• Understanding Poverty
  • Environment

Toward a Clean, Green, Resilient World for All

The World Bank Group's Environment Strategy 2012-2022 lays out an ambitious agenda to support "green, clean, resilient" paths for developing countries, as they pursue poverty reduction and development in an increasingly fragile environment.

The Environment Strategy, which covers the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), recognizes that while there has been notable progress in reducing global poverty, there has been significantly less progress in managing the environment sustainably. While developing countries will still need rapid growth to reduce poverty over the next decade, the global environment has reached a critical state that could undermine livelihoods, productivity, and global stability.

"Green" refers to a world in which natural resources, including oceans, land, and forests, are sustainably managed and conserved to improve livelihoods and ensure food security. It's a world in which healthy ecosystems increase all the economic returns from the activities they support. Growth strategies are focused on overall wealth rather than GDP as it is currently measured. Governments pursue regulations that encourage innovation, efficiency, sustainable budgeting, and green growth. Biodiversity is protected as an economically critical resource. In this world, good policies enable the private sector to use natural resources sustainably as part of good business, creating jobs and contributing to long-term growth. 

Biodiversity continues to decline as a result of habitat destruction and degradation. Over the past 40 years, there have been significant declines in healthy ecosystems-e.g., forests, mangroves, sea grass beds, coral reefs-and their flora and fauna populations, with species loss affecting everything from fungi to insects, plants, frogs, tigers, and gorillas. Forests have seen annual losses of 5.2 million hectares between 2000 and 2010, despite declines in deforestation rates and increased forest plantations. As a result, the capacity of ecosystems to provide services such as water provisioning and flood control has declined significantly. Land degradation is also worsening as a result of deforestation and poor agricultural practices, with soil erosion, salinization, and nutrient depletion contributing to desertification. Freshwater supplies are seriously stressed, with 1.4 billion people living in river basins in which water use exceeds recharge rates. Oceans and shared seas are also under stress from climate change, overharvesting, pollution, and coastal development. The decline of marine resources threatens the livelihoods of over 100 million men and women involved in fish processing.

Through the global Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) partnership, partnership, the Bank Group is supporting efforts to measure the value of countries’ natural assets and thereby inform policy choices. The Bank Group is also supporting the Global Partnership for Oceans to help restore the world's oceans to health and optimize their contributions to economic growth and food security. In addition, the World Bank Group will build on its experience in carbon finance to test the market's willingness to encourage the protection of critical habitat areas while also providing carbon storage benefits; continue innovative work on forests and land use linked to the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) program; and develop methodologies to capture and monetize carbon co-benefits—for example, through wildlife conservation programs. 

"Clean" refers to a low-pollution, low-emission world in which cleaner air, water, and oceans enable people to lead healthy, productive lives. It is a world where development strategies put a premium on access-so that rural women no longer spend their days hauling wood-alongside options for low-emission, climate-smart agriculture, transport, energy, and urban development. Cleaner production standards spur innovation, and industry is encouraged to develop clean technologies that provide jobs and support sustainable growth. Companies and governments are held to account on their low-emission, low-pollution commitments, and innovative financing helps to spur change. 

The poorest countries suffer directly and measurably from an increasingly polluted and degraded environment, with women and children disproportionately affected. Air and water pollution are rising sharply in cities in lower- and middle-income countries, and developing countries' water resources are under threat from drawdown and pollution-human waste, phosphorus, and nitrogen that deplete waterways of oxygen and causing the death of fish and invertebrates. The increased use of fertilizers for food crops over the next 30 years is expected to result in a 10- to 20-percent global increase in river nitrogen flows to coastal ecosystems (UNEP 2007). In some regions, levels of heavy metals, stockpiles of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and other chemical wastes from industry, which affect human and animal health, water supplies, and land, are increasing. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise, reaching a record high in 2010 and making it more challenging to limit the rise in global temperatures to 2 degrees by 2100.

Recognizing that countries cannot "grow dirty and clean up later," the Bank Group is encouraging low-emission development strategies and innovative financing for renewable energies, climate-smart agriculture, and lower-carbon cities. It is also supporting pollution management through river clean-up and legacy pollution projects, using carbon finance funds to scale up use of cleaner stoves to reduce indoor pollution for women and children, and developing partnerships with the private sector to spur cleaner production standards and strategies.

"Resilient" means being prepared for shocks and adapting effectively to climate change. In a resilient world, countries are better prepared for more frequent natural disasters, more volatile weather patterns, and the long-term consequences of climate change. Healthy and well-managed ecosystems are more resilient and so play a key role in reducing vulnerability to climate change impacts. Climate resilience is integrated into urban planning and infrastructure development. Through effective social inclusion policies, countries and communities are better prepared to protect vulnerable groups and fully involve women in decision-making. 

Climate change will increase the vulnerability of human and natural systems. The economic costs of climate change and variability will be large, making it even more challenging to address issues of poverty and environmental degradation. Natural hazards-earthquakes, droughts, floods, and storms-continue to cause significant loss of life and economic damage, with women and children the most affected by disasters. Cities and Small Island Developing States are also particularly vulnerable. 

The Bank Group is helping countries adapt to climate change through better coastal zone management and climate-smart agriculture; improving disaster risk management by expanding the use of climate risk insurance and other financial instruments to help with recovery after natural disasters; and assisting vulnerable Small Island Developing States to reduce dependence on oil imports, build sound infrastructure, and restore protective coastal ecosystems such as mangroves.

Executive Summary English ,  Arabic ,  Chinese ,  French ,  Portuguese ,  Russian ,  Spanish ,  Vietnamese

Chapter 1: A New Environment Strategy, a New Vision Chapter 2: An Environment Under Assault Chapter 3: Coming Together to Transform Challenges Into Opportunities Chapter 4: Lessons Learned and Voices Heard Chapter 5: From Vision to Action Chapter 6: Environmental Actions and Commitments From World Bank Group Regions Chapter 7: From Actions to Results Annex 1: Actions by World Bank Group Sectors Addressing Environmental Sustainability

Analytical Papers

Assessing the Environmental Co-Benefits of Climate Change Actions The Role of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Strengthening Environmental Institutions and Governance Managing Pollution for Poverty Reduction and Green Development Valuing Ecosystem Services Financing Environmental Services in Developing Countries  Lessons from Environmental Mainstreaming Monitoring Envrionmental Sustainabililty Gender and Environment Furthering World Bank's Corporate Environmental Sustainability Use of Country Systems for Environmental Safegurds

Europe & Central Asia

Relative to GDP, carbon emissions in ECA are among the highest in the world. So the Region faces dual challenges of managing its energy security while maximizing options for cleaner energy. Pollution management and shifting attention to new models for managing industrial pollution continue to be a major challenge in ECA that will require addressing current and future pollution flows and associated risks, as well as legacy pollution and brownfield regeneration. The region also faces the challenge of maximizing wealth creation from natural resources and the sustainability of natural resource-based economic activities, such as forests, which are a major source of employment, timber, and ecological services. While upgrading infrastructure, improving water resource management, and improving water utilities and energy systems are needed independently of climate change, they would also help to make the region more resilient.

The ECA Region is engaged in a large and multifaceted program of energy supply augmentation and modernization, with a significant focus on clean energy options. In a number of countries, new “green economy” studies are being undertaken to assess the implications of implementing EU policies on cleaner production and consumption as well as climate change. The World Bank is also supporting efforts to address legacy pollution, and sustainable forest management, with an emphasis on governance, the role of communities and the private sector, and conservation and environmental services, including carbon sequestration. To improve resilience, the Region has launched programs for the modernization of hydro-meteorological services to target enhanced emergency preparedness and planning and better institutional coordination in flood-prone river basins. Improved pasture management is also helping build climate resilience in Central Asia.


  • A principal focus of the region is sustainable forest management, with an emphasis on governance, the role of communities and the private sector. 
  • In a number of countries, new 'green economy' studies are being undertaken to assess the implications of implementing EU policies on cleaner production and consumption. 
  • The region has launched programs for the modernization of hydro-meteorological services in Russia, Moldova, and the countries of Central Asia.

Latin America & the Caribbean

The unique and rich biodiversity resources of the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region continue to be under threat from settlements, inappropriate agriculture, logging, and mining, as well as from inadequate protected areas management. The region continues to be plagued by persistent environmental health risks from urban air pollution, indoor air pollution, and inadequate access to improved water sources and sanitation, all of which result in higher health costs. Rising industrial pollution combined with weak monitoring and enforcement further compounds the contamination of air, water, and soil from emissions and effluent discharges. Several countries have weak environmental institutions and poor environmental governance. In many countries in LAC and in the Region as a whole, GHG emissions from the transportation and energy sectors are expected to rise in tandem with rising motorization rates.

LAC is strengthening its green agenda by undertaking analytical work to underpin the economic value of functioning ecosystems, investing in biodiversity protection, and mobilizing innovative sources of financing, including through the linkage between biodiversity and climate change. Through participation in the WAVES partnership, this work includes shifting toward greater recognition of the economic value of ecosystems and biodiversity services and of the high economic costs of their loss. It also supports the management of protected areas (Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States), the integration of biodiversity conservation into productive landscapes (Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, and Panama), and the use of payments for environmental services (Costa Rica, Mexico, and Brazil). Work will also be stepped up to meet the growing interest in forest carbon partnerships (REDD+, for example in Mexico and Costa Rica) and forest investment programs (Mexico, Peru, and Brazil) to build institutional capacity, forest governance, and information, as well as investments in forest mitigation efforts. LAC is the most urbanized region in the world, so support for countries to move toward a cleaner development path is a high priority for the region. Supporting countries like Argentina and Uruguay to strengthen their industrial pollution abatement and cleaner production processes is another key priority, while for Brazil, encouraging “green cities” by incorporating environmental considerations into urban planning and design is a key focus. LAC is increasingly addressing the need for enhanced climate resilience by boosting work in adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk management.

  • The region is strengthening its green agenda by undertaking analytical work to underpin the economic value of functioning ecosystems, investing in biodiversity protection, and mobilizing innovative sources of financing. 
  • Support for countries to move toward a cleaner development path is a high priority. 
  • The region is increasingly addressing the need for enhanced climate resilience by boosting work in adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk management. 

The Environment Sustainability Index shows that the environmental performance of countries in the South Asia Region (SAR) lags behind other countries at similar per capita income levels. The poorest areas of the Region overlap with the most environmentally stressed regions, with high levels of soil erosion, highly variable rainfall, and degraded forests. Environmental health impacts are exerting a heavy toll on economies in SAR. According to World Bank estimates, environmental degradation costs between 5 and 10 percent of GDP in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan. The largest share of these costs is associated with environmental health impacts, accounting for about 20 percent of the total burden of disease in the Region, comparable to malnutrition. Moreover, the SAR region is expected to face increased vulnerability to extreme climatic events, including more-intense weather, floods, and drought. Climate change is also expected to reduce agricultural productivity, potentially increasing malnutrition, decreasing water availability in many areas, and affecting people’s livelihoods negatively. Sea-level rise is another critical threat, particularly for coastal India, the Maldives, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. 

The SAR Region is supporting the promotion of environmental mainstreaming in key natural resource sectors and regional approaches to biodiversity conservation. Its approach to the clean agenda in the region includes promoting structural transformations for reducing the costs of environmental degradation on human health and reducing pollution from key sources. Its approach to the resilience agenda includes increasing the resilience of ecosystems, infrastructure and highly vulnerable areas.

  • The region is supporting the promotion of environmental mainstreaming in key natural resource sectors and regional approaches to biodiversity conservation. 
  • The approach to the clean agenda in the region includes promoting structural transformations for reducing the costs of environmental degradation on human health and reducing pollution from key sources. 
  • The region’s approach to the resilience agenda includes increasing the resilience of ecosystems, infrastructure and highly vulnerable areas.

The challenge for Africa in managing its forests is to cope with the poor governance issues plaguing the forestry sector and the fragmentation of external funding. Africa is still home to less-developed coastlines that still harbor intact ecosystems that protect coastal cities and infrastructure from flooding and provide protection for fisheries, but its seascapes are increasingly threatened by human pressure, and destruction of coastal mangrove forests has increased the vulnerability of coastal settlements. The region is also burdened with the pollution impacts of a long history of mining, and faces challenges in managing waste in its fast-growing cities. Finally, Africa needs to address land and soil degradation affecting at least 425 million people, as well as water scarcity or stress.

The key to realizing the sustainable development potential of Africa’s forests and woodlands is improved governance at all levels. Besides working through REDD and similar mechanisms to monitor progress, the World Bank will address natural resources governance through development policy lending, technical assistance, and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, and support sustainable land and water management production benefits that have significant biodiversity benefits. The World Bank will undertake new analytical work on hazardous waste and persistent organic pollutants, and work to enhance the enabling environment for responsible private sector investment. Urban environmental sanitation upgrading will be piloted. To improve resilience, the World Bank will support sustainable land management strategies through the TerrAfrica partnership, demonstrate integration of climate risk and resilience into development planning and implementation through the Climate Investment Funds and the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience, and provide continued assistance for river basin programs. Coastal zone management and flood mitigation will become an area of increased investment.

  • To stem the tide of biodiversity loss, the focus will be on various types of sustainable land and water management production systems that have significant biodiversity benefits. 
  • The World Bank will continue to provide assistance to river basin programs; new areas of intervention include country-specific water assistance strategies.
  • Through technical assistance, the region aims to ensure that transparent environmental regulatory frameworks and competent institutions for monitoring environmental compliance are available. 

East Asia & The Pacific

Rapid economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization combined with an unsustainable use of the natural resource base are leading to degradation of air, water, land, and their related environmental services in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. This is threatening sustainable economic development and affecting people’s health and livelihoods. Policy, institutional, and related governance elements have not evolved rapidly enough to cope with rapid changes, nor has the implementation and enforcement capacity of existing systems developed fast enough. Global and regional environmental externalities have rapidly intensified, resulting in a major environmental footprint of the Region. 

As part of the overall strategy to address these challenges, the World Bank’s EAP Region will provide analytical support and technical assistance, and facilitate knowledge creation, including South-South collaboration; further develop the regional lending portfolio of environmental and natural resources management operations; expand and deepen the mainstreaming of environmental management in the regional sector lending program; facilitate financing through a combination of global environmental programs, lending products, and other leveraged sources of environmental finance, including the Global Environment Facility (GEF); and further develop the regional climate change portfolio with attention to synergies between emissions reduction, climate adaptation, and disaster risk management. 

  • The region will have a stronger forestry and sustainable forest management portfolio, reflected in increased climate and biodiversity focus. 
  • The region will expand its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction projects, with increased emphasis on sustainable urban development and sustainable transportation. 
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation will be promoted in several countries through analytical work and pilot projects. 

Middle East & North Africa

The long-term green challenge for MENA is to sustainably maximize wealth creation from fragile natural resources. Water scarcity is aggravated by increased degradation of water quality, which primarily affects the region’s poor. High population densities and economic and population growth have accentuated the pressures on natural resources and environmentally sensitive ecosystems, putting further stress on water and land. Air, land, and marine-based pollution threaten the region's cities, waterways, and shared seas. Managing vulnerability to climate change impacts such as drought is a key challenge.

The region’s shared seas programs support environmental management capacity building of the riparian countries to address pollution reduction, improved water and marine resources management, renewable energy, and sustainable fisheries. The MENA-Desert Ecosystems and Livelihoods Program is a 10- to 15-year program that aims to enhance livelihoods from desert ecosystems by harnessing their value in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner. Continued commercialization of low-carbon, renewable energy options is another important goal for the region. Concentrated solar power is closest to economically viable energy storage. It is therefore in a strong position to become a long-term renewable energy option, without the need for fossil fuel backup. The World Bank is working with the African Development Bank and other partners to accelerate its expansion in the Region. Smarter urban design and development is also a priority. Building codes that drive greater water and energy efficiencies, smart approaches to urban transport to reduce congestion, and integrated solid waste management that also reduces leaching and resulting groundwater contamination are important areas of focus. The World Bank Group is supporting efforts to map groundwater resources and increase the use of treated wastewater, and to analyze the economic costs and environmental implications of desalination.

  • The Desert Ecosystems and Livelihoods Program aims to enhance livelihoods from desert ecosystems by harnessing their value in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner. 
  • Continued commercialization of low-carbon, renewable energy options is an important goal for the region. 
  • Efforts to map groundwater resources and increase the use of treated wastewater, and to analyze the economic costs and environmental implications of desalination, are under way. 


  • Assessing the Environmental Co-Benefits of Climate Change Actions
  • The Role of Biodiversity and Ecosystems
  • Valuing Ecosystem Services
  • Lessons from Environmental Mainstreaming
  • Strengthening Environmental Institutions and Governance
  • Managing Pollution for Poverty Reduction and Green Development
  • Financing Environmental Services in Developing Countries
  • STRATEGY Toward a Clean, Green, Resilient World for All
  • CONCEPT NOTE Environment Strategy Concept Note
  • CONSULTATIONS Environment Strategy Consultations


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Essay on World Environment Day: 100, 200, and 300 words

green world clean world essay

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 15, 2023

Essay on world environment day

As we observe World Environment Day on 5th June each year, it is a reminder of the deteriorating environment and the urgent need to take effective measures. As inhabitants of the planet Earth, it is our responsibility to use resources wisely and take measures to reduce waste. In addition, it is our duty to plant trees and shift to non-renewable resources to reduce pollution and avoid natural calamities. Moreover, the day also reminds us to foster environmental consciousness and create a sustainable world for all. Thus, to put these thoughts into words, we have provided 3 samples for an essay on World Environment Day for your reference. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on World Environment Day: 100 words
  • 2 Essay on World Environment Day: 200 words
  • 3 Essay on World Environment Day: 300 words

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Essay on World Environment Day: 100 words

Let us look at a 100-word essay on World Environment Day:

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June each year. It is a global initiative to create awareness about environmental degradation. Also, it aims to encourage actions to reduce ecological destruction around us. This day reminds us of our responsibility to protect our planet and work towards a sustainable environment. We can help in achieving this goal by planting trees, reducing waste, and conserving water. Also, learning about renewable and non-renewable resources, pollution, population, and sustainable use of resources will help us preserve the environment. 
Therefore, on World Environment Day let us unite in the commitment to create a sustainable future and appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

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Essay on World Environment Day: 200 words

Further, we have a 200-word essay on World Environment Day for you:

World Environment Day is observed on 5th June annually. It was first celebrated in 1973 after the establishment of this day at the Stockholm Conference in 1972. This day is dedicated to environmental preservation and a sustainable future. On this day, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) raises awareness about , , deforestation, pollution, ozone layer depletion and other environmental issue. In addition, this global organization encourages organizations, communities, and individuals to work toward environmental preservation. 
As students, we can participate in this global initiative by learning about biodiversity, pollution and its types, and climate change. To help us acquire this essential knowledge we have Environmental Science (EVS) in our curriculum. In addition, schools also organize tree-planting drives, clean-up campaigns, seminars, plays, lectures, and eco-friendly projects for students. After gaining the knowledge, we can help create a greener and cleaner world. Also, we can share our knowledge with our parents and friends and request them to use eco-friendly products. 
Therefore, World Environment Day acts as a catalyst for a collective effort to address environmental issues. With this effort, this day acts as a platform to ensure the preservation of air, water, and soil for future generations. 

Also Read: Scope and Importance of Environmental Science in School

Essay on World Environment Day: 300 words

Finally, let us view a 300-word essay on World Environment Day:

World Environment Day was instituted in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to mark the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. UNGA allocated 5th June to be celebrated as a day to generate awareness about environmental and ecological issues and inspire global action. The establishment of World Environment Day was a response to the surging need to address global environmental issues like global warming, ozone layer depletion, melting of glaciers, etc. 

The first World Environment Day was observed on 5th June 1973. In this year, the theme was “Only One Earth”. Keeping up with this practice, each year a specific theme is attached to this day. The themes revolve around global attention to pressing environmental issues. In addition, the themes encourage national and international organizations, corporations, NGOs, and individuals to take meaningful action. 

Thus, to observe World Environment Day we must organize and participate in plantation drives, awareness-raising programs, seminars, and clean-up campaigns. Also, we can pledge to use eco-friendly products. In addition, we can promote the use of green products by preparing skits and plays. In addition, we can minimize our carbon footprint and make sustainable use of resources by reading our Environmental Science (EVS) books. Besides, we can get EVS books from our libraries and learn techniques to work towards sustainability. 

Therefore, acquiring knowledge through books and informative websites will help us challenge climate change, global warming, deforestation, extinction, pollution, etc. We can impart this knowledge to the people around us and ask them to rally for new and innovative ideas to reduce ecological problems. This network of an aware community will help us become global citizens. 
Therefore, we can save our planet Earth by engaging in knowledge sharing on World Environment Day. Let us all come together to transform knowledge into action to create a sustainable future. 

Also Read: How to Prepare for UPSC in 6 Months?

Ans: 5th June of each year is observed as the World or Global Environment Day.

Ans: The first Global Environment Day was celebrated on 5th June 1973.

Ans: It was instituted in 1972. 

Ans: This day was instituted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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Building a greener world takes a world of change

Why corporations must take charge in protecting the environment.

The world is getting close to a point of no return.

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released an alarming warning . In this shocking report, the IPCC shared how we’re dangerously near to destroying ourselves beyond repair when it comes to global warming. If governments are not able to stabilize global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, there will be consequences.

The planet’s temperature today is close to that figure, having seen average global temperatures rise between 0.8 and 1.0 degrees Celsius, in comparison to pre-industrial values. The IPCC further warned that we could reach the 1.5-degree threshold sometime between 2030 and 2052. Once that happens, we could face issues such as rising sea levels, extreme weather, flooding and more.

This is why many parties have begun championing environmental preservation in recent years. We are acknowledging the impact mankind has had on the planet and that we still have the opportunity to change our habits to preserve the planet for our future generations.

Increased education and awareness are what fuels small but growing movements like the #trashtag initiative. This initiative has people from around the globe clearing garbage that has piled up over the years, then sharing before and after photos of the areas they’ve cleaned up to inspire and encourage others to do the same.

However, while individual efforts are worthy of applause, corporations are truly the ones that play a huge role in enacting change. They are the ones who are able to generate the most impact.

Among those taking hold of this environmental charge are companies like EcoWorld – a property developer in Malaysia. The Group is deeply committed to ensuring that their developments are green and sustainable.

Organizations like EcoWorld understand that saving the planet requires effort in three key areas: protecting the environment from damaging practices, creating advocates for the future as well as encouraging individuals and families to adopt green habits.

Protecting the environment

green world clean world essay

Corporations that want to play a role in preserving the environment must first review their practices and how they are affecting the planet. For corporations in the food industry, it could mean reducing wastage by tackling excess spoilage of ingredients and products. For toy manufacturers, it could mean switching from using harmful materials to safer biodegradable materials for production. For supermarkets, it could mean eliminating the use of single-use plastic bags altogether.

For a property developer like EcoWorld, the key step is when they are looking to develop a new development or township.

“When it comes to planning our developments, preserving the natural environment will always be our first priority,” says Dato Chang Khim Wah, President & CEO of Eco World Development Group Berhad. “We have to act responsibly and I do believe that every little action we take today will help towards creating a better tomorrow.”

When EcoWorld begins a development, they will see how they can preserve the surrounding environment. For them, the priority is about integrating available natural resources into their overall master plan.

To preserve the environment, EcoWorld looks to avoid getting rid of natural hills and hold back from uprooting trees where possible. Even uprooted trees are often re-planted elsewhere to ensure that they can continue to live on. Thousands of trees have been transplanted over the years with the hope of enticing local animals to return to their habitat after the development is completed.

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Creating advocates and stewards.

Mandates from the top of an organization may not always be followed, especially if employees don’t buy the overall philosophy. It’s one thing to donate money to NGOs or groups that are trying to preserve the environment but having employees turn into green ambassadors is a whole different feat.

Employees committed to adopting practices that go beyond recycling printing paper at their offices are great examples for all ages to follow.

The philosophy is simple: if you love the environment, teach others to love it as well. It’s a simple belief that can be easily transferred to others, for the benefit of future generations.

“Our employees value our dedication in protecting the environment and carry out numerous green initiatives themselves,” says Dato Chang. “As they see true dedication from the leadership team, they have also adopted a positive attitude and continue to inspire people beyond the office walls and that is always heartening.”

green world clean world essay

For EcoWorld, Green Stewardship is an important part of the organization’s philosophy. While they do teach staff about conservation by producing their corporate uniforms from plastic bottles and harvesting crops through an urban gardening program, they also encourage employees to lead eco-friendly activities in their developments.

Green Living

While large-scale efforts have a bigger impact towards preserving the environment, empowering employees emotionally certainly helps to build on that effort too as the little things individuals do on a daily basis play a part as well.

Adopting Green Living practices, such as proper recycling, buying reusable straws, limiting electricity wastage and using household items like vinegar and baking soda as cleaning agents instead of chemical-laden products is also important.

green world clean world essay

EcoWorld helps nudge its residents to adopt green lifestyles by giving them methods and tools to lessen their environmental impact. For example, their Eco Sanctuary township provides the following facilities and features:

  • Deep balconies that provide shade to the rooms and reduce heat gain.
  • Solar water heaters for all residential units.
  • Edible greens, such as herb and fruit trees, available in the development’s backlane gardens and pocket gardens.
  • A community waste strategy and educational program that promotes recycling.

“It’s about doing the right thing,” adds Dato Chang. “I think people would adopt eco-friendly practices if given the education and right tools. This is why we work so hard to provide these tools for our residents and we’ve certainly seen great results!”

It is often easy to forget that the planet is a resource shared by billions of people and that future generation will be affected by the decisions made now. Nevertheless, increasing efforts are being made by both individuals and corporations toward a greener tomorrow.

Sometimes all we need is to be shown the path so that we too can walk the talk. Corporations have the power to re-build our future, and teach us how to walk the right path so that we can individually play a role and change the world together.

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Sustainable World’s Development Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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A sustainable world, working towards sustainability, works cited.

To ensure the continuity of humanity, we have to develop a sustainable world. Sustainability is divided into environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Environmental sustainability is attained through ensuring that the processes that people are involved with use up the natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced naturally. Economic sustainability involves distributing and allocating the natural resources fairly to ensure economic growth while ensuring that we do not exhaust the resources.

Social sustainability ensures that the well-being of individuals and the environment in which they live in are upheld (Ekins 48). This paper explores ways through which we can develop sustainable world both for ourselves and for future generations.

I am living in a sustainable world. At home I use sustainable appliances that are energy-efficient. The source of energy for cooking, lighting, heating water and space and supporting other appliances is renewable and emits less harmful gases into the atmosphere. This energy is generated from renewable sources such as solar panels that use nanotechnology, geothermal power, hydroelectricity and wind, ocean energy. These sources provide energy which can be replenished and does little harm to the environment. To save on water, I use sound-wave showers and washing machines

When going to wok every morning and I use sustainable means of transport. I can walk, cycle, drive, or use the car sharing service. My car is electricity powered and does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere. When I come back home after a long day, I relax and get some entertainment. The entertainment gadgets are eco-friendly, mostly using solar energy. The music and audiovisual systems are all sustainable and energy-efficient.

The cities have grown very big and most people live in them. The world is interconnected fully due to developments in information and communication technologies. Communication is greatly advanced and interaction with people is easy through GPS technology, internet, teleconferencing, and mobile phones. Everyone has access to a computer and the internet in their homes. Human intelligence can be enhanced through implanting computer chips into the brain. Contents of a human brain can be read by uploading them to a computer.

In education, topics that encourage people to work towards maintaining sustainability have been incorporated in the curriculums. There are topics about global warming, globalization, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, importance of using renewable energy and efficient consumption of energy. The home designs and the materials used in the construction of houses are also sustainable. Sustainable homes are built with renewable raw materials such as bamboo, hemp, natural rubber, linoleum, among others.

Both land and air transports are greatly advanced. People are using sustainable means of transport like cycling, walking, sailing hybrid vehicles, solar and hydrogen powered vehicles. Air transportation is also sustainable. The aviation industry is able to meet the high air transportation demand and has reduced negative effects on the environment. Air transportation is efficient because of adoption of the mechanism where several planes fly together while being directed by one leader.

The planes do not make any noise and emit less carbon dioxide into the environment. The cost of travel is also very low as the airplanes use sustainable and cost-effective fuel such as nuclear energy, liquid methane and liquid hydrogen. The traveling experience is now more personalized, fun and convenient. Road transportation is also safe, cost-effective, and environmental friendly. The vehicles use less energy and fuels from renewable sources such as hydrogen and electricity. There is reduced congestion on the road due to the adoption of the car sharing service.

An example of an innovative eco-friendly model is the car sharing program. Car sharing provides access to vehicles for hire for short periods of time. Cars in this network are located in different locations where clients can easily access them. The clients make reservations and are charged according to the miles that they cover. This program contributes to social, economic and environmental sustainability in various ways. The number of cars is reduced on the road because the clients who use this mode of transport leave their cars at home.

Fewer cars on the road means that the amount of emissions from vehicles such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and soot released into the environment are also reduced. Car sharing programs also use smaller cars and with better standards of carbon emissions. Reduction of cars on the roads leads to decongestion and therefore convenience in travel. This program also reduces the number of miles that are driven by vehicles because of the incentive of paying as you drive. This service also saves on energy consumption.

In a future sustainable world, car sharing is the most widely used mode of transport. Almost all people leave their cars at home and adopt this eco-friendly transport service. Therefore there are no traffic hold ups on the roads and people get to their destinations on time. The cars used in this service are eco-friendly. The cars are electricity powered and therefore they do not contribute to environmental degradation.

They do not emit any harmful gases and the engines produce less noise. These vehicles also use less energy and the transportation costs are very low. The vehicles use green electricity sources which are renewable and therefore, the environmental resources can not be depleted. The services are efficient and the cars can be availed at the clients’ doorsteps. The car sharing services are interconnected with other mass means of transport like trains and this has led to increased efficiency in transportation. There is improved safety, less environmental degradation, increased comfort and less consumption of fuel.

These cars are also independent as they can drive themselves. All a client does is to key in details of the destination and the car takes him/ her there. The cars also have installed sensors that locate a parking space and park themselves. In addition, when the vehicle gets scratched, it gets repaired through a self-repairing mechanism. The cars also have sensors to detect heavily congested routes and therefore avoid them. Moreover, the vehicles have the capability to detect the possibility of an accident and therefore, they automatically slow down.

According to McDonough and Braungart, the current product designs are negatively impacting on the environment and therefore, we need to come up with more creative eco-friendly designs to remedy the situation. Products designers need to look at the natural organization and create products that do not affect the environment. Industrialization has led to the creation of products, buildings and other equipment that are detrimental to the ecosystem (McDonough and Braungart 18). The current measures aimed at attaining a sustainable world such as reducing carbon and greenhouse emissions and recycling products can not effectively protect the ecosystem.

Developing products while bearing in mind the environmental safety can help in combating the problem of environmental degradation. We need to develop products that do not leave any waste. Remedies like recycling are not effective since they result in products of lower quality than the original. Such strategies only reduce environmental degradation instead of getting rid of it completely. The processes of manufacturing and environmental preservation do not need to conflict but can complement each other. This can happen if products that are manufactured do not negatively impact on the environment but contribute to its preservation (McDonough and Braungart 6).

The suggestions of McDonough and Braungart are very practical in attaining a sustainable world. This is because their adoption can help to avoid environmental degradation before it occurs, instead of allowing it to happen and then trying to remedy it, as is the case with the current strategies. This strategy can help to develop a sustainable future where the environmental resources are not depleted.

According to Goleman (12), many consumers are ignorant of the environmental impacts of the products that they purchase. Many products contain chemicals that are harmful to us and the environment. Providing information on exactly how every product is made, its contents and the impact of the production process to the environment will enable consumers to make informed choices on the things that they buy. They will avoid buying products that have devastating effects on the environment.

Ensuring that customers are fully aware of the environmental implications of products is very sensible. Implementing this suggestion by Goleman will lead to the development of a sustainable world. This is because the enlightened consumers will refuse to buy products with harmful environmental effects and consequently, the manufacturers will have to adjust their manufacturing methods to produce eco-friendly products. This will lead to reduced environmental degradation and thus, a sustainable world.

In order to achieve the dream of a sustainable world, I am taking some steps. I am using solar power for cooking, heating and lighting, which is a renewable source of energy so as to ensure that the natural sources are not depleted. I also consume locally grown food to reduce the amount of emissions that are produced by vehicles in transporting the food. I have planted a vegetable garden from where I get my food. Moreover, I eat less meat and more vegetables to reduce my carbon imprint on the environment. I have also adopted sustainable means of transport. I walk, ride a bicycle or use the car sharing services.

This reduces the carbon emissions into the environment and also reduces congestion on the roads. It also saves on fuel consumption (Tolley 138). I also use water sparingly and recycle it. I also water my vegetable garden in the morning or evening when little evaporation takes place. I also harvest rain water and use it in the house. In addition, I reuse materials to reduce the amount of waste as it pollutes the environment.

The natural environment has been seriously degraded and if steps are not taken to remedy the situation, our planet might be unable to support human life. If the environment is completely degraded, it will be unable to sustain humanity, and therefore human beings risk getting extinct. Sources of energy have been depleted and the environment has been polluted. That is why everyone should take a personal initiative to work towards developing a sustainable world. People should adopt sustainable lifestyles in order to save our ecosystem and leave a better world for future generations.

Ekins, Paul. Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: The Prospects for Green Growth. New York: Routledge, 2000. Print.

Goleman, Daniel. Ecological Intelligence: The Hidden Impacts of What We Buy. New York: Broadway Books, 2010. Print.

McDonough, William, and Braungart Michael. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press, 2002. Print.

Tolley, Rodney. Sustainable Transport: Planning For Walking and Cycling In Urban Environments. USA: Woodhead Publishing, 2003. Print.

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"Sustainable World's Development." IvyPanda , 16 Feb. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/sustainable-worlds-development/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Sustainable World's Development'. 16 February.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Sustainable World's Development." February 16, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/sustainable-worlds-development/.

1. IvyPanda . "Sustainable World's Development." February 16, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/sustainable-worlds-development/.


IvyPanda . "Sustainable World's Development." February 16, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/sustainable-worlds-development/.

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8 Ways to Keep the Earth Clean

Litter on beach. Image credit: NOAA.

By: Amanda Laverty, Knauss fellow with NOAA’s Marine Debris Program

April 18, 2017 — Here at the NOAA Marine Debris Program, Earth Day is every day and we are always encouraging others to get involved and support efforts working toward a clean environment and healthy planet.

Our oceans are filled with items that do not belong there. Huge amounts of consumer plastics, metals, rubber, paper, textiles, derelict fishing gear, vessels, and other lost or discarded items enter the marine environment every day, making marine debris one of the most widespread pollution problems facing the world's ocean and waterways.The ultimate solution to the problem lies with every single one of us—preventing marine debris in the first place.

First, consider how you might personally contribute to marine debris and follow the “4Rs” whenever possible. Refuse unnecessary single-use items, like plastic straws or cutlery when possible. Reduce the amount of waste you produce by choosing products with less packaging. Reuse items when you can and choose reusable items over disposable ones. And, Recycle as much as possible — bottles, cell phones, ink cartridges, and many other items can be recycled.

Next, spread the word to others! Tell your family, friends, community, and more about this important issue and what they can do to help.

Here are a few easy and effective ways you can choose to reduce your daily impact and make a world of difference:

  • Bring a bag. Remember to bring reusable bags to the grocery store or for any other shopping activities to reduce consumption of disposable bags.
  • Invest in a reusable water bottle. Acquiring a reusable water bottle would not only greatly reduce the amount of single-use plastic you use, but it would also save you money in the long run! If you’re concerned about the quality of your tap water, consider using a water filter.
  • Bring your own reusable cup. Think about how many disposable cups are used every day in just your local coffee shop. Bringing a mug for your morning coffee can reduce the amount of waste you produce annually. Imagine how much waste we could reduce if we all made this simple daily change!
  • Refuse single-use items. Take note on how often you rely on single-use items and choose to replace them with more sustainable versions. Refusing plastic straws and disposable cutlery when you go out and bringing your own containers for leftovers are a few ways you can start today.
  • Avoid products with microbeads. Facial scrubs and beauty products containing plastic microbeads were banned in the United States in 2015, but won’t be fully phased out until 2019. Read the labels when purchasing products and opt for ones that contain natural scrubbing ingredients like salt or sugar.
  • Shop in bulk. Consider the product-to-packaging ratio when purchasing items and choose larger containers instead of multiple smaller ones. When you have the option, also consider purchasing package-free foods and household goods.
  • Make sure your waste goes to the right place. Do your best to ensure that the waste you dispose of ends up where it should. Recycle the materials that are recyclable in your area and make sure to reduce the likelihood of your garbage ending up in the environment by keeping a lid on your trash can when it’s outside.
  • Compost. Composting at home reduces the volume of garbage sent to landfills and reduces the chance of some products becoming marine debris.

These are just a few ways that we can incorporate taking care of our ocean and Great lakes into our everyday lives. By doing our part to work toward a sustainable and debris-free planet, we’ll also be providing others with inspiration and a good example to follow. As individuals we have the potential to make a big difference and together we can change the world.  

Learn more about NOAA’s Marine Debris Program and its mission to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris.

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The Small Business Administration expands clean energy loan program


FILE - Brian Hoeppner, right, and Nicholas Hartnett, owner of Pure Power Solar, install a solar panel on the roof of a home in Frankfort, Ky., July 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy, File)


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NEW YORK (AP) — The Small Business Administration is looking to attract lenders to finance small businesses’ clean energy projects.

The SBA doesn’t give out loans itself. Instead, it works with lenders to offer small businesses loans that often carry lower interest rates than traditional loans.

The SBA wants to bring in lenders ranging from hyperlocal microlenders to nationally oriented financial institutions. Lenders can apply to become a microlender — offering loans up to $50,000; a Certified Development Company, which is a nonprofit focused on economic development of its community; or Community Advantage Small Business Lending Company, or CA SBLC, which is a non-bank lender focused on “mission driven” projects.

New applications for CA SBLCs will be accepted soon. The SBA is increasing the cap for loans from active CA SBLCs to $500,000 from $350,000. And it is introducing an application process where the CA SBLCs can apply to offer even bigger loans -- up to $2 million to finance climate-related projects.

AP AUDIO: The Small Business Administration expands clean energy loan program

AP correspondent Mae Anderson reports the Small Business Administration is expanding the clean energy loan program.

“Small businesses and homes account for more than one-third of U.S. emissions, so it is vital that they are part of the solution” said SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman. The new initiative will help more mission-driven climate lenders leverage the SBA federal loan guarantee programs to fund the clean energy transition, she added.


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The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

Rachael Gunn, known as B-girl Raygun, displayed some … unique moves as she competed in a field with breakers half her age. The judges and the internet were underwhelmed.

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A woman wearing green track pants, a green polo shirt and a cap poses with her hand up in front of a judges table.

By Dodai Stewart and Talya Minsberg

Reporting from Paris

Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in just about every way.

By day, her research interests include “dance, gender politics, and the dynamics between theoretical and practical methodologies.” But on the world’s stage in Paris, wearing green track pants and a green polo shirt instead of the street-style outfits of her much younger fellow breakers, she competed against the 21-year-old Logan Edra of the United States, known as Logistx.

During the round robin, as Raygun and Logistx faced off, Raygun laid on her side, reached for her toes, spun around, and threw in a kangaroo hop — a nod to her homeland. She performed a move that looked something like swimming and another that could best be described as duckwalking. The high-speed back and head spins that other breakers would demonstrate were mostly absent.

The crowd cheered Raygun politely. The judges weren’t as kind. All nine voted for Logistx in both rounds of the competition; Logistx won, 18-0.

Online, Raygun’s performance quickly became a sensation, not necessarily in a flattering way.

“The more I watch the videos of Raygun, the Aussie breaker, the more I get annoyed,” one viewer posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “There’s 27.7 million Australians in the world and that’s who they send to the Olympics for this inaugural event??? C’mon now!”

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Importance of Cleanliness Essay

500 words essay on importance of cleanliness.

Each one of us enjoys living in a clean environment. We all have the ability to maintain cleanliness as it is not a tough task. Cleanliness is a habitual process that we must do on a daily basis. For instance, personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness are equally important to lead a happy life. The importance of cleanliness essay will explain this in further detail.

importance of cleanliness essay

Importance of Cleanliness

Cleanliness is a very essential component of human life in both physical and spiritual terms. Spiritual cleanliness refers to following the beliefs and rituals of your religion. On the other hand, the physical one is essential for the well-being of and existence of humanity.

It is essential to lead a healthy and well life. In fact, health and cleanliness are related to each other. To get good health, one must practice hygiene. It is essential to practice maintaining good health and prevent diseases .

Moreover, equally important is the cleanliness of our environment. When you maintain cleanliness, you can prevent disease and lead a healthy life. Health professionals advocate hygienic practices to prolong the lives of individuals.

Moreover, when the environment is clean, safety is enabled. For instance, we must ensure no spilling of water to prevent people from falling. Similarly, clearing bushes around homes will offer safety from harmful insects and animals.

Further, we must not only clean the environment but organize the environment carefully. In other words, put away harmful objects to prevent accidents. Similarly, in the food industry, cleanliness is of the utmost importance.

It ensures the well-being of the consumers. Most importantly, cleanliness enables the extension of a lifespan of an object. When you keep the metallic objects free from dust and rust, they will have a longer shelf life.

Thus, we see how cleanliness is important in every sphere of life. Whether it is living or inanimate objects, everything requires cleanliness. Moreover, it is also a moral virtue that makes people admirable.

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How to Maintain Cleanliness

There are many ways through which one can maintain cleanliness and keep themselves and the environment happy. A major way of maintaining cleanliness is brushing and bathing regularly.

Similarly, it is also important to wash hand as often as possible, mostly before and after meals. With the onset of the coronavirus, it has become even more important to wash our hands repeatedly.

Further, we must keep our nails trimmed and eat healthy food. Moving on to environmental cleanliness, we must clean the mess in our surroundings regularly. Try your best to avoid plastic bags and littering around by throwing garbage carelessly.

It is essential to effectively dispose of waste and wastewater . Most importantly, adopt reusing and recycling techniques to monitor pollution levels. Thus, we must practice all this and more to ensure cleanliness.

Conclusion of Importance of Cleanliness Essay

We must all do our bit to maintain cleanliness in our life. There are many initiatives launched by the government to practice cleanliness but it won’t work unless all of us do. It helps in inculcating good habits in citizens of the country. Along with practising it ourselves, we must also stop others from disturbing cleanliness.

FAQ of Importance of Cleanliness Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of cleanliness?

Answer 1: Maintaining cleanliness is a vital part of healthy living as it helps to improve our personality by staying clean externally and internally. It is everybody’s responsibility and one should keep themselves and their surroundings clean and hygienic.

Question 2: What are the effects of cleanliness?

Answer 2: Cleanliness has many positive effects on everyone. It directly impacts the ability to learn and has a significant effect on the mind of students. When there is a dirty environment, it may increases levels of stress. Moreover, cleanliness keeps one happy.

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Essay on Go Green for Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read an Essay on Go Green for students and children in 1000 words. This includes what effort needs to save earth , its importance, precautions, and 10 lines on Go green.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Go Green)

People understand that their irresponsibility hurts the natural environment. Our planet suffers from many problems, which result from excessive human activity.

What efforts we should take to go green and save our earth?

People need to be more educated about the harm that is being done to the environment and the planet earth because of industrialization and pollution.

Consideration of Future Generations by Go green mission

For the wellbeing of the future generation comprising our children and grandchildren, it is the responsibility of the current generation to take care of the environment and not create problems that will be a burden for the future generation.

Precautions to take for Go green

People don’t care what will happen, and if there is any problem, future generations will solve it. This thinking results from greediness and consumerism.

10 Lines on Go Green

As you can learn from the above points, there are many ways to go green, which are easy to follow and have many advantages for mankind and the environment. If you care about the future generation and of planet earth and want to make a difference, follow the above suggestions.

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Essay on Cleanliness of Environment for Kids

Kids nowadays are growing up in a world where they are constantly exposed to germs. They go to school, play outside and come into contact with people and things that can cause infections. The best way to protect themselves from getting sick is by being clean. Here is an essay on how you can help your kids stay clean and healthy by teaching them the importance of keeping their environment clean. When we think about the environment, the first thing that comes to mind is the pollution humans create. In reality, the cleanliness of our surroundings is just as important as our environmental responsibility . Read BYJU’S essay on cleanliness of the environment to learn the significance of keeping the environment clean.

The health of people and other living beings depends on a healthy environment. Clean air and water are essential for human health, while plants need clean soil to grow healthy. Keeping our surroundings clean can help protect our health and the environment. There is a famous saying, “ Cleanliness is Godliness ”, and we must follow some basic hygiene steps to maintain the same. Encourage your kids to participate in environmental education programmes. These programmes teach kids about the importance of conserving resources and keeping our planet clean. In addition, we have briefly explained the top five ways to keep our environment clean in this short essay on cleanliness of the environment.

Cleanliness of Environment

Table of Contents

How to encourage good hygiene in kids, top 5 ways to keep the environment clean, importance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is one of the most important things to maintain in our environment. It is not only good for the environment but also for all living beings. We need to encourage good hygiene in our kids if we want them to be responsible stewards of their surroundings. We have provided some ways to maintain the cleanliness of the environment here in BYJU’S essay on cleanliness of environment in English.

Set a good example yourself and keep your home clean. This will help your kids see that it is vital to take care of their environment. Help your kids learn about the importance of taking care of their bodies. Talk about how dirty our hands and feet can be, and show them how easy it is to clean them up.

There is no denying that maintaining a clean environment is something that we need to always keep in mind. It improves the overall look and feel of our surroundings, and it also helps protect the health of ourselves and the animals that reside in our ecosystem. This cleanliness of environment essay will discuss the top five ways to clean up our environment that positively impact both the quality of life and the environment itself.

  • There are many ways that you can help keep the environment clean. The first way to keep the environment clean is by maintaining a healthy ecosystem and reducing the usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Keeping the environment clean is essential for everyone. Children are the future of the world, and they need to learn how to care for the environment.
  • Using less energy can save a lot of money in the long run. For example, if we use electricity to power our lights instead of a light bulb, we can save a lot of money.
  • Recycling can also save money. If we recycle materials, such as paper, plastic, and metals, we will save a lot of money in the long run.
  • Finally, using public transportation is one of the best ways to conserve energy and protect the environment. Public transit uses less fuel than driving in cars. It also reduces traffic congestion and air pollution.

Pollution is a problem any time it enters the environment. Across the world, pollution comes from several sources, including automobiles and factories. Pollution also comes from natural sources, such as rain, sea salt, volcanoes etc. Here are two reasons why it is vital to keep our environment clean:

  • Good for our health : Pollution can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and even cancer. By keeping our environment clean, we can reduce the risk of these illnesses. It protects our resources. Polluting our environment harms natural resources such as water and air. We can save environment and these resources for future generations by cleaning up our act.
  • It preserves our heritage : When improperly disposed waste ends up in rivers and oceans, it can harm fish populations and contaminate marine habitats. By keeping our environment clean, we can prevent pollution and preserve all the species in aquatic habitats as well as other living beings on Earth.

It is now commonly acknowledged that the health of our environment is linked to our own. We must take measures to clean up our act and preserve the natural resources we depend on. However, many people continue to put their convenience above all else, leading to an increasingly polluted world. We need to reduce the cause and make a difference. We can create a cleaner, healthier future for ourselves and for generations to come by doing so. For more kids learning activities, like essays , worksheets and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Cleanliness of Environment

What are some ways to clean the environment.

There are many ways to clean the environment. Some of the ways are recycling, composting and using green energy. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, so it is important to choose the one that best suits our needs.

What is the importance of a clean environment?

A clean environment is vital because it can help improve health and well-being because it reduces the exposure people have to harmful chemicals. It can also reduce the risk of accidents because it makes it easier to see and avoid obstacles. Finally, a clean environment is less likely to produce harmful emissions that can impact the environment and human health.

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Essay on How to Keep Our Surroundings Clean

Students are often asked to write an essay on How to Keep Our Surroundings Clean in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How to Keep Our Surroundings Clean

Importance of clean surroundings.

Clean surroundings matter for our health and well-being. Dirt and filth breed diseases, while clean areas promote good health and a pleasant environment.

Ways to Keep Surroundings Clean

Start by reducing waste. Use less plastic, recycle, and compost organic waste. Next, clean regularly. Sweep your area, pick up litter, and dispose of trash properly.

Role of Everyone

Keeping surroundings clean is everyone’s responsibility. Encourage others to maintain cleanliness, participate in community clean-up drives, and set a good example. Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier world.

250 Words Essay on How to Keep Our Surroundings Clean


Cleanliness is a fundamental aspect of our lives, closely related to our health, well-being, and the environment. To maintain cleanliness in our surroundings, we need to adopt a proactive approach and develop a sense of responsibility towards our environment.

Understanding the Importance of Cleanliness

Practical steps to maintain cleanliness.

To keep our surroundings clean, we should start with waste management. Segregating waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable can significantly help in proper disposal and recycling. Composting organic waste can serve a dual purpose of reducing waste and providing nutrient-rich soil for plants.

Role of Education and Awareness

Educating people about the importance of cleanliness and the consequences of a dirty environment can foster a sense of responsibility. Awareness campaigns, cleanliness drives, and including environmental education in the curriculum can go a long way in promoting cleanliness.

Individual Responsibility and Collective Action

Every individual should take responsibility for their actions. Keeping personal spaces clean, not littering, and responsibly disposing of waste are small steps that can have a big impact. Collective action, such as community clean-up drives, can also contribute significantly to maintaining cleanliness in our surroundings.

In conclusion, cleanliness is not just an individual responsibility but a collective one. A clean environment is a shared asset that we need to guard for our health, well-being, and for future generations. It requires consistent effort, education, and a sense of responsibility towards our surroundings.

500 Words Essay on How to Keep Our Surroundings Clean

Cleanliness is not just about personal hygiene; it extends to the cleanliness of our surroundings. The environment we live in directly impacts our health, well-being, and overall quality of life. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to ensure that we keep our surroundings clean. This essay explores various strategies to maintain cleanliness in our surroundings.

The Importance of Clean Surroundings

Strategies for keeping our surroundings clean.

There are several strategies that can be employed to keep our surroundings clean.

Proper Waste Disposal

The first step is ensuring proper waste disposal. This involves segregating waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable categories, using designated bins for disposal, and advocating for recycling and composting.

Community Cleanliness Drives

Green spaces.

Promoting green spaces like parks and gardens can significantly contribute to cleaner surroundings. They not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also improve air quality.

Educational Programs

Educational programs about the importance of cleanliness and the adverse effects of pollution can instill a sense of responsibility in individuals.

Government Policies and Regulations

Keeping our surroundings clean is a collective responsibility. It requires the active participation of every individual, community, and the government. By adopting the strategies mentioned above, we can ensure a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations. Remember, cleanliness starts with you. Let’s pledge to keep our surroundings clean and make it a way of life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Happy studying!

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