Important English Essay Topics for PMS Exams 2024

Here I am telling you about the important English essay topics for PMS exams 2024. PMS_ stands for Provincial Management Services. In order to fulfill the vacant positions in the provincial management services the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) conduct PS exams in all four provinces. It is very helpful in improving the service structure of bureaucracy. PMS is comprised of 1200 marks which are further divided into two sections that are 600 marks for compulsory subject and rest of the 600 marks for elective subjects and viva voce is comprised of 200 marks. It was held when PMS post is available the eligible qualification for appearing in PMS is minimum graduation with 2 nd  division. The interested candidate’s age must be lies in between 18 to 28 years for both male and female. The candidates who are successfully passed in this test will directly appoint on Grade 17.

English Essay is a fall in the list of compulsory subjects. Among all 12 papers, English Essay is one of the hard levels to pass. English Essay, English Grammar and Composition, however, weights only 17% overall. In order to get a good weight in English Essay, one must have analytical proficiency, an accurate and logical approach to meet the essay requirements. English Essay paper comprises of 100 marks, in which you have to write 1500-1600 words in 2 hours. Here below you can also find the best tip and trick regarding English Easy Writing in order to get good marks.

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Important English Essay Topics for PMS Exams 2024

Important English Essay Topics for PMS Exams 2024:

Here we are revealing some important essay topics for PMS competitive exams;

  • English is one of the tough and painstaking subjects in PMS and other
  • Urdu as National/Official Language
  • Democracy, its impacts on society, the reason for its failure
  • Status of Women in Islam and Society
  • Literature/Reading/Books
  • To err is Human, to Forgive, Divine
  • Federalism in Pakistani Context
  • National Integrity
  • Political System of Pakistan
  • Role of Media, its Responsibilities, its Impacts on Society
  • Nuclear Race in World and Iran
  • Education is not preparation for Life, Education is Life Itself
  • Development is about transforming the lives of people
  • Literature is though Provoking
  • Indo-Pak Strained Relations
  • Global Challenges
  • Climate Change/Global Warming
  • Judiciary/Rule of Law/Welfare State
  • Feminist/Women/Gender
  • UNO and Millennium Development Goals
  • Water Crises, a reason for third world war

Tips to Score Good in English Essay :

When you are studying Important English Essay Topics for PMS Exams 2024, you must be aware of the important instructions and tips to score good marks in English Essays for PMS 2024 exams. English Essay is now doubted the tough and hard level in PMS exam. It is quite difficult to score well but here we have some important tips, by the help of which you can definitely score well easily. By following these tips mentioned below I am sure you will writer powerful essays in every respect.

  • Outline / Sketching
  • Logical or fact-based Demonstration
  • Conciseness and clarity in language
  • Cohesion in paragraphs
  • Avoid Aggressive and Pessimistic Attitude
  • Logical arguments and Reasoning
  • Command of English Grammar
  • Good Practice
  • Accuracy inflow of words
Also Get PMS Syllabus 2024 For Good Preparation

Hopefully, you will really find the best material regarding the Important English Essay Topics for PMS Exams 2024. You can also find here further detail and information regarding PMS. Must bookmark our site for daily updates regarding academic ebbs and falls!

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CSS PMS English Essay Complete Preparation Material

CSS PMS English Essay holds the key, to get success in competitive exams. In fact, most of the students get failed in CSS or PMS in English Essay, even the candidates who have done Masters’s in English Literature. The question comes why?

Besides, writing correct English, passing the essay paper requires writing technique, skill, and practice. Most CSS or PMS candidates do not acquire competent guidelines, as a result, their dream not come true to become a bureaucrat.

Table of Contents

Types of CSS PMS English Essay?

Writing is a skill, and without mastering the skill no one can claim the surety of success. In most cases, CSS or PMS candidates consider that passing the English Essay paper depends upon luck, but this is not the reality. One also has to master English Precis & Composition in order to understand better English Essays.

Remember that, in competitive exams mostly three types of essays are asked; Argumentative , Explanatory , and Quotation .

An argumentative essay requires complete evidence and you must support your answer with logical reasons and claims. This type of essay needs evidence in the shape of fact, figure, example, or explanation.

The explanatory essay does not require evidence and support, you just need to give a general examples and detailed writing on the given topic.

A quotation topic essay requires a piece of detailed knowledge and material about the specific quote, and usually after few pages the content of the candidate dries.

Why do Candidates fail CSS PMS English Essay?

First of all, understanding the topic is the most important thing which is not done by most of the candidates. In case if you know the content about two topics then it is better to write down the outlines of two essays and then finalize which one is to be attempted.

“Global Warming, a fact or fiction.” (CSS 2008)

If you encounter an essay such as stated above in the exam, you need to support one logic; either fact or fiction. Do not try to prove both, because in the statement there is “or”. Furthermore, you must support your answer by presenting facts, figures, and logical reasoning to claim your point of view.

Sometimes, essays like “Democracy is a culture rather than a process (CSS 2012) come into the exam. This kind of topic needs content proving democracy is a culture in developing countries and it is a process in developed countries. There is a great chance that you may differ a lot in your opinions and your essay might be full of controversial statements. So, it is better to avoid these kinds of essays.

In 2013, “Meaning and purpose of education” was the hot topic written by most of the candidates. A lot of students failed because somehow they wrote the crammed essay based on causes and effects but the examiner had asked them to write about the meaning and purpose of education.

CSS PMS English Essay Preparation Material

Foreign Author Books
Bertrand Russel’s Sceptical Essays
How To Write Great Essays By Lauren Starkey
Essay writing for English Test By Gabi Duigu
Essay Writing A Students Guide by MunLing Shields
Human Rights & Democracy
CSS PMS English Essay Material
CSS PMS Essay Material
Essay Material for CSS PMS
List Of Important Topics of CSS PMS Essays
Contemporary CSS PMS English Essay
Winning Essays For CSS & PMS
How To Write A CSS PMS Comparative Essay
Pakistan’s Institutions: An Outlook
Literature Is The Best Criticism OF Life
Judicial Activism OR Democratic Consolidation
Evolution OF Judicial System In Pakistan
Democracy And Judicial Conflict In Pakistan
Critical Analysis of Education System In Pakistan
Are Modern Wars Holy Wars?

How To Pass CSS PMS English Essay?

A good CSS PMS English Essay contains;

  • No grammatical errors.
  • Every relevant aspect of the topic should be discussed.
  • Proper paragraphing. (Every next paragraph should take the discussion forward. Do not explain the same point repeatedly).
  • Proper coherence and cohesion between the paragraphs and ideas.
  • Organized and united content presentation. (It should not be haphazard written work, its different parts should be joined to form a beautiful structure).
  • Do not negate your arguments in the middle of the essay or in the end. (You should be reasonable where ever you have to prove a point to express an opinion).
  • Avoid repetition of words, sentences, and ideas.
  • Use minimum words which can express an idea.
  • Your writing should be idiomatic.

Best Structure For A CSS PMS English Essay

Every CSS PMS English Essay paper invariably contains such kinds of topics on which a reasonable candidate can write an essay, such as; a current affair topic, literary topic, or a past paper look-alike topic. After selecting the topic, think hard to ascertain its true meaning. The incorrect meaning will surely lead you to write an irrelevant essay.

Remember that an essay has three parts; An introduction , a main body , and a conclusion . An outline shall be made to give an overall view of all of your content.

How To Make An Outline?

It is a structure that shows the content in paraphrased sentences for each paragraph. This is how you mentally capture the entire essay from start to finish. A simple causes and effects essay can have an outline such as;

“Energy Crisis: Causes and Effects”


  • Energy, a lifeline.
  • Demand and supply gap.
  • No major projects were undertaken by previous governments.
  • Failure to increase the generating capacity.
  • The problem of circular debt.
  • Closure of industrial units.
  • Unemployment.
  • Effects on the social and economic condition of the country.


  • Resolving the circular debt.
  • Building small power plants.
  • The capital cost of new plants.

Sometimes, essay like “Country life is better than city life” was asked. In this case, you must make an outline having two major headings; one is country life and another one is city life. These main headings must have pros and cons of living life there as subheadings.

How To Write an Introduction?

  • The argumentative essay starts with a starter and thesis statement at the start of an essay. The thesis statement, short and precise, is the idea of what the student is going to prove in his/her essays. Most of the time in an argumentative essay, where there are causes, effects, and suggestions, students can write these causes, effects, and suggestions in their thesis statement.
  • For example, the thesis statement of the poverty essay can be: Poverty in Pakistan is a multifaceted problem deeply rooted in its socio-political and economic structure of governance. The lack of effective political and economic governance is adversely hampering efforts to cut rising poverty. ·
  • Another example of a starter of a Corruption essay can be: Corruption exists in one form or another in all societies. The major difference in the case of Pakistan (or perhaps South Asia) is the extent of its pervasiveness and its implications for governance and the value system in general and the political culture in particular.
  • After that, explain it and the length of an essay should be one page of A4 size.

How To Write Body of An Essay?

  • After writing an introduction, students need to write the causes in each paragraph. If the essay is Poverty, causes, effects, and suggestions then you must write down the cause of poverty first.
  • For example, the first cause of poverty is feudalism. In this paragraph, write such type of start-up paragraph which student can easily justify in his paragraph.
  • For feudalism, you can write the opening sentence of a paragraph as; Since the independence of Pakistan, feudal lords hijack this country by exerting their influence in all fields of life as they are MPAs, MNAs, Ministers, P.Ms, and Presidents.
  • After writing the opening paragraph, you have the option to give a fact or figure with an example or explain this idea. For example, you can justify by saying that: More than 60-70% of our land is occupied by feudal lords (22 families) while the rest population (190m) has 20-30% land resulting in the shape of equal distribution of income. That is why poverty is increasing day by day as our major income is in the hands of 22 families who hold 60-70 % of our land.
  • Similarly, you are supposed to write other causes in different paragraphs.
  • After writing causes in 7 or 8 paragraphs then students need to write effects in 4 to 5 paragraphs as effects paragraphs do not have an argument and its justification.
  • After that, give suggestions in 3 to 4 paragraphs by using different words like should, must, ought to, it is the need of the hour, it is high time, etc.

How To Write The Conclusion Of An Essay

  • In the conclusion, write with the words such as Finally, Lastly, In conclusion, To conclude this, To summarise, In summary, In sum, etc.
  • In the conclusion, paraphrase your thesis statement and justify your argument which you have developed in the introduction.
  • The end of the paragraph should be very positive as one hopes, one wishes, one prays that Pakistan will be able to overcome this problem if practical policies are implemented.

Explanatory Essays

  • These are those essays that do not need argument and justification.
  • Such essays consist of prerequisites, general examples, and more focus on explanation.
  • Essays such type can be:
  • Country life is better than city life .
  • Meaning and purpose of education.
  • The pleasures of reading.
  • All humans are born equal in dignity and rights but they are m shackles everywhere.
  • Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism.
  • Such essays should be solved according to their key terms. For example, if there is an essay on The pleasure of Reading then those students can write who have the habit of book reading and they know what are its benefits, how it contributes towards knowledge increase, etc.

Techniques How To Deal with Different Topics of CSS PMS English Essay

  • Essay like Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism or great nations win without fighting (CSS-2014) need to elaborate on the importance of dialogue as it is necessary because it avoids bloodshed, wastage of resources, weakening economy, loss of human being, damage to infrastructure as nations have to conclude dialogue even at the end of the war. !fit is necessary at the end why there is a need for war’?
  • In this way, students after writing and developing the significance of dialogue can write the examples of the world like the Soviet Union, and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  • In such essays, the student has to convince the examiners of the role of dialogue rather than launching a war.
  • Essay like Can the Third World War be prevented? (CSS-2008) or Can women be equal to men in Pakistan? (CSS-2010). The student has the option to prove it that is possible or not. If yes, then give your argument in a logical way, only take one side of the picture, and do not try to prove both sides.
  • In 20 l 4, an Essay on dialogue was asked. The context was the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan and there were a number of articles in Dawn about Dialogue and Peace. Such questions appear in Newspapers like Dawn where students can prepare easily.
  • In 2015, Human rights violation and the war on terror was asked. Students of International Law can attempt it because they have read it in their syllabus. In short, the Top 30 Essay books and Newspaper before 4 to 5 months of the exams can be beneficial to get higher marks.

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English Essay (CSS 2024)

English Essay Syllabus for CSS 2024

English Essay: CSS Past Papers Analysis


Truth and reason, morality/ principles.

I constructed my essay deriving my arguments from several discourses, i.e. (Politics, economics, society, philosophy, strategy, literature, science, religion, etc.). In my opinion, even an issue-based essay should be developed on creative lines. For that, candidates should also practice literary and abstract essays during the preparation phase. Furthermore, I never delved into the technicalities of the structure of essay. I believe writing comes naturally. Atif Ameer (PSP) 2nd in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Essay Marks 52)

Global Issues & International Relations

Science and technology.

For English essay, I used to make outlines and practice paragraph writing. The key strategy in attempting an essay is to write it in simple, logical, coherent and precise way. One should refrain from using long sentences, jargons and difficult expressions. Furthermore, in order to avoid incoherence and jumps between essay paragraphs and outline, I left first two sheets of answer sheet for final outline, which I only wrote, once I was done writing essay. Aamina Ihsan (PAS) 18th in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Essay Marks 48)

War/ Peace/ Globalization

Democracy/ governance/ administration / crisis / tourism.

My essay followed a fixed trajectory: Introduction (Opening + Thesis Statement) – Context – Exposition – Authority – Analysis – Conclusion. This allowed me to present my arguments clearly and coherently. When you practice, read your essay and try to see it from an examiner’s perspective. If it is too text-intensive, boring, long and redundant, , or even the argument you made is not clear, you will not get good marks. Mohammad Murtaza (PAS), 3rd in Pakistan, CSS 2017 (Essay Marks 45)

National Integration


The Essay paper for CSS 2017 was somewhat out of the box. Despite that, I had complete control on my nerves and great confidence in my writing skills. I chose the topic “Is colonial mentality impeding the progress of Pakistan?” I supported this stance. First, I brainstormed and then wrote an outline on a rough page. Then, I presented it on the answer sheet in an impressive way so as to facilitate the examiner. I wrote almost twenty arguments or paragraphs to prove my stance. The language I used was simple yet flawless. Syed Fazul Shah (PSP), 3rd in Balochistan, CSS 2017-18 (Essay Marks 44)

Poverty/ Progress

Justice/ rule of law.

The essay which I attempted was argumentative in nature. So, I tried my best to follow the structure of such essays. I introduced the topic by giving a brief overview of the points I would be discussing; presented some examples from history, contemporary world and Pakistan; highlighted some counter arguments against the mentioned examples and re-countered them to justify my point, and concluded the topic with summing up all the arguments and justifications I had given in the body of the essay. Nawab Sameer Hussain Laghari (PAS), 2nd in Sindh, CSS-2016-17 (Essay Marks 45)

United Nations

Women/ gender, accountability/ corruption.

Essay is the most difficult thing in CSS, and, perhaps, rightly so. There are numerous ways to write it but the key is to understand the topic and giving sound arguments in grammatically correct English. Muhammad Murad (PSP), 7th in Pakistan, CSS 2017 (Essay Marks 60)

Nationalism/ Minorities

Management/ life/ discipline / ideology.

Structure and coherence make the key to success in the essay paper. I avoided verbosity and instead ensured I had understood the idea well. I also placed a lot of emphasis on the overall structure of the essay, making sure my paragraphs were coherent, sentences were well structured and the overall flow of the ideas was good. Muhammad Abrahim Shah (PAS) 3rd in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Marks 61)

Nuclear Politics

Art/ literature/ poetry, literary/ philosophy, diversity/ freedom.

Essay is the very paper most aspirants fail. Reason? Lack of practice! Most aspirants know the reason but still they do not practice. If one cannot practice a long essay daily, one should write, at least, outline, introduction and conclusion daily, and practice a long essay once or twice a week. I did the same and when I sat to structure my essay, I did not face any problem in generating ideas and structuring them instantly. Bakhtiar Ismail (PAS), 1st in Balochistan, CSS 2017-18 (Essay Marks 66)

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PMS English Essay Past Papers 

PMS English Essay Past Papers (PDF Download)

Students who are searching for the PMS English Essay Past Papers can download them here in pdf on this website. We have compiled and uploaded past papers of PMS English Essay in pdf format. These PMS English Essay Past Papers will help the students to get good marks. Also, students can get an idea of paper patterns by solving past papers of PMS English Essay. Attempting and scoring well in these PMS English Essay papers will boost a candidate’s confidence and help them point out the important topics from the exam perspective.

Here we have uploaded 10 years of past papers of PMS English Essay – which you can download and read easily.

PMS English Essay Past Papers PDF Download

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  • PMS English Essay Past Papers Pdf 2020
  • PMS English Essay Past Papers Pdf 2018
  • PMS English Essay Past Papers Pdf 2016
  • PMS English Essay Past Papers Pdf 2015
  • PMS English Essay Past Papers Pdf 2011

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PPSC PMS Date Sheet 2022 for Combined Competitive Examination Punjab

PPSC PMS Date Sheet 2022 for Combined Competitive Examination Punjab is issued by Punjab Public Service Commission on 5 June 2022. PMS Examinations 2022 are starting on 23 June 2022. The complete date sheet of PMS 2022 is given on Parho Pakistan. This date sheet is for Compulsory Subjects and Optional Subjects.

PPSC PMS Date Sheet 2022

Compulsory Subjects

1Thursday23-06-2022English (Précis, Comprehension &
10.00 AM to 01.00 PM
2Friday24-06-2022English Essay10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
3Saturday25-06-2022Pakistan Studies (Combination of both
Subjective & Objective)
10.00 AM to 01.00 PM
4Sunday26-06-2022General Knowledge10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
5Monday27-06-2022Urdu (Essay, Précis, Comprehension and
10.00 AM to 01.00 PM
6Tuesday28-06-2022Islamic Studies / Ethics (for Non-Muslim
Candidates) (Combination of both
Subjective & Objective)
10.00 AM to 01.00 PM

Optional Subjects

7. Friday 01-07-2022 Group (A) 11006 Candidates

Commerce Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Economics Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Business Administration Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Public Administration Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Commerce Paper-II2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Economics Paper-II2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Business Administration Paper-II2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Public Administration Paper-II2:30 PM to 5:30 PM

8. Saturday 02-7-2022 Group (G) 22658 Candidates

English Literature Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Urdu Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Arabic Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Education Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Persian Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Punjabi Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
English Literature Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Urdu Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Arabic Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Education Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Persian Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Punjabi Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM

9. Sunday 03-07-2022 Group (E) 24877 Candidates

Political Science Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
History Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Law Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Mass Communication Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Political Science Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
History Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Law Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Mass Communication Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM

10. Monday 04-07-2022 Group (F) 21907 candidates

Philosophy Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Psychology Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Sociology Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Social Work Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Philosophy Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Psychology Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Sociology Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Social Work Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM

11. Tuesday 05-07-2022 Group (D) 9638 Candidates

Physics Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Chemistry Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Geology Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Geography Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Physics Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Chemistry Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Geology Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Geography Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM

12. Wednesday 06-07-2022 Group (C) 3226 Candidates

Mathematics Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Computer Science Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Statistics Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Principle of Engineering Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Mathematics Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Computer Science Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Statistics Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Principle of Engineering Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM

13. Thursday 07-07-2022 Group (B) 3588 Candidates

Agriculture Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Veterinary Science Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Botany Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Zoology Paper-I9:00 AM to 12 Noon
Agriculture Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Veterinary Science Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Botany Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Zoology Paper-II1:30 PM to 4:30 PM

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PMS Test Past Papers 2023

The way to get a complete idea about the paper pattern is to move towards the past papers. Past papers, as we know, are the papers that our seniors have faced during their time of annual examination. So, we can take a fine idea through past papers that how the paper will come to see. So, no doubt that past papers are helpful.Candidates are to be informed that here at this site almost all level of past papers from primary to master are available. Students can find the past papers of the board of education from every province of Pakistan. It is true that the past papers are very helpful but at the same time the students are to be suggested that they ought to move towards the past paper once they have completed their course of study

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How Did I Prepare and Qualify for the PMS Essay and Precis Papers?

How Did I Prepare and Qualify, for the PMS Essay and Precis Papers,

  • Arooj Nadeem
  • December 4, 2022
  • Big Questions , CSS , Daily Write-Ups , Opinions

How I prepared and qualified for the PMS English Essay and Precis Papers is a detailed story of my struggle. I have tried to write whatever I have gone through during preparation and also explained what you should avoid.

At last, the long-awaited PMS results are in, and, among all other subjects, the ratio of marks obtained in both English Precis and Essay papers is, unfortunately yet as usual, disappointing. Many students have failed both or one of the papers, and even a majority of those who have managed to get around this monstrous hurdle have gotten painfully low marks that would not help them secure a seat in the provincial services. However, it is not at all difficult to crack these papers if one has just the right guidance and, more importantly, the correct direction to work towards. This blog will guide you on how I prepared for the two subjects by highlighting the common causes of failure and low scoring and then giving suggestions to improve your scores, not merely pass the papers.

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Reasons That Lead to Failure or Low-Scoring in These Two Papers

Let us first look at what causes aspirants to score such low marks or even fail English papers. Although there are a number of reasons, the listed ones need special attention if you have decided to prepare and qualify for English papers.  First and foremost , it is the most significant source of (mis)information: you might have guessed it, social media. For years, social media, especially Instagram profiles, Facebook groups and pages, and YouTube channels, has been the main reason behind the misguidance, leading thousands towards mental stress and failure. Everybody and every academy, even aspirants, who know how to make money from social media, has started publishing notes, tips and tricks, and videos that new CSS and PMS aspirants trust and start following. Whatever is shared on social media is irrelevant, outdated, and substandard material with no link to exams, eventually leading aspirants nowhere. All those, especially second and third-attempt aspirants, who have been to this must agree that it has eroded the future of thousands. So, if you are a serious aspirant and preparing to qualify for these papers, the first thing you need to start avoiding is social media. 

The second problem  that has wreaked havoc is the academy system. It is not a secret now how academies are exploiting the youth by displaying some CSPs pictures in the name of CSS and PMS preparation. I would not name any, but I have also been a victim, wasting 3-4 of my precious months and a lot of hard-earned money there. What the inexperienced officers do in academies is nothing but make you cram their notes. On top of all, most of them do not even have command of the subjects they are teaching, so they cannot satisfy the students if they unfortunate pupils have any queries. Hence, the only option left for the students is to cram the provided bullets and notes, which never become part of the exams, and the students fail miserably. So, never join any academy that has hired new qualifiers or officers rather than professional and experienced teachers. English has been the base upon which your expression and presentation skills stand; try to find an experienced English writing teacher who can help and teach you to write your ideas. 

Another reason , a very obvious one that leads to students’ failing the English papers, is that they do not give proper attention to the subject. They consider it unimportant and not worth their time and effort. Thus, rather than learning, understanding, and practising writing skills, like other subjects, they fall prey to mere tips and tricks offered freely on the all-weather-friends, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It makes a sensible person wonder why somebody preparing for such an important examination would pay heed to YouTube channel’s tips. Going back to the point, these so-called English teachers provide aspirants with their essay outlines, and some even sell them. After studying with an English professional English writing coach, Sir Syed Kazim Ali, I understood that an outline is one’s personal comprehension of a topic, not necessarily the same as another person’s perception. Thus, these sold outlines do more harm than good and never help an aspirant qualify his essay paper. Thus, one need not get carried away by the colourful and shining posters of teachers claiming to teach you how to write an English Essay in a month. And I would highly recommend you join a capable and honest teacher who knows what he is teaching and has years of experience and a command of the subject.

How Do You Select an English Coach?

The next question that arises here is about teacher selection. Finding and selecting an experienced teacher is like stepping on Mars without a space suit and oxygen for an aspirant. But unfortunately, the culture of reviews is nearly zero in our country. For instance, senior aspirants never tell their juniors what academy, teacher, or book they should avoid and what teacher or academy they should join for their preparation. So, nearly 90% of aspirants become easy prey to new qualifiers, mercenary academies, or so-called social media English gurus and fail their exams. So, how could someone assess if a coach for English is competent or merely a hoax? 

For that matter, you may just listen to your guts. I too, when joined any teacher for coaching, knew within a few minutes of the lecture whether the coach was only exploiting the candidates or was actually a real teacher who knew his job. Let me now guide you regarding the kinds of teachers you might encounter while looking for an English coach. First, some teachers advertise themselves on social media. They are the ones who have no data to their name and just teach as long as their luck allows. They do not have a grip on the subject, and when a student of theirs asks about English expressions, they ask them to buy Wren and Martin. Instead of teaching how to articulate a sentence, use vocabulary words appropriately, or narrate ideas, they keep advising their students to read Dawn Newspaper daily. Although English newspapers are a good source of information, these papers never claim that if you read them, you will have a command of English. You might have seen hundreds of aspirants reading English newspapers but still failing English papers. Do you know why? Because journalistic articles are all about information, not about teaching English functionally. To verify this fact, just open  Grammarly , an English grammar and context checker, and copy past an article from the Dawn newspaper; you will be shocked to know that article has a number of grammatical, contextual, and vocabulary mistakes. And it is a fact without learning writing skills, English journals and newspapers never let us give our ideas a confident and coherent flow. Well, you can find such English teachers making their videos on YouTube, displaying pictures on social media, or attracting aspirants with their designations.

Why Do Most Students Fail CSS, PMS Exams

On the other hand , the second kind doesn’t have to advertise themselves on social media, for their successful students and knowledge sharing speak volumes for them. In fact, quality does not need advertisement. So, if you want to triumph in your endeavours, always join the second type. So, save your valuable time and money and learn from my experience.

You must be wondering now how I came across Sir Syed Kazim Ali. After having wasted precious months and getting exploited in the hands of cons, I came across the  Cssprepforum  – A project runs under the supervision of respected Sir Syed Kazim Ali – one day as I was looking for a past paper essay on Google. There, I saw considerable quality data on CSS, PMS, and other competitive exams published on the website, something I had never seen before. As an enthusiastic aspirant, I read article after article – CSS and PMS solved past papers, students’ write-ups, and qualifiers content – boosting my knowledge. So, I decided to do some research. I contacted some of Sir Kazim’s students and discovered I had fallen into the right place by a stroke of luck. So, I joined his extensive online CSS and PMS English essay and precis session. Although it was a six-month-long session, his classes helped me learn English basics, functional and advanced grammar, and communication skills. Joining his session was another fantastic experience of mine. Unlike other teachers or academies, where you just call and pay a fee to start your classes, joining Sir Kazim’s session was quite different and challenging. All of us had to undergo an admission test, where our English skills were tested, and whoever scored about 60 marks was awarded admission. Moreover, his class is always filled with writers, journalists, authors, army officers, and aspirants, so the level of competition is always high and challenging. Let me tell you how Sir Kazim’s session works. 

How Does a Session with Sir Syed Kazim Ali Look Like?

Before moving on to the next topic, I would like to throw in a statement that you might be familiar with if you have been doing RND on English coaching for competitive exams:  “Join us and learn English Essay and Precis in 1 month” . Don’t worry, I have heard it too, but it is the most absurd thing ever, for you need to have a command of the language because 90% of your subjects are based on your grip on English. Thus, it requires rigorous practice and evaluations for a good 6-7 months if you want to ace your competitive exams and earn a respectable position. For those who are interested in knowing how the English Essay and Precis course is run here by Sir Kazim, I am chalking out a detailed plan of lectures below.

Sentence Structuring and Paragraph Writing

The session starts with Sir teaching you the very basics of sentence structuring. You might be amused to know that the topic of the first lecture is “What is a sentence?”. And it takes almost one month to understand, learn, and absorb the topic from basics to advanced levels. So, finally, after all these years of studies, you would get a hold of the “sentence” and its varieties. Once this is done, you will learn paragraph writing. It is the same 20 marks paragraph asked in the PMS exam, but in a way, nobody would ever have taught you before. Then comes the fun part, practice. You are assigned to write around 50 paragraphs with continuous evaluations to make you confident enough to write one on any topic the examiner might throw your way. If you do not practice, there is no place for you in the session, and you will be dropped. Want to know how his students write paragraphs when they finish this phase?

Paragraph Writing Practice by Sir Kazim’s Students Click to start reading

English Functionality and 20-Marks Questions

Moving on to the second phase of the session, Sir begins teaching you the Functionality of English Grammar from basics to advanced levels. Mind you, it is not grammar like Wren and Martin or that you have been studying since school. Instead, it is an advanced version of grammar used in the writing process. Here, you do not memorize but learn the appropriate usage of functional grammar concepts with extensive practice. After getting the hang of it, you are taught the structure of a  20-Marks Question  that you find in CSS and PMS exams. Interestingly, this very 20-Marks Question structure is what applies to blogs and articles. You have to write almost 20 to 30 articles or attempt 20 to 30 solved past papers. This phase is composed of everything from learning from scratch how to put what knowledge lies in your head into words to continuing it with a logical sequence and ending it with a rational conclusion. You are also taught the analytical approach to study topics and master RnD.

The process is so effective that I wish I had applied it in my Punjabi paper that I, unfortunately, flunked because of a lack of logical sequencing. Want to know how his students attempt 20-Marks questions when they finish this phase?

20-Marks Solved Past Papers by Sir Kazim’s Students 20-Marks Questions Practice by Sir Kazim’s Students Click to start reading

The Mighty English Essay

Now, you don’t have to get anxious. After you have successfully covered the previous two phases and gone through the rigorous evaluations, the English essay is nothing but an upgradation of your paragraph practice. I’ve seen the so-called English teachers covering this head in a span of 20 days with mere tips and tricks. However, with Sir Kazim, you learn to write an essay in sheer detail. For instance, you learn topic cracking and breakdown and essay outline; then, you get to understand how to write the opener of the Essay introduction – the maker or breaker of your fortune when it comes to the Essay paper. Afterwards, you are taught how to transition to your main topic after narrowing down and choosing a stance. And in the end, you learn the critical appraisal, or critical analysis as you might know it, of the topic, leading to a logical conclusion. Moreover, these lectures help you determine and set the tone and attitude of writing, which is essential to get good marks on the paper.

After going through such a thorough process of learning to write an essay, only he who doesn’t keep himself in practice fails the paper. Want to know how his students attempt essays when they finish this phase?

CSS and PMS Solved Essay by Sir Kazim’s Students Click to start reading

What about the Precis Paper?

No, I did not forget to write about it. Actually, the best thing here is that by the time you reach the end of the second phase, you are almost 80-90% prepared to ace the precis paper, for Sir would already have completed all the exam essentials. So, as the icing on the top, you are given the final polishing lectures that help you cover the rest of your course contents, and you are good to get the cadre you desire.

Extensive English Essay and Precis Course for CSS & PMS Aspirants

In the above paragraphs, I have tried covering all aspects of preparation for Pakistan’s two most dreaded papers, the English Essay and Precis papers. So, to sum it all up, English essay and precis are the essential papers in Pakistan’s CSS and PMS examinations. Primarily the essay paper reflects the entire outlook of the exacting demand imposed upon an aspirant aspiring to qualify for it. Through this paper, an examiner checks an aspirant’s mental discipline, thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, tone, attitude, argument, style, content, knowledge, and exposition, especially how he justifies his stance on a particular topic. However, as far as the precis paper is concerned, the examiner does not test an aspirant’s command of English grammar; instead, he tests an aspirant’s clarity of expression and sense. Thanks to Sir Syed Kazim Ali, whose six to seven-month-long session helped us learn English grammar functionality, writing skills, and how to build thought content. Undoubtedly, his teaching, guidance, extensive session, and rigorous evaluation helped me and many of my session fellows qualify for these papers in our single go. Before qualifying for the essay and precis papers in PMS Punjab, I was also standing among thousands who wandered from city to city, joined many FB groups, and followed every so-called English guru on Instagram. Therefore, my honest advice is that without wasting your valued time and money, make it count and join Sir Syed Kazim Ali or any other experienced English teacher to polish your English writing and comprehension skills.

About the author

Miss Arooj Nadeem is a student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali . She has scored the highest marks in the PMS Punjab 2021 essay and precis papers. By professions, she is a pharmacist by profession. However, her passion fuels her to fulfil her dreams to become a writer, reviewer, coach and researcher. With time, she is stepping forward and managing to achieve her little milestones through hard work, consistency, and determination. She has engaged in research in the field of pharmacy for years and started her own clothing brand. Moreover, being an expert chemist, she has also started solving the CSS and PMS past papers of the subject of Chemistry to help thousands of aspirants. She is solving these questions on the given pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, and the way she attempts questions has been helping aspirants score the maximum marks.

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These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover a range of topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams. This list includes simple meanings to help you confidently understand and use these words. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed. » Read More…

6th Aug Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu meaning – 120 Words List PDF Download

These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover a range of topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams. This list includes simple meanings to help you understand and use these words confidently. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed. » Read More…

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These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover various topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams with our latest list of 140 important vocabulary words from Dawn. This list includes simple meanings to help you confidently understand and use these words. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed. Check out the meanings of these important words and start using them in your daily practice today!

5th Aug | Dawn Vocabulary 140 Words List by CSSMCQs:

You find the Most Important Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu meaning 140 Words List. These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover various topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams with our latest list of 140 important vocabulary words from Dawn. This list includes simple meanings to help you confidently understand and use these words. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed. Check out the meanings of these important words and start using them in your daily practice today!

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ENSEMBLE CSS ACADEMY is online academy providing services to students for one to one live classes for mentoring under the qualified CSP officers with a motive to clear CSS/PMS and other competitive exams. The focus in entirely on individuals for the conduct of live classes along with one to one feedback on the given assignments on weekly basis. The purpose of ensemble CSS academy is more of providing unique experience with mentoring where students can get evaluation individually.

CSS /PMS Expected Essay Topics for 2023 FPSC/PPSC Exams

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1.      The world can capital flight now, rise of capitalism or communism /

2.      Poor water management gives Pakistan a new chilling

3.      Population and development ; perfect storm of crises ahead for Pakistan

4.      Informal economy for financing to get global economy back on track

5.      Funding is not option to deal with the menace of UKrain war crisis

6.      Middle East; ‘No justification’ for war spillover to control region

7.      Self-done is well done , only when you are willing to get it done

8.      Religion is at the cross road of peace these days

9.      New world order is shaping the people, perspective, and placement.

10. Diplomacy is last resort to curtail the chances third world war

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PMS English Essay Paper 2022


  • June 3, 2023
  • PMS Examination

Here you will get the PMS English Essay Paper 2022. PMS English Essay Past Paper 2022. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination. English Essay paper was held on Saturday, June 3, 2023.

PMS Essay Paper of 2022

The following Essay Topics were given in the English Essay Paper:

1. Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. – Read full essay

2. Democracy without justice is tyranny. Read Full essay

3. Inflation – a result of poor economic policies or a part of global economic woes. Read full essay

4. The cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action. Read full essay

5. Can the Single National Curriculum pave the way for the desired ideological integration in Pakistan society? Read full essay

6. Innovations are never-ending headways. Read full essay

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    If you are looking for pms up to date past papers for pms exam preparation, you can easily download pms subject wise past papers here given below

  15. PMS English Essay Past Paper 2022

    PMS English Essay Past Paper 2022 Punjab PMS English Essay Past Paper 2022 conducted by PPSC today (24-06-2022 ) is available here. Punjab Public Service Commission held this English Essay paper for PMS Exams. English Essay is a compulsory subject of 100 marks in PMS and CSS Both Competitive Exams of Pakistan.

  16. How Did I Prepare and Qualify for the PMS Essay and ...

    In the above paragraphs, I have tried covering all aspects of preparation for Pakistan's two most dreaded papers, the English Essay and Precis papers. So, to sum it all up, English essay and precis are the essential papers in Pakistan's CSS and PMS examinations. Primarily the essay paper reflects the entire outlook of the exacting demand ...

  17. The largest MCQs Website for CSS & PMS Exams

    The Pakistan Economic Survey 2022-23 provides a snapshot of the country's economic performance over the past year. Despite facing significant challenges like devastating floods and a global economic slowdown, Pakistan's economy showed resilience, with a small GDP growth of 0.29%.

  18. CSS /PMS Expected Essay Topics for 2023 FPSC/PPSC Exams

    CSS /PMS Expected Essay Topics for 2023 FPSC/PPSC Exams. - April 26, 2022. 1. The world can capital flight now, rise of capitalism or communism /. 2. Poor water management gives Pakistan a new chilling. 3. Population and development ; perfect storm of crises ahead for Pakistan. 4.

  19. Important Urdu Essay Topics for PMS 2022 |PMS Urdu |Urdu PMS ...

    #PMSUrdu#UrduEssay#PMS2023#PMS2022This video contains Important Urdu Essay Topics for PMS 2023. If you are PMS 2023 aspirant or PMS 2022 aspirant and looking...

  20. PMS English Essay Paper 2022

    PMS English Essay Past Paper 2022. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination. English Essay paper was held on Saturday, June 3, 2023. PMS Essay Paper of 2022. The following Essay Topics were given in the English Essay Paper: 1. Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. - Read full essay.

  21. Most Expected topics for PMS PUNJAB 2024

    Get ready for PMS Punjab 2024 with our expert analysis of the most expected essay topics! Review past papers, understand key trends, and gain in-depth insights to boost your exam preparation.

  22. Expected Essay Topics for PMS

    #pms #pms2023 #pmsessay #pmsessaytopics #essaytopics #cspwaqarhassan #css2024 #pms2024 #pakistan #whi #essay #essaywriting #essaypaper #essayexamples #essayw...

  23. Expected Topics for CSS 2023/PMS 2022 || Essay Paper #css2023

    Do you want to know about the expected English Essay topics for CSS 2023? Here we have arranged a list of expected essay for CSS 2023 examination.