
Essay on Education Is the Most Powerful Weapon

Students are often asked to write an essay on Education Is the Most Powerful Weapon in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Education Is the Most Powerful Weapon


Education is a key tool in life. It’s like a powerful weapon that can change the world. It helps us understand and solve problems.

The Power of Education

Education gives us knowledge and skills. It helps us think, make decisions, and build a successful future. It’s a weapon against ignorance and prejudice.

Education and Society

Education shapes society. It promotes equality and peace. It helps us understand different cultures and respect each other.

In conclusion, education is the most powerful weapon. It can transform individuals and societies, creating a better world for all.

250 Words Essay on Education Is the Most Powerful Weapon

Education, often regarded as the cornerstone of societal progress, is the most potent weapon we can wield. It has the power to transform lives, communities, and ultimately, the world.

Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it’s about understanding how to use this knowledge effectively. It equips individuals with critical thinking skills, enabling them to make informed decisions, solve problems, and contribute to society. Additionally, education fosters creativity and innovation, driving technological advancements and economic growth.

Education as a Catalyst for Change

Education is a catalyst for social change. It promotes equality by providing everyone, regardless of their background, with the tools to succeed. Education empowers individuals, helping them break the chains of poverty and ignorance, and enabling them to lead fulfilling lives.

Education and Global Challenges

In the face of global challenges such as climate change, economic disparity, and political unrest, education is our best defense. It equips us with the knowledge to understand these issues and the skills to devise sustainable solutions.

In conclusion, education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. It is the foundation upon which we build our future, and as such, it should be accessible to all. By investing in education, we are investing in a better, more equitable world.

500 Words Essay on Education Is the Most Powerful Weapon

Education is often hailed as the most powerful weapon one can wield. It is the key to personal growth, societal development, and global progress. It is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about shaping the character, instilling values, and promoting a comprehensive understanding of the world.

Education also equips individuals with the tools necessary to challenge injustices and inequalities. It encourages critical thinking, promoting the questioning of established norms and the pursuit of innovative solutions. It fosters empathy and understanding, enabling individuals to appreciate different perspectives and cultures.

Education as a Tool for Social and Economic Progress

Education is a key driver of social and economic progress. It plays a significant role in reducing poverty and inequality, promoting health and well-being, and driving technological innovation and economic growth. Studies have consistently shown that countries that invest in education tend to have higher levels of economic growth and social development.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the transformative power of education, many challenges remain. Access to quality education is still not universal, and significant disparities exist between different regions, countries, and social groups. Moreover, the quality of education often varies widely, and many education systems are struggling to adapt to the rapid pace of technological change and the evolving needs of the global economy.

However, these challenges also present opportunities. The digital revolution, for example, has the potential to democratize access to education and to transform the way we teach and learn. Innovative approaches to education, such as project-based learning and experiential learning, can help to foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and a lifelong love of learning.

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Nelson Mandela: 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

The quote by Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world," holds immense significance in highlighting the transformative power of knowledge. Mandela recognizes that education holds the key to societal progress, as it empowers individuals to challenge existing norms, question their surroundings, and craft a brighter future. With education as our ally, we possess the ability to break free from the chains of ignorance and make meaningful contributions to the world.Education, in its simplest form, equips us with skills and knowledge necessary to navigate life's challenges. It enables us to read, write, reason, and comprehend complex concepts. These fundamental abilities provide us with the tools to engage with society, actively participate in conversations, and contribute our unique perspectives. Education imparts us with critical thinking capacity, helping us to decipher between right and wrong, question societal norms, and challenge unjust systems.However, to truly grasp the profound impact of education on society, let us delve into the realms of philosophy. In doing so, we come across the concept of "existentialism," introduced by prominent thinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Søren Kierkegaard. Existentialism shifts our perspective from the collective to the individual, urging us to examine our existence and our role in shaping the world. How does this concept relate to education and Mandela's quote?Existentialism presents the idea that in the face of an inherently absurd and meaningless world, individuals hold the power to create their own meanings. It accentuates the importance of personal responsibility, freedom of choice, and authenticity. When we apply these principles to education, we discover that it is not merely a means to an end but a catalyst for personal growth and self-realization. Education becomes the vehicle through which we explore and shape our own personal realities.In this context, education takes on a deeper significance. It is not restricted to textbooks and exams but becomes a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. Through education, we uncover our passions, strengthen our beliefs, and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute positively to society. It enables us to not only change the world but also change our own lives, providing a pathway to personal fulfillment and self-actualization.Furthermore, education also plays a crucial role in cultivating empathy, understanding, and compassion. As we gain knowledge about different cultures, histories, and perspectives, we cultivate a sense of global citizenship. We develop the capacity to empathize with people from diverse backgrounds, challenge prejudice and discrimination, and work towards creating a more inclusive and harmonious world. Education, therefore, serves as a bridge that connects individuals from various walks of life, fostering mutual respect and empathy.It is important to note that education alone cannot be expected to solve all of society's problems. Political, economic, and cultural barriers often complicate the process of implementing change. Nevertheless, education provides us with the tools and understanding necessary to address these challenges and find innovative solutions. It equips us with the ability to challenge the status quo, question traditional structures, and envision a better future. Through education, we can foster social change, empower marginalized communities, and strive to create a fairer and more just society.In conclusion, Nelson Mandela's quote, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world," encapsulates the transformative power of education. It signifies that education not only provides us with knowledge but also empowers us to challenge existing norms, question our surroundings, and reshape the world as we see fit. By embracing education in its many forms, we embark on a journey of personal growth, self-realization, and empathy. As we continually learn, adapt, and evolve, we have the ability to make meaningful contributions to society and leave a lasting impact on the world.

Nelson Mandela: 'If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.'

Nelson mandela: 'it always seems impossible until it's done.'.

Mandela’s belief that education can change the world is still a dream

education most powerful weapon essay

Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Stellenbosch University

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education most powerful weapon essay

Universities can play an important part in fulfilling Nelson Mandela’s much-quoted belief that:

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Mandela Day, the late South African president’s birthday, is an opportunity to reflect on how his statement of intent actually works in practice. How does education enable us to change the world?

Universities can make a contribution in two ways: through the empowerment of individuals and through the generation of knowledge.

What universities can do for students

Universities train people to be professionals who will be able to make a positive contribution to society in various fields. They produce medical doctors, teachers and engineers; entrepreneurs, artists and scientists. In this way, higher education is both a private good and a public good.

Individuals – especially in poorer countries – stand a better chance of getting a good job with a university degree. According to the World Bank the average increase in earnings for every additional year of tertiary education is 21% in sub-Saharan Africa, measured over the period 1970 to 2013.

South Africa’s department of higher education has picked up on this , noting:

Education has long been recognised as a route out of poverty for individuals, and as a way of promoting equality of opportunity.

In South Africa, enrolment in higher education institutions rose from 490,494 students in 1994 to 837,644 in 2009 – a 71% increase. In this post-apartheid era, improvements in the university participation rate coincided with significant demographic changes in the student population. Two-thirds of university students were black in 2009, compared with just 32% in 1990.

The goal is to maintain this momentum. The government foresees an increase in participation rates from the 2011 figure of 17.3% to 25% by 2030 – from 937,000 students to 1.6 million enrolments.

And at the same time, it plans to broaden access for individuals from previously excluded and disadvantaged groups even more because the:

… achievement of greater social justice is closely dependent on equitable access by all sections of the population to quality education.

What research can do for society

The second way in which Madiba’s statement about education works in practice is through research that generates reliable and relevant knowledge.

The world is faced with what are called “wicked problems” – highly complex challenges whose potential solutions require creative, interdisciplinary thinking.

Universities are well placed to contribute to the search for solutions to these complex problems by drawing from a range of disciplines: the environment, conflict management, health, water, food security and social cohesion. Academics – and students, particularly at postgraduate level – engage in scientific research that generates new knowledge in the search for solutions to a variety of problems, including health challenges.

Consider, for example, the work of Ronald van Toorn , a senior specialist in paediatric neurology at Stellenbosch University. As part of his PhD studies , he found that certain innovative treatments offer children with tuberculosis meningitis a much better chance of survival.

These treatments may also enable children who have been left paralysed or blind by this serious condition – the most common form of bacterial meningitis in the Western Cape – to walk or see again.

A PhD represents a university’s top training product. Working towards a doctorate, you not only absorb large volumes of knowledge in a particular field of study, but you also learn to generate new knowledge yourself. This is what Van Toorn has done. And this is also what our country and continent needs much more of.

The National Development Plan sets South Africa a target of more than 100 PhDs per million by 2030, compared to the 28 per million currently, considered low by international standards.

To achieve this target, South Africa needs more than 5000 doctoral graduates per year – considerably more than the 1420 produced in 2010, but attainable if the growth in graduates at this level between 2008 and 2013 (12.3% per annum) is maintained.

Earlier this year, the Centre for Higher Education Transformation reported that among South African students, African doctoral enrolments (5065) first exceeded white enrolments (4853) in 2010, and African graduates (821) at this level first exceeded white graduates (816) in 2012.

Yet, with the white population making up only 8.4% of the country’s population, compared to 80.2% African , South Africa still has a long way to go to achieve better participation and throughput rates.

What society can do for students and universities

But the planned expansion of access does not only require making places available in higher education institutions. As the government says :

Education and training must also be affordable for potential students. To this end the government has significantly increased the funds available for student loans and bursaries, particularly through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

But the scheme has been mired in controversy. Students have protested for not receiving funding timeously or not at all. It seems the problems go deep. In May, Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande confirmed there would be a probe into corrupt practices. This is a welcome move.

Universities also receive and disburse financial aid from sources other than the state. More than one-third of Stellenbosch students receive some form of financial aid. Last year the university paid out bursaries and loans to nearly 55% of its revenue from student fees.

Bursaries are an excellent way to ensure that young people from across the class, and in South Africa’s case colour, divides are offered the opportunity to develop as individuals and to contribute to the country’s knowledge bank.

When Madiba was awarded an honorary doctorate from Stellenbosch University in 1996, he said in his acceptance speech:

This occasion is testimony to the fact that we South Africans have struck out on the road of building a joint future, that we are in the process of breaking down the divisive bulwarks of the past and building up a new nation – united in all its rich diversity.

Almost two years after Madiba’s death the challenge remains to use education to change South Africa, and the rest of the world. This makes bursary donations – the gift of education – an appropriate tribute to the man who continues to teach us about the virtue of selfless service to others.

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  • Nelson Mandela
  • Education Costs
  • Value of Knowledge
  • South African universities
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Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon

Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon: Empowering Minds

It is the most powerful weapon we have truly Education. But what exactly does this mean and why is education so crucial? If you had a magic potion that could resolve issues, make sense of the world and bring your wildest dreams to life. It is education, and that should be a right for every single child.

Table of Contents

What Is Education?

Learning is a process that goes on throughout our lives. As we learn to talk, walk and play at our homes. As children start going to school, education becomes formal.

We are taught to read, write and count as well as explore the world. Education is also about the past; science and how to get along with others.

How Is Education, A Weapon???

When we say that “education is the strongest weapon,” we do not mean it with a sinister effect. It is not a knowledge rather than, but an education grants us the means to change ourselves and our world.

In the same way, that a superhero would use his/her superpowers to assist, we are equally as responsible for remaining creative and lending our talent towards fixing the problems that plague this world.

How Does Education Help Us?

We get to know about the world~ Education teaches us about different countries, cultures and history. We have insight into how people in different corners of the world live, what they eat and wear etc.

The solving of problems: When we learn, our brain gets to new pathways and will then mediate critical thinking. That means when we see a problem, try to look at its different perspectives and finally find the solution.

Advancements: As Aesop rightly said “Education is power” Who says there are no opportunities if we do not complete our education? The more we learn, the more doors are open to us to reach our wildest dreams.

Lack Of Knowledge: Knowing things can make us feel better about everything. Confidence builds up when we can read a book independently, solve a math problem or speak to what we know.

It assists us with making companions: school is the point at which we all meet different youngsters and figure out how to live respectively so that has a constructive outcome in helping individuals bond. But the basic idea behind education is: learning how to talk, share empathise etc.

The Role of Education

The Role of Teachers

Teachers are mind gardeners. They sow the seeds of information in our minds, water them with data and help them to sprout into wisdom. Life would be so much more confusing in the world without teachers. They tutor us, give explanations to our queries and assist with the things we find hard.

Education, Across The World! One step towards prosperity in the global community there be Education across the globe- By Abhay RodriguesMedium

Picture a world where everyone had access to an education. Prioritize Education- This is where all of these tools come together as one single program to help put an end to poverty by equipping people with the skills that they can use freely to secure good jobs.

It can bring peace because when people know each other, they won’t fight. However, education can save our planet too as this teaches us how to care for Mother Earth.

As the children learn, they will grow to be adults that make good decisions. These choices can result in innovation, more effective laws and a fairer society. Education makes people learn, it tells them about their rights and fair treatment for everyone.

Education for All

Every kid should go to school, boys and girls all over the world no matter where you live or how much money you have. Children in many parts of the world are met with various hurdles.

They could be living miles from a school or without books and pencils. Suddenly, all children have what they need if communities join together to support learning.

It can be a bit hard to learn at times. Maybe you get stuck on a math word or a new reading. Whilst, education reminds us: never give up. We have to do like the superheroes who are faced every day with adversities and always keep going. Mistakes are lessons, hardships are milestones.

What Parents and Families Can Do

Education starts at home your parents and family also play a huge role in education. They are the most important teachers in a child’s life. Reading together, asking questions and being curious teach our kids to enjoy learning. Families also help kids with education by ensuring children attend school every day and have a quiet place to study at home.

education and technology role

Fun Ways to Learn

It is also where classroom or lecture field teaching happens. It can happen anywhere! Start studying in a fun way

Read Books: A book is a door to another world. From storybooks to animal books, reading teaches us many new things in life.

Educational Games: Playing games that make us learn about numbers, words or even how to get along with each other.

Nature Study: Take a nature walk to learn more about plants, animals and the world we live in.

Asking questions: Do not be afraid to ask doubt. The inquisitiveness is how learning begins.

In Conclusion, Education is the Key to a Better Tomorrow

School is the door to illumination Whoever sweeps there, all learns, but his appearance is a skeleton It allows us to make sense of the world, work through issues and fulfil our wants.

Education is indeed the most powerful weapon which can be used to change our lives and make this world a better place. And with it, let’s all develop a passion for learning.

Never forget that every day is a chance to learn something awesome. With an education, you can become the superhero of your own life and in others’ lives.

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Education, the most powerful agent of change

Nelson Mandela once said that education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world.

Watch this video to see how much to heart the Cotton On Foundation has taken these words in its Mandela Day campaign:

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Why Education is The Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use to Change The World

  • Categories: Importance of Education Why Is College Important

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Words: 1140 |

Published: Nov 26, 2019

Words: 1140 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Works Cited

  • Confucius. (1997). The Analects (D. C. Lau, Trans.). Penguin Classics.
  • Douglass, F. (1995). Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Dover Publications.
  • Douglass, F. (2013). Learning to Read. In B. R. Tucker (Ed.), The Frederick Douglass Papers: Volume 2, 1841-1842 (pp. 113-118). Yale University Press.
  • Mandela, N. (2003). Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Back Bay Books.
  • Nussbaum, M. C. (2010). Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities. Princeton University Press.
  • Plato. (2005). The Republic (D. Lee, Trans.). Penguin Classics.
  • Sayers, D. (2007). The Lost Tools of Learning. Mars Hill Audio.
  • Sen, A. (1999). Development as Freedom. Anchor Books.
  • Tzu, H. (2014). Encouraging Learning. In P. J. Ivanhoe & B. W. Van Norden (Eds.), Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy (pp. 109-119). Hackett Publishing Company.
  • Tzu, H. (2019). Xunzi: The Complete Text (E. Knoblock, Trans.). Princeton University Press.

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education most powerful weapon essay

education most powerful weapon essay

Changing the world through education – how Nelson Mandela created the conditions for success

education most powerful weapon essay

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

This quote by Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous sayings on the value of education. But why did this quote become so famous and what makes it so poignant?

On the eve of our last Cambridge Schools Conference for the 2018-19 cycle on the theme of ‘creating the conditions for success’ in Cape Town, it is fitting to reflect on how Mandela’s approach to education can inspire us when creating the conditions for our learners to succeed.

education most powerful weapon essay

In a life of extremes, education was a constant

Before his death in 2013 at the age of 95, the former President of South Africa, led an extraordinary life. From 25 years of imprisonment, to becoming the first democratically elected President of his nation and jointly winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

In his 1994 autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom Mandela describes how education intertwined the different events in his life.

He discusses the Western-style English-language education he received at mission schools as a boy, and how the feelings of inadequacy it fostered among his people resulted in anger and even social uprising: “it was not lack of ability that limited my people, but lack of opportunity… We were taught that the …best men were Englishmen.”

Throughout his long life and even his imprisonment, Mandela made a point to keep educating himself – seeing learning as an escape from his confines. Even just days before the trial at which he could have been served a death sentence, he was writing papers for his law degree.

He even inspired his fellow prisoners to do the same: “At night, our cell block seemed more like a study hall than a prison… Robben Island was known as ‘the University’ […] because of what we learnt from each other”.

Limitations of formal education

Mandela did, nevertheless, appreciate the limitations of formal education. Despite earning both a Bachelor of Arts and later a law degree, he realised that they were neither a passport to career success nor wisdom. He remains humble about his achievements, saying that despite others’ lack of formal education, they could be “my superior in virtually every sphere of knowledge”.

His humility also influenced his thinking on politics and the democratic rights of his fellow citizens: “To a narrow-thinking person, it is hard to explain that to be ‘educated’ does not mean being literate and having a BA, and that an illiterate man can be a far more ‘educated’ voter than someone with an advanced degree”.

education most powerful weapon essay

Education as a state of mind and being

Mandela understood the importance of keeping fit to maintain positive mental health and took up long-distance running while a schoolboy. He said that exercise gave him ‘peace of mind’: “I have found that I worked better and thought more clearly when I was in good physical condition, and so training became one of the inflexible disciplines of my life”.

Even during periods of his life when he was in hiding, he would make a habit of changing into his running clothes and jogging on the spot for over an hour.

Running also taught him the value of hard work and discipline in achieving one’s goals, saying that in cross-country running, training counted more than innate ability and that he could compensate for a lack of natural aptitude with diligence and discipline: “I applied this in everything I did. Even as a student, I saw many young men who had great natural ability, but who did not have the self-discipline and patience to build on their endowment”.

During his years of imprisonment, he was allowed little contact with his children yet, in letters to them, he “regularly urged them to exercise … to take their mind off whatever might be bothering them”.

education most powerful weapon essay

Legacy of hope

Mandela’s legacy lives on in myriad ways – through the policies he implemented, the foundations and charities he created and – for many – through the words he spoke and wrote.

But as we prepare to discuss in Cape Town the crucial factors that enable children to thrive and reach their fullest potential, we can all be inspired by his vision, his values and how he used his education and his attitude to do good in the world:

“Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine; that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another”.

Work cited:

Mandela, N.R. (1994). Long Walk to Freedom . London: Abacus. 

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Essay | “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

My parents, quintessential baby boomers, were the ones storming the administrative buildings, hoping their draft numbers weren’t going to be called and holding up signs at dozens of rallies. That spirit of activism, and the soapbox that college provided them, is long gone. We can mourn the loss of the “good old days,” because yes, college in that sense no longer exists. I still have yet to start my freshman year, and I can confidently say my college experience will be, thankfully, wholly unlike that of my parents’. Today, college is radically different, but not altogether worse. I think my generation is, on the surface, plagued with more “apathy” than our parents’, but as young, rebellious adults, we certainly still care.

College became the focal point for America because it epitomized change and upheaval in society. Today, the collective activism that defined the era is seemingly nowhere to be found. Instead of starting a rally at my college campus this fall, I’m more likely to create a Facebook group in the name of my cause. While a lot of things have changed for teenagers, technology is the most relevant change for my life. I read blogs that share my ideas instead of going to a discussion at a local coffeehouse. Revolution is individually centered because of this change, and that’s why it seems so much less apparent. But it’s there. The internet makes so many things possible and it is my generation’s greatest resource. It makes for a quiet change, seemingly organized rebellion, rather than a Woodstock or Kent State form of expression. That is, if we can agree on what changes should be made.

My parents did the hippie, anti-war thing. They acted in response to an older generation, the “man,” telling them what to do and what to believe. However now, all I can think about is one day, hopefully, becoming part of the “man” and working inside the system. It is, in turn, my own form of rebellion. However, my rebellion is going to be so different than that of my parents because of the cause. As many baby boomers are not so willing to admit, they are getting older. Vietnam protesters are no longer the parents of most college students anymore. The ties to that generation are farther away than ever for teenagers like me. My parents were involved with that era, and due to the social change that they initiated, many more topics for debate are on the table today. While the war in Iraq is certainly a popular subject, the lack of a draft means there is no single issue to tie college students together today. From Darfur to abortion, the options for a cause du jour are overwhelming. I, for one, don’t know where to start.

The daunting task of fixing the world of its many evils isn’t as interesting to us as it was to past college students. Our priorities, and what we hope to gain from higher education, are fundamentally different from the “great generation” of college students. Call us jaded, or call us stressed. Having finished the college application process just a few months ago, I know how competitive, difficult and selective it can be. Because of that, my junior and senior years of high school were a micromanaged, overly organized and stressful few years. Getting into college became less about where I was going to spend the next years of my life learning and growing, and more about what I was going to tell people when they asked where I was applying. Receiving that acceptance letter for me, therefore, is not the end of my worries. I had to fight for my spot, and of course I’m not going to let that go. As I try to embrace the new ideas and theories that I’m going to be introduced to as a college freshman, inside the classroom and out, my competitiveness cannot fall by the wayside. I have been taught that every step in my life is just that, a way to get higher on the grand staircase of……what? I don’t know what that goal is because it’s not important. The important thing is the climb, the work that’s put in to get whatever it is I will get to when I’ve made it. It seems like college is preparatory for graduate school or a job just like high school was preparatory for college. Revolutions and social change aren’t all that appealing when it seems like my resume is the best indicator for who I am. The apathy that seemingly defines who we are is really just stress. In the name of “success,” justice has taken a back seat.

College is not hopeless, nor is it less important to America. College has simply become accepted as the way to get a leg up rather than a way to get out. Individualism and expression is a natural right to me and my peers. With America’s changing role on the world’s stage, competition from other countries compounds our nerves to get a good job and attain a level of admirable success. Technology has turned us inwards and helped us focus our energy on diverse causes and ideals. We don’t seem like the loud and proud college students before us. We don’t seem like the elite class of college students before them. We are confronted with a barrage of information, and our life choices are far more complicated. We do care, when we have the time. It’s not a sad or morose diagnosis. It’s far from the crotchety war cry of “what’s wrong with today’s youth” that usually comes to mind. Because when we do have the time, we have the resources to do incredible things. We can and we will. We just need to remember to breathe first.

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Edited by: Susan Ratcliffe

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Nelson Mandela 1918–2013 South African statesman  

  • I have dedicated my life to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for, and to see realized. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. speech at his trial in Pretoria, 20 April 1964, which he quoted on his release in Cape Town, 11 February 1990
  • Difficulties break some men but make others. No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying, one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the end. letter to Winnie Mandela from Robben Island, 1 February 1975
  • I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands. speech in Cape Town, 11 February 1990
  • Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. speech, Madison Park High School, Boston, 23 June 1990; reported in various forms
  • Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. inaugural address as President of South Africa, 10 May 1994
  • No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Long Walk to Freedom (1994)
  • True reconciliation does not consist in merely forgetting the past. speech, 7 January 1996
  • We close the century with most people still languishing in poverty, subjected to hunger, preventable disease, illiteracy and insufficient shelter. at a ceremony at his former prison cell on Robben Island; in Observer 2 January 2000
  • One of the things I learnt when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself I could not change others. in Sunday Times 16 April 2000
  • Sport has the power to change the world, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. at the Laureus World Sports Awards in Monte Carlo, 25 May 2000, in Evening Standard 26 May 2000
  • Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. speech in Trafalgar Square, London, 3 February 2005
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Why education is one of the most powerful weapons to transform society

Education is one of the most powerful weapons -- it can change people, communities, entire nations and the future of humanity..

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education most powerful weapon essay

Education is the most powerful weapon

A South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist, Nelson Mandela served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.  He was the country’s first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election

During one of his speeches in Madison Park High School, Boston on the 23rd June 1990 Nelson Mandela said

‘ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world ’.

On the occasion of the International Day of Education, we would like to discuss how Education is the most powerful weapon . In modern society, education provides one with the tools to improve their quality of life both economically and sociologically. Thus, education has the power to change your life right from promoting gender equality to reducing poverty. Education is a single tool that can bring changes in society without creating any repercussions.

The power of education can also be seen from the fact that even the sustainable development goal includes education as one of its pillars. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have added providing universal primary education to all and eliminating gender inequities as one of the goals which have propelled many nations and multi-governmental organizations to boost educational spending.

At present, the global situation of education states that an estimated 61 million primary-aged children are out of school, and almost half of them are in conflict-affected poor countries. Even the students who go to school finish without basic literacy and numeracy skills: it is estimated that 250 million children cannot read, write or count well.

Table of Contents

How education makes a difference.

  • How education changes society
  • Provides Knowledge
  • Solve Problems
  • Fight Social evils
  • Courage to speak
  • Growth of the society
  • It gives us a healthier lifestyle
  • Helps us to be more productive
  • It helps us connect across borders
  • It gives empowerment
  • Provides Better Health Outcomes

Learning is a continuous process and a never-ending one and everyone keeps learning something or the other till the end of their life. With learning comes new ideas and before you know you are breaking the preconceived notions. This change in your surroundings and your personality helps you to interact with each other and you feel free to express your ideas. It helps in developing a perspective towards life and building opinions about life.

This is how education creates a difference in all our lives and makes a difference in us.

How does education changes society?

The Indian society is very diverse and has people from all walks of life and mindset, but the one thing that connects us all and makes us stand for anything wrong in education. An educated person does not only make a difference in his/her life but also the life of others around him. They can guide the other in the right path and provide a variety of ideas related to political participation, social equality, or environmental sustainability. Thus, education is a weapon that can help you follow the right path and the right decision bringing a change in the society around us.

There are various ways in which education brings changes to society some of which are mentioned below:

  • Provides Knowledge : As social beings, it is extremely necessary that we are aware of our surroundings, our society, and other societies so that we can see what is wrong and how it can be improved. So the first thing that you gain from education is knowledge, knowledge of the world around us and changes that can help make it into something better While education is not the only thing that gives information about the world, but it provides a tool to convert this information into knowledge. So education itself is not a weapon but it gives you knowledge which in itself is a weapon stronger than any lethal one as though you cannot fire it, you know what to do if one is fired at you.
  • Solve Problems : Whether it is some economic, societal, medical, or political issue it is always the learned and educated people who understand the situation, who are called for solving the problem and finding a way out of the mess. This is also the reason why for applying to any position in the government or private sector it is important to be learned and proficient in your craft in order to scale new heights and create a place for yourself. Education helps every individual to:
  • Discern good information from bad.
  • Identify reliable information sources.
  • Conduct research.
  • Identify bias.
  • Draw conclusions and make inferences.
  • Develop curiosity.
  • Fight Social evils : Every society has some of the other shortcomings and social evils that they are trying to overcome. In India too we are trying to fight various social evils like poverty, gender disparity, casteism, and many more. As long as some learned person does not understand how these social evils are eating and hampering our economy these evils will prevail and grow. Dr. B.R Ambedkar took the initiative to fight the caste evil, similarly, Dayanand Saraswati was a learned and educated person who stood for women’s rights. Thus in order to fight these social evils, it is necessary that we address them and plan out a strategy to phase them out instead of letting them grow into our system and daily life.
  • Courage to speak : With so much going around us, we need people who can gather the courage and speak against it all. The courage to speak forth your views and make everyone listen to what you want to speak also requires knowledge and education about your niche. Swami Vivekananda was a perfect example of this. A simple and learned man who gave an iconic and eloquent speech on September 11, at the Chicago Convention of Parliament of Religions. In his speech, Swami Vivekananda introduced the real meaning of Hinduism to the world and spoke about intolerance, religion, and the need to end all forms of fanaticism.

A simple man, he made the world go spellbound with his amazing thoughts which he very beautifully showcased in his speech. Thus, education is the weapon that gives you the courage to speak your mind out without having to worry about who are you speaking to and what other people might think of you.

  • Growth of the society : Education is not just restricted to doing a job and getting a salary, it also includes the many talented entrepreneurs who create a mark for themselves and help in the growth of the society and the country as a whole. Education provides you the confidence to take that first step of dreaming something big and envisioning a life of setting up a business on your name.
  • It gives us a healthier lifestyle : A research which was conducted in central European OECD countries shows that better-educated people are more likely to live longer and have better lifestyles than those who are not educated. It states that ‘a 30-year-old tertiary-educated man can expect to live eight years longer than a 30-year-old man who has not completed upper secondary education. While a tertiary-educated woman can expect to live four years longer than a woman without an upper secondary education.
  • Helps us to be more productive: In these competitive times when nobody is unique, education creates the difference as it is directly related to productivity. A fact states that the more degrees you have the better will be your economic performance. Thus, education is what actually helps industry and subsequently a nation, to flourish. Educated people use their knowledge to research, innovate, create policies, and make and execute decisions that can have a huge and long-lasting impact
  • It helps us connect across borders : With so many different cultures, languages, and traditions in every part of the world, the one thing that stays common is education. Digital education has helped us connect across borders and given the students from across the borders an opportunity to connect, bond, communicate and work with other like-minded people around the world and build a better and productive future.

Learned people also are called to express themselves both verbally and in writing, as a result of which they develop better communication skills. The People learn to use language effectively to communicate ideas, defend opinions and ask questions with and beyond the borders.

  • It gives empowerment : Weakness and strength are two sides of a room that are connected through education. Education helps one from turning their weaknesses into their strength. It gives us the confidence to stand for ourselves and improve our decision-making capabilities. ‘Brain is like a muscle the more people use it through studying, researching, discussing ideas, debating, conducting experiments, and testing their knowledge the stronger their brains become. This leads to better memory and recalling power, improved ability to process information, and leads to a faster and better understanding of the world around thus empowering you to stand for yourself and the others around you.
  • Provides Better Health Outcomes : Education leads to a higher salary and thus a better standard of living. Through education, one gets a better understanding of the need for proper health care thus providing better health outcomes. Educated individuals understand the need for good medical care and thus live in communities and societies which have better medical facilities accessible as their income and knowledge allow them access to the care that they need.

The very famous Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai wrote in her book “books and our pens, they are the most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.” Thus, revisiting all the above points on how Education acts as a weapon we all can draw the conclusion that education is a great equalizer that helps improve the standard of living, benefits communities, even protect individuals from abuse and expectation. Improving access to and quality of education leads to better outcomes at every level.

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Education Is the Most Powerful Weapon You Can Use To Change the World

Shubh Agrawal

Shubh Agrawal

  Nelson Mandela has rightly said that ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ Yes, education is the key to eliminate all problems. If you want to grow and be successful then you need to be educated!

The necessity of education cannot be over-stated. Education is one of the basic needs of human being. It is also essential for any kind of development. The purpose of education is to enlighten the individual and develop his/her capacity to the limit.

Every human being needs oxygen to survive in the world. Education is as important as this because education gives people the knowledge and skills they require. Education is important to people of all ages and it has no limit. Children require education in order for them to learn how to speak and to write. 

Proper and good education is very important for all of us. It facilitates quality learning all through the life among people of any age group, cast, creed, religion and region. It is the process of achieving knowledge, values, skills, beliefs, and moral habits. People need to get high level awareness about the importance of knowledge more than before.

education most powerful weapon essay

Education is an essential need!

Education provides you the tools to improve the quality of life in modern society both economically and sociologically. Education is power and no one can ever deny this fact. It enables us to make the right choices in life and to perform our duties properly. It ennobles our mind and refines our sensibility. In this way education can really remove the darkness of ignorance.

Education Is Given Such Paramount Importance Because It:

Helps to make better citizens.

Although humans are the most advanced and developed species on Earth, they are in actuality nothing more than animals who think and behave in a rational way. But without education, that rationalism cannot be brought about within an individual.

Boosts Progress of a Nation

Educated people are the building blocks of a nation. They know how to differentiate right from wrong, and do not need the advice of a third person for doing so. They are pretty aware of the resources available on their own land as well as the correct methods to utilize them. 

Ensures a Successful Future

Education is the means by which a person can have a happy and successful life. It helps us to recognize our hidden skills and talents, using which we can build up our career, gain employment and have a secured future. 

education most powerful weapon essay

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Learning is a never-ending process, every human being keeps on learning till the end of life. Learning modifies your thinking capabilities and conception. Thus, your ideas keep changing due to it. You break the pre-conceived barriers with changing mindsets.

Ways In Which Education Brings Changes To the Society

Provides Knowledge : As social beings it is extremely necessary that we are aware of our surroundings, our society and the other societies so that we can see what is wrong and how it can be improved. So the first thing that you gain from education is knowledge, knowledge of the world around us and changes that can help make it into something better While education is not the only thing that gives information about the world, but it provides a tool to convert this information into knowledge.

It gives us a healthier lifestyle :

A research which was conducted in central European OECD countries shows that better educated people are more likely to live longer and have better lifestyles than those who are not educated. 

Helps us to be more productive: 

In these competitive times when nobody is unique, education creates the difference as it is directly related to productivity. A fact states that the more degrees you have the better will be your economic performance. Thus, education is what actually helps an industry and subsequently a nation, to flourish. 

Education is the most powerful weapon. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.” Thus, revisiting all the above points on how Education acts as a weapon we all can draw the conclusion that education is a great equalizer which helps improves standard of living, benefits communities, even protects individuals from abuse and expectation. Improving access to and quality of education leads to better outcomes at every level.

  • Secretary-General
  • Statements and Messages

Education ‘an Engine for Poverty Eradication, Force for Peace’, Says Secretary-General in Message Marking International Day

Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the International Day of Education, observed on 24 January:

Today we celebrate the first International Day of Education.  Education transforms lives.  As United Nations Messenger of Peace Malala Yousafzai once said:  “one child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world”.  Nelson Mandela rightly called education “the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

Long before I served at the United Nations or held public office in my own country, I was a teacher.  In the slums of Lisbon, I saw that education is an engine for poverty eradication and a force for peace.

Today, education is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals.  We need education to reduce inequalities and improve health.  We need education to achieve gender equality and eliminate child marriage.  We need education to protect our planet’s resources.  And we need education to fight hate speech, xenophobia and intolerance, and to nurture global citizenship.

Yet, at least 262 million children, adolescents and youth are out of school, most of them girls.  Millions more who attend school are not mastering the basics.

This is a violation of their human right to education.  The world cannot afford a generation of children and young people who lack the skills they need to compete in the twenty-first century economy, nor can we afford to leave behind half of humanity.

We must do far more to advance Sustainable Development Goal 4, to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Education can also break and reverse cycles of intergenerational poverty.  Studies show that if all girls and boys complete secondary education, 420 million people could be lifted out of poverty.

Let us prioritize education as a public good, support it with cooperation, partnerships and funding, and recognize that leaving no one behind starts with education.

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“Education: Most Powerful Weapon to Change the World.”

 “Education: Most Powerful Weapon to Change the World.” 

  • Introduction

Education is the best tool to transform one’s life”-Abraham Maslow
  • Education is described as, “a body of knowledge acquired while being educated.” So in essence Education involves the imparting of knowledge to a person and then the consequent knowledge gained through this process. True education ignites one’ s spirit to bring a positive change. Even Nelson Mandela knew the importance of education that why he Said, education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world . He considers education to be a potent force for changing the world.
  • Education is considered to be an important investment in the human resource, and nearly all developing countries have understood and recognized the need to improve education for faster growth. Changing the world refers to changing status quo for better outcomes in terms of wealth generation, productivity, living standard, peace, and equality. The goal of education is to make people wiser, more knowledgeable, better informed, ethical, responsible, critical and capable of continuing to learn.
  • From fighting poverty to providing food security to curing diseases – education provides the tools needed to improve quality of life both economically and sociologically in modern society . Imagine If Mandela had no education, would he be able to change his country. In a country like India where there are many cultural and tribal diversities, education is the connecting factor. Education is seen as integral to enabling sustainable development around the world and especially so in developing countries.
  • Education enriches people’s understanding of themselves and the world as well as, and us enables to reach peace, prosperity and dignity . It improves the quality of lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises people’s productivity, creativity and also promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances.  And overall, it plays a very crucial role in securing social progress and reaching economic development.
  • There is no denying that Education is at the heart of global developmental planning. Quality education is, in fact, one of the key goals on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and it has propelled many nations and multi-governmental organizations to boost educational spending. So a lot of faith is placed in Education as a tool or weapon to change the world.

Temporal Elaboration

  • Points to Think
  • If we go back to prehistory, the educational model, if we might call it that, mainly depended on the figure of the mother. Women were in charge of almost all education, while the father figure centred on more concrete aspects related to subsistence, such as hunting and survival. This was a very primary and individual system through which children acquired from their parents the essential knowledge necessary to meet basic needs.
  • A first great change, or even revolution, came about in Sumer, Mesopotamia, in 2000 BC, when the first schoolsappeared, centring mainly on teaching writing, and distinguished essentially by the fact that it went a step beyond meeting everyday needs. The people benefitting from this new model were, however, limited to a privileged class.
  • The concept of the school as we understand it today – an institution complementing family-based education – played an important role in Ancient Greece. It was at this point when schools first shed their links to religious institutions, present since antiquity, giving way to a more global concept and seeking to cultivate the spirit.
  • Education in Greece, and also subsequently in Ancient Rome, sought to provide students with a comprehensive education. By means of instruction in all necessary knowledge, pupils could be fully integrated into society. Different subjects were taught, like Arithmetic, Music and Physical Education.
  • A key turning point came when in 1787 Frederick William II of Prussia enacted a  scholastic code that wrested responsibility for education from the clergy and assigned it to a Ministry of Education. In this way the State came to be responsible for schools through a coordinated academic system.
  • Our own era also deserves to be underscored in history, thanks to the change borne of  technology and the possibilities that its integration into the classroom offers . Thanks to technology we have access to more customized education, making it possible to meet the specific needs of each student, adapting the pace of learning to his or her capacities.
  • In many countries today it is standard practice for each student to have his own computer.  The use of technology in education will be increasingly widespread and important, and not only in the most developed countries . The  UNESCO itself indicates that technology can contribute to universal access to education, so as the use of technology expands, it will play an ever more significant role in education around the world.

Education As A Potent Tool To Change The World

  • Education spreads awareness: Blind faith and superstitions are what bog down society. People misled by false beliefs do more harm than good to society. Education helps us question, gives us an analytical mind and helps us reject superstitions. An educated mind asks for logic and scientific reasoning behind all actions.
  • Education- A tool for improving standard of living: An educated person has more opportunities for employment to earn his livelihood and improve his income. This ensure a quality standard of living.
  • Education – Tool for Women Empowerment: Education empowers women and enables them to differentiate between what’s right and what’s wrong for her. Education makes women and girls more aware about their rights and raise voice against early marriages, gender based violence, domestic violence, physical harrasments, crimes against women etc. Many researches have proven that in countries where women are subjected to gender bias, education helped them stand up against marital violence, improved their decision making capabilities and helped them take charge of their own lives.
  • Education –tool for achieving Gender Equality: Education is the most effective tool for eliminating the gender based discrimination. Education is an effective tool to make women access their social, political and legal rights, and challenge many gender stereotypes.. An educated woman can confidently participate in key decisions of family, society, business and Politics etc.
  • Education- tool for poverty reduction : Education is an important tool for retarding and preventing global poverty. Education provides the poor with a chance to overcome poverty through employment and livelihood generation. By investing in education, people can expect reliable returns over a lifetime unlike other investments.
  • Education tool for knowledge enhancement; Education makes a person aware of different cultures, viewpoints, and ideologies. As a result, it increases tolerance among people and gives them hope for a harmonious future.
  • Education-a tool to save Environment: Education brings up many environmental topics to students and encourages them to think about the ecosystems around us. Today this is becoming the most important issue to be aware of and education allows us to consume more responsibly and take action to create a sustainable and peaceful planet,
  • Education –tool for healthy life : Being more educated also means becoming more aware of the different things we can do to be healthier, whether it’s exercising, eating nutritiously, meditating, or even knowing how to treat wounds and illnesses properly. The education of girls and women can lead to a wide range of benefits from improved maternal health, reduced infant mortality and fertility rates to increased prevention against HIV and AIDS.
  • Education- tool for Progress:  Better education opens up a host of opportunities and this is especially relevant in the times we live in where technology and education ensure that opportunities are not bound by geography. It is a fact well known that the more degrees you have, better would be your economic performance. There is a deep connection between education and productivity and in this age where there is competition at every turn; education is what will help an industry and subsequently a nation, to flourish.
  • Education-tool for Economic Growth : By giving education to every person, economic growth is going to change .Researches show that every extra year of schooling can accelerate a person’s income by 10% later in life. This obviously shows that a country’s GDP can flourish by 1% annually by giving education to its entire population. Enlarging a country’s GDP creates numerous opportunities for both trade and development.
  • Education changes society: Education, especially higher education, teaches individuals the skills they need in the workplace. This has a direct impact on the socio-economy of a community. Education promotes political participation, social equality and environmental sustainability. It offers a solution to social and economic development of a society.
  • Education-tool to increase agricultural productivity: An educated farmer can use his knowledge to increase the farm productivity like proper use of land for growing crops, appropriate irrigation techniques and fertilizers can avail credit facilities and utilize kisan credit card, take advantage of govt. schemes etc.
  • Education – A tool to decriminalize the politics
  • Education –a tool de- radicalization
  • Education –Tool to solve problem of extremism from India
  • Education –a tool to curb corruption
  • Education –tool to fight casteism,communalism,regionalism etc.


Challenges for Education

Indian level

  • Low Budget Allocation to Education Sector
  • Lack of Infrastructure(schools etc)
  • Lack of will on the part of parents to send their children to schools and colleges to engage them to earn
  • Orthodoxy and Female Education
  • Lack of connectivity and transportation in rural areas to educational institutions etc.
  • Low Teacher Student Ratio
  • Lack of basic facilities, especially for girls and women

Global level

  • Lack of funding for education
  • Lack of Schools or buildings etc: Example sub Saharan countries lack in school buildings
  • Lack of basic facilities
  • Exclusion of children with disabilities: due to lac k of special facilities for them
  • Education is an investment, and one of the most critical investments we can make. And in a knowledge economy, education is the new currency by which nations maintain economic competitiveness and global prosperity . We live in a knowledge based economy, where we probably have access to knowledge more readily than ever before. But knowledge is deemed powerless if it is not interpreted or applied correctly. And herein lies the “power” of Education – it is a tool or a ‘weapon’ that shapes us as human beings, spilling over into society through the actions of individuals who apply their acquired knowledge. The application of knowledge in real life scenarios lead to problem solving, which in turn affects the socio-economies of countries and eventually it contributes to world change.
  • Education can change the world by empowering women, generating employment, raising living standards, and by increasing harmony among people . Despite these factors, one cannot deny the fundamental role education plays in bringing about change in a society. It is especially important in modern societies that are driven by communication and technological development. For a developing country such as India, the focus should be on investment in affordable and quality education if we want to create employment, increase living standards, and reduce inequality among citizens. There is a need for a clear education policy, which seeks to achieve a high level of learning outcomes and focuses on providing relevant and accessible education for everyone. If education is a powerful weapon, it should reach everyone.
  • Given the importance of education, countries need to concentrate on providing affordable and quality education that can help them achieve development targets and also bring about overall positive change in the society. Therefore Education has the latent potential to initiate change, not only at the heart of a person, but in society, and in time the world. It is this deep-rooted nature of change that makes Education one of the most powerful weapons to impact the human race – to change the world.To quote Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, “books and our pens, they are the most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.”

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  2. Nelson Mandela: 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can

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    Nelson Mandela has rightly said that 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'. Yes, education is the key to eliminate all problems. If you want to grow and be successful then you need to be educated! The necessity of education cannot be over-stated. Education is one of the basic needs of human being.

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  23. Education is the most powerful weapon

    Nelson Mandela was right when he stated, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can utilize to transform the world.". Yes, the solution to any issue lies in education. Education is essential if you want to progress and succeed. You can use education to increase both the economical and sociological quality of life in today's society.