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4 Celebration of Life Speech Examples

When a loved one passes away, a celebration of life is an opportunity to honor their memory and share heartfelt stories with family and friends.

It’s a time to reflect on the impact they had on our lives and the legacy they leave behind.

Celebration of Life Speech Examples

Celebration of Life Speech Examples

As you prepare to deliver a celebration of life speech, you may be wondering where to start and what to say.

The following examples will guide you in crafting a meaningful tribute that captures the essence of your loved one’s life.

Short Celebration of Life Speech (300 words)

[Uncle John] was a man who lived life to the fullest. His infectious laughter and kind heart touched everyone he met. He had a way of making you feel like the most important person in the room, always ready with a listening ear and a word of encouragement.

One of my fondest memories of [Uncle John] was the summer we spent together at the family cabin. He taught me how to fish, and we spent hours on the lake, talking about life and sharing stories. His patience and wisdom left a lasting impact on me, shaping the person I am today.

[Uncle John]’s love for his family knew no bounds. He was a devoted husband to [Aunt Sarah] for over 50 years, and a loving father to [cousins]. His grandchildren were his pride and joy, and he never missed an opportunity to attend their school plays or sporting events.

Beyond his family, [Uncle John] was a pillar of the community. He volunteered at the local food bank and was always the first to lend a helping hand to those in need. His generosity and compassion touched countless lives, and his legacy will live on through the many people he inspired.

As we gather today to celebrate [Uncle John]’s life, let us remember the laughter, the love, and the countless memories he gifted us. May we carry his spirit with us always, and strive to live our lives with the same joy and kindness that he embodied every day.


Commentary: This short speech is suitable for a close family member or friend, focusing on personal memories and the impact the loved one had on the speaker’s life. It highlights the deceased’s roles as a family man, mentor, and community member, making it appropriate for intimate gatherings or smaller celebrations of life.

Medium-length Celebration of Life Speech (500 words)

[Grandma Rose] was a woman ahead of her time. Born in an era when women were expected to stay at home, she defied societal norms and pursued her dreams with unwavering determination. Her strength, resilience, and indomitable spirit continue to inspire us all.

Growing up, I spent countless summers at [Grandma Rose]’s house. She would wake me up early in the morning, and we’d spend hours in the garden, tending to her beloved roses. As we worked side by side, she would share stories of her childhood, her struggles, and her triumphs. Those moments instilled in me a deep appreciation for hard work and perseverance.

[Grandma Rose]’s passion for learning was contagious. She believed that education was the key to unlocking one’s potential, and she encouraged everyone around her to pursue their dreams. When I was struggling in school, she was there to offer guidance and support, never letting me give up on myself.

Beyond her role as a grandmother, [Grandma Rose] was a trailblazer in her community. She was one of the first women to open a business in our town, paving the way for future generations of female entrepreneurs. Her shop became a gathering place for friends and neighbors, a testament to her warm and welcoming nature.

[Grandma Rose]’s legacy extends far beyond her immediate family. She touched the lives of countless individuals through her volunteer work at the local library and her involvement in various charitable organizations. Her compassion and generosity knew no bounds, and she always put the needs of others before her own.

As we bid farewell to [Grandma Rose], let us remember the invaluable lessons she taught us. May we embrace her zest for life, her tireless pursuit of knowledge, and her unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Let us honor her memory by living our lives with the same grace, resilience, and love that she exemplified every day.

Commentary: This medium-length speech is fitting for a grandparent or an influential family member who has made a significant impact on the lives of others. It showcases the deceased’s role as a mentor, trailblazer, and community leader, making it suitable for a celebration of life attended by both family and friends from various aspects of the person’s life.

Long Celebration of Life Speech (700 words)

[Dr. Elizabeth Johnson] was a remarkable woman whose life was a testament to the power of compassion, dedication, and unwavering faith in the human spirit. As we gather today to celebrate her life, I am honored to share a few words about the profound impact she had on all those who knew her.

From a young age, [Elizabeth] displayed an insatiable curiosity and a deep desire to help others. Her passion for science and medicine led her to pursue a career as a pediatrician, a path that would define her life’s work. She excelled in her studies, graduating at the top of her class and earning numerous accolades along the way.

But [Elizabeth]’s true greatness lay not in her academic achievements, but in the way she used her knowledge and skills to make a difference in the lives of others. She treated every child who came into her care with the same love and attention she gave her own children, always going above and beyond to ensure their well-being.

Her dedication to her patients was matched only by her commitment to her family. [Elizabeth] was a loving wife to [Robert] for over 40 years, and a devoted mother to [Sarah], [Michael], and [David]. She instilled in them the same values of compassion, integrity, and service that guided her own life, and she took immense pride in their accomplishments.

Beyond her roles as a doctor and a family woman, [Elizabeth] was a pillar of strength in her community. She volunteered at the local homeless shelter, providing medical care to those who could not afford it. She also served on the board of several non-profit organizations, tirelessly advocating for the rights of children and families.

[Elizabeth]’s faith was the cornerstone of her life, and it was evident in everything she did. She found solace and guidance in her church community, and she used her faith to inspire and uplift others. Even in the face of adversity, she remained steadfast in her beliefs, always trusting in the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

As we mourn [Elizabeth]’s passing, let us also celebrate the incredible legacy she leaves behind. May we honor her memory by embracing the values she held so dear: compassion, service, and an unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Let us find comfort in the knowledge that her spirit lives on through the countless lives she touched, and through the love and memories we will cherish forever.

Commentary: This long speech is appropriate for a highly respected and influential figure, such as a community leader, doctor, or philanthropist. It delves into the various aspects of the person’s life, highlighting their professional achievements, family values, and community involvement. This speech is suitable for a large celebration of life attended by family, friends, colleagues, and members of the community who were touched by the individual’s life and work.

Lengthy Celebration of Life Speech (1000+ words)

[Professor Thomas Anderson] was a man of many talents, a visionary whose boundless curiosity and thirst for knowledge knew no limits. As we come together today to celebrate his extraordinary life, I am humbled by the opportunity to share some of the countless ways in which he touched the lives of so many.

Born into a family of modest means, [Thomas] quickly discovered the transformative power of education. He devoured books at an astonishing pace, his young mind absorbing information like a sponge. His parents, recognizing his exceptional intellect, made countless sacrifices to ensure that he had every opportunity to pursue his dreams.

[Thomas]’s journey led him to [prestigious university], where he excelled in his studies, earning multiple degrees in physics and mathematics. His brilliance caught the attention of his professors, who encouraged him to pursue a career in academia. It was a path that would come to define his life’s work and leave an indelible mark on the world of science.

As a professor, [Thomas] was a true innovator, constantly pushing the boundaries of what was possible. His groundbreaking research in [field of study] revolutionized the way we understand the universe, earning him international acclaim and numerous awards. But for [Thomas], the true reward was the opportunity to share his knowledge with others and inspire the next generation of scientists.

In the classroom, [Thomas] was a masterful teacher, able to break down complex concepts into easily digestible pieces. His lectures were legendary, often packed to capacity with students eager to learn from one of the greatest minds of our time. He had a gift for making even the most abstract ideas come alive, and his infectious enthusiasm for his subject matter was impossible to resist.

But [Thomas]’s impact extended far beyond the halls of academia. He was a passionate advocate for science education, working tirelessly to promote STEM programs in schools and encourage young people, particularly those from underrepresented communities, to pursue careers in science. He believed that everyone deserved the opportunity to unlock their full potential, and he dedicated himself to making that a reality.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, [Thomas] was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. He met his beloved wife, [Emily], during his graduate studies, and together they built a life filled with love, laughter, and endless intellectual curiosity. They instilled in their children, [Michael] and [Sarah], the same love of learning that had defined their own lives, and they took immense pride in their every achievement.

In his later years, [Thomas] found great joy in his role as a grandfather, regaling his grandchildren with stories of his adventures in science and encouraging them to follow their own passions. He was a constant source of wisdom and support, always ready with a listening ear and a word of encouragement.

[Thomas]’s legacy extends far beyond his immediate family and the countless students he taught over the years. His groundbreaking research laid the foundation for countless discoveries and innovations, and his tireless advocacy for science education has inspired a new generation of scientists and thinkers.

As we bid farewell to this remarkable man, let us remember the invaluable lessons he taught us. May we embrace his boundless curiosity, his unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, and his deep belief in the power of education to transform lives. Let us honor his memory by continuing his work, by striving to make the world a better place through science, compassion, and a never-ending quest for understanding.

[Thomas Anderson] may no longer be with us in body, but his spirit lives on through the countless lives he touched, through the discoveries yet to be made, and through the love and memories we will cherish forever. Let us find comfort in the knowledge that his light will continue to shine brightly, guiding us towards a future filled with wonder, hope, and endless possibility.

Commentary: This lengthy speech is suitable for a highly distinguished individual, such as a renowned scientist, professor, or thought leader, who has made significant contributions to their field and society as a whole. It delves deep into the person’s life story, highlighting their humble beginnings, academic pursuits, professional achievements, and personal values. The speech also touches on the individual’s roles as a family man, mentor, and advocate for education, making it appropriate for a large-scale celebration of life attended by family, friends, colleagues, and members of the extended community who have been impacted by the person’s life and work.

Celebrating the life of a loved one is a deeply personal and emotional experience.

By sharing heartfelt stories, cherished memories, and the enduring impact they had on our lives, we honor their legacy and keep their spirit alive.

As you write your own celebration of life speech, remember to speak from the heart, focusing on the qualities and experiences that made your loved one so special.

Whether your speech is short and intimate or lengthy and all-encompassing, the most important thing is that it captures the essence of the person you are celebrating.

May these examples serve as a guide and inspiration as you pay tribute to the life of someone who meant the world to you.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to honor a loved one’s memory – what matters most is that you speak with love, sincerity, and gratitude for the time you shared together.

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How to Create a Heartwarming Celebration of Life Speech: 10 Inspiring Tips and Examples

When we lose someone dear to us, it’s natural to want to honor their memory in a meaningful way. A celebration of life speech is an opportunity to do just that, providing a heartfelt tribute during a memorial service or life ceremony. Unlike traditional funeral eulogies, a celebration of life speech focuses on the positive aspects of the deceased person’s life, showcasing their incredible journey with personal stories and anecdotes. This approach allows friends and family members to come together and share happy memories, creating a sense of community and support for the grieving person.

Storytelling is a powerful tool when crafting a celebration of life speech. Through personal details, funny stories, and cherished moments, you can paint a vivid picture of your loved one’s life, allowing others to see their true essence and the impact they had on those around them. By sharing these stories, you’re not only honoring the deceased person but also offering solace to others who are mourning their loss. A well-crafted eulogy speech example can inspire laughter, tears, and reflection, ultimately creating a memorable and uplifting experience for everyone at the funeral or memorial service. In this guide, we’ll explore 10 inspiring tips and examples to help you create a heartwarming celebration of life speech that pays tribute to your beloved family member or best friend.

II. Understanding the Purpose of a Celebration of Life Speech

A. differentiating between a eulogy and a celebration of life speech.

While both eulogies and celebration of life speeches serve as tributes to a deceased person, they differ in focus and tone. A traditional funeral eulogy often emphasizes the person’s accomplishments, milestones, and the impact they had on their family and friends. On the other hand, a celebration of life speech centers around sharing personal stories, funny anecdotes, and cherished memories that capture the essence of the loved one’s incredible life. This approach allows attendees of the memorial service or life event to remember the beautiful moments, favorite personality traits, and the special bond shared with the departed.

B. Setting the Tone for the Event

When crafting a celebration of life speech, it’s essential to establish the appropriate tone for the memorial service or life ceremony. Unlike the somber atmosphere of a traditional funeral, a celebration of life often embraces a more uplifting and positive ambiance, focusing on the happy memories and unique experiences of the deceased’s life. As you start writing your speech, consider incorporating specific memories, personal touches, and even a funny story or two to create a heartfelt tribute that reflects the true essence of your loved one.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to deliver a celebration of life speech. The key is to speak from the heart and honor the person’s memory with genuine emotion and sincerity. By sharing stories and fond memories, you’ll not only provide comfort to grieving family members and friends but also create a memorable eulogy that celebrates the life of your beloved family member or best friend.

III. 10 Inspiring Tips for Crafting a Heartwarming Celebration of Life Speech

A. tip 1: reflect on your loved one’s unique qualities.

To create a touching celebration of life speech, start by reflecting on the distinctive traits and characteristics that made your loved one special. Consider their passions, talents, and the values they held dear. By highlighting these aspects in your speech, you’ll paint a vivid picture of the deceased’s life and provide a deeper understanding of who they were as a person.

B. Tip 2: Gather Anecdotes and Memories from Friends and Family

Personal stories and anecdotes play a significant role in crafting an emotional and engaging celebration of life speech . Reach out to friends and family members to collect their favorite stories, funny moments, and cherished memories of your loved one. These firsthand accounts will offer unique perspectives and enrich your tribute.

C. Tip 3: Organize Your Thoughts into a Coherent Narrative

When crafting your celebration of life speech, it’s essential to organize your thoughts and ideas into a logical and coherent narrative. Start by outlining the key points and specific memories you want to include in your speech, then arrange them in a way that flows naturally and effectively conveys the story of your loved one’s life. This will help ensure your tribute is not only engaging but also easy to follow for those attending the memorial service or life event.

D. Tip 4: Use Vivid Language to Paint a Picture of the Person’s Life

To truly capture the essence of your loved one, use vivid and descriptive language when sharing personal stories and anecdotes. By painting a clear and detailed picture of the deceased’s life, you’ll allow the audience to feel as if they’re reliving those special moments with you. This will create an emotional connection between the listeners and your tribute, making your celebration of life speech even more memorable and impactful.

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E. Tip 5: Include meaningful quotes, poems, or song lyrics

One way to make your celebration of life speech more memorable and heartfelt is by incorporating meaningful quotes, poems, or song lyrics that resonate with the life of your loved one. These thoughtful additions can beautifully encapsulate the essence of their incredible life while adding a touch of poignancy and depth to your eulogy speech.

F. Tip 6: Be authentic and speak from the heart

A celebration of life speech is a unique opportunity to honor the memory of a family member or friend during a memorial service or funeral. When crafting your eulogy speech, focus on sharing personal stories and memories that illustrate the essence of your loved one’s life. By including funny stories, cherished moments, and favorite personality traits, you’ll create a vivid picture of the person you’re honoring and provide solace to grieving family and friends.

While there’s no right or wrong way to deliver a eulogy speech, authenticity is key. Speak from the heart, and don’t be afraid to show emotion as you share stories and memories of your loved one. Remember that a celebration of life is about highlighting the beautiful moments, personal details, and happy memories that defined the deceased person’s life journey.

As you prepare your speech, consider including the following elements:

  • A brief biography: Provide an overview of the person’s life, including key events and milestones.
  • Personal stories: Share anecdotes that illustrate the individual’s character, values, and the impact they had on others.
  • Funny stories: Laughter can be healing, so if you have a humorous memory or story, feel free to include it in your speech.
  • Quotes, poems, or song lyrics: As mentioned in Tip 5, these can add depth and meaning to your eulogy.
  • A closing message: End your speech with a heartfelt message, expressing your love and gratitude for the time you shared with the deceased.

Remember, the most memorable eulogies are those that come from the heart and genuinely reflect the life and spirit of the person being honored. By using this approach, you’ll be able to create a powerful and moving tribute that will leave a lasting impression on everyone present at the life ceremony.

G. Tip 7: Practice your speech to ensure smooth delivery

To deliver a moving and impactful eulogy, it’s essential to practice your speech ahead of time. Practicing will help you become more familiar with the content and flow of your words, enabling you to speak confidently and effectively during the memorial service or funeral.

As you practice, pay attention to your tone, pacing, and body language. Make sure to pause for emphasis and take deep breaths to maintain composure. Remember, it’s natural to feel emotional – practicing ahead of time will help you find the perfect balance between expressing your feelings and maintaining control during the eulogy.

H. Tip 8: Keep the speech concise and focused

A well-crafted eulogy is concise and focused, highlighting the most significant aspects of your loved one’s life while providing comfort and solace to family members and friends. As you develop your speech, consider using eulogy examples for inspiration and guidance in creating a focused tribute.

When writing your eulogy, concentrate on key life events, specific stories, and special memories that showcase the essence of the deceased’s life. Avoid meandering or including too many details, as this can make your speech less engaging and harder to follow.

Remember the saying, “true friends leave footprints in your heart,” and aim to convey the person’s true wealth through the impact they had on others. By focusing on the most meaningful aspects of their beautiful life, you’ll be able to create a memorable and moving tribute that honors your beloved family member or friend.

I. Tip 9: End on a hopeful and uplifting note

As you conclude your eulogy, it’s essential to leave your audience with a sense of hope and comfort. Focus on the beautiful life your loved one lived and the positive impact they had on family members, friends, and the world around them. Share an inspiring quote, a life lesson, or a cherished memory that encapsulates the essence of their spirit.

Ending your eulogy on an uplifting note will not only provide solace to those grieving but also create a lasting impression, ensuring that the memory of your lost loved one lives on in the hearts of those present at the funeral or memorial service.

J. Tip 10: Consider incorporating visual elements, such as restored photos from MemoryCherish

Visual elements can add a powerful dimension to your eulogy, helping to evoke memories and emotions while providing a tangible representation of your loved one’s life journey. One way to do this is by including restored photos from MemoryCherish, a professional photo restoration service that specializes in bringing old or damaged images back to life.

By incorporating these beautifully restored photos into your eulogy, you’ll be able to paint a vivid picture of your loved one’s life, highlighting key events, special moments, and the deep connections they formed with family and friends. These images can serve as a powerful reminder of the person’s true wealth – the love, laughter, and wisdom they shared with everyone they touched.

IV. Examples of Heartwarming Celebration of Life Speeches

A. example 1: a speech honoring a parent.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today with a heart full of gratitude and a soul moved by fond memories, as I pay tribute to an extraordinary woman: my mother, Donna. A woman of endless strength, boundless love, and relentless optimism.

Let me take you on a journey into her life – a life that’s been filled with heartwarming moments and valuable lessons, a life of which I am privileged to be part. It’s a tale of a humble woman, a woman who has shaped and continues to shape many lives, including mine.

Donna, my mother, was always the first person up in the morning, while the rest of the world was still tucked away in dreams. I remember one winter morning in particular, when the harsh cold air penetrated our small home, chilling everything inside. I woke up to the aroma of fresh pancakes. Despite the frosty winter morning, there she was, Donna, in the kitchen, her hands skillfully flipping pancakes. She knew the warmth of a hearty breakfast would not only fill our stomachs but also warm our hearts. Her love for us manifested in the smallest of gestures, from cooking our favorite meals to ensuring we always had a comforting and loving home.

Mom has always had this uncanny ability to make anyone feel welcomed and loved. When I was in 5th grade, my best friend, Ben, moved away, and I was devastated. Seeing my heartache, Mom invited him over for one last sleepover. She made us a fort out of sheets and couch cushions, made a feast of homemade pizza and popcorn, and let us stay up past our bedtime to watch movies. That night, as Ben and I fell asleep in our makeshift fort, I felt less alone, less scared. That’s what Donna does; she turns pain into comfort, sadness into joy. Her selfless acts of love have touched countless hearts and souls.

Throughout her life, Donna faced her own struggles. But she never let those difficulties tarnish her spirit. Instead, she used them as a platform to teach us valuable lessons about resilience and perseverance. I remember the year Dad was laid off from work, and our world seemed to crumble. Yet, she held us together with an unshakeable faith. She took on extra jobs, worked late into the night, all while maintaining a brave smile. From her, I learned that life may bring storms, but we can weather them through determination, courage, and an unwavering belief in our abilities.

She has this wonderful laughter that radiates throughout our home, creating a symphony of joy that lingers long after she has left the room. Mom is a beacon of light in our lives, guiding us through the dark times and helping us appreciate the good ones. I cherish the way her eyes crinkle at the corners when she laughs, the way her voice echoes in our hearts, and her infinite patience, which I realize only now must have been tried and tested multiple times by our mischief.

To some, she may be a mere mortal, but to us, she’s our superhero. Her love has been our sanctuary, her wisdom our guidance, and her strength our pillar.

Donna, you’re not just a mother. You’re a fighter, a role model, a friend. You’ve devoted your life to us, sacrificing your wants and needs for our happiness. Today, as we honor you, know that the impact of your love, wisdom, and courage is immeasurable.

There are not enough words in any language to express our gratitude, our admiration, our love for you. We stand tall because we stand on the shoulders of a giant – a woman who showed us that love knows no bounds, that kindness can change lives, and that family is not just an important thing,

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B. Example 2: A tribute to a close friend

Today, I stand before you, bearing not only a heavy heart but also a soul laden with memories of a man whose life was a testament to the power of friendship. A man who was not only a dear friend but also a brother in every sense of the word: Peter.

Peter was the kind of person who brightened up any room he entered, his presence as warm as a summer afternoon, his spirit as refreshing as a cool breeze.

One incident springs to mind when I think of Peter. I was in college, battling the anxiety of finals. I remember staying up late one night, neck-deep in books and notes, stress making a home in my mind. Then, I heard a knock on my door, and there he was, Peter, with two cups of coffee in his hands and a reassuring smile on his face. We spent the rest of the night going over my notes, he with his undying patience and me with my never-ending questions. I remember laughing, genuinely laughing, despite the stress. That night, not only did he help me pass my finals, but he also showed me that even in times of distress, there can be comfort and camaraderie.

Peter wasn’t just a friend who was there in times of need; he was also the partner-in-crime in countless adventures. I recall our escapade to the neighboring town one summer. We took a wrong turn and ended up losing our way in the middle of nowhere. Without a compass or map, we spent the entire day trying to find our way back. It was hot, we were tired and utterly lost. But instead of complaining, Peter turned the whole situation into a fun-filled adventure. We sang songs, shared stories, and laughed so much that our stomachs hurt. By the time we finally found our way back, it was midnight, and we were exhausted. Yet, it remains one of the most memorable days of my life, a day filled with joy, laughter, and a shared sense of adventure.

Peter was also a pillar of strength, not just for me, but for all who knew him. When he lost his father, the pain was profound, and yet, he stood strong. He became a rock for his family, taking on responsibilities far beyond his years. In that difficult time, he showed us what it means to be brave, to be selfless. His courage in the face of adversity was an inspiration to us all.

His love for life was infectious. He taught us how to see the beauty in every sunset, the melody in every bird’s song, the joy in every small moment. He lived his life fully, loving deeply and laughing loudly. Peter’s laughter was a symphony that still echoes in our hearts, his spirit a beacon that continues to guide us.

Today, as we remember Peter, we celebrate not just his life, but also the extraordinary bond of friendship he bestowed upon us. We honor his spirit, his kindness, his generosity, and his unwavering love for life. We honor a man who was more than just a friend – he was a confidant, a mentor, an adventurer, and a brother.

Peter, your memory is our keepsake, with which we’ll never part. Your spirit continues to live in our hearts, your laughter continues to resonate in our minds, your wisdom continues to guide our paths.

We love you, we miss you, and we are immensely grateful to have had you in our lives. Your friendship was a gift, one that we’ll treasure until the end of our days. May your soul rest in peace, and may your spirit continue to live on in every heart that you touched.

C. Example 3: Remembering a sibling or spouse

As I stand here today, my heart is filled with memories of a man who wasn’t just my husband, but my best friend, my partner in life’s journey, my safe harbor: George.

George had a personality that was larger than life. He filled every room he entered with an energy that was both comforting and exhilarating. He could turn the mundane into the magical, the ordinary into the extraordinary.

George was a master storyteller, and our life together was filled with chapters that are now precious memories. One winter, we decided to go for a drive, not knowing where we were headed. George loved surprises and I loved his spontaneous spirit. We ended up in a small town at a local winter festival. George, with his radiant smile and infectious enthusiasm, managed to coax me into a snowball fight. We played like children, forgetting our ages, forgetting the world around us, lost in our shared laughter and love. That day, he taught me to find joy in the unexpected, to be open to life’s surprises.

Life with George was an unending adventure, not because we traveled the world, but because he showed me that adventure can be found even in the everyday. He found amusement in our morning coffee ritual, fascination in our late-night conversations under the stars, and delight in our Sunday morning walks in the park. He taught me that adventure isn’t about where you go, but how you perceive and appreciate the world around you.

There was a gentle strength about George. He faced life’s trials with grace and courage. When he was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, he faced it head-on, with a strength that left me in awe. Despite the pain and suffering he endured, he always put on a brave face, not for himself, but for me, for our family. He showed us what true courage looks like and taught us the power of hope.

Yet, it wasn’t just his strength and courage that defined George. He was a man of profound compassion and kindness. He treated everyone he met with respect and dignity, whether it was the mailman, the store clerk, or our neighbors. His empathetic nature extended to all living beings. I remember him rescuing a wounded bird in our backyard, nursing it back to health with such gentleness and care. That was George, a man who carried a world of love in his heart.

Today, as we remember George, we celebrate a life well-lived, a love well-loved, and a man well-loved. He may not be here with us today, but his spirit, his love, his lessons remain a part of our lives. We hold onto the precious memories, the shared laughter, the whispered secrets, the silent tears, the mutual dreams, and the unspoken understandings.

George, my love, I miss you every day, every moment. Yet, I find comfort in knowing that you are still with us, in our hearts, in our memories, in the love that we shared. You were, you are, and you will always be my love, my life, my George.

Losing you has left a void that can never be filled. Yet, I carry you in my heart, in the life we shared, in the love that will never fade. I stand strong, for that is what you taught me. You have been my love, my partner, my strength, my inspiration. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Ladies and gentlemen, today we honor George, not with tears of sorrow, but with memories filled with love and gratitude. May his spirit continue to guide us, may his love continue to inspire us, and his memory continue to comfort us. To my beloved George, you are missed beyond words and loved beyond measure.

D. Example 4: A celebration of life speech for a mentor or role model

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we gather not in mourning but in celebration of a life that touched us all, a life that was a beacon of wisdom, inspiration, and profound compassion. Today, we celebrate the life of a remarkable woman, a mentor, a role model, an extraordinary human being: Meryl.

When I think of Meryl, I think of a woman who embraced life in all its ups and downs, a woman who turned every setback into a comeback, every challenge into an opportunity. Her life was a lesson in resilience, her journey an inspiration to us all.

Meryl had this unique ability to see potential where others saw lack. I remember when I first met her. I was a young, unsure college student, doubting my abilities, questioning my choices. She saw past the uncertainties and insecurities. She saw potential, she saw promise. Under her guidance, I blossomed from an unsure student to a confident professional. But more than that, she helped me become a better human being. She taught me to value integrity over success, kindness over power, and compassion over competition.

Meryl was more than a mentor; she was a catalyst for change. Her work in the community was a testament to her selfless spirit. I recall a time when our local school was on the verge of closure due to lack of funds. Meryl was the first to rise to the occasion. She rallied the community, organized fundraisers, and personally met with education officials. She fought for the school like a lioness protecting her cubs. Today, the school stands strong, a testament to Meryl’s tenacity and dedication.

One of Meryl’s most endearing qualities was her infectious enthusiasm. She was passionate about everything she did, be it mentoring a shy student or leading a community initiative. Her enthusiasm was contagious; it inspired others to believe in themselves, to pursue their dreams, and to make a difference.

But Meryl was not just a mentor and a role model, she was a friend. Her office door was always open, not just for professional advice but for a kind word, a reassuring smile, or a comforting hug. She had an incredible sense of humor, one that could brighten the gloomiest of days.

As we celebrate Meryl’s life today, we remember a woman who lived her life with purpose, who gave more than she took, who loved unconditionally, who inspired relentlessly. We remember a woman whose legacy will continue to inspire and guide generations to come.

Meryl, as we honor your life today, we want you to know that you made a difference. You touched lives, you inspired minds, you nurtured souls. You left the world a better place than you found it, and for that, we are forever grateful.

Today, we celebrate a life well-lived and a legacy that will continue to live on. We celebrate Meryl, a mentor, a role model, a friend.

Meryl, your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Your spirit, your wisdom, your love will continue to guide us, inspire us, and enrich us. Thank you for touching our lives, thank you for being you.

Writing a eulogy during this difficult time is hard. Our professional writers are here to help you capture your loved one’s essence and life beautifully.

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V. How MemoryCherish Can Enhance Your Celebration of Life Speech

A. the importance of preserving memories with photo restoration.

Incorporating cherished photographs into your celebration of life speech can create a powerful visual representation of your loved one’s life, providing a tangible connection to the memories and personal stories you share. MemoryCherish’s photo restoration services help preserve these precious moments by restoring damaged or aged photographs, ensuring that your loved one’s legacy lives on for generations to come. By weaving these restored images into your eulogy speech example, you not only honor your loved one’s memory but also provide comfort to family members and friends as they reminisce about the times they shared together.

B. The emotional impact of restored photographs in a speech

Including restored photographs in your celebration of life speech can evoke strong emotions and enhance the overall impact of your tribute. As you share personal stories and recount fond memories, these images serve as poignant reminders of your loved one’s life, capturing their essence and the moments that defined them. Whether it’s a funny story from their youth or a touching moment with family members, these photographs complement your words and allow the audience to connect with the person’s life on a deeper level.

MemoryCherish’s photo restoration services can help you bring these treasured memories to life, transforming faded or damaged images into vibrant, high-quality photographs that can be shared during memorial services and beyond. By incorporating these restored photographs into your celebration of life speech, you create a lasting tribute to your loved one that resonates with your audience and provides solace during times of grief.

In conclusion, MemoryCherish’s photo restoration services can significantly enhance your celebration of life speech by preserving precious memories and providing a powerful visual accompaniment to your heartfelt words. As you honor your loved one’s life and share personal stories, these restored photographs will evoke emotions and create a lasting impression on all who attend. Trust MemoryCherish to help you create a meaningful tribute that honors your loved one’s memory and provides comfort to those left behind.

VI. Conclusion

A. recap of tips and examples.

Throughout this guide, we have explored various tips and examples to help you create a heartfelt celebration of life speech that honors your loved one’s memory. From speaking from the heart and managing emotions to engaging the audience with personal stories and fond memories, these suggestions aim to guide you in crafting a tribute that leaves a lasting impression on family members and friends.

B. Create Heartwarming Celebration of Life Speech

As you embark on the journey of creating your own celebration of life speech, remember that there is no right or wrong way to pay tribute to your loved one’s life. By sharing personal stories and reflecting on the unique qualities that made your loved one special, you can create a powerful and heartwarming speech that brings solace to those grieving and celebrates the life lived. Trust yourself to find the perfect words and honor your loved one in a way that feels genuine and meaningful to you.

C. Reach out to MemoryCherish

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about crafting the perfect celebration of life speech for your loved one, let MemoryCherish’s eulogy experts help you. We understand the importance of personal stories and honoring your loved one’s life in a meaningful way. Our team will work with you to create a heartfelt and memorable tribute that captures the essence of your loved one, shares fond memories, and provides comfort to family members and friends during this difficult time.

Don’t struggle to find the perfect words on your own. Reach out to MemoryCherish today, and let our eulogy experts assist you in crafting a truly heartwarming celebration of life speech that honors and celebrates the life of your dearly departed loved one.

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Opening Words for a Celebration of Life (Ideas & Examples)

Wondering how to deliver the perfect opening words for a celebration of life event? We’ve got you covered with this step-by-step guide and examples!

what to write in a celebration of life speech

You’ve been asked to share the opening words for a celebration of life event.

You’re standing in front of friends and family after you’ve lost someone you love — a mic in hand, all eyes on you, and you’re expected to say something . But what can you say to encompass a whole, beautiful life?

You might be worried about finding the right words, or how to express the emotions everyone's feeling.

But take a deep breath — today is about celebrating a life well-lived, and you have the privilege of setting the tone with a celebration of life speech.

If you’re wondering what to say at a celebration of life, either as a guest or as someone delivering a speech, you’ve come to the right place.

The key elements of opening words

The person delivering the opening words for a celebration of life has three main responsibilities: Acknowledging those present, paying tribute to the person being celebrated, and setting the tone for the rest of the event.

Here’s why each of these are important, and how you can incorporate them into your speech:

Acknowledging those present

This step brings everyone together and shows gratitude. Seated in front of you are the people who cherished your loved one. Expressing your appreciation sets a positive tone for the celebration.

By welcoming everyone, you gently guide them into the space you've created to honor your loved one's memory.

Here's how to craft a heartfelt acknowledgment:

  • Start with a simple greeting. "Good morning/afternoon, everyone," or "Thank you all for coming today."
  • Acknowledge the reason for the gathering. "We're all here today to celebrate the life of [Name of deceased]."
  • Express your appreciation for their presence. "Your presence means so much to my family and to me." You can personalize this further by mentioning the distance people traveled or the challenges they might have overcome to be there.
  • (Optional) You can also briefly mention the emotions everyone might be feeling. "It's no secret that this is a difficult time, but it's also a time to cherish the memories we hold dear."

A tribute to your loved one

Once you’ve got their attention with the acknowledgment, it's time to introduce the person everyone has come to celebrate. Here are some suggestions for crafting a brief yet impactful tribute:

  • Highlight a life motto or philosophy: Did your loved one have a favorite quote or a way of living that marked their personality? Mentioning it can set the tone and offer a glimpse into what aspects of their life you’re celebrating.
  • Focus on a defining characteristic: Perhaps your loved one was known for their generosity, their sense of humor, unwavering kindness, or adventurous spirit. Sharing a specific trait allows everyone to reminisce about the essence of who they were.
  • Share a brief anecdote: Weave a short story that captures a significant event or accomplishment. Did they overcome a challenge? Did you have a particularly special memory with them that captures their essence? Did they leave a lasting impact on their community?

Here's an example that combines these elements:

“Few people could match Barbara's zest for life. I’ll never forget her words, "You’ll never know where life takes you, so pack light!" That perfectly captures her spirit. Whether it was her love for the mountains in her younger days, or volunteering tirelessly at the shelter till she could barely pick the animals up, Barbara always found a way to say YES to wherever life took her. Maybe it was her light packing, or maybe it was just her relentless optimism. ”

Expression of the celebration's purpose

After introducing your loved one, you’ll want to specifically mention the purpose of the gathering. A celebration of life can be quite an open-to-interpretation sort of event. Some are like a party, and some are more reflective — your guests may not know what to expect.

By letting them know what the tone of the event is, you’ll help everyone participate more freely. Here's how to articulate the intent of the celebration:

  • Acknowledge the loss: Regardless of the mood of the event, everyone is there because of shared grief. Acknowledge the sadness everyone feels and the void left by the loss.
  • Shift the focus: Express your desire to honor their life by focusing on the joy, love, and positive memories they left behind. This doesn’t have to mean ‘happy.’ It could involve gratitude, reflection, or thankfulness.
  • Invite participation: Let everyone know that the celebration welcomes sharing stories, memories, and cherished moments about your loved one.

Here's an example to inspire you:

"Of course, losing Jason leaves a void in our lives. But his spirit lives on through the memories we hold dear. Today, we celebrate his journey, his laughter, and the profound impact he had on all of us. I invite you to share stories, you can laugh, or cry, you can give someone a hug — most importantly, you can join in as we remember a life well-lived."

Crafting opening words: A step-by-step guide

Step 1. reflect on your relationship.

The foundation of strong opening words lies in personal connection. Spend some quiet time reflecting on your relationship with the person.

What were some defining moments you shared? What qualities did you most admire in them? Jotting down these thoughts will help you find genuine anecdotes and stories to weave into your speech.

Step 2. Incorporate a memorable story

Think back to a funny moment that captures their personality, a heartwarming thing they did or said, or a favorite quote that reflects their values.

Including these personal touches adds depth and authenticity to your opening words.

Step 3. Mention key life achievements

While funny and heartfelt stories are great to have, it's also important to acknowledge significant achievements or contributions that your loved one made.

Did they have a successful career, volunteer for a cause they believed in, or overcome a personal challenge? Highlighting these achievements shows the impact they had on their community and the world around them.

Here are some tips for mentioning key life achievements:

  • Focus on impact, not just accolades. Did their achievements benefit others? Did they inspire those around them? Focus on the ripple effect their actions had.
  • Keep it relevant to the audience. Don't delve into every detail of their professional life if most attendees knew them personally. Choose achievements that resonate with the group.
  • Maintain a balance. Achievements are important, but they should not overshadow the other aspects that truly capture an individual.

Examples of opening words

The opening words you deliver have everything to do with your relationship with the person who has passed and the feel or mood of the celebration of life event.

Here are a couple of examples to inspire you to write your own:

1. Warm and uplifting

"Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you all for coming today to celebrate the incredible life of our beloved Nana, Jeanette. We're here to remember her infectious laugh, her endless supply of homemade cookies, and the unshakable love she showered on all of us. Nana lived for more than herself — she always told us that she’s leaving behind a collection of grubby grandchildren. But today, as I look at all of you, all of us, cleaned up and dressed in her favorite color blue — I think she left behind so much more. Beautiful memories, a lifetime of smiles, and friends and family that loved her dearly."

2. Lighthearted and fun

"Who knew John could pack a room like this? Just kidding, we all knew John had a way of bringing people together. Today, we're not here to mourn, but to celebrate the life of this incredible dad, loyal friend, and master storyteller. John always told us that the only tears he wanted after he was gone were those that rolled down after laughing too hard. So get ready for an unusual, John-inspired celebration of life."

3. Intimate and reflective

"My dearest friends and family, thank you for being here today as we celebrate the life of my soulmate, Michael. Michael filled our lives with love, laughter, and a steadfast strength that we’ve gotten so used to. While words seem to fall short as I think about what to say, I take comfort in knowing that the love he shared with all of you will live forever. So today, let's look back at the life of Michael, the wonderful man, the incredible friend, the dedicated dad, and my soulmate.”

4. Honoring a colleague

"Welcome, everyone. Today, we gather to celebrate the remarkable life of Dr. Amelia Chen. Many of you at this hospital knew Amelia as a brilliant surgeon, a pioneer in the field of oncology, and a trusted friend. For me, Amelia was more than just a colleague; she was a mentor who tirelessly pushed for progress and inspired countless people just like me. Her dedication to helping patients inspired me to go the extra mile. And today, as we reflect on her incredible life and career, let’s carry that spirit forward and make her proud.”

Tips for a celebration of life speech

Once you’ve figured out what you’re saying, make sure you spend some time on the how. How you’ll deliver your speech, how you’ll connect with those present, and how you’ll stay calm through it.

Here are some practical tips to help you:

Keep it real and speak from the heart

People connect with authenticity. Don't get bogged down in writing a perfectly polished speech. Focus on capturing the essence of your relationship with the person.

  • Use details: Instead of saying, "They were kind," paint a picture of their kindness with your words. "Grandma always remembered everyone's favorite dessert, and no one left her house hungry — or without a warm hug."
  • Share a unique anecdote: Did they have a quirky habit, a hilarious saying, or a special talent? Sharing a specific story brings back happy memories for the audience.
  • Express your emotions: It's okay to share how you feel. Acknowledge your loss, but also express your gratitude for the time you shared.

Keep it brief and stick to the time limit

If you’re speaking at a celebration of life event, whether it’s the opening words or a eulogy, aim for 3-5 minutes at most.

  • Focus on quality over quantity: Choose 2-3 impactful stories rather than trying to squeeze everything in.
  • Edit ruthlessly: Read your speech a few times and identify sections that can be trimmed or condensed.
  • Time it: Don’t guess! Practice your speech with a timer and try to keep it under the specified time limit.

Practice your delivery

Even just a few minutes of practice can make a huge difference to your confidence when delivering an emotional speech. Here are some tips to help you deliver your opening words:

  • Read it aloud, again and again. The more familiar you are with the words, the more natural your delivery will be.
  • Practice in front of a trusted friend or family member. Get feedback and constructive tips to help you refine your delivery.
  • Take a deep breath before you begin. This will calm your nerves and allow you to focus on connecting with the audience.
  • It’s okay to get emotional: Remember, you’re up there because the person you’re celebrating meant something deeply to you. It’s okay to express that, and it’s okay to get emotional. You can take a moment to gather yourself before you continue.

What to say at a celebration of life as a guest

Celebration of life ceremonies are a beautiful way to honor a loved one who has passed. As a guest, you might be unsure of what to say or how to offer support to the family.

Here's how you can navigate these moments with sensitivity:

  • Expressing condolences: If you’re meeting close family or friends, you can offer your condolences, but keep it simple and sincere. A heartfelt "I'm so sorry for your loss" or "I’m thinking of you during this difficult time" is perfectly appropriate.
  • Deciding what to say: It’s common practice at some celebration of life events to share stories or have an open mic. Before attending, you can reflect on a few qualities or character traits that you admired about the person.
  • Focus on positive memories: Most celebrations of life events are uplifting and reflective. This is a time to be grateful for their life, so share stories that bring a smile, or even a chuckle.

What NOT to say at a celebration of life

Delivering the opening words at a celebration of life is a privilege, but it comes with the responsibility of setting the right tone. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • Dwelling on the sadness: This is a tricky part, because you may genuinely feel a wave of sadness as you think about the speech you’re about to make. You don’t need to sweep your emotions under the rug — acknowledge the loss with a simple sentence or two, but then shift the focus to celebrating their life.
  • Avoid cliches and platitudes: Avoid saying things like “They’re in a better place” or mentioning concepts like the afterlife that may not resonate with the entire crowd or can be misconstrued. A little sensitivity goes a long way in keeping people connected.
  • Making an excessively long speech: Respect everyone's time by keeping the opening words concise. A very long-winded speech can lose the emotional connection with the audience.
  • Not reflecting your loved one’s personality: The opening words are a chance to paint a picture of who the person was. Avoid generic platitudes like “they lived a good life,” and focus on details that capture their essence. Did they have a quirky sense of style? A passion for gardening? Weave these details in to create a personal and meaningful tribute.
  • Off-color humor: Humor can be a wonderful way to lighten the mood, but choose your humorous quips carefully. Avoid jokes that might be considered insensitive or inappropriate.

By keeping these pitfalls in mind, you can craft opening words that are respectful, uplifting, and truly honor the memory of the person you're celebrating.

We hope this guide and the examples help you navigate the perfect opening words for a celebration of life event to honor the memory of your loved one. If you’re still planning out your memorial event in the Los Angeles area, consider using Meadow .

At Meadow, we understand the weight of this moment. We offer a more compassionate and meaningful way to celebrate a life well-lived with customized memorial planning services .

Our team of caring memorial planners will partner with you during this tender time to create an occasion as remarkable as the life it honors.

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What to Say at a Celebration of Life to Pay a Meaningful Tribute

Make your tribute personal and meaningful with a few well-chosen words, whether you're opening the event or speaking as a guest.

Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

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A celebration of life is a wonderful way to honor someone special who has passed away, and one of the ways you can pay tribute is with words. Knowing what to say at a celebration of life can feel tricky, but it's actually easier than you might think. Whether you're planning the event or just attending and want to share your thoughts, it's all about making your message meaningful, positive, and personal.

Perfect Opening Words for a Celebration of Life

A celebration of life tends to be a little less formal than a regular memorial service or funeral , so it doesn't always have the standard structure to help you get things started. The right words can help you transition from people mingling to the actual ceremony or service, usually by acknowledging their presence and mentioning the deceased by name.

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These are a few ways to start a speech at a celebration of life:

  • I just wanted to thank everyone for coming today to share in the gratitude we all feel for the time we had with Paul. He was an amazing person, and I know he would be honored to have you all here.
  • Welcome, everyone! Looking around, I can feel so much love for Judy right now. Thank you for coming.
  • What an amazing turn-out! Jim always joked that he was such a grumpy old man that no one would attend this sort of thing, but look how wrong he was. He was the best guy, and I'm looking forward to celebrating his life with all of you today.
  • Welcome! Sawyer would be so honored to see everyone here today. You all mean a lot to them. Let's share a few memories about how they touched each of our lives.
  • Well, Elsa always said she wanted people to be joyful at her memorial, and looking around at all these faces, I can see that she's getting her wish. Even though we miss her dearly, there are so many lovely ways she's impacted all our lives. Let's share a few of them.

There aren't any rules for who speaks at a celebration of life. Usually, the person or people hosting the event will say some opening words, and then anyone who wants to can share memories or thoughts about the person who has passed away.

  • Beautiful Celebration of Life Party Ideas

What to Say at a Celebration of Life: Three Themes for Any Situation

If you're speaking at a celebration of life, you can make your message about anything positive about the deceased. However, many speeches focus on one of these three themes. You can use these as inspiration for speaking at any type of celebration of life service or party.

Stories That Illustrate the Person's Life

Tell a story about the person, but not just any story. Pick something that explains who they were, whether it's funny, exciting, or just really touching. For instance, if you're honoring someone who loved animals, tell a story about how they adopted a stray and then use that to talk about how compassionate they were.

Statements of Gratitude

A celebration of life is a positive event, even though you're mourning the loss of someone important to you. The focus is on what you loved about that person and how grateful you are to have known them. One great option for a speech is to talk about the person's good qualities and how they impacted you personally. Then give a statement about how much you appreciate having known them.

Messages About Their Legacy

Leaving a legacy can mean a lot of different things, from professional accomplishments to a loving family. A legacy is what is left after we are gone, and it's a perfect subject for your celebration of life speech. Talk about the positive things the person is leaving behind and how they made the world a better place.

Generally, a celebration of life speech is short - less than five minutes long. It might even be only a few sentences. A lot of people will be talking, so keeping things concise lets everyone get a chance to share their thoughts and memories.

  • 50+ Uplifting Celebration of Life Quotes

Celebration of Life Speech Examples

If you need a little inspiration, it can help to look at example speeches. You can edit these to match your situation or just use them as a starting point for writing your own.

Speech From a Family Member

Thanks for joining us to celebrate Anne's life and share our memories of her. It's hard to express just how much she meant to me. My sister was a unique and amazing person, as anyone who sampled her super spicy salsa or watched her dance the Macarena can attest. She was full of life and laughter, and it was so contagious.

The thing is, even though she's gone, that's really what she leaves behind for all of us. All those memories of times she made us laugh or did something super sweet - those experiences have changed us as people. Just like her laughter, love is contagious. The love she showed to all of us inspires us to go out into the world and make it better and kinder. That's a legacy I know she would be proud of, and I'm honored to have been her sister.

Speech From a Friend or Co-Worker

I think it's perfect that we're meeting to celebrate Ed's life. It's a life worth celebrating. Ed and I met years ago when we were sharing a dorm room at Penn State. He brought the mini fridge, and I brought the piles of dirty laundry and pizza boxes. Together, we managed to have a pretty amazing time in college, but we actually built something really important too: a lifelong friendship.

When I needed him, Ed was always there. He helped me through the loss of my mom, my divorce, and all kinds of other stressful moments. It wasn't his advice that helped (although he did give good advice). It was his ability to empathize and listen. I'm honored to have been friends with such an incredible person, and I'll never forget what a good companion he was.

While celebration of life quotes can be a way to begin or end a speech, it can be just as powerful to use your own words. If you do use a quote, consider how it connects with the person's life or reminds you of them. This could help make it more meaningful.

What to Say to the Family at a Celebration of Life

If you're attending a celebration of life as a guest, it's nice to share your memories in a speech. However, you might also want to say something to family members in a more casual way during the party or event. These are a few ideas of what you can say:

  • Mrs. Carson was an incredible teacher, and I'm really honored to be here to celebrate her life. She made a real difference.
  • You've put together such a lovely tribute to George. He was such a funny man, and his humor is clearly alive in everyone he loved.
  • Thanks for inviting me to this. I'm just really happy to hear all the beautiful memories of Julia. She meant so much to so many people.
  • Your dad was such a special person, and it's wonderful to hear how everyone cared for him. Thanks for including me.
  • I really miss Marie, and this helped so much to see how her actions are moving forward in the world even with her gone. What a wonderful tribute.

Speak From the Heart

Knowing what to say at a celebration of life is mostly about sharing something positive, such as memories of the person who died, their impact on your life, or the way they've changed the world for the better. Keep in mind that this is a celebration, even though it's also a moment of loss. Speak from the heart, and your message will always be perfect.

Gary Kisela

Guide to a Heartwarming Celebration of Life Speech

celebration of life speech

A celebration of life event is a way for friends and family to come together to remember and honor the person who has passed away.

If you are the person or are chosen to deliver a celebration of life speech, remember that it’s an honor! You get to share the memories and stories of the person who passed away.

In this article, we will guide you through how to prepare and deliver a heartwarming and meaningful celebration of life speech.

What is a Celebration of Life Speech?

A celebration of life speech is a speech given at a celebration of life event. It’s an opportunity for the speaker to share memories and stories about the person who has passed away and to reflect on the impact that the person had on their life and on the lives of others.

The purpose of a celebration of life speech is to celebrate the life of the deceased and to share fond memories and stories about them.

The Difference Between Celebration of Life Speech and Eulogy

A celebration of life speech, also known as a tribute speech or a memorial speech, is a type of speech given at a memorial service or celebration of life event to honor and remember a loved one who has passed away. The purpose of a celebration of life speech is to celebrate the life of the deceased and to share fond memories and stories about them.

A eulogy is also a speech given at a funeral or memorial service to honor and remember a loved one who has passed away. 

The main difference between a eulogy and a celebration of life speech is that a eulogy typically focuses on the emotional aspects of grief and loss, while a celebration of life speech focuses on celebrating and remembering the positive aspects of the person’s life.

It is different from a eulogy which is a speech given at a funeral service, which is more formal and solemn in tone. 

Celebration of life speech is more personal and casual, it tends to be more emotional and more focused on the positive memories of the person.

A eulogy is usually given by a close family member, friend, or religious figure. A celebration of life speech can be given by anyone who has a connection to the deceased person and wants to share memories and stories.

What Needs to be Included in a Celebration of Life Speech?

Here are several key elements that need to be included in a celebration of life speech:

  • A brief overview of the person’s life and accomplishments
  • Personal anecdotes and memories of the person
  • A reflection on the person’s impact on the lives of others
  • A recognition of the person’s passions and interests
  • An expression of gratitude for the time shared with the person
  • A message of comfort and support for those who are grieving
  • An encouragement to continue the person’s legacy
  • A call to action to celebrate the person’s life in a meaningful way.

Some people like to have their speech accompanied by music for a celebration of life service . You can do that too!

Remember that the celebration of life speech is more personal and casual. Prepare your speech to match with the audience as well.

Usually, the guests that are invited to a celebration of life event is also a close friend of the deceased as well. This will allow you to share more personal memories because they can relate to and understand the context of it easier.

How Long Should a Celebration of Life Speech be?

You should aim to deliver a 5-7 minute speech. Depending on the arrangement, some celebration of life speeches are also assigned to several different people. 

Talk about each of your speech’s duration and determine the best length of the speeches combined in total. For a shared celebration of life speech, a total of 15 – 20 minutes would be ideal.

Don’t forget to check with the other speakers and ensure that there are no overlapping stories.

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Thanks for lending an ear. Let’s get back to reading.

Celebration of Life Speech Examples

Celebration of life speech for dad.

“Hello good morning,

We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of a truly remarkable man, my father. He was a loving husband, a devoted father, and a respected member of our community. He was a man who lived his life with integrity, kindness, and a sense of humor that could light up a room.

My father was a hard worker who always put his family first. He worked tirelessly to provide for us and to make sure that we had everything we needed. He was a role model to me, and I am honored to have had him as my father.

He had a passion for many things, from gardening to traveling and from photography to reading. He was a man of many talents and interests, but his family was always at the forefront of his heart. He was a devoted husband to my mother for over 50 years, and his love for her was unwavering until the end.

[Add a personal story here] I remember when I was going traveling with my father to…. I can’t believe what I saw. He just did ……! You guys here also know that a person like my father would definitely do. He will ….. at that exact moment.

[Continue your remarks] My father was also a dedicated member of our community. He had a big heart and always had time for others, lending a helping hand whenever it was needed. He will be deeply missed by all those who knew him.

In closing, let’s take a moment to remember the many good times we had with my father. Let’s honor his memory by cherishing the memories we shared and by continuing to live our lives with the same kindness, integrity, and sense of humor that he possessed.

Thank you.”

Celebration of Life Speech for Mom

“Hey everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to talk about my mom, because she was truly one of a kind. To me, she was the best mom anyone could ask for – always there for me, always understanding and always loving. But she was also so much more than just a mom, she was a friend, a confidant and a role model.

One of the things I’m gonna miss the most about her is her cooking, man, she could make anything and it would always be delicious. I remember coming home from school and being greeted by the smell of her homemade cookies, or her famous lasagna. She truly had a gift in the kitchen and it was a reflection of her love and care for us.

But my mom wasn’t just a great cook, she was also one of the strongest and most resilient people I’ve ever known. She faced so many challenges in her life, but she never let them get her down. She always found a way to keep going, to keep fighting and to keep smiling.

She was also incredibly beautiful, inside and out. With her radiant smile and her kind heart, she could light up a room just by walking in. She was a true lady and she had a grace and poise that was simply breathtaking.

I know that I am not alone in feeling this loss, my mother touched so many lives, and I know that she will be greatly missed by all of you as well. But let’s not dwell on the sadness of her passing, let’s remember the good times, let’s remember her laughter, her warmth, and her love.

Celebration of Life Speech for Partner

“Dear friends and family,

Today, we gather here to celebrate the life of my soulmate, my Brittany. The woman who stole my heart and changed my life forever. Her laughter, her smile and her goofy sense of humor will always be etched in my heart forever.

From the moment I met her, I knew she was the one for me. Her sparkling eyes, her contagious laughter and her kind heart captured me completely. She was my rock, my confidant, my everything.

Brittany and I shared a bond that was unbreakable, a love that was unshakable. We laughed, we cried, we loved and we dreamed together. She was my partner in every sense of the word, and I am so grateful to have had her by my side.

Her goofy personality was one of the things I fell in love with, she was always up for a good laugh and a silly joke. She had a way of making everyday feel like an adventure, and her laugh was music to my ears.

As I stand here today, my heart is heavy with grief, but it is also filled with love. Love for the beautiful woman who made my life complete. I know that Brittany’s spirit will live on in the hearts of all those she touched, and I will always cherish the memories we shared together.

Brittany, my love for you is eternal, and you will always hold a special place in my heart.

Celebration of Life Speech for Best Friend

Hey everyone,

Today, we gather here to celebrate the life of my best friend, a truly one-of-a-kind guy. He was more than just a friend, he was a brother to me. We shared countless memories, laughs and even tears together. But what I will always remember him for is our love for basketball, he was my basketball buddy.

I remember when we first met, we bonded over our love for the game. We would spend hours playing pickup games, talking trash and pushing each other to be better. He was a fierce competitor on the court, but off the court, he was the most loyal and supportive friend anyone could ask for.

But basketball was just one small part of who he was. He was also a great listener, always there for me when I needed to talk. He was funny, always cracking jokes and making everyone around him laugh. He was also a great person, always willing to help others and make a positive impact in the world.

I know that I am not alone in feeling this loss, my friend touched so many lives, and I know that he will be greatly missed by all of you as well. But let’s not dwell on the sadness of his passing, let’s remember the good times, let’s remember his laughter, his competitiveness and his love for the game.

I’ll always cherish the memories we shared on and off the court, he will always be my basketball buddy and my best friend.

End of Article

We hope that this guide and the examples provided in this article help you in preparing for your celebration of life speech.

Celebration of life speech is more personal and casual than eulogies. So feel free to express your love. Remember to keep it respectful. All the best to your preparation!

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Eulogy writing guide, funeral speeches for a work colleague, tribute speech to dad from daughter, funeral speech writing advice, celebration of life eulogy examples: honouring your loved one’s memory.

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A eulogy is a beautiful and heartfelt tribute that speaks to the love, admiration, and gratitude you feel for the person you've lost. It's a unique opportunity to reflect on cherished memories, shared experiences, and unforgettable moments in time. When creating a eulogy, finding the perfect words can be challenging, and understanding the pace and tone of a celebration of life eulogy is essential for a truly meaningful and memorable speech.

Are you struggling to write a meaningful eulogy during this difficult time?  Our professional eulogy writing service can help you honour your loved one in less than 48 hours, with no additional stress. We help you preserve the legacy of a cherished life, in your time of grief. Find out more →

Table of Contents

Celebration Of Life Eulogy Example 1

A tapestry of joy and adventure, a symphony of kindness and dreams, creating soulful eulogies for esteemed spiritual figures, crafting a legacy of spiritual reverence and emotional depth, voices of heartfelt tribute: client reflections, what is a celebration of life eulogy, how does a celebration of life eulogy differ from a traditional eulogy, what should be included in a celebration of life eulogy, how do i start writing a celebration of life eulogy, can i include humor in a celebration of life eulogy, how long should a celebration of life eulogy be, how can i personalize the eulogy, is it appropriate to share challenges the deceased faced, what tone should i aim for in the eulogy, should i prepare my speech in advance, can i mention the cause of death in the eulogy, how do i handle my emotions while delivering the eulogy, is it okay to ask other family members or friends to contribute, how can i include the deceased’s beliefs or values in the eulogy, what should i avoid saying in a celebration of life eulogy, can i use quotes or poems in my eulogy, how do i conclude a celebration of life eulogy, how can i make the eulogy relatable to all attendees, is it appropriate to include multimedia elements, what should i wear when delivering a celebration of life eulogy, how can i ensure the eulogy honors my loved one’s memory, celebration of life eulogy example 2, celebration of life eulogy example 3, celebration of life eulogy example 4, celebration of life eulogy example 5, celebration of life eulogy example 6, eulogy assistant: harmonizing memories of spiritual guidance, frequently asked questions.

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of creating a celebration of life eulogy with examples to inspire and motivate you along the way.

Every remarkable eulogy begins with an engaging introduction that captures the audience's attention and sets the tone for the rest of the speech. A celebration of life eulogy is typically lighter and more optimistic than a traditional funeral speech. Acknowledge the essence of the event by focusing on the joy, love, and laughter that your loved one brought into the world.

Hello to everyone gathered here. Today, we're not here to mourn but to celebrate the incredible life of Daniel, a man who truly lived each day with zest, laughter, and wonder.

Need a Eulogy? Get a Personalized Professional Eulogy Written For Your Loved One

Writing a eulogy for a loved one you have just lost, can be both challenging and painful. Alongside the pressure of delivering a meaningful tribute in front of other funeral guests.

Let our expert Funeral Speech Writers create a heartfelt & personalized eulogy, that captures the amazing life and memories of your loved one.

Learn more about our Professional Eulogy Writing Service today, and see how we can help you.

When thinking of Daniel, the word that comes to mind is ‘vibrant.’ His life was not a monochrome painting but a vivid tapestry filled with wild adventures, hearty laughter, and tales of wonder. Today, let's delve into that tapestry, one that he so lovingly wove with threads of joy, courage, and passion.

Daniel believed that life was an adventure, and boy, did he embark on some. From climbing the Andes, swimming with dolphins in the Caribbean, to sampling the spiciest dishes from street vendors in Bangkok, he was a true globetrotter. Each place he visited added a new color to his canvas, a new story to his repertoire.

His infectious enthusiasm was something to behold. Whether he was regaling tales of his latest adventure, like the time he got lost in the Sahara desert only to be led back to his camp by a nomad on a camel, or his failed attempts at cooking Italian pasta that turned into a soggy mess, he narrated each incident with the same dramatic flair.

But Daniel's life was not just about personal adventures. He celebrated people. He had an incredible gift of making everyone feel special, seen, and heard. Birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, or even just a regular Tuesday evening – any reason was good enough for him to throw a party. He believed in celebrating the big and the small, the victories and even the defeats.

Daniel was also an ardent advocate for living in the present. "Carpe Diem – Seize the Day!" was his motto. He often said, "The past is a place of reference, not residence. And the future? Well, it's a surprise!" With this philosophy, he taught many of us to live in the 'now', to relish every moment, and to find joy in the ordinary.

He was a man of immense passions. Music was one of them. Oh, how he loved to dance! He didn't need an occasion or an audience. Sometimes, just a distant tune from a neighbor's radio was enough to get him grooving. And when he danced, it wasn't about the steps but the joy. It was pure, unadulterated happiness.

As we remember Daniel today, let's not be disheartened by the void he leaves behind. Instead, let's remember the light he shone on all our lives. Let's remember his laughter, his tales, his dances, and his zest for life. And let's vow to keep that spirit alive. Let's promise to find joy in the ordinary, dance like no one's watching, travel to unknown places, and most importantly, celebrate every single day.

In Daniel's words, "Life is a celebration, and the party never stops. You just have to dance to the music."

Dear friends and family, as we gather today, it's not to say goodbye but to celebrate the life of a remarkable woman, Lucy, who turned ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

Lucy was a dreamer. She saw the world not as it was but as it could be. Every challenge was an opportunity, every setback a lesson. With her rose-tinted glasses, she painted a world full of possibilities and dreams.

Her garden was her haven. Each plant, each flower had a story, a dream. She would say, "Flowers are nature's way of celebrating life." She could spend hours talking to them, nurturing them, and in return, they bloomed, adding colors to her world.

Lucy also had an unwavering spirit of kindness. For her, acts of kindness weren't grand gestures but everyday deeds. A warm meal for the homeless man at the corner, a handwritten letter for a friend feeling low, or just a simple compliment to a stranger – her acts of kindness were as natural as breathing.

She celebrated life in her unique way. While birthdays and anniversaries were grand, she found reasons to celebrate every day. The first bloom in her garden, a bird's song at dawn, a child's laughter – they were all occasions for her. Her joy was infectious, her spirit indomitable.

Lucy's life was also filled with dreams. Some fulfilled, some unchased, but never abandoned. She believed that dreams were like stars. "You may not touch them," she'd say, "but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny."

Today, as we remember Lucy, let's honor her spirit by being a little kinder, by dreaming a bit bigger, and by celebrating life a tad more. Let's keep her memory alive, not with tears of sorrow but with acts of kindness, with dreams, and with joy.

In the symphony of life, Lucy's tune was one of hope, dreams, and love. And though she might not be with us in person, her melody will forever resonate in our hearts.

"As we come together today to celebrate the beautiful and vibrant life of [name], I am constantly reminded of the happiness, warmth, and laughter that surrounded them. The room may be filled with tears, but let us not forget the smiles, the laughter, and the humour that they brought into our lives."

A great eulogy provides an insightful narrative that tells the story of your loved one's life. Focus on uplifting memories, endearing qualities, and notable achievements that exemplify their character. You may choose to share anecdotes from their childhood, professional life, or relationships to paint a vivid picture of the person they were.

"For those who knew [name], you'll understand when I say that laughter was their signature. Whether it was cheering up a friend or cracking a joke at work, their mission in life seemed to be bringing a smile to everyone's face. If there's one story that perfectly demonstrates this, it was when [share a humorous experience or memory]."

By sharing stories like these, you present a fuller, more personal side of your loved one's life, and help others remember them fondly.

To make your eulogy authentic, consider sharing a realistic example that highlights the person's humanity and the relationships they've built. Acknowledge their struggles, vulnerabilities, and how they overcame the challenges life presented to them.

There's no denying that [name] faced their share of hardships. They battled [relevant illness/event/struggle] with courage and tenacity, teaching us what it means to persevere against all odds. I'll never forget the day [share a memory that demonstrates their resilience or strength]. Through their example, they taught us the true meaning of determination and love."

End your celebration of life eulogy on a high note that leaves the audience feeling inspired and grateful to have known the deceased. Express your gratitude for the time and memories you shared, and reiterate the impact they made on the lives of those around them.

"As we gather here today to honour and cherish [name]'s memory, we can find solace in knowing that their spirit lives on through the love and laughter they left behind. Their stories, their wisdom, and their kindness will continue to echo through our hearts and guide our journey through life."

In the reflective moments dedicated to commemorating an esteemed spiritual figure, translating your profound respect and treasured memories into words can be as delicate as weaving sunlight through the leaves of an ancient tree. Eulogy Assistant is here to assist you in this heartfelt endeavor, deftly blending reverent homage with deep emotion, transforming cherished recollections into eloquent eulogies.

Our team, specialists in the art of poignant eulogy writing, is devoted to helping you create a eulogy that captures the serene teachings and influential legacy of your spiritual mentor. At Eulogy Assistant , we offer more than just a service; we provide a partnership rooted in empathy and understanding, focused on celebrating a life rich in spiritual wisdom.

At Eulogy Assistant , we value the collaborative process in crafting an eulogy that resonates with heartfelt sincerity. Working alongside you, we blend your personal experiences and heartfelt reflections with our professional expertise, creating a tribute that honors with authenticity and deeply connects.

Our approach is based on genuine communication and shared creative collaboration. Your personal stories and insights are integral in developing a narrative that authentically reflects your spiritual mentor's legacy. This journey is about more than chronicling their life; it's about capturing the essence of their spiritual journey and the depth of their impact.

Together, our goal is to construct a narrative that truly embodies your spiritual mentor – a eulogy that surpasses conventional tributes, imbued with respect, personal connection, and heartfelt emotion. Our collective efforts result in a eulogy that is a symphony of words, capturing the reverence and love your spiritual guide has inspired.

The core of our service is powerfully conveyed in the testimonials from those we've supported. These sincere expressions of gratitude and appreciation from individuals who relied on our guidance are the most genuine testament to our commitment.

"Facing the challenge of honoring my spiritual mentor was a profound experience, but Eulogy Assistant was a source of invaluable support, helping me craft a eulogy that truly honored their spirit and teachings," says Susan, expressing her deep appreciation.

Tom adds, "In my period of loss, the understanding and skilled support from Eulogy Assistant was a source of comfort. They guided me in creating a eulogy that was more than words, a heartfelt and poignant homage to my spiritual guide."

These stories underline our dedication to crafting eulogies that go beyond mere speeches, offering heartfelt expressions of honor, respect, and enduring remembrance. We are honored to accompany you on this journey, celebrating the unique legacies of those who have deeply touched our lives, and crafting eulogies that serve as lasting tributes to their spiritual guidance.

Join us in shaping narratives that are deeply personal, respectful, and truly reflective of the inspirational spiritual figures who have enriched our journeys.

A Celebration of Life eulogy is a speech given during a memorial service that focuses on celebrating the life and legacy of a deceased loved one, rather than mourning their loss.

While traditional eulogies often focus on mourning and loss, Celebration of Life eulogies emphasize the joy, achievements, and positive impact of the deceased’s life.

Include memorable stories, achievements, personal quirks, and moments that highlight the unique personality and life journey of the deceased.

Begin by reflecting on the happiest and most meaningful moments shared with your loved one, and consider what made their life special and worth celebrating.

Yes, appropriate humor can be included to reflect the personality of the deceased and share joyful memories with the attendees.

Typically, it should be around 3 to 5 minutes long. This length is sufficient to share significant memories without being too lengthy.

Personalize the eulogy by sharing personal anecdotes, inside jokes, or unique traits that capture the essence of your loved one’s personality.

You can share challenges as part of their life story, focusing on their strength, resilience, and the lessons learned from those experiences.

Aim for a tone that is uplifting, reflective, and celebratory, honoring the positive aspects of your loved one’s life.

Preparing your speech in advance can help you organize your thoughts and deliver a coherent and meaningful tribute.

It’s generally best to focus on the life lived rather than the details of the death, unless it’s a significant part of their story and shared respectfully.

It’s okay to show emotion. Speak from the heart, and take pauses if needed. Your genuine expression of feelings can resonate with the audience.

Absolutely. Inviting others to share their memories can provide a richer and more diverse tribute to your loved one.

Incorporate their beliefs or values by sharing stories or examples that demonstrate how these aspects were reflected in their actions and decisions.

Avoid mentioning any contentious or negative aspects of the deceased’s life that might cause distress or discomfort to the attendees.

Including meaningful quotes or poems that resonate with your loved one’s philosophy or spirit can enhance the eulogy and provide additional depth.

Conclude by summarizing the essence of their life, offering a final farewell message, or expressing hope and gratitude for the time shared with them.

Focus on universal themes such as love, kinship, and shared human experiences, allowing everyone to connect with the tribute.

Using multimedia elements like photographs or videos can be a powerful way to visually celebrate and remember the life of your loved one.

Choose attire that is respectful yet reflects the spirit of the occasion, which may be less formal than traditional funeral attire.

By focusing on the positive aspects of their life, sharing heartfelt stories, and capturing the essence of who they were, you can create a tribute that truly honors their memory.

Crafting the perfect eulogy is often an emotional and cathartic endeavour. Take the first step today, and begin crafting a eulogy that immortalises the love, light, and laughter they brought into the world.

Looking For Examples? Here Are Some of The Best Eulogies

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  • Celebrations Of Life

What to Say at Celebration of Life Event: 20+ Ideas

Updated 04/24/2024

Published 06/19/2020

Jen Garcin, MS

Jen Garcin, MS

Contributing writer, editor

Learn the right things to say a celebration of life, including messages for friends, family,  and during a speech.

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A celebration of life event is one way to honor a loved one after they die. This can be a service or ceremony, party, or even a video call if you are unable to gather with family and friends.

A celebration of life event is typically more joyful than a traditional funeral. While it still encourages grieving, the focus is more centered around celebration than sorrow. 

If you're attending a celebration of life event, you might be wondering what kinds of things are appropriate to say to the grieving family. We’ve come up with ten simple phrases that strike a balance between acknowledging grief and celebrating the life of their loved one.

If you are hosting a celebration of life event and are tasked with writing a eulogy, we’ve created a list of ten suggestions to help get you started. For more tips related to post-death duties, check out our post-loss checklist . 

Virtual funeral tip:  If you're hosting a  Zoom funeral  using a service like  GatheringUs , make sure to test your audio before the service, so both online and in-person guests can hear you clearly.

Jump ahead to these sections:

What to say to loved ones or family of the deceased at a celebration of life event, what to say in a speech or eulogy during a celebration of life event.

What to say at a celebration of life

A celebration of life event can be both joyful and also sad. When considering what to say to the family of the deceased , try to be sensitive, thoughtful, and positive. Here are ten examples you can use for inspiration.

1. “Your loved one would have absolutely loved this celebration.”

A celebration of life event was likely in the deceased’s end-of-life plan . It can be of comfort to the family to hear that you think they did a great job fulfilling their loved one’s final wishes.

2. “I am so grateful to be a part of this day celebrating the incredible life of your loved one.” 

This is the perfect phrase to use at a celebration of life event when you are not close to the family. It is simple, to the point, and expresses your gratitude for being included in such an important event. It is warm, but not too personal.

3. “Your loved one talked about you constantly. They loved you so much.”

Let them know exactly what their loved one told you. Did they boast about their achievements? Did they talk about them every day? Did they share exactly what they loved about their family member? Reenact funny stories? Give as many details as possible. 

4. “My favorite thing about your loved one was…”

Share joyful memories and favorite personality traits or quirks you loved about the deceased. A celebration of life is the perfect place to express this.

You can be sensitive and express condolences, while still reminiscing on the great memories you shared. Hearing happy or funny stories can be of great comfort to a grieving family.

5. “Your loved one brought so much joy to everyone who knew them. We’re all going to miss them so much.”

This one’s a good choice if you were a friend, coworker, or classmate of the deceased. Share stories the family may not have heard before. Let them know that your friends, coworkers, or classmates and you will miss their loved one so much. If it hasn’t already been said, let them know exactly why you’ll miss them.

6. “Your incredible partnership inspired so many people.”

Let the grieving widow know that you saw how beautiful their partnership was. You can even validate their grief by expressing that a lifetime is never enough when it comes to your soulmate.

Pro-tip : If you were close with the deceased and their partner, add something specific about what inspired you about their partnership. This makes your condolences much more memorable and genuine. When you express something meaningful, there’s always the chance that it is the exact thing that someone needs to hear and will carry with them always.

7. “My heart is with you.”

If you don’t know what to say, and the mood is somber, this is a simple and compassionate response. Even though the event is joyous in a lot of ways, a grieving family member is likely going to have many sad moments. Offer comfort, and if you’re close to the person, offer a hug.

8. “My life won’t be the same without them.”

Be specific. Let the family know how their loved one touched your life. It’s always comforting to hear the impact a lost loved one had on the lives of others. Share your memories—they are a piece of the legacy their loved one left behind that they may not even know about.

9. “All of your friends, family, and loved ones are here for whatever you need.”

Let the person in mourning know that they have a community of people to wrap around and support them. You are together to celebrate their loved one and support them with anything else they may need.

10. “I am here for anything you need.”

This is a powerful way to let the person who is grieving know that they are not alone. It's a good idea to offer specific support to them. People are much more likely to take you up on an offer of support if it’s concrete. Here are some things you can offer:

  • Stay to clean up after the celebration. 
  • Deliver some meals later in the week. 
  • Organize a meal train.
  • Run errands.
  • Babysit their kids.
  • Walk their dog.
  • Take them out for a meal or drink.

What to say in a speech during a celebration of life

Writing a eulogy is never fun. You just lost someone you loved dearly. Even though it’s tough, it can also be healing. Make sure you get in the right headspace by taking some deep breaths, finding a peaceful location to write without interruption, and enjoying a cup of your favorite beverage. 

Before you start writing, check out our guide on how to write an unforgettable eulogy . Our most important recommendation is to speak from the heart. Here are ten suggestions that we hope will inspire you.

11. Share origin stories

Not everyone who attends the celebration of life event will know your loved one’s full history. It is nice to include details of their life so that everyone can join you in celebrating the good times.

  • If you are writing a speech or eulogy for your partner , talk about how you met.
  • If your eulogy is about a parent, share some stories from their childhood.

12. Detail your loved one’s most beloved qualities 

Consider all of the things that you loved about the person who passed. What made them special? Some things might be private, but there’s likely a lot that people don’t know. Talk about your most favorite qualities, and maybe some of the funny or silly ones too.

13. Share favorite stories and memories

Share stories that illustrate the qualities you most loved about the deceased. If your loved one was the most generous person you know, share a story about a time they really went above and beyond for you. If they were determined, talk about a time they achieved the seemingly impossible.

14. Talk about their legacy 

Think about what your loved one was most proud of. Consider the lives they touched, and the footprint they leave on the world.

This is also a good opportunity to talk about any educational attainment, career success, awards, or other achievements your loved one celebrated in their lifetime.

15. Describe your loved one’s family

The family we are born with and the family we choose are often the most important people in our lives. Unless it is too complicated or not a happy part of your loved one’s life, describe what family life looked like for them.

Were they an amazing parent or sibling? Did they always put their family first? Who did they love most in the world and why? How did they demonstrate that love?

16. Tell everyone what your loved one would have wanted them to know

If your loved one was full of sage wisdom, this is a good opportunity to share the wealth. Think about what advice they would give you and everyone listening.

If they spoke about any of the guests in their final days, and it’s appropriate to share, this is a perfect time.

17. Add quotes or poems

Find quotes or poems from authors or celebrities that your loved one really liked. You can also use celebration of life quotes or proverbs that you think really speak to the deceased’s life and legacy. 

18. Sprinkle in some humor 

Laughter really is medicine. When you are grieving and also celebrating a loved one’s life—laughter can feel like a much-needed sigh of relief. Include an anecdote or ‘ism’ that is so quintessentially your loved one. Tell a funny story or joke that they told one too many times. 

19. Thank everyone for coming 

Thank everyone for being there to celebrate your loved one’s life. Share how much it would have meant to them to see all of the people they loved together in one room. 

Let people know how grateful your loved one was to have so many wonderful people in their life. This is not just a celebration of the deceased, but a celebration of the relationships, memories, and experiences you all shared.

20. Pass the mic

Invite others to volunteer to share stories or memories of the deceased. Hearing from others can be of great comfort, and you will likely learn a lot of things you never even knew about your loved one.

Pro-Tip: If it seems like people aren’t eager to volunteer to speak, try a word-bath. Say a word, or three, that comes to mind when you think of the deceased. Have everyone shout out words. This is a wonderful exercise to capture on video. Here are some examples of words you might use in a word-bath:

When You Don’t Know What to Say

Nobody wakes up the morning of a funeral or celebration of life event and thinks, “I can’t wait to speak at this memorial today!” It can be tricky and uncomfortable to try to come up with the right thing to say. Sometimes, the best and most genuine thing you can do is to say that you are sorry and at a loss for words. Sometimes acknowledging that there are no perfect words can validate immense grief and loss. 

One way to avoid being speechless is to come prepared with at least one positive story or memory of the deceased that you can share. When all else fails, take a deep breath, and speak from the heart.


  • Condolences & What To Say

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What to Say at a Celebration of Life: How to Honor Someone Special

A celebration of life service is a wonderful opportunity to honor a passed loved one. What to say at a celebration of life is challenging though.

Finding the right words to celebrate and remember someone special to you isn’t easy. But you can focus what you say on uplifting memories, expressing what the deceased meant to you and highlighting what sort of person they were. All of this and more can help create a meaningful tribute.

So use this guide to help you choose the right things to say at a celebration of life and pay tribute to a loved one in the best way possible.

Table of Contents

What to Say at a Celebration of Life

The following examples and tips should help you to find the right things to say.

Reflect on Positive Memories

Reflecting and sharing memories you have of the deceased is a great way to honor them. It can be something like a special moment you had with them or a favorite story involving you both. Anything that is positive and joyous rather than focusing on the sadness of the loss.

For example you could talk about:

  • Inside jokes or adventures you had together as friends.
  • Funny or touching memories from your childhood if it was a parent or grandparent.
  • Their ability to make everyone laugh and the way they would lighten up the room.
  • How they brought your family together with their amazing cooking or holiday traditions.

You want it to be happy moments. Say what you admired most about them and the qualities that made them such a wonderful person.

Say How Much They Meant to You

You might also want to go into why the deceased was such a special person in your life. You could talk about how they made you feel loved, how they inspired you or supported you through difficult times.

Again, stick with the most uplifting and celebratory moments about them. For example maybe they:

  • Were always there to listen and offer advice when you needed guidance.
  • Encouraged you to pursue your dreams even when you doubted yourself.
  • Supported you through tough times in your life.
  • Showed you kindness, patience or other values you still carry today.
  • Taught you important life lessons that shaped who you are.

It doesn’t matter how big or small. If they impacted your life in some way it’s worth mentioning.

Highlight Their Personality

You can really go deep into their personality when talking at a celebration of life. What were some quirky traits they had, what did they do that you found really endearing. Anything that set them apart or made them one of a kind.

Bring up specific interests, quirks, habits or silly interactions that capture their spirit.

For example:

  • Their obsession with a favorite sports team or TV show.
  • Weird but tasty food combinations they loved.
  • The way their face lit up when talking about their passions.
  • The funny voice they used when reading bedtime stories.

Those are just a few ideas that would give an insight into their personality. It will show how unique they were and the reasons you found them such an interesting an amazing friend/family member.

Share Meaningful Quotes

An inspirational quote, saying or poem that really sums up what the person you are honoring was like is a good choose to include. Pick quotes that either they loved or that remind you of them.

Some ideas:

  • “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene
  • “Do not go gentle into that good night.” – Dylan Thomas
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller
  • “When the sun comes up, I have morals again.” – Elayne Boosler

Choose quotes that are either uplifting about life and loss or that they were especially fond of. For more ideas try these celebration of life quotes .

Offer Comfort to the Family

The family and friends of the deceased will be feeling the loss the hardest. Even at a celebration of life it’s still a good idea to acknowledge their grief and the difficulty they will have adjusting to life without their loved one.

Try saying:

  • I know how much [name] meant to you and understand how deeply you will miss them.
  • Comforting words can’t erase your pain but I hope our happy memories together sustain you.
  • They’ll live on in your heart and in the lives they touched.

You can offer reassurance that their memory and spirit will live on through the stories, traditions and the love they gave. Try this guide for what to say when someone dies for more ideas.

Be Personal

Always speak from the heart and using your own words. You want to be authentic and reflect the relationship you had with the deceased.

So don’t hold back from showing emotions, even difficult ones like guilt or sadness. Make what you say personal so your tribute is as meaningful and genuine as possible.

As you end sum up the significance of the deceaseds person’s life. Express your gratitude for having known them, learned from them and created cherished memories with them.

End on an uplifting note and talk about he joy they brought not only to you but to the world.

  • [name] truly lived life to its fullest inspiring those around him to embrace each day.
  • [name]’s laughter and joy will stay with me the rest of my life. I’m forever changed for having known her.
  • [name] left this world far too soon but the impact he made will last for generations.
  • We will miss [name] deeply but her spirit lives on in the kindness she brought out in others.

You should finish by celebrating their memory and the influence they had on your life. Remind everyone that while grief is profound so was the deceaseds place in your heart.

What to Say in a Speech or Eulogy During a Celebration of Life

If you have been asked to give a speech or eulogy at a celebration of life then you should focus on the positives. Much of your eulogy will be similar to the advice already given here.

So highlight their best qualities, share your favorite memories and talk about how they impacted you. Talk about their passions, talents and their spirit.

The main areas your speech should touch on are:

  • Uplifting anecdotes and moments that capture the heart and soul of the deceased.
  • Appreciation for having known them.
  • Comfort for grieving family and friends

Opening Words for a Celebration of Life

If you’re struggling with the opening lines of your speech or eulogy follow these examples:

  • “We gather here today to remember the remarkable life of [name].”
  • “While nothing can take away the profound pain of [name’s] passing, we can find comfort in remembering the joy they brought us.”
  • “Though [name] may be gone their spirit will forever touch all of us who knew and loved them.”
  • “Let the memories we share today be a celebration of [name’s] incredible life.”

Opening on an uplifting note eases you and the audience into the commemoration.

Celebration of Life Speech Examples

Here are examples from different perspectives:

If you want to speak directly to the family at a celebration of life then offering heartfelt condolences is the safest and best way to approach it.

The family will be grieving deeply so offer your sympathy and support. Keep whatever you say simple and try to avoid cliches.

  • Thinking of you all during this difficult time and hoping you can find comfort in memories of [name].
  • Please accept my deepest condolences. Let me know if you need anything at all.
  • My heart goes out to you and your family. Cherish the happy memories together.

If you were close to the deceased then you could also share a meaningful memory about them with the family.

What to Say at a Celebration of Life Ceremony as an Attendee

As an attendee you should aim to listen and reflect as well as offering comfort to others. Chat with loved ones and share uplifting memories you have of the deceased. Offer condolences and emotional support to those grieving.

When speaking with others you can say:

  • It’s clear how much [name] meant to so many. I’m glad we can get the opportunity to honor their memory together.
  • Your mother was such a kind and warm woman. The world won’t be the same without her.
  • I’m here if you need a friendly ear during this difficult time.

Simply being present shows you care so don’t worry too much about making sure you at the right thing.

what to say at a celebration of life

Sally Collins is a writer and the founder and owner of Sympathy Message Ideas. Her passion is to help others deal with grief and provide assistance with talking to those grieving.  Learn more about Sally .

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what to write in a celebration of life speech

  • What to Say at a Celebration of Life Service
  • November 30, 2022
  • Celebration of Life

What to Say at a Celebration of Life Service | Eternally Loved

Having the chance to speak at a  celebration of life  ceremony  or funeral service can be both a cause for joy along with a reason to feel fear and worry. It is something that everyone may struggle with and are concerned they will do wrong.

During a  celebration of life service  many people may have the opportunity to say some words about their loved one or the deceased. A loved one, friends, family members or parents of the deceased may want to say some words.

You may not know the right thing to say or the best way to express how you are feeling, specifically your grief, and that is okay. It is completely understandable to be concerned about saying the right things during this type of ceremony.

Finding the Perfect Words

Funny stories or only a moment that is special in your loved one’s life is the best beginning to a speech. Finding the perfect words to talk about the incredible life lived comes easy for some and is more difficult for others.

True friends leave footprints and a life ceremony is a place to share personal stories of a life well lived. A lost loved one’s life might bring to mind life quotes to share.

Start writing about the beautiful life and go over favorite personality traits and favorite stories until you find the perfect balance of the exact words to share at the celebration of life services.

Practice reading your speech and take deep breaths to ensure your rhythm and flow are what you want to express as you share your speech.

Allow Guests to Express their Sentiments and Grief

Celebration of life  events, memorial services and funerals allow guests to express their sentiments and grief, along with a way for someone to pay their respects to the deceased person.

When a family member or friend and are asked to speak at at a celebration of life or a traditional funeral , they are given a unique opportunity to speak and express their feelings about the deceased.

You do not have to share private or personal stories but perhaps share what only true friends know the deceased would want shared. Many families bring up old stories or memories about their family member or loved one.

Brainstorm and Write Your Thoughts Down

what to write in a celebration of life speech

It can be helpful to take the time to do some research before you write and plan your eulogy or speech. It can make things easier for someone that is speaking at a celebration of life or memorial service to write down and brainstorm their thoughts.

The best person to decide what you will say at a celebration of life, is you. You hold all the memories, have spent time with the person, and hold the experiences that you had that may impact the words you want to say.

You may know of a funny story, activity or experience that you want to share during your eulogy speech about your loved one or the deceased person.

Make Personal Statements During Your Speech

There is not a specific way to talk about the death of someone that will make everyone feel better during a  celebration of life  event. The best thing that someone can say during a speech or eulogy is using words to show that you care or that may be helpful in some way to the mourners.

Some ideas for what to say during your speech include statements of hope, a story or memory about the person, or something else that you feel is necessary to share about the deceased person.

It is best not to use cliché phrases, or quotes about your experience with the death of the person or your grief. Often, sharing happy memories can be helpful for not only you but to everyone who is attending, to bring happiness around the event.

Specific Things to Say at a Celebration of Life Service

Say something of inspiration.

While a celebration of life is an opportunity for guests to express grief of a loved one in a personal way, often it is a culturally inspired event.

In some cultures a death can be a time to express extreme loss and sadness, while others view a death as an opportunity to spread joy and celebrate the life of the deceased.

People may like to write down a memory of the person on a card and put it in a jar. Later, read each card with the memories out loud to the group during the event.

To prepare people that may want to share something about the deceased, ask in the event invitation that people reflect on some of their favorite , and if they feel comfortable, share the memory during the celebration.

Whoever the gathering of guests may be, it is their opportunity to express themselves however they would like. Everyone is different in how they process death, and writing a eulogy is often a time to discuss these feelings and memories.

Poems or Sayings

A nice option for guests to honor a loved one or family member is to use a thoughtful poem or saying during your eulogy speech at the celebration of life.

If you are having trouble finding a poem or saying, you can browse the internet and find many appropriate ones that are based around a memorial or celebration of life service.

Use Quotes, Readings, or a Phrase

Using a quote, reading or phrase during your eulogy can make it easier so that you do not have to write something on your own. The type of quote or reading that you choose can be up to you.

Offering condolences with the use of a quote can allow people to relate and express their emotions during the eulogy or speech.

Practice with a Best friend or Loved One

It can be extremely helpful to practice your eulogy with friends, a family member, or other people in your circle that can be honest and upfront with their feedback.

Others may hear something that you do not, or have insightful thoughts surrounding your eulogy or speech. A hard part about giving a speech at a celebration of life event is not knowing how you sound, and how you may come across during the celebration of life.

What is the Difference Between a Celebration of Life and a Funeral?

A celebration of life is most often a memorial service with a celebratory feeling. The mood is up lifting. The guests come knowing fun will be had and a celebration of the loved one’s life is expected.

Typically, a traditional funeral is held at a church or funeral home and has religious connotations. Clergy of some sort are present and traditions are followed based on the culture and beliefs of the deceased and family.

A funeral event or service is centered around the body of the deceased, whether it be an open casket, or a cremation was performed. If a cremation was done, then the focus of the funeral can be around the urn, holding cremated remains of the deceased.

Quotes for Loved Ones

These life quotes are often utilized in a eulogy speech. Every life ceremony is unique.

“As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well-used brings happy death.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“They that love beyond the world, cannot be separated. Death cannot kill what never dies. Nor can Spirits ever be divided that love and live in the same Divine Principle; the Root and Record of their Friendship. Death is but crossing the world, as Friends to the seas; they live in one another still.” – William Penn
“Say not in grief that he is no more but live in thankfulness that he was.” – Hebrew Proverb
“To die completely, a person must not only forget but be forgotten, and he who is not forgotten is not dead.” – Samuel Butler
“A person’s true wealth is the good he or she does in the world.” – Mohammad
“Immortality … a fate worse than death.” – Edgar A. Shoaff

Honoring Your Loved One

what to write in a celebration of life speech

Everyone may feel differently about speaking at a  celebration of life   service . For one person a memory may bring joy, for a grieving person it can bring sadness. The death of a family member or loved one may bring about anxiety that a favorite thing or specific story could be forgotten.

Many times these feelings can range from the happiness you felt around the deceased and how the death of the person has affected you. A great way to honor a loved one is to discuss memories you had with the person, talk about who they were as a person, and make sure to bring out what their personality was like.

What is a Celebration of Life Celebration?

what to write in a celebration of life speech

There are various personal details and personal touches that can be done at a celebration of life to honor the memory and life of a loved one.

Some examples of  celebration of life ideas  that people may include are:

Balloon release.

A balloon release is a touching moment. All guests release balloons together and it is a very touching moment and adds to the closing chapter of a loved ones story.

Board with photos

A board with photos can be plain or fancy. This is a collage of photographs of the loved one in various stages of their life and available for family and guests to enjoy.

speech or eulogy

A speech or eulogy includes readings or specific memories of the deceased, and is what brings the day together. Traditional funerals have a designated person to give a eulogy.

Celebration of Life and Memorial Services Location and Details of the Day

Other things to consider for your celebration of life include the place or location that you will hold the memorial service.

The time of day you want the memorial service to start and end.

Deciding on the food that you will serve to everyone. This is important and part of making the day a special day for all.

Regardless of the life service you are having, a family member or best friend will be the master of ceremony. A eulogy will be given and this can be formal or informal.

Additional ways to honor the deceased can be a funny story or specific memories shared of the life being celebrated.

What to Wear at a Celebration of Life

Many people wonder  what to wear to a  celebration of life service. In general, it is usually appropriate to wear a similar outfit to what you would wear to a funeral or memorial service. It may also depend on what place or location the celebration of life will take place.

At a traditional funeral most wear black. This is fine but many prefer to wear bright and celebratory colors to a celebration of life.

People attending a celebration of life may also check the invitation as the preferred dress code may be listed or a part of the invite.

A family member or a loved one may decide to choose a certain color or theme for the attire of the celebration of life.

A Celebration of Life with Eternally Loved

what to write in a celebration of life speech

Eternally Loved is an event company that offers many services for friends and family of a loved one who are looking to plan a memorial, funeral or celebration of life event for a deceased person.

Every memorial event that we plan for guests is focused around the life of the deceased, and is centered around memories, love and devotion for the person.

Our goal with every gathering and event we plan is to celebrate and honor the best way that you see fit.

Eternally Loved can help with finding the right location or place to hold the celebration of life service, gathering information from everyone involved. Pulling photos together and music based on the direction given will help us best plan your celebration of life event for your family or loved one.

It Can Seem Overwhelming when a Family Member plans a Memorial Service or Celebration of Life

It can seem overwhelming to think of everything that needs to happen in order to plan a celebration of life or funeral event, and Eternally Loved would like to be a part of the process to make it less stressful for you and your family.

There are so many details involved and you may not have the time or ability to think about everything while grieving. One thing to keep in mind is that with the help of our friendly staff, you can focus more on honoring the memory of the deceased, rather than the little details that are involved in planning an event.

If you have questions or would like more information on our specific celebration of life, memorial or funeral service events, please call. We would be happy to set up a time to meet with you to discuss the details of your celebration of life event or memorial service.

For more ideas, please contact our office and we can let you know of more ideas and help you through the process. For information or questions on the specific services that Eternally Loved offers please call our phone number or fill out a form on our contact page.

Table of Contents

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  • Celebration of life Ideas



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