. Analyzing Arguments
  • Part IV. Making an Argument
  • Part V. Research Questions
  • Part VI. Sources and Information Needs
  • Part VII. Types of Sources
  • Part VIII. Precision Searching
  • Part IX. Evaluating Sources
  • Part X. Ethical Use and Citing Sources
  • Part XI. Copyright Basics
  • Works Cited
  • About the Authors

Ancillary Material

About the book.

Critical Thinking in Academic Research - 2nd Edition provides examples and easy-to-understand explanations to equip students with the skills to develop research questions, evaluate and choose the right sources, search for information, and understand arguments. This 2nd Edition includes new content based on student feedback as well as additional interactive elements throughout the text.

About the Contributors

Cindy Gruwell is an Assistant Librarian/Coordinator of Scholarly Communication at the University of West Florida. She is the library liaison to the department of biology and the College of Health which has extensive nursing programs, public health, health administration, movement, and medical laboratory sciences. In addition to supporting health sciences faculty, she oversees the Argo IRCommons (Institutional Repository) and provides scholarly communication services to faculty across campus. Cindy graduated with her BA (history) and MLS from the University of California, Los Angeles and has a Masters in Education from Bemidji State University. Cindy’s research interests include academic research support, publishing, and teaching.

Robin Ewing is a Professor/Collections Librarian at St. Cloud State University. Robin is the liaison to the College of Education and Learning Design. She oversees content selection for the Library’s collections. Robin graduated with her BBA (Management) and MLIS from the University of Oklahoma. She also has a Masters of Arts in Teaching from Bemidji State University. Robin’s research interests include collection analysis, assessment, and online teaching.

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Warren Berger

A Crash Course in Critical Thinking

What you need to know—and read—about one of the essential skills needed today..

Posted April 8, 2024 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

  • In research for "A More Beautiful Question," I did a deep dive into the current crisis in critical thinking.
  • Many people may think of themselves as critical thinkers, but they actually are not.
  • Here is a series of questions you can ask yourself to try to ensure that you are thinking critically.

Conspiracy theories. Inability to distinguish facts from falsehoods. Widespread confusion about who and what to believe.

These are some of the hallmarks of the current crisis in critical thinking—which just might be the issue of our times. Because if people aren’t willing or able to think critically as they choose potential leaders, they’re apt to choose bad ones. And if they can’t judge whether the information they’re receiving is sound, they may follow faulty advice while ignoring recommendations that are science-based and solid (and perhaps life-saving).

Moreover, as a society, if we can’t think critically about the many serious challenges we face, it becomes more difficult to agree on what those challenges are—much less solve them.

On a personal level, critical thinking can enable you to make better everyday decisions. It can help you make sense of an increasingly complex and confusing world.

In the new expanded edition of my book A More Beautiful Question ( AMBQ ), I took a deep dive into critical thinking. Here are a few key things I learned.

First off, before you can get better at critical thinking, you should understand what it is. It’s not just about being a skeptic. When thinking critically, we are thoughtfully reasoning, evaluating, and making decisions based on evidence and logic. And—perhaps most important—while doing this, a critical thinker always strives to be open-minded and fair-minded . That’s not easy: It demands that you constantly question your assumptions and biases and that you always remain open to considering opposing views.

In today’s polarized environment, many people think of themselves as critical thinkers simply because they ask skeptical questions—often directed at, say, certain government policies or ideas espoused by those on the “other side” of the political divide. The problem is, they may not be asking these questions with an open mind or a willingness to fairly consider opposing views.

When people do this, they’re engaging in “weak-sense critical thinking”—a term popularized by the late Richard Paul, a co-founder of The Foundation for Critical Thinking . “Weak-sense critical thinking” means applying the tools and practices of critical thinking—questioning, investigating, evaluating—but with the sole purpose of confirming one’s own bias or serving an agenda.

In AMBQ , I lay out a series of questions you can ask yourself to try to ensure that you’re thinking critically. Here are some of the questions to consider:

  • Why do I believe what I believe?
  • Are my views based on evidence?
  • Have I fairly and thoughtfully considered differing viewpoints?
  • Am I truly open to changing my mind?

Of course, becoming a better critical thinker is not as simple as just asking yourself a few questions. Critical thinking is a habit of mind that must be developed and strengthened over time. In effect, you must train yourself to think in a manner that is more effortful, aware, grounded, and balanced.

For those interested in giving themselves a crash course in critical thinking—something I did myself, as I was working on my book—I thought it might be helpful to share a list of some of the books that have shaped my own thinking on this subject. As a self-interested author, I naturally would suggest that you start with the new 10th-anniversary edition of A More Beautiful Question , but beyond that, here are the top eight critical-thinking books I’d recommend.

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark , by Carl Sagan

This book simply must top the list, because the late scientist and author Carl Sagan continues to be such a bright shining light in the critical thinking universe. Chapter 12 includes the details on Sagan’s famous “baloney detection kit,” a collection of lessons and tips on how to deal with bogus arguments and logical fallacies.

research topics for critical thinking

Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments Into Extraordinary Results , by Shane Parrish

The creator of the Farnham Street website and host of the “Knowledge Project” podcast explains how to contend with biases and unconscious reactions so you can make better everyday decisions. It contains insights from many of the brilliant thinkers Shane has studied.

Good Thinking: Why Flawed Logic Puts Us All at Risk and How Critical Thinking Can Save the World , by David Robert Grimes

A brilliant, comprehensive 2021 book on critical thinking that, to my mind, hasn’t received nearly enough attention . The scientist Grimes dissects bad thinking, shows why it persists, and offers the tools to defeat it.

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know , by Adam Grant

Intellectual humility—being willing to admit that you might be wrong—is what this book is primarily about. But Adam, the renowned Wharton psychology professor and bestselling author, takes the reader on a mind-opening journey with colorful stories and characters.

Think Like a Detective: A Kid's Guide to Critical Thinking , by David Pakman

The popular YouTuber and podcast host Pakman—normally known for talking politics —has written a terrific primer on critical thinking for children. The illustrated book presents critical thinking as a “superpower” that enables kids to unlock mysteries and dig for truth. (I also recommend Pakman’s second kids’ book called Think Like a Scientist .)

Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters , by Steven Pinker

The Harvard psychology professor Pinker tackles conspiracy theories head-on but also explores concepts involving risk/reward, probability and randomness, and correlation/causation. And if that strikes you as daunting, be assured that Pinker makes it lively and accessible.

How Minds Change: The Surprising Science of Belief, Opinion and Persuasion , by David McRaney

David is a science writer who hosts the popular podcast “You Are Not So Smart” (and his ideas are featured in A More Beautiful Question ). His well-written book looks at ways you can actually get through to people who see the world very differently than you (hint: bludgeoning them with facts definitely won’t work).

A Healthy Democracy's Best Hope: Building the Critical Thinking Habit , by M Neil Browne and Chelsea Kulhanek

Neil Browne, author of the seminal Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, has been a pioneer in presenting critical thinking as a question-based approach to making sense of the world around us. His newest book, co-authored with Chelsea Kulhanek, breaks down critical thinking into “11 explosive questions”—including the “priors question” (which challenges us to question assumptions), the “evidence question” (focusing on how to evaluate and weigh evidence), and the “humility question” (which reminds us that a critical thinker must be humble enough to consider the possibility of being wrong).

Warren Berger

Warren Berger is a longtime journalist and author of A More Beautiful Question .

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How to Write a Research Paper: Critical Thinking

  • Choosing Your Topic
  • Citation & Style Guides This link opens in a new window
  • Critical Thinking
  • Evaluating Information
  • Parts of the Paper
  • Writing Tips from UNC-Chapel Hill
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What is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking is the process of analyzing information and deciding whether it makes sense. This process includes the ability to reflect on ideas and form independent thoughts and connecting concepts. A person with good critical thinking skills is able to do the following:

  • Understand the logical connections between ideas
  • Identify, construct and evaluate arguments
  • Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning
  • Solve problems systematically
  • Identify the relevance and importance of ideas
  • Reflect on the justification of one's own beliefs and values

Source:  http://philosophy.hku.hk/think/critical/ct.php

Your research writing should demonstrate ...

  • A clear understanding of your topic
  • An understanding of the main ideas and their relationship to one another
  • A clear presentation of your agreement or disagreement with the topic and your reasons for this opinion
  • An awareness of your readers / audience

Test your critical thinking skills. . . Critical Thinking Skills Success In 20 Minutes a Day from PrepSTEP

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  • Last Updated: Feb 13, 2024 8:35 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.ucc.edu/research_paper

Critical Essay

Critical Essay Topics

Barbara P

Best Critical Essay Topics & Ideas to Choose from

12 min read

Published on: Sep 15, 2020

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

Critical Essay Topics

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Are you struggling to find a critical essay topic that captures your interest and engages your readers?

The process of finding the perfect topic can be overwhelming, especially when the pressure is on to deliver a compelling argument. But fear not! 

In this blog, we have compiled a list of critical essay topics that are sure to get your critical thinking skills flowing. Whether you are interested in literature, sociology, or any other subject, we have a variety of topics for you.

So, let's explore the world of critical essays and find the perfect topic for your next assignment!

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Good Critical Essay Topics

To develop your creative skills, here are some essay topics and ideas to choose from and craft a well-written essay.

Critical Essay Topics for College Students

  • Fictional portrayal of mental illness and public perception
  • Ethics of artificial intelligence: implications of ai
  • Balancing appreciation and exploitation of cultures in fashion.
  • Social media's impact on political discourse
  • Addressing mental health stigma in society through literature
  • Pop culture's role in gender stereotypes
  • Climate change and indigenous communities: vulnerability and resilience
  • Ethics of genetic engineering: dilemmas in gene editing
  • Exploring real-world effects of video games and violence
  • Marginalized voices in mainstream media: inclusion and representation

Are you in search of an ultimate guide on critical essays? Check out this guide on critical essays to get comprehensive information and valuable insights!

Critical Essay Topics for High School Students

  • The role of social media in shaping teenage behavior and attitudes
  • The portrayal of racial and ethnic minorities in film and television
  • The impact of technology on modern dating and relationships
  • The effects of bullying on mental health and well-being
  • The influence of music on youth culture and identity
  • The ethics of genetic engineering and its impact on society
  • The representation of gender and sexuality in popular media
  • The effects of video games on cognitive development and behavior
  • The impact of fast food on public health and the environment
  • The portrayal of mental illness in young adult literature and media.

Critical Thinking Essay Topics Examples

  • The impact of gender roles on career opportunities and income equality in the United States.
  • The role of diversity in promoting economic development and social progress.
  • The impact of partisan politics on the United States' response to climate change.
  • The effects of cultural differences in communication and decision-making processes.
  • The ethics of drone warfare and its impact on international relations.
  • The role of public education in promoting critical thinking and intellectual development.
  • The portrayal of women in advertising and its effects on body image and self-esteem.
  • The impact of technology on the job market and employment opportunities for men and women.
  • The effects of immigration policy on economic growth and diversity in the United States.
  • The point of view of animal rights activists and its impact on the use of animals in scientific research.

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Advanced Critical Thinking Topics 

  • The pros and cons of using social media for political activism and social justice movements.
  • The ethics of using virtual reality technology in medical training and treatment.
  • Writing a critical analysis of the role of satire in modern political discourse.
  • An interesting critical analysis of the effects of mindfulness meditation on
  • mental health.
  • Critique essay topics exploring the impact of globalization on local cultures and economies.
  • The effects of violent video games on aggression and empathy in young adults.
  • The role of social media in perpetuating stereotypes and biases in society.
  • An interesting critical analysis of the effects of music on memory and cognitive function.
  • The impact of gender and sexuality on mental health treatment and stigma.
  • Critique essay topics exploring the role of art and literature in promoting empathy and social awareness.

Critical Essay Topics about Movies

  • The portrayal of mental illness in popular films.
  • A critical analysis of the representation of race in Oscar-winning movies.
  • The role of music in enhancing the emotional impact of the film. An examination of the themes of love and relationships in romantic comedies.
  • A critique of the representation of gender and sexuality in action movies.
  • An analysis of the use of symbolism and imagery in a specific film.
  • The portrayal of social and political issues in documentary films.
  • A comparison of the book and movie versions of a classic story.
  • An examination of the use of color and lighting in a specific film.
  • A critical analysis of the impact of film adaptations on the literary world.

Critical Essay Topics about Literature

  • An analysis of the use of symbolism in a specific literary work.
  • A critique of the representation of gender roles in a classic novel.
  • The use of foreshadowing and irony in a particular short story.
  • A critical analysis of the themes of power and authority in a specific play.
  • The portrayal of mental illness in a contemporary novel.
  • The role of setting in a particular novel or story.
  • An examination of the use of metaphor and simile in a specific poem.
  • A comparison of the writing styles of two contemporary authors.
  • The representation of race and ethnicity in a specific literary work.
  • An analysis of the use of narrative point of view in a particular work.

Critical Essay Topics on Social Issues and Society

  • The impact of technology on social interactions and relationships.
  • An analysis of the effects of income inequality on health and wellbeing.
  • A critique of the representation of women in the media.
  • The impact of environmental degradation on human health.
  • A critical analysis of the effects of capitalism on global development.
  • The role of education in promoting social mobility and reducing poverty.
  • An examination of the ethics of using genetic engineering to enhance human traits.
  • The effects of mass incarceration on individuals and communities.
  • A comparison of the healthcare systems of two different countries.

Critical Essay Topics about Health

  • An analysis of the effects of stress on mental and physical health.
  • The impact of food additives and preservatives on human health.
  • A critique of the representation of mental illness in the media.
  • An examination of the ethics of genetic testing and counseling.
  • A critical analysis of the effectiveness of vaccination programs.
  • The impact of climate change on global health and disease patterns.
  • The effects of the pharmaceutical industry on healthcare access and affordability.
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of alternative medicine in treating chronic illnesses.
  • The impact of social determinants of health on healthcare outcomes.

Critical Essay Topics about Environment

  • An analysis of the impact of plastic waste on marine ecosystems.
  • The effects of deforestation on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • A critique of the role of corporations in promoting sustainability and environmental protection.
  • An examination of the ethics of animal testing in environmental research.
  • The impact of climate change on global food systems and food security.
  • A critical analysis of the effectiveness of renewable energy policies and programs.
  • The effects of air pollution on human health and environmental quality.
  • An analysis of the environmental justice movement and its impact on policy and activism.
  • The impact of agricultural practices on soil health and ecosystem resilience.
  • A comparison of the environmental policies and practices of two different countries.

Provocative Critical Analysis Essay Topics

  • A critical analysis of the effects of mass media on public opinion and political discourse.
  • An examination of the ethics of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society.
  • The impact of cultural appropriation on minority cultures and identities.
  • A critique of the representation of marginalized communities in popular media.
  • An analysis of the effects of political polarization on democratic institutions.
  • A critical analysis of the ethics of genetic engineering and its potential consequences.
  • The impact of globalization on local economies and cultural identities.
  • A comparison of the effectiveness of democracy and authoritarianism in promoting social welfare and prosperity.
  • An examination of the ethics of using technology to enhance human intelligence and cognitive abilities.
  • The impact of celebrity culture on social norms and values.

Critical Response Essay Topics

  • An analysis of the effects of social media on interpersonal communication and relationships.
  • The impact of globalization on cultural diversity and identity.
  • A critical analysis of the ethics of animal experimentation in medical research.
  • An examination of the role of education in promoting social and economic mobility.
  • The effects of income inequality on social and political stability.
  • A critique of the representation of women in leadership positions in the media and politics.
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism rates.
  • The impact of gentrification on urban communities and social cohesion.
  • A critical analysis of the ethics of capital punishment and its use in the criminal justice system.
  • The effects of climate change on global security and conflict.

Personality Critical Essays Topics

Personality is a multifaceted construct that has long been a subject of interest for teachers and students alike. Here are some personality-critical essay topics to inspire your essay.

  • The role of personality traits in predicting academic and career success.
  • A critical analysis of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and its accuracy in assessing personality.
  • The impact of childhood experiences on the development of personality.
  • A comparison of the Big Five personality traits across cultures.
  • An examination of the relationship between personality and mental health.
  • A critique of the social construction of gender and its impact on personality development.
  • The effects of personality disorders on interpersonal relationships and social functioning.
  • An analysis of the impact of cultural values on personality development.
  • A critical assessment of the validity of projective tests in measuring personality.
  • The relationship between personality and political attitudes and behavior.

Critical Thinking Topics for Presentation

  • How technology is changing the way we communicate and interact with others.
  • The importance of critical thinking skills in the age of information overload.
  • Tips and strategies for becoming a better writer: insights from professional writers.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being.
  • The role of critical thinking in problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Overcoming writer's block: effective techniques for getting started with writing.
  • The dangers of fake news and misinformation in the digital age.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using technology in the classroom.
  • How to write an effective argumentative essay: tips and tricks from expert writers.
  • A critical analysis of the ethics of using artificial intelligence in decision-making processes.

Cultural Criticism Essay Topics

  • A critique of social media's impact on culture and society.
  • The effects of technology on our understanding of privacy in the digital age.
  • A critical analysis of the representation of race and ethnicity in popular culture.
  • The commodification of culture and its impact on society.
  • The impact of globalization on cultural identity and diversity.
  • An examination of the role of gender in shaping cultural norms and values.
  • The effects of consumerism on cultural practices and traditions.
  • A critical assessment of the portrayal of mental health issues in popular culture.
  • The impact of cultural appropriation on marginalized communities.
  • An analysis of the relationship between popular culture and political discourse.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Critical Essay

Let's highlight some of the most common pitfalls to avoid when writing a critical essay:

  • Failing to understand the assignment requirements.
  • Using unsupported opinions instead of evidence to support arguments.
  • Ignoring or misinterpreting the author's intended message or purpose.
  • Being too subjective or biased in your analysis.
  • Focusing too much on summary instead of analysis.
  • Using overly complicated or technical language that can confuse the reader.
  • Not proofreading and editing for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Failing to properly cite sources and giving credit to the authors of the information used.
  • Being too repetitive or including irrelevant information that detracts from the main argument.
  • Submitting the essay without proper formatting or following the assignment guidelines.

How to Choose a Topic for a Critical Essay

Choosing a topic for a critical essay is challenging, but with a few tips, it can be made much easier. Here are some guidelines to help you select the perfect topic for your critical essay.

  • Choose a Topic that Interests You This will make the writing process more enjoyable and engaging. Think about what you are passionate about or what topics you have a lot of knowledge about. You can also consider current events or controversial issues that you have an opinion on.
  • Consider the Audience Your topic should appeal to your audience and be relevant to their interests. Consider the age, education level, and background of your audience when selecting a topic. 
  • Research the Topic Once you have chosen a topic, do some research. Look for reliable sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Make sure that the sources you use are current and up-to-date.
  • Narrow the Focus It is important to narrow the focus of your essay to make it more manageable. Instead of choosing a broad topic, try to focus on a specific aspect or issue within that topic. 
  • Take a Stance A critical essay requires you to take a stance on a topic and support it with evidence. Make sure that your stance is clear and concise. Your thesis statement should reflect your opinion and the main argument of your essay.

In conclusion, choosing a critical essay topic can be a challenging task, but it can also be a rewarding experience. A well-written critical essay can impress your professor and earn you high marks in your course. 

If you're still struggling to decide which topic to choose, get help from our AI essay writer . Enter your shortlisted topics one-by-one and read the essays it generates, and finally choose the topic to you find most interesting. 

Also, if you need a 100% original essay crafted by expert writers, reach out to us at CollegeEssay.org . Our critical essay writing service provides professional assistance with team of experienced writers. 

Contact our essay writing company today and let our professional writers take care of your essay needs!

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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If you are new to critical thinking or wish to deepen your conception of it, we recommend you review the content below and bookmark this page for future reference.

Our Conception of Critical Thinking...

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"Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness..."

"Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fairminded way. People who think critically attempt, with consistent and conscious effort, to live rationally, reasonably, and empathically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked. They strive to diminish the power of their egocentric and sociocentric tendencies. They use the intellectual tools that critical thinking offers – concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, and vested interest.

They strive to improve the world in whatever ways they can and contribute to a more rational, civilized society. At the same time, they recognize the complexities often inherent in doing so. They strive never to think simplistically about complicated issues and always to consider the rights and needs of relevant others. They recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth living , because they realize that many unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world."

Why Critical Thinking?

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The Problem:

Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so. But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed, or down-right prejudiced. Yet the quality of our lives and that of what we produce, make, or build depends precisely on the quality of our thought. Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money and in quality of life. Excellence in thought, however, must be systematically cultivated.

A Brief Definition:

Critical thinking is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it. The Result: 

  A well-cultivated critical thinker:

  • raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely;
  • gathers and assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively;
  • comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards;
  • thinks openmindedly within alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing, as need be, their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences; and
  • communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems.

Critical thinking is, in short, self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It requires rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities, and a commitment to overcoming our native egocentrism and sociocentrism. Read more about our concept of critical thinking .

The Essential Dimensions of Critical Thinking

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Our conception of critical thinking is based on the substantive approach developed by Dr. Richard Paul and his colleagues at the Center and Foundation for Critical Thinking over multiple decades. It is relevant to every subject, discipline, and profession, and to reasoning through the problems of everyday life. It entails five essential dimensions of critical thinking:

At the left is an overview of the first three dimensions. In sum, the elements or structures of thought enable us to "take our thinking apart" and analyze it. The intellectual standards are used to assess and evaluate the elements. The intellectual traits are dispositions of mind embodied by the fairminded critical thinker. To cultivate the mind, we need command of these essential dimensions, and we need to consistently apply them as we think through the many problems and issues in our lives.

The Elements of Reasoning and Intellectual Standards

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To learn more about the elements of thought and how to apply the intellectual standards, check out our interactive model. Simply click on the link below, scroll to the bottom of the page, and explore the model with your mouse.

Why the Analysis of Thinking Is Important If you want to think well, you must understand at least the rudiments of thought, the most basic structures out of which all thinking is made. You must learn how to take thinking apart. Analyzing the Logic of a Subject When we understand the elements of reasoning, we realize that all subjects, all disciplines, have a fundamental logic defined by the structures of thought embedded within them. Therefore, to lay bare a subject’s most fundamental logic, we should begin with these questions:

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Critical Thinking: A Model of Intelligence for Solving Real-World Problems

Diane f. halpern.

1 Department of Psychology, Claremont McKenna College, Emerita, Altadena, CA 91001, USA

Dana S. Dunn

2 Department of Psychology, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA 18018, USA; ude.naivarom@nnud

Most theories of intelligence do not directly address the question of whether people with high intelligence can successfully solve real world problems. A high IQ is correlated with many important outcomes (e.g., academic prominence, reduced crime), but it does not protect against cognitive biases, partisan thinking, reactance, or confirmation bias, among others. There are several newer theories that directly address the question about solving real-world problems. Prominent among them is Sternberg’s adaptive intelligence with “adaptation to the environment” as the central premise, a construct that does not exist on standardized IQ tests. Similarly, some scholars argue that standardized tests of intelligence are not measures of rational thought—the sort of skill/ability that would be needed to address complex real-world problems. Other investigators advocate for critical thinking as a model of intelligence specifically designed for addressing real-world problems. Yes, intelligence (i.e., critical thinking) can be enhanced and used for solving a real-world problem such as COVID-19, which we use as an example of contemporary problems that need a new approach.

1. Introduction

The editors of this Special Issue asked authors to respond to a deceptively simple statement: “How Intelligence Can Be a Solution to Consequential World Problems.” This statement holds many complexities, including how intelligence is defined and which theories are designed to address real-world problems.

2. The Problem with Using Standardized IQ Measures for Real-World Problems

For the most part, we identify high intelligence as having a high score on a standardized test of intelligence. Like any test score, IQ can only reflect what is on the given test. Most contemporary standardized measures of intelligence include vocabulary, working memory, spatial skills, analogies, processing speed, and puzzle-like elements (e.g., Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition; see ( Drozdick et al. 2012 )). Measures of IQ correlate with many important outcomes, including academic performance ( Kretzschmar et al. 2016 ), job-related skills ( Hunter and Schmidt 1996 ), reduced likelihood of criminal behavior ( Burhan et al. 2014 ), and for those with exceptionally high IQs, obtaining a doctorate and publishing scholarly articles ( McCabe et al. 2020 ). Gottfredson ( 1997, p. 81 ) summarized these effects when she said the “predictive validity of g is ubiquitous.” More recent research using longitudinal data, found that general mental abilities and specific abilities are good predictors of several work variables including job prestige, and income ( Lang and Kell 2020 ). Although assessments of IQ are useful in many contexts, having a high IQ does not protect against falling for common cognitive fallacies (e.g., blind spot bias, reactance, anecdotal reasoning), relying on biased and blatantly one-sided information sources, failing to consider information that does not conform to one’s preferred view of reality (confirmation bias), resisting pressure to think and act in a certain way, among others. This point was clearly articulated by Stanovich ( 2009, p. 3 ) when he stated that,” IQ tests measure only a small set of the thinking abilities that people need.”

3. Which Theories of Intelligence Are Relevant to the Question?

Most theories of intelligence do not directly address the question of whether people with high intelligence can successfully solve real world problems. For example, Grossmann et al. ( 2013 ) cite many studies in which IQ scores have not predicted well-being, including life satisfaction and longevity. Using a stratified random sample of Americans, these investigators found that wise reasoning is associated with life satisfaction, and that “there was no association between intelligence and well-being” (p. 944). (critical thinking [CT] is often referred to as “wise reasoning” or “rational thinking,”). Similar results were reported by Wirthwein and Rost ( 2011 ) who compared life satisfaction in several domains for gifted adults and adults of average intelligence. There were no differences in any of the measures of subjective well-being, except for leisure, which was significantly lower for the gifted adults. Additional research in a series of experiments by Stanovich and West ( 2008 ) found that participants with high cognitive ability were as likely as others to endorse positions that are consistent with their biases, and they were equally likely to prefer one-sided arguments over those that provided a balanced argument. There are several newer theories that directly address the question about solving real-world problems. Prominent among them is Sternberg’s adaptive intelligence with “adaptation to the environment” as the central premise, a construct that does not exist on standardized IQ tests (e.g., Sternberg 2019 ). Similarly, Stanovich and West ( 2014 ) argue that standardized tests of intelligence are not measures of rational thought—the sort of skill/ability that would be needed to address complex real-world problems. Halpern and Butler ( 2020 ) advocate for CT as a useful model of intelligence for addressing real-world problems because it was designed for this purpose. Although there is much overlap among these more recent theories, often using different terms for similar concepts, we use Halpern and Butler’s conceptualization to make our point: Yes, intelligence (i.e., CT) can be enhanced and used for solving a real-world problem like COVID-19.

4. Critical Thinking as an Applied Model for Intelligence

One definition of intelligence that directly addresses the question about intelligence and real-world problem solving comes from Nickerson ( 2020, p. 205 ): “the ability to learn, to reason well, to solve novel problems, and to deal effectively with novel problems—often unpredictable—that confront one in daily life.” Using this definition, the question of whether intelligent thinking can solve a world problem like the novel coronavirus is a resounding “yes” because solutions to real-world novel problems are part of his definition. This is a popular idea in the general public. For example, over 1000 business managers and hiring executives said that they want employees who can think critically based on the belief that CT skills will help them solve work-related problems ( Hart Research Associates 2018 ).

We define CT as the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful, reasoned, and goal directed--the kind of thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihoods, and making decisions, when the thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and type of thinking task. International surveys conducted by the OECD ( 2019, p. 16 ) established “key information-processing competencies” that are “highly transferable, in that they are relevant to many social contexts and work situations; and ‘learnable’ and therefore subject to the influence of policy.” One of these skills is problem solving, which is one subset of CT skills.

The CT model of intelligence is comprised of two components: (1) understanding information at a deep, meaningful level and (2) appropriate use of CT skills. The underlying idea is that CT skills can be identified, taught, and learned, and when they are recognized and applied in novel settings, the individual is demonstrating intelligent thought. CT skills include judging the credibility of an information source, making cost–benefit calculations, recognizing regression to the mean, understanding the limits of extrapolation, muting reactance responses, using analogical reasoning, rating the strength of reasons that support and fail to support a conclusion, and recognizing hindsight bias or confirmation bias, among others. Critical thinkers use these skills appropriately, without prompting, and usually with conscious intent in a variety of settings.

One of the key concepts in this model is that CT skills transfer in appropriate situations. Thus, assessments using situational judgments are needed to assess whether particular skills have transferred to a novel situation where it is appropriate. In an assessment created by the first author ( Halpern 2018 ), short paragraphs provide information about 20 different everyday scenarios (e.g., A speaker at the meeting of your local school board reported that when drug use rises, grades decline; so schools need to enforce a “war on drugs” to improve student grades); participants provide two response formats for every scenario: (a) constructed responses where they respond with short written responses, followed by (b) forced choice responses (e.g., multiple choice, rating or ranking of alternatives) for the same situations.

There is a large and growing empirical literature to support the assertion that CT skills can be learned and will transfer (when taught for transfer). See for example, Holmes et al. ( 2015 ), who wrote in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , that there was “significant and sustained improvement in students’ critical thinking behavior” (p. 11,199) for students who received CT instruction. Abrami et al. ( 2015, para. 1 ) concluded from a meta-analysis that “there are effective strategies for teaching CT skills, both generic and content specific, and CT dispositions, at all educational levels and across all disciplinary areas.” Abrami et al. ( 2008, para. 1 ), included 341 effect sizes in a meta-analysis. They wrote: “findings make it clear that improvement in students’ CT skills and dispositions cannot be a matter of implicit expectation.” A strong test of whether CT skills can be used for real-word problems comes from research by Butler et al. ( 2017 ). Community adults and college students (N = 244) completed several scales including an assessment of CT, an intelligence test, and an inventory of real-life events. Both CT scores and intelligence scores predicted individual outcomes on the inventory of real-life events, but CT was a stronger predictor.

Heijltjes et al. ( 2015, p. 487 ) randomly assigned participants to either a CT instruction group or one of six other control conditions. They found that “only participants assigned to CT instruction improved their reasoning skills.” Similarly, when Halpern et al. ( 2012 ) used random assignment of participants to either a learning group where they were taught scientific reasoning skills using a game format or a control condition (which also used computerized learning and was similar in length), participants in the scientific skills learning group showed higher proportional learning gains than students who did not play the game. As the body of additional supportive research is too large to report here, interested readers can find additional lists of CT skills and support for the assertion that these skills can be learned and will transfer in Halpern and Dunn ( Forthcoming ). There is a clear need for more high-quality research on the application and transfer of CT and its relationship to IQ.

5. Pandemics: COVID-19 as a Consequential Real-World Problem

A pandemic occurs when a disease runs rampant over an entire country or even the world. Pandemics have occurred throughout history: At the time of writing this article, COVID-19 is a world-wide pandemic whose actual death rate is unknown but estimated with projections of several million over the course of 2021 and beyond ( Mega 2020 ). Although vaccines are available, it will take some time to inoculate most or much of the world’s population. Since March 2020, national and international health agencies have created a list of actions that can slow and hopefully stop the spread of COVID (e.g., wearing face masks, practicing social distancing, avoiding group gatherings), yet many people in the United States and other countries have resisted their advice.

Could instruction in CT encourage more people to accept and comply with simple life-saving measures? There are many possible reasons to believe that by increasing citizens’ CT abilities, this problematic trend can be reversed for, at least, some unknown percentage of the population. We recognize the long history of social and cognitive research showing that changing attitudes and behaviors is difficult, and it would be unrealistic to expect that individuals with extreme beliefs supported by their social group and consistent with their political ideologies are likely to change. For example, an Iranian cleric and an orthodox rabbi both claimed (separately) that the COVID-19 vaccine can make people gay ( Marr 2021 ). These unfounded opinions are based on deeply held prejudicial beliefs that we expect to be resistant to CT. We are targeting those individuals who beliefs are less extreme and may be based on reasonable reservations, such as concern about the hasty development of the vaccine and the lack of long-term data on its effects. There should be some unknown proportion of individuals who can change their COVID-19-related beliefs and actions with appropriate instruction in CT. CT can be a (partial) antidote for the chaos of the modern world with armies of bots creating content on social media, political and other forces deliberately attempting to confuse issues, and almost all media labeled “fake news” by social influencers (i.e., people with followers that sometimes run to millions on various social media). Here, are some CT skills that could be helpful in getting more people to think more critically about pandemic-related issues.

Reasoning by Analogy and Judging the Credibility of the Source of Information

Early communications about the ability of masks to prevent the spread of COVID from national health agencies were not consistent. In many regions of the world, the benefits of wearing masks incited prolonged and acrimonious debates ( Tang 2020 ). However, after the initial confusion, virtually all of the global and national health organizations (e.g., WHO, National Health Service in the U. K., U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) endorse masks as a way to slow the spread of COVID ( Cheng et al. 2020 ; Chu et al. 2020 ). However, as we know, some people do not trust governmental agencies and often cite the conflicting information that was originally given as a reason for not wearing a mask. There are varied reasons for refusing to wear a mask, but the one most often cited is that it is against civil liberties ( Smith 2020 ). Reasoning by analogy is an appropriate CT skill for evaluating this belief (and a key skill in legal thinking). It might be useful to cite some of the many laws that already regulate our behavior such as, requiring health inspections for restaurants, setting speed limits, mandating seat belts when riding in a car, and establishing the age at which someone can consume alcohol. Individuals would be asked to consider how the mandate to wear a mask compares to these and other regulatory laws.

Another reason why some people resist the measures suggested by virtually every health agency concerns questions about whom to believe. Could training in CT change the beliefs and actions of even a small percentage of those opposed to wearing masks? Such training would include considering the following questions with practice across a wide domain of knowledge: (a) Does the source have sufficient expertise? (b) Is the expertise recent and relevant? (c) Is there a potential for gain by the information source, such as financial gain? (d) What would the ideal information source be and how close is the current source to the ideal? (e) Does the information source offer evidence that what they are recommending is likely to be correct? (f) Have you traced URLs to determine if the information in front of you really came from the alleged source?, etc. Of course, not everyone will respond in the same way to each question, so there is little likelihood that we would all think alike, but these questions provide a framework for evaluating credibility. Donovan et al. ( 2015 ) were successful using a similar approach to improve dynamic decision-making by asking participants to reflect on questions that relate to the decision. Imagine the effect of rigorous large-scale education in CT from elementary through secondary schools, as well as at the university-level. As stated above, empirical evidence has shown that people can become better thinkers with appropriate instruction in CT. With training, could we encourage some portion of the population to become more astute at judging the credibility of a source of information? It is an experiment worth trying.

6. Making Cost—Benefit Assessments for Actions That Would Slow the Spread of COVID-19

Historical records show that refusal to wear a mask during a pandemic is not a new reaction. The epidemic of 1918 also included mandates to wear masks, which drew public backlash. Then, as now, many people refused, even when they were told that it was a symbol of “wartime patriotism” because the 1918 pandemic occurred during World War I ( Lovelace 2020 ). CT instruction would include instruction in why and how to compute cost–benefit analyses. Estimates of “lives saved” by wearing a mask can be made meaningful with graphical displays that allow more people to understand large numbers. Gigerenzer ( 2020 ) found that people can understand risk ratios in medicine when the numbers are presented as frequencies instead of probabilities. If this information were used when presenting the likelihood of illness and death from COVID-19, could we increase the numbers of people who understand the severity of this disease? Small scale studies by Gigerenzer have shown that it is possible.

Analyzing Arguments to Determine Degree of Support for a Conclusion

The process of analyzing arguments requires that individuals rate the strength of support for and against a conclusion. By engaging in this practice, they must consider evidence and reasoning that may run counter to a preferred outcome. Kozyreva et al. ( 2020 ) call the deliberate failure to consider both supporting and conflicting data “deliberate ignorance”—avoiding or failing to consider information that could be useful in decision-making because it may collide with an existing belief. When applied to COVID-19, people would have to decide if the evidence for and against wearing a face mask is a reasonable way to stop the spread of this disease, and if they conclude that it is not, what are the costs and benefits of not wearing masks at a time when governmental health organizations are making them mandatory in public spaces? Again, we wonder if rigorous and systematic instruction in argument analysis would result in more positive attitudes and behaviors that relate to wearing a mask or other real-world problems. We believe that it is an experiment worth doing.

7. Conclusions

We believe that teaching CT is a worthwhile approach for educating the general public in order to improve reasoning and motivate actions to address, avert, or ameliorate real-world problems like the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence suggests that CT can guide intelligent responses to societal and global problems. We are NOT claiming that CT skills will be a universal solution for the many real-world problems that we confront in contemporary society, or that everyone will substitute CT for other decision-making practices, but we do believe that systematic education in CT can help many people become better thinkers, and we believe that this is an important step toward creating a society that values and practices routine CT. The challenges are great, but the tools to tackle them are available, if we are willing to use them.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.F.H. and D.S.D.; resources, D.F.H.; data curation, writing—original draft preparation, D.F.H.; writing—review and editing, D.F.H. and D.S.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

This research received no external funding.

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No IRB Review.

Informed Consent Statement

No Informed Consent.

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The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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  • Abrami Philip C., Bernard Robert M., Borokhovski Evgueni, Wade C. Anne, Surkes Michael A., Tamim Rana, Zhang Dai. Instructional interventions affecting critical thinking skills and dispositions: A Stage 1 meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research. 2008; 78 :1102–34. doi: 10.3102/0034654308326084. [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Abrami Philip C., Bernard Robert M., Borokhovski Evgueni, Waddington David I., Wade C. Anne. Strategies for teaching students to think critically: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research. 2015; 85 :275–341. doi: 10.3102/0034654314551063. [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Burhan Nik Ahmad Sufian, Kurniawan Yohan, Sidek Abdul Halim, Mohamad Mohd Rosli. Crimes and the Bell curve: Th e role of people with high, average, and low intelligence. Intelligence. 2014; 47 :12–22. doi: 10.1016/j.intell.2014.08.005. [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
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research topics for critical thinking

Professors say they teach critical thinking. But is that what students are learning?

Suzanne Cooper. " Do we teach critical thinking? A mixed methods study of faculty and student perceptions of teaching and learning critical thinking at three professional schools . February 21, 2024

Faculty Authors

Suzanne Cooper Photo

Suzanne Cooper

What’s the issue.

The ability to think critically is an essential skill for professionals, including doctors, government officials, and educators. But are instructors at professional schools teaching it, or do they just think they are? Approaches to teaching and assessing critical thinking skills vary substantially across academic disciplines and are not standardized. And little data exists on how much students are learning—or even whether they know their instructors are trying to teach them critical thinking. 

What does the research say? 

The researchers, including Suzanne Cooper, the Edith M. Stokey Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at HKS, compared instructors’ approaches to teaching critical thinking with students’ perceptions of what they were being taught. They surveyed instructors and conducted focus groups with students at three professional schools (Harvard Medical School, Harvard Kennedy School, and the Harvard Graduate School of Education). 

The researchers found that more than half (54%) of faculty surveyed said they explicitly taught critical thinking in their courses (27% said they did not and 19% were unsure). When the researchers talked to students, however, the consensus was that critical thinking was primarily being taught implicitly. One student said discussions, debates, and case study analyses were viewed as opportunities “for critical thinking to emerge” but that methods and techniques were not a specific focus. The students were also generally unable to recall or define key terms, such as “metacognition” (an understanding of one’s own thought process) and “cognitive biases” (systematic deviations from norms or rationality in which individuals create their own subjective reality). 

Based on their findings, the researchers recommend that faculty should be required to teach critical thinking explicitly and be given specific approaches and definitions that are appropriate to their academic discipline. They also recommend that professional schools consider teaching core critical thinking skills, as well as skills specific to their area of study.   

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