
Write it Right - A guide to Harvard referencing style

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What is Paraphrasing?

Examples of paraphrasing.

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Paraphrasing is expressing someone else’s writing in your own choice of words, while keeping the same essential meaning. As Pears and Shields (2019, p. 15) explain, it is ‘ an alternative way of referring to an author’s ideas or arguments without using direct quotations from their text’. 

Paraphrasing is generally more highly valued by academics than direct quoting because it allows you to demonstrate a greater understanding of your source and helps you to maintain your personal writing style and the smooth flow of your essay.

Don’t forget to include in-text citations ( author and date) in the text of your assignment and full references at the end of your assignment every time you paraphrase someone else’s words or ideas.

The example below (Handley and Cox, 2007) shows extracts from two student essays, both based on the same original text. The first extract demonstrates unacceptable paraphrasing and referencing, while the second extract demonstrates acceptable paraphrasing and referencing.

First, here is the original extract, taken from the book, by Peter Worsley:

Karl Marx has probably affected the course of twentieth-century history more than any other single thinker. Because of this, his ideas have generated a vast output of writings, ranging from texts written by revolutionaries aimed at telling people how to do revolution - how to carry on Marx's work of demolishing capitalism and creating a new socialist society - to the many hundreds of volumes dedicated to proving that Marx was wrong about practically everything (Worsley, 2002, p. 1).

Here's what two students wrote in their dissertations: 

Karl Marx, the inspiration for revolutionary activity in many countries, has probably affected the course of 20C history more than almost any other thinker. Because of this, his ideas have generated a vast output of writings, ranging from books written about revolution - how to demolish capitalism and create a new socialist society - to books dedicated to proving that Marx was wrong about practically everything.

Reference: Worsley, P. (2002)  . 2nd edn. London: Routledge.  

Worsley (2002) suggests that Karl Marx has had a significant impact on the course of twentieth-century history. He argues that Marx's ideas have led to a great deal of writing, across a spectrum from promoting his call for revolution to trying to show he was wrong in his analysis and predictions.

Reference: Worsley, P. (2002)  . 2nd edn. London: Routledge. 

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Harvard Referencing

  • Summarising/Paraphrasing
  • Citations/Direct Quotations
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Summarising involves repeating the main ideas of a passage in your own words.  A summary concentrates on the important points rather than the details.

Original text

'... in order to learn consumers' views on beauty, Dove surveyed girls and women in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.  Some of the results were disturbing; for example, in Britain, more than half of those surveyed said their bodies "disgusted" them.  Six out of ten girls believed they would be happier if they were thinner, but actually fewer than two out of ten were in fact overweight.  Apparently, fashion's images of artificially curvaceous models and celebrities had wreaked not a little havoc on young self-concepts.'

Example of a summary   (1)

The results of a recent survey by Dove of girls and women in Britain indicated that many of the younger respondants had negative attitudes to their bodies and wanted to be thinner, even though a large proportion of them were not overweight (Rath, Bay, Petrizzi & Gill 2008, p. 139).

OR  (2)

Rath, Bay, Petrizzi and Gill (2008, p. 139) report that the results of a survey by Dove of young girls and women in Britain indicate that many young girls have false ideas about whether they are overweight or not. 

Summarising a substantial section or chapter of a book or a complete book: 

The Nazis attempted to control fashions in order to communicate a wide range of propoganda messages (Guenther 2004).

  OR  (3)

In a recent book, Guenther (2004) demonstrates the ways in which the Nazis used women's fashions to strengthen certain images of their ideal world.

Points to note :

There are different ways you can incorporate an in-text citation into your work. Usually, the author's surname/s, the date and page numbers (if necessary) appear in brackets - as in (1) above, but if you want to use the author's name/s  as part of your sentance you can do so as in examples (2) and (3) above.


Paraphrasing is expressing what an author writes in another way. 

'For the times when silk stocking were not be had "for love or money," women had to make do.'

Example of a paraphrase

As Kirkham (2005, p. 221) points out, during the War there were times when silk stockings could not be obtained by any means and so women were forced to find alternatives.

During the War, when silk stockings were often not available at all, women were forced to find alternatives (Kirkham 2005, p. 221).

'A lifecycle inventory study confirmed that the use of the b-pak produces lower environmental burdens than a glass wine bottle.'

A b-pak is a more environmentally friendly container for wine than the traditional bottle (Evans 2007, p. 130).

As Evans (2007, p. 130) points out, the b-pak has a smaller environmental impact than a traditional wine bottle.

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Harvard Style

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To paraphrase is to communicate the author’s work in your own words and to acknowledge the source.

Used to rewrite text in your own words

Used to clarify meaning

Used to shorten a longer statement, but keep the main ideas

Giving credit to the original author of the idea

Assessing the evidence or arguments put out, identifying any flaws in the study's design, and determining the degree to which you agree with the writers' positions, opinions, or conclusions are the basic goals of critical reading (Specht, 2019).

Elements of a good paraphrase:

Change the structure of the original passage

Change the words

Give a citation / reference


To summarise is to describe broadly the findings of a study without directly quoting from it. 

  • Summarising involves repeating the main ideas of a passage in your own words. 
  • A summary concentrates on the important points rather than the details.

Peixoto et al. (2024) examine two novel approaches to enhance customer service and meet cost-efficiency targets in their study of online retail delivery.

How to introduce quotations and paraphrased sentences

Introduce concepts from your sources by using reporting verbs and phrases. Your choice of language can reveal if the writers you're referencing are giving proven facts, presenting a case, offering a proposal, or drawing conclusions. Keep in mind that if you begin every citation or paraphrase in the same way, your work may become dull to read.

Table 1 lists reporting verbs that can be useful for incorporating other writers' ideas and language into academic writing.

Table 1: Reporting verbs for using in in-text citations





point out





















remark claim
hold the view
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Harvard Referencing - SETU Libraries Waterford Guide: Paraphrasing and Direct Quotations

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Paraphrasing and Direct Quotations

  • Elements in References
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  • Company Profiles
  • Conference Papers
  • Dictionaries
  • Discussion boards (Course)
  • European union (EU) legal sources
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  • Lecture notes (including tutorial handouts, moodle etc.)
  • Legislation - Statutory Instruments
  • Newspaper Articles
  • Personal Communications (conversations, letters, e-mails, other online services etc)
  • Photographs taken from websites or social media.
  • Photographs you have taken yourself
  • PowerPoint presentations/seminars
  • Reference Books (Encyclopaedias, bibliographies, dictionaries)
  • RTE News Online Items
  • X ( formerly Twitter)
  • YouTube or TED Talk
  • Book, article or web page that has referenced something else (secondary referencing)
  • Citing several authorities to support the same point
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  • Author's Initials
  • Referencing work by the same author from different years
  • Online Library Tutorials

Essay excerpt

Dublin is the capital of Ireland. The Discover Ireland website (Fáilte Ireland, 2013) outlines some of the main tourist attractions in Dublin. The city is ‘small, easy to get around and offers no greater challenge than struggling to be cultural the morning after the night before’ (Davenport, 2010, p. 16). Dublin aims to encourage sustainable tourism and members of the public can help by altering behaviour patterns (Miller et al ., 2010).

Paraphrase or Summary

When you paraphrase or summarise you express somebody else's ideas or theories in your own words.

Paraphrasing is not a direct quote, so there is no need to include quotation marks or page numbers. List the name(s) of the author(s) and the date of publication directly after the paraphrase. Example (see above): Miller et al., 2010.

Direct Quote

A Direct Quote is when you take an actual segment of text from another source and reproduce it word for word in your assignment.

Short quotations should be contained within your paragraph of text, but enclosed within single quotation marks. Example (see above): Davenport, 2010, p. 16.

Longer quotations should be indented as a separate paragraph and do not require quotation marks.

Unless you are quoting from material which does not have page numbers, you will always need a page number as part of your in text citation when quoting.  

Common Knowledge

Only information which is considered general knowledge, or common knowledge within your field of study, does not have to be referenced.

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  • Audio-visual media
  • Formatting guidelines
  • DOIs and URLs
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  • More than three authors
  • No volume or issue number
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  • Preprints/Online with DOI
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  • Chapter in an edited book
  • Corporate author (where the author is also the publisher)
  • Edited book
  • Multiple works by the same author (in different years)
  • Multiple works by the same author (in the same year)
  • No author or editor
  • No date of publication
  • Second or later editions
  • Translated work
  • Website or document from a website
  • Podcast/Vodcast
  • Social media
  • Online non-journal article
  • Article with one or more authors
  • Article with no author
  • Online article
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reports
  • Government department as author(s)
  • Government report (print and online)
  • Parliamentary debates - Hansard (print & online)
  • Parliamentary paper
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  • Legislation - Acts
  • Legislation - Bills
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  • Online encyclopaedia or dictionary
  • Online video
  • Music score
  • Music score transcription
  • Edited music score or critical edition
  • Music performed by performer other than artist (or a specific performance by artist)
  • Music from an online source
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  • Conference papers (unpublished)
  • Images and artwork (print)
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In text citations

Every sentence in which you use evidence, information or an example from another source requires an in-text reference (both academic and non-academic sources require a reference, as do both paraphrases and “direct quotes”). Your citation should be for the article/book that you are actually reading (not for the sources quoted in your supporting text).

As well as giving appropriate acknowledgement to original sources, in-text citations work to differentiate between your supporting evidence (which will include an in-text reference) and your own critical thoughts, ideas and engagement with both the evidence and the topic.

In many subjects paraphrasing is the preferred method of using someone else’s work or ideas. This is because clearly explaining an idea in your own words, demonstrates that you understand the original source. Paraphrasing is not simply changing the order of words or using a thesaurus, as this does not demonstrate understanding. Think about what the original passage is saying and how you might explain this to someone in your own words .

A direct quote is where you use the exact words from another person’s work and cite it. Direct quotes are used when the wording of the original is important for the point that you are making. This may be preferred in subjects where exact wording and form is important, such as in literary studies, law or in other areas of study that involve close textural analysis.

For expectations regarding the use of direct quotes, check with your tutor or subject co-ordinator.


An in-text citation for a paraphrase will require the author and the date. Generally, when paraphrasing you do not need to include page numbers in an in-text citation unless you have been asked to do so. However, including page numbers can help the reader to find the information more easily in a longer text, such as a thesis.

An in-text citation for a direct quote will require the author and the date and page number(s).

Shorter direct quotes must be enclosed in double quotation marks with the in-text citation within the sentence itself. For example:

"This procedure is fuelled by the radical but simple idea that two people standing side by side, looking at identical objects, see different things” (Harper 2002, p. 22).

Quotes of 30 words or longer should be in the form of a block quote, without quotation marks, with a 1 cm indent from the left margin. For example:

the photographs become something like a Rorschach ink blot in which people of different cultures spin their respective worlds of meaning. This procedure is fuelled by the radical but simple idea that two people standing side by side, looking at identical objects, see different things. (Harper 2002, p. 22)

When listing a range of page numbers, you should list the first page number and the last page number separated by an en-dash/rule (approx. the length of two hyphens). For example: “pp. 76–93”.

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Harvard referencing handbook (2nd edition)

  • In-text citation
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Quoting, paraphrasing and summarising

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  • eBook with page numbers
  • eBook without page numbers
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  • Chapter in an edited book
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  • Company, organisation or professional body website
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You need to give an in-text citation whenever you quote, paraphrase or summarise an information source.

Click on the options below for more information.

  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarising

Quoting is copying a short section of text, word for word, directly from an information source into your work. 

1.  Short quotes should:

  • have double quotation marks at the beginning and end of the text
  • be followed with the in-text citation
  • have ellipses (...) if you omit part of the text.

An example of a short quotation: has frequently been identified that "the search for unattainable perfect could mean missing deadlines" (Williams and Reid, 2011, 94).  The implication of this is...​

2. Long quotations are generally longer than two lines.  You should:

  • start the quotation on a new line
  • indent the quotation
  • follow the quotation with the in-text citation
  • start your analysis of the quotation on a new line

An example of a long quotation:

When discussing your findings it is essential that you follow a pattern:

"The important point to remember is that in your review you should present a logical argument...justifying both the need for work and the methodology that is going to be used" (Ridley, 2012, 100).

Without this structure you will struggle to...

Paraphrasing is when you put a short section of text from an information source into your own words.  Although the words are your own, you are still using ideas from the original text.  You must acknowledge the source with an in-text citation.

Summarising gives a broad overview of an information source.  It describes the main ideas in your own words.  You must acknowledge the source with an in-text citation.

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Harvard referencing style: Paraphrasing


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Children who develop a capacity for sympathy or compassion – often through empathetic perspectival experience – understand what their aggression has done to another separate person, for whom they increasingly care. They thus come to feel guilt about their own aggression and real concern for the well-being of the other person. Empathy is not morality, but it can supply crucial ingredients of morality. As concern develops, it leads to an increasing wish to control one’s own aggression; children recognize that other people are not their slaves but separate beings with the right to lives of their own. (Nussbaum, 2010, p. 37)

Nussbaum, M.C. (2010)  Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanities.  Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [Harvard style]

The text in italics above has been written by Martha Nussbaum. I want to paraphrase it so I can use it in my own work. Here are some examples, showing the stages or drafts. 

Stage or draft 1

Children who develop a capacity for sympathy or compassion – understand what their aggression has done to another separate person. They feel guilty about their own aggression and real concern for the well-being of the other person. As concern develops, it leads to an increasing wish to control their own aggression. Then children recognize that other people are separate beings with the right to lives of their own, and not to be ordered around . (Nussbaum, 2010)

This example of a paraphrase shows what happens when you cut and paste text, i.e. you tend to just change words. If you compare it to the original text, you can see it is not that much different. This is a poor paraphrase, and would be likely to be regarded as plagiarism, if submitted to a plagiarism detecting service. 

Stage or draft 2

Nussbaum (2010, p. 37) considered that children need to ‘develop a capacity for sympathy or compassion’, sometimes through experiencing common events or feelings. When they do this, they can better appreciate what their actions have done to another person, for whom they may feel more affection. In fact, children may feel guilty and this helps them to change their behavior and views about other people, who they see more as individuals, to whom they need to relate, rather than issue peremptory orders to people, without reference to the other person’s feelings. 

In this example of paraphrasing, there is more evidence of thinking about the original text (rather than just cutting and pasting) and a good attempt has been made to put it into different words. The same order of the original text remains, and a good tip is to quote a memorable phrase, i.e. a section you might find difficult to put into other words. 

Stage or draft 3

Nussbaum (2010) concluded that children begin to see other people as separate living entities, with their own emotions and activity, rather than simply beings that only exist in relation to children. This process of emotional development and change may occur through experiencing similar events to another person and guilt, when reflecting on their initial, selfish reactions. 

In this example, not only has paraphrasing happened, but the original text has been summarized too, which results in less words being used. Note that the order of the original text has been changed, so that a conclusion has been made, followed by a justification or reason.

For all paraphrasing, the original source needs to be cited in the text, and the source included in the bibliography of your work. 

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Harvard referencing

Reference list vs. Bibliography

In the Harvard style, references are listed at the end of your work, and are organised alphabetically by the surname of the author.

A reference list includes all works that have been referred to in the assignment.

A bibliography includes all the material consulted in writing your assignment even if you have not cited them within it.

Many people use these terms interchangeably so, if you are unsure about whether you need to include a bibliography as well as a reference list, ask your tutor.

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This guide details the Harvard style of referencing based upon the advice given in the "Cite Them Right (2016) 10th rev. and expanded edn." This is the style of Harvard that The University Of Sheffield supports.

Referencing in the Harvard style is a two–part process:

  • Citation in the text : this is the brief indication of the source within the text of your work immediately following the use of the source whether quoted or summarised.
  • Reference list : a complete list of all the cited references used in your work with full bibliographic details, to allow the reader to follow up these references and find the original text.

Creating a citation and reference list

Creating a citation.

Harvard style referencing is an author/date method. Sources are cited within the body of your assignment by giving the name of the author(s) followed by the date of publication. All other details about the publication are given in the list of references or bibliography at the end.

Citations which are used with direct quotations, or are referring to a particular part of a source, should include the page number in your citation, e.g. (Smith, 2017, p. 42) or Smith (2017, p. 42).

Tips on citing where page numbers are not present

If a citation does not have page numbers then you should use the number of the paragraph (if available), e.g. Climate change can refer to local, regional, and global changes in weather (Met Office, 2013, para. 2.).

If the paragraph number is not available then you may direct the reader to a specific section of the item, and then the number of the paragraph, e.g. Using the factor command can...(Gaubatz, 2015, Generating Factors, para. 2.).

If the name of the section is long you may use the first few words of the section in quotation marks, e.g. The value of numbers needs to be random...(Gaubatz, 2015, "Random Numbers and Generating" section, para. 2.).

Tips for citing

  • If the author(s) name appears in the text as part of the body of the assignment, then the year will follow in round brackets, e.g. According to Smith (2017)...
  • If the author(s) name does not appear in the body of the text, then the name and date should follow in round brackets separated by a comma, e.g. The terminology has been called into question when it was discovered...(Smith, 2017).
  • If you are quoting or paraphrasing someone else's work you will need to include the page number(s) of the original material in your citation (see the sections on Quoting and Paraphrasing).
  • The abbreviations ibid. and idem. should not be used within the Harvard referencing system.
  • If more than one of your citations has the same author and year of publication, then you should distinguish between them by using a lower–case letter following the year, e.g. It was discovered that...(Smith, 2017a), this was supported by... (Smith, 2017b).
  • Some authors have the same surname and works published in the same year, if this is the case use their initial to distinguish between them, e.g. When looking at the average income it was found that...(Williams, A., 2009). However, it was also discovered that...(Williams, J., 2009).
  • In some instances you may need to cite more than one piece of work for an idea. If this occurs, you should separate the references with a semicolon and cite them in chronological order, e.g. This point has been shown by numerous authors...(Jones, 2014; Smith, 2017).
  • When citing in-text, include the name of up to three authors. If there are four or more authors for the work you are citing then use the name of the first author followed by " et al ." written in italics, e.g. This was shown to be the case when Taylor et al . (2015)...Or, the study shows...(Taylor et al ., 2015).
  • If there are two or three authors use "and" in between the names rather than "&".
  • For items where the author is a corporation, cite the name of the corporation in full, e.g. Birdwatching in the woods...(Woodland Trust, 2016), unless their abbreviation is well–known, e.g. The governance of the network...(BBC, 2017).
  • If a work is designated as Anonymous or there is no author, use the title in italics in place of the Author, e.g. ( OED online , 2008).
  • If no date can be found then you would state that there is no date, e.g. The ancient text indicated the use of... (Wells, no date).

Quoting is including a section of a source in your own work using exactly the same words as those used by the original author.

Paraphrasing can be used to avoid inserting too many direct quotations into your work, as this can distract from the coherence of the argument you are presenting. The use of quotations varies considerably from discipline to discipline. If in doubt, check with your tutor or in your course handbook for further guidance.

If you are directly quoting from a source, then you should include the page number in your citation.

A short quotation (under two lines), should be within the body of the text and in quotation marks, e.g.

There is still a labelling issue when it comes to flavourings in food, it is noted that, "flavours such as vanillin which occur naturally in food are called ‘nature–identical’. The label does not have to state where it comes from." (Wilson, 2009, p. 257).

If the quote is more than two lines, then it should be presented as a new paragraph which is preceded by a colon and indented from the rest of the text. You do not need to use quotation marks, e.g.

Wilson (2009, p. 257) has looked at food flavourings in the UK and makes the following observation about vanilla:

In Britain, flavours such as vanillin which occur naturally in food are called ‘nature–identical’. The label does not have to state where it comes from. A flavouring only counts as fully ‘artificial’ if it does not occur in nature at all, as is the case with another, stronger vanilla–substitute called ethyl–vanillin (often used in chocolate).

Omitting material from quotations

If you are omitting materials from an original source, use three dots [...] to indicate this, e.g.

Canter and Canter (1992) state that students come to the classroom with "their own needs, their own past experiences and ... their preconceptions of who you are, what your limits will be" (p. 49). It is important to manage the expectations of students effectively.

This does not need to be done at the beginning or end of a sentence.

Reference List

Wilson, B. (2009) Swindled: From poison sweets to counterfeit coffee – the dark history of the food cheats. London: John Murray (Publishers).


Paraphrasing is putting someone else's ideas into your own words. It does not mean changing the odd word or rearranging the sentence. When you paraphrase, you should restate the meaning of the original text in your own words. Be sure to cite and reference when you are paraphrasing someone else's work, e.g.:

Booth et al . (2016, pp. 208-209) give the example of acceptable paraphrasing using Gladwell (2008) as their example:

This this the original quote from Gladwell (2008, p. 38)

"Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play."

Below is an unacceptable paraphrase of the above quote because it follows the original too closely:

Success seems to depend on a combination of talent and preparation. However, when psychologists closely example the gifted and their careers, they discover that innate talent plays a much smaller role than preparation (Gladwell, 2008, p. 38).

The next is an example of an acceptable paraphrase as the meaning of the original has been restated in the author's own words:

As Gladwell (2008, p. 38) observes, summarising studies on the highly successful, we tend to overestimate the role of talent and underestimate that of preparation.

Booth, W.C. et al . (2016) The craft of research . 4th edn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gladwell, M. (2008) Outliers: The story of success. New York: Back Bay Books.


Summarising means briefly stating the main ideas or arguments of a complete information source or a substantial portion of an information source.

Be sure to cite and reference when you are summarising someone else's work. A citation for a summary should include the author and date, e.g. (Smith, 2017) or Smith (2017), but there is no need to include a specific page number.

Secondary Referencing

Secondary referencing.

This is when you reference one author who is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available (refer to the primary source where it is available). Secondary referencing should be avoided where possible - if you have only read the later publication you are accepting someone else's opinion and interpretation of the author's original intention.

You must make it clear to your reader which author you have read whilst giving details of the original source by using ‘cited in’, e.g. (Ecott, 2002, cited in Wilson, 2009) or (Cannon, 1989, quoted in Wilson, 2009, p. 269).

In the reference list you should give details of the item you looked at. Looking at the above examples, you would reference Wilson (2009) in your bibliography/reference list.

Creating a reference list

A reference list is the list of items you have used in your work. Reference lists in Harvard are alphabetical.

General tips for creating a list are:

  • If you have distinguished between authors with the same name and year of publication in your citation, you should use the same letter in your reference list to distinguish them, e.g. (Smith, 2017b) will be Smith, S. (2017b) ...
  • A reference with one author will appear before a reference with two or more authors if the first author has the same last name, e.g. Smith, S. (2017b) would appear before Smith, S. and Jones, A. (2017).
  • Multiple references by the same author or creator are listed in chronological order.
  • Corporations are listed using the first proper noun of the name, e.g. Royal Academy of Arts (The).
  • For references with four or more authors, include only the first author followed by et al written in italics. See Journal Article with many authors for an example.
  • Author/Editor names should be given in the following format: Surname, INITIAL(S). e.g. Smith, F.G.
  • The Edition of a book is not included for the first edition, only for later editions, e.g. 2nd edn, 3rd edn, etc. Edition is abbreviated to edn to distinguish it from the abbreviation for Editor (ed.).

OED online (2017) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Available at: (Accessed: 26 January 2017).

A woman in Berlin (2011) Translated by Philip Boehm. London: Virago.

  • If no date can be found, then you would use (no date).
  • Include the state abbreviation for items published in the United States if it is not obvious where the location is, e.g. you wouldn't need to include NY after New York, but you would include the state abbreviation in 'Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press' as there is also a Cambridge in the UK.

Browne, J. (2010) Securing a sustainable future for higher education: an independent review of higher education funding and student finance [The Browne Report] .

  • If a publisher is not listed or cannot be found, use one of the following (listed in order or preference):
  • Publisher or production company
  • Distributor or issuing body
  • Printer or manufacturer
  • Sponsoring body
  • If there is more than one place of publication, only include the most local one in the reference.
  • Each reference should end in a full stop unless it is a URL or DOI (a full stop after a URL or DOI may be presumed to be part of the link and prevent it from working).

  • For a source with a DOI you don't need to include "Available at" or "(Accessed: date)" in the reference as a DOI is a stable identifier and will not change, whereas a URL may change or be deleted so the extra information is needed to clarify where and when you found the source.
  • Always write DOI in lower case letters in your references, e.g. doi:

Citing and referencing foreign language materials

Citing material from non-roman script e.g. cyrillic, east asian languages.

If you are citing materials from non-roman script, you should transliterate the references to roman script. If you are unsure, you may wish to consult with an expert of the language or an international standard to check.

For in-text citations

  • Spell out the author's family name, or the corporate name, in roman script. If you are unsure of the correct spelling, you may wish to consult with an expert of the language to check.

For references in the reference list/bibliography

  • The family name of the author should be written in full roman script. The initials of the author(s) should also be given in roman script. The name should be given in the order in the reference.
  • The title of the item (article/book/book chapter, etc.) should be given in roman script using the standard conventions for that language.
  • The title should be translated into English and placed in square brackets immediately after the romanised title. The words in the square brackets should not use italics.
  • The journal title or title of a book (if it is an edited book), and publisher's name all need to be given in roman script, but do not need to be translated. If there is an official English translation then you may use it, especially in cases where it provides greater understanding of the subject or publication.

Terao, M. (1998) Denai kugi wa suterareru [The nail that does not stick up may be thrown away]. Tokyo: Fusosha.

  • See more guidance on the romanisation of East Asian languages in Citation and Referencing from the School of East Asian Studies.

Materials in roman script

If you are citing materials produced in a language other than English, but in roman script, you may need to place a translated title in square brackets after the original title, depending on who the intended audience for your work will be.

Frequently referenced items

For a full list of items see Alphabetical list of items

  • Book (with a single author)

In the text

For an in–text citation in your work, you would cite the reference as follows:

Bryman (2016) recommends... Quantitative data is more suited to the study due to... (Bryman, 2016).

In the bibliography/reference list

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title. Edition (if not first edition). Place of publication: Publisher.

Bryman, A. (2016) Social research methods. 5th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

For more information about in–text citation and referencing multiple authors, see Creating a citation and reference list and click on the relevant section.

  • Book (with two or more authors)

Book with two authors

Wallace and Wolf (2006) found that... Globalization is a theory that has many concepts... (Wallace and Wolf, 2006).

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). and Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title. Edition (if not first edition). Place of publication: Publisher.

Wallace, R. A. and Wolf, A. (2006) Contemporary sociological theory: expanding the classical tradition. 6th edn. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Book with three authors

Greig, Taylor and MacKay (2013) found that... Finding the reasons behind a child's behaviour... (Greig, Taylor and MacKay, 2013).

Author Surname, INITIAL(S)., Author Surname, INITIAL(S). and Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title. Edition (if not first edition). Place of publication: Publisher.

Greig, A., Taylor, J. and MacKay, T. (2013) Doing research with children: a practical guide. 3rd edn. London: Sage.

Book with four or more authors

Begg et al . (2014) found that... The elasticity of demand demonstrates... (Begg et al ., 2014).

First Author Surname, INITIAL(S). et al . (Year) Title. Edition (if not first edition). Place of publication: Publisher.

Begg, D.K.H. et al . (2014) Economics . 11th edn. London: McGraw-Hill.

  • For references with four or more authors, include only the first author followed by et al written in italics.

Book – Chapter in an edited book

He (1997) found that... The ethnic relations in China ...(He, 1997).

Zheng (1997) looked at the cultural influences... The culture of western business during the period...(Zheng, 1997).

Chapter Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of chapter', in Editor(s) Surname, Editor(s) Initial. (ed. or eds.) Title of book . Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher, Page numbers.

He, X. (1997) 'The market economy and ethnic relations in China', in Ikeo, A. (ed.) Economic development in twentieth century East Asia: the international context. London: Routledge, pp. 190–205.

Zheng, X. (1997) 'Chinese business culture from the 1920s to the 1950s', in Ikeo, A. (ed.) Economic development in twentieth century East Asia: the international context. London: Routledge, pp. 35–54.

Images and Figures

This guidance is for citing and referencing images and figures that you are referring to in your work. If you have inserted an image or figure into your work please see the "Guidance for taught course students inserting images and figures into university work."

The overflow of the Ladybower Reservoir can be seen in the image (andy_c, 2005)...

Schnabel (1984) created the artwork using paint on velvet...

The photograph (Nicholls, 1919) shows the 18th Battalion...

The painting shows the effects of intense heat on the structure of a building (Sutherland, 1941).

From an online collection/social media site, e.g. Flickr, Instagram, etc.

Artist/Creator Surname, INITIAL(S). OR screen name (Year) Title of image/figure [Description]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

andy_c (2005) Ladybower Plughole [Photograph]. Available at: (Accessed: 6 July 2016).

From a museum/gallery (either viewed in person or online)

Artist/Creator Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title of image/figure [Description]. Name of museum/gallery, Location. [If viewed in person] (Viewed: Date). [If viewed online] Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Nicholls, H. (1919) Preparations for the Peace Day Celebrations, July 1919 [Photograph]. Imperial War Museum, London. Available at: (Accessed: 2 January 2016).

From a journal

Artist/Creator Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) ‘Title of image/figure’ [Description], in Author of journal article (if different to Artist/Creator) Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal Volume(Issue), Page number. [If online] Available at: URL (Accessed: date) OR doi:

Schnabel, J. (1984) ‘Ethnic Types #15 and #72’ [Oil, animal hide, modeling paste on velvet], in Sans, J. (2020) ‘Julian Schnabel: The Myth Unfurls’, Art in Translation 12(3), p. 400. doi:

From a book/ebook

Artist/Creator Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) ‘Title of image/figure’ [Description], in Author of book (if different to Artist/Creator) Surname, INITIAL(S). Title of book (Year). Place of publication: Publisher, Page number.

Sutherland, G. (1941) ‘Devastation 1941: City, twisted girders’ [Painting], in Mellor, L. Reading the ruins: Modernism, bombsites and British culture (2011). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 119.

  • Reference an ebook in the same way as a print book. You do not need to add the URL.
  • In some cases you may need to use the screen name of the creator if their real name is not available, which may be the case with image sharing or social media websites.
  • If a person or corporation cannot be identified as the artist/creator, omit the artist/creator and start the reference with the title.
  • If there is no clear title to the image, a popular title may be used if one exists. If a popular title to the image does not exist then you will need to supply the image with a title, in square brackets, providing the following where possible:
  • The subject matter.
  • The name or place of the object depicted, i.e. the person, the building, the location, etc.
  • Some online journal articles group multiple figures together as one downloadable image. If you are only referring to one of the figures within the image, make this clear by using the title of that particular figure in your citation/reference.
  • Include a description of the item in square brackets, e.g. [Photograph], [Diagram], [Table], etc. If it is a painting or drawing you can either describe it as [Painting] or [Drawing], or if the medium used is available you can use this as the description, e.g. [Watercolour], [Oil on canvas], [Charcoal on paper], etc.
  • If you are referencing an image or figure from a source other than those listed above, include the details of the source in the usual format for that item type after the details of the image.
  • You don't need to include a citation and reference for any images or figures that you have created yourself. Everything in your work is assumed to be your own work unless you state otherwise, i.e. by citing someone else's work.

Journal Article – Print

Austin (2009) argues that periodical conflict may be expected... It can be assumed that pickpocketing...(Austin, 2009)

Author of article Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of article', Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page range.

Austin, T. (2012) 'Takers keepers, losers weepers: theft as customary play in southern Philippines', Journal of Folklore Research, 49(3), pp. 263–284.

  • Enclose the title of the article in single quotation marks.
  • Capitalise the first letter of each of the main words of the journal title, but not the linking words such as "and", "for", "of" or "the".

Journal Article with a DOI (Electronic)

What is a doi.

If you are unsure if the article you are looking at has a DOI, please see the following page: DOIs and URLs which gives an explanation of the identifier.

Dobson (2006) identified that the depiction... The stereotypical portrayal of cultures...(Dobson, 2006).

Author of article Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , Volume(Issue), Page range (if available). doi:

Dobson, H. (2006) 'Mister Sparkle meets the 'Yakuza': depictions of Japan in The Simpsons', Journal of Popular Culture , 39(1), pp. 44–68. doi:

  • For a journal article with a DOI you don't need to include "Available at" or "(Accessed: date)" in the reference as a DOI is a stable identifier and will not change, whereas a URL may change or be deleted so the extra information is needed to clarify where and when you found the article.
  • Always write DOI in lower case letters in your references, e.g. doi.
  • A DOI should be written with the prefix followed by the DOI number.
  • Never put a full stop after a DOI or URL as it may be assumed that it is part of the DOI or URL and prevent it from working.

For an in-text citation in your work, you would cite the reference as follows:

Johnson and Fitzpatrick (2007) note that street users... Enforcement areas for the problem...(Johnson and Fitzpatrick, 2007)

J Sainsbury (2016) acknowledged the amount of food waste... Supermarkets are aware of the waste created due to...(J Sainsbury, 2016)

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2015) reported that... ...the supply of new homes would need to be sustainable (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2015)

Snowdon (2017) looked at the cost of healthy eating... It was found that the cost of a healthy diet...(Snowdon, 2017)

Schonfeld and Sweeney (2019) note that art museums... To reach and engage new audiences...(Schonfeld and Sweeney, 2019)

Physical item

Author Surname, INITIAL(S) or Corporate Author (Year of publication) Title of report . Paper number (if applicable). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Johnson, S. and Fitzpatrick, S. (2007) The impact of enforcement on street users in England . Bristol: The Policy Press.

Online/Electronic with a URL

Author Surname, INITIAL(S) or Corporate Author (Year of publication) Title of report . Paper number (if applicable). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2015) Building sustainable homes . Available at: (Accessed: 4 May 2017).

J Sainsbury (2016) Sainsbury's food surplus and food waste: how we are delivering a positive impact . Available at:'s%20food%20surplus%20and%20food%20waste%20figures%2015-16%20report.pdf (Accessed: 4 May 2017).

Snowdon, C. (2017) Cheap as chips: Is a healthy diet affordable? IEA Discussion Paper No. 82. Available at:  (Accessed: 30 March 2017).

Online/Electronic with a DOI

If you are unsure if the item you are looking at has a DOI, please see the following page: DOIs and URLs which gives an explanation of the identifier.

Author Surname, INITIAL(S) or Corporate Author (Year of publication) Title of report . Paper number (if applicable). doi:

Schonfeld, R.C. and Sweeney, L. (2019) Organizing the work of the art museum . doi:

  • For a report with a DOI you don't need to include "Available at" or "(Accessed: date)" in the reference as a DOI is a stable identifier and will not change, whereas a URL may change or be deleted so the extra information is needed to clarify where and when you found the report.

Web page with an individual author

In Michael Rosen's biography (2021)... He began writing poetry at the age of twelve...(Rosen, 2021)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S) (Year site was published/last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Rosen, M. (2021) Michael Rosen Biography . Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2021).

Web page with a group or organisation as author

The NHS (2019) lists the main symptoms... The causes of diabetes...(NHS, 2019)

Group or Corporate author (Year site was published/last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

NHS (2019) Diabetes . Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2021).

Web page with no author

The Grey to Green Sheffield project (2016) has had national recognition... A sustainable drainage system was used...( Grey to Green Sheffield , 2016)

Title of web page (Year site was published/last updated). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Grey to Green Sheffield (2016). Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2021).

  • If a web page has no author, use the title of the page in italics in place of the author for both the in-text citation and the reference.
  • If the Corporate Author is well known by an abbreviation, for the first time you cite the resource write out the name in full followed by the abbreviation in round brackets, then use just the abbreviation for second and further citations, e.g. for the first citation use (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2016) or National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), (2016). The second and further citations would then read (NICE, 2016) or NICE (2016).
  • You can then use the abbreviation in your reference list rather than writing out the name in full.
  • If you cannot find the date that the web page was published or last updated, use (no date).

Alphabetical list of items

Jump to: A, B | C, D | E, F, G | H, I, J, K | L, M, N, O, P | Q, R, S, T | U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Act of Parliament (Government Publication)

For Acts of Parliament see Government Publication - Act of Parliament

Amendment (Government Publication)

For Amendments see Government Publication - Parliamentary Bills, Amendments and Explanatory Notes.

Ancient or Historical Texts

Southey (1876) provided a culturally... The Common-place book (Southey, 1876)...

Hobbes (1651) demonstrates an example of... The demonstration of a social structure can be identified...(Hobbes, 1651).

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year of publication) Title . Translated by INITIAL(S). Surname (if relevant). Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher or Printing statement. Series and Volume number (if relevant).

Southey, R. (1876) Common-place book . London: Reeves and Turner.

Some early printed books were privately printed and do not have a publisher, in which case give the printing statement from the book in your reference. For example:

Hobbes, T. (1651) Leviathan . London: Printed for Andrew Crooke.


If the online version you are referencing is a scanned version of the printed book with the same page numbers and publication information, reference it in the same way you would reference a printed book. You do not need to include the URL in your reference.

However, if you have downloaded the ebook onto an edevice and the page numbers are not available in the device you are using, use the information that is available, such as loc, %, chapter or paragraph if you need to identify a particular page/section for your in-text citation. See Book - Electronic for further information

  • If there is no author or the author is designated as "Anonymous", use the title in italics in place of the author in both the reference and the in-text citation.
  • Reference the edition that you have read.

For texts translated from the original see Translated item .

campusM (2021) created... The app iSheffield allows the user...(campusM, 2021)

Developer/Producer (Year of release/update) Title of app (Version) [Mobile app]. Available at: app store name (Downloaded: date).

campusM (2021) iSheffield (Version 9.5.4) [Mobile app]. Available at: Google Play (Downloaded: 25 March 2021).

  • If the name of the Developer/Producer is not available, use the title of the app in italics in place of it in the reference and the in-text citation.
  • The Downloaded: date in the reference is the date that you downloaded the app onto your device.

Art e.g. in an art gallery, museum or online

Paintings/drawings viewed in a gallery or museum.

The Mona Lisa by DaVinci (1503-18) focuses closely on the subject... The famous smile on the Mona Lisa (DaVinci, 1503-18) has become...

Blake's The Laborious Passage Along the Rocks (1824-27) portrays... The illustration shows Virgil helping Dante... (Blake, 1824-27)

Surname of artist, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title [Medium]. Holding institution, City.

Blake, W. (1824-27) The Laborious Passage Along the Rocks [Graphite, ink and watercolour on paper]. Tate Gallery, London.

DaVinci, L. (1503-18) Mona Lisa [Oil on wood]. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Paintings/drawings viewed online

See Images and Figures

Installation/exhibit viewed in a gallery or museum

Long's Delabole Spiral (1981) is made from slabs of slate... The spiral of jagged-edged slate (Long, 1981) represents...

The Brandy saucepan made by Nathaniel Smith & Company (1789) was used to heat... The saucepan (Nathaniel Smith & Company, 1789) was hallmarked in Sheffield...

Surname of artist, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title [Installation or Exhibit]. Holding institution, City (Viewed: date).

Long, R. (1981) Delabole Spiral [Installation]. Graves Gallery, Sheffield (Viewed: 19 January 2019).

Nathaniel Smith & Company (1789) Brandy saucepan [Exhibit]. Millennium Gallery, Sheffield (Viewed: 19 January 2019).

Installation/exhibit viewed online

  • The subject matter
  • If no exact date can be found then you would use (no date).
  • The original title of a translated information resource, or a translation of the title, may be supplied immediately after the original title, e.g. Kinderhände im washbecken [Children's Hands in Washbasin] .
  • If the artwork has a popular or traditional title, then you may use this, e.g. Mona Lisa.

Bill (Government Publication)

For Bills see Government Publication - Parliamentary Bills, Amendments and Explanatory Notes.

Chaurey (2020) considers ethical review processes... The limitations of the framework...(Chaurey, 2020)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of blog post', Title of blog, Day/Month of post. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Chaurey, K. (2020) 'Decolonising ethics frameworks for research in Africa', Africa at LSE, 8th January. Available at: (Accessed: 29 March 2021).

  • If the author of a blog post has used an alias instead of their real full name, you may use this in the in-text citation and reference.


For Blu–Ray see Video - Physical Format

Chapter Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of chapter', in Editor(s) Surname, Editor(s) INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.) Title of book . Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher, Page numbers.

Book – Edited

In the bibliography/reference list for one editor.

Editor Surname, INITIAL(S). (ed.) (Year) Title . Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher.

Ikeo, A. (ed.) (1997) Economic development in twentieth century East Asia: the international context. London: Routledge.

In the bibliography/reference list for two editors

Editor Surname, INITIAL(S). and Editor Surname, INITIAL(S). (eds.) (Year) Title . Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher.

Parker, R. and Aggleton, P. (eds.) (2007) Culture, society and sexuality: a reader. 2nd edn. London: Routledge.

In the bibliography/reference list for three editors

Alcock, P., May, M. and Wright, S. (eds.) (2012) The student's companion to social policy. 4th edn. Oxford: Wiley–Blackwell.

In the bibliography/reference list for four or more editors

First Editor Surname, INITIAL(S). et al . (eds.) (Year) Title. Edition (if not the first). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Ritchie, J. et al. (eds.) (2014) Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers. 2nd edn. Los Angeles: Sage.

  • If there are two or three editors use "and" in between the names rather than "&".
  • For references with four or more editors, include only the first editor's name followed by et al written in italics.

Book – Electronic

  • Book - Chapter in an edited book
  • Book - Edited

For an e-reader (e.g. Kindle)

The main sociological theories are explained (Bruce, 2018)... Bruce explains this particular theory as...(2018, 52%)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title of item . Edition (if not the first). Available at: URL (Downloaded: date).

Bruce, S. (2018) Sociology: a very short introduction . 2nd edn. Available at: (Downloaded: 30 April 2021).

The Downloaded: date in the reference is the date that you downloaded the book onto your device.

Please note that case law is formatted in one of two ways:

  • For cases from approximately 2001 onwards, where a neutral citation is available, this should be included in the citation.
  • For pre-2001 cases, or any other case where there is no neutral citation , you will only need to include a law report citation .

Neutral citations enable people to find cases online more easily and are independent of any printed series of law reports. Each neutral citation is made up of:

  • The year that the case was heard.
  • An abbreviation for the relevant court (e.g. UKSC for the United Kingdom Supreme Court; EWCA Crim for the Court of Appeal Criminal Division; AC for the Appeals Court).
  • Case number (i.e. the number 4 would mean the fourth case heard in that particular court that year).

An example of a neutral citation would be:

[2010] UKSC 42.

In a neutral citation, the abbreviated court name will start with "UK" or "EW" to indicate that the court's jurisdiction extends to the United Kingdom or England and Wales.

Law report citations are made up of:

  • The year the law report was made available, contained within [square brackets].
  • The law report volume number.
  • Abbreviation of the law report title.
  • Page or case number from the law report.

An example of a law report citation would be:

[2011] 1 AC 534.

When citing a judgement from a law report, cite the 'best report' ( as indicated in hierarchy of law reports ). If there is no neutral citation (for cases before 2001), also indicate the court in brackets at the end of the law report citation, e.g. (SC) for the Supreme Court.

For example:

[2011] 1 AC 534, (SC).

In the text citation (for cases with and without neutral citation)

You should use the party names (in italics) and the year the case was heard in court.

In the case of ' Radmacher v Granatino ' (2010) the Supreme Court ruled that... ...when a court grants a decree of divorce, nullity of marriage or judicial separation it has the power to order ancillary relief (' Radmacher v Granatino ', 2010).

Cases with a neutral court citation (from approximately 2001 onwards)

Standard citation, where there is no link to a publicly accessible website or where you have referred to a paper/hard copy of the case law.

' Case name ', neutral court citation, law report citation.

' Radmacher v Granatino ', [2010] UKSC 42, [2011] 1 AC 534.

Standard citation from a publicly accessible website

' Case name ', neutral court citation. Database or website name [Online]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

' Radmacher v Granatino ' [2010], UKSC 42. BAILII [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 16 August 2018).

Cases before 2001

For cases without a neutral citation.

' Case name ', law report citation, (court abbreviation).

' James v Eastleigh BC ', [1990] 2 AC 751, (HL).

' Case name ', law report citation, (court abbreviation). Database or website name [Online]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

' James v Eastleigh BC ', [1990] 2 AC 751, (HL). BAILII [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 12 June 2023).

Important note about referencing online case reports

  • Only use URLs from publicly available websites such as the "British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII)" , not from databases such as Nexis or Westlaw as these are not publicly available. If you are citing from Westlaw (or another database which is not freely available and accessible) cite as a "Standard citation, where there is no link to a publicly available website", and do not include a web link. For example: ' Radmacher v Granatino ', [2010] UKSC 42, [2011] 1 AC 534.

Census Data

For Census Data see Dataset

Chapter in a book

For Chapter in a book see Book - Chapter in an edited book

Clinical Guidelines

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2015) guideline... ...the guideline stipulates...(National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2015).

The British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) (2017) guideline... ...initial investigations should include...(British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), 2017).

Corporate Author (Year of publication) Title of Guideline . Reference Number (if given). Place of publication: Publisher.

NICE (2004) The epilepsies: the diagnosis and management of the epilepsies in adults and children in primary and secondary care . CG20. London: National Institute for Clinical Excellence.

Corporate Author (Year of publication) Title of Guideline . Reference Number (if given). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

BSG (2017) Guidelines on the management of abnormal liver blood tests . Available at: (Accessed: 30 March 2021).

NICE (2015) Obesity in children and young people: prevention and lifestyle weight management programmes . QS94. Available at: (Accessed: 4 August 2017).

  • A DOI should be written with the prefix followed by the DOI number, e.g.

It’s important to acknowledge the source of code just like you would acknowledge the source of any work that is not your own. Referencing correctly will help to distinguish your work from others, give credit to the original author and allow anyone to identify the source.

See Referencing Code for guidance. You will need to adapt the guidance to your referencing style.

Command Paper (Government Publication)

For Command Paper see Government Publication - Command Paper

Compact Disc (CD)

For Compact Disc (CD) see Music - Album (Physical Format) or Music - Album Track (Physical Format)

Conference Papers

Galar et al . (2014) identified that the risks of... SMART risk assessments...(Galar et al ., 2014)

Redknap (2004) questioned whether settlements in North Wales... The geographical location of Anglesey meant that...(Redknap, 2004).

Fujikami et al . (2015) identified that in order to improve Fast Device Discovery... Fast Device Discovery can be aided by...(Fujikami et al ., 2015)

Author(s) of paper Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Paper title', Conference title. Place of conference, Date of conference. Place of publication: Publisher, Page numbers.

Galar, D. et al. (2014) 'SMART: integrating human safety risk assessment with Asset Integrity', Advances in condition monitoring of machinery in non–stationary operations, proceedings of the third international conference on condition monitoring of machinery in non–stationary operations, CMMNO, 2013 . Ferrara, Italy, 8-10 May. Berlin: Springer, pp. 37–59.

Redknap, M. (2004) 'Viking–age settlements in Wales and the evidence from Llanbedrgoch', Land, sea and home, proceedings of a conference on Viking–period settlement . Cardiff, July 2001. Leeds: Manay Publishing, pp. 139–175.

Author(s) of paper Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Paper title', Conference title . Place of conference, Date of conference, Page numbers (if available). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Fujikami, S. et al. (2015) 'Fast device discovery for vehicle–to–pedestrian communication using wireless LAN', 12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2015). Las Vegas, NV, 9–12 January. pp. 35–40. doi:

  • The name of the conference, in italics, should be used as the author if an individual author, or corporate author, cannot be identified.
  • You don't need to include the Place of publication or Publisher if you are referencing an online source.

Conference Poster

Bazela, Grant and Tucker (2014) presented the poster... ...the poster shows the use of technology enhanced learning...(Bazela, Grant and Tucker, 2014).

Kleinschmidt, Fuhr and Wietfeld (2016) demonstrated the... ...the conference poster showed...(Kleinschmidt, Fuhr and Wietfeld, 2016).

Author(s) of poster Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of poster' [Poster], Conference title . Place of conference, Date of conference.

Bazela, C., Grant, V. and Tucker, A. (2014) 'History of medicine 2.0: using creative media to enhance information literacy teaching for 1st year medical students' [Poster], LILAC . Sheffield, 23-25 April.

If accessed online (published in conference proceedings)

Author(s) of poster Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of poster' [Poster], Conference title . Place of conference, Date of conference. Page numbers (if available). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Kleinschmidt, T., Fuhr, O. and Wietfeld, C. (2016) 'Synchronised charging of electric vehicles with distant renewable energy resources' [Poster], 2016 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) . Columbus, OH, 8-10 December. doi:

If accessed online (via conference website)

Author(s) of poster Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of poster' [Poster], Conference title . Place of conference, Date of conference. Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Bazela, C., Grant, V. and Tucker, A. (2014) 'History of medicine 2.0: using creative media to enhance information literacy teaching for 1st year medical students' [Poster], LILAC . Sheffield, 23-25 April. Available at: (Accessed: 31 May 2017).

Conference Proceedings

Editor(s) of proceedings Surname, INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.) (Year) Title of conference . Place of conference, Date of conference. Place of publication: Publisher. Volume (if needed).

Dalpiaz, G. et al. (eds.) (2014) Advances in condition monitoring of machinery in non–stationary operations, proceedings of the third international conference on condition monitoring of machinery in non–stationary operations, CMMNO, 2013 . Ferrara, Italy, 8-10 May. Berlin: Springer.

Orman, W. and Valleau, M.J. (eds.) (2014). Proceedings of the 38th annual Boston University Conference on language development . Boston, MA, 1-3 November 2013. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Volume 2.

Editor(s) of proceedings Surname, INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.) (Year) Title of conference . Place of conference, Date of conference. Volume (if needed). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2015) 12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2015) . Las Vegas, NV, 9–12 January. Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2015).

Confidential Information

There may be cases where the source you are citing and referencing will need to be anonymised, e.g. names in medical, legal or business material. In place of real names you may use terms such as “Patient X” or “Placement School”. If the source is a medical image, e.g. a patient X-ray or scan, use the format in the Medical images section of Images and Figures .

The treatment strategies for these patients (Placement hospital, 2022)...

[Anonymised institution/agency] (Year produced) Anonymised title with square brackets around the anonymised name if it appears in the title . Location: [Anonymised producer].

[Placement hospital] (2022) [Placement hospital] treatment strategies for cardiology patients . South Yorkshire: [Placement hospital].

  • If the location of the town or city would be likely to identify a specific institution, use the county as the location instead, e.g. South Yorkshire: [Placement hospital].

For Court Case see Case Law .

The Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division (2019) provided the statistics for... The statistics show that social divisions within the UK... (The Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division, 2019)

NHS Digital (2015) provided the statistics for obesity, these show... The statistics show that physical activity...(NHS Digital, 2015)

Curwen (2021) conducted experiments to confirm whether synaesthesia... The data showed that synaesthesia for written musical keys...(Curwen, 2021)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). OR Organisation (Year) 'Title of dataset'. Edition (if necessary). Number or Version of dataset (if necessary). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Curwen, C. (2021) 'Synaesthesia for reading written musical keys'. Version 3. Available at: (Accessed 28 June 2021).

NHS Digital (2015) 'Statistics on obesity, physical activity and diet, England'. Available at: (Accessed 23 January 2017).

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division (2019) 'Annual Population Survey, April 2015-2016'. 6th edn. SN: 8003. doi:

Dictionary Entry – Print

'Research' (2009) is defined as... This is the process of...('Research', 2009)

Berges (2012) notes that 'moral development'... 'Moral development' is associated with...(Berges, 2012)

Author of Section Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of entry', in Editor(s) Surname, INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.) Title: Volume (if applicable). Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher. Page numbers.

Berges, S. (2012) 'Moral Development', in Chadwick, R. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics: Volume 3 M–R. 2nd edn. London: Academic Press. pp. 141–151.

'Research' (2009) in Concise Oxford English Dictionary . 11th rev. edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 1222.

Dictionary Entry – Online

Author of Section Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of entry', in Editor(s) Surname, INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.) Title: Volume (if applicable). Edition (if not first). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

'Research, n.1' (2015) in OED Online. Available at: (Accessed: 14 December 2015).

Full Dictionary – In Print

Editor(s) Surname, INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.) (Year) Title (no. of vols. if applicable). Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher.

Chadwick, R. (ed.) (2012) Encylopedia of applied ethics (4 vols.). 2nd edn. London: Academic Press.

Soanes, C. and Stevenson, A. (eds.) (2005) Oxford English Dictionary . 2nd rev. edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Full Dictionary Online

Editor(s) Surname, INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.) (replace with Title if no editor) (Year) Title (no. of vols. if applicable). Edition (if not first). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

OED online (2021). Available at: (Accessed: 28 June 2021).

Dissertation (Undergraduate or Masters)

Vickers (2008) noted that the impact of technology has changed the way spaces within a library building are provided... Learning spaces and services provided are changing due to technological advances (Vickers, 2008)...

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title . Award and Type of qualification. Awarding body.

Vickers, S. (2008) An oral history examination of how technology has impacted on library space using the University of Sheffield Library as a case study. MA Dissertation. University of Sheffield.

For DVD see Video - Physical Format

Electronic Book

For Electronic Book see Book - Electronic

Electronic Journal

For Electronic Journal see Journal Article with a DOI (Electronic) or Journal Article without a DOI (Electronic)


For Encyclopedia see Dictionary

Full exhibition

The exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery ( Elizabeth I & Her People, 2013–2014)... In the exhibition Elizabeth I & Her People (2013–2014)...

Beatles to Bowie: the 60s exposed (2009–2010) showcased the acts of the 1960s... Images of music personalities and memorabilia from the 1960s formed a major exhibition in the National Portrait Gallery ( Beatles to Bowie: the 60s exposed , 2009–2010)...

The exhibition The Age of Abstraction: Women Artists (2016) at Graves Gallery exhibited... Use of colour, pattern and line have been explored in a recent exhibition ( The Age of Abstraction: Women Artists , 2016) which delves...

Title of exhibition (Year) [Exhibition]. Location. Date(s) of exhibition.

Beatles to Bowie: the 60s exposed (2009–2010) [Exhibition]. National Portrait Gallery, London. 15 October 2009–24 January 2010.

Elizabeth I & Her People (2013–2014) [Exhibition]. National Portrait Gallery, London. 10 October 2013–5 January 2014.

The Age of Abstraction: Women Artists (2016) [Exhibition]. Graves Gallery, Sheffield. 5 February 2016–29 October 2016.

Item type as part of an exhibition

For an in–citation in your work, you would cite the reference as follows:

The portrait of Elizabeth I by Hilliard (1585)... The painting of Elizabeth I (Hilliard, 1585) shows the monarch...

Bebbington (1969) captures David Bowie... The image of David Bowie (Bebbington, 1969)...

Artist Surname, INITIAL(S). (Date of artwork) Title of Artwork [Item type], in Title of exhibition [Exhibition]. Location. Date(s) of exhibition.

Bebbington, D. (1969) 'David Bowie' [Photograph] in Beatles to Bowie: the 60s exposed (2009–2010) [Exhibition]. National Portrait Gallery, London. 15 October 2009–24 January 2010.

Hilliard, N. (1585) 'Elizabeth I, the "Ermine" portrait' [Oil painting] in Elizabeth I & Her People (2013–2014) [Exhibition]. National Portrait Gallery, London. 10 October 2013–5 January 2014.

  • An exhibition may run over a period of two years, if this is the case you may enter a date range, e.g. 2013–2014.

For Facebook see Social Media

For Fact Sheet see Information Sheet

For Film see Video section

Forum Post/Message Board

For an in-text citation in your work, you would cite your reference as follows:

Keith (2019) discusses network connectivity issues on Ubuntu... Network connectivity issues in the software...(Keith, 2019)

McNaught (2021) posted details about the survey... ...about the barriers experienced in implementing accessibility (McNaught, 2021).

Username or Surname, INITIAL(S). of creator (Year) 'Title/Subject of message', Title of host message system (required if applicable), Day/Month message was posted. Available at: URL or Available email: email address (Accessed: date).

Keith (2019) 'usb wireless adapter for Ubuntu18.04', Linux Forums , 11 July. Available at: (Accessed: 26 May 2021).

McNaught, A. (2021) 'Implementing digital accessibility regulations', DIGITALACCESSIBILITYREGULATIONS , 4 May. Available email: [email protected] (Accessed: 26 May 2021).

  • If the author of a post has used an alias instead of their real full name, you may use this in the in-text citation and reference.

Government Publication – Act of Parliament

It is now possible to face up to 7 years imprisonment for supplying psychoactive substances ( Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 )... The Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 introduced the ban on...

Title of Act including year and chapter number . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, c. 2. Available at: (Accessed: 6 May 2021).

Or if you are referencing the PDF version:

Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, c. 2. Available at: (Accessed: 6 May 2021).

  • In the in-text citation, the date does not need to be stated separately in round brackets as it already appears in the title of the Act.
  • Most Acts will be available to access online and you can either reference the web page or the PDF, whichever one you viewed it as.

Government Publication – Command Paper

The principles of the Teaching Excellence Framework were introduced as a way...(Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2015) The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2015) introduced the framework...

In a report on the knowledge economy (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2016)... The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2016) has stated that...

Challenges facing the NHS...(Department of Health, 2016) The Department of Health (2016) suggests that demand reduction...

Government Department (at the time of publication) (Year) Title (Paper number). Place of publication: Publisher.

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2015) Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice (Cm 9141). London: HMSO.

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2016) Success as a knowledge economy: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice (Cm 9258). London: HMSO.

Department of Health (2016) Government response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee report into the impact of the spending review on health and social care (Cm 9385). London: HMSO.

Government Department (at the time of publication) (Year) Title (Paper number). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2015) Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice (Cm 9141). Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2015).

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2016) Success as a knowledge economy: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice (Cm 9258). Available at: (Accessed: 17 June 2016).

Department of Health (2016) Government response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee report into the impact of the spending review on health and social care (Cm 9385). Available at: (Accessed: 1 February 2017).

The numbering of Command Papers is done by running numbers with a prefix which changes as the number gets close to 10,000. The prefixes are listed below:

  • 1899–1869 – 1–4222
  • 1870–1899 – C 1–C 9550
  • 1900–1918 – Cd 1–Cd 9239
  • 1919–1956 – Cmd 1–Cmd 9889
  • 1956–1986 – Cmnd 1–Cmnd 9927
  • 1986–2018 – Cm 1–Cm 9756
  • 2019–current – CP 1–

Government Publication – Government Statistics or Dataset

The Department of Health (2015) statistics show... The DoLS statistics (Department of Health, 2015) show that the trend...

Governmental Department (Year) 'Title of Dataset'. Edition (if necessary). Number of dataset (if necessary). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Department of Health (2015) 'DoLS monthly summary statistics'. Quarter 2, 2015 to 2016: raw data. Available at: (Accessed 1 February 2017).

Government Publication – Hansard

The Hansard House of Commons and House of Lords official records from 1802 to the present day are available at the "UK Parliament Hansard" website.

For an in–text citation in your work, you would reference the in-text citation as follows:

Jonathan Ashworth MP (2021) questioned how the care system would be integrated... The need for a sustainable social care plan (Ashworth, 2021)...

Clive Betts MP (2017) mentions the mixture of funding for social care... Questioning the future of funding (Betts, 2017)...

Name of speaker/author (Year) 'Subject of debate or speech', Hansard: Name of House of Parliament debates/written statement/Westminster Hall or petitions , Day and Month, Volume, Column or Page number. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Ashworth, J. (2021) 'Future of Health and Care', Hansard: House of Commons debates, 11 February, 689, c. 508. Available at: (Accessed 17 May 2021).

Betts, C. (2017) 'Health and Social Care Budgets', Hansard: House of Commons Westminster Hall, 14 March, 623, cc. 28WH–29WH. Available at: (Accessed 17 May 2021).

  • If you are citing one column use c. as the prefix to the column number. If you are citing more than one column, use cc. as the prefix.

Government Publication – House of Lords and House of Commons Papers

More than 30 fully funded Marshall Scholarships were awarded during the academic year...(Parliament. House of Commons, 2016a) The Marshall Aid Commemoration Committee (Parliament. House of Commons, 2016a) awarded scholarships...

Affordable housing remains on the agenda for the current government...(Parliament. House of Lords, 2016) The Select Committee for Economic Affairs (Parliament. House of Lords, 2016) looked at the provision of affordable housing...

If the provision of the regulation is broken...(Parliament. House of Lords, 2017) The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (Parliament. House of Lords, 2017) found that maximum penalties could be...

The deficits within the NHS...(Parliament. House of Commons, 2016b) The Health Committee (Parliament. House of Commons, 2016b) found that the deficit within the NHS...

Parliament. House of Commons or House of Lords. (Year) Title . (HC or HL Session and Paper number). Place of publication: Publisher.

Parliament. House of Commons (2016a) Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission Account 2015–2016 (HC 2016–2017 539). London: National Audit Office.

Parliament. House of Commons (2016b) Impact of the spending review on health and social care: First Report of Session 2016-17 (HC 2016–2017 139). London: By the authority of the House of Commons.

Parliament. House of Lords (2016) Building more homes : First Report of Session 2016-17 (HL 2016–2017 (20)). London: By the authority of the House of Lords.

Parliament. House of Lords (2017) Health Service Medical Supplies (Costs) Bill: 12th Report of Session 2016-17 (HL 2016–2017 (94)). London: By the authority of the House of Lords.

Parliament. House of Commons or House of Lords (Year) Title (HC or HL Session and Paper number). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Parliament. House of Commons (2016a) Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission Account 2015–2016 (HC 2016–2017 539). Available at: (Accessed 7 August 2016).

Parliament. House of Commons (2016b) Impact of the spending review on health and social care: First Report of Session 2016-17 (HC 2016–2017 139). Available at: (Accessed 1 February 2017).

Parliament. House of Lords (2016) Building more homes: First Report of Session 2016-17 (HL 2016–2017 (20)). Available at: (Accessed 8 September 2016).

Parliament. House of Lords (2017) Health Service Medical Supplies (Costs) Bill: 12th Report of Session 2016-17 (HL 2016–2017 (94)). Available at: (Accessed 12 November 2017).

  • If more than one of your citations has the same author and year of publication, then you should distinguish between them by using a lower–case letter following the year, e.g. The paper...(Parliament. House of Commons, 2016a)...this was supported by...(Parliament. House of Commons, 2016b).
  • In your references, paper numbers for the House of Lords papers are put within round brackets after the Session dates to distinguish them from identical House of Commons paper numbers, e.g. paper number 20 from the House of Commons Session 2016–2017 would be written (HC 2016–2017 20) whereas paper number 20 from the House of Lords Session 2016–2017 would be written (HL 2016–2017 (20)).

Government Publication – Parliamentary Bills, Amendments and Explanatory Notes

The Digital Economy Bill (2016) has attracted controversy... The House of Commons proposed that the BBC could face more regulation from Ofcom ( Digital Economy Bill , 2016)

Increased measures for child safety have been included in amendments to the Crime and Policing Bill (2016)... The House of Lords ( Crime and Policing Bill , 2016) have amended...

The Oil and Gas Authority were transferred regulatory powers from the Secretary of State for Energy ( Energy Bill Explanatory Notes , 2015) The House of Lords note in the Energy Bill Explanatory Notes (2015) that the Oil and Gas Authority...

Title (Year of publication). Parliament: House of Commons or House of Lords. Bill no. Place of publication: Publisher.

Digital Economy Bill (2016). Parliament: House of Commons. Bill no. 45. London: The Stationery Office.

Energy Bill Explanatory Notes (2015). Parliament: House of Lords. Bill no. 56–EN. London: The Stationery Office.

Policing and Crime Bill Amendments (2016). Parliament: House of Lords. Bill no. 55 c. London: The Stationery Office.

Title (Year of publication). Parliament: House of Commons or House of Lords. Bill no. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Digital Economy Bill (2016). Parliament: House of Commons. Bill no. 45. Available at: (Accessed: 16 August 2016).

Energy Bill Explanatory Notes (2015). Parliament: House of Lords. Bill no. 56–EN. Available at: (Accessed 30 August 2016).

Policing and Crime Bill Amendments (2016). Parliament: House of Lords. Bill no. 55 c. Available at: (Accessed: 1 September 2016).

Government Publication – Statutory Instruments

For an in–text citation in your work, you would reference the citation as follows:

The Police (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2006 introduced changes... Conflicts of interest for Police Officers should be reported to their senior...( The Police (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2006 )

Name of Statutory Instrument including year (SI year/number). Place of publication: Publisher.

The Police (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/3449). London: The Stationery Office.

Name of Statutory Instrument including year (SI year/number). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

The Police (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/3449). Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2016).

Government Publication – Other Official Publications

The ongoing decommissioning of nuclear plants in scheduled...(Office for Nuclear Regulation, 2016) The Office for Nuclear Regulation (2016) have set out their strategic aims...

The funding of care must be provided by either NHS or the local authority...(Department of Health, 2016). The Department of Health (2016) found that funding...

Government Department or Office (at time of publication, if available) (Year) Title . Place of Publication: Publisher. (Series if applicable).

Department of Health (2019) National framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care . London: Department of Health.

Office for Nuclear Regulation (2016) Office for Nuclear Regulation Strategic Plan 2016–2020: Presented to Parliament pursuant to Paragraph 25(3) of Schedule 7 to the Energy Act 2013, March 2016 . London: Office for Nuclear Regulation.

Government Department or Office (at time of publication, if available) (Year) Title . (Series if applicable). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Department of Health (2019) National framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care . Available at: (Accessed: 17 May 2021).

Office for Nuclear Regulation (2016) Office for Nuclear Regulation Strategic Plan 2016–2020: Presented to Parliament pursuant to Paragraph 25(3) of Schedule 7 to the Energy Act 2013, March 2016 . Available at: (Accessed: 17 May 2021).

For Graphs see Images and Figures

Green Paper (Government Publication)

For Green Paper see Government Publication - Command Paper

Hansard (Government Publication)

For Hansard see Government Publication - Hansard

Historical Texts

For Historical Texts see Ancient or Historical Texts

House of Lords and House of Commons Papers (Government Publication)

For House of Lords and House of Commons Papers see Government Publication - House of Lords and House of Commons Papers

House of Lords or House of Commons Official Report. Parliamentary Debates (Government Publication)

For House of Lords or House of Commons Offical Report. Parliamentary Debates see Government Publication - Hansard

Medical images

The tumour can clearly be seen in Patient A's MRI scan (2022).

[Anonymised patient's name] (Year image produced) Image title [Medium]. Location: Name of institution.

[Patient A] (2022) Upper mandible [MRI scan]. Sheffield: Weston Park Hospital.

  • If you are referencing an image of an individual patient’s scan or X-ray, you must obtain permission to use the image from both the patient and the hospital.

Information Sheet

The SOLiD System allows...(Applied Biosystems, 2008) Applied Biosystems (2008) manufacture...

The Boots decongestant tablet...(Boots Pharmaceuticals, 2020). Boots Pharmaceuticals (2020) recommend that their decongestant...

The patient information leaflet for Doxycycline recommends (Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd, 2020)... Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd (2020) indicate that Doxycycline...

Corporate Author or Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title of Information Sheet . Place of publication: Publisher. Publication Number.

Applied Biosystems (2008) Application Fact Sheet SOLiD System Accuracy . Foster City, C.A.: Applied Biosystems. 139AP04-04.

Boots Pharmaceuticals (2020) Decongestant tablet (Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) . Nottingham: The Boots Company PLC. 00014/0375.

Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd (2020) Patient information leaflet: Doxycycline 50mg capsules. Ashford: Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. PL 30464/0060.

Corporate Author or Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title of Information Sheet . Publication Number. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Applied Biosystems (2008) Application Fact Sheet SOLiD System Accuracy . 139AP04-04. Available at: (Accessed: 8 April 2021).

Boots Pharmaceuticals (2020) Decongestant tablets (Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) . 00014/0375. Available at: (Accessed: 8 April 2021).

Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd (2020) Patient information leaflet: Doxycycline 50mg capsules . PL 30464/0060. Available at: (Accessed: 8 April 2021).

Journal Article without a DOI (Electronic)

Ashby (1999) identified Zappa's style... The melodies in Zappa's work...(Ashby, 1999).

Author of article Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , Volume(Issue), Page range (if available). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Ashby, A. (1999) 'Frank Zappa and the anti–fetishist orchestra', The Musical Quarterly , 83(4), pp. 557–606. Available at: (Accessed: 8 April 2021).

Journal Article – Preprint (Ahead of Publication)

Lichtenthaler (2016) demonstrated an innovation–based view... Complex relationships that appear in companies...(Lichtenthaler, 2016)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of Article'. To be published in Title of Journal (if stated), Volume(Issue) [Preprint]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Lichtenthaler, U. (2016) 'Towards an innovation–based perspective on company performance'. To be published in Management Decision , 54(1) [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: 7 January 2016).

  • There may not be any information about which journal the article will be published in, so that part of the reference doesn't have to be included.

Journal Article with many authors

In some fields, such as medicine and physics, an article may have hundreds of authors and it would be impractical to list each one. You would reference an article with four or more authors as follows:

Abbott et al . (2016) observed gravitational waves... The first observation of a binary black hole merger included...(Abbott et al ., 2016)

First or lead author of article Surname, INITIAL(S). et al . (Year) 'Title of article', Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page range.

Abbott, B.P. et al . (2016) 'Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger', Physical Review Letters, 116(6), 061102.

First or lead author of article Surname, INITIAL(S). et al . (Year) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , Volume(Issue), Page range (if available). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Aubert, B. et al . (2002) 'The BABAR detector', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 479(1), pp. 1-116. doi:

  • For references with up to three authors, list all the authors in the reference list in the order they appear in the source. In some cases there may be a long list of authors (in medical and scientific papers). If this is the case you only need to include the first author followed by et al written in italics.

Kindle or other e-reader

For Kindle or other e-reader see Book - Electronic

L, M, N, O, P

For Law Report see Case Law

Lecture notes, lecture recordings, handouts and other unpublished teaching materials

Citing informal or unpublished materials, such as handouts, lecture recordings and lecture notes, is not generally recommended. Instead you should look to cite a primary source (such as a textbook or journal article) which describes or summarises the idea you are referring to. You may wish to ask your lecturer for recommended reading.

Guidance from Cite Them Right, 10th rev. and expanded edn, suggests that a magazine article should be referenced as a Journal Article .

In order to locate some of the information required for referencing you may need to look at the following locations:

  • The front of the magazine near the barcode
  • The back of the magazine near the barcode
  • The table of contents
  • The publication information, which is normally written in very small text near the front of the magazine, or near the back of the magazine. This usually contains contact emails and copyright statements as well.

In his letter, Ellis (no date) mentions... The correspondence with John Holmes...(Ellis, no date)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title of Manuscript, Date (if available). Name of Collection and Reference number. Location of Archive or Repository.

Ellis, H. (no date) Letter to John Holmes, assistant keeper, Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. Single Manuscript Collection, MS 24 (42). Special Collections and Archives, University of Sheffield.

  • If no date can be found then you would use (no date).

The Inverness and Strathglass Ordnance Survey map (1996) shows Loch Ness... The area covered by the map...(Ordnance Survey, 1996)

The Information Commons (Google Maps, 2021) is near... The library can be seen using Google Maps (2021)...

Name of creator or creator Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title of map, Sheet number, Map scale, Edition (if needed). Place of publication: Publisher. (Series).

Ordnance Survey (1996) Inverness and Strathglass , Sheet 26, 1:50000, 7-GSGS edn. Southampton: Ordnance Survey. (Landranger Series).

Name of creator or creator Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of map' (Format if available), Scale if available. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Google Maps (2021) 'Information Commons, Sheffield'. Available at: (Accessed: 8 April 2021).

Ordnance Survey (2020) 'Castleton, Derbyshire', 1:50000. Available at: (Accessed: 8 April 2021).

Masters Dissertation

For Masters Dissertation see Dissertation (Undergraduate or Masters)

Message Board

For Message Board see Forum Post/Message Board

Music - Album (Physical Format)

The controversy caused by the album by The Prodigy (1997)... The track listing on The Fat of the Land (The Prodigy, 1997)...

The Beatles (1967) produced the self-titled album... The album known as The White Album (The Beatles, 1967) was the follow up album...

Recorded by Queens of the Stone Age (2002)... The album Songs for the Deaf (Queens of the Stone Age, 2002) featured the guest drummer...

Name of Artist (Year) Title of Album [Format]. Edition (if needed). Place of Publication: Record Label.

The Beatles (1967) The Beatles [The White Album] [CD]. Heyes: Parlophone/EMI.

The Prodigy (1997) The Fat of the Land [Vinyl]. London: XL-Recordings.

Queens of the Stone Age (2002) Songs for the Deaf [CD]. Limited Edition UK Version. Santa Monica: Interscope Records.

  • If the item is widely known by, or was originally issued under, a title different from that of the item, the alternative title may also be provided in brackets if necessary, e.g. The Beatles [The White Album] .

Music - Album Track (Physical Format)

The Prodigy (1997) recorded the song... The song 'Breathe' (The Prodigy, 1997) demonstrated...

Lennon and McCartney wrote the Beatles (1968) song... 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' (The Beatles, 1968) is a...

The Runaways (1976) song 'Cherry Bomb' appears on the compilation album... The song 'Cherry Bomb' (The Runaways, 1976) is used in the film...

Name of Artist (Year) 'Title of song', Title of Album (Year if different to the original song recording) [Format]. Edition (if needed). Place of Publication: Record Label.

The Beatles (1968) 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps', The Beatles [The White Album] [CD]. Heyes: Parlophone/EMI.

The Prodigy (1997) 'Breathe', The Fat of the Land [Vinyl]. London: XL-Recordings.

The Runaways (1976) 'Cherry Bomb', Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol.1 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2014) [CD]. Hollywood: Marvel Music.

Music - Digital formats

For an in-text citation in your work, you would cite your reference as follows

Pink Floyd's (1977) Animals album... Animals (Pink Floyd, 1977) shows political statements... Self-Destruct is the latest album by Metallica (2016)... Self-Destruct (Metallica, 2016) includes the track...

Name of Artist (Year) Title of Album . Edition (if needed). Available at: URL (Downloaded: date).

Metallica (2016) Self-Destruct . Available at: (Downloaded: 31 March 2021).

Pink Floyd (1977) Animals . 2011 Remastered Version. Available at: (Downloaded: 31 March 2021).

For an album track

Pink Floyd's (1977) song 'Sheep' describes the political... The song 'Sheep' (Pink Floyd, 1977) is a view on political followers...

Metallica's (2016) song 'Moth into Flame'... 'Moth into Flame' (Metallica, 2016) was used as part of...

Name of Artist (Year) 'Title of song', Title of Album . Edition (if needed). Available at: URL (Downloaded: date).

Metallica (2016) 'Moth into Flame', Self-Destruct . Available at: (Downloaded: 31 March 2021).

Pink Floyd (1977) 'Sheep', Animals . 2011 Remastered Version. Available at: (Downloaded: 31 March 2021).

  • The Downloaded: date in the reference is the date that you downloaded the music onto your device.

Music Score

Bowie (1998) used the... The score represents (Bowie, 1998)...

Busoni (1992) represented the... The piano concerto...(Busoni, 1992)

Wagner's score (1900) shows... Tristan and Isolde (Wagner, 1900) represents...

Composer Surname, INITIAL(S). (Date) Title of score . Notes on version (including librettists, editors, translators) if applicable. Edition (if applicable). Place of publication: Publisher.

Bowie, D. (1998) The Best of David Bowie 1974/1979 . London: Wise Publications.

Busoni, F. (1992) Kadenzen zu klavierkonzerten Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Cadenzas to piano concertos of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart] . Edited by Reiner Weber. Edition Breikopf Nr. 8577. Weisbaden: Breitkoff & Härtel.

Wagner, R. (1900) Tristan and Isolde . Score by Hans Von Bülow, English Translation by H. and F. Corder. Leipzig: Breitkoff & Härtel.

Newspaper Article

Sample (2014) highlights the research which has taken place... The research was reported in the national news...(Sample, 2014)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of Article', Title of newspaper . Date (Day, Month). Page range.

Sample, I. (2014) 'Why an octopus never gets itself tied in knots', The Guardian , 16 May, p. 17.

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper , Date (Day Month), Page number (if available). Available at: URL or doi: (Accessed: date).

Sample, I. (2014) 'Why an octopus's suckers don't stick its arms together', The Guardian , 15 May. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2015).

Newspaper database e.g. Nexis

If you have accessed an article via a password-protected institutional database, e.g. Nexis, you do not need to iclude the database details in the reference as it may not be accessible to everyone. Give enough detail in the reference for the reader to be able to find the article, e.g. as in the examples above.

NICE Guidelines

For NICE Guidelines see Clinical Guidelines

For an in-text citation, you would cite the reference as follows:

Hollis and Tan's helical gradient coil (2017)... The helical gradient coil demonstrates...(Hollis and Tan, 2017)

Carter and Lawless (2010) show the gimbaled... The gimbaled-shoulder design...(Carter and Lawless, 2010).

Inventor(s) Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year patent granted) Title of patent . Authorising organisation Patent number. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Carter, R.W. and Lawless, K.G. (2010). Gimbaled-shoulder friction stir welding tool. United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent no. 7,686,202. Available at: (Accessed: 12 April 2021).

Hollis, T.J. and Tan, F. (2017). Helical gradient coil for magnetic resonance imaging apparatus . UK Intellectual Property Office Patent no. GB2494259. Available at: (Accessed: 12 April 2021).

  • If using a patent retrieved from Espacenet you will need to ensure you use the correct patent code as they are not all European Patents. A European patent will have a code that begins with EP.

For more information about in–text citation and referencing multiple authors, see Creating a citation and reference list and click on the relevant section.

Patient Information Leaflet (PIL)

For Patient Information Leaflet see Information Sheet

Personal Communications

This includes any personal communication you have had either physically or online, e.g. a face-to-face conversation, a phone conversation, a Skype or FaceTime conversation, an email, a text message, a letter or a fax.

In the conversation with Smith (2021)... It was decided that the information would be included...(Smith, 2021)

Sender/Speaker/Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year of communication) Medium of communication to/with Receiver of communication, Day/Month of communication.

Smith, S. (2019) Email to Jennifer Jones, 11 February.

Smith, S. (2020) Text message to Julia Carpenter, 28 June.

Smith, S. (2021) Skype conversation with Max Williams, 16 March.

You may need permission from anyone involved in the communication before using them in your work.

You may include a copy of written communications in your appendices.

For PhD Thesis see Thesis (PhD)

For Photograph see Images and Figures

Shakespeare (1984) displays the tragedy... Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare, 1984) uses...

Shakespeare (2010) shows the use of... The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare, 2010)...

Individual play

Author of play Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year of Publication) Title of play . Edition (if needed). Edited by Full Name. Place of publication: Publisher.

Shakespeare, W. (1984) Romeo and Juliet . Edited by G. Blakemore Evans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Shakespeare, W. (2010) The Taming of the Shrew . Edited by Barbara Hodgson. London: Methuen Drama.

In an anthology/complete works

Author of play Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year of publication) 'Title of play', in Editor(s) Surname(s), INITIAL(S). (ed. or eds.). Title of book . Edition (if not first edition). Place of publication: Publisher. Page numbers.

Shakespeare, W. (2007a) 'The taming of the shrew', in Bate, J. and Rasmussen, E. (eds.) William Shakespeare Complete Works . Basingstoke: Macmillan. pp. 526-583.

Shakespeare, W. (2007b) 'The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet', in Bate, J. and Rasmussen, E. (eds.) William Shakespeare Complete Works . Basingstoke: Macmillan. pp. 1679-1743.

If accessed online

Many ebooks look the same as a printed book in terms of pagination, publisher details, etc., so the in-text citation and reference will be in the same format as a print book; you do not need to include details of where you accessed it from online in the reference. Cite and reference plays in an electronic format as you would for plays in print books unless you have downloaded it onto an ereader and the pagination is not available:

If the page numbers of an ebook are not available in the device you are using, use the information that is available, such as loc, %, chapter or paragraph if you need to identify a particular page/section for your in-text citation. The date that you downloaded it onto your electronic device is included at the end of the reference.

Shakespeare (2021) explores the theme of jealousy... Othello (Shakespeare, 2021) uses...

Author of play Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year of Publication) Title of play . Edition (if needed). Available at: URL (Downloaded: date).

Shakespeare, W. (2021) Othello . Available at: (Downloaded: 30 April 2021).

When directly quoting from a play, you should use Act.Scene:Line e.g. (Shakespeare 2007, 2.1:176-179)

The Year of publication is the year that the item you are referencing was published, rather than the year the play was written.

The Downloaded: date in the reference is the date that you downloaded the play onto your device.

Bragg (2021) discusses the deciphering of hieroglyphics... The role of Champollion...(Bragg, 2021).

Thompson (2021) discusses the history... The use of blackface in Shakespeare...(Thompson, 2021).

The Centre for the History of the Emotions (2017) investigates... The concept of what is normal...(Centre for the History of the Emotions, 2017).

Surname of Author/Presenter, INITIAL(S). (Year site was published/last updated) Title of Podcast [Podcast]. Day/Month posted (if available). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Bragg, M. (2021) The Rosetta Stone [Podcast]. 11 February. Available at: (Accessed: 22 May 2021).

Centre for the History of the Emotions (2017) The Museum of the Normal [Podcast]. Available at: (Accessed: 24 May 2021).

Thompson, A. (2021) Blackface: a brief history [Podcast]. 12 May. Available at: (Accessed: 18 May 2021).

Reference where the podcast was published or displayed rather than referencing it as a download on your edevice.

If there is no author or presenter, use the name of the organisation who created it in place of Author/Presenter.

For Preprint see Journal Article - Preprint (Ahead of Publication)


Grant (2016) demonstrates the issues... The artwork expresses the...(Grant, 2016).

Sciamanna, Bazela, and Bullingham (2016) presented the work surrounding... The case study within the presentation focused on...(Sciamanna, Bazela, and Bullingham, 2016).

Surname of presenter, INITIAL(S). (Year of presentation) 'Title of presentation' [Medium, e.g. PowerPoint presentation]. Name of event. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Grant, V. (2016) 'Voice, agency and the medical arts' [ PowerPoint presentation]. Medical Arts Seminar, HRI, University of Sheffield. Available at: (Accessed: 22 May 2017).

Sciamanna, C., Bazela, C. and Bullingham, L. (2016) 'Reconceptualising information and digital literacy in a fluid digital world' [ PowerPoint presentation]. Northern Collaboration Conference 2016. Available from: (Accessed: 18 May 2017).

For an in-text citation in your work, you would reference as follows:

World at One (2017) provided the update on... The new head judge...( World at One , 2017)

Desert Island Discs: Bernardine Evaristo (2020) played the song... The discussion with the Booker Prize-winning author...( Desert Island Discs: Bernardine Evaristo , 2020)

Recall of the Rock (2021) shares the oral history of women climbers... Helen Mort's poem is interwoven with interviews... ( Recall of the Rock, 2021).

Original Broadcast

Title of programme (Year of transmission) Transmitting organisation or channel, Day/Month of transmission.

World at One (2017) BBC Radio 4, 9 May.

Original broadcast as part of a series

Title of show, episode number (if available), episode title (if available) (Year of transmission) Transmitting organisation or channel, Day/Month of transmission.

Desert Island Discs: Bernardine Evaristo (2020) BBC Radio 4, 25 September.

Broadcast accessed via online/database/streaming service.

Title of programme (Year of transmission) Transmitting organisation or channel, Day/Month of transmission. Available at: URL or name of streaming service/database (Accessed: date).

Recall of the Rock (2021) BBC Sounds, 11 April. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2021).

Original broadcast as part of a series accessed via online/database/streaming service

Title of show, episode number (if available), episode title (if available) (Year of transmission) Transmitting organisation or channel, Day/Month of transmission. Available at: URL or name of streaming service/database (Accessed: date).

Desert Island Discs: David Olusoga (2021) BBC Radio 4, 15 January. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2021).

Sacred Texts

Naomi's advice to her daughter-in-law (Ruth 2: 22)...

Book of the Bible Chapter: verse, Holy Bible. Version of the Holy Bible.

Ruth 2: 22, Holy Bible. King James Version.

  • The author is not required as this may not be clear.
  • The page numbers are not required as these will vary between printings.
  • The publisher and publication date are not required.

Helping those in need (Devarim 15: 11)...

Torah. Book Chapter: verse.

Torah. Devarim 15: 11.

"Give what you can spare." (Qur'an 2: 219)

Qur'an Surah (or chapter): verse (Year of publication) Translated by Surname, INITIAL(S). Place of publication: Publisher.

Qur'an 2: 219 (2008) Translated by Abdel Haleem, M.A.S. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

For Score see Music Score

Keegan's (1991) sculpture shows the use of raku–fired earthenware... The sculpture Newby the Dog (Keegan, 1991)...

The sculpture of Neptune and Triton by Bernini (no date) shows the use of... The marble sculpture of Neptune and Triton (Bernini, no date)...

Surname of artist, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title [Sculpture]. Place, Gallery or Name of collection, department (if available), identifier or reference number (if available).

Bernini, G. (no date) Neptune and Triton [Sculpture]. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, A.18:1–1950.

Keegan, S. (1991) Newby the dog [Sculpture]. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, C.196:1, 2–1991.

  • The original title of a translated information resource, or a translation of the title, may be supplied immediately after the original title, e.g. Kinderhände im washbecken [Children's Hands in a Washbasin] .

Social Media

For an in-text citation you would cite the reference as follows:

Uni of Sheffield Library (2017) celebrated the opening of the... The anniversary of the Western Bank Library was marked on social media (Uni of Sheffield Library, 2017).

University of Sheffield Library (2017) marked the first library opening at the university... The first library at the University opened in 1909 (University of Sheffield Library, 2017).

In the bibliography/reference list:

Name of Creator Surname, INITIAL(S). or Screen name if proper name not available (Year) Title of message - up to 40 words [Medium] Day/Month of post. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Uni of Sheffield Library (2017) On this day in 1959, our Western Bank Library (then called the 'Main Library') was officially opened by T.S. Eliot ... [Twitter] 12 May. Available at: (Accessed 15 May 2017).

University of Sheffield Library (2017) On this day, in 1909, the first library opened at the University of Sheffield [Facebook] 26 April. Available at: (Accessed 15 May 2017).

  • You are not required to ask permission from anyone involved in the post/conversation before using them in your work, but you may wish to do so as a courtesy. You are only required to do so if the conversation occurred in a private context (locked X (formerly Twitter) accounts, members-only forums, etc.).
  • You may need to provide a title for the social media post if there is not one provided. Use up to the first 40 words of the post in square brackets as the title.
  • It is acceptable to use the main page URL of the social media platform in your reference if the post is not openly accessible to everyone, e.g. use as the URL in your reference if you are referring to a discussion between yourself and another member of Facebook that is not open to everyone to view.
  • If the post is not accessible to everyone, you may include a copy of any discussions between yourself and another member of a social media platform as an appendix to your work.

Standards e.g. British Standards

The British Standards Institution (2017) have produced updated guidelines... The use of BS 8888:2017 (British Standards Institution, 2017)...

The ASTM (2012) standard... The standard specification for...(ASTM, 2012).

Corporate Author (Year of publication) Number of Standard: Title of Standard . Place of publication: Publisher.

ASTM (2012) A53/A53M-12: Standard specification for pipe, steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc-coated, welded and seamless . West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.

British Standards Institution (2017) BS 8888:2017: Technical product documentation and specification . London: British Standards Publications.

Corporate Author (Year of publication) Number of standard: Title of Standard. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

ASTM (2020) A53/A53M-20: Standard specification for pipe, steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc-coated, welded and seamless. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2021).

British Standards Institution (2019) BS 8888:2020: Technical product documentation and specification. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2021).

State Paper (Government Publication)

For State Paper see Government Publication - Command Paper

Statutory Instruments (Government Publication)

For Statutory Instruments see Government Publication - Statutory Instruments

Study Score

For Study Score see Music Score

For Tables see Images and Figures

Thesis (PhD)

Wilson (2014) notes that whilst Rage Against the Machine signed with a major record label, their music still holds the intended meaning to the audience... Popular music is still relevant to society when it makes a political statement even though the artist may be signed to a major record label... (Wilson, 2014).

Tomlinson (2009) found that differing amounts of grip... Moisture can affect grip when examining...(Tomlinson, 2009)

Author Surname, INITIAL(S) (Year) Title . Award and Type of qualification. Awarding body.

Wilson, B. (2014) It sounds like revolution: the changing role of popular music within political resistance movements . PhD thesis. University of Sheffield.

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year) Title . Award and Type of qualification. Awarding body. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Tomlinson, S.E. (2009) Understanding the friction between human fingers and contacting surfaces. PhD thesis. University of Sheffield. Available at: (Accessed: 14 October 2015).

Television Programme

For Television Programme see Video section

Translated item

Tolstoy (2008) explores the story of... Anna Karenina (Tolstoy, 2008) tells the story of...

Homer (1997) presents the tale... The Odyssey (Homer, 1997) demonstrates...

Dostoyevsky (2003) shows the dilemmas... The character of Raskolnikov...(Dostoyevsky, 2003).

Author Surname, Initials. (Year of publication) Title of item . Edition (if not the first). Translated from the (language) by (Translator(s) INITIAL(S) and Surname). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Homer (1997) The Odyssey . Translated by R. Fagles. Introduction and notes by B. Knox. New York: Penguin.

Tolstoy, L. (2008) Anna Karenina . Translated from the Russian by L. Maude and A. Maude. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Many ebooks look the same as a printed book in terms of pagination, publisher details, etc., so the in-text citation and reference will be in the same format as a print book; you do not need to include details of where you accessed it from online in the reference. Cite and reference books in an electronic format as you would for books in print books unless you have downloaded it onto an ereader and the pagination is not available:

Author Surname, Initials. (Year of publication). Title of item . Edition (if needed). Translated from the (language) by (Translators full name). Available at: URL (Downloaded: date).

Dostoyevsky, F. (2003) Crime and punishment . Rev. edn. Translated from the Russian by David McDuff. Available at: (Downloaded 30 April 2021).

Tolstoy, L. (2019). Anna Karenina . Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. Available at: (Downloaded: 30 April 2021).

Use the year of publication for the specific item you read, as there may be different translations of the same item available.

You may not need to add the language the item is translated from, but include the language if appropriate.


For Transliteration of items see Citing and referencing foreign language materials in the Creating a citation and reference list section.

U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Uk public general act (government publication).

For UK Public General Act see Government Publication - Act of Parliament

Undergraduate Dissertation

For Undergraduate Dissertation see Dissertation (Undergraduate or Masters)

Unpublished item

Hall (2011) noted that the changes... ...the changes that occured meant...(Hall, 2011).

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). or Corporate author (Date) Title of item . Place of holding organisation: Holding organisation. Unpublished.

Hall, D. (2011) Making sense of changes . Sheffield: University of Sheffield. Unpublished.

Video - Physical Format

Film/one-off documentary.

Black Swan (2010) used imagery to represent... The hidden images contained in the film...( Black Swan , 2010)

The premise of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)... The use of green screen in the film ( Captain America: The Winter Soldier , 2014)...

For a film/documentary viewed at the cinema

Title of Film/Documentary (Year of distribution) Directed by INITIAL(S). Surname [Film]. Place of distribution: Distribution Company.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Directed by A. Russo and J. Russo [Film]. New York: Marvel Entertainment.

For a film/documentary viewed on DVD or Blu-ray

Title of Film/Documentary (Year of distribution) Directed by INITIAL(S). Surname [DVD] or [Blu-ray]. Place of distribution: Distribution Company.

Black Swan (2010) Directed by D. Aronofsky [Blu-ray]. Los Angeles: Fox Searchlight Pictures.

TV Episode from a series

The detectives Bulk and McNulty revisit an old crime scene...('Old Cases', 2002) the episode 'Old Cases' (2002)

The episode uses visions to reveal the events...('The Door', 2016) ..In 'The Door' (2016) we see the visualisation of...

'Title of Episode' (Year of distribution) Title of Programme/Series In Title of compilation or box-set [DVD] or [Blu-ray] Place of distribution: Distribution company.

'Old Cases' (2005) The Wire In The Wire: the complete first season [DVD] New York: HBO.

'The Door' (2016) Game of Thrones In Game of Thrones: the complete sixth season [Blu-ray] New York: HBO.

Video - Streaming Service

This includes Films and TV Series or Episodes that you have viewed via subscription services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Now TV, etc., and catch-up services such as Box of Broadcasts, BBC iPlayer, All 4, My 5, etc.

Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) is set in 18th century France... ...the film ( Portrait of a Lady on Fire , 2019) was written and directed by...

An unofficial segregation policy is uncovered in Small Axe: Education (2020)... ...the film ( Small Axe: Education , 2020) is part of a series directed by...

The use of mirrors in Atlantics (2019)... ...the film ( Atlantics , 2019) was co-written and directed by...

Title of Film (Year of distribution) Directed by INITIAL(S). Surname. Available at: Name of service (Accessed: date).

Atlantics (2019) Directed by M. Diop. Available at: Netflix (Accessed: 25 May 2021).

Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) Directed by C. Sciamma. Available at: MUBI (Accessed: 15 April 2020).

Small Axe: Education (2020) Directed by S. McQueen. Available at: Box of Broadcasts (Accessed: 25 May 2021).

Current Affairs Programme

The BBC News at Six (2021) covered the story... When this news story was first reported ( BBC News at Six , 2021)

The Year Britain Stopped (2021) chronicles... Frontline workers and scientists tell their stories...( The Year Britain Stopped , 2021)

Title of Programme (Year of original broadcast) Name of Channel, Day/Month, Time of broadcast. Available at: Name of Streaming Service (Accessed: date).

BBC News at Six (2021) BBC One, 20 May, 18:00. Available at: BBC iPlayer (Accessed: 21 May 2021).

The Year Britain Stopped (2021) Channel 4, 24 May, 21:00. Available at: All 4 (Accessed: 27 May 2021).

The first episode of Stranger Things , 'The Vanishing of Will Byers' (2016), uses aspects of... The monster makes a first appearance...('The Vanishing of Will Byers', 2016)

In the episode 'Cooper's Dream' (1990) the stage is set for... Agent Cooper visits the Log Lady ('Cooper's Dream', 1990) which represents...

'Title of Episode' (Year of original broadcast/release) Title of Series/Season , Series/Season and episode numbers OR day/month (if available). Production Company. Available at: Name of streaming service. (Accessed: date).

'Cooper's Dream' (1990) Twin Peaks , Season 1, episode 6. Propaganda Films. Available at: NowTV (Accessed: 29 December 2016).

'The Vanishing of Will Byers' (2016) Stranger Things , Season 1, episode 1. 21 Laps Entertainment. Available at: Netflix (Accessed 29 December 2016).

Video - Sharing Website (e.g. YouTube)

This includes sharing platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, IGTV, TED, etc.

YouTube Movies (2016) have... Doctor Strange (YouTube Movies, 2016) shows the...

The University of Sheffield (2019) have created... Campus Tour (The University of Sheffield, 2019) takes a tour of the campus...

Climate and data scientist Angel Hsu (2020) gave a TED Talk... In Cities are driving climate change. Here's how they can fix it (Hsu, 2020, 3:47) she observes the disparities...

Name of Person/Organisation posting video (Year video posted) Title of Film . Day/Month uploaded (if available). Available at: URL (Accessed: date) or doi:

Hsu, A. (2020) Cities are driving climate change. Here's how they can fix it . October. Available at: (Accessed: 27 May 2021).

The University of Sheffield (2019) Campus Tour . 5 June. Available at: (Accessed: 27 May 2021).

YouTube Movies (2016) Doctor Strange . 24 February. Available at: (Accessed: 27 May 2021).

  • For a TED Talk, use the name of the speaker in the video as the Name of Person/Organisation in your reference and in-text citation.
  • If you need to refer to a specific place within a video, include the time stamp in your in-text citation in the format minutes:seconds, e.g. (YouTube Movies, 2016, 18:33).

Vinyl Record

For Vinyl Record see Music - Album (Physical Format) or Music - Album Track (Physical Format)

Only reference a source as a web page if the source does not fall into another category, such as journal article, conference proceedings, report, blog, image, etc.

Author Surname, INITIAL(S). (Year site was published/last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

If you are not citing specific information or a specific page from a website you do not need to create an in-text citation or a reference for it.

When mentioning a website within your text, provide the name of the website followed by the URL in parentheses, e.g.

Participants were surveyed using SurveyMonkey (

White Paper (Government Publication)

For White Paper see Government Publication - Command Paper

X (formerly Twitter)

For X see Social Media

For YouTube videos see Video - Sharing Website (e.g. YouTube)

  • Utility Menu

University Logo


A publication of the harvard college writing program.

Harvard Guide to Using Sources 

  • The Honor Code
  • In-Text Citations

In APA style, you use parenthetical citations within the text of your paper to credit your sources, to show how recently your sources were published, and to refer your reader to a more detailed citation of the source in the reference list at the end of your paper. You should use parenthetical citations when you paraphrase, quote, or make any reference to another author's work. A parenthetical citation in APA style includes the author's last name as well as the year in which the work was published, with a comma between them. If you are referring directly to a specific page in the source, you should also include the page number in your parenthetical citation. APA requires you to cite page numbers when you are quoting directly from the source. If you are paraphrasing, which is more common in the social sciences, you generally do not need to include a page number. If you have questions about whether you should include page numbers when citing in APA, you should consult your instructor.

If you mention the author's name and/or the year of publication in the sentence preceding the citation, you do not need to include them in the parenthetical citation. When you name the author in the sentence, you should include the publication year in parentheses right after the author’s name—do not wait until the end of the sentence to provide that information.

When you include a parenthetical citation at the end of a sentence, the punctuation for your sentence appears after the citation.

Citing author and date in a parenthetical citation

When you don’t mention either the author or the date of publication in your sentence, you should include both the author and the year, separated by a comma, in the parenthetical citation. 

Colleges and universities need to create policies that foster inclusion for low-income students (Jack, 2019).         

Citing when author’s name is mentioned in body of paper

When you mention the author’s name in your sentence, the year of publication should immediately follow the author’s name.

Anthony Jack’s (2019) study of low-income students on an elite college campus revealed that these schools are often unprepared to support the students they admit.

Jack (2019) studied the ways low-income students experience elite college campuses.

Citing page numbers

When you cite a direct quote from the source or paraphrase a specific point from the source, you should include the page number in the parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence. When you refer to a specific page or pages of the text, first list the year of publication and then list "p." followed by the page number or "pp." followed by the range of pages. If you refer to a specific chapter, indicate that chapter after the year.              

The author contends that “higher education in America is highly unequal and disturbingly stratified” (Jack, 2019, p. 4).

Jack (2019) contends that “higher education in America is highly unequal and disturbingly stratified” (p. 4).

Citing sources with more than one author

When you cite a source that has two authors, you should separate their names with an ampersand in the parenthetical citation.

The authors designed a study to determine if social belonging can be encouraged among college students (Walton & Cohen, 2011). 

If a work has three or more authors , you should only include the first author's name followed by et al. ( Et al. is the shortened form of the Latin et alia , which means “and others.”)

The implementation of postpartum contraceptive programs is both costly and time consuming (Ling et al., 2020).

Attributing a point to more than one source  

To attribute a point or idea to multiple sources, list them in one parenthetical citation, ordered alphabetically by author and separated by semicolons. Works by the same author should be ordered chronologically, from oldest to most recent, with the publication dates separated by commas.

Students who possess cultural capital, measured by proxies like involvement in literature, art, and classical music, tend to perform better in school (Bourdieu & Passeron, 1977; Dumais, 2002; Orr, 2003).

Citing multiple works by the same author 

If your reference list includes multiple works by the same author in the same year, identify them in your parenthetical citations and in your reference list by a lowercase letter after the year, assigning each letter in alphabetical order by the title of the work. When establishing the alphabetical order of works in your reference list, do not count the words "A" or "The" when they appear as the first word in a title.

One union-endorsed candidate publicly disagreed with the teachers' union on a number of issues (Borsuk, 1999a).

Citing multiple authors with the same last name        

If your reference list includes sources by multiple authors with the same last name, list each author's initials before their last name, even when the works were published in different years.

The question of whether a computer can be considered an author has been asked for longer than we might expect (B. Sobel, 2017).

Citing when no author is listed           

To refer to a work that is listed in your reference list by title rather than by author, cite the title or the first few words of the title.

The New York Times painted a bleak picture of the climate crisis (“Climate Change Is Not Negotiable,” 2022).

Citing when no date is listed

If the work you are citing has no date listed, you should put “n.d.” for “no date” in the parenthetical citation.

Writing research papers is challenging (Lam, n.d.). 

Citing a specific part of a source that is not a page number

To refer to a specific part of a source other than page number, add that after the author-date part of your citation. If it is not clear whether you are referring to a chapter, a paragraph, a time stamp, or a slide number, or other labeled part of a source, you should indicate the part you are referring to (chapter, para., etc.).

In the Stranger Things official trailer, the audience knows that something unusual is going to happen from the moment the boys get on their bicycles to ride off into the night (Duffer & Duffer, 0:16).

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  • Reference List Format
  • Examples of Commonly Cited Sources
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  • Harvard Referencing Generator

Free Harvard Referencing Generator

Generate accurate Harvard reference lists quickly and for FREE, with MyBib!

🤔 What is a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator is a tool that automatically generates formatted academic references in the Harvard style.

It takes in relevant details about a source -- usually critical information like author names, article titles, publish dates, and URLs -- and adds the correct punctuation and formatting required by the Harvard referencing style.

The generated references can be copied into a reference list or bibliography, and then collectively appended to the end of an academic assignment. This is the standard way to give credit to sources used in the main body of an assignment.

👩‍🎓 Who uses a Harvard Referencing Generator?

Harvard is the main referencing style at colleges and universities in the United Kingdom and Australia. It is also very popular in other English-speaking countries such as South Africa, Hong Kong, and New Zealand. University-level students in these countries are most likely to use a Harvard generator to aid them with their undergraduate assignments (and often post-graduate too).

🙌 Why should I use a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator solves two problems:

  • It provides a way to organise and keep track of the sources referenced in the content of an academic paper.
  • It ensures that references are formatted correctly -- inline with the Harvard referencing style -- and it does so considerably faster than writing them out manually.

A well-formatted and broad bibliography can account for up to 20% of the total grade for an undergraduate-level project, and using a generator tool can contribute significantly towards earning them.

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's Harvard Referencing Generator?

Here's how to use our reference generator:

  • If citing a book, website, journal, or video: enter the URL or title into the search bar at the top of the page and press the search button.
  • Choose the most relevant results from the list of search results.
  • Our generator will automatically locate the source details and format them in the correct Harvard format. You can make further changes if required.
  • Then either copy the formatted reference directly into your reference list by clicking the 'copy' button, or save it to your MyBib account for later.

MyBib supports the following for Harvard style:

⚙️ StylesHarvard, Harvard Cite Them Right
📚 SourcesWebsites, books, journals, newspapers
🔎 AutociteYes
📥 Download toMicrosoft Word, Google Docs

🍏 What other versions of Harvard referencing exist?

There isn't "one true way" to do Harvard referencing, and many universities have their own slightly different guidelines for the style. Our generator can adapt to handle the following list of different Harvard styles:

  • Cite Them Right
  • Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
  • University of the West of England (UWE)

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Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

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Quick guide to Harvard referencing (Cite Them Right)

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There are different versions of the Harvard referencing style. This guide is a quick introduction to the commonly-used Cite Them Right version. You will find further guidance available through the OU Library on the Cite Them Right Database .

For help and support with referencing and the full Cite Them Right guide, have a look at the Library’s page on referencing and plagiarism . If you need guidance referencing OU module material you can check out which sections of Cite Them Right are recommended when referencing physical and online module material .

This guide does not apply to OU Law undergraduate students . If you are studying a module beginning with W1xx, W2xx or W3xx, you should refer to the Quick guide to Cite Them Right referencing for Law modules .

Table of contents

In-text citations and full references.

  • Secondary referencing
  • Page numbers
  • Citing multiple sources published in the same year by the same author

Full reference examples

Referencing consists of two elements:

  • in-text citations, which are inserted in the body of your text and are included in the word count. An in-text citation gives the author(s) and publication date of a source you are referring to. If the publication date is not given, the phrase 'no date' is used instead of a date. If using direct quotations or you refer to a specific section in the source you also need the page number/s if available, or paragraph number for web pages.
  • full references, which are given in alphabetical order in a  reference list at the end of your work and are not included in the word count. Full references give full bibliographical information for all the sources you have referred to in the body of your text.

To see a reference list and intext citations check out this example assignment on Cite Them Right .

Difference between reference list and bibliography

a reference list only includes sources you have referred to in the body of your text.

a bibliography includes sources you have referred to in the body of your text AND sources that were part of your background reading that you did not use in your assignment.

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Examples of in-text citations

You need to include an in-text citation wherever you quote or paraphrase from a source. An in-text citation consists of the last name of the author(s), the year of publication, and a page number if relevant. There are a number of ways of incorporating in-text citations into your work - some examples are provided below. Alternatively you can see examples of setting out in-text citations in Cite Them Right .

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (Harris, 2015).


It has been emphasised by Harris (2015) that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised (Shah and Papadopoulos, 2015) that good referencing is an important academic skill.


Shah and Papadopoulos (2015) emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (Wong, Smith and Adebole, 2015).


Wong, Smith and Adebole (2015) emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (Wong , 2015).


Wong (2015) emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (The Open University, 2015).

Information from The Open University (2015) emphasises that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill ( , 2015).

Information from (2015) emphasises that good referencing is an important academic skill.

You use secondary referencing when you want to refer to a source that is mentioned or quoted in the work you are reading.

To do this, you add the phrase ‘quoted in’ or ‘cited in’ (depending on whether the author of the secondary source is directly quoting or summarising from the primary source) to your intext citation, along with the details of the source that you are reading.

West (2007, quoted in Birch, 2017, p. 17) state that…
Positive identity can be affirmed in part by a supportive family environment (Leach, 2015, cited in The Open University, 2022).

You would then include full references to Birch and The Open University in your reference list as these are the sources that you have read. There is no change to the structure of the full reference for these sources.

You should include page numbers in your citation if you are quoting directly from or using ideas from a specific page or set of pages.

Add the abbreviation p. (or pp. if more than one page) before the page number(s).

Harris (2015, p. 5) argues that…

In the drying process "polyphenol oxidizing reactions" form new flavour compounds (Toker 2020, pp. 585–586)...

Add a lower case letter to the date in the in-text citation and in the matching full reference to distinguish between the sources.

: Snow is formed in part because the temperature drops enough that rain freezes (The Open University, 2022a), however the freezing temperature of water is often below 0°C under certain conditions (The Open University, 2022b).

The Open University (2022a) '1.2 What are clouds?'. . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

The Open University (2022b) '1.3.1 Snow and ice'. . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

Note: this only applies when you are using multiple different sources with the same author and year – if you are referring to the same source more than once then you do not need to add a letter to the date. The citation will be the same each time and you only need to include the source once in your reference list.

Example with one author:

Almeroth-Williams, T. (2019) City of Beasts: How Animals Shaped Georgian London . Manchester: Manchester University Press.

RSPCA (2024) Caring for cats and kittens . Available at: (Accessed: 1 August 2024).

Example with two or three authors:

Grayling, A. and Ball, B. (2024) ' Philosophy is crucial in the age of AI', The Conversation , 1 August. Available at: (Accessed: 1 August 2024).

Chu, M., Leonard, P. and Stevenson, F. (2012) ' Growing the Base for Citizen Science: Recruiting and Engaging Participants', in J.L. Dickinson and R. Bonney (eds.) Citizen Science: Public Participation in Environmental Research . Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 69-81.

Example with four or more authors:

Young, H.D. et al. (2015) Sears and Zemansky's university physics . San Francisco, CA: Addison-Wesley.

Note: You can choose one or other method to reference four or more authors (unless your School requires you to name all authors in your reference list) and your approach should be consistent.

Online module materials

(Includes written online module activities, audio-visual material such as online tutorials, recordings or videos).

When referencing material from module websites, the date of publication is the year you started studying the module.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication/presentation) 'Title of item'. Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

OR, if there is no named author:

The Open University (Year of publication/presentation) 'Title of item'. Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

Rietdorf, K. and Bootman, M. (2022) 'Topic 3: Rare diseases'. S290: Investigating human health and disease . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2023).

The Open University (2022) ‘3.1 The purposes of childhood and youth research’. EK313: Issues in research with children and young people . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2023).

You can also use this template to reference videos and audio that are hosted on your module website:

The Open University (2022) ‘Video 2.7 An example of a Frith-Happé animation’. SK298: Brain, mind and mental health . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

The Open University (2022) ‘Audio 2 Interview with Richard Sorabji (Part 2)’. A113: Revolutions . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

Note: if a complete journal article has been uploaded to a module website, or if you have seen an article referred to on the website and then accessed the original version, reference the original journal article, and do not mention the module materials. If only an extract from an article is included in your module materials that you want to reference, you should use secondary referencing, with the module materials as the 'cited in' source, as described above.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of message', Title of discussion board , in Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

Fitzpatrick, M. (2022) ‘A215 - presentation of TMAs', Tutor group discussion & Workbook activities , in A215: Creative writing . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2022).

Note: When an ebook looks like a printed book, with publication details and pagination, reference as a printed book.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title . Edition if later than first. Place of publication: publisher. Series and volume number if relevant.

For ebooks that do not contain print publication details

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title of book . Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date).

Bell, J. (2014) Doing your research project . Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Adams, D. (1979) The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy . Available at: (Accessed: 23 June 2021).

Note: Books that have an editor, or editors, where each chapter is written by a different author or authors.

Surname of chapter author, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of chapter or section', in Initial. Surname of book editor (ed.) Title of book . Place of publication: publisher, Page reference.

Franklin, A.W. (2012) 'Management of the problem', in S.M. Smith (ed.) The maltreatment of children . Lancaster: MTP, pp. 83–95.

Note: When referencing a chapter of an edited book, your in-text citation should give the author(s) of the chapter.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference.

If accessed online:

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference. Available at: DOI or URL (if required) (Accessed: date).

Shirazi, T. (2010) 'Successful teaching placements in secondary schools: achieving QTS practical handbooks', European Journal of Teacher Education , 33(3), pp. 323–326.

Shirazi, T. (2010) 'Successful teaching placements in secondary schools: achieving QTS practical handbooks', European Journal of Teacher Education , 33(3), pp. 323–326. Available at: (Accessed: 27 January 2023).

Barke, M. and Mowl, G. (2016) 'Málaga – a failed resort of the early twentieth century?', Journal of Tourism History , 2(3), pp. 187–212. Available at:

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference if available. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Mansell, W. and Bloom, A. (2012) ‘£10,000 carrot to tempt physics experts’, The Guardian , 20 June, p. 5.

Roberts, D. and Ackerman, S. (2013) 'US draft resolution allows Obama 90 days for military action against Syria', The Guardian , 4 September. Available at: (Accessed: 9 September 2015).

Surname, Initial. (Year that the site was published/last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Organisation (Year that the page was last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Robinson, J. (2007) Social variation across the UK . Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2021).

The British Psychological Society (2018) Code of Ethics and Conduct . Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2019).

Note: Cite Them Right Online offers guidance for referencing webpages that do not include authors' names and dates. However, be extra vigilant about the suitability of such webpages.

Surname, Initial. (Year) Title of photograph . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Kitton, J. (2013) Golden sunset . Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2021).

stanitsa_dance (2021) Cossack dance ensemble . Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023).

Note: If no title can be found then replace it with a short description.

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Free Harvard Citation Generator

Powered by chegg.

  • Select style:
  • Archive material
  • Chapter of an edited book
  • Conference proceedings
  • Dictionary entry
  • Dissertation
  • DVD, video, or film
  • E-book or PDF
  • Edited book
  • Encyclopedia article
  • Government publication
  • Music or recording
  • Online image or video
  • Presentation
  • Press release
  • Religious text

What is the Harvard Referencing System?

The Harvard citation style is a system that students, writers and researchers can use to incorporate other people’s quotes, findings and ideas into their work in order to support and validate their conclusions without breaching any intellectual property laws. The popular format is typically used in assignments and publications for humanities as well as natural, social and behavioural sciences.

It is a parenthetical referencing system that is made up of two main components:

  • In-text citations including the author’s surname and the year of publication should be shown in brackets wherever another source has contributed to your work
  • A reference list outlining all of the sources directly cited in your work

While in-text citations are used to briefly indicate where you have directly quoted or paraphrased a source, your reference list is an alphabetized list of complete Harvard citations that enables your reader to locate each source with ease. Each entry should be keyed to a corresponding parenthetical citation in the main body of your work, so that a reader can take an in-text citation and quickly retrieve the source from your reference list.

Note that some universities, and certain disciplines, may also require you to provide a bibliography. This is a detailed list of all of the material you have consulted throughout your research and preparation, and it will demonstrate the lengths you have gone to in researching your chosen topic.

‘Harvard referencing’ is an umbrella term for any referencing style that uses the author name and year of publication within the text to indicate where you have inserted a source. This author-date system appeals to both authors and readers of academic work. Scholars find the format an economical way of writing, and it is generally more accessible to the reader as there are no footnotes crowding the page. Only the name of the author, the publication date of the source and, if necessary, the page numbers are included in the parenthetical citations, for example: (Joyce, 2008).

Use the Cite This For Me Harvard style referencing generator to create your fully-formatted in-text references and reference list in the blink of an eye. Stop giving yourself extra pain and work for no reason and sign up to Cite This For Me today – your only regret will be that you didn’t use our citation generator sooner!

Popular Harvard Referencing Examples

  • Chapter of a book
  • Conference proceedings 
  • Court case 
  • Dissertation 
  • Encyclopedia article 
  • Image online or video
  • Presentation or lecture
  • Video, film, or DVD

Cite This For Me Harvard Referencing Guide

The following guide provides you with everything you need to know to do justice to all your hard work and get a mark that reflects those sleepless nights. If you’re not sure how to format your Harvard style citations, what citations are, or are simply curious about the Cite This For Me citation generator, our guide will answer all of your questions while offering you a comprehensive introduction to the style. Keep reading to find out why you need to use a referencing system, how to add citations in the body of your assignment, and how to compile a reference list.

Sometimes, students do not encounter citing until they embark on to degree-level studies, yet it is a crucial academic skill that will propel you towards establishing yourself in the academic community. It’s a common mistake to leave citing and creating a complete and accurate bibliography until the very last minute, but with the Cite This For Me Harvard referencing generator you can cite-as-you-go.

So, if you need a helping hand with your referencing then why not try Cite This For Me’s automated citation generator ? The generator accesses knowledge from across the web, assembling all of the relevant information into a fully-formatted reference list that clearly presents all of the sources that have contributed to your work. Using this Harvard reference generator to cite your sources enables you to cross the finishing line in style.

It is important to bear in mind that there is a plethora of different citation styles out there – the use of any particular one depends on the preference of your college, subject, professor or the publication you are submitting the work to. If you’re unsure which style you should be using, consult your tutor and follow their guidelines. If your lecturer or department does not ask you to use a particular style, we recommend using the Harvard referencing system because it is simple to use and easy to learn.

The powerful citation generator above can auto-generate citations in 7,000+ styles. So, whether your professor prefers that you use the MLA format , or your discipline requires you to adopt the APA citation or Chicago citation style , we have the style you need. Cite This For Me also provides citation generators and handy style guides for styles such as ASA , AMA or IEEE . To accurately create citations in a specific format, simply sign up to Cite This For Me for free and select your chosen style.

Are you struggling with citing an unfamiliar source type? Or feeling confused about whether to cite a piece of common knowledge? This guide will tell you everything you need to know to get both your parenthetical Harvard citations and reference list completed quickly and accurately.

Why Do I Need to Cite?

Harvard referencing can be a confusing task, especially if you are new to the concept, but it’s absolutely essential. In fact, accurate and complete referencing can mean the difference between reaching your academic goals and damaging your reputation amongst scholars. Simply put – referencing is the citing of sources you have utilised to support your essay, research, conference or article, etc.

Even if you are using our Harvard style citation generator, understanding why you need to cite will go a long way in helping you to naturally integrate the process into your research and writing routine.

Firstly, whenever another source contributes to your work you must give the original author the appropriate credit in order to avoid plagiarism, even when you have completely reworded the information. The only exception to this rule is common knowledge – e.g., Brazil is a country in South America. While plagiarism is not always intentional, it is easy to accidentally plagiarize your work when you are under pressure from imminent deadlines, you have managed your time ineffectively, or if you lack confidence when putting ideas into your own words. The consequences can be severe; deduction of marks at best, expulsion from college or legal action from the original author at worst. Find out more here.

This may sound overwhelming, but using our Harvard citation generator can help you avoid plagiarism and carry out your research and written work thoughtfully and responsibly. We have compiled a handy checklist to follow while you are working on an assignment.

How to avoid plagiarism:

  • Formulate a detailed plan – carefully outline both the relevant content you need to include, as well as how you plan on structuring your work
  • Keep track of your sources – record all of the relevant publication information as you go (e.g., If you are citing a book you should note the author or editor’s name(s), year of publication, title, edition number, city of publication and name of publisher). Carefully save each quote, word-for-word, and place it in inverted commas to differentiate it from your own words. Tired of interrupting your workflow to cite? Use our Harvard referencing generator to automate the process.
  • Manage your time effectively – make use of time plans and targets, and give yourself enough time to read, write and proofread
  • When you are paraphrasing information, make sure that you use only your own words and a sentence structure that differs from the original text
  • Every quote or paraphrase should have a corresponding reference in the text. In addition, a full reference is needed on the final page of the project.
  • Save all of your research and citations in a safe place – organise and manage your Harvard style citations

If you carefully check your college or publisher’s advice and guidelines on citing and stick to this checklist, you should be confident that you will not be accused of plagiarism.

Secondly, proving that your writing is informed by appropriate academic reading will enhance your work’s authenticity. Academic writing values original thought that analyzes and builds upon the ideas of other scholars. It is therefore important to use Harvard style referencing to accurately signpost where you have used someone else’s ideas in order to show that your writing is based on knowledge and informed by appropriate academic reading. Citing your sources will demonstrate to your reader that you have delved deeply into your chosen topic and supported your thesis with expert opinions.

Here at Cite This For Me we understand how precious your time is, which is why we created our Harvard citation generator and guide to help relieve the unnecessary stress of citing. Escape assignment-hell and give yourself more time to focus on the content of your work by using the Cite This For Me citation management tool.

Harvard Referencing Guidelines by School

  • Anglia University Harvard Referencing
  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • Bath University
  • Bournemouth University Harvard Referencing
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Cardiff University Harvard Referencing
  • City University London
  • Coventry University Harvard Referencing
  • Cranfield Harvard
  • DMU Harvard Referencing
  • Durham University Business School
  • Edge Hill University Harvard Referencing
  • European Archaeology
  • Imperial College University Harvard Referencing
  • Institute of Physics
  • Leeds University Harvard Referencing
  • King’s College London
  • LSBU Harvard Referencing
  • Manchester Business School
  • MMU Harvard Referencing
  • Newcastle University
  • Northwest University
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
  • SHU Harvard Referencing
  • Staffordshire University Harvard Referencing
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • The Open University
  • UCA Harvard Referencing
  • University of Abertay Dundee
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Cape Town
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • University of Greenwich Harvard
  • University of Hull
  • University of Kent – Harvard
  • University of Limerick
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Northampton
  • University of Sunderland
  • University of Technology, Sydney
  • University of West London
  • UWE Harvard Referencing
  • UWS Harvard Referencing
  • Wolverhampton University Harvard Referencing
  • York University

How Do I Create and Format In-text Harvard Style Citations?

In-text citations are the perfect way to seamlessly integrate sources into your work, allowing you to strengthen the connection between your own ideas, and the source material that you have found, with ease. It is worth noting that in-text citations must be included in your assignment’s final word count.

When adopting Harvard style referencing in your work, if you are inserting a quote, statement, statistic or any other kind of source information into the main body of your essay you should:

  • Provide the author’s surname and date of publication in parentheses right after the taken information or at the end of the sentence

There are many assumptions when it comes to the information processing approach to cognition… (Lutz and Huitt, 2004).

  • If you have already mentioned the author in the sentence, Harvard referencing guidelines require you to only enter the year of publication in parentheses, directly after where the author’s surname is mentioned.

In the overview of these developmental theories, Lutz and Huitt (2004) suggest that…

  • If you are quoting a particular section of the source (rather than the entire work), you should also include a page number, or page range, after the date, within the parenthetical Harvard citation

“…the development of meaning is more important than the acquisition of a large set of knowledge or skills …” (Lutz and Huitt, 2004, p.8), which means that …

  • Note that if the source has four or more authors, you do not need to write out all of their surnames; simply use the first author’s surname followed by the abbreviation ‘et al.’ (meaning ‘and others’).

The results showed that respondents needed to reach out to multiple health agencies in order to cover the costs of their services (Wolbeck Minke et al., 2007).

  • If you are reading a source by one author and they cite work by another author, you may cite that original work as a secondary reference. You are encouraged to track down the original source – usually this is possible to do by consulting the author’s reference list – but if you are unable to access it, the Harvard referencing guidelines state that you must only cite the source you did consult as you did not actually read the original document. Include the words ‘cited in’ in the in-text citation to indicate this.

Fong’s 1987 study (cited in Bertram 1997) found that older students’ memory can be as good as that of young people…

(Fong, cited in Bertram 1997)

Why use a Harvard referencing tool? As well as saving you valuable time, the Cite This For Me generator can help you easily avoid common errors when formatting your in-text citations. So, if you’re looking for an easy way to credit your source material, simply login to your Cite This For Me account to copy, save and export each in-text Harvard citation.

How Do I Format My Reference List?

Utilizing and building on a wide range of relevant sources is one way of impressing your reader, and a comprehensive list of the source material you have used is the perfect platform to exhibit your research efforts. A reference list is always required when you cite other people’s work within your assignment, and the brief in-text Harvard style citations in your work should directly link to your reference list.

As a general rule a reference list includes every source that you have cited in your work, while a bibliography also contains any relevant background reading which you have consulted to familiarise yourself with the topic (even those sources that are never mentioned in the narrative). Your Harvard referencing bibliography should start on its own page, with the same formatting as the rest of the paper and aligned to the left with the sources listed alphabetically. Certain fields ask you to provide an annotated bibliography that includes your full citations with the addition of notes. These notes are added to further analyze the source, and can be of any length.

Many people use the terms ‘reference list’ and ‘bibliography’ interchangeably, and if you are using the Harvard reference style you may be required to provide a bibliography as well as a reference list, so be sure to check this with your tutor.

Follow these guidelines when compiling your reference list:

  • Start your reference list on a new page at the end of your document
  • General formatting should be in keeping with the rest of your work
  • Use ‘Reference List’ as the heading
  • Copy each of your full-length Harvard citations into a list
  • Arrange the list in alphabetical order by the author’s last name (titles with no author are alphabetized by the work’s title, and if you are citing two or more sources by the same author they should be listed in chronological order of the year of publication)
  • When there are several works from one author or source, they should be listed together but in date order – with the earliest work listed first
  • Italicize titles of books, reports, conference proceedings etc. For journal articles, the title of the journal should be printed in italics, rather than the title of the journal article
  • Capitalize the first letter of the publication title, the first letters of all main words in the title of a journal, and all first letters of a place name and publisher

Creating and managing your reference list with the Cite This For Me Harvard referencing generator will help improve the way you reference and conduct research.

Reference list / bibliography examples:

  • Book, one author:

Bell, J. (2010) Doing your research project . 5th edn. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

  • One author, book, multiple editions:

Hawking, S.W. (1998) A brief history of time: From the big bang to black holes . 10th edn. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group.

  • Chapter in an edited book:

Jewsiewicki, B. (2010). ‘Historical Memory and Representation of New Nations in Africa’, in Diawara, M., Lategan, B., and Rusen, J. (eds.) Historical memory in Africa: Dealing with the past, reaching for the future in an intercultural context . New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 53-66.

If all information resembles a book, use the template for a book reference

If a page number is unavailable, use chapter number. URL links are not necessary, but can be useful. When including a URL, include the date the book was downloaded at the end of the Harvard citation:

Available at: URL (Downloaded: DD Month YYYY)

  • More than three authors, journal article*:

Shakoor, J., et al. (2011) ‘A prospective longitudinal study of children’s theory of mind and adolescent involvement in bullying’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 53(3), pp. 254–261. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02488.x.

  • Conference papers:

Drogen, E. (2014) ‘Changing how we think about war: The role of psychology’, The British Psychological Society 2014 Annual Conference . The ICC, Birmingham British Psychological Society, 07-09 May 2014.

  • Web page, by an individual:

Moon, M. (2019) Ubisoft put an official video game design course inside a video game . Available at (Accessed 19 November 2019).

  • Web page, by a company or organization:

RotoBaller (2019) NFL player news . Available at (Accessed 17 September 2019).

For both types of web page references, the date the page was published or updated is placed in parentheses immediately following the author information. If a date is missing from the source, place (no date) next to the author’s name and make sure to include an accessed date at the end of the reference.

Are you struggling to find all of the publication information to complete a reference? Did you know that our Harvard citation generator can help you?

Time is of the essence when you’re finishing a paper, but there’s no need to panic because you can compile your reference list in a matter of seconds using the Cite This For Me Harvard style citation generator. Sign in to your Cite This For Me account to save and export your reference list.

Harvard Referencing Formatting Guidelines

Accurate referencing doesn’t only protect your work from plagiarism – presenting your source material in a consistent and clear way also enhances the readability of your work. Closely follow the style’s formatting rules on font type, font size, text-alignment and line spacing to ensure that your work is easily legible. Before submitting your work check that you have formatted your whole paper – including your reference list – according to the style’s formatting guidelines.

How to format in Harvard referencing:

  • Margins: 2.5cm on all sides
  • Shortened title followed by the page number in the header, aligned to the right
  • Double-space the entirety of the paper
  • ½ inch indentation for every new paragraph (press tab bar)
  • Suggested fonts: Times New Roman, Arial and Courier New for Windows; Times New Roman, Helvetica and Courier for Mac, 12pt size. Ensure that all Harvard citations are in the same font as the rest of the work
  • Reference list on a separate page at the end of the body of your work

Even when using a Harvard citation generator, always check with your professor for specified guidelines – there is no unified style for the formatting of a paper. Make sure that you apply the recommended formatting rules consistently throughout your work.

A Brief History of the Harvard Reference Style

The author-date system is attributed to eminent zoologist Edward Laurens Mark (1847-1946), Hersey professor of anatomy and director of Harvard’s zoological laboratory. It is widely agreed that the first evidence of Harvard referencing can be traced back to Mark’s landmark cytological paper (Chernin, 1988). The paper breaks away from previous uses of inconsistent and makeshift footnotes through its use of a parenthetical author-date citation accompanied by an explanatory footnote.

  • Parenthetic author-year citation, page 194 of Mark’s 1881 paper:

[…] The appearance may be due solely to reflection from the body itself. (Comp. Flemming, ‘78b, p. 310.*)

  • Mark’s rationale for his Harvard citational scheme:

*The numbers immediately following an author’s name serve the double purpose of referring the reader to the list (p. 591) where the titles of papers are given, and of informing him at once of the approximate date of the paper in question.

A tribute dedicated to Mark in 1903 by 140 students credits Mark’s paper with having ‘introduced into zoology a proper fullness and accuracy of citation and a convenient and uniform method of referring from text to bibliography’ (Parker, 1903). Today Harvard referencing is widely considered one of the most accessible styles and, although it originated in biology, these days it is used across most subjects – particularly in the humanities, history and social science.

The Evolution of the Harvard Referencing Style

Due to its simplicity and ease of use, the format has become one of the most widely used citation styles in the world. Unlike many citing styles there is no official manual, but institutions such as colleges offer their own unique Harvard reference style guide, and each has its own nuances when it comes to punctuation, order of information and formatting rules. Simply go to the Cite This For Me website to login to your Cite This For Me account and search for the version you need. Make sure you apply consistency throughout your work.

It is increasingly easy for writers to access information and knowledge via the internet, and in turn both the style’s guidelines and our citation generator are continually updated to include developments in electronic publishing. The Cite This For Me Harvard style citation generator currently uses the Cite Them Right 10th Edition, which has evolved in recent years to match the rapidly advancing digital age. In order to avoid plagiarism, you must be cautious about pulling information from the internet, and ensure that you accurately cite all source material used in your written work – including all online sources that have contributed to your research.

Key differences from previous Harvard referencing Cite Them Right editions:

  • Previous editions required printed books and eBooks to be referenced differently – in the 10th edition, both are now referenced using the same template (if all the necessary information is available). An Ebook is considered to be the digital format of a published book (or a book that is only published in digital format) that is meant for reading on an electronic device.
  • URLs are no longer a requirement for digital media if the information provided in the Harvard citation is sufficient to find the source without it. They should be included if the source is difficult to find, or pieces of source information – such as an author name – are missing.
  • When a source has more than 3 authors, use the abbreviation “et al.” instead of listing each out.

These days students draw on a diverse range of digital sources to support their written work. Whether you are citing a hashtag on Instagram , a podcast or a mobile app, the Cite This For Me generator will take care of your Harvard citations, regardless of the type of source you want to cite. So don’t be held back by sources that are difficult to cite – locating unusual source material will help your work to stand out from the crowd.

How Do I Create Accurate Harvard Citations?

Creating complete and correctly formatted citations can be a challenge for many writers, especially when documenting multiple source types. Our primary goal at Cite This For Me is to offer support to students and researchers across the globe by transforming the way in which they perceive citing. We hope that after using our citation generator and reading this Harvard referencing guide, what was once considered an arduous process, will be viewed as a highly-valued skill that enhances the quality of your work.

Disheartened by the stressful process of citing? Got a fast-approaching deadline? Using the Cite This For Me fast, accessible and free generator makes creating accurate citations easier than ever, leaving more time for you to focus on achieving your academic goals.

Create a free account to add and edit each Harvard citation on the spot, import and export full projects or individual entries. Things get even easier with Cite This For Me for Chrome – an intuitive, handy browser extension that allows you to create and edit a citation while you browse the web. Use the extension on any webpage that you want to cite, and add it to your chosen project without interrupting your workflow.

The Cite This For Me citation management tool is here to help you, so what are you waiting for? Accurate Harvard citations are just a click away!

Reference List

Chernin, E. (1988) The ‘Harvard System’: A mystery dispelled. Available at: (Accessed: 4 July 2016).

Parker, G. (ed.) (1903) Mark anniversary volume. New York: Henry Holt.

paraphrasing citation harvard

Manage all your citations in one place

Create projects, add notes, and cite directly from your browser. Sign up for Cite This For Me today!

Scribbr Citation Generator

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paraphrasing citation harvard

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📚 Source typesWebsites, books, articles
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Describe or evaluate your sources in annotations, and Scribbr will generate a perfectly formatted annotated bibliography .

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  • Introduction
  • Finding sources

Evaluating sources

  • Integrating sources

Citing sources

Tools and resources, a quick guide to working with sources.

Working with sources is an important skill that you’ll need throughout your academic career.

It includes knowing how to find relevant sources, assessing their authority and credibility, and understanding how to integrate sources into your work with proper referencing.

This quick guide will help you get started!

Finding relevant sources

Sources commonly used in academic writing include academic journals, scholarly books, websites, newspapers, and encyclopedias. There are three main places to look for such sources:

  • Research databases: Databases can be general or subject-specific. To get started, check out this list of databases by academic discipline . Another good starting point is Google Scholar .
  • Your institution’s library: Use your library’s database to narrow down your search using keywords to find relevant articles, books, and newspapers matching your topic.
  • Other online resources: Consult popular online sources like websites, blogs, or Wikipedia to find background information. Be sure to carefully evaluate the credibility of those online sources.

When using academic databases or search engines, you can use Boolean operators to refine your results.

Generate APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard citations in seconds

Get started

In academic writing, your sources should be credible, up to date, and relevant to your research topic. Useful approaches to evaluating sources include the CRAAP test and lateral reading.

CRAAP is an abbreviation that reminds you of a set of questions to ask yourself when evaluating information.

  • Currency: Does the source reflect recent research?
  • Relevance: Is the source related to your research topic?
  • Authority: Is it a respected publication? Is the author an expert in their field?
  • Accuracy: Does the source support its arguments and conclusions with evidence?
  • Purpose: What is the author’s intention?

Lateral reading

Lateral reading means comparing your source to other sources. This allows you to:

  • Verify evidence
  • Contextualize information
  • Find potential weaknesses

If a source is using methods or drawing conclusions that are incompatible with other research in its field, it may not be reliable.

Integrating sources into your work

Once you have found information that you want to include in your paper, signal phrases can help you to introduce it. Here are a few examples:

FunctionExample sentenceSignal words and phrases
You present the author’s position neutrally, without any special emphasis. recent research, food services are responsible for one-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.According to, analyzes, asks, describes, discusses, explains, in the words of, notes, observes, points out, reports, writes
A position is taken in agreement with what came before.Recent research Einstein’s theory of general relativity by observing light from behind a black hole.Agrees, confirms, endorses, reinforces, promotes, supports
A position is taken for or against something, with the implication that the debate is ongoing.Allen Ginsberg artistic revision …Argues, contends, denies, insists, maintains

Following the signal phrase, you can choose to quote, paraphrase or summarize the source.

  • Quoting : This means including the exact words of another source in your paper. The quoted text must be enclosed in quotation marks or (for longer quotes) presented as a block quote . Quote a source when the meaning is difficult to convey in different words or when you want to analyze the language itself.
  • Paraphrasing : This means putting another person’s ideas into your own words. It allows you to integrate sources more smoothly into your text, maintaining a consistent voice. It also shows that you have understood the meaning of the source.
  • Summarizing : This means giving an overview of the essential points of a source. Summaries should be much shorter than the original text. You should describe the key points in your own words and not quote from the original text.

Whenever you quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source, you must include a citation crediting the original author.

Citing your sources is important because it:

  • Allows you to avoid plagiarism
  • Establishes the credentials of your sources
  • Backs up your arguments with evidence
  • Allows your reader to verify the legitimacy of your conclusions

The most common citation styles are APA, MLA, and Chicago style. Each citation style has specific rules for formatting citations.

Generate APA, MLA, Chicago,  and Harvard citations in seconds

Scribbr offers tons of tools and resources to make working with sources easier and faster. Take a look at our top picks:

  • Citation Generator: Automatically generate accurate references and in-text citations using Scribbr’s APA Citation Generator, MLA Citation Generator , Harvard Referencing Generator , and Chicago Citation Generator .
  • Plagiarism Checker : Detect plagiarism in your paper using the most accurate Turnitin-powered plagiarism software available to students.
  • AI Proofreader: Upload and improve unlimited documents and earn higher grades on your assignments. Try it for free!
  • Paraphrasing tool: Avoid accidental plagiarism and make your text sound better.
  • Grammar checker : Eliminate pesky spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Summarizer: Read more in less time. Distill lengthy and complex texts down to their key points.
  • AI detector: Find out if your text was written with ChatGPT or any other AI writing tool. ChatGPT 2 & ChatGPT 3 supported.
  • Proofreading services : Have a human editor improve your writing.
  • Citation checker: Check your work for citation errors and missing citations.
  • Knowledge Base : Explore hundreds of articles, bite-sized videos, time-saving templates, and handy checklists that guide you through the process of research, writing, and citation.

Referencing your work: Harvard 2024

  • Getting started
  • Using sources in writing
  • Harvard Hull
  • Footnotes Hull
  • Referencing videos
  • Harvard 2024
  • Footnotes 2024

Harvard Referencing

*new for 2024-25* this guidance has been updated to reflect how students access many materials. returning students may continue to use previous guidance which can be found here - legacy guidance, please note your tutors may also still be transitioning from earlier guidance so some learning materials may include examples that do not exactly match this style..

If you Google 'Harvard Referencing' you will find that every university has its own guide and that they all differ slightly in terms of punctuation, formatting and the order of information. 'Harvard Referencing' refers to any referencing style that uses the author name and year of publication within the text to indicate that information or ideas have been sourced from elsewhere. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as 'Author Date' referencing. This guide gives University of Hull students definitive examples of how to reference different materials using Harvard referencing for all their submitted work.

Jump to content:

  • Formatting citations
  • Citing figures and tables
  • Referencing anything not in the list

Books (print and electronic)

  • Articles (journal, newspaper or magazine)
  • Official Governmetal and NGO documents

Health documents

Other documents.

  • Web pages, social media and other online sources
  • Computer code or programs

Images, artwork and maps

Audiovisual sources, live performances, personal communications etc, self-translated works.

If you prefer, a pdf version of this information can be downloaded here:

  Harvard Referencing.pdf

A one page guide with the most common sources for your reference list can be downloaded here:

  Quick Reference Guide (Common Reference Types)

Put this guide where you can easily find it:

  Add to your Canvas Dashboard

This is the standardised referencing system to be used by all departments, faculties and schools at the University of Hull who ask their students to use the Harvard referencing system. Use these guidelines when referencing manually. We do, however, recommend that all students learn how to use bibliographic software (EndNote or RefWorks) once they are familiar with the system. Please see our Bibliographic Software pages for more information.

Citing references within your text

Guidance on formatting citations within the body of your work.

When using a Harvard referencing style, the in-text citations need to indicate who was the author or producer of the work you are citing and what year it was published or created. If you have provided a direct quotation, you will also need to include the page number (see direct quotations below). This information is given in parentheses (round brackets) as follows:

Author(s) mentioned directly in sentence (narrative citation):

When an author name is included within your narrative text, the name is followed by date of publication in brackets:

Adichie (2008) explained that when she first arrived at university, she felt her roommates did not think she was African enough.

Author(s) not mentioned in sentence (parenthetical citation):

When the author name is not included in the text, their surname and date of publication are added in brackets (known as parentheses) at the end of the associated point. The author and date need to be separated by a comma. If this is at the end of a sentence, make sure the citation is placed before the full stop:

Storytelling activates the brain’s insular cortex and allows us to experience sensations such as excitement or disgust (Widrich, 2012).

Please click on the appropriate section below for more rules you need to follow for in-text citations:

Two co-authors

For a narrative citation (when two co-authors are mentioned within the text), separate them with the word 'and' rather than using an ampersand (&):

Sharma and Li (2005) suggest that...

When two co-authors are given in the brackets at the end of the sentence their names are separated with an ampersand (&) unlike when the authors are referred to within the text.

All slides should use a full sentence to make an assertion in their title and give the evidence to back up that assertion in the main body of the slide. Where possible this evidence should be visual (Alley & Neeley, 2005).

Several authors in one sentence

When authors of different works are both referred to in a sentence, cite them separately:

Martin (2005) and Rothfuss (2011) both infer that...

If names are not included in the sentence, list citations in chronological order within brackets at the end, separated by semicolons:

(Garcia, 2019; Kheang, 2020).

Group authors

Where no specific author is given, use the name of the organisation or company. If the organisation is known by abbreviations always give the name in full the first time their work is cited.

If the name of the organisation appears in a narrative citation, include the abbreviation before the year:

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2011) have published guidance on professional conduct for nursing and midwifery students.

If the name first appears in a parenthetical citation, include the abbreviation in square brackets, followed by a comma and the year:

(Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC], 2011)

You can then just use the abbreviation for future in-text references.

Note , the entry in the reference list should use the abbreviation too - so that it matches the in-text citation.

Multiple authors

For two authors, please see the Author name(s) included in text and Author name(s) not in text sections above as the rules are slightly different in each instance.

For more than two authors, in text citations only show the first author followed by et al. (which stands for 'and others' in Latin). This does not need to be italicised.

Brown et al. (2011) indicate that...

This has been confirmed by many different researchers (Chan et al., 2018; Popoola, 2019; White et al., 2021).

Note Unless there are more than eight authors, list them all in the reference list at the end of the document rather than using et al. For more than eight, list the first eight and then use et al.

No date available

Where no date is known, use the abbreviation n.d.:

The amount of Brazilian Atlantic forest remaining is decreasing every year (SOS Mata Atlântica, n.d.).

Direct quotations

For direct quotations, include the page number(s) after the date, following a colon. The abbreviation p or pg is not required:

According to Duarte (2010:53), “Incorporating story into presentations has an exponential effect on outcomes”.

Page numbers are not required when quoting from webpages.

If you have accessed an electronic book with no obvious page numbers (such as earlier Kindle books), location data can be given instead:

Stevensen (2011:loc 211) states that "a story is the best way to help employees 'grasp' an abstract concept”.

Note that if direct quotations are 30 words or more , they should be in a separate paragraph formatted like this (single line spacing, indented 1cm from both sides and no quotation marks (citation afterwards).

Citing different works by the same author

For more than one citation by the same author on the same information with different dates, list all the dates after the name separated by commas:

(Park, 2011, 2014).

Note that you only use semicolons between lists of different authors.

For more than one citation by the same author in the same year put a, b, c etc after the date:

(Park, 2011a)....(Park, 2011b).

Note, in the reference list, works by the same author, published in the same year, should be in alphabetical order by title. It is this position in the reference list rather than the position in the document that determines which letter a citation is given. It is therefore possible that you could cite (Park, 2011b) before (Park, 2011a) in the document itself.

Unknown authors

Where the author name is not known (for instance for some reference books) and a corporate author is not clear, use the title of the work (or web page) as your citation (if this is long you can use a shortened form):

(Concise Oxford Dictionary, 2004).

(Gourmet coffee boom, 2013).

Do not use the abbreviation Anon.

Citing from web pages

Be critical when using web pages as sources. Take extra care to assess the reliability and authority of the author or organisation and use accordingly. Never just give the URL as your in-text citation. Always follow the standard Harvard citation style of (Author, Year).

  • Authors are often companies and organisations: (NHS, 2004).
  • If no author or organisation is clear, give the web page title: (Gourmet coffee boom, 2013).
  • Dates are often found in the copyright information at the bottom of the web page.
  • If a date range is given, use the latest date.
  • If no date is given, use n.d.

Religious texts

Include the name of the religious text, Book, Sura or Chapter:Verse e.g.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" ( The Bible , Philippians. 4:13).

"And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates" ( The Qur'an , Miriam. 19:25).

For other religious texts, adapt to whatever is the conventional numbering system.

Plays and long poems

Plays and poems need more specific citations:

When quoting directly from plays, you should give a concise reference number indicating Act, Scene and line number. For Shakespeare plays, give the play title rather than the author in the citation:

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool" ( As You Like It , 5.1.30).

If the play is not divided in such a way, just give page numbers as normal.

When quoting from poems, give the line number(s) after the quotation, separate consecutive lines with a virgule (/):

"According to Ode to a Nightingale , “tender is the night, / And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne, / Cluster’d around by all her starry Fays” (35-37).

Edited novels

The way you cite an edited novel differs depending on whether you are referring to information given by the editor or text from the novel itself. In this example both citations come from an edition of Jane Austen's 1818 novel Pride and prejudice which was published in 1998 and edited by Gillian Beer:

Editor's text (often the introduction or additional notes)

You cite the editor themselves:

Austen's novel was, for her "and her readers, fraught with moral dangers" (Beer, 1998 in Austen, 1818:xi).

Author's text (the novel itself)

Use the information from the original publication:

Anne's sister Elizabeth "Did not quite equal her father in personal contentment" (Austen, 1818:8).

The entry in the reference list would be listed under Austen, J. (1818) and would include the editor information after the title - see the example given within 'An edited book' in the Books section below.

Computer code

As well as to avoid plagiarism, citing re-used code in your source code is important to give credit to the original creators and, in some cases, ensure legal compliance. It also helps maintain the codebase over time by providing context and acknowledging contributions.

Consider your code like any document and cite as for an in-text citation in the body of the code (before the code) and then, either have a reference list at the end that gives the full details, or if you have written an accompanying report, put the reference list at the bottom of that instead.

Referencing information should always be given as a comment, using whatever syntax your programming language uses:

C++ /*comment*/
Python # in front of every line of comment
Html <!--comment-->

In the in-code citations, it is important to show whether the code is a straight copy or modified in some way. You should also cite algorithms the same way (these examples given for C++ - adapt as indicated in table above):

/*this copied extract is from (Author surname or corporate name, year) */

/*this modified extract is from (Author surname or corporate name, year) */

/*this algorithm is from (Author surname or corporate name, year) */

/* this modified extract is from (Smith, 2011) */

/* this algorithm is from (Source Forge, 2023) */

Secondary references

Sometimes you want to reference something that has been quoted, reproduced or cited in a source you have read (a secondary reference). Here are a few simple rules when dealing with them:

  • If at all possible, find the original source and use that instead.
  • Never pretend you have read the original source.
  • Only include the book/article you have read in the reference list.
  • Always make it clear in your in text citation that it is a secondary reference. Here are some examples:

Sani (2008) cited in Singh (2010) implied that...

Rebecca Bishop, a native American public relations officer (quoted in Sorensen, 2012) believes that...

In a letter to his brother, Rembrandt admitted his reluctance to accept money (Rembrandt, 1880 in Stone, 1995).

Figure 4: Aerial shot of the scene (Patel, 2003 in Justin, 2009).

For the above examples, the entries in the reference list would be for Singh, Sorenson, Stone and Justin (NOT Sani, Bishop, Rembrandt or Patel).

When to include page numbers

Always* use page numbers within your reference when you are quoting directly from your source:

According to Ryan (2004:267) music is the art that "touches, in one form or another, the widest segment of the world's population".

If there is a quite a gap between giving the reference and the quote, you can put the page number by itself in brackets directly after the quotation:

Work by Oliver (2011) found that mechanisms for assuring their development varied from non-existent through vague statements of “opportunities provided” (page 12) to a few well documented quality review processes.

Paraphrased text

Sometimes, especially when using books as sources, it can be helpful to give a page number even when you have paraphrased the text. This is not essential but it is a courtesy to the reader to help them find the part of the book that you are referring to more easily.

According to Gottshcall (2012:111) conspiracy theories are the result of a dark human need to make up stories where they do not exist.

Some disciplines, especially in the Arts, always want page numbers for paraphrased text, so please check with your lecturers or supervisors to see if this is required in your work.

* Unless there are no page numbers, i.e. web pages

Citing figures, tables and data within your work

If you are using an image, diagram, chart, photograph or other figures in your work, you should ensure these are properly referenced. If you made the figure yourself but used data from elsewhere to create it, you should ensure you cite the source of the data used to create your figure.

Citing figures in your work

Citing figures in written work.

In written work, you should always caption your figures with a label, a number and a meaningful title. Standard practice is to put captions underneath figures . You should ensure your figure (or data) citations are included in your bibliography as with any other reference. The punctuation used can vary, but always ensure you are consistent:

FigureNumber – Title (In-text citation)

FigureNumber: Title (In-text citation)

Figure Number. Title (In-text citation)

paraphrasing citation harvard

Figure 1 - The Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford (Whitby, 2005)

Note : For small assignments (essays) the numbers should be sequential (i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3). For larger assignments (dissertations, projects, thesis) it is standard practice to restart numbering at each chapter and prefix figure numbers with the chapter number. For example, Figure 2.1 would be the first figure in chapter 2 and Figure 4.5 would be the fifth figure in chapter 4.

Citing figures in presentations

For presentations, you don't necessarily need a caption and at a minimum only need to include an in-text citation on or near the figure. You should, however, ensure figures are explained, and this can be done via your narration, by using a caption or by using the slide's title. You should ensure your image citations are included in your bibliography as with any other reference. For presentations, this can be achieved using the slide notes area or a slide towards the end of the presentation.

paraphrasing citation harvard

Citing tables in your work

Citing tables in written work.

If you are using a table in your work, you should ensure the table (or the data within it) is properly referenced. If you made the table yourself but used data from elsewhere to create it, you should ensure you cite the source of the data used to create your table.

In written work, you should always caption your tables with a label, a number and a meaningful title. Standard practice is to put captions above tables . You should ensure your table (or data) citations are included in your bibliography as with any other reference. The punctuation used can vary, but always ensure you are consistent:

Table Number – Title (In-text citation)

Table Number: Title (In-text citation)

Table Number. Title (In-text citation)

Table 1 - United Kingdom population mid-year estimate (data from: Office for national statistics, 2019)

Year Mid-year estimated population
2009 62,260,500
2010 62,759,500
2011 63,285,100
2012 63,705,000
2013 64,105,700
2014 64,596,800
2015 65,110,000
2016 65,648,100
2017 66,040,200
2018 66,435,600

Note: For small assignments (essays) the numbers should be sequential (i.e. Table 1, Table 2, Table 3). For larger assignments (dissertations, projects, thesis) it is standard practice to restart numbering at each chapter and prefix table numbers with the chapter number. For example, Table 2.1 would be the first tble in chapter 2 and Figure 4.5 would be the fifth table in chapter 4.

Citing tables in presentations

For presentations, you don't necessarily need a caption and at a minimum only need to include an in-text citation on or near the table. You should, however, ensure tables are explained, and this can be done via your narration, by using a caption or by using the slide's title. . You should ensure your table citations are included in your bibliography as with any other reference. For presentations, this can be achieved using the slide notes area or a slide towards the end of the presentation.

Remember: Presentations are a visual mode of communication. You should consider presenting any tables you want to include in the form of a chart, graph or other visual.

Compiling the reference list

Guidance on formatting the list and its entries.

The reference list appears at the end of your document and is a full list of the works you have referred to within your written text. It should be in alphabetical order by surname (or citation entry if a corporate author). References should be typed using single line spacing with a clear space between each reference . Indentation in not necessary. Because it will probably contain website addresses, it should also be left-aligned to ensure you don't get large gaps between some words.

Some departments may ask for a full bibliography, which would also include any works that you have consulted in the process of writing the piece but have not referred to directly. However this is not usually the case so please check with them if you are unsure. Sometimes you can just add an "Additional material consulted" section after your reference list to avoid confusion.

You will find below information about how to reference nearly all commonly used information sources. If there is anything missing, please use the advice under 'Referencing anything not listed below' to develop your own reference. If you are struggling, then contact us on  [email protected]  and we will advise you personally. 

Referencing anything not listed below

It is not possible for us to give precise referencing information for everything you could ever need to reference. The sections below give advice on referencing more common source types but if the thing you need to reference is not there, then you will have to make up a sensible reference yourself using the guidelines here:

Anything not listed

If you need to reference anything that is not already included in this guide then follow the basic template below.

Author/Creator (Year) Title or description [Medium if not obvious]. Anything that identifies it specifically. Any other information about where or when you saw it or that can help someone else find it.

Book with single author

Include the following information:

Surname, Initials. (Year) Title of book in sentence case* and italics: subtitle if present . Publisher.

Robinson, K. (2001) Out of our minds: learning to be creative . Capstone Publishing Ltd.

Gartner, M. (1993) Macroeconomics under flexible exchange rates . Harvester Wheatsheaf.

*Sentence case means you only capitalise the first word and any proper nouns.

Book with multiple authors

Give the following information:

Surnames and initials of all authors (Year) Title of book in sentence case: subtitle if present. Publisher.

For two authors use an ampersand (&) between them:

Nunn, C. L. & Altizer, S. M. (2006) Infectious diseases in primates: behavior, ecology and evolution . Oxford University Press.

For more than two authors, list all the names, separated by commas with an ampersand (&) before the last (do not use et al. in reference lists):

Daiches, D., Thorlby, A., Mottram, E., Bradbury, M., Franco, J., Dudley, D. R. & Lang, D. M. (1971) The Penguin companion to literature . Allen Lane.

Not the first edition

Put the edition number after the book title (after a comma). Use the full word 'edition' not an abbreviation (to distinguish it from the abbreviation for editor):

Author(s) (Year) Title of book in sentence case: subtitle if present , N o edition. Publisher.

Lynch, P. J. & Horton, S. (2008) Web style guide , 3 rd edition. Yale University Press.

An edited book

As for an authored book with the addition of (ed) or (eds) after editor name(s) i.e.

Editor (ed) (Year) Title of book in sentence case: subtitle if present . Publisher.

West, D. M. (ed) (2011) The next wave: Using digital technology to further social and political innovation . Washington DC: The Brookings Institution.

Bradley, A. & DuBois, A. (eds) (2010) The anthology of rap . Yale University Press.

An edited novel

These are slightly different as the editor is often only responsible for the introduction and any notes whereas the novel itself is clearly written by the original author. How you cite these within your text will also differ depending on whether you are referring to the work of the editor or the original author (see the entry on this in the 'Citing references within your text' section above).

Original Author (Original Year) Title of book in sentence case . Edited by Editor, year of publication. Publisher.

Austen, J. (1818) Pride and Prejudice . Edited by G. Beer, 1998. Penguin.

A chapter in an edited book

You need to give the title of the chapter and the title of the book. The title of the book, not the chapter needs to be in italics. If the chapter date is different to the book publication date (e.g. for collected articles) put the book date after (ed), before the book title.

Author(s) (Year) Title of chapter. In Editor(s) (ed(s)) Title of book . Publisher, page range of chapter.

Clark, R. E. & Feldon, D. F. (2005) The multimedia principle. In Mayer, R. E. (ed) The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning . Cambridge University Press, 117-134.

An electronic book (eBook)

There is no need to give information about which provider you accessed the eBook through. It is sufficient to indicate that it is an eBook that you have read by putting [eBook] in square brackets after the book title or edition information. If no place of publication information is available, don't worry, just put the publisher. URLs are not required as these are usually session specific and would not link the reader to the eBook:

Author(s) (Year) Title of book [eBook]. Publisher.

Stein, J. L. & Allen, P. R. (1998) Fundamental determinants of exchange rates [eBook]. Oxford University Press.

Parnell, H. (1805) The principles of currency and exchange , 4 th edition [eBook]. J. Budd.

An eReader book (Kindle, Kobo, Nook etc).

As with other eBooks, it is sufficient to make it clear which version of the book you have read. This information is placed after the book title or edition information. You should include download dates if possible (versions are updated and this should be reflected). Download dates are usually the same as your purchase dates and can be found by looking back at your order history online. If you no longer have access to this information, don't worry, just give what information you have. City or publisher information is often unavailable and can be omitted if this is the case (although can often be found at the end of your eReader book).

Author(s) (Year) Title of book , eReader version. Publisher.[Downloaded date].

Stevenson, D. (2003) Story theater method: strategic storytelling in business , Kindle version. Cornelia Press. [Downloaded 2011].

Sheldrake, R., McKenna, T. & Abraham, R. (2001) Chaos, creativity and cosmic consciousness , Kobo version. Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. [Downloaded 4/8/2014].

Reminder: When quoting directly from eReader books where no page number information is present, location information can be used for in-text citations instead: (Stevensen, 2011:loc 211).

Translated book

You should include details for the translator and an indication of the original language. If the original was a historically significant book, include the date of the original as well as the translation (the original date would then be the one in your in-text citation).

Note if you are self-translating books or articles, please see 'Self-translated works' under 'Further guidance' towards the bottom of these guidelines.

Author(s) (Year) Title of book . Translated from (language) by (name of translator, date if needed). Publisher.

Wolf, C. (2007) One day a year, 1960-2000 . Translated from German by L. A. Bangerter. Europa Editions.

Sartre, J. P. (1946) Existentialism and humanism . Translated from French by P. Mairet, 2007. Metheun.

Audio book (CD or download)

Audio book on cd:.

Author(s) (Year) Title of book [Audio CD]. Version (abridged or unabridged). Publisher.

Tracy, B. C. (2012) Time management made simple [Audio CD]. Unabridged. Gildan Media Corporation.

Audio book via download:

Author(s) (Year) Title of book [Audio download]. Version (abridged or unabridged). Publisher. [Downloaded date].

Tracy, B. C. (2012) Time management made simple [Audio download]. Unabridged. Gildan Media Corporation. [Downloaded 6 Aug 2024].

Articles (journal, newspaper and magazine)

Journal article.

**New for 2024** To enable easy retrieval, you should provide a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) at the end of your reference (if there is one available). This is a string of numbers, letters and symbols used to permanently identify and link to the article online. The DOI can usually be found in the citation information near the top of the landing page for the article, or on the first few pages of an article. If you can't find the DOI, you can look it up on the website (use the "Search Metadata" option and search by title).

It's important to note that not all electronic materials will have a DOI. Articles published prior to 2000 are less likely to have one.

Examples with and without DOIs are given below.

DOI available

Author(s) (Year) Title of article in sentence case 1 .  Journal Title (in italics, main words capitalised) , Issue information 2 , page range 3 . 4

Ceylan B., Gunes U., Baran L., Ozturk H. & Sahbudak G. (2020) Examining the hand hygiene beliefs and practices of nursing students and the effectiveness of their handwashing behaviour. Journal of Clinical Nursing , 29(21-22), 4057-4065.

de Moraes, K.F., Santos, M.P.D., Gonçalves, G.S.R., de Oliveira, G.L., Gomes, L.B. & Lima, M.G.M. (2020) Climate change and bird extinctions in the Amazon. PLoS ONE , 15(7).

No DOI available

Author(s) (Year) Title of article in sentence case 1 .  Journal Title (in italics, main words capitalised) , Issue information 2 , page range.

Keech, J.M. (1974) The survival of the gothic response. Studies in the Novel , 6(2), 130-144.

1. Sentence case means you only capitalise the first word and any proper nouns.

2. Issue information is usually volume and issue but can sometimes be volume only or include supplement information. Occasionally it is a season (Spring, Summer etc), month or date (do not repeat the year if this is the case).

3. If a journal is an online only journal then all articles usually start with page 1. There is no need to give a page range if this is the case. Alternatively, provide the article number (starting with an 'e') if one is present.

4. The DOI should be a clickable link and therefore in the format . Note that there is no full stop following the DOI - this is to ensure it does not interfere with the URL.

Book review in a journal

The name of the reviewer is given first (and should be used in your in-text citation) rather than the author of the reviewed book. Please see the section for a journal article above for an explanation of DOIs if needed.

Surname of reviewer, Initials (Year) Review of Book title in Italics , by Author of book. Journal Title in italics , Issue information, page range,

Braash, M. (2015) Review of Principles of GNSS, inertial, and multisensor integrated navigation systems , 2nd edition, by Groves, P. D. IEEE A&E Systems Magazine, 30(2), 26-27,

Some book reviews will have a title of their own, that is different to the book. If this is the case, add it as you would for a journal article title:

Goldthorpe, J. H. (1973) A revolution in sociology? Review of Understanding everyday life: Towards the reconstruction of everyday knowledge , by Douglas, J. D. (ed) Sociology , 7(3), 449-462.

Newspaper article (print or archived online)

As with journals, it is not necessary to give the online information if you are referring to a printed article, or one that only came out in print originally:

Author if known or newspaper title if not (Year) Title of the article or column heading. Title of the newspaper , Day and Month, Page number.

Gunn, J. (1984) Why London will have to go international. The Times (London), 28 November, 17.

Cardiff Times (1910) Clydach Vale Disaster. Cardiff Times , 14 May, 10.

Newspaper article (online only or internet edition)

Internet editions of newspaper articles are often slightly different to the printed articles (information may be added or excluded). It is therefore important to make it clear that you have accessed the article online:

Author if known or newspaper title if not (Year) Title of the article. Title of the newspaper , Internet edition. Day and Month. URL [Accessed date].

Karim, N. (2014) Giant penguin fossil shows bird was taller than most humans. The Guardian, Internet edition. 4 August. [Accessed 5 Sep 2022].

Magazine/comic article

These are similar to printed newspaper or journal articles:

Author if known or magazine/comic title if not (Year) Title of the article or comic strip. Title of the Magazine/Comic , Issue or date, page number if relevant. URL if available online. [Accessed date if online].

Evans, L. & Winkler, D. (2011) Equador: into the fungal jungle. Fungi , 4(4) Fall, 10-12.

Parr, F. (2021) Stephen Sondheim memories: leading musicians and composers share their reflections on the Broadway legend. BBC Music Magazine , 2 December. [Accessed 15 Aug 2024].

Beano (2000) Minnie the Minx. The Beano , No 3000, 15 January, 2.

Cooper, C. (1998) T'Priell Revealed Pt 2. Star Trek, Starfleet Academy , February 1998.

Official Governmental and NGO documents

Act of parliament.

The way we reference Acts changed in 1963. Before that, the year of reign of the monarch (regnal year) needs to be included.

Prior to 1963

Name of Act (short title in italics with key words capitalised) (Year) Regnal year, Chapter Number. URL [Accessed date].

Friendly Societies Act (1955) 4 Elizabeth II, Chapter 19. [Accessed 20 Aug 2024].

Name of Act (short title, in italics with key words capitalised) (Year) Chapter Number. URL

Criminal Justice Act (2003) Chapter 44. [Accessed 10 Jul 2024].

If you wish to refer to a particular section (known as a schedule) or paragraph (these are numbered) you can add that extra information to your in-text citation:

( Criminal Justice Act , 2003:s35(122))

Parliamentary debate (Hansard)

Note that column numbers are displayed in the right-hand pane of the Hansard website when viewing a debate. You may find older debates do not contain column numbers. You may need to look at debates in full screen on your device; otherwise, columns may not be visible.

If the abbreviations HC for House of Commons and HL for House of Lords are common in your discipline, you may use these abbreviations in your reference (see the first example).

These guidelines assume you are accessing the debate online. If you accessed a printed copy, just omit the URL.

House of debate or committee (Year) Title of session or debate. Hansard Parliamentary Debates . Date in full, volume, col/cols column range if available. URL [Accessed date].

HC (1965) Royal Air Force (Valiant Aircraft). Hansard Parliamentary Debates . 1 February 1965, cols 724-727. [Accessed 3 Mar 2024].

Delegated Legislation Committee (2011) Draft Legal Services Act 2007 (Approved Regulator) Order 2011. Hansard Parliamentary Debates . 31 March 2011, 672, cols 1-4. [Accessed 23 Jan 2024].

House of Lords (2020) Smart motorways. Hansard Parliamentary Debates . 17 March 2020, 802, cols 1372-1374. [Accessed 3 Apr 2024].

Statutory Instrument

The title of Statutory Instruments includes a date which is why this looks a little different to other references.

Title with key words capitalised (including bracketed information if present) (SI Year and Number). URL

The Criminal Justice (Sentencing)(Licence Conditions) Order 2003 (SI 2003/3337). [Accessed 4 Oct 2023].

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 (SI 2014/2095). [Accessed 28 Nov 2023].

Note The in-text citation for Statutory Instruments is the short title including year, maintaining italics. ( The Criminal Justice Order, 2003 )

Law report/case

Legal citation takes a particular format, not part of the Harvard system. We suggest you do add a URL if you accessed the source online.

Names of the parties involved (these could be letters if anonymised) . Year of reporting - in square brackets or round brackets* Volume number Abbreviation of the law report series, First page of reference. URL [Accessed date].

Callery v Gray (No 2) [2001] 4 All ER, 1. [Accessed 7 Jul 2024].

F v Leeds City Council [1994] 2 FCR, 428. [Accessed 4 Aug 2024].

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka (1954) 347 U.S., 483. [Accessed 23 Dec 2023].

In the example above All ER = All England Law Reports, FCR = Family Court Reports and U.S. = United States Reports

Note In-text citations just use the names and date i.e. (Callery v Gray, 2001).

*Square brackets are used when the date is the primary method for finding the case (in the examples above there are more than one volume 4 and 2 in those report series). Round brackets are used when the date is not necessary to find the case (there is only one volume 347 in the United States Reports).

Command papers (including White Papers and Green Papers)

You need to include the official number of the paper (usually found at the bottom left of the front cover):

Authorship (Year) Title of document (Official number). URL [Accessed date].

The British Museum (2014) Report and accounts for the year ended 31st March 2014 (HC 436). [Accessed 2 Feb 2024].

HM Government (2012) Open Data White Paper: Unleashing the potential (Cm 8353). [Accessed 7 Sep 2024].

British and International Standards

You need to include the identifying letters and numbers, they come before the title:

Standards Institution (Year) Letters and numbers of standard: Full title of standard in italics . Edition if given (i.e. not the first). URL [Accessed date].

International Standards Office (2018) ISO 50001:2018: Energy management systems: requirements with guidance for use. Edition 2. [Accessed 16 Mar 2024].

British Standards Institution (2021) BS ISO 690:2021 - TC: Information and documentation. Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources . [Accessed 23 Nov 2023].

Patents are generally accessed online, either on official governmental websites (like the UK's Intellectual Property Office) or worldwide on espacenet.

Inventer name (Year) Title of patent . Country granting patent, Patent number. URL.

Borgen, E. (2013) Wind turbine rotor with improved hub system . UK Patent GB2495084B. [Accessed 24 Mar 2024].

Karsten, S. (2014) Wind turbine tower and method of production thereof . US Patent US2014237919 (A1). [Accessed 11 Jul 2024].

European Union documentation

Many European Union bodies are commonly known by their initials. You can use these as long as you have given the name IN FULL in the main body of the document. For example, Commission of the European Communities (CEC). Include the following information in your reference:

Name of institution - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of document (Official number). URL [Accessed date].

CEC (2005) Communication. Further guidance on allocation plans (COM(2005)703 [Accessed 27 [Jun 2024].

European Council (2014) Special meeting of the European Council (16 July 2014) (EUCO 147/14). [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

United Nations documents and publications

The United Nations produce both internal documents and external publications. These include resolutions, statements, reports etc. Titles could be long, sometimes (as for statements) the actual document does not say what they are about in their title but the initial link to them does. It is hard to produce a template that covers them all, but use the basic one below as guidance, adapting it as needed for the document in question.

Name of institution/committee - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of document (Full date of document, Official number). URL [Accessed date].

UN Secretary General (2017) Progress on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: report of the Secretary-General (21 December 2017, A/72/662). [Accessed 5 Apr 2024].

UN Security Council (2010) Statement by the President of the Security Council on the Middle East (22 December 2010, S/PRST/2010/30). [Accessed 22 Aug 2024].

UN Security Council (2014) Security Council Press Statement on Terrorist Attack in Mali (18 August 2014, SC/11523, AFR/2951, PKO/426). [Accessed 22 Aug 2024].

Other Governmental documents and webpages

First, make sure your source is not actually one of the document types shown above (Acts, Command papers etc). If not, follow the guidance below.

If you are accessing information from a GOV.UK website it will either be a downloadable document (usually pdf) or information on the page itself. They are generally referenced like any other pdf or website:

Downloadable documents

Documents are often written by sub-sections of the Government and it is best to use these as the author rather than simply HM Government if applicable. If there is a common abbreviation for the department etc, you can use this as long as you have written it IN FULL followed by the abbreviation in brackets in the main body of the document i.e. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA). The basic template below can be used:

Name of department/agency/commission - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of document in sentence case (More specific date of document if relevant). URL [Accessed date].

Environment Agency (2019) Weekly rainfall and river flow summary (1-7 May 2019). [Accessed 15 May 2024].

DEFRA (2018) Notifiable avian disease control strategy for Great Britain . [Accessed 15/5/2019].

HM Government (2011) 2050 pathways analysis: Response to the call for evidence, Part 1 (March 2011). [Accessed 15 Apr 2024].

Many GOV.UK pages show which department or agency has written the guidance and this should be used as the author if present. If not, use HM Government. Follow the same principles as for the downloadable documents above regarding common abbreviations of departments etc. There is usually a published date or last updated date at the bottom of the webpage. Use whichever year is the later. If no date is given, use the abbreviation n.d.

Name of department/agency/commission - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of web page in sentence case . URL [Accessed date].

BEIS (2014) Policy impacts of prices and bills: How costs to the consumer are affected by changes in energy and climate policy. [Accessed 15 Jun 2024].

HM Government (n.d.) Foster carers: Types of foster care. [Accessed 15 Jul 2024].

Other NGO documents

There are so many different non-governmental organisations that a fixed template is difficult to create. Adapt the one below as necessary, trying to keep the styling consistent:

Name of organisation - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of document (Full date of document, Official number if given). URL [Accessed date].

UNESCO (2014) Teaching and learning: achieving quality for all; EFA global monitoring report, 2013-2014 . [Accessed 22 Aug 2024].

The World Bank (2014) Brazil: Implementation Status and Results, Development Policies for the State of Sergipe (P129652, Report No ISR15802). https://www‑ [Accessed 22 Sep 2023].

Danish Refugee Council (2014) Strategic Programme Document - DRC/DDG in Libya and Tunisia . [Accessed 22 Nov 2023].

Note that common abbreviations for health organisations such as NHS or NMC should only be used as author names if they have been written in full within the text of the document and the abbreviation given. For example Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2015) or (Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC], 2015). Generally, if you are only referring to an organisation once, use the full title in your in-text citation and your reference list; if you are repeating it, use the abbreviation after the first occurrence and in your reference list.

Code of practice

Most codes of practice are available online and you will give a URL. If you do happen to access a paper copy, just omit that and give the name of the publisher instead (this is often the author organisation in full - if you have already given it in full, you don't need to give it again).

Name of institution - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of code . URL [Accessed date].

Name of institution - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of code . Publisher.

NMC (2023) The code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates. [Accessed 10 Dec 2023].

HSCIC (2014) Code of practice on confidential information. Health and Social Care Information Centre.

Policy document

Name of institution - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of policy document. URL [Accessed date].

NHS England (2015) Safeguarding policy. [Accessed 21 Mar 2024].

RCN Scotland (2015) Going the extra mile. [Accessed 6 Oct 2023].

Name of institution - common abbreviations acceptable (Year) Title of document (Official number if present). URL [Accessed date].

NICE (2016) Tuberculosis (NG33). [Accessed 21 Apr 2024].

World Health Organisation (2017) Integrated care for older people: Guidelines on community-level interventions to manage declines in intrinsic capacity. [Accessed 12 Jun 2024].

Reports are often written by named individuals, in which case you give the author just like you would with a book or journal article. If no named author is available, use the institutional name as for other documents above.

Authorship (Year) Title of report (Official number if provided). URL [Accessed date].

Francis, R. (2013) Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust public inquiry (HC 898-1). [Accessed 27 Mar 2024].

Niche Health and Social Care Consulting (2012) An independent investigation into the care and treatment of a mental health service user (L) in Greater Manchester. [Accessed 27 Mar 2024].

Other official health-related document

There are several other types of official publication from the NHS and associated bodies. Just follow the basic guidelines below.

Note that Department of Health documents will come under Official Governmental documents above.

Authorship (Year) Title of document (Official number if present) [Type of document if not standard]. URL [Accessed date].

RCN (2016) The needs of people with learning disabilities: What pre-registration students should know. [Accessed 8 Apr 2024].

Monitor (2013) About Monitor: an introduction to our role . [Accessed 20 Mar 2024].

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (2016) Abdominal pain (Ref No HEY-825/2016) [Patient leaflet]. [Accessed 20 Mar 2024].

MHRA (n.d.) Mefanamic Acid 500g Tablets (Ref No 5/L/x/3) [Patient Information Leaflet]. [Accessed 28 Aug 2024].

Conference paper/session/poster

You may have attended a conference in person or be accessing resources shared online. Always give links to online materials if possible, even if you attended personally and are using your own notes or photographs, as this aids access.

Conference paper:

Author(s) (Year) Title of paper in sentence case*. Title of conference: subtitle if present [Conference paper] , Location and date of conference, page range if given. DOI or URL (if there is one) [Accessed date - if URL, not needed if DOI].

Saidin, K. (2017) Insider researchers: Challenges & opportunities. International Seminar on Generating Knowledge Through Research , Universiti Utara Malaysia, 25-27 October 2017. [Accessed 21 Jul 2024].

Conference session:

These could be any session at a conference not described as a paper, for example workshops, panel discussions, keynote speeches etc. Just put an appropriate description in square brackets after the session name. If a keynote speech has no separate title, use Keynote speech as the title and omit the descriptor.

Author (Year) Title of session [Descriptor]. Title of conference: subtitle if present , Location and date of conference. DOI or URL (if there is one) [Accessed date - if URL, not needed if DOI]

Gould, O.(2023) Improving international EFL/EAL students' reading comprehension via teaching and implementing multimodalities [Keynote speech] . Global Conference on Education , Dubai, 7-8 December 2023. [Accessed 22 Jul 2024].

Conference poster

Author/Creator (Year) Title of poster [Conference poster]. Title of conference: subtitle if present , Location and date of conference. URL if available online [Accessed date].

Cardoso, V. & Plesca, L. (2023) Natalizumab - Real World Data - Switching from IV infusions to Subcutaneous injection. Patient experience [Conference poster]. Multiple Scleroses Trust Annual Conference , Hinckley Island, 26-28 March. [Accessed 20 Sep 2024].

Company/organisational report

Printed report.

Author/Organisation (Year) Full title of report . Publisher if not same as author.

BT Group plc (2014) Annual report and Form 20-F 2014 . BT Group plc.

Online report

Author/Organisation (Year) Full title of report . URL [Accessed date].

NHS England (2013) Everyone counts: planning for patients planning for patients 2014/15 to 2018/19 . NHS Commissioning Board. [Accessed 12 Sep 2024].

Government/NGO Reports

These are slightly different - see section above.

Dissertation or thesis

Give the following information.

Author (Year) Title of dissertation/thesis . Document type. Name of University. URL (if it can be accessed online) [Accessed date].

Stern, B. H. (2013) The impact of leadership on school improvement . EdD thesis. The University of Hull. [Accessed 20 Aug 2024].

Walsh, R. J. (1977) Charles the Bold, last Valois Duke of Burgundy 1467-1477 and Italy . PhD thesis. The University of Hull.

Religious text

When referencing texts such as the bible, Qur'an or Torah, include the following information:

Title of the version you have used (Year) Translated by name of translater (if given). Publisher.

The Holy Bible: Authorised King James Version (2011) Harper Collins.

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) (2004) Translated by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem. Oxford University Press.

The Torah: the five books of Moses (2000) Translated by J.P.S. and Moshe Greenberg. The Jewish Publication Society.

PDF document

PDF documents are nearly always accessed online, and so you can point readers to the URL along with other information. If the URL is unavailable (for instance if you have been emailed it) just give as much information as you have or can find.

Author(s) (Year) Title of document . Publisher if known. URL [Accessed date].

Godin, S. (2012) Stop stealing dreams: what is school for? Do You Zoom, Inc. [Accessed 6 Aug 2024].

H. M. Government (2010) The coalition: our programme for government . Cabinet Office. [Accessed 6 Aug 2024].

Informal document (leaflet, in-house publication)

For leaflets, handouts, flyers etc just provide what information you can:

Author/organisation (Year) Title of document . Other useful details.

University of Hull (2012) Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy 2012-15 [Booklet]. University of Hull.

The Deep (2014) The Deep: for conservation not profit [Leaflet].

Archive material

Archive material is often unique: books could be annoted etc which means that the collection that they came from is equally as important as the document details.

Author/organisation (Year) Title of document , Edition and publisher information if relevant [Medium]. Whatever collection details are available (i.e. name of collection, reference numbers, location, name of library/archive).

Larkin, P. A. (1950) Workbook No 1 [Manuscript]. Papers of Philip Arthur Larkin, U DPL/1/1, Hull University Archives, Hull History Centre.

Smyth, R. & Thuilier, H. E. L. (1855) A manual of surveying for India: detailing the mode of operations on trigonametrical, topographical and revenue surveys of India , 2nd Edition. W. Thacker and Co. [Book]. Monograph, mg NO2/24Z3, Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Archive. London.

Wilberforce, W. (1816) Letter to James Thomson Esq [Letter]. William Wilberforce letters, L DFWW/1/10, Hull Local Studies Library, Hull History Centre.

Working paper/Briefing paper

Working papers may also be known as briefing papers, discussion papers or research papers. They are created to generate discussion within a particular community (research area, business area etc). They are often the pre-publication versions of papers that are waiting to be accepted in journals but some are written purely for circulation as they are. Note that they are not peer-reviewed.

Some working papers do not give a lot of information - just give as much as you can following this basic format.

Author (Year) Title of the working paper (Series title and number if there is one). Publisher (if given). URL [Accessed date].

Kaplan, R. S. (2018) Reverse the curse of the top-5 (Harvard Business School General Management Unit Working Paper No. 19-052). [Accessed 24 Feb 2024].

Harrison, R. & Thomas, R. (2019) Monetary financing with interest-bearing money (Staff Working Paper No. 785). Bank of England. [Accessed 22 Mar 2024].

Web pages, social media and other online resources (see also Datasets, Audiovisual etc below)

First, please note that a website URL is NEVER a suitable reference on its own . Dates can often be found in copyright information at the bottom of the page. If a range is given, use the later year. Use n.d. if no date is given at all.

Author(s) or company name (Year) Title of web page in sentence case* . URL [Accessed date].

Individual Author(s)

Reynolds, G. (2021) Design tips . [Accessed 27 Mar 2024].

Group or company author

University of Hull (2024) Model publication scheme . [Accessed 26 Mar 2024].

Blogs are often unsubstantiated opinions and should be used with appropriate criticality as academic references. However, some reputable, published authors have their own blogs which can provide useful, up to date comments and insights. Include the following information:

Author (Year) Title of blog post [Blog post]. Title of website or blog . Day and month of post. URL [Accessed date].

Thompson, P. (2020) Reading against the literatures [Blog post]. Patter . 13 June. [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

Reynolds, G. (2021) Presentation advice from Master Yoda [Blog post]. Garr Reynolds Blog . 10 November. [Accessed 6 Aug 2024].

Note - Some bloggers give permalinks to individual posts and these should be used for URLs if possible.

Forum entry

Quite often you are referring to an answer rather than a question in a forum, however, it is the question that you reference in this case. Always check the expertise of the answerer and use with caution and criticality. Author names are usually aliases, type them as they appear.

Author (Date) Title of post (often a question). Title of Forum . Day and Month of post. URL [Accessed date].

jlawler (2014) Can the term "homorganic" be applied to vowels and glides? Linguistics Stack Exchange . 8 August. [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

YouTube video

When referencing a YouTube video, it is the name of the person who posted the video, not who made it that you reference (these can be the same or different). Use the URL that you get when you click the 'Share' link as it is often shorter than the one in the address bar (you can even delete everything after the '?' in the link):

Name of person posting video (Year uploaded) Title of video , Series title if relevant [Video]. URL [Accessed Date].

Tunalioglu, M. E. (2011) Richard Phillips Feynman - The Last Journey of a Genius [Video]. [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

Harvard University (2009) Episode 02: Putting a price tag on life , Justice: What's the right thing to do? [Video]. [Accessed 9 Aug 2024].

Social media

For other social media, adapt whichever of the following is most appropriate.

If your reader needs to register (and be accepted) to see the entries you are referring to, and you are not quoting them in full within your text, it is wise to include a copy of the actual text as an appendix to your work.

Author (Year) Title of Page (could just be author's timeline) [Facebook]. Day and month posted. URL [Accessed date].

Reynolds, G. (2024) Garr Reynolds Timeline [Facebook]. 17 July. [Accessed 13 Aug 2024].

RSPB (2024) How to put up a swift nest box [Facebook]. 31 July. [Accessed 9 Aug 2024].

Author (Year) Full text of post (as written) [X]. Day and month posted. URL [Accessed date].

Glass, N. (2009) wondering just how far this moment is from dreams I've had. it all feels vaguely familiar yet completely foreign. resisting tears. so tired [X]. 30 March. [Accessed 13 Aug 2024].

Mailing list

If your reader needs to subscribe to see the entries you are referring to, and you are not quoting them in full within your text, it is wise to include a copy of the actual text as an appendix to your work. In this case, add 'see appendix n' after your in-text citation.

Author (Year) Subject line. Title of mailing list . Day and Month of message. URL [Accessed date].

Keenan, C. (2014) Peer led academic learning and disability. Learning Development in Higher Education Network . 8 August. [email protected] [Accessed 13 Jul 2024].

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Always check first that referring to AI generated text or images is permitted in your work. If it is, include the following information:

Communicator (Year) Description of communication [Communication type]. Prompted by name/handle (if not self). Date and time of communication.

Hotpot (2023) Monkey fighting a crab [AI generated image]. Prompted by Li Chen. 18 April 2023, 15:10.

Data citation allows you to reference data in the same way as you would reference bibliographic research outputs such as journal articles and books.

When you use any form of secondary data in your assignment, you need to reference the data source. In your reference list, give as much of the following information as is relevant (you can find a lot of the information when you view your basket):

Creator/Producer (Year) Data or dataset title [data format], Product or database or repository or website name , version or date or identifier. Publisher. DOI if present.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2022) Japan: Gross domestic product, expenditure approach [Table], National Accounts of OECD Countries , 2022(2). OECD Publishing.

Gallup, G. H. (ed) (1976) 1943, January, Bread rationing [Book]. The Gallup international public opinion polls, Great Britain 1937-1975 , 71, Random House.

Citing data as part of a self-made graph, chart or other visual

If you have used secondary data to produce a graph, chart or other visual, you should cite both the data and the tool(s) you used. Caption your figure with 'Created with (Software), data from (Producer, Year: page number(s))'.

Data [online source]

Creator/Producer (Year) Data or dataset title [data format] Product or database or repository or website name, , version or date or identifier. URL or DOI [Downloaded date].

University of Hull (2018) Raw dune PIV data [MATLAB], University of Hull Hydra Digital Repository, hull:16477. [Downloaded 18 Jul 2024].

Pearson, L. F. (1981) Hull Low Energy Housing Project: Social survey [Data collection], UK Data Service , SN: 1589. [Downloaded 18 Jul 2024].

Office for National Statistics (2024) Gross domestic product: quarter on quarter growth: CVM SA % [Excel spreadsheet]. Census 2021 , Release 28 June 2024. [Downloaded 18 Jul 2024].

Geospatial data (GIS software)

When you create a map that you include in your assignment, you only need to reference the data source and the tool you used (it is your own work after all). Caption your figure with 'Created with (Software), data from (Producer, Year)'. In your reference list, give as much as the following information as is relevant (you can find a lot of the information when you view your basket):

Producer (Version Year) Scale, Tile(s) [data format]. Product name, date. [Downloaded date].

Ordnance Survey (2013) 1:50 000, Tiles SE7954, SE7955, SE8054, SE8055 [DWG geospacial data]. OS MasterMap, December 2013. [Downloaded 21 Aug 2024].

British Geological Survey (2013) 1:50 000, Tile TA41 [Shapefile geospacial data]. Onshore Geology, 2013. [Downloaded 21 Aug 2024].

Computer Code or Programs

If you use or modify code from elsewhere as part of a project, you should credit the original code creator. You should always do this within the source code and you may also need to do so in any report you write related to the code.

There is some excellent general advice on citing sources in your code from MIT here: Academic Integrity at MIT .

In source code

When referencing as part of your code, the information should be put as a comment using whatever syntax your programming language needs:

/*References Author (Year) Title of source code (code version) [Type i.e. Source code or Program]. URL [Accessed date].*/


Smith, J (2011) GraphicsDrawer source code (Version 2.0) [Source code]. [Accessed 5 Jun 2024].

SourceForge (2023) LZ4 [Fast compression algorithm]. [Accessed 3 May 2024].*/

Using Python

#References #Author (Year) Title of source code (code version) [Type i.e. Source code or Program]. URL [Accessed date].


#Smith, J (2011) GraphicsDrawer source code (Version 2.0) [Source code]. [Accessed 5 Jun 2024].

#SourceForge (2023) LZ4 [Fast compression algorithm]. [Accessed 3 May 2024].

<!--References Author (Year) Title of source code (code version) [Type i.e. Source code or Program]. URL [Accessed date].-->


SourceForge (2023) LZ4 [Fast compression algorithm]. [Accessed 3 May 2024].-->

In a report or paper

The only difference is that you should put the title of the code in italics to maintain consistency with other sources:

Author (year) Title of source code (code version if relevant) [Type i.e. Source code or Program], URL [Accessed date].

SourceForge (2023) LZ4 [Algorithm]. [Accessed 3 May 2024].

You should reference every photograph you use unless you took it yourself. Give the following information:

Online photographs

Photographer (Surname, Initials if available, username if not) (Year) Title of photograph (or description if none available) [Photograph]. URL [Accessed date].

keithhull (2009) Hull is the new UK City of Culture for 2017 [Photograph]. [Accessed 14 Sep 2024].

Harrop, P. (2012) Plinth and Maritime Museum, Hull [Photograph]. [Accessed 14 Sep 2024].

Prints, slides or negatives (in known collections)

Photographer (Year) Title of photograph in italics [Photograph]. Whatever collection details are available (i.e. name of collection, reference numbers, location, name of library/archive).

Larkin, P. A. (1970s) Negative of [Monica Jones] on a ferry [Photograph]. Photographs of Philip Arthur Larkin, U DLV/2/1/30, Hull University Archives, Hull History Centre.

Watson, R. T. (1906) Hull City Football Team 1906-7 taken at Anlaby Road Hull the City football ground [Photograph]. Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company, Copy 1/506/148, The National Archives, Kew.

Prints, slides or negatives (not in collections)

Photographer (Year) Title of photograph (or description if none available) [Photograph]. Publisher (if available/relevant).

Bartram, J. A. (2012) Bluebells in North Cliffe Woods [Photograph].

Book illustration, figure or table

If the illustration/figure/table is created by the author (basically not attributed to anyone else) then just cite the book as normal, giving the appropriate page number. If the image is attributed to someone else, the in-text citation would include both the person responsible for the image and the author(s) of the book:

Michel Eienne Turgot and Louis Bretez's Plan de Paris (in Tufte, 1990:36) is a classic example of ...

The reference list entry would then just be for the book itself:

Tufte, E. R. (1990) Envisioning information . Graphics Press.

Give as much as the following information as you can find (online information optional):

Artist (Year) Title of cartoon [Cartoon]. Title of publication , Day and Month. URL [Accessed date].

Rawson, M. (2014) Wealth inequality [Cartoon]. The Guardian , 29 July. [Accessed 14 Aug 2024].

Painting, drawing or poster

Give as much of the following information as you can find. If available online, add URL [Accessed date]:

Artist (Year) Title of work [Medium]. Institution/collection, City (or Location, Exhibition, dates of exhibition).

Denison, T. (n.d.) Clippers on the Humber [Original Watercolour]. Myton Gallery, Hull.

Cook, B. (2008) Tommy Dancing [Oil]. Hull Maritime Museum, Working Hard, Playing Hard, 5 April - 8 June 2014.

Gold, B. (1979) Alien [Poster]. [Accessed 15 Aug 2024].

Sculpture or installation

Include as much of the following information as you can find:

Artist (Year) Title of the work (exclude year if given) [Medium]. Name of collection/exhibition information or Location (include date seen for temporary installations).

Moore, H. S. (1968) Large Totem Head [Bronze Sculpture]. Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

Producoes, S. (2013) Colourful Canopies of Umbrellas [Installation]. Agueda, Portugal, July 2013.

Printed map

Ordnance survey map.

Ordnance Survey (Year) Title of map , Edition if not first [Map]. Map/sheet number, Scale. Map series if appropriate. Publisher if different from author.

Ordnance Survey (2006) Kingston Upon Hull , C2 edition [Map]. 107, 1:50 000. Landranger series.

Map producer (Year) Title of map , Edition if not first [Map]. Map/sheet number, Scale. Publisher (if different from author).

International Travel Maps (2008) South America, , 5 th edition [Map]. ITM.875, 1:4 000 000. Richmond, BC: ITMB Publishing.

Max, M. D., Long, C. B. & MacDermot, C. V. (1992) Bedrock Geology of North Mayo [Map], Sheet 6, 1:100,000. Geological Survey of Ireland.

Reference as a standard book, giving scales if relevant. For a specific page, include the page number at the end of the in-text citation only.

Butler, R. (1959) Atlas of Kenya . Survey of Kenya.

Bossard, L. (2009) Regional atlas on West Africa [eBook]. OECD Publishing.

Digimap (viewed, annoted or printed)

Digimap does have a citation generator, but this provides a citation that is not consistent with the rest of our scheme so we do not recommend you use it (although it can sometimes be useful to confirm information).

Digimaps are generated by you, so you will have to give a description of the the map that makes it clear what it is showing as its title. Other information can be found by clicking on Map Information on the left of your screen or for some services, clicking the Sheet Information button (i) and then clicking on the map. The publisher is usually the copyright holder (check the bottom of the map). The citation year should be from the map date, if no map date is available, use the copyright date.

Map publisher (Year) Title/description of map [Map]. Scale. Source (Map Product). URL [Created on date].

Ordnance Survey (2014) Kingston upon Hull [Map]. 1:100 000. EDINA Digimap (OS Strategi). [Created 18 Sep 2024].

Landmark Information Group (1971) Barmby Moor, East Yorkshire [Map]. 1:2 500. National Grid Tile SE7748. EDINA Historic Digimap Service. [Created 18 Sep 2024].

Natural Environment Research Council (2014) Vale of Pickering [Map]. 1:50 000. EDINA Geology Digimap Service (British Geological Survey). [Created 18 Sep 2024].

Map created using GIS software

Producer (Version Year) Scale, Tile(s) [Data format]. Product name, version/date. [Downloaded date].

British Geological Survey (2013) [Shapefile geospacial data] 1:50 000, Tile TA41. Onshore Geology, version: 2013. [Downloaded 21 Aug 2024].

Google maps/Bing maps

URLs can be found for specific map views by clicking the Share button in each case. In Bing maps the URL is shown, in Google maps you will need to right-click on the Google Maps link (if you have searched, the link may be your search term) and and choose to copy the link address.

Map provider (Copyright date) Description of map [Map], View information. URL [Accessed date].

Google Maps (2014) Humber Dock Marina [Map], Satellite view.,-0.3387019,622m/data=!3m1!1e3 [Accessed 22 Aug 2024].

Bing Maps (2014) The University of Hull campus [Map], Bird's eye view. [Accessed 22 Aug 2024].


Many referencing systems suggest that you need to include a place of distribution. However, this is rarely available on DVDs etc so we suggest you just put the distributor/studio which can usually be found on the reverse. If a place is available, include it before a colon as with publisher information.

Title in italics (Year of release) Directed by Director name [Medium]. Studio/Distributer.

Good Morning, Vietnam (1988) Directed by Barry Levinson [DVD]. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.

Good Will Hunting (2011) Directed by Gus Van Sant [Blu-ray]. Lions Gate Home Entertainment.

TV programme

Title (Year of distribution). Directed by Director name. Written by Writer name (if known) [Medium]. Distributer.

In the Wild: Dolphins with Robin Williams (1998) Directed by Nigel Cole [VHS]. NTV.

Episode of a TV programme

Episode title (Year of distribution) Programme title , series and episode numbers. Directed by Director name. Written by Writer name (if known) [Medium]. Place of distribution: Distributer.

Old Fears (1979) Mork & Mindy , season 2, episode 12. Directed by Howard Storm. Written by April Kelly [DVD]. Los Angeles: Paramount.

Extra commentaries

If extra commentaries by directors/producers/actors etc are given on a DVD/Blu-ray you would reference using the person's name rather than the title:

Commentator (Year) Director's (or other) commentary. Title of Film . Version if needed. Directed by Director name [Medium]. Studio/Distributer.

Snyder, Z. (2009) Director's commentary. Watchmen , Director's Cut, Special Edition. Directed by Zach Snyder [Blu-ray]. Warner Bros.

McCarthy T., Powers, J. & Thompson, D. (2004) Critics' commentary. The Ultimate Matrix Collection . Directed by the Wachowski Brothers [DVD collection]. Warner Bros.

Broadcasts and streaming (TV, Radio, Netflix, BoB etc)

Dates given in brackets should be the original broadcast year (the copyright year given at the end of the programme). You may be able to find this and information such as writers etc on something like IMDb if you do not have the credits recorded. The broadcast date is the broadcast that you actually watched (except for online subscription-only programmes, in which case it is the release date).

Title (Year of first broadcast). Directed by Director name (if known). Written by Writer name (if known) [TV Programme]. TV channel (or service if online only), broadcast day and month, time.

Scotland decides: Salmond versus Darling (2014) [TV Programme]. BBC TWO, 25 August, 20:30.

If you are quoting a specific person on a programme, you can include their name first and cite them directly in the text instead of the programme name i.e. (Salmond, 2014):

Salmond, A. (2014) Scotland decides: Salmond versus Darling (2014) [TV Programme]. BBC TWO, 25 August, 20:30.

Episode title (Year of first broadcast) Programme title , series and episode numbers. Directed by Director name. Written by Writer name (if known) [TV Programme]. TV channel (or service if online only). Broadcast day and month, time.

The Empty Chair (2014) The Honourable Woman , season 1, episode 1. Directed by Hugo Blick. Written by Hugo Blick [TV Programme]. BBC TWO. 3 July, 21:00.

Chapter 2 (2014) House of Cards , season 1, episode 2. Directed by David Fincher. Written by Beau Willimon [TV Programme]. Netflix, 1 February.

Programmes/episodes watched via Box of Broadcasts

Please DO NOT cite these using the information given in the How to cite this tab underneath the broadcast window. Instead, just add the URL and access information as with other online resources:

Scotland decides: Salmond versus Darling (2014) [TV Programme]. BBC TWO, 25 August, 20:30. [Accessed 30 Aug 2024].

Radio programme

This is the same as for TV programmes but use [Radio Programme] instead:

In Tune (2014) [Radio Programme]. BBC Radio 3, 18 August, 16:30.

Skomer (2006) Afternoon Play . Written by Mike Akers [Radio Programme]. BBC Radio 4, 30 October, 14:15. [Accessed 18 Aug 2024].

If you are quoting a specific person on the programme, you can include their name first and cite them directly in the text instead of the programme name i.e. (Rafferty, 2014):

Rafferty, S. In Tune (2014) [Radio Programme]. BBC Radio 3, 18 August, 16:30.

Film (cinema release, TV or BoB)

Film, cinema release or tv.

Title in italics (Year of release) Directed by Director name [Film]. Studio/Distributer.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Directed by Matt Reeves. 20th Century Fox.

Film, seen on Box of Broadcasts

Please DO NOT cite these using the information given in the How to cite this tab underneath the broadcast window. Instead, just add the URL and access information as with other online resources. If distributer information is cut off the end by the TV channel, try looking on IMDb (Company Credits link):

Title in italics (Year of release) Directed by Director name [Film]. Studio/Distributer. URL [Accessed date].

The Birds (1963) Directed by Alfred Hitchcock [Film]. Universal Pictures. [Accessed 15 Sep 2024].

If the author or presenter of the podcast is not known, use the organisation or website name instead. Sometimes you need to work out the year as it may give the last updated information as '4 years ago' or something similar.

Author/Presenter (Year last updated) Title of podcast. Name of Web page [Podcast]. Day and month of post if shown. URL [Accessed date].

Harford, T. (2014) Student loans. More or Less: Behind the Stats [Podcast]. 15 August. [Accessed 19 Aug 2024].

Heaversedge, J. (2010) What is mindfulness? Mental Health Foundation [Podcast]. [Accessed 19 Aug 2024].

Fearless Social (2014) How to use magazines to write better Facebook ads. Fearless Social: Social Marketing Evolved [Podcast]. 7 August. [Accessed 19 Aug 2024].

When referencing a YouTube video, it is the name of the person who posted the video, not who made it that you reference (these can be the same or different). Use the URL that you get when you click the 'Share' link as it is shorter than the one in the URL box :

Harvard University (2009) Episode 02: Putting a price tag on life , Justice: What's the right thing to do? [Video]. [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

PowerPoint (or other) presentation

Most presentations you will reference will be accessed online, so reference as follows:

Author(s) (Year uploaded). Title of presentation [Presentation]. URL [Accessed date].

Brenman, J. (2008) Thirst [Presentation]. [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

Duarte, N. (2014) Slidedocs: spread ideas with effective visual documents [Presentation]. [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

If you accessed the presentations via other means, omit the URL and accessed date.

Video games

If accessed online, include the URL – otherwise just give publisher information.

Author/Creator (Year). Title [Video game]. Publisher (if there is one). URL [Accessed date] (if appropriate).

Galactic Café (2013) The Stanley Parable [Video game]. [Accessed 8 Aug 2024].

Musical score

Year should be the copyright year on the score itself, not the date the composition was written. If no year is given on scanned online scores (for instance on IMSLP), use (n.d). If no date is given on modern works, use the uploaded or last updated date. Editor or arranger information is not always relevant.

Individual score (print)

Composer (Year of publication) Title of score including work number if known [Musical score]. Editor or arranger information. Publisher.

Stravinsky, I. (1967) Rite of spring: pictures from pagan Russia in two parts [Musical score]. Boosey & Hawkes.

Rimsky-Korsakoff, N. (1955) Trombone Concerto [Musical score]. Reduction for tenor trombone and piano by Harold Perry. Boosey & Hawkes.

Individual score (online)

Composer (Year) Title of score including work number if known [Musical score]. Editor or arranger information. Publisher (if given). URL [Accessed date].

Bach, J. S. (2008) Canon for Walther, BWV 1073 [Musical score]. Edited by Alfred Dorffel. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel. [Accessed 20 Aug 2024].

Raboud-Theurillat, M. (2005) Saisons, op 40 [Musical score]. [Accessed 20 Aug 8 2024].

Scores that are part of collected works

Composer (Year of publication) Title of score, Title of collection [Musical score]. Publisher. URL [Accessed date] (if relevant).

Britten, B (1960) How sweet the answer (The Wren), Folksong Arrangements, Vol 4 , Moore's Irish Melodies [Musical score]. Boosey & Hawkes.

Scores that are part of anthologies

Composer (Year of publication) Title of score. In Editor name (ed) Title of anthology [Musical score]. City published: Publisher. Available online: URL [Accessed date] (if relevant).

Handel, G. F. (1902) Deborah. In Spicker, M. (ed) Anthology of sacred song, Vol 1 (Soprano) [Musical score]. G. Shirmer. [Accessed 20 Aug 2024].

Classical music recording

Cd, audio cassette or vinyl.

If dates are not available on older vinyl recordings, use (n.d.)

Composer (Year of release) Title of work . Title of Album if different to work. Performer/orchestra conducted by Conductor name (if relevant) [Medium]. Distributor/Label.

Elgar, E. (1995) Cello Concerto, Op 85, Enigma Variations. Philadelphia Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra and Jacqueline Du Pré conducted by Daniel Barenboim [CD]. Sony Music Classical.

Bach, J. S. (2012) Variato 8. A 2 Clav. Glenn Gould plays Bach, Goldberg Variationen [Vinyl]. Membran Media.

Streamed or downloaded

It is necessary to give specific information about where you streamed music from if it is ONLY available through that method. Otherwise, just give as much of the above information as your streaming service gives or you can find elsewhere (the same recording may be available on Amazon for instance). Downloaded music should always give a URL.

Debussy, C. (2005) La Mer . Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Simon Rattle [Streamed]. EMI Records Ltd.

Sibelius, J. (n.d.) Valse Triste . Erik Helling [Download]. [Accessed 28/ Aug 2024].

Other recorded music

Single artists have names that are reversed (Surname, Initials). Band names are unchanged. Single artists with non-standard names (Lady Gaga, Jessie J, P Diddy etc) should be treated as band names:

Artist (Year) Title of album [Media]. (Version if needed.) Label.

Gaye, M. (1971) What's Going On [Vinyl]. Tamla Records.

Iron Maiden (1998) Powerslave [Audio CD]. Enhanced, original recording remastered. EMI.

Album track

Artist (Year) Title of track. Title of album [Media].(Version if needed.) Label.

Blondie (1978) Hanging on the telephone. Parallel Lines [Vinyl]. Chrysalis Records.

Smith, S. (2014) Like I can. In the Lonely Hour [Audio CD]. Deluxe Edition. Capitol Records.

Artist (Year) Title of track. Title of album or equivalent [Media]. Label. URL [Accessed date] (if relevant).

Davis, M. (2005) Rouge, Boblicity: Original recordings 1949-1953 [Streamed]. Naxos Rights International Ltd.

Macklemore & Lewis, R. (2013) Starting Over, Spotify Sessions [Streamed]. [Accessed 28 Aug 2024].

Lyrics or libretto

Songwriter(s) (Year) Title of Song [Lyrics]. Track and album information if relevant. Distribution company or label if known. URL [Accessed date].

Taupin, B. (1973) Candle in the wind [Lyrics]. Track 11, Diamonds (Deluxe). MCA Records. [Accessed 13 Aug 2024].

Geldof, B. & Ure, M. (1984) Do they know it's Christmas? [Lyrics]. [Accessed 28 Aug 2024].

These are usually published separately so have publisher details:

Author name(s) (Year) Title of publication [Libretto]. Edition or version if necessary. Publisher.

Sondheim, S. & Wheeler, H. (1991) Sweeney Todd [Libretto]. NHB Libretti, new edition. Nick Hern Books.

Liner notes/album cover notes etc

Liner notes are text found on the covers or inner sleeves of vinyl albums or on the little booklets that come inside CDs etc. These can be physical or electronic (for instance if you download an album). Sometimes they do not have individual titles, in which case just leave this out and move the [Liner notes] label to after the recording title.

Author (Year) Title of notes [Liner notes], Title of recording [Media]. Label. URL [Accessed date] (if relevant).

The Damned (1977) Thanks to no-one [Liner notes], Damned Damned Damned [Audio CD]. Stiff Records.

Cott, J. (2013) Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps. Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic [Audio CD]. Sony Masterworks.

Bowie, D. (1972) [Liner notes]. Aladdin Sane . RCA Records. [Accessed 24 Aug 2024].

Composer (Year of performance) Title . Name of orchestra/musician. Conducted by Conductor (if relevant). Place of performance, Date of performance.

Strauss, R. (2014) Elektra . BBC Singers and the BBC Symphony Orchestra. Conducted by Semyon Bychkov. Royal Albert Hall, 31 August 2014.

Composer or choreographer (Year of performance) Title . Dance company. Location, Date seen.

Bourne, M. (2014) Lord of the Flies . New Adventures Dance Company. Sadler's Wells, London, 8 October 2014.

In contrast to other live performances, the title of the play is given first, not the playwright.

Title by Author (Year of performance) Directed by Director (or Theatre Company). Location, Date seen.

That's All You Need to Know by Idle Motion (2014) Hull Truck Theatre, 19 September 2014.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (2014) Directed by Lucy Bailey. Harold Pinter Theatre, 18 July 2014.

Speeches often have their transcripts published online or are available on YouTube, in which case you can also give the appropriate URL. Omit this if you do not have it.

Speaker (Year) Title of speech [Speech or Speech Transcript]. Date of speech, Location of speech (if not given in title). URL [Accessed date].

Johnson, B. (2020) PM speech in Greenwich [Speech transcript]. 3 February. [Accessed 28 Mar 2024].

Obama, B. (2008) A perfect union [Speech]. 18 March, National Constitution Centre, Philadelphia.> [Accessed 28 Mar 2024].

For emails from distribution lists, see electronic resources. Be careful about including personal email addresses and respect confidentiality. It is usualy to keep copies and include them in appendices.

Sender Name (Year) Message subject line [Email]. Message sent to Recipient's name (email address if appropriate). Date and time sent.

Heseltine, R. (2014) Reflective writing [Email]. Message sent to J. Bartram ([email protected]). 22 April 2014, 20:49.

Interview or conversation (including telephone or Skype)

Recorded interviews/conversations (including focus groups).

Name of person spoken to (Year) Description of communication [Conversation type]. Date and time of conversation/interview. Place if relevant.

Harlow, J. (2014) The relevance of employability to academic staff [Recorded Conversation]. 27 December 2014, 12:50. University of Hull.

Some supervisors will like you to provide a transcript as an appendix and cite the appendix and line number in your in-text citations - check with them individually.

Non-recorded interviews or conversations

Check with your tutor/supervisor to see if these are usable (they are not considered recoverable data and some academics will not accept them as evidence within your written work). If they are acceptable, give the same information as for recorded interviews/conversations. i.e.

Fallin, L. (2015) Liberal Democrat volunteering opportunities in Hull [Skype interview]. 14 June 2015, 18:30.

Use a description of the letter's contents if it has no obvious title:

Author (Year) Title/description of letter [Letter]. Personal communication, Date on letter.

Smith, J. (2013) Request for help with proofreading [Letter]. Personal communication, 23 January 2013.

Lecture notes

Always check with your tutor that they accept lecture notes or other course material in a reference list (many do not). It is always better to read the original sources of the material if available and reference these. Otherwise reference as follows:

Lecturer (Year) Title of lecture, Module title and code [Lecture]. Institution, unpublished.

Bartram, J. (2014) Effective Presentations, Enhanced Information and Research Skills 05056 1314 [Lecture]. University of Hull, unpublished.

See PowerPoint (or other) presentation above if you have access to the actual presentation used rather than relying on your own lecture notes (but still check that it is acceptable to reference this).

Further guidance

If you speak different languages and have referenced non-English-language works that you have translated yourself then follow the guidance below.

Author(s) (year) Title in original language (if possible) [Title translated into English]. Publication name in original language (if possible) [Publication name translated into English]. Volume/issue/page information (according to type of publication). [In ‘language’]

Krenke, A.N. and Khodakov, V.G. (1966) O svyasi povercknostnogo tayaniya lednikov s temperaturoy vozdukha [On the relationship between melt of glaciers and air temperature]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy [Data of Glaciological Studies], 12. 153–163. [In Russian]

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Scribbr Harvard Referencing Generator

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  • Introduction

Reference examples

Missing information, citation examples, tools and resources, how to reference in harvard style.

Cite Them Right 12th edition

Harvard referencing is a widely used referencing style (especially in UK universities) that includes author-date in-text citations and a complete reference list at the end of the text.

There are many versions of Harvard referencing style. Our guidance reflects the rules laid out in Cite Them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide (12th edition) by Richard Pears and Graham Shields.

Scribbr’s free reference generator can create flawless Harvard style references for a wide variety of sources.

  • Cite a webpage
  • Cite a book
  • Cite a journal article

Harvard reference entries

The reference list appears at the end of your text, listing full information on all the sources you cited. A Harvard reference entry generally mentions the author , date , title , publisher or publication that contains the source, and URL or DOI if relevant.

You’ll include different details depending on the type of source you’re referencing, as some information is only relevant to certain kinds of publications.

The format of a reference entry varies based on source type. Apart from the information included, formatting details such as the use of italics also depend on what you’re referencing. The tabs below show formats and examples for the most commonly referenced source types.

FormatAuthor last name, Initial. (Year) . Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
ExampleCaulfield, J. (2022) . Available at: (Accessed: 27 October 2022).

The suggested information won’t necessarily all be available for the source you’re referencing. To learn how to work around missing information in your references, check the table below.

List the organisation that published the source in the author position.

If there’s no organisation to list, start the reference entry with the source title instead.

Scribbr (2022) . Available at: (Accessed: 27 October 2022).

(2022) Available at: (Accessed: 27 October 2022).

Write ‘no date’ where the date would usually go. If the source is online, still include an access date.Scribbr (no date) . Available at: (Accessed: 27 October 2022).
Include the URL in place of the title.Scribbr (2022) (Accessed: 27 October 2022).

Harvard Referencing Generator

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Harvard in-text citations

Harvard referencing style uses author-date in-text citations, which means including the author’s last name and the publication year of the source, like this: (Smith, 2019). This citation points the reader to the corresponding entry in the reference list.

Always include an in-text citation when you quote or paraphrase a source. Include a page number or range when available and relevant to indicate which part of the source you’re drawing on. Using material from other sources without acknowledging them is plagiarism.

In-text citations can be parenthetical (author and date both in parentheses) or narrative (author name mentioned in the sentence, date in parentheses). A source may also have more than one author. If there are four or more, name only the first, followed by “ et al. ”

(Smith, 2022, p. 15)Smith (2022, p. 15)
(Smith and Zhang, 2022, p. 15)Smith and Zhang (2022, p. 15)
(Smith, Zhang and Romein, 2022, p. 15)Smith, Zhang and Romein (2022, p. 15)
(Smith , 2022, p. 15)Smith (2022, p. 15)
(Cancer Research UK, 2022)Cancer Research UK (2022)

As with reference entries, it’s good to be aware of how to deal with missing information in your in-text citations.

List the organisation that published the source as the author.

If there’s no organisation to list, use the source title instead.

(Scribbr, 2022)

( , 2022)

Replace the date with the words ‘no date’.(Scribbr, no date)
Use an alternate locator such as a paragraph number.

You can also leave out the locator if you don’t need to point to a specific part of the source.

(Scribbr, 2022, para. 4)

(Scribbr, 2022)

Scribbr offers a variety of other tools and resources to help with referencing and other aspects of academic writing:

  • Referencing generator : Scribbr’s free referencing generator can also create flawless citations in other styles, such as APA and MLA .
  • Free plagiarism checker : Detect and fix plagiarism issues with the most accurate plagiarism checker available, powered by Turnitin.
  • Proofreading services : Make sure your writing is clear and professional with the help of an expert editor.
  • Guide to Harvard style : Understand the rules of Harvard referencing style, and learn how to cite a variety of sources.
  • Guides and videos : Explore our Knowledge Base, our YouTube channel, and a wide variety of other educational resources covering topics ranging from language to statistics.


  1. PPT

    paraphrasing citation harvard

  2. Harvard referencing: the difference between a direct quote and paraphrasing

    paraphrasing citation harvard

  3. 5. Harvard referencing: Paraphrasing

    paraphrasing citation harvard

  4. PPT

    paraphrasing citation harvard

  5. PPT

    paraphrasing citation harvard

  6. PPT

    paraphrasing citation harvard


  1. Referencing made easy

  2. Academic Writing

  3. Paraphrasing Tutorial

  4. Referencing made easy: using the Harvard Style

  5. Unlocking the Harvard Citation Style: Your Guide to Seamless Referencing

  6. Mastering the Harvard Citation Style: Simplified!


  1. Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing is expressing someone else's writing in your own choice of words, while keeping the same essential meaning. As Pears and Shields (2019, p. 15) explain, it is ' an alternative way of referring to an author's ideas or arguments without using direct quotations from their text'.

  2. Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

    Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting. Depending on the conventions of your discipline, you may have to decide whether to summarize a source, paraphrase a source, or quote from a source. Scholars in the humanities tend to summarize, paraphrase, and quote texts; social scientists and natural scientists rely primarily on summary and paraphrase.

  3. LibGuides: Harvard Referencing: Summarising/Paraphrasing

    There are different ways you can incorporate an in-text citation into your work. Usually, the author's surname/s, the date and page numbers (if necessary) appear in brackets - as in (1) above, but if you want to use the author's name/s as part of your sentance you can do so as in examples (2) and (3) above.

  4. LibGuides: Harvard Style: Paraphrasing and Summarising

    Paraphrasing and Summarising - Harvard Style - LibGuides at ATU Library. To paraphrase is to communicate the author's work in your own words and to acknowledge the source. Used to rewrite text in your own words. Used to clarify meaning. Used to shorten a longer statement, but keep the main ideas. Giving credit to the original author of the idea.

  5. Paraphrasing and Direct Quotations

    Paraphrase or Summary. When you paraphrase or summarise you express somebody else's ideas or theories in your own words. Paraphrasing is not a direct quote, so there is no need to include quotation marks or page numbers. List the name(s) of the author(s) and the date of publication directly after the paraphrase. Example (see above): Miller et ...

  6. Harvard In-Text Citation

    Including page numbers in citations. When you quote directly from a source or paraphrase a specific passage, your in-text citation must include a page number to specify where the relevant passage is located.. Use 'p.' for a single page and 'pp.' for a page range: Meanwhile, another commentator asserts that the economy is 'on the downturn' (Singh, 2015, p. 13).

  7. Guides: UOW Harvard: Paraphrases and quotations

    Paraphrases. An in-text citation for a paraphrase will require the author and the date. Generally, when paraphrasing you do not need to include page numbers in an in-text citation unless you have been asked to do so. However, including page numbers can help the reader to find the information more easily in a longer text, such as a thesis.

  8. Cite Them Right

    Paraphrasing (Harvard) When you paraphrase, you express someone else's writing in your own words, usually to achieve greater clarity. This is an alternative way of referring to an author's ideas or arguments without using direct quotations from their text. Used properly, it has the added benefit of

  9. How to Paraphrase

    Paraphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words - changing the wording while preserving the original meaning. ... Harvard In-Text Citation | A Complete Guide & Examples In Harvard style, in-text citations include the author's last name and the publication year, plus a page number for quotes. ...

  10. Quoting, paraphrasing and summarising

    Harvard referencing handbook (2nd edition) The University of Lincoln Harvard referencing style. Harvard Referencing Toggle Dropdown. In-text citation ; ... You need to give an in-text citation whenever you quote, paraphrase or summarise an information source. Click on the options below for more information. Quoting; Paraphrasing;

  11. A Quick Guide to Harvard Referencing

    When you cite a source with up to three authors, cite all authors' names. For four or more authors, list only the first name, followed by ' et al. ': Number of authors. In-text citation example. 1 author. (Davis, 2019) 2 authors. (Davis and Barrett, 2019) 3 authors.

  12. Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing. Children who develop a capacity for sympathy or compassion - often through empathetic perspectival experience - understand what their aggression has done to another separate person, for whom they increasingly care. They thus come to feel guilt about their own aggression and real concern for the well-being of the other person.

  13. Harvard referencing

    This guide details the Harvard style of referencing based upon the advice given in the "Cite Them Right ... you should restate the meaning of the original text in your own words. Be sure to cite and reference when you are paraphrasing someone else's work, e.g.: Booth et al. (2016, pp. 208-209) give the example of acceptable paraphrasing using ...

  14. In-Text Citations

    In-Text Citations. In APA style, you use parenthetical citations within the text of your paper to credit your sources, to show how recently your sources were published, and to refer your reader to a more detailed citation of the source in the reference list at the end of your paper. You should use parenthetical citations when you paraphrase ...

  15. PDF Quick Tips for Paraphrasing and Quoting Sources

    Use direct quotes sparingly. Most of the time, you should paraphrase instead. If you must quote directly, make it brief. Rather than a full sentence, select the most important phrase. Make sure to use quotation marks and add a citation, with a page number, just like the below example: In the text of your paper:

  16. Free Harvard Referencing Generator [Updated for 2024]

    A Harvard Referencing Generator is a tool that automatically generates formatted academic references in the Harvard style. It takes in relevant details about a source -- usually critical information like author names, article titles, publish dates, and URLs -- and adds the correct punctuation and formatting required by the Harvard referencing style.

  17. Quick guide to Harvard referencing (Cite Them Right)

    There are different versions of the Harvard referencing style. This guide is a quick introduction to the commonly-used Cite Them Right version. ... You need to include an in-text citation wherever you quote or paraphrase from a source. An in-text citation consists of the last name of the author(s), the year of publication, and a page number if ...

  18. How to Cite Sources in Harvard Citation Format

    In-text references are references written within the main body of text and refer to a quote or paraphrase. They are much shorter than full references. The full reference of in-text citations appears in the reference list. ... Troy B.N. (2015) 'Harvard citation rules' in Williams, S.T. (ed.) A guide to citation rules. New York: NY Publishers ...

  19. Reference a Website in Harvard Style

    Revised on 7 November 2022. To reference a website in Harvard style, include the name of the author or organization, the year of publication, the title of the page, the URL, and the date on which you accessed the website. In-text citation example. (Google, 2020) Reference template. Author surname, initial.

  20. How to Paraphrase

    Source text Paraphrase "The current research extends the previous work by revealing that listening to moral dilemmas could elicit a FLE [foreign-language effect] in highly proficient bilinguals. … Here, it has been demonstrated that hearing a foreign language can even influence moral decision making, and namely promote more utilitarian-type decisions" (Brouwer, 2019, p. 874).

  21. FREE Harvard Referencing Generator

    Using the Cite This For Me fast, accessible and free generator makes creating accurate citations easier than ever, leaving more time for you to focus on achieving your academic goals. Create a free account to add and edit each Harvard citation on the spot, import and export full projects or individual entries.

  22. Free Citation Generator

    Citation Generator: Automatically generate accurate references and in-text citations using Scribbr's APA Citation Generator, MLA Citation Generator, Harvard Referencing Generator, and Chicago Citation Generator. Plagiarism Checker: Detect plagiarism in your paper using the most accurate Turnitin-powered plagiarism software available to ...

  23. Harvard 2024

    FigureNumber - Title (In-text citation) or. FigureNumber: Title (In-text citation) or. Figure Number. Title (In-text citation) Example. Figure 1 - The Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford (Whitby, 2005) Note: For small assignments (essays) the numbers should be sequential (i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3). For larger ...

  24. Free Harvard Referencing Generator

    Harvard referencing style uses author-date in-text citations, which means including the author's last name and the publication year of the source, like this: (Smith, 2019). This citation points the reader to the corresponding entry in the reference list. ... Always include an in-text citation when you quote or paraphrase a source. Include a ...