Jul 29, 2022 · This document is a thesis submitted to Texila American University for a Doctor of Philosophy in Investment Management. It examines the role of corporate governance on the financial performance of commercial banks in Cameroon. The study uses data from 10 commercial banks in Cameroon from 2015 to 2019. ... The document outlines the presentation for a PhD viva voce defense. It includes sections on the introduction and literature review, experimental methods, properties of the hybrid composites to be analyzed, equivalent circuit modeling, analysis of particle size and distribution, morphology and thermal properties, physico-mechanical and dynamic ... ... A PhD viva or PhD defence is often one of the last steps that PhD students have to pass before receiving a doctorate. The viva or defence usually starts with a short presentation of the PhD candidate on the PhD thesis. ... Final Ph.D. Viva Voce Presentation Introduction: Setting the Stage for Research Background of Research An In-Depth Examination of Research Findings The research addresses an existing gap in the literature, focusing on [specific field or topic]. It traces back to [brief historical ... Aug 8, 2016 · Cooperative movement has been recognized as an effective instrument for the economic development of the rural area and for improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the rural people. Cooperative movement covers 98 percent villages and more than 75 percent of rural household. ... Apr 27, 2024 · Preparation of neat PhD thesis viva-voce presentation ppt slides and presenting them in a perfect way to defend viva questions. ... Mar 22, 2018 · The document discusses new product development (NPD) in fabrication engineering industries. It provides descriptive statistics on the motives, strategies, factors, and success factors of NPD based on a survey of employees. The primary motives and success factors relate to market expectations and human/culture aspects. ... Presentation of PhD Viva - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This presentation will be useful for all PhD aspirants who are preparing for their final Viva presentation of Ph.D. Irrespective of subject this ppt will boost the confidence of all aspirants . ... Nov 3, 2020 · This document describes the development and validation of analytical methods for anti-diabetic and statin drugs by Ms. K. Sravana Kumari for her Ph.D. viva-voce. ... By covering the following topics, you may create a strong framework for any viva presentation: Your thesis was in-depth in its examination of a particular issue, a particular area of study. You explain it and explain why it is important in the opening section of the viva PowerPoint presentation. ... ">

How to structure your viva presentation (with examples)

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Most PhD vivas and PhD defences start with a short presentation by the candidate. The structure of these presentations is very important! There are several factors and approaches to consider when developing your viva presentation structure.

Factors to consider when developing a viva presentation structure

Structuring your viva presentation traditionally, structuring your viva presentation around key findings, structuring your viva presentation around key arguments, structuring your viva presentation around case studies, final thoughts on viva presentation structures.

A PhD viva or PhD defence is often one of the last steps that PhD students have to pass before receiving a doctorate. The viva or defence usually starts with a short presentation of the PhD candidate on the PhD thesis.

Presenting a whole PhD in a short amount of time is very challenging. After all, a PhD is often the result of several years of work!

It is simply impossible to include everything in a viva presentation.

Therefore, tough choices have to be made in terms of what to include, what to highlight, and what to exclude.

The structure of a viva presentation plays a crucial role in bringing across the key messages of your PhD.

Therefore, there are several factors to consider when developing a viva presentation structure:

  • Available presentation time : Viva presentations usually last between 10 and 20 minutes, but every university has different regulations. Developing a structure for a viva presentation that lasts 10 minutes is different from developing one for a presentation that lasts 20 minutes or more. Thus, find out how much time you are allowed to present!
  • The key contribution of your thesis: The structure of a viva presentation should reflect the content and key messages of the PhD thesis. For instance, if you have written a very theoretical PhD thesis, it makes no sense to structure your whole presentation around your data collection and analysis. Make sure that the viva presentation structure is in line with your main messages.
  • University standards: It is recommended to discuss your ideas and plans for your viva presentation structure with others, as each university may have may be different (and even unspoken) rules and standards. Ask your supervisors about their preferred viva presentation structure. And talk to your peers who defend their theses before you.
  • Clear storyline : Every presentation should have a logical structure which allows the audience to follow a crystal-clear storyline. This is also true for viva presentations. Thus, clarify your storyline and develop a presentation structure that supports it.

A very traditional viva presentation structure simply follows the structure of the PhD thesis.

This means that the viva presentation covers all parts of the thesis, including an introduction, the literature review, the methodology, results, conclusions, etcetera.

Example of a traditional viva presentation structure

The advantage of this rather traditional format is that it provides information on each thesis chapter. Furthermore, it is relatively easy to prepare.

The disadvantage of this traditional format is that it is very challenging to fit all the information in a – let’s say – 10-minute presentation.

Furthermore, it can result in a presentation that is quite boring for the examiners, who have read the thesis in preparation for the viva.

One interesting way is to structure a viva presentation around the key findings of the PhD research.

For instance, you can select your three main findings which you each connect to the existing literature, your unique research approach and your (new) empirical insights.

Example of a viva presentation structure around key findings

A viva presentation structure around key findings emphasises the unique contribution of a PhD thesis, particularly in empirical terms.

A challenge of this structure, however, is to narrow down the presentation to a handful of key findings.

Furthermore, it might be tricky to find enough time during the presentation to discuss your theoretical framework and embed your discussion in the existing literature when addressing complex issues.

A viva presentation structured around key arguments is very similar to one that is structured around key findings. However, while key findings place more emphasis on the empirical data, key arguments operate at a higher level:

Arguments are sets of reasons supporting an idea, which – in academia – often integrate theoretical and empirical insights.

Example of a viva presentation structure around key arguments

So, for example, your key argument 1 is your stance on an issue, combining your theoretical and empirical understanding of it. You use the existing theory to understand your empirical data, and your empirical data analysis to develop your theoretical understanding.

A viva presentation structure around key arguments is probably the most difficult viva presentation structure to choose.

However, if it is well done, it is probably the most academically strong and advanced way of defending your PhD.

Another common way to structure a viva presentation is around case studies or study contexts.

This structure is only applicable when the PhD thesis includes a comparative (case study) analysis, which is quite common in the social sciences and humanities.

A presentation can, for instance, first discuss the theoretical framework and research approach, then present Case 1, and then Case 2 or more if applicable.

Example of a viva presentation structure around case studies

A viva presentation structure around case studies can be easy to follow for the audience, and shed light on the similarities and differences of cases.

However, as always, you need to reflect on whether the structure supports your key message. If your key message does not centre around similarities and/or differences in cases, this is not the structure for you!

Every PhD thesis is unique, and therefore also every viva presentation structure should be unique.

The key to a good viva presentation is to choose a structure which reflects the key points of your PhD thesis that you want to convey to the examiners.

The example viva presentation structures discussed here intend to showcase variety and possibilities and to provide inspiration.

Never just copy a viva presentation structure that worked for others .

Always think about what fits best to your thesis, asking yourself the following questions:

  • What is the main message of my PhD that I want to share during my viva?
  • How do I develop a crystal clear storyline to bring this main message across?
  • How can I structure my viva presentation to support and facilitate this storyline?

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Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination

Published by Britton Chapman Modified over 6 years ago

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Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination


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Tips to Prepare PhD viva-voce Presentation Slides

Best PhD viva ppt slide preparation tips

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

Preparation of neat PhD viva -voce presentation slides and perfectly presenting them in the given time is very important for a PhD viva-voce examination as it going to give a good impression on both the research scholar and supervisor or mentor by the examiners or moderators.

Before designing the presentation slides, the scholar has to decide what to include and what not to include in the slides. It is always a big deal for a scholar to include all the research findings and data in the presentation that was obtained during the research program (4 to 5 years).

The scholar has to remember that the presentation should include only the major research findings and key contributions as time management is important. Therefore, iLovePhD framed simple and useful tips to prepare PhD viva-voce presentation slides in this article.

General Structure of the PhD Viva-Voce Presentation Slides

phd final viva voce presentation ppt

  • A title slide which includes Title, Supervisor name & affiliation, Scholar name, Date, and Venue
  • Presentation outline – Here you need to list your agenda
  • Introduction – Give a brief introduction about the background of your study. It may be of 2 to 3 slides.
  • Need for the Study – This is an important slide to convince the examiners and the audience to understand the importance of your study.
  • Problem Statement –This is also an important slide that should not be missed out. Problem statement should be of 4 to 5 lines indicating the purpose and intent of the research.
  • Objectives of the Study – List the key research objectives in a single slide and number them.
  • Methodology – Present the Methodology of your study with a neat flowchart. This may be of 1 to 2 slides.
  • Results and Discussion – This is the most important section in the PhD defense presentation.
  • Conclusion – Summarize the results and conclude the research outcomes with societal benefits.
  • Publication details – Present your publication details
  • References – List the relevant references.
  • Acknowledgment -Register your gratitude in the acknowledgment slide.
  • A Thank You slide

Sample PhD Viva-Voce Presentation Slides

The format of the presentation slides is presented below. This would give you an idea to prepare the slides.

phd viva presentation tips

Tips to prepare Ph.D. viva-voce presentation slides

  • Give a brief introduction about the background of your study. Always present the information in a bulleted manner rather than lengthy paragraphs. Don’t mess up the slide with too much information. Instead, you can give 4 to 5 key points in a slide.
  • Highlight the research gap or the existing limitations and then arrive at the need for the study. You can present the need for the study in the form of concept schematics, which makes the examiner and the audience understand it easily.
  • Present your problem statement clearly to establish the focus of your research.
  • List the key research objectives in a numbered manner ie., Objective 1, objective 2 like that. You know, it will be easy to follow.
  • Present the detailed methodology of your study with neat schematics or flowcharts to visually represent your research approach.
  • Discuss the important research findings and data presented in your thesis in a simple and bulleted manner. Don’t keep it as a paragraph in the slide rather you can present the findings with the help of graphs like bar charts, pie charts, etc. Always present your findings with scientific evidence.
  • Connect your findings with past relevant literature and emphasize the novelty of your research clearly. Also, highlight the key contributions of your study.
  • Use visual aids like schematics, graphs, and tables wherever necessary. Use real images to show your experimental set-up. Ensure the quality of the images are clear and readable.
  • Specify the experimental conditions at appropriate places.
  • Summarize the results of your research objectives and then conclude the research outcomes with societal benefits. It is very important to connect your research results with the societal benefits.
  • Use hyperlinks at appropriate places for presenting huge and important data like Datasets, experimental procedures, and important literature.
  • Check the flow and logical connectivity between each slide.
  • The last tip is to ensure that the flow of your presentation is in line with your thesis.

Bonus Tips to Prepare PhD viva-voce Presentation Slides

  • Maintain uniformity in designing the slide, preferably, use a white background with any dark-colored font.
  • Use legible font size and you can use Times New Roman or Arial font style.
  • Don’t forget to put the slide number. At the end of your presentation, examiners raise questions by pointing to the slide number. So, including the slide number at the bottom of your slide is very important.
  • Limit your presentation slides to 50 to 55 slides. It is expected to finish the presentation in 20 to 30 minutes. So, plan accordingly. Otherwise, you may have to speed up the presentation to finish it.
  • Finally, double or triple-check your slides and practice several times before presenting them on your final day.

By following the above-said tips, you can prepare well-organized presentation slides for your PhD defense.

If any of you want the sample format of the presentation slides, you can write us to this email ID [email protected] . We will share the PPT for your reference.

Happy researching!

Also Read: Top 38 Possible PhD Viva Questions

Tips to Prepare PhD Viva-Voce Presentation Slides

  • Academic presentation tips
  • best phd viva presentation ppt
  • Doctoral defense preparation
  • PhD defense slides
  • phd viva presentation
  • phd viva presentation tips
  • PhD viva-voce
  • presentation
  • Presentation slides
  • presentation tips
  • Research presentation strategies
  • Research Tips
  • Thesis defense slides
  • Thesis presentation tips
  • Tips for PhD viva
  • viva preparation
  • Viva presentation advice
  • viva-voce ppt

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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Powerpoint Presentation of PhD Viva voce on Anti-diabetics and statins

This document describes the development and validation of analytical methods for anti-diabetic and statin drugs by Ms. K. Sravana Kumari for her Ph.D. viva-voce. It includes a review of literature on published methods for estimating rosuvastatin calcium, pitavastatin calcium, empagliflozin, canagliflozin, ertugliflozin, metformin, and empagliflozin-linagliptin combinations. The present study focuses on developing UV-visible spectroscopy and stability-indicating RP-HPLC methods for various drugs and drug combinations in bulk and tablet formulations. The document outlines the objectives, experimental details, results and conclusions of the analytical method development Read less

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  • 2. CONTENTS  Introduction  Review of Literature  Aim and Objectives 4a. UV Spectroscopic method for Rosuvastatin Calcium 4b. Colorimetric method for Rosuvastatin Calcium 4c. Stability Indicating RP-HPLC method for Rosuvastatin Calcium 4d. UV Spectroscopic method for Pitavastatin Calcium 5a. QbD enabled Stability indicating RP-HPLC method for Empagliflozin 2
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  • 9. 9 The present study was focused on the development and validation of novel analytical techniques for the estimation of Rosuvastatin Calcium by UV-Visible Spectroscopic and stability indicating RP-HPLC methods Pitavastatin Calcium by UV Spectroscopic method Empagliflozin by RP-HPLC using QbD approach Canagliflozin by UV Spectroscopic method Simultaneous stability indicating RP-HPLC methods for Ertugliflozin and Metformin and for Empagliflozin and Linagliptin in bulk and tablets In-vitro bioanalytical method for Empagliflozin in human plasma by RP-HPLC
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  • 13. ESTIMATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM IN BULK AND TABLET FORMULATION BY RP-HPLC 13 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Hassouna et al., 2017 Column : Eclipse XDB C8 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : pH 4.5 0.05M Sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer : ACN (50:50 % v/v) Flow rate : 1.2 ml/min Wavelength : 245 nm Diluent : Methanol Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Temperature : Ambient Run time : 5 mins Rt : 3.684 mins Linearity : 5-100 µg/ml LOD : 1.5µg/ml LOQ : 4.56µg/ml Sirisha et al., 2017 Column : Agilent zorbax RP C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Methanol: OPA buffer (pH 3.1) [35:65 % v/v] Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 282 nm Diluent : Mobile phase Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 50 μl Temperature : Ambient Run Time : 5 mins Rt : 1.323 mins Linearity : 0.5-16 µg/ml LOD : 3.5 µg/ml LOQ : 10.5 µg/ml
  • 14. 14 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Suares and Prabhakar, 2016 Column : Kromasil C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile phase : Buffer pH 4.8 (0.78 % NaH2PO4) : ACN (50:50 % v/v) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 241nm Diluent : Mobile phase Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 20 µl Temperature : ambient Run Time : 8 mins Rt : 4.72 mins Linearity : 1.56-50 µg/ml LOD : 0.17 µg/ml LOQ : 0.7 µg/ml Ebru Cubuk Demiralay et al., 2016 Column : X-terra -C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5µm) Mobile Phase : ACN : Water (50:50) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 242 nm Diluent : ACN, Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 20 µl Temperature : 250C Run time : 10 mins Rt : 5.502 mins Linearity : 4-14 µg/ml LOD : 0.221 µg/ml LOQ : 0.670 µg/ml
  • 15. 15 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Rambabu et al., 2015 Column : Thermo-hypersil BDS C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile phase : Buffer (KH2PO4) : ACN (40:60 v/v) Flow rate : 0.8 ml/min Wavelength : 243 nm Diluent : Water : ACN (90:10) Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 20 µl Temperature : 300C Run Time : 12 mins Rt : 3.806 mins Linearity: 5-30 µg/ml LOD : 0.041 µg/ml LOQ : 0.1434 µg/ml Prabhu Venkatesh et al., 2015 Column : Chiralpak IB (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : n-Heptane, 2-Propanol : Trifluoroaceticacid (85:15:01v/v) Flow rate : 0.2 ml/min Wavelength : 242 nm Diluent : HPLC water Elution : Isocratic Temperature : 25OC Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Run Time : 24 mins Rt : 12.524 mins Linearity : 0.2-3 µg/ml LOD : - LOQ : -
  • 16. 16 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Usha Rani et al., 2014 Column : Eclipse XDB plus C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : ACN: Water (60:40) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 242 nm Diluent : Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Temperature : Ambient Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Run time : 10 mins Rt : 1.787 mins Linearity : 10-50 µg/ml LOD : 0.08 µg/ml LOQ : 0.25 µg/ml Gowrisankar et al., 2013 Column : Luna C18 (250mm × 4.6 mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Triethylamine buffer pH 4.5: ACN : Methanol (45:25:35) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 248 nm Diluent : Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Temperature : ambient Run Time : 11 mins Rt : 7.18 mins Linearity : 0.5-30 µg/ml LOD : 0.2 µg/ml LOQ : 0.55 µg/ml
  • 17. 17 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Anup Kumar Chakraborty et al., 2011 Column : Phenomenex-C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 10µm) Mobile Phase : Buffer: ACN (55:45) Buffer : Ammonium acetate pH 5 with Glacial acetic acid Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 244 nm Diluent : Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Temperature : - Run time : 10 mins Rt : 6 mins Linearity : 70-130 % LOD : - LOQ : - Donthula et al., 2011 Column : Luna C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Buffer (pH 4.5): ACN: Methanol (45:25:35) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 248 nm Diluent : Methanol Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Temperature : - Run Time : 20 mins Rt : 9.9 mins Linearity: 25-75 µg/ml LOD : 3.5 µg/ml LOQ : 10.5 µg/ml
  • 18. 18 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Pandya et al., 2010 Column : Thermo hypersilC18 (100mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : ACN : KH2PO4 (50:50, pH 3) Flow rate : 0.5 ml/min Wavelength : 243 nm Diluent : Methanol, Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Run Time : 5 mins Rt : 3.333 mins Linearity : 5-30 µg/ml LOD : 0.14 µg/ml LOQ : 0.46 µg/ml Kaila et al., 2010 Column : YMC C8 (150mm × 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : ACN: Water (40:60, v/v) pH 3.5 Flow rate : 1.5 ml/min Wavelength : 242 nm Diluent : Water: ACN (50:50) Elution : Isocratic Temperature : ambient Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Run time : 10 mins Rt : 4.86 mins Linearity : 0.5-80 µg/ml LOD : 0.1 µg/ml LOQ : 0.5 µg/ml
  • 19. 19 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Lakshmana Rao and Suneetha, 2010 Column : RP-C18 column (100mm x 4.6 mm, 3μm) Mobile Phase : 0.02M phosphate buffer pH 6.8 : ACN (60:40 v/v) Flow rate : 0.6 ml/min Wavelength : 242 nm Diluent : ACN, Mobile phase Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Run Time : 5 mins Rt : 3.424 mins Linearity : 20-100 µg/ml LOD : 0.017 µg/ml LOQ : 0.052 µg/ml Hasumathi et al., 2009 Column : Phenomenex-C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5µm) Mobile Phase : ACN : 0.5% Formic acid (50:50) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 248 nm Diluent : ACN Elution : Isocratic Inj. vol. : 20 µl Temperature : Ambient Run time : 10 mins Rt : 6.742mins Linearity : 5-300 µg/ml LOD : 0.0905 µg/ml LOQ : 0.318 µg/ml
  • 20. 20 ESTIMATION OF PITAVASTATIN CALCIUM IN BULK AND TABLET FORMULATION BY UV SPECTROSCOPY Ref Solvent λ max [nm] Linearity [μg/ml] LOD [μg/ml] LOQ [μg/ml] Yunoos et al., 2014 0.1 N HCl 249.5 2-12 0.122 0.371 Panchal et al., 2009 Methanol 238 10-60 0.406 1.230
  • 21. ESTIMATION OF EMPAGLIFLOZIN IN BULK AND TABLET FORMULATION BY RP-HPLC BY APPLYING QbD APPROACH 21 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Kumar et al., 2019 Column : Enable C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Methanol : Water(70:30) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 233 nm Diluent : Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Temperature : Ambient Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Run time : 20 mins Rt : 6.2 mins Linearity : 10-90 µg/ml LOD : 0.42 µg/ml LOQ : 1.16 µg/ml Patil et al., 2016 Column : Phenomenex C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Methanol : Water(70:30) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 224 nm Diluent : Methanol, Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Temperature : 400C Inj. Vol. : - Run time : 5 mins Rt : 4.808 mins Linearity : 2-14 µg/ml LOD : 0.3589 µg/ml LOQ : 1.0876 µg/ml
  • 22. 22 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Shyamala et al., 2016 Column : Hypersil BDS (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : 0.1% OPA buffer :ACN (70:30) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 233nm Diluent : - Elution : Isocratic Temperature : 300C Inj. Vol. : - Run time : 7 mins Rt : 3.23 mins Linearity : 25-150 µg/ml LOD : 0.068 µg/ml LOQ : 0.207 µg/ml
  • 23. 23 ESTIMATION OF CANAGLIFLOZIN IN BULK AND TABLET FORMULATION BY UV SPECTROSCOPY Ref Solvent λ max [nm] Linearity [μg/ml] LOD [μg/ml] LOQ [μg/ml] Singh et al., 2019 Methanol 290 5-50 0.00945 2.8639 Chinta Pooja et al., 2018 Phosphate buffer 289 20-120 - - Kaur et al., 2015 Methanol 290 5-10 0.084 0.255
  • 24. 24 SIMULTANEOUS ESTIMATION OF ERTUGLIFLOZIN AND METFORMIN IN BULK AND TABLET FORMULATION BY RP-HPLC Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Parameter ERTU MET Venkateswara Rao et al., 2019 Column : BDS C8 (150mm x 4.6mm,5μm) Mobile Phase : KH2PO4 buffer: ACN (55:45) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 224 nm Diluent : Water : ACN (50:50) Elution : Isocratic Temperature : - Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Run time : 6 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 1.875-11.25 125-750 LOD (µg/ml) 0.07 1.70 LOQ (µg/ml) 0.21 5.16 Rt (mins) 3.136 2.383 Nizami et al., 2018 Column : ACE C18 (150mm x 4.6mm,5μm) Mobile Phase : KH2PO4 buffer : ACN (70:30) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : PDA at 240 nm Diluent : ACN : Water (50:50) Elution : Isocratic Temperature : 300C Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Run time : 6 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 3-15 12.5-125 LOD (µg/ml) 0.43 0.74 LOQ (µg/ml) 1.30 2.24 Rt (mins) 3.203 2.106
  • 25. 25 SIMULTANEOUS ESTIMATION OF EMPAGLIFLOZIN AND LINAGLIPTIN IN BULK AND TABLET FORMULATION BY RP-HPLC Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Parameter EMPA LINA Lakshmana Rao et al., 2019 Column : Kromasil C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : 0.1% OPA : ACN (60:40 % v/v) Flow rate : 1ml/min Wavelength : 230 nm Diluent : - Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : - Temperature : - Run time : - Linearity (µg/ml) - - LOD (µg/ml) 0.44 0.23 LOQ (µg/ml) 1.34 0.70 Rt (mins) 2.139 2.759 Anjali Bakshi et al., 2018 Column : Thermo C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : KH2PO4 buffer pH (3.4) : Methanol (70:30 % v/v) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 240 nm Diluent : Methanol, Mobile Phase Elution : Isocratic Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Temperature : 300C Run time : 5 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 50-150 50-150 LOD (µg/ml) 0.76 0.39 LOQ (µg/ml) 2.32 1.20 Rt (mins) 3.021 3.969
  • 26. 26 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Parameter EMPA LINA Jayalaxmi et al., 2018 Column : Agilent C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Methanol: Phosphate buffer pH 3 (70:30) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 254 nm Elution : Isocratic Run time : 8 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 10-50 20-100 LOD (µg/ml) 2.17 0.0372 LOQ (µg/ml) 6.60 0.1125 Rt (mins) 2.999 2.804 Sirigiri et al., 2018 Column : Hypersil ODS 3V (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : KH2PO4 (pH 2.20) – A Water : ACN - (5:95) - B Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 225 nm Diluent : 1. Water : ACN (70:30) 2. Water : ACN (50:50) Elution : Gradient Temperature : 300C Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Run time : 25 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 100.09-400.37 20.14-80.54 LOD (µg/ml) - - LOQ (µg/ml) - - Rt (mins) 8.390 5.388
  • 27. 27 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Parameter EMPA LINA Srinivasa rao et al., 2017 Column : Agilent C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Methanol : Phosphate buffer pH 3 : 70:30 Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 254 nm Diluent : - Elution : Isocratic Temperature : Ambient Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Run time : 10 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 10-50 20-100 LOD (µg/ml) 2.17 0.0372 LOQ (µg/ml) 6.60 0.1125 Rt (mins) 3.907 2.365 Abdel Ghany et al., 2017 Column : X-Terra (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : 0.1% aq. formic acid buffer (pH 3.6) : Methanol : ACN (40:20:40) Flow rate : 2.0 ml/min Wavelength : 226 nm Diluent : Methanol Elution : Isocratic Temperature : 250C Inj. Vol. : 20μl Run time : 10 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 4-100 2-50 LOD (µg/ml) 0.79 0.49 LOQ (µg/ml) 2.40 1.50 Rt (mins) 3.0 1.5
  • 28. 28 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Parameter EMPA LINA Nazneen and Sreedevi, 2016 Column : BDS C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : 0.1% Perchloric acid : ACN (60:40) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 230 nm Diluent : - Temperature : 300C Inj. vol. : - Elution : Isocratic Run time : 7 mins 30mins for degradation Linearity (µg/ml) 25-150 12.5-75 LOD (µg/ml) 0.03 0.43 LOQ (µg/ml) 0.09 1.32 Rt (mins) 2.05 4.10 Jyothirmai et al., 2016 Column : Inertsil ODS C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Methanol : ACN : 0.1% : OPA buffer (30:60:10) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 246 nm Diluent : Methanol Temperature : - Inj. vol. : 20 μl Elution : Isocratic Run time : 10.0 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 5-30 2.5-15 LOD (µg/ml) 0.06 0.03 LOQ (µg/ml) - - Rt (mins) 4.16 5.73
  • 29. 29 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Parameter EMPA LINA Madhusudhan et al., 2015 Column : ODS C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : 0.1% OPA buffer : ACN (45:55) Flow rate : 1.0 ml/min Wavelength : 245 nm Diluent : Water : ACN (50:50) Elution : Isocratic Temperature : 300C Inj. Vol. : 10 μl Run time : 7 mins Linearity (µg/ml) 25-150 12.76- 76.56 LOD (µg/ml) - - LOQ (µg/ml) - - Rt (mins) 3.6 2.2
  • 30. ESTIMATION OF EMPAGLIFLOZIN IN PLASMA BY RP-HPLC 30 Ref Chromatographic Conditions Validation Parameters Padmaja et al., 2018 Column : Agilent C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm) Mobile Phase : Methanol : ACN (50 : 50) Extraction : Liquid-liquid extraction with 30% ethyl acetate Flow rate : 1.2 ml/min Wavelength : PDA detector at 270 nm Diluent : Methanol, ACN Temperature : 350C Inj. Vol. : 20 μl Run time : 10.0 mins Rt : 8.898 mins Linearity : 50-150 µg/ml
  • 31. AIM & OBJECTIVES 31
  • 32. Aim: To develop and validate new analytical methods for the estimation of selected anti-diabetics and statins Objectives: To select anti-diabetic drugs and statin drugs To select analytical methods to be developed UV Spectroscopic method for Rosuvastatin Calcium Colorimetric method for Rosuvastatin Calcium  Stability indicating RP-HPLC method for Rosuvastatin Calcium UV Spectroscopic method for Pitavastatin Calcium 32
  • 33. 33  QbD enabled stability indicating RP-HPLC method for Empagliflozin  UV Spectroscopic method for Canagliflozin  Stability indicating simultaneous RP-HPLC method for Ertugliflozin and Metformin  Stability indicating simultaneous RP-HPLC method for Empagliflozin and Linagliptin  In-vitro bioanalytical RP-HPLC method for Empagliflozin in human plasma  To validate the developed methods as per ICH Q2(R1) /USFDA guidelines
  • 35. 4a. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF UV SPECTROSCOPIC METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM IN BULK AND TABLETS  Rosuvastatin Calcium (10mg) - efficiently reduces LDL and triglycerides at lower doses [Sharma et al., 2017]  The methods reported for the estimation of Rosuvastatin Calcium by UV Spectroscopy are expensive as organic solvents are used as diluent 35
  • 36. 36 Structure Molecular Weight-1001.137 )Ca+2 )Ca+2 Class Statins (HMG Co A reductase inhibitors) pKa 4.00 Log P 4.19 Solubility slightly soluble in ethanol and sparingly soluble in water and Methanol DRUG PROFILE: ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 37.  METHOD DEVELOPMENT [Gorog, 2011]: ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM: Diluent: 0.1N NaOH  Preparation of Standard stock solution-I of Rosuvastatin Calcium [1000μg/ml]: 37 10 mg Rosuvastatin Calcium + 5ml diluent Sonicated for 10mins + made up to 10ml 1000μg/ml Rosuvastatin Calcium  Preparation of Standard stock solution-II of Rosuvastatin Calcium [100μg/ml]: 1.0ml standard stock-I Diluted to 10ml with diluent 100μg/ml Rosuvastatin Calcium  Preparation of working standard solution of Rosuvastatin Calcium [4μg/ml]: 0.4 ml standard stock-II 4μg/ml Rosuvastatin Calcium Diluted to 10ml with diluent
  • 38. UV Spectrum of Rosuvastatin Calcium [λ max 240nm] 38 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
  • 39. 39 VALIDATION [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total Amount recovered (μg/ml) Mean % recovery ± SD %RSD 80 2 1.6 3.558 98.82± 0.18 0.18 100 2 2.0 4.101 101.01±0.54 0.54 120 2 2.4 4.332 98.45 ±0.27 0.27 PRECISION Concentration (μg/ml) Intra-day Precision Mean ± SD % RSD Inter-day Precision Mean ± SD % RSD 1 0.082 ± 0.000577 0.704 0.084 ± 0.0015 1.817 4 0.248 ± 0.001154 0.465 0.249 ± 0.001 0.401 6 0.360 ± 0.000577 0.160 0.358 ± 0.0015 0.418 ACCURACY
  • 40. 40 Concentration [x] (μg/ml) Absorbance* [y] 1 0.082 2 0.129 3 0.187 4 0.248 5 0.304 6 0.359 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y = 0.056 x + 0.021 Slope (m) 0.056 Intercept (c) 0.021 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.0201 μg/ml LOQ 0.0612μg/ml LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM *Mean of three observations
  • 41. 41 LINEARITY PLOT OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM y = 0.0563x + 0.0211 R² = 0.999 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Absorbance(AU) Concentration [µg/ml] Tablet brand Label claim Amount found ± SD % Assay ± SD % RSD Roseday 10 mg 9.890 ± 0.138 98.90 ±1.38 1.402 ASSAY OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 42. 42 λ max 240 nm Beer’s law limits 1-6 μg/ml Sandell’s sensitivity [μg/ cm2- 0.001 absorbance units] 0.012 Regression equation y = 0.056x + 0.021 Slope 0.056 Intercept 0.021 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 % Recovery 98.45-101.01 % RSD Intra-day Precision 0.160-0.704 Inter-day Precision 0.401-1.817 LOD 0.0201 μg/ml LOQ 0.0612 μg/ml Mean % Assay [IP, 2018 limits- 90-110 %] 98.90 ±1.38 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 43. 43 The present developed method was more sensitive and cost-effective  Diluent: organic solvent → 0.1N NaOH  Linearity: [2-18 → 1-6 μg/ml]  LOD: [0.021 μg/ml] LOQ: [0.0612 μg/ml]
  • 44. 4b. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF COLORIMETRIC METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM IN BULK AND TABLETS The reported methods are Complex Time consuming Expensive - involves extraction of colored complex 44
  • 45. METHOD DEVELOPMENT [Gorog, 2011]: ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM  Diluent: Methanol  Preparation of 0.1M Ferric chloride [FeCl3] reagent [IP, 2018]  Preparation of 0.5% w/v Potassium ferricyanide reagent  Preparation of Standard stock solution-I of Rosuvastatin Calcium [1000μg/ml]: 45 10 mg Rosuvastatin Calcium + 5ml diluent Sonicated for 10mins + made up to 10ml with diluent 1000μg/ml Rosuvastatin Calcium
  • 46. 46  Preparation of Standard stock solution-II of Rosuvastatin Calcium [100μg/ml]: 1.0ml standard stock-I Kept aside for 10mins + Diluted to 10ml 100μg/ml Rosuvastatin Calcium Preparation of working standard solution of Rosuvastatin Calcium [4μg/ml]: 0.4ml standard stock-II + 1.5 ml 0.1M FeCl3 + 1.0 ml 0.5% Potassium ferricyanide Diluted to 10ml with diluent 4μg/ml Rosuvastatin Calcium
  • 47. 47 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 400 800 Absorbance Wavelength RESULTS AND DISCUSSION λ max OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM – COLORIMETRY (635nm)
  • 48. 48 The probable mechanism involved in the green colored complex formation is  Reduction of ferric ion to ferrous ion by Rosuvastatin Calcium The reduced ferrous ion reacted with potassium ferri cyanide and formed green colored Ferro-ferricyanide complex [Vamsi Krishna and Gowrisankar, 2007] 3 Fe2+ + 2[Fe (CN) 6]3- Fe3 [Fe (CN)6]
  • 49. 49 VALIDATION [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total Amount recovered (μg/ml) Mean % Recovery ± SD %RSD 80 4 3.2 7.21 100.09 ± 0.85 0.85 100 4 4.0 8.03 100.37 ± 0.62 0.62 120 4 4.8 8.73 99.24 ± 0.23 0.23 PRECISION Concentration (μg/ml) Intra-day Precision Mean ± SD % RSD Inter-day Precision Mean ± SD %RSD 4 0.2325 ± 0.0018 0.774 0.234 ± 0.0023 0.982 ACCURACY
  • 50. 50 Concentration [x] (μg/ml) Absorbance* [y] 0 0 1 0.068 2 0.124 3 0.185 4 0.237 5 0.297 6 0.357 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y = 0.058 x + 0.005 Slope (m) 0.058 Intercept (c) 0.005 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.041 μg/ml LOQ 0.123 μg/ml *Mean of three determinations LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 51. 51 Calibration Curve y = 0.0586x + 0.0052 R² = 0.9993 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AbsorbanceAU Concentration [μg/ml] Tablet brand Label claim Amount found ±SD %Assay ± SD %RSD Roseday 10 mg 10.05 ± 0.108 100.57 ± 1.08 1.07 ASSAY LINEARITY PLOT OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 52. 52 λ max 635 nm Beer’s law limits 1-6μg/ml Sandell’s sensitivity [μg/ cm2- 0.001 absorbance units] 0.0147 Regression equation y = 0.058x + 0.005 Slope 0.058 Intercept 0.005 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 % Recovery 99.24 – 100.34 % RSD Intra-day Precision 0.774 Inter-day Precision 0.982 Limit of Detection 0.041 μg/ml Limit of Quantitation 0.123 μg/ml Mean % Assay [IP, 2018 Limits: 90-110 %] 100.57 ±1.08 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 53. 53 The developed method was simple, rapid, sensitive and cost-effective compared to the best method reported  Involved no extraction of colored complex Linearity: [100-500 → 1-6 μg/ml]  LOD: [0.041 μg/ml]  LOQ: [0.123 μg/ml]
  • 54. 4c. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF STABILITY INDICATING RP-HPLC METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM IN BULK AND TABLETS The reported RP-HPLC methods are Time consuming- Rt was more and phosphate buffer preparation  More volume of organic solvents 54
  • 55. 55 Structure Molecular Weight-1001.137 )Ca+2 )Ca+2 Class Statins (HMG Co A reductase inhibitors) pKa 4.00 Log P 4.19 Solubility slightly soluble in ethanol and sparingly soluble in water and Methanol DRUG PROFILE: ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 56. 56 10 mg Rosuvastatin Calcium + 5 ml diluent volume up to 10ml + filtered using 0.45µ PTFE filter 1000µg/ml  Preparation of Standard stock solution-II of Rosuvastatin Calcium (100µg/ml): 1.0 ml standard stock - I Diluted to 10ml with diluent 100µg/ml METHOD DEVELOPMENT: [Snyder et al.,1997] ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM Diluent: HPLC grade water: ACN (1:1)  Preparation of Standard stock solution-I of Rosuvastatin Calcium (1000µg/ml): Preparation of Working standard solution of Rosuvastatin Calcium (8µg/ml): 0.8ml stock-II Diluted to 10ml with diluent 8µg/ml
  • 57. 57 OPTIMIZED CHROMATOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS Column Symmetry C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5m) Mobile phase 0.1% OPA (pH 2.7) : ACN (55:45 % v/v) Elution Isocratic Flow rate 1.0 ml/min Detector - λ max PDA (241 nm) Column temperature 300C Injection volume 10 μl Diluent HPLC grade water : ACN [1:1] Retention Time 2.872 mins Run time 6.0 mins
  • 59. 59 VALIDATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: SPECIFICITY: Blank [HPLC grade water: ACN (1:1)] Standard (2.915mins) Test Sample (2.902mins)
  • 60. 60 Stressor Condition Acid 0.1N HCl, 24hrs, 30±20C Alkali 0.1N NaOH, 24hrs, 30±20C Oxidative 3.0% v/v H2O2, 24hrs, 30±20C Thermal 50±20C on sand bath for 6 hrs Photolytic UV Chamber for 6 hrs Neutral HPLC grade water, 24hrs, 30±20C FORCED DEGRADATION STUDIES [Ahuja et al., 2001, ICH Q1A (R2), ICH Q1B]
  • 61. Acid degradation of Rosuvastatin Calcium 61 Alkali degradation of Rosuvastatin Calcium
  • 62. Oxidative degradation of Rosuvastatin Calcium 62 Thermal degradation of Rosuvastatin Calcium
  • 63. Photolytic degradation of Rosuvastatin Calcium 63 Neutral degradation of Rosuvastatin Calcium
  • 64. 64 DEGRADATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM Stressor Purity angle - Purity threshold % Assay % degraded [should be < 20] Acid 0.158 < 1.148 90.73 9.27 Alkali 0.941 < 1.125 91.56 8.44 Oxidative 1.070 < 1.984 93.81 6.19 Thermal 0.847 <1.084 97.68 2.32 Photolytic 0.854 < 1.088 98.15 1.85 Neutral 0.912 < 1.094 99.41 0.59
  • 65. 65 80 % level 100% level 120% level ACCURACY OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 66. 66 % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total Amount recovered (μg/ml) % Recovery Statistical data Mean ± SD % RSD 80 8 6.4 14.45 100.34 100.23±0.196 0.19614.40 100.00 14.45 100.34 100 8 8 16.17 101.06 101.16±0.096 0.09616.19 101.18 16.20 101.25 120 8 9.64 17.67 100.41 100.81±0.294 0.35117.76 100.92 17.79 101.10 ACCURACY
  • 67. 67 PRECISION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM Injection Intra-day Precision Inter-day Precision* Peak area Peak area 1 947892 953130 2 948956 956338 3 932013 956588 4 932654 956115 5 933654 960602 6 943152 961183 Mean 939720.2 957326 SD 7873.8 3039.8 % RSD 0.8 0.3 *mean of two determinations
  • 69. 69 Level-4 Level-5 Level-6
  • 70. 70 % Level Concentration (x) [μg/ml] Mean Peak area*(y) [AU] 0 0 0 25 2 233476 50 4 478886 75 6 707451 100 8 956490 125 10 1184283 150 12 1407729 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y = 117900x + 2358 Slope (m) 117900 Intercept (c) 2358 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.013 μg/ml LOQ 0.042 μg/ml *mean of three determinations LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 71. 71 LINEARITY PLOT OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM y = 117900x + 2358. R² = 0.999 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 1600000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PeakareaAU Concentration [µg/ml] STABILITY OF WORKING STANDARD SOLUTION: (30 ± 2 0C for 24 hrs) Time [Hrs] Peak areas* % Assay* Variation 0 957286 99.89 NA 12 947905 98.91 0.98 24 940228 98.11 1.78 * Average of six determinations
  • 72. 72 Parameter Variation % RSD of Peak Area [NMT 2.0 %] Theoretical plates* [N>2000] Tailing factor* <2.0 Flow rate (1.0±0.1ml/min) 0.9 1.005 4424 1.19 1.0 0.402 4537 1.19 1.1 0.545 3804 1.20 ACN ratio in mobile phase [0.1 % OPA buffer : ACN] (45±5%) 60:40 0.802 3531 1.19 55 :45 0.402 4537 1.19 50 :50 0.406 4546 1.18 Temperature (30±5 0C) 25 0.627 4460 1.18 30 0.402 4537 1.19 35 0.456 3695 1.23 * Mean of six determinations ROBUSTNESS OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 73. 73 SYSTEM SUITABILITY OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM Injection Rt [mins] Peak Area Theoretical Plates N >2000 Tailing Factor <2.0 1 2.902 955731 4423 1.18 2 2.904 956119 4606 1.20 3 2.914 955942 4369 1.21 4 2.915 960636 4310 1.20 5 2.917 949831 4746 1.19 6 2.919 959889 4771 1.20 Mean 2.911 956358 4537 1.19 S.D 3846.9 % RSD [NMT 2.0] 0.402
  • 74. 74 ASSAY OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM SD- Standard deviation Injection Rt [mins] Peak area % Assay Amount [mg] 1 2.902 956149 99.78 9.978 2 2.882 955931 99.76 9.976 3 2.881 955431 99.7 9.97 4 2.894 956189 99.78 9.978 5 2.902 956214 99.78 9.978 6 2.881 956018 99.76 9.976 Mean ±SD 99.76±0.39 9.976±0.03
  • 75. 75 Parameter Result ICH Limits System Suitability Parameters % RSD of peak area – 0.402 NMT 2.0 Theoretical plates- 4537 MT 2000 Tailing factor-1.19 NMT 2.0 Range [μg/ml] 2-12 - Correlation coefficient [R2] 0.999 NLT 0.999 % Recovery 100-101.25 98-102 % RSD Intra-day Precision 0.8 NMT 2.0 Inter-day Precision 0.3 NMT 2.0 LOD [μg/ml] 0.013 - LOQ [μg/ml] 0.042 - Solution stability, % Assay difference at 24 hrs 1.78 NMT 2.0 % Assay 99.76 ± 0.39 IP, 2018: 90-110 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION OF ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 76. 76 The developed RP-HPLC method was simple, sensitive and cost-effective  Organic ratio in the mobile phase: [60 → 45%]  Retention time: [3.806 → 2.916 mins]  Run time: [12.0 → 6.0 mins]  Linearity range: [5-30 → 2-12 µg/ml]  LOD: [0.0441 → 0.013 µg/ml]  LOQ: [0.1434 → 0.042 µg/ml]
  • 77. 4d. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF UV SPECTROSCOPIC METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF PITAVASTATIN CALCIUM IN BULK AND TABLETS Pitavastatin Calcium (4mg) - more efficiently lowers plasma LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels at lower doses [Sharma et al., 2017]  The reported methods are expensive with use of organic solvents 77
  • 78. 78 Structure Molecular weight - 880.94 )Ca+2 Class Statins (HMG Co A reductase inhibitors) pKa 4.13 Log P 6.13 Solubility freely soluble - pyridine, chloroform, dilute HCl, tetrahydrofuran, soluble - ethylene glycol, sparingly soluble - octanol, slightly soluble - methanol, water and ethanol, practically insoluble - ACN and Diethyl ether DRUG PROFILE: PITAVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 79. METHOD DEVELOPMENT [Gorog, 2011]: Diluent: Methanol: Distilled water (1:1) Preparation of Standard stock solution-I of Pitavastatin Calcium [1000μg/ml]: 79 10 mg Pitavastatin Calcium + 5ml diluent Sonicated for 10mins + made up to 10ml 1000μg/ml Pitavastatin Calcium 1.0ml standard stock-I + 5ml diluent Diluted to 10ml with diluent 100μg/ml Pitavastatin Calcium Preparation of Standard stock solution-II of Pitavastatin Calcium [100μg/ml]:  Preparation of working standard solution of Pitavastatin Calcium [8μg/ml]: 0.8ml standard stock-II Diluted to 10ml with diluent 8μg/ml Pitavastatin Calcium
  • 81. 81 VALIDATION [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: PITAVASTATIN CALCIUM PRECISION % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total Amount recovered (μg/ml) Mean % Recovery ± SD % RSD 80 8 6.4 14.38 100.11± 0.278 0.278 100 8 8.0 16.07 100.26± 0.477 0.476 120 8 9.6 17.64 100.22± 0.34 0.34 Concentration (μg/ml) Intra-day Precision Mean ± SD % RSD Inter-day Precision Mean ± SD % RSD 8 0.390 ± 0.0018 0.46 0.391± 0.0034 0.86 ACCURACY
  • 82. 82 Concentration [x] (μg/ml) Absorbance* [y] 2 0.094 4 0.184 6 0.284 8 0.39 10 0.482 12 0.59 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y = 0.049 x – 0.005 Slope (m) 0.049 Intercept (c) -0.005 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.103 μg/ml LOQ 0.310 μg/ml LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF PITAVASTATIN CALCIUM * mean of three determinations
  • 83. 83 LINEARITY PLOT OF PITAVASTATIN CALCIUM y = 0.048x - 0.005 R² = 0.999 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 AbsorbanceAU Concentration [μg/ml] Formulation Label claim Amount found ± SD % Assay ± SD % RSD Pivasta 4 mg 4.008 ± 0.037 100.24±0.945 0.942 ASSAY
  • 84. 84 λ max (nm) 245 Beer’s law limits (μg/ml) 2-12 Sandell’s sensitivity (μg/ cm2- 0.001 absorbance units) 0.0212 Regression equation y = 0.048x - 0.005 Slope 0.049 Intercept 0.005 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 % Recovery 100.11-100.26 % RSD Intra-day Precision 0.46 Inter-day Precision 0.86 LOD (μg/ml) 0.103 LOQ (μg/ml) 0.310 Mean % Assay 100.24±0.945 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION OF PITAVASTATIN CALCIUM
  • 85. 85 The developed method was  Cost-effective [Methanol → Methanol: Distilled water (1:1)]  LOD [ 0.4062 μg/ml → 0.103μg/ml]  LOQ [1.2309 μg/ml → 0.310μg/ml]
  • 86. 5a. QbD ENABLED STABILITY INDICATING RP-HPLC METHOD DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION FOR THE ESTIMATION OF EMPAGLIFLOZIN IN BULK AND TABLETS Empagliflozin – effectively reduces plasma glucose levels with decreased risk of cardio-vascular deaths and heart failure hospitalizations [Ralston et al., 2018] No methods reported using QbD approach for EMPA 86
  • 87. 87 Structure Molecular Weight - 450.91 Class SGLT-2 inhibitor pKa 12.57 Log P 1.79 Solubility slightly soluble in ACN, ethanol, soluble in 50 % ACN/water, sparingly soluble in methanol, very slightly soluble in water and practically insoluble in toluene DRUG PROFILE: EMPA
  • 88. 88 10 mg EMPA + 2ml diluent, + Sonicated for 10 mins volume up to 10ml + filtered using 0.45 µ PTFE filter 1000µg/ml EMPA Preparation of standard stock solution-II of EMPA [100 µg/ml]: 1ml of standard stock-I Diluted to 10ml with diluent 100µg/ml EMPA METHOD DEVELOPMENT: [Gorog, 2011]: EMPA  Diluent: HPLC grade water: ACN (1:1) Preparation of standard stock solution-I of EMPA [1000µg/ml]: 0.8ml of standard stock-II 8µg/ml EMPA Diluted to 10ml with diluent Preparation of working standard solution of EMPA [8µg/ml]:
  • 89. 89 OPTIMIZED CHROMATOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS Column Denali C18 (150mm x 4.6mm, 5m) Mobile phase 0.1 % OPA [pH 2.7] : ACN (45:55 % v/v) Elution Isocratic Flow rate 1.0 ml/min Detector - λ max PDA (223 nm) Column temperature 300C Injection volume 10 μl Run time 5.0 mins Diluent HPLC grade water: ACN [1:1]
  • 90. 90 METHOD OPTIMIZATION USING DESIGN EXPERT® SOFTWARE (Trial Version 10) [Federick and Alireza, 2011]: Step 1: Analytical target Profile [ATP]:  ATP - bulk drug and tablet - Technique - RP-HPLC  Goal - To develop more robust RP-HPLC method with optimum system suitability parameters and short analysis time  Target - To study the simultaneous influence of CMPs on CMAs Step 2: Critical Quality Attributes: CMPs - Buffer ratio in the mobile phase, Flow rate and Wavelength CMAs - Retention time, Peak area and Tailing factor
  • 91. 91 CMP -1 level 0 + 1 level Buffer ratio in mobile phase [% v/v] 35 45 55 Flow rate [ml/min] 0.9 1.0 1.1 Wavelength [nm] 218 223 228 CMPS AND THEIR INPUT LEVELS Step 3: Design of Experiments using Software:  Efficient experimental model was designed by systematic and automated scouting of the three CMPs For method scouting - software generated 20 trials
  • 92. 92 Std Run No. Buffer ratio F1/CMP1 Flow rate [ml/min] F2/CMP2 Wavelength [nm] F3/CMP3 Rt [mins] R1/CMA1 Peak area R2/CMA2 Tailing factor R3/CMA3 1 14 35 0.9 218 2.284 1047724 1.3 2 7 55 0.9 218 4.493 1022852 1.2 3 2 35 1.1 218 1.882 826983 1.2 4 5 55 1.1 218 3.720 778771 1.1 5 13 35 0.9 228 2.285 1015749 1.3 6 20 55 0.9 228 4.490 969482 1.2 7 6 35 1.1 228 1.873 818929 1.3 8 10 55 1.1 228 3.761 740485 1.2 9 17 28.1821[min] 1 223 1.913 1056885 1.2 10 9 61.8179[max] 1 223 7.662 992788 1.1 11 19 45 0.831821[min] 223 2.206 802203 1.2 12 12 45 1.16818 [max] 223 3.072 1227680 1.3 13 3 45 1 214.591 [min] 2.567 873994 1.2 14 18 45 1 231.409 [max] 2.564 642180 1.2 15 11 45 1 223 2.572 939959 1.2 16 4 45 1 223 2.587 933968 1.3 17 8 45 1 223 2.564 941365 1.2 18 1 45 1 223 2.568 937667 1.2 19 15 45 1 223 2.572 941063 1.2 20 16 45 1 223 2.566 941481 1.2 [F-factor, R-Response] TRIALS PROPOSED BY SOFTWARE WITH EXPERIMENTAL RESPONSES/ CMAs
  • 93. 93 FIT STATISTICS FOR SELECTED CMAs/Rs Coefficients CMA1/R1 [Retention time] CMA2/R2 [Peak Area] CMA3/R3 [Tailing Factor] R2 0.9172 0.3834 0.6358 Adjusted R2 0.8427 -0.1715 0.3081 Predicted R2 0.3715 -3.6829 -0.9814 Adequate Precision 13.1692 3.6907 5.7571
  • 97. 97 Externally Studentized Residuals Normal%Probability Normal Plot of Residuals -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 1 5 10 20 30 50 70 80 90 95 99 retention time Color points by value of retention time: 1.873 7.662 CMA1/R1 [Rt] NORMAL PLOT OF RESIDUALS
  • 98. 98 Externally Studentized Residuals Normal%Probability Normal Plot of Residuals -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1 5 10 20 30 50 70 80 90 95 99 area Color points by value of area: 642180 1.22768E+06 CMA2/R2 [Peak Area]
  • 99. 99 Externally Studentized Residuals Normal%Probability Normal Plot of Residuals -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1 5 10 20 30 50 70 80 90 95 99 tailing factor Color points by value of tailing factor: 1.1 1.3 CMA3/R3 [Tailing Factor]
  • 100. 100 Factor Level A- Aqueous Phase [% v/v] 39.57 B- Flow rate [ml/min] 0.9761 C- Wavelength [nm] 218.51 OPTIMIZED CONDITIONS PROPOSED BY DESIGN EXPERT SOFTWARE CMA Predicted value Observed value SD Rt [mins] 2.04095 2.057 0.006 Peak area 938311 953531 10762 Tailing factor 1.22654 1.1 0.089 OBSERVED VALUES OF CMAs
  • 102. 102 Blank [HPLC grade water: ACN (1:1)] Standard (2.051 mins) Sample (2.063 mins) VALIDATION: [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: SPECIFICITY OF EMPA
  • 103. 103 FORCED DEGRADATION STUDIES [Ahuja et al., 2001, ICH Q1A (R2), ICH Q1B]: Stressor Condition Acid 2N HCl, 30 mins, 60 ± 20C Alkali 2N NaOH, 30 mins, 60 ± 20C Oxidative 20 % v/v H2O2, 30 mins, 60 ± 20C Thermal 80 ± 20C in the oven for 6hrs Photolytic UV Chamber for 7 days Neutral HPLC grade water, 30 mins, 60 ± 20C
  • 104. 104 Acid Degradation of EMPA Alkali degradation of EMPA
  • 105. 105 Oxidative degradation of EMPA Thermal degradation of EMPA
  • 106. Photolytic degradation of EMPA 106 Neutral degradation of EMPA
  • 107. 107 DEGRADATION OF EMPA Stressor Purity angle < Purity threshold % Assay % degraded [< 20] Acid 0.716 < 0.981 91.06 8.94 Alkali 0.903 < 1.349 89.31 10.69 Oxidative 0.837 < 1.137 90.46 9.54 Thermal 0.809 < 0.914 97.08 2.92 Photolytic 0.878 < 1.396 98.11 1.89 Neutral 0.658 < 0.925 99.25 0.75
  • 108. ACCURACY 108 80 % level 100 % level 120 % level
  • 109. 109 % Spiked Fixed sample conc. (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Amount recovered (μg/ml) % Recovery Statistical Data Mean ± SD % RSD 80 8 6.4 14.46 100.93 100.34 ± 0.52 0.5214.40 100.04 14.40 100.03 100 8 8 15.94 99.25 99.42 ± 0.15 0.1615.96 99.45 15.96 99.55 120 8 9.6 17.57 99.72 99.60 ± 0.11 0.1117.55 99.53 17.56 99.54 ACCURACY OF EMPA
  • 110. 110 PRECISION OF EMPA *mean of two determinations Injection Peak area Intra-day Precision Inter-day Precision* 1 892185 892994 2 894415 886254 3 896243 885649 4 893882 887612 5 894033 881625 6 896965 880253 Mean 894621 885731.2 SD 1731.7 4548.3 % RSD [NMT 2.0] 0.2 0.513
  • 111. 111 LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF EMPA Level-1 Level-2 Level-3
  • 112. 112 Level-4 Level-5 Level-6
  • 113. 113 % Level Concentration (x) [μg/ml] Mean peak area* (y) AU 0 0 0 25 2 224755 50 4 444370 75 6 657387 100 8 896176 125 10 1088259 150 12 1316979 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y=109460x+4373 Slope (m) 109460 Intercept (c) 4373 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.047 μg/ml LOQ 0.142 μg/ml LINEARITY OF EMPA
  • 114. 114 y = 109460x + 4373. R² = 0.999 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PeakAreaAU Concentration [μg/ml] STABILITY OF STANDARD SOLUTION (30±20C for 24 hrs) Time [Hrs] Peak areas* % Assay* Variation 0 896756 99.93 - 12 888120 98.96 0.97 24 880700 98.14 1.79 * Average of six determinations LINEARITY PLOT OF EMPA
  • 115. 115 ROBUSTNESS OF EMPA Parameter Variation % RSD of peak area [NMT 2.0] Theoretical plates* [N>2000] Tailing factor* <2.0 Flow rate [0.9761 ± 1 ml/min] 0.8761 0.549 5405 1.13 0.9761 0.279 5431 1.16 1.0761 0.740 5239 1.14 ACN ratio in Mobile phase Buffer: ACN [60.43 ± 5% v/v] 44.57 : 55.43 0.841 5775 1.11 39.57 : 60.43 0.279 5431 1.16 34.57 : 65.43 0.583 5365 1.14 Temperature [30 ± 50C] 25 1.062 6044 1.12 30 0.279 5431 1.16 35 1.802 5666 1.14 *Mean of six determinations
  • 116. 116 SYSTEM SUITABILITY OF EMPA Injection Rt [mins] Peak Area Theoretical Plates N > 2000 Tailing Factor < 2.0 1 2.049 892431 5256 1.17 2 2.048 898403 5522 1.15 3 2.038 893051 5532 1.14 4 2.051 896632 5705 1.14 5 2.058 895224 5400 1.16 6 2.055 897993 5169 1.18 Mean 2.05 895622 5431 1.16 SD 2503 % RSD [< 2.0 %] 0.279
  • 117. 117 ASSAY OF EMPA Injection Rt [mins] Peak area % Assay Amount [mg] 1 2.062 892563 99.46 9.946 2 2.058 891489 99.34 9.934 3 2.058 890210 99.2 9.92 4 2.054 893518 99.57 9.957 5 2.055 894314 99.65 9.965 6 2.062 891210 99.31 9.931 Mean ± SD 99.42±0.17 9.942 ± 0.17
  • 118. 118 Parameter Result ICH Limits System Suitability Parameters % RSD of peak area – 0.279 NMT 2.0 Theoretical plates- 5431 MT 2000 Tailing factor-1.16 NMT 2.0 Range [μg/ml] 2-12 - Correlation coefficient [R2] 0.999 NLT 0.999 % Recovery 99.25-100.93 % RSD Intra-day precision 0.21 NMT 1.0 Inter-day precision 0.513 NMT 2.0 LOD [μg/ml] 0.047 - LOQ [μg/ml] 0.142 - % Assay difference at 24 hrs 1.79 NMT 2.0 % Assay 99.42±0.17 98-102 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION OF EMPA
  • 119. 119 Preliminary trial runs were performed for the identification of CMPs/Fs:  On initial optimization of the method,  0.1 % OPA (pH 2.7): ACN [45:55 % v/v] - ideal mobile phase  Increase in % aqueous ratio [% OPA buffer] in the mobile phase - resulted in increase in Rt- CMP1/F1, change in flow rate affects the Rt - CMP2/F2, Wavelength - CMP3/F3  Multivariate DoE approach using Central composite design - selected to evaluate the simultaneous effect of selected CMPs/Fs on the selected CMAs/Rs On the evaluation of the statistical data  Quadratic model was the best-fit model for the central composite design
  • 120. 120  The R2 - signifies the percentage of variation for a dependent variable (response) by independent variables (factors)  In the present study, the R2 - 0.9172 for CMA1/R1 - 0.3834 for CMA2/R2 - 0.6358 for CMA3/R3  Difference between the adjusted R2 and predicted R2 - more than 0.2 – reflects large block effect of CMA1/R1 using the model  Negative Predicted R² for CMA2/R2 and CMA3/R3 - overall mean is a better predictor of the response  The adequate precision for CMA1/R1 (13.16) and CMA2/R2 (5.75) were greater than 4.0 - adequate signal and the model was suitable for navigating design space
  • 121. 121  From the contour plot 1, increase in % Aqueous ratio with constant Flow rate and Wavelength increased the Rt  Contour plot 2 , decrease in Flow rate with constant % Aqueous ratio and Wavelength has effect on Peak area  Contour plot 3, increase in Wavelength with constant Peak area didn’t show significant effect on Retention time, Peak area and Tailing factor  The normal plot of residuals for the three selected CMAs reflects that the data points were distributed normally along the straight line and the error was distributed equally across each individual point
  • 122. 122 The equation used for predictions about the CMAs/Rs for the given levels of each CMP: RT = +2.58 + 1.30 x A-0.0629 x B + 0.0018 x C-0.0860 x AB + 0.0058 x AC + 0.0043 x BC + 0.7248 x A2-0.0348 x B2-0.0608 x C2 Area = + 9.402E + 05 – 22376.52 x A - 12819.56 x B - 38189.48 x C - 6939.63 x AB - 6453.38 x AC + 4875.62 x BC + 24013.40 x A2 + 20514.99 x B2 - 70296.79 x C2 Tailing factor = + 1.22 – 0.0416 x A - 0.0023 x B + 0.00146 x C + 0.0000 x AB + 0.0000 x AC + 0.0001 x BC - 0.0181 x A2 - 0.01738 x B2 - 0.0004 x C2 Where A = Aqueous phase B = Flow rate C = Wavelength
  • 123. 123  Central composite design was used to evaluate the simultaneous effect of % Aqueous ratio in the mobile phase , Flow rate and Wavelength (CMPs) on Rt, Peak area and Tailing factor (CMAs)  Sum of squares (-0.0860): The simultaneous decrease in % Aqueous ratio in the mobile phase and Flow rate results in better retention time  Sum of squares: Indicates that the simultaneous change in Flow rate and Wavelength, there was no change in Rt (+0.000115) and Tailing factor (-0.0001) and less effect on Peak area (-0.0182)
  • 124. 124  Sum of squares: Indicates that the simultaneous change in % Buffer ratio in the mobile phase and Wavelength, there was no change in Rt (+0.0085), Peak area and Tailing factor  No significant effect of wavelength on CMAs  % Buffer ratio in the mobile phase and Flow rate influenced Rt The interactive effects of CMPs on tailing factor was insignificant
  • 125. 125 COMPARISON AMONG CMPs AND CMAs OF INITIAL OPTIMIZED METHOD, DOE DATAAND FINAL OPTIMIZED METHOD CMP/F CMPs CMA/R CMAs Initial optimized method Final optimized Method (DOE Data) Initial optimized method DOE data* Final optimized method Mobile Phase [% v/v] 0.1% OPA : ACN (45:55) 0.1% OPA : ACN (39.57:60.43) Rt [Mins] 2.629 2.04 2.05 Flow Rate [ml/min] 1.0 0.961 Peak area 1028275 938311 953531 Wavelength [nm] 223 218.5 Tailing factor 1.2 1.22 1.1 Comparison between reported non-QbD best method and present QbD method  Run time: 6.0 mins → 5.0 mins  Retention time: 4.81mins → 2.051mins  LOD : 0.3589 µg/ml → 0.047 µg/ml  LOQ: 1.0876 µg/ml → 0.142 µg/ml
  • 126. 5b. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF UV SPECTROSCOPIC METHOD FOR THE ESTIMATION OF CANAGLIFLOZIN IN BULK AND TABLETS Canagliflozin- reduced risk of cardio-vascular deaths and heart failure hospitalizations in addition to the management of increased plasma glucose levels [Ralston et al., 2018]  The UV Spectroscopic methods reported - expensive 126
  • 127. 127 Structure Molecular Weight – 453.53 ½ H2O Class SGLT-2 inhibitor pKa 12.57 Log P 3.44 Solubility soluble in organic solvents like ethanol, methanol, acetone and THF and insoluble in water DRUG PROFILE: CANAGLIFLOZIN
  • 128. METHOD DEVELOPMENT [Gorog, 2011]: CANAGLIFLOZIN Diluent : Methanol and distilled water (1:1)  Preparation of Standard stock solution-I of Canagliflozin [1000μg/ml]: 128 10 mg Canagliflozin + 5ml diluent Sonicated for 10mins + made up to 10ml 1000μg/ml Canagliflozin  Preparation of Standard stock solution-II of Canagliflozin [100μg/ml]: 1.0ml standard stock-I Diluted to 10ml with diluent 100μg/ml Canagliflozin  Preparation of working standard solution of Canagliflozin [40μg/ml]: 4.0ml standard stock-II Diluted to 10ml with diluent 40μg/ml Canagliflozin
  • 130. 130 VALIDATION [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: CANAGLIFLOZIN % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Mean Amount recovered (μg/ml) Mean % Recovery ± SD % RSD 80 40 32 72.07 100.09 ± 0.55 0.55 100 40 40 79.86 99.82±0.37 0.37 120 40 98 87.91 99.89±0.59 0.60 ACCURACY Concentration (μg/ml) Intra-day Precision Mean ± SD % RSD Inter-day Precision Mean ± SD % RSD 40 0.201±0.0015 0.75 0.2021 ± 0.0017 0.84 PRECISION
  • 131. 131 Concentration (μg/ml) Absorbance* 0 0 10 0.051 20 0.104 30 0.152 40 0.202 50 0.252 60 0.302 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y = 0.005x + 0.001 Slope (m) 0.005 Intercept (c) 0.001 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.33 μg / ml LOQ 1.00 μg / ml LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF CANAGLIFLOZIN *Average of three determinations
  • 132. 132 y = 0.0051x + 0.0016 R² = 0.9999 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 AbsorbanceAU Concentration (μg/ml) LINEARITY PLOT OF CANAGLIFLOZIN Tablet Brand Label claim Amount found ± SD % Assay ± SD Invokana 100 mg 99.79 ± 1.17 99.79 ± 1.17 ASSAY OF CANAGLIFLOZIN
  • 133. 133 λ max 224 nm Beer’s law limits 10-60 μg/ml Sandell’s sensitivity (μg/ cm2- 0.001 absorbance units) 0.196 Regression equation y = 0.005x + 0.001 Slope 0.005 Intercept 0.001 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 % Recovery 99.82-100.09 % RSD Intra-day Precision 0.75 Inter-day Precision 0.84 LOD 0.33 μg/ml LOQ 1.00 μg/ml Mean % Assay 99.19 ± 1.17 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION OF CANAGLIFLOZIN
  • 134. 134 The developed UV Spectroscopic method was simple and sensitive  Linearity : 10-60 μg/ml  LOD : 0.33 μg/ml  LOQ : 1.00 μg/ml
  • 135. 6a. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF STABILITY INDICATING RP-HPLC METHOD FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF ERTUGLIFLOZIN PIDOLATE AND METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE IN BULK AND TABLETS  ERTU and MET combination - efficiently reduces elevated HbA1c levels in type-2 diabetic patients [FDA label, Segluromet, 2017] The RP-HPLC methods reported were complex involved high volumes of organic solvent in the mobile phase 135
  • 136. 136 ERTU MET Structure . HCl Class SGLT-2 inhibitor Biguanide anti-diabetic Molecular weight 566 165.62 pKa 11.98 12.33 Log P 2.21 -0.92 Solubility soluble in ethanol, sparingly soluble in ethyl acetate, ACN and very slightly soluble in water freely soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, practically insoluble in acetone and dichloromethane DRUG PROFILE:
  • 137. 137 3.75 mg ERTU + 250 mg MET + 10ml diluent volume up to 100ml + filtered using 0.45 µ PTFE filter 37.5µg/ml ERTU 2500 µg/ml MET Preparation of working standard solution of ERTU [3.75µg/ml] and MET [250µg/ml]: 1ml of standard stock volume upto 10ml with diluent 3.75µg/ml ERTU 250µg/ml MET METHOD DEVELOPMENT: [Snyder et al., 1997]: ERTU AND MET Diluent: HPLC grade water: ACN (1:1) Preparation of standard stock solution of ERTU [37.5µg/ml] and MET [2500µg/ml]:
  • 138. OPTIMIZED CHROMATOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS 138 Column Kromasil C18 (150mm x4.6 mm, 5 µm) Mobile phase 0.1% OPA [pH 2.7]: ACN (65:35 %v/v) Elution Isocratic Flow rate 1.0 ml/min Detector and λ max PDA and 224.0 nm Column temperature 30 ± 20C Injection volume 10 µl Diluent HPLC grade water : ACN [1:1] Retention time MET- 2.170 mins ERTU- 2.929 mins Run time 6.00 mins
  • 140. VALIDATION [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: ERTU AND MET: SPECIFICITY 140 Blank [HPLC grade water: ACN (1:1)] Standard (MET 2.170mins and ERTU 2.929 mins) Sample (MET 2.168mins and ERTU 2.827mins)
  • 141. FORCED DEGRADATION STUDIES [Ahuja et al., 2001, ICH Q1A (R2), ICH Q1B]: 141 Stressor Condition Acid 2N HCl, 30 mins, 60±20C Alkali 2N NaOH, 30 mins, 60±20C Oxidative 20% v/v H2O2, 30 mins, 60±20C Thermal In the oven at 105±20C for 6 hrs Light UV Chamber for 7 days Neutral HPLC grade water, 6 hrs, 60±20C
  • 142. 142 Acid Degradation of ERTU and MET
  • 143. 143 Alkali Degradation of ERTU and MET
  • 144. 144 Oxidative Degradation of ERTU and MET
  • 145. 145 Thermal degradation of ERTU and MET
  • 146. 146 Photolytic degradation of ERTU and MET
  • 147. 147 Neutral degradation of ERTU and MET
  • 148. FORCED DEGRADATION OF ERTU AND MET 148 Stressor ERTU MET Purity Angle- Purity Threshold % Assay % Degraded [<20] Purity Angle- Purity Threshold % Assay % Degraded [<20] Acid 1.493< 1.966 92.45 7.55 1.448 < 1.801 92.29 7.71 Alkali 1.766< 2.146 94.56 5.44 1.402 < 1.752 93.07 6.93 Oxidative 1.693 < 2.130 95.42 4.58 1.348 < 2.270 94.47 5.53 Thermal 1.936 < 2.341 96.86 3.14 2.753 < 2.927 97.07 2.93 Photolytic 1.659 < 2.009 98.30 1.70 2.489 < 2.786 98.21 1.79 Neutral 1.780 < 2.134 98.98 1.02 2.358 < 2.915 99.10 0.90
  • 149. 149 ACCURACY 80% level 100% level 120% level
  • 150. 150 ACCURACY OF ERTU % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total amount recovered (μg/ml) % Recovery Statistical Data Mean ± SD % RSD 80 3.75 3.0 6.73 99.27 100.04 ± 0.306 0.3066.77 100.29 6.76 100.14 100 3.75 3.75 7.51 100.13 99.99 ± 0.135 0.1357.49 99.86 7.50 100.00 120 3.75 4.50 8.22 99.63 99.87 ± 0.64 0.6048.30 100.60 8.20 99.39
  • 151. 151 % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total Amount recovered (μg/ml) % Recovery Statistical Data Mean ± SD % RSD 80 250 200 450.31 100.16 99.7 ± 0.54 0.54448.22 99.11 449.76 99.88 100 250 250 499.72 99.89 99.91 ± 0.57 0.57497.04 99.35 501.23 100.49 120 250 300 550.57 100.19 100.65 ± 0.47 0.47 553.38 101.13 551.95 100.65 ACCURACY OF MET
  • 152. 152 PRECISION OF ERTU AND MET Injection Intra-day Precision Inter-day Precision Peak Area Peak Area* ERTU MET ERTU MET 1 97558 5494807 96427 5519305 2 97857 5513074 97898 5518566 3 98282 5480884 98136 5521823 4 98143 5512058 97249 5547798 5 98046 5483072 98243 5586469 6 97987 5542631 97334 5560570 Mean 97978.8 5504421 97547.8 5539089 SD 251.1 23218 684.56 31980.6 % RSD [<2.0] 0.25 0.42 0.70 0.56 *mean of two determinations
  • 153. LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF ERTU AND MET 153 Level-1 Level-2 Level-3
  • 154. 154 Level-4 Level-5 Level-6
  • 155. 155 % Level Concentration [x] (μg/ml) Mean Peak area* [y] (AU) 0 0 0 25 0.9375 24802 50 1.875 49541 75 2.8125 74657 100 3.75 99130 125 4.6875 125714 150 5.625 145645 Linear Regression Equation (y = mx + c) y = 26223x + 460.9 Slope (m) 26223 Intercept (c) 460.9 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.025 μg/ml LOQ 0.076 μg/ml LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF ERTU *mean of three determinations
  • 156. 156 % Level Concentration [x] (μg/ml) Mean Peak area* [y] (AU) 0 0 0 25 62.5 1374565 50 125 2780573 75 187.5 4158469 100 250 5566797 125 312.5 6877296 150 375 8152632 Linear Regression Equation (y = mx + c) y = 21857x + 31878 Slope (m) 21857 Intercept (c) 31878 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.87 μg/ml LOQ 2.63 μg/ml LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF MET *mean of three determinations
  • 157. 157 LINEARITY PLOT OF ERTU y = 26223x + 460.94 R² = 0.9993 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PeakAreaAU Concentration [μg/ml] LINEARITY PLOT OF MET y = 21857x + 31878 R² = 0.9997 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 8000000 9000000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 PeakAreaAU Concentration [μg/ml]
  • 158. 158 STABILITY OF STANDARD SOLUTION: 30 ± 20C for 24 hrs ERTU Time [Hrs] Peak areas* % Assay* Variation 0 98132 99.62 NA 12 97376 98.86 0.76 24 96418 97.88 1.74 * Average of six determinations Time [Hrs] Peak areas* % Assay* Variation 0 5559487 99.96 NA 12 5509688 99.13 0.83 24 5475626 98.45 1.51 * Average of six determinations MET
  • 159. 159 Parameter Modified condition % RSD of Peak area [NMT 2.0 %] Theoretical Plates* N [>2000] Tailing factor* [<2.0] Rs* [>2.0] ERTU MET ERTU MET ERTU MET Flow rate (1.0± 0.1 ml/min) 0.9 0.893 1.209 12959 10911 1.17 1.17 7.96 1.0 0.531 0.382 11679 9947 1.23 1.33 7.21 1.1 0.949 1.113 11564 9463 1.21 1.16 7.63 ACN ratio in Mobile phase Buffer: ACN (35 ± 5 % v/v) 70 : 30 1.377 1.039 11949 11751 1.26 1.15 9.2 65 : 35 0.531 0.382 11679 9947 1.23 1.33 7.21 60 : 40 1.360 1.293 12741 9485 1.22 1.14 6.78 Temperature (30 ± 50C) 25 0.912 1.278 13396 9470 1.14 1.20 7.03 30 0.531 0.382 11679 9947 1.23 1.33 7.21 35 0.574 0.993 13396 9516 1.21 1.17 7.01 * Mean of six determinations ROBUSTNESS OF ERTU AND MET
  • 160. 160 SYSTEM SUITABILITY OF ERTU AND MET Injection ERTU MET Rs > 2.0Rt [mins] Peak Area Theoretical Plates N > 2000 Tailing Factor < 2.0 Rt [mins] Peak Area Theoretical Plates N >2000 Tailing Factor < 2.0 1 2.913 97891 10960 1.31 2.170 5524816 11033 1.24 5.9 2 2.926 97643 11512 1.20 2.171 5566109 11319 1.24 6.8 3 2.926 98719 11296 1.34 2.177 5536275 11623 1.15 7.2 4 2.929 98905 11897 1.19 2.186 5564500 8425 1.24 7.8 5 2.929 98824 11716 1.13 2.206 5581534 8208 1.38 7.7 6 2.932 98424 12694 1.23 2.297 5564584 9073 1.25 7.9 Mean ± SD 2.925 98401± 523.3 11679 1.23 2.201 5556303 ± 21265.4 9947 1.25 7.21 % RSD [<2.0] 0.531 0.382
  • 161. 161 ASSAY OF ERTU AND MET Injection ERTU MET Rt [Mins] Peak area % Assay Amount [mg] Rt [mins] Peak area % Assay Amount [mg] 1 2.932 98132 99.63 7.47 2.177 5552565 99.83 499.15 2 2.929 97653 99.14 7.43 2.174 5531564 99.46 497.30 3 2.923 97956 99.45 7.46 2.176 5520126 99.25 496.25 4 2.933 97896 99.39 7.45 2.173 5529625 99.42 497.10 5 2.934 97698 99.19 7.44 2.174 5526486 99.36 496.99 6 2.933 97621 99.11 7.43 2.173 5536125 99.54 497.70 Mean ± SD 99.31±0.21 7.45 ± 0.16 99.48±0.20 497.4 ± 0.97
  • 162. 162 Parameter Result ICH Limits MET ERTU System suitability parameters % RSD 0.382 0.531 NLT 2.0 Theoretical plates 9947 11679 MT 2000 Tailing Factor 1.25 1.23 NMT 2.0 Range [μg/ml] 62.5-375 0.9375-5.625 - Linearity [R2] 0.999 0.999 NLT 0.999 % Recovery 99.11-101.13 99.27-100.60 98-102 % RSD Intra-day Precision 0.42 0.25 NMT 1.0 Inter-day precision 0.56 0.70 NMT 2.0 LOD [μg/ml] 0.87 0.025 - LOQ [μg/ml] 2.63 0.076 - % Assay difference at 24 hrs 1.51 1.74 NMT 2.0 % Assay 99.48 99.31 - SUMMARY OF VALIDATION OF ERTU AND MET
  • 163. 163 The developed stability indicating RP-HPLC method was  Simple and more sensitive  Retention time : MET – 2.383 → 2.170mins ERTU – 3.136 → 2.929mins  Linearity range : MET – 125-750 → 62.5- 375μg/ml ERTU – 1.875 - 11.25 → 0.9375 – 5.625μg/ml  LOD : MET – 1.7 → 0.87μg/ml ERTU – 0.07 → 0.025μg/ml LOQ : MET – 5.16 → 2.63μg/ml ERTU – 0.21 → 0.076μg/ml
  • 164. 6b. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF STABILITY INDICATING ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF EMPAGLIFLOZIN AND LINAGLIPTIN IN BULK AND TABLETS BY RP-HPLC SGLT-2 and DPP-4 inhibitors combination exerts  Synergistic effect Better glycemic control in diabetic patients compared to mono-drug therapy [Katzung et al., 2015] The reported RP-HPLC methods Involve use of high volume of organic solvents 164
  • 165. 165 EMPA LINA Structure Class SGLT-2 inhibitor DPP-4 inhibitor Molecular Weight 450.91 472.54 pKa 12.57 9.86 Log P 1.79 2.8 Solubility slightly soluble in ACN, ethanol, soluble in 50 % ACN/water, sparingly soluble in methanol, very slightly soluble in water and practically insoluble in toluene very slightly soluble in water, soluble in methanol, sparingly soluble in ethanol, very slightly soluble in isopropanol, and acetone DRUG PROFILE: EMPAAND LINA
  • 166. 166 10mg EMPA + 5 mg LINA + 5 ml diluent, sonicated for 10 mins volume upto 10ml + filtered using 0.45 µ PTFE filter 100µg/ml EMPA 50 µg/ml LINA Diluted to 10 ml with diluent Preparation of standard stock solution-II of EMPA [100µg/ml] and LINA [50µg/ml]: 1ml standard stock -I 1000µg/ml EMPA 500 µg/ml LINA METHOD DEVELOPMENT: [Snyder et al., 1997] EMPAAND LINA Diluent: HPLC grade water and Methanol [1:1] Preparation of standard stock solution-I of EMPA [1000µg/ml] and LINA [500µg/ml]: Preparation of Working standard solution EMPA [10 µg/ml] and LINA [5 µg/ml] Diluted to 10 ml with diluent 10 µg/ml EMPA 5 µg/ml LINA 1ml standard stock -II
  • 167. 167 OPTIMIZED CHROMATOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS Column Ascentis C18 (150mm x4.6 mm, 5µm) Mobile phase 0.1 % OPA [pH 2.7] : Methanol (35:65 % v/v) Elution Isocratic Flow rate 0.8 ml/min Detector and λ max PDA and 220.0 nm Column temperature 30°C Injection volume 10 μl Diluent HPLC grade water : Methanol [1:1] Retention time (mins) EMPA- 2.218 LINA- 2.531 Run time 5.00 mins
  • 169. VALIDATION [ICH Q2 (R1), 2005]: EMPAAND LINA: SPECIFICITY 169 Blank [HPLC grade water: Methanol (1:1)] Standard EMPA [2.218 mins) and LINA (2.531 mins) Sample EMPA (2.226 mins) and LINA (2.544 mins)
  • 170. 170 FORCED DEGRADATION STUDIES [Ahuja et al., 2001, ICH Q1A (R2), ICH Q3]: Stressor Condition Acid 2N HCl, 30 mins, 60±20C Alkali 2N NaOH, 30 mins, 60±20C Oxidative 20 %v/v H2O2, 30 mins, 60±20C Thermal In oven at 105±20C for 6 hrs Light UV Chamber for 7 days Neutral HPLC grade water, 30 mins, 60±20C
  • 171. 171 Acid Degradation of EMPA and LINA
  • 172. 172 Alkali degradation of EMPA and LINA
  • 173. Oxidative degradation of EMPA and LINA 173
  • 174. 174 Thermal degradation of EMPA and LINA
  • 175. 175 Photolytic degradation of EMPA and LINA
  • 176. 176 Neutral degradation of EMPA and LINA
  • 177. 177 Stressor EMPA LINA Purity Angle - Purity Threshold % Assay % Degraded [<20] Purity Angle - Purity Threshold % Assay % Degraded [<20] Acid 0.179 < 0.352 93.88 6.12 0.108 < 0.313 95.05 4.95 Alkali 0.179 < 2.648 93.40 6.60 0.988 < 1.142 94.65 5.35 Oxidative 0.199 < 0.743 93.85 6.15 0.278 < 0.357 92.62 7.38 Thermal 0.328 < 0.411 97.56 2.44 0.274< 0.298 96.32 3.68 Photolytic 0.478 < 0.569 98.77 1.23 0.275 < 0.318 98.57 1.43 Neutral 0.395 < 0.410 99.29 0.71 0.289< 0.320 99.42 0.58 FORCED DEGRADATION OF EMPAAND LINA
  • 178. 178 ACCURACY 80% level 100% level 120% level
  • 179. 179 % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total Amount recovered (μg/ml) % Recovery Statistical Data Mean ± SD % RSD 80 10 8.0 18.06 100.78 100.59±0.265 0.26318.02 100.29 18.06 100.71 100 10 10 20.18 100.90 100.30±0.556 0.55319.96 99.80 20.04 100.21 120 10 12 22.04 100.20 99.80±0.520 0.5221.83 99.21 21.99 99.98 ACCURACY OF EMPA
  • 180. 180 % Spiked Fixed sample concentration (μg/ml) Amount Spiked (μg/ml) Total Amount recovered (μg/ml) % Recovery Statistical Data Mean ± SD % RSD 80 5.0 4.0 8.96 99.07 99.02±0.126 0.1278.95 98.88 8.96 99.12 100 5.0 5.0 9.99 99.82 99.64±0.162 0.1629.97 99.51 9.98 99.58 120 5.0 6.0 10.98 99.64 99.99±0.327 0.32711.00 100.04 11.02 100.29 ACCURACY OF LINA
  • 181. 181 *mean of two determinations PRECISION OF EMPAAND LINA Injection Intra-day Precision Inter-day Precision Peak area Peak area* EMPA LINA EMPA LINA 1 664012 371986 662885 375212 2 661089 371272 667110 373903 3 660789 371586 665238 370561 4 662598 371690 661401 374428 5 664236 372963 669054 373830 6 662359 372016 661814 371197 Mean 662514 371919 664584 373189 SD 1431 580.6 3081.6 1866.7 % RSD [< 2.0] 0.216 0.156 0.5 0.5
  • 182. LINEARITY, LOD AND LOQ OF EMPAAND LINA 182 Level-1 Level-2 Level-3
  • 183. 183 Level-4 Level-5 Level-6
  • 184. 184 % Level Concentration (x) [μg/ml] Mean peak area* (y) [AU] 0 0 0 25 2.5 163870 50 5.0 326856 75 7.5 455834 100 10.0 647690 125 12.5 796507 150 15 957091 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y = 63677x + 687.3 Slope (m) 63677 Intercept (c) 687.3 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.04 μg/ml LOQ 0.13 μg/ml *mean of three determinations LINEARITY OF EMPA
  • 185. 185 *mean of three determinations LINEARITY OF LINA % Level Concentration (x) [μg/ml] Mean peak area*(y) [AU] 0 0 0 25 1.25 88606 50 2.50 175935 75 3.75 252744 100 5.00 351847 125 6.25 434506 150 7.50 517806 Linear Regression Equation y = mx + c y = 69175x + 799.5 Slope (m) 69175 Intercept (c) 799.5 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999 LOD 0.02 μg/ml LOQ 0.07 μg/ml
  • 186. 186 LINEARITY PLOT OF EMPA y = 63677x + 687.38 R² = 0.999 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 PeakAreaAU Concentration (μg/ml) y = 69175x + 799.57 R² = 0.9995 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PeakAreaAU Concentration (μg/ml) LINEARITY PLOT OF LINA
  • 187. 187 STABILITY OF STANDARD SOLUTION: 30 ±20C for 24 hrs EMPA Time [Hrs] Peak areas* % Assay* Variation 0 666641 100.04 - 12 661647 99.29 0.75 24 657292 98.64 1.4 *Average of six determinations LINA Time [Hrs] Peak areas % Assay* Variation 0 374719 100.07 - 12 371708 99.27 0.8 24 368030 98.29 1.78 *Average of six determinations
  • 188. 188 Parameter Modified condition % RSD of Peak area N* [>2000] Tailing Factor* [<2.0] Rs [>2.0] EMPA LINA EMPA LINA EMPA LINA Flow rate (0.8 ± 0.1ml/min) 0.7 0.518 0.892 13746 9506 1.35 1.31 3.23 0.8 0.613 0.577 12600 8928 1.29 1.34 3.33 0.9 1.019 1.409 8430 7148 1.28 1.37 2.68 Methanol : 0.1% OPA buffer (65 ± 5% v/v) 60 : 40 1.170 0.610 8546 7231 1.26 1.36 3.48 65 : 35 0.613 0.577 12600 8928 1.29 1.34 3.33 70 : 30 0.932 0.778 8931 8124 1.28 1.33 2.11 Temperature (30±50C) 25 0.913 0.980 9621 8136 1.32 1.32 2.65 30 0.613 0.577 12600 8928 1.29 1.34 3.33 35 0.575 0.686 9098 7586 1.26 1.29 2.61 ROBUSTNESS OF EMPAAND LINA *Mean of six determinations
  • 189. 189 SYSTEM SUITABILITY OF EMPAAND LINA Injection EMPA LINA Rs [> 2.0]Rt [mins] Peak Area Theoretical Plates N [>2000] Tailing Factor [< 2.0] Rt [mins] Peak Area Theoretical Plates N [>2000] Tailing factor [< 2.0] 1 2.221 659494 12393 1.34 2.535 373303 9349 1.33 3.3 2 2.221 661554 12085 1.32 2.540 370806 8945 1.32 3.3 3 2.222 670414 12633 1.34 2.542 375348 8216 1.35 3.4 4 2.223 664401 13115 1.34 2.544 376969 9303 1.32 3.3 5 2.224 666030 13282 1.18 2.544 372942 8251 1.36 3.4 6 2.226 668190 12089 1.20 2.545 372811 9507 1.33 3.3 Mean ± SD 2.222± 0.0019 665014 ± 4076.6 12600 1.29 2.541±0.037 373697± 2158.5 8928 1.33 3.33 % RSD [< 2.0] 0.613 0.577
  • 190. 190 ASSAY OF EMPAAND LINA Injection EMPA LINA Peak area % Assay Amount [mg] Peak area % Assay Amount [mg] 1 661911 99.33 9.933 371923 99.33 4.96 2 665542 99.88 9.988 372364 99.44 4.972 3 662310 99.39 9.939 371756 99.28 4.964 4 669312 100.45 10.045 372584 99.50 4.975 5 662423 99.41 9.941 371489 99.21 4.960 6 666502 100.02 10.002 372186 99.40 4.97 Mean ± SD 99.74±0.45 9.975 ± 0.045 99.36±0.107 4.97 ± 0.006
  • 191. 191 Parameter Result ICH Limits EMPA LINA System suitability Parameters % RSD 0.613 0.577 - Theoretical plates 12600 8928 MT 2000 Tailing factor 1.29 1.33 NMT 2.0 Resolution - 3.33 NLT 2.0 Range [μg/ml] 2.5-15 1.25-7.5 - Linearity [R2] 0.999 0.999 NLT 0.999 % Recovery 99.21-100.90 98.88-100.29 98-102 % RSD Intra-day Precision 0.216 0.156 NMT 2.0 Inter-day Precision 0.5 0.5 NMT 2.0 LOD [μg/ml] 0.04 0.02 - LOQ [μg/ml] 0.13 0.07 - Solution Stability % Assay difference at 24 hrs 1.4 1.78 NMT 2.0 % Assay 99.74 99.36 - SUMMARY OF VALIDATION PARAMETERS
  • 192. 192 The present developed RP-HPLC method was  More sensitive  Retention time : EMPA- 3.907 → 2.218mins  Run time : 10.0 → 5.0 mins  Linearity : EMPA – 10-50 → 2.5-15μg/ml LINA – 20-100 → 1.25-7.5μg/ml  LOD : EMPA - 2.17 → 0.04μg/ml LINA – 0.0372 → 0.02μg/ml  LOQ : EMPA – 6.60 → 0.13μg/ml LINA – 0.112 → 0.07μg/ml
  • 193. 193 7. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF IN-VITRO BIOANALYTICAL RP-HPLC METHOD FOR THE ESTIMATION OF EMPAGLIFLOZIN BULK DRUG The reported in-vitro bioanalytical method by RP-HPLC is  Expensive – used only organic solvents as mobile phase and diluent  More run time
  • 194. 194 EMPA Dapagliflozin (Internal Standard) Structure Molecular Weight 450.91 502.98 Class SGLT-2 inhibitor SGLT-2 inhibitor pKa 12.57 12.57 Log P 1.79 2.52 Solubility Slightly soluble in ACN, ethanol, soluble in 50 % ACN/water, sparingly soluble in methanol, very slightly soluble in water and practically insoluble in toluene soluble in ethanol, DMSO and DMF DRUG PROFILE: EMPAAND DAPAGLIFLOZIN
  • 195. 195 METHOD DEVELOPMENT: Diluent: HPLC grade water: ACN (1:1) Buffer [0.01N KH2PO4]: (IP, 2018) Mobile phase [Buffer: ACN (65:35 % v/v)]: Preparation of EMPA stock solution [75μg/ml]: 7.5 mg EMPA + 20ml diluent Sonicated for 10mins + made up to 100ml filtered using 0.45μ PTFE filter 75μg/ml
  • 196. 196 Preparation of Internal Standard (IS) stock solution-I [100μg/ml]: 1.0 ml of stock-I 100μg/ml filtered through 0.45μ PTFE filter Sonicated for 10mins + made up to 100ml 10 mg IS + 10ml diluent Diluted to 10 ml with diluent 10μg/ml Preparation of Internal Standard (IS) stock solution-II [10μg/ml]
  • 197. 197 Vol. of stock [ml] Final Vol. [ml] Concentration [μg/ml] EMPA Standard Solutions- Codes 0.05 10.0 0.375 EMPA S 1 0.1 10.0 0.75 EMPA S 2 0.15 10.0 1.125 EMPA S 3 0.4 10.0 3.0 EMPA S 4 1.0 10.0 7.5 EMPA S 5 1.2 10.0 9.0 EMPA S 6 1.6 10.0 12.0 EMPA S 7 2.0 10.0 15.0 EMPA S 8 PREPARATION OF CALIBRATION CURVE STANDARD EMPA SOLUTIONS:
  • 198. 198 EXTRACTION PROCEDURE: plasma with anti-coagulant, K2EDTA + stored at -70°C vortexed for 2 mins + 1.0 ml Ethyl acetate vortexed for 2 mins + 0.5 ml IS stock-II 0.75 ml blank plasma + 0.25 ml EMPA standard stock thawed on water bath at 30±20C vortexed for 2 mins + Left aside for separation centrifuged in Cooling centrifuge at 8000 rpm for 10 mins separated organic layer evaporated to dryness
  • 199. 199 PREPARATION OF PLASMA SOLUTIONS OF EMPA [37.5-1500 ng/ml]: 0.25 ml each standard solution of EMPA + 0.75 ml plasma 0.5ml IS stock-II + 1.0 ml ethyl acetate 37.5-1500 ng/ml Preparation of plasma spiked QC samples of EMPA: 0.25 ml each EMPA standard solution + 0.75 ml plasma 0.5 ml IS stock-II + 1.0 ml ethyl acetate 37.5 ng/ml (LLOQ) 112.5 ng/ml (LQC) 750 ng/ml (MQC) 1200 ng/ml (HQC) 1500 ng/ml (ULOQ)
  • 200. 200 Column Phenomenex C18 (250mm x 4.6 mm, 5m) Mobile phase 0.01N KH2PO4 buffer (pH 3.0) : ACN (65:35 % v/v) Elution Isocratic Flow rate 1.0 ml/min Detector - λ max PDA (220 nm) Column temperature 300C Injection volume 20 μl Diluent HPLC grade water: ACN [1:1] Run time 6.0 mins OPTIMIZED CHROMATOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS FOR EMPA
  • 201. 201 Blank (Plasma) Optimized Chromatogram of EMPA in Plasma RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
  • 202. 202 VALIDATION [USFDA 2018]: EMPA Blank (Plasma) LINEARITY Zero Calibrator (Plasma + IS) Level - 1 [37.5ng/ml] Level – 2 [75ng/ml]
  • 203. 203 Level – 3 [112.5ng/ml] Level – 4 [300ng/ml] Level – 6 [900ng/ml]Level – 5 [750ng/ml]
  • 204. 204 Level – 8 [1200ng/ml]Level – 7 [1500ng/ml] Concentration [ng/ml] Peak area of IS Peak area of EMPA Peak area of EMPA/IS 37.5 86452 1452 0.0168 75 86543 2904 0.0336 112.5 86259 4457 0.0517 300 86892 12618 0.1452 750 86501 29047 0.3358 900 86432 34856 0.4038 1200 86535 46475 0.5371 1500 86446 58894 0.6813 LINEARITY OF EMPA IN PLASMA
  • 205. 205 y = 0.00045x + 0.00148 R² = 0.99968 0.0000 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 PeakarearatioofEMPA/IS Concentration [ng/ml] LINEARITY PLOT OF EMPA IN PLASMA Concentration [ng/ml] Concentration Mean ± SD* [ng/ml] Intra-day Accuracy* [%] Intra-day Precision* [% CV] Concentration Mean ± SD* [ng/ml] Inter-day Accuracy* [%] Inter-day Precision* [% CV] LLOQ 37.5 37.23 ± 3.65 99.27 9.82 36.89 ± 2.64 99.90 7.15 LQC 112.5 112.18 ± 4.99 99.72 4.45 112.18 ± 5.40 99.72 4.82 MQC 750 748.54 ± 6.61 99.81 0.88 748.70 ± 4.03 99.83 0.54 HQC 1200 1200.56 ± 5.29 100.05 0.44 1198.74± 5.76 99.90 0.48 *mean of five determinations ACCURACY AND PRECISION OF EMPA IN PLASMA
  • 206. 206 Concentration [ng/ml] Concentration [ng/ml] Accuracy [%] LLOQ 37.5 37.52 100.053 37.98 101.28 38.2 101.86 38.3 102.13 37.82 100.85 37.89 101.04 Mean ± SD 37.95 ± 0.279 101.20 ± 0.744 % CV 0.735 0.735 SENSITIVITY OF EMPA IN PLASMA
  • 207. 207 S. No HQC (1200 ng/ml) LQC (112.50 ng/ml) Fresh solution (ng/ml) Stored solution ( ng/ml) Fresh solution ( ng/ml) Stored solution (ng/ml) 1. 1206.890 1198.930 110.169 108.185 2. 1204.851 1194.860 109.184 109.201 3. 1202.841 1196.841 111.192 106.168 4. 1198.912 1201.913 112.166 111.176 5. 1194.914 1205.911 114.178 115.194 6. 1196.894 1203.964 113.182 114.188 Mean ± SD 1200.88 ± 4.714 1200.40 ± 4.263 111.68 ± 1.870 110.69 ± 3.513 % CV 0.39 0.36 1.67 3.17 % Mean Accuracy 100.07 100.03 99.27 98.39 STABILITY OF EMPA IN PLASMA [-28 ± 50C]
  • 208. 208 S. No HQC (1200 ng/ml) LQC (112.50 ng/ml) Fresh solution Stored solution Fresh solution Stored solution 1. 1198.884 1206.920 108.173 111.167 2. 1199.920 1204.901 110.184 108.182 3. 1201.900 1205.879 109.166 109.176 4. 1200.932 1199.865 113.194 112.199 5. 1204.892 1196.924 114.200 115.191 6. 1203.880 1194.896 115.169 114.188 Mean ± SD 1201.73 ± 2.310 1201.56 ± 5.05 111.68 ± 2.89 111.68 ± 2.74 % CV 0.19 0.42 2.59 2.46 % Mean Accuracy 100.14 100.13 99.27 99.27 STABILITY OF EMPA IN PLASMA [-80 ± 50C]
  • 209. 209 Analyte EMPA Internal standard Dapagliflozin Method RP-HPLC Biological matrix Human plasma Anti-coagulant K2 EDTA Extraction method Liquid-liquid extraction Linearity range 37.5-1500 ng/ml Correlation Coefficient [R2] 0.99968 QC concentrations [ng/ml] LLOQ- 37.5 LQC- 112.5 MQC- 750 HQC- 1200 ULOQC- 1500 Accuracy [% recovery] Intra-day 99.27-100.05 Inter-day 99.72-99.90 Precision [% CV] Intra-day 0.44-9.82 Inter-day 0.48-7.15 Long term stability at -28± 50C HQC- 100.03 LQC- 98.39 Long term stability at -80± 50C HQC- 100.13 LQC- 99.27 Sensitivity LLOQ Accuracy 101.2 % CV 0.735 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION
  • 210. 210 The developed in-vitro bioanalytical method for the estimation of EMPA in human plasma was  Simple, rapid and cost-effective  Mobile Phase [ACN: Methanol (50:50 % v/v) →0.01N KH2PO4 buffer (pH 3.0): ACN (65:35 % v/v)]  Retention time [8.898 → 4.390 mins]  Run time [10.0 → 6.0 mins]  Linearity [50-150 → 37.5-1500 ng/ml]
  • 211. 211 SUMMARY
  • 212. 212  Methods developed – 9: Drugs selected – 7  Statin drugs – 2 : Rosuvastatin Calcium and Pitavastatin Calcium  Anti-diabetic drugs – 5: Empagliflozin, Canagliflozin, Ertugliflozin, Metformin and Linagliptin UV SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS COLORIMETRY Diluent/ parameter ROS-Ca PIT- Ca CANA ROS-Ca Diluent 0.1 N NaOH Methanol : Distilled water (1:1) Methanol : Distilled water (1:1) Methanol Linearity range, LOD, LOQ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ SUMMARY
  • 213. 213 Mobile Phase/ Parameter ROS-Ca Simultaneous estimation ERTU MET EMPA LINA Mobile Phase 0.1% OPA (pH 2.7) : ACN (55:45 % v/v) 0.1% OPA (pH 2.7) : ACN (65:35 % v/v) 0.1% OPA (pH 2.7) : Methanol (35:65 % v/v) Retention time, Run time, Linearity range, LOD, LOQ ↓ ↓ ↓ RP-HPLC METHODS Mobile Phase/ Parameter EMPA QbD Approach Bioanalytical Mobile phase 0.1% OPA (pH 2.7) : ACN (39.57:60.43 % v/v) 0.01N KH2PO4 buffer (pH 3.0) : ACN (65:35 % v/v) Retention time, Run Time, Linearity range ↓ [LOD, LOQ] ↓
  • 214. 214 CONCLUSION The methods designed and developed being simple, sensitive and cost-effective may be useful for the estimation of the selected statins and anti-diabetic drugs in API and tablet dosage form in academic institutions, research centers, small scale industries and drug testing labs
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  • 216. 216 ICH Harmonized Triplicate Guideline (2005): Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology Q2 (R1), ICH Steering Committee, Step 4 of ICH process, Retrieved form https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/Q2_R1__Guideline.pdf Indian Pharmacopoeia (2018): Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ghaziabad: volume-II, pp 2544-3142 International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (2009): ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline, Pharmaceutical Development Q8 (R2) retrieved from https://database.ich. org/sites/default/files/Q8_R2_Guideline.pdf International Conference on Harmonisation of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use, ICH Harmonised tripartite guideline (2003): Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products Q1A (R2), Retrieved form https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/Q1A%28R2%29%20Step4.pdf
  • 217. 217 International Conference on Harmonisation of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use, ICH Harmonised tripartite guideline (1996): Stability Testing: Photostability testing of New Drug Substances and Products Q1B, Retrieved form https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/ Q1B_Guideline.pdf International Conference on Harmonization (2003): Note for guidance on stability testing, stability testing of new drug substances and products: ICH Topic Q1 A (R2) Stability Testing of new Drug Substances and Products, London, UK, retrieved from https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/ich-q-1-r2-stability-testing- new-drug-substances-products-step-5_en.pdf International Diabetes Federation (2019): Statistics of Diabetes mellitus retrieved from idf.org/aboutdiabetes/what-is-diabetes/facts-figures.html Katzung BG, Masters SB and Trevor AJ (2015): Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 13th Edn, New York, McGraw Hill Medical, pp 736-742
  • 218. 218 International Conference on Harmonisation of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use, ICH Harmonised tripartite guideline (1996): Stability Testing: Photostability testing of New Drug Substances and Products Q1B, Retrieved form https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/ Q1B_Guideline.pdf International Conference on Harmonization (2003): Note for guidance on stability testing, stability testing of new drug substances and products: ICH Topic Q1 A (R2) Stability Testing of new Drug Substances and Products, London, UK, retrieved from https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/ich-q-1-r2-stability-testing- new-drug-substances-products-step-5_en.pdf International Diabetes Federation (2019): Statistics of Diabetes mellitus retrieved from idf.org/aboutdiabetes/what-is-diabetes/facts-figures.html Katzung BG, Masters SB and Trevor AJ (2015): Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 13th Edn, New York, McGraw Hill Medical, pp 736-742
  • 219. 219 Rajashree Mashru, Dharmendra Damor, Karan Mittal, Bhoomi Patel (2015): Method development and validation of simultaneous estimation of Cilostazol and Telmisartan, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 4(3): 41-48 Ralston S, Penman I, Strachan M, Hobson R and Davidson S (2018): Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, 23rd Edn, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, pp 748 Ramadan AA, Hasna Mandil and Rafif AlsayedAli (2015): Spectrophotometric determination of Rosuvastatin in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations through ion- pair complex formation using bromocresol green, Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, 7(11), 191-198 Ramkumar S, Raghunath A and Raghunath S (2016): Statin therapy, Review of safety and potential side effects, Acta Cardiologica Sinica, 32(6): 631 Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Flower RJ and Henderson G (2012): Rang and Dale's Pharmacology, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 7th Edn, pp 377-383
  • 220. 220 Sharma HL and Sharma KK (2017): Principles of Pharmacology, 3rd Edn, Hyderabad, Paras Medical Publisher, pp 334-336 Snyder LR, Kirkland JJ and Glajch JL (1997): Practical HPLC method development. John Wiley and Sons: 1-438 The Expert Panel, (2002): Third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III), Final Report, Circulation, 106, 3143-3421 USFDA Guidance for Industry (May 2018): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Food and Drug Administration: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER): Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM): Biopharmaceutics: pp 1-37
  • 221. Presentations 1. Presented a poster entitled “Analytical Method Development and Validation for the Estimation of Rosuvastatin Calcium in Raw Material and Tablet Formulation by UV spectroscopy and RP-HPLC” in UGC Sponsored National Conference (IPTCON-2017) on “Current Challenges In Drug Discovery and Development” at SPMVV, Tirupati on 6th and 7th Feb, 2017 2. Presented a poster entitled “Analytical Method Development and Validation for the Estimation of Canagliflozin in Bulk and Formulation by UV Spectroscopic Method”, in DST CURIE Sponsored National Conference (IPTCON-2018) on “Innovative Research Trends in Drug Discovery” at SPMVV, Tirupati on 21, 22 March 2018 221
  • 222. Publications 1. Published a paper entitled “Analytical Method Development and Validation for Estimation of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors: A Review” B.Sailaja and K.Sravana Kumari. International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2(4), 2015, 83–98 2. Published a paper entitled “Analytical Method Development and Validation for the Estimation of Rosuvastatin Calcium in Raw Material and Tablet Formulation by UV Spectrometric Method” B.Sailaja and K.Sravana Kumari. Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2(1), 2016, 7-11 222
  • 223. 223 3. Published a paper entitled “Stability-indicating Method Development and Validation for the Estimation of Rosuvastatin Calcium in Bulk and Tablet Formulation by Reverse-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography” B.Sailaja and K.Sravana Kumari, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 12(8), 2019, 251-256 Paper accepted for Publication: 4. “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Ertugliflozin Pidolate and Metformin Hydrochloride in bulk and tablets” B.Sailaja and K.Sravana Kumari, Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • 224. 224 I express my sincere thanks to Prof. R. Nagaraju, Dean (In charge), for his kind support and encouragement It is my privilege to thank Prof. G. Rajitha, BOS Chairperson, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, SPMVV for her moral support during my Ph.D. work I express my sincere thanks to Prof. Y. Indira Muzib, Head of the Department, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, SPMVV for her support during the work I take this opportunity to thank Prof. M. Ajitha, External examiner and other evaluators for their valuable suggestions I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my research supervisor Prof. B. Sailaja, for her guidance, valuable suggestions, incredible support, patience and persistent creative encouragement through out my research work ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
  • 225. 225 I owe a great debt of gratitude to Prof. K.V.S.R.G. Prasad, Prof. K.Bharathi, Prof. Santh Rani Thakur, Prof. B. Jeevana Jyothi, Prof. M. Vidyavathi, Prof. A. Sreedevi, Prof. S. Joshna Rani, Associate Professors, Dr. K. Madhavi, Dr. B. Ramya Kuber and Dr.K.Swathi, Assistant Professors, Dr. Shaheen Begum and Dr. D. Sujatha for their kind support throughout my Ph.D. course I take this opportunity to thank Laurus labs, Hyderabad, Apotex Pharma, Bangalore, Micro labs, Bangalore, Hetero drugs, Hyderabad, Natco Pharma, Hyderabad, Ajanta Pharma, Mumbai for providing me the gift samples of APIs I express my sincere thanks to Dr. K. S. Murali Krishna, Principal, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Hyderabad for providing the facilities required for Ph.D. work and for his support and encouragement
  • 226. 226 I am thankful to Dr. D. Dachinamoorthi, Principal, QIS College of Pharmacy, Ongole for his support and encouragement I am grateful and sincerely thankful to Dr. Gummalla Pitchaiah, Head of the Department, QIS College of Pharmacy, Ongole for providing facilities for Ph.D. work and encouragement I am thankful to Dr. P. Sreenivasa Prasanna, Principal, Malineni Lakshmaiah College of Pharmacy, Singarayakonda for providing the facilities required for Ph.D. work My special thanks go to my friends Mrs. E. Pushpa Latha, Mrs. K. Veditha, Mrs. S. Bhargavi for their help during my Ph.D. work
  • 227. 227 I express my heartfelt love and affection to my father, late Mr. K. Anjaneyulu, mother, Mrs. K. Sujatha and brother, Mr. K. Siva Teja for their constant encouragement and moral support without which this work would have not been completed I take this opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude and respect to all those who helped me directly and indirectly in completion of my Ph.D.
  • 228. 228 THANK YOU

PM Proofreading

How to present an effective and successful viva voce

Some tips for editing and proofreading academic work, tips and strategies to prepare for your oral viva voce presentation.

viva voce presentation

Table of Contents

As with your dissertation or thesis, the organization of your viva Slideshow should be consistent. It is prudent to adhere to the thesis’s framework. And besides, you already have given it some consideration and ensured that everything makes sense.

In this manner, you can avoid adding to your workload. However, keep in mind that the presentation is not really a recitation of your thesis verbatim. Simply summarize the most critical and interesting points. By covering the following topics, you may create a strong framework for any viva presentation:

Degree of relevance

Your thesis was in-depth in its examination of a particular issue, a particular area of study. You explain it and explain why it is important in the opening section of the viva PowerPoint presentation. What value does it provide to academic knowledge, the general public, or a particular avenue? Why this specific query? This enables you to demonstrate to your listeners why you selected your subject and why they should listen to everything you’ve to say.

Research background

This is where you go into more depth about the context of your research issue, i.e. the most significant ideas and methods which already exist on the subject or that inspired your inquiry. This assists your audience in anticipating any complicated interrelationships and explains the foundation around which your work is constructed.

Research methodology

This section details your approach to your job. Was your study qualitative or quantitative in nature? Have you conducted interviews, analyzed data, or assessed a body of literature? This is your opportunity to demonstrate to your examiners how meticulously you worked and why you selected this specific approach.

Research findings

Now is the time to share the findings of your study. Were there any unexpected outcomes? If you did, how did you handle them? Are the outcomes consistent? Where did you run into problems and also how did you overcome them? Utilize this area to speak candidly and transparently about your study. It is a chance to demonstrate that you have taken the subject seriously and thoroughly, rather than just selecting the simplest route.

Finally, describe your findings succinctly and succinctly, and respond to the research question given at the outset. Additionally, you may offer your own view on whether you obtained the outcome you anticipated or if your study came to an unexpected conclusion.

If you are required to show your sources at the conclusion of your viva, you should discuss this with your supervisors or consult the rules. If in doubt, it is best to be cautious and make a list of sources.

List of research publications

Another thing the examiners might ask is for you to briefly present a list of your published research papers and conference proceedings. So be sure to have a detailed list ready so that you can quickly present this and go over each of your research papers that are related to your thesis project.

The final part

The final part of the viva voce, after you have finished your presentation, is the question and answer session. This is the part when the examiners would ask you some detailed questions regarding  your work. Here is where you really have to put in the effort to defend all aspects of your research. Is you have worked hard on writing your thesis, and know it inside out, this wouldn’t be an issue, as you would be confident in your answers and the examiners would clearly see this.

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