24 June 2024 Award-Winning CMU Papers at SIGGRAPH 2024

18 June 2024 CVPR 2024 Best Student Paper Honorable Mention Award

19 October 2023 Jun-Yan Zhu named 2023 Packard Fellow

1 August 2023 SIGGRAPH 2023 Best Paper Award

The Carnegie Mellon Graphics Lab conducts cutting-edge research on computer graphics and computer vision, integrating insights from computer science , robotics , and mechanical engineering .

Award-Winning CMU Papers at SIGGRAPH 2024

Carnegie Mellon's research is well-represented at , with Carnegie Mellon authors collaborating on 12 papers, including two best papers (🏆) and two honorable mentions (🏅) in the .

Xuan Li, Minchen Li, Xuchen Han, Huamin Wang, Yin Yang, and Chenfanfu Jiang
Nicole Feng and Keenan Crane
Mohamad Qadri*, Kevin Zhang*, Akshay Hinduja, Michael Kaess, Adithya Pediredla, and Christopher Metzler
Arjun Teh, Ioannis Gkioulekas, and Matthew O'Toole
Yong Li, Shoaib Kamil, Keenan Crane, Alec Jacobson, and Yotam Gingold
Jiří MinarÄŤĂ­k, Sam Estep, Wode Ni, and Keenan Crane (honorable mention 🏅)
Mark Gillespie, Denise Yang, Mario Botsch, and Keenan Crane (best paper 🏆)
Josua Sassen, Henrik Schumacher, Martin Rumpf, and Keenan Crane (honorable mention 🏅)
Yuichi Hirose, Mark Gillespie, Angelica M. Bonilla Fominaya, and James McCann
Jiashun Wang, Jessica Hodgins, and Jungdam Won
Ying Jiang*, Chang Yu*, Tianyi Xie*, Xuan Li*, Yutao Feng, Huamin Wang, Minchen Li, Henry Lau, Feng Gao, Yin Yang, and Chenfanfu Jiang (best paper 🏆)
Bailey Miller*, Rohan Sawhney*, Keenan Crane†, and Ioannis Gkioulekas†

In the author lists above, * and † indicate equal contribution.

CVPR 2024 Best Student Paper Honorable Mention Award

, , , and won the for their work "Objects as volumes: A stochastic geometry view of opaque solids." Check out the for details.

Jun-Yan Zhu named 2023 Packard Fellow

was named a 2023 Packard Fellow for his work with Generative AI. Jun-Yan's work emphasizes new ways for creators to collaborate with generative models, while retaining control over the creative process and receiving proper compensation. His group has led several initiatives such as , which can remove copyrighted materials and artworks of living artists from existing models, and , designed to facilitate compensation for creators whose work has been used in model training. is the largest award given to young faculty in STEM fields, and is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious awards given to junior faculty members. An advisory panel of distinguished scientists and engineers carefully reviews the nominations and selects 20 fellows to receive an award of $875,000, distributed over five years, to allow the nation’s most promising early-career scientists and engineers flexible funding to take risks and explore new frontiers in their fields of study. Among the eight Packard Fellows currently at CMU, three are faculty members of the Graphics Lab, including previous awardees Jessica K. Hodgins (1994) and Keenan Crane (2018). Congratulations, Jun-Yan!

SIGGRAPH 2023 Best Paper Award

, , , and won the for their work "Split-Lohmann Multifocal Displays." Check out the for details.

CVPR 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention

Ioannis Gkioulekas Receives NSF CAREER Award

Cmu graphics papers at siggraph asia 2020.

CMU Graphics will be at SIGGRAPH Asia 2020!
Adithya Pediredla, Yasin Karimi Chalmiani, Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti, Maysam Chamanzar, Srinivasa Narasimhan, and Ioannis Gkioulekas
Chen Bar, Ioannis Gkioulekas, and Anat Levin
Chris Yu, Henrick Schumacher, Keenan Crane
Nicholas Sharp, Keenan Crane

SGP 2020 Best Paper Award

won the at the for his work on a . The Laplacian is a basic building block for algorithms in digital geometry processing and simulation. Nick's work makes it possible to apply this tool reliably to any mesh or point cloud, even if it has bad connectivity or poor-quality triangles. Congrats, Nick!

CMU Graphics at SIGGRAPH 2020

Keep an eye out for these CMU Graphics papers at SIGGRAPH 2020!
Alankar Kotwal, Anat Levin, Technion, Ioannis Gkioulekas
Vishwanath Saragadam, Aswin Sankaranarayanan
Fujun Luan, Shuang Zhao, Kavita Bala, Ioannis Gkioulekas
Rohan Sawhney, Keenan Crane
Cheng Zhang, Bailey Miller, Kai Yan, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Shuang Zhao
Katherine Ye, Wode Ni, Max Krieger, Dor Ma’ayan, Jenna Wise, Jonathan Aldrich, Joshua Sunshine, Keenan Crane
Jen-Hao Rick Chang, Anat Levin, B. V. K. Vijaya, Kumar, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan

ICCP 2020 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award


Keenan Crane Receives NSF CAREER Award

Ioannis gkioulekas named sloan research fellow.

. The Sloan Research Fellowship highlights the contributions of early-career scientists and scholars who demonstrate outstanding promise in fundamental research. Gkioulekas' interests are in computational imaging, computer vision, and computer graphics. His work focuses on non-line-of-sight imaging which enables the imaging of objects obstructed by corners or scattering materials. Read more about it .

CVPR 2019 Best Paper Award

. Their paper was selected out of roughly 5000 submitted papers. The awards committee described the paper: “this paper makes significant advances in non-line-of-sight reconstruction — in essence the ability to see around corners. It is a beautiful paper theoretically, as well as inspiring. It continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in computer vision.”

CMU Graphics at SIGGRAPH 2019

Lots of amazing work from CMU Graphics to appear at SIGGRAPH 2019—check it out!
Vidya Narayanan*, Kui Wu*, Cem Yuksel, Jim McCann
Nicholas Sharp, Yousuf Soliman, Keenan Crane
Etienne Corman, Keenan Crane
Nicholas Sharp, Yousuf Soliman, Keenan Crane
Chen Bar, Marina Alterman, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
Adithya Pediredla, Ashok Veeraraghavan, and Ioannis Gkioulekas
David B. Lindell, Gordon Wetzstein, Matthew O'Toole
Felix Heide, Matthew O'Toole, Kai Zang, David B. Lindell, Steven Diamond, Gordon Wetzstein
Stephen Lombardi, Tomas Simon, Jason Saragih, Gabriel Schwartz, Andreas Lehrmann, Yaser Sheikh
Shih-En Wei, Jason Saragih, Tomas Simon, Adam W. Harley, Stephen Lombardi, Michal Perdoch, Alexander Hypes, Dawei Wang, Hernan Badino, Yaser Sheikh

Katherine Ye Named MSR PhD Fellow

has been named a 2019 Microsoft Research PhD Fellow. She joins 10 students nationwide whose PhD research will be supported by MSR for the next two years. Katherine's work is making it possible to automatically turn plain-text mathematical equations into beautiful diagrams—find out more at . Congrats Katherine!

Jessica Hodgins Named ACM Fellow

has been named an ACM Fellow for her contributions to character animation, human simulation and humanoid robotics. The recognizes excellence, as evidenced by technical, professional and leadership contributions that advance computing, promote the free exchange of ideas, and advance the objectives of ACM. Read all about Jessica's award . Congrats Jessica!

Keenan Crane Named Packard Fellow

. The Packard Fellowships in Science and Engineering are among the nation’s largest nongovernmental fellowships, supporting blue-sky thinking of scientists and engineers in the hopes that their research will lead to new discoveries that improve people’s lives and enhance our understanding of the universe. Crane's work explores how the shapes and motions we observe in nature can be faithfully expressed in a language that is completely finite and discrete, and can hence be understood by computers. Read more about it .

CMU Graphics at SIGGRAPH 2018

We'll be presenting a bunch of new work at SIGGRAPH 2018. Take a look!
Nick Sharp, Keenan Crane (Carnegie Mellon University)
Oded Stein, Eitan Grinspun (Columbia University), Keenan Crane (Carnegie Mellon University)
Rohan Sawhney Keenan Crane (Carnegie Mellon University)
Yousuf Soliman, Dejan Slepcev, Keenan Crane (Carnegie Mellon University)
Mina Konakovic (EPFL), Julian Panetta (New York University), Keenan Crane (Carnegie Mellon University), Mark Pauly (EPFL)
Libin Liu (DeepMotion Inc.), Jessica Hodgins (Carnegie Mellon University)
Moritz Geilinger, Roi Poranne (ETH Zurich), Ruta Desai (Carnegie Mellon University), Bernhard Thomaszewski (Universite de Montreal), Stelian Coros (ETH Zurich)
Vidya Narayanan, Lea Albaugh, Jessica Hodgins, Stelian Coros, Jim McCann (Carnegie Mellon University)
Alex Poms (Carnegie Mellon University), William Crichton, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University), Kayvon Fatahalian (Carnegie Mellon University)
Yong He, Kayvon Fatahalian (Carnegie Mellon University), Tim Foley (NVIDIA Research)
Stephen Lombardi, Tomas Simon, Jason Saragih, Yaser Sheikh (Carnegie Mellon University)

Matt O’Toole Joins CMU Graphics!

We are very happy to welcome   to the CMU Graphics Group.  Matt will join us this fall as a faculty member with joint appointments in the  and ; he does fundamental work in computational imaging, a field that combines optics, electronics, and processing in new and interesting ways to capture and display visual information. In particular, he's interested in using programmable lights and cameras to analyze the world around us.  Matt received his PhD from the University of Toronto in 2016, and is currently a postdoc at Stanford. Welcome to CMU, Matt!

Jim McCann Joins CMU Graphics Faculty!

Jim McCann joins the CMU Graphics Group this fall, as a faculty member in the . Jim is interested in systems and interfaces that operate in real-time and build user intuition; lately, he has been applying these ideas to textiles fabrication and machine knitting in the . He obtained his PhD in 2010 in the Graphics Lab, after which he worked at Adobe's Creative Technologies Lab and Disney Research. In his spare time, he makes video games as . Welcome, Jim!

Jessica Hodgins elected ACM SIGGRAPH President

In election results announced August 19th, 2017, Jessica Hodgins was elected President. She will begin her three year term on September 1st. If you have ideas on how to improve either the organization or the conference, send them her way. And volunteer -- both the organization and the conference are in need of volunteers.

CMU Graphics at SIGGRAPH 2017

This year, nine papers that were authored or co-authored by graphics lab members will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2017:

Jessica Hodgins Receives Steven Coons Award

At this year, will receive the Steven Anson Coons Award, which recognizes long-term creative impact on the field of computer graphics through a personal commitment over an extended period of time. She joins the ranks of other terrific members of our community including Ivan E. Sutherland, Pierre Bézier, Donald P. Greenberg, David C. Evans, Andries van Dam, Edwin Catmull, Jose Encarnação, James D. Foley, James F. Blinn, Lance Williams, Pat Hanrahan, Tomoyuki Nishita, Nelson Max, Rob Cook, Jim Kajiya, Turner Whitted, and Henry Fuchs. Congrats, Jessica!

Graphics Lab Alums win Tech Oscars!

Tonight, RI Faculty alum Iain Matthews (right) and his collaborators at Weta will be awarded a plaque for their facial capture system and RI PhD alum Kiran Bhat (left) and his ILM collaborators will get a certificate for their facial capture system.  

CMU Graphics Students Clean Up the Lab!

Two cmu graphics students win fellowships.

Two of our PhD students, (left) and (right), were both recently awarded prestigious PhD fellowships. Yong, who is a fourth-year PhD student with , will receive an , supporting his work on automated optimization of rendering systems. Nick, who is a first-year PhD student with , is the recipient of an , which will help jump start his work in 3D geometry processing. Congrats, guys!

Eight New PhD Students Join CMU Graphics Group!

A very warm welcome to our 2015 incoming graphics students, pictured here in , near the CMU campus.  Left to right: , , , , , Maria Khutoretsky, and .  (Not pictured: Ravi Teja Mullapudi.)  Best of luck on the adventure!

CMU Graphics at SIGGRAPH 2015

Eight papers co-authored by graphics lab members will be presented at in Los Angeles, CA:
Matthew O'Toole, Supreeth Achar, Srinivasa Narasimhan, Kiriakos Kutulakos
Felix Knoppel, Keenan Crane, Ulrich Pinkall, Peter Schroder
Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Ariel Shamir, Jessica Hodgins
M. Ersin Yumer, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Jessica Hodgins, Levent Burak Kara
Moritz Bacher, Stelian Coros, Bernhard Thomaszewski
Shihong Xia, Congyi Wang, Jinxiang Chai, Jessica Hodgins
Jesus Perez, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Stelian Coros, Bernd Bickel, Jose Canabal, Robert Sumner, Miguel Otaduy
Leonid Sigal, Moshe Mahler, Spencer Diaz, Kyna McIntosh, Elizabeth Carter, Timothy Richards, Jessica Hodgins

Recent Press Highlights CMU Graphics “Wizardry”

: Here’s how it’s done: an object is selected in an image, be it a chair, an origami crane, or a fireplug. The system matches the object with currently extant 3D models taken from various sources, and then, by connecting the models with the actual objects, they are able to simulate what the object would look like in the photograph. While this database of objects is obviously fairly limited, it does allow for some clever tricks including making taxi cabs in photos flip around to display their undercarriage and then zoom off into space. Read more at ,   and  .

Keenan Crane Joins Graphics Faculty

 will join the CMU Graphics Lab in 2015 as an Assistant Professor in the and . Keenan received a PhD from Caltech in 2013, as part of the and ; he is currently an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow at . Keenan's research draws on insights from differential geometry and computer science to develop fast numerical algorithms and fundamental representations for real-world geometric data.  This work has been used in production at companies such as and , and has been covered by popular media including National Public Radio and .  Hear Keenan talk about his work via the .

CMU Papers at SIGGRAPH 2014

Matt Stanton, Ben Humberstron, Brandon Kase, James O'Brien (UC Berkeley), Kayvon Fatahalian, Adrien Treuille Yong He, Yan Gu, Kayvon Fatahalian Natasha Kholgade, Tomas Simon, Alexei Efros (UC Berkeley), Yaser Sheikh Ido Arev, Hyun Soo Park, Yaser Sheikh, Jessica Hodgins, Ariel Shamir (Ido and Ariel are affiliated with: Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Disney Research Pittsburgh)

Katayanagi Prize Winners Announced!

 from Cornell University and   from Stanford University will visit CMU this Fall to receive the Katayanagi Prizes in Computer Science. Prof. James will give a distinguished lecture Sept. 12th, and Prof. Hanrahan will give a distinguished lecture on Sept 26th. Details will be announced shortly at   would like to add that he has been lucky to have some great advisors.

Computer Science

Computer graphics.

Research in computer graphics at Yale includes sketching, alternative design techniques, texture models, the role of models of human perception in computer graphics, recovering shape and reflectance from images, computer animation, simulation, and geometry processing. Applications that drive this work are architectural design, cultural heritage documentation and analysis, the study of biological forms, as well as traditional targets such as feature films, games, and other visual media. Computer graphics is one of the disciplines within Yale C2   (Creative Consilience of Computing and the Arts).

Computer graphics is used extensively in a wide range of domains—from feature film and games to medical visualization and financial analysis. However impressive the growth of computer graphics applications has been over the past forty years, the goal of easily authoring computer graphics models input remains elusive. At Yale, the research in modeling includes sketching systems for early conceptual design and the capture and editing of digital models of existing physical objects at a range of scales—from entire buildings to individual objects.

Computer graphics models need to include material appearance properties as well as geometry. Unfortunately, the models widely used in computer graphics assume that the materials are both pristine and immutable, even though real materials are neither. The goal of research on material and texture models at Yale is to devise new material representations and expressive interfaces for editing such representations, to develop novel methods to simulate materials and the processes that affect their appearance, and to physically measure the input required for material models.

Realistic, expressive motion remains an ongoing challenge in computer graphics. In order to generate animations that are both visually convincing and narratively compelling, the animation research at Yale examines new methods for computing the physics that underlie natural phenomena such as rising smoke, splashing water, and the forces that form the characteristic shapes of skin and muscle under human movement. While realism is important, expressivity and artistic directability play an equally key role, and distilling the exact parameters that capture an effective performance remains an open area of research.

Faculty working in this area:

faculty email website
Julie Dorsey
Theodore Kim
Holly Rushmeier

Highlights in this area:

research on computer graphics

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research on computer graphics

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Faculty and researchers.

  • Hadar Averbuch-Elor
  • Kavita Bala
  • Donald Greenberg
  • Steve Marschner
  • Noah Snavely

PhD Students

  • Yen-Yu Chang
  • Aditya Chetan
  • Oliver Daids
  • Youming Deng
  • Aaron Gokaslan
  • Gemmechu Hassena
  • Peter Michael
  • Mariia Soroka
  • Jiatian Sun
  • Abe Davis and Noah Snavely Part of Cornell Research Team Receiving $1M USDA Grant for Digital Agriculture
  • Accurate 3D object detection with stereo cameras in self-driving cars—without LiDAR sensors
  • App creates time-lapse videos with a smartphone
  • Bharath Hariharan and Noah Snavely Develop STEGO, a Novel AI Framework
  • BOOM returns for its 25th year

Research Groups

  • Cornell Graphics and Vision Group
  • Cornell Program of Computer Graphics

Related Areas

Related researchers.

  • Bruce Walter
  • Adrian Sampson
  • François Guimbretière
  • Ramin Zabih

Cornell is a leader in computer graphics, an interdisciplinary area that draws on many specialties including algorithms, physics, computation, psychology, computer vision, and architecture. The Cornell graphics tradition has roots going back to the earliest days of the field, when the Program of Computer Graphics (PCG) was established in 1974 and went on to make breakthrough contributions in areas including light reflection models, physics-based rendering, and visual perception for graphics. Today graphics research at Cornell flows across boundaries to cover a broad area of graphics and related topics, with research in graphics and vision in the Computer Science department , research in rendering and architecture in PCG , and research in human-computer interfaces in the Information Science program, all densely interconnected.

Current research in graphics covers a broad range of topics across the field. Examples include global illumination, scattering models, volume scattering, interactive rendering, cloth simulation, acoustics for graphics, content creation, multiview geometry, computational photography and videography, human visual perception, and appearance capture. Our research addresses applications ranging from visual effects, animation, and games to architecture, surgery simulation, advertising, photography, and photo browsing.

Kavita Bala specializes in computer graphics and computer vision, leading research in visual recognition, search, and discovery; material modeling and acquisition, physically-based rendering; and material perception. In her computer graphics research she uses knowledge of human perception to develop new rendering algorithms for large-scale models for architectural visualization, and new algorithms for material acquisition and representation of complex materials like cloth. In her computer vision research, she develops algorithms for material recognition, fine-grained visual search for products in ecommerce, and large-scale visual discovery for planet-wide events, from global fashion discovery to event detection of forest fires in satellite imagery. Applications of her work include virtual prototyping, sustainability, virtual-reality training, architectural planning, and e-commerce.

Donald Greenberg , the founder of the Program of Computer Graphics , has been researching and teaching in the field of computer graphics from 1966. During the last 15 years, he has been primarily concerned with research advancing the state-of-the-art in computer graphics and with utilizing these techniques as they may be applied to a variety of disciplines. His specialities include hidden surface algorithms, geometric modeling, color science, and realistic image generation. Donald Greenberg is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Computer Graphics and the Director of the Program of Computer Graphics.

Abe Davis  works on a range of topics in graphics, vision, and HCI, with a focus on how to apply work in these fields to new problems and application spaces.  His work ranges across video and image analysis, photography, video editing, augmented reality, and computational fabrication, with applications from civil engineering to video editing and scene modeling to quilting.

Steve Marschner works on modeling materials for graphics , ranging from their optics to thier mechanics, often using techniques that draw from computer vision. For rendering, material modeling is the fundamental problem of understanding and simulating the interaction of light with materials. Recent work has focused on models for the materials that are important for realistic virtual characters—skin, cloth, hair—as well as other materials with complex three-dimensional structure. These materials can often be rendered as volumes of structured, translucent material. Optics works together with shape and motion to define the appearance of a material, so another focus is on realistic models for the mechanics of materials, particularly cloth.

Noah Snavely is primarily interested in analyzing large image collections to automatically recover the geometry and appearance of real-world scenes, and in using this derived structure to create better visualizations of photo collections and 3D scenes. Noah is particularly interested in leveraging the vast, rich collections of imagery available on the Internet to recreate the world in 3D. This research encompasses problems in both computer vision and computer graphics, including structure from motion, multi-view stereo, graph algorithms for analyzing large image collections, image-based rendering, and 3D navigation interfaces. Noah is also interested in creating systems and techniques that make it simple to create 3D models using a hand-held camera.

Computer Graphics - Science topic

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Computer graphics, associated publications, researchers.

School of Interactive Computing

College of computing, computer graphics.

Computer graphics is the art of producing digital images using computer programs, which is a core technology of photography, movie, animations, computer games, digital arts, and computer displays. Our faculty in computer graphics is at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation that deals with the creation, modeling, animation, control, simulation, design, transmission, and visualization of interactive virtual worlds. Particularly, our faculty members focus on two exciting fields of computer graphics: computer animation and computer simulation.

Computer animation is a captivating research field that brings digital characters to life. The key to generating fascinating and convincing animation lies in understanding how humans and natural animals move in the real world and establishing control policies in the virtual simulation. Our faculty explores a wide range of topics, from traditional control laws to state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning algorithms. The motion controllers we develop can also be applied to robotic platforms, enabling their live actions in the real world. 

Computer simulation endeavors to replicate captivating natural phenomena within virtual realms. This vast domain of study encompasses various aspects of our everyday lives, including fluid dynamics, rigid and soft body dynamics, cloth simulation, fire propagation, and their intricate interactions. Consequently, simulation stands as a cornerstone within the modern film industry, enabling the visualization of intricate scenes that cannot be manually authored. Our dedicated faculty focuses on the accurate representation of these elements within the virtual world, as well as advancing methods for efficient and faster simulation. These simulation algorithms will further enable computational design tools to allow designers and engineers to design novel physical objects that can be fabricated with modern 3D printing techniques.

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research on computer graphics

Research trends: The future of computer graphics—and the tools we’ll use to create them

March 28, 2022, tags: graphics (2d & 3d).

research on computer graphics

Wondering which trends and ideas will shape technology in 2022 and beyond? We talked to a few members of the Adobe Research team to find out.

Nathan Carr, an Adobe Research Senior Principal Scientist with a focus on computer graphics, gave us a peek into the future of 2D and 3D imaging. He also shared his vision for how we’ll interact with creative tools in the future.

Can you tell us about a trend you’re following in 2022?

One popular trend is the development of new representations for 3D assets. In the past we used to store things in the form of triangles and surface patches. In this new trend, we’re looking at neural representations to come up with new forms of information that compress and compact material, appearance, and geometry into one single optimized form that can be displayed and manipulated.

You can think of this as a next-generation 3D photograph. It’s a way to capture and represent the shape and appearance of the world so that we can start interacting with it in a deeper, richer way. I think these new representations will open a lot of exciting opportunities. High-end effects like raytracing are now being used in games to bring an unprecedented level of visual quality. I wonder whether a new evolution in rendering is about to take place that mixes light transport simulation with machine learning to produce photorealistic imagery even more efficiently. 

What do you hope researchers can accomplish this year?

One thing I’m thinking about deeply is the emergence of algorithms that will transform how we operate with computers. I think we want to move to a place where humans are interacting with computers in their own language and leveraging intuition about the world, rather than forcing humans to operate in the language of computers.

We’ve seen this trend over time. I think it will accelerate, and this has some deep ramifications. For example, today there’s a huge learning curve that artists go through to understand how computers represent things. In particular, 3D design software is incredibly complex, taking years to master.  Now we’re starting to be able to train algorithms that enable computers to meet humans in their own frame of mind, which will democratize creative tools so more people can access them. Computers will operate in a collaborative manner, anticipating and assisting in very complex tasks with high-level guidance from humans. With these new systems, artists and creatives will be able to produce content more efficiently while being more expressive.

research on computer graphics

What do you think people will be talking about at conferences and in papers this year?

As we talk about computers operating in the language of humans, we’ll need to collect a lot of data about the world.

For example, classically, we have represented images or 3D objects in very primitive forms without any extra information. So you can look at the colors and try to guess what pictures are, or if it’s a 3D triangle mesh, you can look at the shape of the geometry, but there’s only so much information there.

But if you pair this with a knowledge base of what is in millions of photos, or if you have huge collections of 3D shapes that people have authored and you know what their semantic meanings and relationships are, then suddenly you can apply that learning to unlock a lot of new capabilities. I think we’ll be talking about this transformation.

Which trends are you excited about beyond your field?

Hardware trends are exciting because a lot of what we do with machine learning and AI is often limited by hardware and compute. Even when we manage to train useful AI algorithms, we often struggle to deploy them on low-power devices because there just isn’t the hardware capability. This, however, is changing rapidly.

As a computer graphics research scientist, it used to be that you just needed one nice computer and a compiler, and you could do your work. Now you need a cluster or a supercomputer at your beck and call to train the latest machine learning algorithms. So how does this scale to every developer and creator? The power budgets are not on a sustainable path and need addressing. This will require not just innovations in hardware, but a co-evolution of the software algorithms behind machine learning models.

I also wonder about new forms of “fuzzy” computing (e.g., quantum computing) where we might be willing to tolerate a little bit of imprecision or uncertainty in an answer. If this form of computing can execute magnitudes faster with lower power requirements and reasonable accuracy, it may be worth the trade-off.  These new processors may require an entire reinvention of the algorithms we use and changes in the ways we write code. Regardless, being able to train models at scale with massive data and deploy them will require deep ingenuity. I believe such issues will be at the forefront of computing over the next decade.

Wondering what’s going on in 2D and 3D graphics at Adobe Research? You can learn more here .

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research on computer graphics

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Computer Graphics and Visualization

The Computer Graphics and Visualization group consists of researchers in image processing, computer graphics, visualization, visual analytics, GPU programming, simulation, and geometry processing. The primary goals of this group are the analysis, synthesis, understanding, and manipulation of visual data such as images, video sequences, and 3D geometric content.

Application areas span a broad range from art entertainment, to science and engineering, and to biology and medicine. The group is actively engaged in image and video editing and enhancement, special effects, 3D interactive content generation, pattern recognition and object recognition. This research cluster includes the researchers from the Graphics & Image Technologies Laboratory as well as overlapping with researchers in the Data Science, Theoretical Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence groups.

A faculty member looking at a laptop while explaining with her hand motions.

  • Geometry Modeling
  • Animation and Simulation
  • GPU Programming
  • Scientific Visualization
  • Information Visualization
  • Virtual Reality

Related Courses

  • CS 419/519: Numerical Modeling and Simulation
  • CS 419/519: Vector and Tensor Field Visualization
  • CS 419/519 Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • CS 450/550: Intro to Computer Graphics
  • CS 453/553: Scientific Visualization
  • CS 457/557: Shaders
  • CS 475/575: Parallel Programming
  • CS 458/519: Information Visualization
  • CS 551: Computer Graphics
  • CS 552: Computer Animation
  • CS 554: Geometric Modeling
  • CS 557: Computer Graphics shaders

Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey

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A profile picture of Raffaele De Amicis.

Raffaele De Amicis

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Eugene Zhang

Eugene Zhang

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Yue Zhang

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Affiliated Faculty

Portrait of Cindy Grimm

Cindy Grimm

[email protected]

Welcome to the Dynamic Graphics Project lab of the University of Toronto

DGP, short for the Dynamic Graphics Project, is comprised of researchers spanning graphics, human-computer interaction, computer vision, and computational imaging. Founded in 1967, our group seeks to push the limits of perception, interaction, and visual communication in order to engage people with digital media in ways that have never been seen before. Our research has garnered multiple publication awards, academic fellowships and prizes, and even Academy Awards. Our alumni have become faculty at top universities throughout the world (e.g., Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, Virginia) and leaders at major industrial research labs (e.g., Adobe, Autodesk, Facebook/Meta, Google, Pixar).

Featured Research

Passive ultra-wideband single-photon imaging.

We consider the problem of imaging a dynamic scene over an extreme range of timescales simultaneously—seconds to picoseconds—and doing so passively, without much light, and without any timing signals from the light source(s) emitting it.

Because existing flux estimation techniques for single-photon cameras break down in this regime, we develop a flux probing theory that draws insights from stochastic calculus to enable reconstruction of a pixel’s time-varying flux from a stream of monotonically-increasing photon detection timestamps. We use this theory to (1) show that passive free-running SPAD cameras have an attainable frequency bandwidth that spans the entire DC-to-31 GHz range in low-flux conditions, (2) derive a novel Fourier-domain flux reconstruction algorithm that scans this range for frequencies with statistically-significant support in the timestamp data, and (3) ensure the algorithm’s noise model remains valid even for very low photon counts or non-negligible dead times.

We show the potential of this asynchronous imaging regime by experimentally demonstrating several never-seen-before abilities: (1) imaging a scene illuminated simultaneously by sources operating at vastly different speeds without synchronization (bulbs, projectors, multiple pulsed lasers), (2) passive non-line-of-sight video acquisition, and (3) recording ultra-wideband video, which can be played back later at 30 Hz to show everyday motions—but can also be played a billion times slower to show the propagation of light itself.  Click here to see the project page and paper.

research on computer graphics

Subspace Mixed Finite Elements for Real-Time Heterogeneous Elastodynamics

Real-time elastodynamic solvers are well-suited for the rapid simulation of homogeneous elastic materials, with high rates generally enabled by aggressive early termination of timestep solves. Unfortunately, the introduction of strong domain heterogeneities can make these solvers slow to converge. To address these challenges, we developed a reduced mixed finite element solver that preserves rich rotational motion, even at low-iteration regimes. Our resulting method is a subspace mixed finite element method completely decoupled from the resolution of the mesh that is well-suited for real-time simulation of heterogeneous domains.

Click here to see the project page and paper.

Otman Benchekroun leads the first iteration of DGP Academy

Otman Benchekroun led the creation of the first DGP Academy, which offers high school students the opportunity to engage in hands-on computer graphics activities and get a comprehensive view of graduate studies. Students learned about topics ranging from 3D printing … read more

Prof. Buxton appointed to the Order of Canada

Congratulations to Prof. Buxton, who has been appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada for his work in HCI and user-centred design! Prof. Buxton has been a member of the DGP since the early years of the group … read more

Prof. Kutulakos wins 2023 Dean’s Research Excellence Award

The faculty of Arts & Science has named Kyros Kutulakos as a recipient of this year’s Dean’s Research Excellence Award! You can read more about the award and his contributions here.

Prof. Ahmed receives 2023 Google Award for Inclusion Research

Ishtiaque Ahmed has received a 2023 Google Award for Inclusion Research for his work on making computing services useful and meaningful for rural communities in the Global South! You can read more about the award and his work here.

Prof. Chevalier named to France’s Order of Academic Palms

Fanny Chevalier has been made a knight in the prestigious Order of Academic Palms (l’Ordre des Palmes AcadĂ©miques), France’s national order recognizing exemplary services to education and culture. Coincidentally, her last name translates to “knight” in French, so this was … read more

Computer Graphics

University of california - berkeley.

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Recent News

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Berkeley Graphics Alums, Hayley Iben and Sarah Beth Eisinger have been featured in Khan Acedemy's Pixar in a Box series of tutorials. December 12, 2016

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Prof. O'Brien receives Technical Achievement award from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for Finite Element Destruction Modeling January 12, 2015

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Scientific American selected Brian Barsky and Fu-Chung Huang's research on vision correcting displays as one of 2014s ten World Changing Ideas December 1, 2014

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To be presented at the SIGGRAPH 2014 conference in Vancouver August 10, 2014

Adaptive Tearing and Cracking of Thin Sheets Tobias Pfaff, Rahul Narain, Juan Miguel de Joya, and James O'Brien Exposing Photo Manipulation from ... [more] Adaptive Tearing and Cracking of Thin Sheets Tobias Pfaff, Rahul Narain, Juan Miguel de Joya, and James O'Brien Exposing Photo Manipulation from Shading and Shadows Eric Kee, James O'Brien, and Hany Farid Self-Refining Games using Player Analytics Matt Stanton, Ben Humberston, Brandon Kase, James O'Brien, Kayvon Fatahalian, and Adrien Treuille Factored Axis-Aligned Filtering for Rendering Multiple Distribution Effects Soham Mehta, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Fredo Durand Eyeglasses-free Display: Towards Correcting Visual Aberrations with Computational Light Field Displays Fu-Chung Huang, Gordon Wetzstein, Brian A. Barsky, and Ramesh Raskar High-Order Similarity Relations in Radiative Transfer Shuang Zhao, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Kavita Bala Discrete Stochastic Microfacet Models Wenzel Jakob, Milos Hasan, Ling-Qi Yan, Jason Lawrence, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Steve Marschner Rendering Glints on High-Resolution Normal-Mapped Specular Surfaces Ling-Qi Yan, Milos Hasan, Wenzel Jakob, Jason Lawrence, Steve Marschner, and Ravi Ramamoorthi 3D Object Manipulation in a Single Image using Stock 3D Models Natasha Kholgade, Tomas Simon, Alexei Efros, and Yaser Sheikh 2014 Papers [less]

Recent Papers

Effect of Duration and Delay on the Identifiability of VR Motion Mark Miller, Vivek Nair, Eugy Han, Cyan DeVeaux, Christian Rack, Rui Wang, Brandon Huang, Marc Latoschik, James F. O'Brien, Jeremy N. Bailenson SePAR 2024

Effect of Data Degradation on Motion Re-Identification Vivek Nair, Mark Roman Miller, Rui Wang, Brandon Huang, Christian Rack, Marc Latoschik, James F. O'Brien SePAR 2024

Truth in Motion: The Unprecedented Risks and Opportunities of Extended Reality Motion Data Vivek Nair, Louis Rosenberg, James F. O'Brien, Dawn Song IEEE S&P

Deep Motion Masking for Secure, Usable, and Scalable Real-Time Anonymization of Ecological Virtual Reality Motion Data Vivek Nair, Wenbo Guo, James F. O'Brien, Louis Rosenberg, Dawn Song IEEE VR3D

Inferring Private Personal Attributes of Virtual Reality Users from Ecologically Valid Head and Hand Motion Data Vivek Nair, Christian Rack, Wenbo Guo, Rui Wang, Shuixian Li, Brandon Huang, Atticus Cull, James F. O'Brien, Marc Latoschik, Louis Rosenberg, Dawn Song IEEE VR3D

Berkeley Open Extended Reality Recordings 2023 (BOXRR-23): 4.7 Million Motion Capture Recordings from 105,000 XR Users Vivek Nair, Wenbo Guo, Rui Wang, James F. O'Brien, Louis Rosenberg, Dawn Song IEEE VR 2024

Unique Identification of 50,000+ Virtual Reality Users from Head and Hand Motion Data Vivek Nair, Wenbo Guo, Justus Mattern, Rui Wang, James F. O'Brien, Louis Rosenberg, Dawn Song USENIX Security 23

Exploring the Privacy Risks of Adversarial VR Game Design Vivek Nair, Gonzalo Munilla Garrido, Dawn Song, James F. O'Brien PoPETS 2023

KBody: Balanced monocular whole-body estimation Nikolaos Zioulis, James F. O'Brien CVFAD 2023

KBody: Towards general, robust, and aligned monocular whole-body estimation Nikolaos Zioulis, James F. O'Brien RHOBIN 2023

research on computer graphics

Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics addresses the problem of how to produce images of objects from their mathematical descriptions using computers. Examples of specific research foci include how to render realistic looking objects, how to animate such objects, and how to use rendering and animation for simulation and interactive training including Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Some of our work involves computer vision/image processing, for example interactive view synthesis and Spatial Augmented Reality.

Computer Graphics Faculty

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Computer Graphics Lab Synthetic Reality Lab


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Cornell CIS Program of Computer Graphics

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  • Student Research Opportunities
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  • History & Achievements
  • Milind Kulkarni, Keshav Pingali, Bruce Walter, Ganesh Ramanarayanan, Kavita Bala, and L. Paul Chew. Optimistic parallelism requires abstractions. In PLDI '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation , pages 211--222, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM Press.
  • Philip Dutre, Philippe Bekaert, and Kavita Bala. Advanced Global Illumination, 2nd Edition . A K Peters, Natick, USA, 2006.
  • Michael Donikian, Bruce Walter, Kavita Bala, Sebastian Fernandez, and Donald P. Greenberg. Accurate direct illumination using iterative adaptive sampling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , 12(3):353--364, 2006.
  • Milos Hasan, Fabio Pellacini, and Kavita Bala. Direct-to-indirect transfer for cinematic relighting. ACM Trans. Graph. , 25(3):1089--1097, 2006.
  • Doug L. James, Jernej Barbic, and Dinesh K. Pai. Precomputed acoustic transfer: output-sensitive, accurate sound generation for geometrically complex vibration sources. ACM Trans. Graph. , 25(3):987--995, 2006.
  • Doug L. James, Christopher D. Twigg, Andrew Cove, and Robert Y. Wang. Mesh ensemble motion graphs. In SIGGRAPH 2006 Technical Sketch , page 69, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press.
  • Jonathan T. Moon and Stephen R. Marschner. Simulating multiple scattering in hair using a photon mapping approach. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) , 25(3):1067--1074, July 2006.
  • Edgar VelĂ zquez-ArmendĂ riz, Eugene Lee, Kavita Bala, and Bruce Walter. Implementing the render cache and the edge-and-point image on graphics hardware. In GI '06: Proceedings of the 2006 conference on Graphics interface , pages 211--217, Toronto, Ont., Canada, Canada, 2006. Canadian Information Processing Society.
  • Bruce Walter, Adam Arbree, Kavita Bala, and Donald P. Greenberg. Multidimensional lightcuts. ACM Trans. Graph. , 25(3):1081--1088, 2006.
  • Jernej Barbic and Doug L. James. Real-time subspace integration for St. Venant-Kirchhoff deformable models. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) , 24(3):982--990, August 2005.
  • Piti Irawan, James A. Ferwerda, and Stephen R. Marschner. Perceptually based tone mapping of high dynamic range image streams. In Rendering Techniques 2005: 16th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , pages 231--242, June 2005.
  • Doug L. James and Christopher D. Twigg. Skinning mesh animations. ACM Trans. Graph. , 24(3):399--407, 2005.
  • Hongsong Li, Sing Choong Foo, Kenneth E. Torrancei, and Stephen H. Westin. Automated three-axis gonioreflectometer for computer graphics applications. In A. Duparre, B. Singh, and Z-H Gu, editors, Advanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and Nanotechnologies II , volume Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5878, pages 5878--29. SPIE, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, July 2005.
  • Hongsong Li, Fabio Pellacini, and Kenneth E. Torrance. A hybrid monte carlo method for accurate and efficient subsurface scattering. In Kavita Bala and Philip Dutre, editors, Rendering Techniques 2005 , pages 283--290. Eurographics Association, June 2005.
  • Hongsong Li and Kenneth E. Torrance. An experimental study of the correlation between surface roughness and light scattering for rough metallic surfaces. In A. Duparre, B. Singh, and Z-H Gu, editors, Advanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and Nanotechnologies II , volume Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5878, pages 5878--32. SPIE, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, July 2005.
  • Stephen R. Marschner, Stephen H. Westin, Adam Arbree, and Jonathan T. Moon. Measuring and modeling the appearance of finished wood. ACM Transactions on Graphics (proceedings of SIGGRAPH) , 24(3):727--734, August 2005.
  • Pradeep Sen, Billy Chen, Gaurav Garg, Stephen R. Marschner, Mark Horowitz, Marc Levoy, and Hendrik P. A. Lensch. Dual photography. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) , 24(3):745--755, August 2005.
  • Bruce Walter, Sebastian Fernandez, Adam Arbree, Kavita Bala, Michael Donikian, and Donald P. Greenberg. Implementing lightcuts. In SIGGRAPH 2005 Technical Sketch . ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2005.
  • Bruce Walter, Sebastian Fernandez, Adam Arbree, Kavita Bala, Michael Donikian, and Donald P. Greenberg. Lightcuts: A scalable approach to illumination. In SIGGRAPH 2005 Conference Proceedings . ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2005.
  • James A. Ferwerda, Stephen H. Westin, Randall C. Smith, and Richard Pawlicki. Effects of rendering on shape perception in automobile design. In APGV '04: Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization , pages 107--114, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM Press.
  • Doug L. James, Jernej Barbic, and Christopher D. Twigg. Squashing cubes: Automating deformable model construction for graphics. In SIGGRAPH 2004 Technical Sketch . ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, August 2004.
  • Doug L. James and Dinesh K. Pai. Bd-tree: output-sensitive collision detection for reduced deformable models. ACM Trans. Graph. , 23(3):393--398, 2004.
  • Ganesh Ramanarayanan, Kavita Bala, and Bruce Walter. Feature-based textures. In H. W. Jensen and A. Keller, editors, Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , 2004.
  • William A. Stokes, James A. Ferwerda, Bruce Walter, and Donald P. Greenberg. Perceptual illumination components: a new approach to efficient, high quality global illumination rendering. In SIGGRAPH 2004 Conference Proceedings , volume 23-3, pages 742--749, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM Press.
  • Kavita Bala, Bruce Walter, and Donald P. Greenberg. Combining edges and points for interactive high-quality rendering. In Jessica Hodgins, editor, SIGGRAPH 2003 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2003.
  • Philip Dutre, Philippe Bekaert, and Kavita Bala. Advanced Global Illumination . A K Peters, Natick, USA, 2003.
  • Reynald Dumont, Fabio Pellacini, and James A. Ferwerda. Perceptually-driven decision theory for interactive realistic rendering. ACM Trans. Graph. , 22(2):152--181, 2003.
  • James A. Ferwerda. Three varieties of realism in computer graphics. In Bernice E. Rogowitz and Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, editors, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII. The International Society for Optical Engineering, June 2003.
  • James A. Ferwerda and Fabio Pellacini. Functional difference predictors (fdps): Measuring meaningful image differences. In Conference Record of the Thirty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , pages 1388--1392, 2003.
  • Ryan Ismert, Kavita Bala, and Donald P. Greenberg. Detail synthesis for image-based texturing. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics , pages 171--176. ACM SIGGRAPH, April 2003.
  • Doug L. James and Kayvon Fatahalian. Precomputing interactive dynamic deformable scenes. ACM Trans. Graph. , 22(3):879--887, 2003.
  • Doug L. James and Dinesh K. Pai. Multiresolution green's function methods for interactive simulation of large-scale elastostatic objects. ACM Trans. Graph. , 22(1):47--82, 2003.
  • Stephen R. Marschner, Henrik Wann Jensen, Mike Cammarano, Steve Worley, and Pat Hanrahan. Light scattering from human hair fibers. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 22(3):780--791, July 2003.
  • Sebastian Fernandez, Kavita Bala, and Donald P. Greenberg. Local illumination environments for direct lighting acceleration. In P. Debevec and S. Gibson, editors, Eurographics Workshop on Rendering . Springer-Verlag, 2002.
  • Doug L. James and Dinesh K. Pai. Dyrt: Dynamic response textures for real time deformation simulation with graphics hardware. In John F. Hughes, editor, SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 582--585. ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2002.
  • Doug L. James and Dinesh K. Pai. Real time simulation of multizone elastokinematic models. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation , pages 927--932, Washington, D.C., May 2002.
  • Paul G. Kry, Doug L. James, and Dinesh K. Pai. Eigenskin: Real time large deformation character skinning in hardware. In John F. Hughes, editor, SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 153 -- 160. ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2002.
  • Fabio Pellacini, Parag Tole, and Donald P. Greenberg. A user interface for interactive cinematic shadow design. In John F. Hughes, editor, SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 563--566. ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2002.
  • Parag Tole, Fabio Pellacini, Bruce Walter, and Donald P. Greenberg. Interactive global illumination in dynamic scenes. In John F. Hughes, editor, SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 537--546. ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2002.
  • Bruce Walter, George Drettakis, and Donald P. Greenberg. Enhancing and optimizing the render cache. In P. Debevec and S. Gibson, editors, Eurographics Workshop on Rendering . Springer-Verlag, 2002.
  • Bruce Walter, Sumant Pattanaik, and Donald P. Greenberg. Using perceptual texture masking for efficient image synthesis. In G. Drettakis and H.-P. Seidel, editors, EUROGRAPHICS 2002 Conference Proceedings , volume 21(3). The Eurographics Association, Blackwell Publishers, September 2002.
  • Reynald Dumont, Fabio Pellacini, and James A. Ferwerda. A perceptually-based texture caching algorithm for hardware-based rendering. In Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , 2001.
  • James A. Ferwerda. Elements of early vision for computer graphics. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 21(5):22--33, SeptemberOctober 2001.
  • Randima Fernando, Sebastian Fernandez, Kavita Bala, and Donald P. Greenberg. Adaptive shadow maps. In Eugene Fiume, editor, SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 2001.
  • James A. Ferwerda, Fabio Pellacini, and Donald P. Greenberg. A psychophysically-based model of surface gloss perception. In Proceedings SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging '01 , pages 291--301, 2001.
  • Doug L. James and Dinesh K. Pai. A unified treatment of elastostatic contact simulation for real time haptics, 2001.
  • Dinesh K. Pai, Kees van den Doel, Doug L. James, Jochen Lang, John E. Lloyd, Joshua L. Richmond, and Som H. Yau. Scanning physical interaction behavior of 3d objects. In SIGGRAPH '01: Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques , pages 87--96, New York, NY, USA, 2001. ACM Press.
  • Jack Trumblin and James A. Ferwerda. Guest Editors' introduction: Applied perception. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 21(5):20--21, SeptemberOctober 2001.
  • Hector Yee, Sumanta Pattanaik, and Donald P. Greenberg. Spatiotemporal sensistivity and visual attention for efficient rendering of dynamic environments. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 20(1), January 2001.
  • Stephen R. Marschner, Stephen H. Westin, Eric P. F. Lafortune, and Kenneth E. Torrance. Image-based bidirectional reflectance distribution function measurement. Applied Optics-OT , 39(16):2592--2600, June 2000.
  • Fabio Pellacini, James A. Ferwerda, and Donald P. Greenberg. Toward a psychophysically-based light reflection model for image synthesis. In Kurt Akeley, editor, SIGGRAPH 2000 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 55--64. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, July 2000.
  • Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Jack Tumblin, Hector Yee, and Donald P. Greenberg. Time-dependent visual adaptation for fast realistic display. In Kurt Akeley, editor, SIGGRAPH 2000 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 47--54. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, July 2000.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. A framework for realistic image synthesis. Communications of the ACM , 42(8):44--53, August 1999.
  • David Hart, Philip Dutre, and Donald P. Greenberg. Direct illumination with lazy visibility evaluation. In Alyn Rockwood, editor, SIGGRAPH 99 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 147--154. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1999.
  • Victoria Interrante, Daniel Kersten, David Brainard, Heinrich H. Buelthoff, James A. Ferwerda, and Pawan Sinha. How to cheat and get away with it: what computer graphics can learn from perceptual psychology. In ACM, editor, SIGGRAPH 99. Proceedings of the 1999 SIGGRAPH annual conference: Conference abstracts and applications, Computer Graphics, pages 119--121, New York, NY 10036, USA, 1999. ACM Press.
  • Doug L. James and Dinesh K. Pai. Artdefo - accurate real time deformable objects. In Alyn Rockwood, editor, Siggraph 1999, Computer Graphics Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 65--72, Los Angeles, Aug 1999. Addison Wesley Longman.
  • Stephen R. Marschner, Stephen H. Westin, Eric P. F. Lafortune, Kenneth E. Torrance, and Donald P. Greenberg. Image-based brdf measurement including human skin. In Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , 1999.
  • Mahesh Ramasubramanian, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, and Donald P. Greenberg. A perceptually based physical error metric for realistic image synthesis. In Alyn Rockwood, editor, SIGGRAPH 99 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 73--82. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, Aug 1999.
  • Gene Greger, Peter Shirley, Philip M. Hubbard, and Donald P. Greenberg. The irradiance volume. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 18(2):32--43, March 1998.
  • Gordon Kindlmann and James Durkin. Semi-automatic generation of transfer functions for direct volume rendering. In IEEE Symposium on Volume Rendering Proceedings . IEEE, October 1998.
  • Liang Peng. Dichromatic based photographic modification. In Proceedings of the Sixth Color Imaging Conference, Society for Imaging Science and Technology , November 1998.
  • Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Mark D. Fairchild, James A. Ferwerda, and Donald P. Greenberg. Multiscale model of adaptation, spatial vision and color appearance. In Proceedings of the Sixth Color Imaging Conference, Society for Imaging Science and Technology , November 1998.
  • Sumanta N. Pattanaik, James A. Ferwerda, Mark D. Fairchild, and Donald P. Greenberg. A multiscale model of adaptation and spatial vision for realistic image display. In Michael F. Cohen, editor, SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 287--298. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, July 1998.
  • Richard Coutts and Donald P. Greenberg. Rendering with streamlines. In SIGGRAPH 97 Visual Proceedings , page 188. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1997.
  • James A. Ferwerda, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Peter Shirley, and Donald P. Greenberg. A model of visual masking for computer graphics. In Turner Whitted, editor, SIGGRAPH 97 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 143--152. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1997.
  • Donald P. Greenberg, Kenneth Torrance, Peter Shirley, James Arvo, James A. Ferwerda, Sumanta Pattanaik, Eric Lafortune, Bruce Walter, Sing-Choong Foo, and Ben Trumbore. A framework for realistic image synthesis. In Turner Whitted, editor, SIGGRAPH 97 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 477--494. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1997.
  • Eric P. F. Lafortune, Sing-Choong Foo, Kenneth E. Torrance, and Donald P. Greenberg. Non-linear approximation of reflectance functions. In Turner Whitted, editor, SIGGRAPH 97 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 117--126. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1997.
  • Stephen R. Marschner and Donald P. Greenberg. Inverse lighting for photography. In Proceedings of the Fifth Color Imaging Conference, Society for Imaging Science and Technology , November 1997.
  • Tomas Möller and Ben Trumbore. Fast, minimum storage ray-triangle intersection. Journal of Graphics Tools , 2(1):21--28, 1997.
  • Sumanta N. Pattanaik, James A. Ferwerda, Kenneth E. Torrance, and Donald P. Greenberg. Validation of global illumination solutions through CCD camera measurements. In Proceedings of the Fifth Color Imaging Conference, Society for Imaging Science and Technology , pages 250--253, November 1997.
  • Liang Peng, Eric Lafortune, and Donald P. Greenberg. Use of computer graphic simulation to explain color histogram structure. In Proceedings of the Fifth Color Imaging Conference, Society for Imaging Science and Technology , November 1997.
  • Peter Shirley, Helen Hu, Brian Smits, and Eric Lafortune. A practitioners' assessment of light reflection models. In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 97 , October 1997.
  • Bruce Walter, GĂĽn Alppay, Eric Lafortune, Sebastian Fernandez, and Donald P. Greenberg. Fitting virtual lights for non-diffuse walkthroughs. In Turner Whitted, editor, SIGGRAPH 97 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 45--48. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1997.
  • Bruce Walter, Philip M. Hubbard, Peter Shirley, and Donald P. Greenberg. Global illumination using local linear density estimation. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 16(3):217--259, July 1997.
  • James A. Ferwerda, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Peter Shirley, and Donald P. Greenberg. A model of visual adaptation for realistic image synthesis. In Holly Rushmeier, editor, SIGGRAPH 96 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 249--258. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1996.
  • Philip M. Hubbard. Approximating polyhedra with spheres for time-critical collision detection. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 15(3):179--210, July 1996.
  • Philip M. Hubbard. Improving accuracy in a robust algorithm for three-Dimensional voronoi diagrams. Journal of Graphics Tools , 1(1):33--45, 1996.
  • Eric P. Lafortune and Yves D. Willems. Rendering participating media with bidirectional path tracing. In Xavier Pueyo and Peter Schröder, editors, Rendering Techniques '96 , pages 91--100. Eurographics, Springer-Verlag, June 1996.
  • James Arvo. Applications of irradiance tensors to the simulation of non-lambertian phenomena. In Robert Cook, editor, SIGGRAPH 95 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 335--342. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, aug 1995.
  • James Arvo. The role of functional analysis in global illumination. In P. M. Hanrahan and Werner Purgathofer, editors, Rendering Techniques '95 . Eurographics, Springer-Verlag, June 1995.
  • James Arvo. Stratified sampling of spherical triangles. In Robert Cook, editor, SIGGRAPH 95 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 437--438. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1995.
  • Julie Dorsey, James Arvo, and Donald P. Greenberg. Interactive design of complex time-dependent lighting. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 15(2):26--36, March 1995.
  • Philip M. Hubbard. Collision detection for interactive graphics applications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , 1(3):218--230, September 1995.
  • Jed Lengyel, Donald P. Greenberg, and Richard Popp. Time-Dependent Three-Dimensional intravascular ultrasound. In Robert Cook, editor, SIGGRAPH 95 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 457--464. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1995.
  • Jed Lengyel, Donald P. Greenberg, A. Yeung, E. Alderman, and Richard Popp. Three-dimensional reconstruction and volume rendering of intravascular ultrasound slices imaged on a curved arterial path. In Nicholas Ayache, editor, Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medicine , Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, April 1995.
  • Greg Spencer, Peter Shirley, Kurt Zimmerman, and Donald P. Greenberg. Physically-based glare effects for digital images. In Robert Cook, editor, SIGGRAPH 95 Conference Proceedings , Annual Conference Series, pages 325--334. ACM SIGGRAPH, Addison Wesley, August 1995.
  • Peter Shirley, Bretton Wade, Philip Hubbard, David Zareski, Bruce Walter, and Donald P. Greenberg. Global illumination via density estimation. In Eurographics Rendering Workshop 1995 . Eurographics, June 1995.
  • David Zareski, Bretton Wade, Philip Hubbard, and Peter Shirley. Efficient parallel global illumination using density estimation. In Proceedings of Visualization '95 - Parallel Rendering Symposium , pages 219--230, October 1995.
  • James Arvo and Kevin Novins. Iso-Contour volume rendering. In Arie Kaufman and Wolfgang Krueger, editors, 1994 Symposium on Volume Visualization , pages 115--122. ACM SIGGRAPH, October 1994.
  • James Arvo. The irradiance Jacobian for partially occluded polyhedral sources. In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings , Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 343--350. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
  • James Arvo, Kenneth Torrance, and Brian Smits. A framework for the analysis of error in global illumination algorithms. In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings , Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 75--84. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
  • James W. Durkin and John F. Hughes. Nonpolygonal isosurface rendering for large volume data sets. In R. Daniel Bergeron and Arie E. Kaufman, editors, Proceedings of Visualization '94 , pages 293--300. IEEE, October 1994.
  • Dani Lischinski, Brian Smits, and Donald P. Greenberg. Bounds and error estimates for radiosity. In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings , Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 67--74. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
  • Stephen R. Marschner and Richard J. Lobb. An evaluation of reconstruction filters for volume rendering. In R. Daniel Bergeron and Arie E. Kaufman, editors, Proceedings of Visualization '94 , pages 100--107. IEEE, October 1994.
  • Brian Smits, James Arvo, and Donald Greenberg. A clustering algorithm for radiosity in complex environments. In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings , Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 435--442. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
  • Filippo Tampieri and Daniel Lischinski. The constant radiosity assumption syndrome. In Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics (Proceedings of the Second Eurographics Workshop on Rendering) , pages 83--92, New York, 1994. Springer-Verlag.
  • Mimi Bussan and Roy Hall. Abstraction, context and constraint. In State of the Art in Computer Graphics . Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993.
  • Priamos N. Georgiades. Using graphs of bivariate functions to locally represent and modify surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design , 10:453--463, 1993.
  • Dani Lischinski, Filippo Tampieri, and Donald P. Greenberg. Combining hierarchical radiosity and discontinuity meshing. In James T. Kajiya, editor, SIGGRAPH 93 Conference Proceedings , Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 199--208. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, August 1993.
  • Peter W. Pruyn and Donald P. Greenberg. Exploring 3D computer graphics in cockpit avionics. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 13(3):28--35, May 1993.
  • Chris Schoeneman, Julie Dorsey, Brian Smits, James Arvo, and Donald Greenberg. Painting with light. In James T. Kajiya, editor, SIGGRAPH 93 Conference Proceedings , Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 143--146. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, August 1993.
  • Harold R. Zatz. Galerkin radiosity: A higher order solution method for global illumination. In James T. Kajiya, editor, SIGGRAPH 93 Conference Proceedings , Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 213--220. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, August 1993.
  • David Baraff and Andrew Witkin. Dynamic simulation of non-penetrating flexible bodies. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings) , 26(2):303--308, July 1992.
  • Priamos N. Georgiades and Donald P. Greenberg. Locally manipulating the geometry of curved surfaces. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 12(1):54--64, January 1992.
  • Xiao D. He, Patrick O. Heynen, Richard L. Phillips, Kenneth E. Torrance, David H. Salesin, and Donald P. Greenberg. A fast and accurate light reflection model. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings) , 26(2):253--254, July 1992.
  • Dani Lischinski. Converting bezier triangles into rectangular patches. In David Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III . Academic Press, San Diego, July 1992.
  • Dani Lischinski, Filippo Tampieri, and Donald P. Greenberg. Discontinuity meshing for accurate radiosity. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 12(6):25--39, November 1992.
  • Cary Scofield and James Arvo. The shader cache: A rendering pipeline accelerator. In David Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III . Academic Press, San Diego, July 1992.
  • Brian E. Smits, James R. Arvo, and David H. Salesin. An importance-driven radiosity algorithm. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings) , 26:273--282, July 1992.
  • Peter Shirley. Nonuniform random point sets via warping. In David Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III , pages 80--83. Academic Press, San Diego, 1992.
  • David Salesin, Daniel Lischinski, and Tony DeRose. Reconstructing illumination functions with selected discontinuities. Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , pages 99--112, May 1992.
  • Filippo Tampieri. Accurate form-factor computation. In David Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III , pages 329--333. Academic Press, San Diego, 1992.
  • Filippo Tampieri. Newell's method for computing the planar equation of a polygon. In David Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III . Academic Press, San Diego, July 1992.
  • Ben Trumbore. Rectangular bounding volumes for popular primitives. In David Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III . Academic Press, San Diego, July 1992.
  • Filippo Tampieri and David Salesin. Grouping nearly coplanar polygons into coplanar sets. In David Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III . Academic Press, San Diego, July 1992.
  • Stephen H. Westin, James R. Arvo, and Kenneth E. Torrance. Predicting reflectance functions from complex surfaces. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings) , 26:255--264, July 1992.
  • Leonard R. Wanger, James A. Ferwerda, and Donald P. Greenberg. Perceiving spatial relationships in computer-generated images. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , May 1992.
  • James R. Arvo, editor. Graphics Gems II . Academic Press, San Diego, 1991.
  • David Baraff. Coping with friction for non-penetrating rigid body simulation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings) , 25(4):31--40, July 1991.
  • Julie O'B. Dorsey, Francois X. Sillion, and Donald P. Greenberg. Design and simulation of opera lighting and projection effects. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings) , 25(4):41--50, July 1991.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Computers in architecture. Scientific American , pages 104--109, February 1991.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. More accurate simulations at faster rates. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , pages 23--29, January 1991.
  • Roy Hall, Mimi Bussan, Priamos Georgiades, and Donald P. Greenberg. A testbed for architectural modeling. In Werner Purgathofer, editor, Eurographics '91 , pages 47--58. North-Holland, September 1991.
  • Xiao D. He, Kenneth E. Torrance, Francois X. Sillion, and Donald P. Greenberg. A comprehensive physical model for light reflection. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings) , 25(4):175--186, July 1991.
  • R. Pini, M. Costi, G. A. Mensah, K. L. Novins, Donald P. Greenberg, B. Greppi, M. Cerofolini, and R. B. Devereaux. Computed tomography of the heart by ultrasound. Computers in Cardiology 1992 , pages 17--20, September 1991.
  • François X. Sillion, James R. Arvo, Stephen H. Westin, and Donald P. Greenberg. A global illumination solution for general reflectance distributions. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings) , 25:187--196, July 1991.
  • François Sillion. Detection of shadow boundaries for adaptive meshing in radiosity. In James Arvo, editor, Graphics Gems II , pages 311--315. Academic Press, San Diego, 1991.
  • Filippo Tampieri. Fast vertex radiosity update. In James Arvo, editor, Graphics Gems II , pages 303--305. Academic Press, San Diego, 1991.
  • Filippo Tampieri and Dani Lischinski. The constant radiosity assumption syndrome. In Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , 1991.
  • Ben Trumbore, Wayne Lytle, and Donald P. Greenberg. A testbed for image synthesis. In Werner Purgathofer, editor, Eurographics '91 , pages 467--480. North-Holland, September 1991.
  • David Baraff. Curved surfaces and coherence for non-penetrating rigid body simulation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '90 Proceedings) , 24:19--28, August 1990.
  • David W. George, Francois X. Sillion, and Donald P. Greenberg. Radiosity redistribution for dynamic environments. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 10(4):26--34, July 1990.
  • Jed Lengyel, Mark Reichert, Bruce R. Donald, and Donald P. Greenberg. Real-time robot motion planning using rasterizing computer graphics hardware. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '90 Proceedings) , 24(4):327--335, August 1990.
  • Kevin L. Novins, François X. Sillion, and Donald P. Greenberg. An efficient method for volume rendering using perspective projection. Computer Graphics , 24(5):95--102, November 1990.
  • Holly E. Rushmeier and Kenneth E. Torrance. Extending the radiosity method to include specularly reflecting and translucent materials. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 9(1):1--27, January 1990.
  • Adam Stettner. Computer simulation for acoustic visualization. Audio Engineering Society 89th Convention , September 1990.
  • David Baraff. Analytical methods for dynamic simulation of non-penetrating rigid bodies. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings) , 23(3):223--232, July 1989.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. A blueprint for the future. Computer Graphics World , 12(2):62--66, February 1989.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Light reflection models in computer graphics. Science , 244:166--173, April 1989.
  • Roy Hall. Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery . Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989.
  • Adam Stettner and Donald P. Greenberg. Computer graphics visualization for acoustic simulation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings) , 23(3):195--206, July 1989.
  • Michael F. Cohen, Shenchang Eric Chen, John R. Wallace, and Donald P. Greenberg. A progressive refinement approach to fast radiosity image generation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '88 Proceedings) , 22(4):75--84, August 1988.
  • James A. Ferwerda and Donald P. Greenberg. A psychophysical approach to assessing the quality of antialiased images. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 8(5):85--95, September 1988.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Coons award lecture. Communications of the ACM , 31(2):123--151, February 1988.
  • Paul M. Isaacs and Michael F. Cohen. Mixed methods for complex kinematic constraints in dynamic figure animation. The Visual Computer , 4(6):296--305, December 1988.
  • Gary W. Meyer. Wavelength selection for synthetic image generation. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing , 41:57--79, 1988.
  • Gary W. Meyer and Donald P. Greenberg. Color-defective vision and computer graphics displays. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 8(5):28--40, September 1988.
  • Michael F. Cohen and Paul M. Isaacs. Controlling dynamic simulation with kinematic constraints, behavior functions and inverse dynamics. 21:214--224, July 1987.
  • Michael Cohen. Radiosity based lighting design. 1987.
  • Michael F. Cohen. Light reflection models and diffuse interaction of light. 1987.
  • Michael F. Cohen. The need for realism in computer-aided design. 1987.
  • Paul M. Isaacs and Michael F. Cohen. Controlling dynamic simulation with kinematic constraints, behavior functions and inverse dynamics. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings) , 21(4):215--224, July 1987.
  • Holly E. Rushmeier and Kenneth E. Torrance. The zonal method for calculating light intensities in the presence of a participating medium. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings) , 21(4):293--302, July 1987.
  • John R. Wallace, Michael F. Cohen, and Donald P. Greenberg. A two-pass solution to the rendering equation: A synthesis of ray tracing and radiosity methods. 21:311--320, July 1987.
  • Philip J. Brock, Alan J. Polinsky, Rebecca Slivka, and Donald P. Greenberg. Unified interactive geometric modeller for simulating highly complex environments. Computer-Aided Design , 18(10):539--545, December 1986.
  • Daniel R. Baum, John R. Wallace, Michael F. Cohen, and Donald P. Greenberg. The back buffer algorithm: An extension of the radiosity method to dynamic environments. The Visual Computer, Volume 2 , pages 298--306, 1986.
  • Michael Cohen, Donald P. Greenberg, Dave S. Immel, and Philip J. Brock. An efficient radiosity approach for realistic image synthesis. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 6(3):26--35, March 1986.
  • Donald P. Greenberg, Michael Cohen, and Kenneth E. Torrance. Radiosity: A method for computing global illumination. The Visual Computer , 2(5):291--7, September 1986.
  • Roy Hall. A characterization of illumination models and shading techniques. The Visual Computer , 2(5):268--277, September 1986.
  • Eric A. Haines and Donald P. Greenberg. The light buffer: a shadow testing accelerator. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 6(9):6--16, 1986.
  • David S. Immel, Michael F. Cohen, and Donald P. Greenberg. A radiosity method for non-diffuse environments. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '86 Proceedings) , 20(4):133--142, August 1986.
  • Gary W. Meyer. Wavelength selection for synthetic image generation. Computer Graphics and Image Processing , II:39--44, 1986.
  • Gary W. Meyer and Donald P. Greenberg. Color education and colour synthesis in computer graphics. In Color Research and Application , volume 11 Suppl., pages S39--S44, 1986.
  • Gary W. Meyer, Holly E. Rushmeier, Michael F. Cohen, Donald P. Greenberg, and Kenneth E. Torrance. An experimental evaluation of computer graphics imagery. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 5(1):30--50, January 1986.
  • Rikk J. Carey and Donald P. Greenberg. Textures for realistic image synthesis. Computers and Graphics , 9(2):125--138, 1985.
  • Michael F. Cohen and Donald P. Greenberg. The Hemi-Cube: A radiosity solution for complex environments. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings) , 19(3):31--40, July 1985.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Computer graphics and visualization. pages 25--27, December 1985.
  • Gary W. Meyer and Donald P. Greenberg. Colorimetry and computer graphics. In SIGGRAPH '85 Image Rendering Tricks seminar notes . July 1985.
  • Donald Greenberg. The coming breakthrough of computers as a true design tool. Architectural Record , pages 149--160, September 1984.
  • Cindy M. Goral, Kenneth E. Torrance, Donald P. Greenberg, and Bennett Battaile. Modelling the interaction of light between diffuse surfaces. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings) , 18(3):212--22, July 1984.
  • Channing P. Verbeck and Donald P. Greenberg. A comprehensive light source description for computer graphics. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 4(7):66--75, July 1984.
  • Hank Weghorst, Gary Hooper, and Donald P. Greenberg. Improved computational methods for ray tracing. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 3(1):52--69, January 1984.
  • Ted Crane and Jon H. Pittman. An event driven approach to graphical menu interaction. 9(4), May 1983.
  • John C. Dill. Computer graphics and computer-aided design at cornell's college of engineering. April 1983.
  • Samir L. Hanna, John F. Abel, and Donald P. Greenberg. Intersection of parametric surfaces by means of lookup tables. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 3(7):39--48, 1983.
  • Samir L. Hanna, John F. Abel, and Donald P. Greenberg. Intersection of parametric surfaces using lookup tables. In Computer-Aided Geometric Design , pages 37--49. April 1983.
  • Roy A. Hall and Donald P. Greenberg. A testbed for realistic image synthesis. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , 3:10--20, November 1983.
  • Gary W. Meyer. Colorimetry and computer-graphics. April 1983.
  • C. I. Pesquera and William M. McGuire. Design of steel frames with interactive computer graphics. pages 140--151, September 1983.
  • Carlos I. Pesquera, William McGuire, and John F. Abel. Interactive graphical preprocessing of three-dimensional framed structures. Computers and Structures , 17:1--12, 1983.
  • Robert L. Cook and Kenneth E. Torrance. A reflectance model for computer graphics. ACM Transactions on Graphics , 1(1):7--24, January 1982.
  • Elliot A. Feibush and Donald P. Greenberg. A geometric input and editing system for architectural design. In A. Pipes, editor, CAD 82 , pages 164--172. 1982.
  • Donald Greenberg, Aaron Marcus, Allan H. Schmidt, and Vernon Goter. The Computer Image: Applications of Computer Graphics . Addison-Wesley, 1982.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Computer graphics in architecture. (EHO 147-9):533, 1982.
  • Robert B. Haber and John F. Abel. Initial equilibrium solution methods for cable reinforced membranes. II. implementation. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. and Eng. , 30:285--306, June 1982.
  • William McGuire and C. I. Pesquera. Interactive computer graphics in steel analysis/design-a progress report. Engineering Journal , pages 89--102, March 1982.
  • Jon H. Pittman and Donald P. Greenberg. An interactive graphics environment for architectural energy simulation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings) , 16(3):233--241, July 1982.
  • Stuart Sechrest and Donald P. Greenberg. A visible polygon reconstruction algorithm. ACM Trans. on Graphics (USA) , 1:25--42, January 1982.
  • Kin L. Shelley and Donald P. Greenberg. Path specification and path coherence. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings) , 16(3):157--166, July 1982.
  • John F. Abel, William McGuire, and Anthony R. Ingraffea. In the vanguard of structural engineering. Engineering: Cornell Quarterly , 16(3):23--36, 1981.
  • Robert L. Cook and Kenneth E. Torrance. A reflectance model for computer graphics. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '81 Proceedings) , 15(3):307--316, August 1981.
  • John C. Dill. An application of color graphics to the display of surface curvature. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '81 Proceedings) , 15(3):153--161, August 1981.
  • John C. Dill. Cad/cam: Industrial takeover by designing computers. Engineering: Cornell Quarterly , 16(3):37--45, 1981.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. How computer graphics works and what it can do. Engineering: Cornell Quarterly , 16(3):2--14, 1981.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. The magic of computer graphics. APEC Journal , XVI(1):4--10, 1981.
  • Donald P. Greenberg and Stuart Sechrest. A visible polygon reconstruction algorithm. 15:17--27, August 1981.
  • Robert B. Haber, John F. Abel, and Donald P. Greenberg. An integrated design system for cable reinforced membranes using interactive computer graphics. Computers and Structures , 14:261--280, 1981.
  • Robert B. Haber, Mark S. Shephard, John F. Abel, Richard H. Gallagher, and Donald P. Greenberg. A general two-dimensional graphical finite element preprocessor utilizing discrete transfinite mappings. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , 17(7):1015--1044, July 1981.
  • Marc Levoy. Two-dimensional computer animation. August 1981.
  • Daniel P. Loucks, Peter French, and Marchall R. Taylor. Friendly computers with color pictures. Engineering: Cornell Quarterly , 16(3):46--55, 1981.
  • Bruce A. Wallace. Merging and transformation of raster images for cartoon animation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '81 Proceedings) , 15(3):253--262, August 1981.
  • Brian A. Barsky and Donald P. Greenberg. Determining a set of B-spline control vertices to generate an interpolating surface. Comput. Gr. Image Process. , 14:203--226, November 1980.
  • Elliot Feibush and Donald P. Greenberg. Texture rendering system for architectural design. Computer-Aided Design , 12:67--71, March 1980.
  • Elliot A. Feibush, Marc Levoy, and Robert L. Cook. Synthetic texturing using digital filters. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings) , 14(3):294--301, July 1980.
  • Donald P. Greenberg, John F. Abel, and William McGuire. Interactive computer graphics in structural engineering. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering , pages 631--636, September 1980.
  • John L. Gross and Thomas A. Mutryn. Studies in nonlinear interactive analysis of framed structures. May 1980.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. An interdisciplinary laboratory for computer graphics and computer-aided design. Proceedings of CAD 80, Fourth International Conference and Exhibition on Computers and Design Engineering , 12, March 1980.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. A laboratory for computer graphics research and applications. SID Digest , May 1980.
  • Lynn E. Johnson and Daniel P. Loucks. Interactive multiobjective planning using computer graphics. Computers and Operational Research , pages 89--97, 1980.
  • Gary W. Meyer and Donald P. Greenberg. Perceptual color spaces for computer graphics. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings) , 14(3):254--261, July 1980.
  • Wayne Robertz and Donald P. Greenberg. A graphical input system for computer-aided architectural design. In CAD 80, Fourth International Conference and Exhibition on Computers in Design Engineering , volume 4, pages 715--723, Guildford, UK, 1980. IPC Business Press Ltd.
  • Marc Schiler and Donald P. Greenberg. The calculation of translucent and opaque shadow effects on building thermal loads. Proceedings of CAD 80, Fourth International Conference and Exhibition on Computers in Design Engineering , 12, March 1980.
  • Mark S. Shephard, Richard H. Gallagher, and John F. Abel. The synthesis of near-optimum finite element meshes with interactive computer graphics. International Journal for Numerical Methods of Engineering , 15(7):1021--1039, July 1980.
  • Mark Shephard. An algorithm for defining a single near-optimum mesh for multiple-load-case problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , 15(4):617--625, April 1980.
  • Kevin Weiler. Polygon comparison using a graph representation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings) , 14(3):10--18, July 1980.
  • John F. Abel, Donald P. Greenberg, William McGuire, and Richard S. Gallagher. Interactive graphics for finite element analysis. ASCE , pages 670--685, August 1979.
  • John L. Gross, Thomas A. Mutryn, and Donald P. Greenberg. Computer graphics in nonlinear design problems. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering , 5(1), March 1979.
  • John L. Gross, Thomas A. Mutryn, and William McGuire. Computer graphics and nonlinear frame analysis. ASCE , August 1979.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Computer graphics in architecture. EHO 147-9, 1979.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Computer graphics in design: Today, tomorrow or ? Computers in Architectural Design , February 1979.
  • Donald P. Greenberg and Marc Schiler. Computer simulation of foliage shading in building energy loads. 1979.
  • Michael Kaplan and Donald P. Greenberg. Parallel processing techniques for hidden surface removal. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '79 Proceedings) , 13(3):300--307, August 1979.
  • Douglas S. Kay and Donald P. Greenberg. Transparency for computer synthesized images. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '79 Proceedings) , 13(2):158--164, August 1979.
  • Anne Simon Moffat. Computers become a major design tool. pages C1--2, December 1979.
  • Mark S. Shephard, R. H. Gallagher, and John F. Abel. Experience with interactive computer graphics for the synthesis of optimal finite element meshes. ASME , pages 61--73, June 1979.
  • Sheng-Chuan Wu and John F. Abel. Experience with a new triangular, doubly-curved element for shell analysis. ASCE , pages 670--685, August 1979.
  • H. C. Allison and Donald P. Greenberg. The three-dimensional graphical input method for architecture. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Design Automation Conference , pages 133--137. IEEE, 1978.
  • Peter Atherton, Kevin Weiler, and Donald Greenberg. Polygon shadow generation. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '78 Proceedings) , 12(3):275--281, August 1978.
  • Peter N. French, L. E. Johnson, Donald P. Loucks, and Donald P. Greenberg. Water resources planning using computer graphics. October 1978.
  • Donald P. Greenberg and Allex Allison. Computer generated images for medical applications. 12:196--202, August 1978.
  • Robert Haber, John Abel, and Donald Greenberg. A computer-aided design system for funicular network structures. In Third Int. Conf. and Exhib. on Computers in Engineering and Building Design , pages 212--222. IPC Sci. and Techn. Press, 1978.
  • Robert Haber, Marc Shephard, John Abel, Richard Gallagher, and Donald Greenberg. A generalized graphic preprocessor for two-dimensional finite element analysis. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '78 Proceedings) , 12(3):323--329, August 1978.
  • George H. Joblove and Donald Greenberg. Color spaces for computer graphics. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '78 Proceedings) , 12(3):20--25, August 1978.
  • Thomas Mutryn, Donald Greenberg, and John Abel. Use of color displays for the interactive design of a reticulated dome structure. pages 589--599, March 1978.
  • Gerald E. Rehkugler, Peter Atherton, and J. E. Kelly. Simulating the motion of two-and four-wheel drive tractors. Agricultural Engineering , pages 17--19, March 1978.
  • Richard Rogers, Peter Atherton, Daniel Nall, and Donald Greenberg. A means for including shadowing in a building's thermal analysis. pages 97--109, March 1978.
  • Wayne Robertz, Richard Rogers, Daniel Nall, and Donald P. Greenberg. Comparison of computer-predicted thermal loads with measured data from three occupied townhouses. 84(2590), 1978.
  • Alexander Sunguroff and Donald P. Greenberg. Computer generated images for medical applications. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '78 Proceedings) , 12(3), August 1978.
  • Sheng-Chuan Wu and John F. Abel. Representation and discretization of arbitrary surfaces for finite element shell analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , 14:813--836, July 1978.
  • Kevin Weiler, Peter Atherton, and Donald P. Greenberg. Polygon shadow generation. 12:275--281, August 1978.
  • John F. Abel, Donald P. Greenberg, and Shen-Chuan Wu. An interactive computer graphics approach to surface representation. 20:703--712, October 1977.
  • Peter Atherton, Robert Haber, and Richard Rogers. The engineer's computerized consultant. The Cornell Engineer , 42(4):22, February 1977.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. Computer graphics: Back to the electronic drawing board. The Cornell Engineer , 42(4):4, February 1977.
  • Donald P. Greenberg. An interdisciplinary program for graphics research and applications. Computer Graphics , 11:90--97, Summer 1977.
  • Robert B. Haber, Thomas A. Mutryn, John F. Abel, and Donald P. Greenberg. Computer-aided design of framed dome structures with interactive graphics. Comp. Aided Design , 9:157--164, July 1977.
  • Marc Levoy. A color animation system based on the multiplane technique. Computer Graphics , 11:65--71, Summer 1977.
  • Marc Levoy and Jose Gelabert. The digital draftsman. The Cornell Engineer , 42(4):10, February 1977.
  • Thomas A. Mutryn, William McGuire, and John Gross. Computer graphics in nonlinear design problems. page 311, October 1977.
  • Daniel H. Nall, Richard J. Rogers, Donald P. Greenberg, and George D. Meixel. Interactive graphics input methods for residential building load calculation. ASHRA Transactions - Semi Annual Meeting , 83, 1977.
  • Richard Rogers, Danial Nall, and Donald Greenberg. Computer graphics input methods for building energy analysis. Computer-Aided Design , 9(3):165--171, July 1977.
  • Kevin Weiler and Peter Atherton. Hidden surface removal using polygon area sorting. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '77 Proceedings) , 11(2):214--222, July 1977.
  • S. C. Wu, John F. Abel, and Donald P. Greenberg. An interactive computer graphics approach to surface representation. Communications of the ACM , 20:703--712, October 1977.
  • Nicholas Weingarten and Donald P. Greenberg. Three-dimensional graphic input using recursive instancing. In IEEE Computer Society First Int. Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMSAC) , pages 377--383, 1977.
  • Donald P. Greenberg and Richard H. Gallagher. Computer graphics in structural engineering research. December 1976.

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  1. Computers & Graphics

    An International Journal of Systems & Applications in Computer Graphics. Computers & Graphics is dedicated to disseminate information on research and applications of computer graphics (CG) techniques. The journal encourages articles on: 1. Research and applications of interactive computer graphics.We are particularly interested in novel interaction techniques and applications of CG to problem ...

  2. Carnegie Mellon Computer Graphics

    Carnegie Mellon Computer Graphics. Award-Winning CMU Papers at SIGGRAPH 2024. 24 June 2024. Carnegie Mellon's research is well-represented at SIGGRAPH 2024, with Carnegie Mellon authors collaborating on 12 papers, including two best papers (🏆) and two honorable mentions (🏅) in the SIGGRAPH Technical Papers Awards .

  3. Computer graphics (computer science)

    A modern rendering of the Utah teapot, an iconic model in 3D computer graphics created by Martin Newell in 1975. Computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. Although the term often refers to the study of three-dimensional computer graphics, it also encompasses two-dimensional graphics and image processing.

  4. Computer Graphics

    Theodore Kim - As part of the Yale Computer Graphics Group, I research topics in physics-based simulation, including fire, water, and humans. My work has appeared in over two dozen movies, and I received a 2012 SciTech Oscar. Previously, I was a Senior Research Scientist at Pixar Research, where I received screen credits in Cars 3, Coco, Incredibles 2, and Toy Story 4.

  5. Graphics

    The Cornell graphics tradition has roots going back to the earliest days of the field, when the Program of Computer Graphics (PCG) was established in 1974 and went on to make breakthrough contributions in areas including light reflection models, physics-based rendering, and visual perception for graphics. Today graphics research at Cornell ...

  6. Computer Graphics Forum

    Computer Graphics Forum. Computer Graphics Forum is the premier journal for in-depth technical articles on computer graphics. Published jointly by Wiley and Eurographics, we enable our readers to keep pace with this fast-moving field with our rapid publication times and coverage of major international computer graphics events, including the ...

  7. Advancements and Applications of Computer Graphics: A ...

    computer graphics as a powerful tool for visual representation, communication, and analysis across diverse disciplines. Keyword: Computer Graphics, Data, Visual, Imagery, Designs. Introduction ...

  8. Computer graphics

    Computer graphics deals with generating images and art with the aid of computers. Computer graphics is a core technology in digital photography, film, video games, digital art, cell phone and computer displays, and many specialized applications. ... increasingly an active area of research for computer graphics in the 2010s. In the 2010s, ...

  9. Frontiers in Computer Science

    Advances the computer graphics field, including new methods and research techniques and developing new insight from professionals in industry.

  10. 127147 PDFs

    CG is my focus, I am interesting in it. | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on COMPUTER GRAPHICS. Find methods information, sources ...

  11. Computer Graphics Group

    Our group focuses on synthetic image generation, computational photography, digital manufacturing, and geometry. Our research spans most aspects of computer graphics, picture generation and creation to geometry processing, with emphasis on mathematical analysis, signal processing, inspiration from perceptual sciences, and a broad range of ...

  12. Publications

    The 3D clothing fitting on a body model is an important research topic in the garment computer aided design (GCAD). During the fitting process, the match between the clothing and body models is still a problem for researchers. In this paper, we provide a 3D clothing fitting method based on the feature point match.

  13. Computer Graphics

    All Research Labs. 3D Deep Learning. Applied Research. Autonomous Vehicles. Deep Imagination. Publications AI Playground . New and Featured. AI Art Gallery. NGC Demos. ... Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2017) Wide Field Of View Varifocal Near-Eye Display Using See-Through Deformable Membrane Mirrors. David Dunn, Kaan AkĹźit, David Luebke.

  14. Computer Graphics

    Computer graphics is the art of producing digital images using computer programs, which is a core technology of photography, movie, animations, computer games, digital arts, and computer displays. Our faculty in computer graphics is at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation that deals with the creation, modeling, animation ...

  15. Adobe Research » Research trends: The future of computer graphics—and

    Nathan Carr, an Adobe Research Senior Principal Scientist with a focus on computer graphics, gave us a peek into the future of 2D and 3D imaging. He also shared his vision for how we'll interact with creative tools in the future. ... As a computer graphics research scientist, it used to be that you just needed one nice computer and a compiler ...

  16. Computer Graphics and Visualization

    The Computer Graphics and Visualization group consists of researchers in image processing, computer graphics, visualization, visual analytics, GPU programming, simulation, and geometry processing. The primary goals of this group are the analysis, synthesis, understanding, and manipulation of visual data such as images, video sequences, and 3D ...

  17. Home

    Welcome to the Dynamic Graphics Project lab of the University of Toronto. DGP, short for the Dynamic Graphics Project, is comprised of researchers spanning graphics, human-computer interaction, computer vision, and computational imaging. Founded in 1967, our group seeks to push the limits of perception, interaction, and visual communication in ...

  18. Home

    IEEE VR3D. Berkeley Open Extended Reality Recordings 2023 (BOXRR-23): 4.7 Million Motion Capture Recordings from 105,000 XR Users. Vivek Nair, Wenbo Guo, Rui Wang, James F. O'Brien, Louis Rosenberg, Dawn Song. IEEE VR 2024. Unique Identification of 50,000+ Virtual Reality Users from Head and Hand Motion Data.

  19. Computer Graphics

    Overview. Computer Graphics addresses the problem of how to produce images of objects from their mathematical descriptions using computers. Examples of specific research foci include how to render realistic looking objects, how to animate such objects, and how to use rendering and animation for simulation and interactive training including Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

  20. Computer Graphics

    ENGINEERING. Web Login. Gates Computer Science Building. 353 Jane Stanford Way. Stanford, CA 94305. United States. Contact Us. Directions to the Gates Building. Campus Map.

  21. Papers

    Use of computer graphic simulation to explain color histogram structure. In Proceedings of the Fifth Color Imaging Conference, Society for Imaging Science and Technology, November 1997. Peter Shirley, Helen Hu, Brian Smits, and Eric Lafortune. A practitioners' assessment of light reflection models.

  22. Computer Graphics: 2024-2025

    Overview. This course is an introductory course in Computer Graphics, and will describe mathematical tools for reasoning about displaying 2D and 3D geometric objects that are stored in a variety of data structures (covered separately in Geometric Modelling).The focus will be on display challenges and techniques for achieving satisfactory representations.

  23. Computer Graphics

    Computer Graphics Our animation research studies both physically based and data-driven approaches to various animation research problems, including collision, deformation, surface tracking and remeshing, numerical stability, and detail synthesis. The developed techniques can generate a wide range of animation effects, such as cloth, hair, skin ...

  24. Optimization-Based Gradient Mesh Colour Transfer

    In vector graphics, gradient meshes represent an image object by one or more regularly connected grids. Every grid point has attributes as the position, colour and gradients of these quantities specified.