105 Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples

See tips on writing the Beowulf thesis statements and critical analysis of the poem. Also, our experts have prepared a list of ideas and prompts that allow you to explore the archetypal epic hero and more!

75 Beowulf Essay Topics


Beowulf, penned at the dawn of the 11th century, stands as a cornerstone of Old English literature. This epic poem, extending over 3,000 lines and unfolding across the war-torn landscapes of ancient Scandinavia, offers a rich tapestry of themes and stylistic nuances that continue to fascinate scholars and students alike. When tasked with an essay on Beowulf, selecting an engaging topic is paramount. This article delves into potential subjects for your paper and provides guidance on choosing one that resonates with you.

Table of Contents

Tips for Choosing an Optimal Beowulf Essay Topic

Opting for a topic that genuinely piques your interest rather than a seemingly easy one can significantly enhance the quality of your research and writing. Here’s how you can make an informed choice:

  • Personal Interest: Engage with topics that intrigue you, encouraging deeper thought and thorough research.
  • Uniqueness: While you don’t have to select an obscure subject, strive for a fresh perspective in your discussion, ensuring your essay stands out.
  • Scope: Narrow down broad topics to specific aspects, providing a clear direction for your essay and making it more manageable.

Inspiring Beowulf Essay Topics

Consider exploring various dimensions of the poem through topics such as:

  • The societal roles of women in Beowulf.
  • The effect of digression in enhancing the narrative.
  • The relationship between warriors and lordship.
  • The portrayal of traditional society within the epic.
  • Character development throughout the poem.
  • Lessons derived from the tales of Siegmund and Finn.
  • The theme of male dominance in Beowulf.
  • The significance of Hrothgar’s sermon in understanding the author’s viewpoint.
  • The central role of the mead hall in the community.
  • An in-depth analysis of Grendel’s character.
  • Beowulf’s virtues and flaws.
  • A detailed review of the epic battle between Beowulf and Grendel.
  • Major themes and moral lessons in the story.
  • The eternal clash of good vs. evil as depicted in the poem.
  • An evaluation of Beowulf’s heroism.
  • Parallels between Beowulf and the biblical Cain.
  • The influence of religion in Beowulf’s world.
  • The importance of lineage and ancestry in one’s self-esteem.
  • Beowulf’s leadership qualities or lack thereof.
  • Perspectives on treasure and material wealth within the poem.

Symbolism and Motifs in Beowulf

  • The role of dragons in ancient literature and Beowulf.
  • The significance of the mead hall and community bonding.
  • Water’s symbolic role in Beowulf’s challenges and battles.
  • The representation of light and darkness in the poem.
  • The importance of armor and shields in the poem.

Historical and Cultural Context

  • Beowulf’s relationship with historical Scandinavian events.
  • How Beowulf reflects Anglo-Saxon values and beliefs.
  • Paganism vs. Christianity in Beowulf.
  • The societal structure and its influence on the narrative.
  • The depiction of funeral rites and their significance.

Character Analyses

  • Unferth’s role and contrast with Beowulf.
  • The depiction of women: Wealhtheow and Grendel’s mother.
  • King Hrothgar’s leadership vs. Beowulf’s heroism.
  • The significance of Wiglaf and the idea of loyalty.
  • Analyzing Aeschere’s importance to Hrothgar and the story.

Narrative Techniques and Literary Devices

  • The role of the scop (bard) in Beowulf.
  • The use of kennings and their impact on imagery.
  • Alliteration and its rhythmic role in Beowulf.
  • The function of epic similes in the poem.
  • The influence of oral tradition on the narrative style.

Themes and Philosophies

  • The concept of fate (wyrd) in Beowulf.
  • The price of pride and its consequences.
  • The exploration of mortality and legacy.
  • The balance between courage and recklessness.
  • Revenge as a driving force in Beowulf.

Comparative Analyses

  • Beowulf and modern superheroes: parallels and contrasts.
  • Comparing Beowulf to other epics like “The Iliad” or “Gilgamesh”.
  • Beowulf and the Norse sagas: similarities and differences.
  • The idea of the monstrous in Beowulf vs. other literature.
  • Beowulf’s influence on Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”.

Broader Perspectives

  • Beowulf’s relevance in the 21st century.
  • The challenges and merits of translating Beowulf.
  • How adaptations (like movies or novels) have interpreted Beowulf.
  • The depiction of heroism in Beowulf vs. modern culture.
  • The ethics and values presented in Beowulf and their applicability today.

In-depth Explorations

  • The importance of loyalty and kinship in the poem.
  • The nature of evil: Analyzing Grendel and his lineage.
  • The concept of legacy in Beowulf’s final act.
  • The depiction of aging and its impact on heroism.
  • The influence of external forces, like God or fate, on characters’ decisions.

Beowulf’s Battles

  • A detailed look into Beowulf’s battle with the dragon.
  • Strategy and might: The takedown of Grendel.
  • Psychological warfare: Beowulf vs. Grendel’s mother.
  • The consequences and aftermath of each of Beowulf’s battles.
  • The role of supernatural vs. human strength in Beowulf’s combat scenes.

Creative Angles for Your Beowulf Essay

Dive into the poem’s depths by examining:

  • The symbolism of gold and its reflection on societal values.
  • The heroic ideals embodied by characters.
  • The significance of weaponry and its portrayal of strength and honor.
  • Gender roles and equality in Beowulf’s era.
  • The portrayal of leadership and its impact on society.
  • Beowulf’s enduring strength and prowess in his later years.
  • The cultural and societal norms depicted in the poem.
  • The integration and importance of religious motifs.
  • A critique of the society within Beowulf, highlighting admirable and disdainful attributes.
  • The exploration of fictional elements within the historical context of the poem.

Concluding Thoughts on Beowulf Essay Topics

Whether you encounter Beowulf in high school or college, crafting an essay on this epic can seem daunting. However, with a topic that strikes a chord with you and a unique angle, your essay can resonate deeply and intellectually. Should you find yourself struggling, remember that professional help is just a click away. Submit an order form, and receive a top-notch, plagiarism-free essay, complete with proper citations and adherence to your guidelines.

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55 Beowulf Essay Topics

One of the most important works of literature translated and read the world over is the Old English poem, Beowulf. This heroic epic tells the story of a great warrior who saves a kingdom from a terrible monster. The poem has been adapted into many different forms, including movies, plays, and television shows. As a result, there is a great deal of interest in writing essays on Beowulf.

When you are assigned to write an essay on Beowulf, it can be challenging to decide where to start. There are many different aspects of the poem that you could focus on, such as the characters, the plot, the setting, or the theme.

If you have been assigned a Beowulf essay writing assignment and have no idea where to begin, you’re in luck! This guide will detail the process of crafting a well-written Beowulf essay and provide you with 55 Beowulf essay topics that will help get you started.

Part 1: How to Start Your Beowulf Essay

Before you start writing your essay, there are a few things that you need to do in order to prepare. First, you need to make sure that you clearly understand the poem. It is essential to read the poem carefully and note any particular passages that stand out to you. These passages will be important when you start to write your essay.

Next, you need to decide what angle you want to take with your essay. For example, do you want to focus on the characters in the poem? The plot? The setting? Or the theme? Once you have decided on a focus, you can start to narrow down your topic.

For example, if you want to write about the characters in Beowulf, you could focus on a specific character, such as Beowulf himself, or you could compare and contrast two or more characters.

If you want to write about the plot, you could focus on a specific event, such as the battle with the dragon, or you could discuss how the plot unfolds overall.

If you want to write about the setting, you could focus on a specific location, such as Heorot Hall, or discuss how the different settings in the poem contribute to the story.

And if you want to write about the theme, you could focus on a specific theme, such as loyalty or betrayal, or discuss how the different themes in the poem contribute to the story.

Once you have decided on your focus, you can start to brainstorm ideas for your essay. First, make a list of all of the ideas that come to mind, and then narrow down your list by choosing the best ideas.

Once you have a list of potential topics, it is time to choose the one you want to write about. Remember that your essay should be focused and well-organized, so make sure that your topic is specific enough to cover it adequately in the assignment parameters you have been given.

Part 2: How to Write Your Beowulf Essay

Now that you have chosen your topic and done some brainstorming, it is time to start writing your essay. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind as you write.

First, you need to make sure that your essay has a clear thesis statement. Your thesis statement is the main point you want to make in your essay. The thesis statement will be the foundation on which your entire essay is built, so make sure it is clear and concise.

Next, you need to make sure that your essay is well-organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should introduce your topic and provide background information if necessary. Each body paragraph should focus on one specific point supporting your thesis statement. The conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement.

Finally, you need to make sure that your essay is well-written. Your sentences should be short and to the point. Avoid using unnecessary words or fillers. And make sure that your grammar and punctuation are correct.

Part 3: How to Finish Your Beowulf Essay

Once you have written your essay, it is time to finish up by proofreading your essay for any mistakes. In addition to basic grammar and spelling, you’ll also want to ensure that you use the correct MLA formatting for citing poems.

MLA formatting for citations requires quotes around the text. After the quotes, you’ll need to put the title of the work in Italics followed by any applicable page numbers, section numbers, and line numbers – in that order and separated with a period mark. The final punctuation should come at the end of the citation outside of the last parenthesis. For example:

“…From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was….” ( Beowulf 49.834).

And if you are quoting multiple verses, be sure to put a forward slash between each verse as follows:

“Hanging high/ From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was/ the monster’s/ Arm, claw, and shoulder and all” ( Beowulf 49.833-836).

Be aware that some translations of Beowulf may not provide section or line numbers, in which case, the citation should include the title of the poem and the page number the verse was found on.

With the guide above detailing the process of crafting a well-written Beowulf essay and this list of 55 Beowulf topics, students should have no problem choosing a direction for their writing.

Beowulf Essay Topics About Loyalty

  • How does Beowulf’s loyalty to Hrothgar change throughout the poem?
  • Is Grendel’s mother motivated by vengeance or loyalty to her son in attacking Heorot?
  • Is Unferth a loyal companion to Beowulf, or does he envy him?
  • How does Wiglaf’s loyalty to Beowulf compare to the other Geats in the poem?
  • Is Hygelac’s death a result of his loyalty to Beowulf or his own hubris?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Fate

  • Does Beowulf believe that fate plays a role in his success or failure?
  • How does Beowulf’s view of fate compare to the views of other characters in the poem?
  • Do the Geats believe that Beowulf’s death was fated, or could it have been prevented?
  • What role does fate play in the development of Grendel’s character?
  • Is Grendel’s mother’s death a result of fate or her own actions?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Good vs. Evil

  • How is the theme of good vs. evil explored in Beowulf?
  • Who do you believe to be the evilest character in Beowulf? Why?
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Beowulf and Grendel.
  • How is the theme of good vs. evil explored through the relationship between Beowulf and Hrothgar?
  • Do you believe that Grendel’s mother is truly evil, or is she simply a victim of circumstance?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Religion

  • What role does religion play in Beowulf?
  • Do the characters in Beowulf believe in fate, or do they believe they can control their destiny?
  • How does Christianity influence the characters’ views of good vs. evil?
  • How does Christianity influence the characters’ views of loyalty?
  • What role does Christianity play in the development of Grendel’s character?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Strength

  • How does Beowulf’s physical strength compare to his mental and emotional strength?
  • How does Beowulf’s physical strength compare to the strength of other characters in the poem?
  • Is Grendel’s strength rooted in the physical, mental, or emotional?
  • Who do you consider the strongest character in the poem? Why?
  • How does strength play a role in the development of Grendel’s character?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Love

  • Does Beowulf love anyone in the poem? If so, who and why?
  • How does Beowulf’s view of love compare to the views of other characters in the poem?
  • Do the Geats love Beowulf? Why or why not?
  • How does love play a role in the development of Grendel’s character?
  • Is Grendel’s mother motivated by love or hate in her attacks on Heorot?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Family

  • How does Beowulf’s relationship with his family differ from other characters’ relationships in the poem?
  • How does Beowulf feel about family?
  • How does Grendel’s mother feel about him?
  • Do the Geats have a strong sense of family? If so, how does it compare to Beowulf’s sense of family?
  • How does family play a role in the development of Grendel’s character?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Courage

  • How does Beowulf’s definition of courage compare to the definitions of other characters in the poem?
  • How does courage play a role in Beowulf’s success or failure?
  • Is Grendel’s mother motivated by courage or fear in her attacks on Heorot?
  • How does courage play a role in the development of Grendel’s character?
  • How does Unferth’s lack of courage compare to Beowulf’s courage?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Honor

  • What is the definition of honor according to Beowulf?
  • How does Beowulf’s view of honor compare to the views of other characters in the poem?
  • How does honor play a role in Beowulf’s success or failure?
  • Show examples of how Beowulf puts his honor above everything else.
  • How does honor play a role in the development of Grendel’s character?

Beowulf Essay Topics About Vengeance

  • How is the theme of vengeance expressed in Beowulf?
  • Compare and contrast the motivations for vengeance of Beowulf and Grendel’s mother.
  • How does vengeance play a role in Beowulf’s success or failure?
  • Is vengeance the central theme of Beowulf? Explain your reasoning.
  • How does vengeance play a role in the development of Grendel’s character?

Fun Beowulf Essay Topics

  • Imagine and write about a day in the life of Beowulf as his fame and legend grow.
  • Write a letter from Grendel’s mother to her son explaining her actions.
  • Rewrite the ending of Beowulf from Grendel’s perspective.
  • Use persuasive arguments to defend the point that Grendel is the true hero of the poem.
  • Write about the qualities of an ideal hero as it relates to Beowulf.

Writing a Beowulf essay doesn’t have to be hard – especially if you choose one of the topics from this list. With a little creativity and effort, you can write an essay that will stand out from the rest.

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Simplified beowulf essay guide: themes, topics, and examples.

By Evans Dec 02 2020

Beowulf is a piece of English literature depicting Beowulf's feats and life. He is a courageous legendary warrior who conquered beasts and helped people. Although the poem used alliteration as the literary device that creates rhythm and unity. Beowulf poem can be hard to interpret and understand right away. Fortunately, one of our expert writers has simplified by giving you a quick summary, plot and outlines, essay topics, examples, and themes.

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Summary of the Poem

In the poem, Beowulf encounters three beasts and defeats them. The section below discusses each of them as a different life milestone and performance as a great warrior and commander.

First Battle

Grendel, a monster, terrorizes Hrothgar together with his warriors. The monster cannot stand happiness and joy and punishes people for celebrating. Moreover, he feasts on Hrothgar's men every day.

A few years ago, Heorat saved Ecgtheow, Beowulf's father, from death. Immediately, Beowulf hears about the Heorot's trouble, together with fourteen men, he sets to leave his homeland and assist Hrothgar.

Hrothgar's men welcome Beowulf, and they feast. When everyone is sleeping, the monster comes to Heorot. He attacks the mead-hall and kills one of Beowulf's men. Then he attempts to kill and eat Beowulf but fails. Instead, Beowulf gets hold of his hand and rips it off his body from the shoulder. Severely injured, the monster flees. Men praise Beowulf, and, in the glory, Beowulf hangs Grendel's claw off the ceiling.

Second Battle

After defeating the ogre, people celebrate, play music, drink, and eat delicious food.   Additionally, Hrothgar and his wife award Beowulf a golden collar.

Everyone sleeps after the celebrations, and Grendel's mother, a water witch, interrupts their peace. She comes to seek vengeance against Beowulf. She takes her son's arm off the ceiling and kidnaps Aeschere while all people are sleeping.

The following day, Beowulf and his men leave in search of the water witch. While looking for the tracks, they notice Aeschere's head on a mountain and follow the lead. Beowulf gets into the cave and finds the witch. She drags him to the lake, and they start fighting. Her attacks do not overpower Beowulf. Thanks to his sword's power.

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Beowulf sees another sword in the cave and uses it to pierce her and cut her neck and spine. Her blood melts this sword and shines a ray of light, which illuminates the cave.

Third Battle

After the victory, Beowulf and his men return to their homeland. Hygelac and his son die in a battle, and Beowulf is crowned the king and reigns peacefully for fifty years.

One day, a dragon interrupts peace. The dragon is annoyed because a goblet it had guarded for ages had been stolen. The dragon burnt houses and killed innocent inhabitants.

Beowulf gathered 11 brave warriors and the thief who knew where the beast lived and prepared to battle it. The dragon looked terrified, and all the warriors ran away. Only Wiglaf, Beowulf's most loyal warrior, remained, and they defeated the beast.

Unfortunately, the king is severely injured and succumbs. On his sickbed, he leaves the kingdom to Wiglaf as a reward for standing with him.

Beowulf Essay Topics Guide

When asked to write an essay about Beowulf, it is worth noting that the essay is heroic and has changeable and universal topics . It is because this piece of literature draws convincing and new attention in the contemporary world. Perfect examples of essay topics include:

·          Is Beowulf a perfect king or hero? Is there anything that lacks in his character?

·          The role digressions play in the poem. What light do they shed on the action?

·          Importance of establishing an identity

·          Tensions between heroic code and other value systems

·          The difference between a good king and a good hero

Beowulf Themes

A theme is an overarching belief or idea that a writer expresses in their text. The recurring idea becomes essential when the reader interpret their understanding of the piece of literature to compare and apply various things or incidents. Themes in Beowulf, including the following, surpass races and cultures.

Heroic Code

Heroic code is one of the central Beowulf themes. The honourable manner and conduct dominate the Anglo-Saxon culture . The zeal to fight, courage, and bravery were the basic norms of the heroic code. Beowulf sticks to the standards when he meets the Danes. He fights Grendel and kills the monster after claiming that he will settle the result in one combat. This utterance resonates again when he meets with Grendel's mother. When he's older, he portrays bravery traits by killing the dragon at the expense of his life.

The theme of Loyalty in Beowulf essay

On a battlefield or during the war, all soldiers should be loyal to their comrades and country. Loyalty is evident through the conflict between Beowulf and Unferth. Unferth taunts Beowulf and is disloyal to the king until he knows the truth. Beowulf's loyalty to Hrothgar, on the other hand, is because of the help and refuge the king extended to his father. Finally, while other warriors fled in terror during the battle with the dragon, only Wiglaf stood with the king.

Although Beowulf comes to help Hrothgar, he wants to seek vengeance for the Danes that Grendel killed. Grendel kills Danes because their singing disturbed his peace. Additionally, Grendel's mother attacks when people are asleep because she is angry with her son's brutal death.

Beowulf also seeks vengeance against the dragon for its massive killings. The dragon's killings and conduct are revenge for its lost cup.

Blind revenge was a fundamental part of medieval culture.

The Responsibility of a Ruler

Any responsible ruler should protect his people and rule justly. Both Beowulf and King Hrothgar are popular among the people. KingHrothgar felt obligated to entertain his people and built the mead-hall where Danes could sing and enjoy.

Beowulf protects the Geat tribes for many years. The obligation costed his life when he fought the dragon.

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100+ Beowulf Essay Topics: Fresh Ideas 2023

100+ Beowulf Essay Topics

Many students look for great Beowulf essay topics when planning to win an essay competition. Every year, some medieval literature and history students decide to write about Beowulf. That’s because this story captures the imaginations of both the writers and the audiences. A student can try to draw Grendel and re-enact their fight with the mother. Nevertheless, selecting a topic for this essay is a challenge for many learners after reading the poem. This article highlights some of the best Beowulf topics for college and university students. But before that, let’s describe Beowulf.

What is Beowulf?

Beowulf is an old Anglo-Saxon poem with over 300 lines. This poem’s author is unknown, but he wrote it around the beginning of the 11th century. The author sets the story in Scandinavia, and it involves several wars.

The poem tackles several essential themes, and the writing style is crucial to scholars. Nevertheless, the main story is about Beowulf’s victory over the monster Grendel and the dragon. Professors ask students to select topics for their essays in this poem. Here are great ideas to consider if your teacher wants you to write an essay about Beowulf.

Awesome Beowulf Essay Prompts

Maybe you want to write an essay on an interesting Beowulf topic. In that case, consider these ideas for your paper.

  • Write a Beowulf essay about Anglo-Saxon values
  • Analyze the role of the monsters in the poem
  • Discuss an exciting passage in the poem
  • Does Beowulf glorify violence?
  • How does the author portray religious symbolism in the Beowulf poem?
  • Compare and contrast Beowulf poem and a movie of your choice
  • The ancestry value in Beowulf
  • Describe Beowulf as a bad or a good hero
  • Write a Beowulf good versus evil essay
  • How do characters react to gold in the poem?
  • Describe the three monsters and their characters
  • What does Beowulf’s character lack?
  • Analysis of the mead-hall in this Anglo-Saxon poem
  • What is the women’s role in this poem?
  • Discuss the digressions role in Beowulf
  • Is Beowulf a good leader?
  • Describe the heroic poetry elements
  • Elements of tone and style- The marches, meres, and fens effect
  • Contrast and compare modern society with the Beowulf society
  • Discuss the characteristics that make Grendel evil
  • Analyze the hero’s attitude towards his enemy
  • What is the function of treasure in Beowulf?
  • Are Beowulf’s characters psychologically complex than those in modern literature?
  • Describe how the author portrays good manners and honor in the Anglo-Saxon culture
  • Is Beowulf concerned with the perception of the world towards him?
  • Describe bravery as a theme in this poem
  • Explain how revenge drives Grendel and the mother
  • Explain how the author portrays hospitality and generosity in the poem
  • Does death represent the end of a kingdom in Beowulf?
  • Explain how the author depicts Christianity influence in Beowulf
  • Describe the qualities of the monsters in Beowulf
  • Describe the role of the morality concept in Beowulf
  • Describe the typical characteristics of the epic hero in Beowulf
  • Beowulf versus Jesus- What are their similarities?
  • Describe the weapons, methods, and techniques Beowulf uses to fight the monsters
  • Explain how the poet and characters feel about gold
  • Explain the effects of seeking revenge in Beowulf
  • Why is reputation critical to the characters in the poem?
  • Analyze the essence of one symbol in Beowulf
  • The importance of Beowulf and the Pardoners Tale
  • The Queen’s role in Beowulf and GRE
  • Describe the allusions of the Old Testament in Beowulf
  • How Beowulf depicts the gender equality concept in society
  • Describe Beowulf’s characters leadership capacity
  • Describe the likable and detestable society features in the poem
  • What are the central ideas in Beowulf?
  • Describe fate twist for Beowulf
  • Compare and contrast Macbeth and Beowulf
  • Is Beowulf a good king and hero?
  • Explain why the Beowulf story focuses on the main character’s history as a hero and not a king

These are excellent essay prompts for students at different educational levels. Nevertheless, they require a careful analysis of the poem and other scholars’ works. That way, you can write a paper that will impress the educator to award you the best grade in your class.

Beowulf Research Paper Topics

Maybe, you want to write an excellent paper about Beowulf. In that case, consider these topics for your essay.

  • The correlation between Canterbury tales and Beowulf
  • Compare Beowulf the epic and Beowulf the movie
  • The better hero- Hercules versus Beowulf
  • The Odyssey and Beowulf triumphs and deeds
  • Describe archetypes in the poem Beowulf
  • Christian and pagan elements in Beowulf
  • The similarities and differences between Grendel’s mother grievances and human mother’s grievances
  • How ignorant or thoughtful was Beowulf?
  • Describe the importance of Unferth in Beowulf
  • Grendel’s mother reenactment upon receiving the news of her son’s death
  • Describe Beowulf’s personae as a leader
  • Is Beowulf preoccupied with glory?
  • The woman concept in the heroic culture and tradition of Beowulf
  • Describe lineage importance as seen in Beowulf
  • Describe Beowulf’s personality

These are exciting Beowulf research topics to explore when pursuing advanced studies. Nevertheless, they require adequate time to research and analyze information about Beowulf’s poem to develop a winning paper.

Exciting Beowulf Essay Questions

Maybe you want to write a Beowulf essay in which you answer some pertinent questions. If so, consider these queries.

  • What lessons do you learn from the Finn and Siegmund songs?
  • Can you consider the characters in Beowulf modern?
  • Is Beowulf capable of playing the nature of a hero and a king?
  • How do treasure and gold control the actions, beliefs, and actions of the characters in Beowulf?
  • What is the mother’s role in the heroic culture and tradition of Beowulf’s society?
  • How do the main characters influence the general story?
  • What is the relationship between his lordship and a warrior?
  • What is the mead-hall play’s role in the Anglo-Saxon warrior tradition?
  • Does Beowulf lack leadership skills?
  • Does the Beowulf poem portray society as traditional?
  • How does Beowulf depict the male dominance theme?
  • Do you like or hate Beowulf based on his negative and positive traits?
  • Is religion important to Beowulf’s society?
  • What is the importance of Grendel’s death?
  • Do Beowulf and his ancestor Cain have any similarities?
  • Was it wise for Beowulf to fight the dragon?
  • What are the primary qualities of a leader based on Beowulf’s poem?
  • Which was the most exciting fight for Beowulf and why?
  • Why did Beowulf fight the dragon, and what was its meaning for the kingdom?
  • Did Beowulf’s people accept his death?
  • Could the author have made Beowulf’s character better and stronger?

These are exciting questions to answer in an essay. Nevertheless, you require time to research any of these queries to develop an excellent paper, answer it, and exhibit in-depth analysis of the Beowulf poem.

Analytical Essay Topics for Beowulf

Maybe you love analyzing poems and books before writing essays about them. In that case, consider these topics for your Beowulf essay.

  • Comprehensive analysis of Beowulf’s society in comparison to modern society
  • Analysis of Beowulf symbols and their importance
  • Analyzing the consequences of revenging in Beowulf society- How can people solve problems without revenge?
  • Exploring the role of gold in Beowulf- How does it compare to money in modern society?
  • Investigating Beowulf’s fight and how the characters in the poem evolve
  • Analyzing Beowulf as a Christ figure while comparing him with the biblical Jesus
  • Analysis of Anglo-Saxon society and its concepts of good and evil as presented in Beowulf
  • Analysis of the women importance in Beowulf’s society
  • Analyzing monsters in Beowulf- Their qualities and why Grendel and her mother have human qualities
  • Examining the effects of the mortality concept and its impact on Beowulf’s society

These are exciting topics for a Beowulf thesis or essay. But like those in the other categories, these ideas require extensive research before writing. If you are worried about the result of your work, you can always buy custom essay from our professional helpers team.

Grendel Essay Topics

Maybe you want to write an essay focusing on Grendel only. In that case, consider these topics for your paper.

  • Describe the character of Grendel
  • How is Grendel’s death necessary in Beowulf?
  • Analyze Grendel’s life
  • What is the symbolic significance of Grendel’s claw in the poem?
  • A literary analysis of Grendel in the Beowulf poem

These are excellent topics for high school or college learners. Nevertheless, prepare to spend a significant amount of time reading and analyzing the Beowulf poem.

Beowulf Thesis Statement Ideas

Perhaps, you need ideas for your Beowulf essay thesis. That means you need something on which to base your essay. This category comprises the best ideas to explore.

  • The Anglo-Saxon culture’s value system as depicted in Beowulf
  • Language, alliteration, and traditions in Beowulf
  • The passive role of women in Beowulf
  • The essence of the dragon in Beowulf
  • The importance of peace-weavers and peacemakers as depicted in Beowulf

These statements can inspire you to write a winning paper. Nevertheless, take your time to extensively research your thesis statement and develop it into a fantastic essay.

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Essays About Beowulf: Top 5 Inspiring Examples Plus Prompts 

To write excellent essays about Beowulf , you first need to understand the poem more deeply; see our examples and prompts to help you with your essay writing.

The Old English epic Beowulf is one of the most famous stories. This iconic piece of Old English literature is believed to have been composed between 700 and 750. Many people in school or university study this poem for its structure and because many of Beowulf’s lessons are still relevant today. 

This guide will look at five example essays focused on the epic poem Beowulf, its characters, plot, and other literary elements. Consider using what you’ve read as inspiration for your Beowulf essays . 


1. Beowulf as a Representation of Mankind by Anonymous on GradesFixer

2. the women in beowulf by anonymous on papersowl, 3. essay on beowulf for students and children by prasanna.

  • 4. What Is the Role of Treasure in Beowulf?  by Anonymous on SparkNotes

5. Beowulf Conclusion Essay by Anonymous on StudyDriver

1. what i learned from beowulf, 2. beowulf and its impact on modern life, 3. monsters in beowulf, 4. beowulf: good vs. evil, 5. reflection essay on beowulf, 6. beowulf’s best and worst character traits, 7. loyalty in beowulf, 8. what makes beowulf stand out among other old literature, 9. elements in beowulf, 10. qualities of a hero: beowulf vs. king arthur, 11. modern heroes and beowulf, 12. the trials of beowulf and how they strengthened him.

“It is no mistake that the giant sword is the only weapon that can slay the mother, nor is it a mistake that ordinary weapons cannot harm either Beowulf or Grendel’s mother, for in the greatest conflict man will ever face, the battle for the heart of another, a little out of the box thinking is required.”

This essay compares the story and characters in Beowulf with the biblical text and other symbolisms. It relates Grendel to Cain, the Heorot to the womb, and more. The author also likens Beowulf’s epic battles to man’s struggles in life.

“…In the epic poem Beowulf, the women presented are central to not only the story but also to society itself. They present voices that offer influence over the predominately male group and often are the voice of reason with their husbands. These women should not be taken lightly. 

The writer focuses on the female characters presented in the epic poem Beowulf. They discuss the different characteristics and symbolisms of these women and emphasize the essential roles of each female character. The essay also presents characters that didn’t meet the stereotype of women in the Anglo-Saxon period.

“He fears nothing, not even death, and possesses a unique physical strength; also, he is always prepared to sacrifice for his people’s welfare despite his old age as an ideal king.”

Prasanna wrote two essays: a long and a short one about Beowulf. In the extended essay, she talks about the epic’s impact on Anglo-Saxon literature. She also discusses the characters, themes, and lessons one can glean from analyzing the poem.

4. What Is the Role of Treasure in Beowulf?   by Anonymous on SparkNotes

“In Beowulf, however, the Danes, Geats, and Swedes’ collective reverence for treasure is not represented as a shortcoming or moral weakness. In fact, the poem often uses treasure as a symbol of the Scandinavian people’s most cherished cultural values.”

Many stories have used treasure as a tool to show the true character of their heroes and villains. This essay delves into how treasure symbolizes prosperity and stability in Beowulf instead of greed and corruption. It also mentions how other characters’ value is on par with the treasure.

“Beowulf is victorious in all of his battles; however, in doing this he lives in isolation; never marries and has no close friends.”

This essay summarizes the poem before critiquing its hero and his values. It also compares Beowulf with his enemies and considers the differences between the animated film and its source material.

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

12 Creative Prompts On Essays About Beowulf

Essays About Beowulf

Take a look at our writing prompt to help you get started on your essay. If you don’t know which topic to focus on, consider the different essay prompts listed below.

Beowulf is more than a poem about a legendary warrior and their pursuits. Despite being one of the oldest stories in English literature, it holds many relevant lessons for modern audiences. Share what you learn from the epic poem. Did it affect your life?

Although Beowulf doesn’t have the same impact on the modern lifestyle as newer pieces of literature, it has applicable lessons, relatable characters, and challenging topics that many contemporary works don’t tackle anymore. In your essay, discuss how Beowulf can be used in modern times and how it can inspire people to lead a different way of life.

The epic poem Beowulf is rich with monsters like Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and a dragon. These monsters have different functions and symbolism. Write your essay discussing these monsters and what they stand for. You can also include what you think they represent in the poem; are they symbolizing something in real life? Delve into this question for a compelling essay.

Like most epics, the poem Beowulf portrays many battles where good wins against evil. In your essay, you can present the apparent good and evil in the poem, then share your thoughts on why they are labeled so.

How did Beowulf inspire or impact you while reading and analyzing the poem? Discuss your thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the literature with a reflective essay. Discuss your reaction to the characters’ actions, understanding their motives, and other similar topics.

The epic poem focuses on the hero Beowulf for many reasons. The king of the Danes has many great and inspiring traits. His actions and words also reflected some lacking or undesirable characteristics that made him a flawed character. Share your thoughts about these negative traits in your essay.

Ancient kings found power with the help of loyal subjects and warriors. In Beowulf, the Danish king had his group of dedicated warriors fighting alongside him in battle. Your essay about loyalty portrayed in Beowulf can focus on this and other portrayals of loyalty.

Beowulf is still discussed in schools and universities today because it has qualities that other works of literature don’t. It’s well-preserved, rich in ancient culture, depicts old practices, and more. Consider using this essay prompt to analyze the story’s uniqueness and why it remains a must-read piece today.

If technicalities are your specialty, consider this essay prompt. Here, you can write about the formal elements in the poem. Focus on technical aspects, like style and tone.

You can discuss Beowulf in comparison with another Old English classic. The stories of Beowulf and King Arthur have many similarities. But they also differ in the monsters they fight, the values they hold, and others. Use this prompt if you’ve already analyzed the story of King Arthur and Beowulf.

Today, superheroes, edgy yet quirky romantics, and secret agents make up the main characters in an array of literary genres. If you love keeping up to date on the latest literary heroes, you’ll also love this essay prompt. With it, you can compare Beowulf with contemporary protagonists like Katniss Everdeen or Harry Potter.

Everyone reacts to trials and hardships differently. Some come out stronger, while others develop negativity after surviving life challenges. If you are interested in people and how they react to difficult situations, you might enjoy writing this prompt. It also helps to compare Beowulf’s reactions to tests with some firsthand experiences you’ve witnessed.

Check out these essay writing tips for a stellar output!

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Essays on Beowulf

Beowulf essay topic examples.

Find a variety of essay topics, introduction paragraph examples, and conclusion paragraph examples for different essay types. Your choice of topic can greatly impact the quality and depth of your essay, so choose wisely!

Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essays require you to analyze and present arguments related to the epic poem. Here are some topic examples:

  • 1. Debate whether Beowulf is a typical epic hero or a unique character.
  • 2. Argue whether the monsters in the poem symbolize inner human struggles or external threats.

Example Introduction Paragraph for an Argumentative Essay: The epic poem Beowulf introduces us to a hero of unparalleled strength and valor. This essay explores the character of Beowulf, examining whether he adheres to the conventional traits of an epic hero or represents a distinctive figure in the realm of heroic literature.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for an Argumentative Essay: In conclusion, the analysis of Beowulf's character challenges our understanding of epic heroes. Whether he is a classic archetype or a unique creation, Beowulf continues to captivate readers with his timeless heroism. As we ponder his legacy, we are reminded that heroism takes on various forms, transcending the boundaries of time and culture.

Compare and Contrast Essays

Compare and contrast essays enable you to examine similarities and differences within the epic or between it and other literary works. Consider these topics:

  • 1. Compare and contrast the character traits of Beowulf and Achilles from Homer's The Iliad .
  • 2. Analyze the similarities and differences between the epic battles in Beowulf and Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings .

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Compare and Contrast Essay: The characters of Beowulf and Achilles occupy a special place in the pantheon of literary heroes. This essay embarks on a journey to compare and contrast these iconic figures, exploring the traits that make them heroic and the differences that set them apart.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Compare and Contrast Essay: In conclusion, the comparison and contrast of Beowulf and Achilles offer insights into the multifaceted nature of heroism in literature. While they share certain heroic qualities, their distinct characteristics reflect the diversity of hero archetypes across different cultural narratives.

Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays allow you to vividly depict settings, characters, or events within the epic poem. Here are some topic ideas:

  • 1. Describe the grandeur of Heorot, King Hrothgar's hall, in detail.
  • 2. Paint a detailed portrait of Grendel, focusing on his physical appearance and monstrous nature.

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Descriptive Essay: Heorot, the grand mead hall of King Hrothgar, stands as a majestic centerpiece in the world of Beowulf . This essay embarks on a descriptive journey to capture the splendor and significance of Heorot, immersing the reader in the heart of the poem's setting.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Descriptive Essay: In conclusion, the descriptive portrayal of Heorot in Beowulf not only serves as a setting but also symbolizes the ideals of camaraderie and culture. Through this exploration, we are reminded of the enduring power of place and atmosphere in storytelling.

Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays involve arguing a point of view related to the epic poem. Consider these persuasive topics:

  • 1. Persuade your readers that Beowulf's battles against monsters symbolize the eternal struggle between good and evil.
  • 2. Argue for or against the idea that Beowulf is not just a hero but also a symbol of leadership and sacrifice.

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Persuasive Essay: The epic battles fought by Beowulf against monstrous foes transcend mere physical combat. This persuasive essay asserts that these confrontations symbolize a timeless battle between the forces of good and evil, shedding light on the broader moral landscape of the poem.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Persuasive Essay: In conclusion, the persuasive argument regarding the symbolic nature of Beowulf's battles underscores the epic's enduring relevance as a moral and philosophical exploration. As we contemplate the allegorical dimensions of his feats, we are encouraged to reflect on the eternal struggle between righteousness and malevolence in our own lives.

Narrative Essays

Narrative essays offer you the opportunity to tell a story or share personal experiences related to the themes of the epic. Explore these narrative essay topics:

  • 1. Narrate a personal experience where you faced a formidable challenge and drew inspiration from Beowulf's character.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as a character in the world of Beowulf and recount your adventures alongside the hero.

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Narrative Essay: In the tapestry of our lives, we often encounter challenges that test our mettle. This narrative essay explores a personal experience where I confronted a daunting challenge and drew inspiration from the indomitable spirit of Beowulf, a character of enduring heroism.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Narrative Essay: In conclusion, the narrative of my personal journey, inspired by the heroism of Beowulf, reminds us that courage and determination are virtues that transcend time and place. As we reflect on our own heroic moments, we are encouraged to embrace the hero within each of us.

Fate and God's Will in Beowulf

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Core Values Represented in Beowulf

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The Fight of Good Vs Bad as Depicted in The Beowulf Poem

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Elements of Christianity and Paganism in The Works of Beowulf

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Disputed (c. 700 - 1000 AD), first printed edition by Thorklelin (1815); Author is unknown

Old English Epic Poem; Epic Heroic Writing

Beowulf, Hygelac, Hrothgar, Wealhþeow, Hrothulf, Æschere, Unferth, Grendel, Grendel's mother, Wiglaf, Hildeburh

It mixes together various fictional, legendary, and fiction elements that relate to 7th century epics

Heroism, competition, faith, monsters, honor, deeds of valour, and the battles

It is a reflection of strength and coming at impossible missions by showing how supernatural powers and faith can defeat the monsters

It tells a story about Beowulf who is considered a hero of the Geats who comes to help Hrothgar, the Danish king. His great hall is affected by the monster called Grendel. As Beowulf kills Grendel without any weapon, he has to start with another mission to prove his strength.

Beowulf represents the longest poem written in Old English with entire action related to Scandinavia. It does not mention the British Isles even once although it is exactly where Old English has been in use. The original manuscript of Beowulf was damaged on October 23, 1731 because of a fire. The original manuscript of Beowulf was damaged on October 23, 1731 because of a fire. As the heroic poem, Beowulf implements 36 different words that all stand for "heroism", "heroic", or "hero" because of the various dialects that represented Old English. Some scholars believe that Beowulf could be influenced by Homer since it shares similar structure and the epic element of the famous Iliad. The author of Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton) even made a bet whether he could use Beowulf as a foundation for something entertaining and accessible. It was his Eaters of the Dead novel that was published in 1976. When Beowulf manuscript has been discovered, archeologists were convinced that they have found the remains of the famous Heorot Hall, which has been concluded by reading the epic.

“It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning. For every one of us, living in this world means waiting for our end. Let whoever can win glory before death. When a warrior is gone, that will be his best and only bulwark.” “Behaviour that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere.” “Anyone with gumption and a sharp mind will take the measure of two things: what's said and what's done.” “And a young prince must be prudent like that, giving freely while his father lives so that afterwards, in age when fighting starts steadfast companions will stand by him and hold the line.” “Death is not easily escaped, try it who will; but every living soul among the children of men dwelling upon the earth goeth of necessity unto his destined place, where the body, fast in its narrow bed, sleepeth after feast.”

The main purpose of The Beowulf is to tell a heroic story and entertain the readers since the epic poem must offer an inspiring storytelling. Since it relates to the late sixth and seventh century with the Scandinavian influences, it represents an oral tradition that has been written down. It is an important aspect for linguists and those who want to study heroic literary representations.

As the famous Old English epic, Beowulf represents a rare heritage in terms of oral word comprehension and a linguistic structure that tells an epic story. It can be useful not only for those who study Linguistics or English literature because it also brings up the topics of courage, dedication, faith, and the responsibilities that come along with power. Some essay topics that deal with Beowulf focus on the socio-cultural aspect of relations in this important epic. Since it deals with Scandinavia, some cultural traits are studied through the lens of the Western society by comparing things to anything from the Civil War in the United States to modern society.

1. Brady, C. (1982). ‘Warriors’ in Beowulf: an analysis of the nominal compounds and an evaluation of the poet's use of them. Anglo-Saxon England, 11, 199-246. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/anglo-saxon-england/article/warriors-in-beowulf-an-analysis-of-the-nominal-compounds-and-an-evaluation-of-the-poets-use-of-them/DE8DA47FADF469024BFEB16994E9B342) 2. Hughes, G. (1977). Beowulf, unferth and hrunting: An interpretation. English Studies, 58(5), 385-395. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00138387708597845?journalCode=nest20) 3. Hume, K. (1975). The Theme and Structure of" Beowulf". Studies in Philology, 72(1), 1-27. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/4173860) 4. Mohigul, M., & Nargiza, T. (2022). STYLISTIC AND LINGUOPOETIC ANALYSIS OF EPIC POEM “BEOWULF”. Involta Scientific Journal, 1(13), 20-24. (https://involta.uz/index.php/iv/article/view/367) 5. Bjork, R. E. (1994). Speech as gift in Beowulf. Speculum, 69(4), 993-1022. (https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1017/S0038713400030177?journalCode=spc) 6. Wiersma, S. M. (1961). A LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF WORDS REFERRING TO MONSTERS IN" BEOWULF.". The University of Wisconsin-Madison. (https://www.proquest.com/openview/583ab51711089bcbe64f79c8c32325af/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y) 7. Leyerle, J. (1967). The interlace structure of Beowulf. University of Toronto Quarterly, 37(1), 1-17. (https://www.utpjournals.press/doi/abs/10.3138/utq.37.1.1) 8. Earl, J. W. (2022). Thinking About ‘Beowulf’. In Thinking About ‘Beowulf’. Stanford University Press. (https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781503621701/html?lang=en)

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beowulf thesis ideas

Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples

This epic poem is the oldest known written artifact in Old English. It reveals the life, traditions, and culture of the people who lived a millennium ago. At the same time, Beowulf presents such archetypes as loyalty, courage, generosity, hospitality, honor, and heroism. We can relate to these moral categories and analyze them from our perspective.

Based on Beowulf , these essay questions with prompts and samples prepared by Custom-Writing.org experts will help you get ready for the most complicated exam featuring this poem.

Some of Beowulf essay topics open a discussion that is deep enough for a research paper. You can use the prompt as the thesis in such a case.

  • 🏆 Essay Questions
  • 💡 Essay Topics with Prompts
  • 📝 Essay Examples

🏆 Beowulf Essay Questions

  • Is Beowulf a hero?
  • What is the symbolism of Heorot?
  • What role does Anglo-Saxon culture play in Beowulf?
  • Is Beowulf an epic?
  • What does Hrunting symbolize in Beowulf?
  • Who is Hrothgar and what role does he play?
  • How are kennings used in Beowulf?
  • What are the most essential Biblical allusions in Beowulf?
  • In what way are Christian elements combined in with paganism in Beowulf?
  • What are the main Beowulf themes?

💡 Beowulf Essay Topics with Prompts

Below you can find a selection of top-16 Beowulf essay topics, as well as prompts to prepare for an in-class discussion or coursework.

  • Beowulf as an epic hero. The essay shall contain a summary of his accomplishments. Explain the hero’s motivation in risking his life. This point of view will give you a clue to the heroic code of conduct, which is the basis for the entire poem.
  • Is Beowulf a eulogy ? This essay shall explore the difference between epic poetry and elegy. A eulogy is a piece of writing that pays tribute to a great person who has passed away. Some scholars consider Beowulf to be an elegy. Do you agree with them?
  • Based on Beowulf , write a character analysis essay. Select a controversial protagonist, like Unferth or Grendel. In the introduction, clearly state your opinion about the character and substantiate it in the main body. Write a paragraph about an opposing point of view, showing why you disagree with it.
  • Make the character comparison of Grendel and Beowulf. The essay shall find their similarities. For instance, both have killed living creatures for no good reason. Then compare and contrast these figures as a hero and a monster . Conclude with your opinion on whether similar or different features prevail.
  • Explore the Anglo-Saxon values in Beowulf. This essay is about the heroic code in Beowulf. You can also analyze such traditions as wergild (payment for injury or death). Identify Beowulf’s qualities and think about what they reveal about the Anglo-Saxon culture, as the protagonist was a role model for medieval people.
  • Analyze Beowulf as the conflict of good vs. evil. The essay shall describe the key figures that represent good and evil. Consider that the narrator predicts a dark future for the Geats after Beowulf’s death. Does it mean that evil will finally win?
  • What do you think about Beowulf’s loyalty ? The essay shall give your opinion about the hero’s motivation. He helps Hrothgar because the king had helped his father once in the past. Do you think it is a sufficient reason to risk one’s life?
  • Based on the poem’s plot and a film version of Beowulf , write a compare and contrast essay. Which events were left out and which were added in the film? Does the film uncover the hidden meaning of the ancient text, or is it the scriptwriter’s fantasy?
  • Why were funerals so important in Anglo-Saxon culture? Beowulf contains multiple descriptions of the ritual. Shield Sheafson was put in a boat with treasures and set sail to the sea. Beowulf had a funeral pyre and a mound erected in his honor. What do these traditions symbolize?
  • Having read Beowulf , write a descriptive essay about Heorot. King Hrothgar built the largest mead-hall ever known to celebrate and socialize with his warriors. What kind of food and drinks does the narrator describe? What do the Danes use the mead-hall for?
  • Based on Beowulf , write an analysis essay of heroism theme development. How did Beowulf start his path as a warrior? What motivates him to risk his life? The heroic code dictates Beowulf to be loyal to Hrothgar, but is it the only reason he comes?
  • Which role do kennings play in Beowulf ? A kenning is a short metaphor that names a familiar person or object using a two-word combination. For example, Heorot is called a “gold-sharing hall.” How does this device influence the reader’s perception?
  • Analyze Wiglaf’s role in the poem. In many heroic stories, the protagonist has a best friend or helper who assists them in all the deeds. Why was Wiglaf the only warrior who was not scared by the dragon and remained loyal to his king?
  • How did Beowulf represent the image of a good king? Compare his characterization to the kings described in the introduction to the poem. Which similar traits do all the governors in the text have? What is the difference between Beowulf, Hygelac, and Hrothgar?
  • How does the patriarchal culture manifest itself in Beowulf ? The ancestry is traced by the line of fathers. How is it reflected in the text? What was a woman’s position in the Anglo-Saxon culture? Which strong female characters can you name?
  • Outline the role of gifts and treasures in Beowulf. When the hero defeats Grendel and his mother, Hrothgar and Wealhtheow present him with valuable objects. After the battle with the dragon, Beowulf “wins” the treasure of an ancient tribe. What is the underlying symbolism of gold and money in the poem?

📝 Beowulf Essay Examples

  • Examination of the Heroes Beowulf and The Knight
  • Contemporary Literature: Beowulf, the Movie
  • Beowulf as a Tragic Hero of the Old English Warrior Culture
  • Grendel as a Personification of Evil in “Beowulf” Poem
  • Legends of British Literature: Beowulf and Macbeth
  • Beowulf, a Never Forgotten Hero
  • The Rise of Western Civilization in Beowulf: Critical Analysis
  • “Beowulf”: Character Analysis of the Epic Poem
  • “Beowulf”: Cultural Elements of the Anglo-Saxon Piece of Literature
  • Medieval Imagination: Beowulf vs. Russian Mythos
  • Beowulf & Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Comparison
  • Beowulf: Comparing the Movie and the Book
  • Fate vs. Free Will in Beowulf, The Wanderer, and The Seafarer
  • King Lear and Beowulf: Compare & Contrast
  • Themes in Beowulf: Annotated Bibliography
  • Knights in Literature: Sir Gawain, Canterbury Tales, & Beowulf Analysis  
  • Western Civilization: Beowulf as a Hero
  • Beowulf, The National Epic of the Anglo-Saxons
  • Heroism of Beowulf and Sir Gawain Comparison
  • The Image of Epic Heroes in Gilgamesh, the Iliad, and Beowulf
  • British Literature: Heroism in Beowulf, Gawain and Viola
  • “Beowulf” and “The Lord of the Rings” Literary Comparison

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Beowulf Study Guide

Beowulf is the most ancient text in Old English that has been preserved till nowadays. Scientists still wrestle over many questions related to the manuscript. Did a single author write it? Why was the next unnamed? What is its literary value? This Beowulf Study Guide prepared by Custom-Writing.org experts answers...

Beowulf Summary

Looking for Beowulf summary and analysis? Need to quickly figure out the intricacies of the poem’s plot? You’re in the right place! In the article prepared by our experts, you’ll find Beowulf plot overview, an illustrated timeline, as well as chapter summaries of the classic tale. 📊 Beowulf Plot Overview ...

Beowulf Characters

Is Beowulf a hero? ️Where is he from? How he dies? Find all the answers in this article on Beowulf characters prepared by Custom-Writing.org experts. Grendel, Hrothgar, Grendel’s mother, Unferth, and others are described below. There is also a Beowulf character map that presents the main characters and their connections....

Beowulf Themes

The themes and motifs of the poem indicate which models of behavior were favored and criticized in the Middle Ages. Generosity, loyalty, strength, heroism, and courage made up a respected personality. On the contrary, envy, greed, betrayal, and cowardice characterized a negative character. The unknown author looks for these motifs...

Beowulf Analysis

Beowulf is the first text written in Old English. The described events date back to the 6th century, but the manuscript appeared between the 8th and 11th century AD. It explains why the poem needs a translation to Modern English for an unprepared reader to understand it. Moreover, some literary...

Beowulf Questions and Answers

Beowulf is an epic poem by an unknown author. It was written between the 8th and 11th centuries, but the plot describes the events that date back to 500 AD. The original text is in Old English, so the general public studies the poem in a translation. This selection by...

What Is the Reason for the Tragic End of the Hero Beowulf?

Beowulf was too arrogant to admit he was too old for a hero’s role in the battle with the dragon. He wanted to achieve another feat and receive fame. He felt his death was near, but it did not stop him. After all, dying in a battle was the best...

Which Comparison of Beowulf and Grendel Is Most Accurate?

The poem Beowulf and the novel Grendel have a similar plot. Both literary works characterize Grendel in the same way, with minor differences. In the poem, he is an angry man-eating creature with primitive human traits. In the novel, he is lonely and miserable. His inner world is emotionally complicated....

Which Features of the Anglo-Saxon Culture Are Present in Beowulf?

In Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon culture manifests itself in gift-giving, hospitality, feasts and celebrations, and the mixture of Pagan and Christian traditions. Such notions as lords, thanes, and warrior tribes were also typical for this culture. In the Anglo-Saxon culture, any achievement in a battle had to be rewarded. There were...

Why Does Beowulf Fight the Dragon?

Beowulf was too old for the battle with the dragon. He sensed his death was soon. But he was a king, and kings are responsible for their people. The dragon attacked their homes, so Beowulf had to eliminate it. Besides, in Anglo-Saxon culture, dying in a battle was considered the...

Why Does Beowulf Sail to Denmark?

At the time when Beowulf was written, and even more so when the described events took place, there was no such a country like Denmark. Beowulf took fifteen chosen companions with him to fight a man-eating monster who threatened the Danish tribe. There were several reasons why he decided to...

What Is the Main Conflict in Beowulf?

Apart from some other conflicts that mainly fall under the category “Person Vs. Person,” the central conflict is “Person Vs. Supernatural.” Accordingly, the poem describes three battles of Beowulf: with Grendel, his mother, and the dragon. All of them are evil supernatural creatures that kill people and threaten their mead-halls....

What Is Beowulf About?

The epic poem tells the life story of a Geatish hero, his feats, and achievements. He sails to the land of the Danes to help them fight Grendel, a monster who ate people. This storyline is enframed with the lineage of the Danish kings and other historical or fictional events...

How Does Beowulf Kill the Dragon?

Beowulf came to fight the dragon with eleven warriors. Ten of them betrayed him in fear, but Wiglaf stayed. The two of them opposed the fire-breathing creature. When Beowulf’s sword broke, Wiglaf stabbed the dragon in its stomach. It gave the hero time to take out his knife, which he...

Where Was Beowulf When Grendel Burst into the Hall?

Grendel, the first monster that appears in the poem, came to Heorot by night. At that moment, Beowulf pretended he was asleep. Here the hero played the role of a sleeping monster whose lair was disturbed. He can defeat a monster only by acting like a monster. Grendel and his...

Why Does Hrothgar Ask Beowulf to Battle Grendel’s Mother?

Grendel’s mother killed Aeschere, Hrothgar’s favorite thane. This loss was too personal to leave it unrevenged. He asked Beowulf to battle Grendel’s mother to bring an end to the monstrous breed. Besides, the hero was the only person Hrothgar believed was strong enough for the task. The next night after...

Where Does Beowulf Take Place?

Beowulf takes place in Scandinavia around the 6th century AD. The Geats and the Scyldings (or Danes) were real tribal groups. They lived on the territory of modern southern Sweden and Denmark, respectively. We may suppose that Beowulf crossed the Baltic Sea. Still, it is impossible to define the exact...

How Is Beowulf an Epic Hero?

Beowulf is one of the first epic heroes that can be found in ancient literature. His brave and noble character helps him defeat evil monsters that killed the Danes and Geats. Beowulf is strong and loyal to his kings. He does everything possible to improve the life of the people...

What Is the Outcome of Beowulf’s Battle with Grendel?

The battle with Grendel finishes when Beowulf tears off his arm, and the monster runs away to die in the swamps. But Grendel’s mother was driven by vengeance. By night, she penetrated Heorot. She took away Hrothgar’s best advisor and Grendel’s hand. Later Beowulf found the advisor’s head near the...

Who Is the Protagonist in the Battle with the Dragon?

In the battle with the dragon, Beowulf acts as a protagonist. He is the character with whom readers identify themselves. The dragon is the antagonist. It opposes Beowulf and kills him. A protagonist and an antagonist are antonyms. These opposing forces create a conflict in a story and move the...

How Can the Reader Tell That Beowulf Is an Epic Poem?

Traditionally, epic literature is formed as a long and narrative poem. It also has such literary devices as kennings and rich imagery. Epic poems do not have a rhyme in the sense of modern poetry. Instead, their unique form is achieved by alliteration and rhythm. An indispensable criterion is the...

Why Does Unferth Challenge Beowulf?

Unferth is one of the warriors under Hrothgar’s rule. Unferth questioned Beowulf’s ability to defeat Grendel because once Beowulf failed in a swimming competition. Unferth was jealous of the hero’s strength, bravery, and the way the king accepted him. This feeling highlights the difference between these two characters. When Beowulf...

How Did Beowulf Become King?

When Hygelac died, Queen Hygd offered Beowulf to take the throne as Heardred, her son, was too young to rule the Geats. Beowulf refused but promised to serve the young king till his dying day. But Heardred was killed in a battle. Then Beowulf became the King of the Geats...

In What Way Does Beowulf’s Sword Fail Him?

Unferth gave Hrunting to Beowulf as an infallible legendary sword that survived many battles. But when Beowulf fought Grendel’s mother, his sword could not penetrate her armored skin. It even did not scratch her. For this reason, Beowulf had to put aside this weapon and use the giant sword from...

Why Does Beowulf Come to See Hrothgar?

Beowulf comes to help Hrothgar because the king helped Beowulf’s father once a long time ago. The heroic code dictated Beowulf to be loyal to the benefactors of his family. He had to repay for the good deed. Moreover, Beowulf strived for fame, and killing Grendel would bring him glory....

Describe the Setting Where Beowulf Fights Grendel’s Mother

Beowulf fights Grendel’s mother in her deep underwater lair. It is located in a building with a high arch. An ancient sword made by giants hangs on the wall as if waiting for Beowulf to use it. All of these objects and details bear symbolic meaning. Many epic heroes had...

What Was the Name of the Hall in Which Beowulf and Grendel Battled?

Heorot is a mead-hall and a critical location in Beowulf. The hall is situated in Denmark. It serves as a seat of rule for Hrothgar, a legendary Danish king. He built the hall to celebrate victories and protect his people from any invaders. So, the attack on Heorot was the...

How Does Beowulf Kill Grendel?

The heroic code required equal terms in a battle for warriors. Beowulf knew that Grendel’s only weapon was his hands. For this reason, the warrior took off his armor and put away his sword. He caught Grendel by his hand and tore it off. The monster died from this mortal...

How Does Beowulf Kill Grendel’s Mother?

Beowulf killed Grendel’s mother using a sword he found in her cave. It was an ancient sword forged by giants, Cain’s descendants, like Grendel and his mother. When Beowulf killed the mother and decapitated Grendel, the sword melted away because of the mother’s poisonous blood. In that battle, Beowulf went...

What Was Unusual about the Way Beowulf Fought Grendel?

When the night came, and Beowulf was getting ready for the battle, he took off all of his armor. He also put away the sword to fight Grendel barehanded. He motivated it by the fact that the monster was unarmed, so that they would be equal. Besides, Beowulf relied on...

Which Plot Element Features the Conflicts and Challenges Encountered by Characters in Beowulf?

Rising action features the conflicts and challenges of the characters in a fictional plot. The story escalates when all the characters start experiencing various negative things. In Beowulf, rising action takes place between Grendel’s attack on the mead-hall and Beowulf’s battle with Grendel’s mother. The latter marks the climax of...

Which Words Describe the Relationship between Hrothgar and Beowulf?

Hrothgar plays a father figure in Beowulf’s life, and their relationship is full of mutual respect and loyalty. These two words represent the message the author wanted to convey by describing these two characters’ communication. In the end, Beowulf becomes a wise king, just as Hrothgar was. The heroic code...


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  1. 105 Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples

    Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poem, named after the main character. The old English poem tells us about the victory of Beowulf over the terrible monster Grendel and over the dragon that devastated the country. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 181 writers online. Learn More.

  2. 75 Good Beowulf Essay Topics and Ideas

    Consider exploring various dimensions of the poem through topics such as: The societal roles of women in Beowulf. The effect of digression in enhancing the narrative. The relationship between warriors and lordship. The portrayal of traditional society within the epic. Character development throughout the poem.

  3. 55 Beowulf Essay Topics

    55 Beowulf Essay Topics. One of the most important works of literature translated and read the world over is the Old English poem, Beowulf. This heroic epic tells the story of a great warrior who saves a kingdom from a terrible monster. The poem has been adapted into many different forms, including movies, plays, and television shows.

  4. Beowulf Sample Essay Outlines

    Compare the three battles. Outline. I. Thesis Statement: In his quest for glory, Beowulf fights three important battles—two with monsters and one with a dragon. These battles have both ...

  5. Simplified Beowulf Essay Guide: Themes, Topics, and Examples

    By Evans Dec 02 2020. Beowulf is a piece of English literature depicting Beowulf's feats and life. He is a courageous legendary warrior who conquered beasts and helped people. Although the poem used alliteration as the literary device that creates rhythm and unity. Beowulf poem can be hard to interpret and understand right away.

  6. Top 3 "Beowulf" Essay Topics

    However, Beowulf focuses its attention on his three greatest feats: the fights against Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. Each of the fights was unique. The demon Grendel was perhaps the most powerful foe, and he also possessed a magical hex which prevented swords from harming him. Thus, Beowulf had to fight Grendel in hand-to-hand combat.

  7. 100+ Beowulf Essay Topics

    Beowulf is an old Anglo-Saxon poem with over 300 lines. This poem's author is unknown, but he wrote it around the beginning of the 11th century. The author sets the story in Scandinavia, and it involves several wars. The poem tackles several essential themes, and the writing style is crucial to scholars.

  8. Beowulf Essays and Criticism

    Beowulf is a carefully designed poem. A heroic king comes from the sea and is given back to the sea in death. Generations later another heroic king is buried on the cliffs overlooking the sea ...

  9. Beowulf Suggested Essay Topics

    1. Discuss the specifics of how and why Unferth's opinion of Beowulf changes after his defeat of Grendel and Grendel's mother, and Unferth's loan of a sword to Beowulf. 2. Explain how ...

  10. Beowulf Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    77 essay samples found. Beowulf, an epic poem from the early Middle Ages, is one of the most important works of Old English literature. Essays on Beowulf might explore the narrative structure, characters, themes of heroism, loyalty, and mortality. Additionally, discussions could delve into the historic and cultural context in which Beowulf was ...

  11. Beowulf Critical Essays

    Critical Evaluation. Beowulf is the earliest extant heroic poem in any modern European language. The poem has come down through the centuries in a single manuscript, which was damaged and almost ...

  12. Essays About Beowulf: Top 5 Inspiring Examples Plus Prompts

    To write excellent essays about Beowulf, you first need to understand the poem more deeply; see our examples and prompts to help you with your essay writing.. The Old English epic Beowulf is one of the most famous stories. This iconic piece of Old English literature is believed to have been composed between 700 and 750. Many people in school or university study this poem for its structure and ...

  13. Themes in Beowulf with Examples and Analysis

    Theme #5. Revenge. Revenge can also be considered as one of the major themes of the epic of Beowulf. Beowulf, though, comes to help the King Hrothgar, he, in fact, wants to take revenge for the death of the Danes killed by Grendel. Grendel's killing spree is also to take revenge because the Danes singing disturbs his peace.

  14. Major Themes in Beowulf

    Major Themes in Beowulf

  15. Beowulf Essay Topics

    Develop a thesis about the kind of man Beowulf is when he isn't fighting monsters. In the body paragraphs, provide and explain evidence from the poem that supports your thesis. Greed and envy ...

  16. Free Beowulf Essays and Research Papers on GradesFixer

    Persuasive essays involve arguing a point of view related to the epic poem. Consider these persuasive topics: 1. Persuade your readers that Beowulf's battles against monsters symbolize the eternal struggle between good and evil. 2. Argue for or against the idea that Beowulf is not just a hero but also a symbol of leadership and sacrifice.

  17. What's a good thesis statement on how Beowulf was a hero?

    A good thesis statement for how Beowulf was a hero could be the following: "Beowulf becomes a hero through showing his courage and strength in taking on monsters." According to the Anglo-Saxon ...

  18. Beowulf Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    The way that good is described in the world of Beowulf, is as an individual who is: masculine, fearless and strong. The main character (i.e. Beowulf) is the classical depiction of this person. As he will continually, fight and slay the dragon that has been terrorizing the Danes. The way that he acts and carries himself throughout the story is ...

  19. Beowulf Study Guide: Questions, Answers, Summary, & Essay Topics

    Find all the answers in this article. It focuses on the poem's symbols, metaphors, setting, genre, etc. Essay topics and examples. Get a plagiarism-free paper. tailored to your instructions. Cut 15% off your first order! Grab the Code. If you need to write a Beowulf essay, check the collection we've prepared.

  20. Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples

    Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples. (1 votes) This epic poem is the oldest known written artifact in Old English. It reveals the life, traditions, and culture of the people who lived a millennium ago. At the same time, Beowulf presents such archetypes as loyalty, courage, generosity, hospitality, honor, and heroism.