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Homework Club Schedule


Students are welcome to enroll in Homework Club at any time throughout the school year. We offer support to our students Monday through Thursday. Students may attend two, three, four or five days a week for 2 or more hours each session. There are 4 sessions available. Starting at 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Homework club will not offer any out of campus field trips. Summer and winter programs are also available; please inquire within for the programs, hours and fees.

Arrival and Pick-up

To ensure the safety of the students in care, students will only be released to adults authorized in the application and emergency form by the parent(s). Identification will be checked before any student is released until the staff becomes familiar with the individuals who pick-up students. Daily attendance will be taken and parents will be notified by a text message to their primary care takers’ cell phone if their child is not at the homework club location by 2:45pm. Each student grades 2 and above are expected to walk to the Homework Club location as soon as their class is dismissed. For student’s k-1st grade, Homework Club staff will assist with pick-up from the classroom. Each student must be signed out by an adult identified in the Identification and Emergency Information form (LIC 700). Students will not be released to anyone not listed on the emergency form (LIC 700). It is critical that the information on the emergency form is current. If there are any changes, please let Kristine or Henry Demirchian know as soon as possible. Homework Club will not provide any type of transportation for drop-off or pick-up.

Absence Policy

Research shows that students who are successful in schooling are the ones who are consistent with their studies and the ones who have no absences and tardiness from school. One way parents can help in this matter is to make sure that their student gets to school on time and every day. It is asked that all students of Homework Club follow the same guidelines. It is very important for students to commit and respect the schedule assigned to them. At Homework Club, we do not excuse absences, unless of course the child has an infectious disease. Homework Club requires 4 weeks prior notification for absences, students will not be reimbursed if notification is given on a last minute. This is due to the limitation of our space and the restrictions of the amount of students we can enroll and attend to. When we schedule a student, we ensure that your student will have 100% of our attention and will have his/her spot with a designated staff member. We work hard to ensure the success of every child!

Homework Club is a place where students should feel safe and secure, and it is a place where they can become a part of our family in an unbiased learning environment. We do not allow or tolerate any kind of disrespect or bullying to staff or to the other students in the group. We expect students to be kind and polite to others with their words and actions. Good manners are strongly enforced! Our goal is to create a group of students who work well together and who are respectful. We will not allow swearing, stealing, fighting, or other misbehavior. Cell phones are not to be used during program hours. Cell phones must stay in the back packs or they will be taken away. Staff can be reached at 818-606-7658 for Mrs. Kristine or 818-624-7657 for Mr. Henry.

Students will be expected to use good behavior, as expected in school. Students who do not respect the rules and regulations of Homework Club will result in a conference with the parents. Please keep in mind that Homework Club is a learning facility and everyone is expected to behave in a respected manner. Students with poor behavior will be asked to be picked up by a parent or a guardian.

Any form of discipline or punishment that violates a child's personal rights shall not be permitted regardless of authorized representative consent or authorization. Regardless of the situation, students will never experience corporal punishment, denial of snack breaks, or denial of restroom use.

Admission Policy

Parents may set-up an appointment or call for more information. To enroll a student, an interview will be conducted with the parent/guardian and the child. Parents must fill out an enrollment application packet before the student can attend H.C. A scheduled appointment may be set per request for a quick observation of the program.

A 30 day notice shall be sent to the parent/guardian of the child prior to any change or modification to Homework Club program, tuition, policies or procedures.

To ensure the high quality of our services, the Department of Social Services may conduct interviews with children without any prior notice or permission from the parent/guardian of the child, or Homework Club.

Termination of Contract

The contract may be terminated with sufficient notice to the Director of Homework Club. A 30 day notice is required if for any reason the child will need to stop attending Homework Club. However, the admission agreement shall automatically be terminated by the death of the child.

The contract may also be terminated by the Homework Club for the following reasons: student’s continuous bad behavior (3 warnings/parent conferences) including but not limited to interruption of class, bullying, disrespect to staff and other students.

Snacks and Breaks

Students will have a 10 minute break during the Homework Club Session in the classroom or in the school yard. Students are encouraged to bring a snack to eat at Homework Club or eat the dinner provided by the school “dinner at school” if applicable. Homework Club will provide a small snack if required (prepackaged non-perishable food items).

Medication Policy

Homework Club staff is not trained for administering ANY type of medication to students. Thus, medication will not be administered by our staff or stored on location.

Questions and Concerns

We encourage all parents to keep an open communication with us. We believe that effective communication is one of the essential tools to help a student achieve their goals. With proper communication we can better serve your child. We can be reached at any time during the day via email, at [email protected], via phone at 818-606-7658 for Kristine or 818-624-7657 for Henry; we are also open to communicate over text messages or letters and notes.

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Email us and we will contact you short after.

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PGJE Homework Club 2024

The PGJE FOOTBALL AND CHEER Homework Club is held directly after school at KAMS on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays August 20, - Oct 17 for 7th - 8th graders located in a designated classroom. Students are expected to report to the classroom by 3:30 pm. Only students enrolled in the program are permitted in the classroom. Everyone should pack a snack/light meal to eat and then they are expected to quietly do homework or bring a book or quiet activity.

The cost of the program is $200 for the entire season, this cost includes cost of staffing and facility rental. Max enrollment will be capped at 32 athletes.  

Homework Club will be staffed by parent volunteers who are either current EGUSD employees or background checked through SYF/PGJE. Please print this form, read, discuss and sign with your child. Your child must bring a signed contract to Homework Club in order to participate.

Daily Schedule:

o   3:15 -3:30 pm students arrive to Homework Club classroom

o   3:30 –3:45 Snack and settle in to work on homework

o   3:45-5:00 dedicated homework time

If your child breaks the contract once she/he will be removed from homework club.  There will be ZERO tolerance for misbehaviors. NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our student athletes to make great use of their time after school instead of just commuting back and forth to home and practice. Encourage your son or daughter to take this program seriously and make good use of their time while there.

If you have multiple athletes that would like to participate, please submit one form for each participant.  

  • Athlete's Name First Name Last Name
  • Athlete's Cell Number Please enter a valid phone number.
  • Grade 7th 8th
  • Football or Cheer? Football Cheer
  • Parent Name First Name Last Name
  • Parent Phone Number Please enter a valid phone number.
  • Parent Email [email protected]
  • Emergency Contact First Name Last Name
  • Emergency Contact Cell Please enter a valid phone number.
  • I agree to the PGJE Homework Club Contract * I agree

Payment Methods

  • Cash App Pay After submitting the form, you will be redirected to Cash App Pay to complete the payment.
  • Should be Empty:

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How to Set Up a Homework Club

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Written by Alison Smith

Do you have students in your class who fail to complete their homework on a regular basis?

Homework is a hot topic. It can be time-consuming for both students and teachers. Increasingly, there’s a divide between those who believe that homework plays an important part in learning and those who suggest the time would be better spent playing outdoors, with family and developing relationships.

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Whatever your personal viewpoint is, you may be tied to the homework policy of your school. So, first and foremost, if you haven’t already done so, make reading your school homework policy a priority.

Next, I would like to offer one piece of advice…

Communicate about homework and communicate well. Communicate clearly with students, parents, guardians and teaching partners. Avoid homework surprises at all costs.

Use our  Editable Homework Information Sheet   to communicate effectively. It’s a good idea to update this information every term to stay on top of changes and to keep parents up to date with any new additions.

What Makes Homework Meaningful?

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Homework tasks should be meaningful. Worthwhile homework is more likely to engage your students and may lead to more involvement in class . Meaningful homework tasks may take a little more time to prepare but believe me, it’s worth it. Before you set a homework task, you might like to consider whether the task:

  • has a clear purpose – to practise, check understanding or apply knowledge and skills
  • provides an opportunity to review, practise and develop skills they already know
  • provides students with an opportunity to do something they enjoy
  • enables students to relate learning with the real world
  • provides students with an opportunity to experience success and some degree of independence
  • provides students with the opportunity to be critical thinkers.

To read more about the wider picture when it comes to homework, read my blog,  Why Take an Alternative Approach to Traditional Homework?

Homework Red Flags

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For many students, homework is stressful. For many busy families, it’s hard to find the time, space and energy to fit homework into an already jam-packed daily schedule. For some, home life can often be chaotic, loud and full of distractions.

If you have students in your class who are repeatedly failing to complete homework, take the time to consider how your school community can support students and parents.

What is a Homework Club?

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A homework club is a safe, supportive and productive student meetup out of school hours to assist students in completing their homework. Homework clubs provide vital support for children who do not otherwise have the help that they need.

Homework clubs can provide:

  • a safe, quiet and calm space for students to concentrate
  • a supportive environment
  • one to one or small group support
  • a chance to share knowledge
  • an opportunity to build relationships
  • an opportunity to develop good work habits and a positive attitude towards learning
  • the chance to develop skills involved in becoming an independent learner.

How to Set up a Homework Club

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Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Decide who – Start small. Identify a small group of students who need support with completing homework. Follow the protocol for contacting parents and obtaining their permission.
  • Decide  what – Plan what activities will be included. You might like to go with a simple plan such as  snack, active learning game, class homework, chill out time.
  • Decide where – Choose a suitable venue. Good options include the school library, a classroom, or a shady outdoor space (my favourite option). Complete a risk assessment.
  • Decide when – Start with once a week. Choose an afternoon when you usually stay back after school. Check that your time slot does not clash with other popular extracurricular clubs.
  • Decide why?  – Decide on the purpose of your homework club. Is it to develop good work habits, provide a calm productive workspace or to improve academic results?

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For more helpful tips on taking your homework club outside, read Emma’s inspiring blog  Opening the Door To an Outdoor Classroom | Creating an Outdoor Lesson Box .

Tips for Leading a Homework Club

Proud Peacocks Classrooom Theme Pack

Leading a homework club requires a certain amount of organisation just like everything else. Here are a few tips and ideas to get you started:

  • Make sure that your students have a healthy snack and a water break before beginning the session. Don’t forget you!
  • Break your homework club session into 4 short intervals : active game, class homework, fast finisher and chill out time .
  • Play an Active Game to let off steam and build positive relationships.
  • Have a supply of spare pens, pencils and other stationery items.
  • Have enough adult support for the number of students in your group.
  • Establish clear expectations for conduct and work standards.

Being Ready to Learn at Homework Club

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Having clear rules and expectations for homework club is critical. Without rules and regulations, you may find that students think of homework club as the ultimate playdate. Why not use our brand new  Behaviour Learning Ladder – Vertical Chart ?

One way to visually keep track of your students’ behaviour is to create a behaviour learning ladder for homework club. A behaviour learning ladder is a great visual reminder for you and the students and includes a step by step warning system for your students.

When you are sharing your expectations, be sure to include areas such as punctuality, commitment, work standards, bringing homework and respecting the needs of others.

For more information on how to set up and use a behavior learning ladder read Holly’s brilliant blog  Classroom Management | How to Use a Behaviour Learning Ladder .

Start Homework Club with an Active Learning Game

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Don’t forget that after a busy day at school, kids need to be kids. Make sure that the students who attend homework club have a brain break and a chance to play before they are expected to focus and concentrate.

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Our  Active Learning Resource Pack  is a brilliant resource pack that includes 15 active games to play as the perfect brain break before or during homework club. Active games promote fun, active ways of revising learning and are perfect for small groups.

Stock Up on Learning Tools for Homework Club

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Get set up with learning tools to encourage independent learning. As a starting point, I used:

  • Emoji – Numbers 1 to 100 Chart
  • Rainbow Numbers Poster
  • Multiplication Facts 1-12 – 4 Per Page
  • Phonics Flashcards and Progress Tracker – Motorbike Theme .

Fast Finisher Activities

Stock up on fast finisher activities to avoid one or two students disrupting the calm. Check out the 88 teaching resource in our Fast Finisher Activities Collection  to prepare for any situation.


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Homework clubs can make a huge difference to the school lives of students who find completing homework a challenge.

You are an exceptional being because you go the extra mile and do exceptional things.

Take the time to consider the possibility of initiating a homework club. Perhaps, all you have to do is suggest the idea, work out the who, what, where, when and why and find the right team to run the show.

I’ve got your back. P.S. you are amazing!

Please give us a sneak peek into your inspiring classroom on Instagram #teachstarter.

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Hello Fifth

A Teaching Blog

Homework and Homework Club 101

January 8, 2022 by Jill Shafer

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Hello, friend!  Let’s talk about homework club and what it looks like in our classroom.

I have used THIS with students in grades three through five but, like with anything, tweak it to meet the needs of your kids .

Disclaimer to start: I’m not here to argue for or against homework.  We have a district responsibility and understanding that homework is a component of the day and not to exceed a certain length of time.  For us, it’s ten minutes per grade level so by fifth grade, no student should be spending more than 50 minutes on homework each evening.

I will, obviously, modify homework for students, as well as provide time in class for homework completion.

Homework is never anything new; it is always review and for us, it’s very predictable, which I’ll share below.

For our room, here’s what is assigned:

-Reading Plus (a program used district-wide): Our fifth graders are responsible for completing three SRs and three RA assignments each week.  They can work at their own pace but we HIGHLY encourage doing at least one each evening.  This is OFTEN done in class but takes anywhere from five (the vocabulary assignments) to twenty minutes.

-Language: There is either a brief spelling activity (first semester) or Wordly Wise activity (second semester). This should take about ten minutes.

-Math: Students are assigned 6-10 review problems, which come straight from their workbooks.  This is usually content that was taught in class about a week ago.  We are constantly spiraling to review.  Once a week, students are asked to do only Jiji, another district-wide math program.  They do this in lieu of a workbook page that night.  Regardless, it takes about twenty minutes.

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Okay!  So with that said, homework is always on our May Do board, meaning that if all their other assignments are completed, they can go ahead and work on their homework.  They may not know the math workbook page that night but they can always do Reading Plus, Jiji, or Wordly Wise.

We fill out our planners every afternoon, right before we clean up to go home (our district provides students in grades three through five with the same planners and I model it every single day under the document camera).

I am well aware that students go home to varying levels of parental support and I do not ever want a child to leave feeling like the homework is unattainable.  I am always available to help, whether that’s checking in after-school or being available before school.

Additionally, math in our room is never graded for correctness.  Student get their point if it was completed and effort was shown.  After our math warm up, we go over answers and students will ask for certain problems to be worked out together.

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I have homework checkers (two students) that go around during math and star the page if work is shown and the problems are completed.

For Reading Plus, spelling/Wordly Wise, and Jiji (ST Math), I do not check for completion until Friday morning. This gives students an opportunity to practice daily habits (math workbook) with time management throughout the week (reading and vocabulary).

Now, on Friday, if all assignments have been completed, this is where the homework club kicks in.

During soft starts (you can read more about that HERE ), I call students up.  ALL students get called up one by one.  We either go over missing assignments OR they get a punch for their card.

These cards are kept in pencil boxes and treated very seriously.

homework club contract

The resource contains so many different options but I like to use these, pictured.  In order to get a punch (I have some fun ones in HERE ), all assignments must be done.

Missing one or two?  It’s okay.  We talk a lot about the reasons why it might have happened, what we can do next time, or how we can reach out for help if needed.

Not all kids get their cards punched every week and that’s okay.

We celebrate homework club every six weeks.  This gives kids a chance to “catch up” if they missed something one week.

Coming to homework club means they have their card with all their punches and they’re ready to celebrate!

Homework club can look a hundred different ways and I try to switch it up so that it stays exciting and motivating.

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Here are some ideas we’ve done in the past:

-Eat lunch with the teacher

-Muffins/breakfast before school

-Trade your homework club card for a homework pass

-Lunchtime movie or craft (they LOVE the crafts and I’m always looking for inexpensive ideas on Pinterest)

-Board game tournament after school or at lunch

-Special games at recess (I’ll get out THESE things and they’ll play together)

-Popsicles after school

-Trade your homework club card for a small surprise (they love fidgets, puzzle erasers, play dough cans, slime, fun pencils; I have a ton in HERE )

You really can modify it to work for YOU and your class but it’s another little layer of motivation.  It also gives me an opportunity to talk to kids about time management skills.  My kids leave elementary school and head off to middle school, which is a new ballgame with changing classes and having multiple teachers.

So, I try to keep homework doable and relevant, accessible and meaningful.  Homework club is just a little bonus!

Any questions?  Ask below!

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January 23, 2022 at 4:11 pm

Hi Jill! Thanks for the blog on homework. I’ve been wanting to spruce up my program, and I even looked for homework ideas on here last summer. I do similar stuff with math review, spelling, and book talk prep. I do have a question… what kind of planner do you use? I think I’ll start using planners next year, but I wonder if there are really simple, cheap ones out there. Also, have you had kids lose their planners? Right now, we use homework folders, and I have three kids who are always misplacing their folders and needing a new one. Those repeat offenders are working on responsibility and organization 🙂 and they’ll get it eventually. Thanks again for all of the great ideas. I may even implement a homework club soon! Andie

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How to Set Up a Homework Club

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Homework clubs can be a fantastic way for students to get together, help each other, and stay motivated to complete their school assignments. If you’re considering setting up a homework club, here are some steps to guide you through the process.

 Define the Purpose and Goals

Before you start a homework club, it’s important to determine why you’re starting it and what you hope to achieve. Do you want to provide a quiet space for individual study, or are you aiming for collaborative learning where students help each other? Setting clear goals will help guide the structure of your club.

 Choose a Location

A suitable location is critical. This place should be quiet, have enough space, and be easily accessible to students. Libraries, community centers, or empty classrooms are excellent places as they provide a formal atmosphere conducive to studying.

 Set a Schedule

Decide on the days and times that the homework club will meet. It’s important to consider when students are most likely to attend — after school or in the evening. Be consistent with the timing so that students can build it into their routine.

 Gather Materials

Make sure you have all the materials necessary for effective studying: textbooks, reference books, stationary supplies like pens and paper, computers with internet access if possible, printer/scanner facilities, etc.

 Establish Rules and Structure

Creating a set of rules helps to maintain order and focus within the group. For instance, settle on rules regarding noise levels, toy usage during club time (like phones), or bringing snacks. Additionally, decide how the time will be structured—whether there’ll be a quick briefing at the start of each session or if students break off into groups.

 Recruit Members

You’ll need to promote your homework club to gather members. You can do this by creating flyers and posters to advertise around your school or local community centers. You could also use social media or word-of-mouth to get the word out there.

 Find Supervision

Having an adult supervisor like a teacher or parent can help oversee the club activities. This person can provide homework help if needed or mediate any disruptions that arise during study time.

 Secure Funding if Necessary

If you require funds for materials or snacks, look into potential sponsorships from local businesses or educational grants available in your area that support after-school programs.

 Monitor Progress and Solicit Feedback

It’s important to keep track of how well the homework club is meeting its intended goals. Ask for regular feedback from members and adjust your strategies accordingly. This ensures that the club remains effective and continues to meet student needs.

With careful planning and management, a homework club can be an invaluable resource that fosters community support among students as they work towards academic success.


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Finding an afterschool program with good homework help

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By Kate Kelly

Expert reviewed by Sheldon H. Horowitz, EdD

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At a glance

Afterschool programs can help kids get into good homework habits.

It’s important that the staff let you know how your child is doing with homework.

Many programs allow kids who struggle in school to use accommodations for homework.

When looking for an afterschool program for kids who struggle in school, it’s important to look at how the program handles homework. Homework is one of the keys to thriving at school. Getting it done takes organization and time management skills. And those areas are exactly where many struggling students need help.

How can you tell if a program offers enough support to make your child’s homework time productive? Here’s what to look for.

A dedicated space for homework

The area set aside for doing homework needs to be quiet and well lit. It should contain a few distinct areas:

A table (or several, ideally) for small groups of kids to work together, which may also be where students get help if they need it

A separate work area where kids can work on their own

A research area with computers so kids can look up information or type assignments

A comfortable place to read

A structured homework routine

A good program dedicates a specified amount of time for kids to complete their homework. That may mean about 30 minutes a day for grade-schoolers. And it could mean as much as two hours a day for high school students. 

If kids finish their homework early, good programs will allow them to move on to a new activity. It could be something more challenging or playing a game that uses math skills.

Some programs may give kids a snack after school. Some allow them to play outside for a while before requiring them to start homework. If the timing makes a difference for your child, make sure you ask how homework fits into the schedule.

Assistance to help your child with homework

Good programs have staff to monitor homework and provide help when needed. This person may be a certified teacher. (This is likely if the program is school based.) Some programs may hire college students.

A process to communicate with parents

Kids who struggle in school do better when their parents and afterschool staff keep in touch. Ask if the staff alerts parents when your child:

Takes a long time with an assignment

Needs a lot of help to complete an assignment

Goofs off or simply doesn’t get the homework done

It’s good to find out if they send home notes or if parents are expected to check in with staff at pickup.

A willingness to work with systems you or the school have created

Kids with learning and thinking differences can benefit from systems that help them track their work. For example, you and your child’s teacher may have created a  homework contract . It might outline expectations that your child will meet. It will also include consequences if your child doesn’t follow through, and a reward for following through. The afterschool program staff needs to be willing to enforce the contract, if possible.

Or you might have a homework log that your child uses for keeping track of assignments. If it requires a signature, the staff should be willing to sign it.

Assistance for accommodations

It’s important that an afterschool program can provide accommodations your child needs. For example, kids who struggle with writing might need to dictate their ideas rather than writing them. In such cases, the programs need to provide access to voice-to-text software or to staff who can write down students’ words. 

Completing homework on a regular basis can improve your child’s self-confidence at school. A good afterschool homework program can help. And don’t forget there are other topics to consider when looking at afterschool programs.

Key takeaways

Find out if the staff will communicate regularly with you about your child.

Ask about whether they offer separate areas for homework and play.

Remember that a strong afterschool program will help make your child feel more confident at school.

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  Homework Club meets every Tuesday in the cafeteria.

3:15 - 4:45

(There are late buses available on these days)

What is “Homework Club”? Homework Club is a safe space at CMS where students can receive academic assistance. CMS staff foster positive relationships in a safe and supportive environment, allowing students to gain essential lifelong learning skills.

Materials needed:

  • Everything you need to leave school. Coat, binders, instruments etc.
  • Any school assigned work, project, or homework.
  • Pencils, paper or any other materials needed to complete your work.
  • Something to read if you finish your work. 

The purpose of Homework Club is for students to get assistance on any schoolwork from a staff member.

Homework Club Contract

Kyron Harvell, Principal Clague Middle School 2616 Nixon Rd

Ann Arbor, MI 48105



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Homework Contract

Post in a prominent place.


__________________ and _________________ have mutually agreed to the terms of the (student) (parent) following homework contract to take effect on__________________________________.

Homework Study Schedule

Monday __________ to __________ Student will study at least _____minutes Tuesday __________ to __________ on the indicated days. If the student does Wednesday __________ to __________ not have assignments, he/she will review Thursday __________ to __________ for tests, work ahead, redo past assignments, Friday __________ to __________ or read material related to classes. Students Saturday __________ to __________ will need to increase their study time when Sunday __________ to __________ faced with long and/or difficult assignments.

Special Contract Terms (optional)

Both student and parent will initial the terms that are to be followed.

__________All homework is to be done in the __________________________room.

__________No phone calls will be allowed during homework time.

__________Homework will not be done in front of the TV. Loud music will not be played.

__________The computer will only be used to work directly on assignments. No Web surfing!

__________Parent will not remind students when it is time to start homework.

__________Parent will not offer homework help or advice unless it is requested.

__________All homework and school materials are to be placed in a backpack at the end of each homework session.

__________Contract will be reviewed on __________to decide if any terms need to be changed.

__________(Additional term)_____________________________________________________

_________Failure by the student or parent to follow all contract terms will result in a penalty of


__________Following terms of the contract for a period of __________will result in an award of


Signed_________________________(parent) ______________________________(student)

Additional Information on Homework Contracts

The major purpose of a homework contract is to eliminate all the daily hassles that arise from family conflicts over when, where, and how homework is to be done. A contract places the responsibility for getting homework done on the student which is where it should be. It also helps many students establish a homework routine. Even young students will benefit from having a homework contract.

The best contracts are simple ones with few terms.

You definitely should not have your family’s first homework contract use all the terms of the sample contract.

Contracts need to be individualized to suit the needs of each family.

For a homework contract to be effective, all terms must be negotiated and completely agreed upon by both parents and students.

After a trial period of two weeks, the contract should be looked at again by the parent and student to see if any terms should be changed. Provision also needs to be made to look at the contract periodically (monthly, every grading period) to see if it needs to be revised as conditions change.

Remember all children are different. Some will need to do their nightly homework in two or more time periods. Others may need timed breaks to release energy or to get a snack.

How Much Time Should Students Spend on Homework

The rough rule of thumb that most educators use is that students should work on homework approximately 10 minutes for each year in school. Following this rule, a second grader would spend 20 minutes on homework while a fifth grader would spend 50 minutes. At the high school level, it may be necessary for students to do as much as two hours a night depending on the courses that they are taking and whether or not they have a study period at school.

Students do not have to work on homework every day. Weekends can be free of homework for many students depending on their typical assignment load. Older students can choose specific times on the weekend to review the week’s work or do projects. Poor students will profit from spending some weekend time on review or skill-building work. Redoing assignments can be helpful for these students.

It is not necessary for all students to have assigned homework times in a contract. Instead, the agreement can be for students to get all homework done by a specified time. With this type of agreement, no homework for any reason can be done after this time. Instead, the students can get up early to complete any unfinished work.

Why Should Students Have Homework?

In the early grades, there is only a very small relationship between the amount of homework children do and their achievement in school. It is not until sixth grade that a solid relationship can be shown between doing homework and higher achievement. The reason for doing homework earlier is to develop the homework habit as well as independent study skills.

©Compass Syndicate Corporation, 2009


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Homework Contracts: Tapping the Power of Parents

  • Study & Organization

Students who regularly complete and turn in homework assignments perform significantly better in school than those of similar ability who do not do homework (Olympia et al., 1994). Homework is valuable because it gives students a chance to practice, extend, and entrench the academic skills taught in school. Parents can be instrumental in encouraging and motivating their children to complete homework. This homework contract intervention (adapted from Miller & Kelly, 1994) uses goal-setting, a written contract, and rewards to boost student completion (and accuracy) of homework. Students also learn the valuable skills of breaking down academic assignments into smaller, more manageable subtasks and setting priorities for work completion.

  • Copy of Daily Homework Planner (see attachment at bottom of this page)


  • Train Parents to Be Supportive 'Homework Coaches'. Parents are often very committed to helping their child successfully complete homework. To ensure that parents have positive interactions with students around homework, though, the school should sponsor one or more parent workshops to offer tips on how to be 'homework coaches'. In particular, parents should be offered strategies for listening in a careful and non-judgmental manner to their child, to avoid nagging about homework, and to brainstorm with their child about possible solutions for common homework difficulties (e.g., writing down all homework assignments correctly). Additionally, they should be taught the essentials for setting up and following through with a simple reward system at home (Miller & Kelly, 1994). At this introductory workshop, parents would also be trained in the steps of the homework contract (described below).

Steps in Implementing This Intervention:

  • Step 1: The Parent Creates a Homework Reward System for the Child. The parent should put together a short menu of reasonable daily and weekly rewards that the child can earn for successfully completing homework. Good choices for daily rewards are those that do not cost a lot of money, and do not take much time to deliver. While weekly rewards should be somewhat larger than daily rewards, they should still be affordable and not require a great deal of the parent's time. Because any rewards that the parent chooses must appeal to the child, the parent should consult the child in the selection of rewards.
  • Step 2: The Parent Negotiates the Homework Contract Program With the Child. Before starting the homework contract, the parent should meet with the child to introduce the program and to set up a reward system (see Step 1). Together, they agree on the percentage of homework goals the child must complete each day (e.g., 80%) to earn the daily homework reward. They also agree on the number of times in a week that the student must earn the daily reward in order to be eligible for the weekly reward (e.g., 3 times in a week).
  • Step 3: The Parent and Child Fill Out the Daily Homework Planner. Each day when the student has assigned homework, the parent and student sit down with a copy of the Daily Homework Planner [web page; pdf document]. Together they preview the homework assignment for all subject areas. Then they break the assignment into manageable 'chunks' or subtasks. A description of each subtask is written into the Daily Homework Planner in enough detail so that both parent and student know what must be done to complete that homework chunk. A description for a math subtask, for example, might read "Complete 20 multiplication problems from pg. 40 of math book, then use answer key to check work". The parent and child might write on the homework contract that the child will reserve 30 minutes to complete that subtask.
  • If the student earned the daily reward, the parent has the student choose an item from the reward menu. (Daily rewards should be given immediately if possible.)
  • If the student also earned the weekly reward, the student can also select an item from the weekly reward menu (to be delivered in a timely manner but when convenient to the parent).
  • Step 5: Fade the Reward System. As the child shows that he or she is able to complete daily homework assignments on a regular basis, the parent may want to start 'fading' the reward system. First, the parent may stop the daily rewards but continue the weekly rewards. Then the weekly rewards can be stretched out to biweekly and eventually monthly rewards. In the final stage of fading, the parent can stop giving out regular rewards altogether. Instead, the child's motivation can be kept high by the parent 'surprising' him or her occasionally with an unexpected reward.


The parent does not want to use the homework contract If a parent is unable or unwilling to use the homework contract with a student, the intervention can be used in school instead. At the end of the school day, for example, the teacher or other staff member might meet with the child to preview all homework assignments and assist the student in filling out the Daily Homework Planner. If the student brings the Contract sheet and completed homework back to school the next day, the teacher can give him or her the earned daily (and perhaps weekly) reward.


  • Daily Homework Planner Sheet

Jim's Hints

Identify Other People To Help the Parent With the Homework Contract . If the student attends an afterschool program where he or she completes homework, personnel from that program may be willing to set up and use the homework contract with the child. Or if there is a responsible older sibling in the home, he or she may be willing to administer a homework contract system. The parent would still be expected to deliver any rewards that the student may have earned.

  • Miller, D.L. & Kelly, M.L. (1994). The use of goal setting  and contingency contracting for improving children's homework  performance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,27, 73-84.
  • Olympia, D.E., Sheridan, S.M., Jenson, W.R., & Andrews, D.  (1994). Using student-managed interventions to increase homework  completion and accuracy. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,27, 85-99.

homework club contract

Making Minutes Count

homework club contract

Homework-help program encourages youth to be self-directed learners.

Power Hour: Making Minutes Count helps Club members ages 6-18 achieve academic success by providing homework help, tutoring and high-yield learning activities and encouraging members to become self-directed learners.

Designed specifically to help kids and teens with homework, this program is available after school at Clubs. Dedicated youth development professionals and volunteers supervise each session and help youth members complete their assignments for the day. When they finish their work, they may choose to participate in a variety of other engaging and educational activities to develop their skills even further.

Power Hour is a great opportunity for kids and teens to get their homework completed in a quiet place with support from trained, caring staff at a Boys & Girls Club.

Parent Resources:

Homework Help

Does your child sing the homework blues?  Here is a list of suggestions to help you make homework time less stressful and more productive.

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How to Make Summer Learning Fun

How well your child performs at school depends greatly on the help they get at home. As your child’s most important teacher, here are tips to make summer learning fun at home.

Time Management

Juggling school, home, extracurricular and social schedules can be a real challenge for young people. Try these time-management tips together.

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Vladivostok city, Russia

The capital city of Primorye krai .

Vladivostok - Overview

Vladivostok is a large city and seaport located in the Far East of Russia; political, cultural, scientific, educational, and economic center of the region; the administrative center of Primorsky Krai and the Far Eastern Federal District.

The population of Vladivostok is about 601,300 (2022), the area - 331 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 423, the postal codes - 690000-690950.

Vladivostok city flag

Vladivostok city coat of arms.

Vladivostok city coat of arms

Vladivostok city map, Russia

Vladivostok city latest news and posts from our blog:.

4 April, 2019 / Cities of Russia at Night - the Views from Space .

20 September, 2017 / Vladivostok - the view from above .

22 July, 2016 / Vladivostok Shrouded in Dense Summer Fog .

24 March, 2014 / The Bridge to the Russky Island in Vladivostok .

13 June, 2013 / Unique view from the pylon of the Russky Bridge .

More posts..

News, notes and thoughts:

8 September, 2012   / The 24th APEC summit, the meeting place of world leaders and businessmen, is being held in Vladivostok. It the most expensive APEC summit in history. The new complex of the Far Eastern Federal University on the Russky Island cost about USD 2.2 billion, cable-stayed bridge on the Russky Island - USD 1 billion, bridge over Zolotoy Rog Bay - USD 620 million.

1 September, 2012   / Total cost of preparing for the APEC summit in Vladivostok is comparable to the cost of the Olympic Games in London. In preparation for the event Russia spent more than $ 16 billion. The summit will be held in Vladivostok from 2 to 9 September. Was it the best way to spend the money? Rhetorical question.

History of Vladivostok

Foundation of vladivostok.

In the distant past, the territory of today’s Vladivostok was part of the multi-ethnic kingdom of Balhae (698-926). At the beginning of the 13th century, on the territory of Primorye, there were several towns of the Jurchen kingdom of Eastern Xia. All of them were destroyed by the Mongols as a result of the attack of 1233, after which the territory fell into desolation.

From the standpoint of official Russian historiography, until the appearance of the Russian pioneers, this region remained untouched and forgotten, which was partly facilitated by the policy of self-isolation pursued in China and Korea in the 17th-19th centuries. However, this is not confirmed by the testimonies of the Russian pioneers themselves. For example, Erofei Khabarov (1603-1671) in his letters reported that “this land cannot be taken over, because it is crowded and the fighting is fierce.”

In the first half of the 19th century, Okhotsk, Ayan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur alternately played the role of a stronghold of the Russian Empire in the Far East. However, none of these ports met the necessary requirement - to have a convenient and protected harbor, next to trade routes.

After the conclusion of the Aigun Treaty (1858), the Russians began to actively explore the Amur region, and as a result of the signing of the Tianjin (1858) and Peking (1860) treatises, the territory of today’s Primorsky Krai and Vladivostok was annexed to the Russian Empire.

In the summer of 1860, the first Russian military unit arrived in the Golden Horn Bay to establish a military post, which officially received the name of Vladivostok (“The Ruler of the East”), by analogy with the city of Vladikavkaz (“The Ruler of the Caucasus”).

More Historical Facts…

Vladivostok in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

A few years after its foundation, Vladivostok became the main port of the Russian Empire in the Far East. In 1871, the main naval base of the Siberian military flotilla, the headquarters of the military governor and other naval departments were transferred to Vladivostok from Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. According to the first census of 1878, there were 8,393 residents in Vladivostok, of whom 4,952 were Russians and 3,441 - foreigners. In 1880, Vladivostok officially received the status of a town.

In the 1890s, a demographic and economic boom took place in Vladivostok after the completion of the construction of the Ussuriysk branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Chinese-Eastern Railway. According to the first census of the population of the Russian Empire of 1897, 28,993 people lived in Vladivostok. Ten years later, the city’s population tripled.

During the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), Vladivostok was shelled from the sea by Japanese ships. However, a detachment of cruisers based in the harbor of Vladivostok remained the only combat-ready formation of the Russian fleet in the Far East until the end of the war.

The first decade of the 20th century was characterized by a prolonged crisis in the development of Vladivostok, caused by a number of reasons: change of government focus to Port Arthur (today’s Dalian in China), the Boxer Rebellion in North China (1900-1901), the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), and finally the first Russian revolution (1905-1907).

A new stage in the development of Vladivostok began in 1907. The loss of Port Arthur again made Vladivostok the main port of the Russian Empire in the Pacific Ocean. Until 1914 (before the First World War), the city experienced rapid growth and became one of the economic centers of the Asia-Pacific region. The population of Vladivostok exceeded 100 thousand people. There were large Chinese, Korean and Japanese communities in the city.

During the First World War, Vladivostok was an important center for the import from allied and neutral countries of military-technical equipment for the Russian troops, as well as raw materials and equipment for industry.

Vladivostok from 1917 to World War II

On October 30, 1917, the sailors of the Siberian Flotilla decided to “rally around the united power of the Soviets” - power in the city passed to the Bolsheviks. However, on June 29, 1918, Czechoslovak troops (the Czechoslovak Legion) overthrew Soviet power in Vladivostok. In the fall of 1918, the troops of the United States, Japan, Italy, and Canada entered the city. Throughout 1919, the region was engulfed in a partisan war.

In order to avoid a war with Japan, at the suggestion of the Soviet leadership, the Far Eastern Soviet Republic, a nominally independent state, was proclaimed on April 6, 1920. Most of the foreign troops left Vladivostok in 1920, apart from the Japanese forces. Diplomatic pressure, as well as domestic protests and huge expenses incurred by the Siberian Expedition, forced Japan to withdraw its troops from Primorye in October 1922. In November, 1922, the Far Eastern Soviet Republic was liquidated and became part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

Vladivostok was in decline, the city’s population decreased to 106 thousand people. In 1923-1925, the Soviet government adopted a restoration plan, during which the commercial port resumed operation. The Far East avoided the period of war communism, destructive for the country’s economy, and immediately found itself in the situation of the New Economic Policy, which allowed, to a certain extent, a free market.

In the 1930s-1940s, Vladivostok was used as a transit point for prisoners and cargo for “Sevvostlag” (North-Eastern Corrective Labor Camps) of “Dalstroy” (Far North Construction Trust). The Vladivostok transit camp, where prisoners were brought from all over the Soviet Union, was located in the city. The poet Osip Mandelstam died here. The following famous people passed through it: future actor Georgy Zhzhonov, writers Varlam Shalamov and Yevgenia Ginzburg, academician Sergei Korolev, and hundreds of thousands of other political prisoners.

In 1939, the population of Vladivostok was about 206,000 people. During World War II, Vladivostok was the largest Lend-Lease center, handling imported cargo almost 4 times more than Murmansk and almost 5 times more than the Arkhangelsk group of ports.

Vladivostok after World War II

On August 11, 1951, a special regime was introduced in Vladivostok - the city became closed to foreigners. During the years of the Khrushchev Thaw, Vladivostok received special attention from the state authorities. For the first time, Nikita Khrushchev visited the city in 1954. It was noted that at that time the city infrastructure was in poor condition.

In 1959, after visiting the United States, Nikita Khrushchev again visited Vladivostok. Impressed by his visit to the US, Khrushchev put forward a slogan to make Vladivostok a better city than San Francisco. The result of this visit was the active housing construction of the 1960s, known among local residents as “Big Vladivostok”. In particular, a funicular and avenue of the 100th anniversary of Vladivostok were built. In 1968, the population of Vladivostok exceeded 400 thousand people.

In 1974, the 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford, paid an official visit to Vladivostok to meet with Leonid Brezhnev, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. At the meeting, the sides signed a protocol to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the Treaty on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Testing, which helped curb the arms race. In 1989, the population of the city was about 633 thousand people.

On September 20, 1991, Boris Yeltsin, the President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, signed a decree on the opening of Vladivostok for visiting by foreign citizens - Vladivostok ceased to be a closed city.

The collapse of the USSR greatly influenced the city’s economy. State defense enterprises were deprived of orders, which led to an increase in unemployment. The surviving fishing enterprises mainly switched to the export of fish and seafood to Japan. In the 1990s, Vladivostok became a center for illegal fishing, timber smuggling, and the resale of Japanese cars.

Due to the decline in living standards, the birth rate fell and migration to the European regions of Russia increased. However, Vladivostok retained the status of an important transport, industrial, commercial, and financial center of the region.

At the beginning of the 21st century, there was an improvement in the social and economic situation. On November 4, 2010, Vladivostok was awarded the title “City of Military Glory”. In September 2012, the APEC summit was held on Russky Island in Vladivostok. To prepare for it, about $ 20 billion was invested in the development of the city’s infrastructure. The main construction projects were a bridge across the Golden Horn Bay and a bridge to Russky Island, a new international airport, and the Far Eastern Federal University.

December 13, 2018, Vladivostok became the administrative center of the Far Eastern Federal District.

General views of Vladivostok

General view of Vladivostok

General view of Vladivostok

Author: Nikolay Kundyshev

Zolotoy Rog Bay in Vladivostok

Zolotoy Rog Bay in Vladivostok

Author: Alexey Yefremov

Vladivostok cityscape

Vladivostok cityscape

Author: Melnikov Vladimir

Vladivostok - Features

Vladivostok is located on the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula and islands in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan. The last station of the Trans-Siberian Railway, it is one of the largest seaports in the region and the main base of the Russian Pacific Fleet. The distance from Vladivostok to Moscow by rail is 9,288 kilometers, by highway - 9,024 km. The distances to other, closer capital cities: Seoul (South Korea) - 750 km, Tokyo (Japan) - 1,060 km, Beijing (China) - 1,340 km.

“Vladivostok” literally means “The Ruler of the East”, named by analogy with the Russian city of Vladikavkaz (“The Ruler of the Caucasus”). This city is also known as “The Pacific Gate of Russia” and “The Fishing Capital of Russia”. The coat of arms of Vladivostok, which repeats the historical coat of arms adopted in 1881, depicts the Amur tiger. Vladivostok City Day is celebrated in early July.

The city has a moderate monsoon climate. The climatic conditions of Vladivostok are among the most favorable in the Russian Far East. The winter period (November-March) is characterized by frosty, dry and clear weather. The calendar summer in Vladivostok is divided into two clearly separated periods. The first half is characterized by cool and cloudy weather, with drizzling rains and fog. The second half is characterized by warm weather with prevailing southeast winds. In summer, typhoons with heavy rains are typical. The average temperature in January is minus 12.3 degrees Celsius, in August - plus 19.8 degrees Celsius.

Vladivostok is a large economic center of the Far East with a diversified economy represented by developed manufacturing industries (mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, ship repair, food production, etc.), wholesale and retail trade, services, transport, and communications.

Its cargo and passenger port is a link between the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Pacific sea routes. The main export items are fish and seafood, timber, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The main items of import are foodstuffs, medicines, clothing, footwear, household appliances, and used cars.

Vladivostok International Airport, one of the largest in the Far East, offers regular flights to Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Khabarovsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Krasnodar, and a number of other cities.

The federal highway A370 “Ussuri” connects the city with Khabarovsk. Vladivostok is the most motorized city in Russia per capita due to the availability of cheap used cars from Japan. The main type of public transport in Vladivostok are buses. There are also trolleybuses, trams, a funicular, sea boats, and ferries.

The Far Eastern Federal University and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences make Vladivostok the largest scientific and educational center of the Russian Far East. Vladivostok is also the cultural center of Primorsky Krai. Dozens of cultural institutions are open in the city - museums, theaters, art galleries, movie theaters, and a philharmonic society.

Vladivostok is the closest city to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region with European culture, cuisine, and architectural tradition, which makes it attractive to tourists (about 500 architectural monuments and more than 100 fortifications of the Vladivostok fortress). The city center has preserved the historical ensemble of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Here you can see all the styles that were presented at that time - from the neoclassicism of the late 19th century and various directions of Art Nouveau, to the neoclassicism of the 1930s-1950s.

Besides cultural tourism, this city is a center of sea and recreational tourism. Tourists are also attracted to Vladivostok by the gambling zone “Primorye”. Most of the tourists come from China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan.

Main Attractions of Vladivostok

Cable-stayed bridges of Vladivostok . The idea to connect the districts of Vladivostok, separated by the Golden Horn (Zolotoy Rog) Bay and the Eastern Bosphorus Strait, appeared already in the second half of the 19th century. The First World War postponed these plans for an indefinite future. Then the Second World War prevented them. Finally, the decision to construct these cable-stayed bridges was made in the 2000s. Both bridges were built in 2012 - for the APEC summit in Vladivostok.

The Golden Bridge (across the Golden Horn Bay) is located in the very center of Vladivostok. It connects the city with remote districts and the federal highway. It has sidewalks for pedestrians, so here you can enjoy the beautiful views of the bay and the city. The length of the bridge is about 1,400 meters.

The Russky (Russian) Bridge (3,100 meters) connects the Nazimov Peninsula and the Novosilsky Cape on Russky (Russian) Island. The most beautiful views of this bridge can be seen from Orlinoye Gnezdo (Eagle’s Nest) hill, especially in the evening. This bridge is depicted on a 2,000 ruble note.

Tours along the cable-stayed bridges of Vladivostok is a popular entertainment for tourists, walks on both bridges are often included in sightseeing tours of the city. Groups usually leave from the center of Vladivostok to Russky Island, the duration of excursions is from 3 to 6 hours. Sea excursions depart daily from April to October from berth #30 (Marine Passenger Terminal for Coastal Communications, Nizhneportovaya Street, 1d).

Russky Island . This island is located in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan south of Vladivostok. Here you can find the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University, a promenade, a huge Primorsky Oceanarium, fortifications of the Vladivostok fortress (primarily the Voroshilov battery). But its main attraction is pristine nature, stunning views of the rocky shores and the ocean. In summer you can swim here.

Orlinoye Gnezdo (Eagle’s Nest) observation deck - the highest hill (sopka) in the central part of Vladivostok (199 meters above sea level). At its foot there is an observation deck from where you can take great photos of the Golden Bridge. Here you can admire the picturesque city panorama, ships and sea views. You can get to this site on foot, by public transport or by funicular. This is one of the most visited places in Vladivostok.

The Vladivostok funicular - the only funicular in Russia that operates as public transport. It appeared in Vladivostok on the initiative of Nikita Khrushchev in 1962. After his visit to the United States, he decided to make Vladivostok the second San Francisco. Vsevolod Sibirev Street (upper station); Pushkinskaya Street, 29 (lower station).

Tsarevich Nicholas Triumphal Arch . It was erected in honor of the visit of the future Emperor Nicholas II to Vladivostok in 1891. The structure is an elegant brick and stone arch made in the Russian-Byzantine style. In the upper part there is an image of the patron saint of sailors, Nicholas the Wonderworker. The original arch was blown up as a symbol of tsarism in 1930. In 2003, the Triumphal Arch was rebuilt. Peter the Great Street, 6.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God - the main Orthodox church in Vladivostok built in 1902 and destroyed in 1935. In Soviet times, a park was located in its place. A complete copy of the cathedral was erected on the old foundation in 2007. Okeanskiy Avenue, 44.

Pictures of Vladivostok

Military ships in Vladivostok

Military ships in Vladivostok

Author: Max Palchevsky

Apartment buildings in Vladivostok

Apartment buildings in Vladivostok

Author: Nikolay Vyatkin

Car market in Vladivostok

Car market in Vladivostok

Author: Viktor Biryuk

Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Paul - a Protestant church of the early 20th century, a monument to North German Gothic, the oldest religious building in Vladivostok. After 1917, it housed a movie theater and a club, later - the Pacific Fleet Museum. In 1997, the building was returned to the believers. Today, it is one of the most important cultural centers of Vladivostok. In addition to church services, organ music concerts and charity events are held here. Pushkinskaya Street, 14.

Catholic Church of Mother of God . For a long time, this Catholic church built in the neo-Gothic style was considered the largest in the Asian part of Russia. The main construction phase was completed in 1921. Closed in 1935, it was used as the State Archives of Primorsky Krai until 1991. In 2010, the reconstruction of the building was completed. Organ music concerts are also held here. Volodarsky Street, 22.

Military History Museum of the Pacific Fleet . This museum is known for its unique exhibits, which are presented in 11 halls. The Russo-Japanese War, the Russian Civil War, the Second World War - the expositions tell in detail about these events, as well as about the post-war period. The exposition is complemented by landscapes of local marine painters and models of warships. There is also an exhibition of military equipment located in the courtyard of the museum. Svetlanskaya Street, 66.

Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History - a local history museum with the largest exposition in Primorsky Krai. Here you can see natural, archaeological and ethnographic collections, as well as exhibits about the explorers of this region. Svetlanskaya Street, 20.

Primorsky State Art Gallery . The permanent exhibition is housed in nine halls and presents more than 150 works of Old Russian, Russian and Western European art - works of Italian, French, Dutch artists. Old Russian art is represented by icons of the 16th - 19th centuries. Aleutskaya Street, 12.

Antique Automobiles Museum . The exposition of this museum consists of rare motorcycles and cars produced in different countries. In total, there are several dozen vehicles in six halls. Among them there are Japanese and German vehicles obtained as war trophies, Soviet cars, cars of the mid-20th century. An additional entourage is created by old photographs of Vladivostok and Soviet posters hung on the walls. Sakhalinskaya Street, 2?.

Museum “Submarine S-56” - one of the symbols of Vladivostok. This submarine was built at a shipyard in Leningrad in 1939. In 1941, it became part of the Soviet Pacific Fleet. In 1943, the submarine was transferred to the Northern Fleet. During World War II, it sank four ships. In 1982, the S-56 became part of the memorial complex located on Korabelnaya Embankment in the Golden Horn Bay.

Botanical Garden of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the largest botanical garden in the Far East of Russia located within the city of Vladivostok, about 19 km north of its center. Guests are offered an excursion along a unique ecological trail that runs through the forest. Majestic cedars, age-old oaks, fragrant firs - several thousand species of plants grow in this forest. Tourists come here to stroll through the picturesque area and take photos against the backdrop of beautiful natural landscapes. Makovskogo Street, 142.

Vladivostok city of Russia photos

Sights of vladivostok.

Vladivostok GUM (1906-1907) - an architectural monument of Vladivostok

Vladivostok GUM (1906-1907) - an architectural monument of Vladivostok

Author: Olga Yakovenko

Frigate Nadezhda in Vladivostok

Frigate Nadezhda in Vladivostok

Author: Roman Mikulchik

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God in Vladivostok

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God in Vladivostok

Author: Santiago Rios

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  1. Fillable Online smsliv Homework Club Contract

    homework club contract

  2. Fillable Online The Homework Contract Fax Email Print

    homework club contract

  3. Homework Contract by Shelley Pierce

    homework club contract

  4. Parent/Student Homework Contracts

    homework club contract

  5. Printable Homework Contract for Kids Parents Student Homework

    homework club contract

  6. Homework Contract by Rib-It Resources

    homework club contract



    To meet the needs of individual families, this contract has been developed to ascertain which children are expected to do homework while at Play Centers, and on which days. Should you choose for your child to participate in the Homework Club, please complete the bottom section of this form and return it to your child's Director.

  2. PDF Homework Club Contract

    HOMEWORK CLUB CONTRACT Dear families: Our after school homework club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:07-4:30 in the cafeteria. ... Homework Club is not a drop in between sporting events, or a holding area between activities between school and outside activities. Students MUST bring

  3. PDF So you want to start a homework club…

    The appendices contain samples of forms, letters, agendas, contracts, etc. that you will need to set up a successful homework club. Feel free to adapt these forms to suit the needs of your program. The checklist of best practices (Appendix 1) is particularly ... The term "homework club" typically refers to an after-school program where tutors


    HOMEWORK CLUB STUDENT/PARENT CONTRACT Homework Club is a program that was designed to help students with their homework after school hours. Homework club will meet twice a week- after school on Mondays and Tuesdays until 4:10. This program requires volunteers to help support the students with their homework as well as provide helpful

  5. PDF Homework Club Contract

    LAPTOP CONTRACT FOR HOMEWORK CLUB Dear families: Our after school homework club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20-4:30 in the cafeteria. The laptops will be used in the window of 3:20 - 4:15 pm Below are behavior guidelines and expectations for the use of the laptops: Using the laptops is a privilege and needs to be earned.

  6. Homework Club

    Homework Club is a place where students should feel safe and secure, and it is a place where they can become a part of our family in an unbiased learning environment. ... The contract may also be terminated by the Homework Club for the following reasons: student's continuous bad behavior (3 warnings/parent conferences) including but not ...

  7. PDF Homework Club 22-23

    Homework Club Student Contract-PL E ASE HAVE YOUR C HIL D R E AD AND SIGN T HE ST UDE NT C ONT R AC T I will bring all the materials I need to do my work, including a char ged Chromebook. I will have my assignment notebook open and filled out for Homework Club. I will be respectful of the help that is offered to me.

  8. PGJE Homework Club 2024

    Your child must bring a signed contract to Homework Club in order to participate. Daily Schedule: o 3:15 -3:30 pm students arrive to Homework Club classroom. o 3:30 -3:45 Snack and settle in to work on homework. o 3:45-5:00 dedicated homework time If your child breaks the contract once she/he will be removed from homework club.

  9. DOCX Homework Club Agreement

    Make Homework Club a positive learning environment. Student Expectations: Come prepared to Homework Club with something to do the entire time. ... If a student breaks their behavior contract, this will result in suspension or expulsion from SUN School . By signing below, I am agreeing to the expectations and consequences for Homework Club. ...

  10. Download: Homework contract for your child

    Download the homework contract. Homework contract for grade-schoolers PDF - 183.8 KB. Homework contract for middle-schoolers and high-schoolers PDF - 145.2 KB. You can tailor your contract to address your child's specific homework challenges. For example, if your child struggles with time management, the contract can lay out what time of day ...

  11. How to Set Up a Homework Club

    Seek out help and support from your principal, teaching colleagues, parents and school community. Here are a few tips to get you started: Decide who - Start small. Identify a small group of students who need support with completing homework. Follow the protocol for contacting parents and obtaining their permission.

  12. Clague School Counseling Team / Homework Club Contract

    Homework Club Contract 2019 - 2020 . To attend after school Homework Club students must have a signed Homework Club Contract. Homework Club Contract 2016 . TOP. CONTACT US. Kyron Harvell, Principal Clague Middle School 2616 Nixon Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 734-994-1976. STAY CONNECTED.

  13. Homework and Homework Club 101

    Homework and Homework Club 101. January 8, 2022 by Jill Shafer. Hello, friend! Let's talk about homework club and what it looks like in our classroom. I have used THIS with students in grades three through five but, like with anything, tweak it to meet the needs of your kids. Disclaimer to start: I'm not here to argue for or against homework.

  14. How to Set Up a Homework Club

    A suitable location is critical. This place should be quiet, have enough space, and be easily accessible to students. Libraries, community centers, or empty classrooms are excellent places as they provide a formal atmosphere conducive to studying. Set a Schedule. Decide on the days and times that the homework club will meet.

  15. Finding an afterschool program with good homework help

    A structured homework routine. A good program dedicates a specified amount of time for kids to complete their homework. That may mean about 30 minutes a day for grade-schoolers. And it could mean as much as two hours a day for high school students. If kids finish their homework early, good programs will allow them to move on to a new activity.

  16. Homework Club / Home

    The purpose of Homework Club is for students to get assistance on any schoolwork from a staff member. Homework Club Contract . TOP. CONTACT US. Kyron Harvell, Principal Clague Middle School 2616 Nixon Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 734-994-1976. STAY CONNECTED. 7 LinkedIn 3 Twitter 4 Facebook 5 RSS @ Instagram 0 Pinterest 9 YouTube 6 Vimeo.

  17. Homework Contract

    The best contracts are simple ones with few terms. You definitely should not have your family's first homework contract use all the terms of the sample contract. Contracts need to be individualized to suit the needs of each family. For a homework contract to be effective, all terms must be negotiated and completely agreed upon by both parents ...

  18. Homework Contracts: Tapping the Power of Parents

    Before starting the homework contract, the parent should meet with the child to introduce the program and to set up a reward system (see Step 1). Together, they agree on the percentage of homework goals the child must complete each day (e.g., 80%) to earn the daily homework reward. They also agree on the number of times in a week that the ...

  19. Power Hour

    Homework-help program encourages youth to be self-directed learners. Power Hour: Making Minutes Count helps Club members ages 6-18 achieve academic success by providing homework help, tutoring and high-yield learning activities and encouraging members to become self-directed learners. Designed specifically to help kids and teens with homework ...

  20. Oxford English Academy

    It is the home port of the Russian Pacific Fleet. Oxford English Academy is an English-language school in Vladivostok, Russia. Oxford English Academy (Vladivostok) is striving to become the premier English language school in the Russian Far East. With a gorgeous facility and location, tools and materials galore, and our friendly, enthusiastic ...

  21. Primorsky Krai

    Primorsky Krai (Russian: Приморский край, lit. 'coastal territory'), informally known as Primorye (Приморье, [prʲɪˈmorʲjɪ]), is a federal subject (a krai) of Russia, part of the Far Eastern Federal District in the Russian Far East.The city of Vladivostok on the southern coast of the krai is its administrative center, and the second largest city in the Russian Far ...

  22. Primorsky Krai, Russia guide

    Primorsky Krai - Overview. Primorsky Krai (informally Primorye) is a federal subject of Russia located in the south-eastern part of the country, in the south of the Far East, part of the Far Eastern Federal District.Vladivostok is the capital city of the region. The population of Primorsky Krai is about 1,863,000 (2022), the area - 164,673 sq. km.

  23. Vladivostok city, Russia travel guide

    Vladivostok - Overview. Vladivostok is a large city and seaport located in the Far East of Russia; political, cultural, scientific, educational, and economic center of the region; the administrative center of Primorsky Krai and the Far Eastern Federal District.. The population of Vladivostok is about 601,300 (2022), the area - 331 sq. km. The phone code - +7 423, the postal codes - 690000-690950.