Challenges and Endeavors of Radiated Radio Frequency Tests for 5G Radios

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Submission Deadline: 31 January 2021

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Challenges and Endeavors of Radiated Radio Frequency Tests for 5G Radios.

By now, we have entered the fifth generation (5G) era with intensive research and development (R&D) of various 5G applications from both industry and academia. The 5G systems promise higher spectral efficiency/energy efficiency, lower latency, and more reliable communications. These advantages are supported by millimeter wave (mmWave) and/or massive multiple-input multiple-output (M-MIMO) techniques.

Cable conducted testing has been the dominant testing method for sub-6 GHz conventional communication systems, where antenna ports are mostly accessible for conducted testing. In the conducted testing, antenna characteristics are omitted completely by testing from antenna ports.  However, for M-MIMO antenna systems with hundreds of antenna elements, conducted testing obviously becomes infeasible. Moreover, it is likely that mmWave systems will not have standard antenna ports, rendering over-the-air (OTA) the only testing solution. However, many challenges for OTA testing of 5G devices arise, e.g., the lack of antenna connectors especially at frequency region (FR) 2, the high number of antenna connectors at RF1 for base stations; the complicated and expensive system resource requirement for testing electrically large 5G devices; the time-consuming array diagnosis and calibration for M-MIMO and millimeter-wave systems; the large measurement range requirement in the test system to meet the far field assumption; the link budget issue at FR2, etc. Besides conventional antenna and radio frequency (RF) testing, it is necessary as well to test both mmWave and M-MIMO systems with appropriate channel models due to the fact that the use of beamforming and spatial filtering is sensitive to time-variant radio channel conditions.

In addition, the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems of 5G systems become very serious due to the existence of complicated circuits and numerous wireless components. In practice, the EMC test needs to not only evaluate the radiated/conducted emission/susceptibility, but also identify the key sources of EMC failures. Due to the complexity of 5G systems, the identification of EMC failure source is especially challenging. Therefore, new testing solutions and post-processing techniques are needed to address the challenges of 5G EMC tests, also accounting for coexistence with existing fixed and mobile installations.

The objective of this Special Section is to address the challenges in OTA/EMC tests for 5G Technologies. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Anechoic chamber based testing methods for 5G applications
  • Reverberation chambers based testing methods for 5G applications
  • M-MIMO antenna array diagnosis and calibration
  • Millimeter-wave antenna array diagnosis and calibration
  • Numerical modeling and simulation methods for M-MIMO systems and 5G applications
  • OTA testing of 5G base stations and terminals
  • EMC tests of 5G devices and coexisting issues
  • Virtual drive testing
  • Performance evaluation of communication systems in critical propagation scenarios
  • Progress in standardization of 5G metrology
  • Developments 5G channel model, radio channel emulator, and other testbeds for performance testing
  • OTA methods of fading emulation for demodulation and radio resource management (RRM) testing
  • OTA methods for RF performance testing
  • Uncertainty analyses for OTA/EMC tests

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility and downloads of articles.

Associate Editor:    Wei Fan, Aalborg University, Denmark Huapeng Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Guest Editors:

  • Xiaoming Chen, Xi’an Jiao tong University, China
  • Su Yan, Howard University, USA
  • Pekka Kyösti, Keysight technologies and Oulu University, Finland
  • Jukka-Pekka Nuutinen, Spirent Technologies, USA
  • Valter Mariani Primiani, Università Politecnica delle Marche – Ancona, Italy

Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

Antenna and Propagation for 5G and Beyond

5g and beyond mobile wireless communications enabling intelligent mobility, millimeter-wave and terahertz propagation, channel modeling and applications.

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:   Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: [email protected] .

Body Area Networks

Submission Deadline: 30 July 2020

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of body area networks, wireless sensors networks, medical ICT, intelligent health management, and big data analysis.

Wearable communications and personal health management are the future trends of the healthcare industry. To make this happen, new technologies are required to provide trustable measurement and communication mechanisms, from the data source to medical health databases. Wireless body area networks (WBAN) are the focus of this Special Section, not just on-body devices, but also technologies providing information from inside the body. Dependable communications combined with accurate localization and behavior analysis will benefit WBAN technology and make healthcare processes more effective.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Wearable computing
  • Embedded devices and medical applications
  • In-, on- and off-body communications & networking
  • Antennas and propagation
  • Security and privacy of health data communications
  • Smart BAN for social inclusion
  • Socio-economic aspects of health caring
  • Medical device regulation
  • Human bond communications
  • Remote patient management and preventive care
  • Radio coexistence and interference management
  • Rehabilitation and activity monitoring
  • Wellness and sport applications of body area networks
  • ICT solutions for health and wellness education
  • Molecular communications
  • WBANs supporting cognitive impairments

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.

Associate Editor:  Lorenzo Mucchi, University of Florence, Italy

  • Matti Hämäläinen, University of Oulu, Finland
  • Massimiliano Pierobon, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
  • Diep Nguyen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
  • Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiroshima Hiroshima City University, Dept. of Biomedical Information Sciences
  • Wearable and Implantable Devices and Systems
  • Molecular Communication Networks
  • Advances of Multisensory Services and Technologies for Healthcare in Smart Cities

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: [email protected] .

Energy Harvesting Technologies for Wearable and Implantable Devices

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2020

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Energy Harvesting Technologies for Wearable and Implantable Devices.

Implantable and wearable electronic devices can improve the quality of life as well as the life expectancy of many chronically ill patients, provided that certain biological signs can be accurately monitored. Thanks to advances in packaging and nanofabrication, it is now possible to embed various microelectronic and micromechanical sensors (such as gyroscopes, accelerometers and image sensors) into a small area on a flexible substrate and at a relatively low cost. Furthermore, these devices have been integrated with wireless communication technologies to enable the transmission of both signals and energy.  However, to ensure that these devices can truly improve a patient’s quality of life, new preventative, diagnostic and therapeutic devices that can provide hassle-free, long-term, continuous monitoring will need to be developed, which must rely on novel energy harvesting solutions that are non-obstructive to their wearer.  So far, research in the field has focussed on materials, new processing techniques and one-off devices. However, existing progress is not sufficient for future electronic devices to be useful in any new application and a great demand exists towards scaling up the research towards circuits and systems. A few interesting developments in this direction indicate that special attention should be given towards the design, simulation and modeling of energy harvesting techniques while keeping system integration and power management in mind.

  • Novel piezoelectric, thermoelectric and photovoltaic energy harvesting technologies that lead to enhanced efficiency and controllability under standard or varying working conditions
  • Novel control strategies for achieving maximum or optimum energy harvesting
  • Power management circuits for energy harvesters
  • Novel data driven techniques for optimizing and forecasting the amount of energy that can be harvested
  • Low-Power circuits and sensors
  • Flexible sensors, circuits and energy harvesters for wearables
  • Implantable electronics
  • Novel wireless power transfer and delivery techniques
  • Numerical and computational modeling techniques

Associate Editor: Hadi Heidari, University of Glasgow, UK

  • Mehmet Ozturk, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Rami Ghannam,University of Glasgow, UK
  • Law Man Kay, University of Macau, China
  • Hamideh Khanbareh, University of Bath, UK
  •  Abdul Halim Miah, University of Florida, USA
  • Smart Health Sensing and Computational Intelligence: From Big Data to Big Impacts
  • Neural Engineering Informatics

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:  [email protected] .

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Antenna and Propagation for 5G and Beyond.

5G is not just the next evolution of 4G technology; it’s a paradigm shift. “5G and Beyond” will enable bandwidth in excess of 100s of Mb/s with latency of less than 1 ms, in addition to providing connectivity to billions of devices. The verticals of 5G and beyond are not limited to smart transportation, industrial IoT, eHealth, smart cities, and entertainment services; transforming the way humanity lives, works, and engages with its environment.

“5G and beyond” is an enormous opportunity but the widespread deployment of 5G still faces many challenges, including reliable connectivity, a wide range of bands to support ranging from the 600 MHz UHF band to the mm-wave 60 GHz V-band, dynamic spectrum sharing, channel modeling and wave propagation for ultra-dense wireless networks, as well as price pressures. Besides other required features, the choice of an antenna system will be a critical component of all the node end devices. Choosing the right antenna for an application presents a key design challenge. Creating effective antenna performance requires engineers to examine several factors including antenna size, from what is needed to what is possible, antenna shape, and placement. As consumer electronic modules continue to shrink, incorporating more wireless technologies, making space for antennas is becoming an increasingly significant challenge. Thus, the antenna designers face the restrictions of maintaining reasonable performance in ever-shrinking footprints and under extreme interference conditions. Since high frequency bands are expected to be used in 5G, the propagation characteristics such as propagation loss and multipath characteristics must be evaluated for mm Wave frequencies and beyond. Therefore, new radio propagation modeling and prediction techniques need to be developed to cover the new frequency bands for future 5G wireless systems.

The explosive growth of 5G creates many scientific and engineering challenges that call for ingenious research efforts from both academia and industry. This Special Section in IEEE Access brings together scholars, professors, researchers, engineers, and administrators to find new approaches for exploiting challenging propagation channels and the development of efficient, cost-effective, scalable, and reliable antenna systems/solutions. Further, this Special Section will allow researchers to identify new opportunities for this exciting field.

  • Massive MIMO Antenna Systems: design and applications
  • Distributed Massive MIMO
  • Smart Reconfigurable Antenna Design and Systems
  • Antenna and propagation for smart wearables IoT
  • Base Station and Terminal Antennas
  • Antennas for Machine to Machine (M2M) Connection
  • mm Wave Antennas
  • Antennas for Terahertz applications
  • Antennas for Driverless Cars
  • Phased Array Antennas
  • Antenna Beamforming
  • Channel enhancement techniques
  • Propagation modeling for 5G
  • Channel modeling and wave propagation for smart cities
  • Electromagnetic wave attenuation and RF signal propagation in smart cities

Associate Editor:  Muhammad Ali Imran, University of Glasgow, UK

  • Asimina Kiourti, The Ohio State University, USA
  • Hassan Tariq Chattha, Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia
  • Yejun He, Shenzhen University, China
  • Akram Alomainy, Queen Mary University of London, UK
  • Raheel M. Hashmi, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia
  • Muhammad Zulfiker Alam, Queens University, Kingston, Canada
  • Qammer H. Abbasi, University of Glasgow, UK

Advances in Statistical Channel Modeling for Future Wireless Communications Networks

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:  [email protected] ; [email protected] .

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of 5G and Beyond Mobile Wireless Communications Enabling Intelligent Mobility.

Increasing urbanization is one major trend that shapes tomorrow’s society; by 2050 more than 85% of the developed world’s population will live in a comparatively small number of ever-growing cities. Within such cities and their commuter belts, reliable high-rate wireless communication will not only be required for (quasi-) static users, but also for hosts of people moving in public and private transportation networks. Yet, wireless connectivity is not restricted to people; frictionless functioning of such a society in motion is supported by Intelligent Mobility where each connected transportation vehicle (car, train, bus, ship, aircraft, motorcycle, bicycle) is expected to be a smart object equipped with a powerful multi-sensor platform, communication capability, computing units, and Internet protocol (IP)-based connectivity, such as to be highly efficient in various vehicular and transportation applications. This vision requires a more pervasive and ubiquitous communications and networking core, which will not be only driven by the existing research on 5G, but also enabled by future mobile wireless communications which employ new concepts, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud-computing, etc. Therefore, this Special Section in IEEE Access focuses on various theoretical and experimental views on researching and developing the required technological enhancements of 5G and beyond mobile wireless communications to efficiently support the vision of intelligent mobility, providing mobility as a service and enabling dependable Internet services.

  • Propagation and channel measurement and modeling for connected cars, trains, ships, and aircrafts, especially at new frequency bands
  • Integrated space-air-vehicle-ground networks
  • Integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into new wireless systems solutions and applications for intelligent mobility
  • Data analytics for intelligent transportation systems
  • Cloud- and edge based high-performance computing techniques for mobile networks
  • MIMO and Massive MIMO for intelligent transportation systems
  • Radio technologies for high mobility transportation systems
  • Physical layer techniques for connected vehicles, public transportation control and signaling
  • Wireless technologies for automated and connected vehicles
  • Millimeter wave, sub-millimeter wave, and THz communications enabling intelligent mobility
  • Heterogeneous networks and distributed antenna systems
  • Novel physical layer waveforms and modulation schemes

Associate Editor:   Ke Guan, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

  • Markus Rupp, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • Thomas Kürner, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
  • Cesar Briso, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
  • David W. Matolak, University of South Carolina, USA
  • Jun-ichi Takada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Wei Wang, Chang’an University, China
  • Network Resource Management in Flying Ad Hoc Networks: Challenges, Potentials, Future Applications, and Wayforward

Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: [email protected] .

Submission Deadline: 30 June 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Advances in Statistical Channel Modeling for Future Wireless Communications Networks.

Wireless communication technology, including both radio and optical frequencies, has become an important aspect of modern life. The accurate depiction of wireless signals is paramount. Statistical channel modeling is of great importance, as accurate characterization of the propagation channel is essential for different applications like system design and performance analysis.

Recently, various types of new wireless communication systems have emerged, such as device-to-device, millimeter wave, and massive multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems. However, traditional and well-established fading models, such as Rayleigh, Rician, and Nakagami- m , may not accurately model the random fluctuations of the received signal. There is a strong, credible body of evidence, suggesting that the complex electromagnetic propagation phenomena involved in new wireless communications should be taken into account by general and unifying, physically based channel models. Researchers have been making great efforts to propose appropriate channel models and readers of IEEE Access have keen interest in the research advances in this fundamental and important area.

  • Backscatter communications
  • Collocated, distributed and cell-free massive MIMO communications
  • Millimeter wave communications
  • Device-to-device communications
  • Satellite communications
  • UAV communications
  • Underwater and marine communications
  • Vehicular communications
  • Visible light/free-space optical communications
  • High-speed mobility scenarios
  • Wireless body area networks
  • Internet of Things in smart factories
  • Physical layer security of wireless communications

Associate Editor:   Daniel Benevides da Costa, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil

  • Jiayi Zhang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
  • George K. Karagiannidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Kostas P. Peppas, University of Peloponnese, Greece
  • Michail Matthaiou, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK
  • Octavia A. Dobre, Memorial University, Canada
  • Big Data Analytics in Internet-of-Things And Cyber-Physical System
  • Optical Wireless Technologies for 5G Communications and Beyond
  • Modelling, Analysis, and Design of 5G Ultra-Dense Networks

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: [email protected]

Submission Deadline: 31 October 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Propagation, Channel Modeling and Applications.

The demand for ever-increasing wireless data-transmission rates and throughput area-densities is common to several wireless services and application areas, from ultra-dense cellular networks to internet access, wireless networks on-chip, back-hauling, device-to-device communications and sensing techniques. This need is fostering the exploration of new spectrum in the millimeter-wave (30 to 300 GHz) and Terahertz (0.1 to 10 THz) bands and the study of techniques for multi-Gigabit transmission based on very high-gain antennas or using massive antenna arrays (massive-MIMO, i.e. massive Multiple Input Multiple Output systems).

Besides the greater spectrum availability, mm-wave and THz communications can benefit from the small wavelength, which allows for the design of compact, massive antenna arrays with very narrow beams and therefore of powerful beamforming techniques (pencil-beamforming) that yield optimum spectrum spatial re-use and consistently high signal to interference ratio.

Beamforming is likely to be of great interest for far-field Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) techniques, recently proposed to energize small, battery-less devices and sensors and foster the development of the Internet of Things (IoT). For example, small, low-cost passive tags could be attached to products in a warehouse and high gain mm-wave beam-scanning antenna arrays could be used to localize them and at the same time to acquire sensing information about them. Furthermore, the use of multiple bands in the mm-wave and Terahertz frequency ranges will allow the implementation of very high-accuracy sensing and localization techniques. This will enable a variety of applications, with special regard to security enforcing and vehicular systems, such as the detection and/or localization of drones or the accurate localization of vehicles in urban environment using multi-static cooperative radar techniques for safety and traffic control.

To fully exploit the potential of mm-wave and THz spectrum a deep understanding of the propagation channel will be required, including aspects such as materials’ electromagnetic properties, blockage and scattering due to people, vehicles, drones, as well as multidimensional, multi-frequency channel characterization.  Moreover, multi-disciplinary studies on link components such as antennas, devices, pointing systems, etc., will be necessary, especially for the development of reliable THz communications systems.

The goal of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to provide insight into the peculiar characteristics of electromagnetic propagation at millimeter wave and THz frequencies, to investigate and compare different channel modeling approaches, application scenarios, system architectures, information and power transmission techniques as well as novel localization and sensing solutions that the use of such frequency bands will foster.

The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Millimeter and Terahertz Wave Propagation
  • Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Measurements
  • Scattering and Blockage from Humans and Objects
  • Diffuse Scattering Modeling
  • Ray Tracing Propagation Modeling
  • Empirical / Statistical Propagation Modeling
  • Material Characterization at mm-wave and THz Frequencies
  • Mm-wave and THz Channel Modeling
  • Vehicular Communications
  • Railway Communications
  • Air-to-Ground Communications
  • 5G and Beyond Mobile Communications
  • Radar Techniques for Safety and Traffic Control
  • Mm-wave and THz Remote Sensing and Imaging Techniques
  • High Accuracy Localization Techniques
  • Localization and Mapping Techniques
  • Inter- and Intra-chip Wireless Networks
  • Device-to-Device and Rack-to-Rack Communications
  • Gigabit and Terabit Wireless Links for Back-Hauling and High-Speed Access
  • Mm-wave and Terahertz Transmission Techniques and System Architectures
  • Massive MIMO Communications Techniques
  • Analog and Digital Beamforming Techniques
  • Multi-user Beamforming and Space Division techniques
  • Internet of Things
  • Mm-wave RFID techniques
  • Far-field Wireless Power Transmission
  • Wireless Power Focusing techniques and Frequency Diverse Arrays
  • Mm-wave and THz Antennas, Rectennas and Devices
  • Submillimeter Wave Technology

Associate Editor:  Vittorio Degli-Esposti and Franco Fuschini, University of Bologna, Italy

  • Henry L. Bertoni, NYU School of Engineering, New York, USA
  • Reiner Thomä, Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Germany
  • Xuefeng Yin, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
  • Ke Guan, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
  • Roadmap to 5G: Rising to the Challenge
  • Multi-Function RF Components for Current and Future 5G Wireless Communications
  • Modelling, Analysis, and Design of 5G Ultra-Dense Networks

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: : [email protected] , [email protected]

Wireless Body Area Networks

Submission Deadline:  31 March 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Wireless Body Area Networks.

This Special Section collects extended versions of the best-ranked papers presented in Bodynets 2018 Conference in Oulu, Finland. In addition, other researchers are encouraged to submit their recent research work for possible publication in the Special Section.

Wearable devices and wireless communications combined with a personalized health management are the future trends of healthcare practices and procedures. To make this progress happen, new technologies and methods are required to provide reliable measuring, end-to-end communications and data analysis mechanisms from the data source to medical health records. Wireless body area networks (WBAN) are one major element in this process. Not limited to only on-body WBAN devices but also benefiting technologies which can distribute vital information inside a human body, or allow control of implantable devices are also  the main focus of this Special Section. Dependable wireless communications combined with versatile application areas, such as accurate localization or behavior analysis techniques, remote monitoring, adoption of vital sensors and actuators, etc. can benefit the increased use of new WBAN technologies in various healthcare related studies. Eventually, this will make the healthcare processes more effective and user friendly, and simultaneously increase the safety of (out)patients.

This Special Section in IEEE Access focuses on various theoretical and experimental views on the WBAN applications, technologies, implementations and utilizations based on the extended versions of the best-evaluated papers from Bodynets 2018. Articles should be extended versions of the 2018 Bodynets Conference articles since only 35% overlap is allowed. Original and new research articles are also welcome.

  • In-, on- and off-body communications and networking
  • Embedded devices
  • Medical applications
  • WBAN radio channel modeling
  • WBAN antennas
  • Security aspects of WBAN or security for medical ICT
  • Experimentations of WBAN technologies and services
  • Utilization of WBAN in general

Associate Editor:  Matti Hämäläinen, University of Oulu, Finland.

  • Daizuke Anzai, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy
  • Jari Iinatti, University of Oulu, Finland
  • Lorenzo Mucchi, University of Florence, Italy
  • Carlos Pomalaza-Raez, Purdue University, USA
  • Advanced Information Sensing and Learning Technologies for Data-centric Smart Health Applications
  • Trends, Perspectives and Prospects of Machine Learning Applied to Biomedical Systems in Internet of Medical Things

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:  [email protected]

Wirelessly Powered Networks: Algorithms, Applications and Technologies

Submission Deadline:  31 October 2018

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Wirelessly Powered Networks: Algorithms, Applications and Technologies.

Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is, by definition, a process that occurs in any system where electrical energy is transmitted from a power source to a load without the connection of electrical conductors. WPT is the driving technology that will enable the next stage in the current consumer electronics revolution, including battery-less sensors, passive RF identification (RFID), passive wireless sensors, the Internet of Things and 5G, and machine-to-machine solutions. WPT-enabled devices can be powered by harvesting energy from the surroundings, including electromagnetic (EM) energy, leading to a new communication networks paradigm, the Wirelessly Powered Networks.

While recent advances in wireless utensils appear to be unlimited, the dependence of their operation on batteries remains a weakness, mainly because batteries come with a limited lifetime and require a fast charge time to achieve continuous operation. This is where the technologies of WPT become useful, bringing together wireless energy and data transmission. WPT technologies substitute the traditional powering concept, where a cable or a battery is connected to the wireless device, by the transmission of energy over the air in an efficient way to power-up the device.

Wirelessly Powered Networks have recently evolved into a very active research field, as well as a topic of rapid technological progress, emerging practical developments and standardization activities. However, a solid foundational, technological, and applied background is still necessary for Wirelessly Powered Networks to achieve their full potential. The provisioning of relevant technological models, algorithmic design and analysis methods, networking principles, circuit and system design, and application methodologies is a challenging task. This Special Section in IEEE Access invites academic and industrial experts to make their contributions on Wirelessly Powered Networks. It will selectively span a coherent, large spectrum of fundamental aspects of WPT, and will focus on three main thematic pillars and relevant themes: Algorithms, Applications and Technologies.

  • Optimization and approximation algorithms (mobility/energy/data management)
  • Joint operation scheduling (routing, data gathering, ambient harvesting)
  • Precise algorithmic models and efficient distributed protocols
  • WPT devices deployment
  • Safety provisioning through EM radiation control algorithms
  • Peer-to-peer and crowd charging algorithms
  • Algorithms for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT)


  • Medical implants and wearable devices
  • Automotive technology and electric vehicles
  • Mobile communications, wireless sensor networks and UAVs
  • Spacecraft engineering
  • Home/Industrial appliances
  • Standardization, regulations and biological effects
  • Solutions for SWIPT


  • RF energy harvesting, rectennas and rectenna arrays
  • High-frequency rectifying circuits, power transmitters and devices
  • Near-field (inductive, resonant) energy transfer
  • Microwave transmission and beaming
  • Novel materials, fabrication techniques
  • Energy storage elements, RFID-related electronics and self-powered sensors
  • Measurement and characterization approaches for WPT components

Associate Editor:   Theofanis P. Raptis, National Research Council, Italy

  • Nuno Borges Carvalho, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • Diego Masotti, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Lei Shu, Nanjing Agricultural University, China / University of Lincoln, UK
  • Cong Wang, Old Dominion University, USA
  • Yuanyuan Yang, Stony Brook University, USA
  • Energy Efficient Wireless Communications with Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer
  • Exploiting the Benefits of Interference in Wireless Networks: Energy Harvesting and Security
  • Energy Harvesting and Scavenging: Technologies, Algorithms, and Communication Protocols

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:   [email protected]

Multi-Function RF Components for Current and Future 5G Wireless Communications

Submission Deadline:  31 May 2018

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Multi-Function RF Components for Current and Future 5G Wireless Communications.

With the increasing demand of wireless connection, wireless communication including 5G is continuously and rapidly growing. Modern wireless communication systems, such as 5G, bring great challenges on radio frequency (RF) sub-systems, which should support multiple RF chains operating at different frequency bands and for various modes. In the 5G RF sub-systems, massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antennas are the key technology for the success of 5G in which there are tens or even hundreds of RF chains. In these cases, a large number of transceivers and other components must co-exist within a limited volume. The power consumption and size of RF components are problematic issues, which play an important role in the overall behavior of wireless systems. To solve this problem, extensive work has been done, focusing on the reduction of power consumption and size of various RF components. Although great advances have recently been made, current techniques are still lacking in successful implementations of compact and low-power RF sub-systems fulfilling the increasing demand. It is therefore urgent to develop new techniques which can support the requirements of multiple RF chains in current and future 5G wireless systems.

Fortunately, the technique of co-designing multiple RF operational functionalities to realize multi-function components has exhibited the potential to achieve compact size and low power consumption. Further progress in this area will be made by studying the theory and techniques of multi-component co-design so that the resulting multi-function RF devices outperform the classic cascades of multiple mono-function components.

The objective of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to identify and discuss technical challenges and recent results related to multi-function RF components for current and future wireless communication system with emphasis on 5G. For this Special Section, we seek prospective authors to submit their high-quality original and unpublished contributions, surveys, and case studies on this research area.

  • Co-design of antennas and filters
  • Antennas with integrated power combining capability
  • Power amplifiers with integrated filtering responses
  • Filtering power dividers/couplers
  • Filtering matching networks/transformers
  • Filtering phase shifters
  • Filtering with differential-mode operation.
  • Rectennas with integrated design of antenna and rectifier
  • Multi-function reconfigurable filters (simultaneous bandpass, bandstop, all-pass and/or all-reject response)
  • Novel analysis method for multi-function RF components

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.

Associate Editor: Xiu Yin Zhang, South China University of Technology, China

  • Roberto Gómez-García , University of Alcala, Spain
  • Guoan Wang, University of South Carolina, USA
  • Yi Wang, University of Greenwich, UK
  • Tunable devices for modern communications: materials, integration, modeling, and applications
  • Recent Advances on Radio Access and Security Methods in 5G Networks

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: [email protected]

At a Glance

  • Journal: IEEE Access
  • Format: Open Access
  • Frequency: Continuous
  • Submission to Publication: 4-6 weeks (typical)
  • Topics: All topics in IEEE
  • Average Acceptance Rate: 27%
  • Impact Factor: 3.4
  • Model: Binary Peer Review
  • Article Processing Charge: US $1,995

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Mimo antennas: design approaches, techniques and applications.

ieee research papers antenna

1. Introduction

2. mimo antenna design approaches, 2.1. envelope correlation coefficient (ecc), 2.2. diversity gain (dg), 2.3. channel capacity loss (ccl), 2.4. mean effective gain (meg), 2.5. total active reflection coefficient (tarc), 3. ultra-wideband (uwb) mimo antenna designs, 4. dual-band mimo antenna designs, 5. circularly polarized mimo antenna design approaches, 6. mimo antennas in indoor environment, 7. mimo characteristics for 6g technology, 8. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

  • Tao, J.; Feng, Q. Compact ultra-wideband MIMO antenna with half-slot structure. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 2016 , 16 , 792–795. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Xu, Y.; Dong, Y.; Wen, S.; Wang, H. Vertically polarized quasi-Yagi MIMO antenna for 5G N78 band application. IEEE Access 2021 , 9 , 7836–7844. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Sakli, H.; Abdelhamid, C.; Essid, C.; Sakli, N. Metamaterial-based antenna performance enhancement for MIMO system applications. IEEE Access 2021 , 9 , 38546–38556. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Garg, P.; Jain, P. Isolation improvement of MIMO antenna using a novel flower shaped metamaterial absorber at 5.5GHz WiMAX band. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. 2020 , 67 , 675–679. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Wang, Z.; Zhao, L.; Cai, Y.; Zheng, S.; Yin, Y. A meta-surface antenna array decoupling (MAAD) method for mutual coupling reduction in a MIMO antenna system. Sci. Rep. 2018 , 8 , 3152–3159. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ] [ Green Version ]
  • Xue, C.D.; Zhang, X.Y.; Cao, Y.F.; Hou, Z.; Ding, C.F. MIMO antenna using hybrid electric and magnetic coupling for isolation enhancement. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2017 , 65 , 5162–5170. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Yang, C.; Kim, J.; Kim, H.; Wee, J.; Kim, B.; Jung, C. Quad-band antenna with high isolation MIMO and broadband SCS for broadcasting and telecommunication services. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 2010 , 9 , 584–587. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Bhattacharya, A.; Roy, B. Investigations on an extremely compact MIMO antenna with enhanced isolation and bandwidth. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 2020 , 62 , 845–851. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Pei, T.; Zhu, L.; Wang, J.; Wu, W. A low-profile decoupling structure for mutual coupling suppression in MIMO patch antenna. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2021 , 69 , 6145–6153. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Kumar, P.; Kanaujia, B.K. High isolation 4-port UWB MIMO antenna with novel decoupling structure for high speed and 5G communication. In Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Cape Town, South Africa, 5–9 September 2022; pp. 336–339. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Ghalib, A.; Sharawi, M.S. TCM analysis of defected ground structures for MIMO antenna designs in mobile terminals. IEEE Access 2017 , 5 , 19680–19692. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Pan, B.C.; Cui, T.J. Broadband decoupling network for dual-band microstrip patch antennas. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2017 , 65 , 5595–5598. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Niu, Z.; Zhang, H.; Chen, Q.; Zhong, T. Isolation enhancement for 1 × 3 closely spaced E-plane patch antenna array using defect ground structure and metal-vias. IEEE Access 2019 , 7 , 119375–119383. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Jehangir, S.S.; Sharawi, M.S. A miniaturized UWB biplanar Yagi-like MIMO antenna system. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 2017 , 16 , 2320–2323. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Chen, A.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, L.; Yin, Y. A dual-feed MIMO antenna pair with one shared radiator and two isolated ports for fifth generation mobile communication band. Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng. 2017 , 27 , e21146. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Kanaujia, B.K.; Srivastava, K. Neutralization technique based two and four port high isolation MIMO antennas for UWB communication. Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU) 2019 , 110 , 152828. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Kanaujia, B.K.; Kumar, P. UWB MIMO antenna with decoupling strip for 5G applications. In Proceedings of the 2021 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Hamilton, ON, Canada, 1–5 August 2021; pp. 1–4. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Kanaujia, B.K. A compact UWB MIMO antenna with neutralization line for WLAN/ISM/mobile applications. Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng. 2019 , 29 , e21907. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Wang, E.; Wang, W.; Tan, X.; Wu, Y.; Gao, J.; Liu, Y. A UWB slot antenna using defected ground structure for high isolation. Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng. 2020 , 30 , e22155. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Barani, I.R.R.; Wong, K.L.; Zhang, Y.X.; Li, W.Y. Low-profile wideband conjoined open-slot antennas fed by grounded coplanar waveguides for 4 × 4 5G MIMO operation. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2020 , 68 , 2646–2657. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Mendez, J.A.T.; Aguilar, H.J.; Merino, A.R.; Toledo, L.A.V.; Villanueva, R.G. Four ports wideband drop-shaped slot antenna for MIMO applications. J. Electromagnet. Waves Applicat. 2020 , 34 , 1159–1179. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Wang, L.; Du, Z.; Yang, H.; Ma, R.; Zhao, Y.; Cui, X.; Xi, X. Compact UWB MIMO antenna with high isolation using fence-type decoupling structure. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 2019 , 18 , 1641–1645. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Wang, M.; Nan, J.; Liu, J. High-isolation UWB MIMO antenna with multiple X-shaped stubs loaded between ground planes. Int. J. Antennas Propag. 2021 , 2021 , 1155471. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Addepalli, T.; Anitha, V.R. A very compact and closely spaced circular shaped UWB MIMO antenna with improved isolation. Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU) 2020 , 114 , 153016. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Sharma, M.; Dhasarathan, V.; Patel, S.K.; Nguyen, T.K. An ultra-compact four-port 4 × 4 superwideband MIMO antenna including mitigation of dual notched bands characteristics designed for wireless network applications. Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU) 2020 , 123 , 153332. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Gotra, S.; Varshney, G.; Pandey, V.S.; Yaduvanshi, R.S. Super-wideband multi-input-multi-output dielectric resonator antenna. IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 2020 , 14 , 21–27. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Kanaujia, B.K.; Kumar, S.; Gupta, S.K. A low profile dual band MIMO antenna for LTE/Bluetooth /Wi-Fi/WLAN applications. J. Electromagnet. Wave Applicat. 2020 , 34 , 1239–1253. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Liu, P.; Sun, D.; Wang, P.; Gao, P. Design of a dual-band MIMO antenna with high isolation for WLAN applications. Prog. Electromagnet. Res. Lett. 2018 , 74 , 23–30. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Nirmal, P.C.; Nandgaonkar, A.; Nalbalwar, S.; Gupta, R.K. A compact dual-band MIMO antenna with improved isolation for WI-MAX and WLAN applications. Prog. Electromagnet. Res. M 2018 , 68 , 69–77. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ] [ Green Version ]
  • Liu, Y.; Yang, L.; Liu, Y.; Ren, J.; Wang, J.; Li, X. Dual-band planar MIMO antenna for WLAN application. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 2015 , 57 , 2257–2262. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Wu, Y.T.; Chu, Q.X. Dual-band multiple input multiple output antenna with slitted ground. IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 2014 , 8 , 1007–1013. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Islam, S.K.N.; Das, S. Dual-band CPW fed MIMO antenna with polarization diversity and improved gain. Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng. 2020 , 30 , e22128. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Panday, S.; Anand, R.; Singh, D.K.; Kanaujia, B.K. Swastika shaped slot embedded two port dual frequency band MIMO antenna for wireless applications. Analog Integra. Circuits Signal Process. 2021 , 109 , 103–113. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Sharma, P.; Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Kanaujia, B.K. Dual-band trident shaped MIMO antenna with novel ground plane for 5G applications. Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU) 2022 , 155 , 154364. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Luo, X.; Yuan, J.; Chen, K. Compact and low profile MIMO antenna for dual-WLAN-band access points. Prog. Electromagnet. Res. Lett. 2017 , 67 , 97–102. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ] [ Green Version ]
  • Deng, J.Y.; Li, J.Y.; Zhao, L.; Guo, L.X. A dual-band inverted-F MIMO antenna with enhanced isolation for WLAN applications. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 2017 , 16 , 2270–2273. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Yang, R.; Xi, S.; Cai, Q.; Chen, Z.; Wang, X.; Liu, G. A compact planar dual-band multiple-input and multiple-output antenna with high isolation for 5G and 4G applications. Micromachines 2021 , 12 , 544. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Zhao, N.; Tian, W.P. CPW-fed dual-band MIMO antenna with common radiating element. Prog. Electromagnet. Res. Lett. 2016 , 62 , 71–75. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Yang, M.; Zhou, J. A compact pattern diversity MIMO antenna with enhanced bandwidth and high-isolation characteristics for WLAN/5G/WiFi applications. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 2020 , 62 , 2353–2364. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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Click here to enlarge figure

Ref.MIMO ElementAntenna Size (mm )Antenna Frequency Band (GHz)Bandwidth Improvement TechniqueIsolation (dB) with Decoupling TechniquesGain (dBi)Efficiency
ECCCCL (bits/s/Hz)
[ ]4 × 448 × 34 × 1.63.52–10.08Modified rectangular patch≤−23
Neutralization line
[ ]2 × 225 × 36 × 1.62.78–17.43Corner-truncated rhombus-shaped (CTRS)<−19
Rectangular strip connected with GP
[ ]2 × 236 × 22 × 1.62.5–2.85/4.82–6.1Square radiating patch<−18
Flag-shaped stub connected with middle GP
[ ]2 × 221 × 34 × 1.63.52–9.89Dome-shaped patch≤−22
Neutralization line
[ ]2 × 230 × 50 × 13–10.9F-shaped radiators with L-shaped open-slots≤−20
Fork-shaped slots
[ ]2 × 222 × 43.5 × 12.45L-shaped radiating patch<−40
Tapered slot
[ ]4 × 442 × 42 × 13.3–4.2Four conjoined slots<−10
Circular slot
[ ]4 × 445 × 45 × 1.64.3–6.45Split-shaped radiating patch<−20
Decoupling structure
[ ]4 × 440 × 40 × 1.63.1–11Circular patch<−20 Decoupling structure3.28 (avg. gain)-<0.004<0.4
[ ]3 × 345 × 25 × 1.5883.1–11.5Staircase-shaped radiators≤−19
Spatial diversity
5.5 (peak gain)61–98≤ 0.2-
[ ]4 × 4110 × 110 × 1.451.7–7.2Kraus technique<−20
Electro-magnetic walls
[ ]2 × 229.5 × 60 × 1.63.05–20L-like stubs<−20
Metallic barriers
[ ]2 × 250 × 35 × 13.0–11L-shaped parasitic branches<−25
Fence-type decoupling structure
above 3 dB>80<0.004-
[ ]2 × 218 × 28 × 1.61.9–14Three crossed X-shaped stubs<−15.5
X-shaped stubs in ground planes
[ ]2 × 216 × 26 × 1.62.82–14.45Circular radiator<−22
Stubs and protruded strip
Ref. No.MIMO ElementAntenna Size (mm )Antenna Frequency Band (GHz)Technique to Achieve Dual-bandIsolation (dB) with Decoupling TECHNIQUESGain (dBi)Efficiency (%)ECCCCL (bits/s/Hz)
[ ]2 × 220 × 34 × 162.11–4.19/4.98–6.81Embedding a pair of comb-shaped slots in the GP<−21
T-stub with comb-shaped slots
[ ]2 × 246 × 30 × 1.61.85–3.63/5.07–7.96Swastika-shaped slot in the rectangular patch<−17.21
T-shaped narrow conducting strip in GP
[ ]2 × 262 × 25.6 × 1.5242.99–3.61/4.53–4.92Arrow-shaped strip in between the U-shaped patch<−16
Defected ground with L-shaped slot with strip
[ ]2 × 269 × 34 × 4.22.375–2.52/4.98–5.88Inverted F-shaped<−18
Slots on GP
[ ]2 × 252 × 77.5 × 1.62.4–2.48/5.15–5.825Horizontal U-strip<−15
Inverted T-slot and meander line resonancebranch
[ ]2 × 232 × 32 × 1.592.36–2.59/3.17–3.77T-shaped strip and rectangular strip<−15
Rectangular microstrip stub with defected GP
5.8 (peak gain)76<0.02-
[ ]2 × 230 × 30 × 1.63.32–3.74/5.45–6.05Trapezoidal-shaped patch<−20
T-shaped branch
<1.5/3.5 (peak gain both band)---
[ ]4 × 430 × 30 × 0.84.58–6.12Rectangular patch<−15.4
Swastika- shaped decoupling strip
[ ]4 × 440 × 40 × 1.62.93/5.68L-shaped with split ring resonator<−14
[ ]4 × 485 × 85 × 0.82.32–2.95Metal strip<−14
Parasitic element
5.583 −90<0.008-
[ ]4 × 438 × 38 × 1.62.38–2.45/2.96–4.01Two asymmetric U-shaped slots in the radiating patch≤−18
Four metallic strips in the GP
[ ]2 × 270 × 70 × 0.82.4~2.5/5.6~5.8Width of branches<−25
Loadeddummy elements
-Not given valueNot given value-
[ ]2 × 272 × 56 × 0.82.24–2.90/3.9–7.55Rectangle split-ring-resonator<−24
ITI-shaped structure
[ ]2 × 2105 × 105 × 1.832.23–2.46/3.22–4.04Slotted interconnected ring resonator<−123.6/7.1 (peak gain)74–840.002-
[ ]1 × 251 × 29.6 × 1.62.4/5.2Slotted rectangular patch<−25
EBG structure
2.2/3.8 (peak gain)-0.07-
[ ]4 × 458 × 60 × 1.61.55–2.65/3.35–3.65Two opposite slots in the radiating elements<−10
Orthogonal plus-shaped partial ground
[ ]2 × 238.6 × 56.4 × 1.5243.5/4.85L-shaped branches<−29
DGS and ground branches
Ref.MIMO ElementAntenna Size (mm )Frequency Band (GHz)3-dB AR Bandwidth (GHz)CP TechniqueGain (dBi)Isolation (dB)ECCCCL bits/s/Hz
[ ]2 × 224 × 24 × 1.63.04–8.114.42–6.11Asymmetric Z-shaped patch with stub loaded defected GP0.28–2.76<−16<0.004<0.32
[ ]2 × 256 × 32 × 35.10–5.855.10–5.85Truncated corner patch with defected periodic GP5.8≤−20--
[ ]2 × 295 × 49.7 × 1.63.15–3.933.3–3.8Cross ring slot with DRA truncation4.83<−26< 0.03<0.10
[ ]2 × 250 × 70 × 1.62.21–3.13/3.40–3.92/5.30–6.105.62–5.86Dual strips along with single slot in the GP4.1<−28<0.15<0.23
[ ]2 × 240 × 65 × 1.65.16–6.305.20–5.58L-shaped DRA4.01122.284<0.112<0.338
[ ]2 × 2350 × 350 × 26.13.50–4.953.58–4.40Rectangular DRA with parasitic patch6.2<−28<0.04-
[ ]2 × 222.5 × 50 × 1.65.2–6.45.37–5.72Square slot cut in the corner of the GP6
(Peak gain)
[ ]4 × 470 × 68 × 1.64–134.2–8.5Cross-shaped
structure on ground
(Peak gain)
[ ]2 × 2150 × 100 × 0.82.47–2.552.50–2.66Offset feeding6.1
(Peak gain)
[ ]4 × 480 × 80 × 11.63.35–3.82/5.09–5.413.54–3.72/5.04–5.16Z-shaped slots5.0–6.8<−18<0.04-
[ ]2 × 280 × 40 × 1.62.9–3.2/3.44–3.64/4.75–5.53.32–3.58/ 5.0–5.32Z-shaped slots in the GP2≤−15<0.2-
[ ]2 × 2-4.75–5.95.1–5.8Parasitic elements7.5–8.2≤−22--
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Share and Cite

Sharma, P.; Tiwari, R.N.; Singh, P.; Kumar, P.; Kanaujia, B.K. MIMO Antennas: Design Approaches, Techniques and Applications. Sensors 2022 , 22 , 7813.

Sharma P, Tiwari RN, Singh P, Kumar P, Kanaujia BK. MIMO Antennas: Design Approaches, Techniques and Applications. Sensors . 2022; 22(20):7813.

Sharma, Preeti, Rakesh N. Tiwari, Prabhakar Singh, Pradeep Kumar, and Binod K. Kanaujia. 2022. "MIMO Antennas: Design Approaches, Techniques and Applications" Sensors 22, no. 20: 7813.

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IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation (J-ISPIN) publishes original research in the fields of localization and tracking of people, robots, and objects. It covers all aspects of localization systems, including sensing, communications, location-based services, mapping, protocols, human interfaces and standards. The scope includes methods and systems addressing indoor environments as well as those enabling seamless transition between heterogeneous indoor contexts or between indoor and outdoor environments, for example where Global Navigation Satellites Systems are underperforming or unavailable.

Editor-in-Chief: Valérie Renaudin Senior Researcher University Gustave Eiffel, France

IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society

IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society

Featuring high quality research covering the theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence to industrial and manufacturing systems and processes.

This fully open access journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed papers covering the theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence to industrial and manufacturing systems and processes. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Leopoldo Garcia Franquelo Professor, Electronics Engineering Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications

IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications

Covering the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering in the development, design, manufacture and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry and commerce.

As a fully open access journal publishing high-quality peer reviewed papers, IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications covers the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering in the development, design, manufacture and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry and commerce; the promotion of safe, reliable, and economic installations; industry leadership in energy conservation and environmental, health, and safety issues; the creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices; and the professional development of its readers. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Pericle Zanchetta Fellow IEEE Faculty of Engineering University of Nottingham, UK

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IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement

Publication of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society, this journal publishes papers on the science, technology, and application of instrumentation and measurement.

The IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement publishes papers on the science, technology, and application of instrumentation and measurement. Instrumentation and measurement, in the current context of the IEEE IMS community, consists of methods, instruments, systems, and applications for measurement, detection, tracking, monitoring, characterization, identification, sensing, estimation, recognition, or diagnosis of a physical phenomenon; or metrology and measurement theory including measurement uncertainty, instrument precision, calibration, etc.

Editor-in-Chief: Shervin Shirmohammadi University of Ottawa Canada

IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems

IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems

Featuring high-quality research covering the theoretical, experimental and operational aspects of electrical and electronics engineering and information technologies as applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

As a fully open access journal publishing high-quality peer reviewed papers, IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems covers theoretical, experimental and operational aspects of electrical and electronics engineering and information technologies as applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), defined as those systems utilizing synergistic technologies and systems engineering concepts to develop and improve transportation systems of all kinds. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Bart van Arem Full Professor of Transport Modelling Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

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IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking

Featuring high-quality manuscripts on advances in machine learning methods for and applications to communications and networking.

The IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking publishes high-quality manuscripts on advances in machine learning methods for and applications to communications and networking. Furthermore, articles developing novel communication and networking techniques for distributed machine learning algorithms are of interest. Both theoretical contributions (including new theories, techniques, concepts, algorithms, and analyses) and practical contributions (including system experiments, prototypes, and new applications) are encouraged.

Editor-in-Chief: Walid Saad Professor Virginia Tech Research Center – Arlington, USA

IEEE Open Journal of Microwaves

IEEE Journal of Microwaves

Covering articles on the theory, techniques and applications of guided wave and wireless technologies and spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from RF/microwave through millimeter-waves and terahertz.

The IEEE Journal of Microwaves is a fully open access publication covering the complete scope of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society which includes articles on the theory, techniques and applications of guided wave and wireless technologies and spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from RF/microwave through millimeter-waves and terahertz, covering the aspects of materials, components, devices, circuits, modules, and systems which involve the generation, modulation, demodulation, control, transmission, sensing and effects of electromagnetic signals.

Editor-in-Chief: Peter H. Siege THz Global, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California

IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology

IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology

Featuring high-quality, peer reviewed research covering the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications.

As a fully open access journal publishing high-quality peer reviewed papers, IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology covers the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Professor Wen J. Li Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering Associate Provost City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Professor Jin-Woo Kim Professor of Biological Engineering and Nanoscience & Engineering University of Arkansas, USA

Professor Seiji Samukawa Director of Innovative Energy Research Center, Institute of Fluid Science (IFS) Principal Investigator of Advance Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) Tohoku University, Japan

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Covering the rehabilitative and neural aspects of biomedical engineering, including functional electrical stimulation, acoustic dynamics, human performance measurement, and more.

Rehabilitative and neural aspects of biomedical engineering, including functional electrical stimulation, acoustic dynamics, human performance measurement and analysis, nerve stimulation, electromyography, motor control and stimulation; and hardware and software applications for rehabilitation engineering and assistive devices.

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IEEE Photonics Journal

Dedicated to the rapid disclosure of research at the forefront of all areas of photonics and addressing issues ranging from fundamental understanding to emerging technologies.

Breakthroughs in the generation of light and its control and utilization have given rise to the field of Photonics: a rapidly expanding area of science and technology with major technological and economic impact. IEEE Photonics Journal is an online-only journal dedicated to the rapid disclosure of top-quality peer-reviewed research at the forefront of all areas of photonics. Contributions addressing issues ranging from fundamental understanding to emerging technologies and applications are within the scope of the Journal.

IEEE Open Journal of Power and Energy

IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy

High-quality, peer reviewed research covering the development, planning, design, construction, maintenance, installation, and operation of equipment, structures, power systems and usage of electric energy, including its measurement and control.

As a fully open access journal publishing high-quality peer reviewed papers, the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy publishes articles focused on the development, planning, design, construction, maintenance, installation, and operation of equipment, structures, and power systems for the safe, sustainable, economic, and reliable conversion, generation, transmission, distribution, storage, and usage of electric energy, including its measurement and control. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Fangxing “Fran” Li The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 USA [email protected]

IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics

IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics

Covering the development and application of power electronic systems and technologies, which encompass the effective use of electronic components, the application of circuit theory and design techniques and the development of analytical methods and tools.

The IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics covers the development and application of power electronic systems and technologies, which encompass the effective use of electronic components, the application of circuit theory and design techniques and the development of analytical methods and tools toward efficient electronic conversion, control and conditioning of electric power to enable the sustainable use of energy. As a fully open access journal publishing high-quality peer reviewed papers, the Society’s aim is to publish novel developments as well as tutorial and survey articles including those of value to both the R&D and practicing professionals in the field. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Alan Mantooth, Ph.D., P.E., FIEEE Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Arkansas, USA

IEEE Transactions on Privacy

IEEE Transactions on Privacy

Now Accepting Submissions! New publication will provide a multidisciplinary forum for theoretical, methodological, engineering, and applications aspects of privacy and data protection, including specification, design, implementation, testing, and validation.

The IEEE Transactions on Privacy provides a multidisciplinary forum for theoretical, methodological, engineering, and applications aspects of privacy and data protection, including specification, design, implementation, testing, and validation. Privacy, in this context, is defined as the freedom from unauthorized intrusion in its broadest sense, arising from any activity in information collection, information processing, information dissemination or invasion. The transactions publishes articles reporting significant advances in theoretical models and formalization as well as engineering tools supporting the above activities, design frameworks and languages, architectures, infrastructures, model-based approaches, study cases, and standards.

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering

Publishing regular, review, and tutorial articles based on the engineering applications of quantum phenomena, including quantum computation, information, communication, software, hardware, devices, and metrology.

Publishes regular, review, and tutorial articles based on the engineering applications of quantum phenomena, including quantum computation, information, communication, software, hardware, devices, and metrology. Articles also address quantum-engineering aspects of superconductivity, magnetics, microwave techniques, photonics, and signal processing.

IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors

IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors

Now Accepting Submissions! New publication of the IEEE Sensors Council, this journal publishes papers in all areas of the field of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council.

The IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors publishes papers in all areas of the field of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council, i.e., the theory, design, simulation, fabrication, manufacturing and application of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, with emphasis on the electronics, physics and reliability aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators. The Journal is built exclusively from papers on selected topics of current interest to the Sensors community.

Editor-in-Chief: Chonggang Wang InterDigital, Inc. USA

IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing

IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing

High-quality, peer reviewed research covering the enabling technology for the generation, transformation, extraction, and interpretation of information.

This fully open access journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed papers covering the enabling technology for the generation, transformation, extraction, and interpretation of information. It comprises the theory, algorithms with associated architectures and implementations, and applications related to processing information contained in many different formats broadly designated as signals. Signal processing uses mathematical, statistical, computational, heuristic, and/or linguistic representations, formalisms, modeling techniques and algorithms for generating, transforming, transmitting, and learning from signals. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Brendt Wohlberg Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

IEEE Open Journal of Solid-State Circuits Society

IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society

High-quality, peer reviewed research covering the design, implementation, and application of solid-state integrated circuits.

As a fully open access journal publishing high-quality peer reviewed papers, IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society covers design, implementation and application of solid-state integrated circuits. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Jan Craninckx Distinguished Member of Technical Staff IMEC, Belgium

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IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering

Provides a forum for practitioners, scientists, academics, and researchers engaged in the discipline of Systems Engineering.

The IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering (OJSE) is an open access journal that is sponsored by the consortium of IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, and the IEEE Systems Council. OJSE provides a forum for practitioners, scientists, academics, and researchers engaged in the discipline of Systems Engineering. Multidisciplinary aspects of systems engineering is a focus of this journal. Methodologies, tools, principles, and applied engineering aspects of the process of systems engineering for complex systems are of interest. The methodologies, tools, and principles include such elements as model-based systems engineering; digital thread; requirements generation, flowdown, tracking, needs analysis, validation/verification; integration and test; and full life cycle of the target system. OJSE deals primarily with the science, methodology, and tools of systems engineering, rather than the results of the application of systems engineering that is the focus of other IEEE journals.

Editor-in-Chief: W. Dale Blair Principal Research Engineer Georgia Tech Research Institute, USA

IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Letters

IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Letters

Now Accepting Submissions! New publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC), this journal covers the ultimate aims and key strategies of the SMC society towards the next generation of symbiotic human and machine intelligence systems.

IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Letter (SMC-L) will cover the ultimate aims and key strategies of the SMC society towards the next generation of symbiotic human and machine intelligence systems. The feature of SMC-L is highlighted by its rapid publication of peer-reviewed short articles within 5 pages, which provide a timely and concise account of innovative research ideas, novel application results, and significant theoretical findings, as well as analyses of emerging trends and groundbreakingly work in SMC fields. SMC-L will provide a new means for members and readers to complement established SMC transactions.

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yingxu Wang Editor-In-Chief Univ. of Calgary, Canada

IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine

IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine

Bridges the engineering and clinical worlds, focusing on detailed descriptions of advanced technical solutions to a clinical need along with clinical results and healthcare relevance.

This journal bridges the engineering and clinical worlds, focusing on detailed descriptions of advanced technical solutions to a clinical need along with clinical results and healthcare relevance. Its aim is to provide a platform for state-of-the-art technology directions in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering, embracing engineering, life sciences and medicine. The journal provides an active forum for clinical research and relevant state-of-the-art technology for members of all the IEEE societies that have an interest in biomedical engineering as well as reaching out directly to physicians and the medical community through the American Medical Association (AMA) and other clinical societies.

IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control

IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control

Covering high-quality, peer reviewed research theory, technology, materials, and applications relating to the generation, transmission, and detection of ultrasonic waves and related phenomena.

OJ-UFFC covers theory, technology, materials, and applications relating to: the generation, transmission, and detection of ultrasonic waves and related phenomena; medical ultrasound, and associated technologies; ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and piezomagnetic materials; frequency generation and control, timing, and time coordination and distribution. This interest ranges from fundamental studies to the design and/or applications of devices, sensors, systems and manufacturing technologies within the general scope defined above. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Steven Freear University of Leeds, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Leeds, United Kingdom

IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology

IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology

Featuring high-quality, peer reviewed research on the theoretical, experimental and operational aspects of electrical and electronics engineering in mobile radio, motor vehicles and land transportation.

This fully open access journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed papers covering the theoretical, experimental and operational aspects of electrical and electronics engineering in mobile radio, motor vehicles and land transportation. (a) Mobile radio shall include all terrestrial mobile services. (b) Motor vehicles shall include the components and systems and motive power for propulsion and auxiliary functions. (c) Land transportation shall include the components and systems used in both automated and non-automated facets of ground transport technology. The journal peer-review process targets a publication period of 10 weeks from submission to online publication.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Sumei Sun Fellow of the IEEE Principal Scientist, Institute for Infocomm Research Adjunct Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore

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2025 International Workshop on Antenna Technology

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IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)

Feb. 19-21, 2025 at hilton cocoa beach oceanfront, cocoa beach, fl, u.s.a., call for papers.

iWAT2025 CFP v3

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To be announced.

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Call for Exhibitor and Sponsor (Contact Xun Gong)

About iWAT2025

The International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT) is an annual forum for the exchange of information on the research and development in innovative antenna technologies. It especially focuses on small antennas and applications of advanced and artificial materials to the antenna design. At iWAT, all the oral presentations are delivered by invited prominent researchers and professors. iWAT has a particular focus on posters by which authors have the opportunity to interact with leading researchers in their fields. iWAT2025 is a continuation of a series of annual international antenna workshops held in Singapore (2005), White Plaines, USA (2006), Cambridge, UK (2007), Chiba, Japan (2008), Santa Monica, USA (2009), Lisbon, Portugal (2010), Hong Kong, PRC (2011), Tucson, USA (2012), Karlsruhe, Germany (2013), Sydney, Australia (2014), Seoul, Republic of Korea (2015), Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA (2016), Athens, Greece (2017), Nanjing, China (2018), Miami, USA (2019), Bucharest, Romania (2020), Dublin, Ireland (2022), Aalborg, Denmark (2023), and Sendai, Japan (2024). The iWAT2025 is technically sponsored by IEEE AP-S and financially sponsored by IEEE Orlando Section.

The venue of iWAT2025 is Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront in Cocoa Beach, FL. Here We’re on Cocoa Beach oceanfront, a 10-minute drive from Port Canaveral Cruise Port and under 30 minutes to the Kennedy Space Center. Enjoy our outdoor pool deck and oceanfront dining venues. Our hotel offers direct beach access with bikes, umbrellas and beach chairs available to rent. We also have beach volleyball courts and surfing lessons.

The Cocoa Beach contains 6-miles from Atlantic Ocean beaches with 3 oceanfront parks, 27-hole public golf course on the Banana River, State of Art Skate Park, tennis and pickleball complex, a wide range of dining choices, and over 30 public transportation stops. Visitors can watch a space launch from the beach! Orlando attractions include Disney World, Epcot, Sea World, Universal and MGM studios all within 60 miles of Cocoa Beach. Visitors can embark on cruises, casino cruises, deep-sea fishing, and day sails. End of day activities include fine dining, cool jazz clubs, beachside cafes, and more.

Orlando International Airport (MCO) is approximately 50 miles (80 kms) away from the conference hotel. For most people particularly international travelers, it is most cost effective to fly to MCO and rent a car (or take an Uber/taxi). The average price of a one-way trip using Uber is around $72 (please note the price varies). The closest airport is Melbourne Orlando International Airport (MLB) which is approximately 21 miles (34 kms) away. The average price of a one-way trip using Uber is around $28 (please note the price varies).

Important Dates and Information

Paper submission deadline: Sept. 30, 2024

Notice of acceptance: Nov. 15, 2024

Final manuscript due: Nov. 29, 2024.

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ieee research papers antenna

  • Open access
  • Published: 02 June 2022

SRR metamaterial-based broadband patch antenna for wireless communications

  • Preet Kaur   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Sonia Bansal 1 &
  • Navdeep Kumar 2  

Journal of Engineering and Applied Science volume  69 , Article number:  47 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

4734 Accesses

9 Citations

Metrics details

This paper presents the design and analysis of a broad-band patch antenna using split ring metamaterial. The SRR metamaterial structures are embedded in a unique and novel way in the patch antenna, so that subwavelength modes get introduced in the patch cavity and a broad bandwidth antenna with good performance characteristics is obtained. A rectangular microstrip patch antenna is taken as a reference antenna, which resonates at a frequency of 5.2 GHz and has an impedance bandwidth of 70 MHz. To improve the bandwidth of the patch antenna, firstly the split ring resonator (SRR) is designed according to the reference patch antenna. The optimized SRR metamaterial is placed in between the patch and ground plane of the proposed antenna. The – 10 dB impedance bandwidth of the metamaterial-embedded proposed antenna is 1.63–4.88 GHz and has an average gain of 4.5 dB. The Prototype of the proposed antenna and reference antenna is fabricated and experimental results are obtained. Experimental and simulated results are in good agreement. The presented antenna can be used for LTE, GSM, WiMAX, Bluetooth, and other wireless applications.


In modern days, with the advancement in the wireless and electronics industry need for compact, broadband, high-gain, directional and low-cost antennas has increased very much because the antennas are the vital components in wireless communication system [ 1 ]. Patch antennas are low profile, have a simple geometric structure with the ability of easy fabrication on PCB and can be easily integrated with other wireless devices. So, these antennas are suitable for current wireless technology [ 2 ]. But one of the limitations of these antennas is narrow bandwidth. The bandwidth of patch antenna can be improved by embedding different shapes such as U shape and W shape in its ground plane [ 3 ], using a parasitic patch [ 4 ] and increase of substrate thickness. These techniques improve the bandwidth, but it reduces the efficiency of the antenna. Many other approaches like the slotted patch antenna technique, defected ground structures, merging of resonant modes [ 5 ], slotted array technique [ 6 ], and suspended techniques [ 7 ] are proposed in the literature. But these approaches have disadvantages of less improvement in bandwidth, complex structure, cross-polarization and impedance matching.

During the last few years, metamaterials have been the intense area of research in antenna design to improve antenna performance [ 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ]. Metamaterials are artificial materials that exhibit properties that do not exist in naturally occurring materials. To improve the bandwidth of patch antenna different types of metamaterial [ 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 ] has been used by antenna designers for improving the bandwidth. A MIMO antenna with four ports is proposed by Xia Cao et al. [ 19 ] using a slotted square ring metamaterial structure to improve the bandwidth. Metamaterial-based imaging structure for wireless frequency range is presented in [ 20 ]. But the limitation of techniques used in these research works is that it improves the bandwidth, but it reduces the other performance parameters of the antenna and has complex antenna structures.

The main aim of this paper is to design a novel broadband patch antenna using metamaterial without degrading the other performance parameters of the antenna. The proposed technique in this paper uses 11 layers of SRR type MNG type metamaterial which are embedded between patch and ground plane. These SRR metamaterial structures are embedded in a unique and novel way in the patch antenna to improve the bandwidth of the reference patch antenna and make it broadband. The proposed patch antenna has wide bandwidth with good performance characteristics.

Design of reference antenna

A low-cost FR4 epoxy substrate with dielectric constant εr = 4.4 and loss tangent δ = 0.0025 is chosen for designing of reference antenna. The antenna is modeled and optimized in HFSS software. The optimized geometric parameters of the reference antenna are presented in Fig. 1 and fabricated antenna is presented in Fig. 2 . From Fig. 3 , it can be seen that the reference antenna resonates at a frequency of 5.2 GHz with a − 11.68 dB reflection coefficient (S11) and has a 70-MHz narrow impedance bandwidth. Figure 4 shows the measured and simulated gain in dB. The antenna has a gain of 4.02 dB at resonating frequency. The main drawback of this antenna is that it has a very narrow bandwidth and less return loss, which is not suitable for current wireless applications. So, SRR metamaterial is used in this paper to improve the bandwidth and overall performance of the antenna.

figure 1

Geometric structure of optimized reference microstrip patch antenna

figure 2

Fabricated reference patch antenna

figure 3

Measured and simulated reflection coefficients of reference patch antenna

figure 4

Measured and simulated gain of reference patch antenna

Design and analysis of unit cell of split ring resonator

A split ring resonator (SRR) comprises two concentric rings of copper printed on substrate material. Geometric parameters of SRR are presented in Fig. 5 a. Excitation of SRR with external magnetic field causes the current to flow from one ring structure to other through the slot between them. So, there is flow of very strong displacement current in this structure. The slots in SRR behaves like distributed capacitance and it behaves like LC circuit. The equivalent circuit of unit cell of SRR is presented in Fig. 5 b. In equivalent circuit, metallic ring structures are modeled by inductance L and capacitance C = Co/4 (Co/2 = capacitance due to single ring and structure behaves like LC circuit having resonant frequency given below as:

figure 5

a Geometric structure of unit cell of SRR, Rout = 3 mm, Rin = 2.8 mm, w = 1 mm, s = 1 mm, S L = 10 mm, S w = 10 mm, b Equivalent circuit of unit cell of SRR

SRRs effective permeability can be given as

Unit cell of split ring resonator is modeled and simulated in HFSS as shown in Fig. 6 . For simulation of SRR metamaterial unit cell boundary conditions are used. Repeated unit cell boundary conditions are applied along x and y direction ( xy plane) and wave ports are applied in z direction as shown in Fig. 6 . The S parameters of optimized SRR structure are calculated and then permeability and permittivity are extracted from S parameters using the Eqs. ( 3 – 6 ).

figure 6

Simulation model of unit cell of SRR (Unit cell boundary conditions are applied along x and y direction and wave ports are applied in z direction)

Real value of permeability (μ r ) and permittivity (ϵ r ) is shown in Fig. 7 . From permeability and permittivity graph it can be analyzed that real part of permeability of SRR at 5.4 GHz is negative and real part of permittivity is positive and maximum at his frequency, so this is MNG type resonating metamaterial. Refractive index ( \(n=\sqrt{\mu \varepsilon\ }\Big)\) is product of permittivity and permeability and is negative in this range. Figure 8 a, b shows E-field and the H-field of SRR structure. It shows that when SRR is excited with external magnetic field, it causes the current to flow from one ring structure to other through the slot between them. Hence there is a flow of strong displacement current in SRR structure.

figure 7

Real permittivity and permeability of split ring resonator

figure 8

a E-field of SRR structure. b H-field of SRR structure

Design and fabrication of proposed SRR-embedded patch antenna

For designing a broad-band antenna, optimized unit cell of SRRs is placed in between the patch antenna and ground plane. For this, the reference antenna substrate thickness is divided in two parts of 0.8 mm. The exploded view of SRR-embedded antenna is presented in Fig. 9 . Each layer of metamaterial placed under patch consist of four-unit cell of SRR.

figure 9

Exploded view of proposed metamaterial (single layer)-embedded patch antenna in HFSS

The optimized SRR-embedded antenna consists of 11 layers of metamaterial to achieve maximum bandwidth.

The optimized and designed SRR-embedded antenna is fabricated using PCB prototyping machine. Figure 10 presents the fabricated SRR layer and Fig. 11 presents the fabricated proposed SRR-embedded patch antenna with 11 layers of metamaterial.

figure 10

Fabricated single layer of metamaterial with four SRRs metamaterial

figure 11

Fabricated proposed antenna with metamaterial layers placed under it

Results and discussion

Simulation and measured results of proposed srr-embedded patch antenna.

The proposed SRR antenna presented in Fig. 11 is simulated and optimized in HFSS. Reflection coefficient of fabricated antenna is measured using vector network analyzer (VNA). The gain and radiation patterns of antenna are measured in anechoic chamber. As the SRR is placed under patch, subwavelength modes get introduced in the patch antenna. Effect of adding the different layers of SRR underneath the patch is studied extensively in this paper. Addition of three layers under patch cause the patch to resonate at 3.8 GHz with impedance bandwidth of 80 MHz as presented in Fig. 12 . The antenna has gain of 4.05 dB at this frequency as presented in Fig. 12 . As the more layers of SRR is embedded under the patch it causes more modes to get introduced in patch antenna and resonant frequency also shift towards the lower side. Addition of five layers increases the bandwidth of patch antenna from 80 MHz to 150 MHz and addition of nine layers introduces one mode at frequency of 1.8 GHz and other two modes at 3.5 GHz and 4.5 GHz as presented in Fig. 13 .

figure 12

Reflection coefficient and gain of three layers of SRR metamaterial-embedded antenna

figure 13

Reflection coefficient of five and nine layers of SRR metamaterial-embedded antenna

When 11 layers of SRR is added all the three modes introduced by nine layers of metamaterial get merged and broad-bandwidth of 3.25 GHz is obtained. Figure 14 shows the simulated and measured reflection coefficient graph of proposed antenna with 11 layers of metamaterial. From this graph, it can be seen that antenna resonates between 1.62 GHz and 4.87 GHz and it covers the wide bandwidth of 3.25 GHz. The return loss of this proposed patch antenna improves from − 11.68 dB to − 25.2 dB and has average gain of 4.5 dB in the resonating frequency range of 1.63 GHz to 4.88 GHz as shown in Fig. 15 . Addition of more layers of metamaterial underneath the patch does not show further improvement in results. Hence, the proposed antenna has 11 layers of SRR under the patch. This antenna has good average gain of 4.5 dB in the entire resonating frequency range. Figure 16 presents the simulated and measured E-plane and H-plane radiation pattern of this antenna at 3.5 GHz. Proposed and reference antenna has almost same radiation pattern in both planes.

figure 14

Simulated and measured reflection coefficient of proposed antenna with 11 layers of metamaterial

figure 15

Simulated and measured gain of proposed antenna with 11 layers of metamaterial

figure 16

Simulated and measured E plane ( a ) and H plane ( b ) radiation pattern of proposed antenna

Table 1 provides the comparison of various performance parameters of the reference antenna and proposed antenna. The conventional reference patch antenna produces a limited impedance bandwidth of 70 MHz. The SRR metamaterial improves the bandwidth of patch antenna significantly from 70 MHz to 3.25 GHz. Thus, bandwidth is multiplied by 46.42, which is huge improvement in bandwidth. The return loss of antenna also improves after embedding metamaterial and proposed antenna also has good gain in resonating frequency range. Due to introduction of various subwavelength modes in metamaterial-embedded antenna resonant frequency of reference antenna get shifted to lower frequency range of 1.63 GHz to 4.88 GHz from 5.4 GHz. All these subwavelength modes get merge and give rise to broad-bandwidth. Table 2 shows the comparison of proposed work with the other similar works. As per comparison, this can be concluded the embedding of SRR layer using proposed method gives significant improvement in bandwidth and designing and fabrication of proposed antenna is also very simple.


Developments of electronic warfare system and wireless communication in modern fast developing technologies include the use of metamaterial in antenna system for improving the performance of overall system. A broadband metamaterial-embedded antenna is proposed in this paper to adjust with current wireless systems. The presented antenna covers the frequency band of 1.63 GHz to 4.88 GHz is designed, analyzed and measured in this research paper. Simulated results shows that the presented antenna has bandwidth of 3.25 GHz (1.63–4.88 GHz) and the experimental results are close to simulated one. The proposed antenna has significant bandwidth and has average gain of 4.5 dB. The other advantages of proposed antenna are that it is cheap, simple, can be easy fabricated with PCB machine and can be integrated with other wireless devices. The presented antenna can be used for LTE, GSM, WiMAX, Bluetooth, and other wireless applications.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


Epsilion NeGative

Global System for Mobile Communications

High-frequency structure simulator

Long-term evolution

Printed circuit board

Split ring resonator

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

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We would like to acknowledge the support and guidance from Professor Dr. Asok de and Dr. S.K. Aggarwal during this research work.

This study had no funding from any resource.

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JC Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad, India

Preet Kaur & Sonia Bansal

State Institute of Engineering &Technology, SIET, Nilokheri, India

Navdeep Kumar

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All authors contributed to the manuscript and have read and approved the final version. PK performed the literature review, simulation, and analysis. PK and SB performed fabrication and measurement. PK and SB were responsible for writing the manuscript and revisions. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Kaur, P., Bansal, S. & Kumar, N. SRR metamaterial-based broadband patch antenna for wireless communications. J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 69 , 47 (2022).

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Received : 04 February 2022

Accepted : 20 May 2022

Published : 02 June 2022


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  • Split ring resonator (SRR)
  • Metamaterial
  • Microstrip antenna

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Graduate Student Pardha Sourya Nayani Receives IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Fellowship Award

person standing in front of computer

Pardha Sourya Nayani

Pardha Sourya Nayani G’28, a Ph.D. student in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS), has received the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) Fellowship Award. The award is for his research on “Unleashing Bandwidth: Passive Highly Dispersive Matching Network Enabling Broadband Absorbers with Record-High Bandwidth-to-Thickness Ratio.”

The AP-S Fellowship Program aims to support graduate students and postdoctoral fellows worldwide interested in antenna analysis, design, development and other research areas related to AP-S.

Nayani joined EECS Professor Younes Radi’s research group in the Radiation Laboratory in the summer of 2023. “I am deeply honored to receive this award and look forward to making significant contributions in the field of electromagnetics and microwave engineering,” Nayani says.

“As a faculty member at Syracuse University and the prior institutions I have been involved with, I have had the opportunity to see and work with many talented students and researchers,” says Radi. “Rarely have I had the opportunity to work with a student as passionate, talente, and hardworking as Pardha. I am happy and proud that IEEE awarded him this prestigious fellowship.”

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Advances in Antenna Design and Radio Propagation for Integrated Sensing and Communications

Download Call for Papers (PDF)

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025

Advances in Antenna Design and Radio Propagation for Integrated Sensing and Communications

6G vertical services, such as autonomous driving, Industry 4.0, and contactless health monitoring will all require the integration of sensing and communication functions, known as integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), aiming to embed sensing capabilities into base stations and user devices. The development and realization of ISAC in 6G networks require knowledge of radio propagation and duplication of hardware, e.g., antennas and antenna arrays. To this end, the special section aspires to bring together world-leading researchers to share their latest research findings with regard to innovative antenna design and fundamental understanding of radio propagation for ISAC.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Broadband or multi-band antenna and array designs for ISAC applications
  • Antenna and array designs for full-duplex systems
  • SI cancellation methodologies in microwave and mmWave
  • Antenna-in-Package and Antenna-on-Chip for ISAC applications
  • Development of channel sounder and measurement methodologies for ISAC channel characterization
  • Radar cross-section (RCS) characterization of typical objects (e.g., people, buildings, vehicles, and machinery) in the environments
  • Advances in ISAC channel modeling, e.g., ray-based, stochastic, and hybrid channel models
  • Recent (pre-)standardization activities of ISAC channel modeling in e.g., 3GPP, ETSI, and ITU
  • Integrated sensing and communications
  • Full-duplex systems
  • Antenna and antenna array
  • Radio propagation
  • Channel modeling

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RIT researchers present novel dynamic defense model for thwarting wireless attacks at IEEE INFOCOM

Research introduces a "moving-target defense framework" designed to protect wireless communications from sophisticated cyber threats.

Student Naureen Hoque points at a computer screen displaying waveforms

Ph.D. student Naureen Hoque presented at top-ranked networking conference held in Vancouver.

Researchers from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) recently presented a cutting-edge defense mechanism against advanced wireless attacks at the prestigious IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM). The paper, authored by Professor Hanif Rahbari and computing and information sciences Ph.D. student Naureen Hoque, was showcased at the top-ranked networking conference held in Vancouver in May.

IEEE INFOCOM is renowned in the research community as a major venue for presenting significant and innovative contributions in networking, communications, and related areas. The inclusion of the RIT team's work in the conference proceedings underscores its importance and potential impact on the field, and marks the 6th time Rahbari has published at the conference in the past decade.

The research introduces a "moving-target defense framework" designed to protect wireless communications from sophisticated cyber threats. In an era of increasingly advanced attacks, this novel approach aims to stay ahead of persistent adversaries.

"As technology advances and information becomes more accessible, attackers are not only getting equipped with better tools but are also gaining deeper knowledge about the defenses," explains Hoque. "If our security defenses remain static, they're bound to fail eventually."

Digital modulation, the process of converting digital bits to analog signals for wireless transmission, inherently reveals characteristics of the ongoing transmission. This vulnerability has been exploited by malicious actors to launch various attacks, including traffic analysis, selective jamming, and breaches of user privacy.

The team's innovative approach involves a modulation-masking mechanism that applies small perturbations to modulated symbols, making them appear ambiguous to even highly sophisticated classifiers of the  attackers. Critically, this technique uses a pool of deep learning models and perturbation-generating methods that are continuously altered.

Professor Rahbari elaborates on the strategy: "By deploying a pool of deep learning models in a novel masking technique we have designed, our defense strategy keeps changing (moving) them as needed, making it difficult for adversaries that may even use deep-learning techniques to keep up with the evolving defense system over time."

The researchers demonstrate that their system maintains overall performance while significantly increasing the complexity for attackers trying to decipher the modulation scheme. The time complexity for adversaries attempting to breach the system increases cubically, providing a substantial barrier to malicious activities.

This research addresses a critical weakness in current wireless security measures. As Hoque points out, "To stay ahead, it's crucial that the security measures evolve continuously, ensuring that even the most persistent attacker has to face new challenges every time they come knocking."

The presentation of this work at IEEE INFOCOM not only highlights its significance in the field of network security but also provides a platform for further discussion and development within the research community. By creating a dynamic, evolving defense system, Rahbari and Hoque's work promises to enhance the security and privacy of wireless users across a wide range of applications, potentially influencing future directions in wireless communication security.

Learn more about their work securing wireless systems via the Wireless and IoT Security Lab:

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