hr diagram assignment


At the end of this comprehensive H-R diagram lesson plan, students will be able to describe how the H-R diagram classifies stars.  They will also be able to interpret the H-R diagram.  Each lesson is designed using the 5E method of instruction to ensure maximum comprehension by the students.

The following post will walk you through each of the steps and activities from the H-R diagram lesson plan.

At the beginning of the lesson, the class will discuss the objectives and some of the relevant vocabulary using the included objective statements and word wall cards.


The engagement continues with a with a Think-Pair-Share brainstorm activity. Students will write down a name of a celebrity, or YouTube star. Students will then use the board at the front of the room and place the name on the board based on “hotness” and “star-power.” This is a great intro to teach students that this is how stars are classified as well. The teacher will help to clear any misconceptions like the brightest of stars are the biggest, and how temperature increases along the right side of the X-axis.

Estimated Class Time for the Engagement: 20-30 minutes



This student-centered station lab is set up so students can begin to explore the  H-R diagram. Four of the stations are considered input stations where students are learning new information about the H-R diagram, and four of the stations are output stations where students will be demonstrating their mastery of the input stations.  Each of the stations is differentiated to challenge students using a different learning style.  You can read more about how I set up the station labs here .


Students will be working in pairs to create a model of the H-R diagram using current celebrities. Students will place celebrities like Drake, Oprah, Fluffy, on a card based on “hotness” and “star-power” of each celebrity. Students will discover that the scale is a representation of how stars are actually classified. Students will then have a follow-up question to answer.


At this station, students will be watching a four-minute video about interpreting the H-R diagram. The short video explains how to read the different axes of the H-R diagram. There are 3 questions related to the H-R diagram which students will answer on their lab sheet.


The research station will allow students to go online and interact by categorizing stars on an H-R diagram according to brightness and temperature. Students will be allowed to check for understanding while online. Students will then be asked to answer 2 questions based on what they learned during the activities.


This station will provide students with a one page reading about the H-R diagram.  Students are asked four questions about the reading, including what factors determine placement on the H-R diagram, where most stars can be found, and what would a characteristic of a star have on a certain spot on the H-R diagram.


The assess it station is where students will go to prove mastery over the concepts they learned in the lab.  The questions are set up in a standardized format with multiple choice answers.  Questions include asking about the direction of temperature along the x-axis, description of our sun compared to other stars on the H-R diagram, and which star in the brightest and hottest.



Students who can answer open-ended questions about the lab truly understand the concepts that are being taught.  At this station, the students will be answering three questions like explaining the H-R diagram, explain how to read the H-R diagram to a younger student, and how the temperature is recorded on the diagram.


Your visual students will love this station.  Students will be completing an H-R diagram by labeling both axes, the location of star groups, and certain temperature/brightness combinations.



The organize it station allows your students to use a manipulative to ensure their understanding of the H-R diagram. Students will use cards to place labels in the correct locations within and on the diagram.

  Estimated Class Time for the Exploration: 1-2, 45 minute class periods



The explanation activities will become much more engaging for the class once they have completed the exploration station lab.  During the explanation piece, the teacher will be clearing up any misconceptions about the H-R diagram with an interactive PowerPoint, anchor charts, and interactive notebook activities. The H-R diagram lesson includes a PowerPoint with activities scattered throughout to keep the students engaged.

The students will also be interacting with their journals using INB templates for the H-R diagram.  Each INB activity is designed to help students compartmentalize information for a greater understanding of the concept.  The H-R diagram INB templates will challenge the students to understand and visualize the H-R diagram.


Estimated Class Time for the Exploration: 2-3, 45 minute class periods


The elaboration section of the 5E method of instruction is intended to give students choice on how they can prove mastery of the concept.  When students are given choice the ‘buy-in’ is much greater than when the teacher tells them the project they will have to create.  Each of the H-R diagram projects will allow students to explain how each star got its placement on the H-R diagram.

Estimated Class Time for the Elaboration: 2-3, 45 minute class periods (can also be used as an at-home project)

The final piece of the 5E model is to evaluate student comprehension.  Included in every 5E lesson is a homework assignment, assessment, and modified assessment.  Research has shown that homework needs to be meaningful and applicable to real-world activities in order to be effective.  When possible, I like to give open-ended assessments to truly gauge the student’s comprehension.

Estimated Class Time for the Elaboration: 1, 45 minute class period


The full lesson is available for download from my TpT store .  Save yourself a ton of time and grab it now.

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H-R Diagram Worksheets

Making Points

Making Points

Paragraph Completion

Paragraph Completion

H-R Vocabulary

H-R Vocabulary

Reading H-R Diagrams

Reading H-R Diagrams

Label the H-R Diagram

Label the H-R Diagram

Studying H-R Diagrams

Studying H-R Diagrams

Surface Temperature and Luminosity

Surface Temperature and Luminosity

Types and Colors of Stars

Types and Colors of Stars

4 Star Plots

4 Star Plots

Temperature and Brilliance

Temperature and Brilliance

Naming Stars

Naming Stars

Full Star Evaluation

Full Star Evaluation

Plotting Stars

Plotting Stars

Groups of Stars

Groups of Stars

Chart Fills

Chart Fills

All about these 15 worksheets.

This collection of 15 worksheets is focused on helping students learn about the H-R Diagram or the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, a tool used in astronomy to understand the life cycle and characteristics of stars. By completing these worksheets, students will:

  • Plot stars on an H-R diagram based on their temperature and luminosity;
  • Learn and define key vocabulary terms related to the H-R diagram;
  • Interpret information from H-R diagrams to answer questions about star characteristics;
  • Label different regions and types of stars on an H-R diagram;
  • Compare and contrast the relationships between surface temperature and luminosity for different types of stars;
  • Identify the different types and colors of stars on an H-R diagram;
  • Plot and analyze data for four different stars on an H-R diagram;
  • Identify how changes in temperature and brilliance affect a star’s position on the H-R diagram;
  • Evaluate the characteristics of different types of stars, including their temperature, luminosity, and life cycle, using the H-R diagram;
  • And fill in charts with information about different types of stars based on their position on the H-R diagram.

Through these worksheets, students will develop a deep understanding of the H-R diagram and the characteristics of different types of stars. They will learn how to interpret data from the diagram, make predictions about star evolution, and analyze trends in stellar populations. Additionally, studying the H-R diagram can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they apply scientific concepts and principles to real-world phenomena. This knowledge can benefit students by providing them with a foundation for understanding astronomy and the universe around us.

What Are H-R Diagrams?

The Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram is a scatter plot of stars showing the relationship between their absolute magnitudes (luminosities) and spectral types (or surface temperatures). It is named after its creators, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell, who independently developed the diagram in the early 20th century.

H-R diagrams are important tools in astronomy because they allow us to classify stars according to their properties and evolutionary stages. By plotting the data for a large number of stars on an H-R diagram, we can see patterns and trends that provide clues about how stars form, evolve, and ultimately die.

For example, stars that are located in the upper-left corner of the H-R diagram are hot and bright, while stars in the lower-right corner are cool and dim. This tells us that there is a relationship between a star’s temperature and its luminosity. We can also use H-R diagrams to identify different types of stars, such as main-sequence stars (like the Sun), red giants, and white dwarfs.

H-R diagrams are especially useful for studying star clusters, where all the stars have similar ages and compositions. By comparing the positions of stars in a cluster on an H-R diagram with theoretical models of stellar evolution, astronomers can learn a great deal about the physical properties of stars and how they change over time.

In summary, H-R diagrams are a valuable tool in astronomy for studying the properties and evolution of stars. They allow us to classify stars, identify different types of stars, and study the physical processes that govern the behavior of stars.

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Hertzsprung-russell diagram.

HR Diagram

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shows the relationship between a star's temperature and its luminosity . It is also often called the H-R diagram or colour-magnitude diagram. It is a very useful graph because it can be used to chart the life cycle of a star. We can use it to study groups of stars in clusters or galaxies.

If all stars were alike, all those with the same luminosity would have the same temperature. We might also expect hotter stars to always be brighter than cooler ones. By looking at the chart, we can see this is not the case. There are groups of bright, hot stars and groups of bright, cool stars. There are also groups of dim, hot stars and groups of dim, cool stars.

Most stars, including the Sun , plot in a band which runs from the top-left to the bottom-right of the chart. Stars in this area of the chart are in the main-sequence stage of their lives. We can use the chart to see that the temperature of main-sequence stars increases with brightness. This is because the star's mass controls both its temperature and brightness at this stage.

Red giant and red supergiant stars fall in the top-right of the chart. This tells us they are brighter than main sequence stars but also redder and cooler. This is because they expand and cool as they reach the final stages  of their lives. However, because of their large size, they remain very bright.

In the bottom-left of the chart, we find hot stars that are dimmer than main-sequence stars. This is because they have small radii but contain a lot of mass. These are white dwarf stars. 

Stars tend to spend about 90% of their life in the main-sequence stage. After this, they evolve into giant stars for the remaining 10 % of their lives. Finally, they will either explode as a supernova or become white dwarf stars.

The chart has been used by astronomers since the early 20th century. In 1911, Danish astronomer Ejnar Hertzsprung made a chart of stars' magnitudes and colours. Two years later, Henry Norris Russell showed that stars could be put into groups based on their luminosity and temperature. The chart is named after both scientists.

In the images on this page, stars' surface temperatures are plotted on the x-axis (horizontal axis). Stars' luminosity is plotted along the y-axis (vertical axis). Be aware that the x-axis of the H-R diagram does not always use the temperature. It can also use spectral class (OBAFGKM), or colour . However, all show the same relationship with a star's luminosity. We can use class, colour, or temperature because stars are considered black-body sources . 

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Human Resources Diagram: What It Is, How to Create One, and Four Examples

Mina Düzdemir

A human resources (HR) diagram or org chart visually represents an organization's structure or processes. A HR diagram shows the relationships between employees, managers, supervisors, and other organizational units.

Although human resources diagrams are often used to show the hierarchy within an organization, they can also be used to map out the pathway of various HR processes, expected outcomes, and even skill sets.

Outlining the organizational structure, these charts also provide information about the roles and responsibilities of each employee by helping to visualize the flow of information throughout the company. Such a diagram can give a clear picture of HR management and company workflows, who does what, and where team members fit into the organization.

Having an HR diagram can be an important asset and create a framework for success in your company. However, creating one is more complicated than it sounds, but if you have found your way to this article, that means that you are already one step closer.

What Is a Human Resources Diagram?

A Human Resource Diagram is an anomaly in terms of visual representations as the emphasis is on the structure, and aesthetics is less important. The HR department creates this kind of diagram in order to visualize, plan, and manage the human capital , human resource functions, and processes of a company.

HR diagrams work to optimize employee productivity and process performance. There are a number of benefits that come from creating and utilizing an HR diagram, namely:

  • Improved interdepartmental team collaboration software
  • Better clarification on employee hierarchy, roles, and responsibilities
  • Issues and inefficiencies can be identified and addressed
  • Maximizing your employee skills and opportunities
  • Optimization of HR processes and operations
  • Overall increased productivity
  • Supports human resource planning processes
  • Enables better human resource management

Ultimately all of these benefits come together to ensure that your business operates seamlessly.

The Different Types o f Human Resource Diagrams

When we talk about human resource diagrams, your mind may jump immediately to an HR organization chart. However, there are three more types of HR diagrams that we are also going to discuss today:

  • HR process management flowchart
  • HR development
  • HR recruitment
  • HR fishbone or problem solving diagram
  • HR matrix diagram

HR Process Management Flowchart

Companies are built up of different processes and functions. Your HR department is no different. HR processes include payroll, employee benefits, conflict resolution, recruitment and retention , onboarding, and proper training. These processes are all set up, follow a number of steps, and arrive at a pre-determined outcome with the least amount of effort.

A lot can go wrong in formulating these processes that can lead to the downfall of your company, or at the very least, your HR department. Having an HR process management flowchart on hand allows you to accurately visualize your processes and see the potential for increased efficiency.

Think of an HR process management flowchart as a type of action plan.

Having a ‘birds-eye view’ of your operations allows you to monitor the progress of these processes and identify errors and opportunities. These kinds of HR diagrams are particularly important when planning to implement a change within your organization as they allow you to preempt the effects that change may have.

Let’s take a look at two standard HR processes, recruitment, and development, that are often at the center of a basic flowchart diagram.

HR Recruitment

Recruitment is a fundamental HR process. It is near impossible for a company to expand without hiring more skilled employees. Recruitment includes attracting talent, selecting the right applicants, and then appointing them to the correct positions within the company.

Recruiter speaks to a candidate in a job interview.

The nature and scale of your recruitment heavily depend on the type of company you work for and the type of roles you’re hiring for. It is vital to have a set pathway for recruitment that outlines any methods and includes the necessary criteria at each step.

This kind of HR process management flowchart is particularly useful in a hybrid workspace or remote working situation when your HR team may not be sitting in the same space and may not be able to discuss the process as it goes on.

HR Development

Another vital HR process that follows after successful recruitment is development.

Development, in this case, refers to the onboarding of new employees and the ongoing training and upskilling of current employees. Onboarding and training ensure that you have equipped your employees with the tools, skills, and knowledge they need in order to perform their job to the best of their ability.

Having an HR development process flowchart ensures that development across your company is standardized, continuous, and readily available to everyone.

HR Fishbone Diagram

We guarantee that something will go wrong during your company lifecycle, either between employees or within a process.

When it does go wrong, an HR fishbone or problem-solving diagram can be used to identify the cause of the issue.

Calling these diagrams ‘problem-solving’ describes their function, whereas calling them ‘fishbone’ describes their structure. These diagrams are set up to look similar to a fish skeleton where the problem is at the head of the fish and the potential causes form the bones.

HR fishbone diagrams enable HR employees to investigate cause-effect relationships via the gathering of information by asking questions, the analysis of this information, and the drawing of a conclusion.

Having a diagram like this on hand allows you to speed up the problem-solving process and implement an effective solution as soon as possible.

The quicker your HR team can get to the root of the problem, the better.

HR Organizational Chart

As you may have already guessed, a human resources organizational chart shows the whole company's structure, a department, or an individual team.

However, the HR organizational chart goes over and above, just indicating hierarchy. It also includes employee relations, employee names, and their specific job roles.

These particular charts are extremely useful for larger organizations with several different hierarchical layers and a variety of roles. They can even go as far as to include business partners.

An HR organizational chart allows individuals at the company to have better clarity on their roles and responsibilities, giving them a better sense of where they fit into the company as a whole.

HR professional multitasking.

Since an HR organization chart outlines the company structure, it makes it easy for the HR team to relay any employee-related issues or disciplinary issues to the correct manager who has to deal with them.

Another benefit of creating an HR organizational chart is that it allows you to identify departments or teams that have the ability to grow with the addition of some new members. Knowing your human resource capacity limits will allow you to hire efficiently.

HR Matrix Diagram

A human resource matrix diagram is similar to an HR organizational chart. Therefore it contains similar information. What makes the HR matrix diagram different is its layout. It is laid out in a grid format.

An HR matrix diagram is used to map out the more complex hierarchy where employees report to multiple managers, multiple departments, or through various channels.

Creating an HR matrix indicates to employees where they stand in the company and to whom they report. This helps to facilitate efficient feedback and quick decision-making, leading to a faster employee and company-wide growth.

Having the vertical and horizontal hierarchy mapped out helps to avoid information silos and allows the smooth transfer of information and skills between different parties. Essentially, it facilitates collaboration and communication within the organization.

How t o Create a Human Resource s Diagram i n Nine Steps

In order to create an effective and functional human resource process flow diagram , you need to have gone through the process of human resource planning. The human resource planning process involves understanding your current business needs, the direction you’re heading in, and the staffing levels you need to get you there.

Seven steps to better HR planning

However, having a human resource diagram also supports the human resource planning process as it makes it easier to analyze process performance and identify employment opportunities.

Therefore the human resource planning process and human resource diagrams feed into each other.

The type of human resource diagram you’re making determines how you create your human resource diagram. However, there are a number of steps that apply to them all.

To make a human resource diagram, all you need to do is follow these nine steps:

1. Identify and Set Your Company Objectives

The first step is to identify the company's purpose and set the key objectives that need to be met to achieve this purpose.

2. Identify Your HR Processes and Team Structures

Ensure that you audit the human capital , and understand the HR structures and business processes your company has at its disposal.

3. Gather Information on Your Employees and Processes

To create an accurate diagram you need to have in-depth information on your employees and what they do as well as how all the processes are expected to perform.

4. Make Sure You Have a Diagram Tool on Hand

While you can draw your diagram by hand, using an online tool allows you to quickly make any changes you need to make in the future. Using a tool such as LucidChart, saves you valuable time regarding chart creation and display.

5. Use a Top-Down Approach

When you’re creating your diagram, you need to start at the top and work down. This applies whether you are visualizing your employee structure or your processes.

For organizational charts, start with the leader or manager at the top, and for process flowcharts, always begin with the very first function.

6. Clearly Indicate Separate Items

To make your diagram readable, each item needs to be differentiated from one another. In most HR diagrams, this is done using different shapes, icons, or colors.

7. Connect Related Items

Whether they are employees that are linked within the structure or process steps that lead to one another, it is essential to connect these items in your diagram with some sort of linking element such as a line or an arrow.

8. Share Your Diagram With Your Employees

There is no point in creating a human resource diagram and keeping it to yourself. It is important to share your diagram amongst your employees so that they also benefit from it.

9. Make Sure to Update Your Diagram Regularly

Whether you have just hired a new employee or let one go, it is essential to update your HR diagram accordingly, especially if it changes the hierarchical structure. The same goes for when you alter your processes, get rid of one, or discover a new innovative one to include.

If you do not update your HR diagrams, you risk using outdated information to make decisions and confusing current employees.

Four Human Resources Diagram Examples

Although your human resource diagrams will depend on your company, its employees, and its processes, here are a couple of examples that you can use as the basis for your own.

Example of an organizational chart for HR teams.

Here is a classic example of an HR organizational chart.

Each item (in this case, job role) is differentiated by circles with a ‘person icon,’ and the hierarchy between these positions is shown by the layout of the diagram as well as the arrows connecting the items.

You could take this visual diagram a step further and include the names of the current employees who are fitted in each role as well as the specific aspects they are responsible for.

An example of a matrix diagram for HR teams.

Although this is an elementary HR matrix diagram, it showcases simply what these diagrams may look like.

Across the top are the different departments within a company, and down the side are the different projects that are on the go. The ‘person icon,’ faint dotted lines, and grid layout indicate who belongs to each department and which projects they are working on.

The one thing this matrix diagram is missing is the job roles and employee names of each person.

HR Process Flowchart: Recruitment

An example of a flowchart for HR processes.

This flowchart is for the process of recruitment within an HR department. Different shapes and colors are used to differentiate between items.

The ‘recruitment requisition’, ‘job offer’ and ‘send thank you letter ’ are key steps in the recruiting process, as they are the start and end of the process. The rest of the steps either have one or two potential paths they can follow. How the process plays out is indicated by the arrows joining the items.

Because of how the diagram is laid out, you can clearly see where the process begins and ends.

An example of an HR fishbone diagram for high employee turnover.

The HR fishbone diagram is the most complex of all the diagrams to understand. Mainly because of its structure.

Here, the head of the fish, which is the problem being faced, is “High Employee Turnover .”  The overarching causes of the problem, represented as the fish bones, are: “Skills and Knowledge,” “Environment,” “Motivation,” and “Incentives.” The specific causes are the ‘ribs’ of the fish that branch off from the main bones.

Once you have the problem and its causes laid out like this, it is easy to see where there is room for improvement so you can start reviewing performance and set goals.

Time t o Get Creating

Human resource diagrams may be a tool that the Human Resources department predominantly uses. However, the benefits of creating one extend far into the company.

Armed with the knowledge in this article and using the nine steps we outlined above, it should be no problem for your HR team to create an efficient and easily understandable human resource diagram.

Whether you go with the organizational chart, the matrix diagram, the process flowchart, or the fishbone diagram, make sure that you keep your business goals in mind and choose the right one for the job.

hr diagram assignment

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    Background info and whatnot and so forth. Exercises, questions, problems, whatever

  20. Human Resources Diagram: What It Is, How to Create One, and Four Examples

    Learn what a human resources diagram is, how to create one, and the different types of HR diagrams, such as HR process flowchart, HR fishbone diagram, HR organizational chart, and HR matrix diagram. See examples of each type and how they can help optimize HR management and processes.

  21. PDF HR Diagrams Assignment Data

    HR Diagrams Assignment Data . Instructions: Below you will find three data tables. Each table gives some information on groups of stars. At the bottom of this document, you will find a blank HR plot. Use the data in the data tables to create an HR diagram. 1. Print this document. You should have 3 data tables and 1 blank HR plot.

  22. HR Diagram Assignment Answers

    summer serino professor choudhary astr 154l 31 march 2018 hr diagram red giants, supergiants and white dwarfs are in the hr diagram. red giants include. Skip to document. University; High School. Books; ... HR Diagram Assignment Answers. Course. Elementary Astronomy (ASTR 152) 20 Documents. Students shared 20 documents in this course.