GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator

gamsat essay quote generator

Welcome to our comprehensive and user-friendly GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator. This tool is designed to help you practice and perfect your essay writing skills in preparation for the GAMSAT Section 2 .

Learn How to Create an Essay from a Quote

To help you get the most out of our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator, we've created a video tutorial that shows you how to create an essay from a quote. This video will guide you through the process of understanding the quote, brainstorming ideas, creating an essay outline, and writing the essay.

GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator

How to make the most out of gamsat section 2 quote generator.

Start by selecting the task you want to work on with our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator. You can choose Task A, Task B, or both. This flexibility allows you to focus on the areas you feel need the most practice. Remember, GAMSAT Section 2 requires you to break down themed quotes into smaller chunks of plausible explanations, delivering a high-quality essay that showcases your vocabulary and communication skills. Learn more about GAMSAT Section 2 .

Choose Your Task

Start by selecting the task you want to work on with our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator. You can choose Task A, Task B, or both. This flexibility allows you to focus on the areas you feel need the most practice.

1. Random Section 2 Quotes ‍

If you prefer a spontaneous approach, the random method will generate a quote for you to work on without any specific theme. This is a great way to challenge your adaptability and creativity with our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator. Read how to Study for Section 2

2. Theme based Section 2 Quotes

If you want to focus on a specific topic, you can choose from over 100 themes with our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator. This method allows you to delve deep into a particular subject, honing your knowledge and writing skills in that area. Remember, writing for Section 2 requires an extensive knowledge base across many subjects. It's recommended to start broad in your approach, research around the subject, and perfect your writing style. Find out how to study for Section 2.

3. Past GAMSAT Section 2 Quotes

Want to know what to expect in the actual exam? Choose this method to practice with quotes from past GAMSAT exams with our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator. This will give you a feel for the kind of quotes you might encounter on the test day. Reviewing previous GAMSAT essay topics and understanding the main marking criteria can help improve your essay writing skills. Check out these GAMSAT Section 2 essay examples .

Use the Timer with Our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator

Our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator also includes a timer feature. This allows you to simulate the exam scenario and practice writing your essays within a set time limit. It's a great way to improve your time management skills and ensure you can express your thoughts clearly and concisely under exam conditions. Remember, overcoming writer’s block is a common issue faced by many students preparing for GAMSAT Section 2. To overcome writer’s block, it's recommended to be active in your writing style, find your personal touch, and practice writing in your free time. Read more on how to beat writer's block in Section 2 GAMSAT.

Overcoming writer’s block is a common issue faced by many students preparing for GAMSAT Section 2. To overcome writer’s block, it's recommended to be active in your writing style, find your personal touch, and practice writing in your free time. Read more on how to beat writer's block in Section 2 GAMSAT.

Start practicing today with our GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Generator and take a step closer to acing your GAMSAT exam!

What Should You Do Next?

Now that you are practicing your GAMSAT essay writing, make sure that you have read our complete guide to  Section 2 . If you are still unsure how you should be focusing your efforts when writing your GAMSAT Section 2 essay responses, visit our  GAMSAT Section 2 Syllabus Guide . Our comprehensive and completely Free GAMSAT Quote generator t o practice for Section 2. Use this tool to practice GAMSAT Essays and apply the appropriate writing techniques. 

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Section II Quote Generator

Test yourself with the worlds largest GAMSAT quote generator. Randomly select from over 100 quote sets modelled on previously tested ACER topics. 

Task Selection:

Press on the options below to practice upon GAMSAT-style prompts. Review your work to standards in line with our famous essay structure . Remember to practice under test conditions.

Timer (press to start)

Frequently Asked Questions

ask A usually revolves around geopolitical issues (war, democracy, crime) and Task B surrounding personal and social topics (friendship, trust, love). Yet, practicing a broad philosophical idea can be applicable to both.

When studying, try limiting yourself between 25-29 minutes per essay, this will give you some time to review your work. Remember, you can always come back to add in extra details if you have the time.

This number will vary between students. It is generally recommended that before sitting the GAMSAT, students will type up at least 4 essays under exam conditions. This will help students understanding timings and familiarise themselves with exam-style prompts.

Yes, we offer comprehensive essay guides and classes to help you improve your GAMSAT essay writing. Visit our products page under the 'Buy Now' tab.



GAMSAT Quotes - Section 2 Practice


From:  AceGAMSAT Re: GAMSAT Quotes

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The AceGAMSAT team has released a series of practice gamsat quotes, which cover common topics in section 2 of the GAMSAT.

Click here now to download your free series of GAMSAT quotes.


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by Michael Sunderland  

How to ACE GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Interpretation – Task A


GAMSAT Section 2 quotes

December 20, 2020 in  Free Chapters

How to ACE GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Interpretation

GAMSAT Section 2 writing is not normal essay writing. I’ve said this before, I’ll no doubt say it again. The origin of a 90+ Section 2 response is what is made from the task, or in other words how you approach quote interpretation. It’s very hard to write a poor response with quality, sophisticated ideas; and very hard to write a good response to simple, pedestrian, or reductive ideas.

I like to think of quote interpretation as the ceiling value of your writing. It sets the upper limit of what you can achieve. How you then deliver the thoughts you’ve had is the degree to which you capitalise on the potential you have created through your quote interpretation. In my experience, 95% of students turn that ceiling into a glass ceiling, and shoot themselves in the foot before they begin by approaching perhaps the most crucial element of the task in the most rushed, and pedestrian manner. This does not bode well for a high scoring response.

ACER’s words

Let’s begin first with ACER’s own words from the GAMSAT information booklet so we can be sure that I’m not pontificating about something I just made up. The underlining is my own, the rest is a direct quote.

“Written Communication is assessed on two criteria: the quality of the thinking about a topic and the control of language demonstrated in its development. Assessment focuses on the way in which ideas are integrated into a thoughtful response to the task. Control of language (grammatical structure and expression) is an integral component of a good piece of writing. However, it is only assessed insofar as it contributes to the overall effectiveness of the response to the task and not in isolation. “

There is an emphasis here on quality of thinking, and integration of ideas thoughtfully. That is, in part, to place the prompts in their broader cultural, psycho-social, politico-economic, or philosophical contexts; but also linearly and deliberately developing an argument or position (see my post The Ontology of Structure – Logic for more on this). Structure, language, and other things that traditionally are thought of as the foundations of a good essay are almost explicitly said here not to be assessed in isolation, and that they contribute only insofar as they contribute to the aforementioned criteria (quality of thinking). This is why traditional methods of approaching writing are only sufficient to get you to a 75. There seems to be a huge paucity of information and discussion about how to improve your quality of thinking, or how to telegraph an improved quality of thinking in a GAMSAT section 2 context.

ACER also explicitly says in their information book

“pre-prepared responses and responses that do not relate to the topic will receive a low score.”

Which, if this is what is being assessed, begs two questions..

1. How can I improve the quality of my thinking about the prompts 2. How can I be sure to be relevant to the topic

I come bearing gifts.

How not to approach quote interpretation

Let me first deal with what not to do. Almost everybody I come across conflates the prompts into a one word “theme.” They tell me, “oh the theme is conformity” (or “punishment”, or “government”, or “death”, or “space”, or “boredom” etc). This leads to simple and low level thinking responses which lack direct relevance; and therefore often score poorly. Here’s two reasons why.

It’s reductive

In the first instance you have reduced five incredibly complex, nuanced, sophisticated world views – which have arisen in many cases from 60+ years of expert experience and study, and if not, still from within a valid ontology and set of human experiences, thoughts, and ideas – into a simple world. You have reduced what could have a book, or hundreds of books in many cases, written about it to a word. It’s like thinking that the words “harry potter” is the same thing as everything that happens in those seven books (is it seven, idk?), plus the movies, plus the childhood experiences reading and interacting with those materials, plus the popular culture around it etc. There is a whole world behind it which is not conveyed in proper depth by its placeholder title.

And then, you’ve grabbed four other equally complex and nuanced and sophisticated world views, and conflated them – suggesting that they all more or less say the same thing when, in truth, this word does not adequately describe even one of the prompts, let alone all of them. And this is done simply based on the criteria that this word happened to have cropped up a number of times in the prompts. This is already to have made ten odd errors. Because it is to say that 1 is the same as 2, 3, 4, 5; and 2 is the same as 3, 4, 5 and so on.

Perhaps you’re thinking “no that’s not me,” and that you’re being really sophisticated because you contrast the ‘positive’ side of the theme, with the ‘negative’ side – which is still to have reduced a quote to one word: either ‘positive’ or ‘negative.’ Many of you will then flatly say that one of the prompts is false, or even relate to that view in a belittling manner suggesting it “is completely wrong” or “a ridiculous misinterpretation of the democratic foundations of modern life” (very fancy), and think you’re doing the right thing by arguing forcefully in an argumentative essay. I don’t blame or judge you, I’ve done the same thing. But what you’re really saying to the marker when you do that is that you, in a psychometric test on an unprepared topic, in thirty minutes, know better than someone who has dedicated their whole life to having that viewpoint. A major misstep.

Lastly you are then forced to generate a whole essay from a single word; rather than to focus highly nuanced and sophisticated ideas into a powerful single point (contention). It’s hard to write a bad essay from sophisticated ideas. And very hard to make a good essay from reductive or pedestrian ideas.

The reductive approach

single word theme < essay

A high scoring approach

Five highly complex ideas > focused in the introduction to a sharpened point (contention) > thrust forward and upward into the armor in Body Paragraph 1 > twisted in Body Paragraph 2 > graceful psychometric validation of the other sides and the contexts in which those truths arrive as you stand over the defeated opponent

It also lacks relevance

A reductive approach to quote interpretation often leads to writing that fails to “directly respond to one or more of the prompts” which is one of the only things ACER tell you explicitly that you are supposed to be doing.

This final error occurs not in the quote interpretation, but in the very next moment after it. Let us suppose you have thought to yourself “the theme is conformity.” You then think “hmm, what do I have to say about conformity.” You then come up with some idea and go off and write about it. Your writing will then be in the domain of conformity, but this will often lack relevance to conformity to begin with (as you’re under time pressure and writing whatever comes out); and furthermore, as we have established, ‘conformity’ wasn’t, in many cases, directly relevant to the prompts to begin with.

Ok, so what is the best way to approach quote interpretation?

What you make from the task, which essentially is what is being examined, arises from how you confront the ideas in front of you and situate them in their broader contexts.

I always recommend to re-write the five quotes in your own words. This takes some time, and needs to be practice, it’s also mentally draining. But the rest of the essay stems from this moment. In time you will be able to spot quotes that you think won’t lead to good outcomes, or may include traps you want to avoid, so you can save time by only re-writing/interpreting the quotes you eventually want to involve in your response. I wouldn’t recommend doing it in your head, it’s too hard to remember the other ones by the time you finish. But almost always when you see the five interpreted versions you can see links that weren’t evident before. I physically write 1 to 5 under every set of prompts. Towards the back end of my preparation I found time saving approaches, but to begin with it’s a good exercise.

Also, by “write them in your own words” I don’t mean repeat the exact thing the prompt says in different words. I mean to interpret what they are saying. Imagine a teacher said the prompt to one of your friends and then your friend turned to you after and said “that made no sense, what do they mean” and then you responded to explain it to your friend so they understood. That interpretation is what you need to be writing down. When you receive the real implications of what the quote is inviting you to consider, you will relate to the prompts very differently, and answer in a more embellished and insightful way. I will have a case study later in the chapter, so hold that thought for just a moment. First:

Do I respond to the one or all of the quotes; or do I interpret a theme and respond to that?

We’ve already discussed that reducing it to one word is not the thing to do. You are welcome to respond to complex, deeply, highly considered and thoughtfully interpreted theme if you think you are up to it. When I started I would interpret each quote, and then think to myself “if these five ideas were in a news article, what would the heading of that article be?” .. and it would often be something like “the relevance, function, and limitations of punishment in contemporary Western societies” or something to that effect. Now this was (is) high order thinking, however, it comes with some challenges.

This approach does lead to sophisticated responses, however the marker 9 times out of 10 won’t follow what you’re saying or the implied connection to the theme very easily. Because you are responding to something that took a great deal of thought, the marker can be left wondering which prompt you’re responding to. They won’t have engaged with it in the level of detail you have (or have interpreted the quotes in quite the same way), so it can lose points for relevance (even though it’s highly relevant). This circles back to earlier times when I’ve mentioned that it is crucial to be both generous to the marker, and aware of how you position yourself in their eyes (which I discussed in further detail here ).

So, I personally don’t recommend writing to a whole theme (either one word, or correctly interpreted) because it can fail to translate in a very generous, direct, and clear way. Or if you do write to the correctly interpreted theme, be prepared to be VERY explicit about what you’re saying, why you’re saying it, and how it relates to the theme (and how the theme you have interpreted relates to the prompts, and which one).

Regarding responding to all of the quotes. I’d encourage you guys to think of the five prompts as being facets of the same diamond. There is something that coheres them. Reality and truth is not absolute. All perspectives happen to tend toward, or converge from many directions on, an approximation of the truth. Knowing this is essential. The prompts are deliberately chosen for this reason. They look at issue from many directions. Early in my preparation, addressing each of these perspectives was essentially the essay written for me. I just made each point a paragraph (or lumped a couple together in one; and the others in another) etc. Again, fine, although I frustratingly had markers ask me “which prompt was this in response to?” which eventually annoyed me enough that I came to the final iteration of my prompt-addressing strategy.

I pick one prompt (or two if they happen to exist within the same ontological or epistemological frameworks) and I address it/them directly , and clearly . I don’t use the quotes from the prompts in my writing directly (you should have plenty of other examples and evidence to bring up such that you wouldn’t want to waste space on one from the prompts – when others zig; you zag!), but I do use key words or partial phrases from the prompt in my essay, especially in the introduction to make it clear what I am talking about. This greatly helped the concision and clarity of my writing.

A final note: it is essential to display a comprehension and respect for the complexity of the theme and how other, diverging, viewpoints contribute to it equally and validly (even if you disagree with them). You need to show that you have situated the prompts in their broader psycho-social or politico economic or philosophic contexts to show an appreciation for these contexts.

A case study

I’ve included below a case study of an analysis I did of a response to a set of Task A prompts. In this particular case the essay had written above it “against capitalism.”

The prompts were:

1. “Socialism states that you owe me something simply because I exist. Capitalism, by contrast, results in a sort of reality-forced altruism: I may not want to help you, I may dislike you, but if I don’t give you a product or service you want, I will starve. Voluntary exchange is more moral than forced redistribution. ” – Ben Shapiro 2. “Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” – Alexis de Tocqueville 3. “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” – Winston Churchill 4. “Democracy is indispensable to socialism.” – Vladimir Lenin 5. “We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we;re going to fight it with socialism.” – Fred Hampton

You’ve left here “against capitalism.”

This suggests to me that there’s work to be done on how you confront the prompts before you begin writing. Most people look for the common word in these quotes (in this case socialism, or capitalism) and they say “ah, the theme is capitalism” and then they pick a side and off they go. The problem is that you will then only be writing in the domain of the prompts not in specific response to the prompts. You will lose marks for relevance and precision. The theme is not capitalism here.

The first quote says “capitalism is pragmatic, and more moral than socialism.” The second “democracy (an adjunct of capitalism) and socialism share only a desire for equality, but differ in approach.”

Note: we see already a link to first quote, a mini theme is developing here which is ‘the similarities between socialism and capitalist democracies in their attempt to provide equality or equitability.’ If you wrote an essay contrasting democracy and socialism in how they achieve equality, and to what extent they are successful/moral in this you would be not only scoring far more highly for relevance, but also for “what was made from the task.” Furthermore, this frames your essay to be of much higher sophistication and quality. If you have made a reductive or simple interpretation of the quotes you are forced to expand and write an essay from a small point. This can feel wavering, or unfocussed, or repetitive, and will always be elementary. If you, on the other hand, spend some time really looking at what each quote is saying (I re-write each quote in my own words and then examine them… i stopped doing this toward the end to save time, but the discipline of doing so for my first 30 essays was invaluable) you will have a complex and nuanced understanding of what is being said and the issue at large. The essay, then, becomes not an expansion from a small point (along with inevitable psychometric faults), but a narrowing and focus of a very large and complex issue (necessarily winning psychometrics points for you) into themes and components of that issue that you wish to discuss and give a focussed opinion on.

In this case, I think of the ontology of Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao Zedong – who’s behaviour was illustrative of a utilitarian calculus wherein violence was justified in the name of achieving a socialist utopia. Suffering, the transgression of individual liberty, famine, even mass murder were all justified within the grand narrative of the promise of communist utopias in China, the Society Union, and Cambodia. Mao killed more than 5 times as many people than did Hitler. Humans were reduced to a number, or a flesh bag of chemicals and a physiological set of reactions as the body struggled to fight against emaciation due to poverty in gulags in the soviet union – each person’s unique individuality reduced to a cascading, brutal homogeneity. Where is the morality in this? Is this why Ben Shapiro (quote 1) says capitalism is more moral?

The third quote: a critique of socialism, so we have further re-enforcement for our suspected theme. These people do not think socialism is the most moral way of achieving equality, no matter its intentions.
The fourth: tbh I don’t get this. next. (although Lenin was a Bolshevik and was responsible for the Russian revolution and establishment of socialism in Russia pre-soviet union, so perhaps you could simply use that for support of the similarities between the two political ideologies) The fifth: I would skip this entirely. I doubt ACER would give you this prompt. It requires context, and it’s just a weird prompt. Using this would be a red herring in my view.

So, in short, if you dont correctly interpret the quote, and situate it in its broader historical, sociological, psychological, politico-economics contexts, you will struggle to make something profound of the task, and lose points on relevance. Everything that follows is necessarily going to flow from that initial reduction. Your essay is necessarily limited and framed by what you made (or failed to make) of the quotes. Most people go : 5 quotes > one word theme
you want to go
5 quotes < essay. Like the quotes are the thinnest part and you make them expansive by developing on them in insightful ways, rather than reducing them to one word and picking a side.

An 80+ essay requires partially agreeing or disagreeing with the obvious interpretation of the comments, rather than flatly. Qualify its limits or contexts in which it arises. Situate the comment in their wider cultural contexts . Body paragraphs are a logical analysis of these ideas. Don’t let this make you fence sit, though. Choose your viewpoint clearly and argue strongly for it, but try situating it off centre of one of the implications of the quotes.

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The best approach to GAMSAT Section 2 Quote Interpretation

About the author 

Michael Sunderland

My name's Michael, I achieved 91 in Section II, and 82 overall, in the September '20 sitting. I'm here to show you how I did it. Let's get to work :)

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Everything you need to know about GAMSAT by Dr Peter Griffiths

Past GAMSAT Essay Topics

Past GAMSAT Essay Topics

Here is a list of some past Gamsat essay topics which have come up before in the test.

These previous Gamsat essay topics have been reported by actual candidates after past sittings of the test over several years so we know they are accurate.

If you'd like to download these as a PDF just click here > Gamsat Essay Topics

Past GAMSAT Essay Topics

After the general previous Gamsat topics below I've also included some Gamsat style quotes you can use to practice writing your own essays. These are also included in the PDF above.

If you'd like to get a full length Section 3 Practice Test with worked answers and which also contains two more essay prompts for Section 2 then fill in the form to the left on this blog or click the link below.

Past GAMSAT Essay Topics Task A

Equality/whether everyone has equal opportunities

Respect towards people of power/discipline/questioning people in power

Trust and respect in society

Over population

Taxation/welfare systems

Tolerance and prejudice

Affirmative action

Intelligence vs. knowledge

Relationship of past, present, future

Nature vs. nurture


Benefits of technology

Climate change

Past GAMSAT Essay Topics Task B

Whether the rich/poor are happier

Marriage and the idealism around it

Recreation and rest/we used to not have enough, now too much

How our habits define who we are

Celebrity and influence

Happiness/what defines a good life

Respect for age vs. pursuit of youth

Knowledge vs. Wisdom

Does pain make you appreciate joy?

Do looks matter?

Past GAMSAT Essay Topics

Now you've read the list of some past Gamsat essay topics let me say something about them.

I've published them here to satisfy student demand, everyone asks about them. Maybe you arrived here yourself as a result of an internet search for this topic.

But they really won't help you that much...

At most these examples will give you some psychological comfort when you see that most of them aren't that difficult. They're the sort of typical bland, boring essay subjects that you would guess would come up if someone asked you to take a guess and make a list.

There's nothing surprising or mysterious here.

Now maybe you are one of those people who thinks that if you practice writing essays on a LOT of different prior topics, then maybe one of those same themes will come up in your actual test and so it will be that much easier for you.

But that is a fallacious idea.

First of all even if ACER does re-use topics (it has never been confirmed) the chances of one of them coming up in your particular sitting is miniscule. Add to that the fact that in recent years we are seeing that not everyone gets the same topics or sets of quotes for section 2 anyway. So even if they did happen to re-use a set of themes the chances of you getting them are even smaller.

It will be a much better use of your time to practice an ESSAY WRITING SYSTEM which can cope with turning ANY set of quotes into a high scoring essay.

That way you won't have to rely on luck or be at the mercy of any particular topic. A good essay writing method should enable you to deal with any subject or theme that the Gamsat throws at you.

The essay writing system inside the Gamsat Review Home Study Course for example is designed to do exactly that.

Tips To Improve Your GAMSAT Essays

1. Argue for both sides of an issue rather than just giving an opinion piece from one point of view. This will demonstrate thought and consideration and help you pick up the marks for quality of thinking.

2. Learn a variety of stock phrases for openers, closers, introducing your arguments and your conclusions. This will help you avoid repetition and also help give your essay structure.

3. Try to express ideas and reasoning rather than reproducing large chunks of memorized facts. The examiners want to assess your intellectual reasoning, not read a history book or a technical manual.

4. Develop your knowledge of history, philosophy, psychology and political thought. There is no short cut to this but you can get a head start by reading works designed to give a quick introduction to the main concepts and ideas. I recommend the book 50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know by Ben Dupré which is an easy to read and quick guide to the main concepts of Western thought covering philosophy, religion, politics, economics, the arts and the sciences.

5. Practice writing your Gamsat essays under exam conditions. Sticking to the 30 minute time limit will focus your mind and develop the speed necessary for the real thing. It will also help develop your handwriting skills. Don't underestimate the difficulty of maintaining nice legible writing for the examiner to read after writing as quickly as possible for an hour straight. Especially if like most people you usually work on a computer.

6. Get your essays looked at by a qualified person after you've written them and ask for feedback. A qualified person probably isn't another Gamsat candidate in the same position as you that you met on a student forum or in a Gamsat Facebook group. Try and get one of your teachers or university lecturers to take a look or someone who has done Gamsat before and scored highly in section 2. Or, even better, you could get them marked by a professional Gamsat Essay Marking service.

7. Finally practice, practice, practice. Essay writing is a skill which must be developed. To help you, below are two essay tasks very similar to what you will find in the real test. Find a quiet place for 30 minutes and try and write two essays putting into practice all the advice given above.

Example Gamsat Essay Topics

Writing Task A

Consider the following comments and develop a piece of writing in response to one or more of them. Your writing will be judged on the quality of what you have to say in response to the theme, how well you organize and present your point of view, and how effectively you express yourself. You will not be judged on your views or attitudes.

The belief that all genuine education comes about through experience does not mean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative.

                                                                                                               John Dewey

A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.

                                                                                                               Horace Mann

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

                                                                                                               Oscar Wilde He who opens a school door, closes a prison.                                                                                   Victor Hugo

It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.

                                                                                                        Robert Green Ingersoll

Writing Task B

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

                                                                                                                        Mark Twain

Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire.

                                                                                                                        William Penn

Expensive clothes are a waste of money.

                                                                              Meryl Streep

I don’t design clothes; I design dreams.

                                                                             Ralph Lauren

It is interesting to question how far men would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes.

                                                                                                      Henry David Thoreau

Further Resources

For more help with GAMSAT check out Griffiths Gamsat Review Home Study System which takes you step by step through all three sections with advanced strategies for each.

Griffiths GAMSAT Review Home Study System

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Although only 20% of Section 3 of the GAMSAT exam will test your Physics knowledge this oft-neglected topic can be the make or break for your Section 3 score. Learn the best ways to prepare for GAMSAT Physics and succeed in the exam.

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Free GAMSAT Practice Questions and Materials

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Completing GAMSAT ® Practice Questions is arguably the most important aspect of your GAMSAT ® Exam Preparation as it allows you to develop your reasoning skills and familiarise yourself with the style of questions you’ll face on the day of the exam. Practicing with GAMSAT ® Style Questions is often one part of an overall preparation strategy and is usually approached following a familiarisation with the different areas of content that typically appear in the GAMSAT ® Exam.

We’ve created this page to give you easy access to some free GAMSAT ® practice questions. You’ll get a better idea of the types of questions you should expect from the GAMSAT ® exam. Plus, we’ve asked one of our expert tutors, Catarina, to briefly go through each practice question and help you solve them in this Free GAMSAT ® Practice Questions video guide.

To learn more, you can visit our free guide on How to Prepare for the GAMSAT ® . In addition, if you’re yet to familiarise yourself with the different sections of the GAMSAT ® Exam, you can find further free GAMSAT ® Preparation Materials below:

  • Free GAMSAT ® Preparation Materials
  • GradReady Intelligent GAMSAT ® MCQ Bank
  • Free GAMSAT ® Practice Questions
  • GAMSAT ® Practice Question Answers
  • Further Free GAMSAT ® Preparation Materials

Free GAMSAT Preparation Materials

Gamsat preparation materials: section 1.

Guide: How to Prepare for GAMSAT ® Section 1

An overview of what to expect in Section 1 of the GAMSAT ® Exam and how to prepare: Includes study tips, MCQ tricks and a reading list.

GAMSAT Preparation Materials: Section 2

Guide: How to Prepare for GAMSAT ® Section 2

An overview of what to expect in Section 2 of the GAMSAT ® Exam and how to prepare: Learn how to build up an ideas bank and how to structure your writing.

Essay Topics: Free GAMSAT ® Section 2 Quote Generator

Get over 90 free essay topics for Section 2 of the GAMSAT ® Exam

Guide: GAMSAT Example Essays

Download our GAMSAT ® Essay Writing guide with 3 marked GAMSAT ® example essays of varying qualities.

GAMSAT Preparation Materials: Section 3

Guide: How to Prepare for GAMSAT ® Section 3

An overview of what to expect in Section 3 of the GAMSAT ® Exam and how to prepare. Get a topic list of everything you need to know for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Guide: How to Prepare for GAMSAT ® Biology

Get even further details and specific tips for the Biology component of Section 3 of the GAMSAT ® Exam

Guide: How to Prepare for GAMSAT ® Chemistry

Further advice and information specific to GAMSAT ® Section 3 Chemistry - Get a detailed breakdown of various topics.

Guide: How to Prepare for GAMSAT ® Physics

Not sure about the value of preparing for GAMSAT ® Physics? Think again - The Physics component of Section 3 can be a key separator of student performance, get further details on how to prepare.

It’s important to remember that the GAMSAT ® exam that tests your reasoning and problem solving skills rather than your recall of specific content - As such, it's important that you avoid trying to study for it as if it were a knowledge-based exam. The greater focus should lie in learning to apply that knowledge and using it in a problem-solving setting - i.e. Problem Based Learning (you can learn more here ). This is most effectively done by completing GAMSAT ® Practice Questions.

GradReady GAMSAT Free Trial

To get even more free MCQs, make sure you sign up for our GAMSAT Free Trial which includes 50 free MCQs from our Intelligent MCQ Bank as well as a wealth of other free resources.

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Our Intelligent GAMSAT ® MCQ Bank utilises cutting edge web education technology in performance tracking and topic targeting.

The 5000+ MCQs are categorised into 43 subtopics - our advanced MCQ system not only tracks your performance in each subtopic, it also allows you to create sets of MCQs based on subtopics of your choosing – meaning you can focus on what you need to. In addition, you are able to set the difficulty of the questions, allowing you to tailor the MCQs to your own ability. Fully Worked Solutions are provided for all MCQs.

By signing up to our GAMSAT ® Free Trial, you will also get access to GradReady’s Online Exam System, which mimics the official ACER GAMSAT ® exam in detail, allowing you to familiarise yourself with the online delivery of the exam before test date. You can simulate the full GAMSAT ® experience with the associated time pressures, or complete the exam at your own pace if you prefer. You will also get access to worked solutions, extra supplementary resources, performance tracking, percentile reporting, and more!

We are the only GAMSAT ® Preparation Provider with our own proprietary online system - Unlike other providers who simply purchase a 3rd Party System, we’ve gone to the trouble of creating our online system to allow you to track your performance, quickly identifying your weaknesses and pointing you to the most relevant materials and even tutor assistance. Our online algorithmic-assisted resources are designed to provide you with a targeted experience and makes learning into a science.

In addition, because it is a proprietary system, we are able to constantly make updates in line with student feedback to ensure that students are getting the best learning experience possible. Our newly updated Online Learning Management systems means that we are the only GAMSAT ® Preparation Provider with a mobile-friendly experience - You can now utilise our Intelligent MCQ Bank whenever and wherever your phone goes.

Free GAMSAT Practice Questions

If you’re looking for some free GAMSAT ® Practice Questions, you can find several examples below, separated according to their different Sections:

  • GAMSAT ® Section 1 Practice Question
  • GAMSAT ® Section 2 Practice Question
  • GAMSAT ® Section 3 Biology Practice Question
  • GAMSAT ® Section 3 Chemistry Practice Question
  • GAMSAT ® Section 3 Physics Practice Question

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GAMSAT Section 1 Practice Question

The following is a poem titled A Bird Came Down The Walk by Emily Dickinson.

A bird came down the walk: He did not know I saw; He bit an angle-worm in halves And ate the fellow, raw.

And then he drank a dew From a convenient grass, And then hopped sidewise to the wall To let a beetle pass.

He glanced with rapid eyes That hurried all abroad, They looked like frightened beads, I thought;

He stirred his velvet head

Like one in danger; cautious, I offered him a crumb, And he unrolled his feathers And rowed him softer home

Than oars divide the ocean, Too silver for a seam, Or butterflies, off banks of noon, Leap, splashless, as they swim.

1. What theme is most evident in A Bird Came Down The Walk?

  • b) Benevolence
  • d) Humanity

2. In the final two stanzas, the bird is described as flying away. The depiction that the bird's flight "rowed him softer..." than oars dividing the ocean implies:

  • a) Natural beauty surpasses man-made beauty
  • b) Passage by flight is more inspiring than passage by sea
  • c) There is a stark, superficial, contrast between animals and humans
  • d) Nature supersedes nurture

GAMSAT Section 2 Practice Question

Theme: knowledge.

  • A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot. (Albert Einstein)
  • Some people still think knowledge is power. (Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby)
  • The power of human thought grows exponentially with the number of minds that share that thought. (Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol)
  • The thing that's important to know is that you never know. You're always sort of feeling your way. (Diane Arbus, Diane Arbus Revelations)
  • Any fool can know. The point is to understand. (Albert Einstein)

You can find more free GAMSAT ® Essay Topics and a Free GAMSAT ® Essay Quote Generator at our guide here: GAMSAT ® Section 2 Essays: How to Prepare

You can find some free example essays here: Free GAMSAT ® Example Essay

GAMSAT Section 3 Biology Practice Question

GAMSAT Section 3 Biology Practice Question

The diagram above shows the absorbance of NAD+ and NADH at various wavelengths of light. As NAD+ is a dinucleotide it absorbs, like all nucleotides, strongly in the 260-280 nm range. It can also be seen that the protonated form exhibits a modified absorbance spectra.

An important biochemical measure of the health of a cell is known as the redox state and is the ratio of NAD+ to NADH. A healthy cell has a redox state of around 700. This high ratio makes oxidative reactions favourable and thus enables oxidative phosphorylation, or the aerobic formation of ATP.

To do this, reference samples of known concentrations of NAD+ and NADH are made up and measured in a spectrophotometer. The unknown samples are then measured and compared to the reference samples to determine the quantity of NAD+ or NADH in the sample.

A molecular biologist has a number of samples that they wish to test the redox state of. For each question select the correct answer using the knowledge provided in this section

1. What wavelength would be most appropriate for determining the concentration of NAD + ?

2. What wavelength would be most appropriate for determining the concentration of NADH when discriminating against NAD + concentration?

3. What redox state would most likely be found in a cell that was overwhelmed with the work of metabolizing alcohol?

  • a) NAD+/NADH greater than 700
  • b) NAD+/ NADH less than 700
  • c) NAD+/ NADH equal to 700
  • d) Not enough information to determine

GAMSAT Section 3 Chemistry Practice Question

GAMSAT Section 3 Chemistry Practice Question

The increased emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere leads to a decrease in the pH of ocean water due to a chemical equilibrium between carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ) which can then contribute protons into the ocean:

CO 2 + H 2 O ↔ H 2 CO 3

H 2 CO 3 ↔ H + + HCO 3 -

HCO 3 - ↔ H + + CO 3 2-

The relative abundance of the above species at a given pH is represented on a Bjerrum Plot.

1. In 1751 the ocean pH was 8.25, but it is expected by 2100 that [H+] in the ocean will increase by 2.5 fold. Which of the following indicates the expected ocean pH in 2100?

2. The initial [H + ] in 1751 was 5.62 * 10 -9 M, and Ca(OH) 2 is a strong base that is expected to dissociate completely. How much Ca(OH) 2 (1.0 M) would be required to return a 4 L water sample from the year 2100 back to the acidities of year 1751?

  • a) 11.2 nanolitres
  • b) 17.0 nanolitres
  • c) 28.1 nanolitres
  • d) 56.2 nanolitres

3. Oceanic species such as corals and plankton have calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) skeletal structures that require the levels of CO 3 2- to be saturated in ocean waters. What effect would an increase in CO 2 emissions have on these species?

  • a) The dissolving of their skeletons
  • b) The forming of carbonate aggregates on their skeletons
  • c) A thriving environment for skeletal formation
  • d) No obvious effect

GAMSAT Section 3 Physics Practice Question

GAMSAT Section 3 Physics Practice Question

Hydraulic force multiplication is one of the mechanisms that allow the force applied to a car’s brake pedal by a person's foot to be multiplied to a level that can stop a car quickly. A very simplified diagram is provided below.

Piston A and B are both cylindrical and are at the same height. The fluid used, in blue, is water. The diameter of Piston A is 10 cm.

1. How much pressure would the person be applying to the water if they push down on the brake pedal with 200 N of force?

  • a) 10/π kPa
  • c) 20/π kPa
  • d) 80/π kPa

2. It is known that a fluid’s density increases as temperature increases and decreases as the temperature decreases. If the efficiency of the hydraulic braking system is defined as how effectively the forces are multiplied, what happens to the braking system efficiency on a hot day?

  • a) Pressure increases, brake efficiency increases
  • b) Pressure increases, Brake efficiency decreases
  • c) Pressure decreases, Brake efficiency remains constant
  • d) Pressure increases, brake efficiency remains constant

If you find the practice MCQs above useful, make sure you sign up for our GAMSAT ® Free Trial which includes 50 free MCQs from our Intelligent MCQ Bank. You will also get access to a GAMSAT ® practice test which mimics the official ACER GAMSAT ® exam in detail, allowing you to familiarise yourself with the online delivery of the exam before test date.

GAMSAT Practice Question Answers

Section 1 answers.

1. C is correct.

Dickinson repeatedly compares and contrasts the cruelty/fear ("...bit an angle-worm in halves" depicting the predator-prey relationship between bird and worm) and beauty ("...he unrolled his feathers, And rowed him softer home") of nature. Students may interpret the poem to represent the other themes, however these are either not suggested (Answers 1 and 2) or a minor theme (Answer 4).

2. A is correct.

As the comparative 'softer' is used, it suggests that the natural sight of a bird flying is more beautiful than boat oars that create gentle ripples in the water. This implies natural beauty surpasses man-made beauty, as oars and boats are man-made. Use of enjambment (the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza) creates a relaxed tone.

Section 3 Biology Answers

1. B is correct.

260nm is the answer as this is in the range light is most strongly absorbed by NAD + , which assists its measurement by a spectrophotometer

2. C is correct.

At 340nm, there is the greatest amount of difference between the standard molar absorbance of NAD + and NADH, and this would be the most appropriate point to measure the two comparatively.

3. B is correct.

In the stem, it is indicated that ' a healthy cell has a redox state of around 700. This high ratio makes oxidative reactions favourable and thus enables oxidative phosphorylation, or the aerobic formation of ATP '.

We can infer that a cell overwhelmed with the work of metabolizing alcohol is less healthy, and therefore the ratio would be less than 700.

The enzymes used to metabolise ethanol (ADH and ALDH2) reduce NAD + to NADH, and therefore the cellular NAD + / NADH redox ratio is lowered as a consequence of ethanol metabolism.

Section 3 Chemistry Answers

Students should be familiar with pH being a logarithmic scale with a change in 1 pH unit corresponding to a [H+] change of a factor of 10. Therefore, for an acidification with a [H+] factor change of 2.5 the pH is expected to decrease, but by less than 1 pH unit. The only answer that fulfills this criteria is B.

2. B is correct.

Calculate difference in proton concentration by determining concentration in 2100 and taking away initial concentration.

In 1751: [H + ] = 5.62 * 10 -9 M (mol L -1 )

Multiply by 2.5 to get 2100 levels: [H + ] = 14.1 * 10 -9 mol L -1

Determine amount of H + to be neutralised in a 4 L sample (multiply difference by 4 L):

4 L sample = 33.9 * 10 -9 mol to be neutralised

Each Ca(OH) 2 provides two hydroxides, therefore we require half this amount of Ca(OH) 2 :

n(Ca(OH) 2 ) = 17.0 * 10 -9 mol

Concentration is 1.0 M (mol L -1 ), therefore answer is 17.0 nanolitres (17.0 * 10 -9 L).

3. A is correct.

Of the extra carbon dioxide added into the oceans, some remains as dissolved carbon dioxide, while the rest contributes towards making additional carbonic acid and additional bicarbonate as in the equilibria. This also increases the concentration of hydrogen ions, and the percentage increase in hydrogen is larger than the percentage increase in bicarbonate, creating an imbalance in the reaction HCO 3 − ↔ CO 3 2− + H + . To maintain chemical equilibrium, some of the carbonate ions already in the ocean combine with some of the hydrogen ions to make further bicarbonate. Thus the ocean's concentration of carbonate ions is reduced, creating an imbalance in the reaction Ca 2+ + CO 3 2- ↔ CaCO 3 , and making the dissolution of formed CaCO 3 structures more likely. In other words, the CO32- concentration drops, so that the ocean is no longer saturated and CO 3 2- dissolves from the coral. This can be seen on the Bjerrum plot - as pH drops, the concentration of CO 3 2- drops too.

Section 3 Physics Answers

1. D is correct.

Using the formula P=F/A and keeping in mind that the radius of Piston A is 5 cm ,

Remember that Pa (pascals) is the equivalent of N/m 2

2. D is correct.

On a hot day, the density of the water increases. Using the formula P = ρ X g X h it is clear that if the density (ρ) increases, then the pressure will increase.

However, this pressure increase is applied to both pistons. While this might increase the force applied to the water in Piston A, it increases the force applied to Piston B by the same proportion. In other words, the ratio of forces between the pistons remains the same, so the brake efficiency remains the same.

Free GAMSAT Practice Test

To see where you’re at, and what you need to work on when it comes to your GAMSAT® preparation, have a go taking our GAMSAT ® Free Trial practice test.

Taking practice tests for the GAMSAT ® examination is crucial to your preparation. A practice test allows you to try things out and see where you are at and which concepts you might be struggling with or strong in.

Most importantly, practice tests allow self-reflection on the key aspects of both general test-taking abilities and those specific to the GAMSAT ® :

Improve Your GAMSAT Time Management

Taking a GAMSAT ® free practice test allows you to gauge how quickly you are answering questions in sections 1 and 3. Many students struggle to finish these sections on time, and resort to guessing a significant portion of questions at the end of the time. Therefore, even simply finishing all questions on time gives you a significant edge over other students.

Doing a GAMSAT ® practice test online allows you to see whether you are completing Qs on time, or spending too long on individual questions. It allows you to gauge how long a set of Qs takes as opposed to individual Qs, and start to get a sense of how to allocate time between large and smaller stems.

In Section 2 Written Communication, many students fail to complete two essays in the time-frame allocated. If you take a practice test, you can get a sense of what length and detail is reasonable to aim for for yourself, and challenge yourself to balance quality/quantity. You also get a sense of the bank of ideas you have at your disposal and whether you need to develop more knowledge and material to imbue your essays with.

However, in order to gain this benefit from a practice test, the formal GAMSAT ® time restrictions should be followed. Check out our blog article for more tips on how to manage time in the GAMSAT ® exam.

Get Familiar with GAMSAT Question Style

Understanding the format of each section and question styles is important. With Sections 1 and 3, you may want to read the stem first, or read the questions first, so finding what works for you early in preparation is key.

It is important to see how GAMSAT ® asks you to apply science concepts. While you may be studying endless amounts of chemistry, physics and biology, without knowing how questions ask you to apply such information, you will not fulfill your potential in the exam. If you come from a non-science background, you may find our guide to preparing for the GAMSAT ® with a non-science background useful.

Gauge Your GAMSAT Subject Knowledge

Most relevant to section 3, taking GAMSAT ® practice tests allows you to gauge in which topics your knowledge may be lacking. This helps you to direct your time towards studying subjects/topics which are going to take you to the next level, rather than constantly going over things you may already be competent at. This is especially helpful if you are preparing for the GAMSAT ® with a non-science background.

GradReady’s GAMSAT ® Free Trial includes Online Exams which are integrated into the same intelligent MCQ system that tracks your performance across 43 subtopics - Take our Diagnostic Test and easily identify your strengths and weaknesses!

Sign up to test our industry-leading online learning technology for yourself:

Further Free GAMSAT Preparation Materials

The most comprehensive library of free GAMSAT Preparation materials available.

Understanding your GAMSAT ® Results

Covers everything you need to know about your GAMSAT ® Results - How the scoring works, result release dates and even GAMSAT ® score cutoffs.

How to study for the GAMSAT ® Exam

A breakdown of how to approach study effectively and how to set up a GAMSAT ® study schedule

How to prepare for GAMSAT ® Section 1

An overview of what to expect in Section 1 of the GAMSAT ® Exam and how to prepare.

How to prepare for GAMSAT ® Section 2

An overview of what to expect in Section 2 of the GAMSAT ® Exam, how to prepare and how to perfect your essay technique.

How to prepare for GAMSAT ® Section 3

An overview of what to expect in Section 3 of the GAMSAT ® Exam and how to prepare for each of the topics - Biology, Chemistry, & Physics.

How to prepare for GAMSAT ® Biology

How to prepare for gamsat ® chemistry, how to prepare for gamsat ® physics, gradready gamsat preparation courses.

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GradReady GAMSAT Online Courses
5000+ Intelligent MCQ Bank
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8 Online Practice Exams
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10 Marked Essays with Personal Feedback
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All the features of our Online (Essentials) Course plus Marked Essays and on-demand Tutor Assistance with our GetClarity system
GradReady GAMSAT Attendance Courses
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Interactive Classes capped at 21 students
Mock Exam and Subsequent Review
Complimentary Additional Round of Virtual PBLs
Includes all the Online Resources included in our Online (Essentials) Course.
19 Day Course - 100+ hours of Learning
10 Marked Essays with Personal Feedback
GetClarity: Tutor Assistance when you need it on whatever you need it on
Mock Exam and Subsequent Review
Complimentary Additional Round of Virtual PBLs
Our most popular course, includes all the live classes and Mock Exam as well as access to our Online (Comprehensive) resources
8 Day Course - 50+h of Learning
6 x 1 h Private Tuition sessions with expert Tutors in your areas of weakness
Mock Exam and Subsequent Review
Complimentary Additional Round of Virtual PBLs
Everything you need to succeed – includes private tutoring sessions in addition to the Attendance (Comprehensive) Package

To learn more about our GAMSAT ® Preparation courses and compare their different components, view an in depth comparison here: GradReady Course Comparison

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  • We achieve these results through our interactive teaching style and adaptive online learning technologies. Our classes are capped at 21 students, and taught by a specialist tutor for each subject, tutors who are themselves Medical Students who have sat the GAMSAT ® .
  • Our online systems make learning into a science and we are the only provider with a proprietary online system that uses algorithmic-assisted, targeted learning. Unlike other providers who purchase a 3rd Party System, the targeted system that we've developed tracks your performance, quickly identifying your weaknesses and pointing you to the most relevant materials and even tutor assistance.

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Category: Section 2

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GAMSAT for English as a Second Language (ESL) Students

Are you an ESL student looking to gain entry into medicine into dentistry? Here’s a quick guide on how to prepare for the GAMSAT with an ESL background

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GAMSAT Essay Quote Generator: How to write GAMSAT Essays

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GAMSAT Section 2: How to write a Mic-Drop Worthy Conclusion

A killer conclusion helps to tie all the ideas in your essay together. Learn how to hit a home-run with these three key tips.

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GAMSAT Theme Talk: Politics

Learn how to brainstorm ideas and write a GAMSAT essay on politics!

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GAMSAT Section 2: How to Analyse Current Affairs in your GAMSAT Essay Body Paragraph

Write stellar essays by using current affairs to support your arguments in the GAMSAT Section 2 essay writing section.

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GAMSAT Section 2: How to achieve 100th percentile in GAMSAT Section 2

I’ve completed the GAMSAT three times, consistently getting around the 80 mark – the 100th percentile!

Find out how to do so yourself.

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  1. One of the key steps in preparing for Section 2 of the GAMSAT® exam is

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  1. How to solve GAMSAT Section 3 problems (ACER Practice Test 2

  2. GAMSAT Biology Sample Questions

  3. GAMSAT Biology Section 3 problems (ACER Practice Test 2

  4. GAMSAT General Chemistry: Section 3 (ACER Practice Test 2

  5. GAMSAT S3 Solutions to Biochemistry

  6. GAMSAT Preparation for Non-science Background by Gold Standard GAMSAT


  1. GAMSAT Quote Generator

    One of the key steps in preparing for Section 2 of the GAMSAT ® exam is getting into the habit of writing GAMSAT ® essays regularly - The earlier, the better. To help you do this, we've put together a free and comprehensive GAMSAT ® Quote Generator with over 90 Section 2 Essay Prompts, covering 40+ themes to help you generate Quotes for ...

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  3. Mindsat

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  4. GAMSAT S2 Essay Quote Generator

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  8. GAMSAT Section 2 Resources

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    1 Step 1 - Understanding the GAMSAT Theme. 2 Step 2 - Brainstorm Ideas. 3 Step 3 - Plan your Essay Structure. 4 Step 4 - Write in exam conditions. 5 Step 5 - Get Essay Feedback. 6 Essay Marking Feedback Service.

  10. GAMSAT Quotes

    The AceGAMSAT team has released a series of practice gamsat quotes, which cover common topics in section 2 of the GAMSAT. Click here now to download your free series of GAMSAT quotes. FREE GAMSAT Questions. And access the AceGAMSAT free quote generator here: FREE Quote Generator.

  11. GAMSAT Section 2 Essays: How to Prepare in 2024

    Section 2: Written Communication. Tests your general knowledge and ability to draw on prior knowledge under pressure to construct a cohesive argument or reflection. Reading Time Writing Time. 5 Minutes 60 Minutes. With 60 minutes in total for two essays, this means 30 minutes per essay.

  12. Free GAMSAT Resources

    View our upcoming no holds barred GAMSAT events held by our master GAMSAT coaches. Access. 2. Free Essay Marking. Join the Facebook group where the best writers grow, help and support each other and get free feedback on your writing. ... access. 3. Discord. Access free GAMSAT resources (incl. S2 quote and MMI station generators) for S1,2,3 and ...

  13. Resources For Gamsat Section 2

    These three resources are great way to get going with your Gamsat section 2 practice. Quote Generator. The final resource on my list is a quote generator which will help you to generate an unlimited number of quotes on hundreds of topics in a format virtually identical to the real test.

  14. Interpretation of GAMSAT Section 2 Quotes

    The origin of a 90+ Section 2 response is what is made from the task, or in other words how you approach quote interpretation. It's very hard to write a poor response with quality, sophisticated ideas; and very hard to write a good response to simple, pedestrian, or reductive ideas. I like to think of quote interpretation as the ceiling value ...

  15. Section 2 essay practice approach : r/GAMSAT

    GAMSAT. Hello! I was wondering how people approach practicing essays for section 2. Is it a worthwhile approach to use a random quote generator, pick a quote/set of quotes and try to write an essay based on them in an untimed manner (in the beginning) at first trying to come up with own ideas and then using outside sources (particularly if ...

  16. gamsat section 2: task A

    Lastly, GAMSAT S2 is not written in answer to a question. It is a response to a set of quotes. In structuring your piece this way it has led to an unfortunately predictable, dull rejoinder. War is not a dichotomy. Nor should any answer you provide for an S2 response, unless you wish to flag to the marker that you desire a poor score.

  17. Past GAMSAT Essay Topics

    After the general previous Gamsat topics below I've also included some Gamsat style quotes you can use to practice writing your own essays. These are also included in the PDF above. If you'd like to get a full length Section 3 Practice Test with worked answers and which also contains two more essay prompts for Section 2 then fill in the form to ...

  18. GAMSAT for English as a Second Language (ESL) Students

    GAMSAT Essay Quote Generator - 100+ quotes selectively curated by me and including past GAMSAT topics to help you prepare . Essay Structure. The structure of your essay will be the foundation for everything else you write. If your essay doesn't have a clear introduction, body and conclusion, then there's a chance that the reader will not ...

  19. Free GAMSAT Practice Questions and Preparation Material

    Essay Topics: Free GAMSAT ® Section 2 Quote Generator Get over 90 free essay topics for Section 2 of the GAMSAT ® Exam Guide: GAMSAT Example Essays. Download our GAMSAT ® Essay Writing guide with 3 marked GAMSAT ® example essays of varying qualities. GAMSAT Preparation Materials: Section 3 Guide: How to Prepare for GAMSAT ® Section 3

  20. GAMSAT Section 2 Quotes

    From the beginning I allowed myself 40-45mins per essay (progressing to 30mins) and always in response to a quote generator so I had no extra time to think about what I would write beforehand. You get better each time and you will get better at recognising the common theme in the stimuli. With 30mins per essay there is no time to dissect the ...

  21. GAMSAT Resources

    My practice essays (March 2021) Write With Me Essays (March 2022) NEW! Random Prompt Generator General Section 2 Videos NEW! Practice Prompts Thursday Thoughts Archive. Section 3 - Reasoning in the Physical & Biological Sciences. General Resources. Section 3 Topic Checklist Formula Sheet Sample Questions & Walkthroughs Miscellaneous Resources ...

  22. Section 2

    GAMSAT Essay Quote Generator: How to write GAMSAT Essays. by alisontutor18 March 22, 2022 November 9, 2022. Continue Reading. Section 2. GAMSAT Section 2: How to write a Mic-Drop Worthy Conclusion. A killer conclusion helps to tie all the ideas in your essay together. Learn how to hit a home-run with these three key tips.

  23. FRASER Quote Generator

    Imo it's better to work on broad stimuli, pick a path for it that you can put in unique and insightful points in your essay and run with them. Markers don't want a word salad which is what I feel sites like frasers lead you down a path on, they want good ideas that show critical thinking and a good flow of logic. 4.