1. Graphical Models: Selecting causal and statistical models

    Graphical Models: Selecting causal and statistical models. Download (744.03 kB) thesis. posted on 2023-04-27, 10:10 authored by Christopher Meek. The topic of this dissertation is graphical models with the major theme being methods for selecting graphical models from observations. I describe how graphical models can be given a statistical and a ...

  2. PDF Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models

    for graphical models. The first two chapters of the thesis present inference algorithms for generative graphical models, and the next two propose learning algorithms for conditional graphical models. First, the thesis proposes a window-based EP smoothing algorithm for online estimation on hybrid dynamic Bayesian networks.

  3. PDF Reasoning and Decisions in Probabilistic Graphical Models A Unified

    Reasoning and Decisions in Probabilistic Graphical Models { A Uni ed Framework DISSERTATION submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Computer Science by Qiang Liu Dissertation Committee: Prof. Alexander Ihler, Chair Prof. Rina Dechter Prof. Padhraic Smyth 2014

  4. PDF Methods for Learning Directed and Undirected Graphical Models

    Methods for Learning Directed and Undirected Graphical Models. Janne Leppa-aho. Department of Computer Science P.O. Box 68, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland janne.leppa-aho@helsinki. PhD Thesis, Series of Publications A, Report A-2020-1 Helsinki, January 2020, 50+84 pages. ISSN 1238-8645.

  5. Variational methods for inference and estimation in graphical models

    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 1997. Includes bibliographical references. by Tommi S. Jaakkola. ... Variational methods for inference and estimation in graphical models. Author(s) Jaakkola, Tommi S. (Tommi Sakari) DownloadFull printable version (7.881Mb) Advisor. Michael I. Jordan.

  6. PDF ProvableAlgorithmsforLearningandVariational

    In this thesis, we present new algorithms and theoretical results for some basic al-gorithmic problems of learning and inference in high-dimensional graphical models. Graphical models are a powerful framework for modelling high-dimensional distri-butions in a way that is interpretable and enables sophisticated forms of inference andreasoning.

  7. Structural learning for continuous data using graphical models

    This thesis is centered around learning the structure of data using graphical models. Graphical models allow the visual representation of dependence relations between a set of random variables through graphs, specified by some type of model formula. Whether the goal is probabilistic inference, mainly dealing with belief propagation, or causal ...

  8. PDF Approximate Inference in Graphical Models using LP Relaxations

    Graphical models such as Markov random elds have been successfully applied to a wide variety of elds, from computer vision and natural language processing, to computational biology. Exact probabilistic inference is generally intractable in complex models having ... Thesis aside, working with David has been very rewarding. Each of our

  9. Graphical models: selecting causal and statistical models

    TLDR. The results show that, while the algorithms produce graphs with much higher model selection score, the knowledge-based graphs are more accurate predictors of variables of interest and provide new evidence that support the notion that results from simulated data tell us little about actual real-world performance. Expand.

  10. Structure Learning and Parameter Estimation for Graphical Models via

    Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) provide a compact and flexible framework to model very complex real-life phenomena. They combine the probability theory which deals with uncertainty and logical structure represented by a graph which allows one to cope with the computational complexity and also interpret and communicate the obtained knowledge. In the thesis, we consider two different types ...

  11. PDF Graphical modeling in dynamical systems

    This thesis was written while I was a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen. My studies were funded by VILLUM FONDEN (research grant 13358) and I was working under the supervision of Professor Niels Richard Hansen at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. The main topic of the thesis is graphical modeling of dynamical systems.

  12. Variational methods for inference and estimation in graphical models

    This thesis proposes a principled framework for approximating graphical models based on variational methods and develops variational techniques from the perspective that unifies and expands their applicability to graphical models. Graphical models enhance the representational power of probability models through qualitative characterization of their properties. This also leads to greater ...

  13. PhD Thesis Understanding the Behavior of Belief Propagation

    PhD Thesis Understanding the Behavior of Belief Propagation Convergence Properties, Approximation Quality, and Solution Space Analysis ... Probabilistic graphical models are a powerful concept for modeling high-dimensional distribu-tions. Besides modeling distributions, probabilistic graphical models also provide an elegant ...

  14. Selective Inference and Learning Mixed Graphical Models

    Selective Inference and Learning Mixed Graphical Models. This thesis studies two problems in modern statistics. First, we study selective inference, or inference for hypothesis that are chosen after looking at the data. The motiving application is inference for regression coefficients selected by the lasso. We present the Condition-on-Selection ...

  15. Graphical Causal Models

    Visual representations of causal models have a long history in the social sciences, first gaining prominence with path diagrams for linear structural equation models in the 1960s (Blalock 1964; Duncan 1975).Since these beginnings, methodologists in various disciplines have made remarkable progress in developing formal theories for graphical causal models that not only generalize the linear ...

  16. PDF Inference in Sensor Networks: Graphical Models and Particle Methods

    This thesis explores how the ideas of graphical models and sample-based represen-tations of uncertainty such as are used in particle filtering can be applied to problems defined for sensor networks, in which we must consider the impact of resource limita-tions on our algorithms. In particular, we explore three related themes. We begin by

  17. PDF CSC535: Probabilistic Graphical Models

    Graphical Models [Source: Erik Sudderth, PhD Thesis] Bayes Network. Factor Graph. Markov Random Field. A variety of graphical models can represent the same probability distribution. ... Undirected Graphical Models. A . graph. is a set of vertices and edges . An edge connects two vertices . In . undirected models. edges are specified ...

  18. Marina Meila: PhD Thesis

    The thesis demonstrates the performance of the mixture of trees in density estimation and classification tasks. In the same time it deepens the understanding of the properties of the tree distribution as a multivariate density model. Among others, it shows that the tree classifier implements an implicit variable selection mechanism.

  19. PDF Gaussian Processes for State Space Models and Change Point Detection

    knowledge of graphical models, conditional independence, and message passing contained inBishop[2007, Ch. 8]. This thesis aggregates and extends content published throughout the course of my PhD. These publications areTurner[2010];Turner et al.[2009b] (Sec-tion5.1.1),Turner et al.[2009a,2010] (Section4.3),Turner and Rasmussen

  20. PDF CSC535: Probabilistic Graphical Models

    Course Objectives. Build on graphical models concepts from CSC 535 Provide a deeper understanding with advanced algorithms for statistical inference in PGMs Understand approximate statistical inference methods Provide familiarity with recent PGMs research more advanced than CSC 535 Ability to read, critique, and present research in PGMs Apply ...

  21. PhD Thesis: Approximate Inference in Graphical Models using LP

    Graphical models such as Markov random fields have been successfully applied to a wide variety of fields, from computer vision and natural language processing, to computational biology. Exact probabilistic inference is generally intractable in complex models having many dependencies between the variables. We present new approaches to approximate inference based on linear programming (LP ...

  22. Erik Sudderth

    Brown CS242: Probabilistic Graphical Models was taught from 2013 to 2016. Brown CS295P (Spring 2010) was an earlier seminar-style course on graphical models. Erik Sudderth's PhD thesis (Chap. 2) reviews graphical models & exponential families. Erik Sudderth & Bill Freeman wrote a tutorial on signal & image processing with belief propagation ...

  23. Kari Rantanen defends his PhD thesis on Optimization Algorithms for

    On the 8th of December 2021, M.Sc. Kari Rantanen will defend his doctoral thesis on Optimization Algorithms for Learning Graphical Model Structures. The thesis a part of research done in the Department of Computer Science and in the Constraint Reasoning and Optimization research group at the University of Helsinki.

  24. Topological Representational Similarity Analysis in Brains and Beyond

    Understanding how the brain represents and processes information is crucial for advancing neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Representational similarity analysis (RSA) has been instrumental in characterizing neural representations by comparing multivariate response patterns elicited by sensory stimuli. However, traditional RSA relies solely on geometric properties, overlooking crucial ...