bucket list movie essay

7 Life Lessons from the Movie “The Bucket List”

Michael Riley

Michael Riley

Ascent Publication

Imagine you were told you had 6–12 months left to live.

Talk about terrifying.

What would you do with your time left?

This was the premise of the 2007 comedy / drama film The Bucket List , which I recently re-watched.

It’s about billionaire Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) and car mechanic Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) who meet in the hospital and learn that their respective illnesses will kill them in less than a year’s time. Instead of letting the news bring them down, they decide to create a bucket list together, which is basically things each of them want to do in life before they die. The rest of the movie explores the relationship between the two men as they go out and try to live their bucket list.

It’s a beautiful movie that I’d definitely recommend. The end had me tearing up, which I can’t say about a lot of movies.

Here’s 7 life lessons I learned from The Bucket List :


Yes, Edward and Carter were in their old age when they found out they were going to die. But it still crept up on them. They were living normal lives, and then suddenly their time was going to be up.

Whether old or young, death often comes when you least expect it. You really never know what can happen and when your time on this planet will be up. That’s why you need to grateful for every day you wake up and make sure you’re living the life you want. The more you can think about death and its inevitability, the better lens you’ll have on life and the more prepared you’ll be when it comes.


Seriously. Don’t wait until life passes you by and it’s too late. Start today!

Write down all the things you want to do in life. Dream big.

Sure, you could just have one bucket list that’s personal to you. But I like the idea of creating different ones with other people in mind too, e.g. your significant other, sibling(s), or best friends. Why not, right?

Everyone needs a blueprint for a great life, and a bucket list is the perfect measuring stick. What are you waiting for?


This lesson is more of an extrapolation from the previous one than something directly attributable to the movie, but I thought it was important enough to mention here.

Making the bucket list is the easy part and only Step 1. It’s worthless unless you start planning out how you’re going to accomplish the things on it.

Edward and Carter couldn’t really plan since their time was limited. They just took action, which is a major part of the equation too.

While you likely have a lot of time to accomplish the items on your bucket list, don’t wait for “some day” to come. Again, you never know when your time is up here, so there needs to be a little sense of urgency and desire to take action. Squeeze everything out of life while you can. Start by picking an item that is attainable in the short-term and take the first step to figuring out how and when you can do it.

Regularly revisiting your bucket list gives you the opportunity to tweak it. Maybe there’s something you thought you wanted to do but change your mind about. Or even better, something new you’re excited to try. In terms of a cadence, try revisiting your bucket list at least monthly.


One of the central themes of Edward and Carter’s bucket list was traveling around the world. They do things like see the pyramids in Egypt, take a safari in Africa, and ride across the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle.

Travel is invigorating. Many of us wish we could do more of it, but don’t really do anything about it. It’s really a matter of priority.

It’s so important to see the world. We can experience different cultures and events, meet new people, witness the beauty of Earth, etc. Make sure you do it with people you care about.


At one point in the movie, Carter shares a myth with Edward about what happens when you get to the gates of heaven. According to the story, the gods ask the recently deceased two questions, one of which is “Have you found joy in your life?”

In other words, figure out what makes you happy and keep doing those things as much as you can. Even if you think you haven’t achieved full happiness yet (is there such thing?), everyone has things they do that make them feel good. Think about the last time you laughed, or did something that was really fun, or had a great conversation. Never stop seeking that joy and making it a regular part of your life.


In the same story about the deceased waiting to get into heaven, Carter tells Edward that the second question the gods ask them is “Has your life brought joy to others?”

Life isn’t meant to be all about you. Yes, your dreams and goals matter, but it’s really about impact and legacy. How many people’s lives can you touch while you’re here? How can you be a role model for others?

As Carter said in the movie, “You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.”


When Edward and Carter saw the world, they did it in style. Their journey was all about having fun and doing things they had always wanted to do. They pushed the boundaries of what they thought they were capable of and grew in the process.

We should all try new things more often. There’s so much out there to be experienced that it’s almost an insult to not do anything about it. If there’s something that’s been on your mind a lot that you’ve wanted to do, just go do it. Take someone with you. Create memories you can hold onto. Have the most fun possible. Do it all.

I hoped this post not only convinced you to go rent The Bucket List and make one of your own, but also inspired you to start living a more full life today.

It’s time to pick up a pen and a piece of paper and start writing that bucket list. The world is your oyster, my friends.

Michael Riley

Written by Michael Riley

Writer of "The Life of Riley" blog ( thelifeofriley.co ) | Account Manager at Julius

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O death, where is thy sting-a-ling-a-ling?

bucket list movie essay

Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson star in "The Bucket List."

By Roger Ebert

“The Bucket List” is a movie about two old codgers who are nothing like people, both suffering from cancer that is nothing like cancer, and setting off on adventures that are nothing like possible. I urgently advise hospitals: Do not make the DVD available to your patients; there may be an outbreak of bedpans thrown at TV screens.

The film opens with yet another voiceover narration by Morgan Freeman , extolling the saintly virtues of a white person who deserves our reverence. His voice takes on a sort of wonderment, as he speaks of the man’s greatness; it was a note that worked in “ The Shawshank Redemption ” and “ Million Dollar Baby ,” but not here, not when he is talking of a character, played by Jack Nicholson , for whom lovability is not a strong suit.

Nicholson is Edward, an enormously rich man of about 70, who has been diagnosed with cancer, given a year to live, and is sharing a room with Carter (Freeman), about the same age, same prognosis. Why does a billionaire not have a private room? Why, because Edward owns the hospital, and he has a policy that all patients must double up, so it would look bad if he didn’t.

This is only one among countless details the movie gets wrong.

Doesn’t Edward know that hospitals make lotsa profits by offering private rooms, “concierge service,” etc.? The fact is, Edward and Carter must be roommates to set up their Meet Cute, during which they first rub each other the wrong way and then have an orgy of male bonding. Turns out Carter has a “bucket list” of things he should do before he kicks the bucket. Edward embraces this idea, announces, “Hell, all I have is money,” and treats Carter to an around-the-world trip in his private airplane, during which they will, let’s see if I have the itinerary right here, visit the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal , Hong Kong, the French Riviera and the Himalayas.

Carter is faithfully married to his loving wife Virginia ( Beverly Todd ), who is remarkably restrained about seeing her dying husband off on this madcap folly. She doesn’t take it well, but I know wives who would call for the boys with butterfly nets. Edward, after four divorces, has no restraints, plenty of regrets, and uses his generosity to mask egotism, selfishness and the imposition of his goofy whim on poor Carter. That his behavior is seen as somehow redemptive is perhaps the movie’s weirdest fantasy. Meanwhile, the codgers have pseudo-profound conversations about the Meaning of It All, and Carter’s superior humanity begins to soak in for the irascible Edward.

The movie, directed by Rob Reiner , was written by Justin Zackham , who must be very optimistic indeed if he doesn’t know that there is nothing like a serious illness to bring you to the end of sitcom cliches. I’ve never had chemo, as Edward and Carter must endure, but I have had cancer, and believe me, during convalescence after surgery the last item on your bucket list is climbing a Himalaya. Your list is more likely to be topped by keeping down a full meal, having a triumphant bowel movement, keeping your energy up in the afternoon, letting your loved ones know you love them, and convincing the doc your reports of pain are real and not merely disguising your desire to become a drug addict. To be sure, the movie includes plenty of details about discomfort in the toilet, but they’re put on hold once the trots are replaced by the globe-trotting.

Edward and Carter fly off on their odyssey, during which the only realistic detail is the interior of Edward’s private jet. Other locations are created, all too obviously, by special effects; the boys in front of the Pyramids look about as convincing as Abbott and Costello wearing pith helmets in front of a painted backdrop.

Meanwhile, we wait patiently for Edward to realize his inner humanity, reach out to his estranged daughter and learn all the other life lessons Carter has to bestow. All Carter gets out of it is months away from his beloved family and the opportunity to be a moral cheering section for Edward’s conversion.

I’m thinking, just once, couldn’t a movie open with the voiceover telling us what a great guy the Morgan Freeman character is? Nicholson could say, “I was a rich, unpleasant, selfish jerk, and this wise, nice man taught me to feel hope and love.” Yeah, that would be nice. Because what’s so great about Edward, anyway? He throws his money around like a pig and makes Carter come along for the ride. So what?

There are movies that find humor, albeit perhaps of a bitter, sardonic nature, in cancer. Some of them show incredible bravery, as in Mike Nichols’ “Wit,” with its great performance by Emma Thompson .

“The Bucket List” thinks dying of cancer is a laff riot followed by a dime-store epiphany. The sole redeeming merit of the film is the steady work by Morgan Freeman, who has appeared in more than one embarrassing movie, but never embarrassed himself. Maybe it’s not Jack Nicholson’s fault that his role cries out to be overplayed, but it’s his fate, and ours.

bucket list movie essay

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

bucket list movie essay

  • Alfonso Freeman as Roger
  • Morgan Freeman as Carter
  • Sean Hayes as Thomas
  • Rob Morrow as Dr. Hollins
  • Beverly Todd as Virginia
  • Rowena King as Angelica
  • Jack Nicholson as Edward
  • Justin Zackham

Directed by

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Movie Review | 'The Bucket List '

For Geezers Gone Wild, Too Little, Too Late

bucket list movie essay

By Stephen Holden

  • Dec. 25, 2007

“The Bucket List” operates on the hope that two beloved stars rubbing their signature screen personas together can spark warm, fuzzy box office magic. I wouldn’t count on it. Stars or no, it is an open question whether audiences will flock to a preposterous, putatively heartwarming buddy comedy about two men diagnosed with terminal cancer living it up in their final months.

The geezers chafing at death’s doorstep are Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman), cancer patients who meet cute in the room they share in a hospital owned by Edward. A greedy billionaire health care mogul, Edward is a victim of his own ruthless cost-cutting program that decrees two to a room in his cramped establishment.

Obviously, no billionaire in his right mind would endure such humiliation in an institution he is knowingly bleeding to death; he would have his own deluxe private suite somewhere else. Edward, however, does have gourmet food supplied by his obedient assistant Thomas (Sean Hayes), which he lustily consumes until chemotherapy takes away his appetite along with his hair.

Slipping into their stock screen personas of rampaging fool (Mr. Nicholson) and pious wise man (Mr. Freeman), neither actor adds a note that we haven’t seen before. Given less than a year to live, Edward and Carter flee the hospital to board Edward’s private jet for a final blowout underwritten by Edward.

Along the way they become best pals who help each other learn the usual lessons about living life to the fullest. The movie strenuously denies medical reality. As they undertake their journey, both men, in temporary remission, appear as robust as the rejuvenated seniors in “Cocoon.”

Their initial adventures, like sky diving and race car driving, are high-adrenaline stunts embraced with macho zeal; they even visit a tattoo parlor. As they follow an itinerary that takes them to the south of France, the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal, the Himalayas and Hong Kong, these stopovers, obviously filmed on a soundstage, have all the reality of snapshots photographed in front of travel posters.

On the sexual front, the happily married Carter demurs when opportunity presents itself. But nothing has ever prevented Edward, who has been married and divorced four times, from pursuing continuous novelty. The movie mercifully spares us the spectacle of Mr. Nicholson, whalelike at 70, in full rutting mode.

Directed by Rob Reiner from a sketchy screenplay by Justin Zackham, “The Bucket List” fails its stars in fundamental ways. Mr. Nicholson has played wealthy rogues before (most recently in “Something’s Gotta Give”), but this particular bon vivant is unsalvageably repellent. The actor’s frantic mugging, guffawing and eyebrow twitching only underscore the character’s pompous self-satisfaction. By the time the movie allows Edward a token gesture of humanity (his guilt-stricken attempt to reunite with an estranged daughter he cruelly betrayed), it is too little too late.

Carter is the one who initially brings up the notion of “the bucket list,” a roster of must-have experiences to be pursued before “kicking the bucket.” We are asked to accept that this dignified sage has been happily toiling as an auto mechanic for 46 years after forgoing his higher education to support a family. Anyone this articulate and composed would have risen far above day-laborer status.

Largely self-taught, Carter keeps himself in mental shape by watching “Jeopardy!” and competing out loud with the contestants. During their travels he is a font of geographic and historical trivia.

For all the kindly gravity he puts into the role, Mr. Freeman cannot begin to make you believe that a quiet family man like Carter would abandon his loyal wife (Beverly Todd) during his final months of life to go on a spree with a rascally egomaniac. I don’t imagine Mr. Freeman believes it either.

Saddest of all, the professed spiritual goals on the pair’s checklist of things to do — “laugh till you cry,” “witness something majestic” — are the kind of pallid bromides found in the pages of a quickie self-help book: “I’m Not O.K., and Neither Are You.”

“The Bucket List” is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). It has off-color dialogue.


Opens on Tuesday in New York, Los Angeles and Toronto.

Directed by Rob Reiner; written by Justin Zackham; director of photography, John Schwartzman; edited by Robert Leighton; music by Marc Shaiman; production designer, Bill Brzeski; produced by Craig Zadan, Neil Meron, Alan Greisman and Mr. Reiner; released by Warner Brothers Pictures. Running time: 1 hour 38 minutes.

WITH: Jack Nicholson (Edward Cole), Morgan Freeman (Carter Chambers), Sean Hayes (Thomas), Rob Morrow (Dr. Hollins) and Beverly Todd (Virginia).

The Bucket List: Movie Analysis

bucket list movie essay

Show More Life is too short for you not to go out and do whatever you have ever what to do in your life. What life is supposed to be about is joying everything and exploring every little bit of it as you can. The Bucket List directed by Rob Reiner and released on December 25, 2007 shows a great example of how life should be displayed. The Bucket List is a drama/comedy about two dying men who travel the world to try to discover their passion and joy in their lives. The two men used in this movie (Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson) to show the exploring of human nature. This films use of lighting, costumes, and props shows exactly how these men are able to explore the nature of a human being. Throughout the movie we also see Jack Nicholson’s go through …show more content… We learn that whether its artificial lighting or natural lighting there can be a big key element behind it and how it relates to the movie like if its sunny and there’s a lot of natural light it shows something good is going to happen not saying this always works but in the movie The Bucket List it uses in such manner. The costumes in the movie can provide a meaning of one’s class or characteristics as we can see that by the way Carter looks in this movie he is a mechanic if there wasn’t a good use of costumes we would’ve never knew he was a mechanic and if hadn’t seen the costume used of Edward we would have never he was wealthy. Props are important to meaning to show the things that Carter and Cole had dreamed of doing such as driving the classic cars or even using the luxury jet to let them travel somewhere they have never been before. Money is an extremely important prop to show that many of the things they were able to do throughout the movie was able to be done due to Edward having all this money even though it’s possible to be happy and satisfied even without having money. These are a few of many sources that could be used to create meaning in film but these happened to be key tools in creating a movie such as The Bucket

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Hospice Care. “The Bucket List” Movie Report (Assessment)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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This paper deals with health services provided by the hospitals and nursing and care centers, to the patients who are suffering from diseases which are not usually curable. The paper raises some points that the hospital CEO’s can do to make such incurable diseases less painful, as well as help the patients in living the rest of their numbered days of life in peace and as much happiness as possible. The paper takes into account a movie named “The bucket List”, which deals with such an incurable disease. It shows how the protagonists try to live as happily as possible and do all that they ad ever wanted to do in their lives.

The movie “The Bucket List” shows two men, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, from different walks of life, who suffer from cancer and are brought for tests and are admitted in the same hospital. They become friends while living there. Both have little time left, as told to them by the hospital authorities. So, they make a list of all the things they had always wanted to do in their lives, and had never got an opportunity to do so. They call that list, a bucket list. To make their last days of life more meaningful and probably less painful than expected, both the men set out to carry out their to-do tasks. At some point of time, their lives intersect at a point and they tend to help each other achieve the other’s desire or wish. Their lists include some of the following tasks:

  • Witness something truly majestic
  • Help a complete stranger for a common good
  • Laugh till I cry
  • Drive a Shelby Mustang
  • Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world
  • Get a tattoo
  • See the pyramids
  • Get back in touch

Now, to get all these desires fulfilled and all the wishes come true, there has to be a source, which must get this done. It may be the patient’s family, or the hospital itself, or even the government. Whatever the source may be, the aim is to make the patient’s life as smooth and happy as possible. As asked in the paper, what is the role of the CEO’s of the hospital? The CEO’s of the hospital must take a step to alleviate the pain of the patients who are in such a condition.

They must advice them to pray regularly. Besides that, the patients must be given full opportunity to do what they always wanted to do in their lives, so that, they don’t have any regrets. Their families must also be completely supportive in making the patients realize their dreams and fancies. The most important thing is that they should not be continuously reminded of their disease. Besides, as long as they are living in the hospital, the staff must make it sure that such patients are provided with, as much as possible, all the things they desire. For example, they can be provided with video games, movies, their favorite books from a library, magazines, and the like.

The question now arises as to who should pay for all the above expenditures? One answer can be the patient’s family. In case where the family is not well off, then the government must step forward to help such patients, since, they were once citizens of its country. It is the government’s duty to make their lives beautiful, when they just have a few days or months to live.

The most important thing is to provide them with care and support. They need everybody’s love and guidance. They must be given proper treatment. Their lives should be made as smooth as possible. Death bites. But dying while healthy, rich and free enough to drink life to the last drop is getting great press, thanks to a new movie (Cathy Lynn Grossman and Laura Bly, USA Today).

Cathy Lynn Grossman, Laura Bly. (2008). Making a ‘bucket list’ before you kick . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, October 15). Hospice Care. "The Bucket List" Movie. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hospice-care-the-bucket-list-movie/

"Hospice Care. "The Bucket List" Movie." IvyPanda , 15 Oct. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/hospice-care-the-bucket-list-movie/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Hospice Care. "The Bucket List" Movie'. 15 October.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Hospice Care. "The Bucket List" Movie." October 15, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hospice-care-the-bucket-list-movie/.

1. IvyPanda . "Hospice Care. "The Bucket List" Movie." October 15, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hospice-care-the-bucket-list-movie/.


IvyPanda . "Hospice Care. "The Bucket List" Movie." October 15, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hospice-care-the-bucket-list-movie/.

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The Bucket List – Life in Late Adulthood Essay

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“The Bucket List,” (2007) is a meaningful movie about two terminally ill patients, Carter Chambers and Edward Cole, experiences the death and dying phase in their late adulthood. Carter and Edward were roommates in a hospital owned by Edward himself. They became friends not so long after that and made a bucket list of the things they wanted to do before they die. “The Bucket List” is a list of the craziest and most unforgettable things a person hopes to experience or achieve in life. Although Carter and Edward were close friends, they both have lived very different lives. While Edward got all the money in the world, he has never been loved.

On the other hand, being a mechanic at a typical car repair shop, Carter lived a happy life with his loving wife and family regardless of the financial issues. Despite the fact that his wife disagreed with the plan, Carter and Edward left anyway. They went sky-diving, got tattoos, drove the Shelby Mustangs, flew in a private plane to France, went to the African safari, Egypt, the Great Wall of China, and finally to Hong Kong. Throughout the trip, Carter realized family was what important to him, and Edward realized the last thing he wanted to do was seeing his daughter again.

At the end of the movie, Carter and Edward passed away; their remains were buried in two coffee cans at the top of Mount Himalayans. The movie did an excellent job at displaying the biosocial development of aging portrayed by Carter and Edward. It also applied the wear-and-tear theory, meaning a process by which the human body wears out because of the passage of time and exposure to environmental stressors (Berger, 2012a, p. 654). Not only aging dealt with physical changes, cognitive changes, but it also dealt with death and dying, which was the result of the wear-and-tear theory for late adults who suffered illnesses. The death and dying phase was emphasized significantly in the movie.

It had also mentioned several emotional characteristics of death and dying such as denial, anger and acceptance. In the beginning, both Carter and Edward went through denial, where they attempted to deny the reality that they both have cancer and tried isolating themselves from reality, led to the feeling of anger and resentment to the people around them. However, in the end, after fulfilling their bucket list, they both have learned to accept reality, death, and found peace within themselves. Self-actualization is a cognitive development mentioned slightly in the movie.

It is the final stage of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs characterized by aesthetic, creative, philosophical, and spiritual understanding; portrayed by Carter (Berger, 2012b, p. 686) Carter has always tended to accept himself and others as they are. He lacked inhibition but was able to enjoy himself and his life free of guilt. Meanwhile, self-actualization was what Edward lacked.

A characteristic under self-actualization called peak experiences was actually displaying in both characters Carter and Edward as well. What is actually a peak experience? According to Maslow, these are feelings of opening up to the vision, the feeling of conquering obstacles, the feeling of ecstasy, wonder and awe, the loss of placement in time and space with, finally, the conviction that something extremely important and valuable had happened, so that the subject was to some extent transformed and strengthened their daily life by such experiences (What are peak experiences? n. d). That, was what happened in the end of the movie, after fulfilling their bucket list and did the things they have never done before, but always wanted to do, Carter and Edward was finally ready to face death because they have finally lived up to the quote: “Live each day as if it was your last day. ” Erik Erikson’s last stage of psychosocial development, Integrity versus Despair, was similar to what Carter and Edward had gone through psychosocially.

This last stage defines an elder who seek to integrate their unique experiences with their vision of community (Berger, 2012c, p. 694). For example, both Carter and Edward had looked back upon their lives, wished they had done something different and wanted to do things that they still want to do. Carter always wanted to be a history teacher, but he felt like he needed to work hard to keep food on the table for his family. On the other hand, Edward always wanted to have someone special in his life because he was married four times and had a daughter but was never in a great relationship with anyone besides his work. Thus, they both have shown despair.

However, Edward and Carter felt like they wanted to switch roles, in the end, their lives seemed to have been fulfilled emphasizing integrity. Throughout the movie, cancer was what hindered the growth and development of Carter and Edward. If they were cancer-free, they could have lived longer and could possibly become centenarians. But, they would never have been able to experience the joy, the love, and the crazy experiences if had not for cancer. Although, cancer has made them bitter men in the beginning, but at the end, they were happy with what they had because they have fulfilled their wishes.

Overall, “The Bucket List” was successful at demonstrating the effects of death, the values in life and particularly, the development of an average older adult through biosocial, cognitive and psychosocial phases. Not only the movie teaches a person to deal with what life offers, to forgive, to love, but also to live the best a person can be with positive attitudes. Even though, Carter and Edward were old and at the verge of dying, they still had goals that they wanted to accomplish. They got out there and achieved what was on the list even when they may not have been well all the time. So, live life to the fullest everyday and always have a goal, something that can be live up to and look forward to.


Berger, K. S. (2012a). Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development.

The developing person through the life span (8th ed. , p. 654). New York: Worth Publishers.

Berger, K. S. (2012b). Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development.

The developing person through the life span (8th ed. , p. 686). New York: Worth Publishers.

Berger, K. S. (2012c). Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development. The developing person through the life span (8th ed. , p.

694). New York: Worth Publishers. What Are Peak Experiences?. (n. d. ).

About. com Psychology. Retrieved November 12, 2013.http://psychology.about.com/od/humanist-personality/f/peak-experiences.htm

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The Bucket List

The Bucket List

  • Two terminally ill men escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die.
  • Corporate billionaire Edward Cole and working class mechanic Carter Chambers have nothing in common except for their terminal illnesses. While sharing a hospital room together, they decide to leave it and do all the things they have ever wanted to do before they die according to their bucket list. In the process, both of them heal each other, become unlikely friends, and ultimately find joy in life. — r2k443
  • Edward is a rich man and is forced to share his room with Carter in the cancer ward of his hospital to improve the public relations of his company. Both are given the news that they have less than a year left. They both then decide to make the most of whatever time they have left and form a bucket list . One by one they keep crossing items on the list till all items are crossed and in turn add value to each others lives. — Keith Francis
  • Having only a few months left to live, terminally ill Edward and Carter have an epiphany. Determined to take matters into their own hands, the unlikely team embarks on a liberating quest to right the wrongs that kept them stuck forever. However, their extensive, enthusiastic bucket list demands courage. After all, the two broken men were afraid to live for decades. But not this time. Now, Carter and Edward want to live the rest of their days to the fullest, heal the painful wounds of the past, and end the party with a bang--even if it kills them. — Nick Riganas
  • Blue-collar mechanic Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) and billionaire hospital magnate Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) meet for the first time in the hospital after both have been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Although Edward is reluctant to share a room with Carter, complaining that he "looks half-dead already," they become friends as they undergo their respective treatments. Carter is a gifted amateur historian and family man who had wanted to become a history professor in his youth, had been "black, broke, [and with a] baby on the way" and, thus, never rose above his status as a mechanic at the McCreath body shop. Carter loves showing off his knowledge and his favorite show is Jeopardy!. Edward is a four-time divorced health-care tycoon and cultured loner who enjoys nothing more than tormenting his personal valet/servant, Thomas (Sean Hayes), who later reveals his name is actually Matthew. Edward prefers to call him Thomas because he finds the name Matthew too "biblical." Edward drinks a specific variety of coffee called "Kopi Luwak", one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Carter begins writing a "bucket list," or things to do before he "kicks the bucket" (i.e. dies). After hearing he has less than a year, Carter discards the list. Edward finds it the next morning and urges Carter to do everything on the list (and adds more things to do), and offers to finance the trip for the both of them. Carter agrees, despite the protests of his wife, Virginia (Beverly Todd). The pair begins an around-the-world vacation. They go skydiving together, drive a Shelby Mustang, fly over the North Pole, eat dinner at Chevre d'Or in France, visit and praise the beauty and history of Taj Mahal, India, ride motorcycles on the Great Wall of China, and attend a lion safari in Africa. Atop the Great Pyramid, looking out over the pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure, they confide about faith and family, revealing that Carter has long been feeling less in love with his wife and that Edward is deeply hurt by his estrangement from his only daughter, who disowned him after he drove away her abusive husband. In Hong Kong, Edward hires a prostitute (Rowena King) for Carter, who has never been with any woman but his wife. Carter declines and, realizing that he loves his wife, asks to return home. On the drive back, Carter reciprocates by trying to reunite Edward with his daughter. Edward angrily storms off. Carter returns home to his wife, children, and grandchildren where they have a nice family dinner telling stories and sharing jokes while a frustrated Edward stays home eating frozen dinners alone. The family reunion is short-lived. In the preparation for a romantic interlude, Carter suffers a seizure and is rushed to the hospital. The cancer has spread to his brain. Edward, who is now in remission, visits him and they share a few moments, where Carter reveals with great amusement that the origin of the Kopi Luwak Edward enjoys is grown in a Sumatran village, is eaten and defecated by a jungle cat, and is harvested because of the special aroma of the gastric juices. Carter crosses off "laugh till I cry" from his bucket list and insists Edward finish the list without him. Carter goes into surgery, but the procedure is unsuccessful and he dies on the operating table. As Carter dies and the news is given to his wife and family, Edward finally attempts to reconcile with his daughter. She not only accepts him back into her life but also introduces him to the granddaughter he never knew he had. After greeting the little girl with a kiss on the cheek, Edward crosses "kiss the most beautiful girl in the world" off the list. Edward delivers a eulogy at the funeral, explaining that he and Carter had been complete strangers, but the last three months of Carter's life were the best three months of his. He crosses off "help a complete stranger for the good" from the list. The epilogue reveals that Edward lived until age 81, and his ashes were then taken to the Himalayas by his assistant Matthew. As Matthew places a Chock full o' Nuts coffee can alongside another can, he crosses off the last item on the Bucket List ("witness something truly majestic") and places it between the cans. Carter's narration reveals the two cans contain their ashes and that Edward would have loved this, because he was "buried on the mountain, and that was against the law."

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Movie the Bucket List

The Bucket List is a movie all about two men who live their lives as if they are going to be gone tomorrow. It’s a movie about two men with cancer that share a hospital room from both having cancer. When finding out they do not have much longer to live, decide that they are going to pursue a bucket list that one of the men had made. The two men Edward and Carter are complete opposites. Carter is a mechanic that has been married for forty-five years and has two children. Edward has tons of money and has been divorced four times, with a daughter that no longer talks to him.

He owns the hospital that the two men end up in with the motto he stands by “Two beds to a room, no exceptions. ” This motto is what caused him ending up in a room with Carter which he did not like at all at first. The one thing that brings them together is knowing they have to live their lives up and do what they have always wanted to do before dying. They became best friends unexpectedly and did more in their last few months before dying then some people can say they have done in their entire lifetime.

You should always live your life as if you are going to die tomorrow. Not in the sense that you should be miserable thinking your never going to be able to see the next day, but you should make your life the best it can be. This is what I have learned from The Bucket List, that you need to live each moment like it is your last. Some people never get the chance to find out when they will die and they do not always get to accomplish things in their life that they would like to do.

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However, some people would not like to know the date that they will no longer be around. Dieing is scary, and when you know when your going to, some people take it hard and instead of making the best of it, they get depressed and do nothing else with their life. This movie in a sense shows you need to make the best of it. Making a bucket list would be a good idea, so you know what you would like to get accomplished before you do “kick the bucket. ” Making your life as joyful, fun and enjoyable as you can is important.

The Bucket List was not made just to be about two men that are dying from cancer, but to set an example to live your life to its highest potential. Yes, the men do have cancer and are not going to live for years, but they get to accomplish what they would like to do. They go to Egypt, traveling the world, skydiving, race fast cars and eventually Edward meets up with his daughter again and granddaughter. Do not hold grudges with anyone, because you never know when something might happen and you do not have a chance to fix it.

When you get a chance to do something fun, do it. Travel the country, see places and things you have never seen. Do not just lay around dying trying to comfort everyone around you when at the time you cannot even find it in you to comfort yourself. Cancer, of course is sad, painful and a tragic experience no one wants to have to deal with in their family. But the hidden meaning in the movie would be that even though you know your going to die, do not just lay around waiting for it to happen. You can still find it in yourself to have a little more fun.

I do not believe I have found as much joy in my life as I would like. My childhood has been great and my family is more amazing than I would be able to ask for. However, I am only eighteen, I would like to get married, have children of my own, finish college, and travel the world. If I was to pass today, I would not think that my life would have been complete. There is still huge areas of my life that I would like to go through before I never get the chance to again. These two men make a great bucket list, one that has some things I would personally like to accomplish as well.

My life has brought joy to my family, I know my parents were ecstatic when I was born, but I want to bring joy to my own family. My kids, my husband, hopefully even my grandchildren, will eventually be brought joy by myself. This is something I could only hope to have happen. The Bucket List, although is a sad movie, has its joyful and funny moments. It sets a life example to get out and do some exciting things with your life. And a deadline is the perfect way to get your butt out to do them.

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Based on your viewing of the movie  The Bucket List  and your reading of Tim McGraw's song, "Live Like You Were Dying,", write a  5 paragraph  essay that explains three goals you hope to reach in your life time. Your essay must include:

An introduction paragraph

3 body paragraphs (USE TDEC)

A concluding paragraph

3 photos that support your writing

~Click on the link below for further directions!

  • Bucket List Essay Directions

Essential Question

What is a bucket list and what purpose does it serve in a person's life?

What are 3 the types of goals you hope to accomplish during your lifetime?

Guiding Questions

What are some strategies you can use to ensure you are reaching your life goals?

What are the effects on a person when life goals are accomplished?

What are the components of an effective essay?

Planning, Notes, Outline

  • Introduction Notes
  • Conclusion Notes
  • Transition Word List
  • More Transitions

Reading and Resources

  • "Live Like you Were Dying" Lyrics
  • Article: 101 Things to Do Before You Die

Bucket List Essay Samples

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NYS Health and Common Core Learning Standards

NYS Health Standard 1: Personal Health and Fitness Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health. 


Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, an analysis of relevant content.

8W2a: Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information using strategies such as DEFINITION, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect

8W2b: Develop a topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples; include formatting, graphics, and multimedia when useful to aid comprehension.

8W2c: Use precise language adn domain-specific vocabulary to explain a topic.

8W2d: Use appropriate and varied TRANSITIONS to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.

8W2e: Provide a CONCLUDING statement or section that explains the significance of the information presented.

8W2f: Establish and maintain a style appropriate to the writing task.

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Chu, Q., Grühn, D., & Holland, A. M. (2018). Before I die: The impact of time horizon and age on bucket-list goals. GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(3), 151–162. Education

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Detroit’s economy after the crash of 2008 has been on a consistent rise due to new manufacturing companies like Detroit Bikes. Detroit Bikes is an American bicycle manufacturer that wanted to improve its Direct-To-Consumer sales [...]

I consider myself fortunate to have grown up in a household filled with books. My mother, a librarian by profession, instilled in her children a deep appreciation for reading from an early age. While I may not recall the name of [...]

There are different perspectives on the issue of national security, peace and war. Many religions and doctrines have their opinions and say regarding this matter. While the issue of national security seems to be fully controlled [...]

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The Bucket List

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What to Know

Not even the earnest performances of the two leads can rescue The Bucket List from its schmaltzy script.

Critics Reviews

Audience reviews, cast & crew.

Jack Nicholson

Edward Cole

Morgan Freeman

Carter Chambers

Dr. Hollins

Beverly Todd

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the bucket list essay

bucket list movie essay

The Bucket List Comparison

With recently watching The Bucket List, I decided to do a list of differences between the two main characters of the film: Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman). From the very beginning of the film, you could tell these two men were very different from each other, but through the shared pain of cancer, they learn to get along and bond with one another. I'll also be talking about who I'd personally like to be for a year out of the two main characters, and why I'd feel that

Essay on Movie the Bucket List

The Bucket List is a movie all about two men who live their lives as if they are going to be gone tomorrow. It’s a movie about two men with cancer that share a hospital room from both having cancer. When finding out they do not have much longer to live, decide that they are going to pursue a bucket list that one of the men had made. The two men Edward and Carter are complete opposites. Carter is a mechanic that has been married for forty-five years and has two children. Edward has tons of money and

The Bucket List By Rob Reiner

ever been in a situation where you either have to make a decision to stay in for the day or go do something fun and exciting? Have you ever just got the urge to be spontaneous and do something so far out of your comfort zone? In the movie, The Bucket List produced by Rob Reiner, two grown men who were complete strangers to each other, had to make the decision to either live the rest of their lives moping around in a hospital or actually do a series of spontaneous things to make their lives that much

The Bucket List And The Open Road 4300 Miles

such as the Bucket List and The Open Road 4300 Miles. The Bucket List is about two elderly men who are completely different other than the fact that they are both terminally ill. Before they pass away, they work together to complete their bucket list. The purpose of a bucket list is to complete a list of to-dos before you die. Often, bucket lists are created and done after you get news of terminal illness of when you are going through a phase such as a midlife crisis. Usually, a bucket list is created

Forget The Bucket List: The Guardian By Rebecca Meade

Forget the bucket list: these are the things you should avoid before you die The Guardian, Jessica Reed The article starts with a quote by The New Yorker’s Rebecca Meade, where she states what disadvantages the idea of having a bucket list can have. According to her, having a list of things that you must do before you go six feet under only makes the events seem more like some exhausting chores, rather than fruitful experiences. Sure, visiting the city of Pompeii might be an interesting trip, but

Stereotypes About Older Adults In The Movie 'The Bucket List'

In the movie “The Bucket List” there are two middle old men; a billionaire named Edward Cole and a car mechanic named Carter Chambers. They were both diagnosed with cancer and by fate; it lands them in the same hospital room while they were getting treatment. The men find out, if they are lucky, they’ll have a year to live; that’s when the desire to create and complete a bucket list of things they want to see and do before they die was made. The two men leave the hospital, against medical advice

The Bucket List

The Bucket List Felicia Holland BSHS/342 September 1, 2012 Marcy Stern, PhD. The Bucket List The Bucket List is a film about two middle age men who have nothing in common other than that they are both diagnosed with terminal cancer. Edward Cole, a White man, is a billionaire who owns many hospitals. He is a self-made man with a bitter outlook on life. Edward has married and divorced four times, and has no relationship his only child. Carter Chambers, a Black man, is a blue-collar mechanic

Bucket List Accomplishments

experiences in their life. Many students include college on their bucket lists. Bucket lists are a list of a number of experiences or achievements that they would like to accomplish within their lifetime. Britani Smith, an education major, said she does have a bucket list in the making. “Go sky diving, jump off a cliff, go scuba diving, and fly out of the country are some of the things I have on my list right now,” Smith said. Bucket lists can include multiple goals that are special to the person who

Bucket List Themes

in motion. Everyone knows that he or she is advancing towards death with each passing day and that at one point death must inevitably come. However, despite death being inescapable and normal, most people dread broaching the issue. One film, The Bucket List, passes as a comic attempt at the very idea of death denial. In evaluating the theme of death and dying in the movie, one can see how chronic illness tends to drive individuals into reflecting about the concept of death. Summary This movie has two

Bucket List Monologue

that as motivation to live life to the fullest. We all know what a “bucket list” is, right? A bucket list is a list compiled of things one wants to do or accomplish before they die, or “kick the bucket”. Three things I’d like to accomplish before I die is traveling the world, learning how to play an instrument, and being a great parent one day. One thing I would love to do is somewhat of a cliché in regards to bucket lists, but who wouldn’t want to see the world? To travel the world would be

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Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 11 assignment: bucket list.

In 2007, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starred in a movie called  The Bucket List.  They played two older men with terminal illnesses who happened to share a hospital room. While their lives were very different, they each had a bucket list of things they wanted to see or do before they died, so they went on an adventure together to complete their bucket lists.

STEP 1 : Make a bucket list of at least twenty things (in rank order) of what you’d like to see or do before you die.

STEP 2 : Considering your list, write a reflective essay explaining the most important things that you want to accomplish in your lifetime and why. Also analyze your bucket list in term of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. Explain how completing your list would help you to positively resolve the stage of ego integrity vs despair. Be sure to describe and explain this stage in Erikson’s theory and to include specific examples of how completing items in your list (or not completing them) would affect how you resolve this stage. Keep in mind that how previous stages are resolved may also affect this developmental stage. Include detailed discussion of specific examples from your list. Your essay should be 300-500 words; use APA format for citing any sources.

Sample Grading Rubric
Creates original Bucket List of at least 20 ranked items. Creates original Bucket List of at least 20 things they would like to see or do before they die, in rank order. Demonstrates thoughtfulness and consideration of various aspects of lifespan development, including different stages and contexts. Creates Bucket List of 20 items they would like to see or do before they die, in rank order. Does not include at least 20 items in Bucket List. Rank order is not apparent. __/6
Writes reflective essay about most important things they want to accomplish in lifetime and why. Writes reflective essay about most important things they want to accomplish in their lifetime, referring to their Bucket List. Explains why these things are important to them. Specific and detailed descriptions and explanations; link to lifespan development. Writes reflective essay about most important things they want to accomplish in their lifetime, referring to their Bucket List. Explains why these things are important to them. Essay is not reflective, specific, or detailed. Does not refer to their Bucket List, or not to several top ranked items in their list. Does not explain why these items are important for them to accomplish. __/5
Describes and analyzes how accomplishing items in Bucket List will help resolve Erikson’s ego integrity vs despair crisis. Describes and explains Erikson’s ego integrity vs despair crisis and connects the accomplishment of several items in their Bucket List to the positive resolution of this stage (or the lack of accomplishment to the negative resolution of the stage). May also discuss connections to the resolutions of previous stages. Detailed, specific examples included. Critical analysis and application demonstrated. Describes and explains Erikson’s ego integrity vs despair crisis and connects the accomplishment of a few items in their Bucket List to the positive resolution of this stage. Detailed, specific examples included. Critical analysis and application demonstrated. Does not describe and explain Erikson’s ego integrity vs despair crisis sufficiently. Does not connect the accomplishment of at least a few items of their Bucket List to the positive resolution of this stage. Does not provide sufficient details with specific examples. Critical analysis and application not demonstrated. __/5
Writing Mechanics & Grammar/APA Citation of Sources Well-organized college-level essay; clearly written; proper use of APA citation of sources within essay and in reference list (if relevant). Excellent writing style. Organized college-level essay; clearly written; proper use of APA citation of sources within essay and in reference lit (if relevant). Essay is not well-organized; not clearly written; grammatical and/or spelling errors. Does not use APA style of citing sources within essay and in reference lit (if relevant). __/4
  • Assignment: Death and Dying. Authored by : Margaret Clark-Plaskie for Lumen Learning. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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    The Bucket List Felicia Holland BSHS/342 September 1, 2012 Marcy Stern, PhD. The Bucket List The Bucket List is a film about two middle age men who have nothing in common other than that they are both diagnosed with terminal cancer. Edward Cole, a White man, is a billionaire who owns many hospitals. He is a self-made man with a bitter outlook ...

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    In 2007, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starred in a movie called The Bucket List. ... STEP 2: Considering your list, write a reflective essay explaining the most important things that you want to accomplish in your lifetime and why. Also analyze your bucket list in term of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development.

  23. A Narrative of My Goals in My Bucket List Essay

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